Recent content by Enigmatic

  1. Enigmatic

    Obito and Rin are in purgatory

    They both technically committed suicide so they both are waiting in purgatory. Perhaps that's why Obito was able to Kamui.
  2. Enigmatic

    Why didn't obito just touch naruto and sasuke?

    instead of becoming a human shield? And whats stopping Kagaya from going "hmmm...ok thats cool I'll just do it again!" It doesn't make any sense..
  3. Enigmatic

    Eating is disgusting..

    I'm serious the whole process of it is just sickening more often than not.. The whole process of chewing something into grime and slime is for example, I was at mcdonalds once and this guy next to me inhaled deep as shit and took a big ass bite out of a bigmac or something and it...
  4. Enigmatic

    Worst way Madara could be defeated...

    What do you think the worst way he could be defeated would be. Personally I'd say it would be disgraceful for him to be defeated by a basic Rasengan Tendo pain style ^^ But I could see it happening, only with some sort of sealing jutsu attached. Or he gets Rasengan'd into some sort of sealing...
  5. Enigmatic

    Why people don't concider anime only scenes canon. [filler=canon]

    Why not.. The writes of SP are approved to add those scenes, if there is something that the mangaka doesn't want them to touch or wants to do himself he can tell them not to do it. Most people will say that if it isn't written by kishi then it even existed. Which isnt true. -all anime only...
  6. Enigmatic

    Most violent/gore-ish moment in Naruto?

    What do you think is the most gore-ish moment in the manga has been? I won't include the anime since it always tones down the violence. Personally I'd say this is it: Makes me wonder how they are going to translate that in the anime, because I'm sure they aren't gonna animate it with it...
  7. Enigmatic

    Teacher gets 30 days in Jail for rape

    You're a sick bastard. Get help.
  8. Enigmatic

    Shows that hit you in the feels?

    I know that for some reason whenever I watch Rugrats, it hits me in the feels. Do you have a show that makes you feel this way? ^^
  9. Enigmatic

    Is Naruto capable of pulling off the Uchiha massicre?

    I mean it took Itachi and Obeedo's combined efforts to do it successfully. Who knows how it would have gone if they were alone. But I think Naruto would be strong enough to successfully doing this task alone. Restrictions: He can't turn into Kurama (as if he would inside of the village) But...
  10. Enigmatic

    Man finds abandoned $45,000.....and returns it...-.-

    Josh Ferrin, an artist for the Deseret News, stumbled across some treasure in his new house -- a trove of $45,000 in cash and coins tucked away where no one could see it. With thoughts of car and house payments in his head, he still decided to return all of the money to the previous owners of...
  11. Enigmatic

    Who's older than 19 years of age on here?

    Ikr, there are some rude ass btches on the base.
  12. Enigmatic

    Best Fights That Never Happened

    Hmm..How is it a good fight if it has never happened? >.>
  13. Enigmatic

    [Other] Deep Swim

    For some reason deep inside my mind Going deep in the ocean to unwind Has always put my evil thoughts at ease But to act on them is truly what I please I began to say don't lie to yourself, be real What you really want to kill... I've finally realized what I should do Drown my...
  14. Enigmatic

    Sasuke dying similar to the way Obito was about to?

    Kakashi=Naruto Obito=Sasuke After defeating all the main bad guys Sasuke continues to try and kill Naruto, forcing Naruto to kill him. Naruto: "To save the Sasuke of the past...I...need to kill the current Sasuke!!" Except he won't absorb the Juubi, so he will die. Would that be a decent...
  15. Enigmatic

    [VS] Current Naruto and Sasuke vs. 5 Kage

    Location - Same place 5 kage ganged up on Madara Restrictions - none Personally, I'd say Naruto and Sauce mid dif