Recent content by UchihaObito

  1. UchihaObito

    Infinite tsukuyomi

    Well take Sasuke's genjutsu on Killer Bee for example, he broke eye contact with Killer Bee but he was still under the jutsu(before the 8 tails broke it). All it takes is to see it once.Then the tree of life connects to everybody or something.
  2. UchihaObito

    Gedo Art Rinne Rebirth

    When Nagato used Gedo Art Rinne Rebirth at Konoha everybody came back to life as they were before they died (Meaning same age and same strength). Madara came back in his prime. How?
  3. UchihaObito

    [Predictions] (Spoiler) MS of Kakashi and Obito!!

    He didnt know how to use it or even know if he had it, he passes out right after it awakens.
  4. UchihaObito

    Itachi fanboys

    Hello my name is UchihaObito nice to F**king meet ya first off id like to say im not an madara ,obito, or sasuke fanboy but be realistic Itachi isnt stronger than them. Everyone who's making threads about "'Itachi > everyone 'he can take non rinnegan madara'" is just being a fanboy. 1st off...
  5. UchihaObito

    Tobi cant slip through Naruto doe

    I think when Tobi passes through physical objects he is manipulating his Yang chakra or physical chakra and he cant pass through Naruto when he is in Kyuubi mode because the 4th only sealed the Yin half into him. Tobi effectively creates an inbalance in his and the environments yin and yang...
  6. UchihaObito

    Nagato's Parents???

    If Nagato is an Uzumaki and he inherited his amazing chakra from his parents why were his parents killed so easily? I understand they were part of a smaller country that was a warzone and may not have been trained ninja, but why would a descendant of a powerful ninja clan not know any ninja...
  7. UchihaObito

    S06P really isn't that strong

    Noooo way man Madara only has uchiha blood the Sage has the power of senju and uchiha or should i say the senju and uchiha have some of the sages powers, the ten tails is all of the tailed beats combined, Madara was only capable of summoning the 9 tails because of what the sage left him.. The 9...
  8. UchihaObito

    Kishi's Fore Shadowing

    Possible future spoiler???:3 So now that we know Naruto is most likely getting FTG than we know Sasuke is going to need something awesome to battle it with. Naruto is getting his mother's/father's technique and the closest thing Sasuke has to family is Madara. Now we all know Madara unlocked...
  9. UchihaObito

    Questions to be answered..

    I have alot of unanswered question about Madara not being Tobi, i want to know what unanswered questions you have about it. My biggest question is how the hell did Tobi control the 9 tails if he doesnt have mangekyo sharingan, it was said that one of Magekyo's special powers was that it gave...
  10. UchihaObito

    Naruto is looking better now

    I know alot of people already predicted that the trump card was going to be Madara Uchiha but now that its happened alot of possibilities and new theories have been opened i never thought of before. Tobi said he was the one who gave Nagato his Rinnegan but since we know that Tobi isn't Madara he...
  11. UchihaObito

    Kabuto's Trump Card?

    I may be going out on a limb here but do you guys think his trump card could be Kushina? She wasn't sealed in the belly of the death god so Edo Tensei would work on her and its like the perfect weapon against Naruto. If its not Kushina that means it has to be someone who Kabuto knows is more...
  12. UchihaObito

    Itachis gift is confirmed

    In the latest manga Itachi says lets see what happens he goes to use Mangekyo on Naruto and then the lest scene you see is the crow coming out of Naruto's mouth, Itach is a genius
  13. UchihaObito

    Naruto`s weakness

    I wouldn't call it one-sided the people he hates the most are also the people he cares about the most. He hated Itachi even though he still had alot of flashbacks about the good times he had with Itachi and he hates Naruto now, Naruto is the new Itachi and if NAruto died he'd just cry and vow to...
  14. UchihaObito

    A Flaw in Madara's Plan...?

    But wait, If he uses EMS cant he use a Tsukoyomi like Itachi's? he controls time and space? so every one second is an eternity
  15. UchihaObito

    Help out a fellow Manga/Anime series

    Kenichi the mightiest disciple is still making manga chapters, but the anime has been discontinued because its not popular in japan. Sign this petition and help get the Anime back on track. The translators for the manga i read arent too good and the Anime is so much less troublesome to watch...