Tazuma (130)


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Aug 25, 2010
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You could never really tell how tall someone was before you got up close and personal. If he and Kreia had placed bets before getting within spitting distance of the duo, Hawke's best guess would have called the blond teenager fun-sized and assumed that his King-of-all-Albinos-comrade was of about average height.

That would have been wrong.

Garrett was no manlet, but even with his back straight and just a tiny bit of standing on his toes - a secret he would take to his grave - he still had to look up at the reformed snowman, whose simple transformation technique had given him a healthy tan. Standing at 6 foot Hawke had a few inches on the smirking youth, but Hei, as the former paper person introduced himself, had to be almost 6'6: a beanpole of alien proportions. It was a annoying reversal of Garrett's usual preference for staring down, as he found himself craning his neck uncomfortably just to meet the man's gaze evenly.

Hawke was no expert chakra sensor, but if his ball-park average was remotely on point it seemed that, when adding himself to the mix, the trio had enough chakra to quite literally drown a small city in energy. Even without a sense for such things he could almost taste the ozone in the air. While looking at Naruto in particular he had to give the kid a small nod of recognition. It was a heck of a chakra pool to have at his age.

All that aside, however...

"To make my acquaintance?" Hawke repeated back at Hei with some incredulity. "You taking the piss, mate? I run two mines and my ugly mug's plastered on every wall in the Land of Fire. If you lot've come a long way for anything I'd be gutted if it wasn't money."

The grizzled veteran shook his head and undid the fastenings of the sheath he kept Dark Sister in. He mirrored Hei's nonthreatening movements from just before as he unsheathed the blade just a few inches, peering at the strange duo through the broadside of the sword. After a moment of doing so he simply nodded to himself and returned the blade to its former place.

"Do I know you...?" The question was mumbled to himself, but the words were spoken loudly enough for both of the men to hear. Hawke looked between the two and frowned, addressing Naruto first. "I know the beast you hide within," he said cryptically before turning his attention towards the youth's taller counterpart. "But you... you and I are alike in more ways than one." He made a stiff grimace before continuing. "I don't like that, yeah? So why don't you just tell me what you're really here for, sharpish."

(Kiranai Ken) – Dark Sister
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage points: N/A
Description: Dark Sister is a beautiful, double-edged longsword forged from Hangurian Ore, with a golden, flame-like pommel and a crossguard of the same material and likeness with a round, cut ruby set in the center on both sides. The longsword is imbued with no offensive capabilities; it is in fact known as the sword that does not cut, even though its edge is sharp. Instead, the blade of Dark Sister is intrinsically connected to the Yang nature of chakra. The longsword serves as a conduit for life energy, naturally absorbing it from selected targets within short range in small amounts (-5 per turn) and storing it. The flat side of the blade functions as a lens and by looking through it the user is able to perceive every detail, both internal and external, of the anatomy of whoever they are looking at, even some more indirect details like their natural lifespan and health pool; chakra reserve, affinities, and signature; and future health problems. Through physical contact Medical Ninja are feely able to use the life energy to heal an amount equal to the life energy absorbed and direct this healing energy to where it is most needed. Dark Sister always quickly returns to its wielder if they mentally will it, though this ability cannot be used offensively.
- Can only be used by Zero Kelvin
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It was clear to Hei from the way Hawke spoke that he didn't have much respect for strangers. Perhaps being used to standing on the top has made him this way. His speech patterns were not as sophisticated... No rather different then what Heishiki was used to. "Money isn't the reason why we're here, although the Bounty is one of them.." Hei responds indicating that the reword came second to Justice. Although not knowing the full story Hei wanted to hear more about what warranted a bounty of such high caliber. Hearing Hawke speak out: "I know the beast you hide within." caused Hei to instinctually take a small step in the direction of Naruto. It was clearly an subconscious motion to protect his friend. With the attention turning back toward Hei, he will revert back to his true state, releasing the transformation technique as he responds to Hawkes' statement. "We are indeed a lot alike, although I can tell you are a half-bred. It's very rare of a lesser of my clan to reach such a level." Hei didn't mean his statement to come off as offensive but quickly realized the possible insult he had just committed. Awkwardly laughing as he scratches the back of his neck. "We're here for two reasons.. First is I've recently been having glimpses, visions.. premonitions? of what seems to be an alternate life. I can't make sense of them but I've seen you without ever having met you. I've also seen a woman named Isabella Uchiha among others. I can't explain it but I thought it'd be worth investigation. The Second, is about your Bounty. I'd like more details about why the Inuzuka clan is willing to go so far for your capture? Does if it has anything to do with the group that spit off from you and is currently traveling through the pass?" Spoken in a more serious tone, Hei's Byakugan will shift looking back upon Hawke. His body calm yet seemingly more tense as if prepared for battle, if one was to break out.​

Heishiki Otsutsuki:
Chakra: 3750
Health: 250
Speed: 60
Tracking: 114
Last edited:


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Oct 1, 2010
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It was clear to Hei from the way Hawke spoke that he didn't have much respect for strangers. Perhaps being used to standing on the top has made him this way. His speech patterns were not as sophisticated... No rather different then what Heishiki was used to. "Money isn't the reason why we're here, although the Bounty is one of them.." Hei responds indicating that the reword came second to Justice. Although not knowing the full story Hei wanted to hear more about what warranted a bounty of such high caliber. Hearing Hawke speak out: "I know the beast you hide within." caused Hei to instinctually take a small step in the direction of Naruto. It was clearly an subconscious motion to protect his friend. With the attention turning back toward Hei, he will revert back to his true state, releasing the transformation technique as he responds to Hawkes' statement. "We are indeed a lot alike, although I can tell you are a half-bred. It's very rare of a lesser of my clan to reach such a level." Hei didn't mean his statement to come off as offensive but quickly realized the possible insult he had just committed. Awkwardly laughing as he scratches the back of his neck. "We're here for two reasons.. First is I've recently been having glimpses, visions.. premonitions? of what seems to be an alternate life. I can't make sense of them but I've seen you without ever having met you. I've also seen a woman named Isabella Uchiha among others. I can't explain it but I thought it'd be worth investigation. The Second, is about your Bounty. I'd like more details about why the Inuzuka clan is willing to go so far for your capture? Does if it has anything to do with the group that spit off from you and is currently traveling through the pass?" Spoken in a more serious tone, Hei's Byakugan will shift looking back upon Hawke. His body calm yet seemingly more tense as if prepared for battle, if one was to break out.​

Heishiki Otsutsuki:
Chakra: 3750
Health: 250
Speed: 60
Tracking: 114
They were not here for the money.

"That right, yeah?" Hawke commented somewhat sceptically at that revelation, but otherwise remained quiet for the remainder of Hei's quips and questions. He noted the little protective gesture the taller man made towards his younger partner, but did not react to it.

Garrett did not much appreciate Hei's dig at his background, though he had no earthly idea what kind of half-breed the man was talking about. Mother dearest had had half the soldiers in the garrison, yes, but even she would have sniffed out some ultra ginger with his tips frosted all the way to the roots.

The snowman's input regarding Hawke's status as a purebred mutt was just the start of his troubles however, as Hei launched into an explanation of what, exactly, had brought the duo to Hawke's back-yard. In short; it seemed that Hei was having bad dreams about Hawke and was now talking himself into killing him for cold hard ca-justice. If he had not dropped Isabella's name Hawke would have been more suspicious, so it was good that he did it. Still, even he could not completely ignore the earnest glint in the man's eyes. All that curiosity he was carrying around was almost enough to make Hawke shiver by proxy.

"That's dodgy though, yeah?" Garrett summarized his thoughts as his counterpart wrapped up. "You've come from Gods know where to ask me twenty questions?" He sighed and looked over his shoulder at Kreia, whose dark robes and hood hid most of her features from all onlookers, including Hawke. She had not said a word since the encounter began.

Oh what the hell. What harm could come from a little innocent conversation?

"I know 'Bella, but I don't know you." He looked Hei up and down with a critical look. "And I don't like that your chakra reminds me of mine because them's some implications that I'd rather not have to think about, yeah?" Gods above, how depressing it would be if his only living family turned out to be some long-lost, 2nd cousin thrice removed from the pale-olithic era that he would then need to kill or be killed by posthaste. "I only see what's in front of me and that's it," Hawke concluded with a serious nod.

As for the Inuzuka...

"I'm a bloody Inuzuka," he barked with some annoyance, looking back and forth between the duo. "But these are dangerous times, yeah? Someone gets hurt and someone else gets pissy about it." He shrugged noncommittally. "It's a shame, innit? But the why of it is just business and business is booming." Hawke grinned wolfishly, his entire demeanor changing in but a moment. He looked between the duo once again, but this time his eyes were clearly more appraising, as if the man was making internal calculations about something.

"Speaking of business..." he began with a tone that was more smirk than smile. "You lot aren't here just for the money and I respect that, yeah? But maybe you and I can do some business." He started pacing a bit, walking in a small line back and forth. "Maybe we can do something about the misunderstanding with these skint Inuzuka, yeah? Because between Creepy Red Kage and Big Chest Kage I'm just knackered from dealing with all these diplomatic cock-ups myself."


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Aug 25, 2010
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They were not here for the money.

"That right, yeah?" Hawke commented somewhat sceptically at that revelation, but otherwise remained quiet for the remainder of Hei's quips and questions. He noted the little protective gesture the taller man made towards his younger partner, but did not react to it.

Garrett did not much appreciate Hei's dig at his background, though he had no earthly idea what kind of half-breed the man was talking about. Mother dearest had had half the soldiers in the garrison, yes, but even she would have sniffed out some ultra ginger with his tips frosted all the way to the roots.

The snowman's input regarding Hawke's status as a purebred mutt was just the start of his troubles however, as Hei launched into an explanation of what, exactly, had brought the duo to Hawke's back-yard. In short; it seemed that Hei was having bad dreams about Hawke and was now talking himself into killing him for cold hard ca-justice. If he had not dropped Isabella's name Hawke would have been more suspicious, so it was good that he did it. Still, even he could not completely ignore the earnest glint in the man's eyes. All that curiosity he was carrying around was almost enough to make Hawke shiver by proxy.

"That's dodgy though, yeah?" Garrett summarized his thoughts as his counterpart wrapped up. "You've come from Gods know where to ask me twenty questions?" He sighed and looked over his shoulder at Kreia, whose dark robes and hood hid most of her features from all onlookers, including Hawke. She had not said a word since the encounter began.

Oh what the hell. What harm could come from a little innocent conversation?

"I know 'Bella, but I don't know you." He looked Hei up and down with a critical look. "And I don't like that your chakra reminds me of mine because them's some implications that I'd rather not have to think about, yeah?" Gods above, how depressing it would be if his only living family turned out to be some long-lost, 2nd cousin thrice removed from the pale-olithic era that he would then need to kill or be killed by posthaste. "I only see what's in front of me and that's it," Hawke concluded with a serious nod.

As for the Inuzuka...

"I'm a bloody Inuzuka," he barked with some annoyance, looking back and forth between the duo. "But these are dangerous times, yeah? Someone gets hurt and someone else gets pissy about it." He shrugged noncommittally. "It's a shame, innit? But the why of it is just business and business is booming." Hawke grinned wolfishly, his entire demeanor changing in but a moment. He looked between the duo once again, but this time his eyes were clearly more appraising, as if the man was making internal calculations about something.

"Speaking of business..." he began with a tone that was more smirk than smile. "You lot aren't here just for the money and I respect that, yeah? But maybe you and I can do some business." He started pacing a bit, walking in a small line back and forth. "Maybe we can do something about the misunderstanding with these skint Inuzuka, yeah? Because between Creepy Red Kage and Big Chest Kage I'm just knackered from dealing with all these diplomatic cock-ups myself."
Hawke would seem to not only downplay whatever happened that lead to his bounty, but also ignore Hei's comment about the other group that is passing around them. It was clear Hawke was attempting to deflect and change the topic. Hei slightly chuckles to himself, as his mind drifts for a moment, thinking about how hilarious it would be if He had raised his hand toward Hawke and said "Garrett, I am your Father". Now listening to Hawke once more, Hei becomes skeptical of what type of proposal Hawke had in mind, deciding to hear him out on what someone like him would suggest. Given what Hei has seen of his character. It could honestly be beneficial, but more then likely will be against Hei's moral compass. "What kind of Business?" Hei questions with clear suspicion in his tone..


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Oct 1, 2010
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Hawke would seem to not only downplay whatever happened that lead to his bounty, but also ignore Hei's comment about the other group that is passing around them. It was clear Hawke was attempting to deflect and change the topic. Hei slightly chuckles to himself, as his mind drifts for a moment, thinking about how hilarious it would be if He had raised his hand toward Hawke and said "Garrett, I am your Father". Now listening to Hawke once more, Hei becomes skeptical of what type of proposal Hawke had in mind, deciding to hear him out on what someone like him would suggest. Given what Hei has seen of his character. It could honestly be beneficial, but more then likely will be against Hei's moral compass. "What kind of Business?" Hei questions with clear suspicion in his tone..
Hei's tone was not without suspicion, a caution that Hawke could grudgingly admit had some merit. Still, what had he done that was so wrong? Killing was no longer an option, so how bad could his reputation really be? It was a conundrum for another time.

"The profitable kind," Garrett answered his counterpart's question with practiced precision. He never stopped pacing. "See I'm just a businessman minding my own business, but if blokes like youse keep coming it'll interfere with that."

The entrepreneur stopped abruptly and turned to face the duo directly.

"The boys going through the pass are my men." Hawke tapped his chest for emphasis. His tone was steely. "They're working hard to get some bloody money flowing through this area again, so hows about we leave them to their tasks while the three of us take a little stroll to wherever you were s'posed to go after doing the deed, yeah?"

He glanced down at Naruto briefly, surprised to find himself somewhat miffed about the existence of an underage bounty hunter. His pause for effect became pregnant faster than he would have liked.

"Or maybe just you and me, ey?" He pointed between himself and Hei before squatting down to look the blond teenager in the eye. "Would ya like to stay here and play with Kreia, lad? Or maybe you could go get a snack while your dad makes the easiest money he'll ever make, yeah? My treat."

The normally gruff veteran looked up at Hei again, poison green eyes hardening.

"See I want names and locations of these fuckers who've been falsely accusing me, sharpish. That sound reasonable to you, Heishiki?"


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Sep 10, 2008
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Hei's tone was not without suspicion, a caution that Hawke could grudgingly admit had some merit. Still, what had he done that was so wrong? Killing was no longer an option, so how bad could his reputation really be? It was a conundrum for another time.

"The profitable kind," Garrett answered his counterpart's question with practiced precision. He never stopped pacing. "See I'm just a businessman minding my own business, but if blokes like youse keep coming it'll interfere with that."

The entrepreneur stopped abruptly and turned to face the duo directly.

"The boys going through the pass are my men." Hawke tapped his chest for emphasis. His tone was steely. "They're working hard to get some bloody money flowing through this area again, so hows about we leave them to their tasks while the three of us take a little stroll to wherever you were s'posed to go after doing the deed, yeah?"

He glanced down at Naruto briefly, surprised to find himself somewhat miffed about the existence of an underage bounty hunter. His pause for effect became pregnant faster than he would have liked.

"Or maybe just you and me, ey?" He pointed between himself and Hei before squatting down to look the blond teenager in the eye. "Would ya like to stay here and play with Kreia, lad? Or maybe you could go get a snack while your dad makes the easiest money he'll ever make, yeah? My treat."

The normally gruff veteran looked up at Hei again, poison green eyes hardening.

"See I want names and locations of these fuckers who've been falsely accusing me, sharpish. That sound reasonable to you, Heishiki?"
Naruto didn't allow his blue-eyed gaze to leave Garrett's as the latter tried to intimidate him or genuinely saw the young shinobi as some kid. Whatever the case, Naruto steeled himself in order to not let the businessman's words bring out his brash nature.

"Heh, I'm not some kid that needs babysitting. Now, are you going to tell us about this big business plan of yours or not? Seems like you're just tryna waste our time. "

Naruto, though young, had matured quite considerably since he had first become a ninja. Arguably, he had probably experianced more in his 17 years on the planet than other shinobi his age had ever thought possible. If it weren't for the friends and trials along the path he had taken to become who he was today he wasn't quite sure who he'd be.

His relationship with Hei had developed into a full blown brotherhood as they had been through a lot of those trials together. Today was going to be no exception, though Naruto still had not quite understood why this man Garrett had become the subject of interest through the land. From the sounds of it, he had quite the influence in the area and if this bounty target could provide more answers into Hei's questions, perhaps Naruto could also find out more about the whereabouts of the guy who had tried to stop them from entering into the Underworld. It had been quite sometime since they first went into the Underworld and unfortunately at the time, it was vastly more important to stop the threats that lied in that god forsaken place than it was to try and become friends with the Jinchuuriki of the One Tails.

However, Naruto had no regrets, they had indeed triumphed and after all came back alive from that place despite the tremendous ordeal it was for everyone involved. Now it was time to find the other Tailed Beasts and make sure they were safe from the coming storms that would await them. He was sure he could convince them to help in the event that Humanity needed them, it was just a matter of finding them once more.
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Oct 1, 2010
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Naruto didn't allow his blue-eyed gaze to leave Garrett's as the latter tried to intimidate him or genuinely saw the young shinobi as some kid. Whatever the case, Naruto steeled himself in order to not let the businessman's words bring out his brash nature.
"Heh, I'm not some kid that needs babysitting. Now, are you going to tell us about this big business plan of yours or not? Seems like you're just tryna waste our time. "
Naruto, though young, had matured quite considerably since he had first become a ninja. Arguably, he had probably experianced more in his 17 years on the planet than other shinobi his age had ever thought possible. If it weren't for the friends and trials along the path he had taken to become who he was today he wasn't quite sure who he'd be.
His relationship with Hei had developed into a full blown brotherhood as they had been through a lot of those trials together. Today was going to be no exception, though Naruto still had not quite understood why this man Garrett had become the subject of interest through the land. From the sounds of it, he had quite the influence in the area and if this bounty target could provide more answers into Hei's questions, perhaps Naruto could also find out more about the whereabouts of the guy who had tried to stop them from entering into the Underworld. It had been quite sometime since they first went into the Underworld and unfortunately at the time, it was vastly more important to stop the threats that lied in that god forsaken place than it was to try and become friends with the Jinchuuriki of the One Tails.
However, Naruto had no regrets, they had indeed triumphed and after all came back alive from that place despite the tremendous ordeal it was for everyone involved. Now it was time to find the other Tailed Beasts and make sure they were safe from the coming storms that would await them. He was sure he could convince them to help in the event that Humanity needed them, it was just a matter of finding them once more.
This guy...

Hawke was the one wasting their time? The mere implication was almost criminal. He could almost feel Kreia's eyes burning a hole in the back of his head as he struggled to keep his calm. The old crone had a thousand and one ideas about how things like this should be handled. There were some irreconcilable philosophical differences between them, however: One of them being that Hawke simply could not stomach the taste of bullshit. The boy wanted the plan? Then have it he would.

"Well alright then," he responded with a stony look as he stood back up, eyes flicking over to Heishiki. "Maybe you've noticed, but the rules have changed, yeah? Now, I'm in the middle of shoring up some Gods-damned order in this place and some liar screwing with that is un-ac-fucking-ceptable."

Hawke cracked his neck and rolled his shoulder, loosening up his joints. This was the crux of the matter. "Now you lot look like people with better things to do than muck up my day, yeah? If you're these so-called Champions then I've no quarrel with ya, but I'll give both of youse your weight in gold to show me the way to where you were s'posed to take my corpse."

He looked over his shoulder again, just in time to catch a face-full of disapproval from Kreia. He decided to ignore it.

"I crack some eggs in trying times, gentlemen." He barred a wolfish grin at the duo. "We can do business or we can do business, but know that I'm an enemy who holds grudges." He let the seriousness of that hang in the air for a moment, staring at both of the men in turn. "You want words or violence?"


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Aug 25, 2010
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This guy...

Hawke was the one wasting their time? The mere implication was almost criminal. He could almost feel Kreia's eyes burning a hole in the back of his head as he struggled to keep his calm. The old crone had a thousand and one ideas about how things like this should be handled. There were some irreconcilable philosophical differences between them, however: One of them being that Hawke simply could not stomach the taste of bullshit. The boy wanted the plan? Then have it he would.

"Well alright then," he responded with a stony look as he stood back up, eyes flicking over to Heishiki. "Maybe you've noticed, but the rules have changed, yeah? Now, I'm in the middle of shoring up some Gods-damned order in this place and some liar screwing with that is un-ac-fucking-ceptable."

Hawke cracked his neck and rolled his shoulder, loosening up his joints. This was the crux of the matter. "Now you lot look like people with better things to do than muck up my day, yeah? If you're these so-called Champions then I've no quarrel with ya, but I'll give both of youse your weight in gold to show me the way to where you were s'posed to take my corpse."

He looked over his shoulder again, just in time to catch a face-full of disapproval from Kreia. He decided to ignore it.

"I crack some eggs in trying times, gentlemen." He barred a wolfish grin at the duo. "We can do business or we can do business, but know that I'm an enemy who holds grudges." He let the seriousness of that hang in the air for a moment, staring at both of the men in turn. "You want words or violence?"
Hei will also limber up a bit as Hawke did the same. Prepared for a fight if it was to come to that. Hei felt as though they were getting know where as he still didn't understand fully why the bounty was placed on Hawke as he wasn't getting a straight answer. Rather it seemed as though Hawke was deflecting the main question and instead offering an alterative path to take. Offering gold in place of their services. It was a strange thing to offer as Hei had made it clear that money wasn't the driving force for them seeking Hawke out. It felt like an offer of a corrupt man. Still, Hei didn't want to be so quick to judge as he can understand how both sides could feel as though their time was being wasted. Hei and Naruto had heard rumors of people finding themselves unable to die. It could be a direct result of the underworld's collapse partly caused by the champions themselves, falling victim to Pheta's master plan. It was something Hei and Naruto had not witnessed or tested as it would go against their nature.

"What can you tell use about this phenomenon you speak of. Have you experienced it?"

Hei would also continue to further ask questions to Hawke, not trying to sound as if he was interrogating him, but rather trying to truly get to the bottom of the situation. It was clear that Hawke would continue to deflect if question further about the events with the Inuzuka that lead to his bounty. Instead he would further question about this endeavor Hawke was offering and what he was offering.

"What exactly is it you're wanting us to do? And how much are you truly offering by saying 'our weight in gold?"
(I.E Kumi amount? and/or Ryo amount? what? lol)


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Oct 1, 2010
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Hei will also limber up a bit as Hawke did the same. Prepared for a fight if it was to come to that. Hei felt as though they were getting know where as he still didn't understand fully why the bounty was placed on Hawke as he wasn't getting a straight answer. Rather it seemed as though Hawke was deflecting the main question and instead offering an alterative path to take. Offering gold in place of their services. It was a strange thing to offer as Hei had made it clear that money wasn't the driving force for them seeking Hawke out. It felt like an offer of a corrupt man. Still, Hei didn't want to be so quick to judge as he can understand how both sides could feel as though their time was being wasted. Hei and Naruto had heard rumors of people finding themselves unable to die. It could be a direct result of the underworld's collapse partly caused by the champions themselves, falling victim to Pheta's master plan. It was something Hei and Naruto had not witnessed or tested as it would go against their nature.

"What can you tell use about this phenomenon you speak of. Have you experienced it?"

Hei would also continue to further ask questions to Hawke, not trying to sound as if he was interrogating him, but rather trying to truly get to the bottom of the situation. It was clear that Hawke would continue to deflect if question further about the events with the Inuzuka that lead to his bounty. Instead he would further question about this endeavor Hawke was offering and what he was offering.

"What exactly is it you're wanting us to do? And how much are you truly offering by saying 'our weight in gold?"
(I.E Kumi amount? and/or Ryo amount? what? lol)
"I've seen men who cannot die with my own two eyes." Hawke tapped his temple for effect. "And amazing as that may be it makes my skin crawl. New Gods and cosmic beings doing whatever they please because their enemies're greener than fresh grass."

Once again the gruff veteran began to pace, walking up and down the same imaginary line in front of Hei and Naruto that he did before.

"I like order-uh my kind of order," he corrected himself. "See I tell the lads all the time that I bloody well miss the Freehold, yeah? Stability, purpose, boundaries..." He listed the items off with his fingers, then snapped them and shook his head. "But now I come back from the West to find that we've all become fuckin' docile in the time it took the dust to settle over Chungsu."

Hawke stopped on a dime and shot a sour look at the two young - or so he thought - men in front of him.

"Kids these days won't do the dirty work to pick up the pieces, so here I am. Starting from scratch with a dozen Brothers and my noggin." He tapped his temple again and shot the duo a knowing look. "So to sum it up the, uh, phenomenon is screwing with things I know and like, so it needs to go." He made a slicing motion across his throat. "I don't care what it is."

"As for what I'm wantin' you to do..." A shrug. "Get your hands dirty or leave me be. The Inuzuka want my head for taking one of theirs in a fight. Eye for an eye. I'd do the same thing." A respectful nod followed, but then Hawke's eyes hardened again as flames slowly began to materialize and wrap themselves around his hands and feet. "But if you two try to do their dirty work for them then we have a problem, and I'll go very far for a very long time to pay you back."

We're talking about Ryo, btw, or IC 'gold,' or both I guess.

(Soshi Taijutsu) Elemental Taijutsu
Type: Attack
Rank: A
Range: Short-Medium
Chakara Cost: 40
Damgae: +15 to all Taijutsu(-5 per turn active)
Description: By focusing on the different elemental chakara's the user is able to manipulate them to fight in hand to hand combat while using their power. This jutsu is considered to be taijutsu and not ninjutsu.
Fire: The user hands and feet become fiery and burn with intense heat, giving the user flaming strikes. And can fire blast of fire opponent.
Wind: The users hands and feet become covered in wind chakara and gain immense cutting power. And can fire wind blasts at the opponent.
Water: The user hands and feet become covered with water and now have cutting power and have the user's hands have the abilty to handle immense heat. And can fire blast of water at the opponent.
Lightning: The user's hands and feet become covered with lightning and can use this to cut stronger, shock the opponent, and can send blast of lightning.
Earth: The user's hands and feet become much harder and give a stronger impact when meeting contact and allow the user to fire needles or rocks of earth at the opponent.
~This jutsu does not have a time limit itself for its not just a jutsu but a method of fighting. It can be activated at any period of time and released at any period of time. As long as its active the user is damaged in small amounts. The user can switch between elements, but the user cannot use jutsus of that element they are controlling~
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Aug 25, 2010
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"I've seen men who cannot die with my own two eyes." Hawke tapped his temple for effect. "And amazing as that may be it makes my skin crawl. New Gods and cosmic beings doing whatever they please because their enemies're greener than fresh grass."

Once again the gruff veteran began to pace, walking up and down the same imaginary line in front of Hei and Naruto that he did before.

"I like order-uh my kind of order," he corrected himself. "See I tell the lads all the time that I bloody well miss the Freehold, yeah? Stability, purpose, boundaries..." He listed the items off with his fingers, then snapped them and shook his head. "But now I come back from the West to find that we've all become fuckin' docile in the time it took the dust to settle over Chungsu."

Hawke stopped on a dime and shot a sour look at the two young - or so he thought - men in front of him.

"Kids these days won't do the dirty work to pick up the pieces, so here I am. Starting from scratch with a dozen Brothers and my noggin." He tapped his temple again and shot the duo a knowing look. "So to sum it up the, uh, phenomenon is screwing with things I know and like, so it needs to go." He made a slicing motion across his throat. "I don't care what it is."

"As for what I'm wantin' you to do..." A shrug. "Get your hands dirty or leave me be. The Inuzuka want my head for taking one of theirs in a fight. Eye for an eye. I'd do the same thing." A respectful nod followed, but then Hawke's eyes hardened again as flames slowly began to materialize and wrap themselves around his hands and feet. "But if you two try to do their dirty work for them then we have a problem, and I'll go very far for a very long time to pay you back."

We're talking about Ryo, btw, or IC 'gold,' or both I guess.

(Soshi Taijutsu) Elemental Taijutsu
Type: Attack
Rank: A
Range: Short-Medium
Chakara Cost: 40
Damgae: +15 to all Taijutsu(-5 per turn active)
Description: By focusing on the different elemental chakara's the user is able to manipulate them to fight in hand to hand combat while using their power. This jutsu is considered to be taijutsu and not ninjutsu.
Fire: The user hands and feet become fiery and burn with intense heat, giving the user flaming strikes. And can fire blast of fire opponent.
Wind: The users hands and feet become covered in wind chakara and gain immense cutting power. And can fire wind blasts at the opponent.
Water: The user hands and feet become covered with water and now have cutting power and have the user's hands have the abilty to handle immense heat. And can fire blast of water at the opponent.
Lightning: The user's hands and feet become covered with lightning and can use this to cut stronger, shock the opponent, and can send blast of lightning.
Earth: The user's hands and feet become much harder and give a stronger impact when meeting contact and allow the user to fire needles or rocks of earth at the opponent.
~This jutsu does not have a time limit itself for its not just a jutsu but a method of fighting. It can be activated at any period of time and released at any period of time. As long as its active the user is damaged in small amounts. The user can switch between elements, but the user cannot use jutsus of that element they are controlling~
Hei could tell that what Hawke spoke was true, but perhaps it was more revealing then he might have wanted to lead on. Though it appeared that the phenomenon was true after all, so where Hawke's corrupt views. While he could make a potential ally in the fight against whatever threat was come, it was only serve to boost Hawke's own personal gain and not the benefit humanity at large. What Hei neglected to mention is that he has a close friend within the Inuzuka clan giving him strong ties to them. Though the conundrum was difficult Hei only had his morals to fall back to. Though he had began to question them, as the underworld has changed his outlook. He still will not waver from them as he believed a strong moral compass was still required to bring the world back to a somewhat stable existence.

"I decline your offer. While it is true that you could make a powerful ally, it is also true you can become an even more powerful threat when all is done. You could easily climb the chaos to gain influence and power, replacing the threat that we could potentially defeat together."

Hei spoke with conviction. Displaying his incorruptible values. Then, with his eyes transcending, the veins around his Byakugan will pulsate as the faded golden color becomes stronger with a strong golden lotus pattern of the Tenseigan. As he did this he will also draw upon his sword ancestral sword; Brightroar. It's white aura seeping off it as it begins to drain at his chakra.

"Joining forces with you will come at too much of a cost. I'd not only lose allies, but also help pave the way for your rise. I believe it's more beneficial to stop you now and strengthen the ties I already have.. Are you ready Naruto?"

( Doujutsu: Tenseigan ) - Eye Technique: Reincarnation Eye
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( -10 per turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: The Tenseigan (転生眼, Literally meaning: Reincarnation Eye) is a powerful dōjutsu utilized by the Ōtsutsuki clan. The combination of the Byakugan and the chakra of an Ōtsutsuki clan member can evolve the Byakugan into the Tenseigan, resulting in the loss of the Byakugan's quasi-omnidirectional and distanced vision.The Tenseigan allows the user to control both attractive and repulsive forces, similar to the Rinnegan's Deva Path. The user's eyes are on the same level as the Mangekyou Sharingan in terms of tracking and chakra perception. Additionally, it also grants the wielder the ability to use Tenseigan Chakra Mode; gaining additional increases in speed, agility and power.
Note: Requires activation (spending move) for Otsutsuki bios but remains active indefinitely afterwards if the user chooses to. After having a complete Otsutsuki bio with Tenseigan for 1 month, user becomes able to switch between both doujutsu without spending a move. User needs to have activated Byakugan before and had it active for 1 full turn.
Note: Toneri is unable to deactivate his upon it's activation, becoming his default eye state.
Note: When active, the user loses all access to Byakugan related abilities and instead gains Tenseigan effects.
(Jingi: Akarui) - Sacred Treasure: Brightroar
Type: Weapon
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Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 70 (-40 per turn)
Damage points: 100 + 50 = 150
Description: Brightroar is an ancestral blade of the Otsutsuki, passed down though millennia. Described as being a white bladed longsword with a dark brown hilt wrapped in leather and a golden guard and pommel that creates a soft and simplistic design. When wielded the blade will instantly drain a massive amount of chakra from the user and excrete a translucent white aura of yang energy around the blade that uses Senjutsu as a medium to maintain stability. The sword will continue to drain the users chakra allowing them to wield and manipulate this yang aura around the blade to form any geometric shape, only limited in scope to a short ranged area. The sword needs to be in physical possession of the user in order to manipulate the yang aura and cannot be manipulated at a distance. The user cannot reshape the aura while using his chakra for another technique. Using the sword outside of reshaping it, either for attack or defense counts as one of the user's three moves per turn. Due to the nature of possessing Senjutsu the blade can be a potent weapon against spiritual techniques such as Yin Release’s Hands of Sloth, able to interact with techniques of this type as normal. Although Brightroar is a powerful weapon, it does come with it's drawbacks. First is it's immense chakra cost and drain, rapidly taxing the users Senjutsu. Second is that the constant flow of Yang prevents the user from using Genjutsu, Yin Release and Yin-Yang Release while wielding Brightroar.
-Can only be used by biographies with Senjutsu or Six Paths Senjutsu
-The user cannot use Yin release while wielding Brightroar
-Can only be used by biographies with Yang Specialty.
-Can only be used by Serpent
Heishiki Otsutsuki:
Chakra: 3750 - 90 = 3660
Health: 250
Speed: 60
Tracking: 114

(I will post other prebattle and relevant techniques in the battle thread)
Official Challenge with @Geezus to @ZK
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Active member
Oct 1, 2010
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Annoyed by the prospect of getting bogged down in a useless battle Hawke simply throws down a smokebomb and tactically retreats, declining the challenge due to a lack of offensive action and leaving the LM behind.
  • Wow
Reactions: Geezus


Active member
Aug 25, 2010
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In plum of smoke it would appear Hawke will try to give Naruto and Hei the slip, evading a battle. Hei didn't expect the man to flee so cowardly. Instead of pursuing him turns to Naruto and explains that they should further investigate the bounty itself and see what is the cause for such a high value target. with that the duo continue onward.



Active member
Aug 21, 2010
Trait Points

"Haha, noo, of course not. We just refer to her as our mother, silly." Grus replied with laughter at Barney's previous question. They finally reached the land and flew across. Barney threw a last glance at the sea, as they passed it further and it kept vanishing from his sight. Looking in front of himself, Barney could only see land and it was a weird feeling. He spent most of his time close to a body of water, and parting with it now, especially at such a height was certainly a new experience that Barney had to get used to.
"You should meet with her, you know." said Grus as Barney hugged her neck tightly because the winds increased, threatening to throw him off her back.
"Maybe." said Barney as he looked into the distance.

Leaving landmark.​


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Alucard continued to his goal, floating in the air on his platform. His aim was to stride through the iron peninsula before heading towards the bay.
