The Legendary Sage of Konoha; Kakashi Chronicles 3


Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
The Mysterious Mirror Element:​

Note before you begin reading: If you don't remember much of The Legendary Sage of Konoha; Kakashi Chronicles, it might be a good idea to freshen up your mind by reading chapter one and two. And one more thing - Being as the manga finally revealed that Tobi in fact isn't Uchiha Madara, I will be referring to him as Tobi from now on. So the Madara in my original FanFiction is in fact Tobi, and not Tobi who we all believed was Madara. However, I do have a twist on the Tobi-Madara relation/teamwork, that will be revealed later in one of the sequel chapters.

Link to previous chapters;

Leaping through the tree tops some hours after Kakashi, Gai, Sai and Neji had set out to track down Akashi, Pakkun suddenly stopped.

Kakashi: What is it?

Pakkun: How fast is really this guy? His speed... is he even human?

Gai: What do you mean?

Pakkun: He's already reached Kirigakure, and we're not even close to the Great Naruto Bridge yet!

Kakashi: He must have used some sort of teleportation technique or reverse summoning, don't tell me he copied Tobi's space-time jutsu?!

Sai: Who knows what he's capable to do with his mirror element. It all comes down to how many elements he's mastered. Having only one wouldn't prove much danger, but if he's mastered four elements, like you Kakashi, or even more, it looks bad already.

Neji: I do hope we will make it in time, being as he's reached Kiri, Tobi and Kabuto definitely have some scheme coming up.

Gai: I guess we need to hurry then!

The four of them were closing in on the Great Naruto bridge, but due to Akashi already having arrived in Kiri, the time wasn't on their side.

Neji: Look! it's the end of the forest!

Kakashi: Yeah I can see the bridge up ahead!

As they leaped down from the trees and onto the road, they continue straight onto the bridge, with little time to enjoy its greatness.

Sai: Wooow... this bridge is really fantastic...

Kakashi: Yeah you're right, it's no ordinary bridge at all, in fact, it might be the largest bridge in the world.

Fascinated by the construction of the bridge, they had already come halfway across when suddenly Pakkun stopped once again.

Pakkun: This is bad.

Gai: What is it?

Pakkun: The target seems to have moved yet again, but this time I sense a lot of other people surrounding him... It's like there's a crowd or something gathering.

Kakashi: Do you think something happened?

Pakkun: I'm not sure... It might have considering all the people I can sense around him.

Neji: What do you think?

Kakashi: I don't know, but this is giving me a bad hunch.

They had been running for over two hours now, and Kakashi still felt that he hadn't fully recovered from his last battle with Akashi. Suddenly he tripped and fell over, as the rest immediately halted.

Sai: Kakashi?!

Gai: Are you alright?

Kakashi: Yeah... *Pant...Pant*

He quickly rose to his feet, but had to stop for a minute to draw breath. As he did, he scanned the area as memories of old times came to mind.

Kakashi (In Thoughts): This sure takes me back... I don't think I've visited this place since I fought Zabuza, almost 20 years ago...

Right before them, they could see the end of the bridge as people on the other side were busy with their daily routines.

Neji: Are you able to continue? You should perhaps have had some medical attention first.

Kakashi: No I'm fine, just needed a moment to catch up my breath... Look, we're already in the Wave Country.

As they ran off the bridge and entered the village, Sai suddenly remembered something.

Sai: Hey... Did we think about how we're going to get across the water?

Gai: Huh?!

Neji: Well... do we have time for a boat?

Kakashi: It looks like we don't have much of a choice than crossing the water on foot.

Sai: But in this weather, it will be difficult to maintain our chakra controll as we walk on it, the waves might tumble us over.

Pakkun: ?!

Kakashi: What is it?

Pakkun: It seems like the target, after staying in one place for sometime, has moved on and met up with three other guys.

Neji: What exactly is going on? Didn't you say that he was surrounded by countless people?

Pakkun: Yeah, but it seems like he has moved on.

Gai: You're thinking what I'm thinking?

Kakashi: Something has definitely happened. We have to move now, waves or not.

They proceeded to head down to the beach. As they were right about to walk onto the water, someone called them from behind.

?: Oi, Kakashi sensei!

Kakashi: You guys?!

From behind them, eight Konoha Shinobies had caught up with them.

Gai: What are you guys doing here, Konohamaru?

Konohamaru: No time to explain, we'll let you in as we go!

Kakashi: Right.

Kakashi lifted Pakkun up and placed him on his head, as the Konoha Shinobies all went onto the water and began heading straight for Kiri...

Neji: Really?! So a war has broken out?

Konohamaru: Yep, that's what the birds from Mei and Tsunade said. It was complete chaos, nobody knew nothing about how the rest were holding up.

Sai: So the meeting was interrupted by a bomb of some sort?

Shikaku: That's right. After that, they all got split up as a large force of Zetsus emerged from the ground.

Kakashi: And what about the Shinobi army stationed in Kumo?

Konohamaru: Letters were sent out to all the villages, we can only hope the backup already have arrived.

Kiba: There's only one way to find out!

Shino: I'm sure they can hold their ground as long as Naruto is with them.

Choji: Let's hope so.

Ino: Why would they wait this long before attacking? What has been the point of their attacks on the different villages, if it only lead to this?

Kakashi: Who knows. Only one man can answer that question.

Konohamaru: Tobi...

Hinata: I just hope Naruto and the rest are okay. What if something happened to them, I can't bear the thought.

Kiba: Don't worry too much. We'll be there soon to help them out!

Tenten: What will the plan be when we get there?

Shikaku: We should perhaps split up, judging from the situation. If it's all out of control like the letter explained, our forces might be fighting everywhere. We should try and assist as many as possible.

Konohamaru: Great idea.

Gai: Not long left now, it should be right up ahead.

Kakashi: Then let's hurry!

The bad weather had caused a small storm as the waves on the water were heavily going back and forth. However, it was not enough to stop them as they finally reached the shore.

Kakashi: Alright Pakkun, lead the way!

Pakkun: Yosh!

Kakashi put Pakkun back down on the ground as he leaped ahead while the rest quickly followed. After some ten minutes, they finally reached the gate of Kiri.

Gai: This is it.

Konohamaru: Let's move!

They hurried themselves inside the main gate as they were met by a horrific view like no others. Fire and flames were erupting everywhere, as several houses were crumbling to the ground. Black smoke where rising from the ground, as cries of an uproar echoed through the sky. In the far distance, they could see several shinobies fighting as Kakashi and the rest were shocked to see what had happened.

Kakashi: I can't believe it...

Shikaku: This looks bad.

Pakkun: *Sniff...Sniff* It looks like the target is moving away from the village, further up north. It seems like he's... retreating.

Kakashi: ?!

Gai: Then what should we do?

Kakashi: We need to put our force to efficiency, me and Gai will chase down the target, while the rest of you should try to assist as many as you can.

Konohamaru: And how will we stay in contact?

Shikaku: We will have to do our best to get the situation under control first.

Konohamaru: Right... Okay; Ino, Shino, Tenten, Hinata, Choji, Kiba, Neji and Sai, you will come with us. Sai, I would have you take to the air to get an overview of the situation.

Sai: Roger.

Sai quickly formed some seals as an ink bird appeared. He jumped on it as he took off to the sky.

Kakashi: Alright... Gai, Pakkun; let's move. Whatever you do, don't take any unnecessary risks.

Konohamaru: We know.

Kakashi, Gai and Pakkun turned their eyes towards the north side of the village as they shifted focus towards trailing down their target once again.

Kakashi: How far Pakkun?

Pakkun: This is strange, the target must definitely be retreating as he's nowhere near Kiri anymore... In fact, he's closing in on the isle furthest up north in the land of Water.

Gai: What will he be doing all this way up north? You think they have some sort of hideout up there?

Kakashi: I don't know... There must be some reason behind it...
(In thought; ) 'What is it that you seek Akashi... What is your purpose... It can't just be a simple binding seal by Kabuto, there got to be some greater work at hands...'

Pakkun: The target and his company have stopped, they should be right up ahead!

Gai: Kakashi... are you ready for this? I mean, considering you're all beaten up.

Kakashi: There is no other choice. At least I have you to fight alongside me this time, old friend.

Gai: I don't like the vibe you are sending off right now. Whatever happens, we shall not falter!

Kakashi: Right!

Closer to their target than ever before, Kakashi and Gai halted deep inside the dark forest, hiding behind some bushes as they peeked forward. On the road up ahead, they spotted Akashi standing with three other men.

Gai: ?!

Kakashi: It can't be... Kabuto?!

Gai: What's he doing here? If we have to fight him too, the odds will drop tremendously.

Kakashi: Pakkun... I want you to do one last errand for me. I want you to track down Naruto and give him this.

Kakashi quickly drew up a note, as he gave it to Pakkun.

Kakashi: Then I want you to guide him here. Kabuto is definitely up to something.

Pakkun: Yosh, I'll be off then.

Kakashi: Whatever you do, do not get caught between allies and foe.

Pakkun leaped off to bring task to motion, but as he did, he accidentally broke a twig, alerting the enemy.

Gai: Shit!

Kakashi: Damn it, now we don't have any other choice.

Kabuto: Looks like we've been followed...

Kakashi and Gai emerged from the bushes as they were readying themselves for a final showdown.

Akashi: You again...

Kabuto: So you've already met... This is interesting, I guess you already know then, Kehehehe.

Kakashi: Kabuto you scum, you will pay for everything you've done.

Kabuto: Oh really now, and you think you will be able to stop me? Please, I'm far above the level I was last time we met ages ago. You two think you have what it takes to defeat me?

Ryu: Are you sure we have time for this Kabuto? I thought we had more pressing matter at hands...

Nobunaga: Yeah...

Gai: He looks more like Orochimaru than ever before.

The two sides seemed to be just about to clash, when suddenly Kabuto, Ryu and Nobunaga started backing off, much to Gai and Kakashi's surprise.

Kakashi: Where do you think you're going?! Afraid to do battle?

Kakashi lifted up his headband as his sharingan emerged from beneath it.

Kabuto: Now, now, you see... We really don't have the time to play around with you... besides, four against two doesn't seem fair. Why don't you handle them... Akashi?

Akashi suddenly started grabbing his neck in pain as a strange pattern formed from the binding seal and stretched across his body. Intense red chakra started emerging from him as he looked more evil and dangerous than ever before.

Akashi: ... Arrgh!... No problem...

He loosened his neck muscle by rapidly and roughly turning his head from side to side, as he began charging at both Kakashi and Gai with intense speed.

Gai: Look out!

Kakashi: He's fast than before!

The both of them barely dodged the attack as Kabuto, Nobunaga and Ryu began retreating deeper into the forest.

Kakashi: Damn it, what about Kabuto!!

Gai: We can't get past this one without combining our strength. We will have to deal with Kabuto later!

The two of them parried the attacks Akashi continuously threw at them as they jumped backwards to get some space. Akashi looked at them in a twisted way as he fired up a rasengan. However, unlike any other rasengan he had done before, this one looked far more dangerous and far bigger. It had a red color and resemblance the evil aura leaking out from him. Kakashi fired up a chidori, readying himself to counter.

Kakashi: This time, we fight him together.

Gai: Right, we will have to take him down before this gets any worse!

Kakashi: Here he comes!

Akashi leaped towards Kakashi with his rasengan as Kakashi crashed into it with his chidori. Intense chakra waves formed around them as Gai had to cover his face with his arms, almost being blown away in the process.

Kakashi: You might be my brother, but I will stop you, even if it costs me my life!

~ End of Chapter 3​

The Legendary Sage of Konoha Returns!
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Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
Wow!! I'm the 1st one:overjoy: now going 4 read it:D
I'll be awaiting your review old friend:D in the meantime, I'll finish "NB Coding" the first chapter of the sequel which will be up in maximum one hour. And, it's almost three times the size of this. In other words, I mainly focused all my time on that one, so if you like this one, you can look forwards to the other, as I personally think it's way better;)

It's nice and easy to read
New or old reader? Thanks, that's the purpose I strive for:)


Active member
Apr 30, 2011
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Wow!!! Its a simple but very nice(writing wise,story wise). Not much action or other stuff but I <3 it:blush:xd. Also its reminds me team 7's 1st mission(like kakashi):p Good job M92:)
And btw is this curse mark which akashi used at last??
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Mar 28, 2010
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Not bad at all :D It's more of a ouverture than a real, full-fledged chapter, but it seems to be going towards something epic. I'm still not much of a fan of that mirror KG, but I guess I'll have to bear with it :) That picture with gates of Kiri - definitely nice touch bro. It mirrors chaotic situation all around the village pretty well and let's me visualize it more clearly. All in all - Good job xd
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Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
Wow!!! Its a simple but very nice(writing wise,story wise). Not much action or other stuff but I <3 it:blush:xd. Also its reminds me team 7's 1st mission(like kakashi):p Good job M92:)
And btw is this curse mark which akashi used at last??
Thanks, I was hoping you would like it as it felt a little pale compared to the first chapter of the sequel. Regarding it, some friends came over for surprise visit, so have to stall it for some hours. Guess it will be up by the next three hours though;)

That's one of the reason it would be wise to re-read the two first chapters, as it's a binding seal place upon him by Kabuto, as explained in chapter two. Although I must admit it kind of seems like the curse mark as of now:p Don't want to reveal much, but it's kind of a mix made by Kabuto;)

Not bad at all :D It's more of a ouverture than a real, full-fledged chapter, but it seems to be going towards something epic. I'm still not much of a fan of that mirror KG, but I guess I'll have to bear with it :) That picture with gates of Kiri - definitely nice touch bro. It mirrors chaotic situation all around the village pretty well and let's me visualize it more clearly. All in all - Good job xd
Wow, I didn't really expect good criticism from you, and especially not on this onexd:p Like I said to Kyon, I think this one will pale in comparison with the first chapter of the sequel.

Yeah, I was trying to add as much description as possible without making it too black and white.
Thanks for reading and reviewing;)

Edit: Chapter 1 of the Sequel released:

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Active member
Jan 19, 2011
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Awesome Chapter is Awesome. :scorps:

I'll be looking forward to the Next chapter. Hopefully nothing too serious will get in your way xd

*Goes and reads the Return of the Sage*
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Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
I'm still your number one fan Mike lol xd. I'm loving this chapter.
Thanks:D I was a bit afraid it wouldn't be too good as I mainly focused most of my time of the first chapter of the sequel:p;)

Awesome Chapter is Awesome. :scorps:

I'll be looking forward to the Next chapter. Hopefully nothing too serious will get in your way xd

*Goes and reads the Return of the Sage*

Yeah, it will be pretty straight forward from now, as chapter 2-12 of the sequel is next on my list;) Don't you worry though, I have a way of incorporating the events of this chapter into the sequel, so even if there won't be a Kakashi 4, it will still be concluded in some way.
Pakkun is going to make an appearance in the sequel, and you will see how it picks up from there. I more or less got the whole story for the sequel down on paper in notes already.

Kuroi Honoo

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Dec 2, 2009
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For you stating that you worked quickly through this chapter I have to say that you did it splendidly. I liked the interactions between the characters as well as you adding in Konoha eleven into the mix. That seal that I’m assuming Kabuto branded upon Akashi is powerful indeed. It would be just like Kabuto to recruit a pawn to further his objectives and I wonder what he is after this time. The ending was very reminiscent of Naruto/Sasuke’s clashes with their traditional Rasengan/Chidori and the good attempting to save the evil lol I thought that was interesting as it was cool.

There was a tiny misspelling in case you feel the need to edit. It is in the second narration in the beginning-you meant due and spelled it duo. A very minor mistake but just in case ;) Aside that, I thought the chapter overall was a success and I liked the very brief action. Now, I could have sworn you said in the past, that these chronicles would be three chapters long however, it remains to be continued so was I mistaken?
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Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
nice chapter men!
Thanks, your views is appreciated like always.

As expected , you are a great writer my friend .
Thank you! I try to focus as much as I can on each dialogue to make them seem more believable than ever before.

For you stating that you worked quickly through this chapter I have to say that you did it splendidly. I liked the interactions between the characters as well as you adding in Konoha eleven into the mix. That seal that I’m assuming Kabuto branded upon Akashi is powerful indeed. It would be just like Kabuto to recruit a pawn to further his objectives and I wonder what he is after this time. The ending was very reminiscent of Naruto/Sasuke’s clashes with their traditional Rasengan/Chidori and the good attempting to save the evil lol I thought that was interesting as it was cool.

There was a tiny misspelling in case you feel the need to edit. It is in the second narration in the beginning-you meant due and spelled it duo. A very minor mistake but just in case ;) Aside that, I thought the chapter overall was a success and I liked the very brief action. Now, I could have sworn you said in the past, that these chronicles would be three chapters long however, it remains to be continued so was I mistaken?
Last part first - How stupid of me, I guess I was writing so fast I missed that one. I'll fix it right away, thanks for the heads up. Like I said in my VM, you have very keen eyes for details, just what I need:D I can't freaking wait to see your review on the sequel chapter!;)

Yeah about that. It kind of seems like Sasuke Chronicles 3 in some way, where I could have continued and made more chapters within the chronicles. But, I just explained my views on the matter, in one of my posts above, here;

Yeah, it will be pretty straight forward from now, as chapter 2-12 of the sequel is next on my list;) Don't you worry though, I have a way of incorporating the events of this chapter into the sequel, so even if there won't be a Kakashi 4, it will still be concluded in some way.
Pakkun is going to make an appearance in the sequel, and you will see how it picks up from there.
I more or less got the whole story for the sequel down on paper in notes already.
For the first part - Well yeah. You see, after I had done the first chapter of the sequel, I knew I had to do this one next as it more or less had to be released before or at the same time as the first chapter of the sequel, being as this on takes place before and/or simultaneously with the events of the sequel. However, I really didn't want to do Kakashi 3 as I more or less had lost all my interests in it and only wanted to focus on writing my sequel from here on and out, but in the end, I knew I had to force myself, so I quickly rushed through a scenario I picked from the top of my head and more or less wrote the chapter on the go, without any brainstorming on how it would end.

All I knew was that they were going to track down Akashi, and the rest of the chapter I just wrote in without giving it much thought other than it fitting with the ongoing events and without it making a plot hole.
If you remember from Chapter 14 of the original. Konohamaru, Shikaku and the rest got letters from Kiri about the war, and they then headed out to assist. So I nicely (or so I believe myselfxd) incorporated that event into this chapter.

Like I told Sun on msn yesterday, I actually, in full honesty, hated writing this chapter. Not because I didn't like how it turned out or because I felt it wasn't necessary, but mainly because all I cared about was the sequel. So when I was done, I was a little worried it would be my worst chapter ever as I've never spent so little time in one chapter before and never cared so little about getting on done, plus making it any good.

Seeing as how the reviews have been good so far, I'm actually a bit surprised, and it can't stop me from thinking; " If they liked this chapter that much, they got to love the first chapter of the sequel. Anything else wouldn't make sense at all."

I spent a lot of time making the first chapter of the sequel, not only because it's almost three times bigger than this one, but also, like I said, I care about how it would turn out, unlike Kakashi 3.

So every dialogue was important to me in the sequel chapter 1, every line, ever expression. Personally, I don't think I've written such a chapter, written-wise (not story wise), since chapter 11 (the one I got some help looking over grammar and structure from Sun and Mist) of the original. Not because of its content, but because of the structure and interaction between the characters.

Personally, I think chapter 1 of the sequel is the best chapter I've ever written. Let's just hope you and the rest think the same:p


Active member
Apr 7, 2011
Trait Points
Thanks. Always appreciated to hear your thoughts and views.

I'm not stopping you from jumping right onwards to the first chapter of the sequel. The link is provided at the end of this chapter ;)
Thanks as well, glad to hear you enjoy hearing my thoughts on it as much as I enjoy reading your releases, and yep just read the starter of TLSoK Sequel, commented on it as well. :)
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Dec 11, 2009
Trait Points
Ah I had forgotten your writing style :p I'm glad I managed to fix my pc today so I could read the final chapter of Kakashi chronicles, going to read your new chapter one tomorrow though :) Unless I free some time a few hours later in the evening. Good work with Kakashi 3 though, I wonder what exactly Kabuto did to Akashi
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Dec 3, 2009
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Thanks as well, glad to hear you enjoy hearing my thoughts on it as much as I enjoy reading your releases, and yep just read the starter of TLSoK Sequel, commented on it as well. :)
Yeah, the readers thoughts are always important to me. That's why I enjoy getting more than just "great", "Good", etc, but actually a review with deeper thoughts.

Ah I had forgotten your writing style :p I'm glad I managed to fix my pc today so I could read the final chapter of Kakashi chronicles, going to read your new chapter one tomorrow though :) Unless I free some time a few hours later in the evening. Good work with Kakashi 3 though, I wonder what exactly Kabuto did to Akashi
How could you forget about it?xd You're referring to my coloring aspect or the way I write in general?:p

Haha I see, and I can't wait for your review on chapter 1;)


Active member
Apr 7, 2011
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Yeah, the readers thoughts are always important to me. That's why I enjoy getting more than just "great", "Good", etc, but actually a review with deeper thoughts.
Yeah I sometimes am in a bit of a rush and can't give too long of a review other than the whole "Awesome chapter, can't wait for the next one" that I sometimes type, it's pretty much my way to sum up my reply if I have to go soon, but yeah you have quite the talent for writing, especially when it comes to this style of writing.
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