Sinthorus of the Sand v4


Jul 7, 2011
Trait Points

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B a s i c / I n f o r m a t i o n

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Name: Sinthorous

Nickname: Sin

Age: 26

Gender: Male

lan: N/a

A p p e a r a n c e

Sin is a young individual, looking to be in his late 20's though his age is unknown. Standing 6 feet tall with a slim, toned build, sin seems to have the perfect athletic build. His hair is one of his defining traits as it has a blonde tone to it, which seems to flow with his outfit, and his piercing blue eyes, often with clear marks of his lack of sleep. For clothing he is mostly seen in suit and his white robes and cloak, fashioned with tradition samurai armaments, with gold chains holding his cloak in place. On his waist is a traditional katana with minimalistic details, though its blade is often stained with blood. Across his back is his sand gourd, a reminder of what he lost.

P e r s o n a l i t y

Sin the loss of his brother, Sin has struggled with interacting with people. It does not help that every night he fears his sleep will be consumed by the beast inside as he fights for control. He used to be a happy individual, training and travelling with his older brother, he's well educated and has good analytical skills. He's never too trusting of people.

Village of Birth
V i l l a g e & C h a k r a I n f o
WSE Clan
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R a n k // C h a k r a ⬗ I n f o r m a t i o n

Sage of the Forge

Specialty: Apex Handseal (Sand/Wind) Apex Tracking Specialist Yang Mind's Keen Eye Peak Elementalist Chakra fortification (Magnetism)
E l e m e n t s
Water Release
Earth Release
Fire Release
Wind Release
Lightning Release
Polystyrene Release
Gun Powder
Liquid Indium
S k i l l s
Bijuu techniques
A t t r i b u t e s
Mind: 7
Body: 5
Spirit: 5
Agility: 4
Dexterity: 5

Total: 28
S p e c i a l i t i e s

Apex Handseal
Jinchuriki are Single Handseal Specialists and Apex Handseal Specialists, both in human form and tailed beast forms, able to use Sand and Wind without the use of any handseals. This includes a dynamic shield of sand that protects the host automatically. Gaara bios gain a passive +20 to his Sand jutsu due to his Magnetism Release ability

Peak Elementalist
The user’s Elemental prowess is considered elite, amongst the best of the others. This causes one of his base elemental releases to gain elemental neutrality to all other base elements, including its weakness, while maintaining its strength. (Wind)

Apex Tracking Specialist
With more heightened senses, the user is capable of gaining a now increased x2.5 tracking. This allows him to physically track faster movement without chakra sensory

Yang Specialist
Users will gain heightened vitality translating to 1000 chakra increase to their natural reserves. As well, they are immune to recoil damage from techniques that cause it like Forbidden, though they still succumb to the jutsu's other subscribed affects.

Mind's Keen Eye
Genjutsu of any type, other than MS-level or those cast by Kunino, appear 'flawed.' This means that regardless of the caster's expertise or perfection, there will be some kind of tell within the illusion that is very obvious; such as a visual illusion appearing like static on a television, a smell being off, or a sound not making sense.

Chakra Fortification
The user can add an additional effective 10 Chakra or Siris to an element or skill they specialize in, though not at any increased cost or strain to the user. This simply allows their techniques to have 10 more chakra infused into them.


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Sin was born in the land of wind many years ago. He was cursed from a young age with having the Shukaku sealed within him. His mother died when he was born, his father was consumed by his grief and he relied on his older brother to help raise him. The problem was, Sin constantly struggled with his sleep as the demon within him haunted his dreams every night. He'd wake in terror screaming, where his brother would come to comfort him. This lasted for years as he just got used to being tired and being eternally thankful for the existence of coffee. As he got older, he and his brother began working in a forge, and during their breaks, his brother would train with him.

Eventually they left their town together and sought out new work and adventures. Though this was not easy as people knew him as the cursed one due to the calamity within him. Sin feared the beast would consume him, always pushing it away, trying to block out its voice. There were times when people tried to attack them but the sand that he carried always protected him. It was all going well until the night his brother died. The beast consumed Sin's mind in his sleep, taking control of him, going on a rampage. His brother died trying to wake him.

Confrontation [x]

A couple of years had passed since the lost of his dear brother, Leon where Sin found himself avoiding people where possible. He could feel their eyes watching him where ever he went due to the beast within him. Hidden away in the Razorfens, he tried to rest though even then he couldn't catch a break. He found himself trapped within himself, in the blood stained world of the Shukaku, confronting him for the first time since the loss of his brother. The beast tried to torture him during his every moment asleep, this was different though, Sin felt it. He took the opportunity to make a deal with the beast to find a way to free it from within him so they could both go about their lives.

Experimenting [x]
Now, Sin wasn't a powerful shinobi by any means. He got by with some skills his elder brother had taught him over the years though. Though there was a power with him that he wanted to learn how to use, the power of the beast. Now this wasn't going to be as easy as he hoped, with the beast mocking him at ever conjecture, though he slowly learned to harness the chakra within to empower himself. He travelled the Land of Wind as he learned to harness these skills, even becoming able to master the user of sand. His sand was unique as it came to his aid against attacks he knew nothing on. He just assumed this was the beast with him protecting his own interests.

Confrontation [x]
Though he tried to stay hidden from the world, never staying in one place long, trouble always seemed to catch up with him. He was assaulted in Fenchuch by men who had apparently been hunting him for a while, and by the way they attacked, they seemed to know the weakness of his abilities. As he fought them, they attacked him with water, making his sand to heavy and slow to defend him or to attack his assailants. He was losing hope when the beast within him mocked him, giving him an idea to overcome the weaknesses of his sand. Compacting the sand, he squeezed the moisture out of it allowing him to defend himself and put and end to the attack.

The Mines [x]
Trying to hid from the world, hoping to avoid confrontation within the depths. This was short lived as he rested regaining his strength. When he decided to explore the mines, he was attacked by a group of men that seemed to be in league with his previous attackers. The blast caught him off guard as the trap was sprung and his was assault over and over. After a fierce struggle, he managed to slay his assailants though collapsing in the process, being left at the mercy of those who found him. He awoke to find himself within a care facility, confused of how he'd gotten there, though he knew he couldn't stay. As he made his way from the care facility, he heard a group of men questioning about his care. They had found him once more. He escaped out of the back, heading to the exit of the mines though one stood between him and his escape. Without hesitation, Sin ended the man's life in an instant. He couldn't afford to leave any loose ends.

Capture [x]
Thinking he was finally free from the group that came after him in the mines, he headed to the Thousand Needles, finding shelter under the great rock formations that shot to the skies to protect himself from the sun as he finally rested. He rested against the rock gaining much needed rest, though this was short lived. He found himself waking with a blade to his throat, more of the men from the same group, it was never ending. Forged to go with them, he was being escorted back to the mines by the three men, mounted on large scorpions. He was ready to give up if not for the taunts of the Shukaku within. With the power of the beast he let out a deathly roar that sent a shockwave pulsing around him, knocking out his capturers, allowing him to escape. He knew that he couldn't run forever.

Sin traversed the ninja world, looking for clues or information on those who had been hunting him. After a few days he found an encampment surrounded by wooden fortifications. Trying to gain more information, he used his sand eye technique to search the base, though revealing himself in the process. From here he found himself assaulting the keep coming face to face with a small army. Advancing he was barraged with projectiles, though his sand always protecting him. He used his wind and sand to kill the defenders on the walls breaking through the gates coming face to face with a small armoured force which began their attack. He was able to defend but it was quite overwhelming. In the end he resorted to using his true power, unleashing the sand upon them all, crushing them within their own armour. He went to apprehend the man leading the force though he escaped as Sin was drained from the attack.

Having sourced the information to find those responsible for the events of his life, Sin found himself in a church, face to face with an elderly man. The conversation revealed the truth he wished he'd never heard. Though there was no going back. Before he could force the information out of the man, the world would change in a way that no one could ever had predicted. That day would become known as the Cataclysm as the heavens themselves reigned down. The gods taking hold in the world with angels and demons alike now flooding the know world. For the next two years, Sin did what he could to survive as new powers arose around the world. Where his loyalty lied was yet to be decided, though the life he once knew was long gone.


S u m m o n i n g s
Thorny Dragons

Bijuu abilities Level 1:

  • Chakra Shroud - Borrow chakra from Shukaku, forming a red chakra shroud with one tail.
  • Chakra Arms - Gain the ability to use Chakra Arms via the Bijuu shroud. These are formed via sand unless the user chooses the Harmonized Jinchuriki Path, creating the red chakra arms normally seen when in the shroud. Requires Chakra Shroud access first.
  • Chakra Shockwave - Release a massive wave of chakra that pushes forces back. Requires Chakra State to use.
Bijuu abilities Level 2:
  • Incomplete State: The user can transform into a larger incomplete version of Shukaku, piling more sand on to gain more strength and force.
  • Genjutsu Immunity - Gain the ability to be immune to none Doujutsu or higher level Genjutsu by having your Bijuu passively break you from it.
  • Sand/Magnetism Usage: Depending on Path, you can gain access to one skill at the Chakra Shroud state. This allows the second skill without any of the special abilities associated with it.
  • Incomplete Tailed Beast Bomb - Gain the ability to fire a weaker variant of the Tailed Beast Bomb when in Incomplete Mode.
Sand Path Level 1:
  • Sand Usage - Gain the ability to use Sand Ninjutsu. Cannot be the KG/AN/HA chosen when the bio is created if Dual Abilities are chosen. If other KG/AN/HA or Modes are chosen, Magnetism skills cannot be gained later.
  • Enhanced Sand - The user's sand has strengthened, gaining elemental neutrality. Requires Sand Usage skill.
  • Sand Coffin - The user can crush B rank and lower earthen techniques to turn them into sources of sand. This allows him to defend against low ranking techniques with ease by simply destroying them. Requires Sand Usage skill.
  • Sand Gourd - the user gains a gourd or object to store sand in, allowing him to always have access to it. Requires Sand Usage skill.
Sand Path Level 2:
  • Fortified Sand - The user's sand has strengthened over time, gaining a notable +30 damage boost. Requires the user to have first obtained Incomplete Transformation stage.
  • Desert's Oasis - The user can heal damage by piling sand over the wound, healing up to 60 damage. Counts as a move and can only be done three times a battle.
  • Sand of the desert - The user gains a sand armor that can protect him from up to A rank damage. It cannot be noticed nor detected until it's tanked up to 60 damage. Once this is met, it begins to crack and fall off.
  • Sand Infusion - The user can infuse Sand into projectiles to create a sandstorm that masks it's short range to prevent view. Does not count as a move but can only be done once every two turns.

( Teoimeteoroi ) - Theoi Meteoroi
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A ( 10-40 chakra per use )
Damage: N/A
Description: This is a unique generator fitted to the users chest the size of a small golf ball. From this, several wires are wrapped around the users body, two going over his shoulders joining at his back, one down each of his arms and one down each of they legs, attached to their body. This generator was specifically designed as a method to draw in, absorb, and store lightning to use it as a source for a later use. In a similar method to the absorption arm, but on a weaker scale, the user will activate the device in an instant as a lightning technique is released towards them. As it is, this lightning will be drawn into the wires and channelled through into the generator on the users chest that will glow blue. This generator has a maximum capacity of storing S rank lightning or jutsu that equilateral to S rank lightning (A rank + A rank). Once stored the user can then activate the generator, releasing the lightning from it, releasing the lightning through the wires with his chakra control to use it as his own weapon now. It can be channelled around their entire body through the wires for a quick defence or to a specific point like one of their legs, to be released with a kick or stomp, or even be released to add to another jutsu such as a water jutsu. To release the lightning it will cost 10 chakra points and count as one of the users 3 moves per turn, releasing the power that had previously been absorbed which can be done in the same timeframe as another technique. This can be done in the same timeframe as being absorbed, where the lightning passes through the generator being redistributed.

Note: Can only absorb once per turn, storing up to a maximum of S rank power. It costs a move per turn to absorb a technique using the same amount of chakra to absorb as the jutsu it's absorbing.
Note: Releasing the lightning costs of the users 3 moves per turn and holds the same power that had previously been absorbed.
Note: If the generator is damaged, it will release the lightning in an uncontrolled burst around it, shocking all within short range, equal to the rank of the lightning that had been previously absorbed.

(Boreas )
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30 chakra per use
Damage: 60
Description: This technology is a special pair of gauntlets that were designed to work with Theoi Meteoroi. They can be connected to Theoi Meteoroi through the wires that are spread over the users body. They are made of a material that grows or shrinks should the users body change shape or side, like Akimichi style techniques for example. At the centre of the gloves, around the users palm is a small generator that's light blue in colour. These can be used as a medium to draw in lightning really for the abilities of Theoi Meteoroi, drawing the lightning in through the gloves and channelling it through the wires into the generator simply being used as a medium. These gloves have their own unique trait. Through either chakra being released into them or by using the energy stored within Theoi Meteoroi from a previous use, or chakra absorbed through the Absorption arm, the user can release a burst or stream of energy form their gloves, in the form of a pushing force. This pushing force is created by the centre of the generator rotating at rapid speeds pushing outwards and the user directing it, much like the leaf dragon god technique, instead of the user having to spin to create the momentum, the workings of the technology does it for them. This can can released in mid scale linear blasts that reach up to mid range, playing on equal terms with elements. The other method of this is the user can release it as a sustained focussed stream of pushing force that they can maintain, acting like a mini wind turbine within the gloves. These abilities can be released in one of two ways. Firstly through using chakra absorbed into Theoi Meteoroi, the user can then use that to fuel the power of the gloves to save their own chakra, but only being able to release blasts or streams up to to amount of chakra they had absorbed. This can be done within the same time frame as the lightning being absorbed as its instantly channelled through the technology to create the blast. The second use is through the users chakra to power the gloves, create the rotation within the centre piece and release the wave. If this technology is powered by chakra absorbed through the Absorption Arm or the Theoi Meteoroi technology, it can be used along side other jutsu as it wont require the users chakra.

Note: One linear blast can be released per turn, counts as one of the users three moves per turn. If the user uses his chakra to fuel this, it will have the equate to the rank used (30 chakra for A rank etc).
Note: The streams can only be made up to A rank, lasting up to two turns, being used once per turn.

( Abusōbu Ude ) - Absorption Arm
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A ( 40 chakra per use )
Damage: N/A
Description: A cyborg attachment to the user's body, the user has a robotic limb that allows for him to create spheres of energy that are capable of absorbing chakra up to S rank level. These spheres are capable of dealing brute force on impact as well, growing to large heights, up to 4 meters in radius. Starting at roughly rasengan size, these spheres grow proportionally to the size of the technique absorbed. Normal Ninja are able to make use of one of these devices via specialized gloves that allow them to absorb 1 Ninjutsu per turn up to S rank while Cyborgs have these attachments and are able to absorb up to Forbidden powered attacks and 1 from each arm per turn.
Note: Can be used a max of 3 times for Ninja and 6 for Cyborgs.
Note: Cyborg can have up to 2 Absorption Arms.

( Mikagami Dorōn ) - Mirror Drone
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30 Initial Cost (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: This Scientific Ninja Tool is a disk-shaped drone that can be controlled remotely with chakra to fly and attack. The user can have up to four drones which he can use to fire Jutsu Bullets from that are strong enough to render a target unconscious and move at comparable speed to Lightning jutsu. These drones are able to be used up to long range, or one landmark adjacent to the user's location.
Note: User can only have 2 max. Cyborg bios can have up to 4, either counting as 1 slot.
Note: Once deployed, Mirror Drones last up to 8 turns before their battery dies, requiring a break of the same amount of time before they can be used. Cyborg bios have double the using time for half the charging time ( only 4 turns to recharge battery).


(Mukō: Meisō) – Void: Meditation
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: C
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Remaining within a single landmark and meditating for three turns (or three posts separated by 45 minutes) grants the user a 75% chance to gain a single Void Infusion

(Mukō: Senmon Chūnyū) – Void: Specialized Infusion
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: A
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Whenever the user uses a technique within a field of their specializations, they have a 35% chance to gain a single Void Infusion, occurring at most once every two turns.

(Mukō: Senmon Akushon) – Void: Specialized Activation
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A Void Infused Artifact that is activated at the cost of a move but occurs instantly and within the same timeframe as the technique it is applied to. Specialized Activation costs two Void Infusions, being applied to a technique that the user’s biography is specialized in; this increases the specialized technique’s damage by 20 and by two bonus speed levels, if applicable. Alternatively, the user can activate Specialized Activation by applying a single Void Infusion obtained by Void: Specialized Infusion. When activated with a Void Infusion in this case, the damage boost is increased to 30. The applied technique also has its speed increased by 4 levels, if applicable. Can be activated three times per battle.

(Mukō: Boryoku Hoden) – Void: Violent Discharge
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: S
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 80
Description: Whenever the user is Void Infused with at least one charge they have a 25% chance every other turn to release a Violent Discharge of energy, unleashing a single tracking bolt at an opponent within mid-range. If the user has two Void Infusions then this chance is increased to 50%. This does not consume a move and its damage cannot be boosted unless through additional Void Infusion. On a successful discharge the user can opt into infusing it with additional power, consuming their stacks of Void Infusion to increase its damage by 40. Elementally neutral and is treated as containing 40 chakra.

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Dropping/updating: Sinthorus v3
Gaara skin: [Battle Test] Sinthorus
Sage purchase: Here
Update: Added unlocked bijuu abilities and Artefacts awarded

Approved by Imperfect.
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