Outer Cedar Forest (280)


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Sailing in from the Western Ocean they made landfall at the Lesser Stormlands.

We're going to the Sanctuary.. I need to confirm something by the monks there.

Maaaan what a boore. I hope i find something exciting while we're there..

I'm sure you will.

They headed inlands.


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Coming from: https://animebase.me/threads/mouth-of-the-titan-266.780838/post-22128026
Upon their arrival into the desired location- Mirabelle and Kingsly would immediately find themselves in a clearing in the forest. Once upon a time, this place was an honestly different location but with the help of Enkidu, the lands flourished and became more vibrant and elegant. The two wondered and marveled at the beautiful nature surrounding them, which then came to a bit of annoyance to Mirabelle. “Well if we’re going to train here, we have to be careful not to burn the forest down sweetie” she announced walking away from him, allowing the seven meter starting distance between both of them to be made.

The former Monk smiled, as he reached for a hammer on his back - his iconic weapon of choice. While he couldn’t use chakra like a normal human, he has gained a bit more combat knowledge while fighting countless times against Mira. “Well, let’s not waste any precious time here shall we” he mused, but in reality he would have already activated his own techniques. He would have burned his spiritual energy, allowing him to draw upon the Atavistic Flames within. It would have empowered his physical movement and tracking capabilities.

(Kaen Kakkusei Iden: Kodai Dōsatsu) – Atavistic Flame: Ancient Insight
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Ancient Insight is the inner focusing of the user’s Atavistic Flame to empower their awareness. The technique is activated at the cost of a move but not occupying a slot in the timeframe. Grandmasters are able to activate Ancient Insight passively. Once activated Ancient Insight channels similar awareness bonuses as granted during Will to Survive. The user gains tracking, reflexes, and perception increased by x3 while Ancient Insight is active, lasting until deactivated. Each turn Ancient Insight is active the user suffers from 5 spiritual Health Points lost, though the user will regenerate 5 every other turn.
(Kaen Kakkusei Iden: Jinsei no Suiryoku) – Atavistic Flame: Thrust of Life
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Thrust of Life is an Atavistic technique used to enhance the user’s speed, considered the opposite of Ancient Insight. The technique is activated the cost of a move, visually appearing as flames bursting from the user’s body to increase their movement speed by x3. A Grandmaster's speed is increased by 4x. The technique lasts for a maximum of four turns and consumes 5 spiritual Health Points per turn it is active. The user regenerates 5 every other turn while active. It can be stacked with Ancient Insight and is usable three times per battle.

Mirabelle would smile, immediately drawing Matatabi's chakra into her body. As a result, she immediately became shrouded in her Version 2 state- a burst of chakra violently filling air around her and pushing the debris back and away from herself. Any smaller animals would have been blown away as a result of this. Once this was finished, she immediately tapped into her the chakra again and violently caused Bijuu chakra to ooze from her body- as it is molded and formed into a array of weapons, launched violently at Kingsly- which afterwards she would performed a dismissive wave of her paw, allowing a blue fire ball to be launched, attempting to strike her husband with. If he didn't wish to be wiped out, he would of course need to come at Mirabelle with actual intent behind his attacks.

( Nibi Fukanzen Henji no Justu ) - Two Tailed Initial Transformation Technique
Type: Mode
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 50 ( +600 Chakra, -20 per turn )
Damage: N/A ( +30 to Fire, Bijuu Techniques and Taijutsu )
Description: When the incomplete form is activated, the user borrows chakra from Matatabi before a dark red, nearly black layer of chakra envelops them. The Jinchuriki's muscle mass increases as cat ears and large nails as well as two distinctive tails are created. Entering Version 2 creates a great deal of energy, producing craters beneath the user and destroying any restraints that might have been placed upon them beforehand while pushing other users back to mid range. The user becomes capable of reducing up to 40 damage per attack and can ignore the drawbacks of the Health System while in this form.
Note: This form only lasts a maximum of 10 turns.
Note: Can only be used twice, after each usage the user cannot activate it for at least 6 turns. Should it end, the user is left unable to use any Bijuu jutsu above A rank for two turns.
(Bijuutsu: Tōka-ritsu) - Tailed Beast Technique: Transmittance
Type: Attack/Defense/Supplementary
Rank: B-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 20-40
Damage: 40-80 ( 60 + 30 = 90)
Description: This technique is a basic and general one that can be used by any jinchuriki, or pseudo-jinchuriki, that is capable of achieving a chakra shroud. Using that same basic concept, the jinchuriki draws out their tailed beast chakra, but instead of allowing it to form a shroud they utilize shape manipulation to re-purpose it in a way of their choosing. This can be used to create a wide assortment of objects such as pillars, shields, waves, etc. As the chakra is released from the jinchuriki's body, these things must originate from their body and cannot "appear" elsewhere on the field. These techniques share the same translucent red-orange as the jinchuriki's chakra shroud. S Rank Version can only be used thrice per battle with a cool down of two turns between each use while no Bijutsu A rank and above in the same turn.
(Bakuhatsu Enhogan) – Exploding Flame Shots
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40 + 30 + 15 = 85
Description: The user shoots multiple fire shots from their hands that are able to cause fiery explosions on impact with any object. The shots can't set the opponent on fire, though they can cause damage by exploding on him.

With Mirabelle’s incoming array of weapons, Kingsly smiled and grunted- immediately dashing towards his left side- outspeeding the opposing technique with ease, and being out of it’s vicinity. The fiery techniques wouldn’t make their mark either - leaving the man unphased as he quickly curved around her and started to close the distance. Once he was close enough, he reached for his hammer and immediately performed a downward vertical smash at his wife’s head, of course if impact is made. He wasn’t finished, as afterwards he would have unleashed a powerful punch engulfed in the Atavistic Flames, directly at her upper body should she not avoid it as the impact would be a triple knuckle strike, leaving her pummeled under the weight of his blows.

(Surasshu) - Slash
Type: Offensive
Rank: D - B
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 20 - 40 (40)
Description: One of the simplest moves in Bukijutsu, the user will begin by using one of their weapons to deliver a simple attack by swinging the weapon in an arc. The user is free to do variations of angles with this technique, allowing attacks from unpredictable locations. This technique works with weapons of all types including sharp and blunt.
(Kaen Kakkusei Iden: Kagayaku Ken) – Atavistic Flame: Glowing Fists
Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Self
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A (+20 damage to chakra-less fist-based Taijutsu)
Description: Glowing Fists is a Taijutsu centered Atavistic Flame technique developed to supplement the user’s Taijutsu with their fists. The user will accumulate Atavistic Flame around each of their hands causing them to glow with a dim orange aura that emits small embers. They become searing to the touch to anyone who interacts with them, causing the user’s Taijutsu strikes with their fists to do an increased 20 damage. Once activated it lasts for four turns.
( Fenikkusu Boshi Genkotsu ) - Phoenix Eye Fist
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage points: 60 + 20 + 15 = 95
Description: The Phoenix Eye Fist is from the Bak Mei Kung Fu fighting style. The user carefully controls their breathing to maximize the power of their attacks and then delivers a triple knuckle-shot to the throat, aiming to crush the target’s windpipe.

As her husband managed to avoid the attacks with ease, the Jinchuriki was prepared for that situation and as a result waited until he got closer. As the hammer was swung, Mirabelle would have quickly utilized the unique printer on her wrist to form a quick lance in her palm as she thrusts it, immediately parrying the blow from the hammer as they neutralized one another but before she released, Kingsley struck with a high speed punch to her throat- landing the impact perfectly. (Currently now at 195 HP).

GRRRRRR!!!” she growled in annoyance, while the impact was shaved off due to her transformation she realized he was still a powerful combatant- trained by her personally in hand to hand combat and even surpassing her to a degree. “Not bad, but how about this!” she yelled, immediately jumping backwards after the strike and unleashing a powerful stream of blue flames at Kingsly. She would have landed as a result, waiting and watching for her husband’s response to this. To add an additional level of power behind it, she would have also infused her Solar Wind chakra into it and increasing its power even more.

(Anesidora) - Anesidora
Type: Technology
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: (Varies)
Damage: N/A
Anesidora is a Camera that comes with two Bangles that are worn on each of the user’s wrists. The Bangles act like “printers” for the user, capable of creating light copies (colour custom to user, cannot be invisible) of solid chakra Tools and Weapons that the user has photographed previously. The user can passively create freeform standard tools and weapons in their hands from the Bangles and they always look like solid chakra “wireframes” of the weapons or tools they’re mimicking; the user can substitute tools in techniques with this version of the weapons. If they’re Kunai, Shuriken, Metal Cards or small thrown tools like that any amount can be created around the user - larger weapons like swords are created in the hand. Even though they’re “wireframe” chakra copies, they act like the standard weapon they’re mimicking. Anesidora can mimic weapons needed for the user's custom fighting styles and create them in their hands or on their person at will without the user needing to carry them around. These tools can have seals placed or already placed on them recorded in the camera, the kanji or pattern take a wireframe look as well.

The real usage of this technique however is that this Camera stores the memory of Jutsu as well. The User can look through the Camera lense and can take a picture of a shape manipulated technique, examining the taken Jutsu and it’s structure in a Three-Dimensional shape and what abilities/strength it possesses and will store or print a copy for the user whether it be projected out from the bracelets or from the front of the Camera itself until formed and performs/sustains on it’s own - a Chakra deduction is made from the user's chakrapool which reflects the amount of chakra inputted into the taken technique. The created constructs will also have a Wireframe effect made purely of Chakra that is neutral to everything, the Wireframe construct can do what it’s original could do but instead of an “Earth Entity” firing “Earth spikes” it would be a Wireframe entity with a similar appearance firing “Wireframe Spikes” that can stab targets. If the printed entity can perform elemental jutsu up to a certain rank, this is replaced with Wireframe Constructs from the ground or their own body (Which are down to the user’s imagination) up to that certain rank, relevant chakra for the chosen rank construct much be deducted still (30 for A-Rank, 40 for S-Rank). The Construct lasts until a new Construct is made, sustained by the Camera which stores 150 Chakra Points, deducting -40 per turn that a construct is active. The user can passively give the camera 10 chakra a turn when there isn't a construct active.

Note: The user can have one of their own jutsu chosen to be “stored” in Anesidora. Posted with this technique in the relevant Technology and Artefact section or posted at the beginning of a Fight.
Note: The Copied Jutsu can be from the user or the opponent, they can be summons, entities or creations. Their strength is the same and their abilities are mimicked through Wireframe meshes (Within reason) which are neutral to everything. Unless they have unique abilities which cannot be copied as it's impossible for a Wireframe construct to use Yin parasites for example or to utilise absorption in any way.
Note: The user can take a Picture three times per battle, but only have one Construct on a field active at a time. When a Construct is destroyed it cannot be used again unless taken a Picture of again.
(Suiryoku) - Thrust
Type: Offensive
Rank: D - B
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 20 - 40 (40)
Description: One of the simplest moves in Bukijutsu, the user will thrust their weapon at the opponent with a rapid motion, striking them very quickly. Due to the speed of a thrust in comparison to a slash it moves slightly faster than the user's speed, adding a plus two speed modifier to the attack.
( Aoi Katon: Aoi honoo Hikari ) - Blue Fire Release: Blue Flame Beam
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60 + 15 + 20 = 95
Description: The user concentrates fire chakra into its lungs and breathes out a unique blue flame from its mouth that converges on its target in a straight line before spreading out and burning them and the surrounding area.
Note: Can only be used by Jinchuriki of the Two-Tails.
(Taiyofuuton: Beratorikkusu) Solar Wind Release: Bellatrix
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B – Rank
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 20 (+10 Chakra)
Damage: N/A
Description: Bellatrix is an infusion technique that weaponizes Solar Wind Release. Once the user utilizes any sort of energy-based technique, be it basic elemental natures (Fire, Wind or Lightning) or advanced elemental natures (CE/Adv Element) – the user will utilize a sole hand seal. This is done in the sequence of original hand seals, immediately infusing the target technique with the infusion. As it occurs, the technique in question becomes superheated to higher degrees, a gift granted by Solar Wind’s naturally higher temperatures. The technique in question loses it original coloration, instead becoming a bright emerald coloration however it’s power is increased immensely, gaining an additional +20 DMG increase. It doesn’t change the elemental nature of the technique into that of Solar Wind, as all it simply does is increase the temperature and explosive nature of the infused technique. This can be used four times per battle, with a cool down of one turn between each use. Bellatrix is activated in the same time frame as the original technique, though the hand seal is only performed if the original technique has hand seals required.

Wondering for a moment what his wife intended on doing- the man noticed immediately as she unleashed the emerald colored energy wave towards him. While he knew he pissed her off with the set of punches, to think she would start to rely on these wide scale techniques caused him to sighs a little bit. Sure he wasn’t a shinobi, but to think she would attempt this did bother him ever so slightly. Tapping into this Atavistic Flames once more, the man immediately unleashed a beam of his own with the intention to make sure Mirabelle’s doesn’t touch the forestry and prevent the fires from spreading. The orange flames clashed with her own, but the strength difference mattered here. He wasn’t prepared for it all of a suddenly, and was struck by the remaining flames, burning him quite a bit.

UGH!!” he was blown back, his clothing burning as a result. Mirabelle would have smiled, knowing her husband’s abilities would trigger at any moment in time. Kingsley, would have gotten up - his eyes narrowing in as the nearby greenery was caught in the blaze. “Mirabelllleeeeee!” he grew angered as he immediately rushed at her once more with the intention of striking her. His swift speed empowered fists immediately rushed through the hell blaze, his posture and arms mimicking that of the praying mantis, attempting to slash her essentially as a result.

I thought we said no burning of the forest!” he said in a clearly upset tone. (Currently at 105 HP)

(Kaen Kakkusei Iden: Ōkan Hi) – Atavistic Flame: Crown Fire
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: A – S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 60 – 80 (90 – 110) (80)
Description: Crown Fire is an advanced application of the Human Principle available to Masters and Grandmasters. It possesses intrinsic Anti-Divinity, a property that allows it to damage Divine beings in the same way that the God-Slaying Tools can. The technique is activated by focusing Atavistic Flame and drawing upon the user’s spirit, focusing it throughout their body. Unlike Human Principle, which can only be used from the user’s hands, Crown Fire can be released anywhere from the user’s body and in significantly greater quantities. This fire can be shaped to the user’s will and inflicts combustible physical damage to anything it strikes. Activating the technique requires the user expend 20 spiritual Health Points. The user regenerates 10 spiritual Health Points per turn for the following two turns. Grandmasters are able to use Crown Fire with an additional 30 damage to each rank, not counting as a boost. S-Rank applications can be used four times per battle, once every two turns
( Kamakiri Kata: Yaiba Kiwa ) - Mantis Style: Sword Edge
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage points: 60 + 20 + 15 = 95
Description: By positioning their arms to mimic those of a praying mantis, their arms bent and their hands pointed downwards, the user is able to deliver spear hand strikes with considerable cutting ability by extending their arms fully so that they mimic a sword's edge. By using the springing action of the extension and their body weight to their advantage the user is able to inflict lethal damage.

The woman smiled, as she immediately thinked about how cool her husband was. However his approach would be not without some immediately consequence as the Jinchuriki would have have kneaded chakra into her mouth, causing a purposeful imbalance - as she unleashed a powerful incomplete Bijuudama. The blast clashed with Kingsly’s attack, but alas- it overpowered it and completely engulfed him as a result. He would have been sent back flying, leaving Mirabelle the supposed victor, or at least so it seemed…

I have water ninjutsu, I can easily just quench the fires anyways…so quit whining and show me that power you always like to hide from me!” she roared.

( Bijutsu: Chūtohanpa Bijudama ) Biju Technique: Incomplete Tailed Beast Ball
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80 + 30 = 110
Description: An incomplete, smaller and less powerful version of the full Tailed Beast Ball, this attack can be used by Jinchurikis and Pseudo Jinchuriki's while in their incomplete transformations. Like its original full version, the Tailed Beast Ball is a statement of the massive amount of powerful chakra contained inside the Bijuu but manifested into a massive chakra ball or into a beam of destructive chakra. To form the attack, they gather both positive black chakra (+の黒チャクラ, purasu no kuro chakura), and negative white chakra (−の白チャクラ, mainasu no shiro chakura), shape it into a sphere, and then compress it in front of their mouth. Then they can either release it as a sphere attack or swallow it, releasing afterwards a massive beam of chakra much faster than the projectile version. The black and white chakra needs to be balanced at an 8:2 ratio respectively or it will backfire.
Note: Can only be used in Initial Transformations in the case of Jinchuriki's or in the final pseudo-transformation for Pseudo Jinchuriki's

The man would have been taken aback by the impact- though he wasn’t surprised by the might of his wife. She was a Jinchuriki afterall, and as such he decided to oblige to her wishes. Surviving (On 10 HP), he would have paused- as he tapped into the Atavistic Flames once more, but instead would have relinquished his augmentations and instead triggered “Blaze”, ascending into his heightened state of existence. “Fine, allow me to show you the error of your choice he called out as he immediately now rushed at her with attempt to unleash the power of his Atavistic Flame again (healed 40, now at 50). He would have arched his arm back, covering them in the flames and thrusted downward towards his wife, attempting to grab her with the fiery limb, crushing her as a result. He would then curve around her position and aim to come from behind, attempting to slam his hammer once more onto her physical body.

(Ishi no Ikinobiru: Taika) – Will to Survive: Blaze
Type: Mode
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (-20 per turn)
Damage: N/A (+30)
Description: Will to Survive is an empowered state of spirit and soul, strengthening the user on multiple combat dimensions. The potency of the mode is divided between three different levels depending on the user’s mastery over their Atavistic Flame. Entering this form is comparatively complicated to Sage Mode even though the modes are similar in functionality. Atavistic Flame is recognized as humanity’s collective will to persevere; because of this it is actually optimal to activate the Will to Survive when the user is at their weakest, rather than at their strongest as is with Sage Mode. Upon activation Blaze will take the user’s missing Health Points from their maximum and multiply that value by 6. This value represents the user’s total reserves from the use of Atavistic Flame techniques and the mode’s sustainment. The mode is deactivated once the user has expended these reserves. While active the user becomes resistant to all sources of damage, reducing them by 25 points. The user becomes able to passively sense sources of life around their position with enhanced tracking, reflexes, perception, and speed by x3. Their usage of Atavistic Flame techniques is enhanced further, strengthening them by an additional 30 damage. The user’s body will dance with flames flickering from their skin, with embers raging off of it as they dance outward. Their sclera shift toward a brilliant yellow. While active the user regenerates their missing Health Points at a rate of 40 per turn, applying to both physical and spiritual damage.
Note: Atavistic techniques used in this mode still inflict recoil damage if they do by default. Atavistic effective Chakra value is reduced from the total mode's resources while in use.
Note: While active the user does not suffer from Health Fatigue, spiritual or physical, at all.
Note: Usable only by Masters and Grandmasters of Atavistic Flame. Blaze can be used twice per battle. Masters and Grandmasters can use a third activation on their Hollow Flame.
Note: The activation of Will to Survive is not restricted by Combat Fatigue.
(Kaen Kakkusei Iden: Ōkan Hi) – Atavistic Flame: Crown Fire
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: A – S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 60 – 80 (90 – 110) (60 + 30 = 90)
Description: Crown Fire is an advanced application of the Human Principle available to Masters and Grandmasters. It possesses intrinsic Anti-Divinity, a property that allows it to damage Divine beings in the same way that the God-Slaying Tools can. The technique is activated by focusing Atavistic Flame and drawing upon the user’s spirit, focusing it throughout their body. Unlike Human Principle, which can only be used from the user’s hands, Crown Fire can be released anywhere from the user’s body and in significantly greater quantities. This fire can be shaped to the user’s will and inflicts combustible physical damage to anything it strikes. Activating the technique requires the user expend 20 spiritual Health Points. The user regenerates 10 spiritual Health Points per turn for the following two turns. Grandmasters are able to use Crown Fire with an additional 30 damage to each rank, not counting as a boost. S-Rank applications can be used four times per battle, once every two turns.

(Surasshu) - Slash
Type: Offensive
Rank: D - B
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 20 - 40 (40)
Description: One of the simplest moves in Bukijutsu, the user will begin by using one of their weapons to deliver a simple attack by swinging the weapon in an arc. The user is free to do variations of angles with this technique, allowing attacks from unpredictable locations. This technique works with weapons of all types including sharp and blunt.

Mirabelle made note of the fiery limb coming directly towards her as she quickly shifted her physical form into a unique combination of Spiritual Blue Flames and Yin Release, allowing her empowered state to combat the opposing technique and rendered her immune to any other physical attempts her husband might try and utilize. However as he attempted to strike her with the hammer she would have instead dodged his attack.

(Aoi Katon/Inton: Yōkai ) Blue Fire Release/Yin Release: Strange Apparition
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 60 ( -20 Per Turn)
Damage: 120 + 15 = 135
Description: Yōkai is a technique derived from "Blue Fire Release/Yin Release: Corrupting Hellblaze; borrowing on the concept of merging high amounts of Yin Energy into the Spiritual Blue Flames. What causes this technique to differ from its parent technique is applying the principles presented to the physique of the Jinchuriki instead. By surging the chakra throughout the body, the user immediately turns themselves into an embodiment of the mixture. This comes with some immediate benefits, as the user is no longer physically present and now in a spiritual flaming state, chakraless taijutsu techniques would simply pass through the user's form, gifting them complete immunity though of course. Anyone who passes through the user's form will be inflicted immediately with a high amount of spiritual damage, while also applying the "Burn Heal" to them, though targeted to their spiritual side instead as it burns away at it. This form naturally lasts three turns, in which the user is only capable of using Blue Fire Release, Fire Release and other non elemental based techniques. Other chakra based techniques are capable of interacting with the user, which if impact is made, the user still suffers damage directly upon impact. Once the technique ends, be willingly or not forces a cooldown time of three turns before being able to be used again, though in that same timeframe leaves the user unable to use Yin Release and Spiritual Blue Fire of A Rank and above.

The two of them stared at once another and shortly began to laugh as a result. “Seems we took it a bit far this time, let’s call it done now, shall we” Kingsley proposed, noting he’s still burned from her Burn Heal. She laughed, immediately releasing her Yin empowered state, and also transforming back to her base form. She walked towards him and placed her hand on him, utilizing her Yang chakra nature to heal him up and then proceeded to conjure up some water, allowing her to wash away the flames burning the nearby forestry and preventing any further spread.

Want me to heal you as well?” he asked, sustaining his form in order to heal all his HP as Mirabelle’s lack of spiritual healing left him to do so on his own. She nodded no, knowing that she can heal herself either way. As the two finished up, she reflected on some of the newer uses of her Jinchuriki powers and nodded. “Learning more about this is quite important…so I think I’m gonna go and fight some more…maybe some of those Arali might be willing to be sparring partners” she said, as she looked into the direction of the Garden of the Gods.

Well, we’ll see…let’s just hope they aren’t as hostile” Kingsley said as he joined Mirabelle’s side and the two kissed, now heading towards the intended location.

(Yoton: Taiyōnomegumi) - Yang Release: Touch of the Sun
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost:70 per use
Damage points: N/A
Description: Through the infusion of Yang natured chakra into others, users can heal others to their original best physical form. It can be used to regrow missing body parts, heal wounds, purge poisons, etc. The target needs to be alive and the bigger the injury, the longer it takes to heal. The limits of the heal, however, are almost none as it can heal 150 damage per turn and can even heal the chakra system or other injuries that are otherwise not possible to be healed. The technique requires time and physical contact and as such isn't very suited to use in a battle when compared to regular Iryo Ninjutsu.
Note: Yang Release Specialists and Yin-Yang users are able to use on themselves.
(Serafimu no Kyōgi-kai) Council of The Seraphim
Type: Supplementary/Defensive/Offensive
Rank: C-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 15-40 (-10 per turn)
Damage: 30-80
Description: The most basic technique of the special element. By focusing Seraphic Water chakra throughout the body and/or surrounding earth/water bodies, the user is able to create constructs of flowing Seraphic Water. These can range from simple waves, domes, walls, and pillars while the element can even be made dense enough to form traditional weaponry like kunai and swords, as well as other complex shapes. They can be formed from water sources as well as the ground within mid ranged of the user. The size of these creations are directly proportional to the amount of chakra expended with S ranked variants ranging as big as the canon 'Water Bullet Technique'. As per the properties of Seraphic Water, whenever the element comes in contact with any of if its strong to elements, namely organic matter like people or insects, the brine can suck away the moisture present within these things, leaving behind empty husks. With the seal of confrontation the user can manipulate/maintain control of said constructs up to long ranged of his person.
Note (s):
- S ranked version can only be used 3× per match and requires the Ram hand seal to perform.
- No A-Rank or above Seraphic Water techniques on the next turn (if the S-Rank version is used)
- A rank usage requires the ram handsea

Mission over and leaving LM.



ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Lilith made landfall and was quite surprised over how much this place had changed. The storms had ended and in its wake was a beautiful cedar forest. In the distance she saw a pack of wolves and as her instinct told her to watch her progress, it would seem like the wildlife had somewhat changed as they retreated, not willing to put up a fight. Indeed, it wasn't just predators that were thriving here it seemed, but other animals too with the vastly exotic vegetation. Her curiosity led her further into the continent.



Sep 28, 2023
Trait Points

As Inveria landed on the beach, she looked around at the new lands she had never been to before surveying the terrain. According to the orders she had heard about from the local village and transporters, the town was in Sanctuary, which was near the middle of the southern island. Making her way to the middle, Inveria explored onwards.


(Trying the auto travel thing)
280 -> 281 -> 282 -> 285 -> 286
4 hour travel time


Sep 28, 2023
Trait Points

Inveria keeps on travelling.



Active member
Feb 27, 2011
Trait Points
Coming from here [x]

"Landing at Kamiyasumi! Landing at Kamiyasumi!" An old voice bellowed from the top of the mast, spyglass in hand as they heeded way for the port.

Masaki woke up from what he could barely call a good night's sleep. The rocking from the waves crashing against the boat, the sounds of the crewmen working the floors didn't really help, but he wasn't the kind of person to complain about someone helping him out, even if the ride wasn't completely pleasant. He'd stretch from the rest in an attempt to limber his muscles before getting up and making way with the others who were also getting off the ship.

"Oi lad," The helmsman called out to Masaki before he had left the ship, "if yer still lookin' for the smithy, you wanna go through the forest that way!" He pointed to the west, delving deeper into the cedar forest.

"Thank you, once again." Masaki replied, bowing his head.

"Yer lookin' for a place called Sanctuary. Spose its full of monks or somethin', never really visited the place. Too much work here." The helmsman laughed as he said so, perhaps a little too boastful. "Let us know when you get yer weapon from him, we're takin' port here for a few days before we set sail for the mainland." He called out. Masaki only nodded his head before setting off to the west towards the village.

If he knew anything about what was described to him, this Sanctuary was a village of sorts that housed monks and a smithy. His vision of a smithy was something dark and gritty with smoke beckoning from the rooftops. That was what Masaki was looking for as he approached the area.

Leaving landmark.
Commencing auto-travel.

Itinerary: #280 Outer Cedar Forest -> #281 -> #282 -> #285 -> #286 Sanctuary.
Arriving at #286 Sanctuary @ 12.35pm EST.


Active member
Feb 27, 2011
Trait Points
Coming from here [x]

A firm breeze carried the scent of the sea, reminiscent of the eastern continent as Masaki approached the outskirts of the forest. What he saw as he emerged was similar to what he left, save for some more recent developments. A large ship docked at the port of the beach, crates filled with various supplies being carted around by various strongmen manning the ship, and novice camps set up around the area acting as a site for weary crewmates to rest their heads after a long days work. He approached the ship with a newfound resolve for what to do, in hopes to speak with the helmsman from before.

"Aye, welcome back lad. I take it yer met with the smithy?" He asked, like he was able to read the resolute face of the ninja.

"Yeah, I spoke with the blacksmith, mentioned all kinds of stuff I've never even heard of." Masaki replied with a hint of confusion in his tone.

"Ahaha, these monks 'ere do be like that hey!" The helmsman jested, greeting Masaki with a firm slap on the back with enough force to knock him forward off balance slightly. Fortunately, with the natural sense of channelling chakra to his feet, was able to keep himself from falling over. "So, where you off to, lad?"

"Earth Country."

"Ah." The helmsman shook his head after hearing Masaki's request. "Sorry lad, unfortunately we can't take you there, we're makin' way for Thousand Needles tonight."

"Thank you for your assistance." Masaki replied, bowing.

"Geez lad, yer too stiff, yer too formal... yer gotta loosen up a bit!" The helmsman complained, before continuing on to slap the man again on the back, this time with enough force to actually knock him off his feet. Chakra fortification couldn't save him.
"Come on, lad, on the ship ye get, we're settin' sail tonight!" Masaki stood himself up, barely bowing his head out of habit as thanks as he motioned his way onto the boat. He dusted his knees of any remains of dirt. He looked around the ship once again, motionless, and waited for the night to fall before they would set sail.

And then night fell.
And they set sail.

Leaving landmark.