Seoyeong (037)


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Oct 1, 2010
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Seoyeong is heavily forested, renowned for the sheer size of some of the ancient trees in the area. A variety of smaller ninja clans have recently established themselves here, starting a conflict with the logging villages and small, rural communities that call it home. Unbeknownst to most Seoyeong is also the site of an ancient Senju Clan compound, hidden by a maze of thick trees that seem to confuse all who venture into it.


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Jan 7, 2009
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Spawning in LM
Mugetsu spawns with Yoru hidden within his cloak. He takes a look at Cassander while assessing the situation.


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May 15, 2013
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Bio in description or [here]

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Chapter 1: Where the Druffalo Roam...

I had been away from home for so long. I couldn't imagine then the journey I'd be taking now. It was a nice change but...I was alone. If I died here and now, it wouldn't have mattered. It was quite a bleak outlook from when I was ready to leave home. That's what happens when you don't do your research or plan ahead. I was at a loss at what to do at this point because I was out of money and food. I was so tired and hungry that I even thought of killing for food.

*stomach gurgles*

"Ugh...when was the last time I ate anything?"

I knew I had to eat but I was starting to get weak.

"Oh no...don't tell I dying?"

"(Whimsical) Not unless you are allergic to carrots?"

Coming to my senses, I realized soon enough that I had fallen on a farmer's field full of carrots.

"Was this field always here?" I replied quite shocked.

"(Cheeky)Yep. Ever since my Dad planted it."

Looking at the kid, he looked quite proud talking about his father. I would have done the same had my father planted...what were they again? Oh right...carrots. *snorts* Hah! Anyways, I took a better look at him. He had the typical farmboy attire I used to don so long ago.Yes I used to be a farmboy mind you.

He seemed quite content with his life which was a breath of fresh air from travelling to other places. It seemed all people share one thing - no one could ever be happy. It almost seemed as if no one WANTED to be happy. But that was just an observation.

"You okay mister? You look...(laughs) look like my mom when she's mashin' potatoes."

"(Confused) Why would she exactly does she look like?"

I asked because he kept laughing hard. But moreso, I understood what it meant to be a kid and just want to talk to someone and be heard. Especially when everyone seems to be too busy to talk. I listened intently and even faked a laugh, although to be honest, his smirk as he described his story to me was priceless. After listening to his story, he grabbed my hand firmly and motioned me to go to his house.

"(Excited) Come inside with me. My mom is making food soon and it was cool talking to you."

As he dragged me to his house I looked at the place. It wasn't anything special to be quite frank but it was "their" home. And I really can't hate on that could I? The farmhouse looked quite dilapidated not to mention. I could see there was several wooden planks around but if my observations were correct, it seemed like there was no other adult male presence than my own and the kid. I was more curious to know what was the true story here. But I knew I could only find out more by going inside and finding out the true tea.

Silly me. Did I forget to tell you the little tike's name?

*rewinds back as they begin walking towards the house*

"I never really asked..."

"It's Richard."

"Why did you assume I was going to ask your name, Richard?"

Richard stops and looks at me.

"If you remember someone's name, you'll never forget them."

Richard ran ahead of me and into the house. He didn't look upset but by the tone in his voice, he really felt strongly about never forgetting someone.


He didn't ask MY name. The travesty. It's okay. I'll teach that little bugger my name and he WILL remember it.

*laughs maniacally*

"Hey mister! You coming inside or not?"


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May 15, 2013
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I stood there by the door unsure of what I should say. I especially didn't want to disrespect the chance for a free meal and a place to sleep for the night. I had been so focused on getting to the next village to find out more information. You see I was trying to find a sensei. Someone who could teach me the ways of the world and would help me hone my craft...whatever that was. I had the drive and energy to make any of my dreams come true but I lacked "purpose". I was looking for a cause - a struggle to fight. I always dreamed of being a knight and I especially was enamored with the code they stood by. While I could tell you what those rules are, I'd rather show you an example of one.

I decided to enter the small abode and present myself. I had passed out on their front lawn so to speak. I didn't want to be a bad guest and not ask for compensation. I could have died...well no...I exaggerate. I dropped dead on their carrot patch and wanted them to treat the wounds I am such a bad liar though. I could never lie to their faces.

"(Prideful) Hello mam. My name is Schtolteheim Reinbach III. I was just..."

"No it's not. You told me your name was..."

Yes I placed my hand over his mouth. Little squirt was about to reveal my identity. I didn't want her to know who I was. At least not yet.

"My apologies. Richard forgot that that was my childhood name and I don't want to be reminded of my past."

"Oh did something bad happen to you?"

She spoke quite softly and sweetly. But that facade couldn't fool me. She clearly gave glances out the window and out the door. It was like she was getting nervous for no reason. I know I can smell sometimes but sheesh. The opportunity was too good to pass up.

"Is something the matter milady?"

Oh right...before we continue. I should have mentioned this earlier. When you read my voice - do pretend I am speaking in a cockney accent. I always wanted one and this is my only outlet. >_>


" Name is Margaret by the way."

"Okay. Now I know you're definitely not even paying attention to me. What's wrong?"


"I can help. If it's that bad then I can assure you I know my way around a blade."

She took a deep sigh. Probably from all that stress she seemed to be carrying. I say this because she slumped down into a chair and told me to grab a bottle that was on a nearby shelf. I took two small shotglasses and placed them on the table in front of her. I grabbed a chair as well and looked at her. She couldn't really tell because my hair was always running down my face. Maybe once I have enough coins I can get my hair cut in a fancy trend like I saw during my hometown's summer festivals. Anyways, I served myself a cup of what seemed like sake.

"Ugh! What is this horse****!?"

"It's called sake."

The smug on her face as she saw me retch say the least - humiliating. That's why I swore off alcohol and after another incident, I really stuck to it. Let's just say we both got wasted. It wasn't what you would expect of a knight - far from it. This story isn't about how I upheld those rules. No. This is a story about learning the importance of those rules and why they exist.

After much talking about mundane life, which at that point, we both shared in common. She began spilling the real tea.

"Have you ever heard of the Hidden Village nearby?"

At that time, I really had no idea what it was. But paying attention to her saddened expression, I could tell that therein lied a past full of sorrow and regret. How would I know such a thing you ask? It's all in the details. She clearly felt threatened and possibly alone which got me to think - was that child really hers?

"No but I do remember reading about it in my hometown's library. But I assume you are asking me because you want to tell me about it, non? Don't worry about me. I have time on my hands. All daylight and moonlight."

She chuckled softly. It was nice to see a beautiful smile. It was refreshing.

"Oh don't make me blush. I just like helping people and sometimes people just want to be heard."

She let down her guard. I could see it as clear as day. But I had to keep my composure. This sounded like something serious.

"My husband and I...we used to be a part of that village. We witnessed the death of one of our dear comrades. He was a well-respected man, never giving in to greed or politics. We all looked up to him. But after that man from the east came, things changed...his heart changed."

I could tell he was important to her. She clutched her robe above her breasts. This wasn't just any man to her.

"I...I should have said something. But when I found out he had ordered the death of my husband, I couldn't remain there. I made a mistake that day by not going with Earl on that expedition. Now he's..."

I cried a little too. It was an emotional story. She really...sold it. But I knew the truth or at least what I knew to be true.

"(Coy) Margaret, Margaret, Margaret. When will you learn that it's not good to lie to the illegitimate son of your husband."

Yes I was there. I was clearly there when I saw her club my father to death. She thought no one was looking but I saw everything.


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May 15, 2013
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I saw the surprise in her eyes. Her eyebrows sky high and the focus in her eyes. She had believed me. I could imagine all the gears in her head finally connecting and moving the information into the right places. But tell me honestly, what is really the truth?

"Oh don't look at me like that. You damn well know who I am."

I said it quite angrily. There was a definite force behind it. I could feel the pain he felt. I was always right about these things or at least that is how strongly I felt.

"I...I don't know. I don't remember you."

She looked more nervous than before. Her fear had taken her. Her skin slowly lost color as well as taking her composure with it.

"Then why are you scared?"

That was the true question. What had she been hiding from me. Why was it so important to...


She interrupted me and my train of thought. But while she was trying to get my attention - which I interpreted as a way to distract me - she began inching her right hand towards a knife on the meager farmer's table. Nightfall had overtaken the old farmhouse, blanketing the landscape in darkness. The soft white stars were twinkling and in the distance could be heard the loud snore of the little tike. He was fast asleep atop his bed, unaware of the dangers that lurked nearby.

I could feel my heart racing. I was young and scared too. But I believed in what I was fighting. I wanted to bring justice to my friend. All I wanted was to give him a goodbye gift. He was the only person in my life who could make me smile. I quite enjoyed that because...

I caught a glimpse of her grabbing the knife finally and swinging her right arm towards me. She used that opportunity to get me to put down my guard. It would have been genius were it not for the fact that we were in a small space and slightly intoxicated. At best her swing almost grazed my arm. The nerve!

I grabbed her arm and squeezed it tight. I didn't want this to escalate in the house the little tike slept in. No child should ever fear to sleep at night like I did.

"Let's take this outside like real adults."

If she wanted a fight I would give her one - even at the expense of my life. However, I don't give up easily when I am passionate for what I do. And this moment, I hope it's my turn to shine.



Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
Coming from: Here.

As he left the flat expanse of Bulanshaat, and it's numerous pop-up settlements, Shayde eventually began to wander into a heavily forested area that seemed to completely envelop the entirety of the region. Though he didn't know exactly what was to be found out this way,Shayde knew that there was a marketplace in this general vicinity. If he could find it, he could rest up for the second leg of his journey, which was arguably much harder since the Uzumaki were noted to be found in almost all Lands, with no "central" location to call their own. Rumor had it that their original home was destroyed, and since then had decided it was best to not give their enemies the same chance to attack them. While that was great and all for them, it made all contact hard in general, not just for those with a hostile intent.

Shayde kept a steady pace as he wandered through the massive, heavily forested region of Seoyeong, though with little direction, and the desire to find a place to rest up, he was growing more frustrated the further he traversed. There was very little he could actually see, besides the expansive trunks of yet more trees, as he strained his was through this ever expansive woodland. Hours passed, and Shayde finally stopped, and propped himself up against a particularly familiar looking tree. He finally admitted to himself that he was most certainly lost, wandering in circles. At the very least though, if anyone was trying to follow him, they would have a harder time knowing where he was, since he didn't know himself.

"Damn... That technique really takes a lot out of us, doesn't it?"

"It didn't when you fought that Rōresu brat back in Otohime. Was that a fluke, or is it really that bad for you Shayde?"

"I really don't know. It's not like it came with a manual, I mean, you were there. You saw what happened. It just kind of 'switched on', but that time didn't feel anywhere near as bad as this... Maybe it's this fever, but I can't be bothered to find out right now...."

Shayde began to slump down the tree he had propped himself against, until he was uncomfortably slumped in a mess on the ground, his eyes feeling heavier than the weights strapped to his legs. As his head swayed from one side to the other, his vision failing, Shayde couldn't help but rest his eyes, just for a moment. He'd open them every few seconds with a frantic jolt, but after the first few attempts proved too tiring, he eventually grew comfortable enough to let his guard drop. The next time he opened his eyes, although they were still as sore as they were before, there was a more pressing matter; a blade held against his throat...

"Move and you're a dead man..."
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Jan 24, 2013
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Between jolts of consciousness, and the brief respite of a "power nap", Shayde barely managed to recover his strength before a quiet, yet all too alarming metallic *clink* woke his from his entirely too brief slumber. As he forced his eyes open, his instincts were correct; there was a blade held directly to his throat, the wielder of said blade some few steps in front of him, with the blade pointed squarely at the center of his neck. Each word was an assault in of itself, as the Uchiha only wished to go back to sleep, despite the severe circumstance he found himself in.

"Move and you're a dead man..."

"Look, if you're going to kill me, can you maybe do it a bit quieter?"


As Shayde closed his eyes again with a heavy, labored sigh, his assailant was clearly frustrated at the nonchalant way he was handling the situation. A number of thoughts crossed through this stranger's mind; did he have a death wish? Did he not care? Was he truly tired, or was it in act to make his drop his guard? That last one seemed likely... He got a good look at Shayde's eyes, namely the crimson one... He was more than likely an Uchiha, and this close to the compound? He had to take this seemingly exhausted punk in, if he could, to see what he knew... If not, and Shayde resisted, well, one less Uchiha to worry about.

"Get up."

"I really can't, so unless you feel like carrying me-..."

"Sure. How does in a body bag sound? Get up, or else...!!"

Before he could have a chance to snap back with another not-so witty retort, Shayde found himself hauled to his feet, collar first, blade still held firmly against his neck just in case. And within the next moment, his hands were bound tightly behind his back as a weird sound, as though a nearby tree had snapped and fallen down, and Shayde's hands were wrapped in Wood. With another glance at the man's attire, he wore simple red staggered plate mail. That, plus the manipulation of Wood fit the general description of a member of the Senju Clan... Well... F*ck. Here he was, an Uchiha with absolutely no backup, with perhaps the exception of a blind elderly man. Yup.


"What's the matter? Upset you got lost, or just that you caught trying to sneak in?"

Shayde kept his mouth shut from that point on, simply trying his best to keep up with his new Senju buddy and his constant orders, barked with authority, telling him to keep moving. For the most part, Shayde managed to keep pace, though something was off. The Senju had them walk a very specific path, almost as though the trees were in fact doors in a house, rather than an open space. Bobbing and weaving through very specific trees, Shayde noticed that after passing through one, the pattern on the other side seemed to change, as though the forest's landscape was changing. The more likely explanation was that Shayde was placed under a Genjutsu to disorient him, preventing him from memorizing the path through this maze-like forest. Eventually Shayde could hear vague sounds of life just beyond the treeline, and his escort had seemingly dropped the act, walking directly toward the upcoming break in the trees.

As light flooded his perception as they broke the boundary of trees, Shayde's first site was like that of an old, yet very well maintained military installation, similar to the Uchiha compound back in Mianmen, though far less worn by time, and as he was beginning to suspect, attacks from this opposing compound... From the walls hung the symbol of the Senju, clear as day, so despite the rumors being that they were found far to the North West of the Land of Fire, they had established a clear presence here. Perhaps this was around the area where Shino said he and his "friends" ambushed those Senju all those years ago? It was within the realm of possibility. They were less than a days walk away after all, and clearly outside of what would be considered "their" turf... All this inter-Clan drama and the politics of it were beginning to grate on Shayde, but he kept his head low, and face in check as he was quickly ushered into the compound, after an announcement from his new friend, and a yell of acknowledgement, and the heavy creaking of colossal wooden posts being raised, revealing the entrance. Despite his casual attire, a number of people within the compound found themselves staring accusatorily, as though they knew what he was, as if a glance revealed all they needed to know about him. It was a familiar, and yet distant feeling... But Shayde was kept moving along, being taken towards the center of the compound, probably where the settlement's leader(s) was/ were located, to decide what to do with an "intruder" like him. Worst case scenario, Shayde would have to fight his way out, but then that would be blamed on the Uchiha of Mianmen... On second thought, that was the best case scenario, those bastards deserved it. But still, it was definitely smarter to just play along, for now. If he could only get some rest, he could be out of here before anyone knew better, but with the way he was being prodded, and prompted to keep moving, there was a nagging sensation telling him it wasn't going to happen, because it'd make it easier to get him to talk.

Before long, he and the Senju man who had captured arrived at, and entered a large building, and upon entering, it was clear this was some kind of enforcement headquarters, though not like the kind you'd find in Chungsu during it's heyday. There were small cells, with bars naturally formed from wood, go figure, but the rest of the place almost seemed interested in the topography, and wildlife. Was this man a park ranger? By the gods, if that was true... Shayde had to hold back tears of joy and laughter, knowing that he might have just made this poor young man's day infinitely more interesting. As his bindings were removed, and he was casually but forcefully shoved into one of the cells, Shayde watched as the bars moved on their own, confirming that he was a Senju, or at least had manipulation over Wood. As he rubbed his wrists, Shayde looked back at the young man, his hair shoulder length, brown, and straight, eyes a deep hazel, and simply smiled. A frustrated scowl was his first reply, followed by a simple question.

"Why didn't you try to break free, or even fight back...?"

"I told you, I'm tired."

Shayde began to sit down on an uncomfortable solid wooden slat that barely constituted a bed, as he continued.

"Last thing I want to do right now I going around picking fights. So, how'd you know I got lost?"

"Call it a hunter's intuition."

"Bullshit. You knew I got lost, you said so yourself. It wasn't a question, it was a fact. What was it? Low level Genjutsu in the forest?"

"Good guess, but unlike you, we don't need to rely on cheap tricks. The forest protects us."

"Hmm. Well, do me a favor, and ask the forest if I can crash here for a few hours.
If you've got questions to ask, I'll gladly answer them once I sleep this off."

"Now I'm calling bullshit. The moment you're back up to full strength, you'll just try and kill us. Besides, that doesn't go away with sleep. That's the Red Fever, and if you're still alive, you'll be in no fit state to go anywhere."

"Why don't you use that 'hunter's intuition' of yours to tell me I'm lying? And is that what this is called? If that really is the case, then I guess I've got a reason to play nice with you. You've got info I need, whereas you're only under the assumption I have anything of worth to you.

"We'll see."

As though in response to his request for the man to use that 'intuition' on him, he approached the bars, and gave a quick, slight sniff into the air. A moment later, he took a step back, narrowed his eyes, then promptly walked out of the building entirely. Shayde on the other hand decided to take the opportunity to lay back on the massive slab of wood he was provided with, longing for the days he could sleep on that he could rest upon that ratty, clanky, rickety piece of crap he called a bed back at Otohime... Thankfully no one showed up to interrogate him, allowing him to get a moments peace to rest.


Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
This post contains a Mission utilizing the following Story Element;

Build technology. (2)​

Summary: Finding the time to rest, Shayde discovers himself within a familiar space. Therein he puts this "free time" to good use, utilizing the malleability of his weapon, and the personal computer of a certain dead doctor, he decides to play around with the information contained within.

Since his captor didn't immediately returned to question him, Shayde managed to slip into a somewhat decent sleep for once, though the "bed" he was given could hardly be referred to as such. It would have literally been more comfortable to sleep on the floor, and yet he was already settled in, so to move would be such a waste of energy... So, soon enough, despite the poor amenities, Shayde found himself within the embrace of the uncaring void; that infinite void where all dreamers dwell when they have no dreams to speak of. But this woulddn't last for long, for Shayde soon felt a familiar sensation wash over him. A sickening heat, and rancid smell. But just like last time there were no tortured screams to speak of as Shayde opened his eyes, and saw before him that vast, demonic landscape.

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"Oh for gods sake, can't a guy get some sleep around here?!

He treated the mental intrusion as though it were a mere inconvenience now, as though it was commonplace, and yet he could still count on one hand the number of times he'd seen this place. But just like last time, they were acting as one, in unison, no longer a chaotic sea of twisted mangled souls. Damned souls, but no longer corrupted, and mangled by the Beast they found themselves within. And like before, they spoke in unison;

"You are asleep, Master..."

It didn't take long for Shayde to realize, while it was certainly weird, they weren't lying. He couldn't just "leave" like he could when he was conscious. Greed was just full of surprises, even if he didn't intend on them happening one after the other. But this was interesting nonetheless. He could access this space, even while he was asleep? Talk about compartmentalizing... While his body rested up, his mind could be potentially as active as ever within this space. Didn't seem very useful, since he didn't exactly have the best company, but... Shayde held out his right arm, staring down at it, seemingly commanding it, willing it to obey. At first nothing happened, but with just a bit more force, he watched as everything around him contorted, shifted, rearranged itself. As it expanded and contracted, so too did the world around him. Even asleep, he could manipulate Greed. Another interesting development. Taking a moment to think about his current situation, Shayde then thought he'd best arm himself, just in case things went south with the Senju. But all he had were his own weapons, like his Gunbai, sword, and plethora of throwing tools Greed had managed to eat throughout the years, but all of those needed him to get up close and personal to be remotely threatening, and considering Woods relevant ease to capture and bind targets, it wasn't the best idea to come at them with a sword if push came to shove. It really would be a last resort though. Despite waking him up, dragging him to his feet, cuffing his hands behind his back, making him walk for what felt like hours, and stuffing him into this cramped jail cell with nothing but a hunk of wood to sleep on, without so much as a specific reason why, his first impression of these people wasn't so bad.

After considering his options, Shayde recalled the laptop he had recovered in Fengchong, the one containing the notes regarding his experiment. There were other "projects" on that device, a lot of which he hadn't had the chance to look through yet, primarily because his own flames were about to catch up with him upon recovering it, and then immediately after he was thrust into family drama. With a mere thought about the laptop, again, the world around him shifted, and soon it appeared before him, a slender tentacle of red flesh offering him it with a flourish. Shayde gingerly took the device, and began sifting through the contents once more, this time skipping those concerning Greed, or S.I.N.S, and instead sifted through the "Other Projects". From smaller designs suited for combat support, to larger scale personal weapons, Librom had thought of it all apparently. One design Shayde liked particularly was simply labeled "Y.O.K.O". Seems Librom was very fond of abbreviations... Snarky thoughts aside, Shayde scrolled through what appeared to be blueprints for an experimental high-power long range rifle. That would definitely make short work of Wood, if it's speculated penetrating power was true. There was only one thing holding him back; the lack of a workshop to design something of this level of complexity... And yet on the other hand... He didn't really need one. That's right, he had something better. An arm that basically worked like a compact mass-production machine. It could eat up anything, and spit out twice as much, provided it had enough biomass. He was currently within one colossal source of re-programmable matter. As a deep smile of realization overcame him, Shayde used his left hand to scroll back through the blueprint, while he took his right, and merely balled it into a fist, as though he was concentrating. As he did, he watched as the mass of flesh around him instantly coalesced towards him, coiling, twisting, merging. If he didn't know any better, it looked like the arm of some hydraulic press, or of an assembly robot on a production line for the mass production of Scientific Ninja Tools. As he began willing the biomass to form and shape to components within the blueprint, a thought did occur, one that took the giddy skip from his step. Greed was exclusively limited, at least in his experience, by the things it had already eaten. Greed couldn't replicate components, or even the materials needed to build those components it hadn't itself eaten, and this was a particularly complex design he was experimenting with. Some components count be swapped out, one type of metal for another in regards to the barrel, and so on, but there were some that were irreplaceable, mostly involving the inner workings of the gun itself. Those couldn't be replaced while still keeping this weapon as Librom's design, and that was a compromise he would not make. This wave of anger that washed over him was unexpected, as it wasn't that big of a deal, and yet once more, Shayde felt as though Librom's own thoughts and emotions were influencing his in some way. The thought was both frightening, and sickening in equal measure. That he could so easily induce such vivid and extreme emotions and reactions, as though they were Shayde's own...? What else could he influence in that case? Was there a limit to what he could influence? Was this like Greed, where the good doctor could rest control away from him? There were just as many cons to pros when messing around with Greed, that Shayde began considered using Sealing Jutsu again to suppress the limb, not Greed if possible, but the things within him. Once again Shayde felt a pang of disgust that the man responsible for this entire situation was now trying to play puppet master. Almost in defiance of his will, or maybe just to piss him off, Shayde decided he would go "off recipe" after all, and he had the perfect "source" of materials to start with.

Again, concentrating as though he were conducting a sickening symphony, Shayde closed his eyes, and visualized what he wanted, and again, like a same day delivery service at 11:59pm, it was there within the next moment. Shayde wanted the scraps of Librom's cyborg enhancements, to use as raw materials, and there they were, held out before him like he was being shown a sake collection in an upscale restaurant. And like the sociopathic kid in the butchers shop, Shayde could only smile as he fed the remnants of the bastard to the monstrosity they were both ensnared within. Breaking down the advanced circuitry there was a lot to work with. Various metals and minerals that fit well enough into the design, but Shayde wasn't content with "copying" Librom's plans any longer. He wanted to refute them entirely, to refuse his existence, and make it his own. So Shayde did what came naturally, starting with a solid base, forming a barrel, stock, handle, etc. All the things a gun would technically need, following the core design of the gun anyway, before he defiled it entirely. As he mentally willed the world around him to shift and change materials, and played with the various materials at his disposal, there weren't many outside of the ones he was aware of, with only one exception. A material he hadn't seen before. A pitch black material, with the properties of a metal, yet the texture of chalk almost. Shayde had a weird feeling about it, but it looked cool, and he wasn't about to pass on some unique material, so he took it and ran with it.

Back and forth between the schematics and the horrid construction before him, Shayde took Librom's design, and twisted it. Corrupted it. Broke it down, and reassembled it with his life's work, and thing that killed him, and it was... Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but for what Shayde was intending, it was perfection. Where Librom sought to create a simple, if bulky, rifle, with a uniform militaristic design, Shayde had given it an appearance that both reflected it's power and purpose, and it's architect. A black hand grip and stock black as night, which almost seemed to recoil from the light. A barrel that was twisted and gnarled, with it's cry upon firing a violent scream that tore through the air. A scope with the motif of an eye all it's own, it's gaze bringing terror to those in it's sights. And to top it all off, a chitinous layer of bone that acted as the "body", or "frame" of the weapon. Along the barrel, sight and stock countless spike-like protrusions were formed to give the rifle the appearance of a demonic beast, while at the end of the barrel, where the muzzle break would have been there was now a fractured smile in the bone, as the muzzle itself had been twisted into that of the head of a serpent, or wyrm, it's jagged, fanged smile the last thing some may never see... Looking upon his creation, Shayde looked out into the vast expanse of this sickening gluttonous world, and smiled, knowing he was watching.

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As it had been several hours of hard work, ruining yet more of a man's life's work all out of a seemingly petty revenge by comparison to what he himself had been put through, Shayde felt it was best to try and "wake up" now. After a few admittedly long moments within the sickening silence of the Gluttonous expanse, Shayde managed to find himself staring up at the ceiling, unsure if that was actually real, or merely a dream. A cursory glance down to his hand, and willing the weapon forth gave him all the confirmation he needed.

(Gurīdo ∞ Kuishinbō no Sokonashi) Greed ∞ The Bottomless Glutton
Type: Supplementary (Weapon)
Rank: N/A
Range: Self
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Derived from his "mass conversion" ability, whereby all devoured matter is converted into biomass for him to utilize in conjunction with his shapeshifting and assimilation abilities, Greed developed this skill, which he aptly named his "Gluttony". Gluttony effectively allows Greed's biomass system to act as a nigh bottomless storage system for either himself, or his host to utilize, which is visualized as an endless expanse within Greed himself, composed of millions of writhing bodies, skeletons, etc, and submerged in a sea of blood and viscera. Gluttony is initiated upon the act of Greed devouring a desired item, object, etc, following the rules of Greed's "Devour" ability, as detailed within "(Gurīdo ∞ Eien no Kiga) Greed ∞ The Eternal Hunger", minus Chakra costs. This is due to the fact that, unlike with the regular method of devourment, breaking the devoured mass down via mastication, Gluttony requires that Greed devour the target whole, removing the Chakra cost required to break down Ranked matter, while only partially converting the target into biomass, storing it alongside the rest of his accumulated biomass, while leaving it wholly intact. When the user wishes to "withdraw" a "Gluttonized" item, object, etc, they simply have Greed "spit" it back up, reconverting it from his biomass, and back to it's original form. This can be used to allow the user to travel unencumbered by weapons, tools or accessories they may require to perform specific techniques, or to hide valuables that may be the target of theft. In the case of regular tools, such as Kunai, Shuriken, etc, and other common objects, they can be withdrawn passively, and in the case of projectiles, at a faster speed than it would take one to draw a throwing weapon from a pouch. In regards to more unique, or complicated objects, such as one-of-a-kind weapons and the like, this is limited to one per turn for both withdrawing and storing. Finally, Gluttony cannot be used to store any kind of sentient, living target, as they cannot survive the biomass conversion process.

Note: Can only be used by the current host of "(Gurīdo ∞ Eien no Kiga) Greed ∞ The Eternal Hunger".

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Yoko | Yoko
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: N/A (20)
Damage: 80 (40 and -5 to the user)
Yoko is a large Heavy Ballistic Seige Rifle, looking very similar to a Barret .50cal sniper.
This Heavy Sniper Rifle is carried around often slung on the back of a user, or summoned from a scroll if desired. The rifle itself uses large ballistic ammo that has been specially crafted from hungurian ore for extra damage. Yoko has two firing modes, Standard Rifling or quick eject cartridge, a custom made style.
When in regular firing mode, the user can use the bipod attached for a steady shot, or those with extreme strength can hold the rifle steady enough to accurately target shots. While in regular Firing mode, ammunition is shot out from a 6 round chamber one at a time with comparable speed to lightning jutsu. This mode requires no chakra on behalf of the user, activating like a regular gun. The extended silencer on the barrel muffles sound, outside of mid range, meaning that when fired only the shot can be heard in short and mid range. In the quick eject mode, Ammunition can be launched out of the holding chamber into the users hand. These cartidges then require 20 chakra from the user to activate to fire off the bullet in the users hand. Doing so causes only 40 damage however and also deals 5 damage to the user for the explosion going off in the users hand.
Notes: Can be fired up to 6 times in total. Only one shot can be fired per turn, including the quick eject mode, counting as a jutsu per turn when used.
Note: Quick Eject shells can only reach within short range.

As the broken barrel began to peak through a mouth opening in the palm of his right hand, Shayde then heard the front door open somewhat forcefully. Seeing this as his "friend" returning to make good on that interrogation promise, he immediately returned the weapon back into Greed's "hammer-space storage", and quickly sat up. As expected, his "park ranger" buddy came back, this time with a more stern looking elderly man in tow. Even from a dozen meters away, the look on this newer strangers face was alarming to say the least. There was a calm there, but underneath it there was clearly a seething, boiling anger. As he got closer, it was clear the man was, at least partially, blind, with a large scar that ran from the top of his forehead down to his cheek on the right side of his face. As he was getting around without assistance, Shayde assumed he still retained sight in the other eye. With the general look of frustration on his face clear, Shayde knew cracking wise probably wasn't the best idea at the moment. This man was probably an elder, and official representative of this settlement, so he'd probably been taken away from other work to come witness the "questioning of the supposed intruder". As the pair blatantly approached him, Shayde straightened his posture, straining with a few pops and clicks as he did, before assuming a posture that clearly showed a willingness to talk and listen.

"Well, well, look who's all rested up and ready to talk. Surprised you didn't just break out."

"Eh, the thought crossed my mind, but a deal's a deal.
Plus, like I said. You've got info I need. You only think I have info you want."

"Yeah, I'm starting to believe you, considering we have an idea of who you are, Shayde."

"Dunno what you could possibly know about me..."

"You will soon enough."

To be continued...

End of mission.


Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
Moments passed with only silence filling the space between Shayde and his would-be guards, but that time was more than enough to let paranoia and fear sink it, just enough to get him worrying. What did they know about him? That he was an Uchiha? That was a given from the tone... The implication that came with it was that he was probably going to be punished somehow, but there was something else. Who was the other man? His tone, and the general air of authority that came from him in droves made him think he was some form of official for the Compound, though as things stood, Shayde was at a disadvantage. They apparently knew about him, but he knew next to nothing about them...

"Oh for crying out loud, how long y'gonna torture the kid, Silas? Just tell 'im, or I will."

"You can't even let me have this, can you old man?"

"No, because this is the least important thing I'll need to do today."

"That's a bit harsh, isn't it? I mean, he is family after all..."

"Distant family if you don't mind. That bastard was banished, along with the who-... The woman. He's not guilty of anything, yet, but still, sins of the father and all that. Best for everyone if the brat's out of here before anyone wises up."

It took only a moment for Shayde to catch up, since the topic currently being discussed was still fresh in his mind from his run in with his mother's father, Shino. But while it was assumed he might find family in Mianmen, amongst the Uchiha, this certainly was a turn of events he wasn't expecting. With context clues, that would make this older man his grandfather, on his dad's side. Not the best first meeting, but from the sound of it, while they held a grudge over the incident, they weren't holding it against him specifically. Even if the Senju, Silas, wanted to have a bit of fun teasing, it seemed he was being asked to kindly leave. As the heavy wooden door was forced open, Shayde took a moment to contemplate his situation, his face lost in smug thought, before he leaned back, and crossed his arms. Everything about his body language said one thing, and one thing only; Nope.

"If I wanted to leave, frankly I'd be long gone by now. First I stuck around because I know jack about this "Red Fever", and it sounded like chuckles here knew about it, but since you've decided to make things personal old man, I've got some things to tell you. I get the feeling you're a bit more sympathetic, and receptive to the truth than those dicks over in Mianmen."

The older man's face immediately dropped all sense of civility, like Shayde had just spat in his face, that slowly boiling rage instantly bubbling over as he sat forward into a more aggressive, attentive stance.

"Is that so...?"

It was clear that Shayde was playing with fire, and one wrong move could see him burned at a metaphorical stake in the place of his old man. As the older man's fists shook in what could only be described as pure blind rage, Shayde sat up, and responded.

"Okay, I'll make you a deal this time, old timer. You listen to what I have to say, all of it, and at the end you tell me if you think I'm lying. If you think so, you can give me whatever punishment you see fit in place of my old man. But if even a small part of you thinks every word of it is the truth, well... You let it all go."


The answer was swift and sudden, but not unwelcome. It's what Shayde wanted after all. Shayde immediately sat forward and glanced towards Silas, and then thought it'd be rude to ask him to leave. The fact he was here with the old man meant he was probably aware of what happened anyway. So Shayde told it all. Everything. From the pair's meeting on the battlefield, to their blossoming romance, and secret meetups. More than once the old man interrupted to say that he knew all about this, but then Shayde added his own recent revelations. About his grandpa's mistake attacking the civilian Senju all those years ago, to the arranged marriage, breaking of the deal when the pair were found out, and the ultimate betrayal inflicted upon his grandpa Shino with the removal of his eyes. Then, once Shayde mentioned how none of it was intentional, that the Royal had forced the Uchiha's hand, and told them to make an example, the old man's face went white, as his hands were raised to his mouth in an attempt to cover his expression, but it was clear as day. His body was shaking, violently. One of two things were about to happen. Either Shayde was about to get a particularly big shiner from the elder, or he was about to explode in anger, claiming it was all Uchiha lies. Instead, Shayde watched as a tear began to fall from the old man's "good" eye. Shayde wanted to make some kind of quip, but knew, just like with Shino, it wouldn't land very well. Instead he watched the old man start to break down, his righteous rage crumbling into a sobbing, sorry state. Shayde finally stood up, exited the cell, and placed a hand on the arm of the distraught grandfather. Only a second later he shrugged the hand off, stood up, and told Shayde to come with him, in a tone that neither indicated a request, or a choice.

As the three walked through the admittedly small "Village", he noticed several eyes staring. It didn't take long for Silas to fill Shayde in. Small Village, word gets around fast. They already knew who he was, and so were probably just as wary of his staying as they were his arrival. Watching eyes aside, it was nice. The Village. They had propped themselves up rather nicely here. Naturally defended, hard to find. No wonder they had managed to flourish right under the Uchiha's nose, despite being a long, long way away from the Mokkō region. As the three approached a house, Shayde gathered this was the old man's home. Entering, and gesturing for them to follow, Shayde soon found himself within the quaint living room of an older family. The old man had disappeared into a side room, and Shayde was far too polite to follow to what could be assumed was either a study, or a bedroom. Before long an elderly woman appeared from the kitchen, mid-sentence asking what he'd like for lunch, and asking how that meeting went, before she stopped abruptly, taking in the scene of Silas and a complete stranger in her home. A grumbled shout from the other room, and despite not hearing a word he said, she could tell this wasn't an unwelcome intrusion. Before they knew it, Silas and Shayde were being offered everything from tea to biscuits. It was a bit of a long shot, but this is probably what it felt like to have a typical "grandmother", who doted over you, asking if you'd had enough to eat. The warmth filling up Shayde wasn't just from the cozy lodgings he currently found himself in. Despite the old man's aloof nature, something Shayde saw in himself, again, there was a familial connection here, and there was the sneaking suspicion that the elderly woman was aware of it, with the way she was politely assaulting them with sweets. Silas for his part seemed just as overwhelmed, yet this seemed to be a common occurrence, since he didn't seem particularly annoyed. Ten minutes or so passed, and the elder man returned, with a single envelope in tow, seemingly opened, and clearly half-torn. From it, he pulled a partially shredded letter, and a picture. Upon closer inspection, it was Shayde's family in simpler times, as a child. He remembered the moment, but not the photo. Apparently someone saw them on the streets of Chungsu, and thought they were the picture of joy, and snapped a quick pic for them. Rather than keep it for themselves, Shayde's father decided to at least try and tell his parents, the elderly couple before him, what happened. Apparently upon opening the letter, and seeing it's sender, the elderly man, Kengo, was furious, and almost tore it to shreds then and there, but his wife, Mina, talked him out of it. They read it, and it was how it was neither of their fault. Both Fuzen and Imogen had tried to play mediators, and tried to not let it escalate, but they couldn't do anything. The last part of the letter mentioned that, even if they never forgave him, they at least wanted to let them know they had a grandson who took after him just as much as he did his mother. A blatant lie, but one designed to make them feel better. That's how they knew who Shayde was, the red right eye being an immediate giveaway. Kengo had held such anger for his own son over the years, thinking he only wanted to try and lie his way back into the Clan's good graces. For it all to have been orchestrated by the father of some jilted brat from Tobusekai, or at the very least, the deaths... Fuzen tried to tell him, and he turned him away. It was clear the anger had faded into guilt now, and it was eating away at Kengo. Shayde decided it was time to speak up.

"You might already know this, but they were happy. It broke both their hearts, what happened, and what came of it, but they always had each other. I think that was enough... Then they had me, and there was more joy in their lives than they knew what to do with..."

"Why're you talking like they're dead boy?"

"Because I lost track of them during the Razing, and haven't heard or seen a damn thing about them since?"

"That's because, last I heard, they took a mission over in Chungsu. They tried looking for you after the Razing, but you disappeared, so they took a job to try and get some funds together, and rebuild everything. You've been looking in the wrong places, kid."

"What? They told you this? How?! When?!"

"Obviously they didn't say shit to me directly. I'd have clocked your old man, since I didn't know then what I do now. But it's a small world for Uzumaki. We tend to keep eyes on our own, yourself included. Mind telling us what went down in Fengchong? Why you felt the need to burn an innocuous house to the ground with those pitch black flames of yours? Or how about Mianmen? Picking fights with your own family?"

The piercing gaze of his dad's old man told him there wasn't any use in hiding it, but they seemingly didn't know anything about Shayde's arm, or the circumstances surrounding it, so Shayde gave half-truths, about how the place was a front for making experimental weapons of the mass destruction variety, and the man responsible was dabbling in chemical warfare. Using Amaterasu to burn literally everything to nothing was the only way to ensure nothing got out to harm the surrounding area. It was technically true, Shayde was just leaving out the whole sentient meat-slush part. As for Mianmen, he wanted to get to know the Uchiha Clan. They took exception to this because of his mother. A disagreement occurred.

"You do realize it'd be a cake walk for me to slap a seal on you and force you to come clean, right?"

Shayde kept silent, not wanting to goad Kengo into actually forcing his little secret into the open. Kengo laughed it off as a bit of teasing, but Shayde tried to not drop his guard, just in case the elder presumed master of Sealing Jutsu wasn't kidding. Kengo asked Silas to go inform the Compound, and the clan as a whole, about everything. It couldn't begin to make up for what's happened, but from now on, both were welcome here. As Shayde began to press more and more about how they knew his parents were in Tobusekai, Mina agreed they'd tell him everything, but only once he'd had a decent meal. She felt just awful knowing her grandson was only a short walk away, wasting away in a cell. After all but strapping him to a chair and spoon-feeding him, Mina managed to "convince" Shayde to join them. The topic of conversation shifted wildly from one topic to another, mostly getting to know one another for the most part. Kengo blamed Shayde's hiding away in the Land of Iron for the last two years as a main factor of not knowing where his parents were. Shayde couldn't do anything but bashfully agree, but he had other reasons, and that's all he'd say on the matter. One awkward topic they didn't know how to broach collectively was how Shayde awakened his Mangekyō Sharingan, and more importantly who he killed. Shayde was honest, and said he didn't kill anyone. He came to the understanding that his parents were gone, and that he'd never see them again, and for the most part that logic was correct. Awakening stages of the Sharingan was directly tied to emotional trauma after all. Just because it was most commonly achieved through killing a dearly loved one, doesn't mean it had to be. They understood completely what it felt like to lose their family after all. From there, things petered out slowly, until they had all finished their meal, and offered Shayde a bed to spend the night. It wasn't the wisest move, to try and leave the Compound after dark, as it was far easier to get lost, though they understood if he wanted to get to Tobusekai as quickly as possible. With his first credible lead in years, Shayde thought to himself what was a day or two going to change? What the hell, might as well take advantage of this newfound hospitality, and make sure he was ready for the journey ahead.


Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
This post marks the start of a mission, using the following Element;

Survive a near-death situation. (5)​

Summary: "What the f*ck... Is... Is that blood? M-my blood...?! What happened...?"

Faint rays of sunlight leaked through a pair of hand-made, rustic fabric curtains in a room that hadn't seen use in decades from the looks of it, yet was still kept in a neat, tidy condition. Kengo wasn't the sentimental type from the looks of things, so this was no doubt Mina's doing, keeping her son's room clean, either out of respect, hope he'd return, or simply as a shrine to his memory. Shayde didn't want to pry for the reason however, he was just glad to not be sleeping on a slap of solid hard wood. And although the sun had only just begun peeking through the curtains, Shayde had been awake for ages, ruminating on the events of the last few days, afraid to leave the room in case he couldn't resist the urge to snoop, and brought down the wrath of his grandfather. Of course, he wasn't exactly unwelcome, but even then, despite being family, and last night's casual discussion, he still felt like a stranger to them. So it was probably best to wait until they gave him some indicator that they were awake, or he could at least not spend hours sitting alone within the quaint home's living room. Then again, he was never truly alone, though that was one topic he'd have to broach very, very carefully, with anyone, never mind family. He'd always have at least one "person" to talk to, though Greed had been uncharacteristically quiet this last day or so. Probably smart enough to realize why Shayde wasn't exactly keen on introducing the sentient mass of flesh to a family that had literally just gotten over one exile, so giving them another reason to hate him? Yeah, not the best idea. It didn't take long before a quiet, polite knock came from the door, and Mina asked if Shayde was awake, and decent. It took less time for him to open the door with a bashful glance, seeing the elderly woman fully put together, holding a plate stacked high with all the fixings of a full breakfast. Either she was light on her feet, or Shayde was so absorbed in thought that he missed her both getting up, and cooking what essentially amounted to a full meal just a few rooms over. As she began to hand him the plate, reaching for the door believing he probably wanted privacy, he took the meal, but opted to eat with the elderly pair.

Kengo was mostly finished by the time Shayde had sat down, the stout elderly man steadily sipping his coffee, glancing back and forth out a nearby window at the comings and going of the small settlement. His placing at the table meant he had a somewhat diminished view, but even at this early a stage in the day, there were clear sounds of activity that Shayde hadn't noticed before, indicating that this was indeed a close-knit, hard working community. Everybody seemed to know everybody else, as it was just one of those places. Kengo refreshed his coffee, then asked if Shayde wanted one. Though he appreciated the offer, he wasn't the biggest fan of the bitter taste, and made his stance on the hot beverage known. He did like the smell though, but that was as far as his appreciation went. If he wanted to properly wake up, he'd just do some stretches, or a mild warm-up routine. That's all he really needed to get his blood pumping. With a look that said "I didn't ask for your life story kid, I just asked if you wanted a cup of joe." Kengo sat back down, and returned to his people-watching. Some polite conversation was had back and forth between bites, but for the most part it was pleasantly awkward between the three. Though they knew about each other, they didn't really know one another, so once Shayde finished his meal, he politely excused himself, and said he'd go for a walk around town, see what it was like. Kengo motioned to open his mouth, but before he could, Shayde was already assuring them he'd keep his nose clean, and come back if things got heated, or awkward. Kengo let out a quiet huff, while Mina simply smiled, and waved him off. Once he had departed from the front door, the pair gave one another a look of concern...

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Though he had already seen it on his jaunt from his cell to his grandparent's house, the Compound itself was rather rustic, but not medieval in any sense. They took advantage of the natural, and if Silas were to be believed, supernatural defenses the surrounding forest provided. Honestly, it was the perfect place for the Senju to flourish, despite the proximity to the Uchiha, and they had indeed made it their own. And while secluded, it certainly wasn't want for foot-traffic. Dozens of people simply going about their days, just like back in Mianmen with the Uchiha. And just like back in Mianmen, Shayde began to lose himself in the culture on display. While not particularly alien, some shops selling clothes, and ornaments, while others sold trinkets and baubles, one of the most ironic was that of a furniture shop. They certainly had enough wood to make furniture, but if most people here were Senju, and Wood Release being the thing they were most known for, other than the need to preserve some traditions, why bother? Naturally Shayde didn't critique the hard working carpenters, or their craft, but the irony was abundant all the same. From one shop to the next, Shayde just lost himself in his rapidly expanding hobby of window-shopping. As his gaze was fixated on a series of necklaces that he was told had cultural significance to the Senju, his body came to a sudden, complete stop as a soft thud echoed through the street. Immediately turning to see what had happened, there, on the floor before him, cradling their forehead, was a woman of slim build, and strikingly vibrant red hair.

"Oh, shit, I am so sorry! Are you okay?"

Shayde immediately bend down and offered the young woman a hand up, and while at first she seemed phased by the shock from the sudden accidental assault, on the verge of tears even, she quickly calmed down and took his hand, before she was effortlessly hoisted up to her feet in one swift graceful motion. She couldn't help but blush and look away as her would-be assailant had instantly transformed into her very own chivalrous knight.

"O-oh, yes. I am now... Thank you."

Her voice, while mature, was very softly spoken, as though she were attempting to garner more sympathy by acting like a child. As watching eyes that had been judging Shayde's every step through the compound slowly returned to their own business, Shayde knew that he'd have to be on his best behavior, or else he'd quickly find himself torn a new one by the mob. Again, just like he expected, years of prejudice and hatred can't be wiped clean overnight, and he didn't hold it against them, but still... This was probably going to become an ordeal quickly if he didn't do more than simply apologize for what was clearly his own mistake. Looking up in bashful acknowledgement of his immense screw up, Shayde continued.

"I really should have been paying more attention. Name's Shayde."

A smile quickly formed at the corners of the woman's mouth, before she quickly hid it, trying to not let her own emotions show. Suppressing an obvious blush of her own, she replied.

"Please, forget about it. My name is Haruka Uzumaki."

As the pair progressively began to look more and more like sun-ripened tomatoes, Shayde was the one to break the awkward silence between the pair, though Haruka was just about to open her mouth when he did.

"Look, I know I said sorry and all, but I'd feel bad if I don't make it up to you. Let me treat you to lunch, my treat. What do you say?"

"Oh, I don't know... I'd hate to put you out like that..."

"Okay, that's my fault too for giving you a choice in the first place. I'm buying you lunch to apologize, and won't take no for an answer."

Shayde extended an arm out to the admittedly radiant lady before him, showing he wasn't going to drag her there, while also trying to making her feel as guilty as possible with his next statement.

"I know I'm not much of a looker, but won't you at least do it so I can sleep peacefully tonight?"

Haruka had to stifle a laugh at the sheer desperation on display, as it was clearly just a way to try and save face with the Village as a whole. Word spreads fast. Just yesterday he arrived in bindings, and now today he walked around a free man. Hurting a "delicate flower" such as herself would instantly lose him any and all credibility... Perfect. Time to milk this poor boy dry.

"Oh, well if you insist."

Taking his arm in her own and embracing it tight, she nestled her crimson hair against Shayde's shoulder, and the pair strolled off into the bustling streets in search of a place to eat. It didn't take particularly long for them to find a decent cafe, as Haruka naturally knew her way around town. It just so happened that she decided to take him to one of the nicer cafes in the area, one that was just a tad pricier than the others, though naturally made up for it with the service, and offerings on the menu. The pair took a seat at an external seating area, complete with a table, and a nice view of the surrounding area, and began to chat a little. Naturally one topic of discussion that came up was what drove an Uchiha of all people to come all the way here, with Shayde giving the honest truth that he got lost, then captured and brought here. It was pure coincidence that he had any blood relations here, and thus wasn't still sitting in a cell. Haruka mostly listened intently, making an effort to seem interested, though she already knew the gist of everything. As he rattled on, he couldn't help but noticed that Haruka was... "Positioned" a certain way, with her hands resting daintily under her chin, giving an almost deliberately clear view of her chest. It took several attempts at trying to remain focused on the woman's eyes, which was especially hard for him since he'd been taught from a young age to avoid eyes, and focus on the chin, or feet of his opponents. Thanks to that training though, now he just looked like a perv who couldn't keep his eyes off of his company's breasts... After several minutes of idle chatter Shayde found out that Haruka was actually a recent arrival in the Village as well, only within the last few weeks or so, before someone came out to take their order. While Haruka took a glance at the menu, then quickly ordered a simple light sandwich, slice of cake for dessert, and a cup of herbal tea, Shayde hesitated for a second, wondering if the menu had been printed with every listed price as an error. Clearly the decimal point should be shifted back to the left, no? Taking a moment to see he'd made a grave mistake in not doing his research before agreeing to take her here, he felt his wallet let out a cry and he could feel the Ryo being sucked out of it by this foul temptress. Not one to be outdone though, he went for the same, a light "meal", a beverage, and a cake for dessert, with a hearty "I'll have what she's having.". Within moments the aroma of lightly scented teas, freshly baked bread sliced neatly into small sandwiches, and the sweetest sweets in town filled the outdoor patio. And for what felt like hours the two just talked, instantly clicking together like pieces of a puzzle. They discussed all manner of topics from his upbringing to the Razing, to Haruka's childhood. She was raised in a faraway land, but her parents were slaughtered, and she had to run fearing for her life. This was a very common occurrence to the Uzumaki apparently, as people naturally feared their affinity to weave Seals. For a brief moment she almost broke down as a tear started to roll down her cheek, though quickly composed herself. She hadn't even noticed that Shayde had grabbed her other hand, holding it sympathetically.

"Shayde... I.... I don't think anyone's ever looked at me quite like you have. It's..."


"Refreshing. Most people look at me like I'm some monster..."

Shayde had no idea how those words would come back to haunt him, but for now, he merely did his best to console the seemingly traumatized, emotionally vulnerable woman. As some strangers passed, mentioning there'd been another wild beast attack, Shayde asked if Haruka knew anything about that, or if there was a way he could help. Haruka said that it had apparently been attacking the livestock for months, but had since started targeting people in droves, seemingly growing bolder with each day it wasn't caught. It apparently had the Senju who oversaw law in the town scratching there heads, because they couldn't even tell what kind of animal it was doing the attacks. Could have been a bear, or a wolf, or any number of roaming Summoning Animal. They had no clue though, so fear and paranoia were beginning to set in. That's actually why Shayde had been discovered in the first place. Silas, and a handful other Senju had been dispatched into the forest to see if they could find any trace, or track of the beast, but nothing. It truly was a conundrum... Speaking of the forest gave Haruka an idea though.

"If you truly want to make things up to me, there is one thing you can do, but it's... Actually, never mind. It's foolish"

"Say the word, and I'll do it."

"It's dangerous, what with that monster out there... But... When I first arrived, I found the most beautiful spot tucked away within the forest. An endless field of flowers I'd never even seen before. It didn't occur to me at the time to pick some, since I didn't know they weren't a common thing here, but I would so love to see it again, and pick some to grow back here. If you would be so kind as to escort me there, I'll consider your debt more than paid."

"No problem. We can go just as soon as I take care of this actual debt..."

Shayde was far too busy paying his outrageously overpriced tab to notice, but Haruka's face was enveloped with the most genuine smile of her life. She was truly happy he agreed to take her there. With the cafe owner happily paid, Shayde immediately departed with Haruka. Apparently it wasn't terribly far from the compound, only a half hours walk, but given that they had spoken for quite a while, it would soon become dark enough that they could get lost if they didn't hurry. Naturally then, with all due haste, Shayde began to escort his charge to her location, keeping an eye out for anything at all, whether it was an innocent fluffy bunny, ravenous monster, or just one of those "patrols" that were mentioned before.

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Though for some reason it took considerably longer for them to find it, no doubt Haruka's unfamiliarity with the area, but the moment he laid eyes on it, he knew it was a special place. Just like she said; a field of gorgeous flowers, peony's from a glance, that stretched out for quite a distance. As a gust of wind picked bellowed through the clearing, the moon's subtle glow illuminating scattered petals as though they were stars fallen to the earth to brighten their night. If Shayde hadn't only just met Haruka, this might have been considered romantic. I mean, it's not that she was unattractive or anything, she was gorgeous in fact, but Shayde thought that love in first sight was for one pair in a million, and his parents just happened to be that pair. As he was about to say that this was worth the trip, Shayde was stunned to feel Haruka practically throwing herself into his arms. Was she a hopeless romantic, and a believer of love at first sight? As she forced herself upon him, Shayde could do nothing but give her a slight embrace, cradling her shoulders so as to not really give the wrong impression. While she was certainly a nice person, and definitely attractive, and the setting was near perfect, despite all of the stars seemingly aligning for their meeting, there was just one small problem. He just didn't love her that way... Pulling him back from the not-so-loving embrace, he told her the truth;

"I'm really sorry about this Haruka. I mean, this place is beautiful, and so are you, but we only just met... I'm sorry, but I don't think of you like how I think you think of me..."

"Oh... That's... Okay. For now, being here, with you, alone? That's enough..."

Looking down at Haruka, he couldn't quite see her face, but he imagined her crying. Pulling her back in, this time intentionally, and cradling her, patting and rubbing her back in a consoling manner, everything seemed fine, until a heavy iron scent shattered the illusion of tranquility that otherwise permeated the field of flowers. Suddenly there was a heavy, sloshy sound of something hitting the ground beneath their feet. Something wet, and warm... Looking down passed Haruka's body, he saw it...

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"What the f*ck... Is... Is that blood? M-my blood...?! What happened...?"

Suddenly Shayde had trouble keeping his lunch down, as he felt a hollow, empty feeling in the pit of his stomach. Sadly this wasn't like Greed's influence on his appetite however. There was a literal empty pit in his stomach... Looking down, Haruka's hands were still wrapped tightly around his chest, so what the **** just happened?! Shaking from the sudden instant blood loss, Shayde quickly scanned the surroundings for anyone else that may have attacked him, but there was nothing. Not a single soul out here, except for himself and Haruka. And as she raised her head, the heavy shadows that obfuscated her facade dissipated, revealing her true face for the first time since they met... Accompanied with it? A strikingly familiar tendril-like appendage sprouting from her back.

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To be concluded...


Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
Shayde stared down in complete, utter disbelief. His abdomen had been completely pierced straight through. No, actually, it was less complicated than even that. Everything that was once there was now just "gone". It hadn't been torn open, and moved out of the way, it was as though it never existed to begin with... This woman... Haruka... No. This monster, somehow, completely erased part of his lower intestine, and all signs pointed to the tentacle-like extremity that was hovering behind, and seemingly coming from her back, near the base of the spine...

"Why, Shayde, whatever is the matter...?"

A long silence was drawn out between them, before the fleshy mass from Haruka darted straight for Shayde's face, stopping mere inches from his eye. All he could do was stare in horror, like a deer caught in headlights, memorized by something beyond his comprehension. Half of his stomach was just... Gone. In an instant. He didn't even feel it leave. Before he could let out another exasperated breath in pain, Haruka finally dropped the veil of innocence entirely. It started with a simple giggle, innocent and light, but as it was drawn out, her true voice, not that girlish tone she put on for show, became the dominating sound.

"Hehe... Hahahaha... Ha haha hah... AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
Oh, Shayde, I've wanted to see that expression from you since the moment I saw you!!
It's delicious!! Although... Nothing compares to the taste of this!!"

Kagune ♎ Shining Child
Type: Weapon
Rank: A - S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 60 - 80 (-40 per activation, -10 per turn)
Description: Not only did the Kureimoa develop a unique and foul chakra nature as a result of feeding on people for years, but they also garnered a curse, called Kagunes. The word Kagune in itself means "Shining Child" and is not as lovely as the name suggests. After years of dominating minor clans the Kureimoa turned to their eternal rivals; Jugo's Clan, and began ingesting their flesh, unknowingly metabolizing the chakra, which lead to their bodies ultimately turning this strange chakra and flesh into a small, cancerous growth which was later known as the "Kagune Sac". This strange piece of flesh positioned itself along the Kureimoa's spine and rested there, connecting itself to his/her nervous and chakra system like a parasite. By connecting to such a vital area on the body the Kureimoa are able to control and "flex" this Kagune sac like they would with any normal muscle. However, flexing this muscle is where this get interesting. With mental commands and a supply of chakra, the Kureimoa is able to draw the Kagune from their body and have it take form around him kind of like a liquid muscle. Kagunes are red-blackish in color coming from the color of the blood within it as well as the Kurochi surrounding it. The Kagune, when manifested, acts like another limb to the user and can be used as such with the durability of an A ranked technique which can play on par with Elemental Ninjutsu of the same rank. And just like their hosts, the Kureimoa, the Kagune is able to regenerate--albeit at a slower and more inferior rate considering it isn't exactly their own flesh. Each time the Kagune is called upon it tears through the skin quite forcefully which often times sends blood and pieces of flesh scattering from the Kureimoa's body. But, with their aforementioned healing factor this becomes negligable as the damage is healed almost as quickly as it was made. Being an organ, the Kagune can be commanded as easily as any other limb. Kurochi also covers and infuses the Kagune in various ways depending on the form taken. The Kagune and Kurochi each have A-ranked power, allowing the weapon in its entirety S-ranked durability. It seamlessly and passively regenerates from attacks A-Rank and below. This regeneration also extends to attacks above A-Rank but is more limited in use. Attacks stronger than S-Rank will shatter the Kagune but it can regenerate once from a Forbidden ranked attack and twice from an S ranked attack.

As previously stated, Kagune has 4 main forms, each one corresponding to the location it is projecting out of the Claymore's body, with their own unique usages, advantages and disadvantages. The location where the Kagune will project itself out of will be necessary to give it the shape needed. Its form can be changed but doing so forces the organ back inside the body, where it will relocate after one turn, and re-emerge (doing so cannot bypass any existing cool downs and counts as a re-activation). The color of each Kagune may vary per Claymore as well as unique variations (to be submitted as PCCJ). The Kagune can be activated passively once per fight/conflict, four times overall, with a four turn cool down each time it is deactivated. Lasts as long as the Claymore keeps paying health.

(Ukaku || 羽赫) Shining Feather
The first type of the Kagune which grows in the cervical vertebrae. When activated, the organ bursts from the Claymore's back as a pair of wings. Each wing has a bony support structure running its edges while Kurochi forms a thin membrane in between. This allows the Claymore a limited form of flight and gliding, which can be used to travel up to Mid-range at their base speed. The Claymore also gains he user gains a projectile offensive mechanism, where the Kagune is able to release kunai sized shards of Kurochi to 10 meters (Mid-range). These shards are A-Rank in power and cannot be done while in flight. This ability has a two turn cool down.
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(Kōkaku || 甲赫) Shining Shell
The second type is activated upon having the organ grow or move to the thoracic vertebrae. In this form the Kagune forms an outer shell over the Claymore's arm that behaves like a sword or cleaver. Kurochi flares around the Kagune in this form and can allow it pierce or slice through techniques up to S-rank. The Kōkaku form can only reach up to 3 meters of the Claymore but can be operated in close range at the speed of the average Samurai due to its small form and lightweight material. The Kurochi enhancement can only be done once every two turns.
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(Rinkaku || 鱗赫) Shining Scales
The third type is created with the growing or moving of the organ in the Lumbar vertebrae which gives the user the ability to call forth tentacles from the spine, up to 4 in number or just one (four B-ranks or one A-rank). Kurochi infuses the Kagune in this form, allowing it to devour anything it touches. For techniques lower in power than the Rinkaku, can be devoured whilst attacking to supply the Claymore (through Primeval Gluttony CCJ). The ability to devour and return chakra can only be activated once every two turns after which the Rinkaku will still function as an offensive weapon. The Rinkaku is also the second Kagune form that can reach up to 10 meters when attacking (Mid ranged).
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(Bikaku || 尾赫) Shining Tail
The last kind, which is created from having the organ move to the sacrum, will project itself out from the skin in form of a flexible tail. Being made of almost entirely muscle, the Bikaku swings with enough strength to break bones and send tremors through the ground. With the added Kurochi outer layer, it is an S-ranked weapon, capable of dealing serious damage. It can also be used to cover the Claymore's leg instead, for added Taijutsu damage (+20 to leg based Tai). Once activated the ability lasts two turns, with a two turn cool down. The Bikaku can only reach up to four meters of the Claymore's body.
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Note: Must be at least Ghoul rank to possess.
Note: Choosing to have a Kagune prevents the Claymore from utilizing any other CW's and must be mentioned in the biography.​

Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: N/A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: (+50 chakra per limb)
Damage: N/A
Description: The basis of the Kureimoas' lust for flesh is firmly rooted in their curse of perpetual hunger. Despite this never ending agony, they are capable of feeding ever so often and being satisfied even if for for a moment. Through feeding, a Kureimoa gains a slight euphoria, like someone eating their favorite food prepared just perfectly, along with the pent up chakra stored within the flesh of their victims. This chakra can be ingested by the Kureimoa and added to their own chakra reserves or use it to fuel various chakra intensive techniques of the clan such as healing. The human body is divided into six (6) sections when being the main course of a Kureimoa's meal; both hands, feet, and the head as well as torso. Each of these sections contain 50 points of chakra and are able to be harvested by the Kureimoa clansman through feeding. When added up this means every person consumed by the Kureimoa provides but 300 chakra points, less than 50% of their original reserves. However their Hunger doesn't end there, Claymores also possess a hunger for knowledge where they are able to access the thoughts, sentiments, memories, or even emptions of their victims through simple touch--even if the target is dead. With their ability to digest almost all forms of chakra (such as neutral, elemental, Raw Senjutsu, as well as Bijuu chakra) they are able to devour not just flesh but actual energies when presented the opportunity. This chakra eating habit can only apply to raw, unmolded chakra and not actual techniques. Meaning, they must wait until said technique has been broken down to a point where it becomes simply raw, un-molded chakra. Whenever Kurochi overpowers an opponent's technique and the physical and chakra properties of said technique have been degraded, the Claymores are able to harvest that lingering, unmolded chakra through either eating it manually or using the Kurochi as a proxy to take it into their bodies. When metabolizing the raw chakra of a deteriorated technique a Kureimoa gains 50% of the cost of said technique as chakra to their reserves. This means, an A ranked technique (30/60) reduced to chakra or a simple burst of raw chakra gives the Kureimoa only 15 chakra should it be eaten/absorbed. Due to the fact that traditional medicine and medical procedures are wasted on a Kureimoa this technique is the first of the two core CCJ that provide them their only source of sustenance and as such can be performed as many times as needed by with a lengthy cool down between uses. Accessing sentiments and absorbing lingering chakra has no cool down nor does it take a move-slot of the three allotted (this technique will still need to be referenced however).

Note: Must be of at least Ghoul rank to perform.
Note: Can only be performed every 5 turns whether in part (eating only a few limbs) or in full (eating an entire body).
Note: Can also be performed through the Kagune organ or Kurochi constructs.​

Shayde's Health: 150 -60 (Rinkaku Kagune) -5 (Freeform bite) = 85.

Before he could react, Haruka took a clean chunk out of Shayde's shoulder. That jolt of pain, completely unlike the sensation of just "losing" his insides in an instant, was just what he needed to gather himself. Seeing the immediate danger, of this woman, he instinctually responded to the threat like he would any other, flooding his eyes with Chakra. As he did, they burst to life with a swirl of crimson and onyx, revealing three spiraling Tomoe. As he did there was a pulse of pain, no doubt due to his recent endeavor utilizing the Mangekyō forcing his eyes to deactivate from the strain. Despite this, it was nothing compared to the pain inflicted to his abdomen, so he grit his teeth, and pushed through the pain. Seeing the overwhelmingly poor position he was currently in, Haruka's arms wrapped tightly around his body in what he first thought was a tender, loving embrace, now revealed to be an apex predator's means for ensnaring her prey, preventing them from escaping. Shayde channeled Earth Chakra throughout his body, increasing his weight, the added force exerted causing petals around their feet to scatter to the winds, as Shayde's body began to creak under the temporary strain of 15x it's normal weight. Once this passed, the earth itself responded in kind, sending a shockwave of force back up through his leg in response to his suddenly increased weight. As Haruka began to wonder what had just happened, Shayde drove his right knee into her lower abdomen, forcing her back with sheer force. While not the strongest move, the Renewal Baekdu was the best choice given his prior position, his body held tight by the embrace of this monster in a sundress. Thought it would buy him barely a moment, it was all he needed to assess the situation...

(Dōjutsu: Sharingan) Eye Technique: Copy Wheel Eye
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C - A Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15 - 30 ( -5 per turn for 1T and 2T, 10 per turn to keep active for 3T )
Damage: N/A
Description: One of the Three Great Dōjutsu (San Daidōjutsu), the Sharingan is the Kekkei Genkai of the Uchiha clan. Unlike the other Dōjutsu, not all members of the Uchiha Clan possess the Sharingan. This great Dōjutsu seems to awaken only on exceptional Uchiha members and only in times of great stress. Once awaken, the pupil turns red and a single Tomoe (巴) seal appears around the center pupil. As the user masters and evolves their eyes, the Tomoe (巴) seals increase, topping 3 per eye. The main ability of the Sharingan, like any other Dōjutsu, is to enable the user to see the flow of Chakra. This ability is further improved as the Sharingan gives color to Chakra, enabling the user to differentiate Chakras from different people or from different sources. Although the user can see Chakra through matter, he cannot see beyond dense matter or in long distances. Coupled with the ability to see Chakra, Sharingan users gain access to an incredible clarity of perception that enables them to read insanely fast movements or minor details, enabling them the ability to foresee in an easier way, traps, incoming attacks, etc. This clarity of perception is so great that a Sharingan user can sometimes start performing a counter to an attack that is still being performed, enabling the counter to be launched only a split a second after the attack. This clarity of perception leaves Sharingan users able to track high speed movement easily as well as to read through handseals. This last ability enables them to learn techniques much faster and sometimes copy them directly from the enemy, as long as the user has the necessary Chakra affinities and requirements to perform it. Finally, the Sharingan is often linked to Genjutsu and mind-manipulating illusions, mostly because the user can, mostly through Eye Contact, directly and precisely use his Chakra to manipulate the enemy's Chakra flow. In return, the users clarity of perception gives him the ability to more easily decipher visual illusions cast upon him and see past them. The Sharingan has a great cost to the user though. The Chakra consumption disables its use for long periods of time and, even when the user grows stronger, it's still hard to keep it active for long periods of time.

Note: The user, if he hasn't gained full mastery over his Sharingan, will need to spend a move to activate it, although as long as he has Chakra and enough stamina he'll be able to keep it active until the end of the match. If the user is Sannin Rank or above and has gained his 3 Tomoe Sharingan and held it for one month, he becomes able to passively activate it, meaning he'll no longer spend a move of his 3 per turn.
Note: To avoid direct Eye Contact and be able to focus only on the body movement below the chin, the opponent needs to have mastered Taijutsu to possess the necessary skill
Note: C rank usage is for 1T Sharingan, B rank usage is reserved for 2T Sharingan. A Rank usage is reserved for 3T Sharingan.
Note: Predicting the nature of a technique or what it exactly is requires the user to either know the technique or that its a cannon technique.
Note: Danzō and Kakashi bios activate the Sharingan by removing the covers in their respective eyes and suffer a +10 Chakra consumption per turn penalty
Note: The user is bound by the abilities and limits of the stage of Sharingan he possesses, stated in the rules of the KG.

(Rinyūaru Tekondō: Jeonche Paekiji) | Renewal Taekwondo: Complete Package
Type: Offensive/ Defensive
Rank: C-Rank - A-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 15 - 30
Damage: 30 - 60
Description: The user starts by manipulating their weight to generate the desired amount of force, between x5 & x15, or alternatively, the user may gather the force generated by an incoming physical attack, effectively using their opponent's own force against them, resulting in a counter of up to A rank strength. The user then directs and stores this energy in the desired leg, and releases it in any single kick from a number of kicks in Taekwondo. These include, but are not limited to, high-kicks, jumping-kicks, low-sweeping-kicks, ground-kicks, round-kicks, etc, essentially allowing any practitioner of Renewal Taekwondo to user their art in a freeform manner.

Note: The A-Rank usage of this Jutsu can be used a max of 4 times per battle. Additionally, if the A-Rank usage of this Jutsu is performed, no A-Rank or higher Renewal Taekwondo Jutsu can be used in the same turn.

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Haruka's Health: 120 -60 (Baekdu Package) = 60.​

As she was sent hurtling back to the center of the field of flowers, Haruka want to tossed all manner of obscenities Shayde's way, but with her mouth currently full of his flesh, that was rather hard. Instead, she opted to get him back immediately, coming to a abrupt stop by anchoring her Kagune into the ground. With a loud gulp, and satisfied moan of ecstasy from experiencing that fleeting feeling of euphoria Claymore do when they devour the flesh of another being, she snapped back.

"What's the big idea, huh?! Is that any way to treat a lady?!
At least wait until the third date before you start to get rough with a woman!!

"I don't think there's going to be a second, and you know it too.
So who are you really?! Uzumaki aren't crazy cannibalistic bitches with weird shit coming out their backs."

Haruka, in a fit of rage, immediately flew for Shayde, her eyes scarlet and exploding with glowing red veins that seemingly began to tear away at the skin surrounding her eyes, as though she'd burst a blood vessel. Whatever she was, although he had no idea, he knew she wasn't an Uzumaki. Not fond with scrapping, Shayde considered attempting to make a break for it through the forest, but in his state he definitely wouldn't make it very far. Between the hole in his stomach, to the rapid blood loss, and this Red Fever he still didn't fully understand which was draining him of his strength, there was simply no escaping. Not this ravenous bloodhound that wore the skin of a woman. His time for analyzing and formulating a plan was done however, as she was surprisingly fast, and had closed the gap between the two of them in no time at all. Leaping into the air, her tentacle-like extremity splitting into four, she was poised to strike. Shayde responded by gathering Chakra in his feet, and began to retreat once more, this time with enough power to knock the bitch out completely.

(Hon Cheon Meol Gyuk) Chaotic Heavens Destruction Strike
Type: Offensive/ Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short - Long (Short - Mid (Steps)
Chakra: 50
Damage: 90 (-10 to user per arm)
Description: Considered the pinnacle of a secretive Martial Arts known as the (Hyun Won-Moon) Black Heaven & Earth School, the Chaotic Heavens Destruction Strike is a highly advanced Taijutsu technique with multiple steps, and extreme effects for both the target and it's user. The user starts by gathering Chakra within their feet, and uses this to quickly retreat, taking three steps back, each one allowing the user to move up to 3m away from their current location, and at a speed equal to double their base movement speed. The user then redirects the flow of this Chakra towards their fists, and brings them towards their stomach, compressing the Chakra as they enter into a stance with their back to the target. After several moments of allowing the Chakra to coalesce in their fists, the user then performs one final step, this time towards their target, allowing them to travel up to 5m, as they right their posture, turn their body to face their target, then throw simultaneous punches, using the centrifugal force from the body's rotation, and put the full force of their weight into the strike. The end result is a heavy shock-wave that releases from the users fists, as the Chakra is expelled in the form of an accurate and highly precise concussive blast, akin in nature to a Wind Release Jutsu. Due to the amount and overall concentration of Chakra present within the blast, it is considered neutral to Elemental Chakra and Jutsu. It is also possible to perform this technique with only one arm, however the damage is halved, while the Chakra cost remains the same. Finally, with such a powerful technique comes equally severe consequences to the user. First, due to overexerting their body with the rapid steps found in the first part of the technique, the user's legs enter a state of shock, reducing the user's movement and reaction speed by -2 for 3 turns. Secondly the highly concentrated amount of Chakra within their arms leaves them in extreme pain, reducing the damage the user's fist-based Taijutsu inflict by -10 for 3 turns. Lastly upon firing the technique at the target the user's fists are overcome with pain, inflicting 10 damage per arm used with the technique.

Note: Can only be used once per battle, unless the user is a Taijutsu specialist, in which case they can perform the technique a second time, at the cost of doubling the technique's drawbacks and recoil damage, and requires a 2 turn cooldown period before it can be used. Additionally, after using this technique, no A-Rank or higher Taijutsu techniques can be performed for 2 turns.
Note: Can only be taught by Iᴍᴘᴇяғᴇᴄᴛ.

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It was a technique he picked up from a friend back in Otohime, so he didn't completely know the ins-and-outs yet, but he didn't have time to rely on Renewal. Shayde gathered Chakra in the soles of his feet, and leapt back as Haruka's jaws clamped where he just was, but she wouldn't let her prey get away so easily. Shayde only managed to get roughly 3 meters away before he found one of those tendrils lashing out and wrapping around his leg, gripping it tightly, and hoisting him off the ground before pulling him towards Haruka, and throwing him into the center of the field where she just was. As he landed with a crash, something he'd been holding down rather well forcefully burst from his mouth, a stream of blood from the internal bleeding. More and more flowers had begun to be doused in his blood, and Shayde was beginning to realize this...

"Shit... This might be it... I... I might die here...
I guess there's worse ways to go out than to a pretty lady... Even if she is a cannibal."

Shayde's Health: 85 -5 (Freeform Throw w/ Kagune) = 80.

Shayde's internal monologuing, while completely grim, did help in some small way as a coping mechanism, but he wasn't just going to lie down like a zebra caught in the vice-like jaws of a lioness. Holding on to his abdomen for dear life, doing everything he could to slow the bleeding, Shayde watched as his would-be devourer lurched back for another strike, but Shayde, trying to buy time to think of a plan, said anything he thought that came to mind that might help him achieve that.

"Why the hell are you doing this?! It's definitely not because I rejected you, so what is it?!
Who the hell are you?! Don't I at least get to know that much?!

I can't help myself, especially when you look oh so delicious. You see, I come from a clan known as the Claymore.
I'd love to give you a history lesson, but here's all you need to know. We starve with our bellies bursting full...
We can only satiate this hunger through devouring others. It's quite the torturous existence, but as you can see, I make do...
Now... I've never tasted Sharingan before. I bet it tastes like fresh strawberries and cream..."

"That's not all there is to it. If it was, why'd you bring me all the way out here?
You're the "monster" that's been eating the livestock, and people, that much is clear now, but you've had no problem eating people within the Village, so why the secrecy this time?!"

Honestly, Shayde was grasping at straws, but he had a point. She'd been sticking close to the compound up until now, so why the need for a change in venue? Something about this seemed to indicate that once she was done here with him she was leaving... Whether that meant with him in tow, or as carrion for the birds once she was done, he had no clue. Maybe this is what she did? Go to a Village, city, town, settlement, or whatever, play the innocent girl, kill and eat people at her leisure, then move on to the next? The way she was playing with him, it seemed all fun and games, like a cat toying with a mouse, but if she wanted him dead, she had ample opportunity before he broke free, and again, if her goal was just to eat him, why the theatricality? Why drag him out here when she could have just as easily done in back in the compound, like she'd been doing for weeks, and months. Shayde recalled that the killings had been going on for months, yet she'd only been here for a matter of weeks at most. Was that a cover? It would be suspicious if she turned up out of the blue, and then the killings started. There was just too much to consider though, and frankly, he didn't have the time to ponder everything. Haruka would save him the trouble anyway with her net words.

"I guess it doesn't matter if you know, since you're about to die. It can be our little secret, Shayde."

As she approached him confidently, her "tails" poised to lash out at the first sign of retaliation, Shayde grimaced, spitting out more blood as it threatened to choke him before he learned the truth.

"There's a price on your head. Quite a substantial bounty as I understand it.
You can imagine how shocked I was when you just happened to show up in my little hunting grounds, all by your lonesome.
You were practically begging for me to take you, and you made it all so easy, buying me lunch to whet my appetite, agreeing to come all the way out here for little 'ol me. I mean, you were practically begging me to eat you, acting like that."

"What? Who? Who put a price on my head?! I've never crossed anyone in my life!!"

"Someone with a lot of time, and money to throw at a problem they don't want to deal with personally.
I could care less. Bounty says dead or alive, so I don't think they'll mind if you're not completely intact when I'm done..."

She was practically upon him, her centipede-leg-like tendrils looming like great scythes about to rend the very life from his bones. Someone wanted him dead? The only people he'd fought recently were the Uchiha, but even then, that was less than 24 hours ago, no where near enough time for them to put a bounty out, and from their living conditions at the run down compound, they probably didn't have the money Haruka was implying was put on his head. On top of that, she'd been here for weeks, and probably hadn't left, to keep her cover intact. There's no way word of a bounty like that could be both issued, and reached here within 24 hours. This was from someone else... But there was no one he could think of. Librom definitely had reason, but he was mince meat. There really was no one else he'd crossed in his entire life that would warrant a "dead or alive" bounty. As he grew more and more frustrated at the lack of suspects, it began to show, as his soon-to-be killer began to tease him.

"Aw, what's the matter? Coming up short?"

"Shut up!! There's no one alive that'd want me dead, at least, not that you could know of."

"Wow, so self-centered. Since it's so hard, how's about I give you a hint; It's not about you."

Pieces began to line up instantly. Someone with a lot of power, influence and money. Someone he himself had no dealings with, at least personally. Someone who'd want him gone, even if it meant resorting to murder. Someone that had rapidly become a larger part of, and threat to his existence, despite learning learning about theirs only days ago. Someone who felt entitled to his family's eyes, had wronged them in the past, and so would consider revenge a natural response, perhaps even an inevitable one, given their status.

"The Royal..."

"Wow, got it in one. Gotta hand it to you Uchiha, you really are as sharp as they come.
Shame that edge doesn't help where it really matters!!"

As she leapt into the air, her Kagune already tearing through the air to rend him apart, but Shayde hadn't been simply waiting for her to strike. As they spoke he'd been gathering Chakra throughout his entire body, while still keeping his hand pressed firmly on his abdomen. As she lunged down upon him, like last time he retreated, this time through a jet of blue flames from his feet. He knew he couldn't escape after last time, when his Chaotic Heaven's technique had been interrupted. No, this had to end here and now, and this technique should give him the slight advantage in Short - Mid range combat, where Haruka was seemingly trying to keep him. So, after retreating only a few feet where he once was, rather than attempting another break, he decided to fight back.

(Nintaijutsu: Ritomasu Fisuto) Ninja Body Art: Litmus Fist
Type: Supplementary/ Offensive
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30 (Plus up to an additional 30 Chakra each turn)
Damage: 60
Description: Developed as a form of Taijutsu supplement, Litmus Fist carries on the concepts of it's parent technique, Litmus Finger, into new fields of use on a much larger, more focused scale. Where the parent technique was focused on creativity and speed through lack of any Hand Seals, this technique is solely focused on collaboration with almost any form or stance of Taijutsu in close quarters combat, especially Free-Form Taijutsu. The user begins by gathering a large amount of Chakra and distributing it equally throughout their body. Once this is done, the user then performs Taijutsu actions, motions, movements, etc, releasing the gathered Chakra in conjunction with them. Just like with the parent technique, these Taijutsu actions and motions are physically representative of the nature of an Element (An example of this would be using friction to perform Fire Release, or fluid motions for Water Release, etc.), which cause the Chakra to take on the properties of, and change into that Element. From there, the user applies Shape Manipulation and the same level of creative freedom from the parent technique to perform various kinds of Ninjutsu enhanced Taijutsu actions, either creating the Element they wish to use from their own Chakra, or using their Chakra to manipulate existing sources, like a nearby source of Water, or the ground beneath their feet, however, any and all offensive actions involving an existing source must originate from within Short Range of the user, same with Elements created by the user. Additionally, the user is able to utilize all canon forms/ states for the Elements they perform, for example, if they use Fire Release they could use ash, or flammable mist, however, the state or form of any attack performed via this technique cannot be changed once released, as the Chakra has already left the body, and been given form.

The user can split the Chakra Pool from this Jutsu into as many attacks they wish to perform, within reason, so the user can perform 1 A-Rank, or 2 B-Rank, etc, or even a combination of different ranked attacks, like 1 B-Rank and 2 C-Rank, etc. However with each division of the Chakra used, so too does each individual action logically lose power, although, this drawback is arguably the Jutsu's best quality, due to fact that the Nature of the users Chakra is only changed when released in conjunction with Taijutsu actions. This allows the user to swiftly and accurately shift between multiple Elements, performing extremely unique combinations of Elements, easily creating their own "style", simply by performing a series of basic actions and combing the Elements those actions unleash. Additionally, at the start of each turn for the duration of this technique the user can expend Chakra equivalent to the amount of Chakra utilized up until that point, restoring the Chakra they have for this technique back up to it's max. Although this action can easily end up eating through the users Chakra reserves, this ensures they can maintain the Jutsu for it's maximum turn limit, receiving the most from this Jutsu in return for the high cost required to maintain it. Finally, while the Chakra for this technique is gathered and prepared throughout the user's body, as it is yet to be molded, repurposed and released into an actual attack, the user can perform other Jutsu whilst this one is active, without consuming the Chakra pool gathered for this technique, however, this cannot be done simultaneously while the user is releasing an attack from this technique, as they are logically using their Chakra to shape that attack and cannot divert neither their attention, nor Chakra flow between multiple techniques.

Note: The user can keep this technique active for a max of 4 turns, and must wait 2 turns after it's deactivation before they can use it again. If the user does not use the full amount of Chakra gathered for this technique by the end of the turn limit, they lose the remaining Chakra. Finally, this Jutsu can be used a max of 3 times per battle.
Note: Can only be taught by Iᴍᴘᴇяғᴇᴄᴛ, and only to those who have learned "(Ninpō: Ritomasu Fingā) Ninja Art: Litmus Finger".

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(Nanatsu Shukenja Kaen) Seven Sovereign Flames
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Created by a group of Fire Style Masters who used their emotions to influence their Chakra, the Seven Sovereign Flames are not considered traditional Jutsu in the sense that the user simply gathers Chakra, adds various changes to Shape and Nature, then performs it against their opponent in Battle. Rather, they are the purest form of "Supplementary Enhancement" for all techniques that the user knows that fall under the Basic 5 Element of Fire. The user takes their skill in the manipulation of the Fire Element and combines it with their powerful, sometimes overwhelming, emotions, with the result being seven new types of Fire, each with their own special properties, all derived directly from the emotions infused into them. The Seven Masters all created their Sovereign Flames after succumbing to the reprecussions of their own emotions. One was consumed with hatred and rage, and hurt the one he loved, while another gave up something precious to them, and was consumed with overwhelming grief and sadness. After their own traumatizing experiences, and eventual personal revalations, they all came to understand and accept the flaws in their own emotional states, and used their understanding of these emotions to further their skills in Fire Release, revealing their true colors as it were. The concept of emotions influencing Chakra has been referenced in the series on a few occasions. One of the best examples of this is Karin Uzumaki, a powerful Sensor-Type Ninja with a unique and extremely detailed form of Sensory perception. Using her Sensory abilities Karin once described both Naruto and Sasuke's Chakra at around the same time in the series claiming Naruto's was "bright and warm", while Sasuke's was "dark and cold", which coincided with both of their emotions during the Five Kage Summit Arc. Karin's description of the nature of both Naruto and Sasuke's Chakra supports the concept that one's Chakra is tightly interwoven with the current state of the users emotions, with this Jutsu using different emotions to directly affect and alter the user's Fire Release Chakra in unique and interesting ways.

The Seven Sovereign Flames are directly applied to one's biography, under the Specialties section as an extension of the Fire Element, thus requiring any user of this Jutsu to specialize in the Fire Element. Within this extension of their Fire Element specialty, the user must specify one of the Seven Sovereign Flames, which becomes their "personal" Sovereign Flame, which they naturally embody, allowing the user to imbue their entire Fire Release arsenal into that Sovereign Flame, each with their own unique properties (All of which are explained below). Only one user of this Jutsu can specialize in any given Sovereign Flame at a time, meaning two users cannot embody the same Flame at the same time. The Sovereign Flame that the user specializes in will always be available to the them at the start of a battle (in addition to base/ regular Fire Style), at no additional chakra cost. Additionally, while the Sovereign Flames have their own unique properties, they are all still considered, for all intents and purposes, Fire Style Ninjutsu, and always follow the Elemental interactions and guidelines for regular Fire Style, regardless of any unique or alternative properties they possess. Finally, the effects of the Sovereign Flames scale with the Rank, size, overall power, etc of the Jutsu they are infused into, just like any regular form of Elemental Ninjutsu, with higher ranking Jutsu logically dealing more severe effects upon contact with a target, object or surface.

The Sovereign Flames themselves are as follows;

Asmodeus' Ire - Created as the result of his rage hurting one he loved, Asmodeus created this Sovereign Flame. The user must also know and understand their own anger to access this brutally crimson red fire, which is deeply rooted in all things connected with rage. Asmodeus' Ire grants one's Fire Style with the ability to barbarically consume oxygen, creating a Fire that is extremely volatile, and explodes on contact with any form of solid matter. This phenomena is also refered to as a "thermobaric explosion", and has the added benefit of severely reducing oxygen levels in the immediate area of effect of any Fire Jutsu imbued with this Sovereign Flame, lessening the power of any and all Fire Style within the area after this Sovereign Flame has been used by 1 Rank.

Alisa's Bliss - The end result from the overbearing joy that she brought into the world, Alisa created this Sovereign Flame. The user must also know and understand their own joy to access this vibrant Sovereign Flame, which is linked directly to the user's happiness. As she was never one to enjoy fights, Alisa's Bliss has no blatanlty offensive properties, creating a yellow flame that grants one's Fire Style with the ability to blind all within Short Range of a Jutsu imbued with this Sovereign Flame, similar in nature to a flashbomb.

Diarmuid's Covetousness - Born from attempting to fill an empty, endless void in his life by accumulating material goods, Diarmuid forged this gangrenous green Sovereign Flame,which is deeply rooted in all things connected with jealousy. Diarmuid's Covetousness grants one's Fire Style with the ability to steal, or copy, the attributes and abilities of other Fire Release Jutsu it is able to make direct contact with, and successfully overpower. This applies to both friendly and enemy Jutsu, and allow attributes that stem from both the manipulation of the Chakra's Nature and Shape. However, any attempt to "steal" or "copy" the abilities of another Sovereign Flame will result in failure, as the conflicting nature of the emotions that constitute the Sovereign Flames will render each other inert. While it has no stolen attributes or abilities, it produces basic flames just like a regular Fire Jutsu, simply with a different color.

Imogen's Sorrow - Imogen's perpetual sadness came from an ultimatum that shattered her life, with the resulting sadness causing her to forge her own Sovereign Flame by accident. The user must also know and understand their own sadness to access this silent, ghostly blue fire, which is deeply affected by the sorrows of ones life. Imogen's Sorrow infuses one's Fire Style with the property to exude an external endothermic reaction in place of the regular exothermic reaction, drawing in heat from the Jutsu's surroundings and forcing the outer reaches of the Jutsu to be "perceived" as cold. But despite this perception, at the core of any Jutsu imbued with Imogen's Sorrow still burns a powerful flame like regular Fire Ninjutsu, causing the usual burns on contact with a target or surface. The difference is the first moments where the Jutsu approaches an opponent, making them believe it's something entirely different from Fire Ninjutsu, thus giving the user a slight advantage.

Schifone's Acrimony - Unfortunatly for it's creator, this Sovereign Flame was created from their abhorrent disgust for the world. The user must also know and understand their own disgust to access this pungent purple fire, which is connected with one's own sense of revulsion. Schifone's Acrimony grants one's Fire Style with the ability to produce an overwhelming scent, as it consumes more of the trace elements found in the air. With these higher concentrations of those trace elements, the flame bombards the opponents sense of smell, overloading it, while also effectively acting as an active marking agent that allows Olfactory Sensors, like Ninja Hounds and the Inuzuka, to track the target to the ends of the Earth, regardless of attempts to remove it.

Phobos' Recreancy - Born from a perpetual, crippling fear of the world, and the darkness within it, Phobos created this Sovereign Flame. The user must also know and understand their own fears to access this deceptively dim black fire, which is deeply rooted in cowardice. Phobos' Recreancy imbues one's Fire Style with the unique property to emit zero light, thus creating a black fire that perfectly blends into darkness, and is well suited for assassinations or deception, as it is identical to the famed Black Flames of Amaterasu, though obviously lacking it's unique ability to never be extinguished.

Rhiannon's Clarity - Rhiannon was a very unique young woman, as she never really had any predisposition for any emotion whatsoever. Eventually she came to understand that this was not the product of apathy, or a disinterest in showing any emotion, but simply the result of achieving a true state of peace, and by coming to acknowledge this, she created this Sovereign Flame. The user must also know have a sense of neutrality to access this surprisingly unique pure, clear fire, which is the result of enlightenment. Rhiannon's Clarity imbues one's Fire Style with the unique property to completely allow light to almost pass completely through it, thus creating the illusion that the user's fire is invisible. Despite this "invisibilty", it still distorts any light that passes through it, created a "wavy" effect that can still be seen by the naked eye.​

Note: This Jutsu must be stated in the user's biography, and posted at the beginning of every battle.
Note: Chosen flame must be stated in the user's bio.
Note: Can only be taught by Iᴍᴘᴇяғᴇᴄᴛ.

Back and forth the two clashed, Shayde using his Doujutsu to predict Haruka's attacks, while darting, dodging and weaving through her fleshy extremities, throwing an occasional projectile her way when he saw an opening. It was always a false opening, as Haruka relied on her primal hunting instincts, and experience as a killer. Her entire life had been one long fight, against the world, people, her own body, and it's uncontrollable desires and urges... One exchange after another the pair traded glancing blows, but neither seemed to gain the upper hand, at least in the short term. In the long, Shayde could feel his Chakra being siphoned with each swipe, as she tore into his flesh more and more, her expression reaching upsetting ecstatic levels of pleasure. Shayde couldn't land a proper blow without getting close, and Haruka couldn't catch him while he could blast her with one of those Elemental blasts. For now, they were caught in a sort of mutualistic stalemate, their bodies mingling in a horrifically beautiful union of lust, rage, and a desire to live. As seconds turned to minutes, Shayde knew he had less and less time with each exchange, and his technique, and inevitably luck, would run out. With time running out, he began to put distance between himself and Haruka, before switching to a completely offensive style, hoping he could overpower her before his technique reached it's limit. One blast after another Haruka deflected the projectiles, but her Kagune was starting to show signs of wear and tear from the attacks. Much more and she'd be left without her primary means of offense. The pair were reaching the limit of their bodies, and the victor would be decided soon...

Shayde's Health: 80 - dozens of freeform strikes = ???
Haruka's Health: 60 - multiple wounds from Litmus Fist strikes = ???​

With one last volley, Shayde watched as Haruka's Kagune fractured, and fell apart, one after another. This was it, his opening. He pulled his right arm back, putting the full force of his weight behind this last punch!! One last strike to finish it!! As his fist flew threw the air towards Haruka, she watched in horror as the fist reached the extent of it's arc, the apex of the strike. Wordless she watched, waiting for the Elemental Projectile to blast her away... Nothing. Nothing happened. Nothing came out. Shayde's technique had used all the remaining Chakra in that previous volley, leaving him with nothing in the tank for that last strike. And while it was a flawlessly executed right hook, the lack of Chakra within it, and the small gap between Shayde and Haruka meant it was worthless. Haruka's expression immediately grew sinister, a wide smile grew into a toothy grin as her eyes themselves smiled with delight. Shayde on the other hand swiftly retrieved Haruka's previously worried expression for himself, unsure what to do now, or if there was anything he even could do. Even without those tendrils, Haruka was in a far better condition than he was, and she wasn't shy about biting either. Even if he was better in general hand-to-hand combat, she didn't have a massive wound to worry about, just minor burns and cuts here in there, as everything Shayde threw her way was intercepted by those damn flesh sacks. Switching from hesitation to a mad dash, Shayde watched as he had all the time in the world to analyze her moves, and predict her motions, but it all meant nothing if he couldn't physically match her blow for blow.

As he watched Haruka draw closer with each passing second, and pulse of pain from his wounds, Shayde knew that planning wouldn't save him from this. If he wanted to beat a monster, he needed to stop fighting like a man. At that very moment, something within him snapped. He no longer felt the pangs and pulses of searing pain from intense wounds, in fact he could feel very little. Was this his second wind, or his body simply giving up? There was no telling really. He felt "better" in the sense that he wasn't afraid to move for fear of doubling over in pain. He could also hear more. The starvation in each draw of Haruka's breath, her heart pounding so fast it threatened to give out from excitement, the unmistakable scent of blood in the air, no doubt from the worrying amounts that had leaked from Shayde throughout the course of the encounter. He could smell it all. Every viscera-stained flower. It was an odd sensation...

(Kōfun Jōtai) The Adrenaline Rush
Rank: S-Rank
Type: Supplementary
Range: Self
Chakra: 40 (20 every turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: To activate this technique, the user must focus chakra into the disaster centers in the brain, to forcefully activate the state known as adrenaline rush. The disaster centers in the users brain will react to the chakra as if it was a real disaster situation, the centers will therefore immediately jump-start the user’s body. The disaster center sends a message to the glands just above the user’s kidneys, to release a great amount of adrenaline into the user’s body. The adrenaline will boost the user’s heart rate and his blood flow. The adrenaline also signals the user’s liver to flood the body with glucose blood sugar for fuel. But what really makes the users body reach its limit is instant energy, which is released along with the glucose and the adrenaline. Instant energy, (ATP or Adenosine triphosphate) is energy stored in all muscles, which is released in a crisis situation to boost the user’s body. All these biochemical reactions happen extremely fast, it takes less than a second for the users body to fully unleash the effects of the technique. These reactions causes the users body to peak and reach it’s absolute limit for a short amount of time, but since the effects are Chakra caused, and since the user during this technique continuously floods his veins with chakra, the effects lasts longer. The effects are:

Heightened senses: Stronger sense of smell, hearing and thought processing.
Pain reduction: All feelings of pain and numbness are almost nullified.
Faster reaction time: This doesn’t make the user faster generally.
Superhuman strength: Adrenaline rush causes the body to peak in performance, a big adrenaline rush can give a regular mother the strength to lift a car easily, it is estimated that a full adrenaline rush gives a boost of strength which equals 400%

• Lasts for 5 turns.
• The user cannot use any Elemental Ninjutsu while this is active.
• The user cannot use any Genjutsu or clones of any kind when this is active.
• Because of the energy burn the user cannot use A-ranked or above technique for 1 turn after this technique ends, and he cannot use any S-ranked or above for 2 turns after this technique ends.
• Because of the strain this technique puts on the user, he cannot use any Genjutsu for next 5 turns.
• No summoning while this is active.
• Can only be used Once per match.

With a monstrous roar that even surprised himself, Shayde then gathered Chakra in his left fist, and proceeded to throw it as Haruka entered striking distance. The punch looked like any other, simple, basic. This was a deception. In reality the punch carried with it a deadly secret, for swirling within the fist was an almost incalculable number of small blades of Wind Chakra, each with only one purpose; to shred the Chakra network of the one punched with the technique. And as the punch connected with Haruka's abdomen, immediately letting out a muted thud as an explosion sent the blades flying through her internal organs, and Chakra Network, Shayde began to breathe a sigh of relief. She would never hurt another living soul again, not with those hands of hers, and most certainly not with that damn appendage...

(Fūton Taijutsu: Sweh-Hon-Gwon) Wind Release Body Art: Soul-Crushing Strike
Type: Offensive
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80 (-20 to user)
Description: One of the most advanced techniques developed by a secret group of Taijutsu and Martial Arts masters known as the Murim, the Soul-Crushing Strike takes the properties of Wind Release to it's extreme, and applies them to a seemingly simple punch. The user starts by gathering an insane amount of Wind Release Chakra within one of their arms, and uses Shape Manipulation to mould this Chakra into tiny, extremely sharp blades. From there the user throws a seemingly basic and relatively harmless punch at their opponent, however, this bland façade is meant to trick the opponent into dropping their guard. Upon direct contact with the opponent the user releases the entirety of this gathered Chakra directly in one blast, causing severe damage to the limb/ body part that the user is directing this Chakra onto. This is physically seen as an explosion of force, displacing the air directly in front of the punch and creating what can only be likened to a sonic boom, however, there is far more going on here than what the naked eye can see. As the user forcibly fires the gathered Chakra and blades of Wind onto the surface of the opponent's body, these blades invade, become lodged in, and shred the targets Chakra Network, causing irreparable damage to the affected area, effectively making it impossible for the target to mould Chakra with any part that is struck by the Soul-Crushing Strike. Additionally, the generated explosive force is strong enough to break bones, even those of the Kaguya, whom are known for their extreme resilience. But despite the immense power this technique possesses, releasing such a large amount of lethal, moulded Chakra carries it's own set of risks for the user. For starters, such a large expulsion of Chakra damages the arm the user performs the Soul Crushing Strike with, making it impossible to mould Chakra A-Rank and above for 4 turns after using this technique, as well as severely hampering and slowing their ability to weave seals, as the entire arm feels the shockwave produced by the strike. Next, consecutive usage of such a technique, especially if it's utilized within the same window of time (If used within 4 turns of the previous usage, and is still suffering from the previously mentioned after effect) would give the user the same effects as the target/ recipient of this technique, making it permanently impossible to mould or channel Chakra with the arm(s) this technique is performed with. Finally, the biggest flaw in the Soul-Crushing Strike is that if one is able to avoid direct contact with the user, even if the technique is performed successfully, and the blades of Wind are released with the successful explosive force of the technique, it fails entirely, as the Blades of Wind will simply buffer the surface of the target. Additionally, should the previously mentioned flaw/ method of avoidance occur, the user still succumbs to the same restrictions and drawbacks as if the technique had been completely successful, further adding to the risk versus reward factor of this technique.

Note: Can be used a max of twice per battle.
Note: User must wait at least 2 turns between usages.
Note: No B-Rank or higher Taijutsu can be performed after this technique for 1 turn.
Note: Can only be taught by Iᴍᴘᴇяғᴇᴄᴛ.

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In his delirious state of blood loss, that was the victory he envisioned, one earned by the skin of his teeth, and by his own merit, with his own power. Reality was far crueler than to allow such a humble victory... His technique indeed went off without a hitch. The muted explosion of Wind Chakra went off as planned, and Haruka was just within striking distance. As the world began to spin around him, he looked back into Haruka's eyes, and a true horror enveloped him. She was still smiling. Shaking in fear, he looked down to see Haruka had one remaining Kagune, and had used it to stop the arm just shy of her. Of course she had no idea about the nature of his technique, but she had rendered it completely useless, just like with his previous technique. Before he knew it, Haruka had him pinned to the ground, as she drove a fist into his open wound. Even with the adrenaline flooding his system, Shayde couldn't help but scream in agony as his insides were played with like spaghetti. Seconds later he was coughing yet more blood up, much to the sinister siren's amusement, but he soon fell silent. She didn't stop there, mercilessly tearing in to his body, her gluttony unable to be satiated.

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"Aww, did you die already?
Guess that means I can finally have my way with you... Think I'll start by scrambling your insides, get them nice and tender.
Then, I'll skip right to dessert... After all this work, I deserve it, don't you think?"

Shayde's Health: ??? (Critical).

He wasn't quite dead yet, but couldn't hang on any longer. He didn't have the strength to run, or fight back, or call out for help... This really was it. He actually thought he could win when he already had one foot in the grave... After all this, he'd go out with a whimper... He wanted to call out for someone, anyone to save him, but he really was a fool, coming out here alone, with her. He wanted to call out to her... Even after all this time, he was just a kid who missed his mother... As the fringes of his consciousness began to fade, and the stars above began to fall silent and black, a voice answered his call. Not the voice he was expecting, but it was about damn time someone came to his help...


(Tsumi) S.I.N.S
Type: Weapon
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short - Long (Dependent on shape)
Chakra: N/A - 50 (Devour) 10 - 30 (Shapeshifting) 20 (Regeneration)
Damage: 40 (Assimilated) +20 Taijutsu/ Kenjutsu (Assimilated)
Description: S.I.N.S, a.k.a Systemically Integrated Nebulous Sentience, or simply "Sin" is a weaponized Symbiote, a sentient type of organism that bonds with a host to survive. Unlike most symbiotic entities it is "Mutualistic", a type of symbiote that survives through a host organism, while providing the host some manner of benefit with it's presence, unlike others which are typically "Parasitic", and only bring detrimental effects with their presence. Sin has an insatiable appetite, and the unfortunate habit of eating just about anything that comes within range, undiscriminating between friend or foe, trash or treasure, with only the desire to be free from it.

Sin's ravenous hunger goes hand in hand with it's ability to analyze, retain and replicate the appearance, texture, properties, etc of any solid material it devours, regardless of whether it is natural, man-made, created via Chakra, etc, similar to the Ninjutsu . This "Assimilation" only applies to materials with solid properties, meaning liquids, gasses, energies, etc cannot be devoured and replicated using this ability, as they lack physical substance for Sin to assimilate while maintaining it's form. Examples include a wide and varied range from basic earthen materials like dirt and rock, to denser materials, like wood, metals and crystals. In the case of materials devoid of Chakra, devouring them costs no Chakra and is a passive action. In the case of materials created via Chakra, the user must expend Chakra equivalent to the Rank of the material to devour it, and will cost a move. Sin's replication of properties of materials it has devoured is a passive action due to it being an inherent ability, requires no Chakra to achieve, and can be used to replicate multiple materials at any given time in addition to it's base state, but can only be performed once per turn. Finally, there are differences in both strength and durability for Sin between it's base and Assimilated states;

In it's base state Sin possesses an immunity to B-Ranks and below, and requires at least an A-Rank to damage, and another to destroy, or one S-Rank, etc. While Sin is damaged in it's base state, it can quickly regenerate injured/ destroyed parts within that same turn, at the cost of being being unable to Assimilate. In other words, while Sin is regenerating, it cannot devour materials to analyze their properties, nor enter it's assimilated state, as it is solely focused on regenerating from the damage it has sustained.

In it's Assimilated state, Sin's durability is increased to Forbidden Rank, and requires at least one S-Rank to damage, and another to destroy, or one Forbidden Rank, etc. While Sin is damaged in it's Assimilated state, it can slowly regenerate injured/ destroyed parts over the course of the next turn, during which time it is still susceptible to a fatal attack. Finally, thanks to the increase in it's durability, physical attacks that utilize Sin whilst Assimilated also receive a substantial increase, with a base damage of 40, and Taijutsu and Kenjutsu techniques performed utilizing Sin dealing +20 more damage.​

In addition to it's "Assimilation", Sin also has complete and total control over the shape and general functions of it's form, allowing it to change both to suit it's needs, most commonly used to create as many mouths as it can to allow for rapid consumption. This "Shapeshifting" relies on a mass-conversion system, allowing Sin to mould itself into shapes and forms equivalent to, or less than the total amount of mass it has consumed. This allows Sin to shape it's form for many functions, such as moulding itself into the shape of various weapons, like a blade to facilitate the usage of Kenjutsu, or a whip-like appendages to engage in ranged strikes, making it's strikes both versatile, and deadly. The size of Sin's Shapeshifting is restricted by how much Chakra is used with the ability, allowing for shapes up to Close Range with 10 Chakra, Mid Range with 20 Chakra, and Long Range with 30 Chakra. Additionally, each usage of Shapeshifting counts towards one of the user's 3 Jutsu per turn.

Through both of these abilities Sin is implanted onto users arm via Medical Ninjutsu within the Hospital to ensure that functions like the flow of blood, Chakra, etc, are flawless. This allows both the user and Sin to share their senses, experiences, allows direct mental communication between the two, etc, while also allowing the user to weave seals using Sin as a proxy, and supply it with Chakra for it's abilities, or for Sin to forcefully drain Chakra from it's host to perform techniques itself. Sin can also devour small portions of the user's body, causing pain, which can vary depending how much of the user is devoured and replaced. This results in self-harm upon the user as flesh and muscles are torn, and bones are crushed and devoured, damaging their health by an amount equivalent to the amount of the user's body is devoured, with the damage ranging from E-Rank to A-Rank. Finally, while the user has some control of Sin, such as utilizing it to perform hand seals for their Jutsu, Sin is still it's own organism, and thus is capable of both independent movement, thought, actions, etc, regardless of input from it's host. This means that, should the host may be incapacitated, or unable to act in some manner, it doesn't necessarily apply to Sin. For example, in the case of a Genjutsu directed at the host, although they and Sin share the same Chakra flow, because Sin has it's own mind, senses, etc, it would be unaffected unless the Genjutsu affects multiple targets.

Note: The acquisition of unique or specific materials must be performed in an Official Fight where Sin consumes the specified material, and the user emerges victorious, or escapes the battle. Additionally, the user must compile a list of all devoured materials, with the links to the appropriate battles within their Custom Jutsu thread.
Note: Can only be used by Imperfect.

In a completely instinctual reaction to being itself devoured, Greed came alive, moulding Shayde's arm into a giant serpent-like maw that snapped out at Haruka, devouring her Kagune in the blink of an eye, as though it were nothing. Even as she leapt back, she wasn't particularly fast enough to escape, just like Shayde had been when he tried performing the Chaotic Heavens Strike. Latching on to her leg, and dragging her back, Greed then assumed another shape, growing similar fleshy-tentacles like the kind Haruka had, though there were far more than in her case. Shayde could only listen in horror as Haruka was flayed alive, each strike cutting into her, and stripping her of her flesh, slow and intentional. As she screamed in horror, Greed just cracked wise, which, while the most macabre thing he'd ever seen, was a welcome distraction from everything he'd been through until this point.

"I would say what you said, Shayde, about having what she was having, but since that's you...
And because you taste like crap, I guess I'll just have her!!"

Shayde couldn't help but feel a direct parallel to Librom, how he was mercilessly devoured alive, screaming in horror while Shayde couldn't do anything. But this time there was no sympathy, and it wasn't done from some primal revenge. It was kill or be killed, eat or be eaten, so Shayde, while wishing it never turned out this way, felt no sympathy as Haruka's screams hushed to pleads for death. Loud tearing sounds filled the once tranquil space, as she was torn limb from limb, and devoured as she herself devoured the innocent. Even with his eyes shut, through Greed himself, Shayde experienced every last bite, every single wound inflicted. He could almost taste her himself, and he was sickened, but didn't have the strength to eject what little lunch he'd managed to keep up until now. And as he began to lose all sense of himself, no matter how hard Greed pushed him to stay awake, he couldn't help but close his eyes. The last thing he heard was a similarly sickening tearing of flesh and bone, though Haruka was most certainly long gone. Sounds of blood trickling, and a heavy thud were the last things before all went still...

Shayde drifted through an entirely black void, all sense or boundary of "himself" completely lost. He was but a single thought drifting through an endless ocean of nothingness, cast adrift from reality. He couldn't feel his arms nor his legs. He couldn't see anything, or speak a word. There was nothing to hear, smell or taste. Nothing. Was this death? It was surprisingly relaxing... His grasp on his very self was slipping. Where was he? Who was he? He couldn't remember... Was there ever any existence before this? As time stretched for eternity, and looped infinitely, each cycle he lost more and more of himself, until there was nothing more to lose, then he saw it. A rapidly approaching white light. He did not know whether to run towards it, or run from it, but he had neither a body to run with, nor the speed with which to escape. Seeing the inevitability of the situation, he simply let go. If he had eyes anymore, he would have closed them in acceptance, but instead, he relaxed, and awaited the moment that the light enveloped him.

A light, but steady beeping sound accompanied a glaring white light as he opened his eyes, lying in an unknown room. Every part of his body was aching, but he had a body to ache, so that was something... Actually, why did he even have that thought at all? He tried recalling the last thing he went through, and all that came to mind was Haruka, and her seemingly killing him... No, Greed intervened. Panicking that his little secret had been found out, he strained to turn his head, and saw his right arm swathed in bandages, same with his left. While the rest of his body was covered by a blanket, he assumed the rest of his body looked like this. The most surprising fact was that he was not in cuffs as a suspect in Haruka's murder. I mean, he was responsible, and he was the only one there. If two and two were put together, no matter how you looked at it, four meant he was responsible for her death. Just as he began to panic, Greed's voice came from all angles and none at the same time through their mental link, in an uncharacteristically demanding tone;

"Calm down. Everything's fine... For the most part. You're a fucking mess, but you're alive."

"What happened?! Where the hell are we?!"

"I save your bacon, and you don't even say thanks? Some friend you are."

"Enough jokes!! Now where the hell are we, and what the hell happened?!"

"Don't worry. It'll all make sense soon enough. You just need to get their attention"

As if on cue, Kengo, Mina, Silas, and what appeared to be an entourage of other guards, as well as a Doctor came into view, scattered around the room in various groups, and stages of concern, grief, worry and alertness. Soon Shayde began to hear scattered accounts of the doctor's preliminary examination of Shayde's condition. While traumatically wounded, he was going to make it. As for whether it was a full recovery, that would be down to him. His internal organs had been heavily traumatized, and parts of his intestines were missing, but for the most part, he was intact. Shayde recalled a specific wound inflicted upon him by Haruka. Looking over towards his shoulder, there was no bandage, nor wound to speak of. Greed gave a chuckle, and showed Shayde a glimpse of what happened once he'd passed out, showing his flesh spreading over the wound to conceal it. Nothing what the doctor said mentioned Haruka, so some things began to make sense. Greed had, of his own volition, taken steps to remove Haruka's involvement in his attack, but that left a larger question; what did they think had attacked the pair? Tired of being drip fed information like the literal drip embedded in his hand, Shayde let out a heavy breath, and made everyone aware of his presence.

"You sure I don't need to be put down, doc? Looks pretty bad to me...
Fucking feels like it too..."

His voice was raspy, as though he hadn't used it in days, though it could have just been dehydration from the blood loss. Immediately Kengo and the doctor snapped out of their discussion, and walked over to the bed side. Silas on the other hand placed a hand on Mina's shoulder, whom had already began to cry tears of relief. Before he could get another word in, Kengo immediately gave him a stern stare, his scarred face shifting in and out of focus for Shayde, as he gave him an accusatory demand.

"What happened?"

While not aggressive, there was an underlying suspicion to the question, as though he wasn't giving Shayde the option to not answer, and he wanted everything. As Shayde started by recalling how they met, and the lunch that was to follow, then the request that she had to view the field of flowers, Greed gave Shayde flashes of images through their mental link. The healing of his wounds were to cover Haruka's true nature, while the others were of an extremely off-putting looking creature. Gnarled fangs and claws, a lanky, emaciated form, hairless body, it was a complete monster. So that was the plan... Shayde gave half-truths, omitting some key details, such as Haruka's attack, and how he was the one responsible for his death. He used specific wording, stating that they were attacked by a monster, the monster in truth being each other. He thought about how things would have played out, stating that he was the first to get injured. He was after all. From there, he did his best to protect her, but couldn't, and had to listen as Haruka was devoured by the monster. He couldn't do anything to save her. Yet more half-truths. He truly had no control over Greed, so again, it was the truth, even if only by technicality. He then told of how, despite his injuries up to that point, the most serious of which was his abdomen being ran through, he managed to kill the beast before he himself collapsed. Next thing he knew he was waking up here. Kengo gave a huff, as though he was expecting more, but simply walked off, leaving the doctor to check Shayde's state more thoroughly.

Days later, Shayde was discharged, some of his more grievous wounds patched up with Medical Ninjutsu, the rest healed to the extent that they weren't life-threatening. As expected eyes followed him as he wandered through the streets towards his grandparent's home, though this time less out of disgust, fear or hatred, but rather concern, and sympathy. Some people thought he had slaughtered her, but the monstrosity they hauled back with his ass was more than real enough to say otherwise. It didn't stop rumors from spreading, that he lured her there to have that thing kill her, but they couldn't refute the sheer evidence brought back, so the rumors didn't amount to anything but gossip. Shayde spent the next few days with Kengo and Mina, staying with them while he got as close to his "prime" as he could manage. In that time he'd began to feel a worrying, sickening hunger, typically an indicator that Greed required fed, though this time it felt somewhat strange. Foreseeing a problem arising with the symbiotic limb, he gave little notice before departing, promising that he'd return with his parents in tow, and force them to beg them for their forgiveness. Another snort from Kengo, while Mina said she looked forward to it, and with that, he left, an endless number of things on his mind... For now however, he had his destination. Tobusekai.

End of Mission.

Leaving Landmark.


Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Mission Start

Battle your Nemesis

Isabella arrives at the periphery of Keishi, waiting for Madara and Mirabelle. The massive forest of ancient trees spawns through the whole field, serving as an epic backdrop to what seems to be an epic battle. The maze of the goliath trees opens up to a clearing where multiple ancient buildings and temples seem to rest, so naturally encased by the bark and roots that they seemed to have been planted and grown there.

Isabella's nose pricked at the sight, a Senju domain... how... great. the clearing was equally large, sprawling several hundred meters of grassland and the remnants of a cobbled path. They stood at center of what appeared to be a plaza or maybe the remnants of an altar, raised from the ground bellow but very much covered in foot-high grass.

Couldn't you have picked a better spot, Mirabelle?


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
As quickly as they arrived, Mirabelle jumped from tree to tree, until she was on her final branch. Her arms stretched out, as her hands latched onto it and spun herself over the branch. “Ally oopp” she sheepishly said, as she went over and under the branch, launching herself into the air as she landed and rolled. “Nailed it” she commented, as she then back flips until side by side to Isabella. The red-haired woman commented on the choice of location, as Mirabelle’s face turned into a rather unamused face. “Hey, look…bite me” she said rolling her eyes, waiting on the Uchiha Princess to show up. As they waited briefly she took this chance to pierce her skin with her canine teeth. This allowed blood to run down her palm as she made a quick hand seal, crafting a pact with the distance land she mentally dubs as “The Sanctuary”. A place where an infinite among of Armament’s existed in their own capacity as eight small portals spawned around her. She also would have activated her Winter’s Blessing Void Artifact, quickly gifting herself a void infusion. On her back was her more potent blade, Heaven’s Cutter. It was an ‘Ani Blade’, one of which she gained from her mentor long ago. Of course, she didn’t wish to use it just yet as she steeled herself and drew her harmonic ninja tool, Kurokiba instead. “Are you sure you want to do this, Mirabelle?” the Nibi mentally noted.

Within their shared mental scape, Mirabelle turned to her inner partner and sighed. “No, not really. We’re all humans…yet we are so divided…it’s what's going to doom us all…but I couldn’t just let this go…not after what happened those other times…”she uttered, as she breathed in and out heavily. “
If that’s your choice, then I’ll support it…just know that this isn’t going to be easy…your chances of winning are slim to none…” the Nibi said, but Mirabelle’s face couldn’t help but turn into a smile.

It’s a risk I’m willing to take”

(Ani) Brother (Reference)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Keotsu's legendary blade Mythos has been with him through trials and tribulations of all sorts; and in turn, Keotsu has used his strength to help his friends through their own challenges. The strength Keotsu could offer was always limited, though, as so many of his teachings were made with his own blade in mind. This technique allows others to use Mythos, when they normally could not. Because Mythos is tied to Keotsu's soul, he will perform a small ritual with one that Keotsu is incredibly close to: Keotsu will place Mythos in its entirety atop one of his brothers-in-arms' weapons, and coat it in an incredibly thin layer of the Mythril that Mythos is made of. In this action, Keotsu accepts this person into his soul, marking them as someone of great importance to him. This imparts the weapon with all the abilities of Mythos.
*Note: Cannot be used in battle. The purpose of this technique is to allow others to be able to use Mythos.
*Note: True to the blade, if a piece of Mythos is ever used against Keotsu, this technique will "deactivate", and that person will be as if they could not have used Mythos in the first place.
*Note: Those who Keotsu teaches "Brother" will be able to use (Ten'notsurugi: Mythos, Jinsei no Sāberu) Astrum Sword: Mythos, Vita Saber with all of its abilities, including access to the Legendary Command Arts.
(Kingusugureivu ♕ Busōko) Kingsglaive ♔ Armiger Arsenal
Type: Supplementary/ Offensive/ Defensive
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Short (Portal Creation/ Orbit) Short - Long (Projectile)
Chakra: 20 (Activation) 5 (Per Turn Active)
Damage: 5 - 40 (Depending on the severity of an injury)
Description: The user starts by performing the Seal of Confrontation, drawing blood, channeling Chakra into their hand(s) and performs the Summoning Jutsu for a "Pact" they have with a distant, isolate Land engulfed in boundless armaments. However, instead of Summoning the weapons themselves, the user creates small Space/ Time Portals (similar to the kind formed in "(Doton: Nentsuchi Otoshi) – Earth Release: Sticky Earth Drop"), after which they use Shape Manipulation to mould the shape of these portals, making their general shape identical to that of the weapon the user wishes to Summon. This is done due to the sheer scope of the available arsenal, requiring the user to shape the portal to take the same shape as the visualized weapon, with only that weapon capable of "fitting" through that portal, like cutting a key for a lock. Since these portals are composed entirely of the user's Chakra, they are practically weightless, and their positioning can be controlled by the user at will, allowing the user complete control over their "arsenal" in this state. The number of Portals the user can maintain at any given time is limited to a max of 8, with the user able to freely manipulate the number of portals active at no additional cost. Because of it's massive scope, the user can draw from a virtually infinite arsenal, summoning different styles of weapons from the same type of weapon (For example, in regards to summoning a sword, one has options such as a long-sword, broadsword, rapier, falchion, katana, ninjato, etc, for this one type of weapon, with this example applying to all forms of weapon types). Once the user has selected and summoned their weapons, and have their "arsenal" orbiting their person, they can start to utilize these weapons in combat. Once the portals are directly interacted with, the corresponding weapon is automatically pulled through whether that's into the user's hand, or to deflect incoming projectiles, etc. In the case of the user directly wielding the weapon, this allows them to use the weapon as though they were physically carrying and transporting it, however, as soon as the weapons leave the user's hand/ control, or leave a Short Range radius of the user, the Summoning is immediately undone, reverts the weapon to it's previous state, and returns to orbiting the user with the rest of their arsenal. The only exceptions to this rule are projectiles utilized by ranged weaponry, for example arrows fired from a bow, which are naturally unaffected by this limited range. Finally the user can change the weapons they have with this technique by "visualizing" a different weapon and moulding the portal to fit that weapon, allowing them to switch between various weapons for radical changes in their combat style, however this can only be done on weapons that are not being directly interacted with.

Note: This Jutsu can remain active so long as the user has the Chakra to sustain it. Once deactivated, this technique cannot be used for 2 turns.
Note: Can only be taught by Iᴍᴘᴇяғᴇᴄᴛ.
(Mukō: Fuyu no Shukufuku) – Void: Winter’s Blessing (Passive)
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: A
Range: Self
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A Void Infused Artifact Accumulator that is activated passively; upon activation the user instantly gains a single Void Infusion. It can be activated twice per battle, once every four turns.

Coming from: