Grand Divide (110)


Active member
Apr 14, 2012
Trait Points
This post marks the beginning of my mission using these storyboard elements:
Research infected cells using the best technology. (5)
Summary: Skarlet now with Vegeta and Kotestu would use as much as her lab tech to try and help them figure out the virus and what can be done.

As Kotestu comes up the lift and is about to speak, the two of them would watch as Vegeta would bust through into her lab screaming. His face would be as red as a red sun showing he would also be infected by the virus. Skarlet already knew from just the few test she ran with Kotestu some details but we still need to figure out more.

Vegeta lower your voice. You, just like Kotestu, have been infected with some kind of virus created by Tiamat. I only know a few details and I am still studying.

As Skarlet says this she would tap on her gauntlet causing a holo display showing the man video of what happen to the snakes.

It is also highly contagious. You didn't touch anyone on your way up here right?

As Skarlet says this, she whisper into Rose and Luna ear so they can prep machines.

I can use my equipment here to run more in detail test on both of you.

Skarlet than awaits for their answers.
Oops... Thinking back, Vegeta had touched someone..

Vegeta enters the building as the doors come open, he would give Sora a hi-five on the way past him as he seemed to be leaving the facility..

Not that I recall. no.. whistles suspiciously


Sage of Snakes
Apr 25, 2011
Trait Points
Oops... Thinking back, Vegeta had touched someone..

Vegeta enters the building as the doors come open, he would give Sora a hi-five on the way past him as he seemed to be leaving the facility..

Not that I recall. no.. whistles suspiciously
After minutes of set up, SKarlet and her assistants would have the test for Vegeta ready to go. Skarlet would have a giant test tube for Vegeta to get in so she can look at his blood and cells more closely. With him already in Sage mode from what her eyes show her, she can see if Sage mode might be a way to cure. Skarlet would point to the tube.

Alright, I can run more in detail test but we will be using my more advance tech. I will need you to get into that tube while I study it and how Sage Mode might work to help it. Just be warned you will have needles and such go into you as well as some tissue/skin samples taken out. If you are ready, get into the tube.

The tube
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Finally arriving at the designated location, the young maidens reached the grand divide. It was under siege by the same zombies she had seen before, but many of them are being dealt with by others within the village. Mirabelle came here with one sole intention, to find the person responsible for the research and development of the village. She charged through the area, constantly stopping and asking from person to person where to find them. The person named “Korra” was the most common being given but apparently she’s been out of commission due to the Red Fever as well. Mirabelle sighed loudly, but never the less she didn’t want to leave things just the way it is. She stormed to the building, not taking the moment to even wait.

Bring to me the person responsible for this place right now” she told one of the aids. “Ma’am please calm down…” she said before Mirabelle took her by the collar and her eyes shifted amber. “Bring me them, NOW” she said silently. The aid swiftly got the message to go summon whoever is in charge of the place. Mirabelle would turn to Chise, her face becoming softened as she took a small rag from her pouch and cleaned her face. “You need to be more careful…” she said, not before an image of her long-dead sister flashed in her mind. Mirabelle was taken back for a moment, realizing earlier what she said to Chise was really inappropriate…but she couldn’t help but see a little bit of Isabelle within her. How so? Well, the awkward and quirky behavior patterns where one thing but never the less, they both seemed similar but Mirabelle had long accepted her sister’s passing. Perhaps Chise was a way to remind her that she isn't alone…but then again Chise is a minor, having an adult figure in her life would possibly do some kind of good shed imagine.

Her amber eyes turned back to sapphire after a moment, now as she placed the rag back into her pouch. “The information I have gathered is pretty crucial, which I think is mostly bad news…for now at least but apparently there are two stages to this virus, something the doctors and I came up with after looking a bit deeper into it. The problem is that we don’t know what’s the source of this…virus. We do also know however it traces back to Red Fever pandemic several years ago, this is its second coming…” she said holding her head now as the headache kicked in again as she continued to suffer.


Mar 5, 2020
Trait Points
Finally arriving at the designated location, the young maidens reached the grand divide. It was under siege by the same zombies she had seen before, but many of them are being dealt with by others within the village. Mirabelle came here with one sole intention, to find the person responsible for the research and development of the village. She charged through the area, constantly stopping and asking from person to person where to find them. The person named “Korra” was the most common being given but apparently she’s been out of commission due to the Red Fever as well. Mirabelle sighed loudly, but never the less she didn’t want to leave things just the way it is. She stormed to the building, not taking the moment to even wait.

Bring to me the person responsible for this place right now” she told one of the aids. “Ma’am please calm down…” she said before Mirabelle took her by the collar and her eyes shifted amber. “Bring me them, NOW” she said silently. The aid swiftly got the message to go summon whoever is in charge of the place. Mirabelle would turn to Chise, her face becoming softened as she took a small rag from her pouch and cleaned her face. “You need to be more careful…” she said, not before an image of her long-dead sister flashed in her mind. Mirabelle was taken back for a moment, realizing earlier what she said to Chise was really inappropriate…but she couldn’t help but see a little bit of Isabelle within her. How so? Well, the awkward and quirky behavior patterns where one thing but never the less, they both seemed similar but Mirabelle had long accepted her sister’s passing. Perhaps Chise was a way to remind her that she isn't alone…but then again Chise is a minor, having an adult figure in her life would possibly do some kind of good shed imagine.

Her amber eyes turned back to sapphire after a moment, now as she placed the rag back into her pouch. “The information I have gathered is pretty crucial, which I think is mostly bad news…for now at least but apparently there are two stages to this virus, something the doctors and I came up with after looking a bit deeper into it. The problem is that we don’t know what’s the source of this…virus. We do also know however it traces back to Red Fever pandemic several years ago, this is its second coming…” she said holding her head now as the headache kicked in again as she continued to suffer.
A passive sigh had slipped past Chise's lips as she began to realize that she was becoming unintentionally accustomed to traveling. Her feet did not ache; least of all not quite as much as they did in her previous treks across the lands in order to find the village. Back then she knew very little about proper stepping form relative to the incline or terrain she traveled, or the tricks to keeping ones feet from splitting and creating sores. The memories of such consequential results of her previous ignorance brought a shiver along the back of her neck as she opted not to think too much into the details of the discomfort it all caused and instead focused more on the fact that now she knew better, even without really realizing it until now. Amidst her thoughts she had momentarily forgotten her own frail condition caused by the virus that runs throughout the land. With a sudden blur of her vision, she could feel her knees straining midway through her momentum, threatening to pull her to the ground without so much as a second to recover were she not immediately returned to reality. Closing her eyes, she practically dragged her feet to a stop, digging her heels in to counter her weight backwards to prevent her from tipping too far forward. A hand slowly rose to cup over her right eye, the pads of her fingers pressing intently into her forehead as she seemed to try and focus on the pressure applied instead of the over-stimulation of-- well, more than a few things.. Her skull felt as though it was throbbing, ears pulsating as if her heart was beating directly against the drums within. She could practically feel the blood racing through her veins to the tops of her ears as her voice seemed to hit a wall in her throat. This was certainly a worse episode than she was familiar with so far; the onset of it far more than "abrupt" and seemed reluctant to pass. Slowly lifted her clouded, emerald gaze, she noticed that Mirabelle had practically marched on without her into the building she hadn't quite realized they arrived to. Something felt off..

After having picked up her feet despite the strain of her condition, Chise shuffled into the building shortly after Mirabelle had entered, only to catch her wrapping her fingers around the cuff of one of the attendant's collar, raising a chilling tone that carried her demands with no sense of opportunity for the other to refuse. Chise's brows knitted together as her eyes widened slightly, her feet almost instinctively carrying her forward in something of a leaping rush with the last bit of immediate energy that she could muster to close the gap as soon as possible. She managed to grab hold of Mirabelle's wrist just as she seemed to naturally let the person go on her own, yet Chise kept hold as she lightly pushed herself between them, watching from a sideward glance as the attendant scurried off, presumably to accomplish what was "asked" of her. Chise slowly raised her
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focus up to Mirabelle now, matching her-- .. Amber irises? Chise's brows slowly released from their tension as she now fell into more of a curious visage; she tried to think of she had been mistaken this entire time on the color of Mirabelle's eyes, the sapphire blue hue that they always seemed to have that glimmered in refraction against the slightest light source, like reflections cast off a body of water's surface. Nope, this new color was definitely the different one. Yet it didn't seem to stir anything distressed of frightful from Chise, rather she seemed more intent on the behavior Mirabelle just showed instead that seemed to cause the color change as a consequence to her shift in mood, or something similar. ".. I know this can be frustrating, and even tense, but.. we can't turn on each other right now.. and you shouldn't strain yourself so much, especially being sick.." Just as she finished, Chise noticed Mirabelle's expression soften before hearing "You need to be more careful…" Her eyes flashed in a few soft blinks as she watched Mirabelle pull a rag from her pouch, of which she began to pass gingerly over Chise's face. Her head recoiled almost instinctively into her shoulders, yet the closeness she put herself in with Mirabelle didn't offer her much room to retreat with; nor did she really have a reason to, apart from the slight embarrassment that came with the pampering.. Chise looked up to catch the glimpse of a solemn expression fall across Mirabelle's features. The silence between them had slowly grown heavier; something had clearly crossed Mirabelle's mind at that moment that stirred something in her.. but Chise couldn't quite pin what, exactly. She seemed.. sad in a way. Perhaps more of a nostalgia if she looked a little closer. She'd have to find time to ask her about it later, if she'd remember.

After Mirabelle had finished her modest cleaning of Chise's face, of which she seemed to reluctantly let happen; perhaps in some combination of not having the energy to resist or make a fuss over and simply preferring her focus be on her now instead of the attendants there, Chise listened as closely as she could to the explanation that she began to offer about the information she had gathered back at the hospital. She wanted to focus, really.. yet a ringing had very gradually crept up in her ears that slowly shifted into almost a thrumming rumble that practically pulsated from her skull. Her emerald eyes darkened as she strained to keep them open. Perhaps she was simply tired.. she had worked rather diligently at the hospital after having traveled there on foot, then immediately proceeded to travel here afterward. Rest wasn't exactly a commodity to her recently, so certainly that was the issue, she thought. ".. m-Mirabelle-Sensei.. Ah.. I--" Just as Chise's frail voice has tried to break through the strain of her exhausted condition to speak up, a sudden coughing fit overwhelmed her, almost as if the sudden rush of air she had taken to try and find her voice was all it took to irritate whatever she had tried to keep in check up until now. She lifted a hand to press against her mouth in the attempt to cover
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the fit and prevent unwanted contamination. The fit carried in several violent, sharp coughs that felt as though needles were trying to pry their way through her throat, sideways. She finished just short of moving her hand to look at the result; a stain of red covering her palm that also fell in a slight leak down the corners of her lips. Her eyes widened only briefly as she took in the uncertainty of such a development. She tried to lift her gaze to meet Mirabelle's before she felt her final bit of strength escape her as her knees buckled under her, carrying her like collapsing tower down to her knees before slumping over onto her side in a firm "thud." She couldn't feel much.. yet she knew the ringing in her ears had suddenly become deafening as her sight blurred almost beyond recognition of little more than shapes and slight colors. Slowly her eyes fell closed, her lids felt heavy.. She was too tired to try and fight it anymore. She'd have to apologize to Mirabelle later...


Sage of Snakes
Apr 25, 2011
Trait Points
Finally arriving at the designated location, the young maidens reached the grand divide. It was under siege by the same zombies she had seen before, but many of them are being dealt with by others within the village. Mirabelle came here with one sole intention, to find the person responsible for the research and development of the village. She charged through the area, constantly stopping and asking from person to person where to find them. The person named “Korra” was the most common being given but apparently she’s been out of commission due to the Red Fever as well. Mirabelle sighed loudly, but never the less she didn’t want to leave things just the way it is. She stormed to the building, not taking the moment to even wait.

Bring to me the person responsible for this place right now” she told one of the aids. “Ma’am please calm down…” she said before Mirabelle took her by the collar and her eyes shifted amber. “Bring me them, NOW” she said silently. The aid swiftly got the message to go summon whoever is in charge of the place. Mirabelle would turn to Chise, her face becoming softened as she took a small rag from her pouch and cleaned her face. “You need to be more careful…” she said, not before an image of her long-dead sister flashed in her mind. Mirabelle was taken back for a moment, realizing earlier what she said to Chise was really inappropriate…but she couldn’t help but see a little bit of Isabelle within her. How so? Well, the awkward and quirky behavior patterns where one thing but never the less, they both seemed similar but Mirabelle had long accepted her sister’s passing. Perhaps Chise was a way to remind her that she isn't alone…but then again Chise is a minor, having an adult figure in her life would possibly do some kind of good shed imagine.

Her amber eyes turned back to sapphire after a moment, now as she placed the rag back into her pouch. “The information I have gathered is pretty crucial, which I think is mostly bad news…for now at least but apparently there are two stages to this virus, something the doctors and I came up with after looking a bit deeper into it. The problem is that we don’t know what’s the source of this…virus. We do also know however it traces back to Red Fever pandemic several years ago, this is its second coming…” she said holding her head now as the headache kicked in again as she continued to suffer.
A passive sigh had slipped past Chise's lips as she began to realize that she was becoming unintentionally accustomed to traveling. Her feet did not ache; least of all not quite as much as they did in her previous treks across the lands in order to find the village. Back then she knew very little about proper stepping form relative to the incline or terrain she traveled, or the tricks to keeping ones feet from splitting and creating sores. The memories of such consequential results of her previous ignorance brought a shiver along the back of her neck as she opted not to think too much into the details of the discomfort it all caused and instead focused more on the fact that now she knew better, even without really realizing it until now. Amidst her thoughts she had momentarily forgotten her own frail condition caused by the virus that runs throughout the land. With a sudden blur of her vision, she could feel her knees straining midway through her momentum, threatening to pull her to the ground without so much as a second to recover were she not immediately returned to reality. Closing her eyes, she practically dragged her feet to a stop, digging her heels in to counter her weight backwards to prevent her from tipping too far forward. A hand slowly rose to cup over her right eye, the pads of her fingers pressing intently into her forehead as she seemed to try and focus on the pressure applied instead of the over-stimulation of-- well, more than a few things.. Her skull felt as though it was throbbing, ears pulsating as if her heart was beating directly against the drums within. She could practically feel the blood racing through her veins to the tops of her ears as her voice seemed to hit a wall in her throat. This was certainly a worse episode than she was familiar with so far; the onset of it far more than "abrupt" and seemed reluctant to pass. Slowly lifted her clouded, emerald gaze, she noticed that Mirabelle had practically marched on without her into the building she hadn't quite realized they arrived to. Something felt off..

After having picked up her feet despite the strain of her condition, Chise shuffled into the building shortly after Mirabelle had entered, only to catch her wrapping her fingers around the cuff of one of the attendant's collar, raising a chilling tone that carried her demands with no sense of opportunity for the other to refuse. Chise's brows knitted together as her eyes widened slightly, her feet almost instinctively carrying her forward in something of a leaping rush with the last bit of immediate energy that she could muster to close the gap as soon as possible. She managed to grab hold of Mirabelle's wrist just as she seemed to naturally let the person go on her own, yet Chise kept hold as she lightly pushed herself between them, watching from a sideward glance as the attendant scurried off, presumably to accomplish what was "asked" of her. Chise slowly raised her
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focus up to Mirabelle now, matching her-- .. Amber irises? Chise's brows slowly released from their tension as she now fell into more of a curious visage; she tried to think of she had been mistaken this entire time on the color of Mirabelle's eyes, the sapphire blue hue that they always seemed to have that glimmered in refraction against the slightest light source, like reflections cast off a body of water's surface. Nope, this new color was definitely the different one. Yet it didn't seem to stir anything distressed of frightful from Chise, rather she seemed more intent on the behavior Mirabelle just showed instead that seemed to cause the color change as a consequence to her shift in mood, or something similar. ".. I know this can be frustrating, and even tense, but.. we can't turn on each other right now.. and you shouldn't strain yourself so much, especially being sick.." Just as she finished, Chise noticed Mirabelle's expression soften before hearing "You need to be more careful…" Her eyes flashed in a few soft blinks as she watched Mirabelle pull a rag from her pouch, of which she began to pass gingerly over Chise's face. Her head recoiled almost instinctively into her shoulders, yet the closeness she put herself in with Mirabelle didn't offer her much room to retreat with; nor did she really have a reason to, apart from the slight embarrassment that came with the pampering.. Chise looked up to catch the glimpse of a solemn expression fall across Mirabelle's features. The silence between them had slowly grown heavier; something had clearly crossed Mirabelle's mind at that moment that stirred something in her.. but Chise couldn't quite pin what, exactly. She seemed.. sad in a way. Perhaps more of a nostalgia if she looked a little closer. She'd have to find time to ask her about it later, if she'd remember.

After Mirabelle had finished her modest cleaning of Chise's face, of which she seemed to reluctantly let happen; perhaps in some combination of not having the energy to resist or make a fuss over and simply preferring her focus be on her now instead of the attendants there, Chise listened as closely as she could to the explanation that she began to offer about the information she had gathered back at the hospital. She wanted to focus, really.. yet a ringing had very gradually crept up in her ears that slowly shifted into almost a thrumming rumble that practically pulsated from her skull. Her emerald eyes darkened as she strained to keep them open. Perhaps she was simply tired.. she had worked rather diligently at the hospital after having traveled there on foot, then immediately proceeded to travel here afterward. Rest wasn't exactly a commodity to her recently, so certainly that was the issue, she thought. ".. m-Mirabelle-Sensei.. Ah.. I--" Just as Chise's frail voice has tried to break through the strain of her exhausted condition to speak up, a sudden coughing fit overwhelmed her, almost as if the sudden rush of air she had taken to try and find her voice was all it took to irritate whatever she had tried to keep in check up until now. She lifted a hand to press against her mouth in the attempt to cover
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the fit and prevent unwanted contamination. The fit carried in several violent, sharp coughs that felt as though needles were trying to pry their way through her throat, sideways. She finished just short of moving her hand to look at the result; a stain of red covering her palm that also fell in a slight leak down the corners of her lips. Her eyes widened only briefly as she took in the uncertainty of such a development. She tried to lift her gaze to meet Mirabelle's before she felt her final bit of strength escape her as her knees buckled under her, carrying her like collapsing tower down to her knees before slumping over onto her side in a firm "thud." She couldn't feel much.. yet she knew the ringing in her ears had suddenly become deafening as her sight blurred almost beyond recognition of little more than shapes and slight colors. Slowly her eyes fell closed, her lids felt heavy.. She was too tired to try and fight it anymore. She'd have to apologize to Mirabelle later...
Skarlet's clone would see the two going through her landmark seeming to try to find her. Skarlet would be busy working with Vegeta and Kotestu. The one yelling would seem so impatient to Skarlet as she watches the feed from the drone. The drone would fly down to the two and become visible again for the two. The drone would scan the two to add to Skarlet's files before Skarlet starts speaking through the drone.

This is Skarlet, what brings you to my land and why do you seem so impatient?


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Hearing the voice coming from behind – Mirabelle would turn her head for a moment to see the drown appear but then Chise would collapse as a result of fatigue. She sighe, grabbing the young ninja before she fell down. “Oh Chise” she said wiping the small blood from her mouth, before addressing the machine. “Look, I don’t know who the hell you have running the hospital but it needs someone to take charge consider it’s in such chaos right now. I managed to gather a bit of information from what me and other doctors managed to come up with…” she said shoving a sealed folder to the drone. “Take it and you’ll understand…I have to take care of this child for the time being…” she said as she grabbed Chise onto her shoulders.

Despite Mira’s small frame, she was quite strong being able to lift Chise with ease. Never the less, she would place her on a couch nearby until she noticed someone stepping into the building. “You…” the voice said, as it crept closer. She didn’t know what to expect, as she drew a kunai from her pouch. “Please accept Lord Oisha’s invite” the woman said. As she placed the letter, she disappeared in a poof of smoke. There were several pretty wrapped letters, roughly enough for thirty or so people. “This is…” she said looking on as she read.

A tournament huh…sounds like fun if it meant she can potentially gain the cure to the Red Fever. She took the invite and placed it into her pouch, leaving one for Chise just in case. She simply waited next to Chise for her to reawaken.


Active member
Apr 14, 2012
Trait Points
After minutes of set up, SKarlet and her assistants would have the test for Vegeta ready to go. Skarlet would have a giant test tube for Vegeta to get in so she can look at his blood and cells more closely. With him already in Sage mode from what her eyes show her, she can see if Sage mode might be a way to cure. Skarlet would point to the tube.

Alright, I can run more in detail test but we will be using my more advance tech. I will need you to get into that tube while I study it and how Sage Mode might work to help it. Just be warned you will have needles and such go into you as well as some tissue/skin samples taken out. If you are ready, get into the tube.

The tube
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Geets gets into the tube, making angry bothered Vegeta grunts as he does..

Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
Trait Points
The Inuzuka was buried in the work laid out in front of him. He had been ceaselessly studying the infected cells with little to no progress. It was only when he had reached the end of his wits that he heard about the Dark Champion Games to the south, where they were rumored to be offering a cure for the virus. Kōtetsu was skeptical at first, for the organizers of this tournament seemed to be the same ones who had issued the bounty. It seemed that their plan to gather the infected through use of violence didn't work, so now they switched to something else. Regardless, the need for the cure far outweighed the potential danger, and as such he would have no choice but to go.

-Leaving Landmark-

Travel Itinerary: #110 -> #092 -> #088 -> #082 -> #081 -> #080 -> #074 -> #065 -> #067
Departing #110 Grand Divide at 7:10am (04/08/20)
#092: 8:10am - 9:10am
#099: 10:10am - 11:10am
#082: 12:10am - 1:10pm
#081: 2:10pm - 3:10pm
#080: 4:10pm - 5:10pm
#074: 6:10pm - 7:10pm
#065: 8:10pm - 9:10pm
Arriving at #067 Dark Tower at 10:00pm (04/08/20)
Kōtetsu/Ninken: 4,000
Final: 3,975​


Sage of Snakes
Apr 25, 2011
Trait Points
Hearing the voice coming from behind – Mirabelle would turn her head for a moment to see the drown appear but then Chise would collapse as a result of fatigue. She sighe, grabbing the young ninja before she fell down. “Oh Chise” she said wiping the small blood from her mouth, before addressing the machine. “Look, I don’t know who the hell you have running the hospital but it needs someone to take charge consider it’s in such chaos right now. I managed to gather a bit of information from what me and other doctors managed to come up with…” she said shoving a sealed folder to the drone. “Take it and you’ll understand…I have to take care of this child for the time being…” she said as she grabbed Chise onto her shoulders.

Despite Mira’s small frame, she was quite strong being able to lift Chise with ease. Never the less, she would place her on a couch nearby until she noticed someone stepping into the building. “You…” the voice said, as it crept closer. She didn’t know what to expect, as she drew a kunai from her pouch. “Please accept Lord Oisha’s invite” the woman said. As she placed the letter, she disappeared in a poof of smoke. There were several pretty wrapped letters, roughly enough for thirty or so people. “This is…” she said looking on as she read.

A tournament huh…sounds like fun if it meant she can potentially gain the cure to the Red Fever. She took the invite and placed it into her pouch, leaving one for Chise just in case. She simply waited next to Chise for her to reawaken.

The hospital? I am sorry to inform you but I am not in charge of no hospital as well have never been to Taki to even see it. You might be looking for Korra but she is unavailable. You would have to talk to Sado about that.

The drone would take the folder and than fly to Skarlet's lab to give her the folder.

Geets gets into the tube, making angry bothered Vegeta grunts as he does..
As Vegeta gets in the tube, Skarlet would tap her gauntlet causing it to close the top. She would conitnue pressing it causing an oxygen mask to come out from teh top and cover Vegeta as the tube fills with sterilizing water. As it fills IV needles and such would attach to the persons his arms giving Skarlet vital info. As the test sets up, Skarlet and her assistants would use the cables now in Vegeta to examine his blood and DNA on their computers.

This might be painful for a bit.

As Skarlet says this, her computer would show her that Vegeta was in Sage Mode. Skarlet would focus on his cells to see that the virus would be interacting with Vegeta's natural energy. The virus would seem to be surpassing the healing properties of Natural Energy. It seems the even natural chakra could not get past the virus. Skarlet would press on her computer to have two robotic arms enter the tube and take some skin samples off of Vegeta's arms and put them into vials for her to study the cells more later on.

Skarlet would than cause the the tube to extract some more blood from Vegeta to also use for more studying. Skarlet's machines would than inject Vegeta with some healing herbs to see if anything have any effect. The herbs would be injected straight into his system to give them full strength. After a few minutes, Vegeta's cells would not be affected and the virus would continue. As this was going on, Skarlet's gauntlet gets the alert of the tournament at the Dark Tower and knows Vegeta would want to go. She would press a button and cause the tube to empty.

I will use the skin samples and blood samples to study more but from what I see even Sage Mode will not help heal you. There is a tournament at the Dark Tower you should go to. maybe you can get something for me to use and help with a cure.
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Mar 5, 2020
Trait Points
Hearing the voice coming from behind – Mirabelle would turn her head for a moment to see the drown appear but then Chise would collapse as a result of fatigue. She sighe, grabbing the young ninja before she fell down. “Oh Chise” she said wiping the small blood from her mouth, before addressing the machine. “Look, I don’t know who the hell you have running the hospital but it needs someone to take charge consider it’s in such chaos right now. I managed to gather a bit of information from what me and other doctors managed to come up with…” she said shoving a sealed folder to the drone. “Take it and you’ll understand…I have to take care of this child for the time being…” she said as she grabbed Chise onto her shoulders.

Despite Mira’s small frame, she was quite strong being able to lift Chise with ease. Never the less, she would place her on a couch nearby until she noticed someone stepping into the building. “You…” the voice said, as it crept closer. She didn’t know what to expect, as she drew a kunai from her pouch. “Please accept Lord Oisha’s invite” the woman said. As she placed the letter, she disappeared in a poof of smoke. There were several pretty wrapped letters, roughly enough for thirty or so people. “This is…” she said looking on as she read.

A tournament huh…sounds like fun if it meant she can potentially gain the cure to the Red Fever. She took the invite and placed it into her pouch, leaving one for Chise just in case. She simply waited next to Chise for her to reawaken.
Chise seemed entirely out of it for quite some time; not so much as a twitch or a brief stirring. Her constitution was never something to brag about, illness being rather redundant throughout her life as she struggled to fend off even the most basic of bacteria, so it went without much question that this virus was no doubt taking more of a toll on her than she would ever be willing to admit, even to herself. Despite her somewhat fragile condition, she had managed to construct a will of iron through her years alone; something that was arguably necessary for her to survive for as long as she has, she despite how harshly illness would often take her, it'd never bring her beyond the brink of recovery.. though this virus was certainly earning points for trying.

Gradually the blackness of her unconscious state faded as the light pushing through her eyelids began to pull her awake to the world once again. Slowly Chise's emerald eyes opened, the immediate reminder of a throbbing headache pulsing behind her eyes yet was not quite as debilitating as before. She raised a hand to slowly rub at her forehead, looking up to spot Mirabelle having been seated not too far off from her laid out position. She hesitated a moment, curious for how long she had been out, or even what had happened exactly that got her here. She remembered traveling to this area, then Mirabelle rushing someone in the building.. then it's mostly fuzzy. With a muffled groan she didn't realize she had been suppressing, Chise carefully sat up in place, keeping her palm lightly planted against her face as she tried to dampen the direct light to her eyes in hopes of giving her time to recollect herself. She shifted a wary gaze around her before returning once again to Mirabelle. ".. Uhm.. I'm sorry, for this.. I'm not really sure what happened.. but I think I'm alright now." She hummed softly, her gaze falling slowly to her own lap as she carefully situated herself in a normal sitting arrangement on the couch. She didn't care for the fact that she had been a burden to Mirabelle, especially at such a dire time where so much needed to be done, yet she'd have to worry about such loathing things later and just hope that not too much time had been lost in the process. "Were you able to find the person you were looking for here..?"


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Mirabelle heard the faint voice of Chise, much to her comfort. She swiftly rose to her felt and embraced her student once more. “Don’t scare me like that again please…” she said before releasing her. She would have a bit of small tears in her eyes but she swiftly swept them to the wayside. Chise would ask about finding the person, but Skarlet’s answer wasn’t exactly desirable. “Yes but seems some change will need to be made soon…never the less, someone came here and gave these to me…I figured Id give one to you” she said handing the invite to her. Mirabelle was swift to her feet however, as she realized this is going to be a very strange event to come. “This might be a chance to get the cure…so I’ll be doing everything within my power to retrieve it, I don’t know if you intend on coming along to fight or watch, but it’s entirely up to you my dear. I’ll be departing right now for this, wish me luck…” she said as she exited the building and headed towards the designated location.

Travel Itinerary: #110 -> #092 -> #088 -> #082 -> #081 -> #080 -> #074 -> #065 -> #067
Departing #110 Grand Divide at 12:40am (04/09/20)
#092: 1:40am - 2:40am
#099: 3: 40am - 4: 40am
#082: 5: 40am - 6: 40am
#081: 7: 40am - 8: 40am
#080: 9: 40am - 10: 40am
#074: 11: 40am - 12: 40pm
#065: 1: 40pm - 2: 40pm
Arriving at #067 Dark Tower at 3:40pm (04/09/20)


Sage of Snakes
Apr 25, 2011
Trait Points
Skarlet would work with what samples she got from Vegeta. She would have a vial of Vegeta's skin cells moved into her making machine. With the sample there, Skarlet would have the sample cells shown on a monitor so she can study. After pressing a few buttons she would have her Doomsday Virus pills mixed in with the cell sample. Skarlet would see if maybe introducing the changing properties from Sage Transformation DNA would help cure the virus. Using her machine, she would have the cell sampl and pill mix as if someone took the pill. As the two mix, Skarlet would have the monitor monitor for any changes. As the sample does the normal change as someone taking the pill would go through, Skarlet would notice the virus would once again suppress the healing properties of her pill from treating the affected cells. natural energy still cannot over come the virus...

As Skarlet says this she has Serperior come to her and give her a sample of his DNA so she can see if maybe a snake DNA could be used. This time Skarlet would use the blood sample that she got from Vegeta as well as one Vegeta gave her from before the virus. She would take the original blood sample and have it hooked up to one blood examining machine while the infected blood sample on the other. Skalret would bring up both vials on her computer showing the difference between the two cells. Rose and Luna would than add on the snake dna samples into both machines. Vegeta's original blood sample would take the Snake DNA and mix well with it as the healing properties in snakes mix with his cells. With the infected cells, the same results as before, the infected cells would still suppress any healing factors. Skarlet still would be missing so much data on this virus. She seem to be working with just the serve case of the virus. She would need to see the virus at the early stages and see if she can work off that.

If none of these will work than we will see if we can stop it at an early stage.

Skarlet would touch her gauntlet and have a sample of the infected blood and cell sample moved to a pill replicator machine. Skarlet would than reprogram it to have it replicate the virus into a container so she can take with her. The machine would scan each infected cell and start to dulipcate it filling a container for Skarlet's drone to carry instead of her. After a few minutes the virus would be replicated fully. Skarlet;s drone would fly over and pick up and attach the container to itself and ready for delivery.

machine looks like
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Mission ends


Mar 5, 2020
Trait Points
Mirabelle heard the faint voice of Chise, much to her comfort. She swiftly rose to her felt and embraced her student once more. “Don’t scare me like that again please…” she said before releasing her. She would have a bit of small tears in her eyes but she swiftly swept them to the wayside. Chise would ask about finding the person, but Skarlet’s answer wasn’t exactly desirable. “Yes but seems some change will need to be made soon…never the less, someone came here and gave these to me…I figured Id give one to you” she said handing the invite to her. Mirabelle was swift to her feet however, as she realized this is going to be a very strange event to come. “This might be a chance to get the cure…so I’ll be doing everything within my power to retrieve it, I don’t know if you intend on coming along to fight or watch, but it’s entirely up to you my dear. I’ll be departing right now for this, wish me luck…” she said as she exited the building and headed towards the designated location.

Travel Itinerary: #110 -> #092 -> #088 -> #082 -> #081 -> #080 -> #074 -> #065 -> #067
Departing #110 Grand Divide at 12:40am (04/09/20)
#092: 1:40am - 2:40am
#099: 3: 40am - 4: 40am
#082: 5: 40am - 6: 40am
#081: 7: 40am - 8: 40am
#080: 9: 40am - 10: 40am
#074: 11: 40am - 12: 40pm
#065: 1: 40pm - 2: 40pm
Arriving at #067 Dark Tower at 3:40pm (04/09/20)
With a careful nod, Chise extended a hand and took hold of the invitation that Mirabelle had given her. She looked it over as carefully as she could with consideration to her still throbbing head, yet it was rather straight forward: A tournament being held with the prize of the cure for the virus. Chise's eyes widened briefly at the mention of such a thing, then found herself feeling a sudden tightness in her chest. Something didn't quite sit right with her that someone had what was necessary to save so many lives, yet instead of choosing to pool resources to see it mass produced and distributed, they instead hold a competition for everyone to fight over like starving animals.. She could feel her teeth tighten against one another behind her lips as her jaw clenched; there was no doubt some ulterior motive behind all of this, but she had nothing else but a gut feeling. Could she try and prevent Mirabelle from leaving based on just that..? Doubtful. With a soft smile, Chise turned to Mirabelle. "I think I'll head back to the village.. I feel like so much needs to be done there, and I'm sure they can use as many hands as possible to help get things back under control. Good luck, Mirabelle-Sensei. Please be safe."

After speaking their farewells and Mirabelle departed ahead of Chise, she took her time to gather her thoughts and energy before she settled to begin her trek back in the direction of the Graveyard region, where the village resided. With luck, she'd hopefully make it there in time to help make a difference anywhere she could.

LLM toward Graveyard of Sin ( 115 )


Active member
Apr 14, 2012
Trait Points
The hospital? I am sorry to inform you but I am not in charge of no hospital as well have never been to Taki to even see it. You might be looking for Korra but she is unavailable. You would have to talk to Sado about that.

The drone would take the folder and than fly to Skarlet's lab to give her the folder.

As Vegeta gets in the tube, Skarlet would tap her gauntlet causing it to close the top. She would conitnue pressing it causing an oxygen mask to come out from teh top and cover Vegeta as the tube fills with sterilizing water. As it fills IV needles and such would attach to the persons his arms giving Skarlet vital info. As the test sets up, Skarlet and her assistants would use the cables now in Vegeta to examine his blood and DNA on their computers.

This might be painful for a bit.

As Skarlet says this, her computer would show her that Vegeta was in Sage Mode. Skarlet would focus on his cells to see that the virus would be interacting with Vegeta's natural energy. The virus would seem to be surpassing the healing properties of Natural Energy. It seems the even natural chakra could not get past the virus. Skarlet would press on her computer to have two robotic arms enter the tube and take some skin samples off of Vegeta's arms and put them into vials for her to study the cells more later on.

Skarlet would than cause the the tube to extract some more blood from Vegeta to also use for more studying. Skarlet's machines would than inject Vegeta with some healing herbs to see if anything have any effect. The herbs would be injected straight into his system to give them full strength. After a few minutes, Vegeta's cells would not be affected and the virus would continue. As this was going on, Skarlet's gauntlet gets the alert of the tournament at the Dark Tower and knows Vegeta would want to go. She would press a button and cause the tube to empty.

I will use the skin samples and blood samples to study more but from what I see even Sage Mode will not help heal you. There is a tournament at the Dark Tower you should go to. maybe you can get something for me to use and help with a cure.

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Listening to Skarlet speak as the water drains from the tank, Vegeta feels excited at the prospect of a fierce tournament fight, even in his slightly weakened state. The blood of a warrior race flowed thru his veins, and not even the virus in his blood stream could overwhelm that. Geets decides to head out to this Dark Tower, if there was a cure to be found he would extract the information from whoever was responsible with his bare hands, or die trying. After thanking Skarlet, Vegeta heads back up the left, and exits the building. Walking over to Boit, he explains the situation to his loyal companion and climbs back on top of his head as Boit leans down to make it easier on his master. The duo then head out, and Vegeta rests his eyes deactivating his Byakugan, and allows his SM to end as well. Time to get some rest on route, he would need his strength..

LLM (Travel time hastened by Hungarian War Chasers on bio)

Travel Itinerary: #110 -> #092 -> #088 -> #082 -> #081 -> #080 -> #074 -> #065 -> #067
Departing #110 Grand Divide at 12:45 PM (04/11/20)
#092: 1:30
#099: 2:15
#082: 3:00
#081: 3:45
#080: 4:30
#074: 5:15
#065: 6:00
Arriving at #067 Dark Tower at 6:00pm (04/11/20)

Mission end


Sage of Snakes
Apr 25, 2011
Trait Points
This post marks the beginning of my mission using these storyboard elements:
- Convince a settlement to join you/form a cult (3)
- Use the Virus for your personal use
Summary: Now with the virus replicated, Skarlet would hear about a settlement near her that worship a lake spirit. Skarlet would take advantage of this to infect someone and then pretend to heal them with her Xenos so she could create a cult to use for test subjects.

With Skarlet drone now having a vial of the virus ready to go, Skarlet would be on her computer looking for any locations to test it. After searching she would see that some travelers talked about a place called Pingshu in which the settlement worship a lake spirit. Using this belief Skarlet could easily persuade them to work for her. Skarlet would grab Serperior and have him merge into her, while she had her med drone set to follow her. She would also deactivate her Ketsuryugan so she could replenish chakra. After getting everything ready she would take off to the land.

Itinerary 110 > 115 > 118 > 119
110 > 115 258PM-358PM EST
115 > 118 > 358-458PM EST
118 > 119 - 458-558PM EST
Arrive at 119 at 558 PM EST


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
[Coming from here]

Tsuna finally arrived in heartland of the village of the land of sin. He had but one hope. He wanted to try and find answers away from the dark tower. He believed through the help of the other villages, they could find their own answers and he wouldn't stop.

Mission start:

- Search for possible cures.

Waiting for korra.


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
Coming from here

Skarlet and her NPCs return as Skarlet shows them where they can stay.
Sensing someone arrive, Tsuna hoped it was someone who may have the answers which he was looking for. He made his way in the direction of the one he could sense. Upon arriving he found a unique character to say the least, a woman with blood red hair almost, could this be the person he was after. Upon approaching he spoke:

"Hello, my name is Tsuna, from the land of water. I don't mean to be rude but my time is limited and i need to find answers. Is there someone here who i can speak to regarding the red fever.... time is running out and i believe some of your strongest fighters are in danger...."


Sage of Snakes
Apr 25, 2011
Trait Points
Sensing someone arrive, Tsuna hoped it was someone who may have the answers which he was looking for. He made his way in the direction of the one he could sense. Upon arriving he found a unique character to say the least, a woman with blood red hair almost, could this be the person he was after. Upon approaching he spoke:

"Hello, my name is Tsuna, from the land of water. I don't mean to be rude but my time is limited and i need to find answers. Is there someone here who i can speak to regarding the red fever.... time is running out and i believe some of your strongest fighters are in danger...."
As Skarlet sees the man introduce himself while her new cult/workers are settling Skarlet would be surprised that he came here for answers on the Red Fever. Skarlet's drone that is with her would scan the man and file what abilities he posse so she would be alerted.

I am Skarlet. The Red Fever you speak of my villagers already know of and I only have some knowledge of it. What is it you want to know?


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
As Skarlet sees the man introduce himself while her new cult/workers are settling Skarlet would be surprised that he came here for answers on the Red Fever. Skarlet's drone that is with her would scan the man and file what abilities he posse so she would be alerted.

I am Skarlet. The Red Fever you speak of my villagers already know of and I only have some knowledge of it. What is it you want to know?
Tsuna took note of the drone, he wasn't a fan. It seemed to put him on edge. What was it there for? He was in foreign lands and he was here for the greater good.

"What i know so far is this,

This virus came form the ocean where the being, Tiamat first appeared, turning the entire ocean black in an instant. This wasn't just a cosmetic thing. With that the former Kage of shimo became a servant to Tiamat after being shot down, changing their looks and powers in the process.

Over time the world has become ill, the virus known as 'Red Fever' has spread making the world sick. This has caused those who came into contact with the ocean to become even weaker, effecting their health and chakra, changing their skin colour, while the rest of the world it's like an enhanced version of the flue.

The worst part is, those that die from it, don't always stay dead, even if they haven't been in direct contact with the ocean.

Since then the Dark Tower spread the news of a cure and wants people to fight for it. Before i left i noted that even some from this village have gone to try and acquire it. I believe it's a trap. They call Tiamat the 'divine mother'. They put bounties out encouraging death in these dark times and now have those fighting to the death on their terms? Yet they have a cure.

If they have a cure why wouldn't they ask for help in making more, i don't understand their end goal, i don't know how strong they are and this unsettles me.

What do you know, what have you learned? We are running out of time."