Urin (089)


Active member
Oct 1, 2010
Trait Points

Urin is famous for the deep, semi-tropical woodland that occupies most of it. The area is not far North of the Great Wind Desert, yet very little, if any, traces of the wasteland can be found here. In this jungle lives a plethora of exotic flora and fauna, much of it dangerous, ranging from unnervingly large reptiles and felines to equally large and carnivorous plants. Many small lakes and stream run through the area and it rains here often, maintaining the humid climate. There are remains of ancient structures in the depths of the bush, but their origins are mysterious.


Active member
Aug 17, 2010
Trait Points
This post marks the beginning of my mission using these storyboard elements:
Explore the history of something ( 3 )
Prepare one of the landmarks you own for immediate or future attacks ( 3 )

Summary: Claiming the LM and need some RP to facilitate that.

Sado was slowly walking toward Kusasōgen with the aim to continue annexing the surrounding lands by offering protection to the people. However entering this area he realized there was no one. It reminded him of the Graveyard of Sin. He was mumbling to himself in a sing-song tone remembering various things from his past while in unison surveying the land. It was a rather dense forest with multiple small lakes. It was interesting to say the least, halfway into the forest it began to rain lightly. I wake up every evening, with a big smile on my face, and it never feels out of place. You're still probably working at a breakneck pace. I wonder how bad that tastes. When you see my face, hope it gives you hell.
It was soothing, it almost felt familiar. A calm sensation rolled over his body as he continued forward eventually finding a single large lake unconnected to any other water source or water way. He took several steps forward stepping upon the water he noticed it was empty just stagnant water. There were no fish, nor wild-life in the waters and an idea entered his mind. He could convert this lake and others like it, the ones removed from the ecosystem into a source for him should he need to defend this area or the adjacent ones. With each step he released a pulse of dokuton chakra into the water as it began to thicken turning a deep purple. When you walk my way, hope it gives you hell. hope it gives you hell. Tomorrow you'll be thinking to yourself "Where'd it all go wrong?" but the list goes on.
As he did this the water was converted to poison something he was able to manipulate rather easily but it also made it so that very few others could use it against him should that day arise. If he had to fight someone here he would be able to turn this pocket of poison to his advantage. As he made his way across the lake he moved toward another one that was similar to it a distance away. He began walking upon it this time using his proficiency with oobleck to convert the water into a thick dense bog like area turning it into a massive amount of oobleck for him, or his friend Vegeta to use should they ever need it. These two lakes were roughly twenty meters apart allowing access to both at the same time should he use this area as a battlefield one day. Now you'll never see, what you've done to me. You can take back your memories, they're no good to me. Here's all your lies none of you could even look me in the eyes. With that sad, sad, look you wore so well.

He continued through the area noticing there were very few animals. The only two types he saw were large reptile-like creates and a plethora of felines. Did they hunt one another? Or exhaust the area of other creatures? He thought to himself as he moved. The rain continued to fall picking up slightly now becoming a decent drizzle. He didn't try to shield himself from it merely walking through it. At one point he paused stopping in a clearing. He closed his eyes and tilted his head back with his face directed upward.
He let the rain wash over his face running through his hair causing it to slick back it was welcoming. The rain felt good. It felt right, like home. It was odd, he lived atop mountains, he dealt with rain before but he never had this stirring feeling inside. Like the will of the rain itself was swelling up from inside of him. It felt strange like a feeling of comfort in a dangerous world. It was like the caress of a lost friend, or the hug of a forgotten family member. It created a weird sensation it built up a determination inside of him. He wanted to forge bonds, find friends, meet new people, create a home, a family, a band of brothers.
In that moment, for the first time in his life he felt a sense of true peace as if all of his dreams could become a reality with time, effort, blood and grime. These were the first steps of a journey to come, a rising kingdom, a new story to write, a fire to light, pages to turn, fires to burn.

Golden Sabbath was were he would start it but it wouldn't be where it ended. He needed more.

Snapping himself out of it he shook his head abruptly to the left and right as he opened his eyes continuing his walk. He was gaining a fairly decent understanding of the landscape. The forest felt never-ending there were multiple small rivers sprawled throughout the landscape. They could be useful for water release techniques should he even need to use them.
The trees were meddlesome, he didn't like them but he saw no reason to rid the lands of them. He noticed several ancient structures as he made it deep into the jungle-like terrain using his right hand to move some natural fauna and vines aside revealing another clearing. It was weird like a glimpse into a time forgotten a look at the past. Not his past, but the past of this area. There were several kunai scattered around littering the ground. He noticed a few metal ribbed umbrella, it was a strange sight. "Were they used to block out the constant rainfall?"
He thought to himself as he picked one up noticing the disheveled look it had. There was no remaining cloth or lining just a metal rim with several metal spokes affixed to a pole. It was a cool little device. Holding it with his right hand he placed the tip of the umbrella upon the ground as he twisted it rather quickly creating a top-like effect letting it spin several times before it landed upon the ground useless once more. This entire empty area felt like a home abandoned. Like the people were forced out, scattered throughout the land.
One big family split into several smaller factions due to an unexplained event. At leas that was what Sado was piecing together in his mind from the numerous structures. There were various abandoned tables, chairs and banners strewn throughout the land. The banners depicted several marks that looked like lines, strewn through them. They looked like raindrops, crashing to the ground.

Sado couldn't help but feel a deep sadness. Why? He thought to himself had no connection to this land. Why did it hurt him to see this abandoned land. This fallen empire, a home lost, numerous homes tossed. He took a knee momentarily reaching down he grabbed at a small box-looking construct. It was a pink scabbard, with a sword still in it. It had wheels affixed to it and a long spindle-like line that appeared like it was used to drag the sword around, it seemed like a child's toy. Sado looked up noticing a large building in front of him as he lifted his body upward straightening his posture.
He felt heavier somehow like he was being weighed down by his emotions. He took several steps forward extending his right hand and arm forward as he pushed forward one of the two swinging double doors. It appeared to be a tavern of some sort he walked up to the bar, and found two photographs of a time long past. They were pictures of a more active tavern, a sort of gathering place for the people who used to live here. Sado looked around matching up some of the places shown in the picture to their respective places in the tavern. It was a very somber and sad moment. He spoke out to no one just himself and the emptiness. Speak to me. When all you got to keep is strong. Move along, move along like I know you do, and even when your hope is gone. Move along. Move along just to make it through. When everything is wrong, when all you got to keep is strong-...
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He paused for a few moments taking a hard, long look at the photographs.

We move along.

After finding the photographs Sado looked around further going through papers and documents. He found a few aimless bar-tabs, a few letters detailing the owners and their family and finally looking up to a lone noticeboard affixed to the wall he found a letter. It was written in immaculate handwriting. It was hardly touched by time as if left there for whoever came to see.
It was hung with a kunai the corners were the only thing touched by age they were yellowed with time and moisture. Sado began to read it, silently to himself. It detailed what happened and showed the sheer comradery of the individuals who made this settlement home.


An ode to sake and the rain

We laughed together.
We drank together.
We won together.
But most of all we lost together.

We were family, there when we needed it most. We were individuals but we were one. A settlement is not a building it is not an inanimate object like the chairs and tables we sat at. It is a living thing, and living things defy simple fixing. Roots cannot be reforged. They scar, and broken branches must be cut and sealed with tar. And sometimes this could make us angry, as it always did, and our anger had no place to go. So we drank, we joked and we took it slow. With time and friendship we each became a gardener. We dug foundations in the earth. We sowed rows of houses. We planned and planted, for our generation and the next. We watched the skies for rain and ruin and eventually it came in the form of the rise and fall of the freehold.
The folk in charge argued constantly, but that was to be expected. And it was no bad thing; they all wanted the same good things in different ways. Except a corrupt few who only wanted for themselves. All each of us could do was listen, and do what we could to make sure they listened to us. Without listening, nothing good can happen and unfortunately it did. We grew apart, people left, but that was normal people came and went like the wind. It was a cycle of growth and recession. A sporadic change of faces and personalities.
However some remained until it all fell down around us and this is for them. The bard always with a joke, a smile and a devious plan. The proud warrior shouldering more than he had to. The snake in the garden always looking out for the next shiny object. The quiet assassin watching from a perch ready to strike. The child ready to grow and fight. The two who were lost to time. Then finally the face of it all the one who tied us all together and made sure we stood for one another. Because if you can't stand for one another you'll fall. We'll all leave you with some advice.

Always remember the people who have your back. They'll make up for whatever you lack.
It was strange for him to feel so emotionally attached to people he didn't know. However with the rousing words of remembrance left and the photos left behind it felt like he was a part of it all. Even though he didn't know these people, their genuine friendship could be felt through the words and the images of the now dilapidated and falling apart tavern's previous state. It was wonderful. He couldn't help but wipe a single tear away from his right eye with his left hand.
After that he decided to leave. He took the two images and hung them upon the board to sit alongside the last words of a time forgotten. He began to exit the tavern once he got a fair distance away from that site close to the two lakes he had converted to usable elements for himself. he converted a portion of the ground to red sand for himself if he needed it for if the area was ever invaded. He left with the aim to return home.​
(Dokuton: Doku no Chūnyū) - Poison Release: Poison Infusion
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30 (+10 per turn per usage)
Damage: N/A
Description: The user uses his Poison Release abilities and is able to making it more deadly with other jutsus. The user will channel their Poison into a their arms causing their arms to turn into a purplish color. Any physical jutsus (Earth, Water, Steel, Bones, Sand, etc.) is infused with poison and gives the jutsu Poison properties. The jutsu infused with poison will slightly have a more purplish color. The infused jutsu will be mixed with a poison the user has on them making the jutsu more deadly by even getting a small hit with it. The infused jutsu will be able to poison the opponent through contact with the infused jutsu poisoning them. The amount of poison the opponent is injected with depends on the size of the jutsu making bigger jutsus the most deadly while small jutsus will be a small amount of poison. This jutsu cannot be used with energy based elements as they would evaporate the poison before it could be fully infused. This jutsu is fast being able to infuse a jutsu with poison as soon as the jutsu is made or released. And it also grants an additional rank and twenty damage to the technique up to A-rank.

Additionally the user while in direct contact with inanimate water can use their poison chakra to mold that inanimate water source, turning it into a liquid poison this can be done passively alongside another technique just like the infusion ability. Once converted the user can freely and passively control the consistency of the poison hardening it slightly allowing him to walk upon it while others will not be able to do this this is similar to Water Walking but only works for the user. This is the same principle behind the infusion ability but is easier because it is being done upon inanimate water. If an opponent begins to sink into the poison it'll be hard to get out because as the opponent struggles to get up the sticky liquid pulls them down. This source of poison can be used for other jutsu as well such as Poison Creation or other techniques. However it can only support poison jutsu A-rank and below. The max size of the area converted is related to the user's chakra input but cannot transform massive water sources like entire lakes or landmarks without multiple uses. The user must have a liquid poison to use as a template to use this ability.

Note: Must be taught by Korra.
Note: Must know Poison Release
Note: Requires a 2 turn cool down between uses
Note: Each use lasts for the duration of that singular technique.
Note: Cannot be used with jutsu that materialize within 5 meters of the opponent.

(Ekitai: Teiku o-ba) Oobleck Release: Take Over
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 30 (+10 per 5 meters)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user when in direct contact with water or earth will use their suiton or doton chakra to mold the water or earth, slowly turning the water or earth into oobleck. Once created the user can control the consistency of the oobleck hardening it slightly. If an opponent begins to sink into the oobleck it'll be hard to get out because as the opponent struggles to get out the oobleck takes on a solid property holding the opponent down. This source of oobleck can be used for other jutsu as well. However it can only support jutsu A rank and below
-Note: can only convert inanimate Earth or Water sources or B-Rank and below water techniques through contact.
-Note: the max size of the area converted is related to the users chakra input but can not transform the whole field or a large water source, following principles of reason and logic.

(Nirro Suna: Shūkai) Red Sand Release: Gathering
Type: Supplemantary
Rank: C rank
Range: Short - Mid (10 meter radius), Mid Range in depth
Chakra cost: 15
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user will do the snake sign channel either already existing Red Sand or their chakra into the ground to change the ground into a fine sand like dust quality, then use their chakra to make sand/dust in the ground turn into Hydrophobic Sand, in a short to mid range with a 10 meter radius, while also being Mid Range in depth, so the user will have more to use in a battle. This is like when Gaara uses his sand to create more sand from the ground for his use.
Note: Usable 5 times a battle

ELM from LM | LLM to LM
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Active member
Aug 18, 2012
Trait Points

This post marks the beginning of my mission using these storyboard elements

  • Invade and raid the Golden Sabbath's landmarks, looting their valuables and wreaking havoc throughout (Rank S)
Summary: After having traveled from far Roo finally enters the Golden Sabbath's territory and thus sat out to seek if there were any nearby loot at hand, but little did he know Urin's natural defenses were 'rund about through its lush tropical forested areas. Breaking through the various challenges and obstacles he came to face while exploring, Roo powers on until he finds one of the several ancient structures belonging to this territory, and with more exploration he finds "gold"!

[RP begins here]
Appearing within the thick of the tropical forest on top of a very tall tree amongst others, Roo takes a minute to observe his surroundings now that he is within the enemy lines. The forest was indeed healthy as far as the eyes could see with its mixture of flowing waters, lush tropical like forests, and bustling wildlife all around which lead the Akimichi to feel a slight feeling of comfort, but this was no time to let his guard down. Focused, the Akimichi would then activate a sound technique that gave the Pirate a varied form of sensing throughout the entire landmark before him allowing himself to get a general idea of several nearby structures ahead, as well as any uninvited guests that may be looming all about. Using his sonar like ability Roo discovers that their was a nearby structure not too far up ahead and thus made his way to it with a swiftness.

Hehehe, here I come guys!! the Akimichi says before seemingly disappearing in a plume of smoke but in reality uses his high speed movements to dash from tree branch to tree branch towards his goal.
Rank: D
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 10 (-1 per turn)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user will enhance their hearing by infusing his ears with sound chakra. Then, by utilizing chakra and enfacing his lungs, the user will be able to control the frequency and intensity of the sound emitted from his simple breathing. This low frequency, inaudible sound is passively emitted and has no effect other than emerging from him and bouncing off of objects. Using the enhanced hearing, the user is able to know where everything is around them, effectively creating a sonar effect through the rebound and reflection of sound waves. The hearing and the sonar effect is precise enough so that one can effectively use it to substitute one's vision in battle if needed. Despite being very effective, specially if the user has any of his other senses hindered, it also leaves the user vulnerable to sound genjutsu or sound attacks which will be much more drastic in its effects.
Note: Lasts 6 turns

The audible sounds being picked up by Roo as he mossies' along were quite beastly, some even unrecognizable to the Akimichi who spent a lot of his days surrounded by nature, prompting the pirate to lay low and out of sight before he ends up something else's lunch. A cruel fate becoming of a man that had eaten so many animals in his own day to day lifestyle, a thought also so chilling that it sent chills down Roo's spine even going as far as to cause him to shiver. All distracting thoughts that lowered the Akimichi's guard enough that he was brutally smitten from behind and swatted down towards the ground like a friendly fly that overstayed its presence buzzing around you. Before hitting the ground Roo would tuck and roll allowing him to sorta break the fall as he lands and goes straight into an unorthodox roll that he regains control of before rebounding and hopping up to his feet while still sliding from the momentum into a tree that the Akimichi quickly turns his back against. What was that!? And why didn't I hear it!? Roo pondered to himself before hearing two back to back consecutive low audible sounds that resembled the swift sound of a bow being shot, but without the accompanied sound of a bow cutting the air. Scanning the field from left to right, it was when Roo looked up that he witnessed an impending attack that he barely dodged with a forwards leap and roll from out under the base of the tree he was just leaning on. Landing he would then quickly pivot his body to see the swift retracting of what had seemingly looked liked vines retreating back the top of the trees. What the fu-!? leaping backwards and up onto his feet from his crouched position Roo then begins to deduce the situation at hand. He was against an unusual foe that was out of range and out of sight, and to make things worst he could barely hear the motion of what seemed to be vines when released. The minor blood and stinging feeling from his previous strike was enough for Roo to know that he couldn't take many more of those lashes, but he had to think quick as he heard the slight sound of 10 bows being shot all at once. The vines would seemingly burst through the top of the tree's covers once more prompting Roo to swiftly look up and begin counting. One, two, three, four, five, six!? Only six!? Roo ends with his eyes widening as he glimpses to his left and sees two vines approaching him from a different angle than the rest, leading the Akimichi to think that the same was on his right, and also causing Roo to react upon seeing that the threats were within 5ms away and swiftly approaching. Having little to no time to react the Akimichi would swiftly inhale, expanding his chest, before exhaling a blanket of superheated ash that propagates outwards from the source burning all within its reach to a crisp while blocking out views. A risky move that would've put Roo in danger if his assailant had proven to be stronger, but as the smoke clears and reveals the burnt to a crisp carcass of a massive human size Venus fly trap he exhales with relief of success. That was close... Roo says as he takes a minute to quickly catch his breath before leaving the area he left burning with fire while slightly shrouded in looming ash.
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user expels chakra-infused ash that blankets a wide area, burning anyone who comes in contact with it. The technique can also be used as a powerful deterrent from attacks as well as a highly effective smokescreen.

Now heading towards his destination from the ground Roo starts to become a little uneasy as he notices the response to his presence by the animals around. It was like they saw the Akimichi as a threat to either run, coop, or defend their territory against, and after battling with an oversized plant like he just did, Roo could no longer put anything within this forest past himself or it may lead to his doom. The open flesh wound on Roo's back from his previous bout began to flare up with an excruciating, mind bending pain that sent the Akimichi towards the ground on his knees as he tried to cope with it, but it was to no use. Am I poisoned!? the Akimichi says after patting the open wound and looking at his blood, revealing a mix of blood, puss, and other solution unknown. Knowing he can't stop for too long, Roo makes his way towards a nearby clean water source based on his sonar skill where he then sits down to take a break, gather his thoughts, as well as wash the wound that he had hoping it would ease the pain while also lessening infection. Dang Urin is pretty serious!! It would be a shame if I die here before even getting to at least one of those constructs up ahead, hehe. A shame indeed. he says to himself after having redressed for the journey ahead. With his back turned to the river he just used with the thoughts of moving along on his mind, Roo suddenly freezes and swallows his spit as he picks up the emergence of a massive creature behind himself and decided to turn around slowly to see what it truly was, but before he could he heard a low tone growling which confirmed his pending fears. The fu- is that!? Roo says as he turns and witnesses a large komodo dragon emerging from the blood soaked waters before him coming up onto land causing Roo to back up with fear. The large lizard repeatedly licked its lips as it inches closer and closer to Roo who himself inches further and further back. So far this journey had turned out to be the pits, and at this point there was gonna be no one able to convince Roo to return here if he indeed got the chance to leave a tall. Making its move the komodo dragon swiftly begins to rotate in place as it attempts to use its tail as a heavy mace knocking down trees, plants, and bushes alike once it stood in its trajectory, but luckily Roo had expanded his legs as he performed a somersault over the komodo dragon high enough that he landed on the opposing side of the river before dashing into the thick of the forest. Making his way to a clearing up ahead, Roo stops to catch his breath when he begins to feel a trembling feeling below his location. What is this!?

Booouf!!! Raaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwr!!! the komodo dragon screamed as it bursts through the ground from below Roo hoisting the Akimichi into the air while tempting to devour him, but Roo wasn't going down that easy. Expanding both of his arms Roo consecutively slaps the toxic spit out of the gaping jaws of the komodo dragon while keeping his distance as he yells... NO FOOD FOR YOU!! Sending the Komodo dragon back down towards the floor below on its limbs with little to no signs of pain whatsoever while Roo reaches for a top branch of a nearby tree in order to keep his distance. With the prevalent distraction of the komodo dragon in play, Roo almost didn't notice that he was only 20ms away from the structure he sought out and that he could even see the top of what looked to be an ancient temple up ahead. I gotta make a run for it! Roo murmurs to himself before giving back his full attention to komodo who had already initiated its spinning tail attack destroying the tree that Roo was on sending him shooting forwards in an uncontrolled manner. Landing while scrapping across the floors of the tropical forest of Urin, Roo hops to his feet as he skids backwards in order to face the Komodo dragon which continues its onslaught wasting no time to rush forwards. Feeling a little too pressured as he finally comes to a stop from his uncontrollable backwards motion Roo takes a mere moment to get serious as he stands holding his bruised and bleeding right arm. This is it punk.... the Akimichi utters while standing in place. Screaming as the giant lizard leaps high into the air in an attempt to squash the Akimichi, Roo responds with a powerful lateral kick that he expands into the face of the komodo dragon with full force sending the overgrown lizard blasting off into the air towards who knows where but it was far from here. Tsch! Good riddance!! Roo says before turning off to continue on with his goal regardless of his bruised, exhausted, and tired state.
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 15 ( -5 per turn )
Damage Points: N/A (+ 15 damage to taijutsu attacks)
Description: A practical application of the Multi-Size Technique which lets one expand their own body. The point of swelling a single part of the body is to use the weight to increase the power of one's physical attacks. Any body part may be augmented this way, but for ease of use, the arms and legs tend to be chosen quite frequently. The speed of the expansion is exceedingly sudden, which makes it extremely difficult to avoid. Like the majority of the Akimichi clan's techniques, this one requires a considerable amount of chakra. This jutsu lasts for 2 turns.
NOTE:Must be a member of the Akimichi Clan

Rank: B
Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Range: Short
Charka cost: N/A
Damage points: 40+15= 55
Description: Similar to Tsunade’s Sky leg but the user user charges at their opponent and unleashes a powerful lateral kick aiming at the head that will send their opponent flying away.

Getting up closer to the ancient abandoned building sitting atop of a small hill, Roo thinks that it resembles a temple of some sorts and decides to wipe his feet before entering inside for respect purposes even thought the pirate had plan to loot anything that he finds inside. The broken up structure that resembled a temple was full of dust, mold, little creatures, etc., showing its imminent need of TLC, and also the fact that this place may have been untouched for some time. Roo hurried as he searched through the dusty tables, ripped up books, broken chests, amongst many other things that were left for a spoil in this ancient place, but with no luck the pirate found nothing of use whatsoever. Dammit!! Roo yelled as he punched a hole into the very old bookshelf beside him reducing the already old fixture into scrapes and dust while also revealing a secrete passageway. With his eyes widened the Akimichi enters a dark, cold room even more dustier than the last causing the Akimichi to sneeze aloud. Damn, this is gonna mess with my allergies, but I gotta do what I gotta do. he says while doing a basic E ranked fire jutsu for lighting purposes. Light within the small, dusty room revealed really poor wall paintings of what seemed to look like humans and the large animals of what may be Urin's forest of the past living together as one. A contradictory sight to Roo whose had the hardest time since he came to this territory. Searching further within the room a pedestal was found holding a singular scroll with gold trim borders and a green colored papyrus which Roo rushed to grab and open revealing what seemed to be a manuscript to a special tool used to better communicate with animals, well, as far as Roo could tell but who could be sure!? He wasn't a famed archeologist in his free time after all. Getting what seemed to be valuable in his eyes Roo then made his escape. He would've like to continue on with his exploration of the Golden Sabbath's realms, but he had seen enough, and so left in a hurry.

[Rp Ends Here (Kinda)]



Active member
Apr 14, 2012
Trait Points

Appearing within the thick of the tropical forest on top of a very tall tree amongst others, Roo takes a minute to observe his surroundings now that he is within the enemy lines. The forest was indeed healthy as far as the eyes could see with its mixture of flowing waters, lush tropical like forests, and bustling wildlife all around which lead the Akimichi to feel a slight feeling of comfort, but this was no time to let his guard down. Focused, the Akimichi would then activate a sound technique that gave the Pirate a varied form of sensing throughout the entire landmark before him allowing himself to get a general idea of several nearby structures ahead, as well as any uninvited guests that may be looming all about. Using his sonar like ability Roo discovers that their was a nearby structure not too far up ahead and thus made his way to it with a swiftness.

Hehehe, here I come guys!! the Akimichi says before seemingly disappearing in a plume of smoke but in reality uses his high speed movements to dash from tree branch to tree branch towards his goal.
Rank: D
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 10 (-1 per turn)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user will enhance their hearing by infusing his ears with sound chakra. Then, by utilizing chakra and enfacing his lungs, the user will be able to control the frequency and intensity of the sound emitted from his simple breathing. This low frequency, inaudible sound is passively emitted and has no effect other than emerging from him and bouncing off of objects. Using the enhanced hearing, the user is able to know where everything is around them, effectively creating a sonar effect through the rebound and reflection of sound waves. The hearing and the sonar effect is precise enough so that one can effectively use it to substitute one's vision in battle if needed. Despite being very effective, specially if the user has any of his other senses hindered, it also leaves the user vulnerable to sound genjutsu or sound attacks which will be much more drastic in its effects.
Note: Lasts 6 turns

The audible sounds being picked up by Roo as he mossies' along were quite beastly, some even unrecognizable to the Akimichi who spent a lot of his days surrounded by nature, prompting the pirate to lay low and out of sight before he ends up something else's lunch. A cruel fate becoming of a man that had eaten so many animals in his own day to day lifestyle, a thought also so chilling that it sent chills down Roo's spine even going as far as to cause him to shiver. All distracting thoughts that lowered the Akimichi's guard enough that he was brutally smitten from behind and swatted down towards the ground like a friendly fly that overstayed its presence buzzing around you. Before hitting the ground Roo would tuck and roll allowing him to sorta break the fall as he lands and goes straight into an unorthodox roll that he regains control of before rebounding and hopping up to his feet while still sliding from the momentum into a tree that the Akimichi quickly turns his back against. What was that!? And why didn't I hear it!? Roo pondered to himself before hearing two back to back consecutive low audible sounds that resembled the swift sound of a bow being shot, but without the accompanied sound of a bow cutting the air. Scanning the field from left to right, it was when Roo looked up that he witnessed an impending attack that he barely dodged with a forwards leap and roll from out under the base of the tree he was just leaning on. Landing he would then quickly pivot his body to see the swift retracting of what had seemingly looked liked vines retreating back the top of the trees. What the fu-!? leaping backwards and up onto his feet from his crouched position Roo then begins to deduce the situation at hand. He was against an unusual foe that was out of range and out of sight, and to make things worst he could barely hear the motion of what seemed to be vines when released. The minor blood and stinging feeling from his previous strike was enough for Roo to know that he couldn't take many more of those lashes, but he had to think quick as he heard the slight sound of 10 bows being shot all at once. The vines would seemingly burst through the top of the tree's covers once more prompting Roo to swiftly look up and begin counting. One, two, three, four, five, six!? Only six!? Roo ends with his eyes widening as he glimpses to his left and sees two vines approaching him from a different angle than the rest, leading the Akimichi to think that the same was on his right, and also causing Roo to react upon seeing that the threats were within 5ms away and swiftly approaching. Having little to no time to react the Akimichi would swiftly inhale, expanding his chest, before exhaling a blanket of superheated ash that propagates outwards from the source burning all within its reach to a crisp while blocking out views. A risky move that would've put Roo in danger if his assailant had proven to be stronger, but as the smoke clears and reveals the burnt to a crisp carcass of a massive human size Venus fly trap he exhales with relief of success. That was close... Roo says as he takes a minute to quickly catch his breath before leaving the area he left burning with fire while slightly shrouded in looming ash.
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user expels chakra-infused ash that blankets a wide area, burning anyone who comes in contact with it. The technique can also be used as a powerful deterrent from attacks as well as a highly effective smokescreen.

Now heading towards his destination from the ground Roo starts to become a little uneasy as he notices the response to his presence by the animals around. It was like they saw the Akimichi as a threat to either run, coop, or defend their territory against, and after battling with an oversized plant like he just did, Roo could no longer put anything within this forest past himself or it may lead to his doom. The open flesh wound on Roo's back from his previous bout began to flare up with an excruciating, mind bending pain that sent the Akimichi towards the ground on his knees as he tried to cope with it, but it was to no use. Am I poisoned!? the Akimichi says after patting the open wound and looking at his blood, revealing a mix of blood, puss, and other solution unknown. Knowing he can't stop for too long, Roo makes his way towards a nearby clean water source based on his sonar skill where he then sits down to take a break, gather his thoughts, as well as wash the wound that he had hoping it would ease the pain while also lessening infection. Dang Urin is pretty serious!! It would be a shame if I die here before even getting to at least one of those constructs up ahead, hehe. A shame indeed. he says to himself after having redressed for the journey ahead. With his back turned to the river he just used with the thoughts of moving along on his mind, Roo suddenly freezes and swallows his spit as he picks up the emergence of a massive creature behind himself and decided to turn around slowly to see what it truly was, but before he could he heard a low tone growling which confirmed his pending fears. The fu- is that!? Roo says as he turns and witnesses a large komodo dragon emerging from the blood soaked waters before him coming up onto land causing Roo to back up with fear. The large lizard repeatedly licked its lips as it inches closer and closer to Roo who himself inches further and further back. So far this journey had turned out to be the pits, and at this point there was gonna be no one able to convince Roo to return here if he indeed got the chance to leave a tall. Making its move the komodo dragon swiftly begins to rotate in place as it attempts to use its tail as a heavy mace knocking down trees, plants, and bushes alike once it stood in its trajectory, but luckily Roo had expanded his legs as he performed a somersault over the komodo dragon high enough that he landed on the opposing side of the river before dashing into the thick of the forest. Making his way to a clearing up ahead, Roo stops to catch his breath when he begins to feel a trembling feeling below his location. What is this!?

Booouf!!! Raaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwr!!! the komodo dragon screamed as it bursts through the ground from below Roo hoisting the Akimichi into the air while tempting to devour him, but Roo wasn't going down that easy. Expanding both of his arms Roo consecutively slaps the toxic spit out of the gaping jaws of the komodo dragon while keeping his distance as he yells... NO FOOD FOR YOU!! Sending the Komodo dragon back down towards the floor below on its limbs with little to no signs of pain whatsoever while Roo reaches for a top branch of a nearby tree in order to keep his distance. With the prevalent distraction of the komodo dragon in play, Roo almost didn't notice that he was only 20ms away from the structure he sought out and that he could even see the top of what looked to be an ancient temple up ahead. I gotta make a run for it! Roo murmurs to himself before giving back his full attention to komodo who had already initiated its spinning tail attack destroying the tree that Roo was on sending him shooting forwards in an uncontrolled manner. Landing while scrapping across the floors of the tropical forest of Urin, Roo hops to his feet as he skids backwards in order to face the Komodo dragon which continues its onslaught wasting no time to rush forwards. Feeling a little too pressured as he finally comes to a stop from his uncontrollable backwards motion Roo takes a mere moment to get serious as he stands holding his bruised and bleeding right arm. This is it punk.... the Akimichi utters while standing in place. Screaming as the giant lizard leaps high into the air in an attempt to squash the Akimichi, Roo responds with a powerful lateral kick that he expands into the face of the komodo dragon with full force sending the overgrown lizard blasting off into the air towards who knows where but it was far from here. Tsch! Good riddance!! Roo says before turning off to continue on with his goal regardless of his bruised, exhausted, and tired state.
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 15 ( -5 per turn )
Damage Points: N/A (+ 15 damage to taijutsu attacks)
Description: A practical application of the Multi-Size Technique which lets one expand their own body. The point of swelling a single part of the body is to use the weight to increase the power of one's physical attacks. Any body part may be augmented this way, but for ease of use, the arms and legs tend to be chosen quite frequently. The speed of the expansion is exceedingly sudden, which makes it extremely difficult to avoid. Like the majority of the Akimichi clan's techniques, this one requires a considerable amount of chakra. This jutsu lasts for 2 turns.
NOTE:Must be a member of the Akimichi Clan

Rank: B
Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Range: Short
Charka cost: N/A
Damage points: 40+15= 55
Description: Similar to Tsunade’s Sky leg but the user user charges at their opponent and unleashes a powerful lateral kick aiming at the head that will send their opponent flying away.

Getting up closer to the ancient abandoned building sitting atop of a small hill, Roo thinks that it resembles a temple of some sorts and decides to wipe his feet before entering inside for respect purposes even thought the pirate had plan to loot anything that he finds inside. The broken up structure that resembled a temple was full of dust, mold, little creatures, etc., showing its imminent need of TLC, and also the fact that this place may have been untouched for some time. Roo hurried as he searched through the dusty tables, ripped up books, broken chests, amongst many other things that were left for a spoil in this ancient place, but with no luck the pirate found nothing of use whatsoever. Dammit!! Roo yelled as he punched a hole into the very old bookshelf beside him reducing the already old fixture into scrapes and dust while also revealing a secrete passageway. With his eyes widened the Akimichi enters a dark, cold room even more dustier than the last causing the Akimichi to sneeze aloud. Damn, this is gonna mess with my allergies, but I gotta do what I gotta do. he says while doing a basic E ranked fire jutsu for lighting purposes. Light within the small, dusty room revealed really poor wall paintings of what seemed to look like humans and the large animals of what may be Urin's forest of the past living together as one. A contradictory sight to Roo whose had the hardest time since he came to this territory. Searching further within the room a pedestal was found holding a singular scroll with gold trim borders and a green colored papyrus which Roo rushed to grab and open revealing what seemed to be a manuscript to a special tool used to better communicate with animals, well, as far as Roo could tell but who could be sure!? He wasn't a famed archeologist in his free time after all. Getting what seemed to be valuable in his eyes Roo then made his escape. He would've like to continue on with his exploration of the Golden Sabbath's realms, but he had seen enough, and so left in a hurry.

[Rp Ends Here (Kinda)]


Stopping past the building that contained a scroll that let's Vegeta talk to squirrels similar to the the scroll he saw the man in the marketplace with, he notices it to be gone from it's pedestal. Instantly he remembers the face of the man he saw at the market place and gets infuriated. I'm f*cked now, the Squirrel's are NOT going to be happy with me about this.. Vegeta thinks worryingly. That man was gonna pay some extra pain tax. He'd visit him soon enough. Mad asf, he exits the building and hops back on top of Snizzle D. Pitvizzle, next to Majin, and they move on ahead. They were too close now to stop moving, though looking ahead with his Byakugan he could see the lands had been evacuated. Also it seemed Sado had been busy, fortifying the lands much heavier than Geets himself had. After such a long trip, he was almost home, he hoped to hear from his Clansmen soon and to meet up. Suddenly he realized he read the message from Sado in a rush while fighting that man in Witchwood, and reads the message once more. He would follow his instructions and head towards the meeting place..

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Active member
Apr 14, 2012
Trait Points

Passing thru their lands, Vegeta looks at the pictures left behind by the ancestors of these lands. Not wasting too much time pondering things, the trio continue on. Vegeta considered leaving the ryo he stole from the man as tribute to the Squirrels, and perhaps the woman's ryo as well to square things. Instead he kept it, it would go towards helping his clansmen..


Pyro NB

Apr 22, 2015
Trait Points
Desmond and co continue on
Chakra: 2080-5-5=2070
Coming from x

Post automatically merged:

Desmond and co continue on
Chakra: 2080-5-5=2070
Coming from x

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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
You must be registered for see images

Asleep in her bed, Mirabelle has taken refuge in her small home within the ruins of mystery within Urin. Ever since she’s been allowed the privilege of leaving Owatasumi in order to broaden her horizon of the history of mankind. This lead to her not only becoming allies and a member among the village of Tsumigakure – but also aided in the defeat of Tiamat though she wasn’t present within the final hours of her sealing. While she did miss out on the excitement of sealing her away, she wasn’t about to miss on the opportunity on being able to help with finishing off some of the remaining bounties put in place by the Tsumikage himself. “Let’s see…” she said looking through her gear. All her basic tools and weapons were set up, along with her unique spear which ironically simply orbits her body even while sleeping.

Never the less, she was prepared for the hunt. She took out a folder from her desk, looking at the information within. There was various files and information concerning the bounties in the village but this one, in particular, was near her location. “Herald of the Sun huh…” she thought to herself. She smirked, now ready she would leave the house, as the rain started to downpour over her as she headed towards Tuareg.

Leaving landmark retired Hokusai bio for Mirabelle in signature. Spawning within Tsumigakure as a member of the village.

200 HP
2000 CP.

This post marks the start of a mission utilizing the following elements
Fight an individual of comparable strength (3)
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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Alucard continued north following the drone. His permanently active dojutsu made it possible for him to spot things three landmarks away and currently they were catching up on it now being only two landmarks in-between. Lilith would awaken albeit acting quite soggy after the encounter with the Anomaly.

Ugh.. Where are we dad?
He didn't reply right away but instead kept full focus on the drone. One simple mistake and he would lose it forever.

We're on the hunt. Try not to make me lose my focus..
He sprinted through the lands of Urin, they would not stay here.



Jul 11, 2022
Trait Points
Coming from here

-Defend yourself and escape the dangers of this landmark(A Rank)

Mika enters the landmark from the south. He was surprised by the flora of the land and undiscovered it was. He was making his way through the land and was met at a stream of water that was moving from the east to the west. He leaned down at the stream of water looking in for any life and all he saw was his face. He focused on staying still as the water was moving to see if there was any life, even just small life that is. He is met with a fish that launches up at his face at eight speed but he could react to such a speed and the fish is met with a wave of lightning coming from Mika. The fish falls back into the water but without Mika noticing how the fish looked. It was odd to say the least.


Mika got up and instead of walking on the water he was afraid something else could be coming from the water so he chose to use other methods of getting over the water. The distance wasn’t far so he would use a simple earth technique to launch a pillar fast enough to shoot him across the water and land. Once he lands he starts to sink into the ground. For the young lad he didn’t notice that the land across from the water was swirling in on itself. The lad had ideas but he didn’t think this ahead. How could he know there would be out of all things quick sand on the other side. The move he moved the quicker he was sinking he noticed. He was already at waist deep at this point. His hands were still out at this point. He couldn’t try to reach out to branch or anything he would make him sink quicker. He wanted to try to merge the quick sand but was afraid he would sink even faster if he merged with the sand. The young shinobi just wanted to leave but he couldn’t go back the way he came.

(Raiton: Reijingu Sandā) - Lightning Style: Raging Thunder

(Doton no Jutsu) - Earth Release Technique

Mika thought about an idea but didn’t know if it would work. He hasn’t done it before but it should be simple enough. He wants to reverse the process of earth technique. Instead of converting the earth into sand or mud he would turn the quick sand into solid earth. He places his right hand on the quick sand but makes sure it doesn’t get sucked in. He channels his earth chakra through the sand. He channels it to come together and solidify. The sand was still dragging him in but he wasn’t moving so he wasn’t going fast as if he was moving. The sand starts to slow down but not by much. He continued channeling his chakra into the sand and it eventually stopped and solidified itself. He was still stuck but he could get out of this easier than the quick sand which wasn’t tangible/solid. He channeled lightning chakra through his hands which he touches the ground with. The lightning he controls and destroys the earth that was just sand. He climbed up onto the newly solid ground he made but he wasn’t out of trouble, something was watching him the whole time. He heard a sound coming from the west of him so he turned to the east and headed that direction.

(Doton: Kachiku Kanshou) - Earth Release: Bovine Intervention

(Raiton: Jibashi) - Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder

“This place is so beautiful besides that fish I had seen earlier.”

His stomach starts to growl but in the same moment something else lets out a growl or more like a hissing sound but it wasn’t a snake. Vines and roots start to move along the ground. They were larger than what an average person would see in their daily lives. Mika sped up a little bit after hearing that sound. He steps on one of the roots and is met with the vines and roots that wrapped his body up from toe to head. These vines and roots are unique because they didn’t have a weakness to Lightning at all. Mika is almost completely covered in roots and vines. His hands and feet couldn't move at all. His mouth wasn’t covered yet so he expelled a large golem from it. The golem would let out a roar as it grabs the vines and roots with its hands. He tries pulling them off but doesn’t work. It still holds on to the roots and vines and leans in and chews on them. He was able to chew through the vines and roots and weaken them. He pulls on the roots and vines some more. They start to come loose a little bit so it chews on them again. With this pull on them they let go of Mika which would at this point almost had his eyes covered in vines and roots.

There goes the hissing sound which the roots and vines retreat towards the direction it was coming from and fling themselves in the air in the distance.

“What is that? You know what on second thought I didn’t even want to know.”

Mika rushes towards the east still running through large flowers and bushes. He is knocked down by a large black cat. He roars at him as he received some critical damage there since he didn’t know the cat was coming. Luckily the original damage was only five so he received ten damage. He falls to the ground after taking the unexpected hit. The cat circles around him as he gets up, roaring at him. Another cat comes out of the bushes from Mika’s left side. They circle him with a distance of two meters in between and these cats stand three meters tall. Mika felt as if he was out match against these large cats. These cats aren’t just normal household cats either. They leap towards him at 10 speed which is naturally out of the range of Mikas’. He knew he couldn’t evade them but he knew exactly a technique that he learned that could help even if it was by the slightest. He channels lightning through his body, increasing his speed to that of 12. He moves out of the way of the cats moving towards the north. They slam their paws on the ground where he was standing. They turned towards the direction the lightning had gone and let out a roar at Mika.

“I need to leave this place now.”

(Doton: Iwa no Gōremu) - Earth Release: Stone Golem

( Raiton: Ōbādoraibu ) - Lightning Release: Overdrive

Mika takes off with his new found speed. The cats were still on his tail not that far behind. He tries moving left then right then left again but nothing works for him. He continues on and is met with a large flower. The cats stop and turn around as Mika stops in front of the flower. Mika turns around and notices the cats had left so he turns off his lightning jutsu letting his guard down. He didn’t think anything of it at that moment. Maybe they just got tired of chasing him or he was close to leaving the land hopefully. He turns back around and is met in the face of leaves with some weird liquid on them that “covered” the sky above him. It was all dark and he was surprised by this. He has never seen such leaves before. He spits out a good amount of water that would put a hole into one of the leaves which he rushes towards in that direction which is his left. The leaves move out of the way showing the flower from before but it had a sinister presence to itself. Roots and vines flinging all over it. Mika recognized the roots and vines but they didn’t have any damage done to them. Could of what caught him earlier be the same thing or different? The young lad started thinking but didn’t have time in that moment. The large flower cracks the ground beneath it and springs from the ground towards him with its roots acting as legs and vines stretching towards him.

Mika lets out a scream and runs to his left. He has never seen such a thing in his life. Flowers are supposed to be peaceful but this place has turned that idea into something else. Mika is running at his natural speed of six and the flower’s vines are almost catching him. He was nearly out of chakra at this point. It was a matter of time before he collapsed from chakra loss. He needed to slow this thing down in some way possible. He takes out five explosive tags and tosses them in the air as he is still running. He channels water chakra around them creating penguins but they have a hole in them so the tags don't get wet at all. The penguins all leap towards the flower as Mika looks back. He makes one hand seal as he notices the penguins have stuck themselves to the flower. BOOM the flower receives damage and stops in pain but still wasn’t down for the count. It was stuck for the time being by the sticky water. Mika finally was out of harm's way and led out of the landmark. He knew never to come back to this place unless wanted to fight again.

(Suiton: Taihoudan) - Water Style: Water Gun

(Suiton: Pengins o Bakuhatsu) Water Style: Exploding Penguins

350 -20 -10 -30 -15 -30 -20 -10 -15 -30 =170 Chakra Pool
75 -10 =65 Health Pool
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