[ARCHIVE] Custom Fighting Styles Submission

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Aug 25, 2010
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

(Aomidori Dansu) Aqua Dance

Type: NinTaijutsu

Background: The Land of Whirlpools is well known for there outrages waters, and devastating currents. Whirlpools randomly form off the coast causing close by ships to rack. Viewed by the military as a defense against rival Clans, the local Traders and Fishermen found them to be a nuisance. An Uzumaki Clan general named Hakoda fought many battles during times of war. He would rarely come home to see his wife and daughter. but when he did we was in consent thought of the dead left on the battlefield. During dinner Hakoda would constantly talk about the war beyond the shores. Of the men he wished he could have saved. He would constantly tell his daughter Katara about how he wishes he could be as strong as the Whirlpools that defend this land. Hakoda viewed the Whirlpools as fierce and raw power but Katara viewed them differently. To her they where swift and calm entities, dancing in the beautiful currents of her homeland. After Hakoda left for another battle, Katara decided to study the whirlpools and practice their dance. months passed and Katara's chakra naturally felt cool around water unknowingly fusing her chakra with the water, she found herself able to "Will" the water to dance with her. One day upon Hakoda's return, he noticed Katara dancing with the water, he was amazed by the dance. "Outstanding Balance" Hakoda said. "Swift motion and a calm mind. This is what I've been needing, I'm so proud of you Katara, can you show me this dance?" Overjoyed, Katara gladly showed her father the dance unknowing of her fathers intensiveness for battle, he quickly turned it into a weapon, teaching the new style to Elite Clan members. After the dispersion of the Clan, a scroll with the secrets of the Aomidori Dansu was lost, only to later be found by a trader that sold the scroll to Hei, a Storm Master for an unknown price.

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Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: This unique style of NinTaijutsu is based on swift yet calm fluent movements. Having a calm mind helps the ninja be able to focus on their chakra within the water to be able to "Dance" with it. because of the amount of chakra within the water it becomes extremely dense over the years, making it stronger then normal, it will be able to cut though Steel with ease. The user will need to carry this "Chakra water" in a gourd or pouch depending on the amount they have with them. This Aqua Dance is used for close combat, focusing on slicing strikes of vital organs. it is extremely efficient for fighting multiple targets. Because of the chakra within the water, it is unable to fuse with other water sources, if dropped on water it would just float on top of the water like a thick oil, and if dropped on earth it will not be absorbed into soil. In order to use this style to it's fullest potential, the user will need to practice for many years, enhancing there agility and dexterity, allowing for quicker movement and reflexes.

Co-creator: Kirabi

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-Masters of this Fighting Style move with enhance speed. (+3)
-User of this fighting style have expert chakra control.
-The Chakra infused water cannot be evaporated, even by the hottest of techniques.
-The Chakra infused water cannot be Frozen, even by the coldest of techniques.
-Must have an Affinity to Suiton to Learn.
-Must have a Water Gourd or other container to hold water.
-Cannot use Suiton Techniques with this water.
-Must be at least Sannin Rank to learn.
-Must be a Member for at least 6 months.

±± Declined ±± This is basically you trying to find a way to use water in the same way Gaara uses his Sand. Its not actually a Nin Taijutsu. Were is the Taijutsu part?
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Aug 18, 2010
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

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Hojōjutsu / Nawajutsu - Hidden Rope Art
Type: Other (encompasses Taijutsu, Kenjutsu and Fuuinjutsu as well)

Background: Hojōjutsu or Nawajutsu, is the traditional Japanese martial art of restraining a person using cord/rope/chain. Encompassing many different materials, techniques and methods from many different schools, Hojojutsu is a quintessentially Japanese art that is a unique product of Japanese history and culture.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: Hojojutsu can be divided into two broad categories.
1. The first category is the capture and restraint of a prisoner that was effected with strong, thin cord (usually 3-4 millimeters) called a hayanawa or “fast rope”, and sometimes the sageo carried by samurai on the sword-sheaths. In law-enforcement, this cord was carried by constables who secreted the rope in a small bundle that fed cord from one end. This torinawa ("capture-rope") was coiled so that the cord would pay out from one end as the bundled cord was passed around the prisoner’s body, neck and arms as he or she was tied. This was usually accomplished by one constable in the course of performing an arrest while the
prisoner was actively resisting and had to be accomplished quickly.

Even at this stage, attention was still paid to visual and aesthetic concerns in the tying method as well as to the cultural needs of Japanese society. According to experts, an accused but not convicted prisoner would be tied using methods which allowed the prisoner to be securely restrained but which contained no knots to save the prisoner the shame of being publicly bound. Instead of securing the tie with knots, the constable held on to the free end of the rope and walked behind the prisoner to keep him or her under control as the prisoner was taken for an interrogation which could involve the application of one or more forms of judicial torture to elicit a confession.

2. The second category was effected with one or more “main ropes” or “honnawa” which like the torinawa could be any one of many different lengths, but was a proper hemp rope, possibly six or more millimeters in diameter and as much as eighty feet long—which was used to provide a more secure, long-term binding than is possible with the torinawa for transportation to a place of incarceration, restraint at legal proceedings, and—in the case of particularly severe crimes—for the public display of the prisoner prior to execution by such methods as beheading, crucifixion (i.e., the prisoner was displayed tied to a cross before spears were driven through the body), or, in arson convictions, death by fire.

Honnawa ties were applied by a group of people, usually not less than four, whose presence allowed the use of more intricate and ornate patterns than was the case with the torinawa. Both forms combined effective restraint with a distinct visual aesthetic.

In either form, the hojojutsu ties known today display a shrewd understanding of human anatomy through several recurrent themes. This can include leverage-removal (tying limbs in positions that decrease the force they can generate), rope-placement to discourage struggling or to make it less effective by placing one or more loops of rope around the neck and constricting restraint around points on the upper arms where determined struggle put pressure on blood vessels and nerves numbing the extremities.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-This style encompasses the raw strength of the user and requires finesse in its use. The cords/ropes are constantly feed chakra from the user and hidden under the clothes of the user in such a way that they are still capable of maintaining their full bodily movement without any restriction even though it is wrapped around the arms, torso, and legs of the user.
-Constant placement of the user's chakra in the cords/ropes grants the user complete control.
-Training with the slightly heavy cords and rope wrapped around their body occurs round the clock. When the user of Nawajutsu gets used to wearing a certain weight of rope/cord around their body, they increase the seal placed inside the very thread of the cord/rope, increasing its weight and hardness. This keeps the natural speed of the user in check. The weight of the ropes cannot exceed 100lbs.
- The cords/rope are laced with lines of chakra flexible/malleable metal capable of channeling chakra especially in the bulb ends of the cords/rope that are great conductors of electricity. The metal keeps the rope from being easily ignited via techniques of the user or the opponent. The most skilled users are capable of tying kunai to the ropes to attack with as well and still keep them hidden under their clothes without hurting themselves. They have scars under their clothing proving how difficult this was to master.
-This technique is so rare, that it is only allowed to have one person practice it in each village. User's not of a village cannot partake in the learning of this technique, as it can cause extreme stress on the body, and the user's have to be within the vicinity of a multiple medics in case of need. The Soke, or Grandmaster of Nawajutsu teaches each other village 1 of the 5 ways of sealing, leaving out the crucial component necessary that allows them to teach it to others. "Teaching them everything they know, but know All he knows."
-Master's of this technique are capable tying knots in the rope/cord with a mere wiggle of the rope, that are incapable of being undone unless the user of the rope, who has their own specific way of undoing the knot. Only the originator of Hojōjutsu is capable of undoing every knot, having mastered the technique beyond any other.
-The user is capable of using their chakra to cut part of the ropes/cords or even retract them back into their body with a movement of their arms/legs.
-Masters of this technique who have learned Fuuinjutsu are capable of completely binding an sealing an opponent using the cords/ropes. The sealing is extremely effective, as it can only be undone by the person who sealed them. The owner of this technique, knowing all ways of sealing and unsealing, is incapable of having Fuuinjutsu used on him in this way.

Soke Hojōjutsu - Hidden Grandmaster Rope Art Technique
Kumo Hojōjutsu - Hidden Thunder Rope Art Technique
Iwa Hojōjutsu- Hidden Stone Rope Art Technique
Suna Hojōjutsu - Hidden Erosion Rope Art Technique
Konoha Hojōjutsu - Hidden Flame Rope Art Technique
Kiri Hojōjutsu- Hidden Wave Rope Art Technique

-The Grandmaster is able to use any and all Hojōjutsu techniques.
-Each Master in the village is limited to their element and those that do not require any element. The village that the Grandmaster resides in can have 1 additional person know and use Hojōjutsu, but are limited to the restriction based upon that village.
- There can only be 1 Grandmaster per village.
- To become a Grandmaster, after having Mastered Hidden Rope Arts for at least 3 months, must have beaten 2 opponents in a Taijutsu/Kenjtusu only fight with Hidden Rope Arts, then challenge and defeat the original or another Grandmaster.

Grandmaster (Oraan) belongs to Iwagakure, however there can be a Master in Iwagakure, who will be limited to Hidden Stone Rope Art and rope art that does not contain any elemental value.....Jutsu for Hojōjutsu will look like the following. (Reference picture above)

Hojōjutsu -8-Notto-zu (Hidden Rope Art - Figure of 8 Knot)
Type: Attack/Defense
Rank: C (B with applied Elemental)
Range: Short
Chakra: 20 (25 with applied Elemental)
Damage: 30 (40 with applied Elemental)
Description: The user charges his chakra (pure or elemental) rope/cord in one of his arms and thrusts his arm towards the ground. The knot of the rope/cord will bounce continuously ricochet across the ground at a rapid rate hitting multiple targets, one target in multiple areas, or multiple objects; until the user forces it to stop.
*Grandmaster - Can use an element they know for a desired effect.
*Stone - The knot is turned into a 10 inch(in diameter) stone, that causes mini craters in the ground and is capable of breaking bones and other objects up to its rank.
*Thunder - The knot is charged with lightning, capable of paralyzing on contact.
*Wave - The knot becomes extremely slick the more strikes the ground faster than normal and travels in a blur of speed and gaining power.
*Flame - The knot will be enveloped in flames when it strikes the ground becoming increasingly hot from friction.
*Erosion - The knot when hitting the ground will raise up a dust cloud from hitting the ground, making it hard for an opponent to see where the knot is coming from as it strikes. the dust cloud also hides the user from sight.

Hojōjutsu - Taitorōpusaikuron (Hidden Rope Art - Tight-Rope Cyclone)
Type: Attack/Defense
Rank: B (A with applied Elemental) (S with Grandmaster Combo)
Range: Short
Chakra: 25 (30 with applied Elemental) (40 with Grandmaster Combo)
Damage: 40 (60 with applied Elemental) (80 with Grandmaster Combo)
Description: The user extends 10 feet of hidden rope out from both of their sleeves and charges it with chakra (pure or elemental) while spinning extremely quickly, creating a large cyclone. Each rope that extends out of the user's arm has a knot on the end of it. These are two separate ropes.
*Grandmaster - Costing 2/3 moves in a turn, can choose to charge each rope with a different chakra (up to 2 elemental chakra), resulting in an S ranked Combination
*Stone - Becomes an A Ranked Earth Cyclone
*Wave - Becomes an A Ranked Water Cyclone
*Thunder - Becomes an A Ranked Lightning Cyclone
*Flame - Becomes an A Ranked Fire Cylone
*Erosion - Becomes an A Ranked Wind Cyclone
Note: Grandmaster can only be used 3 times per battle.
Note: Grandmaster must wait 2 turns to use A Ranked and above Hojōjutsu.

Hojōjutsu - Te no Musubime (Hidden Rope Art - Knots in Hand Style)
Type: Attack/Defense
Rank: B (A with applied Elemental)
Range: Short
Chakra: 25 (30 with applied Elemental)
Damage: 40 (60 with applied Elemental)
Description: The user extends hidden rope out from both of their sleeves and charges it with chakra (pure or elemental). The knots are held in the hands of the user and used in Taijutsu/Kenjutsu extreme close range fights or to deflect certain objects. Each rope that extends out of the user's arm has a knot on the end of it. These are two separate ropes.
*Grandmaster - Costing 2/3 moves in a turn, can choose to charge each rope with a different chakra (up to 2 elemental chakra), resulting in 2 A Ranked Elementals or an A Ranked elemental of anything other than Basic 5 causing the Grandmaster 5 damage per turn per hand. Can only be used for 5 turns and will resort in being forced to use pure chakra for 1 turn)
*Stone - turns knots to earth making bones crack
*Wave - covers knots to water making countering quicker
*Thunder - charges knots with lightning, causing paralysis in the body part that is hit.
*Flame - covers knots with a small fireball, burning flesh and clothing upon impact.
*Erosion - covers knots with wind, cutting more than bruising the opponent deeply

±± Declined ±± I really believed i was going to read something approvable, but you are actually trying to create something that isn't a custom Fighting style. Had you used the ropes combined with taijutsu to use in close combat techniques, using the rope as a weapon, i'd approve. But this surpasses that and much move, giving me the feel of a Ninjutsu set of techniques, instead of a Custom Fighting Style.
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Jun 18, 2009
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Gengo (The Original Language)

Type: Ninjutsu

Background: It is common usage to better mold the chakra using Handseals. They serve as guidelines for the jutsu to take action, and allow a great complexity of actions, although they're nothing more than a medium for a jutsu to take place. Studying the mechanics of the chakra usage, a style was created as a substitute to the handseals, which was named the Original Language, Gengo.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

The users of Gengo created a language where each word represented an handseal, an action for the chakra to behave, while still allowing for new words to be created, much like how each clan has discovered new handseals to preform different jutsus. The mechanics behind the Gengo take guidance on the movement of the throat and the tongue, which, although creating sounds, do not require the opponent to hear them in order for the jutsu to take action.

Through mastery of this style, their users became able to link together the words as fast or even faster than an handseal's master, being able to effectively and correctly linking a large succession of sounds, words, in order to preform the desired Handseal.

Additional effects and Restrictions:

The users of Gengo gain access to the ability to preform any jutsu through spoken words, cannon or custom, by substituting the handseals for Gengo words, and the ability to create new words to adapt for new jutsus.

Since it's the work of the throat and tongue (which then permit the creation of the sound) that guide the chakra, even if the opponent finds himself underwater or otherwise forbidden to make a sound, as long as the throat and tongue are free, they can still utilize Gengo instead of Handseals. It's called Mute Genko, commonly called Ventriloquism, but is a skill reserved to masters, S-Class and up.

Any handseal known has a correspondent Gengo word, likewise, any Genko word has a correspondent handseal. Learning Genko is just has hard has learning Handseals, so the speed and mastery of a Genko User, just like Handseals, is based on the rank of the user.

±± Declined ±± This was tried out as a Ninjutsu before and it isn't a CFS. However, i will pm you with a way to actually make this work.
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Jun 26, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Tentou Kamigami Taijutsu: Heaven Gods style taijutsu
Background: Long ago in the heavens the Gods of man created a martial style known as the Heaven Gods taijutsu. This style was used to fight back dark forces in troubled times. The Gods taught this technique to the SO6P himself. He used it in his fight against the Juubi. This Taijutsu form is most difficult to learn. Sage of Darkness found the scroll of secrets of this art while he was out adventurering in a temple known as the Heaven temple.
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: The Heavens style Taijutsu is a martial style that makes the user feel like in a cloud. This Taijutsu style revolves in flowing chakra in key points of your body Legs, arms and head to mantain stabilty in this form. This style gives the user more speed, accuracy, mobility, flexibilty etc. Due to its unique flow that lessens the gravity around you making you move better and faster. When using this Taijutsu form the chakra flow makes the body feel less the gravity pull thus making movment easier. It allows the user Make unique movements that a normal human can't such as jump higher than usual, mantain balance for a longer duration, when dropping from above it feels like a feather.
Additional effects and Restrictions:
- This form can only be used by S class Ninja or higher
- Can only be taught by Sage of Darkness and those who have learned it and given permission by him
- The user will feel very exausted and weak after using this form and if used alot may damage the body permantly

Please edit or remove anything to make it more realistic

±± Declined ±± This is basically simple taijutsu so, as i said multiple times, why make a complete Custom Fighting Style for this if i has nothing special about it?
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Mar 21, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

(六式, Rokushiki) - Six Styles
Type: Nintaijutsu

The Six Styles, believed to originate from the Sage of Six Paths, are a series of six unique forms of Nintaijutsu combined into one single art form. Each one is essentially created from observations from the user's environment. For example, watching a large boulder resist movement when pushed or watching a leaf float in the wind, then formulating a unique style that, over time, resembles the original imagery. Using these Six Styles, The Sage of Six Paths was believed to have been able conquered an entire village, or possibly even an entire nation, alone; however, this is mere speculation due to his pacifistic nature. The Six Styles that comprise Rokushiki are based off of paper floating in the air, man being able to perform normally impossible acrobatic feats on the moon, storms tearing apart wood or even steel housing, a spear piercing through a large entity cleanly, a sword slicing through the air, and a boulder resisting movement.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

Rokushiki, litterally translating to Six Styes, consists of six sub-categories. They are each unique in their own manor, combining the raw strength of Taijutsu with the Chakra Manipulation of Ninjutsu to create a unique style based off of observations from the user's environment. They are as follows:

(紙絵 Kami-e, literally meaning "Paper Drawing"): The user allows their body to go limp and resemble paper floating in the wind freely. They can easily dodge attacks by decreasing their chakra flow, however are rendered unable to use jutsu of equal rank or above.

(月歩 Geppō, literally meaning "Moon Step"): The user creates a small cloud of chakra below their feet, allowing them to literally "jump on air", similarly to acrobatic feats performed on the moon.

(嵐脚 Rankyaku, literally meaning "Storm Leg"): The user creates a blast of chakra in their kicks, sending outward a devastatingly harsh frontal attack, similarly to storms ripping appart steel or wood housing.

(指銃 Shigan, literally meaning "Finger Gun"): The user generates chakra in their finger muscles to create a "finger spear" capable of piercing through flesh, bone, and other sturdy materials, similarly to a spear piercing normally sturdy entities.

(剃る Soru, literally meaning "Shave"): The user moves their body speedily to a nearby location, merely by using their chakra to increase blood-flow to the moving body part ergo increasing its speed and strength temporarily but decreasing it afterwards, similarly to a sword slicing through the air.

(鉄塊 Tekkai, literally meaning "Iron Mass"): The user uses their chakra to increase the amount of iron in the affected muscle, making them stronger and more resistant to bruising or frontal damage, similarly to a boulder resisting movement when pushed or punched. Although it may seem as though it is an all-powerful technique, the user is still capable of receiving bruising and, from techniques of great powers, even extreme external damage or internal bodily harm when faced with an equal or stronger strength attack respectively.

The one thing that each technique has in common is that they all combine two normally separate techniques on a new, methodical level, creating a devastatingly powerful combination of defensive, offensive, and supplementary Nintaijutsu.

Additional Effects and Restrictions:

~The user must have previously mastered Taijutsu and have over 3,600 pots before learning.
~Must be taught by Kira.. or ~Sanji~.
~Due to the increased internal chakra flow on abnormal levels, users are not able to use Genjutsu or Kai.

±± Declined ±± Most were already done before and the ones who weren't aren't approvable in the context of your RP. Sorry
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Feb 27, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

(Bifū Tōfū) - Doll Fatality

Type: Puppetry, Taijutsu, Kenjutsu

Background: The art of Doll Fatality was created by a man whose name is unknown. He had developed a new type of puppet which he would've called a "doll". The purpose of the doll is to allow much more flexible movements within the doll, using a different build which allows the user to be much more flexible rather than rigid.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:The main ability of Doll Fatality is the usage of the flexibility of puppets and using that to it's best ability. The style gives the advantage of cutting off a puppet's chakra strings in order to use certain moves such as rapid flailing of arms. While one wouldn't be able to control the puppet without the chakra strings, they're able to use force, velocity and momentum to achieve the moves wanted using this technique. It's moreso an advanced style of puppetry which also utilizes Taijutsu and Kenjutsu, due to the physical blows of puppets.

Additional Effects: The user of the style becomes more flexible with puppets, enabling faster control over them. The technique also practices a lot of flowing movements using the chakra strings, so using the style, a higher transition rate between the techniques and other movements such as hand seals is achieved.

Restrictions: Using the style requires full concentration over puppets, and a synchronization with one's puppet. Unless the user is Kankuro, Sasori or Chiyo (in which they can use Karasu, Sasori's Parents etc.), the puppet must belong to one's self (custom). Also the user must have a mastery over puppetry to use this style. Additionally, this can only be used with puppets which are outside of the user, so it cannot be used with puppets which are used like armor, or if someone turned themself into a puppet, such as Hiruko and Sasori as himself.

Video to further explain momentum and the style I wish to aim for.

Note: It's only the first bit with Naruto, how he throws his Shadow Clones. In a similar fashion, one could release chakra strings while the puppet is moving at a high speed to act as a projectile.

±± Pending ±± We've already seen some puppeteers (namely Sasori) use similar movements when he used the 1000 puppet jutsu. Using a puppet as projectile isn't a CFs but rather a technique in itself. As for achieving movement without puppet strings in physics it would be possible to throw the puppets in special ways that would enable them to achieve simple aftermaths. However, those movements would require a generous amount of description on your part and a giant amount of visualization from your opponents, something that in our RP is hard to accomplish. I don't see how you can pull it off in a useful manner.
(Bifū Tōfū) - Doll Fatality

Type: Puppetry, Taijutsu, Kenjutsu

Background: The art of Doll Fatality was created by a man whose name is unknown. He had developed a new type of puppet which he would've called a "doll". The purpose of the doll is to allow much more flexible movements within the doll, using a different build which allows the user to be much more flexible rather than rigid.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:The main ability of Doll Fatality is the usage of the flexibility of puppets and using that to it's best ability. The style gives the advantage of cutting off a puppet's chakra strings in order to use certain moves such as rapid flailing of arms. While one wouldn't be able to control the puppet without the chakra strings, they're able to use force, velocity and momentum to achieve the moves wanted using this technique. For example, launching a puppet with proper trajectory and speed while letting it go at the right time to use it as a projectile. Another use may be rapidly pulling back a puppet's arm and letting it go to use momentum for it to be a flailing weapon of sorts. It's moreso an advanced style of puppetry which also utilizes Taijutsu and Kenjutsu, due to the physical blows of puppets.

Additional Effects: The user of the style becomes more flexible with puppets, enabling faster control over them. The technique also practices a lot of flowing movements using the chakra strings, so using the style, a higher transition rate between the techniques and other movements such as hand seals is achieved.

Restrictions: Using the style requires full concentration over puppets, and a synchronization with one's puppet. Unless the user is Kankuro, Sasori or Chiyo (in which they can use Karasu, Sasori's Parents etc.), the puppet must belong to one's self (custom). Also the user must have a mastery over puppetry to use this style. Additionally, this can only be used with puppets which are outside of the user, so it cannot be used with puppets which are used like armor, or if someone turned themself into a puppet, such as Hiruko and Sasori as himself.

Video to further explain momentum and the style I wish to aim for.

Note: It's only the first bit with Naruto, how he throws his Shadow Clones. In a similar fashion, one could release chakra strings while the puppet is moving at a high speed to act as a projectile.

±± Pending ±± Provide me with an example technique of this and its use.
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Active member
Apr 15, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Genkoutsu Kamakiri | The Mantis Fist

Type: Taijutsu
Background:The Mantis Fist is a taijustu style that invovles the user striking the enemy with one or more of their fingers in rapid succesion in specific places alternating between hands for each strike . While striking the enemy, the user focus's a large amount of Raiton or Katon chakra on the tops of their fingers and when they strike the enemy, they allow the chakra to penetrate into the enemies body, however even though it is a very pinpoint strike done with the finger tips, its effects are devestating as when the user makes contact with the opponent, they insert their chakra into the opponents body, the chakra ripples outwards and in the direction of the original strike, much like when a pebble is dropped into a shallow pond and the water around it is disturbed and ripples outwards. The effects of the Mantis Fist can be increased further by striking certain spots on the body, such as pressure points or nerve endings.
When this is done with raiton chakra, the chakra will ripple outwards on impact, which may affect motor and sensory neurons with its static charges, this can cause various effects.
By using fire chakra the user can heat water present in bodies or the atmosphere causing the water to evapourate, this can be very effective as the body is made up of large sums of water and many organs rely on water present in the body

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
-Paralysation in the surronding area.
-Loss of feeling and pain in that area. The users raiton chakra's static charges are used to counter the static charges of the opponents sensory neurons, making the opponent have a loss of feeling and pain in that area, this proves disadvantageous, as damage can be done to the opponents body via a strongfist follow up without the opponent ever being aware of the effects caused(Broken ribs pierced lungs ect.)
-Heating and evapouration of water sources.

Additional effects and Restrictions: The Mantis Fist has one last ability, because of the way that the chakra is released and inserted, the non physical chakra part of the Mantis Fist does not require contact with the opponents body to work. Infact once the ripple effect is released, it can travel through mediums such as earth water and air for up to 5 inches the ripples becoming wider and affecting a larger area but becoming less potent as it reaches further from the source, much like a wave that passess through a small gap into a large area. The area covered having a diameter of 6 inches per 1 inch distance form the source.
This style of fighting is called mantis fist,since it mostly involves striking your opponent with the tip of your finger(s) in rapid succesion,and since mantis have scythe like fingers instead of hands and move in rapid ridigid jerky like motions i thought the name was befitting.
The Mantis fist contains stances that are strange and unusual,and usualy unprecidented to the enemy,making a mantis fist users movements hard to read.
-Due to the Mantis Fist involving mimicking the actual movements of a Mantis, a Mantis Fist User moves unlike any mammal with extreme precision and speed, and unlike that of a average human a mantis fist users reactions are not fueled by fear or instinct leading them to overeact and make unecesary movements but the mantis style involves the slightest movements so as to avoid things and thus avoid unnecessary reflexes making Mantis Fist users extremely effecient at dodging, and giving them room for a swift counterattack.
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Note:Anyone other than -Scaze- must be taught to use the mantis fist justu's
~Precise chakra control is needed to benifit from the full offense of the mantis fist.
~Requires the user to have mastered Taijustu/strong fist and started Raiton and Fire training
~Anyone other than -Scaze- must be Taught the Mantis Fist
~Because of the rigid jerky like motions, and the roundabout manner that Mantis Fist users use, the Mantis Fist and its techniques cannot be predicted by 2T Sharingan and lower, with some of the more draining Mantis fist jutsu being unpredictable even by 3T.(Will be noted underneath Mantis Fist Jutsu)
~Mantis Fist users are also exceptionally Agile.

±± Declined ±± First thing the back ground isn't the background but rather how the style works. So you need to come up with a background and pass all of that into the description of the abilities of the style. The sharingan part is overpowered. That would mean no one could defend or react against a move of that style. Take that out. Also the part about reflexes and speed needs to be translated into short topics that every Mantis Fist will be able to have
Genkoutsu Kamakiri | The Mantis Fist

Type: Nin-Taijutsu
Background: The Mantis fist was developed long ago by a man who constantly found that in fights his movements were to easy to read, and became predictable and easy to dodge since he often swung too wide or in a pattern, also he found that upon dodging he would often lose his footing or simply leave himself open for a quick follow up due to the fact that his movements were not controlled enough, they were to bodaucious, too outgoing, they were overeactions. After learning this and trying to learn from several great teachers whom he all failed, the man turned to nature, hoping that it would provide the answers he needed. Indeed it did, the man soon came across a Mantis, and upon seeing its rigid jerky movements, movements that were precise and were always in for the kill, seeing how controlled and meaningfull each of the Mantis's movements were, the man started to study the Mantis, mimicking its movements. This birthed a new Taijutsu, the Mantis fist, however it still was not complete, although it granted the user the means of great physical control being able to dodge attacks taking the easiest least time consuming route possible, and only making the movements that were absolutely needed leaving very little room for openings and allowing quick controlled yet rigd and inhumane like conterstrikes that were so bizzare that it usually forced for the opponent to block through the use of reactions or dodge through the use of instinct rather than dodging by predicting the path of trajectory and also the fact that its prowess was equal to that of a punch if not greater, but due to the force being applied to a smaller area than a punch its effects where more devastating. Eventually after several years of wandering, passing down this way of fighting to many students, he came across a certain teenager, after learning the Mantis Fist, the man was able to identify with it, and soon added the use of chakra to the Mantis Fist, completing the art, or so he thought...

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
The Mantis Fist is a taijustu style that invovles the user striking the enemy with one or more of their fingers in rapid succesion in specific places alternating between hands for each strike the speed of hand movements rivaling that of the gentle fist . While striking the enemy, the user focus's a large amount of Raiton or Katon chakra on the tops of their fingers and when they strike the enemy, they allow the chakra to penetrate into the enemies body, however even though it is a very pinpoint strike done with the finger tips, its effects are devestating as when the user makes contact with the opponent, they insert their chakra into the opponents body, the chakra ripples outwards and in the direction of the original strike, much like when a pebble is dropped into a shallow pond and the water around it is disturbed and ripples outwards. The effects of the Mantis Fist can be increased further by striking certain spots on the body, such as pressure points or nerve endings.
When this is done with raiton chakra, the chakra will ripple outwards on impact, which may affect motor and sensory neurons with its static charges, this can cause various effects.
By using fire chakra the user can heat water present in bodies or the atmosphere causing the water to evapourate, this can be very effective as the body is made up of large sums of water and many organs rely on water present in the body

-Paralysation in the surronding area due to muscle contraction, similar to that of chidori Nagashi.
-Loss of feeling and pain in that area. The users raiton chakra's static charges are used to counter the static charges of the opponents sensory neurons, making the opponent have a loss of feeling and pain in that area, this proves disadvantageous, as damage can be done to the opponents body via a strongfist follow up without the opponent ever being aware of the effects caused(Broken ribs pierced lungs ect.)
-Heating and evapouration of water sources.
-Burning of Skin.

Additional effects and Restrictions: The Mantis Fist has one last ability, because of the way that the chakra is released and inserted, the non physical chakra part of the Mantis Fist does not require contact with the opponents body to work. Infact once the ripple effect is released, it can travel through mediums such as earth water and air for up to 5 inches the ripples becoming wider and affecting a larger area but becoming less potent as it reaches further from the source, much like a wave that passess through a small gap into a large area. The area covered having a diameter of 6 inches per 1 inch distance form the source.
This style of fighting is called mantis fist,since it mostly involves striking your opponent with the tip of your finger(s) in rapid succesion,and since mantis have scythe like fingers instead of hands and move in rapid ridigid jerky like motions i thought the name was befitting.
The Mantis fist contains stances that are strange and unusual,and usualy unprecidented to the enemy,making a mantis fist users movements hard to read.
-Due to the Mantis Fist involving mimicking the actual movements of a Mantis, a Mantis Fist User moves unlike any mammal with extreme precision and speed, and unlike that of a average human a mantis fist users reactions are not fueled by fear or instinct leading them to overeact and make unecesary movements but the mantis style involves the slightest movements so as to avoid things and thus avoid unnecessary reflexes making Mantis Fist users extremely effecient at dodging, and giving them room for a swift counterattack.
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Note:Anyone other than -Scaze- must be taught to use the mantis fist justu's
~Precise chakra control is needed to benifit from the full offense of the mantis fist.
~Requires the user to have mastered Taijustu/strong fist and started Raiton and Fire training
~Anyone other than -Scaze- must be Taught the Mantis Fist

The first bolded bit is new as a background.
The second bolded bit has just been moved from the background to the effects.
Removed the sharingan part and re-worded some of the ~ Sentences.

±± Declined ±± for being banned
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Professor Sarutobi

Active member
Dec 12, 2010
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Kiba Hebi Kata:Fanged Snake Style
Type: (Nin)Taijutsu/Kenjutsu
After traveling the world for many years and watching the animals of the land a reknown taijutsu master observed the movements and attacks of snakes against other animals of the land. 2 snakes in particular caught his attention, the Viper and the Constrictor.
The Viper, with its ability to strike with great speed and inject deadly venom to bring down animals much larger then itself in self-defence.
The Constrictor caught his attention by binding the prey with its own body. its large, powerful body overwhelmed other animals as the snake crushed them.
Using these 2 snakes the ninja created a new taijutsu style, using the Viper as the base for his offensive techniques and the Constrictor for his defensive techniques. Overall this style is for self-defense, just like the real snakes the Snake stylist is taught to only strike when nessicary and to not start pointless violence.
This style is based upon speed. With extremely fast arm based attacks that mirror the natural movements of the snake's body. The fighter's body must remain strong and supple as it represents the snake itself during attack. The fist acts as the snake's head, the fingers are the snake's tongue and the legs mimic the snake's tail. The master of this style claimed that adopting the fluidity of snakes allows him to entwine the opponent in defense and strike them from angles they wouldn't expect in offense. Snake style especially lends itself to applications with swords (such as the )
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
Snake techniques focus on two elements.
1.Precision striking to soft targets to symbolize the fangs of a snake.
2. limb wrapping to symbolize the constrictor.

Rather than fist strikes, fingertips and palms will strike with a variety of force at the eyes, throat and groin. Due to the serious nature of hitting such targets the snake-stylist should practice remaining calm and peaceful in the face of adversity in an effort to avoid fighting altogether unless the situation warrants such defensive actions.

The Constrictor Style
wraps up and grapples with an opponent, relying on strength and connectedness with the ground to make the techniques work.
-A snake practitioner, to defend from arm-based strikes, traps the wrist and forearm of his opponent. From this position, he will strike the trapped arm just behind the elbow. Depending on how he delivers that strike, this move can take down, control, cause pain to, or break the opponent. This is a basic constrictor technique, wrapping up the opponent's arm and using leg position to deliver the most powerful and appropriate attack to the vulnerable elbow.
-In close fighting with a leg-based fighter, a constrictor stylist might step between his opponent's leg to crowd his space and upset his balance. From there, he can wrap his leg around his opponent, much like a python coiling around prey. This leg check has many variations, aiming for a range of outcomes from unbalancing an opponent, immobilizing him, tripping or trapping and breaking the ankle.
The Viper Style mimics the striking of poisonous snakes, represented in humans by speed and precise delivery of special hand forms that penetrate and damage an opponent

-The eye thrust is a simple viper technique, relying on accuracy and fast delivery not only to injure the opponent but to protect the striking hand from injuring itself. To deliver an eye thrust, the snake stylist extends one or two fingers -- sometimes supported by half-extending other fingers -- and stabs it into his opponent's eye. Thrown too slow, a natural flinch reflex will pull the target eye out of range. Done inaccurately, the stylist will jam his own finger on his opponent's face or forehead
-Pressure points are areas of the body that can cause disproportionate pain or disability as compared to how hard you hit them. The "funny bone" area is perhaps the best-known example. Even a light rap there can numb the arm and cause severe pain. Snake stylists use the viper aspect to strike pressure points with hand forms that minimize the surface area that strikes -- allowing increased penetration and delivery of maximum force.
Only basic pressure points known to most can be struck unless the user has medical training for example the temples, the kidneys, the elbow and the neck. Overall the point is to strike soft parts of the body to inflict maximum amounts of pain in small areas.
Distinguished by circular movement when delivering parries and attacks, fanged snake style employs an upright, mobile stance as opposed to the horse stance used by most other styles. This mobile stance enables quick advances and sidestepping. Since snake stylists are taught to spring from rest to full attack, they do not use preparatory stances. Snake stylists rely on rapid, alternating jabs as well as bobbing and weaving to evade counterattacks.
To enhance the speed of their jabs Snake users will have weights attached to their forearms during training and can keep them attached to hide their true striking speeds. Slower taijutsu users can train with leg weights on as well but as this is not needed for the most part only users who specalize in the Constrictor Style use them to strengthen the leg muscles and allow for faster wrapping of limbs.

-Snake Style and sword use
The weilding short bladed swords such as the Jian (linked to above) or Ninjato is done when the Snake Stylist can no longer attack the soft spots of the body and must increase their striking power past that of the fangs. Using the same stance as before but weilding the sword in their striking hand the user combines their speed,agility and already increased arm speed to stab the tip of the blade into their target. The sword can be then left in to act as "venom" if the sword is no longer needed to fight or can be pulled out for another stab.
Typically after inbedding the sword into their target (if the sword is no longer needed to strike) the user will utilize the Constrictor Style as the pain from the sword weakens their opponent the constrictor style allows them to immobilize the rest of the body or perform a strangling technique, shortening the breath, increasing the target's panic and cutting off oxygen to the brain.
-The Viper Style is often enhanced with "Fangs" made of condensed chakra on the user's fingertips or palms to pierce chakra-made defences or clash with chakra enhanced weapons. These fangs can be made of normal or elemental chakra, and if the user has certain KGs that allow for control of a unique element that too may be made into "Fangs"
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-The Constritor Style can be enhanced with proper chakra control to the limbs to strengthen the muscles, allowing for control over larger and stronger opponents which is often as Snake stylists are useually small in size. This lets users constrict opponents up to two rank higher then themselves.
-Additional effects and Restrictions:
Users, after many years of practicing Fanged Snake Style obtain a high level of breath control, improved reflexes, flexability and overall calmness while in dangerous situations.
-Users either carry weapons or have seals that contain weapons on them in order to utilize the swordplay aspect of this style in which the blade becomes the striking point instead of the fingers. Nessicary for armed combat or piercing harder points such as armor when eyes and other soft targets are too well protected to reach with your fingers.
-Only taught by Professor Sarutobi.
-User must be trained in Taijutsu to learn

±± Declined ±± how is this special and how does this translate into nintaijutsu or ninkenjutsu? I fail to see how this is special.
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Active member
Oct 14, 2009
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Oni-Kemuri Kobushi/ Demonic Smoke Fist
Type: NinTaijutsu
This form of Nintaijutsu, was developed by Otagakure, as a unique form of nin-taijutsu to compete with strong opposition to Orichimaru's will. Unfortunately the users of the form were all used a test subjects and subsequently died as result of the Curse Mark. However, the style and form was accurately recorded on Scrolls that were then scattered among the Ninja world. Once a lone ninja found one of the scrolls, and went on a search for the rest of the scrolls, finding all 27 verses of the Form.
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
Using this unique form of nintaijutsu, the user emulates the form of smoke, uniquely flowing his/her moves together in a calm, cool manner. Utilizing Smoke devices, the user is able to confuse the opponent, materializing fists, legs, etc from the smoke being used, overwhelming the opponent with quick and destructive blows, whilst lowering the opponent's vision and endurance as the opponent inhales the smoke. The user uses chakra control and advanced manipulation to control the smoke in such a way to keep the opponent at bay. This smoke also acts as a form of evasion, making it difficult to pinpoint the user's exact body location in the smoke. Extremely advanced users of the form seemingly take on the very appearance of smoke, confounding opponents and making the user extremely evasive. Due to the very nature of smoke, the user becomes very durable, taking in physical attacks and dispersing the impact throughout the smoke around them, allowing the user to have abnormally high physical endurance. The User is also has an extremely heightened sense of hearing, seeing that they cannot see through smoke, and reflexes matching that due to training in zero visibility situations with the smoke, relying on hearing and their reflexes alone to compensate for zero visibility.
Additional effects and Restrictions:
-Only Smoke users of Sannin rank may use this Form.
-The Visibility of both parties is restricted, causing the user to need to know the opponents exact location to be effective
-Users have a higher endurance from blunt force, allowing the user to take on full body blows that would normally incapacitate a normal ninja
-Users have higher senses of hearing, allowing them to hear a ninjas movements by closing their eyes.
-Users have much faster reflexes than usual, allowing them to react to situations that require split second movements. (Cannot use this to avoid a jutsu must be a practical response)
-The user is considered an Advanced User after passing a battle test given by Icemyster.
-Without the User's gas mask,the user is breathing in the smoke more-so than the opponent, causing the user to pass out due to his close proximity to the smoke.
-The User can only use smoke nintaijutsu while in effect due to the advanced concentration of chakra manipulation to use this Form. Usage of anything else will cause the user to lose control of the smoke and it will harmlessly flow off like normal smoke would due to wind jutsu

±± Declined ±± Well, this has potencial, but i don't see how exactly can you call this Nintaijutsu. It fails in the Taijutsu part. If you use smoke only to confuse then all of this can be achieved through Cjs. However, i must tell you (even if i can't give the details) that there is a very very very awesome way to combine Smoke with Taijutsu.

Maimu-Dashimono/Mime Performance
Type: Nin/Genjutsu
After studying street mimes, this fighting style was construed by Ninja from Kumogakure. The illusions given by them inspired the fighting style of imitation. The ninja noted that if the illusions could be included in fighting against other nations, they could gain an un-usual advantage in battle by means of peculiar chakra control and illusions.
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
The use of this style relies on great chakra control, and illusions to confound the opponent and keep them at bay. Using a very clear like chakra, the user can create objects that the opponent can barely see. The Components are as follows.
-Chakra Mimicry: The user creates small to large almost transparent chakra objects. For instance, the user swings his or her arms in the same motion as throwing kunai, actually creating small chakra projectiles with the same properties as a normal kunai. Or the most noted Mime wall, where the user places his/her hands out like they are touching an actual wall, and the user's chakra takes the form of a transparent wall.
-Illusion Mimicry: The user places the opponent in a genjutsu by using the mime art to simulate situations where movement or pain would ensue, for example the user imitates throwing a rope around the opponent around the opponent, the opponent sees this and begins to feel as if they are being pulled in.

Using these principals the user controls his opponent, using chakra manipulation, control, and genjutsu to force the opponent into submission.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-The user Must be at least Sannin rank to have the amount of chakra control used to manipulate his/her chakra into the transparent shapes.
-The user cannot use both forms of this style within the same turn.
-The user cannot use another jutsu while using his shape manipulation due to the amount of focus being used
-The Users of this form have exceptional knowledge of Genjutsu, allowing them to quickly identify reality
-The "Transparent" chakra used by the user is visible at short range if within the opponent's range of vision

±± Declined ±± How is this a CFS? Were is the close quarter combat part? This seems like a specialized way to produce objects out of chakra that mimic real objects. Which isn't even Genjutsu.
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U chris

Active member
May 8, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Buraindo-Sentou (Blind Combat)
Type: Taijutsu
Background: This fighting style originated from blind sword style, which was used by samuraisby cutting off their visions to enhance their other senses. It has the same principles as the blind sword style except for a few differeces. they are:
-Using of weapons is forbidden for Buraindo-Senptou users
-Buraindo-sentou is based mainly on speed and strength
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: The buraindo-sentou style cuts off the vision thus enhances the other senses to a whole new level. With all the other senses enhanced, it allows the user to easily evade most of the opponents attacks. Due to the training needed to master the Buraindo-Sentou style, the speed and strength of the user must be at a high level.
The buraindo-sentou makes use of all martial art forms of fighting, such as boxing, knee-tai fighting, muay thai, kung fu, Brazilian jiu jutsu, krav maga, karate, the legendary bushido style (which was created by the legendary Bushido Brown) e.t.c
Additional effects and Restrictions:
-This style was created by U Chris and can be used by only U Chris
-It can only be taught by U Chris
-It can only be trained to people who have mastered all the forms of fighting syles that can be taught it

±± Declined ±± You aren't S-Class
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Sage of Snakes
Apr 25, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

(Sǐshén liándāo yìshù) Reaper Scythe Arts
Type: Kenjutsu
Background: The Reaper Scythe Arts was a weapon style made by ~Johninto~ which utilizes using a scythe. His studying of The Grim Reaper using a scythe to claim victims made Johninto study this art. After obtaining many scythes and training to mix it with chakra Johninto made the Reaper Scythe Arts. This technique gave him the ability to mix chakra with scythes to allow him to claim victims fast like the Grim Reaper.
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: This style involves using a scythe and mixing chakra and elemental chakra to make slashes more painful and faster. This also allows the user to use a scythe at long range even while dual wielding.
Additional effects and Restrictions:
-Masters of this Art can use 2 Scythes at great speed and accurately.
-They can mix any elemental chakra with there scythes.
-Bio must have at least one scythe.
-Has to be taught by a Reaper Scythe Art Master.

~Declined~ This is very close to approval but first I'd like you to tell me exactly how can the Scythe be used at long range? Are you talking about chakra related techniques that you release? Or possibly a chain that is attached to the Scythe that enables you swing it that far? Just minor details ^_^
(Sǐshén liándāo yìshù) Reaper Scythe Arts
Type: Kenjutsu
Background: The Reaper Scythe Arts was a weapon style made by ~Johninto~ which utilizes using a scythe. His studying of The Grim Reaper using a scythe to claim victims made Johninto study this art. After obtaining many scythes and training to mix it with chakra Johninto made the Reaper Scythe Arts. This technique gave him the ability to mix chakra with scythes to allow him to claim victims fast like the Grim Reaper.
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: This style involves using a scythe and mixing chakra and elemental chakra to make slashes more painful and faster. This also allows the user to use a scythe at long range even while dual wielding by having a chain attached to the scythes.

The user can also infuse the scythes with elemental chakras to achieve a multitude of effects from enhancing its damage to enhancing its length.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-Masters of this Art can use 2 Scythes at great speed and accurately.
-Bio must have at least one scythe.
-Has to be taught by a Reaper Scythe Art Master.

P a t e n t C e r t i f i c a t e

~Johinto~, our loyal member, gave on the 12th of March 2012 a request for a Patent on custom fighting style (Sǐshén liándāo yìshù) Reaper Scythe Arts. I, Scorps of the Custom Fighting Style Bureau, by the power invested in me by Nexus, after reading the submission, have decided that the submitted style satisfies all requirements, and am therefore giving him rightfully earned patent on this style by the following;​

(Sǐshén liándāo yìshù) Reaper Scythe Arts
Powered by Scorps
Copyright 2012, ~Johinto~ , NarutoBase.net

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Note: the elemental infusions and such are things you'll submit as techniques.
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Active member
Apr 29, 2008
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Muttsu no pasu no hōhō - The way of the six paths
Type: nin-taijutsu and nin-kenjutsu
Background: Taijutsu/kenjutsu based on awaking every elemental nature a person may have to increase the speed and physical strenght of one self. Based on the probable teaching of the sage of six paths of using every element to create a powerful being, the user will be able to attain a sample (based on the level of the user) of the sages power in taijutsu for a period of time. Its similar to awaking the gates or entering sage mode but the only exception is that the user will not be able to preform any elemental ninjutsu during this fightning style.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
This form of fightning style works efficient with the muay thai and Bokator combinations. due to the different types of elemental charkra flowing through the body the movement of the techniques and power will increase to a point that getting hit one attack would destory the body from the inside (depending on the type of technique and rank). The upside of using this fightning style, the user's skin will densed so that incoming attacks wouldn't effect him/ her that much but the user cannot handle getting hit to often because it will cause the user's skin tear appart if he de activate this style or remains active for too long.

The element need to unlock this fightning style and its effects on the human body
Wind- to cool the body and to help the increase damage by blasting the target away on impact
Water- to cool the body and to help with the flexiability of the body
Fire- The most important element... this element increase the user's body temperate but it gives an explosive damage to the target causing burns like the target was hit by a fire ball
Lightning- to Increase the speed of the user and to stun the target's nervous system
earth- for defence and density
ying & yang- the most vital part of this style,this balance all these elements so that it can be use prefectly when its needed.
example- when attacking, more fire, wind and lightning chakra with a dash of earth chakra will flow through out the body to increase the attack, speed and density. the remaining elements will remain the same low level through out the body

when resting, more water and wind chakra will flow through out the body inorder to cool the user so the user wont over heat from attacking too much. The rest of the elements will remain at the same low level through out the body.

when defending, more earth chakra will flow thorugh out the body and it will slow down the user

when evaiding, more water and lightning chakra will through out the body but attacking this period will not cause that much of damage to the target... it will have the same damage cost as a regular person.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
Due to the strain of using the style, the user will not be able to perform any elemental jutsus and after de-activating it... the user will be extremely fatigue similar to the effects of using the gates
The style cannot be activated again in the same battle... only a one time activation
yes there will be levels just like gates but it will be slightly different, with each level having its own side effect

±± Declined ±± The idea is too broad. I can't allow you to patent all 5 elemental nintaijutsu. Also, you need to think about it practically. You are trying to patent Nintaijutsu, basically the mix between taijutsu and ninjutsu. So, you need to explain how you achieve this in a way that hasn't been done before. Lighting is already a cannon Ninjutsu used by the Raikages. Also, i can't allow you to manipulate simultaneous elements at once in a nintaijutsu. Its too OP.
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Active member
Apr 15, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Dunno yet ~.~
Type:NinTai| Inuzuka

Background: After mastering the Inuzuka clan techniques, Tsuna found that there was something missing, at first he hadn't a clue what, but after journying far and wide, he soon came across the answer. The inuzuka techniques didn't quite have the devestating full beast like strength of a wolf, yet at the same time relied on the beast like Instincts to a extent that it became intoxicating to the user, and in effect, was wild and untamed, unconcentrated. It lacked the precision and thought that was gained from a sentient human mind, and also didn't take much advantage of chakra control. Tsuna realised that it was imperfect, and thus searched and trained for a solution which he eventually found. He managed to obtain harmony between the five aspects that both Animal and Humans had that would be beneficial for fighting. Precision and clarity of thought, Instinct and the raw intent to kill, using chakra and elemental chakra effectively for enhancement or Wolf-Ninjutsu, the raw strength and speed of a beast, and the advanced beast senses. Like the standard Inuzuka techniques, this style required the user to first change and enhance themselves through the use of chakra, the result, was being a fericous both bipedal and quadpedal animal that stood over 6ft tall on two legs being covered in fur and having a thick hide, large fangs that bared over the users bottom jaw with the nose and below of the face being a wolf like snout slightly shallower than normal, having claws that instead of being extended nails, are actualy fingers tapered and elongated to a sharp point at the fingers upper quater and being as hard as carbon and stronger than steel, having a fairly long tail that drooped down onto the floor spreading a foot or so behind regardless of being in a bipedal or quadpedal state, and through this the user retained clarity of thought to use their strength and chakra to the best of their advantage, yet also held the 6th sense present in dogs and wolves alike. Instinct. However it still was not finished, after spending weeks on end meditating with his Ninken Lycoan and allowing their personalities and their very existance to flow into eachother through their "bond", and through much severe training, Lycoan became adept in the use of... aswell, and Tsuna was enhanced further, the technique was finally perfected.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:After changing their body to the advanced Wolf-Ninja state, the user gains access to immense above human strength and speed while retaining the clarity of thought to use this strength, appearance and limbs to the best of their advantage in focused attacks rather than wild and savage ones. For example, using their tail as a whip, coating their claws with chakra while striking their claws forward to the opponents heart, piercing through with their inhumane strength. They also keep hold of what Instinct that lurks within most wolves and dogs, the same instinct that tells dogs when a storm is approaching or some sort of maleveount evil. Being able to harness this Instinct and apply it better to their fighting style through the use of chakra, the real advantage of this state however, is how the user is able to use their chakra and elemental chakra along with their beast like state much like a extension of their body, for instance coating thier claws with their chakra and slashing their claws forwards, the chakra on their claws extending forwards as they slash into long chakra blades creating a attack that can reach further than short range. Or by roaring and using their chakra to enhance the rawr creating a shockwave of energy that is sent blasting towards the enemy. Or even by coating their body with elemental chakra auras as they preform Gatsuuga and its variants resulting in them being able to drill through things over than rock. Furthermore after learning and gaining acces to this state, the user overall grows closer to nature, being able to call upon animals for help in a similar way to Juugo, and grow life long attachments to animals other than their Ninken which can then be used to further benifit the user.

Additional effects and Restrictions: During the state that is the foundation for all.... techniques, the users speed and strength is enhanced greatly aswell as their five senses past the limits of that of a standard Ninken. Even a Taijutsu specialist and master would find it inexplicably hard to match their inhuman speed and strength.
-The users sense of smell is heightned from being that of maybe a specialist breed of dog, such as a basset hound, to the extent that their sense of smell rivals that of a bear.
-The users sense of hearing also greatly increases to the extent that their hearing would far surpass any species of cat, and also possibly even rival that of a Tawny Owls.
-Not only are the users smell and hearing enhanced, but unexpectedly the users sense of taste is also enhanced, their sense of test being roughly between a quater and a half of a catfish's
~Must have mastered Inuzuka Techniques first.
~Still editing~

±± Declined ±± For being banned
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Skye Kaguya

Active member
Oct 31, 2008
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Kouyoutsumyaku/Living Bone Pulse
Type: Taijutsu/Ninjutsu
Background: Skye Kaguya, One of the most senior members of the Kaguya clan, had a very unique parentage. His father was a high ranking member of the Kaguya elite and passed the Shikotsumyaku down to his son. His mother was a powerful kunoichi with the ability to manipulate Ice. Her physiology allowed her to take "A"(wind) and "B"(water) and meld them simultaneously in perfect balance to create "C"(Ice). While Skye has this latent ability of balance and synchronization, He was never taught ninjutsu as a child due to his fathers wishes but he was taught later, under the tutelage of Madara Uchiha. Upon mastering nature manipulation, Skye found that it was possible through concentration and training to infuse his regular Shikotsumyaku with elemental chakras each having its own effects and advantages. He also found that his recovery from using his KG became much easier.
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
Very basic to those with the ability to master it.
The user can amplify bone techniques with any element/chakra they have mastered. This can provide effects such as: Wind for improved sharpness or weight reduction; Earth for sturdier shields, and more damaging blunt blows; Lightning for added range, damage/stunning, channeling, and healing/regenerative capabilities; Fire for increased damage, etc. etc.
As with regular ninjutsu, these chakra infused attacks are more susceptible to their counterpart elements and vice versa. For example a fiery bone sword will not be very effective against a water sword but will make a wind infused sword blow up in the users face.
Another important thing to note is that while a sword infused with earth will be sturdier and provide more punishing blows, the new weight of the weapon will take its toll on your attack speed and agility.
Additional effects and Restrictions:
Probably the most beneficial effect to having attuned your body to using the Shikotsumyaku and Nature manipulation in tandem is the vast reduction in recovery time. This allows for any person who has mastered this fighting style to use any of their elemental ninjutsu in the same turn as the Shikotsumyaku was active without fear of negative side effects.
Requires: At least S Rank Ninja, 1-on-1 training by a master of the art, Kaguya Clan(obi).

±± Declined ±± Hum...explain the underlined parts. Also, when you resubmit please give me an example of 2 techniques for this.
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Apr 21, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Danshingu Genkotsu | Dancing Fist
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Type: NinTaijutsu
Background: Dancing Fist is a very dangerous and difficult martial arts was originally created and used by the senior members.It is created after months of meditating and training on taijutsu as it's very difficult to control their fists while the chakra is flowing on their fists.This style of fighting allows the senior member and the taijutsu master to combine their fists moves with their elemental chakra with ballet dancing which cause their fist to be stronger and also the chakra will cause their nails to grow fastly in innormal state and cause the fists to be very strong and in the same time makes their nails very sharp just like blades.Also the ballet moves allows the ninjas to move with irregular moves allowing them to escape from the opponent moves and in the same time create unexpected attacks.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: The user will channel their elemental chakra to their fists and by using their chakra that is on their fists they cause there hand to be very strong and in the same time cause their nails to be sharp and by combing that with the ballet move the user is able to attack the opponent with unexpected attacks and also escape from taijutsu/kenjutsu attacks.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
- Must master Taijutsu
- The user won't be able to attack with their leg while fighting with their fists
- Must master Kaito's Taijutsu
- Must master all of the basics techniques.
- If the user is From Iwagakure his pushes and kicks become stronger and his body become really strong due to the exhausting training in Iwa.
- Hand Movement's speed is ✖ 2

±± Declined ±± Do not resubmit. I don't know were to start with this one... Perhaps the fact that this is just too broad and ill explained to ever be approved.
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Professor Sarutobi

Active member
Dec 12, 2010
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Ryuuchou Kawazoi Ryuujoukohaku -Flowing River of Fierce Fighting
Type: Taijutsu
Background: Developed by the Hozuki clan to combat the taijutsu clans of konohagakure, this style of fighting allows inhuman methods of fighting by combining the hydrification technique with taijutsu training, allowing the users to quickly turn parts of their body to water allowing them to dodge or attack in unique ways. It has been said masters of the Ryuuchou Kawazoi Ryuujoukohaku have battled for weeks without either of them landing a blow or showing signs of fatigue.
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: The user combines the hydrification technique and taijutsu to enhance their blows's by focusing moisture into the main muscles for the attacks, turn joints and muscles into water to allow for unique ways of dodging (turn your spine or knees or neck into water on the inside for bending far beyond a human body. It can also grant the user much more stamina by diluting the acid that builds up in muscles with more water, letting them fight at full tilt for days.
Additional effects and Restrictions:
-The user will be very slow to use other elements to fight because of the heavy focus on water and taijutsu.
-Can't use kaito's tai that utilizes an element other then water the same turn a move from this style is used.
-Requires training by Professor Sarutobi to use.
-Can only be used by Hozuki Clansmen who have mastered Water Release and Taijutsu
-Masters of this style will be able to use water release in general much quicker as it is a fundamental part of performing Flowing River of Fierce Fighting techniques.
-Users can push their bodies to their limits constantly with help from the stamina increasing ability letting them train for days at a time, with this training regime the users can perform normal taijutsu and Kenjutsu with more speed and power.

±± Declined ±± From what we've see with the hydration technique, it boosts physical strength and not speed. The user increases their muscle size through the unique ability they have of changing their body to water, reshaping it and increasing it in size by inserting more water and water chakra within the muscles. However, your description of its workings is a bit off. The part about transforming the bones into water to gain flexibility and such isn't correct. Make this style have great strength and stamina as well and endurance to pain and physical blows above average with below average or average speed (all of these when compared with a normal Strong Fist Master).

Ryuuchou Kawazoi Ryuujoukohaku -Flowing River of Fierce Fighting
Type: Taijutsu
Background: Developed by the Hozuki clan to combat the taijutsu clans of konohagakure, this style of fighting is based on the combining of the hydrification technique with taijutsu training. It has been said masters of the Ryuuchou Kawazoi Ryuujoukohaku have battled for weeks without either of them giving in or showing signs of fatigue.
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: The user combines the hydrification technique and taijutsu to enhance their blows's by focusing moisture and water chakra into the main muscles for the attacks, enlarging the muscles allows for a boost in natural stamina as well as a higher tolerance to pain. It can also grant the user additional stamina by diluting the acid that builds up in muscles with more water, letting them fight at full tilt for days.
Additional effects and Restrictions:
-The user will be very slow to use other elements to fight because of the heavy focus on water and taijutsu.
-Can't use kaito's tai that utilizes an element other then water the same turn a move from this style is used.
-Requires training by Professor Sarutobi to use.
-Can only be used by Hozuki Clansmen who have mastered Water Release and Taijutsu
-Masters of this style will be able to use water release in general much quicker as it is a fundamental part of performing Flowing River of Fierce Fighting techniques.
-Users can push their bodies to their limits constantly with help from the stamina increasing ability letting them train for days at a time, with this training regime the user gains great strength and stamina as well as endurance to pain and physical blows above average to that of Strong Fist masters.
- The user only has average speed when compared with a normal Strong Fist Master despite their increase in physical strength.
-The master of this style has an above average tolerance to pain.

P a t e n t C e r t i f i c a t e

Professor Sarutobi, our loyal member, gave on the 13th of March 2012 a request for a Patent on custom fighting style (Ryuuchou Kawazoi Ryuujoukohaku) Flowing River of Fierce Fighting. I, Scorps of the Custom Fighting Style Bureau, by the power invested in me by Nexus, after reading the submission, have decided that the submitted style satisfies all requirements, and am therefore giving him rightfully earned patent on this style by the following;​

Ryuuchou Kawazoi Ryuujoukohaku | Flowing River of Fierce Fighting
Powered by Scorps
Copyright 2012, Professor Sarutobi, NarutoBase.net

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Note: Because of the special abilities of the Hozuki Clan, this doesn't stop other members from submitting close combat Hozuki techniques as long as they don't clash with yours.
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Aug 17, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

(Akuma Homura) Satan’s Flame
Type: NinTaijutsu
Background: During the reign of Tobirama Senju the Second Hokage, members of the Uchiha clan began growing increasingly jealous (for lack of a better word) of the Taijutsu prowess of Konoha’s own Hyuuga clan. Their Gentle Fist style and Doujutsu showed exceptional capability, and this truck fear into the hearts of the proud Uchiha clan. With fear on their hearts that they, the great Uchiha clan of the Leaf would soon be overshadowed by the lesser Hyuuga, they began developing their own fighting style to combat the Gentle Fist. This fighting style included the use of the fire element, which they were known to have exceptional mastery over, earning it the title of NinTaijutsu. The new fighting style allowed those of the Uchiha clan to coat their own bodies in protective “blankets” of fire chakra in order to defend from the close range attacks of those their enemies. As it served as a powerful defense, it also serves as a hot offense.

Although it was originally meant to stay within the Uchiha clan, on one unfortunate night, a member of the clan was stolen away from his home, by shinobi from Kumogakure in an attempt to steal the Sharingan. The kidnapped clansmen fought hard, defeating many of the shinobi with this fighting style, which they have never been exposed to and therefore were unable to effectively defend. Before being overwhelmed by sheer numbers and being captured, the shinobi of the leaf committed suicide in order to protect the style, and the Sharingan from falling into enemy hands (He destroyed his Sharingan as well). Several years later, the Uchiha clan was massacred and thought to be gone along with their style, but this was not the case. Few members of Konoha still use the style, having been taught by their former allies, the Uchiha (Before their elimination of course). The style is now only passed on to those who are deemed worthy and taught by a master of the style.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: The style allows one to focus fire element chakra to certain body parts, and even in some cases the entire body, in order to deliver heat damage on impact with a target. The use of this fire chakra will also increase the strength of ones punches and kicks. Users affected limbs will take on a slightly different appearance emitting bright red flames.

Masters of this style are capable of coating their whole bodies in fire (while leaving them unharmed) hat increases their hand to hand offensive and defensive power as well as holding the properties that allow the user to burn targets on contact.

Below is an image of what the completely developed style release would look like:

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Additional effects and Restrictions:
  • In order to maintain this technique, one must first undergo intense physical training to tone the body, as chakra control exercises.
  • One must have at least begun Fire Style Training in order to use the initial technique.
  • One must have mastered Fire and Taijutsu in order to use the complete version of the style.

P a t e n t C e r t i f i c a t e

XxFallenUchihaxX, our loyal member, gave on the 14th of March, 2012 a request for a Patent on custom fighting style (Akuma Homura) Satan’s Flame. I, Scorps of the Custom Fighting Style Bureau, by the power invested in me by Nexus, after reading the submission, have decided that the submitted style satisfies all requirements, and am therefore giving him rightfully earned patent on this style by the following;​

(Akuma Homura) Satan’s Flame
Powered by Scorps
Copyright 2012, XxFallenUchihaxX , NarutoBase.net

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Note: edited a bit to make it approvable.
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Active member
Aug 22, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Shadow Combat (Kage no Sentō)

Type: Other (Nintaijutsu?? I don't know since it use shadow chakra)

Background: This secret taijutsu style of Nara Clan was developed Nara.. who knows that the Nara members are weak at hand to hand combat. Nara.. develop the tech by learning the work of the shadow. It took 3 year for him to discover this technique. He found that by corrupting himself by the shadow, their taijutsu are enhanced. When he learns that, he runs across the field and shouted "I did it!!!". Now, he opens a dojo in his clan house and teach these combat styles

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: This ability works by molding the user's body with the shadow. With this advanced shadow tech, the shadow overwhelm one's body, adding a new layer on it. Whenever the user punch the enemy, the shadow chakra gather there, and extend the fist about a inch and improving one's range and power of punch because it has more mass which means more force. The same goes for the leg. For defensive purpose, the shadow can be extended from the user's body acting like a sharp spike which pierce through the attackers(of taijutus). The spike are strong enough to hold even a sword attack. To be brief, it is an usage of the shadow and to add a layer on the user's body (Act like another skin so that it can prevent enemy from direct contact with the user's body which mean if enemy attack the user, the attack is lessened by the shadow skin) In addition, the spike can be used for attack purpose too. When a spike is extended from the user's palm, it can pierce through enemy body too.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
- User expert in Shadow Combat can use any Shadow tech faster
- Cannot use in night time and cannot use near a huge light source
- One cannot use normal shadow techs(like Shadow Possession) if he has activated his shadow taijutsu mode
- User after activating are weak to fire attacks
- User after activating are strong against taijutsu and Kenjutsu
- User when exposure to sunlight has more power in using Shadow Combat moves
- Users need to finish Shadow Training first

Proof that the Nara Clan member can make his shadow goes up his body and to make spike from an existing shadow: Remember the part where Shikamaru fought with Tayuya? During that time, Shikamaru make his shadow goes up his body and make it strangle his finger to break the genjutsu. If the user is more expert in it, he can make the shadow goes up to full body. Shadow Sewing techniques prove that the user can make spike from his existing shadows

If this is approved, do I need to submit techs? If yes, where can I do it? Feel Free to edit things if necessary ^__^

±± Declined ±±Off course you need to submit techs. You are patenting the idea of the style. A style is not a mode. That being said, you worked this out like a Mode, which it can't be. Please reword it. Also, the restrictions...it has been said multiple times, don't add useless restrictions on things. How does this make you weak to fire? This is a NinTaijutsu. Thus, you need to make it work like that.

Shadow Combat (Kage no Sentō)

Type: Nintaijutsu

Background: This secret taijutsu style of Nara Clan was developed by who knows that the Nara members are weak at hand to hand combat. Nara.. develop the tech by learning the work of the shadow. It took 3 year for him to discover this technique. He found that by corrupting himself by the shadow, their taijutsu are enhanced. When he learns that, he runs across the field and shouted "I did it!!!". Now, he opens a dojo in his clan house and teach these combat styles

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: This ability works by molding the user's body with the shadow. With this advanced shadow tech, the shadow overwhelm one's body, adding a new layer on it. Whenever the user punch the enemy, the shadow chakra gather there, and extend the fist about a inch and improving one's range and power of punch because it has more mass which means more force. The same goes for the leg. For defensive purpose, the shadow can be extended from the user's body acting like a sharp spike which pierce through the attackers(of taijutus). The spike are strong enough to hold even a sword attack. To be brief, it is an usage of the shadow and to add a layer on the user's body (Act like another skin so that it can prevent enemy from direct contact with the user's body which mean if enemy attack the user, the attack is lessened by the shadow skin) In addition, the spike can be used for attack purpose too. When a spike is extended from the user's palm, it can pierce through enemy body too.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
- User expert in Shadow Combat can use any Shadow tech faster
- Cannot use in night time and cannot use near a huge light source
- User when exposure to sunlight has more damage in using Shadow Combat moves
- Users need to finish Shadow Training first
- All Rei's restrictions applied: [ ]

Proof that the Nara Clan member can make his shadow goes up his body and to make spike from an existing shadow: Remember the part where Shikamaru fought with Tayuya? During that time, Shikamaru make his shadow goes up his body and make it strangle his finger to break the genjutsu. If the user is more expert in it, he can make the shadow goes up to full body. Shadow Sewing techniques prove that the user can make spike from his existing shadows

I remove unnecessary restrictions so that it will not looks like a mode but a fighting style

P a t e n t C e r t i f i c a t e

Nara.., our loyal member, gave on the 15th of March, 2012 a request for a Patent on custom fighting style Shadow Combat (Kage no Sentō). I, Scorps of the Custom Fighting Style Bureau, by the power invested in me by Nexus, after reading the submission, have decided that the submitted style satisfies all requirements, and am therefore giving him rightfully earned patent on this style by the following;​

Shadow Combat (Kage no Sentō)
Powered by Scorps
Copyright 2012, Nara.. , NarutoBase.net

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Active member
Jun 3, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Santoryu – Three Swords Style
Type: Kenjutsu
Background: In the years of wars, ninjas developed and used many different fightning styles what are used different weapons, kunais, shurikens and even swords. Nowadays ninjas mostly relying on their elemental-ninjutsus and genjutsus without using their own strength. However a small group kept the tradition and still practicing swordsmanship in the era of ninjutsu. This group resides in the Hidden Mist Village and their most famous members are called, the Seven Ninja Swordsman of the Mist. They were not only famous but even strong too. Unfortunately all of them died, but their legend is still around and inspire the newer generation to dive in the depths of swordsmanship. One man in this new generation a young, but strong shinobi who not only aimed to be the best swordsman on the world, but in order to reach his goal, he developed his own style, named Santoryu.
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
Santoryu is a style of sword fighting that deals with the wielding of three swords one in each hand and one in the mouth. For this style the user has to possess an exceptional mastery of swordsmanship, great strength and endurance. Using 3 swords is very difficult and also has the risk, the user couldn't react in time to the incoming attacks with elemental-ninjutsus. In order to fill this hole in the style, the users learned how to sheathe and draw their swords in seconds. Master Santoryu users could do this in mere 1 second and in combat it is automatical before the use of other techniques.

This style is not only about how to wield 3 swords at the same time and swing with them randomly, but rather how to deal the most damage with the least move. That's why Santoryu users developed different techniques for the style.

Shishi Sonson:
High speed attacks with great accuracy. Shishi Sonson concentrating on killing the enemy mostly in 1 move. For this the user moves faster than he usually does and land hits before the enemy could react.

Oni Giri:
Direct hit attacks with great force. Oni Giri is the most common technique in Santoryu. The user puts more strength in his attacks than he usually does and land direct hits to crush his enemies.

Hyaku Hachi Pound Ho:
Compressed air projectile attacks with great speed and strength. Hyaku Hachi Pound Ho is the hardest technique in Santoryu. The user not only using his swords for his attacks, but at the same time he uses wind manipulation too. With this he could attack in far distances as well as in close ranges.

Because of the harsh training, Santoryu users have better knowladge in other sword styles than normal ninjas have. They are especially good in 1 and 2 swords styles as they are the basic requirements for the 3 swords style. Every Santoryu user could use his moves with less weapons at the cost of losing effectiveness. This makes the attacks more adaptable in different situations.

Nitoryu (Two Swords Style):
Instead of using 3 swords the user uses only 2 and reduce every Santoryu attack to 75%.

Ittoryu (One Sword Style):
Instead of using 3 swords the user uses only 1 and reduce every Santoryu attack to 50%.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
- +1 rank for every non Santoryu kenjutsu techniques with 2 or 1 swords
- increased strength, endurance and agility
- needs finished kenjutsu training
- needs to be at least S-Class Ninja
- can only be used or taught by Frozenstein

~Thaaaaaaaaa no, already taken by moi, thus declined (and by taken I truly mean every aspect of it)~
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Active member
Jan 15, 2009
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Yūgana ken | Graceful Fist
Type: Nin-Taijutsu.
Background: There once was a time, when there was little known about jutsu, or Kekkei Genkai. A simpler time, when most fought with their body's alone. Due to this many struggled to stay on top, creating different form's of Taijutsu. But one form stood above all, and was never defeated. This style was known as the Graceful Fist. Many relied on power, and simple physical strength. But one man realized that there was another way. A better, and more peaceful way to end a fued. Graceful Fist is purely based on patience, and striking with maximum effect. And this was the key to winning any fist fight.

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Inner working's and Movement's of the Graceful Fist style.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: The Graceful Fist style consist's of three main rule's. The first rule is to stay Patient and Calm at all time's, it is alway's the key no matter what's headed your way, breaking this rule can be fatal. The second rule is to stay fluid, a stiff fighter is alway's inacurate. And the third rule, is to strike with Maximum effect, and we will get to that in the explanation here.

Movement and Style: Graceful Fist is mainly performed with fluid movement of the body. The user will watch the opponent's every move, nothing get's past a Graceful Fist Master. You rarely block in this form of fighting, you will alway's counter. For example, if a simple quick punch is thrown, it can be blocked by simply moving the hostil fist out of the way with your wrist, this will also leave the opponent in an unstable position.

Striking with Maximum effect: Graceful Fist user's also has knowledge over every single muscle that is in the human body, thus comes the striking with maximum effect. The strike will alway's be for an important area, more likely a pressure point.
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Nin-Taijutsu related effect's: Graceful Fist user's have the ability to create small wind gust's nearby their body with simply the swipe of an open palm. This was to knock the opponent off balance, for an opening to strike with maximum effort.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
- Graceful Fist user's have great stamina. Due to you having to move at all times fluidly regarding the style, stamina is built.
- The user of Graceful fist will be able to take strong blow's, not only do you learn about pressure point's and muscular area's during the learning process, you must constantly resist these physical blow's. To be sure no Graceful fist user could really fight one another.
- A Graceful Fist user does not require handseal's to create small wind gust's.
- In The Training process, you will strike hard object's with merely a finger or two, practicing. Therefore the user's hand's and finger's will be rock hard.
- A Graceful Fist user is not as strong as a normal strong fist user, so in a pure physical match, Graceful Fist is Outmatched.
- You must be a master at the Graceful Fist to use it's wind technique.
- Must be of at least Kage rank to master the Graceful Fist.

±± Declined ±± You need to develop the Ninjutsu part of this a bit more by explaining and developing the wind effects further.
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