Recent content by Kimimaro Kaguya

  1. Kimimaro Kaguya

    Wheres everyone from?

    Hey, was justing wondering where abouts in the world everyone comes from :D thought it might be a nice thread starter ^^ Oh i'm from England btw ;)
  2. Kimimaro Kaguya

    Kakashi Guiden

    i watched the anime first then reread the whole thing in manga, i was so pissed off that i had watched about 50episodes of fillers in the anime and they hadnt even made the kakashi gaiden which is my favourite chapter in manga :(
  3. Kimimaro Kaguya

    What Song Are You Listening to Right Now? [Thread migration #0]

    atm im listening to sugar hill gang: Rappers Delight :D wicked tune
  4. Kimimaro Kaguya

    Jariaya's death

    yeah naruto might use "that jitsu" that j man mentioned
  5. Kimimaro Kaguya

    Jariaya's death

    fair point it wouldnt be as good without cliff hangers
  6. Kimimaro Kaguya

    Jariaya's death

    That is the worst thing about naruto takes so long for stuff to happen cos its only a manga a week which they always leave on a goddamn cliff hanger lol
  7. Kimimaro Kaguya

    If you could go out on the piss with any naruto character who would it be?

    lol yeah. I reacon Kishimoto should actually write the make out paradise books and get them published. I would buy it
  8. Kimimaro Kaguya

    If you could go out on the piss with any naruto character who would it be?

    lol, his bugs would probably get pissed as well. Kakashi would be good to go out on the piss with, although he would probably wanna go to some really weird strip club or somthing