Recent content by sage mode beat down

  1. sage mode beat down

    fresh hip hop !! this guy need to be known

  2. sage mode beat down

    sickk tune had to post

  3. sage mode beat down

    chester p uk hip hop

  4. sage mode beat down

    3 jutsus

    loool the sand would make a mess :/
  5. sage mode beat down

    3 jutsus

    ehhe i like this 1 gone all out super op
  6. sage mode beat down

    3 jutsus

    if you could combine 3 jutsu to make 1 super strong jutsu what 3 would u pick
  7. sage mode beat down

    Itachi Saved The Manga

    itachi IS the manga
  8. sage mode beat down

    maybe its naruto (edit)

    hashi is too carefree hes so funny ............ but thats how u know hes a boss
  9. sage mode beat down

    Who is the most overrated ninja?

    minato is well over rated hes is super beast top 12 mayb 10 but people over rated him saying he can beat itachi is foolish they clam this then say hes TOP 3 !!! na mate
  10. sage mode beat down

    Shikamaru Best Choice for Hokage..??

    he just wants too look at clouds all day :) not doing silly kage paperwork and whatnot
  11. sage mode beat down

    who wants to play generations!!

    post gamertag ill add you :D:D:D
  12. sage mode beat down

    enyone have diablo 3

    i havent played it in months and just need some new people to do machine with on mp4-7 let me know if you interested
  13. sage mode beat down

    big brother naruto

    if there was a big brother (the reality t.v show) for naruto witch 10 people would u have in your big brother house ??? i would deffo want hidan :D:D:D i know this is silly bored :/
  14. sage mode beat down

    naruto question

    naruto too fast for jinton he would be behind muu/onoki before jinton hit