Custom Elements Bureau - III

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May 28, 2014
Trait Points
Custom Element Japanese Name: Shiraton
Custom Element English Name: Mystic Fire Release
The Element is based on: Fire Release & Lightning Release

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

Mystic Fire Release is composed of Fire Release and Lightning Release. The use of one’s Fire chakra grants it unique burning capabilities and properties while Lightning Release grants it an energetic and versatile form. The simultaneous combination of these element and their qualities gives birth to Mystic Fire Release, a magnificent plasma/energy. Mystic Fire Release is perhaps best compared to the existence of a basic skill within the broader category of Fūinjutsu. The Four Violet Flames Battle Encampment utilizes a violet barrier to produce special violet flames. Alone these violet flames possess no special or inherently powerful characteristics, they simply act like generic flames. However, with the manipulative abilities of Fire and Lightning Release the user becomes able to create their own specialized flame, Mystic Fire.​

How it works:

The primary method of forming Mystic Fire from one’s own body involves the simultaneous combination of one’s Lightning and Fire chakras. The purpose of such is to gather Lightning to form the energetic base of the element and Fire to grant it unique and specialized burning-like qualities. The end result is a magnificent energy/plasma-like elemental nature with unique and specialized burning applications.

In terms of its other physical characteristics the flames of Mystic Fire are similar to the flames of Shishienjin because of their neutrality to elemental natures, and inherent strength against raw chakra. Their physical characteristics, aside from its color, are quite similar to Fire and Lightning Release but possess certain key differences. In terms of its similarities with Fire Release, the plasma of Mystic Fire can take the shape of flames but can also take more generic energetic forms as well, such as bolts of energy and waves. This makes Mystic Fire a highly versatile energy-based element. When striking a target they will ignite and spread to engulf the target at high temperatures until they are extinguished, much like the black flames of Amaterasu being able to burn even fire itself. However, unlike typical Fire Release, the energy is not ‘hot’ in the normal sense; one who holds their hand near Mystic Fire do not feel heat as if they would with normal fire. The energy only produces a burning and searing sensation when coming in contact with a victim making them a somewhat deceptive elemental nature. The energy radiates a natural light, much like Fire Release. However this light typically is a dim light matching the color that the Mystic Fire is created as and accentuates the beauty and elegance of the element. Unlike normal Fire Release, Mystic Fire does not fuel itself by feeding off of oxygen in the air. Because of this those who stand near high quantities of Mystic Fire do not suffer from oxygen deprivation. Mystic Fire can also be compressed, much like normal Lightning and Fire Release, to gain a form of solidity and tangibility in order to cause explosive damage and allowing them to punch through physical obstacles, should they be used in such a manner.

The most remarkable physical characteristic of Mystic Fire Release is its numerous colors. Because of its nature as a plasma/energetic element which can prevent its own heat from being radiated Mystic Fire can take on any color within the visible light spectrum. This is primarily a cosmetic ability available to wielders of Mystic Fire Release occurs through the user’s control. This control allows the light which radiates out from the element to be selected with great precision allowing a variety of colors within the visible light spectrum, with the exception of invisibility, transparency, or translucency. The spectrum of colors also includes the lack of color as well, producing energy and flames which are pitch black in nature. This ability is drawn from the flames of Shishienjin, which act similar to generic flames but possess their own unique and remarkably beautiful violet color. Through this one can create Mystic Fire flames which can be green, sapphire, or even violet among many others.

As previously mentioned Mystic Fire Release possesses specialized burning capabilities beyond what is normally possible for generic Fire or Lightning Release. While under normal circumstances Mystic Fire acts to burn a target much like generic Fire Release, it possesses a special interaction with absorptive/sealing techniques as well as barriers. The energy of Mystic Fire possesses special ‘burning’ characteristics born from the mixing of one’s own Fire and Lightning chakras. These characteristics grant Mystic Fire an inherent advantage against the above techniques and natures, such as Fūinjutsu (barriers and seals), Dark Release, Water Release Absorption, and other advanced techniques which fall into this category. This effectively allows Mystic Fire to resist these abilities one rank higher than its strength, allowing it to resist and prevent itself from being sealed, absorbed, or consumed.​

Usage Examples:

(Shiraton: Ranukai) – Mystic Fire Release: Orchid Malevolence
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: D – S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 10 – 40
Damage: 20 – 80
Description: This technique is the most basic application of Mystic Fire Release allowing the user to release from any point on their body or from their body itself Mystic Fire. The Mystic Fire can take any color within the visible light spectrum. As a highly versatile energy the user can shape it however they please. They can form bolts, fire, waves, and even weapons. The energy can also be compressed creating a form of explosive damage allowing Mystic Fire to punch through physical obstacles. When it comes in contact with matter it will burn and spread over the target until extinguished, much like Amaterasu.
(Shiraton: Mukei Yōki) – Mystic Fire Release: Ethereal Vessel
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (+10 chakra to applied techniques)
Damage: N/A
Description: This is a supplementary infusion technique designed to be used in conjunction with the user’s energy-based elemental natures. Through an infusion of the user’s chakra the user will create Mystic Fire within a technique allowing it to gain the sealing resistances of Mystic Fire while also increasing the technique’s potency effectively increasing its damage by one rank, or +20 damage.
Conditions to be able to use it:

User must have completed training in Fire Release and Lightning Release.
User must be Sage Rank or higher.

It is noted that to control the flames of Fire Release one must possess notably high skill in the elemental nature. This principle extends toward Mystic Fire Release as an even more advanced elemental nature going beyond Fire Release. As such one must have completed completed training in basic Fūinjutsu in order to possess the skill to control the violet flames.​

Weak to: N/A

Mystic Fire Release is considered neutral to all elemental natures except Dark Release Absorption and Release and as such possesses no inherent weaknesses.

Strong to: N/A

Mystic Fire Release is considered neutral to all elemental natures except Dark Release Absorption and Release. Due to Mystic Fire’s nature it is inherently strong against Dark Release.

Fūinjutsu: Through its unique qualities Mystic Fire gains an inherent advantage against Fūinjutsu and barrier-based techniques allowing it to burn through seals and barriers with far greater ease.

Co-creator: Xylon

Students I pass this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: A decent element but you place too much emphasis on the cosmetic aspects of the CE and not enough on the mechanical properties. You need a better justification for the "resistant to sealing/absorption" ability like the inclusion of Fuuinjutsu. Currently it's rather baseless. Also, mention the strength to Fuuin in the description rather than the S/W, since it isn't an element. This would be strong to Dark Absorption but not the Release variant.

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Custom Element Japanese Name: Shiraton
Custom Element English Name: Mystic Fire Release
The Element is based on: Fire Release, Lightning Release & Fūinjutsu

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

Mystic Fire Release is composed of Fire Release and Lightning Release. The use of one’s Fire chakra grants it unique burning capabilities and properties while Lightning Release grants it an energetic and versatile form. The simultaneous combination of these element and their qualities gives birth to Mystic Fire Release, a magnificent plasma/energy. Mystic Fire Release is perhaps best compared to the existence of a basic skill within the broader category of Fūinjutsu. The Four Violet Flames Battle Encampment utilizes a violet barrier to produce special violet flames. Alone these violet flames possess no special or inherently powerful characteristics, they simply act like generic flames. However, with the manipulative abilities of Fire and Lightning Release the user becomes able to create their own specialized flame, Mystic Fire.​

How it works:

The primary method of forming Mystic Fire from one’s own body involves the simultaneous combination of one’s Lightning and Fire chakras, with added characteristics of Fūinjutsu. In its purest essence Mystic Fire Release operates similarly to the Four Violet Flames Battle Encampment. Its union with Fūinjutsu is based on the principle that, while Fūinjutsu is not an elemental nature itself, it is a characteristic and organization of chakra granting it sealing, and unsealing, qualities.

The basic nature of Mystic Fire Release, by its composition, is an energy based element. Like Fire and Lightning Release, the element operates by concentrating chakra in an area, whether it is from one’s body, through the ground, or even in the air. Once concentrated the user vibrates the chakra, which is a product of Lightning and Fire Release, causing the air to ionize resulting in the creation of Mystic Fire. Like its parent elements, the generated plasma is able to take the form of bolts or fire, and can even be used in tangible forms by applying shape manipulation, much like concentrated Fire. However, most techniques retain the form of flames, which brings forth the name Mystic Fire.

In terms of its other physical characteristics the flames of Mystic Fire are quite similar to the flames of the Four Violet Flames Battle Encampment because of their neutrality to elemental natures and inherent strength against raw chakra. When a target is struck the flames will ignite and spread to engulf the target at high temperatures until extinguished, much like the black flames of Amaterasu being able to burn even fire itself. However, unlike typical Fire Release, the energy it not ‘hot’ in the normal sense; one who holds their hand near Mystic Fire will not feel heat as if they would with normal fire. The energy only produces a burning and searing sensation when coming in contact with a victim making them a somewhat deceptive elemental nature. Unlike normal Fire Release, Mystic Fire does not fuel itself by feeding off oxygen in the air. Because of this those who stand near high quantities of Mystic Fire do not suffer from oxygen deprivation. As previously mentioned Mystic Fire can be compressed, much like normal Lightning and Fire Release, to gain a form of solidity and tangibility in order to cause explosive damage and allowing them to punch through physical obstacles, should they be used in such a manner.

The most remarkable physical characteristic of Mystic Fire Release is its numerous colors. During its creation process, when the chakra is concentrated and the air is ionized, molecules release light (a process identical to Fire releasing light). Typically, the violet spectrum is naturally favored in Mystic Fire. However, chakra concentration varies from user to user causing the wavelengths produced by the molecules to rest anywhere within the visible spectrum of light. As such, Mystic Fire can effectively take on any color imaginable through the user’s control. However, because they are on the visible light spectrum the flames cannot have the properties of invisibility, transparency, or translucency, unless gained from an external technique. Additionally, through the sealing properties gained through its Fūinjutsu-based nature, the flames can also prevent light from emitting altogether resulting in absolute black coloration, much like a cosmic black hole. This is the same property which prevents heat from radiating from the flames. Mystic Fire, normally, only releases heat by conduction, this allows the flames to burn for longer periods of time or even continue to burn on top of water.

Fūinjutsu is frequently noted to possess elemental neutrality, in both barrier-based techniques as well as normal seals due to its characteristics, organization, structure, and its sealing nature. Mystic Fire's foundations in the Four Violet Flames Formation, and the flames which it produces, allows the elemental interactions of Mystic Fire to be simplified significantly. The flames and plasma produced are extremely similar to the flames created in Shishienjin. When used against energy based elements the element with the higher energy overpowers the other. When used against matter based elements it becomes a question of whether or not Mystic Fire has enough energy to burn through their chemical bonds of the opposing element (all matter changes state when exposed to enough energy). Through its foundations Mystic Fire is capable of storing immense amounts of energy in remarkably small areas. This causes clashes to become purely based on raw strength allowing Mystic Fire to retain absolute neutrality against all elemental natures, even if an opposing element possesses a natural strength against energy based elements, resistance to fire, lightning, or other plasmas; it is neutral to all and strong against raw chakra.

The strongest advantage to Mystic Fire is its nature and origin in Fūinjutsu, as well as the elemental natures of Fire and Lightning Release. Mystic Fire possesses unique burning and destructive capabilities, beyond what is normally possible through Fire or Lightning Release. It possesses remarkably high energy; noted to be a rather ‘rebellious’ elemental nature aiming to bring chaos to structure and disorder to order. Because Mystic Fire is born from the two highest energy-based elemental natures it is able to reproduce their characteristics in order to create an extremely efficient offensive against opposing Fūinjutsu, barrier techniques, and absorptive-based natures and techniques. Lightning Release is noted to be capable of entering Earth and ripping it apart from within. Fire Release is noted to possess potent external burning capabilities. With these two characteristics, along with its origins in Fūinjutsu, it creates a potent three-pronged offensive against the above techniques. The final prong, and arguably the most important, in the offensive, through its origins in Fūinjutsu, calls on the nature of techniques such the Barrier Shatter Technique and Sealing Technique: Sealing Release, as well as other highly disruptive Sealing techniques. This effectively makes Mystic Fire a very disruptive element able to strike at the core of techniques which aim to seal, consume, absorb, or block with barrier based techniques. It effectively gives it an inherent neutrality against techniques, meaning it will require absorption techniques of the same rank or above to seal/absorb them. This includes techniques and elemental natures such as Dark Release Absorption and Water Release Absorption.

Usage Examples:

(Shiraton: Kurohāto no Uchū) – Mystic Fire Release: Dark Heart of the Cosmos
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: D – S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 10 – 40
Damage: 20 – 80
Description: This technique is the most basic application of Mystic Fire Release allowing the user to release from any point on their body or from their body itself Mystic Fire. The Mystic Fire can take any color within the visible light spectrum. As a highly versatile energy the user can shape it however they please. They can form bolts, fire, waves, and even weapons. The energy can also be compressed creating a form of explosive damage allowing Mystic Fire to punch through physical obstacles. When it comes in contact with matter it will burn and spread over the target until extinguished, much like Amaterasu.
(Shiraton: Sōzō no Hashira) – Mystic Fire Release: Pillars of Creation
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (+10/20/40 chakra cost to applied techniques)
Damage: N/A
Description: Pillars of Creation is considered the sibling technique of Splendor of Orion and is the strongest Mystic Fire supplementary infusion technique. Pillars of Creation is designed to be used in conjunction with a full/partial body elemental or non-elemental transformation; this can be done when initiating the transformation or when the user is presently in it. This does not apply to all elemental transformations, only those which are considered energy based or ethereal in nature. This includes, but is not limited to, Fire Release, Lightning Release, Explosion Release, and even barrier-type Fūinjutsu. Pillars of Creation is based on the principles of infusion-type techniques, as such when utilized it the infusion occurs instantaneously and can be used within the same timeframe as a transformation. Typical techniques of this category involve an infusion of chakra, in many cases of the same nature, to change numerous aspects of the technique. These can range from a shift in strengths and weaknesses, additional strength, different states and forms, and new and unique effects. However, when a different chakra nature is utilized it forms a ratio between the technique’s base chakra and the infusion’s added chakra. The greater the infused chakra the greater the influence that the infusion holds; as such Pillars of Creation utilizes three separate levels of infusion, each becoming progressively greater. Pillars of Creation can be used four times per battle. B and A-Rank applications count as one application and an S-Rank application counts as two applications. Despite counting as a second or third application this technique will still require one move, it simply reduces it from the total number of times Pillars of Creation can be used. The infusions are as followed:

First Pillar: is the B-Rank application of Pillars of Creation and is considered the weakest infusion. With an additional infusion of 10 chakra the user’s transformed state will gain the specialized characteristics of Mystic Fire Release. This means the user’s form will become naturally strong against sealing and absorptive-based techniques, such as Fūinjutsu and Dark Release Absorption.

Second Pillar: is the A-Rank application of Pillars of Creation. With an additional infusion of 20 chakra the user’s transformed state will gain the strengths and weaknesses of Mystic Fire Release, being nearly converted in full. This means, along with the First Pillar’s effects, the user’s elemental transformation will become neutral to all elemental natures while also becoming strong against sealing and absorptive-based techniques, such as Fūinjutsu and Dark Release Absorption.

Third Pillar: is the S-Rank application of Pillars of Creation and is considered the strongest and most dangerous infusion. With an additional infusion of 40 chakra the user’s transformed state will become a perfect union between Mystic Fire and the infused nature, elemental or non-elemental. As the most potent infusion the user’s elemental transformation will shift in appearance becoming Mystic Fire almost entirely, gaining a color of the user’s choice as well as the characteristics of Mystic Fire and its strengths and weaknesses.
Conditions to be able to use it:

User must have completed training in Fire Release and Lightning Release.
User must be Sage Rank or higher.

It is noted that to control the flames of Fire Release one must possess notably high skill in the elemental nature. This principle extends toward Mystic Fire Release as an even more advanced elemental nature going beyond Fire Release. As such, in order to control the flames and energy as well as grant them their counter-sealing properties, one must have completed training in basic Fūinjutsu in order to possess the skill necessary to do so.

Weak to: N/A

Mystic Fire Release is considered neutral to all elemental natures.

Strong to: N/A

Mystic Fire Release is considered neutral to all elemental natures.

Co-creator: Xylon

Students I pass this custom element on too: ???? & Goetia

P a t e n t C e r t i f i c a t e

I, Negative Knight, head of the Custom Elements Bureau, declare for all men to hear that I give you the following:

Drackos, our loyal member, gave on the date March 1st 2017 a request for a Patent on his custom element (Mystic Fire Release); after reading the submission, I decided that the submitted element satisfies all requirements, and am therefore giving him his rightfully earned Patent on this element by the following;

Powered by Lord of Kaos
Copyright © 2017, Drackos,​
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Mar 15, 2014
Trait Points

Custom element Japanese name:

Custom element English name: Space-time Crystal Release

The element is based on: Earth + Lightening Chakra

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Dark release, unknown of what elements this nature entails. Yet has the power that can be used to absorb, manipulate, and release that chakra taken through a mechanic function that's like a form of a portal. Portals are entitled to space-time rules as they're in-fact a key door to dimensional travel of sorts. Given a time crystal or space-time crystal is at an non-equilibrium state with its environment. This exhibits time translation symmetry, breaking normality states known, thus becoming the 5th state of matter. It is impossible for a time crystal to be in equilibrium with its environment.

How it works:The crystal's pattern repeats not in space, but in time, which remarkably allows for the crystal to be in perpetual motion. Time crystals are closely related to the concepts of zero-point energy and the dynamical Casimir effect. The user molds the chakra to summon Space-time Crystal.

Jutsu Usage Examples:

(Space-time Crystal Release:X) - X
Description=Can summon more space-time jutsu to use. TBC

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Earth and Raiton

Is weak to: Earth, and Fire

Is strong against: Wind and Water

Co-creator: N/a

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

✗ Declined: Another ridiculous submission? Consider yourself banned from submitting CEs.

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Active member
Jul 27, 2011
Trait Points
Custom element Japanese name:

Custom element English name:
Chalk Release

The element is based on:
Earth + Water + Wind

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
The fact that this element is possible, and does exist is the fact that Natural chalk is found in aquatic conditions such as in underwater deposits, While Chalk is one of earth's minerals that can also be found in thick layers, both on and below the ground.. It is formed by the gradual build up of minute calcite plates that have been shed from micro-organisms called coccolithophores.. As in narutoverse we know that they have major seas, oceans, rivers and they form from under water. Calcium is a part of daily life being in alot of everyday materials Including chalk, For instance Unpurified water Etc. We have seen techniques such as quicklime from an Iwa Ninja, As Quicklime contains a some amount of calcium inside of it, we have seen killer bee use Ink which contains a percentage of calcium in it, We have seen painters inside naruto which paint contains a percentage of calcium. Thus makes me believe chalk is easily among the things that exist in naruto due to it having a large some of calcium inside of it. It was also seen on Part 1. Of naruto a chalk board and chalk on the chalk stand, with letters written on the chalk board, making me believe chalk indeed does exist

How it works:
The user will mix 3 elements, Water, Wind, and Earth into either the ground, a water source (Due to chalk forming in oceans etc) or the body. The user channel their earth chakra into the ground to manipulate the sedimentary rocks of the earth mixing their chakra into it while using shape manipulation. The wind and water act as the weathering property for the earth while manipulating it turning the rock into chalk. This will come to the creation of Chalk. The same application applies on a water source except the user use the water as the main source and channel earth and wind to create the weathering phase to create chalk. The same process would take place Due to chalk also being able to form underwater, the user can also manipulate and follow the same steps to making chalk on land on water, except the user will use less water chakra and more earth and wind to cause, and manipulate the weathering of the rock to form chalk. This will allow chalk to be able to form on/under water also. While creating chalk from the body, the user simply use a balanced portion of wind, water, and earth combining them creating chalk.

Primary Use:
This Element is use in versatile ways but mainly in the main way as Earth. For Strong Offensive, and Defensive purposes. When Chalk goes against something of harder substance it breaks down into chalk powder, the chalk powder can not be manipulated, but it can be used as a distraction for other uses such as an escape or even to cause coughing though it is not hazardous

Secondary Use:
Chalk is use as writing material, thus allowing the user to use chalk in a animation type style similar to sais ink. But instead of drawing on a piece of paper, the user has to draw on a hard surface, thus creating the animation side of this element. By doing this, the user will create an animation and use the confirmation handseal at all times pooling chakra into the creation.

(Hakuboku: hakuboku peretto) Chalk Release: Chalk Pellets
Type: Attack
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description:The user will do the tiger handseal and spit out several chalk pellets. (about 5 inches) thes chalk pellets launch from the user mouth towards the opponent in great haste. Causing minor damage if the attack lands

(Hakuboku: Anime soushi) Chalk Release: Animation Creation
Type: Sup/Attack
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 25
Damage: 50
Description: The user will create a piece of chalk or use an existing piece of chalk and draw any animal in quick haste. Once they are finished drawing the animal the user will do 1 handsign . Once they handsign is done the animal will emerge from the chalk outline made out of chalk. The animal has no special abilitites but to simply do as it was created for.

(Hakuboku: Hakuboku kayaku) Chalk Release: Chalk Puff

Type: Sup
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/a
Description: The user will utilize any chalk on the field and channel their chakra into it. By doing so they will simply crush the chalk creating chakra dust. This is used to blind the opponent temp. distract the opponent, or anything of that nature

Conditions to be able to use it:
-Must Master Earth
-Must Master Water
-Must Master Wind

Is weak to:
Earth & Any Element Strong to earth (Steel, Iron, Wood, etc)- Chalk is one of the weakest types of rock. Easily able to be broke apart
Lightning & Lightning Base Elements (Storm, etc) - Still part of the rock family allowing lightning to break it down

Is strong against:
Water and Water Variant Elements (Rain, Volcanic Water, etc)- Chalk can substain, and Hold a large amount of water, Also not allowing water to bypass it
Fire and Fire Variant Elements (Scorch, White Fire, etc) - Heat can not bypass chalk and chalk can not melt. Leaving chalk non-affected by fire

Co-creator: Loki
Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

Mugiwara permission to make a CE based off his calcium element

Permission from NK, that said LOK said that he could allow me to resubmit chalk .-. :

✗ Declined: Decently put together. My only problem is that your element is a 1 on the Mohs scale of hardness. That means it will be weak to virtually every element that carries some physical force. This includes Wind and might even include Water. Secondly, I checked into your claim of Chalk being "immune" to fire. It's true it doesn't melt but it does decompose when heated. It has a melting point of 1300 or so, which is about the same as Steel. Wouldn't this make it neutral to Fire-based elements?

Custom element Japanese name:

Custom element English name:
Chalk Release

The element is based on:
Earth + Water + Wind

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
The fact that this element is possible, and does exist is the fact that Natural chalk is found in aquatic conditions such as in underwater deposits, While Chalk is one of earth's minerals that can also be found in thick layers, both on and below the ground.. It is formed by the gradual build up of minute calcite plates that have been shed from micro-organisms called coccolithophores.. As in narutoverse we know that they have major seas, oceans, rivers and they form from under water. Calcium is a part of daily life being in alot of everyday materials Including chalk, For instance Unpurified water Etc. We have seen techniques such as quicklime from an Iwa Ninja, As Quicklime contains a some amount of calcium inside of it, we have seen killer bee use Ink which contains a percentage of calcium in it, We have seen painters inside naruto which paint contains a percentage of calcium. Thus makes me believe chalk is easily among the things that exist in naruto due to it having a large some of calcium inside of it. It was also seen on Part 1. Of naruto a chalk board and chalk on the chalk stand, with letters written on the chalk board, making me believe chalk indeed does exist

How it works:
The user will mix 3 elements, Water, Wind, and Earth into either the ground, a water source (Due to chalk forming in oceans etc) or the body. The user channel their earth chakra into the ground to manipulate the sedimentary rocks of the earth mixing their chakra into it while using shape manipulation. The wind and water act as the weathering property for the earth while manipulating it turning the rock into chalk. This will come to the creation of Chalk. The same application applies on a water source except the user use the water as the main source and channel earth and wind to create the weathering phase to create chalk. The same process would take place Due to chalk also being able to form underwater, the user can also manipulate and follow the same steps to making chalk on land on water, except the user will use less water chakra and more earth and wind to cause, and manipulate the weathering of the rock to form chalk. This will allow chalk to be able to form on/under water also. While creating chalk from the body, the user simply use a balanced portion of wind, water, and earth combining them creating chalk.

Primary Use:
This Element is use in versatile ways but mainly in the main way as Earth. For Strong Offensive, and Defensive purposes. When Chalk goes against something of harder substance it breaks down into chalk powder, the chalk powder can not be manipulated, but it can be used as a distraction for other uses such as an escape or even to cause coughing though it is not hazardous

Secondary Use:
Chalk is use as writing material, thus allowing the user to use chalk in a animation type style similar to sais ink. But instead of drawing on a piece of paper, the user has to draw on a hard surface, thus creating the animation side of this element. By doing this, the user will create an animation and use the confirmation handseal at all times pooling chakra into the creation.

(Hakuboku: hakuboku peretto) Chalk Release: Chalk Pellets
Type: Attack
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description:The user will do the tiger handseal and spit out several chalk pellets. (about 5 inches) thes chalk pellets launch from the user mouth towards the opponent in great haste. Causing minor damage if the attack lands

(Hakuboku: Anime soushi) Chalk Release: Animation Creation
Type: Sup/Attack
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 25
Damage: 50
Description: The user will create a piece of chalk or use an existing piece of chalk and draw any animal in quick haste. Once they are finished drawing the animal the user will do 1 handsign . Once they handsign is done the animal will emerge from the chalk outline made out of chalk. The animal has no special abilitites but to simply do as it was created for.

(Hakuboku: Hakuboku kayaku) Chalk Release: Chalk Puff

Type: Sup
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/a
Description: The user will utilize any chalk on the field and channel their chakra into it. By doing so they will simply crush the chalk creating chakra dust. This is used to blind the opponent temp. distract the opponent, or anything of that nature

Conditions to be able to use it:
-Must Master Earth
-Must Master Water
-Must Master Wind

Is weak to:
Earth & Any Element Strong to earth (Steel, Iron, Wood, etc)- Chalk is one of the weakest types of rock. Easily able to be broke apart
Advanced Fire (Sun Fire, Hell Fire, White Fire etc): Being stronger and hotter than regular fire, It will melt chalk
Lava: Being heavier than chalk and hotter than fire, it would melt chalk

Is strong against:
Lightning & Lightning Base Elements (Storm, etc) - Chalk being an insulator such as rubber, and plastic dont allow for heat to bypass through it thus not breaking it down.
Fire: Chalk normally doesnt melt unless heated to a very high degree

Scorch: Even though scorch is very hot, its no more than hot air that carries very little momentum

Wind and Wind Based Elements: Even though Chalk is a form of earth, it being weak, a stronger wind technique could overpower it (If it carries force). If not, then chalk overpowers wind
Water & Water based C: Very similar to the above. With enough force (Stronger rank than chalk) Can simply overpower chalk. If not, Chalk will withstand it.

Co-creator: Loki
Students I passed this custom element on too: Hell Autarch & -Vegeta

✗ Declined: All of the elemental S/W are illogical, especially the strength to Lightning. Your element is weaker than Earth, being an insulator isn't really a factor for focused lightning techniques. They would destroy your elemental regardless. Wood is a good example of this. It's an insulator but it is still weak to Lightning Release. Being neutral to wind is a reach, same with Chalk being strong to fire. Like I mentioned in my previous check, it would be neutral to Katon.

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Active member
Jun 25, 2013
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau


Custom element Japanese name: Chiriton
Custom element English name: Pantheonic Dust
The element is based on: Earth | Fire | Wind​

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

Pantheonic Dust (Super-absorbent Polymers, commonly shortened to SAPs or Slush Powder, but will however be referred to as Pantheonic Dust henceforth) is a polymer that can absorb and retain extremely large amounts of a liquid relative to its mass. In essence, it is created by purifying grounded up pieces of earth with a dust or sand-like quality until it is composed of purely crystallized acrylic acid combined with acrylonitrile. Both acrylic acid and acrylonitrile [ ] are a product of propene, an unsaturated organic compound that is found in nature through natural gas. Being that natural gas (a type of fossil fuel) is created when layers of buried/decomposed plants, gases, and animals (all three of which found within the NV) are exposed to intense heat and pressure over thousands of years, it is safe to assume that natural gas, the primary factor needed to create Pantheonic Dust exists within the Narutoverse.​
How it works:

An advanced chakra nature, Pantheonic Dust requires the usage of wind, earth and fire elements in order to create the crystalline grains. Earth serves as the source for the buried/decomposed plants, gases, and animals which contain the necessary compounds for Pan Dust. Fire is used to heat up this earth source greatly to the point where it is devoid of all moisture, and can thus be pulverised easily. Wind is finally responsible for the pulverisation process as it crushes/abrades the fossilised earth into fine crystalline fragments/granules which become what is know as Pantheonic Dust. Regardless of this detailed explanation, during battles, Pantheonic Dust will be created by simply combining the three chakra natures aforementioned to form a new one which will be known as Pantheonic Dust chakra; Pan Dust chakra; or PD chakra. With the use of PD chakra, the user of this element will be able to source it from earth and from their body. Much like the canon Sand Release, the user may carry a gourd or container on their person with pre-made Pantheonic Dust if they so wish.

Pantheonic Dust is unique in that it is hydrophilic; each grain is capable of absorbing over 500 times its own weight in liquid, expanding in the process [ ]. A single grain that is just 4 millimeters in diameter can expand considerably in size and congeal with other grains around it, changing from a crystalline structure to that of a larger, gel-like mesh [ ]. In terms of how its hydrophilic property interacts with a liquid, once the dust absorbs the liquid and congeals, it adopts the color and temperature of said liquid, increasing in size but still retaining the same shape it was in previously; but in this state, the gel cannot further be manipulated..[/B]​

Usage Examples:

(Chiriton Φ Panteon no Ressā Kōchiku) Φ Pantheonic Dust Release Φ Lesser Constructs of The Pantheon
Type: Offensive/Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user is able to manifest a plethora of weapons, shields, pillars, etc, out of Pantheonic Dust. The objects that can be formed are limited to the user's imagination and follow the same restrictions of the dust itself; should these objects come to absorb a liquid, the dust immediately expands (however still retaining the shape that it was in prior to) into a firm state of gel. The gel adopts the same temperature as the liquid that has been absorbed, so it has the possibility to burn the target if the liquid was hot or to become more dense if the liquid was extremely cold. This interaction with liquid applies to all objects created.
Note: All objects created with this technique follow the same initial restrictions the dust has.
Note: Objects can only be created within reason.

(Chiriton Φ Hekate no Geretsunamisuto) Φ Pantheonic Dust Release Φ Hecate's Vile Breath
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user clasps their hands together and holds this hand gesture, focusing their Pantheonic chakra into the ground, calling forth Pantheonic Dust that bursts from the ground and heads toward the target(s) as a large, wide wave of dust in an attempt to engulf them. Should the wave make contact with the target(s), they will suffer direct blunt force damage from the sheer weight and density of the wave, potentially burying them in the dust as well. This dust can also be used as a pre-existing source to perform other Pantheonic Dust techniques should it still be in it's original state.
Note: Can only be used twice per battle.

(Chiriton Φ Atorasu no taitō) Φ Pantheonic Dust Release Φ Rise of Atlas
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user performs a series of three handseals and slams one of their hands onto the ground, giving birth to a giant amalgam of Pantheonic Dust from the ground that can be controlled as long as the user keeps their hands on either the ground or the amalgam. This can be used to defend against incoming techniques or to attack the target.
Note: Can only be used once per battle.

Conditions to be able to use it: Fire Mastery | Wind Mastery | Earth Mastery

Is weak to:

Lightning and all other lightning based elements: Due to Pantheonic Dust being comprised of earth material.

Fire and all other fire based elements: Unlike normal sand, Pantheonic Dust can be incinerated quickly due to its greater surface area.
Is strong against:

Water and all other liquid based elements: Pantheonic Dust carries hydrophilic properties.

Earth and most earth based elements: Much like normal sand, Pantheonic Dust is capable of grinding into earth and is able to become dense enough to compete with the hardest of rocks.

Steam and all other variants: Pantheonic Dust simply absorbs the moisture.

Co-creator: Mudo

Students I passed this custom element on to: ? & ?

P a t e n t C e r t i f i c a t e

I, Negative Knight, head of the Custom Elements Bureau, declare for all men to hear that I give you the following:

Joker, our loyal member, gave on the date December 3rd 2016 a request for a Patent on his custom element (Pantheonic Dust); after reading the submission, I decided that the submitted element satisfies all requirements, and am therefore giving him his rightfully earned Patent on this element by the following;

Powered by Lord of Kaos
Copyright © 2016, Joker,​

Custom element Japanese name: Chiriton
Custom element English name: Pantheonic Dust
The element is based on: Earth | Fire | Wind​

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

Pantheonic Dust (Super-absorbent Polymers, commonly shortened to SAPs or Slush Powder, but will however be referred to as Pantheonic Dust henceforth) is a polymer that can absorb and retain extremely large amounts of a liquid relative to its mass. In essence, it is created by purifying grounded up pieces of earth with a dust or sand-like quality until it is composed of purely crystallized acrylic acid combined with acrylonitrile. Both acrylic acid and acrylonitrile [ ] are a product of propene, an unsaturated organic compound that is found in nature through natural gas. Being that natural gas (a type of fossil fuel) is created when layers of buried/decomposed plants, gases, and animals (all three of which found within the NV) are exposed to intense heat and pressure over thousands of years, it is safe to assume that natural gas, the primary factor needed to create Pantheonic Dust exists within the Narutoverse.​
How it works:

An advanced chakra nature, Pantheonic Dust requires the usage of wind, earth and fire elements in order to create the crystalline grains. Earth serves as the source for the buried/decomposed plants, gases, and animals which contain the necessary compounds for Pan Dust. Fire is used to heat up this earth source greatly to the point where it is devoid of all moisture, and can thus be pulverised easily. Wind is finally responsible for the pulverisation process as it crushes/abrades the fossilised earth into fine crystalline fragments/granules which become what is know as Pantheonic Dust. Regardless of this detailed explanation, during battles, Pantheonic Dust will be created by simply combining the three chakra natures aforementioned to form a new one which will be known as Pantheonic Dust chakra; Pan Dust chakra; or PD chakra. With the use of PD chakra, the user of this element will be able to source it from earth and from their body. Much like the canon Sand Release, the user may carry a gourd or container on their person with pre-made Pantheonic Dust if they so wish.

Pantheonic Dust is unique in that it is hydrophilic; each grain is capable of absorbing over 500 times its own weight in liquid, expanding in the process [ ]. A single grain that is just 4 millimeters in diameter can expand considerably in size and congeal with other grains around it, changing from a crystalline structure to that of a larger, gel-like mesh (which for clarification isn't "gel" but will be referred to as such for convenience) [ ]. In terms of how its hydrophilic property interacts with a liquid, once the dust absorbs the liquid and congeals, it adopts the color and temperature of said liquid, increasing in size but still retaining the same shape it was in previously; in this this sate, the Gel can continued to be manipulated, but it will retain it's original S/Ws.

Usage Examples:

(Chiriton Φ Panteon no Ressā Kōchiku) Φ Pantheonic Dust Release Φ Lesser Constructs of The Pantheon
Type: Offensive/Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user is able to manifest a plethora of weapons, shields, pillars, etc, out of Pantheonic Dust. The objects that can be formed are limited to the user's imagination and follow the same restrictions of the dust itself; should these objects come to absorb a liquid, the dust immediately expands (however still retaining the shape that it was in prior to) into a firm state of gel. The gel adopts the same temperature as the liquid that has been absorbed, so it has the possibility to burn the target if the liquid was hot or to become more dense if the liquid was extremely cold. This interaction with liquid applies to all objects created.
Note: All objects created with this technique follow the same initial restrictions the dust has.
Note: Objects can only be created within reason.

(Chiriton Φ Hekate no Geretsunamisuto) Φ Pantheonic Dust Release Φ Hecate's Vile Breath
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user clasps their hands together and holds this hand gesture, focusing their Pantheonic chakra into the ground, calling forth Pantheonic Dust that bursts from the ground and heads toward the target(s) as a large, wide wave of dust in an attempt to engulf them. Should the wave make contact with the target(s), they will suffer direct blunt force damage from the sheer weight and density of the wave, potentially burying them in the dust as well. This dust can also be used as a pre-existing source to perform other Pantheonic Dust techniques should it still be in it's original state.
Note: Can only be used twice per battle.

(Chiriton Φ Atorasu no taitō) Φ Pantheonic Dust Release Φ Rise of Atlas
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user performs a series of three handseals and slams one of their hands onto the ground, giving birth to a giant amalgam of Pantheonic Dust from the ground that can be controlled as long as the user keeps their hands on either the ground or the amalgam. This can be used to defend against incoming techniques or to attack the target.
Note: Can only be used once per battle.

Conditions to be able to use it: Fire Mastery | Wind Mastery | Earth Mastery

Is weak to:

Lightning and all other lightning based elements: Due to Pantheonic Dust being comprised of earth material. Similar to it's weakness to fire, when it's Gel state, the heat produced by lightning makes the Gel stiffen and crack; rendering it incapable of being used any further.

Fire and all other fire based elements: Unlike normal sand, Pantheonic Dust can be incinerated quickly due to its greater surface area. In it's Gel state, the fire element causes the coagulate to stiffen and solidify completely, turning it into something akin to hard rock.

Is strong against:

Water and all other liquid based elements: Pantheonic Dust carries hydrophilic properties. In it's Gel state, when clashing with water, the constructs merely continue to absorb the liquid, causing it to increase in strength and size

Earth and most earth based elements: Much like normal sand, Pantheonic Dust is capable of grinding into earth and is able to become dense enough to compete with the hardest of rocks. When confronted with Earth, the Gel's viscosity and adhesiveness allows it to slow all tangible attacks due to it's relatively thick nature, slowing down the kinetic force of the Earth.

Steam and all other variants: Pantheonic Dust simply absorbs the moisture. Much like water, the Gel merely continues to absorb the moisture.

Co-creator: Mudo

Students I passed this custom element on to: ? & ?

✗ Declined: You can't resubmit approved CEs.

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Robot Boy

Active member
Nov 6, 2011
Trait Points
Custom element Japanese name: Risosu

Custom element English name: Líthos Stone

The element is based on: Earth + Lightning

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Líthos stone or otherwise known as Lodestone is a type of naturally magnetized rock attracted to iron and other metals. In the anime we were able to see how substances were capable of being magnetized and possessing magnetic properties. We see this especially with Magnetism release in both Iron Sand and basic Magnetism. Both substances have displayed the ability to expel magnetic currents as well as attract other metals. We were shown with the Basic release of Magnetism possessed by Toroi of Kumogakure, that it is possible to create as well as affect preexisting magnetic currents. He was capable of easily creating magnetic currents by simply making physical contact with a substance. Additionally, in the anime we were shown how magnetism can be used through a medium as shown with Iron sand. Due to the magnetic fields present in the sand it enabled the user to hold the sand together while also possessing magnetic properties.

How it works: Líthos stone is a type of rock capable of utilizing magnetic currents to attract things towards it or by manipulating the currents in any other fashion. First in order to produce Líthos Stone a earth substance must first be present and that is when the user will utilize the Earth element in order to form a base for this element. On to where the rock retrieved its magnetic properties, due to Lodestone being found naturally magnetized and being found closer to the earth surface it believed that it is due to lightning that it retrieves its magnetic abilities. This all leads to the user applying their lightning elemental nature in order to bestow the rock with its magnetic abilities. It is because lightning bolts possess strong magnetic fields that it allows for the rock to pick them up whenever contact has been made. Unlike the majority of magnetic substances found on the earth which have a low resistance to demagnetization; this is all to say that Líthos Stone itself is a magnetic material which is mainly due to its inhomogeneous structure that it is capable of serving as a permanent magnet. After its creations the rock will have an appearance of a brownish to black substance. Also, due to how Líthos Stone possesses its own magnetic field it makes it near impossible for any metal base substance to overcome its magnetic field without succumbing to it. The magnetic fields of this rock are capable of being manipulated as wanted and it can even pass on its magnetic properties with contact or when an object is in its close proximity. While utilizing this rock the user is able to control the rock so, that the magnetic fields can be used to damage a target. If desired any object affected by the magnetic currents can be utilized by the user as their own type of weapon and, with equal or greater force.

Additionally, not only is a new magnetic substance created upon infusion of the two a new set of properties are induced upon the rock. When lightning is infused into the earth it is inflicting thousands of degrees of heat upon the rock which is twice as hot as lava; therefore its changes the rock's composition as well. After being shocked with lightning it causes for the rock to be changed physically causing it to appear as a crystal.

Jutsu Usage Examples:
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user creates a structure of Líthos stone that they will immediately hurl at a target aiming to overcome any metals in the way and hit the target with the blunt force of the rock.

Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user slams their hands on the ground and creates two slabs of Líthos stone on the left and right of the target. The magnetic currents will be controlled to forcefully pull the target in two directions until they have been ripped apart .

Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: NA
The user slams their hands on the ground infusing it with their Líthos chakra. By doing so they convert the ground into Líthos and, this technique will serve to attract all metal based substance to it making them useless.

Conditions to be able to use it
: Mastery over Earth and Lightning

Is weak to:Fire: When heat is applied to this magnetic rock it can cause for it to become demagnetized.

Lightning: Heat can be generated through electricity and demagnetize the rock.

Magnetism: Can potentially cause the element to lose its magnetic properties.

Scorch: Can heat up the element similar to Fire causing its to lose its magnetic properties.

Is strong against:
Lightweight Elements: Lodestone has a Mohs hardness of 5.5-6.5 making it denser than any element of a lower hardness.

Earth: Earth will also be attracted to the rock causing it to lose its force due to the magnetic fields.

Metals: Just like Earth, Metals will be attracted to the rock causing for it to lose its momentum.

Water: Magnetic materials work exceptionally well in water; making them a good medium to use them inside. Water can be repelled by a strong magnetic field or even exhibit magnetic properties if in a strong enough magnetic field; which means it will overcome the water.

Wind: Permanent magnets tend to grow in strength as they are cooled.

Ice: Just like with wind, the cold temperatures of Ice will serve to increase the stones magnetic properties.

Co-creator: Sasori

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

✗ Declined: Some parts are contradictory or at the very least, worded badly. This is created through the fusion of lightning and earth, rendering it "twice as hot as lava" but that would just demagnetize your own element, as reflected in the weaknesses section. Secondly, "Lighter elements" isn't a valid weakness. You need to name CEs that would be weak to your element individually or in easily defined categories (e.g. all liquids). Most importantly, why do you think Earth and Metals would be weak to this? Because they're drawn towards it? That wouldn't decrease their momentum, if anything it would increase it. Wind as a strength is also illogical, cooling isn't it's main property or even the mechanism by which it deals damage. Overall, this needs a major overhaul.

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Active member
May 31, 2014
Trait Points
Removed all you said.

Custom element Japanese name: Sukoria

Custom element English name: Scoria

The element is based on: Fire + Earth + Wind

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): In the Manga there have been multiple ways that Lava style has been implemented into a Ninja’s jutsu. This specific type of molten rock is tied greatly to Roshi and his Tailed Beast's ability to use the jutsu “Lava Release: Scorching Stream Rock Technique” which produces boulders of molten rock. The molten rock from that Lava technique is greatly tied to volcanoes which shows that the user would be capable of manipulating substances that derive from volcanoes as well as some volcanic rock. With the information that it is possible to heat molten rock this element focuses on the ability to cool magma on rocks which turns it into a different substance. This not only shows that it is possible to manipulate molten rock, but possible for the user to manipulate it into a different substance to create a black,or dark gray to deep reddish brown rock known as Scoria. To better help understand this element, Scoria is quite similar to when one slowly opens a soda bottle. As they open that soda bottle small, round bubbles form along the inside surface of the bottle. Then when the bottle is fully opened it releases larger bubbles, and a hiss of gas escapes from the bottle followed by a rush of a foam like material. The depressurization and escape of gases is the same process by which magma is depressurized as it exits a volcanic vent. The foam is equivalent to what the end result of Scoria is when it solidifies.

How it works: In order to initiate the process of creating Scoria— one must first apply tremendous pressure towards the earth. While the earth is enclosed the user then begins to heat the earth to a state of molten-like earth. Once the rock has reached the designated heat levels the user then begins to surround earth with their wind chakra which causes for it to be cooled tremendously. At the moment that Scoria begins to cool, the pressure placed among the molten rock is then reduced greatly, as the rock is also being cooled gases start to escape in the form of bubbles. Now comes the precision part of creating the element, if the wind being applied to the molten rock solidifies the rock before the gases can fully escape the bubbles become small rounded cavities along the surfaces of the rock which is exactly what is wanted to create Scoria. Due to the fact that the earth solidified before the gases could all escape some of the gases and air are trapped inside in the form of bubbles with the wind and gases that are extremely hot and explosive. While trapped inside of Scoria its gases are in a dormant state free of risk of exploding. In most cases only when the rock has been punctured will it explode. The gases are capable of exploding and at risk of it because the gases are extremely hot and have been confined in a space which will be the rock and inside it has been building up pressure. All the gases need to explode at this point is a leakage in order to be released which can be done by destroying it.

Normally, in real life cases the molten rocks are cooled because they are propelled into the air from erupting volcanoes, but in this case the user can achieve the same effect by applying the Wind Element to it to cool it. Also, as the user places Wind around the earth with the heat and pressure added to it, it releases gases out of it. The bubbles found along the surface of Scoria rocks are commonly known as vesicles containing trapped gases and air. The thick walls of Scoria also make it a heavy element weighing about 100 pounds per cubic foot making it heavier than earth, and light weight elements. When dealing with Real life situations Scoria has been known to be able to be crushed into different shapes and objects. Also, because it is heavier than earth it can be used to supplement the steel used in buildings making it play on equal terms with elements such as steel with a higher density than earth. Another property of Scoria is its ability to provide a good insulator for heat so it serves as a good way to keep heat inside, but also increase the Scoria rock itself. Something to note is that Scoria is mainly formed from rising magma is introduced to lower pressures, and has gases released which were trapped inside from the quick solidification of it. Overall, Scoria is a type of cooled molten rock which contains hot/explosive gases and air inside of it making it quite hollow. Let it be noted
that all scoria constructs upon immediate reaction to the air will be exposed to oxygen triggering a pyrophoric reaction instantly setting the rock ablaze.

Jutsu Usage Examples:
(Sukoriarirīsu: Gurētosukoriarirīsu) Scoria Rease: Greater Scoria Release
Type: Offensive/Defensive Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: This jutsu enables the user the ability to crush pieces of Scoria to create shapes and objects only limited by the user’s imagination that can explode.

(Sukoriarirīsu:Suishin gasu) Scoria Release: Propelling Gas
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will first create a large boulder of Scoria with many vesicles along the surface of it.

(Sukoriarirīsu: Ko 胞 Haretsu) Scoria Release: Vesicle Rupture
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Mid-Long
Chakra cost: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will first construct a large piece of Scoria out of the surrounding ground.

Conditions to be able to use it: Up to appropriate training in Fire, earth, and wind meaning if the user only has training up to B-rank in those elements they can only use up to B-rank Scoria.

Is weak to:

Water- Water also will act as wind does to Scoria, and serve as a way to cool it down. When water comes in contact with Scoria will cool down it’s hot outside surface, but as well as decrease the temperature inside of the rock itself.
Wind- Since Scoria is similar to molten rock, wind will cool down the gases and air trapped inside as well as the outside of it will be cooled down weakening it.
Lava- Lava is strong against Scoria due to Scoria's composition of Earth and Fire which the Lava element is strong against.
Storm- Same as with Lava, Storm is strong against both Earth and Fire which are the main components of Scoria.​

Neutral To:
Steel- Scoria has been known to be able to replace Steel in constructions or buildings making it the logical choice to be able to play on equal terms with Steel.
Dark- Scoria is neutral to Dark release because Dark release can absorb the wind inside of the Scoria rock, but could not absorb the entire rock itself
Crystal- Is the same as Steel, and Scoria is a denser and stronger substance than ordinary earth putting it in the same league as Scoria.
Ice- Ice is known to be weak to earth which Scoria is made out of, but at the same time Ice is strong to wind which is inside of Scoria making it play on equal terms with Scoria.​

Is strong against:
Earth- Scoria has been shown to have higher densities than ordinary earth structures.
Fire- Scoria is mainly a substance crafted from heated rock making it fire resistance, but at the same time it is because of Scoria that it is so dense and structured so fire will only increase the properties of the rock.
Lightning- Inside of the Scoria rock is air and gas that makes it hard for lightning to pass through it due to its weakness to wind.
Sound- It is mainly because Scoria has air trapped inside of it which would weaken the sound waves itself when it came in contact with Scoria as it tried to pass through it.​

Co-creator: Littlefinger.

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

✗ Declined: Remove the "in most cases". Your element will only explode if punctured. Also, you can't have a pyrophroic property and have this be explosive. What I meant in my check was, you can have one or the other. Finally and the main reason for my decline, is that your elemental S/W are completely wrong. Literally every single thing you listed. Remove all of the neutralities. If your element is explosive, contact with fire would destroy. So how could it possibly be strong to Fire? Same with lightning. You seem to think the mere existence of "air and gases" within the rock would make this strong to Lightning? Lmao. The lightning would just detonate them and again, your element would be destroyed. Scoria would be weak to both Fire and Lightning.

- Removed Pyrochoric

Custom element Japanese name: Sukoria

Custom element English name: Scoria

The element is based on: Fire + Earth + Wind

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): In the Manga there have been multiple ways that Lava style has been implemented into a Ninja’s jutsu. This specific type of molten rock is tied greatly to Roshi and his Tailed Beast's ability to use the jutsu “Lava Release: Scorching Stream Rock Technique” which produces boulders of molten rock. The molten rock from that Lava technique is greatly tied to volcanoes which shows that the user would be capable of manipulating substances that derive from volcanoes as well as some volcanic rock. With the information that it is possible to heat molten rock this element focuses on the ability to cool magma on rocks which turns it into a different substance. This not only shows that it is possible to manipulate molten rock, but possible for the user to manipulate it into a different substance to create a black,or dark gray to deep reddish brown rock known as Scoria. To better help understand this element, Scoria is quite similar to when one slowly opens a soda bottle. As they open that soda bottle small, round bubbles form along the inside surface of the bottle. Then when the bottle is fully opened it releases larger bubbles, and a hiss of gas escapes from the bottle followed by a rush of a foam like material. The depressurization and escape of gases is the same process by which magma is depressurized as it exits a volcanic vent. The foam is equivalent to what the end result of Scoria is when it solidifies.

How it works: In order to initiate the process of creating Scoria— one must first apply tremendous pressure towards the earth. While the earth is enclosed the user then begins to heat the earth to a state of molten-like earth. Once the rock has reached the designated heat levels the user then begins to surround earth with their wind chakra which causes for it to be cooled tremendously. At the moment that Scoria begins to cool, the pressure placed among the molten rock is then reduced greatly, as the rock is also being cooled gases start to escape in the form of bubbles. Now comes the precision part of creating the element, if the wind being applied to the molten rock solidifies the rock before the gases can fully escape the bubbles become small rounded cavities along the surfaces of the rock which is exactly what is wanted to create Scoria. Due to the fact that the earth solidified before the gases could all escape some of the gases and air are trapped inside in the form of bubbles with the wind and gases that are extremely hot and explosive. While trapped inside of Scoria its gases are in a dormant state free of risk of exploding. Only when Scoria has been destroyed will it explode. The gases are capable of exploding and at risk of it because the gases are extremely hot and have been confined in a space which will be the rock and inside it has been building up pressure. All the gases need to explode at this point is a leakage in order to be released which can be done by destroying it.

Normally, in real life cases the molten rocks are cooled because they are propelled into the air from erupting volcanoes, but in this case the user can achieve the same effect by applying the Wind Element to it to cool it. Also, as the user places Wind around the earth with the heat and pressure added to it, it releases gases out of it. The bubbles found along the surface of Scoria rocks are commonly known as vesicles containing trapped gases and air. The thick walls of Scoria also make it a heavy element weighing about 100 pounds per cubic foot making it heavier than earth, and light weight elements. When dealing with Real life situations Scoria has been known to be able to be crushed into different shapes and objects. Also, because it is heavier than earth it can be used to supplement the steel used in buildings making it play on equal terms with elements such as steel with a higher density than earth. Another property of Scoria is its ability to provide a good insulator for heat so it serves as a good way to keep heat inside, but also increase the Scoria rock itself. Something to note is that Scoria is mainly formed from rising magma is introduced to lower pressures, and has gases released which were trapped inside from the quick solidification of it. Overall, Scoria is a type of cooled molten rock which contains hot/explosive gases and air inside of it making it quite hollow.

Jutsu Usage Examples:
(Sukoriarirīsu: Gurētosukoriarirīsu) Scoria Rease: Greater Scoria Release
Type: Offensive/Defensive Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: This jutsu enables the user the ability to crush pieces of Scoria to create shapes and objects only limited by the user’s imagination that can explode.

(Sukoriarirīsu:Suishin gasu) Scoria Release: Propelling Gas
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will first create a large boulder of Scoria with many vesicles along the surface of it.

(Sukoriarirīsu: Ko 胞 Haretsu) Scoria Release: Vesicle Rupture
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Mid-Long
Chakra cost: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will first construct a large piece of Scoria out of the surrounding ground.

Conditions to be able to use it: Up to appropriate training in Fire, earth, and wind meaning if the user only has training up to B-rank in those elements they can only use up to B-rank Scoria.

Is weak to:

Water- Water also will act as wind does to Scoria, and serve as a way to cool it down. When water comes in contact with Scoria will cool down it’s hot outside surface, but as well as decrease the temperature inside of the rock itself.
Wind- Since Scoria is similar to molten rock, wind will cool down the gases and air trapped inside as well as the outside of it will be cooled down weakening it.

Is strong against:
Earth- Scoria has been shown to have higher densities than ordinary earth structures.
Sound- It is mainly because Scoria has air trapped inside of it which would weaken the sound waves itself when it came in contact with Scoria as it tried to pass through it.
Fire- Scoria is strong to fire due to the rocks high flame resistance simply meaning that because of the rocks outer shell being accustomed to such pressures and heat it will require more strenuous power from a flame in order to destroy it, releasing the gases in the process.
Lightning- Scoria is strong to lightning because of Scorias intense heat from its outside surface and inside with the hot air which causes for waves of heat to be emitted/radiated off of Scoria. Because of this it causes it any lightning nearby it to become disturbed and a discrepancy is present in the wave due to its medium , the air, being disturbed, Also, the rock will become less influenced from lightning based techniques. This simply goes to say that more effort than usual will be needed in order to destroy the rock.

Co-creator: Littlefinger.

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

✗ Declined: Yeah, your S/W are completely off. The strength to Fire is a reach but the one to Lightning makes zero sense. You conveniently made it so your element emits heat waves that disrupt electrical currents but that isn't inherent to your element at all.
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Jan 25, 2016
Trait Points

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Custom element Japanese name:
Anmoniaton | Doragonburesuton

Custom element English name:
Ammonia Release | Dragon Breath

The element is based on:

Wind + Fire + Chakra Control​

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

Ammonia is found naturally in the world within bacteria, decaying animals and plants, as well as human and animal faecal bacteria. Seeing as how Naruto has pooped in the manga as well as the other instances of humans/animals dying and decaying. Ammonia should definitely exists within the Narutoverse.​

How it works:

Ammonia is a colorless, toxic and corrosive gas in high concentrations, with a pungent and suffocating odor. Being a corrosive gas it’s capable of burning opponents. Since Dragons Breath is composed of the user's chakra is unable to harm the user. Despite many instances of ammonia exploding. Pure ammonia is relatively hard to ignite. In fact streams of the gas are capable of dispersing flames. The gas when in contact with human beings will burn away at their skin and cause incredible damage when in contact with the opponents noses, eyes, lungs and any other vulnerable organs. In order to form this toxic gas the user of this technique will concentrate their wind chakra whilst adding fire, this combinations as well as a degree of chakra control will produce gaseous substance capable of burning upon contact. Ammonia gas being lighter than air is easily blown away by strong gusts. However this also means Ammonia is capable of seeping through solid materials depending on its density, whilst corroding it. Under high pressure it is converted into a liquid. Ammonia gas is capable of dissolving when in contact with a large amount of liquid as well. Ammonia is also a substance that absorbs moisture meaning interactions with elements like Steam or other Wind + Water elements work in it’s favor. Due to the fact that Ammonia is an insulator, lightning will have no effect as the electrical current is dispersed upon contact. Breathing in Ammonia can cause severe damage, the gas can corrode tissue and blind, burn, intoxicate victims unlucky enough to be hit.

Jutsu Usage Examples:

(Doragonburesuton: Kuraunjuerī) - Ammonia Release: Crowned Jewel
Type: Defense
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: The user will release surround themselves in toxic ammonia gas and expand this gas into sphere released into their surroundings for an omnidirectional blast of toxic gas. The gas will burn away at any weapons or techniques launch at the user, the gas is also capable of burning the opponent say they come in contact. The technique is both defensive and offensive in nature however it's only capable of extending to mid range, at which point it is not longer concentrated enough to cause damage.

(Doragonburesuton: Urieru no Hanran) - Ammonia Release: Uriel’s Rebellion
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user will knead their chakra forming a plethora of arrows that rain down on the opponent from the sky. The arrows upon landing will spread out along the ground, forming an arena of Ammonia that will rise up suffocating the opponent and burning their vulnerable organs, this not only serves as an attack but a measure to ensure the user’s safety this turns the fight into a long range one preventing the opponent from stepping into area affected unless they want to have to deal with the corrosive gas between them.

Conditions to be able to use it:

Mastery of Fire and Wind​

Is weak to:

  • Wind and Wind based CEs, as it converts to liquid under high pressure and since gusts are capable of dispersing Ammonia concentration.
  • Water, since its capable to a degree of dissolving the gas, transforming it into a fairly weak base.

Is strong against:

  • Earth and solid elements, the element is capable of seeping into and corroding solid structures.
  • Lightning, ammonia is an insulator so it's unable to conduct an electrical current.
  • Steam, Dragon Breath can absorb the moisture in steam completely dominating it.
  • Boil, same as Steam, Dragon Breath can absorb the moisture within it.

Is neutral against:

  • Fire, although pure ammonia isn't highly flammable, high heat can ignite it, however gust of Dragons Breath can disperse the flames before it reaches that temperature.
  • Bleach, upon reacting with an explosive reaction occurs.


Students I passed this custom element on too:
? & ?

✗ Declined: Next time you use an annoying to read font, I'll decline this on sight. As for the actual CE? It's too similar to Fluroine.

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Active member
Sep 23, 2010
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom Element Japanese Name: Taiyo Enerugi
Custom Element English Name: Solar Energy (Blazing Lightning)
The Element Is Based On:
Fire | Lightning | Chakra Manipulation

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
The Earth's land surface, oceans and atmosphere absorb solar radiation, and this raises their temperature. Warm air containing evaporated water from the oceans rises, causing atmospheric circulation or convection. When the air reaches a high altitude, where the temperature is low, water vapor condenses into clouds, which rain onto the Earth's surface, completing the water cycle. By manipulating that energy one can drastically raise or reduce the temperature of water or the air by carefully manipulating how much solar energy it receives, but only within reasonable common sense as the technique wont freeze the water just take away the heat that it already possesses making it unbearably cold and could cause hypothermia if an opponent was trapped within water that has been stripped of its solar energy.

Electrical power is produced when the concentrated light is converted to heat and the user can intake small amounts of the solar energy and convert it into a direct current with his lightning chakra releasing more powerful and instantaneous electrical waves from his body or hands. Using the heat that is also stored within solar energy the user can release more destructive fire/energy waves that is far more destructive than what fire can normally cause burning at temperatures similar to that of the sun.

In the Narutoverse, there still exists earth which is similar to ours and there is a sun, which means they have atmosphere and would also need Solar Energy to survive. Otherwise it wouldnt be habitable for them to live. Also there has also been the uses of fire techniques, and lightning techniques which is the base for most Blazing Lightning Techniques. With it being an advanced form of energy manipulation there are other examples which have been done before which are Scorch Release, Blaze Release, and Boil Release. They all are mainly heat based elements.

How it works:

By having advanced chakra control and manipulating fire and lightning element, one can harness the radiant light and heat from the sun and manipulate it to his will. Being able to use as a source to create energy known as Blazing Lightning. Manipulating the heat from the atmosphere alongside fire and lightning chakras, one can amplify that nature creating an element that has the destructive/cutting power of lightning but the radiant temperatures similar of the sun. The fire is a radiant orange with a haze pigment of orange with streams of orange lightning emanating from around it similar to how streams of solar flares erupt from the sun.

Main Release: Solar energy is radiant light and heat from the sun that needs to be harnessed. In order for one to do that the user channels their fire and lightning chakra in order to manipulate the heat and the light forms of the solar power. This can be used to raise the temperature of fire techniques or make lightning techniques more powerful to make them more destructive...

Advanced Release: Manipulating Fire and lightning chakras, one creates powerful Solar Energy blasts, auras nicknamed Blazing Lightning (just a cool name). The energy reflects the suns hot temperature with the flames, and the radiant light which emanates as orange lightning that circulates through the beams or auras.. The temperature is so hot in representation of the sun that it can melt and cut through various objects with ease.

Usage Examples

(Taiyōkō enerugī: Moeru Inazuma) - Solar Energy: Blazing Lightning
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: /
Description: The user will channel his solar energy into the palm of his hands, using the heat of the sun to gather and harness the power to create blazing lightning techniques.

Note: Must be used to perform Blazing Lightning attacks

(Taiyōkō enerugī: Orionzukorona) - Solar Energy: Orion's Corona
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user makes three handseals and focuses their solar energy into their forearm, creating an aura of Blazing Lightning to release forwards in the shape of spiraling whips that cut through and melt earth on contact, slowly turning it into ashes.

Note: Usable 4 times pr battle
Note: No Fire or lightning in the same turn.

Conditions To be Able To Use It:
Mastery of Fire | Lightning | Large Chakra Reserve | Advanced Chakra Control | Heat Resistance

Is Weak To:
Fire (Heat disrupts the flow of energy)

Is Strong Against:
Water (CE & Variants - Evaporates Them)
Earth (CE & Variants - Cuts/Melts through them)
Lightning (CE & Variants - Overpowers)
Low Temperature Elements
Dark Release

Co-creators (if any): /
Students I Passed On This Custom Element:
? & ?

✗ Declined: There's just nothing unique about this.

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Active member
Dec 11, 2010
Trait Points
Custom element Japanese name: Asankachisston

Custom element English name: Nitrous oxide

The element is based on: Wind Release + Medical Ninjutsu

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Nitrous oxide is naturally present in the atmosphere as part of the Earth's nitrogen cycle, and has a variety of natural sources. The largest natural source of nitrous oxide is from soils under natural vegetation. This produces 60% of natural emissions. Uncultivated soils make up the majority of the Earth's land surface. So the nitrous oxide produced by microbes that break down nitrogen in these soils are considered natural sources. Concentrations of nitrous oxide in the atmosphere rarely exceeded 280 ppb but this can be increased by the user creating the substance through chakra usage.

How it works: Commonly known as laughing gas or nitrous, Nitrous oxide is a chemical compound, an oxide of nitrogen. At room temperature, it is a colourless, odourless, non-flammable gas, with a slightly sweet taste under intense pressure and compression it can be found in a liquid state. At elevated temperatures, nitrous oxide is a powerful oxidiser and can allow excess oxygen to be forced into a fire technique laced with Nitrous oxide empowering it further or even relighting dying techniques but only works when being used alongside the users own chakra nature. Nitrous oxide can be created by binding two molecules of nitrogen to one molecule of oxygen through the application of Medical chakra along with Wind Release to create and manipulate the substance. To be able to do this the user must be skilled in medical ninjutsu to be able to force this process and is similar in usage to (Iryō Ninjutsu: Masui Sejutsu) Medical Technique: Secret Anaesthesia Technique allowing the creator to use his chakra to bind and create the substance from nothing but chakra. The creator can also pull nitrous oxide directly from the environment by manipulating the surrounding atmosphere.

Nitrous oxide is a dissociative anaesthetic, dissociative anesthesia is a form of anaesthesia characterised by catalepsy, catatonia, analgesia, and amnesia. It does not necessarily involve loss of consciousness and thus does not always imply a state of general anaesthesia. Dissociative aesthetics produce this state by interfering with the transmission of incoming sensory signals to the cerebral cortex and by interfering with communication between different parts of the central nervous system. Exposure to nitrous oxide in large or medium sized doses causes a short-term decrease in mental performance, audiovisual ability, and manual dexterity. Nitrous oxide affects quite a few ion channels, its anaesthetic, hallucinogenic, and euphoria effects are likely caused predominantly or fully via inhibition of NMDA receptor-mediated currents. Euphoria is a common side effect of nitrous oxide, it can also cause a forced laughter not directly controlled by the affected person hence the name laughing gas. This is as part of the wider emotional changes that can occur when nitrous oxide is breathed or consumed. For example, some people instead of laughing become scared or in other cases extremely aggressive towards those nearby. The emotional excitement may result in depressive or manic behaviour even to the point of psychosis and hallucinations dependent on the technique used and certain techniques can be a medium for genjutsu. Specific techniques can even lead to asphyxiation if the opponent continuously breathes the nitrous oxide instead of regular air. It comes in a compressed liquid state and a gaseous state this is dependent on the technique used but does not change the strengths and weaknesses of the substance itself just allowing for different applications. Supplementary jutsu that do not deal damage can be colourless and odourless signified only by chakra and taste, offensive or defensive jutsu have a purple hue and are visible no matter if stated in the technique or not.

Anxiolytic effect: A low dose of nitrous oxide is an effective anxiolytic, and this anti-anxiety effect is associated with enhanced activity of receptors. This allows the user to increase their reactions, perceptive ability and mental faculties through low doses of the element. Larger does negate this effect and instead instigate euphoria just as it would anyone else.

Analgesic effect: Nitrous oxide produces a mild analgesic effect at sub-anaesthetic concentrations meaning the user is able to dull the sense of pain in their own body as well as allies bodies through an application of a small dose of the anaesthesia. This can allow the user to negate pain almost entirely through proper techniques.

Jutsu Usage Examples:

(Asankachisston: Warau Hito) - Nitrous Oxide: The Man who Laughs
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 10
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Through a small dose of nitrous oxide the user is able to increase their reactions by negating any anxiety or fear. This can dull harmful emotions such as hate, fear, paranoia or anxiety brought on by other techniques or stressful situations. It increases the users reactions x1.5 for four turns and can only be used three times per battle as the user becomes temporarily immune to the effects after successive applications. It also can dull pain receptors allowing the user to dull the sensations of pain in the body allowing them to carry on through light damage such as C ranks and below without healing them however the bodily effects such as bleeding or bruising can only be negated through healing jutsu this effect lasts as long as the first effect.
Note: Can be used on allies giving them the same beneficial effects

(Asankachisston: Rasuto Rafu) - Nitrous Oxide: Last Laugh
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user creates a mass of gaseous Nitrous Oxide all around their opponent covering a short - mid range radius able to cover an entire battlefield akin to the Hiding in Mist technique. The user is able to decide upon how large and how far the gas extends from the epicentre allowing him to stay outside of it's area of effect. He is also able to know where the gas is due to his chakra connection to it allowing him to stay out of its area. Due to it's colourless and odourless nature it can only be distinguished through chakra sensing or breathing it in. Once breathed in it tips the opponent off to it's presence by a very sweet taste. This causes the body to react dulling the sensation of pain meaning as long as the opponent is affected they cannot break genjutsu through pain. it also creates a euphoric state where thoughts are cloudy, accompanied by dizziness, light-headedness, and a loss of balance. This dulls the mind and body reducing reaction speed by twenty five percent and reducing speed by the same twenty five percent. If the opponent stays inside the gas for four turns they will suffocate due to lack of oxygen if they leave the area of effect their speed and reactions stay effected for three additional turns. The gas is non-flammable and has the potential to snuff out and deprive fire techniques one rank higher of oxygen and fuel extinguishing them rapidly.
Note: By spending a move slot and ten chakra the user can move the area, adjust its size and refill the area
Note: Will cause anyone affected to laugh uncontrollably

(Asankachisston: Satsugai Jōku) - Nitrous Oxide: The Killing Joke
Rank: B-S
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 20-40
Damage Points: 40-80
Description: The most basic and versatile technique for the element the user creates tools, weapons or constructs out of either gaseous or liquid nitrous oxide using them to attack or defend. These constructs have a purple hue. Only one structure can be used per usage all the items have to be either liquid or gas they can't be both. These tools, weapons and constructs range in power dependent on how much chakra is used to create them. The user can create B rank and A rank items with no hand seals within short range of themselves or throughout the battlefield with a single hand seal, but the S rank variation will always require a hand seal. At any time these items can be released causing a cloud of nitrous oxide to form if this gas is breathed in the opponent suffers a decrease in reactions, speed and mental faculties for two turns. They will also begin to laugh for the next two turns. This effect can be applied up to three times, before the opponent becomes temporarily immune to the effects brought on by this technique for two turns.
Note: S rank variation can be used four times per battle with a one turn cd

Conditions to be able to use it: Completed Wind Release and being a Medical Shinobi

Is weak to:

Earth: Both forms can be stopped by earth as it's more structurally sound.
Water: Water can wash away the liquid and block the gas.

Is strong against:

Fire: The substance is non-flammable allowing it to snuff out fire.
Lightning: Like wind it's an insulator, disrupting lightning release the liquid isn't a good conductor.
Wind: The gas is heavier than air and more dense allowing it to over power regular wind.


Students I passed this custom element on too: &

✗ Declined: Not a bad element but you've got a few things to fix. Firstly, decide on a single state. You can either have this as a gas or a liquid, though I think the former is more logical. Second, your elemental S/W needs some revision. NO can be broken down at temperatures of 565 Fahrenheit and flames far exceed this temperature. Not only that but you yourself admitted at higher temperatures, NO acts as an oxidizer. This means it would strengthen rather than weaken fire techniques in this scenario, or at the very least, leave them unweakened. I think it would be more fitting to have Katon as a weakness rather than a strength. You can also remove the weakness to Water, it doesn't really fit. Finally, I'm fine with cosmetic names. You're free to name this Laughing Gas or whatever (as long as it isn't ridiculous).

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Robot Boy

Active member
Nov 6, 2011
Trait Points
Custom element Japanese name: Roiyarufaiā

Custom element English name: Royal Fire

The element is based on: Fire + Lightning

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Royal Fire or otherwise known as a plasma based substance created from a coronal discharge in a strong a electric field such as those in thunderstorms or volcanic eruptions. Royal Fire is known to be a bright blue or violet glowing substances that can appear to be a fire. Royal Fire also has the ability to appear on things such as leaves or grass without actually burning them if wanted. In the anime, we were shown that things such thunderstorms and and volcanic are capable of existing within the Naruto World. We have been shown the usage of utilizing pure lightning such as the one showcased with Sasuke’s Kirin. Also, we have seen that volcanoes are home to a variety of different substances such as the many variations of lava or volcanic rocks. The main reason for the formation of this matter in volcanoes is due to the extreme temperatures found there; while with thunderstorms and lightning it is because this element is based off of electrical field.s This is all to say that this Plasma based is more than capable of being produced in the Naruto Verse.

How it works:
In order to create Royal Fire, one must first combine together both their Lightning and Fire chakras, fusing them together in the process. By combining the two substances together it will thereby bring together the necessary heat requirements as well electrical fields in order to create the element. Due to the electrical fields surrounding the element from the lightning; it causes the ionization of nearby air molecules which produces one of its trade mark abilities: A powerful glow of light. This light can be manipulated and controlled in differents amounts ranging from: a faint glow to a blinding light. In real life cases, Royal Fire is created when there is a voltage difference between the clouds and the ground beneath, so the user will mimic those circumstances with their elemental chakra natures. By utilizing their lightning chakra in certain proportions it will create the necessary conditions in order to fully create the substance. Another trademark ability of Royal Fire will be its distinct buzzing/hissing sound that radiates off of it; that can range from a low buzzing sound to a deafening buzz which can become an irritant to the ears. It is because of the electrical imbalance that it causes the surrounding molecules to tear apart leading to the production of the buzzing/hissing sound. Quite similar to the sound, the glow works in the same principles simply meaning that because of the molecules tearing apart it causes for a blue colored to be radiated off of it. Essentially, Royal Fire is generated from an electrical imbalance in the air.

Jutsu Usage Examples:

Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: NA
Description: The user focuses their Royal Fire chakra into the above them causing a ball of plasma to appear. In mere moments the ball will radiate and emit a blinding glow and deafening sound.

Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user creates a ball of Royal Fire in front of them which they will proceed to hurl at a target.Right before it makes contact the fire will radiate a bright glow blinding in nearby it.


Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description:The user focuses several spikes of Royal Fire underneath their target, and once they emerge from the ground they will release a ear piercing sound causing the target’s ears to become deafened in the process.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery over Fire and Lightning

Is weak to:
Water: Water is capable of dousing/diffusing the fire like any ordinary one.
Wind: Wind only serves to to increase to Royal Fires properties similar to an actual fire.

Is strong against:

Fire: Since Royal Fire is an advanced version of fire with more intense properties, it will be capable of easily overwhelming it.
Earth: Due to Royal Fire being mainly composed of electrical fields, it allows for Royal Fire to easily plow through it similar to Earth’s weakness to Lightning.

Co-creator: Sasori

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

✗ Declined: Aside from the cosmetic glow and the buzzing noise, there's nothing different about this element.

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Active member
Jul 15, 2011
Trait Points

Custom element Japanese name: Kyokkaiton

Custom element English name: Distortion Release

The element is based on: Fire »« Lightning

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
Distortion is the alteration of the original shape (or other characteristic) of something, such as an object, image, sound, waveform etc. A distorted object is one which has been deformed, twisted, and misshapen from its natural shape to one which makes it impossible for it to perform its usual function(s) effectively. Distortion, when critically examined, is simply an everyday phenomenon as it is not uncommon for one to squeeze a piece of paper or crush an empty soda can, or hear a distorted sound from a radio whilst it is being tuned. Solid objects exist in the narutoverse. Sound and other waveforms like Light and Magnetism which can be distorted in real life also exist in the narutoverse. As we established earlier on via the definition of Distortion, virtually everything can be distorted. Now, since it is common knowledge that there is not much dissimilarity between the narutoverse and our universe, it is not outlandish to assume that Distortion exists.​

How it works:
Created from the two basic elemental natures Fire Release and Lightning Release, this element creates a unique chakra that is capable of distorting a target to the point where it squeezes/misshapens/deforms/contorts them. This element, just like fire and lightning, can be manipulated in an intangible energy form. When hit by Distortion release, in addition to becoming distorted/deformed, the affected area becomes numb in a manner similar to frostbite. However, this has no relation to ice and its related elements as Distortion release is neither hot nor cold. Apart from rendering the targeted area numb, Distortion causes targets to experience a condition called vertigo. Vertigo is a sensation of whirling; a disordered state of mind categorised by mental giddiness/dizziness which results in a loss of balance. This incorporeal energy called Distortion release is green in colour and can be released from the user's body or summoned from the environment as waves, flames, pulses, bursts, etc; or compressed like lightning and released as solid constructs which can deal piercing and crushing damage in addition to the numbing and vertigo effects. Apart from distorting solid objects, another unique trait of Kyokkaiton (i.e Distortion Release) is its ability to distort waveforms.​

Jutsu Usage Examples:
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: After stringing three hand seals, the user slams their hand on the ground and gathers distortion chakra underneath the target. The ground immediately glows green, signaling the inception of the technique. This is followed by a violent crushing of the entire ground up to 10m below the surface. Since earth is rigid in nature, an attempt to distort it results in it being shattered to many pieces.

Type: Attack | Supplementary | Defence
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user builds up Distortion chakra in their hand and snaps their fingers. This releases an omnidirectional burst of green Distortion energy which travels to mid range. This burst of Distortion release travels at the user's base speed level. On contact with a target, it blasts them backwards, shattering their bones as it attempts to distort/squeeze them. This burst also renders the affected area numb and induces the effects of vertigo on them. This burst is also capable of distorting other waveforms like sound, light, electricity, fire, magnetism, etc effectively dissipating them on collision.

Type: Attack
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user claps their hands once and summons a plethora of Distortion spikes underneath the target. These glowing green spikes rise from the ground at the same time, causing it to rumble as they emerge. If hit, the target experiences numbness in the affected area and vertigo in addition to being pierced.​

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Fire and Lightning.

Is weak to:
• Water and Liquids: Water and liquids in general have no definite shape. They can be deformed by Distortion release, but will still return to their regular shape. Molten elements like lava can also fit into this category, but since they are much heavier fluids, they will take a longer time to return to their normal shape.

• Wind and Gases: Wind and gases in general have no definite shape. They can be deformed using Distortion release, but will still return to their regular shape. On the flip side, the flow of air can be distorted, and thus manipulated to the user's benifit. However, when it comes to a collision between both elements, Wind will prevail.​

Is strong against:
• Earth and Solids: Distortion can easily deform Earth and solid elements in general. Due to their solidity and rigidity, they are easily crushed in the process.

• Ductile and Mallaeble Elements: Elements like Steel and Rubber variant Lava can easily be deformed. Since they are tensile, Distortion deforms them elastically; that is, takes them permanently beyond their yield point. According to the laws of physics, once a ductile element exceeds its yield point, it ruptures. So these kind of elements are weak to Distortion.

• Fire: Fire is a form of thermal/heat energy which is propagated as waves. These waves are capable of being distorted. Fire fails when going against Distortion.

• Lightning: Electricity can be distorted. Lightning is thus dissipated when it comes in contact with Distortion release.

• Waves and Energies: Distortion Release is capable of distorting the flow of energy through a medium. Since waves are the means (or flow) by which said energy is transferred, they can be distorted. These include Sound waves, Radio Frequency waves, Radiation waves, Gravity waves, Light waves, Magnetic waves, release form of Dark Release, etc.​

Co-creator: ?

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?​

✗ Declined: While I want to allow original concepts, your element isn't viable. I'm guessing you tried to base this on Decay but the comparison kind of falls flat. While one is a biological process made into an abstract element, this is based on the fact that you can scrunch up a piece of paper? That's like making 'Break Release', an energy form that causes everything to break. It's just completely illogical.

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Active member
Nov 29, 2011
Trait Points
Custom element Japanese name: shinshoku

Custom element English name: Erosion/weathering Release

The element is based on: Water + Wind + Earth

This element is based on the true power we see in nature every day. One of the most on going acts of force of Nature is the power of the weather and the erosion caused by it. This takes the principle of have waves erode away at cliffs. The waves constantly bash against the cliffs as the mist in the air constantly wears on the rock, it slowly breaks down the rock with the help of the wind, and then the rock that it breaks off is added to the water to continue to bash against the rock to strike with more and more force reducing what was solid cliffs to nothing but sand residue.

This element is based on this process sped up extremely. The user will combine Water, wind and earth release, using the application of shape manipilation to create the desired effect. The water and wind will combine to form a strong single element of crushing water, with rock residue flowing through it to give it even more mass for destructive force, it will constantly churn, spin and rotate to give a dark blue mass that can't be seen through as it's effectively dirty moving water that moves at such a high pace it even throths up, to form an element know as erosion. The power of nature taken and giving an even more destructive force.

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
Ninja can control the power of Nature in many forms, for example, Using chidori you can take control of natural lightning in the form of kirin, which was created by the humity that Sasuke created. We have seen various forms of water release from sticky variations to even steam. This crossed with the fact that we have mud release that is earth with water added to it serves to be enough proof. The fact that water and wind can be combined to be even more powerful as a combination of one element can be seen when Yamato and Naruto arrive to fight use their water torrent wind shuriken combination.

How it works: It is literally water wind and earth combined with alot of random shape manipulation to give a destructive force. It's release will be similar to water to water release but more destructive due to the force behind it being able to break through solid rock, as the process of erosion is sped up to an extreme level. The user can create it from their body, the ground, or by releasing their chakra into existing water to take control of it to form this element. Great compression is applied to the water through the force of earth chakra being that it can add weight and or lighten solid matter. Utilizing this concept and applying the destructive bursting power of wind to the water as well. You can achieve a maximum state of erosion. It’s complexity upon being fully operational relies on strict chakra reserves and sometimes you can harness the actual surroundings to speed up and or enhance the power. Drawing upon water sources will make this element even more versatile then it already is. While being able to harness natural currents of wind to apply extreme force to the power of erosion.

Jutsu Usage Examples:

Erosion Release: Destructive wave
Rank: B
Type: Attack
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: The user will slam his hands on the ground causing a large wave of Erosive water to rise up infront of them 10m into the air and push forwards breaking down all in it's path. If the opponent would be caught in the wave the sheer force behind it would be enough to break bones

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Wind, Water + Earth

Is weak to:
Wind: Wind in itself is very destructive and has the power to push the waves away making it strong to Erosion. Wind can also counter the movement of Erosion release causing it to lose it's power.

Lightning: Lightning would hit the Erotion release, destroy the rock sediment within it nulifying the destructive power that comes from it, breaking down the rotation of the erotion release causing to lose it's form and destructive power.

Is strong against:
Fire Release + Varients - water + wind = strong water so it will be strong to any heat based elements.

Earth release: It's a faster version of erotion which breaks down solid rocks and varients of earth such as sand release.

Water Release: It's a stronger form of water release and more powerful

Kaguya: The destructive power of the waves would easily break strong bones.

Co-creator: The Pervy Sage

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

✗ Declined: "It is literally water wind and earth combined with alot of random shape manipulation". Congratulations, you declined your own CE.

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Six Paths

Active member
Oct 27, 2012
Trait Points
Custom element Japanese name: Bōkyaku | Bōkyakuton
Custom element English name: Oblivion | Oblivion Control
The element is based on: Doton + Advanced Chakra Control
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Oblivion Control is set to be a proposed element employing a very unique application of Doton chakra; weight control. Since its first introduction via the Tsuchikage and his Flight Technique, we've seen that it is possible to control the the weight of an object through chakra to such levels that flight becomes possible. Although technique is general in its application and presentation if it were to be scrutinized at a molecular level it would be noticed that what the Tsuchikage's do is simple tamper their mass in order to achieve nigh-weightlessness, as weight (W) is simple the mass (m) of an object times its gravitational acceleration (g); W=mg. I say mass tampering because the only other way to achieve a lower weight would be to mess with the gravitational forces acting on an object--something which only powerful Doujutsu can accomplish, namely the Rinnegan. Something which neither of the Tsuchikage's had been shown to possess. Despite what the wiki reads, which states they manipulate their gravity, we've realized this is in fact not the case based on what was explained above. One must also take into account the wikia is simply an open source archive created by and editable by fans, but I digress.

Disregarding the hard science of the above equation, in the world of Naruto, the Flight Technique has been shown to possess great agility and speed in its application much similar to actual sustained flight when it is in fact a form of levitation. Using this fundamental point, and the fact that any shinobi proficient with their Doton chakra can manipulate the weight of objects to drastic measures (as seen with Earth Release: Ultra Light-Weight Rock Technique and Earth Release: Super Added Weight Rock Technique), Oblivion Control is an "element" devoted entirely to manipulating the mass of objects to extreme as well as limited uses.

How it works:
As brushed earlier, Oblivion Control is a release entirely made to manipulate the mass of objects, because as we hypothesized that is the true extent of Doton chakra's prowess when controlling the weight of said object. Unlike normal "elements", the proposed CE has been deemed a type of control rather than release. Reason being is that it is incapable of forming on its own in the form of raw or defined chakra such as Raiton chakra turning into lightning. Instead, Oblivion Control has to rely solely on objects around it to come into being, making it an emergent property. Aside from this handicap, whenever an object is subjected to Bōkyakuton chakra, its mass is able to be manipulated to varying degrees but very much different than what is explored by traditional Doton techniques. Traditional Doton techniques simply make an object lighter or heavier, but Oblivion Control manipulates the mass of an object do this and more, in two distinct ways:

Compression of Mass: Almost every object that contains mass is able to be affected by Oblivion Control. The first of its applications, compression, comes from its ability to manipulate and route the mass of an object through Doton chakra into a defined point on its body so the object becomes denser over time. Increasing the density of the object wouldn't increase its weight, i.e it wouldn't become heavier, but instead changes how the object behaves with the fluids (air, water, gasses) of our world. This is only a side effect though, as the true purpose for compressing an object's mass into a single point on its body is to expose a strange constant known as the Schwarzchild's radius. This measurement is one that every object has where, should all its mass be focused into that region, a point of great density will ensue along with a collapse of forces which pull the object in on itself along with anything in the immediate vicinity. This is more commonly known as a "singularity". However, Oblivion Control's exploitation of the Schwarzchild's radius is not nearly as strong as actual singularities that devour entire galaxies at a time. Instead, Oblivion Control deals with significantly weaker singularities that born and die very quickly due to the amount of energy needed to maintain them. When created through a finite source such as the user's chakra, it is fatal to keep one open for too long as its energy expenditure rates are otherworldly. Instead, with short life spans, the singularities produced by the compression of mass are created with the sole purpose of eradicating an object by pulling it on itself and be gone before any major effect can be had on the area around the targeted object. This allows the user to actually have aim over what gets destroyed without destroying himself or allies.

The singularities can be described as a small black ball that only becomes visible once the object started being affected. The size of this ball is dependent on that of the object being affected and serves as the "heart" of the technique. Meaning, if it were to be destroyed, all effects would cease. Around this ball, where pieces of the affected object are being drawn in, there can be observed a sort of barrier where the air is being distorted. This barrier is always spherical and radiates outward from the heart while pulling things in. This is where the forces are at their strongest, this is the event horizon. The horizon is the first to be noticed when an object is subjected to Oblivion Control. It surrounds the target in its spherical shape before forcing it in on itself. Incidentally though, the user has no control over these "forces" as they are simply a natural result of mass compression. They (the forces) do however, coincide with the rank of the technique being used so that they always have a definite strength--and weakness.

As for where the object goes? It gets reduced to its simplest form where manipulation is no longer possible. This can be like earth getting churned to dust or water imploding and leaving behind vapor. Neutral, dense chakra is equally susceptible to the release and would be reduced to raw, un-molded chakra. Two things to note about this application of Oblivion Control are two constants that remain true for ever singularity. The first is that the higher the overall mass of the object, the longer it takes to collapse as well as the collapse being weaker. Weak collapses mean objects with great speed (escape velocities are relative to the level of technique in play. For example, a simple C ranked application of would only need an S-Class' rank of speed) are able to escape its powerful pull as well as those that transcend time and space, i.e. Jikūkan Ninjutsu. In the other fashion, the smaller the object, the stronger the forces, which will result in greater effort to escape. The second truth for all Oblivion Control techniques is that it is unable to affect people directly despite them having mass. This is to adhere to the "five meters from the opponent" rule. Mass compression is Oblivion Control's offensive side.

Expansion of Mass: The other side to Oblivion Control, where through acute Doton chakra control the user is able to scatter the mass of an object across random areas of its body, without disturbing its outward appearance. Being the exact opposite of mass compression, this model of application sees the object affected becoming less dense than it was prior, to the point where buoyancy can be achieved in both water, air, and any other type of fluid in between. However, just like mass compression, this is a mere side effect as the true purpose of mass expansion is to, by also lowering its weight, cause an object to become completely immobile. By expanding its mass lowering the density as a result, the object becomes more and more susceptible to drag or friction in the air/water it travels in. When combined with a decreasing weight, momentum becomes impossible, and movement becomes a herculean task. Imagine a kunai being trapped mid flight, unable to go any further or even fall.

Mass expansion is often times called the weaker, less used side of Oblivion control and, as one would expect, represents the element's supplementary/defensive side.

Jutsu Usage Examples:
(Bōkyakuton: Hoshi no Hōkai)- Oblivion Control: Stellar Disintegration
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user forms the Dog hand seal before placing a palm forward to the intended target (purely cosmetic, the technique can be triggered without hand movement(s)). Should the target contain mass, the user will be able to compress said mass into the tiniest point possible on its body to initiate a singularity. The object in question will, in the blink of an eye, collapse on itself with a muffled "boom!" sound leaving behind a crater where it once was. The singularity's window of operation is reliant on the size of the object being affected where the larger it is the longer it takes to collapse. This can affect all elements applicable and weak to Oblivion Control with the only exception of human opponents (not including Shadow Clones).
(Bōkyakuton: Ibento no Chiheisen)- Oblivion Control: Event Horizon
Rank: S
Range: Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: Using an object of mass within range, the user will form three hand seals to have to that object's mass increase to higher values than that of the Super Added Weight Technique. The object becomes so heavy that it begins to sink into the earth/water/surface it lays on. In this moment, when its resultant weight is so high, the user will then compress its mass into a single point and initiate an Oblivion Singularity. However, unlike regular applications, this singularity would be essentially in the ground due to the object sinking into it prior. From there that entire region (10m radius) will become a dead zone as massive forces pull anything in that radius into its center to be reduced to particles. Even objects that happen to be passing and cross this boundary will be subjected to the strong force and be pulled in. This is even for the user as well, which is why it can only be initiated from a safe distance.
(Bōkyakuton: Tensai no Chōetsu)- Oblivion Control: Transcendent Phenom
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: (Self)
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: Using Oblivion Control's expansion of mass ability. The user will surge Bōkyakuton chakra through his being or an object he is in contact with and effectively distribute his/its mass while simultaneously lowering the weight. This will allow the user/orbject to become less dense than any fluid it is currently in such as the air and be granted indefinite bouyancy. Similar to the flight technique in that the user or object will be lifted from the ground, but unlike its inspiration, Tensai no Choetsu allows the user's chakra to affect multiple objects/people at once. The resultant scene could see an entire land mark floating or smaller objects such as summons or boulders.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery over Doton, and Sage (Unofficial) level chakra control

Is weak to:
Mass-less Phenomenons: Things like Abyss Release which are void of mass cannot be manipulated by Oblivion Control.
This includes Light (Pikuaton), Lightning Release (Raiton), Nara Shadow Manipulation, Fire Release (Katon), Sound Release (Ototon) and Formless Chakra such as bursts and explosions, as well as any variants of the aforementioned elements like as White Fire. Other weaknesses would include abstract abilities like the attractive and repulsive powers of the Rinnegan/Tenseigan.

Is strong against:
Mass: Objects that carry mass are susceptible to Oblivion Control. This includes, Earth Release (Doton), Water Release (Suiton), Wind & Gasses (Futon, etc) and Focused Chakra such as that used to create physical objects like pillars and walls. This list is non-exhaustive which means that variants that rely primarily on these natures can be affected. For example Ice, a variant of Water Release or Steel, being a variant of Earth Release.

Co-creator: Zaphkiel

Students I passed this custom element on to: ?? & ??

✗ Declined: This sounds less like a CE and more like a CC ability. You yourself admitted it's the product of advanced weight manipulation through doton, which is really just a derivative of an existing ability. Furthermore, since it doesn't really manifest as an element in it's own right, that automatically disqualifies it from being a CE. Even elements like Decay which employ a process possess their own physical form (in this case, golden flames). My suggestion to you is that you should explore this ability as part of a CC submission. It's an interesting idea but I don't see this working as a custom element.

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Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
Trait Points

Custom element Japanese name:

Custom element English name:
Cesium Release

The element is based on:
Earth + Fire

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
In both the manga and anime it has been shown that metallic objects exist, for instance the humble kunai and senbon to the most well crafted sword. Furthermore it has been shown that through the use of a advanced kekkai genkai, certain people are able to produce metal from their body and freely manipulate metal (Steel release). Not only that, but it is thought that the Narutoverse is similar in many aspects to our world. Therefore, it is highly plausible that the metallic substance that is liquid at room temperature exists in the Narutoverse and is found in the ground as it is in our world.

How it works:
The user focuses and molds their fire and earth chakra, allowing their fire chakra to take slight dominance over their fire chakra. The user then wills their chakra to take a materialized form converting the chakra into liquidish Cesium. The user then supplies the Cesium with another coat of chakra, this causes the Cesium to stabilize so that it will not spontaneously ignite when exposed to air and end up backfiring on the user. Alternatively, the user can send their Cesium chakra into earth or sea water, manipulating it and extracting forth the Cesium needed from its natural source. After having been spewed/ created and being a safe distance from the user, the Cesium will spontaneously ignite (Cesium spontaneously ignites in air) as it loses the chakra that was stabilizing it. Due to Cesium being liquid at 28 degrees celsius, it would be a rather gelatinous liquid similar to that of mud, with slight viscosity. Cesium upon contact with something, causes harmful chemical burns, the gasses produced from it burning are also fairly dangerous causing muscle spasms, coughing, shortness of breath, neuromuscular effects, and of course corrosion of skin.
When Cesium comes in contact with water r, or steam, reacts with the hydrogen molecules, causing the water and parts of the Cesium to violently explode. Cesium reacts with moisture creating a violently corrosive gas.

Usage Examples:


Conditions to be able to use it:
-Must have mastered Earth & Fire.

Is weak to:
-Wind, large blasting wind techniques are able to blast the flames coating the Cesium away, and disperse the liquid. However Cesium will easily overpower pinpoint slicing/piercing wind techniques
-Fire, hot flames (700 celsius and above) will be able to reduce Cesium to its boiling point, however this can prove dangerous for both the user and enemy as corrosive gasses are produced. (Cesium oxide)

Is strong against:
-Cesium reacts violently with water, causing it to expand at extreme speeds and reacting with the hydrogen molecules, causing the water to violently explode.
-Earth, the Cesium is exceedingly corrosive, corroding and burning its way through the earth with ease.
-Lightning, Cesium being a metal, will simply absorb lightning into it, adding a paralysation and shocking effect to the attack, and increasing the Cesiums piercing rate. Some Cesium oxide will also be discharged.


Students I passed this custom element on too:

??? & ???

✗ Declined: If it spontaneously ignites in the air, then just coating it in chakra to stabilize it isn't going to do the trick, especially not as you can't be making jutsu's and then coating it in your chakra at the same time, unless you would be able to use Ying and Yang. On top of that it's very similar to the Francium CE.
Permission to resubmit: [ ]
- Strengths and Weaknesses.
- Proof element is possible
- "How it works" portion.

You must be registered for see images

Custom element Japanese name: Seshiumuton
Custom element English name: Caesium Release | Sky Silver
The element is based on: Earth Release, Fire Release, Shape Manipulation, Advanced Chakra Control

Caesium, or Sky Silver as it's called, is a silvery-gold metal that exists in a liquid state due to it's incredibly low boiling point. The element is highly reactive when introduced to hot air or water, often igniting as it evaporates or exploding altogether.

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

It has been shown in the manga on multiple occasions that shinobi are not only able to manipulate the earth itself, but even minerals in the earth through things such as steel release, sand release, and crystal release. In the Narutoverse shinobi are also capable of producing many of these elements directly from their bodies through the use of chakra. The manga has also been shown to have many of the minerals and elements that exist in the real world, such as gold and silver, which makes it easy to assume that Caesium also exists, seeing as how it's the 45th most common element in the earth.​

How it works:

As touched on briefly above, Caesium is a highly reactive, silvery-gold metal that exists in a liquid state. It is created by manipulating the consistency of the user's Fire chakra and adding Earth chakra to create the base of the element, which results in a metallic liquid being produced, after which Shape Manipulation is introduced to allow the element to take on various shapes. Due to its low boiling point Caesium can easily be evaporated when exposed to fire, immediately explodes on contact with water, and ignites when exposed to heated air. Unlike Francium, its solid counterpart, Caesium is corrosive in its liquid state, and reacts even more violently when exposed to water, leaving a large amount of smoke behind after each explosion. The element has a special trait that can only be found in a few substances, which is being more dense in its liquid state than it is in its solid state. Due to this density and through the use of shape manipulation, the user can concentrate Caesium to form constructs that are able to stop solid objects and function almost as a solid when concentrated enough, while still maintaining the viscosity of liquid and regain its shape. Caesium can be released from the user's body, or from the ground by channeling the chakra into the earth. When the element is ignited and begins to evaporate it creates bright blue flames that can burn an opponent if not properly defended from, and the light from the flames can effectively blind anyone within short range. Due to the nature of Caesium it serves more supplementary/defensive use, but still retains enough power to be used offensively.​

Jutsu Usage Examples:

(Seshiumuton: Sōsa Jörð) Caesium Release: Manipulation of Jörð
Rank: A
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: The user channels his chakra and, after performing a single handseal, creates constructs such as pillars, orbs, walls, or tendrils of Caesium that can either be used to attack, defend, or bind. These constructs can be made to resemble anything within the user's imagination, and can be made either from their body or from the ground.

(Seshiumuton: Magni Hosoku) Caesium Release: Magni's Entrapment
Rank: A
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: After performing three handseals the user channels his Caesium chakra beneath his opponent and creates a large amount of tentacle-like appendages of Caesium that rise from the ground and binds the opponent in place. These tendrils are large enough to wrap around and entangle even a large summoning, and by performing another handseal the user can have the Caesium continuously expand until it completely encases the target.
Conditions to be able to use it:

User must have completed training in Earth and Fire Release.
User must be Kage Rank or higher.​

Is weak to:

Fire Release: Fire will be able to easily reduce Caesium to its boiling point and force it to ignite, which causes Caesium to burn away in with a bright blue light as it evaporates. By using fire to heat up the surroundings similar to the effects of Scorch Release, Caesium will easily evaporate.

Scorch Release: Caesium ignites spontaneously when exposed to hot air, and since scorch is just that, the element will ignite when exposed to it and evaporate.

Lightning Release: Caesium is a semiconductor, meaning that electricity can be channeled through it. In addition, the sharpness of lightning techniques will be able to easily slice through Caesium. However, due to the heat generated from the electricity the Caesium will evaporate and give off a bright blue light that can temporarily blind both the user and the opponent.​

Is strong against:

Water Release: Caesium reacts violently when it comes into contact with water by instantly exploding. However, the force of the explosion is enough to scatter the water that touches the Caesium in it's entirety.

Ice Release: Caesium reacts violently with water in any state, and ice in no exception. When ice and Caesium come into contact with each other the element will immediately explode and shatter the ice, scattering it in every direction.

Earth Release: Caesium is exceedingly corrosive towards solid elements, and is capable of corroding through earth with ease. It has a density of nearly twice that of water, but reacts violently when the two come into contact.

Steel Release: Due to its corrosive properties in its liquid state Caesium is capable of overpowering and destroying structures made of steel.

Wind Release: Due to it's incredible density, Caesium is capable of withstanding blasts of wind that would normally dispel most liquids, and is flexible enough to retain it's shape when facing slicing/piercing wind techniques.

Radiation Release: Caesium is used in places such as plutonium nuclear pits in order to stabilize radioactive elements due to it alloying well with other metals, which grants it a resistance to radiation and radioactive material.​

Co-creator: Hell Autarch

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

✗ Declined: Clashes with the Francium CE. Only different thing about this is the liquid state but that's not enough to warrant approval.

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Active member
May 31, 2014
Trait Points
Custom element Japanese name: Kurai inazuma

Custom element English name: Dark Lightning

The element is based on: Lightning and Fire

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

Dark Lightning otherwise known as terrestrial gamma-ray flash is a form of lightning that is purple in color and is manifested above earth's atmosphere containing gamma rays inside of it. It has been shown possible to create this element because as shown in the NarutoVerse we were able to see how it is possible to create as well as manipulate natural lightning something that is find in thunderclouds located in the earth's atmosphere. A variety of techniques shown in Naruto world especially one known as Kirin has shown us the possibility of creating/controlling a higher form of lightning. It has also been shown possible due to the phenomenon of electromagnetic radiation which shows how lightning can travel through the air carrying radiation or energy.

How it works:

In order to create Dark Lightning one must first combine their Lightning and Fire chakra in order to have the necessary amount of energy needed to produce Dark Lightning. It is believed that Dark Lightning is caused by intense electric fields located above or inside thunderclouds. It is presumed that when high energies and electrons collide together with the air atoms located in the sky it causes for energy to be released in the form of gamma rays. Lightning is a necessary component of a Dark Lightning because most Dark Lightning occurrences are known to occur around ordinary lightning, so its electric field is produced from lightning. Fire instead serves the purpose of providing the necessary amount of energy required to produce Dark Lightning. When it comes to creating dark lightning the user needs to mimic the conditions of a thunderstorm. By manipulating Lightning the user causes for an abundance of electrons to avalanche together and create Dark Lightning while fire will serve to create the necessary conditions in the mixture. It is due to the gamma rays contained inside of Dark Lightning that it is possible to manipulate it for a variety of different purposes including its extreme energy levels. This just goes to say that Dark Lightning can easily radiate radiation which can be detrimental to living organisms. When dealing with Dark Lightning, it contains a dangerous ability that can be manipulated as the user chooses which is known as Gamma ray bursts. This form of the lightning allows for the user to produce extremely energetic explosions containing Radiation either upon impact or simply from the lightning itself. This electromagnetic event is one of the most unique to exist; simply meaning that Dark Lightning has the tendency to Release some of the brightest rays of light known to exist and also draws in just about any electromagnetic waves/rays present around it. Also, due to the room available around its creation, it has the special property of emitting radioactive pressure. This pressure can be used to counter other forms of radiation or even cause indirect harm to organisms nearby.

Jutsu Usage Examples:

(Dāku raitoningu rirīsu: Kamigami no chikara) Dark Lightning Release: Powers of the Gods
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user performs three hands seals as they begins to focus their chakra above a target. In a matter of seconds currents of dark lightning rush from the sky at least ten meter above earth ready to explode upon contact with a surface.

(Dākuraitoningurirīsu: Kamigami no enkai) Dark Lightning Release: Banquet of the Gods
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: NA
Description: The user creates a Dark Lightning current and directs its towards a target. Before the current makes contact it will radiate a bright blinding light as it is diminished in the process.

(Dākuraitoningurirīsu: Unmei o kuzushita tamashī-tachi) Dark Lightning Release: Relinquished Souls of the Doomed
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
Description: The user directs a beam of dark lightning at a target aiming to electrocute them.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery over Lightning and Fire

Is weak to:

Wind: Just like regular lightning, wind can serve to diffuse or disrupt the lightning waves.

Water: Dark Lightning is weak to water due to how water can be used to diffuse the electrical currents of it.

Is strong against:

Lightning: Dark Lightning is known to have energies of up to 20 million electron volts making it stronger in power to ordinary lightning.

Fire: It said that Dark Lightning possesses power greater than that coming from the sun even though it is only produced from thunderclouds so, similar to lightning, Dark Lightning holds energy and power beyond that of ordinary flames.

Earth and its CE: Like regular lightning, Dark lightning can easily weaken the bonds of earth Jutsu causing it to crumble away.


Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

✗ Declined: While radioactive elements are allowed with permission from the creator, this is a fundamentally different case. Neither Corium nor Panthalassic Water create gamma bursts, something which falls directly within the Radiation CE's territory. Essentially your CE isn't simply radioactive, it's radiation itself, made to look like another element. The only redeemable quality about this submission was the mention of 'Radiation pressure' but after looking into it, the effect is so feeble that it wouldn't have any tangible effects when downgraded from the cosmic level.

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Active member
Jan 21, 2013
Trait Points
Custom element Japanese name: Seitsuuiton

Custom element English name: Elixir Release

The element is based on: Water

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Most of the advanced elements are composed by Basic Elements, not as a whole, though there are some like it ( Mud is indeed Earth soaked in Water ), but mainly due to specific or general properties that the Basic Element portrays, like Water being the provider of life and Earth being the receiver, to create Wood. Similarily, Elixir Release, or Knowledge Release applies a few of the lesser know properties of Water, and specific mechanisms of particular ninjutsu. "Water Memory" is the ability of water that states that molecules of Water can retain the information of things that have come into direct contact with them, and can preserve this information, even after countless dilutions. In a sense, water retains an imprint of what used to be diluted in it or had contact with it, that can then be recreated in controlled conditions. This is thus amplified further by the mechanisms of chakra that allow techniques like ( Kenboushou Jutsu ) Loss of Memory Technique", "( Dokushinjutsu ) Mind Reading Technique" and Sharingan's "Copy Technique ( Kopī no Jutsu )", which portray chakra as a recording devise, or directly manipulation information ( memories & technique mechanisms ).

How it works: Elixir Release is thus an element that introduces the concept of "Chakra Memory" in its purest form. Like it's mother element, Water, it creates an imprint of every substance, being or technique that it has contact with. The main difference between these techniques and the ones already referred is that the user's brain plays no real part in this effect, the imprint, or the schematics of these targets remain within the element to then be re-used or re-purposed by further manipulation.

The most basic usage of this technique would be to spread a mist of translucent, pearl or silvery water, though eerie and otherworldly in it's appearance, that will touch, for example a technique like Water Release ( D Rank ) that created a pillar of water. Within the mist's chakra the pillar of water is recorded, like an Imprint, along with the mechanism allowing its creation: Shape Manipulation turning chakra into a pillar structure; and Nature Conversion of Chakra into Water Chakra. The user can then turn the mist into an exact replica of the water pillar, Exporting the knowledge. To reinforce, the elixir first exists as a silvery pearl mist, which then transforms wholy into a water pillar, upon contact with an original technique that imprints that information into it.

This two phase approach can then be altered. Instead of Imprinting an external information, the user may want to imprint an internal information onto the elixir, knowledge or skills that the user already has. The idea of Imprinting is recording information onto the element, which can come from an actual technique that exists or is in existance in the surroundings or a skill that the user already has ( For example, invariably, the user of Elixir is also a Water user, so the Water Nature Conversion mechanism is already an internal knowledge that the user can automatically imprint onto an Elixir technique ).

For the second phase, which can also be called Exporting, the user can also use the schematics to, instead of Mimicking, create an Alternate ( A Mimic without all of the properties, like a Sticky Syrup that's not sticky ), or Inverse ( Like a mist that turns a Pillar into a puddle Water, thus inverting the Shape Manipulation, or a Water Pillar into a basic chakra Pillar, thus inverting the Nature Conversion ) , or simply apply the mechanism with a different substance ( like mimicking Water Pillar to turn the mist into a Fire Pillar, Fire Nature Conversion being an Internal Knowledge/Export or a Simultaneous Imprint ). In the latter, remember that the user has to combine a knowledge he doesn't have but that he Imprinted, with a knowledge he does: In this case, Shape Manipulation into pillar is a mechanism he imprinted and Nature Conversion into Fire is a mechanism he exported.

While the possibilities seem endless, the same concept always applies: Imprint onto the Elixir, and then Export the schematics onto the Elixir or a Substance/Technique. So all this information is within the element, and not the user, allowing one the mimick Alternate Energies, KG and other elemental Natures without the user ever gaining actual Knowledge of them, or being able to use them on his/her own. Export applies mechanism, it does not export actual knowledge, which means one can't Imprint Fire Release, or Lava Release, and then guide the elixir onto one's body and export that Knowledge to the brain, gaining a new Skill. This is forbidden and impossible with Elixir Release, and outside the range of this element.

As a side note, while I explained the practical aspects of this element in a Battle Environment, this is also an excelent element for surveillance and recon. The imprint in chakra follows closely the Water Memory propriety, as such, the Knowledge or Information that the elixir can retrieve is not restricted to the mechanisms related to a technique. In essence, one can imprint into the elixir a whole map of the terrain, including information about water or other elemental sources, composition, fauna, flora, and even information about previous events within the terrain. Specific jutsu will restrict this ability, to be submitted aftewards, though the concept remains: Elixir will filter onto the air, ground, water, or beings, and retrieve information in it's imprint. It will not damage or affect its targets in any way. A very basic manner of gaining access to this information, as elixir can't be absorbed by the user to immediately gain it's knowledge, is to manipulate the imprinted source of elixir into creating a mirror, where the elixir particles can be manipulating to reflect light and show a visual map or record of the information. Comprehension information relies on the user's knowledge, while a normal nin won't understand the anatomy and composition of a being, a medical nin could use this as a very non-invasive form of Diagnosis. Likewise, a chakra sensor or a doujutsu user my utilize elixir to amplify their vision, including seeing invisible or hidden beings, while a normal-nin won't be able to grasp this

As described before, Elixir Release will resemble liquid water, though has an otherworldly silvery or pearly and mystical feel. It is manipulated as a liquid, syrup or mist, or compressed silvery crystalline substance. Physically, it will behave very similar to Water, and thus it can filter through soil or ground but can't exactly filter through Steel. One can imprint a Steel Technique because contact was made, but can't imprint something inside a Steel vessel. A thin sheet of Elixir will allow any technique to go through it, imprinting the information, but will not be wet, cold or pressure/alter it's shape or momentum whatsoever, and, likewise, can't be decayed, heated, or affected by these properties. Each technique used will materialize silvery elixir which will be either empty of information, which serves to imprint external information, or information carrying water, this information being something the user already knows or mastered, which is exported information, or manipulate any source of silver water. The latter will also mean that, while one can imprint something like a Sealing Technique, or the Dark element, if the Elixir is sealed, then the user will be unable to contact with it, and thus unable to export that information. Likewise, if the user can't remotely access it, like if the imprinted elixir is behind a chakra barrier, one can't manipulate the elixir or export it's information.

Jutsu Usage Examples:

( Seitsuuton: Midori ) Elixir Release: Book of Revellations - Map

Type: Supplementary
Rank: D
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 10
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user will poduce a wave of elixir that will filter onto his surroundings, recording general information. The user will then retrieve a mirror of elixir from the ground that will show a visual representation of the information, in a manner similar to ( Suiton: Kirigakure Shiryoku Hakudatsu) - Water Release: Hidden Mist Eye Sight Deprevation, where the user is capable of know a map of the terrain, people and beings within range and a brief history of past events.

Note: Can only affect one Landmark. Can only know what happened 1 event further.

( Seitsuuton: Kuro ) Elixir Release: Book of Mimicry - Defense

Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user will exude a bubble of silvery pearl liquid aimed towards an incoming projectile of chakra. Upon contact, the bubble will burst backwards, imprinting the knowledge within the projectile to turn into an exact copy of it, re-colliding with it. The copy will thus completely neutralize the original. For example, the opponent shoots a fireball. Upon contact, the bubble of elixir will turn into a fireball going in the opposite direction which will immediately collide with the original, neutralizing eachother in a whisp of fire.

Note: The elixir does not have enough power to recreate techniques above C rank, thus the original technique will follow through, albeit weakened.

( Seitsuuton: Shiro ) Elixir Release: Book of Mimicry - Offense

Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user will apply the same principles of Defense, but create a bigger bubble of silvery pearl elixir. Upon contact the bubble will turn into several copies of the original. One of the copies can be made to collide against the original, exactly like Defense, while the others go on to attack the opponent. In the same situation, the opponent shoots a fireball. Upon contact, the bubble will turn into 2 fireballs, one which will collide with the original, and the other will be headed towards the opponent.

Note: Against techniques above B rank, the original technique will overpower, albeit in a weaker state. Against a B rank techniques, only one copy can be made, thus will work the same as Defense exactly. C ranks can have 2 copies, D ranks can have 4 copies.

( Seitsuuton: Aka ) Elixir Release: Book of Conversion - Wall

Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user can manipulate an imprinted source of elixir, or materialize elixir with knowledge from the user, and turn it into a wall of pearly liquid. This wall will be imparted with Nature Conversion knowledge. Every technique that goes through the wall will thus be converted into the nature that was imparted. For example, if the user create a wall of elixir with Water Nature Conversion, which can be knowledge the user already has, or took from a previous technique, and a lavaball goes through the wall, either from the user or from an opponent, upon contact the wall will impart the lavaball's Lava Nature Conversion mechanism and reconvert it, then changing it into Water nature after it passes, turning it into a waterball. The jutsu will suffer no damage, rank, power, momentum or shape alterations.

Note: Above A rank, the wall is unable to properly convert, thus the original technique will continue through unaltered in terms of nature, albeit weaker.

( Seitsuuton: Aoi ) Elixir Release: Book of Conversion - Armour

Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user will manipulate an imprinted source of elixir, or create a mist of elixir that will seek and imprinting an opponent's advanced elemental ability or kg. The user will then surround oneself with the silvery mist, creating a magnificent armour of elixir, shape manipulation, which will then congeal into the nature of the imprinted knowledge, to gain an elemental defensive boost. For example, the user imprints an elixir source with Kaguya's bone, recreating an armor made of ivory, with the same properties of the original technique, in a different shape.

Note: Given the stolen aspect, techniques that are inherently harmful, like Fire's heat, or Pantha Water's radioactivity will provide damaging protection against the user and any opponent, equivalent to the rank of thea armor.

Conditions to be able to use it: The user is required to have Water mastery and Basic Ninjutsu knowledge.

Is weak to: The elixir has no real weakness. It will infuse into any chakra and chakraless construct, though it will only imprint or export the substance it touches, so it's perfectly plausible to protect something from the silvery water by blocking it's passage with another thing less valuable, essentially making this water-like physicality of Elixir into a weakness. This means only continuous surfaces, so something like a fireball can block as well as an earth wall, but a watery mist will still be an aggregation of dispersed particles, and thus the elixir can permeate it. Sealing techniques or techniques that forbid the user from contacting the source of Elixir through chakra will also impede export, making the Elixir essentially useless.

Is strong against: Regardless of what nature it has or its effects, silvery water will always imprint on the thing it has contact with. Likewise, it has no additional properties and, although a liquid, it is unnaffected by any other properties, such as Heat, Radioactivity, Decay, Electro-magnetic Pull, Poisoning, Corrosion, etc

Co-creator: Imperfect

Students I passed this custom element on too: Gajeel & Moofy

Permission to reuse the Water Memory Concept by Imperfect:

✗ Declined: This was a cool read. It's an interesting concept but after looking into it, 'Water Memory' isn't a theory accepted or even postulated by scientists. It's more associated with pseudoscience and homeopathy, so there's no real basis for this in reality. Even as an original concept, I'm not sure I'd want to approve this. An element like this could easily get out of hand.

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Active member
Jul 27, 2011
Trait Points
Permission From Sasori to resubmit this

- Removed Pyrochoric

Custom element Japanese name: Sukoria

Custom element English name: Scoria

The element is based on: Fire + Earth + Wind

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): In the Manga there have been multiple ways that Lava style has been implemented into a Ninja’s jutsu. This specific type of molten rock is tied greatly to Roshi and his Tailed Beast's ability to use the jutsu “Lava Release: Scorching Stream Rock Technique” which produces boulders of molten rock. The molten rock from that Lava technique is greatly tied to volcanoes which shows that the user would be capable of manipulating substances that derive from volcanoes as well as some volcanic rock. With the information that it is possible to heat molten rock this element focuses on the ability to cool magma on rocks which turns it into a different substance. This not only shows that it is possible to manipulate molten rock, but possible for the user to manipulate it into a different substance to create a black,or dark gray to deep reddish brown rock known as Scoria. To better help understand this element, Scoria is quite similar to when one slowly opens a soda bottle. As they open that soda bottle small, round bubbles form along the inside surface of the bottle. Then when the bottle is fully opened it releases larger bubbles, and a hiss of gas escapes from the bottle followed by a rush of a foam like material. The depressurization and escape of gases is the same process by which magma is depressurized as it exits a volcanic vent. The foam is equivalent to what the end result of Scoria is when it solidifies.

How it works: In order to initiate the process of creating Scoria— one must first apply tremendous pressure towards the earth. While the earth is enclosed the user then begins to heat the earth to a state of molten-like earth. Once the rock has reached the designated heat levels the user then begins to surround earth with their wind chakra which causes for it to be cooled tremendously. At the moment that Scoria begins to cool, the pressure placed among the molten rock is then reduced greatly, as the rock is also being cooled gases start to escape in the form of bubbles. Now comes the precision part of creating the element, if the wind being applied to the molten rock solidifies the rock before the gases can fully escape the bubbles become small rounded cavities along the surfaces of the rock which is exactly what is wanted to create Scoria. Due to the fact that the earth solidified before the gases could all escape some of the gases and air are trapped inside in the form of bubbles with the wind and gases that are extremely hot and explosive. While trapped inside of Scoria its gases are in a dormant state free of risk of exploding. Only when Scoria has been destroyed will it explode. The gases are capable of exploding and at risk of it because the gases are extremely hot and have been confined in a space which will be the rock and inside it has been building up pressure. All the gases need to explode at this point is a leakage in order to be released which can be done by destroying it.

Normally, in real life cases the molten rocks are cooled because they are propelled into the air from erupting volcanoes, but in this case the user can achieve the same effect by applying the Wind Element to it to cool it. Also, as the user places Wind around the earth with the heat and pressure added to it, it releases gases out of it. The bubbles found along the surface of Scoria rocks are commonly known as vesicles containing trapped gases and air. The thick walls of Scoria also make it a heavy element weighing about 100 pounds per cubic foot making it heavier than earth, and light weight elements. When dealing with Real life situations Scoria has been known to be able to be crushed into different shapes and objects. Also, because it is heavier than earth it can be used to supplement the steel used in buildings making it play on equal terms with elements such as steel with a higher density than earth. Another property of Scoria is its ability to provide a good insulator for heat so it serves as a good way to keep heat inside, but also increase the Scoria rock itself. Something to note is that Scoria is mainly formed from rising magma is introduced to lower pressures, and has gases released which were trapped inside from the quick solidification of it. Overall, Scoria is a type of cooled molten rock which contains hot/explosive gases and air inside of it making it quite hollow.

Jutsu Usage Examples:
(Sukoriarirīsu: Gurētosukoriarirīsu) Scoria Rease: Greater Scoria Release
Type: Offensive/Defensive Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: This jutsu enables the user the ability to crush pieces of Scoria to create shapes and objects only limited by the user’s imagination that can explode.

(Sukoriarirīsu:Suishin gasu) Scoria Release: Propelling Gas
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will first create a large boulder of Scoria with many vesicles along the surface of it.

(Sukoriarirīsu: Ko 胞 Haretsu) Scoria Release: Vesicle Rupture
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Mid-Long
Chakra cost: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will first construct a large piece of Scoria out of the surrounding ground.

Conditions to be able to use it: Up to appropriate training in Fire, earth, and wind meaning if the user only has training up to B-rank in those elements they can only use up to B-rank Scoria.

Is weak to:

Water- Water also will act as wind does to Scoria, and serve as a way to cool it down. When water comes in contact with Scoria will cool down it’s hot outside surface, but as well as decrease the temperature inside of the rock itself.
Wind- Since Scoria is similar to molten rock, wind will cool down the gases and air trapped inside as well as the outside of it will be cooled down weakening it.

Is strong against:
Earth- Scoria has been shown to have higher densities than ordinary earth structures.
Sound- It is mainly because Scoria has air trapped inside of it which would weaken the sound waves itself when it came in contact with Scoria as it tried to pass through it.
Fire- Scoria is strong to fire due to the rocks high flame resistance simply meaning that because of the rocks outer shell being accustomed to such pressures and heat it will require more strenuous power from a flame in order to destroy it, releasing the gases in the process.
Lightning- Scoria is strong to lightning because of Scorias intense heat from its outside surface and inside with the hot air which causes for waves of heat to be emitted/radiated off of Scoria. Because of this it causes it any lightning nearby it to become disturbed and a discrepancy is present in the wave due to its medium , the air, being disturbed, Also, the rock will become less influenced from lightning based techniques. This simply goes to say that more effort than usual will be needed in order to destroy the rock.

Co-creator: Littlefinger.

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

✗ Declined: Yeah, your S/W are completely off. The strength to Fire is a reach but the one to Lightning makes zero sense. You conveniently made it so your element emits heat waves that disrupt electrical currents but that isn't inherent to your element at all.
Custom element Japanese name: Sukoria

Custom element English name: Scoria

The element is based on: Fire + Earth + Wind

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): In the Manga there have been multiple ways that Lava style has been implemented into a Ninja’s jutsu. This specific type of molten rock is tied greatly to Roshi and his Tailed Beast's ability to use the jutsu “Lava Release: Scorching Stream Rock Technique” which produces boulders of molten rock. The molten rock from that Lava technique is greatly tied to volcanoes which shows that the user would be capable of manipulating substances that derive from volcanoes as well as some volcanic rock. With the information that it is possible to heat molten rock this element focuses on the ability to cool magma on rocks which turns it into a different substance. This not only shows that it is possible to manipulate molten rock, but possible for the user to manipulate it into a different substance to create a black,or dark gray to deep reddish brown rock known as Scoria. To better help understand this element, Scoria is quite similar to when one slowly opens a soda bottle. As they open that soda bottle small, round bubbles form along the inside surface of the bottle. Then when the bottle is fully opened it releases larger bubbles, and a hiss of gas escapes from the bottle followed by a rush of a foam like material. The depressurization and escape of gases is the same process by which magma is depressurized as it exits a volcanic vent. The foam is equivalent to what the end result of Scoria is when it solidifies.

How it works: In order to initiate the process of creating Scoria— one must first apply tremendous pressure towards the earth. While the earth is enclosed the user then begins to heat the earth to a state of molten-like earth. Once the rock has reached the designated heat levels the user then begins to surround earth with their wind chakra which causes for it to be cooled tremendously. At the moment that Scoria begins to cool, the pressure placed among the molten rock is then reduced greatly, as the rock is also being cooled gases start to escape in the form of bubbles. Now comes the precision part of creating the element, if the wind being applied to the molten rock solidifies the rock before the gases can fully escape the bubbles become small rounded cavities along the surfaces of the rock which is exactly what is wanted to create Scoria. Due to the fact that the earth solidified before the gases could all escape some of the gases and air are trapped inside in the form of bubbles with the wind and gases that are extremely hot and explosive. While trapped inside of Scoria its gases are in a dormant state free of risk of exploding. Only when Scoria has been destroyed will it explode. The gases are capable of exploding and at risk of it because the gases are extremely hot and have been confined in a space which will be the rock and inside it has been building up pressure. All the gases need to explode at this point is a leakage in order to be released which can be done by destroying it.

Normally, in real life cases the molten rocks are cooled because they are propelled into the air from erupting volcanoes, but in this case the user can achieve the same effect by applying the Wind Element to it to cool it. Also, as the user places Wind around the earth with the heat and pressure added to it, it releases gases out of it. The bubbles found along the surface of Scoria rocks are commonly known as vesicles containing trapped gases and air. The thick walls of Scoria also make it a heavy element weighing about 100 pounds per cubic foot making it heavier than earth, and light weight elements. When dealing with Real life situations Scoria has been known to be able to be crushed into different shapes and objects. Also, because it is heavier than earth it can be used to supplement the steel used in buildings making it play on equal terms with elements such as steel with a higher density than earth. Another property of Scoria is its ability to provide a good insulator for heat so it serves as a good way to keep heat inside, but also increase the Scoria rock itself. Something to note is that Scoria is mainly formed from rising magma is introduced to lower pressures, and has gases released which were trapped inside from the quick solidification of it. Overall, Scoria is a type of cooled molten rock which contains hot/explosive gases and air inside of it making it quite hollow.

Jutsu Usage Examples:
(Sukoriarirīsu: Gurētosukoriarirīsu) Scoria Rease: Greater Scoria Release
Type: Offensive/Defensive Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: This jutsu enables the user the ability to crush pieces of Scoria to create shapes and objects only limited by the user’s imagination that can explode.

(Sukoriarirīsu:Suishin gasu) Scoria Release: Propelling Gas
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will first create a large boulder of Scoria with many vesicles along the surface of it.

(Sukoriarirīsu: Ko 胞 Haretsu) Scoria Release: Vesicle Rupture
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Mid-Long
Chakra cost: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will first construct a large piece of Scoria out of the surrounding ground.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Earth + Fire and Wind

Is weak to:

Lightning- Lightning can easily plow through and destroy the rock.
Water- Water also will act as wind does to Scoria, and serve as a way to cool it down. When water comes in contact with Scoria will cool down it’s hot outside surface, but as well as decrease the temperature inside of the rock itself.

Is strong against:

Earth- Scoria has been shown to have higher densities than ordinary earth structures.
Sound- It is mainly because Scoria has air trapped inside of it which would weaken the sound waves itself when it came in contact with Scoria as it tried to pass through it.
Fire- Scoria is strong to fire due to the rocks high flame resistance simply meaning that because of the rocks outer shell being accustomed to such pressures and heat it will require more strenuous power from a flame in order to destroy it, releasing the gases in the process.
Wind- Due to the gases and air trapped inside of Scoria it makes it difficult for wind to actually blow it way due to how heavy and sturdy the rock actually is.

Co-creator: Sasori

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

✗ Declined: Elemental S/W are still wrong. You mention Water is strong to Scoria because it's like Wind, but then you list Wind as a strength. Not to mention the reasoning for Water being weakness is pretty illogical. How does decreasing it's temperature destroy or counter the technique in any way? Swap the places of Wind and Water, the former would be strong to Scoria and the latter weak to it. I'll allow the strength to Fire but remove the mention of Sound. The presence of gases in the rock wouldn't interfere with it's travel. There's also one more thing you need to rectify. The creation of an element should be purely about the chakras combined to make it. The whole 'How it Works' section needs to be amended. Look at Bromine or Dream Sand for an example of this. Your element needs to be a product of those chakras alone, there shouldn't be any external components like needing to heat the ground otherwise you'd be unable to create it from your body.

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Active member
Apr 14, 2012
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Custom element Japanese name: Shirubāton

Custom element English name: Silver Lining Release

The element is based on: Earth, Water and Fire

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): This compound can be prepared by pouring a solution of silver nitrate in nitric acid into ethanol. Silver nitrate is a nitrate of silver, nitrogen dioxide is produced by bacterial respiration, volcanos and lightning (nitrogen dioxide + water = nitric acid), ethanol is an alcohol all are substances that can be found in the NW thus silver fulminate can be produced.

How it works: Silver Lining release is an extremely explosive element, usually used for directional blasting in firing caps. By combining their Earth, Water, and Fire chakra the user will create Shirubāton from either their person or an external source be it the ground, water, or air depending on the usage. Fire purifies the earth and water binds to the purified substance to create the silver fulminate. It is usually a crystalline form when created usually in needle form or in waves however coated in chakra to stop it from exploding under it's own weight, unless wanted, but can also be made ina semi liquid state like grease. Due to fulminates being toxic, on about the same level as cyanide, after exploding they leave trace amounts in the air that upon exposure to the skin or inhalation can attack the central nervous system and lead to severe respiratory problems. Upon any sort of shock, heat, or pressure Shirubāton can and will detonate unless purposely and skillfully prevented thru the usage of chakra control.

Jutsu Usage Examples:
( Shirubāton - Bigguban riron ) Silver Lining Release - Big Bang Theory
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user creates waves of needles of Shirubāton that they can use to defend themselves by exploding outwards aiming it away from themselves, or be launched at an opponent

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastered Earth, Water and Fire. Must be at least Kage Rank.

Is weak to: Fire and Lightning, the heat and spark would cause it to detonate

Is strong against: Earth which would crumble, Water which would be sent away and Wind which would be nullified by the explosive force as well as variations of these elements

Co-creator: Keji

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?​

✗ Declined: Too many things wrong here. Silver Fulminate isn't abundant enough to be created from the ground and you offer no reasoning that would enable otherwise. I'm not allowing a solid element to be created from the air. Properties wise, this is simply no different from Francium with a poisonous aspect incorporated.

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