Recent content by Akiria

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    Death's Domain

    "come here come here" the halls whisper. "come play with me..." the halls seem to get longer and longer and the whispers start to echo.
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    [Question] SO...Animebase is dummed down version of Nartuobase?

    Yea but understand the rp was always booming and it was never on the bottom of the page. Idk if people just don't care. Well does sorta feel like that, its just my opion. Am I not aloud to voice that opion? If its not a smaller version, then what happened to the custimzation of everything? now...
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    [Question] Rwby anyone?

    Im kinda disappointed that I don't see any rwby stuff in the sections....poor yang with her arm...
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    [Question] SO...Animebase is dummed down version of Nartuobase?

    I was here like six months ago just got a computer back and im the heck happened? like all hard rp work gooonnnneee what the fork happened? I swear there was a bigger rp comunttiy then this?Also not dising it, just confused. I like the beable to customize your profile and stuff like the...
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    Senshi Shima - Shapeshifter Island

    Name: Akria Age: 19 Description:(albino fox, believed to be evil. Also only has a half form not a full human form, so her ears and tail are always out.Shes been apparently cursed since the day she was born so says her clan. their constantly trying to kill her, but wont exile her fearing that she...
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    Death's Domain

    Suddenly giggles of a lill girl can beheard from behind you and fading. the voice whispers almost as its in your ear "come play with me." in a bubbly creepy tone.