[SC] Scales and Grease


Active member
Feb 6, 2012
Trait Points
you know that feeling when you almost at the end then you get super lazy about it, yeah? that's me right now

1. A much more complex combo move, where i, gamatatsu and gamakichi perform our techniques such it flows as one, with my wind chakra, gamatatsu oil technique and gamakichi fire release, we combine to produce a much larger oil bullet boosted by my wind tech and engulf in flames. This resulted technique cover a larger area and can travel further, up to long range.

2. Another powerful combined attacked from me and gamatatsu, where as i mold my wind chakra, he does same with his water chakra and we both release our techniques at the same time to combine and form one big and fast moving stream of water, the stream of water as it move towards intended target spreads out covering more area of the field

3. it is the reverse, i here summon myself and my target into stomach of a giant toad, this gives me an unfair advantage and hinders my target actions as they are crushed to death if they don't escape.

4. cool technique, I just form chakra in my palm then place it to touch the ground and infuse the earth with chakra then direct my chakra to an area on the terrain where i nature manipulate it into oil that when come in contact with reacts in similar fashion to the way a landmine will when weight is placed on it, it goes boom!

no questions :)