Recent content by amazing naruto

  1. amazing naruto

    my very own anime character

    Hey guys check his out. I made my first anime character. Please give me some feedback on how i can improve it. And also by his looks give me some ideas about his personality. His name is Alexander.
  2. amazing naruto

    why you mad guys

    Why are so many people so angry that Sasuke has become bad when Kishi stated in his interview clearly that naruto vs sasuke will probably be the last fight in the manga. And as we all know that Kishi is a man of his word, so it is happening. Masashi only changed Sasuke's path from revenge to...
  3. amazing naruto

    Tell Yours ?!

    To all of You who believe in Yourself, write Your favorite quote about Life or Believing in Yourself. Mine is: Live life for the moment everything else is uncertain. :yay: You can also make the quote yourself or someone else s. So...what's yours ?!?! Later You can tell who has the best one. xd xx
  4. amazing naruto

    hey look at minato!!

    Hey i just wanted to ask Why is my dad wearing lipstick during the war? O_O
  5. amazing naruto

    Who exactly was Ginkaku and Kinkaku?

    They were BROTHERS.
  6. amazing naruto

    What do you think?

    What do you think Sasuke will ask minato. I think he will ask him about Tobi then sasuke will know that all this happened because of Tobi and Madara. He will try to kill Tobi he will kill him with naruto. Don't know about madara but one more thing can happen sasuke will kill madara and naruto...
  7. amazing naruto

    Naruto Ends, you would........

    Then i will kill kish.
  8. amazing naruto

    where is anko?

    i wonder where is she because the last time we saw sasuke and the others in that cave she was there with juugo but she has dissappeared after that. could they have left her there because her condition was not good?
  9. amazing naruto

    how did ur fav charac bcum ur fav?

    how did your favourite character in naruto became your favourite character?:) my favourite character is naruto. he became my favourite due his strong power of belief although all the konoha people did not like him and considered him a niusance but still he did not give up and wanted to become...
  10. amazing naruto

    please view

    how did your favourite character in naruto became your favourite character?:) my favourite character is naruto. he became my favourite due his strong power of belief although all the konoha people did not like him and considered him a niusance but still he did not give up and wanted to become...
  11. amazing naruto

    naruto is weak.

    he was just standing on the battle ground when Neji died and Hinata had to save him. Where is his power now?
  12. amazing naruto

    the BOSS is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi gyuz! i m new on NB. I hope i will have a gud time here :). I have been visiting NB for quite a long time now but made account today. i am a naruto fan but not uchiha sasuke or itachi hater as i have seen people going crazy in most of the threads.:D