[VS] Jiraya vs Itachi


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Oct 3, 2011
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Other thread was locked while I was writing up my response to draegod, since it was in the wrong section I guess?, so its remade in the correct one, no flaming please
JAmn>>>>>>>>>>>>>Itachi any Day!!! Proof in the thread that will show all!

Alot of ppl think all itachi has to do is Tsukuyomi or Amateratsu ANy one NAd it would be an easy fight. That is the biggest Myth and Misconception On this Particular site! Itachi is no where as dumb as sasuke to spam MS techs from the beginning, plus he couldnt even if he wanted too do to his chakra and how fast he would go blind considering he had MS for 7+ years and it took sasuke less then a 4 days to go blind when he spammed.

Jman has been shown to be very smart and would not underestimate itachi. With that being said he would most likely go into sage mode ASAp.

Their is a huge misconception that It take Jman forever just to go into sage mode. -____-.... NO! Infact he goes into sage mode in about under 1 minute! This is the chapter and only chapter where he goes into sage mode, as you can see it didnt take long at all! right here is when he is ready to enter sage mode!

Now here is where the Fight really begins!

In sage mode his:
- Reflexes increase
- Speed increase
- Defense/endurance increase
- Atks are all Times 3
- Becomes a sensor

But that is Jman power ups by himself. He also has the power of 2 other sages on his shoulders! That means Itachi would be fighting 3 sages!

With MA and Pa:
- He becomes immune to genjutsu
- He he becomes 3 times smarter
- He protects his blind stops with the extra set of eyes
- He has a bigger array of jutsus

That is what makes his sage mode better then narutos! The Two sages on his shoulder! He basically has a conter for every thing itachi has to offer!

Lets list all the things itachi would dish that Jman would have to worry about:

This tech is overrated to the max! It burns slow and leaves itachi wide open for a counter attack! Jman has already been shown to seal the flames! But with ma and pa on his shoulders he can do it allot faster!

Plus the fact of him being a sensor allows him to prepare for the tech. Important fact about This MS tech:
- It gives off pressure before using (even if you decide to cancle the use)
- It burns slow
- The user has to close there eyes, bleeds from it, then uses it
- It only burns what the user sees

With that being said, if sasuke and others can out run it before it hits them, jman in sage mode will have no problem! this is sauke out running it before itachi catches him. Jman is allot faster then that.

Jman>>>>Black flames!

Next we have tsukuyomi:
This is a Boss tech i will admit that. But it is too easy to avoid! Simply dont look in the user eyes when they have MS Activated. And other Genjutsu is irrelevant because Ma and Pa will break him out instantly! And with the added set of eyes, say if itachi does hit jman with tsukuyomi, he would be wide open for a counter attack that pa and ma will dish out! Thus killing itachi! Because we all know Jamn will not die from the genjutsu.

Finaly we have The susanoo:
This will be itachis down fall! Susanoo cannot keep up with Jman in sage mode and basically tire and drain itachi of his chakra extremely fast!!! Plus the fact his vision will deter during the fight doesnt help. This tech is the easist for jman to get around.

Swamp of the under world>>>>Susanoo

As you can see he instantly gets you in the tech with out notice. Allot of ppl say "put chakra on your feel, then you can waly on it" but if your already trpa, how can that happen? The tech is instant, simple as that! He can make as deep as he likes aswell.
Secret frog Barrier >>>Itachi


And Itachi gets destroyed in Taijutsu it isnt even funny! Lmao
Jamn can also make Sage clones to help fight Itachi making it that much harder! ANd as you can see from my MS cons and Strengths, Using Clones makes it hard for an ms user to defeat you!

Secret frog Barrier>>>>Itachi

Then finaly we have the frog song>>>>>>>ITachi

Overall Jman has him beat! Itachi is strong dont get me wrong, but its all about match ups! And Jman in sage mode is a horrible match up for itachi!

The entire time Jman was running at a fast rate just to stay alive, and they stayed in the same tower if i remember correctly. He really did go into sage mode fast, and in about 6 pages in a 14 pg chapter (i think.lol dont wanna check).

And remember in the naruto world minutes are nothing. Seeing as though alot can happen in a couple of seconds. lol

As i said, their were conversations, summonings were brawling in the tower, on the outside of it, they made their way up, and then back in again... ALOT happened, and its inconceivable to thing that was only 60 seconds.. complete madness.. as 1 page alone can indicate 1 minute in the naruto manga.. 7 pages +? no ...even the anime had the whole process at like 10 minutes..

Alot of ppl think all itachi has to do is Tsukuyomi or Amateratsu ANy one NAd it would be an easy fight. That is the biggest Myth and Misconception On this Particular site! Itachi is no where as dumb as sasuke to spam MS techs from the beginning, plus he couldnt even if he wanted too do to his chakra and how fast he would go blind considering he had MS for 7+ years and it took sasuke less then a 4 days to go blind when he spammed.

Wrong. The very fact that Itachi knows he doesn't have much stamina, will make him resort to ending the fight quickly..as a prolonged fight would be the worst thing he could possibly do.. So your argument that his sickness would cause him to not go all out in the beginning doesn't stand.

I already posted my argument on why jiraya entering sage was not 1minute... infact.. Kabuto entering sage mode wasn't even 1min and HE can enter MUCH faster, considering he has juugo's dna etc...

Jman has been shown to be very smart and would not underestimate itachi. With that being said he would most likely go into sage mode ASAp.

This , my friend is nothing but speculation.. Jiraya has no idea what the extent of Itachi's power is.. He was travelling the world in the time that Itachi grew up in Konoha.. all he would know is that Itachi is the kid that put an end to the uchiha clan... Jiraya is smart , but what even intellect he holds cannot be even closely compared to the likes of even Orochimaru, much less Itachi...It took him numerous amounts of chapters and help to simply realize that rinnegan has shared vision, while Itachi did it in a few minutes in the nagato vs IKN fight..
Shee, a ninja who is extremely smart, and had knowledge on what the sharingan is capable of , still fell to sasuke's genjutsu.. and alot of the hokage were looking into the eyes of Madara until warned by onooki.. So your argument about Jiraya not underestimating him.. when Jiraya CLEARLY underestimated Nagato... who held the eyes of the rikkudo sennin... For all Jiraya knew those eyes could cast genjutsu as well.. yet he still looked into them throughout the fight..

But that is Jman power ups by himself. He also has the power of 2 other sages on his shoulders! That means Itachi would be fighting 3 sages!

With MA and Pa:
- He becomes immune to genjutsu
- He he becomes 3 times smarter
- He protects his blind stops with the extra set of eyes
- He has a bigger array of jutsus

One again, like the other debaters, you jump into sage mode without any explanation as how he gets into it in the first place.. while having to dodge abilities such as Paralysis genjutsu in base without use of the buddy method.. or amaterasu and tsukyomi...

Ma and pa being on his shoulders may give him immunity to the basic genjutsu that Itachi holds, but definitely not Itachi's mangekyou ability, Tsukyomi.. If you desire an explanation on why cancellation effects cannot work(As stated by Kakashi) , tell me and i'll reply.. But I believe you should very well know why..
Ma and pa unfortunately does not make Jiraya 3 times smarter... He simply has two other heads to help him in the fight... unfortunately we don't know exactly how smart the two frogs are, We do however, know that even the three of them collectively still took longer than Itachi to figure out the abiltiies of the Rinnegan.

Jiraya's blindspots still are not protected, seeing as ma and pa are still facing a forward direction when on his shoulders... Nothing much changes really..

Your argument that the distance we saw in the manga being the only distance tsukyomi can be used from is fallacious in logic.. Tsukyomi is listed under close range, as all Visual ocular genjutsu are listed.. There is nothing in the manga that even suggests you have to be right infront of the person to use Tsukyomi
We have seen Sasuke cast ocular genjutsu on Deidara who was at a decent height in the sky
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You argue the drawbacks of tsukyomi, that it takes alot of chakra etc.. but fail to realize that once tsukyomi lands the match is over.

Onto Amaterasu...
To start things off,... you're wrong.. amaterasu doesn't require the user to close their eyes.. Dissaproved a few times already ...EG -
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You state that if the ninja is moving fast enough he can escape the user's eye sight.. true. Unfortunately, Jiraya does not know this.. he doesn't know how tsukyomi works, nor does he know how amaterasu works.. he literally has no knowledge on Itachi and his abilities... Not only that but Jiraya doesn't have the reflexes or speed on par with v2 Raikage to escape the sharingan's eyesight.. as Sasuke, with his sharingan was keeping up with v1 raikage to an extent... as well as kyuubi cloaked Killer bee

Amaterasu may burn slow, but it burns hot and spreads fast... It engulfed the entire hachibi which btw is gigantic.. in no time flat.. and it was hot enough to burn through jiraya's gate in seonds... considering they only have seconds before the wall closed in..

Not even going to argue the sealing counter you posted.. Have no idea why you think jiraya, while already set on fire, will have time to pull out a scroll, pen and ink and start writing the fire sealing inscription on it..
And itachi would simply watch him while he does it

When you add all these things up, Jiraya is at an extreme disadvantage, with or without sage mode on.. Once again, not that he'll get into sage mode in the first place.

You claim swamp of the underworld is a counter to Itachi and his susanno, I disagree. swamp of the underworld may work well against summonings, But itachi is no fool.. A simple counter for swamp of the underworld would be placing chakra under your feet. Considering Itachi is an expert at chakra control (considering he's a genjutsu user) , This would be no problem what so ever for him

To start off, Itachi's speed,both movement and handseal wise, far out weighs anything Jiraya has shown in base.. this means that once their fight begins, jiraya would be at an extreme disadvantage.. His katon jutsu will be easily predicted and read by the sharingan and countered with suiton... His summonings will be turned against him by the manipulative power of the doujutsu... He'll have shruiken flying at him at blindspots he can't even see... Crow summonings used for distractions coupled with Clones charging at him with speeds that kabuto , a sm sensor ninja couldn't distinguish from the real Itachi.. all capable of exploding with a force far greater than any normal exploding tag..

Not to mention Itachi's non eye contact genjutsu, which alone would be is needed to incapacitate jiraya for a few seconds, to end his life in real time.. Considering Itachi's genjutsu can simulate reality perfectly.. And jiraya who isn't the most analytical ninja in the manga(as explained before) wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the two worlds...

Jiraya simply has nothing to compete with Itachi
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Jul 29, 2009
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This thread has been made so many times already . The only rational winner is Itachi, if people still dont get that now, u should give op threadmaker.


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Oct 3, 2011
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So Itachi would start with Amaterasu? I doubt that.

if you were sick and dying, would you want a prolonged battle against a chakra beast and possible known sm user? or just get it over with when he's at his weakest.? From what weve seen of itachi's fights, he prefers ending fights quickly with genjutsu


Active member
Sep 23, 2010
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Other thread was locked while I was writing up my response to draegod, since it was in the wrong section I guess?, so its remade in the correct one, no flaming please

As i said, their were conversations, summonings were brawling in the tower, on the outside of it, they made their way up, and then back in again... ALOT happened, and its inconceivable to thing that was only 60 seconds.. complete madness.. as 1 page alone can indicate 1 minute in the naruto manga.. 7 pages +? no ...even the anime had the whole process at like 10 minutes..

Wrong. The very fact that Itachi knows he doesn't have much stamina, will make him resort to ending the fight quickly..as a prolonged fight would be the worst thing he could possibly do.. So your argument that his sickness would cause him to not go all out in the beginning doesn't stand.

I already posted my argument on why jiraya entering sage was not 1minute... infact.. Kabuto entering sage mode wasn't even 1min and HE can enter MUCH faster, considering he has juugo's dna etc...

This , my friend is nothing but speculation.. Jiraya has no idea what the extent of Itachi's power is.. He was travelling the world in the time that Itachi grew up in Konoha.. all he would know is that Itachi is the kid that put an end to the uchiha clan... Jiraya is smart , but what even intellect he holds cannot be even closely compared to the likes of even Orochimaru, much less Itachi...It took him numerous amounts of chapters and help to simply realize that rinnegan has shared vision, while Itachi did it in a few minutes in the nagato vs IKN fight..
Shee, a ninja who is extremely smart, and had knowledge on what the sharingan is capable of , still fell to sasuke's genjutsu.. and alot of the hokage were looking into the eyes of Madara until warned by onooki.. So your argument about Jiraya not underestimating him.. when Jiraya CLEARLY underestimated Nagato... who held the eyes of the rikkudo sennin... For all Jiraya knew those eyes could cast genjutsu as well.. yet he still looked into them throughout the fight..

One again, like the other debaters, you jump into sage mode without any explanation as how he gets into it in the first place.. while having to dodge abilities such as Paralysis genjutsu in base without use of the buddy method.. or amaterasu and tsukyomi...

Ma and pa being on his shoulders may give him immunity to the basic genjutsu that Itachi holds, but definitely not Itachi's mangekyou ability, Tsukyomi.. If you desire an explanation on why cancellation effects cannot work(As stated by Kakashi) , tell me and i'll reply.. But I believe you should very well know why..
Ma and pa unfortunately does not make Jiraya 3 times smarter... He simply has two other heads to help him in the fight... unfortunately we don't know exactly how smart the two frogs are, We do however, know that even the three of them collectively still took longer than Itachi to figure out the abiltiies of the Rinnegan.

Jiraya's blindspots still are not protected, seeing as ma and pa are still facing a forward direction when on his shoulders... Nothing much changes really..

Your argument that the distance we saw in the manga being the only distance tsukyomi can be used from is fallacious in logic.. Tsukyomi is listed under close range, as all Visual ocular genjutsu are listed.. There is nothing in the manga that even suggests you have to be right infront of the person to use Tsukyomi
We have seen Sasuke cast ocular genjutsu on Deidara who was at a decent height in the sky
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You argue the drawbacks of tsukyomi, that it takes alot of chakra etc.. but fail to realize that once tsukyomi lands the match is over.

Onto Amaterasu...
To start things off,... you're wrong.. amaterasu doesn't require the user to close their eyes.. Dissaproved a few times already ...EG -
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You state that if the ninja is moving fast enough he can escape the user's eye sight.. true. Unfortunately, Jiraya does not know this.. he doesn't know how tsukyomi works, nor does he know how amaterasu works.. he literally has no knowledge on Itachi and his abilities... Not only that but Jiraya doesn't have the reflexes or speed on par with v2 Raikage to escape the sharingan's eyesight.. as Sasuke, with his sharingan was keeping up with v1 raikage to an extent... as well as kyuubi cloaked Killer bee

Amaterasu may burn slow, but it burns hot and spreads fast... It engulfed the entire hachibi which btw is gigantic.. in no time flat.. and it was hot enough to burn through jiraya's gate in seonds... considering they only have seconds before the wall closed in..

Not even going to argue the sealing counter you posted.. Have no idea why you think jiraya, while already set on fire, will have time to pull out a scroll, pen and ink and start writing the fire sealing inscription on it..
And itachi would simply watch him while he does it

When you add all these things up, Jiraya is at an extreme disadvantage, with or without sage mode on.. Once again, not that he'll get into sage mode in the first place.

You claim swamp of the underworld is a counter to Itachi and his susanno, I disagree. swamp of the underworld may work well against summonings, But itachi is no fool.. A simple counter for swamp of the underworld would be placing chakra under your feet. Considering Itachi is an expert at chakra control (considering he's a genjutsu user) , This would be no problem what so ever for him

To start off, Itachi's speed,both movement and handseal wise, far out weighs anything Jiraya has shown in base.. this means that once their fight begins, jiraya would be at an extreme disadvantage.. His katon jutsu will be easily predicted and read by the sharingan and countered with suiton... His summonings will be turned against him by the manipulative power of the doujutsu... He'll have shruiken flying at him at blindspots he can't even see... Crow summonings used for distractions coupled with Clones charging at him with speeds that kabuto , a sm sensor ninja couldn't distinguish from the real Itachi.. all capable of exploding with a force far greater than any normal exploding tag..

Not to mention Itachi's non eye contact genjutsu, which alone would be is needed to incapacitate jiraya for a few seconds, to end his life in real time.. Considering Itachi's genjutsu can simulate reality perfectly.. And jiraya who isn't the most analytical ninja in the manga(as explained before) wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the two worlds...

Jiraya simply has nothing to compete with Itachi

1. start: page 2.
finished: page 13. 11/16 pages to go sage mode. while being chased by giant creatures
ofc it didnt literally take under a minute. i was using the minute to say it wasnt that long. I'd say about 3 minutes tops! Seeing asthough the skirmish was high level running. haha

2. Itachi would never go balls deep at first to an opponent like Jman, he would read and feed off his oipponents moves and mistakes.

The finger genjutsu is childsplay! the Paralyse genjutsu is eye contact only, so automatically is avoided. Any other ninjutsu is matched. untill sage mode comes. And seeing as though itachi does not know about it, It will happen.

3. Jman figuring out pains secret while fighting is nothing like itachi watching from the sidelines (fact), watching Bee and naruto get owned by the linked vision and combo's (fact!). Not in the slightest can you compare that! Two different scenarios! So that point is irrelevant! We all know itachi is mad smart and most likely smarter then Jman.

4. With ma and pa; what i mean by 3 times smarter is 3 brains working together. 3 sets of eyes looking at things. And Ma is a sensor so they will always be on alert (for the most part against itachi).

Ma and Pa are old school and im pretty sure they know about the MS/sharingan (hidden cloud knew it was big trouble).

5. Sasuke catching Deidara in genjutsu was on purpose (fact), deidara ended up tricking Sasuke in the end you forget?
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ANd that isnt tsukuyomi. Keep in mind Deidara purposely looked in his eyes, Jman want make the mistake! SO bad comparison!

6. Amy' being countered is easy in sage mode! When hit it could be a clone ;). But seriously, the same sealing tech he used, ma and pa can use to seal it. Aye stood with Amy' on his arm like it was nothing!!!! You dont think Jman half dead throat crush endurance could suffer the pain a little???? -___-

Plus the fact itachi leaves himself open a sec from pain of using the tech. Ill go on this topic later (dont want too tell too much.lol)

7. I will message you again.


Nov 23, 2012
Trait Points
Sure Itachi would win, but it isn't because he is stronger. His moves are just OP against most in one on one fights, and if the opponent is worthy he will only have enough chakra for that one fight. Take away his Amaterasu and have J-man start in SM and then it would be a fair fight.


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Aug 6, 2010
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While I believe that Itachi would prevail, I feel a point needs to be brought up in regards to Tsukuyomi/Itachi's genjutsu is that I would imagine Kakashi shared his information and for it with Jiraiya given that Jiraiya was Naruto's caretaker/the man who would be defending him against Itachi. It would seem that they've discussed their encounters given Kakashi of a black flame/amaterasu
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Oct 3, 2011
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While I believe that Itachi would prevail, I feel a point needs to be brought up in regards to Tsukuyomi/Itachi's genjutsu is that I would imagine Kakashi shared his information and counter for it with Jiraiya given that Jiraiya was Naruto's caretaker/the man who would be defending him against Itachi. It would seem that they've discussed their encounters given Kakashi knew of a black flame/amaterasu without ever seeing it prior to that page.

That theory goes out the window.. if kakashi did tell jiraya anything of itachi, Jiraya wouldn't have taught naruto the stupid method of dealing with genjutsu, aka kai release..

Kakashi knows itachi has tsukyomi, which he himself said no cancellation effects would work.. If kakashi did tell jiraya, he'd teach naruto to fight without eyecontact.. but kakashi had to tell naruto about tsukyomi, and had to tell him not to make eye contact..

Kakashi knew about amaterasu, Jiraya didn't.. kakashi was in anbu, remember that


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Aug 6, 2010
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That theory goes out the window.. if kakashi did tell jiraya anything of itachi, Jiraya wouldn't have taught naruto the stupid method of dealing with genjutsu, aka kai release..

Kakashi knows itachi has tsukyomi, which he himself said no cancellation effects would work.. If kakashi did tell jiraya, he'd teach naruto to fight without eyecontact.. but kakashi had to tell naruto about tsukyomi, and had to tell him not to make eye contact..

Kakashi knew about amaterasu, Jiraya didn't.. kakashi was in anbu, remember that
The kai release was only for the basic genjutsu/non sharingan related/for when you're caught in it, which Jiraiya states . It's a good point as to why Jiraiya wouldn't teach Naruto how to combat the mangekyo if Kakashi taught him, though.

How would Kakashi know about amaterasu any other way? Being ANBU really doesn't explain it. Unless someone like Danzo(if he even knows of it, I guess he would) told him/the rest of the ANBU, but even then, Danzo only commanded the ROOT aspect. He didn't have much to do with the regular ANBU, as he obviously had huge trust issues and only trusted those under his "control". It would also bring up the question of if Jiraiya informed him of it, how he figured out the name of it was amaterasu.


Active member
Jan 16, 2012
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Sure Itachi would win, but it isn't because he is stronger.
This is the only argument I'm interested in as well. I think the mastered Mangekyō itself is out of Jiraiya's league, but I also believe that Itachi is the superior individual. He's smarter, more versatile, and more talented imo. He can keep up with perfect Sages and Jinchūriki in taijutsu, trick them with his ninjutsu, and has ridiculous genjutsu as well. I think Itachi without the Mangekyō would still likely walk all over base Jiraiya.


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Mar 20, 2012
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Assumed, Itachi will start with 100%, he will take it with low difficult, as he will keep Tsukuyomi active while using Amaterasu and Susanoo with its weapons any time. I believe he would beat Jiraiya without making use of his MS; if he will really be forced to activate it, it will be a fast downfall for Jiraiya.