[Rift] Fall Of Chungsu: Kurama vs Musashi, Emiya & Obito


Jul 7, 2011
Trait Points
Kurama, The Nine Tailed Demon-Fox
Jounin | 300(+30) Health Points | 5000 (+60) chakra

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Battlefield: The battle takes place in the ruined city of Chungsu hours after it has been leveled. Much of the populace, or what remains of it, has been evacuated. Buildings stretch in all directions with alleyways, major roads, and destroyed fortifications throughout. During this battle, Kurama will maintain his Final Transformation indefinitely.

As the trio stepped forth through the Rift, they would find themselves face to face with the Nine tailed Demon-Fox. The beast stood towering above them all in it's full transformation as its resentment and malice spread through the area, creating a suffocating Overwhelming Presence that washed over trio. Kurama is always in his enraged state. His glare fixates on the three foolish enough to stand before him, letting out a defening roar reflecting his anger as his tails lashed out behind him shattering buildings.

( Attōteki Sonzai ) – Overwhelming Presence
Type: Skill
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: This landmark is filled with the evil presence of Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Beast. Referred to as a Chakra Monsters, Kurama was created by the Sage of the Six Paths splitting the power of the Ten-Tails hundreds of years ago. Kurama carries an overwhelming presence, wielding primordial chakra that itself is stronger than even the other Tailed-Beasts. When in the presence of a Tailed Beast, one’s damage is reduced by 30 and their base speed is reduced by 4. Kurama, due to his natural gravitation towards negative emotions and killing intent, feeds on these emotions and energy as it empowers him. For every ninja present in the landmark fighting, Kurama gains an additional 5 damage, 10 health, and 20 chakra. These beasts are more powerful than their lower tiered contemporaries, being able to ignore the powerful suppression abilities of the Sharingan if more than 10% health remain.
Note: This is always active when in the presence of the Nine-Tailed Beast.

( Kyubi Henge no Jutsu ) - Nine-Tailed Full Transformation Technique
Type: Mode
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: N/A ( +40 to Ninjutsu, Fire and Wind Techniques)
Description: The user borrows chakra from Kurama before a devastatingly powerful layer of crimson and black chakra envelops them as the Nine-Tailed Beast is released into the world. Kurama is a giant red-orange coloured kitsune with black fur around its red eyes that stretch up to its ears, and nine long swiping tails. It also has the upper-body structure of a human, complete with opposable thumbs on its clawed hands. Entering Complete Transformation creates a great deal of energy, producing craters beneath the user and destroying any restraints that might have been placed upon them beforehand while pushing other users back to mid range, inflicting 80 damage gusts of chakra. While active, Kurama is capable of using Taijutsu, Fire and Wind Release, and Tailed Beast Techniques. The strongest of the Tailed Beasts, Kurama has incredible damage reduction, reducing damage by 100. He also moves at swift speeds, traveling at 40 base speed with 800 health. Capable of tracking up to 4 times his speed, Kurama has a separate pool of chakra to use, granting the user 4000 chakra when in Complete Transformation. This pool is doubled when a Ninja World Mod is controlling it.
Note: Each use lasts up to 10 turns before the user wakes up. After waking, he cannot make use of any Jinchuriki or Tailed Beast skills above the basic Chakra Shroud state for 5 turns. Can only be activated twice per arc.
Note: The user is capable of summoning Kurama at any stage of mastery; during initial stages, this causes him to release Kurama in an enraged state, temporarily boosting his power higher than normally but relinquishing all control over him which causes a Ninja World Moderator to then control his actions, gaining a damage boost to a +60 instead of 40. The user is also rendered KO for the remainder of the event. This, however, does not mean he will lose the Bijuu and will retain it the next arc.

Note: For the purpose of this rift, see the chakra and health information at the top of this post, rather than the technique itself. Kurama is in his rampaging state and as you enter the rift, Overwhelming Presence is already active within the area.

Post your bios and your current stats. All modes etc are deactivated apart from basic sensory and doujutsu.
Once you have posted your bios and any RP to go with them (no jutsu), I'll begin the encounter taking the first move.

Best of luck.


Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
Obito Uchiha

Rank: Sage of Primordial Life

Mind: 6
Agility: 6
Body: 5
Dexterity: 6 +1 (3T)
Spirit: 6
Vitality: 0 (+1)

HP: 240
Chakra: 2000
Speed: 12
Tracking: 16 x 5.5 = 88

Miyamoto Musashi

Rank: Jonin

Mind: 4
Body: 5
Spirit: 8
Agility: 5
Dexterity: 5
Vitality: 0

HP: 155
Chakra: 1600
Speed: 10
Tracking: 12 x (2.5 +3) = 66

Emiya Shiro

Rank: Sage of Sacrifice

Mind: 6
Body: 5
Spirit: 5
Agility: 6
Dexterity: 5
Vitality: 1

Health: 235
Chakra: 990
Life: 2260
Speed: 16
Tracking: 12 x 5.5 (Apex Tracking + Ancient Insight) = 66

The trio entered the hole in space time in the heart of the empire of Solanaceae passing through time itself and stepped into an iconic moment from that very spot's history. Buildings covered in scorch marks, some still burning, and others still bubbling from the intensity of the flames. A terrifying piercing roar echoing through the landscape as the Nine Tailed Fox laid waste to the former, or rather within this Rift still extant City of Chungsu. This was the heart of the Freehold on the night the Beast of Chakra appeared like a natural disaster, Year 804. This was the night that the world changed forever. Musashi, Obito and Emiya all watched as the Tailed Beast noticed their presence, bared it's fangs and prepared to attack.


Jul 7, 2011
Trait Points
Obito Uchiha
Rank: Sage of Primordial Life
Mind: 6
Agility: 6
Body: 5
Dexterity: 6 +1 (3T)
Spirit: 6
Vitality: 0 (+1)
HP: 240
Chakra: 2000
Speed: 12
Tracking: 16 x 5.5 = 88
Miyamoto Musashi
Rank: Jonin
Mind: 4
Body: 5
Spirit: 8
Agility: 5
Dexterity: 5
Vitality: 0
HP: 155
Chakra: 1600
Speed: 10
Tracking: 12 x (2.5 +3) = 66
Emiya Shiro
Rank: Sage of Sacrifice
Mind: 6
Body: 5
Spirit: 5
Agility: 6
Dexterity: 5
Vitality: 1
Health: 235
Chakra: 990
Life: 2260
Speed: 16
Tracking: 12 x 5.5 (Apex Tracking + Ancient Insight) = 66

The trio entered the hole in space time in the heart of the empire of Solanaceae passing through time itself and stepped into an iconic moment from that very spot's history. Buildings covered in scorch marks, some still burning, and others still bubbling from the intensity of the flames. A terrifying piercing roar echoing through the landscape as the Nine Tailed Fox laid waste to the former, or rather within this Rift still extant City of Chungsu. This was the heart of the Freehold on the night the Beast of Chakra appeared like a natural disaster, Year 804. This was the night that the world changed forever. Musashi, Obito and Emiya all watched as the Tailed Beast noticed their presence, bared it's fangs and prepared to attack.
The beast's fury knew no bounds as it had no aim, it was simply a calamity unfolding on this once proud nation. Nothing could stand to its devastating might, enhanced by the rampaging nature of the beast. In its crazed state, it saw the trio appearing before him as an animal challenging his reign. The Kyuubi its current state was nothing but a raging beast where he would devastate anything that stood before him. Standing as tall as the largest of summons, the Kyuubi stood out as a menacing being seen by all as it laid waste to everything before it. The area around it reflected its orange fur as his destruction caused mass flames to engulf what was left of the city. With this the very skies glowed orange. This was a true horror unlike any seen in living memory.

In a flash the beast sprinted forwards at its maximum pace (40 speed), closing the gap with his challengers, while gathering a mass of chakra in its mouth. Upon being within 10m of the trio he stopped, as though it was about to lash out, it opened its mouth unleashing a deadly torrent of focussed chakra down on the trio. This blast of chakra would have a radius of 10m with the trio at the centre while moving at 28 speed. This would be empowered due to the beasts rampaging state and its overwhelming presence. This blast aimed diagonally down upon the group blasting them and the area around them. The beasts’ eyes crazed with no focus seeing just the beam it unleashes.

( Kyubi Bijukosen ) - Nine Tails Tailed Beast Beam
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 70
Damage: 140 ( - 20 to user ) +60+15=215
Description: The wild and roaming Kurama fires a powerful beam of chakra with great force and power. This beam of highly compressed chakra is significantly powered, being capable of flattening mountain ranges. This fast moving beam covers a radius of 10 meters and moves at twice the speed of a similarly ranked Lightning technique.
Note: Can only be used by Kurama in his Roaming State and three times, requiring a break of 3 turns in between use.

Having released this devastating beam, the beast would let out a howling roar that echoed through the entire city, releasing a tremendous shockwave all around, wiping everything out around the beast in the process:

( Bijutsu: Biju Shōgekiha ) - Tailed Beast Skill: Tailed Beast Shockwave
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B - S Rank
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 20 - 40
Damage: 40 - 80+60+15=155
Description: A basic skill available to all Tailed Beasts and their Jinchuriki, the chakra shockwave is as dramatic as it is useful. A Tailed Beast uses its massive chakra reserve to turn anything from a roar or a simple wave of a limb into a powerful force of pressure and destruction. The ability varies in power, depending on the chakra mode the user is in and the chakra he puts into it but can only be used from time to time and never in focused or precise ways. In their Chakra Shroud state, the technique gains a +20 damage increase. In their Incomplete Mode, the technique gains a +30 damage increase. In Complete Transformation, the technique gains +40 damage increase.
Note: Can be used by Pseudo Jinchuriki's in their Final Pseudo Mode
Note: Jinchuriki's can use this skill in their Initial and Complete Transformations
Note: Can only be used once every 2 turns

Chakra: 5060 - 70 - 40 = 4950
Health: 330 - 20 = 310
Speed: 40
Tracking: 40
Apr 8, 2021
Trait Points
Obito saw the nine tails as they stepped through the Rift, the enormous beast must have stood a hundred meters even on all fours. The rampaging bijuu had locked eyes on the group immediately, breaking in to a full blown charge at a staggering pace, even the Sharingan had some small difficulty keeping up with his movements.

Although the uchiha could see the chakra building up in the fox maw as it charged, reasoning with it seemed pointless. Instead Obitos hands raised to both his allies as he told them to let him guide them.

Thus as the beast arrived, a tremendous blast of chakra released from its mouth, Obito would use the power phasing migration to make himself and his allies intangible, dropping through the floor out of sight of the bijuu, his hand guiding them as the beam devastated the environment and the shockwave followed.

All three would emerge beneath the beasts lower belly positioned in a way that the beast would not see them thanks to its own enormous size.

(Dojutsu: Isō Idō) - Eye Technique: Phasing Migration
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 40 ( -5 per turn )
Damage points: N/A
Description: A variation of his Kamui, using this technique, Obito is also able to render himself intangible, through the use of his 3 Tomoe Sharingan or MS, to allow other objects to pass harmlessly through his own body, which he employs primarily to avoid incurring injury from incoming attacks. In reality, this is but another extension of his space–time ninjutsu, where Obito instead teleports any part of his body that occupies the same space as another object to a separate dimension. As the transported portions of his body are always obscured by the other objects, Obito appears completely whole to those observing him. By overlapping his entire body with a sufficiently large object, such as the ground, he can not only conceal himself from view, but also erase all traces of his chakra. Obito often exploits this characteristic to ambush his opponents from below. Though unable to establish any physical contact while intangible, Obito can move while phased at great speeds and can trigger the technique on instinct alone, relying on his Sharingan to perceive and calculate attacks and how to activate the technique in the most precise manner. He also seemingly possesses the capability to extend this intangibility to whatever he's presently touching, as long as he is able to maintain some form of contact with at least part of the desired item. Described as a perfect defense, Obito is able to phase through anything, avoiding damage completely.

Note: Can only be used 4 times and up to 3 turns each use.
Note: Can only be used by Obito Uchiha bios and must have the Sharingan active.

The towering creature at first caught Musashi off guard, despite being acutely aware of the monstrous mass. The Ronin had never been in the presence of such a massive - or foreboding - creature, and its mere presence was suffocating. She could feel a sort of primal fear in her body holding her back, but had a vast well of courage to draw from to forge ahead nonetheless.

Be that as it may, the sharpness of Musashi’s senses belayed the difference between her ability to perceive and act. The creature’s rapid approach and assault would have likely spelled the end of the Ronin, had Obito not acted quickly, taking the wanderlust filled Ronin on a jaunt unlike any she had been on before. Not one to waste an opening - and an opening that likewise could not afford to be wasted - Musashi reacted quickly, gathering baring of her senses quickly as Obito seemingly repositioned the trio beneath the behemoth. A battle like this would need to end decisively and swiftly - if possible, with a single stroke.

Reaching for her teachings, Tsukihime in Musashi’s hand would become engulfed in a dark pitch, as an inky stroke followed behind like a curtain of midnight as the Ronin swung her sword from the underside of the beast’s belly, aimed at where she poised the lungs would be. A creature that massive should require ample breath to move its massive frame, and by disabling - or at least inflicting a spiritual curse upon - the organ in question, should halter the beast, if only slightly.
Rank: S
Type: Weapon
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A magnificent katana, crafted by the blacksmith Emiya Shiro, forged of broken fragments of the Ten Thousand Cold Nights Muramasa and Tender Hands Masamune. The blade has a gunome style hamon, with pale, light-blue colored steel, polished to a glassy finish; the handle wrappings are a dark purple, surrounding a wooden handle of dark oak, with the tsubasa of the sword depicting a complex pinwheel like pattern. Forged from the fragments of masterwork pieces crafted of the purest materials by master swordsmiths, Emiya Shiro worked the broken blades into marvelous, harmonious whole; the melding of these two blades into one resulted in a blade attuned with "all of creation", in harmony with the pure and impure world; both nature, and the soul. Wielding Tsukihime augments Ronin Spiritual Kenjutsu and Dokkodo for those who can use them.

(Kenshin) Dedication - Tsukihime's hallowed blade, crafted in such a way to reach all of creation, augments the cutting power of Ronin Spiritual Kenjutsu and Dokkodo techniques such that techniques of those categories used by its wielder increase in such a manner that they gain Elemental Superiority to anything they were previously neutral to, and any Elemental Weakness they had instead becomes Elemental Neutrality.

(Shizukesa) Serenity - Tsukihime's balanced blade sits wholly in the scheme of the universe, unwavering on the edge of the pure and impure. This confers a powerful effect to the blade: Kenjutsu and related field techniques can become imbued with these energies when performed by the wielder of Tsukihime, allowing them to be treated as Spiritual Kenjutsu or Dokkodo techniques for the purposes of effects that affect or modify those fields, by adding 10 chakra to the cost of the technique to do so. However, this chakra does not enhance the technique in question beyond simply allowing it to be utilized as a Spiritual Kenjutsu or Dokkodo technique.

Note: Tsukihime's abilities that affect Spiritual Kenjutsu and Dokkodo techniques only function if its wielder is capable of using said field and wielding the blade.

Type: Offensive
Rank: A - S (S)
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30 - 40 (40 - 10 (Efficient Chakra Control Specialist) = 30)
Damage: 60-80 (80 + 15 (8 Spirit) -30 (Overwhelming Presence) = 65 +Dedication)
Description: A Ronin technique devised as an offensive counterpart to the Dokkodo technique White Blade Flow. Black Blade Flow utilizes a principle found in the Dangerous Strike technique: the user will focus chakra into their blade and swing, releasing a shockwave like a calligraphy stroke, thus its name. Because of its spirit steeped nature, this technique does Spiritual Damage to the enemy if it lands.
Note: S-Rank version can be used three times per battle; A rank version can be used six times.

Feeling frustrated at being bested so readily in a matter of speed - again! - as a close combat fighter stung Musashi’s pride a small amount, but it was not something she could dwell on at the moment. She would rely on Obito and her stalwart friend Emiya to make up where she lacked, and she would do the same.

Emiya watched as the Nine Tails, the Beast that was well known for it's destruction of this very city over a decade ago, locked onto their positions and launched into an offensive assault immediately. Though his eyes couldn't quite keep up with the Chakra Beast, his ability to sense life through his Ancient Insight filled in the gaps and allowed keep up with the Beast's approach. The attack it opened with however, not so much. A tremendous amount of Chakra gathered into one hyper-condensed beam of destruction. Emiya's first instinct was to raise a hand and erect the world's greatest shield, but his ally was one step quicker. As Obito asked them to trust him to guide them through this, Emiya watched as he fell, not like he was accustomed to, but quite literally sunk into the ground beneath his feet. Though he couldn't see his allies by his side, he could sense their presence. It would seem as though Obito had taken the initiative and circumvented the attack altogether.

Though he couldn't see the Nine Tails above the ground, Emiya could sense it through his spiritual and life awareness, so he was prepared as they all emerged beneath the Beast in a most advantageous blind spot; beneath it's body. It was clever, using the cover provided by the sheer scale of the attack to hide their movements, then appear somewhere it wouldn't conventionally expect. Musashi was determined to take the Nine Tails on directly, as she was directing her focus heavensward. Not wanting to conflict with her attack, or worse harm her in the process, Emiya aimed his attack at a less vital, but no less important target. He would attack the Nine Tails' back leg(s).

While Musashi charged and released her attack, Emiya clapped his hands together and created one large arm made out of concentrated spiritual energy behind him, imbued with the properties of 「Dejection」 「Idleness」 and 「Sleep」. Although unbeknownst to Emiya Kurama was immune to the effects of the former and latter, due to it's inherent resistances as a Rampaging Tailed Beast, the second effect, Idleness, would affect Kurama's ability to perform techniques in a timely manner as it slowly succumbed to the sin of sloth. Emiya directed the hand to attack Kurama's back left leg, aiming to spiritually wound and restrict the limb, aiming for his own attack to land immediately after Musashi's.

(Inton: Namakemono no Ude ) Yin Release: Hands of Sloth
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra: 100 (110 w/ YY: Hands of Sloth) -50 per turn
Damage: 120 -30 (Overwhelming Presence) = 90
Description: This technique gets its name from one of the deadliest sins, Sloth. The user begins by clapping their hands and focusing their Yin Release Chakra behind them, creating several Chakra arms (up to 8) behind them, each of which is spiritual in nature. The arms themselves are invisible to the naked eye, but they can be sensed by external forms of Chakra sensory or Doujutsu. The arms are capable of physically interacting with the world and attacking or defending against physical constructs. However, the user can freely turn them intangible if they wish to bypass these physical obstacles. The base usage of this technique allows the user to attack or defend covertly by freely manipulating the invisible arms. However, in their second form the user can add the “properties of sloth” to the hands which are dejection, idleness, and sleep. Dejection is a loss of will and focus translated in causing a victim to lose coherent perception of the world around them and weaken their ability to defend against Genjutsu. Idleness is a loss of action which is translated to a hampered ability to cast techniques. Sleep is a loss of consciousness which is translated in a comatose state brought about by the sealing of one’s spirit if they are not sufficiently healed. The third and final form of this technique is brought about when the user introduces their Yang Release Chakra which essentially makes the hands quasi-sentient and self-sufficient without the user’s mental input.

Note: All Yin Release users can use the base form of this technique. Yin Release Specialists or Yin-Yang users can use the second form. The final form of this technique can only be used by Yin-Yang users with a Yin affinity.
Note: The properties of sloth are spiritually degenerating properties. The more a victim interacts with the hands the worse they become. When touched by the hands once, the victim enters dejection and becomes unable to deduce A-rank and above Genjutsu and unable to break S-rank Genjutsu by any means. When touched twice the victim enters idleness and they become unable to perform techniques within a single time-frame. When touched thrice, the victim’s mind is sealed over the course of 2 turns and they enter a Genjutsu that renders them a mindless puppet to the user. The properties of sloth can only affect victims if the hands are tangible. Switching between tangibility and intangibility requires a move.
Note: Genjutsu specialists and other Yin-Yang users can resist the properties of sloth through the use of counter Genjutsu or Yin Release techniques like Yin State.
Note: This technique can be used once per battle. While in use, the user cannot use any non-elemental Ninjutsu, Yang Release, or Yin-Yang Release techniques.

Obito’s Chakra: 2000 -40 = 1960.
Obito’s HP: 240
Musashi’s Chakra: 1600 - 30 = 1570
Musashi’s HP: 155 -5 +5 = 155
Emiya's Chakra: 990 - 100 = 890.
Emiya’s HP: 235 -5 +5 (Ancient Insight) = 235.
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Jul 7, 2011
Trait Points
Obito saw the nine tails as they stepped through the Rift, the enormous beast must have stood a hundred meters even on all fours. The rampaging bijuu had locked eyes on the group immediately, breaking in to a full blown charge at a staggering pace, even the Sharingan had some small difficulty keeping up with his movements.

Although the uchiha could see the chakra building up in the fox maw as it charged, reasoning with it seemed pointless. Instead Obitos hands raised to both his allies as he told them to let him guide them.

Thus as the beast arrived, a tremendous blast of chakra released from its mouth, Obito would use the power phasing migration to make himself and his allies intangible, dropping through the floor out of sight of the bijuu, his hand guiding them as the beam devastated the environment and the shockwave followed.

All three would emerge beneath the beasts lower belly positioned in a way that the beast would not see them thanks to its own enormous size.

(Dojutsu: Isō Idō) - Eye Technique: Phasing Migration
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 40 ( -5 per turn )
Damage points: N/A
Description: A variation of his Kamui, using this technique, Obito is also able to render himself intangible, through the use of his 3 Tomoe Sharingan or MS, to allow other objects to pass harmlessly through his own body, which he employs primarily to avoid incurring injury from incoming attacks. In reality, this is but another extension of his space–time ninjutsu, where Obito instead teleports any part of his body that occupies the same space as another object to a separate dimension. As the transported portions of his body are always obscured by the other objects, Obito appears completely whole to those observing him. By overlapping his entire body with a sufficiently large object, such as the ground, he can not only conceal himself from view, but also erase all traces of his chakra. Obito often exploits this characteristic to ambush his opponents from below. Though unable to establish any physical contact while intangible, Obito can move while phased at great speeds and can trigger the technique on instinct alone, relying on his Sharingan to perceive and calculate attacks and how to activate the technique in the most precise manner. He also seemingly possesses the capability to extend this intangibility to whatever he's presently touching, as long as he is able to maintain some form of contact with at least part of the desired item. Described as a perfect defense, Obito is able to phase through anything, avoiding damage completely.

Note: Can only be used 4 times and up to 3 turns each use.
Note: Can only be used by Obito Uchiha bios and must have the Sharingan active.

The towering creature at first caught Musashi off guard, despite being acutely aware of the monstrous mass. The Ronin had never been in the presence of such a massive - or foreboding - creature, and its mere presence was suffocating. She could feel a sort of primal fear in her body holding her back, but had a vast well of courage to draw from to forge ahead nonetheless.

Be that as it may, the sharpness of Musashi’s senses belayed the difference between her ability to perceive and act. The creature’s rapid approach and assault would have likely spelled the end of the Ronin, had Obito not acted quickly, taking the wanderlust filled Ronin on a jaunt unlike any she had been on before. Not one to waste an opening - and an opening that likewise could not afford to be wasted - Musashi reacted quickly, gathering baring of her senses quickly as Obito seemingly repositioned the trio beneath the behemoth. A battle like this would need to end decisively and swiftly - if possible, with a single stroke.

Reaching for her teachings, Tsukihime in Musashi’s hand would become engulfed in a dark pitch, as an inky stroke followed behind like a curtain of midnight as the Ronin swung her sword from the underside of the beast’s belly, aimed at where she poised the lungs would be. A creature that massive should require ample breath to move its massive frame, and by disabling - or at least inflicting a spiritual curse upon - the organ in question, should halter the beast, if only slightly.
Rank: S
Type: Weapon
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A magnificent katana, crafted by the blacksmith Emiya Shiro, forged of broken fragments of the Ten Thousand Cold Nights Muramasa and Tender Hands Masamune. The blade has a gunome style hamon, with pale, light-blue colored steel, polished to a glassy finish; the handle wrappings are a dark purple, surrounding a wooden handle of dark oak, with the tsubasa of the sword depicting a complex pinwheel like pattern. Forged from the fragments of masterwork pieces crafted of the purest materials by master swordsmiths, Emiya Shiro worked the broken blades into marvelous, harmonious whole; the melding of these two blades into one resulted in a blade attuned with "all of creation", in harmony with the pure and impure world; both nature, and the soul. Wielding Tsukihime augments Ronin Spiritual Kenjutsu and Dokkodo for those who can use them.

(Kenshin) Dedication - Tsukihime's hallowed blade, crafted in such a way to reach all of creation, augments the cutting power of Ronin Spiritual Kenjutsu and Dokkodo techniques such that techniques of those categories used by its wielder increase in such a manner that they gain Elemental Superiority to anything they were previously neutral to, and any Elemental Weakness they had instead becomes Elemental Neutrality.

(Shizukesa) Serenity - Tsukihime's balanced blade sits wholly in the scheme of the universe, unwavering on the edge of the pure and impure. This confers a powerful effect to the blade: Kenjutsu and related field techniques can become imbued with these energies when performed by the wielder of Tsukihime, allowing them to be treated as Spiritual Kenjutsu or Dokkodo techniques for the purposes of effects that affect or modify those fields, by adding 10 chakra to the cost of the technique to do so. However, this chakra does not enhance the technique in question beyond simply allowing it to be utilized as a Spiritual Kenjutsu or Dokkodo technique.

Note: Tsukihime's abilities that affect Spiritual Kenjutsu and Dokkodo techniques only function if its wielder is capable of using said field and wielding the blade.

Type: Offensive
Rank: A - S (S)
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30 - 40 (40 - 10 (Efficient Chakra Control Specialist) = 30)
Damage: 60-80 (80 + 15 (8 Spirit) -30 (Overwhelming Presence) = 65 +Dedication)
Description: A Ronin technique devised as an offensive counterpart to the Dokkodo technique White Blade Flow. Black Blade Flow utilizes a principle found in the Dangerous Strike technique: the user will focus chakra into their blade and swing, releasing a shockwave like a calligraphy stroke, thus its name. Because of its spirit steeped nature, this technique does Spiritual Damage to the enemy if it lands.
Note: S-Rank version can be used three times per battle; A rank version can be used six times.

Feeling frustrated at being bested so readily in a matter of speed - again! - as a close combat fighter stung Musashi’s pride a small amount, but it was not something she could dwell on at the moment. She would rely on Obito and her stalwart friend Emiya to make up where she lacked, and she would do the same.

Emiya watched as the Nine Tails, the Beast that was well known for it's destruction of this very city over a decade ago, locked onto their positions and launched into an offensive assault immediately. Though his eyes couldn't quite keep up with the Chakra Beast, his ability to sense life through his Ancient Insight filled in the gaps and allowed keep up with the Beast's approach. The attack it opened with however, not so much. A tremendous amount of Chakra gathered into one hyper-condensed beam of destruction. Emiya's first instinct was to raise a hand and erect the world's greatest shield, but his ally was one step quicker. As Obito asked them to trust him to guide them through this, Emiya watched as he fell, not like he was accustomed to, but quite literally sunk into the ground beneath his feet. Though he couldn't see his allies by his side, he could sense their presence. It would seem as though Obito had taken the initiative and circumvented the attack altogether.

Though he couldn't see the Nine Tails above the ground, Emiya could sense it through his spiritual and life awareness, so he was prepared as they all emerged beneath the Beast in a most advantageous blind spot; beneath it's body. It was clever, using the cover provided by the sheer scale of the attack to hide their movements, then appear somewhere it wouldn't conventionally expect. Musashi was determined to take the Nine Tails on directly, as she was directing her focus heavensward. Not wanting to conflict with her attack, or worse harm her in the process, Emiya aimed his attack at a less vital, but no less important target. He would attack the Nine Tails' back leg(s).

While Musashi charged and released her attack, Emiya clapped his hands together and created one large arm made out of concentrated spiritual energy behind him, imbued with the properties of 「Dejection」 「Idleness」 and 「Sleep」. Although unbeknownst to Emiya Kurama was immune to the effects of the former and latter, due to it's inherent resistances as a Rampaging Tailed Beast, the second effect, Idleness, would affect Kurama's ability to perform techniques in a timely manner as it slowly succumbed to the sin of sloth. Emiya directed the hand to attack Kurama's back left leg, aiming to spiritually wound and restrict the limb, aiming for his own attack to land immediately after Musashi's.

(Inton: Namakemono no Ude ) Yin Release: Hands of Sloth
Rank: S
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra: 100 (110 w/ YY: Hands of Sloth) -50 per turn
Damage: 120 -30 (Overwhelming Presence) = 90
Description: This technique gets its name from one of the deadliest sins, Sloth. The user begins by clapping their hands and focusing their Yin Release Chakra behind them, creating several Chakra arms (up to 8) behind them, each of which is spiritual in nature. The arms themselves are invisible to the naked eye, but they can be sensed by external forms of Chakra sensory or Doujutsu. The arms are capable of physically interacting with the world and attacking or defending against physical constructs. However, the user can freely turn them intangible if they wish to bypass these physical obstacles. The base usage of this technique allows the user to attack or defend covertly by freely manipulating the invisible arms. However, in their second form the user can add the “properties of sloth” to the hands which are dejection, idleness, and sleep. Dejection is a loss of will and focus translated in causing a victim to lose coherent perception of the world around them and weaken their ability to defend against Genjutsu. Idleness is a loss of action which is translated to a hampered ability to cast techniques. Sleep is a loss of consciousness which is translated in a comatose state brought about by the sealing of one’s spirit if they are not sufficiently healed. The third and final form of this technique is brought about when the user introduces their Yang Release Chakra which essentially makes the hands quasi-sentient and self-sufficient without the user’s mental input.

Note: All Yin Release users can use the base form of this technique. Yin Release Specialists or Yin-Yang users can use the second form. The final form of this technique can only be used by Yin-Yang users with a Yin affinity.
Note: The properties of sloth are spiritually degenerating properties. The more a victim interacts with the hands the worse they become. When touched by the hands once, the victim enters dejection and becomes unable to deduce A-rank and above Genjutsu and unable to break S-rank Genjutsu by any means. When touched twice the victim enters idleness and they become unable to perform techniques within a single time-frame. When touched thrice, the victim’s mind is sealed over the course of 2 turns and they enter a Genjutsu that renders them a mindless puppet to the user. The properties of sloth can only affect victims if the hands are tangible. Switching between tangibility and intangibility requires a move.
Note: Genjutsu specialists and other Yin-Yang users can resist the properties of sloth through the use of counter Genjutsu or Yin Release techniques like Yin State.
Note: This technique can be used once per battle. While in use, the user cannot use any non-elemental Ninjutsu, Yang Release, or Yin-Yang Release techniques.

Obito’s Chakra: 2000 -40 = 1960.
Obito’s HP: 240
Musashi’s Chakra: 1600 - 30 = 1570
Musashi’s HP: 155 -5 +5 = 155
Emiya's Chakra: 990 - 100 = 890.
Emiya’s HP: 235 -5 +5 (Ancient Insight) = 235.
My apologies for the delay. After my health issues, my mental motivation wasn't there.

Having unleashed both it's attacks, the Kyuubi felt no resistance and could see no sign of those that dare enter it's domain. His animalistic instinct left him believing that they were hiding and he needed to tuft them out of what ever rabbit hole they were hiding it. He was determined to shred their very beings. Without pause, after his bijuudama destroyed everything around him, he would create a massive wind current around him, forming like a wheel to carry him while slicing everything around him including the earth below. This was to dig up the rats he believed to be hiding with the earth. This current would be empowered twice. As soon as the wind currents formed, the Kyuubi would be moving towards the trios previous location. The wind would shred through the earth as the beast flung it's head around searching for his prey. As he passed over the team's previous location he would control the wheel to turn going all around the city shredding everything in hopes of revealing the trio. Once he'd shot forwards and looked around, as soon as he turned he would see the trio speed towards them aiming to shred them in the torrent of wind. Once located he would not take his eyes off the group.

(Fūton:Kaze Hoi-Ru) - Wind Release: Wind Wheel
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80+60+15=155
Description: The user makes three handseals, then forms a wheel of wind around themself or directly in their hand. Through the use of this wheel, one can travel towards their enemy and then get out of it whilst allowing it to continue onwards. Alternatively, and in a more direct manner, it can be thrown from a distance. The wind wheel is capable of cutting through B-rank Earth, and while the user is inside the wheel, it defends against basic weapons.

Note: Useable thrice per event.

New tf:
Bijuudama > Phasing > Wind


Jul 7, 2011
Trait Points
I apologise for the delay once more. Health issues have come in the way of my duties on here and needed to confer with Drackos before posting. After speaking with Drackos, it seems I've over estimated the cognitive abilities within it's rampaging state and the reasoning I used to make my previous move would be considered to be metagaming, for which I apologise for along with the wait you've endured.

With that In mind, the Kyuubi would not perform the wind release technique and your attacks would land as you intended. He would not be able to detect these making both critical hits also.

Having spoken with Lok recently, damage reduction applies after the hit damage is doubled, so:

Hands of the sloth = 90x2=180 damage, reduced by 100 = 80 damage.
Black blade flow = 65x3=130 damage (No reduction as this is spiritual damage)

Kyuubi takes 210 damage.

Though with this, Drackos has confirmed that the hands of the sloth is not actually genjutsu, bypassing the kyuubi's immunity too. The effects of the sloth land but the health of the Kyuubi needs to reach 0 to complete the rift.

This makes it your move with mine failing and your previous move fully going through.


May 7, 2020
Trait Points
Obito watched as his plan unfolded flawlessly, using the sheer scale of the Nine Tails’ attack to hide their descent into the earth using Phasing Migration, then appearing and attacking from an angle that seemed impossible. Musashi and Emiya did their part. Now it was his turn. Looking up at the Beast, watching it recoil, Obito channeled Chakra into his eyes and activated his Mangekyou Sharingan. With his Mangekyou active Obito focussed his visual prowess on one point, activating the power of his left eye to drag a part of the Nine Tails into the Kamui Dimension. This would shred part of the Beast’s torso, bypassing inherent resistances and forms of mitigation to deal a set amount of damage as the Beast’s body collapsed in on itself as it was dragged into the singularity-like portal to the alternate dimension.

(Doujutsu: Mangekyou Sharingan) - Eye Technique: Kaleidoscope Copy Wheel Eye
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 50 ( -20 per turn to keep active )
Damage: N/A ( -5 per turn )
Description: The Mangekyo Sharingan, literally meaning "Kaleidoscope Copy Wheel Eye", is the highest known form of Sharingan, said to be feared as the strongest form of Sharingan. Awakening MS requires the user to have possession of 3 Tomoe Sharingan and to witness or simply go through some extremely dramatic emotional event. Upon this event, the user awakens MS. The most noticeable MS users gained it by witnessing the death of someone important to them, sometimes by their own hand. Once activated the appearance of the pupil drastically changes, differing from the tomoe seals, and gains a shape unique to each user. When active the user can track speeds even further beyond that of the third stage sharingan. The timing of the users counters, the chaining speed of multiple techniques and the ability to see through the enemy's moves greatly increases. Not only that but the user gains the ability to see through visual illusions A-rank and below. The link to Genjutsu is further increased and, if the user has gained full mastery over Genjutsu, he gains the ability to cast Genjutsu without the need for Handseals as long as he has a line of sight to the target. Also, the Mangekyo Sharingan gives the user access to powerful and forbidden techniques, unique to each user. Extended use of the Mangekyo Sharingan after some time, deteriorates the user's eyesight to the point of blindness. The chakra cost is so high that it drains the users stamina and chakra at increasingly high speeds. Once the side effects of it's use take place, the user is left blind and unable to activate his sharingan. While keeping it active is already quite hard, the user will drain the time he can keep it active at each MS technique he uses. While some can decrease one turn, others can decrease even more.

Note: The user needs to have activated his 3T Sharingan beforehand
Note: Can only be activated twice, requiring a 2 turn cooldown to activate again
Note: Lasts a maximum of 8 turns for the first activation and 4 turns for the second
Note: After the first activation wears down, his eyes revert to their normal appearance and the user can't activate his sharingan for 1 turn
Note: The first activation drains the users stamina and leaves him tired, while the second activation leaves the user blinded and almost unable to move if he doesn't deactivate it before the time ends
Note: To avoid direct Eye Contact and be able to focus only on the body movement below the chin, the opponent needs to have mastered Taijutsu to possess the necessary skill.
Note: Predicting the nature of a technique or what it exactly is requires the user to either know the technique or that its a cannon technique.
Note: While active, as long as a clear line of sight and the range is respected, the user can cast normal non-Doujutsu Genjutsu without the need for hand seals. However, Doujutsu illusions still require eye contact (if feasible) or their own requirements; this ability only affects regular Genjutsu.

(Dojutsu: Kamui) - Eye Technique: Authority of the Gods
Rank: S (Forbidden)
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 40 (70)
Damage points: 100 ( -20 per use ) +15 (Mind) = 115 -30 OP = 75
Description: Kamui is a set of abilities born in Obito Uchiha's eyes. Differentiating from normal MS techniques, some of Kamui's abilities are accessible to Obito without having to activate his MS and using only his Right 3 Tomoe Sharingan as is the case of his (Isō Idō no Jutsu) - Phasing Migration Technique. A Ninjutsu technique which uses the Mangekyou Sharingan eye to link this reality to an unknown alternate dimension is the key ability of both the Right and Left MS eyes of Obito Uchiha. While his right eye has the ability to absorb and teleport things into that dimension (even Obito himself) by proximity and acting as a portal itself (that draws things to it, much like a miniature black hole), the left eye creates the same type of portal but on focal point, much like the workings of Amaterasu (albeit somewhat slower acting). At a given point in his early life, Obito gave his left eye to Hatake Kakashi. In this way, while Obito retained the self-teleportation abilities of his right eye, Kakashi was bestowed with the ranged version of those abilities in his left eye. While Obito showed the ability to activate his right eye's abilities without having to activate his MS, Kakashi always needed to activate his MS to use Kamui. The main difference is that once Obito activates his MS, the speed at which he can absorb something or himself drastically increases as well as the size of what he can absorb and the pull of the "portal" itself, making it coming into close range of him quite dangerous, while his normal use of the technique takes a couple of seconds to fully absorb something and can never target things bigger than himself. This form of teleportation can be used to travel in the normal world in a virtually instant manner. The user will teleport himself to the alternate dimension and then teleport back into the normal world in another location. Another difference initially noted was that is that while Kakashi could send something into said dimension through his use of Kamui, he could not retrieve it, something that Obito is capable off and has mastered to a great extent, proving capable of even adding great momentum and speed to the objects he retrieves, using them as projectiles to attack. However, after his fight with Obito, Kakashi eventually learned how to teleport himself in and out of the same dimension. This ability however, puts a great toll on him and he can only do it a very limited number of times during which he can only teleport himself. Should one gain a Dual MS Obito or an Advanced Kakashi bio, they will have access to both variants.

Note: Obito needs to be tangible to use his absorption abilities and he can use them 6 times per battle. If used with his MS active, its duration is decreased by 1 turn per use.
Note: Kakashi can use it up to 4 times, requiring him to have his MS active and reducing its duration by 1 turn per use, while severely draining his chakra, making it a forbidden rank technique for him to use.
Note: The speed of the right eye is dependent on the state the eye is in. With 3T active, the portal expands and absorbs the target at 30 speed and with MS active, this becomes 40, and increases to 50 when Dual MS is used. The ranged variant can only be used with MS active and moves at 50 speed.
Note: Dual MS Obito can make use of each side a collective 7 times, the ranged variant requiring his MS to be active and reduces its duration by 1 turn per use. Advanced Kakashis can make use of both sides a collective 5 times, each requiring his Mangekyou to be active and reduces its duration by one turn.

While Obito was activating his Doujutsu, Emiya was reaffirming his hand’s hold on the Nine Tails, tightening the lone Hand of Sloth around Kurama’s back left leg. Despite doing no damage it would trigger the second effect of Sloth, 「Idleness」, causing Kurama’s attacks to become sluggish and take longer to resolve, as the Hand only required contact to impart it’s spiritually degenerating effects. As he did, Emiya pulled out Tsumukari, holding it at his side and readying himself for a follow-up attack should the opportunity present itself.

(Inton: Namakemono no Ude ) Yin Release: Hands of Sloth
Rank: S
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra: 100 (110 w/ YY: Hands of Sloth) -50 per turn
Damage: 120 -30 (Overwhelming Presence) = 90 -100 (Passive Mitigation) = 0
Description: This technique gets its name from one of the deadliest sins, Sloth. The user begins by clapping their hands and focusing their Yin Release Chakra behind them, creating several Chakra arms (up to 8) behind them, each of which is spiritual in nature. The arms themselves are invisible to the naked eye, but they can be sensed by external forms of Chakra sensory or Doujutsu. The arms are capable of physically interacting with the world and attacking or defending against physical constructs. However, the user can freely turn them intangible if they wish to bypass these physical obstacles. The base usage of this technique allows the user to attack or defend covertly by freely manipulating the invisible arms. However, in their second form the user can add the “properties of sloth” to the hands which are dejection, idleness, and sleep. Dejection is a loss of will and focus translated in causing a victim to lose coherent perception of the world around them and weaken their ability to defend against Genjutsu. Idleness is a loss of action which is translated to a hampered ability to cast techniques. Sleep is a loss of consciousness which is translated in a comatose state brought about by the sealing of one’s spirit if they are not sufficiently healed. The third and final form of this technique is brought about when the user introduces their Yang Release Chakra which essentially makes the hands quasi-sentient and self-sufficient without the user’s mental input.

Note: All Yin Release users can use the base form of this technique. Yin Release Specialists or Yin-Yang users can use the second form. The final form of this technique can only be used by Yin-Yang users with a Yin affinity.
Note: The properties of sloth are spiritually degenerating properties. The more a victim interacts with the hands the worse they become. When touched by the hands once, the victim enters dejection and becomes unable to deduce A-rank and above Genjutsu and unable to break S-rank Genjutsu by any means. When touched twice the victim enters idleness and they become unable to perform techniques within a single time-frame. When touched thrice, the victim’s mind is sealed over the course of 2 turns and they enter a Genjutsu that renders them a mindless puppet to the user. The properties of sloth can only affect victims if the hands are tangible. Switching between tangibility and intangibility requires a move.
Note: Genjutsu specialists and other Yin-Yang users can resist the properties of sloth through the use of counter Genjutsu or Yin Release techniques like Yin State.
Note: This technique can be used once per battle. While in use, the user cannot use any non-elemental Ninjutsu, Yang Release, or Yin-Yang Release techniques.

Musashi, too, stood at the ready, proud that her Black Blade Flow had landed and imparted its spiritual curse upon the tremendous beast before them. For now, the two shinobi accompanying her had techniques poised to fight a beast of tremendous stature, and so Musashi would wait to strike at the opening they created, if needed, to keep the beast off balance.

Obito’s Health: 240.
Obito’s Chakra: 1960 -50 (MS Activation) -40 (Kamui) = 1850.
Due to activating MS, Obito's stats have altered gaining 2 in mind and spirit and losing 1 dex.

Musashi’s Health: 155 -5 (Ancient Insight) = 150.
Musashi’s Chakra: 1570.

Emiya’s Health: 235 -5 (Ancient Insight) = 230.
Emiya’s Chakra: 890 -50 (Hands of Sloth cost per turn) = 840.
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Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
An excruciating pain overcame the beast, originating from it's underbelly and legs. In response, the rampaging beast would unleash a powerful attack. Rotating on it's truck sized axis, the beast would attempt to do a 180 in a last ditched attempt of killing it's attackers. Kurama would unleash a TBB, aiming on his three opponents, hoping the attack would send them flying into the distance before exploding in violent fashion.

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Screeching in pain from the attacks he had succumbed to, Kurama would unleash a barrage of bijudamas all around himself, aiming to cause as much damage and chaos around him.

( Bijutsu: Bijudama ) - Tailed Beast Skill: Tailed Beast Ball
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 60
Damage: 120 +60 + 15 = 185
Description: The Tailed Beast Ball is the ultimate technique of a tailed beast, which can also be used by a jinchūriki while transformed. Tailed Beast Balls are made from an 8:2 ratio of positive black chakra (+の黒チャクラ, purasu no kuro chakura) and negative white chakra (−の白チャクラ, mainasu no shiro chakura). Users must gather and balance this chakra in their mouths, shape it into a sphere (or a conical shape in the case of the Ten-Tails in its second form), and then fire it at their target. Tailed Beast Balls are very destructive, creating explosions that are visible from far away and that vaporise almost everything in the blast area. The Ten-Tails has further range than other users, capable of firing it in a conical shape that causes a mid range explosion around it when used.
Note: Can only be used 3 times per battle, requiring at least a 2 turn break in between uses. This wait is doubled for the Ten-Tails Jinchuriki.
Note: If 2 or more Jinchuriki collaborate in the creation of a Bijudama, the power of it multiplies by the number of Jinchuriki.

( Bijutsu: Renzoku Bijudama ) - Tailed Beast Skill: Continuous Tailed Beast Menacing Ball
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 70
Damage: 60 per Ball or 80 per Ball for Ten-Tails +60 +15
Description: The Continuous Tailed Beast Menacing Ball is a barrage of multiple consecutive Bijudamas shot at the enemy. Unlike normal Bijudamas, these are less compressed due to the faster rate as which they are created, allowing the user to release them all in the time he would otherwise require to release a normal Bijudama. They can overcome the power weakness in sheer number and speed. Each of these projectiles is equivalent to A-Rank and the user can shoot up to 5 in a consecutive, wide or narrow, spread attack. After further maturing, the Ten-Tails demonstrated the ability to unhinge its jaw, allowing it to unfurl a rafflesia-like appendage that functions as a cannon capable of firing massive and extremely powerful Tailed Beast Balls, capable of heavily distorting even the nigh unbreakable Four Red Yang Formation. The Ten-Tails version can fire 4 Tailed Beast Balls.
Note: Can only be used in complete form.
Note: Can only be used 4 times, twice by the Ten-Tails.
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Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
As the Beast turned, aiming to blow the trio up, Emiya was poised to strike out with Tsumukari, but once again Obito proved himself the faster, more prepared of the two. Obito’s preparedness combined with the spiritually debilitating effect (Idleness) affecting Kurama, making his attack take longer to actually resolve, made responding to the attack effortless. Obito activated the power of his right eye, pulling himself, Musashi and Emiya into the Kamui dimension briefly before appearing in the air above Kurama’s head. This trick worked flawlessly last time, so the odds of it working were about equal to it being expected, but Obito put his faith in the two swordsmasters at his side to finish the job.

(Dojutsu: Kamui) - Eye Technique: Authority of the Gods
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S (Forbidden)
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 40 (70)
Damage points: 100 ( -20 per use )
Description: Kamui is a set of abilities born in Obito Uchiha's eyes. Differentiating from normal MS techniques, some of Kamui's abilities are accessible to Obito without having to activate his MS and using only his Right 3 Tomoe Sharingan as is the case of his (Isō Idō no Jutsu) - Phasing Migration Technique. A Ninjutsu technique which uses the Mangekyou Sharingan eye to link this reality to an unknown alternate dimension is the key ability of both the Right and Left MS eyes of Obito Uchiha. While his right eye has the ability to absorb and teleport things into that dimension (even Obito himself) by proximity and acting as a portal itself (that draws things to it, much like a miniature black hole), the left eye creates the same type of portal but on focal point, much like the workings of Amaterasu (albeit somewhat slower acting). At a given point in his early life, Obito gave his left eye to Hatake Kakashi. In this way, while Obito retained the self-teleportation abilities of his right eye, Kakashi was bestowed with the ranged version of those abilities in his left eye. While Obito showed the ability to activate his right eye's abilities without having to activate his MS, Kakashi always needed to activate his MS to use Kamui. The main difference is that once Obito activates his MS, the speed at which he can absorb something or himself drastically increases as well as the size of what he can absorb and the pull of the "portal" itself, making it coming into close range of him quite dangerous, while his normal use of the technique takes a couple of seconds to fully absorb something and can never target things bigger than himself. This form of teleportation can be used to travel in the normal world in a virtually instant manner. The user will teleport himself to the alternate dimension and then teleport back into the normal world in another location. Another difference initially noted was that is that while Kakashi could send something into said dimension through his use of Kamui, he could not retrieve it, something that Obito is capable off and has mastered to a great extent, proving capable of even adding great momentum and speed to the objects he retrieves, using them as projectiles to attack. However, after his fight with Obito, Kakashi eventually learned how to teleport himself in and out of the same dimension. This ability however, puts a great toll on him and he can only do it a very limited number of times during which he can only teleport himself. Should one gain a Dual MS Obito or an Advanced Kakashi bio, they will have access to both variants.

Note: Obito needs to be tangible to use his absorption abilities and he can use them 6 times per battle. If used with his MS active, its duration is decreased by 1 turn per use.
Note: Kakashi can use it up to 4 times, requiring him to have his MS active and reducing its duration by 1 turn per use, while severely draining his chakra, making it a forbidden rank technique for him to use.
Note: The speed of the right eye is dependent on the state the eye is in. With 3T active, the portal expands and absorbs the target at 30 speed and with MS active, this becomes 40, and increases to 50 when Dual MS is used. The ranged variant can only be used with MS active and moves at 50 speed.
Note: Dual MS Obito can make use of each side a collective 7 times, the ranged variant requiring his MS to be active and reduces its duration by 1 turn per use. Advanced Kakashis can make use of both sides a collective 5 times, each requiring his Mangekyou to be active and reduces its duration by one turn

Emiya and Musashi were audience to a terrifying sight. A vast dark empty land full of raised pillars and platforms, and nothing else. No light. No sound. No life. Nothing. This was the space Obito’s eyes were connected to? It was so cold, dark, lonely. If this space was a reflection of that man’s soul in the same way Emiya’s Prana reflected his ideals, it was a miracle that he could even put his faith in anyone to begin with.

And yet as soon as they saw it, it was gone, the trio appearing in the air roughly 12 meters above Kurama’s head. Musashi looked down and saw a perfect opening. A clear path to the Beast’s head, unobstructed and unhindered by the menacing mass of energy it had attempted to wipe them out with. As black energies swirled around her blade, Musashi fired one final spiritually damaging slash, hoping that this one would be the last to finally put the ragged, and clearly flailing Tailed Beast down for good. Emiya was also there, enjoying the view. He lashed out one final time with the Hand of Sloth, attacking with a small arc aiming to punch the side of the top of the Beast’s head, aiming to trigger the hand’s final spiritually debilitating effect once again without getting in Musashi’s way. He figured it was pointless now, seeing as the Beast was clearly close to defeat, but there was no guarantee that this was the end…

Type: Offensive
Rank: A - S (S)
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30 - 40 (40 - 10 (Efficient Chakra Control Specialist) = 30)
Damage: 60-80 (80 + 15 (8 Spirit) -30 (Overwhelming Presence) = 65 +Dedication)
Description: A Ronin technique devised as an offensive counterpart to the Dokkodo technique White Blade Flow. Black Blade Flow utilizes a principle found in the Dangerous Strike technique: the user will focus chakra into their blade and swing, releasing a shockwave like a calligraphy stroke, thus its name. Because of its spirit steeped nature, this technique does Spiritual Damage to the enemy if it lands.

Note: S-Rank version can be used three times per battle; A rank version can be used six times.

(Inton: Namakemono no Ude ) Yin Release: Hands of Sloth
Rank: S
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra: 100 (110 w/ YY: Hands of Sloth) -50 per turn
Damage: 120 -30 (Overwhelming Presence) = 90 -100 (Passive Mitigation) = 0
Description: This technique gets its name from one of the deadliest sins, Sloth. The user begins by clapping their hands and focusing their Yin Release Chakra behind them, creating several Chakra arms (up to 8) behind them, each of which is spiritual in nature. The arms themselves are invisible to the naked eye, but they can be sensed by external forms of Chakra sensory or Doujutsu. The arms are capable of physically interacting with the world and attacking or defending against physical constructs. However, the user can freely turn them intangible if they wish to bypass these physical obstacles. The base usage of this technique allows the user to attack or defend covertly by freely manipulating the invisible arms. However, in their second form the user can add the “properties of sloth” to the hands which are dejection, idleness, and sleep. Dejection is a loss of will and focus translated in causing a victim to lose coherent perception of the world around them and weaken their ability to defend against Genjutsu. Idleness is a loss of action which is translated to a hampered ability to cast techniques. Sleep is a loss of consciousness which is translated in a comatose state brought about by the sealing of one’s spirit if they are not sufficiently healed. The third and final form of this technique is brought about when the user introduces their Yang Release Chakra which essentially makes the hands quasi-sentient and self-sufficient without the user’s mental input.

Note: All Yin Release users can use the base form of this technique. Yin Release Specialists or Yin-Yang users can use the second form. The final form of this technique can only be used by Yin-Yang users with a Yin affinity.
Note: The properties of sloth are spiritually degenerating properties. The more a victim interacts with the hands the worse they become. When touched by the hands once, the victim enters dejection and becomes unable to deduce A-rank and above Genjutsu and unable to break S-rank Genjutsu by any means. When touched twice the victim enters idleness and they become unable to perform techniques within a single time-frame. When touched thrice, the victim’s mind is sealed over the course of 2 turns and they enter a Genjutsu that renders them a mindless puppet to the user. The properties of sloth can only affect victims if the hands are tangible. Switching between tangibility and intangibility requires a move.
Note: Genjutsu specialists and other Yin-Yang users can resist the properties of sloth through the use of counter Genjutsu or Yin Release techniques like Yin State.
Note: This technique can be used once per battle. While in use, the user cannot use any non-elemental Ninjutsu, Yang Release, or Yin-Yang Release techniques.

Obito’s Health: 240 -5 (Mangekyou Sharingan) = 235.
Obito’s Chakra: 1850 -40 (Kamui) -20 (Mangekyou Sharingan) = 1790.

Musashi’s Health: 155 -5 (Ancient Insight) +5 (Ancient Insight) = 150.
Musashi’s Chakra: 1570 - 30 (Black Blade Flow) = 1540.

Emiya’s Health: 235 -5 (Ancient Insight) +5 (Ancient Insight) = 230.
Emiya’s Chakra: 840 -50 (Hands of Sloth cost per turn) = 790.
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Reactions: Keotsu


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
Congratulations! Please select one person among your group to receive a Crystallized Apotheotic Energy. Your team also has won 7,935 Kumi. Split three ways, this is 2,645 Kumi each.

Savior - For those that defeated Kurama in the Fall of Chungsu.
Classified as a PVE title. Active against enemy NPCs that are classified as "Beasts" (of Tiamat, of Chakra).
Increases critical damage done by 15%.
Increases healing received by 15%
Increases damage done by 30
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