Tanishi (131)


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Oct 1, 2010
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While the Cataclysm has claimed much of the shore, Tanishi still stands as a fundamentally advantageous location to establish energy-gathering methods. Though wind was once its primary crowning achievement, Asterion has now converted the flatlands into hardened, deeply packed sand and rock with only minimal overgrowth from neighboring regions flowing in from its edges, where upon the newfound stern foundations laid here, has been built numerous Warcamps that can be noted from several regions away due to the bellowing smoke that is left to the air from their forges and feasts that are held daily, following every ""hunt"" they partake in as they pillage neighboring regions relentlessly.
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Active member
Nov 29, 2011
Trait Points
Arriving From:

Chapter 2 – A Surprising Find

Nate had been traveling through the night, the wind was strong and cold, his eyes were fixed on the road ahead. The night sky and the stars had slowly been replaced with the rising sun and clouds moving in from the north. It was going to rain later today. As Nate whipped the horse leading the carriage, it led him through the flatlands of Tanishi, the wind only getting stronger, he rode past several windmills, both old and new. Some of them were constructed of metal and were somewhat new, while there were also older windmills around the landscape in the distance, these were made of wood and were generally inhabited by farmers or else they had been abandoned for better options of those whom had previously lived there. His journey took him towards the northern part of Tanishi, not only because of the scroll and gem showing him the next destination of his quest. He needed to find what the scroll and gem wanted him to find, but more importantly to him right now was to find Sully and save his friend.

Nate had traveled down dusty roads, through towns and villages, seeing the people going about their lives, children running through the streets playing tag or other games. Street vendors trying to sell their goods, guards and police managing the populace. There were not really any signs of a region in turmoil or having any sort of trouble, it seemed like they were having decent lives with the heavy industry that surrounded their market, driven by the windmills. Nate had traveled far in a short period of time, and it could be seen on the horse, it was extraordinarily exhausted. It was when Nate arrived in a lightly forestated area with a few small hills, that he left the horse and carriage by a small local inn by the side of the road, handing it over to the owner. He had to proceed by foot from here on out, to remain unnoticed if there were any bandits in the area, especially since he was close to the so-called mansion that the two ninjas were talking about back in the hot springs’ region. Carrying the scroll, gem and map in his satchel, he made his way into the forest area.

As he traversed through the woods, the forest itself thickens visibly. After several hours of moving between trees, jumping over fallen branches and going around large thorny bushes, his path became darker, even during the daylight hours. It took Nate several hours, surprisingly the woods were more difficult to traverse than he had first anticipated. It was not until he came closer to the mansion, that the forest began to get more open and the daylight would break through the tree crowns above. As he came closer, he could see the towers standing from the mansion, some windows were broken and one of the towers were partly broken. He began to move slower and with more care to not make any noise as he came to the edge of the forest, he could see that the mansion was lying on a small hill with a stone wall surrounding it. It was not a very tall one, but it was an obstacle that could prove difficult to get past, as he could not walk through the main entrance. As far as he could see there were no sign of bandits let alone Sully. There were no carriages, or anything outside the mansion and he could hear nothing coming from it.

Nate leapt over a large fallen oak tree, and landed in a small river below, it splashed quite a lot making his pants and shoes wet, but the noise was deafened by the small waterfall nearby. He snuck through the river, up to the cliff side of the mansion. From there, he would sit down for a moment to pull out the rope and one of the hooks he had bought on the island. Tying the rope around the hook, he would stand up, he took his time to throw it up above the cliff, aiming it at the wall, attempting to lock it in place so that he could climb up above the wall and sneak into the mansion. Of course, this is no easy task for someone who generally has little experience in such things, but he managed to do so after a few attempts, as the hook and rope would wrap around a fallen wooden plank, that had fallen from the tower and broken some of the wall and locked itself in place. Nate climbed the cliff and the wall, jumping over the side landing in grass that was as high as his waist, obviously this place had been abandoned many years ago. He left the rope and the hook in place, could be his way out if something unexpected would happen. Nate would find a broken door, moving the wooden pieces out of the way and sneak into the abandoned mansion.

Now all Nate could think of was why the ninjas had told him that they would bring Sully to this mansion, when there was no sign of them or Sully. There was not a single thing that gave away that there had been anyone in a long time, the dust was covering everything, broken glass windows, wood and stone lying across the floor. Some of the paintings on the wall were broken or torn as well, the chandelier in the dining hall was still hanging but the roof above was cracked and it was just barely hanging. It was not until Nate came upon the old study on the third floor, that he noticed something. The study was probably the biggest room he had seen in the mansion yet, and the windows were all stained glass of different colors, a large desk was near the end and the walls were filled with shelves covered in dusty old books and parchment. There was not much that may have intrigued a normal person by this place, however, it did not take Nate long to notice it. There on the desk, there it was, a symbol that he had seen before. He pulled out his notebook, scrolling through it until he found it. That symbol was the same as the one that was on the scroll he had found, it could not be a coincidence. He moved around the desk, searching it, trying to figure out why this desk had that symbol on it. It took him a moment to notice that under the desk there was a smaller symbol, and he saw that there was a hidden compartment. He managed to break it open. Though he was met with disappointment, the compartment was empty, though he noticed that there was an imprint of a key, that had been there, but now it was gone, there was no dust in that area. This however, also meant something else, that the ninjas had spoken the truth, the bandits had been here, and they had found the key, no doubt by forcing Sully to help them, since Nate had told him and shown him everything about it. But where would that key lead.

It was while he walked the length of the study, that he was pondering over the key, the meaning of the symbol and how this mansion was involved. Now that he came to think more about it he began to recall some things that his subconscious had registered along the way, but he had not thought about until now. This symbol was more than one place in this mansion, he turned and noticed a stone at the center of the room, it had that same symbol on it as well as an arrow pointing directly towards the door. It was an arrow to guide you to the next stone. He walked fast, almost running from room to room, following the direction of the stones, he got closer and closer, he could feel it. As he came to a big room, he ran through the door, to find a large room with paintings of people across both sides of the walls, they were all wearing the same outfit, most likely the family that had lived here. More disturbing though, was that the door that Nate entered from was the only way in and out, no windows at all, only the light from the door lighting up the room. Why would the stone lead him here, he looked around to try and search for the symbol or something that would give him the next clue? It was when he walked across the room, that he felt the floor beneath him give away to his weight, it was a wooden floor! Nate removed the carpet to find a wooden door to a hidden passage, it bore the same symbol. This is what the bandits had been looking for, and they had found it, he could see that it had been opened recently, they had probably found what they had been looking for and left.

A few moments later, Nate was walking through the catacombs, he had lit a torch so that he at least had some light to guide his way. As he moved through it, there were not many passages down there, he could see that there were a lot of bones and skulls on the floor, even dead animals, the walls had spaces where chests had been placed with the dead in them. The catacombs were dark, wet and damp ground. On the walls and roof there were patterns of white web-work and some of it was dangling down in front of Nate as he walked onward through the catacombs. The catacombs were straight forward, there were no need for confusion, as the stone with the symbol and arrow re-appeared on the wall every now and then guiding Nate through the passageways. As he continued, he felt as if he began to walk downward, he was moving deeper into the ground. After he walked for what seemed like an hour, he arrived into a large circular room, it was lit up. He looked up to see that there were openings in the ceiling above, he was somewhere underground but there were holes above lighting up the room to some extent, he had no idea where this was on the surface. At the center of the room there was a sarcophagus, it had the same symbol on it, it was made of solid rock. Along the walls there were ten statues, all of them bearing the same crest on their chest, each of them wielding a spear pointing down towards the sarcophagus. The sarcophagus was twice the size of a human, but how could it hold anything but a human, Nate could not believe that there could be anything else in there. Nate stood close to it, as he let the torch light it up, he studied the symbols across the side of it, he had never seen anything like it before in the world, but they did bear resemblance to the ones on the scroll, this was the place. What Nate and the bandits were searching for, must be or at least have been inside this sarcophagus. Nate tried with every fiber in his body to push the lid off the sarcophagus, but it just did not budge. He had to get it open and see for himself. Nate decided to change things up a bit, he used the ground below to create a staff made of solid rock, he managed to place it in between the lid and the sarcophagus itself. Currently, Nate was balancing on top of that pole sticking out of the Sarcophagus. He jumped as high into the air as he possible could while then performing a single hand seal. As Nate came back down upon the pole, the lid of the sarcophagus would be lifted off, almost like a catapult sending a rock flying, in this case sending it flying and crashing into one of the statues at the base, though not with enough strength to break the statue. This was because of Nate having increased his weight momentarily. As he had landed, he turned to face the now open sarcophagus.

(Doton no Jutsu) - Earth Release Technique
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: D
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 10
Damage: 20
Descripton: Creates small pillars of earth, small tools, and small shields of earth

(Doton: Kajūgan no Jutsu) - Earth Style: Added Weight Rock Technique
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A ( +20 if used to add damage)
Description: The user will perform the Snake handseal and touch a given target (he needs to use his hands in most cases but can release the technique through his whole body if needed) for a small time frame. Upon doing so, he'll use the earth chakra to increase the weight of the target drastically. The technique can increase the targets weight up to 10 times. One interesting side effect of the technique is that when its used on wood based techniques (such as Zetsu's spore clones or normal wood), the infusion of large amounts of earth chakra into it will actually petrify the target in addition to increasing its weight. A similar effect can be achieved in other earthen materials such as mud. The user can also add weight to a given attack (if feasible) to increase both momentum and impact force, effectively adding damage to it.
Note: The weight change lasts 2 turns or until countered.

What he found inside was astonishing, the mummified body that had been placed inside, it was almost twice the height of a normal man, how could this be, this was not human, or was it, really, he could not tell. But most importantly he found that the sarcophagus was filled with silver coins. Why would someone leave these coins behind, he took out one, it was still shining, he looked at it for a moment before realizing what was on the coin. He took out the map laying it out on top of the side of the sarcophagus, where he would look at the map, studying it closely before finding it. This was it, he was on the trail of Hyperborea. The coin showed a specific place on the map, it was to the north, the snowy regions of the north, the islands and the main island, it showed exactly where to go. As Nate let out a chuckle, he figured that the bandits would also have found this out and have placed the lid back on the sarcophagus to make sure that them having been there would have gone unnoticed. Of course, usually no one would desecrate a burial place, but Nate had done so for good reason. This was what the scroll and gem had led him to find, it was what he had been searching for. There were more pressing matters however, where was Sully, where was the bandits, they must still be in Tanishi but if they had found what he had found, they would not be here for long. He looked at the map trying to figure out where they would have gone, but there were so many options, the harbor to the north, the town to the north east, or maybe some hidden camp somewhere in between. It was while Nates’ brain was working overtime, trying to figure out where they could have gone, that he heard something, a few rocks fell from the ceiling above, it hit the ground a few meters behind him. Someone else was in this room, and he had not noticed. Had this person been here all along or had they snuck in here, if so that person would have been following him since he got to the mansion. Nate began to roll up the map, placing it back in his satchel, he at the same time picked up a few shuriken in hand. He held them in hand, and with a quick turn, he sent them flying up towards the ceiling. He managed to get a glimpse of someone’s eyes as the figure quickly moved out the way of the shuriken that got stuck in the ceiling, the shadow leapt from the roof onto a statue, standing slightly behind it, hiding its appearance, Nate just barely managed to notice its movements.

Nate: “Show yourself!” Nate yelled out towards the shadow standing on the statue, he wanted to know who it was and why he had been watching him all this time.

The shadow jumped down onto the floor in front of Nate, walking out of the shadows to reveal a man wearing a trench coat covering over his ninja attire, a black vest and pouches covering different parts, a knife attached to his left boot. He did not wear the same crest as the bandits, but he did have a symbol on his trench coat that Nate recognized, this person was a member of a group of assassins for hire. Nate stood with his satchel in hand, looking straight at him.

Nate: “Who are you, and why are you here?”

???: “Let’s see, I’m here to kill you, my employer does not fancy someone snooping around in his matters… as for who I am, let’s just call me the assassin.”

Nate figured this person was strong, since he was hired by the bandits he must have proven skill, most likely worth the title of assassin, even though he is not so sneaky at this time. Nate looked around, it seemed the possible exit was the same way he came from. Or, perhaps he had another way out, the light from above, it came from a few openings, perhaps he could get out that way. He quickly jumped over the sarcophagus and dashed up the statue, where at the head of it he would jump up reaching for the opening with his free hand.

???: “It’s futile, you cannot escape my grasp.”

As Nate heard those words, something wrapped around his leg, and pulled him down towards the ground, he turned his body sideways to see a whip had been wrapped around his leg. He landed quite heavy on the ground, as dust and dirt flew into the air, he coughed. He looked up, just in time to see the assassin jumping through the air, coming down through the dust with a drawn blade. As the sword came dangerously close to Nate, he swung his satchel smashing the sword sideways, out of reach as he kicked the assassin over him and towards the wall with both his legs, before he quickly removed the whip and got up. The assassin was already upon him as he got up. Nate did not have a sword of his own, he had only brought rope, kunai, shuriken and hooks, his arsenal was limited. The assassin lunged forward, extending his arm, thrusting the blade for his chest. He managed to duck down and move sideways, as his palm struck upwards hitting the assassin’s hand, smashing the blade up and sending it flying into the air, as Nate sent his leg into the assassin’s stomach. His leg was caught between the stomach and his arm, the assassin also had a grasp on his throat. He had to move quickly, he dropped the satchel, as he punched him in the elbow bruising it as he let go, and as he did he jumped sending his other leg into his stomach, sending him flying backwards as he let go of his leg. Nate landed on the ground, he quickly got up, putting the satchel over his shoulder. The assassins used his sleeve to remove some blood from his lips, while Nate could feel some of the bruises on his body from the fall.

???: “Not bad… lets’ see how you fare against this!”

As the assassin finished his sentence, he had thrown several shuriken towards Nate as he began dashing towards him ready to strike.

Somewhere in the “Fortress” …

Sully was sitting in a chair, his hands bound on the back, his feet tied to the chair legs. He had been beaten, his lip was bleeding, his face was bruised, he had several cuts on his arms and burns on his chest. He was in an open room, the light shined through the window upon him. He was tired, the guards, the men who came each hour to interrogate him, refused to let him sleep, all he thought of was where was Nate in all this, was he alive, was he going to come and rescue him. Sully tried to think of ways to get out of this mess, he tried to figure out who these guys were, but there was nothing he could come up with to get himself out of this predicament. It was at this moment the door to the room opened, this time it was someone else who entered the room, someone Sully knew, someone from his past…


Active member
Nov 29, 2011
Trait Points

Chapter 3 – Chaos in the Catacombs

The shuriken were flying at Nate, his options few, his mind wandering as he tried to figure out what to do. He managed to pull out his water bottle, blocking the shuriken thrown as they got stuck in the water bottle. He immediately threw it aside, as the assassin took a few steps forward as he drew his whip. It had a sharp spear like end, and as he stepped forward the whip was being swung in what looked like an uncontrollable manner, as the whip flew around in all sorts of directions. As Nate ran forward, pulling out a dagger from his back, he was prepared to fight him up close, but out of what seemed like nowhere the assassin made a quick twirl with the whip and the whip became more predictable, but it was so incredible fast, as the edge of the whip came at him. Nate just barely managed to step sideways as the whip grazed his cheek, and to show how sharp it was, it cut off a few pieces of air. As Nate continued his unrelenting approach, the whip having gone past him, he thought he was safe. However, the assassin leaped forward, twirling in the air with the whip, so that the whip wrapped around Nate and he was swung to the side, sending him flying towards one of the statues.

As Nate hits the statue, he utilizes it to push off, as he dashes forward towards the assassin, as he sends his whip flying towards Nate once more. He uses the dagger to block the whip which wraps around the dagger. Nate continued to run forward, as the assassin pulled the whip towards him, trying to drag Nate to him, as he dashed forward. As they were about to connect, the assassin jumped up, sending a side kick towards Nate to take him down. Nate had, however, calculated the outcome and saw the kick coming as he jumped. Grabbing the leg mid-air, he pushed the leg upwards sending the assassin into a backwards flip, while Nate would then proceed to jump into the air and deliver a powerful kick to the back of the assassin sending him flying backwards, with his whip still attached to the dagger, it ripped it from Nates grasp, something he had not calculated. He now stood unarmed, as the assassin got up sliding across the floor, whip in hand, the dagger stuck in the ground.

Nate: “Again… who are you?”

Nate could feel the pain from the bruises as he stretched his upper body, holding a hand to his stomach. He figured he would have to find a way out of this situation before it got any worse, he had never faced someone with a whip before, at least someone who wielded it with such proficiency.

Teno: “My name is Teno, I’m master of the whip in the assassin organization…”

So that was who he was, Teno, that bastard, trying to kill Nate and working for some criminals. It was at this moment when Nate was thinking and most vulnerable, as his guard was down, that the assassin caused a pillar to erupt beneath Nate sending him flying into the air uncontrollable, while he himself jumped into the air using his whip to pull the dagger from the ground sending it towards Nate from the side, while he himself was approaching from the front. The dagger, struck Nate in his left arm, piercing his skin and muscles, the pain excruciating, as he continued to twirl through the air towards Teno. As the two of them collided in mid-air it would be with both trading blows, kicks flying left and right, punches landing on the body and on the face constantly. Teno utilized the whip to wrap around Nates wounded arm, pulling him towards him to punch him in the face, when Nate pulled the dagger from the arm, he tried to stop Teno’s fist but thrust the dagger into his hand, causing a gaping wound as blood dripped from it, Teno sent Nate flying into the sarcophagus with a round house kick. Nate hit the sarcophagus rather hard as he rolled down onto the ground, he slowly got up, as Teno pulled the blade, he was furious.

Teno use:
(Doton no Jutsu) - Earth Release Technique
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: D
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 10
Damage: 20
Descripton: Creates small pillars of earth, small tools, and small shields of earth

Nate: “Oh no… are you alright?” Nate said with the most sarcastic voice he could possibly perform at the time.

Teno: “Tis but a flesh wound… I’ll fuckin cut your head off!”

Nate: “Oh noooo…. I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!”

Okay, now Nate was just straight up taunting Teno, he wanted to infuriate him even more so that he could not concentrate, making the fight more reasonable for Nate, or possibly create an opening where he could escape the situation at hand. It was at this time, that Teno released a fireball towards Nate, it burned the bones on the ground to a crisp and it lit up the tomb as the approached Nate as the light grew larger. He quickly reacted by stepping forward placing his arm in front of himself creating a reasonable large shield of water to protect himself from the fire. As a result, the two techniques collided as Nate was pushed back by the fireballs momentum, though the fire dissipated together with the shield, creating a small fog that began to cover the tomb. Though just as the fire and water dissipated into nothing, Teno appeared in a leaping position right behind where the fire had been, his sword extended to the side as he swung it towards Nate, he intended to decapitate him right there and then. Nate had to think fast, if he didn’t want to be beheaded there and then, he slammed his hands together creating a hand seal, and just as the sword was about to collide his neck, his body turned into a black state, where his skin had become like steel. The sword collided and it instantly splintered into several pieces, as Nate jumped forward with both legs smashing into Teno, sending him backwards, and as Nate landed he quickly flipped up to his feet again where he slammed his palm upon the ground causing several pillars to erupt from the ground below, one of them rising Nate high up towards the opening in the ceiling, the other pillars aimed at blocking Tenos’ view of him as well as barricading him in the tomb, making for an escape. The last thing Nate heard before he jumped through the hole in the ceiling was Teno yelling that this wasn’t the last time the two of them would meet.

Teno Usage:
(Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu) - Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
Description: After performing the necessary hand seals Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger, a ninja inhales air, and utilizing a large amount of fire chakra, spews a large fireball from their mouth after blowing through a ring made by the thumb and index finger of the user, incinerating everything in range. The fireball ignites externally. The fire ball can present itself in 2 forms: it can either be created by a stream of fire and sustained as a gigantic ball of flames in front of the user spanning up to short range or be released as a slightly smaller ball of fire which will travel towards the enemy up to mid range.

( Kumo-Ryū Omotegiri ) - Cloud-Style Front Beheading
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage: 30
Description: The user slashes forwards in front of them with their sword to strike the enemy target.

Nate Usage:
(Suiton: Junsai no Jutsu) - Water Release: Water Shield Technique
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: D
Range: Short
Chakra: 10
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will manipulate their water chakra and releasing it from their arm which is held outwards infront of them and they then create a shield of water that can aide in defence against projectile weapons and close combat techniques.

(Doton: Domu) – Earth Release: Earth Spear Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A (+40 to physical attacks)
Description: After performing the Snake hand seal the user will channel their chakra throughout their entire body, which then hardens their skin to a steel-like quality. This increases their defensive power to the utmost limits. The user’s skin also becomes much darker, an almost black colour. The destructive power of physical attacks is increased, making this a great, all purpose technique. But this technique when activated leaves the user vulnerable to lightning based techniques.
Note: Kakuzu bios can use this technique without the need for handseals

(Doton: Kujo Joushou Iwa Chuuseki) - Earth Release: Destructive Rising Rock Pillars
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Mid-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: This jutsu causes gigantic pillars of rock to forcefully emerge from the ground. This is a even greater scaled Earth Release: Rising Spikes and is large enough to impale a summoning technique.

As Nate leapt through the ceiling, he could hear some of the pillars crumble, and he could hear yelling from below, he rolled a rock across the ceiling hole closing it behind him quickly, as he began to run into the forest where he had come from. Surprisingly enough the hole and the tomb were not that far away from neither the forest nor the mansion itself. He had managed to escape the kludges of the assassin this time, but what would happen the next time the two of them met, would he successfully sneak up on Nate and assassinate him or would it turn into a fight to the death for both. Nate would sure hope that neither of them would meet again. As he continued into the forest, he managed to find a hollow oak tree, where he hid in for the time being, pulling out some bandages from his satchel he quickly wrapped it around his wounded arm, tying it as well as he could. He got some stuff to drink and a bit to eat, before he got up to continue moving forward. He looked at the map as he hid in the shadows of the woods. He saw that there were some small villages and towns around, and there was a town right on top of a valley or what could be a river and some cliffs. It was the closest town to where he was, and he would need some medical attention. He did not know if Teno can follow his tracks, but he did try to hide them and move in the shadows of the forest, as he made his way towards the valley.

Nate would come out through the forest onto a dirt road leading straight towards the town or city. He continued down that road for quite a long time, he was surprised though, there seemed to be no traffic on the road as if it had been deserted. That was highly unusual, considering all he had heard about the region, as being highly populated and booming with industry. As Nate continued, he finally came upon the valley. He could see the ocean on the other side of the valley, and beyond the ocean he could see some icebergs and islands in the distance, just barely that is. The valley on the other hand, the large town was very loud, he could see the windmills standing around outside the valley, providing for the industry in the town. The river running through the valley, he could see wooden bridges crossing the valley as the town was built into the sides of the valley in several levels, and in the middle, there were platforms where airships were stationed. This was one of the more industrialized places, a lot of people were moving around down there as far as he could see, he could also see the market place was filled with people and the vendors were busy, shops everywhere. However, what caught his eye after standing there at the edge above the valley, was that some of the airships had same symbol as the bandits or criminal organization that he had faced from that island, and the ones in the hot springs. Furthermore, he noticed some soldiers or thugs walking around in the valley. It did not take long for Nate to come to think, that he had just found one of the main bases of this criminal organization. He had to move forward with caution. A slight glimmer of hope arrived, as he came to think that hopefully Sully was in this town held captive by these terrible criminals. He was going to find a place to quickly get stitched up and then he would proceed to find Sully, interrogate some of the guards or whatever he needed to do, to find his friend. Nothing was going to stand in his way of finding and rescuing his friend and mentor. He did notice that some of the airships with the symbol on them had taken off and could be seen in the distance, flying towards the land of snow and the islands in the distance, most likely they had found out the same that Nate had in the catacombs, and were now on a journey to find the treasure that they all sought. He was yet to understand why they wanted it, but Nate was now determined to stop them from attaining it, in the process of finding it himself obviously, he was too curious to not pursue this cause.



Active member
Nov 29, 2011
Trait Points

Chapter 4 – Extracting Victor “God Damn” Sullivan

Nate had been sitting on the edge of the valley, observing it and its people as well as the bandits and airships moving around the area. He had found a decent place to hide in some bushes at the outskirts of the town. It provided decent cover, allowing him to quickly patch up his injured arm, which had began pulsating mere moments ago. After taking a short amount of time, thanks to his observations he had found patterns in their movements as if some of them were guards, though he could not seem to find the place Sully was held captive. Perhaps this was the wrong place after all. His injured arm was pulsating, he had wrapped it in some bandages and it would be fine for now. It was first after one or two hours of observation, he had lost track of time, that he decided to move. He made his way down into the valley, sneaking from the surrounding bushes and trees, until it turned into houses, buildings, roads, alleyways, wooden bridges etc. He was on the higher level of the valley, where the airships were “parked”, and there were only a few guards around them and some walking the streets, the only way to get down was to crawl down the sides or to walk down the wooden stairs which were crawling with guards and regular towns folk. He could not risk being seen, at least not yet. He snuck through the alley ways, trying to find a guard that were by himself, it took a while before he came across a shipment of boxes, it came from the Sea Archipelago, though it did not say what it contained. They were being checked by a single guard, before it would be transported onto the airships. Nate would sneak up on this single guard, after observing his surroundings, seeing his superior officer leave the area, there he would grab the guard over his mouth, holding his arms behind his back as he dragged him into the darkness. Sitting down the terrified guard, he placed a knife to his throat while holding his hand over his mouth.

Nate: “Alright listen, I do not want to hurt you, I just want some information… do you understand?”

The guard’s eyes were wet, with tears, he was clearly terrified out of his mind. Unusual, since the other guards were not terrified when facing him, perhaps this was something else. The guard nodding frantically, before Nate removed his hand to let him speak.

Nate: “Now I seek my friend Sully… he usually wears a Havana shirt, smokes a lot of cigars and he is grey haired, wrinkly and old…”

Guard: “I saw them arrived… a day or two ago… they took a man down into the mines below the valley, don’t know if that is your friend…”

Nate: “Thanks…” Nate looked curiously at the man. “Why are you afraid of me?” He asked while removing the blade from his throat, still sitting in front of him.

Guard: “Be… Because, I am not really a guard, like a lot of the people working for that guy… we have been forced into working for him…”

Nate: “I see, well if you run off now and hide or leave the region I won’t say anything… you do know a way out?”

Guard: “Yes… yes I do… but I’ll first leave when it is less suspicious than now…”

Nate: “Alright thanks for your help… now run off and do your duty.”

As Nate finished, the guard quickly got up and ran back to his shipment to continue his work, seemingly without any hinderance. Nate would leave the same way that he had come down the alley, now he had to make his way down to the bottom level, to get into the mine without being noticed. This was going to be difficult. As he made his way through the alleys, he made sure that he was not followed, neither were seen, and when he made his way into the street, he managed to take a coat, hat, scarf, and glasses off of several different people passing through a large crowd, so as he entered the crowd he was Nathan Drake, but when he came out on the other side, he had turned into a cloaked figure. He managed to move through the levels down towards the mining area, rather smoothly, not a single person seemed to have noticed him, not until he came to the passageway down to the mining level. It was guarded, and what was worse, was that the checkpoint required I.D. and you had to show your face. There was no way he could get past that without seeming suspicious at the least. He would be better off finding another way to get down there. He made his way into a small building by the side, there he got rid of the clothe and glasses that he had acquired, jumped out the window and began crawling down the side of the walls to get to the lowest level. As he finally got to the bottom, jumping down onto the ground, he landed in a pile of hay, so dusty, it almost made him cough. He managed to make his way out of the hay and began to move around. His clothe filled with hay and dust. When he walked around the area, or rather, sneaking around, he found the entrance to the mine. It was dimly lit, the passageway, however, it was rather unusual since there were no guards in front of the passageway. He had to proceed with caution.

As Nate made his way down the passageway, lit by the torches hanging on the walls, the rubble and stone lying around were no bother to pass, the road was well cleared. Nate did not notice anything suspicious on the way into the mine, he did not see any traps, he did not hear any clattering from the mining either though, it was strange all of it. It was not until he got closer to the end of it, that he could hear talking, he hid behind a large rock, where he could hear some men talk about what a drag it was to just stand guard and wait for their boss to return. Really this place seemed so easy to pass through, only a few guards, no alarms, no traps, nothing whatsoever. He would have to take those two guards out first, then enter the room or building or what it was there behind them.

He thought for a moment, before he began to figure out what to do. He released his chakra into the minds of the guards. And as if out of their horrific dreams, explosions began to erupt around them, the ground began to crumble, the walls began to crumble and crash down, as they were collapsing and falling. In all this chaos, their mind is under the strain of the illusion and they are panicking, unable to comprehend the situation. It was at this time, Nate leapt over the rock, jumping into both knocking them into the side of the mine, knocking them both out cold, and releasing the illusion in the process. It was easier than he had expected. But now that they had been knocked out, he tied them up to make sure, that they could not come after him when they woke up.

Nate Jutsu Use:
( Genjutsu: Iwa Kōka Genjutsu ) - Illusionary Arts: Rockslide Genjutsu
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: This is a technique that can be cast on multiple targets. The user creates an illusion where their target(s) experience several explosions going off near and around them. The ground around and beneath the target(s) will begin to collapse and cause panic and mental damage from the perceived reality of the explosions. The technique, however, is weak when cast upon multiple targets as it only takes one individual to release the technique for large groups of people.
Note: This technique can be cast on multiple targets but when done it only takes one person to release the technique for all parties involved with genjutsu kai. However, all members need to be within short range distance.

After tying them both up and leaving them unconscious, Nate stood up, it seemed he was alone by now. He walked up to the building, looking at it closely, it had a bull skull above it, the door was made of metal and the rest made of wood. Rather interesting. The situation seemed under control. As he opened the unlocked door he came into a room with a single chair at the center, the walls were regular wood, there was nothing else in there. On that chair, sat a grey-haired man, his Havana shirt was bloody, he had been beaten and he was bound to the chair. Nate immediately recognized him as Sully. He ran up to him, cutting the ropes on the back.

Nate: “Sully! Are you alright!”

Sully, awoke from his sleep, it seemed he had been resting for quite a long time now.

Sully: “You’re late…”

Nate: “God dammit Sully… I’m saving your ass and all you can think of is me being late…”

Sully: “Kid, I need to tell you something…”

Nate: “Lets’ just get out of here as fast as we can, we can talk later…”

Sully: “Nate listen this is importa-…”

Nate: “Sully just shut up and let’s go.”

Nate lifted Sully from the chair, carrying him out of the room and into the mine, where they would slowly make their way to the straight path back to the surface. Everything had gone smoothly so far, there had been no troublesome situations and he had managed to get him out of this horrible situation. As they walked, Nate was curious as to what Sully wanted to tell him.

Nate: “Hey Sully, what was it you wanted to tell me…”

Sully: “The guy that oversees this operation… I know him.”

Nate: “What! Who is it?”

Sully: “Its an old friend of mine… its…”

Before he could finish, they saw the end of the tunnel, it was quite far away still, but it was blocked, someone was standing up there in the distance. Nate had to really focus to see who it was, it was Teno, the assassin and someone was standing there together with him. It could not be, really that bastard of a guard, it was the guard that he had let go earlier, he was not a scared person after all, he had just played his part in getting Nate into this situation, it seemed they wanted him to find Sully and be here in this mine after all.

Teno: “Well, well, well… it seems you walked right into my trap…”

Nate: “You bastard… I’ll take you down here and now!”

Teno: “Now, now, don’t be so rash… after all, you won’t make it out of the mine alive…”

Teno smiled, as he made a single hand seal and then walked off with the guard. God dammit, he had walked right into his enemy’s hand, and now they were running for their lives. As they started moving towards the exit, explosive tags began to appear from the walls, and on the ground, they had been concealed by some technique, making it impossible to see them with your own eyes. Nate was carrying Sully, as he ran as fast as he could towards the exit, rocks falling from the roof of the mine, explosions erupting behind and beside him, the ground below cracking as the explosions occurred. They were not going to make it, the explosions happened too fast, they weren’t fast enough. Nate did not know what to do, he could not get out in time, he had to save Sully, he had to make it out. He ran as fast as he could, as if he was a horse being whipped by its master. As he ran, an explosion beneath him, caused him to be launched forward, sending him and Sully rolling across the floor. Though he quickly got up to carry Sully, it seemed like there was nothing he could do. As they approached the exit, Nate made a rash and dangerous decision, he threw and pushed Sully out through the exit, as the roof came collapsing down, creating dust and destruction in its wake. Sully rolled across the ground, as he came to a halt, he turned to look back towards the mine.

Sully: “NATE!!!”

He ran towards the mine as fast as he could, walking through the dust and looking around to try and find him. It was at that time, he saw Nate lying next to the exit, it seemed like he was unharmed. That was until Sully came up close, that was when he saw it. Nate was lying on the ground, his face was filled with pain, his body seemed alright except for his arm. Nates’ arm had been crushed beneath the rubble. He was stuck, he could not move, the very bones, flesh and rock beneath the rock had been crushed and he could not get it lose. It seemed as if he had no possibility of saving his arm, it had been destroyed, and perhaps no healer could fix it, at least Nate knew no such shinobi who could save it. He had to think fast, he could hear the guards in the distance coming. He pulled a blade from his satchel.

Nate: “God dammit! Its not how I thought this day would go…”

As he said so, Sully looked at Nate with surprise and horror, as he witnessed Nate using the blade to begin to cut through his arm just below the shoulder. He had placed part of his shirt in his mouth, biting down in it, while he had tears falling from his eyes, he was trying to keep the yelling and screaming to a minimum as the blade tore and shredded his arm, the blade cutting through everything including the crushed bone. Nate had sacrificed his arm to get Sully out of the mine, but they were not out of the woods yet. Nate got up, after finishing cutting his own arm off, sweat and tears all over his face, he was exhausted, and the pain was terrifying. He used his chakra as he placed his hand over where his arm used to be. Using his fire chakra, he released it upon his shoulder, burning and cauterizing the wound. It closed the wound entirely, the blood hardening and closing the veins, the flesh being burned to the point that it was safe as well. He made sure to close everything. This process, Nate had thought would be less painful, but it was just as painful as cutting off his own arm, a horrifying experience. A sacrifice Nate had been willing to make, to save his friend Sully from certain death, but he had not finished saving Sully, they were still trapped in the town, they had to escape somehow before Sully would be safe.

Nate: “Do you have any… ideas of how to get out of here…”

Sully looked at Nate with both worry but also with confidence as he stood up.

Sully: “I have just the idea of how to get out of here… follow me.”

Nate Jutsu Use:
(Katon no Jutsu) - Fire Release Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: D
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 10
Damage: 20
Description: The user will release a small but powerful flame of fire at their opponent from either their limbs (through movement) or exhaling it. It can produce fire balls or fire streams or simply aid in taijutsu.

As they moved through the town, the chaos, the levels, they were being observed by Teno, he was following them now that they had managed to escape. He wanted to finish what he had started, he had underestimated Nates resolve. The guards were nowhere to be seen, no bandits, it was unusual, but there was chaos, people were running around, apparently the explosions were not only targeting the mine but the entire town. Chaotic and horrific all of it. It was now Sully who was carrying Nate, he was tired, exhausted and in pain, it was slowly dissipating from him cutting off his own arm. They got to the highest, level, the explosions coming closer to the very top. Sully carried Nate aboard a small airship. Sully was a proficient airship pilot, capable of piloting such a vessel by himself. As he began to start it up, the explosions had reached the highest level, it was only by the very last moment Sully got the ship into the air. They flew up towards the sky, the explosions carrying them up as it scorched the wooden hull below. As they flew away, Nate was sitting by the railing looking at Sully.

Nate: “Seems in me trying to save you, you managed to save me…”

Sully: “It’s the least I can do when you sacrificed your arm for me…”

Nate: “We need to get out of here… we need to go North…”

Sully: “Why north…”

Nate: “I know where Hyperborea is… and so does the bandits.”

Sully: “About that… there is still the concern of the leader of the bandits…”

As Sully was about to explain the situation while they were flying north towards the land of snow and the islands in between, suddenly, their airship was struck by a boulder, striking the hull, sending shrapnel flying in all directions, the airship damaged but not too much. Nate got himself up to look over the railing as he saw an airship that was in pursuit of them. They had not escaped yet, Nate had managed to save Sully from captivity for the price of his arm, but now they both had to escape and get away from this place in one piece. However, the airship was faster than theirs, getting closer by the moment, Nate could see who it was, it was Teno the assassin. He was not going to give up, he was going to kill both him and Sully if he had the chance.

Nate: “Can’t you get this thing to fly faster!”

Sully: “I’m trying!”

To be continued…

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Active member
Nov 29, 2011
Trait Points
Players involved: Gutsy Jiraiya
Mission Rank: S
Story elements chosen:

• Custom Element – Kill the Assassin
• Custom Element – Win the fight without my Ninjutsu
• Custom Element – Survive a near-death situation

Summary: This mission will mark the point where Nate has the realization, that they cannot escape without dealing with Teno the assassin, and decides to take things into his own hands.

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Chapter 5 – The Shepherd of Souls
The airship was being bombarded with flying needles that shredded the balloon and were get stuck in the railings. Sully was having a fit, as he attempted to steer the airship through the sky, no clouds in sight to make cover. He may have sounded hysterical to Nate in the beginning, but when the assassin’s airship continued gaining on them and the continuous bombardment had yet to stop, Nate was beginning to get quite nervous as well. He was running around the deck, trying to reach all the snapping ropes, tying them back together, and boarding up with broken pieces of wood to protect the vulnerable areas. He rushed to the back, past Sully, to see where the assassin was, still in their backs, would be momentary before he would reach them.

Nate: “Sully… he is gonna reach us.”

Sully: “Alright kid, what you want me to do?”

Nate: “I want you to, when he gets to our side, to fly right into the side of his airship, sending it off course…”

Sully: “Will that even work?”

Nate: “I don’t know… worth a shot eh…”

Nate ran down the steps and onto the lower deck, where he found his satchel of ninja tools, his tomahawks and his whip, placing them on his hips and around his shoulder, it had become difficult to only be able to use one arm. The pain from the lost lower arm, was still there, but he was hardly focused on it, due to all the adrenaline rushing through him in this situation. The sweat dripping from his forehead, the shirt tied around his wounded area that had been wrapped in cloth and some bandages, you could see bloodstains through it, it was not the best he could have done, but he had not time to sit down and nurse his wound. He ran up the stairs, and onto the railing, standing on the side, holding on to the ropes with his one hand, seeing as the assassin’s airship got up to their side.

Teno: “You have been a nuisance to me for the last time! These past few days have been hell! I’ll kill you both!”

Nate looked over at Sully, nodded just once, showing that now was the time. Sully unsure of the situation and not completely onboard with the plan, doubted himself and Nate, for just a few moments as he closed his eyes and turned the rudder. It all happened so fast, Teno was caught by surprise, the actions of Sully caused the airship to turn into the other, splintering some of the side of the airship, sending Teno’s airship flying to the side, as the figurehead on the end of Sully’s airship had pointed into the balloon causing it to rip, the air now slipping out, making it slowly descend. Of course, all of this was what Nate had hoped for, but also the crashed had caused Nate to be flung off the side of the ship, to crash land onto Tenos’ airship, rolling across the deck before hitting the side of the railing. He pulled himself up by the railing, standing, leaning against it as he saw Teno leap over the rudder, landing on the deck in front of him, while pulling out his katana.

Teno: “You know, I was originally hired to capture you and torture you in one of our hideouts for an entire night.”

Nate: “Uh… awkward…”

Tenos’ demeanor rapidly changed as he ran at Nate, raising his sword he thrusted it forward at Nate, whom just barely managed to pull a tomahawk from his satchel, blocking the blade with the hilt of it, pushing it to the side as he stepped away, causing it to strike into the railing. Nate managed to get his composure, even with the pain and adrenaline and everything that had happened, he held the tomahawk ready, as Teno pulled the blade from the railing and dashed at him, he began to send a barrage of thrusts and slashes at Nate. Nate doing his best to keep up, he managed to block most of the attacks, while some of them continued onward as they slashed across his arms, chest and head, it made him stumble backwards as Teno sent a final thrust towards his head. Nate reacted just in time, to cause the sword to go through the tomahawk and get interlocked in it, as he stepped sideways kicking him in the chest, sending him stumbling backwards and letting go of the katana. Nate let the katana drop to the ground as he held the tomahawk tightly.

Nate: “I won’t fall that easily…”

Teno: “Then let’s see if you can handle this again!”

He pulled the whip from his side, flinging it uncontrollably around himself, similar to their last encounter, Nate attempted to read its movements, though he did notice previously that he would strike by stepping forward and fling it hard enough to send the edge of the whip flying towards him, so if he watched for that, then he could possible outmaneuver it. Indeed, when Teno stepped forward, the whip was sent flying towards him, and with a quick step to the side, it flew past him, as he flung the tomahawk into the whip, cutting it in half while continuing flying into the mast, getting stuck there.

Nate: “No more god damn whips!”

He yelled, as he dashed forward, punching forward at him. His fist easily grabbed by Teno, he began to twist and turn his body, both engaging in a series of fierce and powerful blows, exchanging multiple punches and kicks to one another. Neither landing an accurate blow and attacking with strong determination to try and gain the upper hand with dealing the first critical strike and changing the flow of battle. It was not until Nate finally saw an opening that he would send a fist straight at Tenos’ side of his face, though it would not connect, it was all a ruse. The fist was caught, and Nate flew upwards through the air, next to the mast, as Teno sent a kick into his abdomen, sending him into the balloon above, bouncing back down, blood coming out of his mouth as Teno continued to bombard him with kicks, bouncing back and forth between him and the balloon, he was being used like a ping pong ball. Bouncing around, the bruising, blood and pain setting him into a state of acceptance, he began to lose faith in being able to defeat him. It was not until he bounced past the tomahawk he had thrown previously, he managed to grab it as he got kicked back up into the balloon. He figured if he could not beat him, he would make sure that neither of them would survive this encounter. As he bounced to the balloon, he used the tomahawk to slice it open, causing it to leak air rapidly, making it descend fast. He then twisted his body, throwing the tomahawk down, striking Tenos’ leg, causing him to plummet to the ground, as Nate also fell towards the deck.

As Teno crashed onto the deck, he just managed to turn around to see Nate come down upon him with a heel kick to his chest. Barely managing to block the heel from striking his chest, the moment that Nate came down with, caused the deck to give out from the weight of the strike, the wooden planks splintering around them as they both crashed through it and into the ship below. The dust flying out in all directions, the smell of dried food, barrels filled with water or other liquor, the bags of flour scattered across the room, as some of them had been struck by the blow and broken, letting it all out across the floor. In the dust and flour, the both scattered, Nate feeling the bruises and the pain from his wounds, Teno feeling the pain to his chest, even when he blocked the strike.

Teno: “I’m surprised you survived this long… lets see how you fight in tight spaces.”

Before Nate could respond, his adversary came around one of the wooden poles, using it to swing himself around, with both legs extended, aimed at striking him in the face. Nate lifting his one good arm to block it, he was sent crashing into another pole, before he could gather himself, Teno was already upon him. As Nate was being bombarded with hits, and sent into the dust and flour, Teno pulled the satchel from him as he fell.

Teno: “Pathetic… I thought you would have just a little more fight in you.”

Nate was on all four, his fists clenched, furious. He turned to face Teno and as he did, he threw flour in his face, effectively blinding him and catching him by surprise, as he sweeped his legs, causing Teno to fall, and in doing so opened him up to what followed. Nate leapt forward, head first, smashing into him as they rolled across the ground, he landed on top of Teno, as he began to bombard him with punches to the face and chest, Teno trying to hold his arms up to block the punches and wipe the flour from his face at the same time.

Nate: “You son of a bitch!!! I’ll get you for all the shit you done!”

Nate was in a state of absolute rage, as he continued to pummel Teno, though he was slowing down due to exhaustion. Yelling and screaming in rage, as he slammed both arms down upon Teno, they were blocked, as Teno grabbed a hold of them, he used his strength to pull Nate over his head, sending him rolling across the floor, both getting exhausted, at the end of their ropes. They both got up, wiping the sweat and blood off their face, the light coming down through the hole in the deck, separating the two. They could both hear the they were getting closer to the ground, they could hear the seagulls around them, the leaking air from the balloon, the airship was in turmoil. The ropes were breaking, and the ship was beginning to plummet.

They both were angered as they collided in the center of the light, both entering a furry of powerful strikes and kicks, exchanging multiple punches and kicks to one another. Neither landing an accurate blow and attacking with strong determination to try and gain the upper hand. Both exhausted, both slowing down, it created many openings, but the result was predetermined, Nate was struck in the chest sending him bending forward in pain as he was kicked up through the opening and onto the deck, crashing into the railing. Teno following right behind, pulling himself up through the hole. Teno found the katana lying beside him, he stared at Nate, he intended to finish this soon. Nate leaning against the railing, the blood was on his teeth and dripping down to the wooden deck.

Nate: “I guess we are about to find out who is more determined.”

Teno: “This fight was already settled before you came onto this airship.”

Nate: “Nah… you are too confident.”

Nate smirked, holding himself up, as Teno walked towards him, they had just entered the end game. The airship began to descend rapidly, the barrels and boxes rolling towards the front of the airship, causing it to tilt further. Teno was walking sideways, as Nate pulled himself up. The fight that ensued, were one where Nate and Teno furiously delivered strikes to one another, his katana cutting Nate across the face, upper body and arms, as he attempted to block it, Nates kicks striking Teno around, as they used the ropes and the mast to jump around after one another, throughout the ship. Nate delivering kicks up springing off the ropes, Teno slicing through the wood and the ropes and Nates cloth, shredding it as the fight raged on. Neither of them was concerned about the imminent danger of the crash. The deck splintered all around them, the figurehead of the airship broke in half, part of it crashing into the cold dark depths below, cloth from the balloon was break apart. Nate was bleeding same as the bruised and beaten Teno, as they continued onward with an unwavering onslaught. Nate and Teno trading blows, sending one another into the broken deck, hitting the railing and the mast. The mast would soon break from the continuous fighting, as Teno crashed through it, legs first, sending Nate flying into the rudder breaking it into many pieces.

As Nate got up from the strike, he could see the impending crash ahead, the ice wasteland ahead, and dark cold sea below, the mast was broken and crashed through the deck, breaking the ship in half, it was still being hung together by the balloon and the ropes. Teno had leapt from one side towards the other, sword in hand. Nate took up a piece of wood, wielding it like a tanto. He jumped off the ship meeting Teno in mid-air, the two of them once more facing off delivering many strikes and cuts, the wooden tanto delivering many brute forces strikes. They were using the momentum of their jumps to leap back and forth between the two parts of the airship continuously dealing blows. As Nate leapt from the front side of the ship, he was met by Teno whom feinted a strike, as his blade cut straight through his hip, Nate feeling the immense pain fell backwards with Teno towards the front of the ship. As they crashed down towards the front ship, Nate smashed the wooden piece into the right side of Tenos head, the blunt force of the strike caused his eardrum to be crushed as it would immediately disorient him as they crashed into the ship, where Nate kicked him over him as he flew towards the figurehead.

As Nate got up on his knees, he looked over at Teno, while pulling the katana from his hip, the blood seeping out. Teno was disoriented, unable to hear on one ear and having watery eyes he had difficulty seeing. He stumbled forward towards Nate, his hands reaching out into the air as he pulled a kunai from his pouch.

Teno: “I’ll fuckin kill you bastard!”

Nate barely standing, holding the katana, looked at Teno as he was seeing a broken man. It was a complete surprise to Nate that he had managed to do all this to Teno, let alone fight on equal terms with just a single arm. Teno ran forward, out of order, he could not move right, he tried his best to thrust the kunai towards Nates chest, though Nate, duck under it, as he thrust the katana through Tenos chest, pushing him backwards until Teno was pushed into the broken figurehead, the blade piercing the wood, forcing Teno stuck to it. Teno spat blood, as he got stuck, the kunai dropping from his hand, as his glazed eyes glared at Nate. Nate took a few steps back, dropping to his knees, looking up at Teno.

Teno: “You bastard…”

Nate: “Heheh… I guess it’s done.”

Nate turned to walk towards the railing, he needed to find a way off this airship before it crashed, though as he leapt onto the railing to jump off or something, whatever he figured out, a rope was swung around his leg, pulling him back onto the deck, towards Teno.

Teno: “If I die… I’m taking you with me!”

Nate: “God Dammit!”

The rope had wrapped around his leg, and Teno had tied it to the figurehead as he smiled.

Teno: “This is the end for you…”

Teno was just about to pass out, as Nate was staring into the sea in terror, he frantically tried to get out of the rope. He had beaten Teno, he had survived, only to be trapped by Teno one last time, and this time might be the end for him. The airship connected with the ocean, the pieces of ice that floated around got either pushed to the side or got blown into bits, as the airship crashed through the surface of the ocean. The airship quickly got consumed by the ocean, Teno still stuck to the ship, he smiled for just a moment as he looked at Nate, before he began to suffocate, his body spasming out, his brain going into its cave man state, survival instinct, as his body tried to stay alive. It did not take long however, before Teno became motionless as the ship was carried down into the darkness. Nate was frantically swimming upwards, while the rope was still stuck around his leg, he was pulled down with the ship. He needed to cut it. He had no knife, nothing, he swam down, to get some rope, and began to bite it and rip at it with his nails. The air in his lungs were almost gone, he could feel the burning sensation, his body screaming for air. He just managed to get the rope lose, as he looked up, it was almost impossible to see the light above, he began to swim. His body beginning to try and force him to open his mouth and let everything in, he forced himself to continue to swim upwards. He was getting closer to the surface, the cold water was consuming the warmth in his body, it was when he was close to the surface, that his body gave out. His brain was shutting down, his arm and legs were barely moving, his entire body was spasming out frantically, as he opened his mouth and the sea water, flushed through his mouth into his lungs, his hand reaching out to the surface, his eyes went dark, the shadows from above drawing closer, the tentacles of darkness wrapping around him, and pulling him. Nate did not know this yet, but this was not his time to die, the shadows and tentacles reaching for him, was indeed the hands of people from the boats above, people whom had seen the crash.

To be continued…

- Leaving Landmark for the Sister Isles (187) -
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Active member
Apr 14, 2012
Trait Points

Geets, Majin, and Boit keep on keepin on. Majin, at Vegeta's request hops off the giant Snake and places a seal on the back of the base of a giant wind turbine. He then ninja jumps back up to the top of Boit's head and the trio move on..

( Fūin Hirashin no Jutsu ) - Seal of The Flying Thunder God technique
Rank: A-Rank
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: This is the technique through which Senju Tobirama and Namikaze Minato apply the sealing formula, that will allow the use of their trademark space time techniques, to any desired object through physical contact and allowing him to teleport to that desired location through the Flying thunder God Technique and the use of its variations. While Minato carries with him multiple kunais marked with the seal (making the core aspect of his fighting style which revolves around the use of FTG Kunais), Tobirama doesn't. To use the Flying Thunder God technique on kunais, Tobirama has to apply the seal to them though through one use of the technique he can mark up to 5 kunais (this is valid only for kunais and other basic weapons, not enemies or other targets of the seal).
Note: Can only be used by Senju Tobirama and Namikaze Minato bios.


Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Coming from here

The duo continue through the flatlands and lowly villages towards Khulna. Bellatrix notes the windmills created her, remembering they were said to predate the Hanguri Freehold fall by several hundred years. Scoffing at the poor architecture, Bellatrix and Hela continue moving.


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Storyboard elements:
  • Spy on an important target and remain undetected
  • Steal valuable information from the enemy
  • Disperse a mob
Alucard had taken the short route through the iron peninsula to find himself re-enter the land of fire. A country he had not been to in a long while even though by the looks of it, it didn't resemble it at all. Instead, here there were many big fields of nothingness but large windmills and small villages across the roads. Many of which seemed to have hired mercenaries to protect their industry. Alucard took the time to check in at a local hostel and was prepared to hammer down by the fireplace the shared room was housing, eager for some gossip and other news in or outside the area. Having opened a flask of ale, he would close his eyes and listen to all the talk. There was nothing interesting whatsoever at first, but then he thought he could hear about a great bandit leader that marched from the north-east of the landmark, who would use the scattered village structure as an opportunity to strike them all in one march. Having looked back at his latest adventures he thought he hadnt had enough of killing bad folks. Plus the fact that maybe there was something he could take back from his encounter rather than just joy of seeing death. Maybe this bandit leader was sitting on a large pot of gold or heck, even artifacts or clues about Yggdrasil. His thoughts stirred in his mind as the alcohol started to hit him, only for him to get more.


It was morning again, and Alucard was.. almost up. He had taken the liberty of spreading the word that he was going to defeat the bandit king and his mob of idiots before they would make harm to the villages. Using the main road towards the north, Alucard headed towards the snowy and windy settings that set the tone for the piercingly nordic lands that was the end of the world. After a few miles he could start to notice the discomfort amongst the people as if they knew they were clouded in a shade that was about to consume them all. After hours of more walking, Alucard decided to take shelter in another tavern. The mood in there was quite bleak. A lax rest later and Alucard was on the move again, this time he had decided to walk in the night. Snow started to fall and he continued on, only to start hearing something discomforting. He would cloak himself and nullify the visible light that naturally reflected him to make himself invisible.

(Meisaigakure no Jutsu) - Hiding with Camouflage Technique
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30 (-10 per turn active)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: This is a ninja escape technique that allows the user after performing the Tiger hand seal to control how light is reflected around their body with chakra inflections. The technique also erases the user's scent and shadow, and is usable on any terrain, making it ideal not only for covert maneuvers but also offensive strikes. Perceiving the user's position is possible only for ninja who are astute enough to observe minute variations within their surrounding environment, such as distortions of air currents in the immediate vicinity or distinguishing sounds, i.e. footsteps etc. However, the usefulness of this ability can be entirely negated by those with special vision or sensory skills. The Second Tsuchikage, Mū's mastery of this technique helped earn him the moniker "Non-Person" seemingly having neither form nor chakra while the technique was active. Thus, he could not be sensed through traditional means.
Note: Technique lasts a total of 3 turns

Using this technique, Alucard would trespass the trespassers. It didn't take that long for him to get a visual on a mob the size of 100 individuals with a particular figure in the middle. All of them were carrying torches but it didn't let Aluard to be revealed. Lucky for him they did not have a chakra sensor or a fuinjutsu user. Atleast not at that time. Instead of attacking them head on, Alucard let them continue until he could see what was in the middle of their caravan. Standing behind a birch tree, he could spot a large carriage decorated with skulls and silver. It frankly looked badass and to that, Alucard was sure it contained not only the leader but also some interesting goods. He could not help himself but investigate in the matter. Alucard walked sideways according to the rest of the folks direction and had to do quite acrobatic manouvers not to get detected. He would ultimately reach the carriage's left door which had a window for him to look through. There were two seats in the front and one luggage trunk in the back which Alucard went straight towards. Using his active camoflauge to its fullest potential, Alucard would perform yet another technique to increase the weight of the carriage to that of 100 times its normal weight.

(Doton: Chō Kajūgan no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Super Added Weight Rock Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A (+40 if used to add damage)
Description: A more advanced version of the Earth Release: Added Weight Rock Technique, in which the user drastically increases the weight of any object in direct physical contact, but to a much greater extent than that of the original ability. This technique can increase the weight of a target up to 100 times. Under certain circumstances, the technique can be used to increase the force behind attacks.
Note: The weight change lasts 2 turns or until countered.

This made the entire convoy break with one part of it walking straight into the ultra heavy carriage while everyone went on high alert for an intruder. Unfortunately for them, Alucard had already planned his next move by going underground. He would cut a hole from underneath through the back of the carriage and have its contents dropped down to him.

(Doton: Iwagakure no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Hiding in Rock Technique
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: This is a technique that allows its user to blend into rocks, move inside them and then move in and out of other rocks undetected. Despite this, Dõjutsu and Sensors can still detect the opponent. The limitation of the technique is that it cannot be used to meld into other types of earth than rock or solid earth and its not a very fast technique, despite being faster than Underground Projection Fish technique.
Note: Can only blend through on C-rank and below Earth Techniques.

( Asami no Mai ) – Dance of the Beautiful Linen
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user slices upward with a sword made of bone and then extends his bones from their back high into the sky, piercing the foe with great accuracy and force before quickly retracting.

The plan was genius and now he had their goods without them knowing anything of what had happened. It would seem that he had managed to steal a small chest. Alucard excavated his body from the ground and re-appeared on the surface in the middle of the chaos. Relying on his camoflauge he opened the chest and discovered a parchment of what seemed to be a treasure map. What caught most of his attention was the fact that it stated it was a map of one of the fragments of Yggdrasil, the legendary sword he had been after for a while now. Alucard's camoflauge deactivated by itself for sufficent time had passed. He was revealed to the entirety of the bandit mob who all looked at him and started to let out battle cries. How cute, Alucard thought as he put down the chest with the hidden parchment of the treasure map and readied himself for a fight. Or atleast something that was going to look like one. He answered with a large fire technique that wiped out atleast ten people before it was countered by a collaborative water and earth technqiue that continued towards him like a crashing tsunami.

(Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku) - Fire release: Great Fire Majestic Annihilation
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: A technique where the user makes the horse hand seal and then kneads chakra inside his body which is then converted into fire and expelled from the mouth as a massive wall of intense flames, which covers an expansive range in both vertical and horizontal dimensions, making it extremely difficult to avoid. However, due to its massive width and height, the technique is not one of the fastest seen so far.

(Doton: Tajū Doryūheki) - Earth Release: Multiple Mudwall Technique
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: Like the parent technique, it creates a reinforced wall of earth to be used as a defensive mechanism. However, the technique works in a different manner. Using a pre-existing source of earth, it allows the user to create multiple walls of earth, further fortifying their defense instead of forming a single wall, by slamming his hands on the ground.

(Suiton: Haran Banshō) - Water Release: Stormy Blockade
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will slam their hands against then ground allowing him/her to summon a massive amount of water from the sky, crushing it into the opponent. If needed, the user can cancel the technique in an instant.

Note: The water needs to be summoned at least 10 meters above the opponent to have any real effect.

Met with resistance, he gave the audience a mental applause as he could feel the water molecules starting to come towards him. Alucard responded with a lightning technique that he summoned through the ground and while he took down the shields of earth he also electrocuted some of the bystanders. The bandit leader was still locked into the carriage and unable to take any action. The mob was now down to 70% of its original force and they would need a strategy to defeat this foe.

(Raiton: Denpō Sekka) - Lightning Release: Telegram Flash
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: After doing the Rabbit → Rat → Horse → Ram handseals, the user will slam his hand on the ground and release into it a massive amounts of lightning chakra which will then pool beneath his opponent before releasing itself into a gigantic column of lightning which shocks anything caught above it. The technique can affect a bigger or smaller area depending on the users will.

Soon after the lightning had done pulsating through the fresh corpses, the carriage wagon finally opened and revealed the bandit leader, who, just like it, was decorated with silver and bones. With a crooked finger he pointed towards Alucard and set his forces to surround him, which he let them do for the sake of some fun. Knowing the odds of getting out of there alive was what made Alucard feel alive in the first place, his existence was at stake. However, at his grasp was the location of a fragment of Yggdrasil, he had to win this fight. He would use his recently taught fightning style, the vector cobra, to create extra limbs, charged with lightning chakra and with sparks generated on their surfaces. Each extra limb was that of a vector that could move independently. Alucard span like a record, baby, and.. round round round ROUND. Poof, he had cut down 5 more people in barely two secounds.

† (Bekuta Kobura: Damballah Ihan) Vector Cobra: Violation of Damballah †
Rank: A
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Sup
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user activates up to 4 snakes(depending on his rank) on any part of his body. These snakes then begin to extend to their full 10 meter length immediately, coiling near the user to stay close by until they are needed. The user then releases elemental chakra through the snakes to augment their power, increasing their strength proportionally to which elemental was used.

♦ Fire: The cobra themselves has gained a very high temperature, characteristic of fire, and causing 2nd degree burns on contact, and 3rd degree on prolonged contact without having to cause actual fire.

♦ Wind: The cobras gain a sharp cutting property, characteristic of wind. Touching the cobra at any point will result in a deep cut mark forming on whatever made contact, allowing the cobras to wrap around objects to reduce it to mere splinters of what it once was.

♦ Lightning: The cobras aesthetically gain small sparks that appear periodically across their body as lightning chakra is channeled through them. The lightning element allows the cobras to change their size to become thin at any point along their bodies, which combined with the natural piercing property of the element allows the cobras to shrink down to a very small size(though can be seen clearly) at the end to pierce through any object like a perfect arrow. The cobra can then reform to normal size after completely piercing through an object a portion at a time, meaning that the head can be on one side of a rock, full-sized, while a quarter of the way towards the user is shrunk to a very thin size as it's piercing through the rock, and out the side closest to the user the vector is normal sized once more. The "shape-shifting" of the snakes also allow this technique to pass through a barrage of precise attacks (ie. shower of senbon) without making contact with anything/losing any power.

♦ Earth: The snakes, when infused with the earth element, become heavier than they normally are (10x). However, because the speed, strength, and mobility of the serpents are determined by the user's chakra control, almost removing the factor of "weight" from these three aspects though not entirely as they still move as fast as the average earth jutsu, this serves only two purposes: to increase the force of impact, allowing the snakes to crash through defenses, though they lose some momentum after impact, and to restrain an enemy by crushing them with the immense weight of the earth-infused Vector Cobras. The user's earth chakra additionally allows the serpents to "meld" with the earth, much like the "Earth Release: Hiding in Rock Technique", allowing the serpents to move in and out of the earth without creating disturbances, tremors, or otherwise altering the battlefield (though they can still be seen by sensors/Dojutsu users/others who can "see/feel" chakra).

♦ Water: The snakes, when given the element water, begin to excrete a transparent sticky fluid, similar to "Water Style: Starch Syrup Capture Field". Because the snakes only secrete a small portion of this fluid until it is used, it is difficult for normal eyes to see the water while still on the snakes (though anyone who can see/feel chakra can "see" it). As the snakes make contact with objects, they leave behind this chakra-infused sticky residue which can snare other objects on it, restraining their movements and trapping it. The snakes themselves, if they touch an object which is weak enough (ie. solid matter based projectiles), they can drag the object with them, it sticking to the layer of sticky water covering the serpents. If the Vector Cobras have objects stuck onto them, they can dislodge them by making sharp turns, releasing the object with a layer of sticky water at speeds equivalent to the average water jutsu.

The cobras can then be released towards the target, being manipulated to move in any direction the user wishes as they move, creating effects related to the element infused into the snake. The cobras also can be made to begin their assault upon activation, instead of coiling around the user. The cobras may be used independently from each other, but all four snakes need to have the same element.
NOTE: Once activated, they can last 2 turns and after that, they revert back to their position on the user's body unless perhaps they are destroyed. The user however, can decide to deactivate them before the end of their turn limit.
NOTE: Only one elemental infusion can be used in one turn.
NOTE: Each elemental infusion can be used 2x max
Note: Can only be used 5 times max
NOTE: No other element can be used except the element that is currently infused with the cobras. Meaning if a fire infused cobra is activated and still active, the user can only use Katon.
NOTE: Students will need to wait two turn in between usage. Meisters have one turn wait.

Having used the vectors as an extention of his body, he set two of them loose while maintaining his main ones on each arm like a psuedo. The two released vector snakes started to gobble up even more bandits and caused chaos amongst them, while Alucard went hammer on his own by smashing through people with his arc vectors. The bandit leader seemed to try and counter it and showed the first and only one of their group, capable of using the wind element. And so the two sentient vectors were defeated even though they took down 15 guys by themselves. Alucard had taken down another 20, resulting the mob being down to 30%. Alucard then released his two remaining vectors and focused on the commander in chief. Having the rest of the gang surround Alucard once again, he would simply erase them by using his dust release growing outside his body and capture everyone inside of a large cube with Alucard in the epicentre.
(Jinton: Rasutaraizu | Dust Release: Rasterize)
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B-S(A)
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20-40
Damage: 40-80
Description: The user will expand a 3D field using their own body as a base for the expansion of the technique. This means the 3D shape expands around the user in all directions. Depending on the rank of the technique it will reach short(B rank, up to 5 meters around the user), mid(A rank, up to 8 meters around the user) and long(S rank, up to 15 meters around the user). Everything that is captured in the field(that has a cubic formation at the edge) will be disintigrated which will essentially rasterize the user away from their surroundings and leave them intact while everything around them is disintigrated. B rank can be used at all times, requiring a single seal. A rank can be used three times, once every secound turn and requires two seals. S rank can be used twice, requiring a cooldown of three turns and requires three handseals.

Note: Can only be taught by Skorm.

The only remaining figure, ominously enough, was the leader who trembled as he tried to make his escape. He didn't make it far before Alucard caught him, actually just about two meters to be fair. Alucard smacked him in the face with the chest that contained the parchment and then let him get on with it. The leader ran away and Alucard returned his gaze towards the parchment once again with eagerness in his eyes. He knew where to go now to start puzzling the whole legend together. With the indication of importance this parchment contained, Alucard would have to safe-keep it so that it wouldn't fall into the wrong hands. Or mayhaps even wronger.. The map pointed towards the abyssal end of the world, landmark 174 also known as Yume island. A blizzard raging volcano sounded quite epic, Alucard beat himself over with as he walked towards the north-west coast-line of the current land mark he was in. He was going to summon his long time friend, Kano. Upon reaching the shores, the summoning ritual was completed. Alucard jumped onto the head of the 70 meter vampire squid and they were both off into the icy end of the world.



Mar 15, 2014
Trait Points
ReSpwan/: Dogma
Storyboard elements:
  • Spy on an important target and remain undetected
  • Steal valuable information from the enemy
  • Disperse a mob
Sage Fragments,Last Embedded Seal

From the Iron Peninsula, the land of Tanishi stood upon his feet. Dogma the Cybernetic Shinobi who now took one kneel as he placed his hand on the ground. Being a chakra sensor, he felt the organisms throughout the area of this land. No entity gave him unease for this feat. Most of the people here seemed like ’Nomies’. The term Dogma had coined the non-shinobi. Standing up as he cold feel the cold winds blow through the terrain, strong gusts attempted on robbing him of his yellow hat as he quikly held onto it. Dogma braced himself as his coat faced tight on his body if seen from the back.

The area had many windmills from one side to the other, Dogma moved down the paved path. The dirt roads he had left behind gave indication that in fact this village had wealth of sorts. Activating his helmet, Dogma would see the chakra signatures even of others who resided inside buildings. Dogma had yet to reach the town, before a kid would ran into him. Light skin ginger, with freckles and yellow eyes wearing a school like uniform. One look as each other, the kid felt a danger of sorts. For the entity that stood in-front of him was so much a machine than a human.

”...ugh..” the sound would come out of his mouth as Dogma was rather focused on the town that he wouldn’t even notice the kid in front of him as he stared off onto the town. Sudden as he was shocked to see he had already meet another being, Dogma would jolt upwards as the little kid would start to laugh. To Dogma, having not noticed this no threat, he gave a sharp gaze in annoyance.

(Metamateriaru no Kōgaku Meisai to Shinigami Sukaru) — Reaper Skull with a Metamaterial Optical Camouflage (Worn)
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A (-5 Per Turn)
Damage Points: N/A (-5 to User per Elemental Ninjutsu Used)
Description: The Metamaterial Optical Camouflage (M.O.C) mantle appears in many forms as ordered, and made only by the Uchiha prodigy. The suit is highly complex and its contemporary superior mechanisms cannot be taught. The skeleton mask contains red translucent lenses (allowing eye contact between individuals). When placed on the user, the rest of the hooded cape appears along with a dark gray, tattered coating. This cloak is created from molten scales of Obi, the personal snake contact summon of the Uchiha. The skull mask immediately draws chakra from the user when worn. The glowing red lends symbolizes the weapon's activation. Additionally, the user suddenly dons a dark optical camouflage mantle coating from head to toe. The coating possesses unique natural scales with an uneven microscopic weave, which allows for a complex camouflage mechanism. The attire is electric, flame, wind resistant (C-rank and below) as the whole attire is quite durable and extremely hard to rip apart. Even the skull is very difficult to break.

Coating — The scales of the coat passively scatter incoming/reflect light, allowing it to manipulate light from passing. This allows the user to conform irregular shaped objects and render them partially or fully invisible to the naked eye. This can make three-dimensional things also make things appear flat. This control can be used, theoretically, to perform the opposite feat, allowing for turning two-dimensional images into three-dimensional ones and making impressively deceptive mirages. This lowers various counter actions and when their opponent should decide on the countering their attacks (opponent's tracking lowered by -1.5). This can only be done within it's range. At closer ranges, the weapon makes whatever it's camouflaging under light appear darker than their surroundings, acting as a dead giveaway to the concealment.

Lens — The user will be able to see passively chakra through the red lenses, in what appears to be like chakra infrared vision. They'll be to tell the amount of chakra within that given place in time. Users also, through observation, can make a hypothesis to accurately predict the strength of a jutsu, but cannot differentiate between different chakra natures. These lenses, however, only see chakra as it radiates off of an object, which can be used to track (adding .5 to user’s tracking speed). This means it doesn't allow the user to see through thick exteriors; if for example, a suspect had a chakra item under their shirt, its exterior area would appear “cooler” to the lenses, and indicate to user that someone may be carrying a chakra item.

Skull — Finally, the M.O.C is powered with the user's cerebral chakra, and the user’s nervous system. Acting as a passive shell of protection against genjutsu its mechanism becomes in sync with its user's chakra flow, detecting the fluctuation in the user's chakra. This happens as once as the user places on the skeleton skull, it counter-clockwise their chakra flow to allow it, the access in any changes in the regulated chakra flow. Due to that, it gives the user painful headaches when the user forms elemental ninjutsu (-5 damage to User per Elemental Ninjutsu). Genjutsu — by altering the balance between physical and spiritual energies by disturbing physical energy it induces pain, however, through psychogenic pain (pain that's not with a physical cause) in form of migraines. This translates into the ability to consciously combat genjutsu up to A rank at the cost of 30 chakra through user input. The migraine can be induced twice per battle.

Note: Activating/Deactivating the mask takes 1 move slot.

”Get rid of yourself, before I do it.“ Dogma gave a command to this lad. Suddenly the boy ran back to his town as he feared for his life. Dogam having understood his failure in this, he noted down mentally for what had transpired. May it be these normies have not way of harming him, they still shouldn’t be ignored as they can surely be used as a weakness against him. Taking his record sheet out, as he flipped pages of reports. He found the name of the person that controlled the windmills here as well as the industries in the towns that made this land. Looking over the map, he would see 3 towns total. ‘Hmph, Genin level chakra signatures i sensed seem to be the fighting force for these lands. No wonder villages simply come over and take over these lands.’ as he though to himself he would fade out of sight. Now as he dashed through the streets upon the rooftops. Dogma searched the place until he would find the person who he was lucky to find.

Now as his target was below him, Dogma kept watch of the patterns that would occur from this person. The youngster in his late 40s seemed to be mafia type boss that ran this town, perhaps the other one as well. Dogma didn‘t care about what transpired in this land’s affairs. No history about it besides one that hinted the irregularities in the change of the past. Once during his studies he found an document that mentioned something really off, ‘’...the faces of all the hokage, old and new, are carved into the mountains north of the village. The top of the mountains is a barren, rocky plain that overlooks the entire village.“

While he spoke to himself, he had already actives the thunderwave tool which simply cancelled out his voice and his body‘s movement sound. Now as his target would instruct his minions to do some of his bidding. Dogma would join them inside a warehouse, guarded heavy with shinobi (Genin). Reconfirming his target was in fact his target, Dogma then scans the area as he makes sure he doesn‘t lose sight of them. Soon they ended a closed room which seems to have a hidden door. Noticing an issue as he was trialing behind the group, they‘re about to enter the elevator. ‘Ugh. This taking too long for me, but I don’t want to start a fight with weaklings only to invite someone who could stand toe to toe with me.’ as they talked about pointless things that Dogma deemed so they entered the small elevator without him. Then as they were gone, Dogma would turn into smoke which would go into the gaps that lead to the elevator shaft. Trailing the elevator down as he heard them mention of a sealed scroll that they couldn’t open themselves.

( Sandāu~ēbu ) - Thunderwave (Torso)
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( - 5 per turn when used )
Damage: N/A
Description: Thunderwave is a basic chest plate outfitted with a surround sound speaker system, and a microphone. It can be used to play music or make noises more audible than normal similar to a karaoke machine. It is able to produce sound louder than most techniques or the clashing of techniques and can be much louder than the user or opponent can scream. In essence it can act like the (Utsusemi no Jutsu) - Empty Cicada Shell Technique passively at all times being louder and stronger than even that basic technique. It comes pre-loaded with all of the wielder's favorite songs. In battle it can be used to play theme music or it can make the user louder as it has a built in microphone system connected to the speaker system.
The primary use of Thunderwave as mentioned above is the ability to play music with the offshoot of this being the ability to cancel sound waves with sound waves while playing music. This is similar to the Scientific Ninja Tool: Shijima and works like a noise-cancellation speaker. The system can emit a sound wave with the same amplitude but with inverted phase also known as antiphase to the original sound. The waves combine to form a new wave, in a process called interference, and effectively cancel each other out. This effect is called destructive interference and is able to nullify sound techniques in equal rank. The sound can encompass a short - long range area around the user being louder the closer to the user the people who can hear it are and due to this it has a dampening system as to not harm the users ears or cause them any undue problems. It can be fine tuned to look different depending on the wielder's appearance or preference.
Note: Sound techniques can only be canceled once per turn three times per battle.

(Kemuri no Katachi) - Body of Smoke
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A/S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30/40
Damage: N/A
Description: A technique very much similar to the Hozuki Clan's Hydrification Technique, the user is able to transform themselves into a smoke-like state by channeling chakra throughout their body. In this form, the user becomes immune to all Taijutsu, Kenjutsu, and gas-related techniques unless they are elementally based. They can also manipulate the appropriate chakra for smoke, fire, and any of their own gas-related techniques. The user has complete control over the density of their smoke-like state, allowing them to solidify up to two appendages at once in order to wield standard shinobi tools for freeform combat and basic Ninjutsu/Kenjutsu purposes. This also allows them to use their own body as a source for smoke ninjutsu. However, the user is subject to smoke's weaknesses and strengths. A simple B-Rank Wind jutsu can knock them out of this form, forcing them back to their original body for sometime before they are able to transform themselves once again. As such, this technique forces the user to employ careful, yet effective strategies when it is in effect.

Note: User may not use any sort of speed boost in this form and will stay rooted to the ground.
Note: If knocked out of this form, user may not return to it for two turns.
Note: User is also subject to weather effects that may potentially harm their form.
Note: Only useable by bios that've learned Smoke Ninjutsu; S-rank is exclusive to those with the Smoke Screen specialty.

(Kemuri: Kanagata no kemuri) — Smoke Art: Smoke Mode
Type: Supplementary
Rank: D
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 10
Damage points: N/A
Description: Streaming chakra into a smoke substance; they can then manipulate that smoke substance to either return into their body or manipulate that smoke substance to move across field to another place within their senses. However initiated, the user always has some sort of physical connection to the smoke substance that they're streaming chakra into it to be manipulated by them.

Dripping down, the smoke would formulate together form into a humanoid shape that the Genin in-front would alert his Chunin (who Dogma had sensed the moment he entered the area underground) who would quickly pull his boss to safety as the smoke congregated together and Dogma appeared. Soon then after he would go invisible since he hadn’t deactived his skull’s abilities.

-sigh- “well, it‘s given since I can’t turn into invisible smoke.”

”Prepare yourself, we not gonna let you escape.“ saying as he activated his Sharingan (3t). Signaling others to prepare themselves. For Dogma who had enter too deep into the den of his enemies in name, he counted the bodies of people who opposed him. Only one. Looking to face the person who seemed to be in charge of this 4 man team for Secruity. The man would summon up a wind chakra from his body as his two teammates dared to place him into a double layered Genjutsu, in fact that they where so in sync it amazed Dogma. Sadly they were against a foe too great for even them to attempt to stop.

Opponents used: (Fūton: Kaze No Yaiba) - Wind Style: Wind Blade & ( Genjutsu: Ingemame Ketsugō Sakkaku ) - Illusion Technique String Bean Binding Illusion [x2] = A-rank Genjutsu Layered | At the same-time in A Single TimeFrame

Without wasting a moment, he passively was released from the genjutsu that was cast upon him. Like their effect to hinder him and allow the wind blade to slice him fail ultimately as Dogma had his skull send a mental pain which reset his chakra flow, all happening in the moment he noticed he was caught in the illusion. Like a in a blink of an eye, he summons ash from his body as it quickly envelopes his body and allows him to tank the wind blade effortlessly. To his opponent who can’t the interaction. The boss would stare to see the powerful wind and his teammates who simply didn’t do anything as they now appear terrified. He would wonder what happend to the attack, why didn’t it get through? More importantly, the three of them seemed buffed. Suddenly a voice from the invisible would echo.

“Two Genins, 12 up stairs from what I counted. One Chunin. Quite the money you have there, you NORMIE. No biggie, I’ll get what I came for. -Sigh (Heavy)- I’ll praise you for trying to double lay use a Genjutsu on me. I guess its my turn, dodge.”

Suddenly all three move at insane speeds as the ash simply moved without him waving any handseals as he simply tracked them, the Uchiha was very agile and the two chakra sensors too kept up. Up, down, left and, right they evaded his attacks but realizing that his speed kept upping up, and sooner or later they‘d get caught, suddenly the Uchiha decided that its better to crash the walls and bury them all as defeat.

(Katon: Shishamasu) — Fire Release: Death's Hands
Rank: B to A-rank
Type: Offensive, Supplementary, Defensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 20-30 (-15 to sustain jutsu per turn)
Damage Points: 40-60
Description: After forming three handseals, they'll release a surge of katon chakra around any part of their body to create a layer of hot ash or by release it from their own body, and at will they can manipulate existing ash i.e via; ash gourd. This will not burn the user as they will create a layer of chakra between their skin and the ash to protect themselves. At will, the user can release this ash in a stream of sorts from their hands (even from body-movements) for offensive/Supplementary/defensive purposes, even in enormous amounts. This can be combined with other jutsu like Fire jutsu to give them +1 rank in damage up to S rank.
Note: While Jutsu is sustained (for up to 3 turns), Users can only utilize Katon or related Fire style Ninjutsu only.

Opponent used: (Katon: Gōka no Jutsu) - Fire Release: Hellfire Technique
Dogma would catch the intent as they aimed towards the ceiling, ‘ugh, Uchihas.‘ The incoming fireball would be released towards the ceiling with so much power that moment it made contact it would explode. Suddenly Dogma aimed at their hearts as his ash in that moment (A-rank used) increased in speed as it raveled at insane speeds. Dogma then used the ash as like an umbrella as he dashed passed the dead Uchiha and his teammates. Now in front of the Normie as man didn‘t know why the Uchiha decided to doom them all. However, he then noticed the bodies that fell to the ground were in fact his hired henchmen. Pulling his hair out in stress the place started to fall, he‘d hear a voice. “Tell me about the scroll and I’ll save you.“


Dogma would strike through the man’s chest into his heart as then he threw the body away like trash. Using the ash to dry and remove the strain as the roof kept felling, he would grab the scroll as quickly summon a single powerful fireball that would quickly create a tunnel and an explosion upwards which alarmed the amass of Genins to investigate. Dogma using his ash to ride up through the underground collapse he gets to the top unseen. Given his skull hindered anyone from seeing anything he didn’t want up to short-range. The mob of youngsters would wonder what is going on, Dogma would then quickly decide to release the another large fireball to the group of people also along with the Normies that had got together. Unknown to some while others suddenly noticed the incoming attack, unable to defend against the powerful attack, the scene was cleared as Dogma simply just left then after with the scroll that spoke. He would go on to try to discover more of its secrets.

(Katon: Gōkakyū Hitoame no Jutsu)Fire Release: Great Fireball Shower (x2)
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 70
Damage: 100 (+20 from Ash Jutsu)
Description: Kneading his chakra and then converting it to fire, the user will do the Horse → Tiger → Snake → Ram hand seals as he inhales, exhaling into the sky a multitude of great fireballs (up to 8) at the same time which then rain down on the target from above causing severe, widespread damage around the field. These fireballs have explosive and concussive abilities, similar to other fire techniques.
Note: Can only be used by Fire Primary Specialists.
Note: Can only be used twice.

To cont...


Mar 15, 2014
Trait Points
Storyboard Elements:
1) Explore the history of something

Sage Fragments,Last Embedded Seal

‘’...the faces of all the hokage, old and new, are carved into the mountains north of the village. The top of the mountains is a barren, rocky plain that overlooks the entire village.“ Speaking in a low vocie to himself as he pondered where else he’d find information on that text. Dogma held the scroll as he flew through the heavens on his ash platform he’d created, “I can’t sense anything from this thing but my gut‘s telling me its an advanced form of sealing. At my level I don-“

”Don‘t bother. I’m an entity that was supposed to have been ridden of, in the last Universal Revamp. I don’t understand how am still here in this form.“ the scroll interrupts Dogma who now was surprised as he wondered on what it meant by ‘Universal Revamp.’

”What do you mean?” he’d question the entity as he’d land by the windmill farm.

”Hmm, it seems I am now carried by another fodder...no wait, THIS! ISN’T!”

“Ugh, wh-“

”My apologies, how may I serve you?” The scroll would speak. Dogma would start to lose interest as he’d place the scroll down. The wind would start to carry the scroll off as Dogma then moved on, suddenly it would speck again.

”The previous Universe had many Kages, the lands back then had a similar strifes to this current Universe. I heard you-“ suddenly it would go silent as it was being dragged away by the wind. Dogma would simply manipulate his ash to bring it to him again.

“Ah, thank you my master. As I said before, how can I be of service?”

”Tell me what you speak of, and what you are, and most importantly, how can I prove what you speak of!” Dogma would speak without yell however with a stern deep intent which stressed his approach.

“As you desire; I am an entity on a higher level of existenc, much like you. I’ll expand on that soon enough, but more on my background first; I have no name. I was created by the Gods who still oversee this world. There are beings that are bless by these Gods, these beings shape the world however they please, they fade in and out of existence at a flicker that it’s impossible to be noticed by the reality which all beings on this plane can notice. The blessing of the Gods is the rapid growth in power which you perhaps don’t know, that you have been given. I am an entity what is also bestowed that ability to converse of these matters only a primitive level. I know, because its what I was given, now onto you. You‘re a being that is given blessing, and there’s many like you. Many, you wonder? Yes, many. However, not so much as equal to the number of people who share this planet. If I was to count them, they’d be only 20 to 30. At most. I can identify them. Be careful of them, for the odds of win against them is always 50-50.” with a long chat, Dogma thought of what he’d heard to be, either fiction or truth.

“Tell me more on what you are.”

”Ah, my sincere apologies, as I have said. I have no name. I was created out of an entity that was simply created by the Gods, as an autonomous entity designed by them to simply interact with the world for what they intend. That intent was “one ninja/ shinobi to bring them all” if you search more throughout the lands, you might find out more on the bright flash that blinded the world. I was one of the ten entities created at the time. We spoke in sync, the skies turned red, all creature fell silent, directly to every sentient creature‘s mind, we spoke. I was or am, the entity of Dark Miasma. If you so wish to rid of me existence now, I‘ll not regret.“

”Not that I believe you, keep goin’ this story shall past time for me.” Dogma would speak as he sat alongside a windmill, soon he‘d feel chakra signatures of Shinobi approaching his direction. ’ah, great just when I was about to relax and sleep.‘ looking to the sky, he’d see a night cool display of the stars above. Dogma would tell the scroll to halt its story as he prepare for possible combat.

To be cont...


Active member
Apr 7, 2010
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Coming from https://animebase.me/threads/gaikotsu-bay-255.757188/page-2#post-21976676

Medusa landed on the new landmark and she could already sense the large foul energy from he beast. She would clap summoning Riku to her side as they both proceed toward their destination.

( Kuchiyose Kinjutsu: Edo Tensei ) - Forbidden Summoning Technique: Impure World Reincarnation
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 40 (-20 per resurrection per turn )
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation is a forbidden technique used to revive the dead. To perform this technique, the user must first acquire some of the DNA of the person they intend to revive such as limbs, organs or merely blood samples. The soul of the intended revived must also reside in the pure world (jōdo) those whose soul has been consumed by the Death God, or have been previously sealed by other methods cannot be resurrected. Next, a living sacrifice is required for the soul of the resurrected to use as a vessel. Once all prerequisites for the technique have been met, the acquired DNA of the person is smeared on a special scroll and once the scroll is activated, the remains spread out in the form of a special seal with the living sacrifice in the centre. Then dust and ash encase the sacrifice's body, giving them the same appearance that the revived had at the time of their death. The person is then revived and the end product is usually stored in a casket until summoned by the user by performing the Tiger → Snake → Dog → Dragon → Clap hands handseals. When the user summons the revived soul, a casket first appears before revealing the revived soul. The Edo Tensei Summoning can be countered by sealing away the targets soul or by having the summoner cancel the technique. As they are unlikely to do this voluntarily, using a genjutsu to trick them into cancelling the technique is ideal. The sequence of hand seals for cancelling the technique is Rat → Ox → Monkey → Tiger → Dragon → Boar and saying Kai. If the summoner dies before the technique is deactivated, then this method is impossible. If the summoned soul's controlling tag is overcome or disabled by a technique or if the user so wishes it, the summoned soul or the user can both sever the contract through the use of the Snake → Ram → Boar → Dog → Tiger seals. The summoned soul is then left as an immortal revived soul, autonomous and without any link to the summoner.
Note: A bio can only have up to a total of three souls for revival which must abide by a few rules, specific for the technique.
Note: The user of the technique can only have up to 3 Vessels in total. Orochimaru, Kabuto and Tobirama are able to have up to 2 Vessels present in battle though only one of these can be a vessel from a battle.
Note: If the user purchases the vessel, it can only have access to single abilities such as their HA/KG/AE. If a vessel is obtained through battle, he is able to utilize the bio's Dual Abilities, Modes and AN if obtained. Only the canon techniques of these are possible, however.
Note: The Edo Summons pertain to the bio and not the user, and only one of the bios of the user can use Edo tensei.
Note: A member must attain biographies in an offical match approved by 2 roleplay moderators for both the revival and sacrifice and cannot be given a biography willingly.
Note: Technique can only be used once per battle/event.



Active member
Jun 29, 2011
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Coming from: https://animebase.me/threads/gaikotsu-bay-255.757188/post-21989925

Jonathan and Enma arrive on dry land once more, disembarking the boat and leaving it ashore, they both began to walk now. Their spirits high they discussed what they knew about the virus sweeping the lands, and how quickly it had appeared. Jonathan knew now more than ever that he needed to gain information quickly, hopefully those in the land of water would have some.

LLM with Jonathan and Enma


Active member
Aug 21, 2010
Trait Points
Coming from Sylhet (148)

Following the shore seemed to be the safest course of action so far in his explorations, so Barney didn't deviate from the familiar.

Traveling towards Tazuma (130)​
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