Recent content by cryhwks

  1. cryhwks

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 1061 Discussion and 1062 Predictions

    Interesting. Has anyone else seen that Netflix show, Altered Carbon? I think that's what we have here. Old Man Vegapunk, has a new younger, female body. And why this could be really important? Because Kuma, could have a different body now to.
  2. cryhwks

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 1060 Discussion and 1061 Predictions

    In the Official Translation, they fired the weapon before Sabo finished saying what he saw.
  3. cryhwks

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 1060 Discussion and 1061 Predictions

    They definitely know Caribou is in the barrel. Why would it be chained up if they didn't? And like I mentioned before, Luffy promised him a ride off of Wano. It was back in the prison. And something I thought of, that really doesn't apply to this chapter. But now that the WG seemingly has some...
  4. cryhwks

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 1060 Discussion and 1061 Predictions

    The barrel has chains all over it, they obviously know he's there. Remember, Luffy promised him that he'd give him a ride out of Wano awhile back. But they are keeping him in that barrel.
  5. cryhwks

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 1060 Discussion and 1061 Predictions

    Them being lucky Sabo was there, actually does put a limit on this weapon a bit. Because if this was done on the spur on the moment? Means they could fire off this weapon whenever and wherever they want. But them planning on destroying the Island, likely means they moved something into position...
  6. cryhwks

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 1060 Discussion and 1061 Predictions

    It's been pointed out that Sabo wasn't looking directly up like the rest of the citizens. So he was probably a little ways away from the island. Also, can the weapon neutralize Logia abilities?
  7. cryhwks

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 1060 Discussion and 1061 Predictions

    Well, you could say as far back as when we see that scene where Shanks is talking to Rayleigh and he says that Luffy said the same thing as Roger did, that is hint. Because why would Roger say he's going to be King Of The Pirates, before that title existed? And that happened during Sabaody, like...
  8. cryhwks

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 1060 Discussion and 1061 Predictions

    So, Im has Orbital Strikes? Do they have armed satellites in space? Ever since Enel's cover story, I wondered if OP would be like Trigun? If you don't know the story of Trigun? A spoiler, in that series the planet it's taking place on, humans are not native to that planet. I'm wondering if...
  9. cryhwks

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 1051 Discussion and 1052 Predictions

    No way, I don't see how anyone watched episode 1015 and can still think Yamato isn't joining the crew? Other people have explained this better than me. But Oda cares a lot about themes. And Yamato fits the theme of the characters that have joined. And she does fit the theme of Oden. Oden was...
  10. cryhwks

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 1047 Discussion and 1048 Predictions

    In the skies above the capital, the hand of a God comes from the Heavens, to smite a Dragon.
  11. cryhwks

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 1046 Discussion and 1047 Predictions

    It isn't like he's dominating Kaido, even with Gear 5, Luffy is barley holding on in this fight. And regardless of this transformation, from this point forward Luffy was only ever going to be fighting Emperor and Admiral level guys. That's where we are at in the series. And do you really think...
  12. cryhwks

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 1045 Discussion and 1046 Predictions

    Right now Luffy is Wille E Coyote and not Bugs Bunny. Wille, every trick he pulls always backfires, while Bugs is the master of the universe. Forget Joy Boy, Luffy's goal now is to achieve Bugs Bunny. If Luffy was Bugs? Kaido would be long dead and all of Wano would be currently feasting on...
  13. cryhwks

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 1044 Discussion and 1045 Predictions

    I already answered your question, because it's something achieved, not given or passed on. And achieving Joy Boy doesn't mean anything either, because the original Joy Boy failed. He lost to the 20 Kingdoms. They way I've seen it is, the OG Joy Boy was to late to save the day, Roger was to...
  14. cryhwks

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 1044 Discussion and 1045 Predictions

    But Joy Boy is obviously a title or nickname. Is the 4th Hokage the reincarnation of the 3rd Hokage? No, because "Hokage" is a title. Kaido "He couldn't become Joy Boy either." If you are a reincarnation of someone, you either are them or not. There is no becoming. The way Kaido speaks it's...
  15. cryhwks

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 1044 Discussion and 1045 Predictions

    I don't know how you got "prophecy" from what we've learned? Did we get to see Dragons flashback of Luffy being born, and someone being there saying "Your child will one day grow up to become Joy Boy and liberate the world." Luffy eating the DF was completely by accident. This isn't like Naruto...