Recent content by WhisperSilently

  1. WhisperSilently

    I am looking for a boyfriend

    looking for a skater guy. (skate boarder) with long hair I WILL need a pic please.! Thank you!
  2. WhisperSilently

    hiyas naruto fans

    I'm 1 day new! Please add me.
  3. WhisperSilently

    How do you do role playing?

    I was wondering how to do role playing from an experienced person. Can some on please tell me? (If you are experienced) Please.
  4. WhisperSilently


    Role playing?! How do you do that? What do you do in this category thingy?
  5. WhisperSilently

    Hiyas Again! (>',')>

    Please add me... I love this place and btw my name's Carramelle :] Can't wait to get started on NB Please reply and possibly rate? Hahs Thanks - Carramelle
  6. WhisperSilently


    Hiyas people I'm new!