Recent content by SuSaNo

  1. SuSaNo

    [Spoilers] One Piece 650 Spoilers

    source: credit: Mickey D 63 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2011/12/14(水) 16:20:59.00 ID:MQaSp/oRP 表紙はロングリングロングランドのおじさん 650 知って置きべき2つの変化 神の名を持つ 3つの古代兵器 プルトン ウラヌス ポセイドン ひとつが、しらほし。 これを聞かれたら、みんながしらほしをねらうでしょうと。 ロビンとじゃもんの会話 それを聞いていたのがカリブー...
  2. SuSaNo

    Rinnegan Clarification

    I'm not sure if I am correct, but correct me if I'm wrong. The way Madara got the Rinnegan is by going through theses steps in his ocular powers. First the regular Sharingan, next the Mangekyou Sharingan, then EMS, and finally the Rinnegan. I just want some clarification on this topic...
  3. SuSaNo

    [Spoilers] One Piece Spoiler 602

    Source:Apforums Credit: kaze1028 & bamind Verification: Confirmed 753 :T ◆PecpvbY4/. :2010/10/27(水) 13:31:22 発信元: ブルックが合流し、相変わらずナミにパンツ見せてくれって言ったら本気で蹴られたw そして迎えに来たチョッパーとゾロサンジルフィが一味と合流。ナミロビンを見たサンジが 鼻血噴水しながらふっとんでたw 軍艦がせめてきたけど進路にハンコックが現れて 誰じゃわらわの通り道に軍艦を置いたのはと言いルフィをたすける。...
  4. SuSaNo

    weakest Akatsuki member

    i say Hidan. He is slow and when he fought; he had back up from kakuza. When he was left alone he lost to shikamaru. Konan is far stronger than people think. Just cause j-man took her out with oil doesn't mean anything. J-man already knew her ability. In the Pain Invasion, Konan was taking...
  5. SuSaNo

    All jinchurikis

    tru dat
  6. SuSaNo

    Naruto Characters vs Dragonball Z Characters

    but tobi survives and lets the kamehameha go through him.... copies kamehameha and kills goku
  7. SuSaNo

    about the seal in forehead of neji and the hyuga branch family

    they had to change it because americans think about the swastika as a bad thing. in japan they dont care of what they have. they have sexual image in their shows and in america there is no that muc just boob clevage but that is all
  8. SuSaNo

    Naruto Characters vs Dragonball Z Characters

    i think for DBZ manga and GT ending episodes at