Recent content by Tristania

  1. Tristania

    [Game] Mafia Community Event - Harry Potter and The Order of Mafia #32

    odd used Expelliarmus on thestatusquo and thestatusquo got roleblocked last night.
  2. Tristania

    [Game] Mafia Community Event - Harry Potter and The Order of Mafia #32

    I was originally sus of Hinata last night for voting Phoenix since that was all she did wondering if she was joke posting and now I know for sure she did not perform a harmful action last night.
  3. Tristania

    [Game] Mafia Community Event - Harry Potter and The Order of Mafia #32

    Vote Lady Coffee We have no info on her and I'm sus of her for being Phoenix.
  4. Tristania

    [Game] Mafia Community Event - Harry Potter and The Order of Mafia #32

    I tracked Hinata and she visited no one. Two people used the incendiom spell and Rej brought up a good point if you get set on fire you should at least get a notification and if you don't get a notification then how are the players supposed to know when to heal you if you don't get a notification?
  5. Tristania

    [Game] Mafia Community Event - Harry Potter and The Order of Mafia #32

    Since you said you are tier 2 and Hayumi being a player who is hard to read then why not use Legilimens instead which is a cop ability?
  6. Tristania

    [Game] Mafia Community Event - Harry Potter and The Order of Mafia #32

    Vig? We don't even get roles. Killing on night 1 is antitown and it's always the scums who kill on night 1.
  7. Tristania

    [Game] Mafia Community Event - Harry Potter and The Order of Mafia #32

    I tracked Toujo last night. He visited Hayumi and Hayumi is dead. Vote Toujo