Recent content by Exosphere

  1. Exosphere

    [Nin] the beginning.

    thanks again sensei
  2. Exosphere

    [Katon] omega teaches me fire

    thank you ^^
  3. Exosphere

    [Approved] first bio

    Basic Information Name:konohamaru sarutobi Nickname: Gender:male Age:14 Clan:sarutobi Looks:Konohamaru has short spiky brown hair and black eyes. He also has a small chip in his tooth. In Part I, he wore a yellow shirt with the Konoha symbol in red, grey shorts, and a long blue scarf. When he...
  4. Exosphere

    Post your Desktop

  5. Exosphere

    What Song Are You Listening to Right Now? [Thread migration #3]

    Re: What Song Are You Listening to Right Now?