The Western Mire (060)


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Oct 1, 2010
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The Western Mire

The Western Mire is the most mysterious area of the region, containing the ruins of a forgotten city, partially rebuilt and renovated by the Freehold and then abandoned again. The ruined city, its original name long lost to history, far predates all other structures in the region The ruins themselves are strange and mostly contained underground; aboveground it is merely swampland surrounded by crumbling stone ruins. No one has ever fully explored the dark ruins, but the tunnels go on for miles in all directions. As with most of the Riverland many villages and small port towns can be found along the riverbanks of the area, though these are mainly concentrated away from the ruins.


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Mar 12, 2014
Trait Points
Coming from here: [x]

The ash grey of the ruins was of stark contrast to some of the places Ozymandias had just walked through, its lifelessness carrying a blanket of melancholy. Parts of the collapsed structures appeared to be in better condition than others, indicating that another party had attempted to restore them. Evidently, those efforts bore little fruit. A light fog clouded the area, depriving the ruins of even more color. The Surgebinder's brightly colored attire stood out against the darkness of the ruins, anything which made their home here would immediately see him. With a measured pace, the monarch makes way towards an entrance in the ground, being the only deviation in the otherwise constant plateaus of the land's geography.

The air became much lighter underground, and the pharaoh's sight was improved by the lanterns hanging from the walls of the corridors, dimly lit as they were. These passages were no doubt ancient, but their age was of secondary interest to Ozymandias. His focus was only on the 'seed' that the riddle alluded to on the noticeboard some miles back. The appearance of the ruins, as well as their location relative to the rivers, which seemed to be located more closely to the smaller towns some ways away from here, fit the descriptions specified in the riddle. He walked as if he were merely taking a leisurely stroll around the gardens of his royal temple, his confidence in this being the correct location being cause for the relaxed pace. The winds that blew through the passages of the ruins chilled the skin, causing his cloak to flutter gently, but he paid it no mind. The walk throughout the passage led him to lose his sense of time, somewhat. He was unconcerned about the possibility of another coming to claim the 'seed', but it would be unwise to spend longer than necessary in these tunnels. It didn't help that the only identifying characteristic of these passageways was the stone paving that seemed to run without end. Occasionally, he would meet a fork in the paths, choosing directions arbitrarily. The likelihood was that there was some kind of chamber in which the 'seed' was held, forgotten by those who had left it here, or built this passage to house it. Perhaps, another time, he would return to learn more of this place, he thought to himself.

After some time of walking, Ozymandias came to another fork in his path. This time, there were inscriptions carved into the walls, which seemed to read as directions. They were not words, but symbols. One resembling a halberd, another resembling the crescent moon, and another being a totally black diamond shape. Following the path indicated by the diamond shape, Ozymandias continues straight ahead. Eventually, he would make his way into a large, square room, lined with more ornate torches, some with snuffed flames and others barely flickering. In the room's center, there was a single golden pedestal, with a single object sitting in a translucent casing. Walking to it with a more reserved pace, Ozymandias keeps his wits about him, cautious of any traps that may be laid to protect the 'seed'. The room was completely silent, even as the pharaoh removed the casing that covered the jewel within. Holding the casing with one hand, and picking up the 'seed' with the other, he inspected it, noting its hollowed appearance. Perhaps it was a vessel of some sort? It was a question that would be answered later, Ozymandias mused mentally. Placing it safely within a pocket in his leg garment, Ozymandias places the casing back on the pedestal. Then, he surges Prana throughout this body, disappearing from the ruins in a flicker of golden light and entering the Throne. He would return to this place, one day. But for now, he would head to a marketplace, and see what he could learn about this 'seed'.

Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: A-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 30-40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Considered the sibling of the Era of Gods and Dynasty of Kings, the Majesty of the Pendragon involves surging a large amount of Prana throughout the user’s body in order to enter the Throne. Their body, and everything on their person, will disappear instantly in a flash of light reflecting the color of their Prana. The user will then reappear amidst another flash of light at a location of their choosing; despite its nature, this process takes a few moments. Reappearing is accompanied by a crackling sound, creating both an audible and visual queue. This is enabled by the fact that the ethereal energy constantly exists within their chakra systems. Twice per battle the user can utilize a stronger version of this ability to prolong their stay in the Throne. This allows them to exist within the alternate dimension as Prana, which effectively places their body in a stasis. This halts blood loss, the propagation of poisons, the duration of active techniques/abilities, and any other aliments or conditions. This will happen for as long as the user is within the Throne. The user can only remain there for a maximum of four turns per usage. As long as the user re-appears on the battlefield on in the same landmark, then using this technique will not count toward escaping battle. If the user opts to re-appear in a different landmark then they will effectively forfeit the battle and the event. This only applies if the user utilizes Majesty while engaged in battle and not travel purposes. The first application, considered A-Rank, can only be used once every four turns. It can also only be used four times per battle. The second application, considered S-Rank, can only be used twice per battle and operates on the same cooldown as the A-Rank version. S-Rank applications render the user unable to use S-Rank or higher Prana for the next turn, if the user remains in the Throne for longer than a turn.



Mar 15, 2014
Trait Points
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Players: Ikiru Uchiha
Mission Rank: Alpha-Class
Story Elements:
1) Defeat opposing faction (Custom)
2) Disperse a mob
3) Meet with a major faction representative

Arriving with from
Keishi (007) the crew he would see the nice scenery that was quick to be shadowed by the bloodlust that lingered in the area. Signaling the gang to halt in place, he would head in first alone. Ikiru had already informed the crew to wait until he had give them the orders to join him if requested. For the fight, he didn't want to harm his own allies in the process, so he would head onwards to see the enemy by himself. Reaching the platform of the meeting in a very wide plain rumble landscape that allow many to hide among the terrain. In simple terms Ikiru was surrounded by the enemy, coming alone and leaving his allies out of the fight would be seen a suicide.

"Come on out, I came alone, at least do me the courtesy of showing me who's in charge?"(Ikiru)

*Giggle* (Woman)

"This tuff war with the KouZone is out of the line, we haven't bypassed the rules of the underground. The code of trade still stands and right now KouZone is acting without issued embargoes on us. This is about the Dairy Farm? Well it was on a neutral basis as every mafia could use the farm's resources but since we-" (Ikiru)

"Enough BS. The farm was on neutral grounds and yet your gang didn't an under arm deal to curb up the profits as our contract with them had just expired, within a minutes notice! You talk highly of your reason yet you know how dirty that was, you go nice information brokers that's for sure, it seems the KouZone is very much being ignored. You, and others now will be made an example, the Dairy farm will return to us, along with 80% of the profits you'll-" (KouZone Woman)

"Yeah, no. How do you wanna do this? Clearly this isn't your base, but I'll find out soon enough." (Ikiru)

"Oh? Well boys come on out, we have a massager to send to the S-crime I-" (KouZone Woman)

"No, am not here to deliver messages. I am quite busy, if you wanna quicken this up for me and others let's start this dance." (Ikiru)

"-Sigh- Kill him boys!" (KouZone Woman)

"That's right, my clone should have finished the deal and it probably taking care of the trades among the sea pirates. Now, how many are here today. Wow this is a number I've never seen, surely you've been hopping to war a full on assault on the S-crime. Sadly. Truly. It won't ever happen while am here, if any of you know of my name, I, Ikiru of the S-crime, request you all reconsider." (Ikiru)

"Pleading for your life, Ikiru? Like they would send their best on the frontline, that's the mistake the S-crime. They are cowards, that old man still believes that he can rule the underground. -Sigh- quite a-" (KouZone Woman)

"Disrespect anyone, but my boss." (Ikiru)

"Hint a nerve? -HAHA- Tell me, how's the senile fool! Does he remember how Tiba of the Igarasi clan? -HAHA-" (Tiba) with her statement, Ikiru was in a foul mood. The gang that surround him couldn't fully tell, how she was able to read the situation and simply hoped for Ikiru to move into place for one of her traps to trigger and kill him. She knew if he was the rumored Shinobi of the S-crime, he was going to be much harder to deal with, but given it was S-crime, the odds of winning were in her

=Battle Relocated here: [


Mar 15, 2014
Trait Points
Returning to the common members of S-crime, he would see them simply relaxing and minding no alert whereabouts to the possible situation that would occur if the enemy had approached them first. With the unprepared placement of each and every single person as Ikiru returned with a line of prisoners tided up from next to next. "Who's currently in charge!"

With a shout from him, a few would pop back into action as they quickly saw the boss had returned the victor. Some in disbelief others in shock of the band of prisoners he had with him. An older type rouge like man would come out of the wood-works as he quickly bowed to him. Introducing himself as the temporary man in-charge after him of course. The suddenly exchange of information and call for formation to pass more word. Ikiru would announce that the whole operation was mere a diversion. The possible attack back home was imminent.

Understanding the situation he would promptly ask the man to carefully make sure the prisoners don't escape and return them back to Kiyorano bay to be sold. Ikiru would then waste no time in making his move as he headed towards the base. Having recently just established a contract with a major connection to the black-market rep. He had to make sure he wouldn't lose them due to this sudden set up.

[Mission Concluded]

Itinerary: The Southern Mire (052) > Hanguri Gulf (262) > Kiyorano (036)
Est time: 1.3hr from post.


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
Founding of the orphanage

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B a c k G r o u n d
Horus was returning from his interaction with the monks, having a tool bound to his very being that he was yet to understand the true purpose of. On his travels, on the western shores of the mainland, he found a boy, unconscious, floating on the wreckage of a ship. He took it upon himself to help the child taking him to the Thousand Needles in search of anything to help the boy and potentially find his family. It was during this time that the world was thrown in to chaos. The skies rained down as though the heavens themselves were falling. No one was safe from what unfolded in those times. Horus lost his two loyal creations in the chaos that unfolded, though what he came to find following the events was more tragic than his own loss.
With the Cataclysm shaking the world, he sough to return to his original home in the Land of Water, though as he travelled he saw nothing but chaos and confusion. Due to his very nature, he couldn't simply leave people to a fate worse than death. As he travelled he took the boy, Jason with him, protecting him. Where he could, Horus would heal those wounded in the chaos that followed while using his affinities to try and create new homes for those lost. His resilience was tested as he watched parents mourn their children. No parent should have to watch their child die.
In this new world, he found a true purpose in his life. There were children left on streets, their families lost, starving hoping for someone to save them. Seeing this, Horus took to providing food and care for children along the way. He tried to find homes for the orphans though people could barely look after themselves as new factions took form. War was unleashed upon the world as more lost their lives with the arrival of what people believed to be the gods and their angels. Horus had his doubts upon who they were but he cared not. Instead, he put his time and effort into caring for the orphaned children of war. Having several children in his care after several months, he found himself needing a permanent residence.
Passing through the Western Mire, the old abandoned buildings of a town lost to history. No one resided here and he felt this was the perfect place to try and build a home for those in his care. He found a large building and began to make the house a home through his use of carbon to make furniture. From here he would hunt food for the children while taking the opportunity to teach them how to cook and the elder ones like Jason, to hunt. It was in this time he realised the children needed and actual education, taking time each day to provide a variety of vocational lessons, running both an orphanage and school. He found it was time to put his creative skills to use, making two new creations. He created his pet salamander for the children to play with while he created Brook, a skeletal warrior, to help guard the children and entertain them. He became quite the musician in the process.
Spawning: [Horus]


Oct 22, 2009
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M i s s i o n
Mission Start
Mission Rank: B
Criteria: Teach children the importance of tolerance

Every week, Horus gathers the children to sit outside, weather permitted, to take the time to discuss the wonders of the world and what it means to live. This was an opportunity to promote healthy debates between children and challenge the way they viewed the world. He felt this was the most important thing he could help them develop due to the tragic nature that made them orphans. At first it was more led by Horus himself, talking on his ventures in the world, his travels and the people he'd met. He did this to make the children more comfortable around him and ask him questions without fear of repercussions. Some questions he tactfully avoided such as "How many people have you killed?". To this he would always respond with, "I've done what was needed to protect my friends."
From here he built on their nature to ask questions, prompting pupils with questions of his own. Simple questions at first such as, "Do we all have to like the same food?". This was to build the understanding that they were all different and it's okay for someone to prefer chicken over turkey. Though as the children were growing older, it was time to start building on their understanding of the world beyond this orphanage. That would be the meaning of today's lesson.
"So, it's time again for our weekly discussion. And we all know, it's alright for Jason to prefer chocolate over a strawberry right?" Horus said this with a smile on his face where the children would laugh, some making jokes that he couldn't, but it was a little icebreaker. He waited a moment before continuing. "Well, today I'd like us to discuss something new. Though remember our rules of respect for one another. Anyway, today lets talk about if we should be kind to those not of our world?" The question left the children silent for a moment caught off guard. Many of them associated the Arali with the loss of their loved ones and lives.

Silence hung in the air as many were lost in their own memories. At the orphanage, including Jason, there were 8 other children, 5 boys, 3 girls. They ranged from age 8 to 12. Horus was about to speak to give some form of prompt when one of the youngest spoke. "They all deserve to die! I hate them!" This was to be expected. How could these children not be filled with hate. Several nodded in agreement. Their resentment shown on their faces. It was Jason who spoke next.

"They are monsters. They set the world ablaze. They took lands, lives. They still kill. Look at those Freehold people. They are fighting constantly. Why should we be kind to anyone who wants to ruin our world?" He looked up a bit shocked, having been lost in his own words. Though he believed everything he said, he didn't expect to hear them come from his own mouth. Several of the children chimed in agreeing. A couple clearly getting upset at the thought of it all. It was in this moment that Horus walked forwards and sat down cross legged on the ground.

"Your anger is well founded, all of you. If I were your age, I'm not sure I would have handled the events of recent years any where near as well as you all. I'm so very proud of you. Though we need to be open minded when we enter these talks." He spoke calmly, slowly, taking his time to make eye contact with each of them to reassure them, they were safe now. These words didn't sit well though, clearly anger was becoming more evident and consuming the logical though processes of the children. "Let me offer you another mind set. Imagine the world beneath us crumbles, and we are all cast down into a world none of us know. This is the home of many of a different race to us. Ponder this for a moment." He wanted them to envision the reality of the situation. This was all in order to build on the process of empathy. "We'd be lost, our home gone, in a strange new world. They hate us for existing. Our world falling apart just killed many, though, it wasn't our fault. We've just been sat here talking. They don't know you're children, or that I'm an adult. Instead they only wish to remove us. Do we fight? Do we protect ourselves? Are they the bad guys for living where we just landed?"

He was trying to paint a word picture. It was easy to view the world from your own perspective, but that view leads to a line of hatred. An eye for and eye makes the world go blind. He needed to be the one to nurture a better generation. It was Jason who spoke after a minute of silence. "Its... just hard... how can we not blame them? Look at how the world has changed. We... lost so much... people are still losing.... don't we deserve to live?" His words weighed with tears.

"How do you know that there aren't Arali out there who are thinking the same as you?" Horus's gentle voice tore at Jason, but it was needed. "There is no black or white answer. As long as you believe in wrong vs right, you will never go wrong. Always do what you know to be right, these words carried me through life from the moment I was your age. It led to me having a the amazing family sat before me. I don't expect you all to go find and befriend everyone you can. I want you to question your motives in what you do." He smiled as he spoke before standing up. "You all asked me if I'd ever killed. I fought because I had to, as that was my only way to protect and provide for those dear to me. I'll defend each and everyone of you with my life, though I wont go seeking conflict for no valid reason. Think on this for next weeks lesson. Though for now, it's time to eat, I can hear Brook singing in the kitchen." With that he walked into the house as the children followed. It wasn't a easy lesson to grasp. It wasn't an easy way of life. But it was one that was needed for the current world.



Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
School trip

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M i s s i o n
Mission Start
Mission Rank: A
Criteria: Reveal the dangers of the world to your students.

It would seem the children wouldn't rest until they had chance to explore the countless places hidden within the earth. It was only natural, they were kids, their curiosity go the best of them. The problem with most children seemed to be, this curiosity governed their actions instead of fear or responsibility. Horus figured it would be better to take them himself rather than them running off without his knowledge. He arranged for them to join him one morning. Brook woke the children and got them ready while Horus cooked breakfast with Jason. After they all met up outside, apart from Brook, he would remain at the orphanage should anyone approach. With that Horus allowed the children to lead the way while he remained close by.
"Just remember, stay nearby. You're free to explore, but do so in partners." He called out, but he was almost certain they didn't listen. Down into the caverns that contained the ruins. Not much light reached down into the depths, but to add to the fun, Horus provided all the children with a torch each to explore. It had been a while since he let them just be children, to play, to explore and this would cover part of his history lessons he usually planned. Listening him droll on about the events of the past put most of the children to sleep, so it was pointless going that route. The children would explore the old homes finding relics of the past. Some found some old items who Horus could only assumed were remnants of when the members of Freehold held this area. Something didn't feel right about their withdrawal from these lands. Was it because of the swamp like nature around it? Were there numbers too few? Who was he to speculate. The children came up with a myth that a terrible creature roamed the caverns ready to devour them.
This could be true but Horus had the power to sense any living thing through his mastery over yin/yang. He could sense the location of all the children along with anything or anyone that may approach. A hour passed as they scoured through the lands below, none of the children seemed to tire. "Hey guys, come look at this!" Jason shouted. All the others rushed over to the weird statue at the centre. Who ever came up with it had a unique sense of creation to make something so... twisted? The statue stood 4m high. It's body humanoid, though it's skin covered with scales. Across its back two large wings folded in while his hands and feet had long, sharp claws protruding from them. From behind there was a spiked tail. If anything it looked like a cross between a human and a dragon. Horus felt off about this. Jason wiped dust and rock from the writing the alter that the statue stood one. "Children, back away..." Horus spoke, his hairs on his arms stood on end.
Some looked around but Jason began to read. "He who... finds this...Dracthyr..." He read slowly as it was hard to make out the old letters, "leave it ... to its...." He was cut off as the ground began to shake. The children cried out. Too scared to move. Horus went to dash forwards but the statue began to crack as light shone from them. Without a second thought, his Deva Path active, he pulled all the children towards him. A moment later, as the statue shattered, shooting shards out in every direction. Horus's truth seeking orb shot forth, stretching, forming a protective barrier to protect them all. Buildings broke all around as the shards tore through the area. Smoke filled the caverns as the sound of falling rubble drowns out anything else. The children were safe.
He waited for the sounds of falling to stop before dropping his barrier. The orb turned to floating behind him as they all looked on as the dust cleared. Where the statue had stood, there now, floating in the air, was a replica of the thing, though just larger than a human. It must of been bound within that statue, but what had freed it? "Children, stay behind me while I handle this." He spoke with a commanding voice. All obeyed without question, gripped by fear. "We mean you no harm. I believe you're called a 'Dracthyr', is that right?". Sin spoke cautiously to the creature, hoping to put an end to this peacefully. If this was his previous life, he'd be free to do as he wished, but the lives of 8 children weighed his choices now. One wrong move and he could be the reason their lives end.
The beast looked around slowly. It spoke no words nor did it acknowledge that Horus had spoke to him. It cracked it's neck and began to move it's limbs. Who knows how long it had been bound for. It's eyes scoured the room before they fixated on Jason. Those eyes narrowed as Horus felt the surge of chakra welling with the beast. Stepping forwards, Horus held up his hand as the beast unleashed a torrent of flames from it's mouth. From his hand, Horus released a wave of chakra to match the flames. Upon contact it negated the flames by dissipating the chakra within, completely negating the flames. He could fight the beast with his full power, but if he did that he'd be putting the children in danger. These caverns could give way under the shock or a stray blast, he could not afford to take such risks. He tried to reason with the beast once more. "We are not your enemy, we will leave you to your slumber, though I make you this promise: Should you try to harm these children in any way or form, I'll remove you from this world without a moment's hesitation." He drew his blade from his side to prove he was ready to back up his words.

The children cowered behind him. It was in this moment that Jason realised, this was his fault. Why hadn't he listened? Though, he'd never seen Horus like this. He was a sight to behold. His blade in hand standing between the beast and the rest of them. How much did actually know about Horus? He broke from his trance telling the others to gather close and watch for anything falling on them. He knew they should run, but form some reason he felt safer being closer to Horus. In an instant the beast was between Horus and Jason. How was it that fast? It's claws sweeping down towards Jason. He closed his eyes in fear, this was the end, but he felt nothing. Slowly he opened one eyes to see a black wall in front of him. But how? The wall now moved binding the beast, wrapping around it completely. What was going on?

"You were warned...." These words spoke by a familiar voice, a serious one, along with a blade swiftly removing the head of the beast. As its head hit the ground, it's very being began to fade into dust. The black wall substance returned to the shape of an orb, moving to float behind Horus as he placed his sword back into his sheath. As Jason looked up, seeing Horus now, he remembered his words from their lesson:
"I'll defend each and everyone of you with my life, though I wont go seeking conflict for no valid reason."
These weren't empty words, and Jason knew what he said he could back up. Horus smiled now looking down to them all. "I think it's time we head back to the orphanage, Brook will have our food ready any time now." With that he walked past them, gesturing for them to follow. They were all stunned, captivated by the fear they had felt along with the shock of what had just transpired. Horus turned to look at them and they all rushed after him. No one wanted to be left behind after what they had just seen.
Mission End.

Jutsu Used

(Gudōdama) - Truth-Seeking Ball
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 80 (-15 per turn once activated)
Damage: 140 each
Description: Truth-Seeking Balls are spheres of malleable black chakra composed of all five nature transformations and Yin-Yang Release. Each is about the size of a fist and hides within it the power to complete obliterate a forest. The Truth-Seeking Balls function as a technique that is always on standby once activated. The technique creates a fixed number of orbs; no more or no less can be created. If they are somehow destroyed or otherwise not retrieved by the user, they become permanently lost. Once created the user can manipulate each of the individual balls at will. The balls can be shaped into a variety of forms, and the many natures comprising them can be combined to produce various effects. They are able to serve a variety of functions, such as forming shields and weapons, platforms, launching as high-speed projectiles, and rapidly expanding to produce massive explosions (mid-range in diameter). Users are able to combine orbs to enhance individual damage. At most only two Truth-Seeking Orbs can be controlled for offensive use at any given time; but any number of orbs can be used for defensive purposes to protect the user. Using the orbs outside of reshaping them requires one of the user's three moves per turn.

As the chakra comprising them is highly durable, the balls can serve as an effective defense. Due to the nature of possessing Yin-Yang Release the Truth-Seeking Balls have the ability to nullify any ninjutsu they come into contact with, making them impervious to Ninjutsu techniques. Only Senjutsu techniques that exceed an individual ball in damage are capable of harming and neutralizing an orb. When wielded by a user of Six Paths Senjutsu, the Truth-Seeking Balls become a potent weapon against invisible enemies in the world of Limbo, as well as other spiritual techniques such as Yin Release’s Hands of Sloth, able to interact with techniques of this type as normal. The user’s ability to control the Truth-Seeking Balls diminishes as it goes further from them and thus an effective way of combating them is to transport them away with certain types of Spacetime or teleportation jutsu.

Note: Can only be used by biographies that were shown using it.
Note: Acquisition of the Truth-Seeking Balls occurs through one possessing Six Paths Sage Mode, becoming the Jinchuuriki of the Ten-Tails, or Yin-Yang Release.
Note: The negation effect of the orbs works on all forms of ninjutsu but does not work on techniques that are enhanced with Senjutsu or natural energy.
Note: Wielders gain six orbs that can be used up to long-range. Beyond mid-range, however, the user loses the ability to actively manipulate the orbs, only being able to call them back. However, if the orbs go beyond 40 meters from the user they will be lost until the user comes within range to manipulate them again.
Note: Once activated the orbs remain on standby until destroyed or the user dies. The user can manipulate an orb for two turns before they are unable to control it, returning to standby for the same amount of time
( Shinra Tensei: Chikyū Undō no Jutsu ) - Almighty Push: Earth Motion Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: The user is capable of using the power of their gravitational technique will pull a large chunk of earth from the ground before them and then push it forwards thrusting the chunk of earth at their opponents.
( Shinra Tensei ) - Divine Punishment
Type: Supplementary/Defensive/Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 ( +20 per extra range )
Damage: N/A
Description: Using the Deva Paths abilities to manipulate gravitational forces, the user will repulse and push away anything around him up to a given range, in all directions, producing an omni-repulsion effect. The force and repulsive effect is absolute, affecting both energy and matter alike. The technique itself can be used with different ranges/sizes, depending on how much chakra the user spends for the technique and can even, in its smaller form, be sustained, forming a static defensive field instead of a wave-like effect.
Shōkibo - Small Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to short range. The offensive power in this size is not that high as it hits opponents but can still do severe damage. It isn't, however, fatal, boasting a physical 40 damage. If the user focuses this ability with the help of his hands he can sustain a defensive absolute repulsive field around him. He can't, however, do any technique while he is sustaining it and he can only sustain it for 2 turns. Once used, takes one turn cool down to use gravitational related techniques again, becoming when the technique ends.
Chūkibo - Medium Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to mid range. The offensive power in this size is severe, sending opponents flying backwards with enough force to, if not defended properly, leave near fatal physical damage. Although not directly fatal, the technique boasts a physical damage of 80. If the user focuses this ability through one or both hands, he can push away a specific target or technique alone, instead of producing the normal omni-repulsive wave. Once used, takes 2 turns cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.
Ōkibo - Large Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to long range. The offensive power of the technique is devastating and anything in its path that doesn't manage to defend properly is left obliterated. Its fatal if unguarded, boasting a physical damage of 160. Using this techniques poses a great deal of danger to the user as he damages his chakra pathway itself to be able to mold sufficient chakra to perform it. Once used, the user loses the use of any gravitational related techniques for the remainder of the fight and is unable to mold chakra for Rinnegan techniques and S ranks and above for 5 turns.
Note: The technique is immune to normal Elemental Weaknesses and Strengths and as such can't be physically blocked, absorbed or dodged by becoming intangible or similar means. However, the enemies can still use techniques that reduce physical damage to their bodies to survive its effects or escape its range through a fast enough technique. This means that in the large scale, while the technique can't be stopped, avoided or directly countered, enemies can still manage to survive if they are able to reduce the damage done enough.
Note: can only be used by Rinnegan bios with the ( Tendō ) - Deva Path active
( Gakidō ) - Preta Path
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user activates the Preta Path which grants the ability to absorb any chakra based attack using the Blocking Technique Absorption Seal. This Path allows the user to absorb chakra directly from a Ninja or from a Ninjutsu through a special barrier created around the user.
Note: Can only be used by Rinnegan biographies with access to the Six Paths Ability.
( Hantei) - Judgement
Type: Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-mid
Chakra cost: 40 ( -60 if hits a target)
Damage points: N/A
Description: This is a technique based on the Preta path. Instead of the user creating a barrier around the user that breaks down everything all around them into chakra absorbing it, instead, the user will release a barrier that pushes out in a pulse/wave going up to mid range that has the same properties. This pulse/wave is like a barrier pushing out in a direction large enough to hit jutsu as big as the great fireball technique. This pulse has two applications. The first is that if it interacts with a jutsu it will pass over it and on contact break down the jutsu absorbing the chakra and dispersing it into the area around it, thus rendering what it comes into contact with null, much like it's parent technique. The difference being this is a wave that can reach up to mid range and only breaks down a jutsu of S rank and below, rather than absorbing it into the users body. Negates S rank and below, regardless of chakra cost . On the other side of this, if this wave was to hit a person or summon etc, it would pass over them ripping out 60 chakra from them which would distribute into the area around them.
Note: Can only be used by Rinnegan bios with the (Gakidō) - Preta Path active.
Note: Can only be used 3 times
Note: Can absorb any Ninjutsu regardless of nature or other properties as long as its within the same timeframe.


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
It had been a while since Horus had ventured out into the world. It had come time to go and explore some of the things he'd heard from strangers passing through these lands. He decided that it was time to go and gather information. He knew he couldn't leave the children undefended so he left Brook behind to care for the children. He was more than capable and the children loved him. Salamander on the other hand was a bit more of a handful, so he decided to take him out into the world with him. Salamander sat on his shoulder as Horus set off heading north to examine one of these so called 'rifts'.


060 - 005 - 057 - 082 - 083 - 087 - 093 - 095 - 096 - 097
Departing #060 at 19:30 (19/09/23)

#005 20:30 - 21:30
#057 21:30 - 22:30
#082 22:30 - 23:30
#083 23:30 - 00:30
#087 00:30 - 01:30
#093 01:30 - 02:30
#095 02:30 - 03:30
#096 03:30 - 04:30
Arriving at #097 at 05:30 (20/09/23)