Recent content by mayarooter

  1. mayarooter

    Some Unanswered Questions

    "Some Unanswered Questions" I know this will be asked many times in this community but haven't got the satisfied answers yet or may be kishi forgot to or may be intentionally. We don't know? So plz share us your assumptions, your thoughts and your theories to explain your answers on it...
  2. mayarooter

    [Predictions] Manga chapter 590 Prediction

    Great prediction
  3. mayarooter

    Hello all of you !!!

    hello Guys, I am new in narutobase but I am old in Naruto Universe. I am freelance Web/Software Developer. :scorps::scorps::scorps:
  4. mayarooter

    We will definitely see Naruto VS Sasuke

    I just seen the 257 episode. In new ending they display some NARUTO VS SASUKE Actions. I think its now confirmed Naruto VS Sasuke. What do you think Guys ???
  5. mayarooter

    [Predictions] Naruto 580 another prediction

    Good Theory !!! I appreciate it.
  6. mayarooter

    Hashirama Edo-Tensei

    I just saw the 254 episode. In this episode: Tobi to Kabuto : He is still alive(Hashirama) but not in conscious. Suppose Hashirama is still alive then how Orochimaru revive Hashirama with Edo-Tensei in Naruto Part 1 I am just confuse with this ??? Anyone can explain :scorps::scorps::scorps:
  7. mayarooter

    Four Week Long Special Project

    Hello Guys, Check out following image. Link : Check the 257 episodes ??? What it means ??? :D:D:D
  8. mayarooter

    Does Hanzo really die??

    I just watched 173 at well it shows him using the teleport technique before nagato strikes. is he really dead ??? :scorps::scorps::scorps:
  9. mayarooter

    Sasuke and Naruto Union at last

    I observe one thing in both naruto and sasuke. 1. sasuke use chidori by using left hand. 2. Naruto use ransengan by using right hand. At last they both combine rasengan and chidori that's why they use left hand and right hand. :D:D:D
  10. mayarooter


    Good One !!!
  11. mayarooter

    Tobi Revealed

    Please Watch Naruto Shipudden Anime Episode Number 142 :Battle of Unraikyo Watch the conversation between Kisame and Tobi.
  12. mayarooter

    Naruto Rinnegan

    It is possible to Naruto Possess the Rinnegan ???