[Rift] Fall Of Chungsu: Kurama vs Kotetsu


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Kurama, The Nine Tailed Demon-Fox
Jounin | 300 Health Points | 5000 chakra

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Battlefield: The battle takes place in the ruined city of Chungsu hours after it has been leveled. Much of the populace, or what remains of it, has been evacuated. Buildings stretch in all directions with alleyways, major roads, and destroyed fortifications throughout. During this battle, Kurama will maintain his Final Transformation indefinitely.

As the Inuzuka stepped forth through the Rift, they would find themselves face to face with the Nine tailed Demon-Fox. The beast stood towering above in it's full transformation as its resentment and malice spread through the area, creating a suffocating Overwhelming Presence that washed over tthe area. Kurama is always in his enraged state. His glare fixates on the opponent foolish enough to stand before him, letting out a defening roar reflecting his anger as his tails lashed out behind him shattering buildings.

( Attōteki Sonzai ) – Overwhelming Presence
Type: Skill
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: This landmark is filled with the evil presence of Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Beast. Referred to as a Chakra Monsters, Kurama was created by the Sage of the Six Paths splitting the power of the Ten-Tails hundreds of years ago. Kurama carries an overwhelming presence, wielding primordial chakra that itself is stronger than even the other Tailed-Beasts. When in the presence of a Tailed Beast, one’s damage is reduced by 30 and their base speed is reduced by 4. Kurama, due to his natural gravitation towards negative emotions and killing intent, feeds on these emotions and energy as it empowers him. For every ninja present in the landmark fighting, Kurama gains an additional 5 damage, 10 health, and 20 chakra. These beasts are more powerful than their lower tiered contemporaries, being able to ignore the powerful suppression abilities of the Sharingan if more than 10% health remain.
Note: This is always active when in the presence of the Nine-Tailed Beast.

( Kyubi Henge no Jutsu ) - Nine-Tailed Full Transformation Technique
Type: Mode
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: N/A ( +40 to Ninjutsu, Fire and Wind Techniques)
Description: The user borrows chakra from Kurama before a devastatingly powerful layer of crimson and black chakra envelops them as the Nine-Tailed Beast is released into the world. Kurama is a giant red-orange coloured kitsune with black fur around its red eyes that stretch up to its ears, and nine long swiping tails. It also has the upper-body structure of a human, complete with opposable thumbs on its clawed hands. Entering Complete Transformation creates a great deal of energy, producing craters beneath the user and destroying any restraints that might have been placed upon them beforehand while pushing other users back to mid range, inflicting 80 damage gusts of chakra. While active, Kurama is capable of using Taijutsu, Fire and Wind Release, and Tailed Beast Techniques. The strongest of the Tailed Beasts, Kurama has incredible damage reduction, reducing damage by 100. He also moves at swift speeds, traveling at 40 base speed with 800 health. Capable of tracking up to 4 times his speed, Kurama has a separate pool of chakra to use, granting the user 4000 chakra when in Complete Transformation. This pool is doubled when a Ninja World Mod is controlling it.
Note: Each use lasts up to 10 turns before the user wakes up. After waking, he cannot make use of any Jinchuriki or Tailed Beast skills above the basic Chakra Shroud state for 5 turns. Can only be activated twice per arc.
Note: The user is capable of summoning Kurama at any stage of mastery; during initial stages, this causes him to release Kurama in an enraged state, temporarily boosting his power higher than normally but relinquishing all control over him which causes a Ninja World Moderator to then control his actions, gaining a damage boost to a +60 instead of 40. The user is also rendered KO for the remainder of the event. This, however, does not mean he will lose the Bijuu and will retain it the next arc.

Note: For the purpose of this rift, see the chakra and health information at the top of this post, rather than the technique itself. Kurama is in his rampaging state and as you enter the rift, Overwhelming Presence is already active within the area.

Post your bio and your current stats. All modes etc are deactivated apart from basic sensory and doujutsu.
Once you have posted your bio and any RP to go with them (no jutsu), I'll begin the encounter taking the first move.

Best of luck.

Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
Trait Points
Kōtetsu emerged on the other side of the breach and bore witness to the devastation caused by the Nine-Tailed Fox. The stench of death and burning flesh filled his nose as he immediately succumbed to the overwhelming presence it emitted. For the Inuzuka, this was the night his life truly began, with a tragic event that shaped him into the man he now was, and through this rift, he now had the opportunity to rid himself of the pain it had caused him. The beast glared in his direction and let loose a deafening roar as his tails lashed out behind him. “AARRGGHH!” Kōtetsu yelled back, releasing a thunderous roar of his own as he bore his fangs unflinchingly at the behemoth before him.

Kōtetsu: 240
Muninn: 150

Kōtetsu: 2,960 - 40
Muninn: 2,000​
Movement Speed
Kōtetsu: 16 - 3 (ALW) - 4 (Overwhelming Presence) = 9
Muninn: 0

Kōtetsu: 70
Muninn: 16

Solaris: 80/80
Void Infusions: 0/4

Physical Durability: 35
Spiritual Durability: 5

Mind: 6 | Agility: 8 | Body: 8 | Dexterity: 4 | Spirit: 5 | Vitality: 0
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Dec 14, 2011
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A roar would follow the beast's own, almost insignificant in comparison to his. Nevertheless, prey had far since been eradicated, so new flesh was welcomed by the Nine Tailed Demon-Fox. Without hesitation, the beast would unleash 8 fireballs into the sky, aiming for them to descend in the area in front of it. The fireballs would cause significant damage across a mid ranged plane, destroying buildings and roads alike. Following up on the fireballs, Kurama would unleash a fast paced beam of chakra, flattening everything in a 10 meter radius of the path towards Kotetsu. The combination of the attacks would cause devastating damage, limiting Kotetsu's movement avenues whilst causing wanton destruction. The beast would then start to move, circling 15 meters around the area Kotetsu occupied, destroying buildings, shops, and trees alike in it's movement.

(Katon: Gōkakyū Hitoame no Jutsu)Fire Release: Great Fireball Shower
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 70
Damage: 100 + 65 = 165
Kneading his chakra and then converting it to fire, the user will do the Horse → Tiger → Snake → Ram hand seals as he inhales, exhaling into the sky a multitude of great fireballs (up to 8) at the same time which then rain down on the target from above causing severe, widespread damage around the field. These fireballs have explosive and concussive abilities, similar to other fire techniques.
Note: Can only be used by Fire Primary Specialists.
Note: Can only be used twice.
( Kyubi Bijukosen ) - Nine Tails Tailed Beast Beam
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 70
Damage: 140 ( - 20 to user ) + 65 = 205
Description: The wild and roaming Kurama fires a powerful beam of chakra with great force and power. This beam of highly compressed chakra is significantly powered, being capable of flattening mountain ranges. This fast moving beam covers a radius of 10 meters and moves at twice the speed of a similarly ranked Lightning technique.
Note: Can only be used by Kurama in his Roaming State and three times, requiring a break of 3 turns in between use.

Speed: 40
Tracking: 160
Health: 310 - 20 = 290
Chakra: 5020 - 70 - 70 = 4880

Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
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Compared to the Bašmu he'd fought years prior, the Nine-Tailed Demon-Fox was almost cute in comparison. Kōtetsu watched as the beast unleashed a number of fireballs into the sky that descended on his position, and simply flexed his leg muscles to passively release the weights that bound his speed. He made use of the dramatic increase in running speed to move in an arc to his right that took him twenty meters away as he approached the Nine-Tails from its left side, taking him out of the path of the falling fireballs while he effortlessly weaved through the now destroyed streets of Chungsu that he once knew by heart. At the same time that he began moving, the Inuzuka charged sound chakra into each of their hands and slammed them together, producing a high-pitched, high-frequency sound wave that resonated in the Beast's ear before the fireballs landed, paralyzing it for a short period of time, and hindering the use of the Tailed Beast Beam as it would be incapable of moving to aim at Kōtetsu as he ran. Following this, he produced an FTG-marked kunai and threw it ten meters behind the beast just before moving under it.

(Kaihou Kasugai) Automated Clamps (Passive)
Type: Tool
Rank: E
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage points: N/A
Description: A basic automated clamp designed to read the electrical input of muscles contracting allowing the user to simply flex in a specific way to release them. These clamps are integrated into Leg Weights to hold them in place. Allowing the user to simply flex their leg in a specific manor to passively release the weight giving them freedom of mobility. These clamps give no added bonus or benefit other then releasing the weights in a more versatile way, better suited for combat.
-Must be placed in the users biography
-Can only be taught by Serpent
(Katai Omori) Leg Weights (Reference)
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: An advanced version of the normal Leg Weights created for those dedicated to their craft, the Advanced Leg Weights increase the stress and weight applied to the user in order to achieve an even higher payoff. When inactive and worn, the user experiences a -3 Speed level drop due to the intense weight slowing him down. However, when released, the user gains a drastic boost to his base running speed (x4) and +35 to all his kick-related moves. Much like the weaker versions, this boost in strength and speed is completely nullified when releasing the EIG or when using any kind of movement speed enhancement technique or weight manipulation technique; they don't add up on each other. Only one of the user's bio can have these weights at any time.
( Ototon: Midasu no koe ) Sound Release: The voice of Midas
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user charges sound chakra into each of their hands and slams them together, creating a sound similar to two heavy golden cymbals crashing together. As the hands slam together, it releases a high pitched, high frequency sound wave, resonating in the enemies ear, and causing muscle paralysis upon hearing it. As the loud sound happens, it creates an echoing amongst the field, trapping any who hear it under paralysis, causing slight pain to them, causing their ear drums to bleed. Paralysis lasts one turn but the user cannot use any other sound techniques for 2 turns after using it.
With the Nine-Tails losing sight of him due to its enormous size as he moved beneath it, Kōtetsu targeted its right hind leg. He leaped into the air and twisted his body, channeling chakra into his feet that he released with pinpoint accuracy as his falling axe kick connected with the Beast's paw and tore into flesh while the earth cracked beneath its feet. In addition to piercing the durable hide of the Nine-Tails to deal damage, the Inuzuka passively afflicted it with the basic version of the Curse of Scarlet Rot and moved six meters away from the injured leg but remained beneath it following his attack.

(Jūjin Taijutsu Ougi: Ochita) Beast Human Martial Art: Fell Cleave
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 60 (60 + 35 (ALW) + 30 (SW) + 30 (Mastery) + 30 (CES) + 15 (AP) - 30 = 170)
Description: Developed to be used as a standalone taijutsu strike or as a means of counter-attacking an opponent in short range, Fell Cleave makes use of an Inuzuka’s rotational ability but to a lesser extent. When faced with an incoming technique the user will jump and rotate their body in a saw-like fashion, dodging the technique while executing a falling axe kick as they exit their spin that slams the target into the ground upon contact. Alternatively, the user can also perform the technique as a backward spinning kick where they instead kick the target from below, sending them airborne while increasing their distance.

- This technique can be used four times per battle.
- This technique requires a two-turn cooldown between each use.
( Chakura Chikara ) - Chakra Enhanced Strength (Passive)
Rank: C - S (A)
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra: 60 - 100 ( +30 to non-chakra CQC )
Damage: 60 - 100 ( +30 to non-chakra CQC )
Description: A technique that uses the refined chakra control and concentration required in medical ninjutsu to enhance one's strength to monstrous levels. This is done by storing chakra into one's hands or feet, and releasing it onto the target with pinpoint timing. Because of the amounts of chakra stored and released, this technique can deal massive amounts of damage at one time, causing widespread impact damage. This allows the user to deal blows to the earth that causes craters with the impact, starting at 5 meters at C rank and increasing by 2 meters per rank up to 10 meters at S rank. This technique, however, cannot be combined with other chakra based Taijutsu techniques or Ninjutsu techniques due to the chakra control needed to execute this. When used alongside non-chakra enhanced Taijutsu, this adds 30 damage to them and the user spends an additional 30 chakra, although only 10 of this can be applied towards the technique.
Note: Can only be used by Sakura, Sarada or Tsunade bios.
Note: S ranked attacks can only be done five times per battle. When used alongside non-chakra enhanced Taijutsu, this counts as an A rank ability and counts as a passive jutsu, used once per turn in this manner.
Shinja no Okurimono (lit. 信者の贈り物, “Adherent’s Gift”): The fang’s infestation has caused Kotetsu’s body to respond to the Scarlet Rot. While he does not gain an affinity for it or the capability to become immune to it, he does become able to tap into its capabilities periodically. Passively, Kotetsu’s Inuzuka techniques, specifically those that are strictly Taijutsu in nature and inflict their damage on contact, become able to infest their target with the basic form of the Scarlet Rot. Kotetsu becomes able to make use of any canon Scarlet Rot technique, with the exception of Advanced (Basmu) or Scarlet Aeonia, through the Beast Fang. He can make use of a single Scarlet Rot technique every three turns.
(Noroi no Aka Fuhai) - Curse of Scarlet Rot (Reference)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A/S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A (-10 per turn/-10% per turn)
Description: The Curse of Scarlet Rot is an exceptionally rare bioorganic substance that manifests as a fine pale red-powder. It was first produced by the Basmu, Beast of Rot, during the Great War fought against Marduk’s Pantheon. It is regarded as a curse among certain cultures and those who fall prey to its dangerous effects pass away from a nightmarish and agonizingly slow death. Those who make use of Scarlet Rot fall into one of two categories: basic and or an advanced user. An Advanced User is the current host of the Basmu, able to make full use of its Authority over the Scarlet Rot, one of the five components of the Genesis Seal. Its potency varies between the two types of users. Those who wield its basic version command the A-Rank application of the Curse of Scarlet Rot, inflicting 10 damage per turn for four turns to those afflicted by it. Those who command the advanced variant inflict 10% of the target’s maximum Health Points per turn for four turns, making it extremely dangerous to targets who have larger-than-normal health pools. It is also an exceptional weapon, regardless of user, against organic substances like Shikotsumyaku and Wood Release. These techniques can be ‘infected’ with it and also possess an effective elemental weakness against the damage of Scarlet Rot techniques. Curing Scarlet Rot requires the victim to purge it with Fire Release or a Fire-based element. A technique with higher Chakra than the one used to infect the user with Scarlet Rot must be used as well as targeting the point of infestation. When this is done the Fire Release technique used to purge it will inflict 50% less damage than normal to the victim and purge them of their Rot. Yang Release can also be used to heal Basic applications of Scarlet Rot, but only Suen and Fire Release can be used against Advanced applications. While a target is afflicted with the Scarlet Rot their body will begin to decompose; this includes high grade fever, which reduces the target’s speed by 3, hemorrhage, and gangrene of the afflicted area. Even after purging the Rot the effects of gangrene will still be prevalent, hindering the victim unless healed.
Note: The damage over time effect of the Curse of Scarlet Rot cannot be mitigated.
Kōtetsu: 240
Muninn: 150

Kōtetsu: 2,920 - 100
Muninn: 2,000​
Movement Speed
Kōtetsu: 12 (48)
Muninn: 0

Kōtetsu: 70
Muninn: 16

Solaris: 80/80
Void Infusions: 0/4

Physical Durability: 35
Spiritual Durability: 5
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Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Before the beast could continue with it's beam, a loud sound would be heard, causing the beasts ear to bleed while restricting it's movement. Soon after, a significant hit would be delivered. If the beast was capable, it would have roared in pain. But it was futile, being incapable of movement and as such having access to no means of combat, the beast would be forced to remain in place as the unseen attack is delivered.

Health: 310 - (340 - 100) - 10 = 60

Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
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The perfectly executed maneuver allowed Kōtetsu's strike to land successfully, crippling the right hind leg of the Nine-Tails as the hemorrhaging and gangrenous effects of the Curse of Scarlet Rot began to show. From his six-meter distance, he made use of his incredible running speed to quickly move atop the Beast, coming to a stop on its back as he breathed carefully and delivered several one-knuckle punches in quick succession, each one striking the same spot on its spine. “ARGGGGGG!” He roared. Every strike brought with it a blood-curdling scream that shook the air. During this, he applied the Seal of the Flying Thunder God to the body of the Nine-Tails, while his gauntlets passively siphoned Yang energy from him that it injected into the Beast on contact to cause an imbalance in its chakra network.

( Hitonare Za Tora ) - Taming the Tiger
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage points: 80 (80 + 30 (SW) + 20 (CW) + 15 (AP) - 30 = 115)
Description: A technique that focuses on overwhelming power and precision. Through careful breathing this technique allows the user to deliver several one knuckle punches in quick succession, each and every one striking the exact same spot on the target with devastating effect. This attack is capable of breaking through most conventional defenses.
( Fūin Hirashin no Jutsu ) - Seal of The Flying Thunder God technique
Rank: A-Rank
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: This is the technique through which Senju Tobirama and Namikaze Minato apply the sealing formula, that will allow the use of their trademark space time techniques, to any desired object through physical contact and allowing him to teleport to that desired location through the Flying thunder God Technique and the use of its variations. While Minato carries with him multiple kunais marked with the seal (making the core aspect of his fighting style which revolves around the use of FTG Kunais), Tobirama doesn't. To use the Flying Thunder God technique on kunais, Tobirama has to apply the seal to them though through one use of the technique he can mark up to 5 kunais (this is valid only for kunais and other basic weapons, not enemies or other targets of the seal).
Note: Can only be used by Senju Tobirama and Namikaze Minato bios.
(Tsukamu No Goddoītā) – Grasps of the God Eater (Passive, Reference)
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 80
Description: Grasps of the God Eater is a weapon created by Kōtetsu and the master blacksmith of the Inuzuka clan. Forged from the bones of the Guardian of the Forest who was driven mad by the Red Fever, the gauntlets sport several sharp edges, covering the user's hands up to their elbow. The weapon is interlaced with black metal to give it an extravagant design with contrasting black and white colors and is adorned with numerous small runes engraved across it through the use of Fuuinjutsu. This weapon has unique abilities related to the fields used to forge it.

Sunchaser: The user’s hand-related Taijutsu techniques passively gain a damage increase of +20 due to the infusion of Yang Energy granting the weapon increased durability and strength. The weapon can also be used to perform physical attacks, which deal 80 base damage at the cost of a move per turn. When used to attack this weapon does not benefit from the passive damage boost.

Solstice: Classified as an ego weapon due to its limited sentience gained due to the infusion of Yang energy during the forging process, the gauntlets passively drain -50 Yang chakra from the user that seeps into targets struck by them. This causes an imbalance in their chakra network that forces the target to spend 2x the amount of chakra required for their techniques for the next three turns. This does not increase the quantity of chakra in a technique, but simply a strain on the target's reserve. Appropriate surges or chakra infusions can remove the debilitating effects of this ability.

Unravel: An incredibly useful ability activated at the cost of 70 chakra and a move per turn, the numerous runes on the gauntlets begin to illuminate with a faint crimson glow, allowing the weapon to destroy techniques just before physical contact is made by absorbing the properties of the technique and unraveling the chakra or energy that composes it. This empowers the gauntlets with the properties of the absorbed technique and allows them to take on the damage value of the absorbed technique without harming the user. The properties of techniques refer to their auxiliary effects that cause harm, such as causing the gauntlets to become heated. This lasts for two turns, after which the runes lose their luster and become dormant. This ability can be used twice per battle and requires a three-turn cooldown after the effects expire. Additionally, no Fuuinjutsu above A-rank can be used during the same duration.​

- The weapon requires mastery of Yang Release and advanced Fuuinjutsu.
- While Unravel is active, the gauntlets lose their passive +20 damage.
Continuing his assault, the Inuzuka channeled chakra to his neck and jaw to create a dense coating that would protect the interior of his mouth and gullet and bit into the thick hide of the Nine-Tails with his fangs. He tore away a mouthful of fur, skin, and flesh that was compressed by the pressurized coat of chakra before being swallowed.

Keruberosukuranchi | The Cerberus Crunch
Rank: S
Type: Defensive/Offensive/Supplementary
Range: Self
Chakra Cost: 40 (-10 per turn to sustain)
Damage Points: N/A (80) (80 + 30 (SW) + 30 (Mastery) + 15 (AP) - 30 = 125)
Description: A technique invented by the Inuzuka, whereby channelling chakra to one's neck and jaw they're capable of ushering in a dense coating of chakra that protects the interior of their mouth and gullet, coating every region of the mouth - especially the teeth. The chakra serves to forcefully reject and pressurize any foreign material that it comes in contact with, whether it be matter or chakra, and in turn essentially grants the user the ability to chew on, well, anything. Well, almost anything. Things that possess the power to override the chakra coating - for instance higher ranked elemental techniques, would be capable of powering through the coating so as to deal damage, while the indestructible would be capable of resisting deformation. Nonetheless, the otherwise omnipotent protection that this technique grants, can, for the feral Inuzuka more or less directly translate into power, allowing them to crunch through a range of materials, especially when in their more gigantic Inuzuka transformations. And, as long as they do not exhaust this technique they need not fear self-harm when doing so, being quite capable of chewing upon and swallowing blades should they so wish, with the chakra protection sometimes focusing at particularly stressed spots - making it near impossible for piercing techniques to undermine the chakra based defence.
- Can only be used 2x and lasts a max of 3 turns each time.
- No Inuzuka techniques above S rank for the rest of the turn
- Could also be used by a Ninken
- Can only be taught by Scaze
Kōtetsu: 240
Muninn: 150

Kōtetsu: 2,820 - 160
Muninn: 2,000​
Movement Speed
Kōtetsu: 12 (48)
Muninn: 0

Kōtetsu: 70
Muninn: 16

Solaris: 80/80
Void Infusions: 0/4

Physical Durability: 35
Spiritual Durability: 5


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Finally regaining it's movements, the beast would find itself under attack, feeling and hearing the man ascend to it's spine to deliver an attack. Responding swiftly, a massive chakra shockwave would be released as the beast twists around, pushing away the Inuzuka from it's body and giving it some breathing space. As it turns, now with visual of it's opponent, the beast would create 4 chakra arms, 2 of which would extend towards the Inuzuka. One arm would aim to grab ahold of the neck/head of the Inuzuka whilst the second would target the body. The two arms would be applying an intense squeeze whilst driving the Inuzuka with intensity towards the ground, aiming to crash Kotetsu head first into the earth.

( Bijutsu: Biju Shōgekiha ) - Tailed Beast Skill: Tailed Beast Shockwave
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B - S Rank
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 20 - 40 80
Damage: 40 - 80 +65 = 145
Description: A basic skill available to all Tailed Beasts and their Jinchuriki, the chakra shockwave is as dramatic as it is useful. A Tailed Beast uses its massive chakra reserve to turn anything from a roar or a simple wave of a limb into a powerful force of pressure and destruction. The ability varies in power, depending on the chakra mode the user is in and the chakra he puts into it but can only be used from time to time and never in focused or precise ways. In their Chakra Shroud state, the technique gains a +20 damage increase. In their Incomplete Mode, the technique gains a +30 damage increase. In Complete Transformation, the technique gains +40 damage increase.
Note: Can be used by Pseudo Jinchuriki's in their Final Pseudo Mode
Note: Jinchuriki's can use this skill in their Initial and Complete Transformations
Note: Can only be used once every 2 turns
( Bijutsu: Chakra Ude ) - Tailed Beast Skill: Chakra Arm
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30 60
Damage: 60 +65 = 125
Description: This is one of the basic abilities of every jinchuuriki when they are shrouded by chakra. The user will shape their chakra into up to 4 arms of bijuu chakra that they can extend to attack the enemy or even to help him perform techniques or do handseals.
Note: Can be used by Pseudo Jinchuuriki's in their Pseudo Transformations
Note: Naruto can use it in both 9 Tails Chakra Mode and Bijuu Mode, creating 6 arms in each.
Note: Can be used in Chakra Shroud and in Initial Transformations.
60 - 10 (Rot) - 10 (HP% Limit) - (115 - 100) = 25

Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
Trait Points
The Seal of the Flying Thunder God was successfully placed alongside his taijutsu strikes, but before Kōtetsu could sink his fangs into the Nine-Tailed Fox it suddenly writhed and flung him from its body, releasing a massive shockwave of chakra as it moved that aimed to damage the Inuzuka while pushing him away. With limited time to react, he curled his body as he raised his legs and crossed his arms over his torso to protect his vital organs while channeling medical chakra to the portion of his body that would be hit by the shockwave. As it connected with him, Kōtetsu forcefully controlled his medical chakra to the front of his body to cause rapid proliferation of his cells in order to regenerate the damaged tissue and negate a portion of the damage (60). With his natural damage shaving, the Inuzuka only suffered minor injuries (50) as he crashed hard into the ground.

( Iryō Ninjutsu: Saibō no saisei ) - Medical Technique: Cellular regeneration
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A (can negate up to 60 points)
Description: The medical ninja forcibly controls the cell cycle of the target tissue, causing rapid proliferation of the cells, thereby regenerating the tissue. This is done by infusing the cells of the target tissue with the users own healing chakra, potentiating mitosis and tissue growth. The drawback of this technique is that its not actually a healing technique but a tissue growth technique. It can serve to grow missing tissue but it cannot heal in the truth essence of the word and in essence is a much simpler application of the Mystic Palm technique.
Kōtetsu rose to his feet to face his enemy. The monstrosity that had changed the course of his life. One of the demons that ate away at his mind when he slept. He could tell that the beast was on its last legs due to the sheer amount of damage he'd done to it in such a short period of time, and now it seemed so small, so much less frightening than he remembered it to be when he was a child. He could now see it for what it truly was. A frightened animal filled with nothing but hate and rage, something Kōtetsu could have become. What he would have become were it not for Sirris and Solaire and Speki and Svanna.

The intense emotions that had filled him since he first heard mention of the Nine-Tails lessened significantly as the beast manifested a number of arms made of chakra and launched them toward him. “Let death find you peace…” He muttered under his breath, vanishing in a flash of crimson light just before the attacks reached him. He reappeared above the Beast's back with his leg outstretched, delivering a near-unavoidable kick to its back that aimed to snap his spine.

(Hi Raijingeki) Flying Thunder God Strike
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80 (80 + 35 (ALW) + 30 (SW) + 15 (AP) + 12 (Roiling Blood) - 30 = 142)
Description: This technique combines the use of Taijutsu and Space-time Ninjutsu and allows the user to teleport to an enemy marked with the Seal of the Flying Thunder God. Upon appearing, primed to attack, the user will deliver a quick, devastating strike to the target's body using their hands or feet. Similar to the Flying Thunder God Slash, this technique is so fast that it's virtually unavoidable unless through the use of similar Space Time techniques.

- This technique can only be used by bios with access to FTG.
- This technique can be used twice per battle and requires a three-turn cooldown between each use.
Kōtetsu: 240 - 50 + 20
Muninn: 150

Kōtetsu: 2,660 - 110
Muninn: 2,000​
Movement Speed
Kōtetsu: 12 (48)
Muninn: 0

Kōtetsu: 70
Muninn: 16

Solaris: 80/80
Void Infusions: 0/4

Physical Durability: 35
Spiritual Durability: 5