Recent content by izzy89

  1. izzy89


    ...what if madara has been lying to everyone, and when the flower blossoms it's going to be the fruit instead of the eye and when naruto fully strips obito of the bijuu, madara will take over obito's body and eat the fruit. (a simple theory my homie had) thoughts?
  2. izzy89

    Dear, narutobase.

    ...a wise man (Jim Rider) said: So people moan when there's no battle, People moan when there's battle, people moan when battle's end in one or two chapters and people moan when battles don't end so fast... what will it take to please anyone here. Le sigh! the collective Narutobase...
  3. izzy89

    This is for the Madara Sympathizers and Tobirama Haters.

    If you combine hashirama's recollection of madara (which is mostly positive due to hashi's personality...he always seemed to look for the good in people), the story madara told obito, and anyone else who had memories of's apparent that madara is a bitch ass ninja. if he TRULY...
  4. izzy89

    Izanami is Misunderstood

    I've seen a lot of people berate izanami for being useless. you forget that this technique was meant for UCHIHA WHO ABUSED THEIR ABILITIES (namely izanagi). it was NEVER MEANT TO BE USED as an offensive jutsu. from what we found out if prevents someone from succumbing to the warped reality of...
  5. izzy89

    Hey!!!! You guys!!!!!

    before you make a statement about the manga that you're not sure of or have a question....RE-READ the manga. i know we read ONE chapter each week, so you can easily forget something that was in a chapter a year ago. i PROMISE if you re-read the manga back to back it will make a WHOLE LOT MORE...
  6. izzy89

    [Theory] A Vicious Cycle

    A vicious cycle: Naruto and sasuke I've noticed that some people love part 1 of the series and hate part 2. However, the latest chapters that have been released should show you that the you can't have part 1 without part 2 and vice versa. The story is quite epic...if you've seen the movie "City...
  7. izzy89

    568 Is Out enjoy.
  8. izzy89

    How can naruto do rasenshuriken in sage mode?

    thats what i always thought. which is probably why he hasn't done a rasenshuriken outside of sage mode since.
  9. izzy89

    How did Madara lost his EMS?

    actually...they did. he said himself that he is not complete and i believe the part in the manga where he says this is about to come up in the next couple of episodes... So i think that he hasn't used it thus far because he can't. Like a lot of individuals stated, he was not the same after his...
  10. izzy89

    [Spoilers] The "New Rasengan"

    Maybe its just me and what i got out of this latest chapter.....cause everyone's talking about how they're getting tired of the "rasengan". This is not even a rasengan he's learning. This is the Menacing Ball Technique a.k.a. The Tailed Beast Bomb. If you've read previous mangas....this tech...
  11. izzy89

    Naruto Shippuden: Gekitou Ninja Taisen SP(Special)

    Naruto Shippuden: Gekito Ninja Taisen SP - Saiyan Island New naruto game for wii. they are more than likely going to go further in the story than UNS2. looking forward to it. if they keep and/or improve on the fighting mechanics in the latest revolution/GNT game and revamp EVERYONE'S movesets...
  12. izzy89

    WHAT is in that coffin.... can only be TWO things that would shake "madara" up. 1.the REAL madara 2.the sage of six paths your thoughts?
  13. izzy89

    Manga 461 - Read Naruto Manga Online - Naruto - Chapter 461 - Page 1
  14. izzy89


    Naruto 460 - Read Naruto chapter 460 online.
  15. izzy89

    I....really....don't understand(animation)'ve been hearing about how the animation is crappy, it sucks, etc. I honestly want to know what makes it crappy. I thought I knew....maybe it was due to the stiff animation at times or the poor drawing, but now I'm lost. I can really understand if you think the animation has...