Siren's Lair (210)


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
Siren’s Lair

One of the Few Landmarks struck first by the Basmu's emergence from the Kaizoku, Siren's Lair, the former home of the Ganmi Clan, is now but one region on the Western Coast of Tobusekai that makes up the Aeonian Swamp. Where once fragrant perfumes and the sounds of siren songs lured many a wayward wanderer to the beds of the sly vixens, now all one can find here are the putrid stenches of rot and decay, paired with the disgusting chitterings of it's new inhabitants.
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Aug 17, 2011
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And so, the dawn of her march spread as a wild fire through the country. Many have come to see their beloved Candy Maker arrive back towards the home country that is the Siren’s Lair. After witnessing a long voyage, the queen of the land had finally docked on the harbor just outside of her home. Blue Garden, a beautiful and lush city ruled by the Nakiri – Ganmi family. With their previous head of clan stepping down some years ago – the illegitimate second daughter of Senzamon was allowed the title of Candy Maker and Queen of the Siren’s Lair. Mirabelle was fast asleep in her quarters, though the outside commotion had awaken her. Have we arrived? she said in a tired voice – stretching from the slumber out of her body. Her royal guard, Askin was in a seat across the room as he was mapping out something but the queen didn’t bother to ask about it.

Yes, we are at the harbor at the moment in time. The family is currently gathering at the mansion; but of course you can sense the amount of your supporters gathering as well. Do not want to greet them? the adviser said as he turned to the still bed ridden queen. Mirabelle yawned, stepping out of bed in her Askin sighed, such provocative sleeping wear. Stepping into the bathroom to freshen up – Mirabelle couldn’t help but want to know if “she” was present at the mansion. She would extend her sensory across town…nothing. It seems Mana decided not to show up, despite rushing her to come back home immediately.

Taking her mind off it, she took some time to get ready. Several minutes passed, with her stepping out in her new Siren’s Garb. It was rather revealing, she must admit but it was to her liking so no complaints was to be made to the tailor. Mirabelle and Askin moved out of the room and started to surface, reaching directly towards the deck of the ship. The sun beamed down over head; as her eyes become fixed onto it but the screams of her people welcoming her home was nothing more than exciting. The thrill of their loyalty was unrivaled. The queen waved to her people, as she stepped off the boat – her personal guard directly behind her and Askin to her left side.
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Lady Mirabelle! many of the crowds greeted her. She continued in her stride as she was taken to a horse drawn carriage. It had the emblem of the Ganmi emblazed on it’s sides – along with the symbol of her kingdom as well. Stepping into the carriage, they depart for the mansion. I’ve heard word that Lady Mana might not be in attendance at the mansion, my Lady. Do we intend to continue the family meeting without her? Asking asked. Mirabelle nodded to the notion, her not being there wasn’t as important as the announcement she has for them.
It’s of no importance if she is present or not. We need to worry more about what we will say to the shinobi and family about the westerner’s arrival…and or alliance to one of those villages. They might not like the news, but it’s the best bet we have for the sake of the kingdom. she said. Askin nodded, making notes on his book. Slowly approaching the mansion, the guards open the gates to the establishment. She’s been away for roughly two months, having become home sick. The carriage arrived into the courtyard, with the passengers now exiting as they headed into the mansion. Once the large wooden doors open – many familiar faces came to view. Mirabelle greeted many family members – but of course her father was in the room. Ahh, my lovely daughter. Welcome home! he embraced her. She smiled as she hugged him, but the situation was rather…dire. He can sense the negative emotions building up in her and those she was escorted into the main throne room.

There, she sat where many have sat before her. Her sister Mana, her father, her grandfather and many more before her. The queen sighed, now having to directly deliver the news. I must express my most sincere gratitude for allowing me to remove myself from the kingdom for so long. I’ve been traveling as some of you might know, but it did come to my knowledge more things has occurred over here as well. My first true announcement, the people of the West. They are making strides to come here, to Tobusekai. They will eventually come here, for simply passing through the land or seeking some sort of riches. I will express that I encourage you all to not engage with these people unless permitted. This extends to my officials, former Candy Makers, and Paladars. The rest of you are to report to anyone of the mentioned or myself if you find any of these intruders. We’ve also gotten word that the Shogun from the now fallen Hanguri – has come to the shores of the East. We will be taking an expedition to where his ships are located, what will we find? Who knows honestly but maybe some riches for the lesser of our people. Lastly, concerning the west – we are allies with one village from there.

She said as murmurs started to flood the room. Her father cleared his throat to silence them. Yes…it wasn’t my intention to do this without speaking to the elders of the family or the other shinobi…but we need some sort of alliance when the others come charging to our country. With that being said – we are allies with Tanigakure, what we can assume is the successor of Freehold now turned into a village. I have no idea when they will come here but when they do, please express…some sort of tasteful greeting towards them. Now then with that out of the way, we will start our campaign on this country. The people of Tobusekai has long feared the Ganmi as some sort of “monsters”. I don’t appreciate that title, however – if they see us as that then we shall act as that. Beautiful, alluring monsters. We will begin our conquest mission in a few days, so ready yourselves my Sils and Buds but for today, enjoy the feast in the grand foyer! I will like however for my Paladars and former Candy Makers to remain behind. I need to personally speak with you all. she dismissed her family members and shinobi of the Ganmi.

Only so few remained in the room. She was now surrounded by her elite and elders of the clan; with less ears she will now brief her people more accurately. Now then, all of you here are my elite. I need of you to understand that while it may seem like I’m rushing all of this – we need to be prepared for the worst. Thus with this, we will be holding a minor battle simulation in the coming days. I wish for all of you to bring your best game. I will also address the vantage points on where I think we should attempt to take first. Dismissed. she said as the other left the room only leaving herself and her father. What is bothering you, my dear. Senzaemon asked. Mirabelle placed her hand onto her head, a throbbing headache coming in. I don’t know if all of this is the right choice…but I need to protect this kingdom. I will do whatever I must to do that…even if it means taking the most extreme. she said. Her father would simply approach her, lending his hand onto her shoulder. Do whatever you think is right. We will all support you, no matter what. he said as he left the room. Mirabelle lowered her head, falling asleep on her throne as she needed some rest. Askin came in to talk to her but simply placed a blanket and a pillow to her head. Rest well, my Lady.

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Apr 27, 2012
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Yet another day, Dokuga was reading a book in his humble-sized balcony. The people of Siren's Lair had already began their activities outside their homes. Yet the lights from his house were left on, and him still at home. He had been reading that certain book for the last couple of days titled 'Senjutsu' because he figured that a lack of participation in conflicts for quite some time should be replaced with knowledge. Dokuga often kept tabs on general events occurring within the country via his clan's sensing ability while performing his own activities. He couldn't help but notice the distinguishable ship approaching the harbor alongside whom's within it. The reading continued. Then citizens began flocking towards the harbor. Dokuga stood. Then the ship reached the harbor. He closes the book.

Now within the mansion. Dokuga was among many awaiting her presence: the Candy Maker's presence. When she entered, Dokuga and many others greeted her before she went to her throne and began talking to her people.

He paid attention to the Candy Maker's speech. There was talk about concerns regarding westerners in Tobusekai and about an alliance with Tanigakure. Why people would be worried about the westerners' arrival was understandable by Dokuga, although he personally didn't have a strong opinion. As long as his clan's village was safe, things should be fine. Lady Mirabelle had already done a great job of making allies with one of the western villages, so it was now up to himself and fellow clan members to strengthen themselves. The battle simulation which was addressed towards a more restricted audience should also be a good way to prepare. Dismissed. Dokuga faintly bows his head to his leader before leaving the mansion.
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Aug 17, 2011
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Finding herself awakening in her room; Mirabelle yawned as she stretched to loosen her muscles. The crack of dawn crept from the blinds in her room. Damn it…what time is it? she said as she looked at the clock directly to her left side. It was roughly eight in the morning – she noticed it was time to start the training she had mentioned to her shinobi. She would fuel chakra into her throat as she shouted out for Askin. Immediately in a poof of smoke, Askin would appear before his leader. You called my La… he stopped and sighed. Of course, Mirabelle was in her iconic sleep wear as usual – but due to Askin’s favor over men; it didn’t bother him in the slightest outside of it seemingly rather unusual.

Please don’t comment on it…anyways please summon my Paladars and the other shinobi. We will begin our plans as intended; please have them all meet in the combat grounds. Today we will evaluate just how strong we are as a clan. she said as she stepped into the bathroom and prepared herself for the day. Several minutes passed by, as the Candy Maker readied herself. Stepping out into the court yard, she would finally take a moment to stroll towards the intended location.

She picked up a flower but a sudden strong breeze blew over the area. The petals gracefully danced around her in unison. She would smile as this happens, it was so nice being home again. She would however only have so much time to enjoy it. She continued her stroll towards the combat grounds; in which she gracefully greeted everyone.
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I hope everyone is rested well? I’ve come today to train with you all in order gauge out how strong our forces are. Sooner or later in the week I will be making a departure in order to find the ships that was left abandoned but also start our conquest of the East. I will of course need some of you to come along with me, thus I will be looking at the results of these fights. I will course taking part… she paused as she sensed…her. She turned around, watching as her sister Mana rolled into the combat zone.

Ara ara…if it isn’t my little lovable cute sister…how are you? Mana said. Her demeanor was commanding. It was like a queen standing before a princess. Mirabelle knew she would show up eventually, as it came to no surprise she arrived here. What brings you here, Mana? You didn’t show up to the party, which I assumed you where hiding yourself by suppressing your chakra. Mirabelle asked, only getting an obnoxious laugh in response. Heaven’s no…why would I be so mean to my own blood? I merely had other important business to handle. I did get word however, that you wanted to do fight simulations. Why don’t you fight me? Let’s see if the current Queen of our family is up to par with the former queen.

Mana gestured, in which Mirabelle agreed. Everyone, find someone to tussle with on your own for the time being. Askin, keep an eye on them please. I’ll deal with this matter on my own she said as both Mana and Mirabelle disappeared in a poof of smoke. Thus the day of training has come.


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Finding herself awakening in her room; Mirabelle yawned as she stretched to loosen her muscles. The crack of dawn crept from the blinds in her room. Damn it…what time is it? she said as she looked at the clock directly to her left side. It was roughly eight in the morning – she noticed it was time to start the training she had mentioned to her shinobi. She would fuel chakra into her throat as she shouted out for Askin. Immediately in a poof of smoke, Askin would appear before his leader. You called my La… he stopped and sighed. Of course, Mirabelle was in her iconic sleep wear as usual – but due to Askin’s favor over men; it didn’t bother him in the slightest outside of it seemingly rather unusual.

Please don’t comment on it…anyways please summon my Paladars and the other shinobi. We will begin our plans as intended; please have them all meet in the combat grounds. Today we will evaluate just how strong we are as a clan. she said as she stepped into the bathroom and prepared herself for the day. Several minutes passed by, as the Candy Maker readied herself. Stepping out into the court yard, she would finally take a moment to stroll towards the intended location.

She picked up a flower but a sudden strong breeze blew over the area. The petals gracefully danced around her in unison. She would smile as this happens, it was so nice being home again. She would however only have so much time to enjoy it. She continued her stroll towards the combat grounds; in which she gracefully greeted everyone.
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I hope everyone is rested well? I’ve come today to train with you all in order gauge out how strong our forces are. Sooner or later in the week I will be making a departure in order to find the ships that was left abandoned but also start our conquest of the East. I will of course need some of you to come along with me, thus I will be looking at the results of these fights. I will course taking part… she paused as she sensed…her. She turned around, watching as her sister Mana rolled into the combat zone.

Ara ara…if it isn’t my little lovable cute sister…how are you? Mana said. Her demeanor was commanding. It was like a queen standing before a princess. Mirabelle knew she would show up eventually, as it came to no surprise she arrived here. What brings you here, Mana? You didn’t show up to the party, which I assumed you where hiding yourself by suppressing your chakra. Mirabelle asked, only getting an obnoxious laugh in response. Heaven’s no…why would I be so mean to my own blood? I merely had other important business to handle. I did get word however, that you wanted to do fight simulations. Why don’t you fight me? Let’s see if the current Queen of our family is up to par with the former queen.

Mana gestured, in which Mirabelle agreed. Everyone, find someone to tussle with on your own for the time being. Askin, keep an eye on them please. I’ll deal with this matter on my own she said as both Mana and Mirabelle disappeared in a poof of smoke. Thus the day of training has come.
This post acts as the beginning of a mission featuring the following elements:

Fight an individual of comparable strength (3)

Having moved away from the crowd, Mana and Mirabelle secured an area for the both of them to fight, each one of them standing roughly around ten meters from each other. I don’t intend on making this easy… she said to Mana. Her sister simply smirked. The tension was high but almost immediately – Mana kneaded her wind chakra into her hand; most notably into her fan. She swung it in a diagonal path – causing a giant sharp breeze to be summoned directly in front of her. The raging winds swiftly approached towards Mirabelle.

Mirabelle in response would sense the nature of the technique – immediately forming the dragon hand seal and unleashing a powerful roar. She also released a powerful burst of wind that immediately clashed with each other. The two sisters didn’t wait for the other to allow an advantage. Mana would use the dust after the clash as cover, immediately followed up by releasing a mist of chakra from her mouth but using her mastery of water release adapted it. This caused the mist to instead be made of her acidic saliva. It wouldn’t normally be as potent but due to her “God’s Tongue” she had increased power in her saliva based ninjutsu.

Knowing this – Mirabelle moved forward towards Mana – covering herself in an armor composed of stone; while it slowed her down – Mana wasn’t the fastest of the bunch. Mana smirked, as Mirabelle formed a sword from the armor to stab into her sister’s abdomen. Mana side stepped but with the illusion casted immediately made it seem like she took the hit head on. Mirabelle wouldn’t be fooled as she sensed her sister’s chakra moving in the other direction to avoid it but she waited perfectly. Hmm…I see you still think close quarter combat is my weakness. Typical Sil! she roared as she swiftly approached Mirabelle.

Mirabelle caused the ground to shake violently as she attempted to approach her but her sister was smarter than that, immediately in response causing the ground to form around Mirabelle. The Candy Maker was caught in the trap of her sister. The earth would swiftly harden – forming a tombstone that kept Mirabelle trapped. Relinquishing her control on the armor – she would surge her lightning chakra through the stone, causing it to crumble down into nothingness. She however became exposed to the mist, as the acidic nature began to melt her clothing and harm her skin. Damn it… she said as she caused a raging wind to be summoned to clear away the mist. There stood her sister, fanning herself. She seemed bored, something of which annoyed Mirabelle. You know…you don’t need to be here if your just going to mock me. she said to Mana.

Sigh such a baby…I guess we can end this spar with this! she said, with Mirabelle having been exposed to the salvia earlier – she was placed into an illusion as overwhelming fear was summoned onto her. This…was the taste of death, as several bladed weapons was summoned from the ground; stabbing into her body. As the iron struck into her, fire was composed into the iron, melting the skin of her body immediately. Mirabelle was helpless against this or at least Mana thought. As Miabelle’s body turned into that of spiders – composed of water that allowed her to free herself but also cast the illusion back towards her sister.

Mana wasn’t pleased with it but it was indeed clever. She simply used her Yang chakra to free herself from the confines of the illusion. Both women where exhausted but both can see that their power was rivaling each others. Hmph…you aren’t as terrible as I thought. Lets consider this a tie…for now. Next time however you wont be so lucky. Mana said as she poofed away. Mirabelle fell to her feet; healing herself afterwards. She would head towards where her people where training to continue where she left off after swapping back into a pair of new clothes once more.

Jutsu used by Mana
(Fūton: Renkū Yōsen) Wind Release: Drilling Sky Dancing Fan
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will chakra his chakra into his giant folding fan (or any other wind jutsu compatible fan) and swing it in front of him and around him in a complete circle. As he does, a large wind raises and gathers all around, forming a large tornado that whips itself around the user and is then propelled towards the intended chakra through the movement of the fan. The technique can be massive in size, but is always incredibly fast.

Note: The user must have a Giant Folding Fan or some other compatible fan.

(Kirigakure no Jutsu) - Hiding in Mist Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: D
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 10
Damage: N/A (20 )
Description: This displacement technique creates a thick mist to spring forth by lifting up some water from either a pre-existing source or expelled from their mouth, then goes in and out of sight at will from within the pearly-white realm. The mist's thickness is controlled by the amount of chakra kneaded into it. It can't fool the Byakugan, but, due to the mist being created with the user's chakra, any Sharingan and Rinnegan-user will see the mist coloured by their opponent's chakra, which will effectively hide the user from the dōjutsu.

Note: Can be created through releasing from mouth or manipulating a nearby water source.

(Genjutsu: Kawarimi ) Illusion Technique: Substitution
Type: Defensive
Rank: D-A Rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 10-30
Damage: N/A
A simple technique, this genjutsu works solely as a defensive measure. The user will produce an illusionary copy of himself while he escapes the path/area of the attack with a rapid movement, unnoticed and masked by the technique. The enemy will see and hear the user in the original place until the attack connects with the illusionary copy, at which point it will disperse, revealing the true location of the user. The technique can be controlled so as to have the illusionary copy interact and talk in specific ways with the enemy for other purposes, while the user remains hidden from the targets perception. The illusion is often personalized from user to user, namely in its dispersion, sometimes in relation to the users elemental affinity or summoning companions, following a theme unique to him. The limitation is that the user cannot escape large techniques with this ability nor incredibly fast ones, since the escape is his movement and, as such, is limited to small scaled attacks or normal paced ones. Only techniques which can be escaped by moving out of their way running or through movement can be defended from with this. The main limit however, is that, since its a sustainable illusion, triggering any offensive action towards the target will immediately release the illusion, be it a simple taijutsu move or a ninjutsu attack; any aggressive action the user wants to take will immediately break his focus and control over the technique, releasing the target from it. The stronger the user is with the usage of Genjutsu, the more effective and strong the illusion will be and more times can it be used.
Note: This version can only be used by ninjas without a Sharingan.
Note: Genjutsu users can use the technique thrice per match, D-Rank; Secondary Genjutsu Specialists can use the technique four times per match, C-Rank; Primary Genjutsu Specialists can use the technique five times per match; B-Rank. Apex Genjutsu Specialist can use the technique six times per match; A rank.
Note: Movement speed is bound by the users rank.

(Tsuba Kijutsu: Myousake ⋓ Meiwain ) Black Tongue Arts: Dark Licorish ⋓ Nectar
Type: Supplementary,Offensive, Defensive
Rank: N/A /(E – S)
Range: N/A /(Short – Long)
Chakra Cost : +10 chakra for each water technique/(5 – 40)
Damage Points: N/A /( 10 – 80)
Description: Nectar is the most basic application of the Black Tongue Techniques. Because it’s intimately connected with the basic element Water, in behavior, weaknesses and strengths, the primary purpose of this technique is to describe and adapt Ganmi’s corrosive Saliva to any known Water Techniques that are or can be spat from the mouth. Through this technique, the user will activate the salivary glands and infuse them with chakra, spitting out any amount of saliva and then modelling it after a known spat Water Technique. The user pulls from the mouth, instead of the gut, but the saliva will follow everything else about the original water technique that is being adapted, including handseals and restrictions. While intimately related to water, a clansmen doesn’t necessarily require the water element to use this basic technique, though becomes severely restricted by the lack of it. For Ganmi lacking a water affinity or for those who do have it, this technique can be merely used a basic creation technique for the clan; ranging from forming the saliva into constructs, projectiles, tools to wield on hand like swords, kunai or even blasst of saliva, that can take the form of a thin stream or a scattered splash and can only be used up to A rank. This is the active portion of the this technique, requiring the needed amount of chakra to manipulate the saliva, thus dealing damage based on the rank of the technique. The creation method of this technique is only limited to the user’s own imagination. Adapted defensive/supplementary techniques gain offensive properties due to the corrosive nature of the saliva if applicable and logical, dealing damage equivalent to its rank. Ganmi with Water affinity will need to post this technique alongside the desired water technique; it will not count as a move despite requiring more chakra than the water technique original requires. S rank version of active ability can only be thrice per battle and A can only be used 4 times, requiring a cool down of two turns before being able to be used again while leaving the user unable to use Black Tongue Arts above B rank in the same or next turn. B rank requires one hand seal, A rank requires 3 and S rank requires four.

(Doton: Shinku Bohi) - Earth Release: The Scarlet Tombstone
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will release their chakra into the ground, then by manipulating their chakra, they cause an abundance of adhesive sticky mud to burst up from the ground around and beneath the opponent(s). The mass of mud quickly forming into a tombstone-like shape while clinging to the target, then quickly hardens and encases the whole of the opponent in solid rock. The rock quickly continues to constrict around the opponent, growing tighter and tighter until it eventually crushes them with immense force. Multiple tombstones can be created to encase and destroy multiple enemies, or a single large tombstone can be created to destroy a group of enemies, or one large enemy. The Tombstone created can be no larger than Gamakichi and if multiple Tombstones are created, their total size combined cannot exceed that of Gamakichi.

Note: User is unable to use Water above S-rank in the same turn and the turn after.
Note: Only useable thrice.
Note: Courtesy of Scaze

(Ganmi Genjutsu: Mihoufu ⋓ Minori ) Taste Illusionary Arts: Fruitful Bounty ⋓ Harvest

Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: D-S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Points: 10-40
Damage Points: 20-80
Description: Harvest is one of the basic applications of the Ganmi Genjutsu. It is versatile in terms of effects and chakra cost in order to cover a wide range of applications, as well as accompany the user in terms of hierarchy within the clan, with lower clansmen having access to lesser ranks. Here, the user will use the Primary Taste of the Illusion to change how the opponents perceives the world around them with the 5 basic senses, similar to False Surroundings. It does not change how the targets see people, animals, or even themselves, only creates or alters terrains, and inanimate objects or beings. The Secondary Taste allows the user to alter the way the opponents feel their surroundings, or how the surroundings make the opponents feel, based on the 5 basic Ganmi Emotions, as stated in clan's description. They fall under one of 5 category:

  • Anger: The changes done to the terrain will be perceived negatively. This is usually meant to create a decoy of focus onto the surroundings, rather than entities within the battlefield. The target will chase after the terrain or target the terrain or a specific inanimate object. Ex: Create a red curtain behind the opponent, which will prompt him to direct his attacks at the curtain. A wall created with this will be a target to destroy, not to avoid.

  • Disgust: This is meant to guide the target away from the terrain creations, and guide them into a specific place or just make them lose focus on their surroundings or specific directions. The target will be disgusted by the terrain constructions and move away from it. Ex: Create a wall of mucus that will prompt the target to move away from it, or go around it, not targeting it but rather avoiding it.

  • Fear: This is meant to paralyze or make a person suspect of the terrain changed. The object of the illusion will cause great fear upon the target. Ex: Create a black wall that will seem too big, too imposing, too insurmountable for the opponent to destroy or evade, or do anything but stare at it.

  • Happiness: This is meant to calm and attract the target to the terrain feature. This could attrack someone into it, or guide them in this way. Ex: Create a yellow pillar which the target will focus on and travel to, rather than avoiding or wanting to destroy.

  • Sadness: This is meant to remove the will of the opponent into doing anything. The terrain will elicit more extreme action of either defend from it or attack it. Ex: Create a blue wall that saddens the opponent, making him sad and exhausted and prompt him to do something gratifying, either destroy it or hide from it.
A person targeted by this technique can still perceive damage from the surroundings, being constricted or even cut, but only as external damage. Given the different method of casting, and the additional properties, a clansmen, especially newly started, does not require Genjutsu in order to use this technique though Genjutsu is required to use it to it's fullest potential. Without Genjutsu knowledge, the user will be able to attach an emotion to an aspect of the terrain, without actually creating a complex Primary Taste illusion, which requires Genjutsu mastery. Non-Genjutsu usages make, for example, trees appear darker or lighter, depending on the tone of the emotion, but can't be considered anything but premature Genjutsu. The rank of the user and the opponent play crucial point. Rather than wanting to move away or towards something, one can feel just an hesitation or a unforcefull will to go that can be ignored, if the difference is too big and the opponent too strong.

The user is required to describe a spread of toxins through the air 1 turn before he/she is able to perform this technique, or have had an active Saliva technique in the previous turn within 10 meters range of the target(s).
Taester require 4 handseals in order to cast this technique. They can only use it up to C rank. Biiter require the same number of handseals but can use up to B rank. Savor require 3 handseals and can use it up to A rank. Paladar require 2 handseals and can use it up to S rank. A Flavoron Paladar and the Candymaker require only 1 handseal.
Having Genjutsu as the Primary Specialty allows the user to shave 1 handseal from the total required.
All the inherent restrictions of the Clan apply to this technique.

(Inton: Gogyou Gen) - Yin Release: 5 Elements Illusion
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A (+50)
Damage: N/A
Description: This technique allows the user to combine their elemental chakra with Yin Release in order to create stronger, more potent genjutsu. When the user casts a genjutsu, rather than using their raw chakra they will use one of the basic elemental natures, thus increasing the potency of the jutsu. The jutsu increases in strength by one rank and due to the massive amount of chakra used, the jutsu can penetrate through any subversive method against genjutsu. By using nature chakra rather than raw chakra, the properties of the genjutsu can change in accordance to that nature and become stronger. For example, using Crushing Snake Constriction with Fire Release chakra would make the snakes appear, feel, and sound as though they were on fire. As well, the technique would follow the rules of elemental genjutsu. The user is free to alter the effects of a genjutsu within reason as long as the primary effects remain the same.
Note: Can only be used 6 times per battle.
Note: Cannot be used on techniques above S-rank.
Note: Yin Release masters can use advanced elements and CE

(Yoton: Taiyōnomegumi) - Yang Release: Touch of the Sun
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost:70 per use
Damage points: N/A
Description: Through the infusion of Yang natured chakra into others, users can heal others to their original best physical form. It can be used to regrow missing body parts, heal wounds, purge poisons, etc. The target needs to be alive and the bigger the injury, the longer it takes to heal. The limits of the heal, however, are almost none as it can heal 150 damage per turn and can even heal the chakra system or other injuries that are otherwise not possible to be healed. The technique requires time and physical contact and as such isn't very suited to use in a battle when compared to regular Iryo Ninjutsu.
Note: Yang Release masters are able to use on themselves.

Jutsu used by Mirabelle
(Futon: Sukai doragon no hōkō) Wind Release: Roar of the Sky Dragon
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will perform a single hand seal while gathering chakra into their mouth, while also inhaling surrounding air as they mold it. The user will then exhale, simulating a roar as they releasing a swirling vortex of sharp winds, having a similar range in power to that of Wind Release: Pressure Damage - while having a vortex like effect where it picks up debris, water or other loose objects nearby to converge into the vortex. It is ideal for places such as deserts or near water sources to combine into the vortex. Can only be used thrice per battle, and only once every other turn.

(Doton: Koka no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Hardening Technique
Type: Offense/Defence/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 (+15 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The user releases a burst of earth chakra from all over his body. As he does this, a multitude of rock seemingly grows from his skin, forming a large, dense armour or rock much bigger and bulkier than the users original size. The armour can be manipulated and used to create extendable weapons to strike a target with like rudimentary swords or hammers. The downside is that the user cannot mold techniques from other elements a part from earth while sustaining the armor. The armor can be manifested in only specific parts of the body if the user so chooses.

(Doton: Yochi no Douyou) - Earth Release: World Shaking
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will concentrate and release their chakra into the ground to create a small tremer that can result in making the enemies lose their footing and fall to ground or miss the aim of a given technique.

(Raiton: Chidori Nagashi) - Lightning Release: One Thousand Birds Current
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short (Mid if channeled through a medium)
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A (+10 if used to boost weapon damage)
Description: This jutsu allows the user to generate non-focused electricity from their body. It can be used as an omnidirectional attack or be channeled through weapons, the ground or other conductive mediums. Because the electricity isn't focused, it doesn't kill on contact, instead it has great numbing and paralyzing effects. To channel Nagashi through a medium, the user needs to focus the technique into one of his hands which will then be put in contact with the medium and can only choose to either do a widespread attack throughout his whole body or to channel it into something; he cannot achieve both usages at the same time. Despite not having much destructive or damaging properties, Nagashi can be used to destroy low rank earthen and wooden structures and even negate chakra on the ground to stop high ranked earth and wood techniques. It has also been noted that Lightning Specialists that have mastered Lightning to the highest degree can resist total paralyzation, although they still feel the pain and numbing effects.
Note: Paralyzation lasts 1 turn if sucessful but is ineffective against bios who have a primary Lightning Specialty

(Genjutsu: Setsuwa no Ichi Ni Kumo) Illusion Technique: The Tale of the Itsy Bitsy Spider


Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: This jutsu acts both as a form of Kai and an actual genjutsu. Itsy Bitsy Spider allows the user to manipulate the jutsu and make it work towards her own purposes, while trapping the opponent. This jutsu comes in 2 phases.
In the first phase, the user will suddenly start to turn into tiny hideous spiders, until she disintegrates completely, while manipulating the Genjutsu she's on. For example, if an opponent genjutsu creates a tree that envelops the user, it will constrict her so much that she explodes into multiple spiders, while the tree starts to decay. (The user can have any creativity she wants). This marks the release of the opponent jutsu.
In the second phase, the opponent will start to feel uncontrollable itch, and the genjutsu will force him/her to scratch him/herself frantically. The skin will start to breach and create gashes, from where small spiders will start to come out, as the skin will expose the muscles and the bones, until the person is just mutilating itself, with spiders appearing from every inch of his body. The fear and pain will grow on the person quickly and steadily, until all turns black and a huge hideous spiders suddenly appears in front of the user, with multiple horrible eyeballs, which will knock the opponent out, convulsing in his sleep.
*Knocks the opponent out for 2 turns*
*Can only be used against techniques of the same rank or lower*
*The user will not be able to use genjutsus for 3 turns*
*Can only be used 3 times per battle
*Genjutsu especialist or doujutsu specialist will be able to counter techniques one rank above*

(Inton: Gogyou Gen) - Yin Release: 5 Elements Illusion
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A (+50)
Damage: N/A
Description: This technique allows the user to combine their elemental chakra with Yin Release in order to create stronger, more potent genjutsu. When the user casts a genjutsu, rather than using their raw chakra they will use one of the basic elemental natures, thus increasing the potency of the jutsu. The jutsu increases in strength by one rank and due to the massive amount of chakra used, the jutsu can penetrate through any subversive method against genjutsu. By using nature chakra rather than raw chakra, the properties of the genjutsu can change in accordance to that nature and become stronger. For example, using Crushing Snake Constriction with Fire Release chakra would make the snakes appear, feel, and sound as though they were on fire. As well, the technique would follow the rules of elemental genjutsu. The user is free to alter the effects of a genjutsu within reason as long as the primary effects remain the same.
Note: Can only be used 6 times per battle.
Note: Cannot be used on techniques above S-rank.
Note: Yin Release masters can use advanced elements and CE

( Iryō Ninjutsu: Shōsen Jutsu ) - Medical Technique: Mystic Palm Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (2x the amount of damage healed, 200 max)
Damage: N/A
This medical ninjutsu allows the user to speed up the body's natural healing process by focusing chakra onto their hands, forming an aura of greenish chakra which he then sends into a wound or afflicted body part. This allows the user to heal a patient without the need for medical equipment or surgery, making it very useful on the battlefield. It can be used to treat both external and internal injuries. It is vital to match the amount of chakra used to the severity of the affliction or injury. This requires a great amount of chakra control. Because of this, only a few highly skilled medical-nin are able to use this technique. The limitation of the technique is that it cannot regrow missing body parts or remove with poisons or toxins, though it can heal damage by them. Additionally, perhaps its more severe drawback is the chakra cost, which is much higher than any other medical technique. For each damage point the user of the technique wishes to heal, he needs to spend twice as much chakra. Basically, for x amount of damage the user needs to spend 2x amount of chakra to repair/heal. The user can also use this technique on himself and it can be used with one hand or two and even in two targets at a time or while using another technique with the other hand. The speed of the healing is fast but not instant.
Note: Can be used on up to 2 targets.
Note: Can only be used by Medical Ninja
Chakra: 1195
End of mission.


Active member
Apr 27, 2012
Trait Points
Finding herself awakening in her room; Mirabelle yawned as she stretched to loosen her muscles. The crack of dawn crept from the blinds in her room. Damn it…what time is it? she said as she looked at the clock directly to her left side. It was roughly eight in the morning – she noticed it was time to start the training she had mentioned to her shinobi. She would fuel chakra into her throat as she shouted out for Askin. Immediately in a poof of smoke, Askin would appear before his leader. You called my La… he stopped and sighed. Of course, Mirabelle was in her iconic sleep wear as usual – but due to Askin’s favor over men; it didn’t bother him in the slightest outside of it seemingly rather unusual.

Please don’t comment on it…anyways please summon my Paladars and the other shinobi. We will begin our plans as intended; please have them all meet in the combat grounds. Today we will evaluate just how strong we are as a clan. she said as she stepped into the bathroom and prepared herself for the day. Several minutes passed by, as the Candy Maker readied herself. Stepping out into the court yard, she would finally take a moment to stroll towards the intended location.

She picked up a flower but a sudden strong breeze blew over the area. The petals gracefully danced around her in unison. She would smile as this happens, it was so nice being home again. She would however only have so much time to enjoy it. She continued her stroll towards the combat grounds; in which she gracefully greeted everyone.
You must be registered for see images

I hope everyone is rested well? I’ve come today to train with you all in order gauge out how strong our forces are. Sooner or later in the week I will be making a departure in order to find the ships that was left abandoned but also start our conquest of the East. I will of course need some of you to come along with me, thus I will be looking at the results of these fights. I will course taking part… she paused as she sensed…her. She turned around, watching as her sister Mana rolled into the combat zone.

Ara ara…if it isn’t my little lovable cute sister…how are you? Mana said. Her demeanor was commanding. It was like a queen standing before a princess. Mirabelle knew she would show up eventually, as it came to no surprise she arrived here. What brings you here, Mana? You didn’t show up to the party, which I assumed you where hiding yourself by suppressing your chakra. Mirabelle asked, only getting an obnoxious laugh in response. Heaven’s no…why would I be so mean to my own blood? I merely had other important business to handle. I did get word however, that you wanted to do fight simulations. Why don’t you fight me? Let’s see if the current Queen of our family is up to par with the former queen.

Mana gestured, in which Mirabelle agreed. Everyone, find someone to tussle with on your own for the time being. Askin, keep an eye on them please. I’ll deal with this matter on my own she said as both Mana and Mirabelle disappeared in a poof of smoke. Thus the day of training has come.

This post acts as the beginning of a mission featuring the following elements:
- Fight an individual of comparable strength (3)

Summary: The leader of Siren's Spire wishes some of her clan members to partake in a battle simulation between one another in order to test their combat skills, so a fellow villager and myself will be having a spar.

@Hokusai will borrow your npc Askin for a bit, since you temporarily left him behind to watch over us.
- - -

And so, Dokuga was left with his old Ganmi comrade Aikawa on Siren's Lair's combat grounds. Aikawa was known for sometimes taking things a step too far. I guess it's you and me, buddy!, he said with a slight smug. They made a gap of mid-range by walking away before facing one another. Dokuga signals his roadrunner companions to step out of this one before addressing his old comrade. Don't make me look too bad, Aikawa, I haven't fought for a while. Dokuga shrugs with a faint smile and Aikawa let's a short laugh in response. The Candy Maker's guardian, Askin, kept watch from a fair distance as an examinator of some sort.

Let's start with a blast. Aikawa initiates by stomping the ground, causing three pillars of flames to emerge beneath Dokuga in a triangular formation. Dokuga is surprised despite his taste sensory allowing him to be well aware in good time of the preparation and creation of that fire technique. He glides forward on a fast jet of wind beneath his feet away from where the fire would erupt and towards Aikawa's direction. He escape in the nick of time. Once in the safe zone, Dokuga abandons the jet of wind "Didn't expect you to..." with an aimed kick "actually" which redirects and allows the jet to continue towards his buddy in the form of a gale of slicing wind "...roast me" as Dokuga lands graciously.

Aikawa avoids the wind attack by creating a water orb 5 meters above himself -in the borders of short range- which extends a water whip out of it that grabs Aikawa and gently but swiftly flings him up and backwards to recreate the mid-range distance. I mean... I knew you'd survive. Two other whips of water were also simultaneously created. By the way, frontal attacks are a no-no if you want the upper hand.
Just after the gale of wind passes, these two whips would spring out of the water orb downwards into the ground quickly drilling their way beneath Dokuga before re-erupt in an attempt to skewer him. Those water whips basically took a U-shaped trajectory. Dokuga would simply dodge the two water whips in a strange fashion by imitating the method of drunken fist. Afterall, they were pointy but relatively small in comparison to his body. He evades them while at the same time releasing 4 earth spikes around Aikawa's landing spot in an attempt to pierce through his body before he'd even land. Now reminiscing on Aikawa's usage of water, he thought it was quite clever, though in response to Aikawa's comment "what about being airborne?". Oh....

Also a Ganmi, Aikawa had clear awareness of the large spikes' formation. He couldn't afford moving away from his landing spot so he just resorted to a body shield type ability. He coated his entire chest and lower body with earth and tanked through the earth spikes, crushing them as he lands. The earth around his right arm was made to expand into a larger arm with an open palm above Dokuga and moved downwards to smash him, to no avail. A simple Chidori expanded into a lightning spear from beneath and upwards towards the earth palm. The lightning spear would branch off into multiple ones upon contact with the earth palm, shattering it into pieces before it reached Dokuga. He was displeased with himself for not pushing offensively this one time. As for Aikawa, he took advantage of the commotion caused by the earth's shattering to escape the earth armor and stand above it to unleash his next attack.

Hand raised, Aikawa unleashed an electrical discharge towards the clouds which then very quickly caused targeted lightning strikes fall down on Dokuga's location. The lightning strikes connect, but on another lightning technique swirling around Dokuga before turning into the head of a dragon that launches with open jaws at Aikawa...

A wall of water blocked Dokuga's lightning dragon and formed a wall between the two fighters. Both Aikawa and Dokuga recognised that this chakra signature belonged to neither of them so they turned towards Askin: the Candy Maker's guardian who's been observing them. Askin had spewed water, within range, forming a wall of water between the two.
Your battle simulation has now concluded. You've showcased enough. Both fighters walk back to Askin. "You aren't that bad", Aikawa concluded in an amused tone. Dokuga turns back at him with a raised eye brow and a slight grin on his face replying "You neither" to which they give one another a fist bump.

Jutsu used by Aikawa:
(Katon: Gōka Honoo no Hashira Jutsu) - Fire Release: Great Fire Flame Pillars Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will knead their fire chakra and release it into the ground by stomping down their leg and then causing three pillars of fire several meters tall spaced out evenly. The Pillars of fire can act as a defensive wall against incoming techniques or targets or used to attack low aerial targets.

(Suiton: Suiryūben) - Water Style: Water Dragon Whip
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: After performing the Tiger handseal, the user creates an orb of water from which several sharp whips of water emerge. Those whips can then be directed towards one or multiple targets, impaling them on impact.

(Doton: Koka no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Hardening Technique
Type: Offense/Defence/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 (+15 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The user releases a burst of earth chakra from all over his body. As he does this, a multitude of rock seemingly grows from his skin, forming a large, dense armour or rock much bigger and bulkier than the users original size. The armour can be manipulated and used to create extendable weapons to strike a target with like rudimentary swords or hammers. The downside is that the user cannot mold techniques from other elements a part from earth while sustaining the armor. The armor can be manifested in only specific parts of the body if the user so chooses.

(Raiton: Ikazuchi no Kiba) - Lightning Release: Fangs of Lightning
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user will raise his hand or a weapon and send an electrical discharge into the clouds, allowing them to create lightning strikes in the desired location. The discharges are triggered right after the technique and cannot be delayed or prepared before hand but are quite fast.

Jutsu used by Askin:
(Suiton: Suijinchū) - Water Release: Water Encampment Pillar
Type: Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: A defensive technique where chakra kneaded inside the body is converted into water, and then expelled from the mouth in a dense torrent, effectively creating a near instantaneous barricade that can be used to intercept incoming attacks.

Jutsu used by Dokuga (me):
(Futon: Hiretsuna Jetto) - Wind Release: Sneaky Jet
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long (made at short)
Chakra: 30 (+5 per turn if sustained)
Damage: N/A (60 if used offensively)
Description: The user gathers wind chakra below their feet which is then manipulated into becoming a jet of wind that lifts the user above the surface they're standing on, whether it's ground, water source, etc. The jet of wind is large enough for the user to stand on. This jet of wind is immediately upon creation controlled by the user to travel the trajectory they desire while they themselves are standing on it, allowing them to travel that same trajectory. They are capable of moving freely above a surface and even sending themselves to mid-air or maintaining their airborne position. The user can perform other techniques while riding the jet if it were to be sustained for multiple turns. Its traveling speed is astounding yet the user and the jet of wind can be seen and tracked with the naked eye. Traveling with such speed would allow the user to (upon creation of the jet) even evade medium-scaled attacks such as "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu" and the likes of it while also potentially approaching their opponent. Once done, the user can leave the jet, leaving it to continue in a straight trajectory as it turns into a gale of slicing winds that leaves severe cuts on anything on its path. A notable attribute to this technique is that its formation is near instantaneous, which allows the user to evade close quarters combat attacks.
Note: Usable 3 times per battle
Note: Can be sustained for up to 3 turns
Note: Must wait 1 turn to re-use once the jutsu ends

(Suiken) - Drunken Fist
Rank: C
Type: Attack
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: 30
Description: This unusual taijutsu style is a unique style of combat Drunken Fist Fighters become human powerhouses who'll strike unpredictability, with no inhibitions, an explosive fury and without any second thoughts about their actions. The user can either make themselves drunk or imitate the method by use of swaying and uneven balance on their feet to attack their opponents a total of 12 variant attacks.

(Doton: Dosekidake no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Earth and Stone Bamboo Shoot Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user of this technique condenses the soil and rock in the area to sprout out in the form of four large spikes which attack the target from four separate directions to make it harder to evade. However, it can be easilty avoided by escaping upwards.

(Raiton: Chidori Eiso) - Lightning Release Chidori Sharp Spear
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user increases the range of their Chidori by using form manipulation to extend it into a blade up to 10 meters in length. This blade is capable of splitting into multiple additional blades upon contact with an enemy, drastically increasing the number of wounds it can inflict. Like other Chidori-related techniques, this jutsu will numb its target upon contact but unlike others, seems to focus more on having a cutting power, like a katana, than a piercing one. Because of its cutting abilities, it often seems to manifest a certain "solidity"; a tangible aspect.

(Raiton: Rairyu no Tatsumaki) - Lightning Release: Thunder Dragon Tornado
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user forms a whirling vortex of electricity around themselves. The vortex will take on the form of a dragon’s head and will grow to then shoot forward and cover the area in front of them. Even if the attack doesn't directly connect with his foe, the lightning can jump from the vortex to hit a nearby target.
My chakra: 1600 - 30 - 20 - 30 - 30 = 1490

End of mission.


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
This post acts as the beginning of a mission featuring the following elements:
- Fight an individual of comparable strength (3)

Summary: The leader of Siren's Spire wishes some of her clan members to partake in a battle simulation between one another in order to test their combat skills, so a fellow villager and myself will be having a spar.

@Hokusai will borrow your npc Askin for a bit, since you temporarily left him behind to watch over us.
- - -

And so, Dokuga was left with his old Ganmi comrade Aikawa on Siren's Lair's combat grounds. Aikawa was known for sometimes taking things a step too far. I guess it's you and me, buddy!, he said with a slight smug. They made a gap of mid-range by walking away before facing one another. Dokuga signals his roadrunner companions to step out of this one before addressing his old comrade. Don't make me look too bad, Aikawa, I haven't fought for a while. Dokuga shrugs with a faint smile and Aikawa let's a short laugh in response. The Candy Maker's guardian, Askin, kept watch from a fair distance as an examinator of some sort.

Let's start with a blast. Aikawa initiates by stomping the ground, causing three pillars of flames to emerge beneath Dokuga in a triangular formation. Dokuga is surprised despite his taste sensory allowing him to be well aware in good time of the preparation and creation of that fire technique. He glides forward on a fast jet of wind beneath his feet away from where the fire would erupt and towards Aikawa's direction. He escape in the nick of time. Once in the safe zone, Dokuga abandons the jet of wind "Didn't expect you to..." with an aimed kick "actually" which redirects and allows the jet to continue towards his buddy in the form of a gale of slicing wind "...roast me" as Dokuga lands graciously.

Aikawa avoids the wind attack by creating a water orb 5 meters above himself -in the borders of short range- which extends a water whip out of it that grabs Aikawa and gently but swiftly flings him up and backwards to recreate the mid-range distance. I mean... I knew you'd survive. Two other whips of water were also simultaneously created. By the way, frontal attacks are a no-no if you want the upper hand. Just after the gale of wind passes, these two whips would spring out of the water orb downwards into the ground quickly drilling their way beneath Dokuga before re-erupt in an attempt to skewer him. Those water whips basically took a U-shaped trajectory. Dokuga would simply dodge the two water whips in a strange fashion by imitating the method of drunken fist. Afterall, they were pointy but relatively small in comparison to his body. He evades them while at the same time releasing 4 earth spikes around Aikawa's landing spot in an attempt to pierce through his body before he'd even land. Now reminiscing on Aikawa's usage of water, he thought it was quite clever, though in response to Aikawa's comment
"what about being airborne?". Oh....

Also a Ganmi, Aikawa had clear awareness of the large spikes' formation. He couldn't afford moving away from his landing spot so he just resorted to a body shield type ability. He coated his entire chest and lower body with earth and tanked through the earth spikes, crushing them as he lands. The earth around his right arm was made to expand into a larger arm with an open palm above Dokuga and moved downwards to smash him, to no avail. A simple Chidori expanded into a lightning spear from beneath and upwards towards the earth palm. The lightning spear would branch off into multiple ones upon contact with the earth palm, shattering it into pieces before it reached Dokuga. He was displeased with himself for not pushing offensively this one time. As for Aikawa, he took advantage of the commotion caused by the earth's shattering to escape the earth armor and stand above it to unleash his next attack.

Hand raised, Aikawa unleashed an electrical discharge towards the clouds which then very quickly caused targeted lightning strikes fall down on Dokuga's location. The lightning strikes connect, but on another lightning technique swirling around Dokuga before turning into the head of a dragon that launches with open jaws at Aikawa...

A wall of water blocked Dokuga's lightning dragon and formed a wall between the two fighters. Both Aikawa and Dokuga recognised that this chakra signature belonged to neither of them so they turned towards Askin: the Candy Maker's guardian who's been observing them. Askin had spewed water, within range, forming a wall of water between the two.
Your battle simulation has now concluded. You've showcased enough. Both fighters walk back to Askin. "You aren't that bad", Aikawa concluded in an amused tone. Dokuga turns back at him with a raised eye brow and a slight grin on his face replying "You neither" to which they give one another a fist bump.

Jutsu used by Aikawa:
(Katon: Gōka Honoo no Hashira Jutsu) - Fire Release: Great Fire Flame Pillars Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will knead their fire chakra and release it into the ground by stomping down their leg and then causing three pillars of fire several meters tall spaced out evenly. The Pillars of fire can act as a defensive wall against incoming techniques or targets or used to attack low aerial targets.

(Suiton: Suiryūben) - Water Style: Water Dragon Whip
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: After performing the Tiger handseal, the user creates an orb of water from which several sharp whips of water emerge. Those whips can then be directed towards one or multiple targets, impaling them on impact.

(Doton: Koka no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Hardening Technique
Type: Offense/Defence/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 (+15 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The user releases a burst of earth chakra from all over his body. As he does this, a multitude of rock seemingly grows from his skin, forming a large, dense armour or rock much bigger and bulkier than the users original size. The armour can be manipulated and used to create extendable weapons to strike a target with like rudimentary swords or hammers. The downside is that the user cannot mold techniques from other elements a part from earth while sustaining the armor. The armor can be manifested in only specific parts of the body if the user so chooses.

(Raiton: Ikazuchi no Kiba) - Lightning Release: Fangs of Lightning
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user will raise his hand or a weapon and send an electrical discharge into the clouds, allowing them to create lightning strikes in the desired location. The discharges are triggered right after the technique and cannot be delayed or prepared before hand but are quite fast.

Jutsu used by Askin:
(Suiton: Suijinchū) - Water Release: Water Encampment Pillar
Type: Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: A defensive technique where chakra kneaded inside the body is converted into water, and then expelled from the mouth in a dense torrent, effectively creating a near instantaneous barricade that can be used to intercept incoming attacks.

Jutsu used by Dokuga (me):
(Futon: Hiretsuna Jetto) - Wind Release: Sneaky Jet
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long (made at short)
Chakra: 30 (+5 per turn if sustained)
Damage: N/A (60 if used offensively)
Description: The user gathers wind chakra below their feet which is then manipulated into becoming a jet of wind that lifts the user above the surface they're standing on, whether it's ground, water source, etc. The jet of wind is large enough for the user to stand on. This jet of wind is immediately upon creation controlled by the user to travel the trajectory they desire while they themselves are standing on it, allowing them to travel that same trajectory. They are capable of moving freely above a surface and even sending themselves to mid-air or maintaining their airborne position. The user can perform other techniques while riding the jet if it were to be sustained for multiple turns. Its traveling speed is astounding yet the user and the jet of wind can be seen and tracked with the naked eye. Traveling with such speed would allow the user to (upon creation of the jet) even evade medium-scaled attacks such as "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu" and the likes of it while also potentially approaching their opponent. Once done, the user can leave the jet, leaving it to continue in a straight trajectory as it turns into a gale of slicing winds that leaves severe cuts on anything on its path. A notable attribute to this technique is that its formation is near instantaneous, which allows the user to evade close quarters combat attacks.
Note: Usable 3 times per battle
Note: Can be sustained for up to 3 turns
Note: Must wait 1 turn to re-use once the jutsu ends

(Suiken) - Drunken Fist
Rank: C
Type: Attack
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: 30
Description: This unusual taijutsu style is a unique style of combat Drunken Fist Fighters become human powerhouses who'll strike unpredictability, with no inhibitions, an explosive fury and without any second thoughts about their actions. The user can either make themselves drunk or imitate the method by use of swaying and uneven balance on their feet to attack their opponents a total of 12 variant attacks.

(Doton: Dosekidake no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Earth and Stone Bamboo Shoot Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user of this technique condenses the soil and rock in the area to sprout out in the form of four large spikes which attack the target from four separate directions to make it harder to evade. However, it can be easilty avoided by escaping upwards.

(Raiton: Chidori Eiso) - Lightning Release Chidori Sharp Spear
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user increases the range of their Chidori by using form manipulation to extend it into a blade up to 10 meters in length. This blade is capable of splitting into multiple additional blades upon contact with an enemy, drastically increasing the number of wounds it can inflict. Like other Chidori-related techniques, this jutsu will numb its target upon contact but unlike others, seems to focus more on having a cutting power, like a katana, than a piercing one. Because of its cutting abilities, it often seems to manifest a certain "solidity"; a tangible aspect.

(Raiton: Rairyu no Tatsumaki) - Lightning Release: Thunder Dragon Tornado
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user forms a whirling vortex of electricity around themselves. The vortex will take on the form of a dragon’s head and will grow to then shoot forward and cover the area in front of them. Even if the attack doesn't directly connect with his foe, the lightning can jump from the vortex to hit a nearby target.
My chakra: 1600 - 30 - 20 - 30 - 30 = 1490

End of mission.
Arriving back towards her trainees – Mirabelle silently watched as some of them continued to train while others was done. She was happy to see her clan members were inspired for the coming wars ahead. She however thinks it was time to call it a day; clapping her hands. Alright Sils and Buds! That’s enough for the day. Askin and I will discuss the results later back at the mansion. You’re all free to carry out the rest of the day as you may. she said. Askin silently walked to her side, as the Candy Maker turned away and headed back towards the Nakiri mansion.

That Dokuga fellow. Askin began to speak. Mirabelle’s brow rose as the mention of one of her Paladars come to her ears. There is a lot to his potential…but sometimes I feel he’s holding himself back with that laid back attitude. he said. Mirabelle laughed, it wasn’t like for Askin to worry so much about one individual other than Mira herself. Don’t muse over the insignificant flaws of a person, Askin. I do however will like to have him on my vanguard when we begin our march in a few days. Our next objective; conquest. We have to map out where exactly we are starting. she said to her advisor as they walked into the mansion.

She placed the melted clothing in the hands of one of the maids – directing her take it to the tailor to be repaired. She silently walked up the stairs, maneuvering the halls. She began to lament on her interaction with Mana earlier. She knew one thing was certain, Mana was indeed holding back considering the last encounter prior. She was angry that she would stoop down to her level instead of fighting at her peak, as though she needed some sort of handicap.

Mirabelle smashed her hand into the wall, causing a minor crack into it but the pain of impact made her whimper in pain. Simply walking it off, she arrived into her room as she slumped down into her bed. Staring out the window, the Candy Maker drifted of into slumber. Simply spending time with her family later in the evening; ending the long well spent day.
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
With the final days of the adventure arriving; Mirabelle sat at her throne as she prepared to give out orders. Alright, as of today we begin our march on the continent. Dokuga, Araki, Nanami and Hana. You four will be apart of the Queensguard; basically my personal team. We will leave today, as we head towards our first location. If any of you have an objection as to being a part of the team, let me know now. she said. She would also address the others, but with different orders. As for the others, you will head towards Selva Oscura. I know the rumors…but we need as many vantage points we can capture, so please understand. My guard and I will be heading towards Soren’s Rest. Everyone make your preparations, we will in three hours, dimissed.


Active member
Apr 27, 2012
Trait Points
At the throne room: Dokuga would gladly be part of the Queensguard and therefore had no objections. He's mostly prepared, but would take a short stroll in town until the time is due.


Mar 18, 2013
Trait Points
Coming from here.

After crossing through a forest of tall, dead trees Jin arrived at a complete change in scenery. Scenic beaches and graceful cliffs lined the western coast of this strange land. It was beautiful but deserted--not a soul in sight for miles. Not even a trade ship on the horizon either. Something was clearly off about this place, he needed to leave swiftly.. but how? Not even greedy sailors dared these shores.

Now was the perfect time for.. that. Jin bit a thumb and wiped his blood across a summoning contract on his shoulder. A giant, mythical creature appeared in a plume of smoke. Its grand feathers and steel-muscled lion's feet shone like something out of a dream.

"Ah, it's been centuries since I've seen your face, Yosamu--eh?! Who the hell are you? Where's the Uchiha?"

Jin was in awe--both of Hono's size and the fact that he could speak. "I don't know who you're talking about. Can you take me across this sea?"

"Oh, I remember you now!" The beach rumbled as Hono chuckled to himself. "Gin, was it?"

"....Just take me across this sea. I'm going west. Motoi Drylands?"


The two would lift high above the land, giving Jin a bird's eye view that grew in scope with each flap of the Griffin's powerful wings. Soon enough they were near cloud height and cruising toward a tiny speck of brown in the endless expanse of blue: land.

Kuchiyose: Hono Gurifin kōtei) Summoning: Hono, The Griffin Emporer.
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A (60 w/ A-Ranked fire stream's)
Description: Hono is the emporer of all Griffin's. He is also known to be the most powerful of all Griffon's. Hono earned this title by defeating Tsume in an all out battle for the title. He has a very calm, nice, and forgiving personality. Hono mean's blaze, and Hono certainly live's up to his name. He is a very powerful creature, who does not have to rely on special ability's or ninjutsu in a battle. Hono is very capable physically, having a very muscular body and razor sharp claw's that can tear through flesh like butter. He can move and run with immense speed, and he can soar through the air even faster. Due to his speed he move's faster then a shinobi sage. But Hono earned his name through special ability. He can easily breathe stream's of fire that are capable of scortching anything in his path.

♦ Can only be summoned once per battle.
♦ Must have signed Griffin Contract.
♦ Fire Stream count's as a move.
♦ Fire Stream's are A ranked, and reach up to mid range.
♦ Lasts 4 turn's before dispersing.

LLM. Travel itinerary: > Tenkaichi (010) @9:17 > Dentong (006) @10:17 > Tanishi (131) @11:17 > Tazuma (130) @12:17 > Tetsukai (125) @1:17
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Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points

Strix arrived in the Sirens Lair, a special place in the world as the home for the Ganmi clan, this she had read and heard from travellers. Those seeking the beautiful clan found their trails led here, yet not many ever left. Strix mused to herself that there were few reasons men could find themselves not to leave, but Strix at least found herself enjoying the company here. After some time, she moved on to the next landmark.
