Storm Release Techniques

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Feb 27, 2009
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A rank

(Ranton: Reizā Sākasu) - Storm Release: Laser Circus
Rank: A
Type: Attack
Range: Short – Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: The user creates several bright beams of electricity that shoots at his enemy. A halo of bright energy spreads from the users hands as they use this technique.

(Ranton: Raiunkōha) - Storm Release: Thunder Cloud Inner Wave
Rank: A
Type: Offensive/ Defensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: After performing the required hand seals the user uses Storm Release to generate a thick ring of thunderclouds and electricity around him, creating an offensive and defensive ward. He can then uses these clouds to fire powerful blasts of lightning at his enemies, and as an electrified perimeter; effectively preventing his enemies from getting close. But a wind elemental technique can blow the clouds away.
Note: Cloud of rings lasts 2 turns


(Ranton: Burakku Hantingu) Storm Release: Black Hunting
Type: Offensive
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: Seemingly using the maneuverability of Storm Release: Laser Circus technique, but employing the use of black lightning instead of normal lightning, the user sends out several panthers which are guided towards the opponent, slashing them as they pass. The panthers then merge into a single, giant panther behind the opponent, which bites them and then explodes.
Note: Can only be used by Darui

( Ranton Ougi: Rankiryuu ) Storm Release Ultimate Technique: Turbulance
Type: Offensive
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: After doing a sequence of 4 handseals (Rat→Dragon→Hare→Tiger) the user releases a burst of red chakra in the form of a gigantic collumn of energy that rises high into the atmosphere above him. As soon as he does so, huge cold thunderclouds gather and swirl around and above the user, covering the whole battle field. As the pitch black thunderclouds gather high above the user, the whole atmosphere becomes charged with static energy. After some time, having gathered enough thunderclouds and lightning energy, the whole energy is unleashed upon the ground descending in the form of a collum of energy (similar to the one initially triggered). As it touches the ground around the user, the collumn explands outwards, taking advantage of the moisture in the air to travel up to long range, hitting everything while clearing the skies in the process. The energy destroys anything in its wake, leaving nothing but an empty wasteland behind. Because of the massive range and chakra needed to perform this technique, the user can only make use of it a limited amount of times.
Note: Usable only twice per battle.
Note: Takes one full turn to charge completely.

(Ranton: Arashi no Ju Hōō) Storm Release: The Ten Phoenixes Of The Storm
Rank: S-Rank
Type: Offensive
Range: Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: After the user does the require hand signs, this technique will create three light blue phoenixes that are big as Sasuke's Hawk. The phoenixes are sent at the user's will to attack the opponent in whatever direction and angle the user chooses.
Note: Usable twice a match
Note: Courtesy of Korra.
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