Recent content by Sasuke uchiha 185

  1. Sasuke uchiha 185

    Comapring Sakura and Hinata

    So who is better between them, I personally think it's Hinata. She's been there for Naruto all the time meanwhile with Sakura was meh
  2. Sasuke uchiha 185

    The Infinite Filleryomi

    When will it end?! I want to see the Madara vs Naruto and Sasuke already!
  3. Sasuke uchiha 185

    [Predictions] The Death of Naruto

    Greatest pred eva
  4. Sasuke uchiha 185

    those with mulptiple kage bunshin

    ........... Not really cuz no one that use kage bunshin Are strong stfu
  5. Sasuke uchiha 185

    What is the weakness to izanami

    NOTHING hahahaha itachi is now invisible
  6. Sasuke uchiha 185

    who has the best weapon out of the 7 swordsmen?

    Samehada It absorbs the chakra of the oppenent It can hide someone in its body It heals the user It can fuse with it Only the bad about the sword is it might betray you
  7. Sasuke uchiha 185

    Rise of the Uchiha 2 Kira's fall

    Last time on Rise Of The Uchiha Kira:Shinji,Report this to your father,Now Shinji:But Kira: Do it Now!!! Shinji:Ok Shinji ran Mizu:Not happening,Now Daichi Daichi: Doton: Kujo Joushou Iwa Chuuseki Giant earth pillars attack Shinji Kira:Fūton: Shinkū Renpa The wind destroyed the pillars...
  8. Sasuke uchiha 185

    Sasuke vs Kabuto

    What would happen Kabuto won Reactivated Edo tensei Itachi on heaven "Sasuke u stink u dont deserve my eyes i wasted my time deactivated edo tensei instead i could just partay,but no,ihate my life :(" what would you think No restrictions
  9. Sasuke uchiha 185

    why do sharigans look different?

    Its make themlook like badasses
  10. Sasuke uchiha 185

    Byakugan comes from the sharingan

    No uchihas will be now dirty coming from lowly families
  11. Sasuke uchiha 185

    Izanami already activated before this chapter

    If you can see earlier chapter Same right It already happened earlier Agree or Not
  12. Sasuke uchiha 185

    [Predictions] 586 Predictionss!!

    Itachis wrath i love it you are the prediction king king i tell you
  13. Sasuke uchiha 185

    Is naruto talented o special

    Is stinking welcoming needed