Kiana Hutetsu


Active member
Aug 21, 2010
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╔ Name: Kiana Hutetsu
╠ Nickname: #4
╠ Gender: Female
╠ Age: 18
╚ Clan: Kureimoa

Looks: Kiana isn't your typical 18yo teenage girl. She has been through a great deal in her life and for that she is wearing disgusting marks on her face that never let her forget. During a village attack between the Yugo and Claymore clans, Kiana's eyes got burned with acid, leaving her with lifelong scars that remind her of the hunger and hatred towards the Yugo clan. She has pure natural white hair that is a result of her stressful childhood and horrors that she has been through. Everyone looks at her like some kind of monster because it is unheard of that someone so young can lose their hair color. She is wearing a modified headband without village affiliation but with horns that represent her personality and are a sign to stay away. She feels comfortable wearing her red attire.

Personality: Kiana has a stubborn mind and strives to serve herself only. Tough life choices have made her who she is today and there was never any family for her so she always had to do everything on her own. Through trial and error, she achieved a great deal of experience for her age and that's what makes her so fierce in her hobby. Surviving. That's what she does for living. She is often times vile for no particular reason, mad at the world and with a short temper. Although she isn't particularly introvert, she likes to be alone and enjoys the time when the hunger and madness consume her with no one else there to judge her. She is smart, intelligent and most of all, a calculated person because of her experience. She is an independent woman aware of her power.​
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╔ Village of Birth: Land of Waterfalls
╚ Village of Alliance: N/A
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╔ Ninja Rank: Sage in posts
╚ Specialty: Water | Sound | Genjutsu | Surreal Palm | Claymore
火 Fire Release
風 Wind Release
雷 Lightning Release
土 Earth Release
水 Water Release
音 Sound Release
カ Capsaicin Release
ム Francium Release
Your ninjutsu:
NB Taijutsu
Summoning &
Custom Fighting Styles:
Sound Propulsion | Oto Suishin
Oversoul | Tairei
Lazy Fist | Genkotsu Namakemono
Surreal Palm | Shu-rute
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„We STARVE with bellies bursting FULL

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Birth into madness

Kiana is considered to be one of the newest generations of Claymore members. She was born in the Land of Waterfalls where her ancestors settled through a peace treaty. They were offered a place far away from preying eyes and they were happy to settle there. She was born on a cold rainy night and her early life seemed to go rather well. There were some minor disturbances with clan fights but it usually never escalated and endangered her life. Until one day her parents, who were both Vanguards, lead a group of Claymore members into a planned assault against the Yugo clan in order to kill one of its generals responsible for countless numbers of Claymore deaths. The assassination was successful but it fired back. The Yugo clan members didn’t take the assassination lightly and they assaulted the Claymore members, targeting their young ones. This was the night when Kiana was marked for the rest of her life. She got burned with acid and only her wit and quick reaction saved her eyes. She managed to perform a complex water technique in order to wash away the acid from her face but she was left with a bad scar. The acid was so aggressive that it ate the tissue around her eyes and parts of her cheeks. It was unfortunate but she was proclaimed a monster. The Claymore were said to be the most beautiful people you can lay your eyes on, yet due to her scars Kiana was far away from that.

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Kiana's birthplace

Struggle with life

Due to the scars, Kiana had a difficult life as a child. Her parents were killed that night when she got the scars and it was a lifelong reminder that she lost everything she ever had. There was no happiness in her life, yet she was still just a child. Without a warm place to call home and happiness in her immediate vicinity, no child can develop into a stable and functioning person. The other kids never wanted to play with her. They always teased her and called her bad names and she would always end up in fights with anyone who would call her a monster. But as she grew older, people started understanding. She was developing into a beautiful woman and who wanted, could see that behind the ugly scar on her face. All it took was a couple of years of a harsh childhood for everything to stabilize. However, these experiences made her a better person. It made her realize that she is the only one that cares about her and that she has to be the only one to take care of her because nobody else can do that. This is the main reason why basic survival from day to day, became her hobby.

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Hunt for survival

Loneliness continues

Like every clan member, at first she wasn’t aware of the powers laying in her. She wasn’t able to control them and she didn’t know what it was that always made her throw wild tantrums at people. Although she liked company because she tried to compensate for her lonely childhood, through experience, she learned that it was better when she was alone because that’s when she couldn’t hurt anyone. This is a reason why a man never laid a hand on her but she really wanted that. She has matured into a beautiful woman now and she wanted to know how it feels to be intimate with a man. But every time someone touched her she would freak out, uncontrollably, usually injuring them and more often than not, eating their limbs. It was embarrassing but she couldn’t help herself. She wondered if all the other clan members were like that. Everyone around her seemed so happy, but she somehow knew that they were monsters as well, hiding deep behind this beautiful façade.

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Sweat and training

Kiana realized that it was time to seek some proper guidance within the clan and this is when she started developing her abilities. She quickly established herself as a Centurion and she showed incredible mastery of the illusionary arts. She even managed to develop her own fighting style while managing to master another one, created by her good friend Isabella. Along the road, she met wonderful people but she was careful not to get attached to anyone too much, because she knew they would otherwise get hurt. She developed the mastery of the water element and established it as her primary affinity. She even managed to get her hands on the sound element and she developed her own custom element called Capsaicin. It went amazingly well with her vile nature. Francium came along the way and at that time she managed to create a custom summoning contract with her favorite animals, Seahorses. She showed prowess within the medical ninjutsu but she found it impossible to apply any of it on herself. She learned countless techniques that could help her remove the ugly scar on her face but nothing ever worked. She even learned kinjutsu in hopes that some forbidden techniques could restore her beauty, but it was futile.

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Training arena

Killing the Yugo

Currently, Kiana is roaming the ninja world, searching for Yugo members and killing them for fun. Only God knows where she is. She moves quickly and always makes sure that it’s impossible to track her. She is really smart so it isn't hard to hide her tracks. She always makes sure to devour whole bodies to avoid leaving traces and she always washes away the blood with her water mastery. There is no end to this and she knows that she has to continue, otherwise it would be her end. She has to continue killing in order to survive.

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Water Mastery

From her birth, Kiana loved water. As a fact, water saved her life once, when she was burned with acid as a small child, she instinctively performed a complex water technique in order to wash the acid away from her face. From that moment, she knew that water is her primary affinity and through training she developed the ability to perform water techniques with a single handseal.

Sound Specialty

Having undergone harsh training with Xylon, Kiana is fully capable of using the sound element. Due to the blindfolded training she did to optimize her skill in this field to the maximum, she is able to hear things more clearly despite the pressure of battle. By being an avid sound user she also developed the Sound Propulsion CFS by combining her sound and genjutsu mastery. Using the propulsions she is able to perform swift movements with minute precision while also being able to fool her opponents while doing so.

Genjutsu & Surreal Palm

As the personal student of the best Genjutsu users alive, Scorps and Lili-Chwan, Kiana inherited all their custom techniques and was trained to the point of being able to call herself also a Genjutsu Master. By being trained by Lili-Chwan, Kiana had the chance to feel the dark side of Genjutsu. The torturing and mind controlling nature of those techniques synchronized perfectly with her dark and hungry inner self. Upon learning the Surreal Palm CFS, Kiana became the Dreamer and she took her knowledge of the style beyond it's mastery. She is the Wonder, the Surrealist. The full Masters of the Surreal Palm chose it above all other Fighting Styles, and, for that, acquire the full virtues of the style, as stated not only in the individual submissions, as the virtues of the Dreamer, but also in the style submission itself, the higher ones. As a master of the style, she is capable of awareness 1 rank superior than their normal rank, and, same wise, bypass the genjutsu layering rules up to 4 times per battle, allowing them to use techniques 1 rank lower than normal to defend from a genjutsu.


By being born into the Claymore clan, Kiana has the ability to manifest and control the Kurochi within her body. However, her specialties allign by being the Centurion. These are the brains of the clan, they plan battle tactics and troop movements. Centurion are naturally smarter, have quicker minds and heightened senses, allowing their Awakened forms to grant them the tracking capabilities of a 1T Sharingan while increasing the damage to their Genjutsu by +10. The Abyssal form of Centurions then grant them the tracking abilities of a 2T Sharingan and adds a further +20 to Genjutsu techniques.

So far, Kiana has achieved the 4th rank, which means that she is a Phantasmal one. Second in command, these are four elite members of the clan answering only to the No.1, the Enlightened One. With expertly conditioned bodies they are able to attain to attain an Awakening once per conflict and maintain it for 4 turns. They can also access an Abyssal Form once per conflict and keep it for 3 turns. In addition to this they can learn select restricted clan techniques and can even start teaching the younger ones of the clans on how to use their bodies.​
Weapons and tools:

Kyōshin-ki | The Resonator
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The Resonator is a legendary shinobi weapon, developed during the establishing era of Otogakure. Since the villagers of Otogakure were known for their ability to control sound and soundwaves they wanted to develop a weapon to complement their talent. As the outcome, The Resonator was made. Regarding its looks, it's not much different than a regular katana. However, since a book shouldn't be judged by its covers, neither should this weapon. Its real power lies within it. The Resonator is actually shallow, having an elongated cavity within it, with a long and thin needle inside it. The cavity is barely a few millimeters in diameter, enough for the needle to be positioned in the middle and still have space to move around. The purpose of the needle is to react to soundwaves. As a soundwave comes across the blade, the needle starts vibrating and tapping on the inside walls of the hole, enhancing the soundwaves and transferring them through the hilt, into the users hand, informing him of the incoming soundwaves. The user, having full mastery of the Sound release, is supposed to know a variety of different frequencies and by the way the needle vibrates, he can distinguish incoming soundwaves, without even hearing them. The weapon is slightly bigger than a regular katana in both thickness and length, in order to make sure that it doesn't lose on sturdiness because of the hole within it. The weapon is made from a special steel called Tamahagane and it consists of several layers of this material, making it very strong and firm. Because of the technique used to make it, it's considered indestructible and it's edge is very hard to dull. The resonating needle and its ability are considered passive because they are built into its structure, while the weapon also has an unique ability that the user can activate upon his wish, using the resonating frequency. However, this active ability can only be used twice per battle and it can't be used in consecutive turns. Each of the basic five elements has it's own frequency and when the user uses one of them, they produce a sound, unless it's stated otherwise in the description of the jutsu. As the sound of the jutsu hits the sword and the needle resonates at the certain frequency its vibration creates a, so called reverberation, which simply requires the user to swing the sword in order to release the soundwave and cast a weak genjutsu onto the opponent. The swing should be performed immediately after or in conjunction with the previous jutsu in order to maximize its effectiveness. The genjutsu would be B ranked and simple and straightforward. In the genjutsu, the user would change the way the opponent perceives the incoming jutsu. He could make the jutsu change its trajectory and make it appear as if the jutsu if following an arc or such. Since it's an audiovisual genjutsu, the sound would correspond the visual trajectory of the jutsu. Of course, all effects are bound to the rules of Narutoverse and are required to be as realistic as possible, again concentrating on its effectiveness.
Note: The genjutsu counts as one of the users moves per turn and can only be used 3 times
Note: Requires sound mastery to be used effectively
Note: Owned by McRazor

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Ninja Tools Assortment

Kiana has a wide assortment of kunai, shuriken and other various ninja tools stored in her pouches and they all have the Shadow Footsteps tags attached to them.. Shee keeps the pouches tied on her hips for easy access. She caries smoke bombs, flash bombs, wires, paper tags, seals and other tools. She also carries small, durable pills filled with water which are easily broken when she throws them or when she applies pressure. As a medical ninja, she as a variety of medial seals that she uses for summoning medical equipment and different herbs for on the spot creation of medicine.

Ototon GenFuuinjutsu: Shadō Ashiato | Sound Illusion Sealing Arts: Shadow Footsteps
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A rank
Range: Short to Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: Shadow Footsteps is a complex technique that involves multiple fields of specialization in order to achieve its effects. To simplify the technique, in its essence it is a seal placed onto a paper tag that is attached onto kunai or shuriken with the purpose to release a sound that induces an illusion when activated. The paper tag looks like a regular explosive paper tag to any observer, but instead of the usual inscription it has the kanji for shadow (影) and footstep (足). Within the seal, the user has sealed a portion of his own sound chakra that is programmed to release the sound of a series of loud, running footsteps as the seal is activated. The key to activate the seal is simple. The thrown kunai or shuriken has to, basically, hit something (the ground, a tree, a wall, the opponent, etc) in order to activate the seal and to release the sealed sound chakra. The purpose of sealing the sound chakra into a seal and then throwing it away is to take advantage of the wast battlefield and the fact that the user can't be anywhere on the battlefield at the same moment. This technique allows the user, however, to produce sounds from all around the battlefield even when he's stationary in order to confuse the opponent and scare him into believing that he's being attacked by shadow clones or summons without ever seeing their actual creation. As the sound chakra is released as loud footsteps and the opponent hears their sound, he would be placed into an illusion. Within the illusion, the opponent would start seeing shadows blazing across the ground of the battlefield at great speed and the user would vanish from his sight in the chaos of the blazing shadows. The shadows would be paired with the sounds released from the seal in a true multidimensional fashion. This means that the opponent would see the shadows and hear their footseps from multiple directions, making it hard to concentrate and to focus on a single target. This confusion and chaos allows the user to take advantage and strike freely, while his real location and intentions are hidden from the opponent. The seal can be previously placed on the users arsenal but it needs to be stated in the biography. Although the user has the ability to throw a maximum of 4 weapons with attached seals with one usage of the technique, they wouldn't cast multiple illusions on the opponent simultaneously, nor would they increase the power of the illusion. Instead, each activation of the seal would cast over the previous illusion, essentially refreshing the illusion. This means that there can only be one active instance of Shadow Footsteps at any given time. Also, casting any other illusion while this one is active would end it because this illusion isn't susceptible to layering.
Note: Can't use other A rank Sound, Fuuinjutsu or Genjutsu in the same turn
Note: Can only be used 2 times per battle with two turns between uses
Note: Can only be taught by McRazor

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Theme Song and Background Music:

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Won: 20​
Lost: 5​
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╔ Note: Added training links although some fields have multiple training threads
╚ Note: Dropping

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Six Paths

Active member
Oct 27, 2012
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Very well done. The design is very attractive, and the bio choice fits the clan better than my own Kaneki.
As Zaph said, something I can dig my teeth in ;). Well done again!


Mar 15, 2014
Trait Points
This bio is *** to my eyes. I am speechless to how good this bio flows with the naruto storyplot and how it mingles claymores into existence.

When HXH is approved, I'll come to you for help. Please, and I beg, do help me then. >.<


Active member
Aug 21, 2010
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Very well done. The design is very attractive, and the bio choice fits the clan better than my own Kaneki.
As Zaph said, something I can dig my teeth in ;). Well done again!
This bio is *** to my eyes. I am speechless to how good this bio flows with the naruto storyplot and how it mingles claymores into existence.

When HXH is approved, I'll come to you for help. Please, and I beg, do help me then. >.<
Oh my. Im blushing. Thanks for the kind words. I did my best as always. Really happy with the character and the bio design. Cant wait to start working on the transformations.


Mar 15, 2014
Trait Points
Oh my. Im blushing. Thanks for the kind words. I did my best as always. Really happy with the character and the bio design. Cant wait to start working on the transformations.
If you need personally made art, I can work some out for you. I might even...(I'll leave that out^^)

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