The Legendary Sage of Konoha 7


Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
Outnumbered, The Ultimate Challenge To Face!

~ Naruto: So for how long did I sleep anyway?

Narrator: He said as he sat up and looked out of the wagon.

Tsunade: Not sure. It had been 4 hours since we left Konoha when you went to sleep. I didn't keep track of the time after that.

Jiraiya: For two hours dad... You slept for two hours.

Naruto: I see... Sakura, Lee.

Sakura and Rock Lee:Yeah?

Naruto: If my calculations are right, it should take about 7 to 8 hours to reach the Wave country from Konoha and another 1 and a half hour by boat to Kirigakure, right?

Sakura: Yes, something like that.

Rock Lee: Why do you ask?

Naruto: That means we should arrive in the Wave country in approximately 1 and a half hour doesn't it?

Jiraiya: Yes it does dad..

Narrator: Some birds flew past them and up in the air as the scene changed...

Gai: This is bad.. If we keep this speed we might make it just in time.

Kakashi: Don't worry too much. We still don't know what the new members of Akatsuki are capable of.

Narrator: Kakashi and Gai were running in the tree tops at 80% speed to catch up with the Hokage's convoy.

?: So we're supposed to do that, are you serious?

Keiji: Yeah I'm serious, that was what Madara said.

Kazuki: Oh shut up Keiji, you don't have to act so tough all the time.

Keiji: Watch your mouth kid, or I'll kill you...

Kazuki: You're forgetting that you can't, even if you wanted to.

?: Seriously, can't the two of you for once be a team?

?: Well, well, they're the dumb nuts of Akatsuki after all.

?: Seems that you forget that Akatsuki is no longer our name. Only our enemies know us by that.

Kazuki: Who's the dumb nut now Makito..

Makito: *Humph* Everything that comes from you is invalid because of your s...

?: You all will be invalid for the rest of your lives if you forget the mission..
This mission is all that count, everything else don't matter.. the mission... the mission!

Keiji: Calm down Sakito, don't go lunatic like you did last time. Save it for the mission.

Kazuki: Enough with all the mission here and mission there! You guys act like brainless zombies!

Makito: Hey don't talk to my brother like that! If anyone is a zombie here it's you!

Narrator: He said while raising his blade out of its holster.

Kazuki: Oh you want to pick a fight because of your stupid brother?

Makito: Don't think that I don't know how to deal with the likes of you... We all know what happened to your stupid overconfident brother!

Kazuki: Don't talk about Hidan like that or I will kill you!

Narrator: He launched at Makito with his double-bladed scythe.

Sakito kill... kill.. KILL!!!

Narrator: As they were about to clash, Keiji interfered between them.

Keiji: Makito, Kazuki calm down before Sakito goes mad, and you know what happens then?

Kazuki: Ha! Look who needs Keiji to save his ass!

Makito: If it weren't for the risk of my brother losing it, I would have dealt with you right here and now, so that you could join your brother..

?: Aren't you going to say something?

?: They'll know when they've gone too far, Sonia..

Sonia: Yeah...

Makito: Oh so you know how to act tough as well I se..

Narrator: But before he was able to finish his sentence, he fell to the ground in pain.

Makito: Hey stop it, stop it!

Kazuki: Serves you right. That's what you get if you're trying to act all tough towards Akashi. You're no match against his Genjutsu.

Akashi: This goes for you too Kazuki, if the two of you don't stop arguing, I will have to deal with you myself.

Kazuki: Alright freak you win, so what's the plan?

Keiji: We have already gone through it.

Akashi: We will continue on this road until we meet them. No ambush, no surprise, we will be clear as the sky.

Makito: Just because Madara chose you to lead the mission, doesn't mean you're any better than us!

Sonia: None of you should be the ones to talk. Keiji, Kazuki, you failed at the original plan in Konoha.

Makito: Because the..

Sonia: And you Makito, and your brother failed in Kumogakure. The only ones that succeeded among you were Nobunaga and Ryu. At least they managed to complete their objectives while attacking the different isles around Kiri. This time, Akashi will show the four of you how it's done.

Kazuki: Hah! We'll see about that...

Keiji: So why did Madara want us to be more than the two man teams we usually are?
I mean, Ryu and Nobunaga attacked the Tsuchikage's convoy in the regular two man te..

Akashi: Apparently you don't realize Madara's real plan this time around do you? Beside, maybe it's because, like Sonia said, that they were the only ones of the six of you that managed to do what they were suppose to. If you stopped for a sec to think, you would understand why they got that mission to attack the Tsuchikage's convoy while we're stuck with you.

Keiji: Hey don't blame us for fighting against impossible odds.

Makito: Like we would believe that you guys had to face all those people at once. What about me and Sakito, we had to face the entire cloud village!

Sakito And the deadly Hacibi...

Hiruzen: Do you mind if I ask you a question Hokage sama?

Naruto: Please call me Naruto, I'm not that formal.

Jiraiya: Haha, getting tired of being called Hokage, dad?

Naruto: Oh not at all son, it's just that people talks more relaxed and freely when they go by my name instead of my title.

Mito: Sounds like a good idea.

Naruto: See, you already speak out loud without thinking twice of addressing me.

Tsunade: And you probably came up with that because you never addressed me by my title back in the days?

Jiraiya: Haha, that's my dad.

Narrator: They all started laughing.

Yamato: Strange how fast time has passed isn't it?

Naruto: Yes indeed. Not that long ago since you and Kakashi helped me with my training to learn the Rasen Shuriken.

Yamato: Oh boy that's a long time ago... 17 years ago or something?

Naruto: Yeah something like that.

Narrator: The forest got smaller and smaller the further they got towards the Wave country and the road had gone from narrow to wide. As they were talking about the past, Shikamaru spotted something.

Shikamaru: Hmm... Looks like there are some people traveling towards us up there..

Narrator: He said as he lifted his hand above his head to cover from the sun.

Rock Lee: Maybe they're from the Wave country?

Temari: Doubt it, they look more like bounty hunters.

Sakura: Maybe they're looking for someone in this area?

Yamato: That's no bounty hunters!

Narrator: They all stopped as a gang of six people were closing in at them.

Tsunade: It can't be?!

Kazuki: Look who we got here, just in time.

Keiji: Don't embarrass yourself, you sound like a teenager.

Kazuki: Hey shut up Keiji, don't talk to me like t...

Makito: Here we go again...

Sakito So this is the target?

Akashi: Be prepared.

Narrator: Naruto and Tsunade stepped outside of the wagon they were seated in.

Shikamaru: Why would they just head straight up to us like that? That's not like Akatsuki usually does it.

Naruto: Either way, they still are what they are and need to be dealt with. Yamato, Temari, Tsunade.
Guard Jiraiya, Hiruzen and Mito. Rock Lee, Sakura, Shikamaru, we will face them.

Everyone: Right!

Jiraiya: Why can't we fight?!

Naruto: No time to argue!

Narrator: Naruto, Rock Lee, Sakura and Shikamaru went in front of the Hokage wagon as the rest stepped behind it.

Akashi: Oh.. So they're trying to come up with a strategy?
Let's see how good that will work. Sakito, you know what to do.

Sakito Right...

Narrator: He smashed both his arms to the ground after performing some quick hand seals. Suddenly the ground split up right where the wagon was placed as it fell down into it, causing a gap between Naruto, Sakura, Rock Lee and Shikamaru, and Yamato, Tsunade, Temari, Jiraiya, Hiruzen and Mito.

Naruto: Anbu squad, put up a defensive barrier!

Anbu squad: Yes sir!

Narrator: The ten anbus that had followed them as protection created a wide barrier that cover the whole of the Konoha convoy.

Akashi: A defensive barrier huh? Keiji.

Keiji: Roger.

Narrator: Keiji charged at the barrier with an Iron, liquid-like wave, riding on the top of it.

Shikamaru: That shouldn't be able to break through.

Naruto: We don't have time to hang around letting them corner us.
Time to move...

Rock Lee: Alright!

Sakura: Hey hang on!

Narrator: In a blink of an eye, Naruto, Shikamaru and Lee vanished.

Akashi: So he finally moved huh?

Sonia: Behind you!

Narrator: Naruto then appeared behind Akashi with a rasengan, but he countered it with one as well.

Naruto: *In thoughts* ?! How can he be able to do the Rasengan?

Akashi: Surprised?

Narrator: Above Sakito, you could see Rock Lee flying towards him.

Rock Lee: Konoha Gōriki Senpū! (Leaf Strong Whirlwind!).

Narrator: Lee smashed into Sakito who were just about to guard himself with his arms as he was knocked back.

Sakito Arrrrgh!!!!

Makito: Oh you shouldn't have done that. Now he's pissed.

Shikamaru: That won't matter!

Narrator: Shikamaru had come from behind Makito, Kazuki and Sonia.

Shikamaru: Shadow Sewing technique (Kage Nui no jutsu), success!

Naruto: Good job.

Narrator: He jumped back towards Shikamaru after clashing with Akashi.

Kazuki: Not again!

Makito: This is the same as!

Narrator: Out of nowhere, Shikamaru's technique vanished and he himself was caught in it.

Shikamaru: ?? How can he be able to do our family special jutsu?!

Akashi: You're not the only one who can do that!

Anbu squad: What should we do?

Sakura: Five of you will come with me while the rest keep up the barrier and protect Jiraiya, Hiruzen and Mito. Temari, Yamato, Tsunade, let's go.

Everyone: Alright!

Narrator: The 5 anbus stayed behind with the barrier around the three, while Sakura, Yamato, Tsunade and Temari headed towards Keiji.

Keiji: Like I'll let you pass!

Narrator: Keiji was blocking the road with Sakito, preventing them from advancing.

Kazuki: Damn you bastard, payback time!

Narrator: He said as he went for Shikamaru with his scythe raised.

Shikamaru: This is bad!

Rock Lee: Like I would let you!

Narrator: Rock Lee went straight for him as he parried his strike.

Naruto: Looks like I'll have to get serious then.

Narrator: He went for Akashi with a double handed rasengan as Akashi avoided it with the cost of losing his grip on Shikamaru. Then he created two rasengans as well as he clashed with Naruto. But as they met, Naruto disappeared and hit Akashi from above sending him to the ground.

Akashi: Impressive.

Narrator: Suddenly he had reappeared in front of Naruto, beside Kazuki, Makito and Sonia.

Akashi: Let's continue with our plan. Keiji and Sakito will hold the rest off while we move on the target.

Narrator: Sonia preformed some hand seals as the ground between Naruto, and Shikamaru and Rock Lee exploded forcing Shikamaru and Rock Lee to jump towards Keiji, Sakito, Sakura, Tsunade, Yamato and Temari, while Naruto had to jump into the forest. Akashi, Kazuki, Makito and Sonia followed.

Rock Lee: This is bad. We must get to Naruto’s aid.

Shikamaru: We will have to deal with these two fast then!

Keiji: Oh.. Underestimating us a little?

Sakito The more, the merrier. They will not be a problem for us...

Naruto: *In thoughts* They're trying to separate me from the rest.

Akashi: Finally some peace and quit. I know what you're thinking.
"Why would they bother to separate me from the rest, when I can just teleport myself back to them?"
Well.. I know the secret behind your teleportation !

Naruto: *In Thoughts* What does he mean?

Akashi: Unlike your father, you don't need seals to teleport.
However... You can only teleport if nothing is blocking your way.

Naruto: So you thought you would try to get me deep into the woods so that I can't get away huh?

Kazuki: This time you won't get away Kyubi brat!

Sonia: Makito, you know what to do?

Makito: Of course..

Akashi: Then let's complete our mission!

Narrator: The four of them went each way to surround Naruto.

Naruto: If this is what you want, then fine. Come and get me!

Narrator: He said as his eyes changed to sage eyes and massive chakra emerged from him.

Naruto: Tajū Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!

~ End Chapter 7 ~

Author's note: As I said when I released chapter 2 of Sasuke Chronicles, I’ll be heading to London and Paris for a week, so there will not be any new chapters from me before the week after the upcoming one (Sunday morning here at the moment). Since I'll be heading to the airport in 10 minutes (xd), I don’t have time to send out links to my readers this time, and I won't be able to reply back to you until I'm home in the week after next.

I just hope that people will notice it anyway and find it any good:p.
I kind of screwed up on the time I put aside on this chapter and was just able to get it done right before I had to leavexd
Personally I don’t think this chapter was as good as my three last, as I do find it quite hard to make battle scenes where there are more than three people fighting at once, but I do hope you will think otherwise though.

Previous Chapters:

Chapter 1:

Chapter 2:

Chapter 3:

Chapter 4:

Chapter 5:

Chapter 6:

Next Chapter:

Chapter 8:
Last edited:

Nikkou Arashi

Active member
Mar 11, 2010
Trait Points
Well, well, well...lemme see:

We're now back on track with the Hokage's convoy to the kages' meeting. Kazuki is Hidan's brother, so he's as immortal as him?

The new Akatsuki generation seems to be quarrelsome and hmn, their name ain't Akatsuki anymore? And I think I missed the part why Makito fell to the ground in pain :confused:

Now, the battle scene - kinda wondering what Akashi is - is he some sort of another copy ninja? Oh nooees - a rival to my dear Kakashi?! :mad:xd:D

Putting up a battle with more than 3 people is definitely not easy but you did good with this one. *two thumbs up* :)
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Kuroi Honoo

Active member
Dec 2, 2009
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Wow! You know how to do nice fighting scenes indeed ;) I like each and every new Akatsuki member’s persona. I especially like the Akatsuki member Sakito. I like his unstable mentality. I think Akashi’s jutsu is the best and it is very enjoyable to view. All the members seem powerful as they are capable. I’m sure the following one will be just as great ^.^ Well, until you get back.​
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Reactions: Michael92


Sep 26, 2010
Trait Points
So, I am finally able to cope up! Man, your fanfiction is really good. You know your way well through the jutsus and the entire Naruto world. It looks to me that this is some way for you to express your theories instead of putting up threads about it. Cool! :cool:

The fight scene here is not really as good as that to Sasuke and Naruto's fight in the previous chapters. But it is good. Besides, the fight is just about to kick in so, nothing big to be expected really.

So far, the whole fanfic is a 5/5 man! :cool:
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Reactions: Michael92


Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Trait Points
It was really great. But please! Prove those akatsuki members wrong. It is really lame to have teleportation blocked by objects. It almost defeats the purpose. Pls change it, I beg you!
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Reactions: Michael92


Active member
Mar 14, 2010
Trait Points
It was really great. But please! Prove those akatsuki members wrong. It is really lame to have teleportation blocked by objects. It almost defeats the purpose. Pls change it, I beg you!
it actualy makes sense.... cuz naruto has to see where he is going to, and a object that block the view of the site he wants to teleport disables him to teleport
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Reactions: Michael92


Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
YAY first to post on my favorite Fanfic
xd Like that's something to brag about:p

Thanks mate:)

had a decent time reading it, wonder when i'l be able to write like that. you guys are simply awsome!!!
Haha, yeah i thought the same once:p It's just the matter of how much time and effort you put into it;)

so confused :confused: right now after reading

how can they use Rasengan and Shadow jutsus?

u just keep on sureprising me michael
Hmm... Who knows:rolleyes: Don't worry I got more surprises on store;)

Nice chapter I think you did well!!!!!!!
Keep up the good work.
Thanks friend:)

Awesome one. Like it very much. keep it up.
I will;) Thanks:)

Oh there is some secret we'll discover in the next 1-2 chapters? Cool :) 4,5 out of 5 for this chapter
Actually... I got a ton of secrets in the next 3 chapters to reveal... At least I think so myselfxd

Well, well, well...lemme see:

We're now back on track with the Hokage's convoy to the kages' meeting. Kazuki is Hidan's brother, so he's as immortal as him?

The new Akatsuki generation seems to be quarrelsome and hmn, their name ain't Akatsuki anymore? And I think I missed the part why Makito fell to the ground in pain :confused:

Now, the battle scene - kinda wondering what Akashi is - is he some sort of another copy ninja? Oh nooees - a rival to my dear Kakashi?! :mad:xd:D

Putting up a battle with more than 3 people is definitely not easy but you did good with this one. *two thumbs up* :)
You will have to wait and find out I guess:p If he follows the same faith and god or not, and have the exact same abillities is the question;)
Maybe it will explain why he took no damage of Konohamaru's Rasen Shuriken?:rolleyes:

Yeah, following the recent events and Akatsuki dropping the suits (Madara, and Zetsu in 511/512) I believe that they are/will losing/lose the "Akatsuki" image at some point, but that's just me theoriesing:p

If you paid close attention, you could tie it togetter. Akashi did something to him. What it was, might be revealed next time..



nice chapter and nice surprises
Yeah i thought they would surprise some:p Thanks for the support mate;)

Wow! You know how to do nice fighting scenes indeed ;) I like each and every new Akatsuki member’s persona. I especially like the Akatsuki member Sakito. I like his unstable mentality. I think Akashi’s jutsu is the best and it is very enjoyable to view. All the members seem powerful as they are capable. I’m sure the following one will be just as great ^.^ Well, until you get back.​
Well i found it a little hard to come up with all these new members, but the extream part will be next chapter i guess:p
You always give out a fair opinion of my chapters, and thanks for that my friend:) Till next time;)

cool chapter man xd

Kickin Chapter Mich


So, I am finally able to cope up! Man, your fanfiction is really good. You know your way well through the jutsus and the entire Naruto world. It looks to me that this is some way for you to express your theories instead of putting up threads about it. Cool! :cool:

The fight scene here is not really as good as that to Sasuke and Naruto's fight in the previous chapters. But it is good. Besides, the fight is just about to kick in so, nothing big to be expected really.

So far, the whole fanfic is a 5/5 man! :cool:
Oh hey there mate:p Nice to hear that you caught up:)
Well yeah you're somewhat right i guess as i put a lot of my therories into my FF;):p

Yeah i thought so myself. Even though I don't like to have too many people at the same place fighting, I feel like I have to, to complete the story. So it's hard to avoid it:p


Nice chapter , can't wait to see what will happen next !
Me tooxd:p Thanks...

It was really great. But please! Prove those akatsuki members wrong. It is really lame to have teleportation blocked by objects. It almost defeats the purpose. Pls change it, I beg you!
Who knows:rolleyes: Who said he didn't have something up his sleeves... or does he?;)

Just let me sum up a little. Minato needed seals to teleport. Wheter he threw his kunai with a seal and teleported to it or if he had placed out seals on forehand, didn't matter. The main thing was that he needed seals to teleport.

With Naruto in my FF, I didn't want him to be just like his father. I wanted his to be more advanced... However I didn't want it to be a copy of Madara/Tobi's teleportation, so it's sort of a mix og those two. He can teleport everywhere he want as long as he can see the localation... However... Well I won't tell that yet:p

it actualy makes sense.... cuz naruto has to see where he is going to, and a object that block the view of the site he wants to teleport disables him to teleport
Kind of. Even if it's blocked by a wall, barrier and so forth, he might be able to teleport anyway... Or can he?

Anyway, thanks for all the comments while I was gone. Appriciate the support guys:) I will start working on the next one tomorrow;)