[Predictions] NARUTO MANGA 630 PREDICTION [by KCMNaruto]


Active member
Aug 16, 2012
Trait Points
This is sequel to this:

[descriptions of scenery/surrondings]

630 - Unreal Power shakes The World
Juubi last form incomming !
[Juubi glows then light fade away and that repeat, powerfull shockwaves began to be emiting from Juubi as ground is shaking badly cracking in many places while air become heavier and heavier by each second passed. Madara and Obito are standing on Juubi as powerfull winds created by Juubi are blowing in their faces as well as tear their clothes lightly, Obito's other sleeve and Madara's armor at chest , in front of them is weaken alliance shinobi's army. Naruto and Killer Bee are bleeding in base states as they watches with fear and awe.]

Madara(brush through his hair with his risen right hand): Finally, it began to be boring, ehh Obito
Obito(turns to Madara): You are right, I expected exatly this kind of look (smirks)

[Entire shinobi alliance army is shown with widden eyes while keeping fear on their faces. Some of shinobi fall on their knees while trying to catch breath. Sky began to become darker and darker as one shinobi spot it and shout.]

Shinobi 1(protect himself with hands from wind while shivering): ARGHH!!!! *this wind is hurting*
Shinobi 2(look under him as he try to keep his standing position, shaking):That… is terrible! *ground is shaking so much so I can barerly stand*
Shinobi 3(sweating then move his hand across face to wipe some sweet away while trembling): Terrible !!! *There is so hot, even rock began to melt*
Shinobi 4(look above at dark sky with widden eyes):Black! The sky became black, what does mean ! *shit, dark sky, it can't bring anything good*
[Some more shinobi rise their head and look at dark sky with shiver coming across their bodies. Naruto and Killer Bee began to hear more and more screams expanding at all army, cause screams to come from all directions around Naruto and Killer Bee as they turn around to catch glance of Shinobi alliance army with fear on faces. Kakashi is shown worried as well as Gai, then Konoha rookies faces are shown completly covered by fear.]

Naruto: So much power!!! *my skin feel like shivering*
Killer bee: that mother****er doesn't look good *I am shivering as ****ing chicken*
Killer Bee enter his mind
Killer bee: Gyuuki, my bro can you lend so more juice of yours,wee!
Gyuuki(serious): I am afraid not, bee. I will begin gathering my chakra rigth away. You have to depend on yourself, be careful.
Killer Bee leaves his mind
Naruto enter his mind
Naruto: Kurama, I need more of your power, please !
Kurama: Sorry Naruto, I am at my limit now. I will begin gathering my chakra right away, try to buy some time.
Naruto leaves his mind
Kakashi: Naruto, Can you give us so more chakra ?
Naruto(shake his hands with powerlesness on his face): I afraid, this isn't possible
Kakashi: Damn, Killer Bee-sama please lend me some chakra and others so we can stop this transformation !
Killer Bee: Sorry, Kakashi man but I can't do it now
Kakashi: Damn...
Gai(put his hand on Kakashi shoulder): Kakashi..., it looks like I will have to open eight inner gates
Kakashi: No, you know that
Gai(serious then tear drop on ground): Kakashi !, you know that this is our only option now. *I am sorry Kakashi, but our eternal rivalry will be put to end..*
Kakashi(lower his head): I see Gai
Everyone: !!
(Suddenly everyone except Madara and Obito is blown away by increasing in power incoming large powefull shockwaves. Juubi is shown glowing as large and wide shockwaves are expanding in circular shape around Juubi in all directions, Ground is shaking violently cause earthquake to occur around all battlefield. Lightinings are appearing at dark sky then some of them comes near Juubi creating powerfull sparks at ground. Hurricanes are moving around battlefield blowing everything and everyone in it's way. Madara and Obito are struggling to keep their rods connected to Juubi as they are being kept pushing away.)
Madara(legs floating above Juubi with knees and above body keep contact with Juubi): Khh..., Obito
Obito(half body floating above Juubi body with uppertorso and hands on Juubi): Damn... ?!
Madara: It looks like Juubi is going last transformation, however it doesn't posses full power...
Obito: I know, but it doesn’t matter. We only need portion of full power Juubi to Moon eye plan to work, right ?
Madara: It is true, however you skipped small fact, even if Juubi reach perfect form then it can't keep it too long as it lack of Kyuubi's and Hachibi's chakras. Moreover Mugen Tsyukomi will be broken when Juubi lost it's perfect form
Obito: What !!, that means our plan doesn't work at all, shit then I will capture Hachibi right away, Kyuubi is yours.
Madara: Hmpf, very well
(Juubi keep glowing as intense light is blinding Alliance Shinobi army, who after restoring their stand, while keep strugling to catch breath, keeping try to stand and not shiver now are covering their eyes with their hands. Suddenly black chakra began to be emited around Juubi, Madara and Obito spot it as it begin enveloping around Juubi's body in sphere shape. Madara and Obito take fast forward jump avoiding black sphere to forms completly around Juubi, small smoke begin to float from top of black sphere.)
Madara(with folded arms on his chest): Time to decrease numbers of their army
Obito(point in Alliance direction with index finger): there is definitely too much of these pests
Madara(does on handseal with his two fingers of both hands crossed): Multiple Wood Release Clone Technique !
(Madara creates twenty five wood clones of himself, then all Madara clones come forward in all covering all 180 degrees as they begin to weave through few handseals , meanwhile Obito weaves through his own handseals while Shinobi Alliance are still blinded by glowing Juubi which slowly fade away as Juubi is closed in black sphere. )
5 Madara’s clones(weave through handseals then finish with ram seal):Wood Release: Cutting Technique !
5 Madara’s clones(weave through handseals then finish with tiger seal):Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation !
5 Madara’s clones(weave through handseals then finish with tiger seal):Fire Release: Great Fire Destruction !
5 Madara’s clones(weave through handseals then finish with tiger seal):Fire Release: Dragon Flame Release Song Technique !
5 Madara’s clones(weave through handseals then finish with ram seal):Wood Release Secret Technique: Nativity of a World of Trees !
Obito(weaves through handseals then finish with ram seal):Wood Release: Cutting Technique !
[Madara and Obito are shown with evil smirk as a lot of screams are coming before of them. As many shinobi fall down pierced by woods roots or burnt by very powerfull stream of fire. Some of them are hit by flames dragons projectiles while most of them is surrounded by huge forest. ]
Madara(blazed by fire techniques reflecting on his appearance): I missed this sight so much
Obito(blazed by fire techniques reflecting on his appearance): I stopped caring about this more World some time ago
[Tsunade is shown smilling while laying on ground ripped in two halves by wood branches, around her all four kages are standing with sad faces while lowering their heads. Wind is blowing lightly around of them moving their hair slowly, then they rise their head as rain clouds are spoted, first rain drops began to fall down from sky. ]
Tsunde: I am glad that I was able to save your lives, my friends (coughs)
A: Tsunade ! (feel someone hand on his shoulder stopping him)
Onoki(mad but calm): Raikage… it may be painful but there is nothing we can do for her.
Mei(shout while worried): But, She saved our lives !
Gaara: it is true, I wish that I could do something for her but unfortunetly in her state she will (clench his fists)
Onoki(lower his head): die…
[A, Onoki, Mei and Gaara are shown with lowered their heads, as raind drops began to fall on them slowly, they raise their heads to look up in silence but suddenly it is broken by Tsunade speech. ]
Tsunade(speak while blood drops from her mouth): I am really lucky to meet all fo us, to think that five kage will fight along and not against each other(smiles), unfortunetly I can’t stay with you so please kick Madara’s ass for me (cough)
??????: I am afraid your wish is impossible to be fulfilled Senjuu princess
Everyone: ?!
[All kages turn their heads in direction voice came as they spot five Madara’s clones standing on cliff 20 meters above them. Totally surprised kages with widen eyes and opened mouths shortly became enraged as A is about to charge at them to be stopped by Onoki hand in last second.]
Everyone: Madara ?!
A: He left clones for us, I will rip them apart right away ?! (feel hand stopping pulling him)
A(turns around to face Onoki): let me go, Onoki it is time for pay back !
(Suddenly powerfull blows of wind came from west direction, leaning trees at side as well as cause some broken rocks to fly at them. Ground is shaking as strong vibrations are felt everywhere then All of them spot afraid troop of birds flying away from west , passing above their head while making terrible noice.)
Everyone: ?!
Madara’s clones: It looks like Juubi’s power increased… (smirks)
All kages: what the hell did happen there ?
(A moment of silence is fast broken by Onooki, which cause everyone to snap out of their thoughts)
Onoki: A, Mei, Gaara all of you will go away from there now ! I will care about them myself it is my duty !
A: but ?!
Onoki: I am the oldest here so Raikage show me respect and once time in your life accept my decision !, besides it looks like they may be have trouble against that masked man and Juubi was created !, we can’t be sure if Naruto or Killer Bee are still alive but anyway we have to protect this world !
(A, Mei and Gaara lower their head slowly in silence as they began to walk away. Mei is very worried, Gaara looks with concern at Onoki but with respect slowly walk away, behind them last A is walking away as he look with enraged face in Onoki direction while clenching his fists. Mei, Gaara stops for moment to look at Tsunade slowly dying before their own eyes as they about to began running in opposite direction with A following after them , suddenly voice is heard from cliff.)
5 Madara’s clones(evil smirk): who did say that you can leave, almigthy kages(mocking tone)
(Before rest of kages could turn their heads in direction from voice came, Onoki step forwards with smirk then take off as he is flying up in their’ directions while shouting. Three of Madara’s clones are shown weave through hand seals with two left jumping down at flying Onoki.)
Onoki(shout): Don’t look around friends, and you clones I will deal with you personally. No need for rest of my friends to dirty their hands with some bugs as you (smirks)
Madara’s clones: You will pay for that words, Onoki !
(Onoki is flying at high speed at incoming , as he weaves through handseals while two Madara’s clones are falling down at him at great speed with three of them weave through handseals as they are standing on cliff.)
Onoki(weaves through handseals): come fools *What they are planning ?, why only two of five charge at me … *
(Before Onoki could finish his handseals two Of Madara’s clones hit him, first clone puch him in jaw followed by second clone kick from above his head, which send Onoki flying down at ground as two clones follow after him. )
Onoki(hit in jaw)i: Argh !!!
Onoki(spot another clone’ leg come at him from above): Shit !
(Onoki stop his moving backwards in mid air before hiting in ground, then he turns cover his both fists with rocks .)
Onoki: to raise hand on elder, what a disrespect !
Onoki:Earth Release: Fist Rock Technique ! (Onoki punches in stomach Madara’s clone send him flying at his left side)
Onoki(spot another Madara’s clone incomming): I learn you respect Madara ! (try to punch Madara’s other clone in chin, who evade smoothly by leaning backwards, punch miss him just few inches from clone’s head)
(Second Clone jump up above Onoki, as first clone slowly stand up. Onoki raises his head to look up at Madara’s clone who is in middle of jump who is turned upside down but suddenly roots are enveloping around him, as he hears shouting.)
Onoki: I don’t let you take upperhand ! *Damn, I had to deal with them fast before * ?!
Onoki(spot roots enveloping around him): Shit *Who ?!*
Third Madara clone( one of three who are on cliff):Wood release: unending roots !
(Second Madara clone does back flip in mid air as he lands smoothly on ground, then first clone stand up from ground as both of them run away..)
Onoki(turns around then spot two Madara clones running away): What ?! *Damn they try to running away and follow…(pause) after kages ! * I don’t let you ?! (stopped by roots clamping around his body restricting him from movement)
Onoki(look above to spot Madara’s clones smirking at him): Bastards ! *I can’t release myself* ?!
Madara’s clones: You lower your guard, Onoki
Onoki: ?!
Madara’s clones(weave through handseals then finish with tiger seal):Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation !
Onoki: DAMN!!! *cursed Madara*
(Three huge powerfull streams of fire connect with each other as they hit Onoki, engulfing totally Onooki with all roots in huge flames, as Onoki scream is heard.)
(Meanwhile Gaara, Mei and A continue jumping from tree to tree in silence, suddenly they spot fire streams coming after them.)
A,Mei, Gaara: ?!
Mei(spot fire streams, then turns around to face flames): *Fire release ?!, Madara ! * Water Release: Water Encampment Pillar !
(Three Fire streams and powerfull torent of water cancel each other creating smokescreen covering completely area.)
Gaara(covered by sand): How can they be there, Tsuchikage-sama said to left them to him…, that mean
Mei(terrefied): Tsuchikage-sama may be dead ! *It can’t be!,first Tsunade and now Onoki…*
A(shouting): Stop talking nonsense Kazekage, Mizukage
Gaara, Mei: ?!
(A is shown turned back to Gaara and Mei, as he activates his lightining shroud. Gaara and Mei look at him in confusion as A continue his speech.)
A(activates his lightining shroud): There were five of these clones, so these two probably escaped Tsuchikage somehow(tsk), I will deal with them myself, go away !
Gaara, Mei: But
A(risen voice): did you forget about true purpouse of this war(sigh), It is to protect eight tails and nine tails jinchurki from Masked bastard whoever he is ! you can stay here as Kages of village and my allies you have to understand that Nine tails and eight tails so our prority, what if Masked Bastard and Madara already captured Nine tails and my brother !
Gaara(shouts): But we can’t left you for death here, we can’t
A(shouts): This is order from your Supreme leader, Kazekage , Mizukage ! (calm down and smirks) besides I won’t plan to sacrifice myself, now go away.
(Gaara and Mei lower their heads with defeat with clenching their fists as they slowly turns around and run away. A catches some glance at them moving as he whispers.)
A(whisper then smirks): *You are too young yet Kazekage, Mizukage. As Supreme leader and older Kage I will protect you*
(Suddenly Two high tone voices are heard, caughting A, as well as Gaara and Mei attentions.)
Madara’s clones: Who did say you can leave (evil smirks)
Gaara, Mei: Damn ?! *What the*
(A is shown slamming one of two Madara’s clones with lariat as he send him flying backwards in forest. Mei and Gaara look last time behind as they run away.)
A: Stop underestimating us, pieces of woods. I am sure Tsuchikage is not done yet (smirks)
Madara's other clone(grimace on face): We will see, Raikage !
(Badly damaged and burnt roots are shown everywhere as smoke is still coming from them. Onoki Is shown very badly burnt,his clothes are torned off as he is keeping his left shoulder with his right hand with grimace of pain on his face. Above of him three of Madara’s clone are standing on cliff with evil smirk on their faces.)
Onoki(extend his both hand opened outside): Don’t think as I am done already, I will pay you back!
Onoki:Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique !
(Onoki creates a structure, with a sphere located at its centre, between the palms of his hands. The structure expands rapidly in size when being propelled towards them as he shot at them in shape of cylinder shape, covering completely top part of hill where Madara’s clones were standing, then huge explosion occur blinding all area.)
(A is shown exchanging his blows with full Sussano skeleton cloaked Madara’s clones, as small cracks appear on ground around Sussano’s.)
A: Bastards ! hiding behind these cursed cloaks of chakra !
A(spot incoming Sussano sword at him): ?! (block with his only on hand left)
A: You don’t get me so easily *Damn it is very hard to battle these Sussanos* ?! (Suddenly Raikage is slammed into ground by other Sussano swining it’s sword from above at A’s head.)
(Smoke screen occurs to be only blown away by A getting back on his feet as his hair are spiky while powerfull sparks appear around A’s body. A is shown in lightning shroud level two, while facing smirking at him two Madara’s clones cloaked in Armored version of Sussano’s.)
[Shots of corpses laying down on ground are shown, some of their bodies are very badly burnt, others are pierced by roots and with last part being ripped in many pieces. Blood is spilled everywhere on ground, while in background many roots are overhanging in air, with many dead corpses hanging at it’s ends twently meters above ground, covering partialy black sky behind them.]
[Elsewhere in Konoha, all edo hokages and Taka are shown gathered in circle, as Tobirama is shown concentrated while kneeling above ground with his two finger put on ground, as he has closed his eyes. In background troop of very scared birdls are shown flying mindlessly in all directions.]
Sasuke(wondering with serious face): These birds, what could it mean ?!
Juugo(look concerned): Something terrible must happened to scare them so much
Orochimaru(look in direction birds came): There is definitely bad sign…
Karin(lovely eyes): Sasuke;s you are so cool when you are serious
Hashirama(concerned): *Madara, I hope you didn’t try to resurrect that beast * This time I will stop you Madara
Hiruzen(concerned): I hope Konoha rookies and adults are alright…, I count on you Kakashi, Gai
Minato: * Naruto… I hope you are alright *, I have really bad feeling that something even worse will happen
(Suddenly Tobirama face expression changes to shock as he still kneeling then he open his eyes deadly serious turned in reader’s direction, as rest of edo Kages and Taka are standing just behind his back. )
Tobirama: Indeed, Death itself came across battlefield


631 - Hope dies last
- comming soon ...

Hope you liked it :)

sorry if it is too long or too many formats I used but I tried my best :)

Sorry for any grammar/typing mistakes

Now please give me feedback and share your opinion with me guys:cool:

I will rep + for answers with reasons :)
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Active member
Aug 16, 2012
Trait Points
why is onoki Alive?!! :NO: why!!!!!

great job :D
LOL, don't worry too much, If you want to know who will surivive then please write my sequel to this, if i find time to read sequel.

To leave some suspence I say that besides Tsunade all of rest kages won't survive to see next day :)

Good job
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thanks for your input sir:), your opnion is much appreciated :)

Loved it man ..... When will the next one be out so i can be entertained meantime while there is an Manga break
Thanks for you kind words sir :), idk when sequel could come, but let's say around Saturday/Sunday but it is not promise.

I wrotte it especially because Manga is on break :p
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Active member
Aug 16, 2012
Trait Points
awesome. incredible. fantastic.
Thanks you a lot :) I am glad you liked it so much :cool:

great predication
glad you liked it :)

I wanna say i like it, i really do, but it just seems like its too much!!
Thanks a lot :), glad you liked it, I know it could be too much but please consider that great part of text from this prediction are used to portays how manga pictures would look like :)

So all the kage are alive. Ot:) nice prediction.
For Now :), but suprise will happen with kages soon :),

Thanks a lot sir for your opinion ;)
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