Shalewood (171)


Active member
Oct 1, 2010
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Once a dangerous but lucrative area, the Shalewood lies in ruins after Abzu's Cataclysm.
The forest upheaved by a stray shard of the moon caused many of the logging communities to flee the resulting destruction.
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Active member
Sep 10, 2008
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Coming from 172
Claiming Landmark

This post marks the beginning of my C-rank Storyboard mission using these elements:

Put the Clan's interest first (2)
Show the people of your landmark the merits of your Clan (2)

Synopsis: Menma's efforts to restore Dainashi will require resources and building materials. He has made the next stop on his journey to seek the logging companies that still operated close by and propose a proposition.

Gimme your Wood

The descent towards sea level wasn't as pleasant as Menma had hoped it would be. It seems the direct route had been closed long ago by a rock slide, which made the only way down the mountains through the harsh terrain. The shale deposits here had caused much of the forested areas to decay and as Menma leaped branch to branch, there was an uncertain creak or crack made due to his weight. If he kept up at this pace he would find himself plummeting down onto the fragmented rocks below. The jagged edges of the shale would make any fall a near death trap. Just as he was about to land, the tree he was on suddenly toppled over making him lose his balance as a loud voice trailed into the tree canopies.

"TIMBEERRRRRRR!" The voice rang out, it was definitely the voice of a older man, who had been at this for quite sometime. Menma could tell this in the hoarseness in the guy's voice. The voice however broke Menma's surprise and he quickly regained his composure as he flipped around and saved himself by throwing a wired kunai into another nearby tree and pulling himself towards it as the tree he was on only a moment before fell to the ground with a hard thud. Menma stood horizontal on the tree's trunk looking down at all the commotion. The tree was quickly broken down through the use of ninjutsu, as six people in tandem worked together to chop the tree down into various sizes using wind chakra. It was definitely a sight to behold as the loggers were truly a master at their craft.

Menma hopped off the tree and landed on the ground with a thud the area had already been cleared of most of the fragmented shale so it appeared safe to do so.

"Yo," Menma said with a wide grin. "I seem to be in luck, you look like just the people who could help me with a little project of mine. "

"And..and you are?" the voice called back at him.

Menma could tell his sudden appearance had made the group a bit nervous when he remembered he was still wearing his Kitsune mask. Being mysterious was not a good way to make a first impression so to gain the trust of the group he started by revealing his face. He was careful to slowly remove the mask being sure not to make any sudden movements in case the group decided to turn on him. He didn't want to have to shed the blood of his newest business partners.

"I'm Menma, sorry to have startled you. I saw how you guys dealt with that tree back there, and well...I have to say it was super amazing! If you guys have the time, I'd like your help. Not for free of course, I'll gladly make you all an offer you can't refuse."

Then one older gentleman stepped forward looking at Menma with a stern look trying to figure him out. Menma continued to maintain his smile, hoping someone would take the bait. He wasn't really a good actor and but if he was going to grow his village, he was gonna have to play some roles and do things he didn't feel comfortable with. After all, that what it took to be a successful businessman and leader in this era today.

"Name's Kiro, and this here's my crew. Our families have been living here and have been running these logging operations for generations. If you want things done then, I'm the guy you're looking for. Now aren't you a bit young to be running around here on your lonesome? Shalewood's not one of the safest areas in these mountains. What brings a kid like you here?"

Kiro had a very serious look to his face, and Menma could tell a lie in this situation would immediately blow his cover. So he played it cool and answered the question truthfully. He carefully explained his plans to restore the underground city of Dainaishi and how he wanted to bring the Lightning Mountains back to its former glory. Menma went into detail about his own past, and how he wanted to create a nation for those who had been either lost, forgotten, or down right rejected by society. He could tell he had gotten everyone's attention as he spoke about how he had been made a Jinchuuriki and been outcasted by those around him, the pain it caused him. He never wanted anyone to experience a pain he had felt ever again. He would bring balance to the world and eradicate the helpless feeling so many like him were made to feel by the constant cycle of bloodshed and savagery among the nations. Kiro looked down into Menma's blue eyes and saw his conviction.

"Well.. Menma was it? What kinda project did you have in mind. We don't do anything for free now especially for no snot nosed punk like yourself, matter of fact I hate how you think just cuz' you moved up into some abadoned crypt, you'd assume I even help you in the first place. Not to mention again there a little matter of PAYMENT" Kiro laughed which prompted his crew to laugh as well.

"Hmph, well the funny thing about that is, the only thing I brought to trade were your lives. So, let me get to the point. You either work for me or you die those are my terms. Do you accept or have you already said your goodbyes?"

"What in the hell are you talking about? There's no way you can take us all on you damn brat! GET HIM BOYS!"

Everyone began to surround Menma and he happily oblige to do things by force. He quickly made a single handseal and created several clones which all broke into action as Menma engaged Kiro directly. Things had escalated quickly but Menma was never cut out for negotiation and jumped at the chance to show people he meant business. Him and his clones all would engage in a fight with the targets as he created five clones, one for each opponent. The clones and Menma all acted in unison as an all out brawl began to take place in the forest. But these guys were genin level at best and Menma and his clones quickly subdued everyone and gathered wrapped them all up in ropes before throwing them all into a pile.

"Now then, who should I kill first?" The clones and Menma said in tandem. The chakra of the Black Nine Tails began to leak out of Menma and his clones at the thought of carnage creating a disturbing atmosphere as Kiro and his crew finally began to realize who they were dealing with.

"You're that damn Fox brat! What the hell do you want with us! Go away!" Kiro shouted in desperation as one of the clones picked a kid out of the bunch that was almost the same age as him by the looks of it. The fear in everyone's eyes made Menma realize his point had been made. The clone threw the boy to the ground as Menma spoke.

"Look I already told you what I wanted. I simply want your help. Just do as I ask, and everyone lives are safe with me. As far as payment, your lives should be more then enough I would think? Go against me and well we will just see how much of your blood we can squeeze out of you before your skin shrivels up like a raisin." Menma and his clones all said this with a smile as the whiskers on their cheeks became more visible. Menma took out a scroll and threw it in Kiro's lap. "These are the directions to get to Dainaishi, I suggest you let everyone else around here they're also needed. I need you all to transport as much lumber and workers to Dainaishi as possible, we've got big plans ahead of us!"

Once Menma was convinced that Kiro had gotten the message and would do what he was asked, Menma quickly set off back home to Dainashi to prepare for the construction project while each of his clones set out on a separate path to begin to gather the additional resources needed to complete the project. With Menma acquiring control over the logging companies of Shalewood he'd secure some much needed building materials for his new home in the mountains, and would be one step closer to making a village of his own and setting the entire Ninja World ablaze.


-To Be Continued-

Techniques used:

(Kage Bunshin no Jutsu) - Shadow Clone Technique

Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20 (total chakra is divided by the final number of clones plus the user)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The Kage Bunshin distributes the ninja's chakra evenly among the clones and himself and creates a real copy with form and substance. The clones, a max number of 5, are capable of performing techniques on their own and can even bleed, but will usually disperse after hit by a strong enough force, returning 85% of its individual chakra to the user. Shadow clones can't be distinguished from the original with Sharingan, Byakugan, Rinnegan or normal Chakra Sensing. The clone itself can also utilize any jutsu the original ninja knows. When the clone finally disperses, any new knowledge it has gained is passed back to the original ninja and any additional clones.

CP: 2600 / 6 = 434
C1: 434
C2: 434
C3: 434
C4: 434
C5: 434
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Active member
Sep 10, 2008
Trait Points
Coming from here.

Menma's clone arrived in Shalewood after traveling down the mountain pass which lead to a cliff over looking the entirety of the area giving a clear view of the ocean beyond. The logging company where the trader resided rested at sea level at the mountain edges base. Kiro didn't like Menma much, but he had learned to respect Menma's ambition and knew better than to cross him. Menma's clone wasn't quite sure why now all of the sudden Kiro didn't make his delivery time. But he could soon see why things were so behind schedule. The logging company had seen better days, as it appeared a landslide had decimated much of the small village. If Menma was going to get things back on track he was going to need to help Kiro and the loggers recover from the natural disaster. After carefully scaling down the cliffside amd junping through some of the trees in the gray forest, Menma had finally arived in the small village and was greeted with less than enthusiastic regard.

"Oh, it's just you. If you're here to cause us trouble you can just turn tail back up the mountain. We dont have time for the theatrics today kid."

"It looks like you need all the help you can get, you know I dont like to be kept waiting dontcha Kiro?" Menma retorted.

Kiro looked at Menma distrustingingly wondering if he actually meant to help out or would it just be a matter of time before the Fox brat would make the situation even more dire than it was.

Menma's clone spent the next few hours helping the loggers salvage and clear the debris created by the landslide. The process was a meticulous one but luckily no one was injured during the disaster and the combined effort of the group proved to be very effective as the village was being rebuilt in such a short amount of time. The clean up had nearly been completed when Menma's clone realized that the sun was setting and if he didnt return to Danaishi soon he was not going to be able to return in time to avoid the harsh conditions which would make transporting the supplies impossible.

When Kiro had finally recovered the supplies which had surprisingly been unscathed in the aftermath of the landslide, he and his crew were ready to transport the supplies to Danaishi and under Menma's guide they traveled with supply wagons back up the mountain pass to Danaishi. A task which would prove its own challenge.



Active member
Apr 14, 2012
Trait Points

The scales fading away, his conversion of Senchakra was completed. Quickly he makes a seal and another Geets appears flying next to him, we shall call him Majin. Majin immediately creates a huge Dragon made of SenKaton, and adds some special features by infusing extra chakra then doubling it giving himself and Geets, Boit and Trolly immunity to the fire allowing them to interact with it as if it were either solid/liquid/gas. Geets adds chakra to the technique to boost it's strength, whilst after forming it totally Majin floats inside of the the head of the Parunga looking beast fiery beast, as Vegeta continues to fly directly behind using the Yang wings given to him by Sado. Boit and Trolly follow below Vegeta as the group make their way to the battlefield having watched the fight from afar with his Byakugan, he saw the attacks currently happening and chooses to enter the area from the right side of the beast, with the 9 Tails on his right and the girl fighting Tiamat to his left side..

(Kage Bunshin no Jutsu) - Shadow Clone Technique (Geets)
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20 (total chakra is divided by the final number of clones plus the user)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The Kage Bunshin distributes the ninja's chakra evenly among the clones and himself and creates a real copy with form and substance. The clones, a max number of 4, are capable of performing techniques on their own and can even bleed, but will usually disperse after hit by a strong enough force, returning 10% of its individual chakra to the user. Shadow clones can't be distinguished from the original with Sharingan, Byakugan, Rinnegan or normal Chakra Sensing. The clone itself can also utilize any jutsu the original ninja knows. When the clone finally disperses, any new knowledge it has gained is passed back to the original ninja and any additional clones.
(Chakra Tensõ no Jutsu) Chakra Transfer Technique (Geets)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (same as the amount transferred)
Damage: N/A
This is an advanced ability that ninjas with great chakra control can learn to use and that Bijuu possess innately. The user will release his or hers unmolded chakra onto another ninja, effectively transferring it. The technique has many uses, from restoring an allies chakra to releasing him from a Genjutsu or simply to give him more chakra to mold, allowing him to drastically boost the power of a technique. Tsunade could even use this technique, together with her Creation Rebirth technique to, in conjunction with her summon Katsuyu, heal multiple people at the same time during Pain's attack on Konohagakure. If used to power the use of a technique, the recipient of the chakra can boost one technique by adding +20 chakra to it which increases its damage by +40. To do this, the recipient must mold the technique while the user of Chakra Tenso no Jutsu is transferring chakra into him, meaning that both the transfer and the technique must be done at the same time. The transfer can only be done with direct contact between user and target and restores the targets chakra by up to 100 points per turn. The technique can even be used by ninjas with natural energy passively coursing through their chakra flows, as a medical ninja's near perfect chakra control enables them to filter the unwanted and sometimes harmful energy from entering the recipients chakra system.
Note: Only usable by bios with great chakra control (NB Medical Ninjas, Hyuuga bios, Canon Medical Ninjas). Bios seen using it in the manga can also use it.
Note: Cannot be used to power the users own techniques.
Note: Usable 3 times per battle.
(Katon: Rengoku no Honō ) - Fire Release: Flames of Purgatory (Majin)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: +10/20/30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Flames of Purgatory is a technique used to extend the fundamental properties of Katon jutsu. It is considered a passive technique, is instantly activated and can apply to all future fire techniques. The effects of this jutsu are quite simple - the alteration, when applied, will utilise the infusion of additional chakra into the chosen fire technique (10/20/30) to greatly increase the exothermic power of the technique in question. From this the chosen fire technique will be produced in a state that is far hotter than usual. This won't translate into a direct increase in physical damage; what it will result in however is that the affected fire technique will radiate waves of chakra as heat as it travels. The intensity of the heat produced by these chakra waves will be so great that any enemy that stays within the vicinity (short range) of a Purgatory infused fire technique for more than a turn will begin to experience fatigue symptoms, losing (2/5/10) health from the next turn onwards per turn. As a result, it is vital that enemies extinguish the flames of Purgatory infused fire techniques on the turn that they are produced (in which case they will suffer no tangible effects), otherwise their stamina and physicality will be gradually reduced by the waves of heat so intense that prolonged exposure could lead to severe negative effects in accordance to health lost. Naturally, the intensity of the heat waves produced by the flame scales upwards in accordance to the amount of chakra added to the fire techniques creation. The greatest drawback of this technique is the large expenditures of chakra that it's affects require. This technique can be deactivated at will, lasting four turns maximum, with its effects persisting in fire techniques that it is applied to within this period until their very expiration. It can be activated twice. Once this technique ends it cannot be activated for two turns thereafter.
(Katon: Hōka) | Fire Release: Pyromania (Majin)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: (x2 to the desired technique)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: A variant of ‘Phoenix Feather’d Muffler’, Pyromania is a passive technique that allows the user to infuse extra chakra into a Fire based technique upon creation. The infusion will apply an effect similar to ‘Phoenix Feather’d Muffler’ to the technique, whereby aligning the chakra of the technique to an entity the user will be capable of preventing said substance from being burned, or negatively affected by the heat of the technique. Essentially, Pyromania allows the user to produce a fire technique that does not burn indiscriminately, but rather selectively, as it is capable of filtering out the user, and other desired items from its innately destructive effects. This is highly effective as it not only allows the user to become immune to that particular technique, but unlike the original it also allows them to safeguard allies and other entities from harm upon contact with the flame. Furthermore, just as is the case for ‘Phoenix Feather’d Muffler’, those safeguarded will become capable of interacting with the Fire technique as if it were a gas, liquid, or solid, and thus freely moving around within it without risk of asphyxiation or other adverse effects. This effect is applicable to Fire, and Fire based KG/CE, such as Lava and Scorch.

Lasts until the targeted technique is destroyed, can only be used on one technique at a time with a two turn cooldown between uses, and can be used a maximum of three times.
( Senpo - Kōshoku-kage no Ryū) Sage Arts - Dragon of the Crimson Shadow (Majin)
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplemental
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long (Created Short)
Chakra Cost: 40(-20 to sustain) 70x2=140
Damage Points: 80+40+30=150
Description: The Dragon of the Crimson Shadow is a technique only achievable by one who specializes not only in SM but Katon as well, and can only be activated when already in Sage mode. The user begins by making the Dragon seal molding Katon chakra thru out their body as they draw in masses of Natural energy from around themselves, mixing their ratio until a fiery senjutsu mixture is achieved. A red hue dark in color almost like dried blood appears around the user as the senjutsu chakra leaks from every point on the user, the burning energy shrouding him similar visually to a bijuu cloak but shaped like the face of a Dragon with the user between it's eyes. The intense heat emanated from this energy making the user appear blurry and wavy like looking at a hot road in the desert, and the Natural Energy flowing thru the body of the user already in Sage mode protecting them, healing them faster than the heat could harm them. Upon command, the Energy will expand outwards manipulating the solidness of the flames using great chakra control forming the body of the Dragon growing up to roughly the size of a cannon moderate-sized giant snake summons,, forming into the shape of a Chinese Dragon with the user engulfed in the fiery senjutsu chakra like a pet protecting it's master. Having a somewhat sentient mind similar to elemental clones, it is linked to the user thru their chakra and can be controlled/communicated with through mental commands of the user. When fully formed it encompasses short range around the user and mid range in height coiled, however, the beast when outstretched is up to 30 meters long from end to end. It has limited control of it's arms as far as usage as they are quite small, however they are solidified enough to make contact and be used for various purposes and have a short range reach. The Dragon is capable of firing off a stream of fire up to long range spreading outwards length and width wise like a flamethrower or shooting out a great Fireball solid enough to cause blunt impact damage before exploding in a maelstrom of flames, both usages counting as a move, and can also launch it's body quickly forwards striking like a Viper, piercing/burning anything it makes contact with baring S/W's. It is solidified enough to provide a defense against solid objects with-in reason and will burn and plow thru solid earth of the same rank or below. Alternatively the user can use a melee attack with the face of the Dragon as the striking point and the body trailing behind, releasing the attack devouring the target into it's furnace like jaws being able to launch it long range, however using this attack will end this technique immediately after.

- Must be able to use Senjutsu and have Fire Mastery to use
- Can be used 2x per battle lasting 3 turns, with a turn cool down in between usage
- The user is restricted to Katon/Ninjutsu/Taijutsu/Genjutsu/Senjutsu while active
- Releasing the stream of fire is S rank, counts as one of the three moves per turn, and can be used once per turn.

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Geets - Chakra 1540 Senchakra 740
Majin - 1400 Senchakra 600
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Apr 7, 2010
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Mar 5, 2020
Trait Points
Arriving from:

Arriving from:

With little time wasted in the way of onward momentum, Chise managed to make relatively good time closing the gap between Kurland and the edge of the region known as Ōkuninushi’s Peak; a land relatively barren of any sign of being touched by civilized life or life in general. The chilly mountainous ranges provided little comfort as the temperature seemed to sharpen with each additional pace she made, yet all Chise could think was just how close she was now to her end goal. With a hint of resolve renewed after she'd stop for a brief breather, Chise pressed on persistently Eastward toward the pointed edge of the region.

LLM (169) < (171)

As Chise wandered into the Shalewood region after crossing through Ōkuninushi’s Peak, she was immediately greeted by the unpleasant composition of the region's "growth", or lack-there-of. The withering trees and the seemingly smog-like air that made it difficult to breathe freely was leaving much to be desired. The treacherous terrain would no doubt stifle her progress and bring more than a handful of challenges crossing safely, let alone in a timely manner. To her surprise, she happened to see a caravan of some sort just a bit away; several workers mounting gear that seemed to be utilized to shave and harvest the minerals from the decaying trees and soil. She approached them carefully, getting the attention of one as narrowly as she could. "Excuse me.. I'm looking for a port that could fairy me across the Strait to get to Owatatsumi.. would you happen to know where that is?" The man looks toward her, bringing a hand up to rub some dirtied sweat from his brow. He seemed quite young by comparison to the average amongst them, possibly only a few years older than she was. He smiled, thumbing over his shoulder toward the cart mounted with supplies and buckets full of minerals. "Yeah, we're on our way there now actually. You don't look like you're from around here; this place is pretty sketchy to pass if you're not familiar with the terrain. You're welcome to mount up with us, we'll get'cha there." Chise peeked over his shoulder to eye the caravan, offering a nod toward the boy afterward in agreement to go with them. She took a seat along the back of the cart, where she road for some time until they'd arrive along the Eastern edge of the region where the potent scent of salt water filled the air once more. Once she dismounted the cart, she offered a bow of gratitude to the group, waving farewell before making her way along the harbor in hopes of finding a ship to take her where she wanted to go.

After a bit of trial and error, she finally found a ship that was bound for Owatatsumi. Once having shared all the relevant information with them accompanied by a few additional questions that seemed mostly relevant to "have you been anywhere near the Hokubu ocean recently?" She shook her head in response, though it didn't strike her until she was aboard the ship that she had heard this particular ocean was known for the spawning point of the red fever that has been going around. The "Sea of Life", remnants of a battle against a primordial being not long ago.. Something about it all seemed fascinating to her, on top of quite frightening. Opting to steer clear of it as much as she could for now, she focused in on her approaching arrival to her final destinaion. With luck, she'd be able to surprise Mirabelle, or better yet find her unharmed.

LLM (171) < (214)


Mar 5, 2020
Trait Points
Arriving from:
After a day of much needed rest after the events that had transpired with their mission to take out one of the Children of Tiamat, Chise had begun to resupply her equipment, along with food and water for the travel back to the village of Tsumigakure on the Western continent. After the events that had taken place, Chise seemed to have a slightly more genuine relationship with the village of the Hayabusa. Sure, she was still an outsider and treated as such, but it was at least less glares and gritted teeth at every corner she'd circle in the presence of one of them while she was there, with or without Mirabelle.

Once they had taken the time to settle their affairs, Mirabelle saying her goodbyes to those she was most familiar with in the village and a final visit to the shrine she had been the maiden of, where Chise had helped her clean up around the yard, they began to make their footwork toward the Western-most edge of the region of Owatatsumi, where they would find accommodations upon a ship at the harbor there that will fairy them across the waterline of Kasumi Strait as the beginning portion of their voyage back home.

Permission given by @Nakiri to navigate their bio Mirabelle Hayabusa across the following travel log:
Starting: Owatatsumi ( 214 )
Traveling across: Shalewood ( 171 ) < Ōkuninushi’s Peak ( 169 ) < Kurland ( 164 ) < Sister Isles ( 187 ) < Edo ( 113 ) < Warenaiwa ( 114 )
Final Destination: Graveyard of Sin ( 115 )

Chise & Mirabelle LLM ( 214 ) < ( 171 )

After arriving at the first harbor they'd dock at in their travel home, Chise and Mirabelle both disembark the ship, wandering into the bulk of the town that edges the Eastern waterline of Shalewood, searching for a guide to transport them across the rather precarious landscape of the region. Once settled with one, they begin their careful journey across the landmark heading for it's Western-most point.

Permission given by @Nakiri to navigate their bio Mirabelle Hayabusa across the following travel log:
Starting: Owatatsumi ( 214 )
Traveling across: Shalewood ( 171 ) < Ōkuninushi’s Peak ( 169 ) < Kurland ( 164 ) < Sister Isles ( 187 ) < Edo ( 113 ) < Warenaiwa ( 114 )
Final Destination: Graveyard of Sin ( 115 )

Chise & Mirabelle LLM ( 171 ) < ( 169 )


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Storyboard Mission Element(S):
  • Make all the necessary plans and arrangements for your Clan
  • Negotiate for or speak on behalf of your clan
  • Take responsibility for the actions of your Clan and/or its members
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Alucard would see the coast starting to form on the horizon. He and Faye had been on the sea for a few days now, leaving the dreaded Tobusekai in a considerably better state than it had been when he had arrived several months ago. The world was getting bigger and bigger he thought to himself. Next stop, the lightning mountains where he now had several landmarks to indulge himself with after the treaty between The Hellsing Organisation and Rising Cloud. His Yang state usage from a few days passed still scarred his abilities and it would take him a considerable time to recover completely - alas he had gotten the job done as a finally goodbye kiss to the Tobusekai. He had most surely spread the word around about the clan progress and its reputation would now surely had grown to cover most of not all of Tobusekai at this point. He had made all the necessary plans for the advancements of his clan and it was now time to execute his strategic works in the field.

He knew that there were a few white spots on the map with bordering countries to that of Dainashi and others. Shalewood was not officially claimed yet and there was no reason not to claim it either as it would boost morale and even though most of the landmark was battered by storms, there was industry here that could provide beneficial for strengthening the infrastructure of the landmarks. Most notably here there was a large industry of wood and since most of the trees around were dead, they could also be used for other purposes rather than reinforcement such as becoming charcoal. Alucard would set up a meeting with the main village as soon as he had wandered through the dead terrains that stretched along the coastline. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to create a massive training exercise and conduct it in these parts, using the trees as target practice. They were already dead anyway. Either that or they could be used for it by cutting them down and used as such. He thought to himself, slightly realizing how he was completely new to tactical thinking on a massive scale.

Surely enough, he had bred a small troop on the Moon Isle a long time ago but they probably had already left that place by now due to nothing happening there really. He could reassure himself that atleast the land of dead forests weren't hiding some occult monsters. No chakra signs around whatsoever, precautions of past events in Tobusekai still haunted him. He continued passed the dead forests and reached the towns, joining the roads and went to the living parts of the inlands of the landmark and where the largest village would be found. Hmph, guess it's time for some diplomacy - he thought to himself. He was greeted by the townsfolk with a mixed bag of opinions. He never doubted that the words would've spread that Rising Cloud had a new leader, or so to say fusing itself with the Hellsing Organisaiton even to countries that weren't necessarily owned by it but close by. Shalewood citizens new exactly who he was and what he had done in the south east, far, far away from there. Actions that lead him to have two bounties placed on him. Guess his conquest through his latest tour of Tobusekai hadn't reached their ears yet as it was much more recent. Some of them would look at his wanted posters and simply shake their heads sighting him. He did not feel very welcome, but then again since his topic of diplomacy would be ongoing anyway it was time to solve those morale issues as well. After some time, he was finally greeted with by the mayor who had been expected his arrival and they stepped into his mansion in order to come to attend to their business.

So.. The leader of the Hellsing Organization as well as the previous clan known as Rising Cloud is gracing us with his presence. I'm sure that our villagers have given you some clues about how we feel of this visit no? I'll be honest, our visions of you might be that of a ghost in the past making mistakes one person should never make. Abuse of divine power sort of.. tackles ones soul a bit when the news reaches you. Then again, if the likes of Hei entrusts an individual such as you with the care of the remains of the Rising Cloud, we're clouded by our judgement of you.

The mayor paused for a bit, he was purely confident in his tone and even as ghastly as Alucards appearance could imitate he seemed completely relaxed facing the No Life King.

I have questions for you that needs answers before our discussions can proceed any further.

As the mayor spoke these words, the guards of the villa raised their posture and looked on Alucard with full disciplined eyes. With a slightly annoyed gesture, Alucard would raise his voice while casually removing his glasses. He looked with his golden/cyan Dojutsu into the eyes of the Mayor.

..Well go on then

Right... First off, what have you been up to between now and your destruction of the isles in the south seas? Not a single word has been reached to us and that was months ago, are we supposed to believe you've done better in terms of ugh.. human interaction? Before you answer that, i'd like to ask my second question which is what are the plans of the Hellsing Organisation going forward. As i am sure you know, we were never part of Rising Cloud officially but we were visited by some of your current associates. What even is the Hellsing Organisation and where is Hei Otsotsuki our herald?

That was a lot of questions Mayor. I am not the talkative type so i will just brief you with the key points you need to know. First of all, the islands in the south was a tragedy that i handled poorly. My Dojutsu powers are still fresh to me and i lost control, its not an excuse but it's what happened. After that debacle i have been in Tobusekai. Restoring my name and the name of the Hellsing Organisation and i arrived there in a perfect time to do so. Phetras armies has plagued the lands on the continent and me and an ally of chakra bearers joined forces to stop casualties. The Hellsing Organisation at its core are a guild of assassins i built up from scratch. In my experience there is no such thing as a pure fight, when it's a life and death situation you take on every trick in your book and utilize it, giving it your all. No matter the consequences, no matter what the methods, a dead enemy is priority. If a situation arises where civilian lives has to be compromised we will never doubt judgement to save the biggest lot we can. It might put us on dark paths in our lives, black magic or Kinjutsu as you might now. We do it all, but the line between light and dark is.. Thin. If one of my assassins gets clouded in darkness too much they can become a problem that we deal with. All in all, we get the job done and we don't care about the methods used. It's all about power in the end innit? Sure, there are different kinds of power, but power nonetheless. As far as we're going now, i am planning to expand our organization as much as i can. That's why i am here in the first place - to do such business. I have realized my old ways of claiming territory was.. Perhaps not the right way of doing it so atleast now i give a choice. Not much of a choice, but a choice nonetheless. As for where Hei is? No idea. I gave him his powers and he was off, just like usual - i have not seen him since we signed the treaty but i am looking forward to see him again. We go way back.

Alucard paused for a second but would continue on to finish his statement.

Now then, unless you're done with the questions i'd like to make plans for this area, it's not much but it's what it is. Our clan is training the villagers against the upcoming darkness and whether we wanted it or not. It's here, and you lot are in the danger zone. Hokubu ocean hides something.. I'm sure of it. Not to mention, i forsee alot of refugees fleeing from the Tobusekai in all directions. That continent might be doomed even after all of our hard work. This landmark needs to be prepared for accomodating the souls fleeing death of highest decree. I want to claim the lands here in order to strengthen our infrastructure within all the landmarks as well as putting all of them under the same flag and leadership. There's a wave of darkness that won't wait on how any of you choses to cooperate with your neighbours. Again, it comes to your choice and at this point it's either you are killed by the darkness or cooperate with me and the Hellsing Organisation. If anyone of you wants to get my head for the bounty, you're damn welcome to try.

The Mayor looked at him. He thought for a minute or two and his skin turned pale out of fear of the incoming darkness that Alucard mentioned but he also saw hope in Alucards eyes. There was a turning of hands and the mayor rose up from his chair and reached out a hand for Alucard. He had won the mayors heart in this moment and was given the moment to rise the banners of the Hellsing Organisation throughout the village. Once outside the villa, the Mayor would have a short speech giving clear instructions on what to do for the upcoming days and the news of their alliance. Alucard would now travel north west, into the heartlands of the thunder domain.



Active member
Jan 25, 2021
Trait Points
Coming from 172

Mission starting Protect Yourself from Ninja (3)

Sara had made it to the next landmark from home. She had been to this place before but it has been so long. She took out one of the edible fungus from her pouch that she took from her homeland and decided to munch on it for a snack. As ugly as they looked, they were actually really good and all the natives of her land ate this.

Traversing this land was actually quite tricky given the harsh terrain and the fact that Sara was blind, but that didn’t stop her from continuing. Besides a little challenge, she was up for it. She took her sandals off and decided to walk the harsh jagged land barefoot to build her endurance up and albeit painful, this is what she considered “building character” little by little. Most would think she is crazy, few would respect this mindset.

The land, although harsh, did not seem to slow down whatsoever. The logging companies were still in business and they still have plenty of natives living in this area, which shocked Sara. However it was still a nice sight. It would confuse some people how Sara was blind but could still see, granted she was blind she can still see bits and pieces of her surroundings with different color variations than what other people would see them. However her “eyesight” was still abysmal compared to that of a normal seeing person. AKA “blind”. And of course, this didn’t slow her down.

Delving deeper and deeper into the landmark eventually she found herself in an abandoned forest. She was going the right way, but perhaps the right way was a dangerous way but she kept going.

After realizing how shady this route she was taking was, she was approached by four ninja who of course seemed to be bounty hunters… Now what do they want with Sara? I guess we will find out. They landed on all four sides of her: front, back, left and right. The first ninja who appeared to be the leader spoke up. “We have come for your eyes Uchiha Sara.” Yeah of course they did… Shmucks. Everyone wanted the eyes of an Uchiha, but nobody wanted the friendship of an Uchiha… Anyway, these guys didn’t want the eyes. They simply wanted to take them for someone else. And after Sara inevitably defeats them, she’s going to find out who sent these shmucks…

The ninja to Sara’s left did a fierce roundhouse kick to her face and because of Sara’s site and reaction time she was able to dodge it to where she missed major injury but still got hit on the back of her head which hurt her quite abundantly to the point where she had an aching headache. She was still in Academy student for crying out loud. She use the momentum from Getting kicked in the head to spin around to the side she was kicked wielding her staff and exposing the three hidden blades in it making it a deadly weapon.

“Watch out!” the leader of the pack announced, but it was too late. Sara swung low and chopped off both legs of the attacking Ninja with ease. Almost like butter… Violent indeed. As the ninja sat there crying bloodcurdling screams his comrades did not seem to flinch. It’s almost like they have done this before and has lost many friends on the way. These guys were professionals and Sara was not ready to take on professionals. But she had no choice.

The ninja in front of her, the leader, swung forward with a kunai and his right hand piercing Sara’s stomach but not deep enough before she grabbed his wrist and tilted it in a way to make him let go of the kunai. With her freehand she then swung down her elbow and broke his arm that was used to pierce her with the kunai. The ninja responded by kicking her In the chest, making her fly backwards and getting space in between him and her. Even though he had suffered a broken arm he didn’t seem to feel too much pain he was more so focused on getting the mission done even with a limp, broken arm… Sara was in dire need of medical attention however at this time she was a formidable opponent for the four ninjas. Formidable enough for two of the four ninja to have not even attacked. A loud whistle sound was heard in the background and the three ninja that were left standing fled quite quickly leaving their legless comrade behind. In pain but still alive.

Sara did not bother asking him any questions at this time. That came later. She grabbed him by his hair and continued her bare foot journey on the rugged and jagged terrain, dragging him on the same sharp pieces the land was made out of that she planned to walk on. A painful experience indeed… She needed to soon find some medical attention, if not, the wounds inflicted could prove fatal… And Sara was not ready to die just yet…

Leaving this landmark

Onii Chan

Active member
Apr 6, 2015
Trait Points

Coming from: Valley of Frost (172) | Page 5 | Anime Forum (

Mission: |Custom| The Unknown Jötunn

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| Chapter ii : The Book of Obligations, The Giant of the Forest |
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Diluc and his dog companion had awakened from their slumber, the sun had not arisen from the mountains yet fully to illuminate a orange tone amongst the skies. He would roll over from his bed, getting up and grabbing the dog to then rest him upon his shoulder once more for travel downward of the mountainous region; traversing the narrowness of the structures to reach this forest like landmark. By this time it was due morning, the skies had turned a bright blue and with it the forest had glowed with its ever beauty, walking passed some of the treacherous areas that which resided into the deep maze that was the tall trees they'd eventually stumble upon a large shadowy figure from the distance, its mere steps rumbled the earthen floor. This figure seemed to be slow acting; taking every step with hesitation in mind as if their own world view was amongst a slow-motion ideology, it then began to wrap their gigantic fingers around a singular tall tree that they had found presumably adequate of their selection and with ease but yet again with a slow rumble the tree had been lifted from its roots. Diluc, with curiosity in mind, walked amongst the leaf corpus of the ground towards this creature.

''Ahhhhh .... yule! A human amongst the dead, a human amongst the forest!'' This giant muttered with a echo, his voice copied itself against the breeze. The fallen tree that which was rooted had rested upon his shoulder with one arm, this displayed his immense strength, although his wording in riddles. Diluc in amazement looked upon the giant as he turned around slowly to address him, ''I do not see any dead here, giant, perhaps you're mistaken.'' The giant with his long beard seemingly tied together at the tip by slim branches swayed with him as he bent down to almost eye level of the red-haired knight, ''Skal ... errrr .. the trees live yet dead, the souls yet carry ever forward, they speak yet silent, they warm the essence of nature.'' His eyes bloodshot with a glow of gold from the iris, his mere slight movement quaked the floor once again even when speaking. ''Such riddles .. perhaps he is assuming that were not alone'' Diluc thought as the giant spoke to him, ''What is it that you speak of, giant? I have no time of these riddles'' Diluc wasn't even the slightest bit amused by this creature whom stood in stature before him, he needed to make his way through this forest without haste per his own obligations. ''Yessseeur ... one cannot envision without circumstance, he cannot see without eyes for it.'' The giant muttered as he then would reach his hand out in gesture; offering Diluc and his dog companion a ride amongst his palm through the forest to which they accepted through pure curiosity sake. For if Diluc shall more understand this world that which he was thrusted into he needed allies and connections beyond this realm and then they carried forward yet slowly through the deep matrix of the forest.

Through the forest they had walked, and it seemed almost quiet and relaxing, yet the gradual increase of energy had slowly encompassed the further areas of the now deeper forest within. Slowly the night had arisen once again as they travelled with this giant, the lightbugs came out from their hiding to illuminate the pathway towards the unknown and with it eventually came forth several green lights of pixies flying about the tips of the trees; a slight humming came from their mouths as it henceforth calmed the region with a song. ''What is this place?'' Diluc questioned in yet another amazement of what this giant had brought to show him, ''Tyrrrrrr ... the one sees, the one mentions that which the path is taken, deep amongst the trees.'' The giant would eventually lead them towards a giant tree that was presumed hidden for years from the locals, this region almost seemed untouched and protected by the nature of the spiritual inhabitants that resided here. Bending down the giant had then placed his hand upon the lush flowery floorboard to allow Diluc and his friend to stand once more. The breeze here was subtle yet calming, the smell reminded him of home and yet it was not, he began to look around before questioning the giant once more, ''why take me here ... giant?'' it was then that the giant had chuckled slightly, remaining in his bent over state he would then gaze upon the eyes of Diluc that which would seemingly cast a genjutsu upon him. Diluc fell to the ground as the gold iris of the giant's eyes erupted within Diluc's own visual essence, spiraling in different shapes and structures before being sent forward in time.

Upon awakening everything seemed different, he was unable to move yet stared deeply upwards towards the peak of the trees that pointed towards the moon, but yet suddenly without sound to his ears a bright green flame had emerged from the corner of his visual; growing yet steadily towards him that engulfed the forest. A giant rushed with his slow speeds across his body and with every step rumbled the floor like the giant he had seen before him, with a club in his hand he had then swing it with great brute force against something of the unique before this memory all dissipated all too soon.

Diluc reawakened from his slumber and then was back to where he once was, before he could speak the giant muttered to him, ''Totality, he now knows what which we all know, to know is to eventually suffer, to know is to understand that which the end may come regardless.'' The wise words from the giant was not then this time interrupted by his own language, true to his words Diluc had taken to heart before the giant offered him a ride once more towards the borders of the next region. As they carried forth the red-haired knight questions him of his name before they would eventually depart, the giant hesitated for a moment before answering, ''Arvid .. protection of those that which claim innocent.'' Diluc and his dog then took a slumber amongst the gentle yet brittle palm of the giant before the sun rose once again ...

Mission End

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