[Rift] Fall of Chungsu: Kurama vs Kōtetsu and Alucard

Apr 8, 2021
Trait Points
Kurama, The Nine Tailed Demon-Fox
Jounin | 300(+20) Health Points | 5000 (+40) chakra

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Battlefield: The battle takes place in the ruined city of Chungsu hours after it has been leveled. Much of the populace, or what remains of it, has been evacuated. Buildings stretch in all directions with alleyways, major roads, and destroyed fortifications throughout. During this battle, Kurama will maintain his Final Transformation indefinitely.

As the trio stepped forth through the Rift, they would find themselves face to face with the Nine tailed Demon-Fox. The beast stood towering above them all in it's full transformation as its resentment and malice spread through the area, creating a suffocating Overwhelming Presence that washed over trio. Kurama is always in his enraged state. His glare fixates on the three foolish enough to stand before him, letting out a defening roar reflecting his anger as his tails lashed out behind him shattering buildings.

( Attōteki Sonzai ) – Overwhelming Presence
Type: Skill
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: This landmark is filled with the evil presence of Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Beast. Referred to as a Chakra Monsters, Kurama was created by the Sage of the Six Paths splitting the power of the Ten-Tails hundreds of years ago. Kurama carries an overwhelming presence, wielding primordial chakra that itself is stronger than even the other Tailed-Beasts. When in the presence of a Tailed Beast, one’s damage is reduced by 30 and their base speed is reduced by 4. Kurama, due to his natural gravitation towards negative emotions and killing intent, feeds on these emotions and energy as it empowers him. For every ninja present in the landmark fighting, Kurama gains an additional 5 damage, 10 health, and 20 chakra. These beasts are more powerful than their lower tiered contemporaries, being able to ignore the powerful suppression abilities of the Sharingan if more than 10% health remain.
Note: This is always active when in the presence of the Nine-Tailed Beast.

( Kyubi Henge no Jutsu ) - Nine-Tailed Full Transformation Technique
Type: Mode
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: N/A ( +40 to Ninjutsu, Fire and Wind Techniques)
Description: The user borrows chakra from Kurama before a devastatingly powerful layer of crimson and black chakra envelops them as the Nine-Tailed Beast is released into the world. Kurama is a giant red-orange coloured kitsune with black fur around its red eyes that stretch up to its ears, and nine long swiping tails. It also has the upper-body structure of a human, complete with opposable thumbs on its clawed hands. Entering Complete Transformation creates a great deal of energy, producing craters beneath the user and destroying any restraints that might have been placed upon them beforehand while pushing other users back to mid range, inflicting 80 damage gusts of chakra. While active, Kurama is capable of using Taijutsu, Fire and Wind Release, and Tailed Beast Techniques. The strongest of the Tailed Beasts, Kurama has incredible damage reduction, reducing damage by 100. He also moves at swift speeds, traveling at 40 base speed with 800 health. Capable of tracking up to 4 times his speed, Kurama has a separate pool of chakra to use, granting the user 4000 chakra when in Complete Transformation. This pool is doubled when a Ninja World Mod is controlling it.
Note: Each use lasts up to 10 turns before the user wakes up. After waking, he cannot make use of any Jinchuriki or Tailed Beast skills above the basic Chakra Shroud state for 5 turns. Can only be activated twice per arc.
Note: The user is capable of summoning Kurama at any stage of mastery; during initial stages, this causes him to release Kurama in an enraged state, temporarily boosting his power higher than normally but relinquishing all control over him which causes a Ninja World Moderator to then control his actions, gaining a damage boost to a +60 instead of 40. The user is also rendered KO for the remainder of the event. This, however, does not mean he will lose the Bijuu and will retain it the next arc.

Note: For the purpose of this rift, see the chakra and health information at the top of this post, rather than the technique itself. Kurama is in his rampaging state and as you enter the rift, Overwhelming Presence is already active within the area.

Post your bios and your current stats. All modes etc are deactivated apart from basic sensory and Doujutsu.
Once you have posted your bios and any RP to go with them (no jutsu), I'll begin the encounter taking the first move.

Best of luck.
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Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
Trait Points
Kōtetsu and Alucard emerged on the other side of the tear in space, with the latter laying eyes on the utter devastation wrought upon the capital by the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox. The strong stench of charred flesh once again filled the Inuzuka’s nose, and the two immediately succumbed to the Overwhelming Presence that permeated the area. Standing four meters apart, they readied themselves to confront the roaring Beast in the distance.

“This ain’t nothing like that flying pickle,” Alucard shared, but Kōtetsu wasn’t in the mood to entertain him.

“Focus!” He warned. “It’s not nearly as fast as the Bašmu, but in other ways it might be even more dangerous.” Unlike the last time he was here, the Inuzuka was no longer blinded by his rage, and could now rationally observe the Nine-Tails to compare it to the other Tailed Beasts he had come across.

Kōtetsu: 240
Alucard: 200

Kōtetsu: 3,000 - 200
Alucard: 1,600​

Movement Speed
Kōtetsu: 16 - 3 (ALW) - 4 (Overwhelming Presence) = 9
Alucard: 16 - 4 (Overwhelming Presence) = 12

Kōtetsu: 70
Alucard: 80

Kōtetsu Void Infusions: 0/4
Kōtetsu Physical Durability: 35
Kōtetsu Spiritual Durability: 5
Free Dodge range: 10 meters

Alucard Void infusions: 0/3
Alucard Physical Durability: 5
Alucard Spiritual Durability: 5
Free Dodge Range: 10 Meters

Solaris: 80/80
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Apr 8, 2021
Trait Points
Kōtetsu and Alucard emerged on the other side of the tear in space, with the latter laying eyes on the utter devastation wrought upon the capital by the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox. The strong stench of charred flesh once again filled the Inuzuka’s nose, and the two immediately succumbed to the Overwhelming Presence that permeated the area. Standing four meters apart, they readied themselves to confront the roaring Beast in the distance.
“This ain’t nothing like that flying pickle,” Alucard shared, but Kōtetsu wasn’t in the mood to entertain him.
“Focus!” He warned. “It’s not nearly as fast as the Bašmu, but in other ways it might be even more dangerous.” Unlike the last time he was here, the Inuzuka was no longer blinded by his rage, and could now rationally observe the Nine-Tails to compare it to the other Tailed Beasts he had come across.


Kōtetsu: 240

Alucard: 200


Kōtetsu: 3,000 - 200

Alucard: 1,600

Movement Speed
Kōtetsu: 16 - 3 (ALW) - 4 (Overwhelming Presence) = 9
Alucard: 16 - 4 (Overwhelming Presence) = 12
Kōtetsu: 70
Alucard: 80
Kōtetsu Void Infusions: 0/4
Kōtetsu Physical Durability: 35
Kōtetsu Spiritual Durability: 5
Free Dodge range: 10 meters
Alucard Void infusions: 0/3
Alucard Physical Durability: 5
Alucard Spiritual Durability: 5
Free Dodge Range: 10 Meters
Solaris: 80/80
More akin to a force of nature than a thinking creature in this state, when the challengers appeared before it, it acted as its nature intended, and washed over them. Like cannonfire, a barrage of Bijudamas would cascade forth from the Nine-tails, starting just behind the enemies position and rotation clockwise behind them, resulting in the five blasts being equally spaced apart in a circle, and with the final bullet being fired to Kurama's relative left; while Chungsu already lay in ruins, it seemed the rampaging creature would not be satisfied until there was nothing left but ash and cinders.

Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 70
Damage: 60 per Ball ( +60 + 10 = 130 DMG each, x5) or 80 per Ball for Ten-Tails
Description: The Continuous Tailed Beast Menacing Ball is a barrage of multiple consecutive Bijudamas shot at the enemy. Unlike normal Bijudamas, these are less compressed due to the faster rate as which they are created, allowing the user to release them all in the time he would otherwise require to release a normal Bijudama. They can overcome the power weakness in sheer number and speed. Each of these projectiles is equivalent to A-Rank and the user can shoot up to 5 in a consecutive, wide or narrow, spread attack. After further maturing, the Ten-Tails demonstrated the ability to unhinge its jaw, allowing it to unfurl a rafflesia-like appendage that functions as a cannon capable of firing massive and extremely powerful Tailed Beast Balls, capable of heavily distorting even the nigh unbreakable Four Red Yang Formation. The Ten-Tails version can fire 4 Tailed Beast Balls.
Note: Can only be used in complete form.
Note: Can only be used 4 times, twice by the Ten-Tails.

Using his immense frame and the frightening power and speed that accompanied it, however, the Ninetails would not simply act as a stationary turret as he fired the bullets, instead also rushing towards the enemies and in an arc towards his own left while he blasted the spheres.

When within range with his massive frame after the barrage of chakra blasts, the ninetails would sweep forward with one of its many tails across the surface of the ground, using the outermost tail on its right side and sweeping left where those who would dare challenge it were, the speed and strength of the tail-whip not betraying the devastating shockwave that would accompany it, making the mere whipping of its tail far more dangerous than it might be perceived.

Rank: B
Type: Attack
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: 40+ 10=50
Description: A taijutsu using a combination of speed and power. The essence of this technique is concentrated in a spinning back kick, with such speed that makes it hard to follow the user's movement, smashing his enemy with overwhelming strength. This is a more Powerful leaf great whirlwind.

Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B - S Rank (S)
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 20 - 40
Damage: 40 - 80 (80+60+10=150)
Description: A basic skill available to all Tailed Beasts and their Jinchuriki, the chakra shockwave is as dramatic as it is useful. A Tailed Beast uses its massive chakra reserve to turn anything from a roar or a simple wave of a limb into a powerful force of pressure and destruction. The ability varies in power, depending on the chakra mode the user is in and the chakra he puts into it but can only be used from time to time and never in focused or precise ways. In their Chakra Shroud state, the technique gains a +20 damage increase. In their Incomplete Mode, the technique gains a +30 damage increase. In Complete Transformation, the technique gains +40 damage increase.
Note: Can be used by Pseudo Jinchuriki's in their Final Pseudo Mode
Note: Jinchuriki's can use this skill in their Initial and Complete Transformations
Note: Can only be used once every 2 turns

Health: 320
Chakra: 5040
Speed: 40
Tracking: 160


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
AJ sama-senpai-kun forgot to post links to the bio’s in my original post. Kōtetsu & Alucard

Kōtetsu watched as the barrage of Bijudamas descend from the heavens and, after quickly calculating their trajectory, pulled a specially marked kunai from the thick silver fur waistline of his skirt that he tossed to Alucard. He flexed his leg muscles to passively release the weights that bound his feet and made use of the dramatic increase in running speed to move in an arc to his left that took him out of range from where the numerous attacks would land as he circled around to fifteen meters behind the Nine-Tails. At the same time that he began moving the Inuzuka manipulated his sound chakra to create a cushion akin to a baffle directly over Alucard’s ear as he charged sound chakra into his hands and slammed them together. This produced a high-pitched, high-frequency sound wave that resonated in the Beast's ear before the fireballs landed, paralyzing it for a short period of time, while leaving his companion unaffected.
(Kaihou Kasugai) Automated Clamps (Passive)
Type: Tool
Rank: E
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage points: N/A
Description: A basic automated clamp designed to read the electrical input of muscles contracting allowing the user to simply flex in a specific way to release them. These clamps are integrated into Leg Weights to hold them in place. Allowing the user to simply flex their leg in a specific manor to passively release the weight giving them freedom of mobility. These clamps give no added bonus or benefit other then releasing the weights in a more versatile way, better suited for combat.
-Must be placed in the users biography
-Can only be taught by Serpent
(Katai Omori) Leg Weights (Reference)
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: An advanced version of the normal Leg Weights created for those dedicated to their craft, the Advanced Leg Weights increase the stress and weight applied to the user in order to achieve an even higher payoff. When inactive and worn, the user experiences a -3 Speed level drop due to the intense weight slowing him down. However, when released, the user gains a drastic boost to his base running speed (x4) and +35 to all his kick-related moves. Much like the weaker versions, this boost in strength and speed is completely nullified when releasing the EIG or when using any kind of movement speed enhancement technique or weight manipulation technique; they don't add up on each other. Only one of the user's bio can have these weights at any time.
(Ototon: No Tōboe) Sound Release: The Howling (Passive)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30 (Per Target)
Description: Developed by Kōtetsu Inuzuka to avoid harming his ninken or allies when deploying hindering soundwaves, The Howling is a passive technique utilized alongside sound techniques that aim to paralyze, disorient, or temporarily incapacitate all who hear it. By manipulating their sound chakra the user can create a cushion of sound similar to a Baffle directly over the ears of his allies within mid-range, inhibiting the sound of his technique from affecting them for a single turn. This technique requires the user to spend additional chakra depending on the number of allies in range.
- This technique can be used on up to two targets at once.
- This technique can be used four times per battle, requiring a two-turn cooldown between each use. Each target will count as a usage however.
( Ototon: Midasu no koe ) Sound Release: The voice of Midas
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user charges sound chakra into each of their hands and slams them together, creating a sound similar to two heavy golden cymbals crashing together. As the hands slam together, it releases a high pitched, high frequency sound wave, resonating in the enemies ear, and causing muscle paralysis upon hearing it. As the loud sound happens, it creates an echoing amongst the field, trapping any who hear it under paralysis, causing slight pain to them, causing their ear drums to bleed. Paralysis lasts one turn but the user cannot use any other sound techniques for 2 turns after using it.
At the same time, Alucard followed Kōtetsu’s path while activating his golden/cyan chakra cloak that amped up his speed, reflexes and damage all at once. As he did, he also activated two void artifacts passively. One would give him an instant charge, while the other would consume the charge and instead amplify his next five offensive moves.
( Tenseigan Chakura Mōdo ) - Reincarnation Eye Chakra Mode
Type: Mode
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: 40 ( -15 per turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: Tenseigan Chakra Mode is a heightened transformation unique to those who possess the Tenseigan. Upon activating this form the user gains a cyan-colored chakra shroud with six magatama markings on their collar, dark markings over their eyebrows and lower eyelids, and a single horn shaped like Kaguya's, extending from their forehead. The shroud constantly radiates flickering flames of chakra, and the user's clothing and hair continuously billow upwards. The user's strength is significantly increased, adding +40 damage to their Ninjutsu and Taijutsu techniques. Their speed is also enhanced, increasing it by four times their base.
Note: Can only be used twice per battle, each use lasting 6 turns. After using, the user must wait at least 4 additional turns before using again.
Note: Can only be used by Otsutsuki Tenseigan wielders while the Tenseigan is active.
Note: If the Tenseigan is deactivated or reverted back to its Byakugan state then the mode is forcibly ended.
(Mukō: Fuyu no Shukufuku) – Void: Winter’s Blessing (Passive)
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: A
Range: Self
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A Void Infused Artifact Accumulator that is activated passively; upon activation the user instantly gains a single Void Infusion. It can be activated twice per battle, once every four turns.
(Mukō: Mukō no Tsuyosa) – Void: Strength of the Void (Passive)
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: B
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Activated passively at the cost of one Void Infusion; Strength of the Void increases the potency of the user’s next five offensive techniques by 20 damage.
He then peeled off of Kōtetsu path, activating his apex Ghoulspine technique as he got beneath Kurama. He surged his chakra through his body, turning it into a spectral black mass that could only be interacted with through energetic chakras but not physical means of any kind. This allowed him to attack the beast in superior speed and hit it hard, aiming for it’s back legs. The kunai that Kōtetsu had tossed to him earlier would fall to the ground beneath Kurama as it phased through Alucard's body. He morphed his arms and ribcage into that of several tendrils stretching up to mid-range which then pierced through Kurama's legs. As it was paralyzed and unable to react or move due to Kōtetsu's Sound technique, Alucard's technique would deal critical damage. He would sustain this technique as long as he could, aiming to take the beast down with it. Should he remain within 8 meters of Kurama, the beast would also drop 2 levels in it's base speed stat due to Alucard's Apex speed resistance specialty.
(Yami no Yōsō) - Aspect of Darkness
Type: Supplementary/Defensive/Offensive
Rank: S-rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 60
Damage: 120 + 20 + 40 - 30 = 150 (x2, if landing as crit, 300)
Description: Aspect of Darkness encompasses Ghoulspine's heart in the Close Combat ranges. This technique will let the user morph their own limbs and turn into Ghoulspine chakra for great flexibility but also for the opportunity to use it in hand-to-hand combat. They may also morph their limbs into any form they want, shields, swords etc. Akin to the style, the limbs becomes ethereal - unable to be touched physically but only through means of energy elements or raw chakra. Also akin to the style, the users limbs will start to deal mental damage rather than physical. This is because of the Yin element that is incorporated into the ethereal style. When an opponent is touched by Aspect of Darkness, their mind takes the damage as the morphed limbs travels through the target similarly to a solid object and thus does not deal physical damage. Aesthetically, the technique will of course let the user morph their body into several tendrils or whatever tools they want but it contains the theme of a pitch black gooey mass that reshapes to the users will. In this pitch black abyss, endless eyes can appear and cause a freezing effect akin to what is described into the Ghoulspine style itself. However, activating these eyes costs an extra turn of the overall duration of the technique. The eyes will freeze a target that are physical contact with the technique by essentially casting the target into a genjutsu that may be broken by the traditional genjutsu means. The illusion itself will be experienced as if one is drowning in an endless sea of eyes with no control over your own body’s movement. However, since this technique contains Yin chakra it's naturally of a higher tier of genjutsu and thus must be countered as such. Fully body surges of the same amount of chakra of the technique, external surges of the same chakra will work as well.
Note: Can only be used twice per battle with a three turn cool-down.
Note: While in use and for two turns after use, the user cannot use Shikotsumyaku or Yin release above B-rank
Kōtetsu: 240
Alucard: 200
Kōtetsu: 2,800 - 100
Alucard: 1,600 - 10 - 40 - 60

Movement Speed
Kōtetsu: 12 (48)
Alucard: 48
Kōtetsu: 70
Alucard: 90
Solaris: 80/80
TCM: 1/6
SoTV: 1/5
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Apr 8, 2021
Trait Points
AJ sama-senpai-kun forgot to post links to the bio’s in my original post. Kōtetsu & Alucard

Kōtetsu watched as the barrage of Bijudamas descend from the heavens and, after quickly calculating their trajectory, pulled a specially marked kunai from the thick silver fur waistline of his skirt that he tossed to Alucard. He flexed his leg muscles to passively release the weights that bound his feet and made use of the dramatic increase in running speed to move in an arc to his left that took him out of range from where the numerous attacks would land as he circled around to fifteen meters behind the Nine-Tails. At the same time that he began moving the Inuzuka manipulated his sound chakra to create a cushion akin to a baffle directly over Alucard’s ear as he charged sound chakra into his hands and slammed them together. This produced a high-pitched, high-frequency sound wave that resonated in the Beast's ear before the fireballs landed, paralyzing it for a short period of time, while leaving his companion unaffected.
(Kaihou Kasugai) Automated Clamps (Passive)
Type: Tool
Rank: E
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage points: N/A
Description: A basic automated clamp designed to read the electrical input of muscles contracting allowing the user to simply flex in a specific way to release them. These clamps are integrated into Leg Weights to hold them in place. Allowing the user to simply flex their leg in a specific manor to passively release the weight giving them freedom of mobility. These clamps give no added bonus or benefit other then releasing the weights in a more versatile way, better suited for combat.
-Must be placed in the users biography
-Can only be taught by Serpent
(Katai Omori) Leg Weights (Reference)
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: An advanced version of the normal Leg Weights created for those dedicated to their craft, the Advanced Leg Weights increase the stress and weight applied to the user in order to achieve an even higher payoff. When inactive and worn, the user experiences a -3 Speed level drop due to the intense weight slowing him down. However, when released, the user gains a drastic boost to his base running speed (x4) and +35 to all his kick-related moves. Much like the weaker versions, this boost in strength and speed is completely nullified when releasing the EIG or when using any kind of movement speed enhancement technique or weight manipulation technique; they don't add up on each other. Only one of the user's bio can have these weights at any time.
(Ototon: No Tōboe) Sound Release: The Howling (Passive)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30 (Per Target)
Description: Developed by Kōtetsu Inuzuka to avoid harming his ninken or allies when deploying hindering soundwaves, The Howling is a passive technique utilized alongside sound techniques that aim to paralyze, disorient, or temporarily incapacitate all who hear it. By manipulating their sound chakra the user can create a cushion of sound similar to a Baffle directly over the ears of his allies within mid-range, inhibiting the sound of his technique from affecting them for a single turn. This technique requires the user to spend additional chakra depending on the number of allies in range.
- This technique can be used on up to two targets at once.
- This technique can be used four times per battle, requiring a two-turn cooldown between each use. Each target will count as a usage however.
( Ototon: Midasu no koe ) Sound Release: The voice of Midas
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user charges sound chakra into each of their hands and slams them together, creating a sound similar to two heavy golden cymbals crashing together. As the hands slam together, it releases a high pitched, high frequency sound wave, resonating in the enemies ear, and causing muscle paralysis upon hearing it. As the loud sound happens, it creates an echoing amongst the field, trapping any who hear it under paralysis, causing slight pain to them, causing their ear drums to bleed. Paralysis lasts one turn but the user cannot use any other sound techniques for 2 turns after using it.
At the same time, Alucard followed Kōtetsu’s path while activating his golden/cyan chakra cloak that amped up his speed, reflexes and damage all at once. As he did, he also activated two void artifacts passively. One would give him an instant charge, while the other would consume the charge and instead amplify his next five offensive moves.
( Tenseigan Chakura Mōdo ) - Reincarnation Eye Chakra Mode
Type: Mode
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: 40 ( -15 per turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: Tenseigan Chakra Mode is a heightened transformation unique to those who possess the Tenseigan. Upon activating this form the user gains a cyan-colored chakra shroud with six magatama markings on their collar, dark markings over their eyebrows and lower eyelids, and a single horn shaped like Kaguya's, extending from their forehead. The shroud constantly radiates flickering flames of chakra, and the user's clothing and hair continuously billow upwards. The user's strength is significantly increased, adding +40 damage to their Ninjutsu and Taijutsu techniques. Their speed is also enhanced, increasing it by four times their base.
Note: Can only be used twice per battle, each use lasting 6 turns. After using, the user must wait at least 4 additional turns before using again.
Note: Can only be used by Otsutsuki Tenseigan wielders while the Tenseigan is active.
Note: If the Tenseigan is deactivated or reverted back to its Byakugan state then the mode is forcibly ended.
(Mukō: Fuyu no Shukufuku) – Void: Winter’s Blessing (Passive)
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: A
Range: Self
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A Void Infused Artifact Accumulator that is activated passively; upon activation the user instantly gains a single Void Infusion. It can be activated twice per battle, once every four turns.
(Mukō: Mukō no Tsuyosa) – Void: Strength of the Void (Passive)
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: B
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Activated passively at the cost of one Void Infusion; Strength of the Void increases the potency of the user’s next five offensive techniques by 20 damage.
He then peeled off of Kōtetsu path, activating his apex Ghoulspine technique as he got beneath Kurama. He surged his chakra through his body, turning it into a spectral black mass that could only be interacted with through energetic chakras but not physical means of any kind. This allowed him to attack the beast in superior speed and hit it hard, aiming for it’s back legs. The kunai that Kōtetsu had tossed to him earlier would fall to the ground beneath Kurama as it phased through Alucard's body. He morphed his arms and ribcage into that of several tendrils stretching up to mid-range which then pierced through Kurama's legs. As it was paralyzed and unable to react or move due to Kōtetsu's Sound technique, Alucard's technique would deal critical damage. He would sustain this technique as long as he could, aiming to take the beast down with it. Should he remain within 8 meters of Kurama, the beast would also drop 2 levels in it's base speed stat due to Alucard's Apex speed resistance specialty.
(Yami no Yōsō) - Aspect of Darkness
Type: Supplementary/Defensive/Offensive
Rank: S-rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 60
Damage: 120 + 20 + 40 - 30 = 150 (x2, if landing as crit, 300)
Description: Aspect of Darkness encompasses Ghoulspine's heart in the Close Combat ranges. This technique will let the user morph their own limbs and turn into Ghoulspine chakra for great flexibility but also for the opportunity to use it in hand-to-hand combat. They may also morph their limbs into any form they want, shields, swords etc. Akin to the style, the limbs becomes ethereal - unable to be touched physically but only through means of energy elements or raw chakra. Also akin to the style, the users limbs will start to deal mental damage rather than physical. This is because of the Yin element that is incorporated into the ethereal style. When an opponent is touched by Aspect of Darkness, their mind takes the damage as the morphed limbs travels through the target similarly to a solid object and thus does not deal physical damage. Aesthetically, the technique will of course let the user morph their body into several tendrils or whatever tools they want but it contains the theme of a pitch black gooey mass that reshapes to the users will. In this pitch black abyss, endless eyes can appear and cause a freezing effect akin to what is described into the Ghoulspine style itself. However, activating these eyes costs an extra turn of the overall duration of the technique. The eyes will freeze a target that are physical contact with the technique by essentially casting the target into a genjutsu that may be broken by the traditional genjutsu means. The illusion itself will be experienced as if one is drowning in an endless sea of eyes with no control over your own body’s movement. However, since this technique contains Yin chakra it's naturally of a higher tier of genjutsu and thus must be countered as such. Fully body surges of the same amount of chakra of the technique, external surges of the same chakra will work as well.
Note: Can only be used twice per battle with a three turn cool-down.
Note: While in use and for two turns after use, the user cannot use Shikotsumyaku or Yin release above B-rank
Kōtetsu: 240
Alucard: 200
Kōtetsu: 2,800 - 100
Alucard: 1,600 - 10 - 40 - 60

Movement Speed
Kōtetsu: 12 (48)
Alucard: 48
Kōtetsu: 70
Alucard: 90
Solaris: 80/80
TCM: 1/6
SoTV: 1/5
The Ninetails watched as its barrage of bullets hailed towards the interlopers as they exchanged some sort of metal bit, before careening off in its own direction; with the Ninetails already in motion while the approach of these invaders would not be so simple as they would hope.

Though some sort of invisible force would cause the massive Kyuubi to seize up, its lupine ears on the verge of being able to distinguish the sounds used in it, its incredible senses would allow it to keep track of the small vermin, its rage flaring.

Despite being paralyzed, the Ninetails was not helpless, as its incredible mastery over the elements allowed it usage of techniques without the need for handseals. A tremendous cloak of wind would envelope its gargantuan frame as it hurled itself at the bestial one, before catapulting itself airborne with its titanic frame via the same technique.

Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80 + 60 +10 = 150
Description: The user makes three handseals, then forms a wheel of wind around themself or directly in their hand. Through the use of this wheel, one can travel towards their enemy and then get out of it whilst allowing it to continue onwards. Alternatively, and in a more direct manner, it can be thrown from a distance. The wind wheel is capable of cutting through B-rank Earth, and while the user is inside the wheel, it defends against basic weapons.

Note: Useable thrice per event.
Note: Courtesy of -Haku Yuki-.

The technique would take Kurama beyond the minuscule (15m) reach of the technique (note: see updated Critical Hit rules, would not have been a crit), and through the use of the technique allow him to view the devastation wrought before him, and the two would be heroes who scurried around like vermin; around the time as the nearly 100m tall walking disaster regained control of its body, now poised to deliver a truly devastating strike to the ground below, as it was airborne...

Health: 320
Chakra: 5040 - 70 (Last turn's Bijuudama, didn't save calculations) - 40 = 4930
Speed: 40
Tracking: 160

Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
Trait Points
The Nine-Tailed Beast managed to outmaneuver the two despite being paralyzed, using the wind to move toward Kōtetsu before launching itself into the air before reaching him as it escaped the range of Alucard’s Ghoulspine tendrils. It looked down on them with contempt from above them as the wind wheel dissipated after serving its purpose, but the King of Beast would not have it. “Bring it down!” The Inuzuka growled, having long since grown tired of having to look up at his enemies. He activated his own void artifact while reinforcing his body with Yang energy to empower his physical capabilities as he leaped forward and spun at ferocious speeds in the form of a drill toward the Beast’s head.

“Not even a ‘please’?” Alucard mused as his companion spoke. “Where did your manners go wolfman?” As he spoke, Alucard used his hands to focus on the Nine-Tails and pull it from the air by its lower body first. The sudden change in direction would momentarily paralyze the Beast as it was dragged toward him and cause its head to snap upward, allowing Kōtetsu’s rotation to connect with the Beast’s head from below.

(Mukō: Mukō no Tsuyosa) – Void: Strength of the Void (Passive)
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: B
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Activated passively at the cost of one Void Infusion; Strength of the Void increases the potency of the user’s next five offensive techniques by 20 damage.
(Yoton: Ken'i) - Yang Release: Power of The Sun
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 100 (50 per turn)
Damage points: N/A (+40 to Taijutsu)
Description: The user will reinforce his own body with Yang natured chakra, empowering his physical abilities to the outermost limits. This allows him to become physically very strong (beyond the normal levels of chakra enhanced strength), increases his resistance to physical damage (decreasing 60 damage from any physical contact), his speed (boosted to 3.5x his normal speed), and grants him a passive healing of all minor wounds at 30 damage per turn. However, by infusing himself with the Yang Nature, he becomes unable to use Yin Release techniques or Yin/Yang Release techniques; he cannot use Genjutsu or non elemental Ninjutsu of any kind (including special fields like Fuuinjutsu).
Note: Can only be used twice per battle and lasts 4 turns per use.
(Jūjin Taijutsu Ougi: Tōboe Kemono Kiba) Beast Human Martial Art: Howling Beast Fang
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: B - S (S)
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 40 - 80 (80 + 40 (PotS) + 30 (SW) + 30 (Mastery) + 20 (SotV) + 15 (AP) - 30 = 185)
Description: Capable of being used as a standalone or collaboration technique that can be done either alone, between ninken, or ninken and their Inuzuka partner, Howling Beast Fang is a Gatsuuga based technique that sees the user(s) spin at ferocious speeds in the form of a drill. This ultra-violent rotation gathers a shell of air around the user(s) that allow them to tear through not only their opponents but solid structures and techniques of equal strength.

- The A-ranked version of this technique can only be used four times per battle, while S-ranked can only be used twice per Ninken and Inuzuka and requires a single turn cooldown between uses.
- This technique can only be used by members of the Inuzuka Clan and their ninken.
( Tensei Hōyō ) - Reincarnated Embrace
Rank: S-Rank
Type: Supplementary/Defense/Attack
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Using his Tenseigan, the user is able to use gravitational abilities to pull something to them. The user will use his hands to focus the direction and the target his wishes to pull towards him. Comparative to Banso Tenin, this technique isn't an omnidirectional effect but rather a precise one. The user is able to pull anything he can perceive towards him. In certain uses, the user will be able to direct the pulled target as its being pulled into large arc-like movements, but will always end up pulling them towards him.
Note: Once used, takes 1 turn cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.
Note: Can only be used by Tenseigan Bios.
Once the Inuzuka’s attack made contact and the Beast was knocked away, Alucard would release the gravitational pull and move to pick up and store the specially marked Kunai that had fallen from his body early when he had momentarily turned intangible. In addition to the damage dealt Kōtetsu's attack would trigger Adherent’s Gift, Passively infesting the Nine-Tailed Fox with the basic version of the Curse of Scarlet.

Shinja no Okurimono (lit. 信者の贈り物, “Adherent’s Gift”): The fang’s infestation has caused Kotetsu’s body to respond to the Scarlet Rot. While he does not gain an affinity for it or the capability to become immune to it, he does become able to tap into its capabilities periodically. Passively, Kotetsu’s Inuzuka techniques, specifically those that are strictly Taijutsu in nature and inflict their damage on contact, become able to infest their target with the basic form of the Scarlet Rot. Kotetsu becomes able to make use of any canon Scarlet Rot technique, with the exception of Advanced (Basmu) or Scarlet Aeonia, through the Beast Fang. He can make use of a single Scarlet Rot technique every three turns.
(Noroi no Aka Fuhai) - Curse of Scarlet Rot (Reference)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A/S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A (-10 per turn/-10% per turn)
Description: The Curse of Scarlet Rot is an exceptionally rare bioorganic substance that manifests as a fine pale red-powder. It was first produced by the Basmu, Beast of Rot, during the Great War fought against Marduk’s Pantheon. It is regarded as a curse among certain cultures and those who fall prey to its dangerous effects pass away from a nightmarish and agonizingly slow death. Those who make use of Scarlet Rot fall into one of two categories: basic and or an advanced user. An Advanced User is the current host of the Basmu, able to make full use of its Authority over the Scarlet Rot, one of the five components of the Genesis Seal. Its potency varies between the two types of users. Those who wield its basic version command the A-Rank application of the Curse of Scarlet Rot, inflicting 10 damage per turn for four turns to those afflicted by it. Those who command the advanced variant inflict 10% of the target’s maximum Health Points per turn for four turns, making it extremely dangerous to targets who have larger-than-normal health pools. It is also an exceptional weapon, regardless of user, against organic substances like Shikotsumyaku and Wood Release. These techniques can be ‘infected’ with it and also possess an effective elemental weakness against the damage of Scarlet Rot techniques. Curing Scarlet Rot requires the victim to purge it with Fire Release or a Fire-based element. A technique with higher Chakra than the one used to infect the user with Scarlet Rot must be used as well as targeting the point of infestation. When this is done the Fire Release technique used to purge it will inflict 50% less damage than normal to the victim and purge them of their Rot. Yang Release can also be used to heal Basic applications of Scarlet Rot, but only Suen and Fire Release can be used against Advanced applications. While a target is afflicted with the Scarlet Rot their body will begin to decompose; this includes high grade fever, which reduces the target’s speed by 3, hemorrhage, and gangrene of the afflicted area. Even after purging the Rot the effects of gangrene will still be prevalent, hindering the victim unless healed.
Note: The damage over time effect of the Curse of Scarlet Rot cannot be mitigated.
Kōtetsu: 240
Alucard: 200

Kōtetsu: 2,700 - 140
Alucard: 1,490 - 65​

Movement Speed
Kōtetsu: 12 (48)
Alucard: 48

Kōtetsu: 70
Alucard: 90

Solaris: 80/80

Kōtetsu Void Infusions: 3/4
Alucard Void infusions: 0/3

PotS: 1/4
TCM: 2/6
SotV (Kōtetsu): 1/5
SotV (Alucard ): 1/5
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Reactions: Keotsu
Apr 8, 2021
Trait Points
The Nine-Tailed Beast managed to outmaneuver the two despite being paralyzed, using the wind to move toward Kōtetsu before launching itself into the air before reaching him as it escaped the range of Alucard’s Ghoulspine tendrils. It looked down on them with contempt from above them as the wind wheel dissipated after serving its purpose, but the King of Beast would not have it. “Bring it down!” The Inuzuka growled, having long since grown tired of having to look up at his enemies. He activated his own void artifact while reinforcing his body with Yang energy to empower his physical capabilities as he leaped forward and spun at ferocious speeds in the form of a drill toward the Beast’s head.
“Not even a ‘please’?” Alucard mused as his companion spoke. “Where did your manners go wolfman?” As he spoke, Alucard used his hands to focus on the Nine-Tails and pull it from the air by its lower body first. The sudden change in direction would momentarily paralyze the Beast as it was dragged toward him and cause its head to snap upward, allowing Kōtetsu’s rotation to connect with the Beast’s head from below.
(Mukō: Mukō no Tsuyosa) – Void: Strength of the Void (Passive)
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: B
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Activated passively at the cost of one Void Infusion; Strength of the Void increases the potency of the user’s next five offensive techniques by 20 damage.
(Yoton: Ken'i) - Yang Release: Power of The Sun
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 100 (50 per turn)
Damage points: N/A (+40 to Taijutsu)
Description: The user will reinforce his own body with Yang natured chakra, empowering his physical abilities to the outermost limits. This allows him to become physically very strong (beyond the normal levels of chakra enhanced strength), increases his resistance to physical damage (decreasing 60 damage from any physical contact), his speed (boosted to 3.5x his normal speed), and grants him a passive healing of all minor wounds at 30 damage per turn. However, by infusing himself with the Yang Nature, he becomes unable to use Yin Release techniques or Yin/Yang Release techniques; he cannot use Genjutsu or non elemental Ninjutsu of any kind (including special fields like Fuuinjutsu).
Note: Can only be used twice per battle and lasts 4 turns per use.
(Jūjin Taijutsu Ougi: Tōboe Kemono Kiba) Beast Human Martial Art: Howling Beast Fang
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: B - S (S)
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 40 - 80 (80 + 40 (PotS) + 30 (SW) + 30 (Mastery) + 20 (SotV) + 15 (AP) - 30 = 185)
Description: Capable of being used as a standalone or collaboration technique that can be done either alone, between ninken, or ninken and their Inuzuka partner, Howling Beast Fang is a Gatsuuga based technique that sees the user(s) spin at ferocious speeds in the form of a drill. This ultra-violent rotation gathers a shell of air around the user(s) that allow them to tear through not only their opponents but solid structures and techniques of equal strength.
- The A-ranked version of this technique can only be used four times per battle, while S-ranked can only be used twice per Ninken and Inuzuka and requires a single turn cooldown between uses.
- This technique can only be used by members of the Inuzuka Clan and their ninken.
( Tensei Hōyō ) - Reincarnated Embrace
Rank: S-Rank
Type: Supplementary/Defense/Attack
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Using his Tenseigan, the user is able to use gravitational abilities to pull something to them. The user will use his hands to focus the direction and the target his wishes to pull towards him. Comparative to Banso Tenin, this technique isn't an omnidirectional effect but rather a precise one. The user is able to pull anything he can perceive towards him. In certain uses, the user will be able to direct the pulled target as its being pulled into large arc-like movements, but will always end up pulling them towards him.
Note: Once used, takes 1 turn cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.
Note: Can only be used by Tenseigan Bios.
Once the Inuzuka’s attack made contact and the Beast was knocked away, Alucard would release the gravitational pull and move to pick up and store the specially marked Kunai that had fallen from his body early when he had momentarily turned intangible. In addition to the damage dealt Kōtetsu's attack would trigger Adherent’s Gift, Passively infesting the Nine-Tailed Fox with the basic version of the Curse of Scarlet.
(Noroi no Aka Fuhai) - Curse of Scarlet Rot (Reference)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A/S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A (-10 per turn/-10% per turn)
Description: The Curse of Scarlet Rot is an exceptionally rare bioorganic substance that manifests as a fine pale red-powder. It was first produced by the Basmu, Beast of Rot, during the Great War fought against Marduk’s Pantheon. It is regarded as a curse among certain cultures and those who fall prey to its dangerous effects pass away from a nightmarish and agonizingly slow death. Those who make use of Scarlet Rot fall into one of two categories: basic and or an advanced user. An Advanced User is the current host of the Basmu, able to make full use of its Authority over the Scarlet Rot, one of the five components of the Genesis Seal. Its potency varies between the two types of users. Those who wield its basic version command the A-Rank application of the Curse of Scarlet Rot, inflicting 10 damage per turn for four turns to those afflicted by it. Those who command the advanced variant inflict 10% of the target’s maximum Health Points per turn for four turns, making it extremely dangerous to targets who have larger-than-normal health pools. It is also an exceptional weapon, regardless of user, against organic substances like Shikotsumyaku and Wood Release. These techniques can be ‘infected’ with it and also possess an effective elemental weakness against the damage of Scarlet Rot techniques. Curing Scarlet Rot requires the victim to purge it with Fire Release or a Fire-based element. A technique with higher Chakra than the one used to infect the user with Scarlet Rot must be used as well as targeting the point of infestation. When this is done the Fire Release technique used to purge it will inflict 50% less damage than normal to the victim and purge them of their Rot. Yang Release can also be used to heal Basic applications of Scarlet Rot, but only Suen and Fire Release can be used against Advanced applications. While a target is afflicted with the Scarlet Rot their body will begin to decompose; this includes high grade fever, which reduces the target’s speed by 3, hemorrhage, and gangrene of the afflicted area. Even after purging the Rot the effects of gangrene will still be prevalent, hindering the victim unless healed.
Note: The damage over time effect of the Curse of Scarlet Rot cannot be mitigated.
Kōtetsu: 240
Alucard: 200
Kōtetsu: 2,700 - 140
Alucard: 1,490 - 65

Movement Speed
Kōtetsu: 12 (48)
Alucard: 48
Kōtetsu: 70
Alucard: 90
Solaris: 80/80
Kōtetsu Void Infusions: 3/4
Alucard Void infusions: 0/3
PotS: 1/4
TCM: 2/6
SotV (Kōtetsu): 1/5
SotV (Alucard ): 1/5
The enraged tailed beast looked down upon the battlefield as control over its body returned to it, the effects of the sound technique used by the bestial one having faded away. From its airborne position it had a clear view of the devastation it had wrought and decided it was....inadequate.

A mass of chakra would begin forming near the tailed beast's maw, crackling with untold power. The two interlopers barked back and forth at each other, displaying agility that surprised the massive creature, but not so much so that they were able to belay or deceive its honed senses. The bestial one launched forward as the dark one used an ability that panged even the enraged Kurama with a bit of familiarity, pulling Kurama into the blow of the bestial one. The strike was mostly mitigated by Kurama's own physical durability, but the power of the blow from something so small was almost surprising.


Though Kurama would find itself afflicted with the Scarlet Rot, it would matter not as the enraged creature focused only on devastation. With the Inuzuka below Kurama, having just landed its blow, the Nine-Tails would fire the Tailed Beast Bomb downwards, potentially engulfing it in the blast...but honestly not caring either way.

The blast was aimed not at the Inuzuka directly...but at Chungsu, at the ground below. The explosion from such a massive attack would fill the landmark, leaving nothing but dust in its wake, eradicating Chungsu off the map, as the blast consumed even Kurama itself.

The question was, would the interlopers be able to survive?

Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: Dependent on User (4930)
Damage: Dependent on Chakra Input ( -40 to user +4930 = 4970 Self Inflicted Damage ) (9860 Damage towards Opponent )
Description: Not including their various states and transformation, the Tailed Beast Ball is the ultimate technique of a tailed beast, which can also be used by a jinchūriki while transformed. Tailed Beast Balls are made from an 8:2 ratio of positive black chakra (+の黒チャクラ, purasu no kuro chakura) and negative white chakra (−の白チャクラ, mainasu no shiro chakura). Unique to Kurama, he is capable of supercharging his Tailed Beast Ball, allowing the power to raise significantly as well as the chakra it contains. By infusing chakra directly into the Tailed Beast Bomb, the power and size continues to increase proportionately to the chakra included, being double that of the chakra cost. This allows Kurama to increase the damage by as much chakra he is able to use. However, due to this, he is left noticeably fatigued and can only use 2 jutsu the next turn should he exceed 80 chakra for this technique.
Note: Can only be used by Kurama in his Roaming State
Note: Due to the massive power this technique can possess, Kurama’s Bijuu boosts do not apply to this technique.
Note: This technique creates a long ranged explosion on contact that causes an earthquake in the landmarks directly next to it of 80 damage.
Note: This can only be used 2 times and after each use, the user cannot make use of any Tailed Beast Bomb for 4 turns as well as only 1 jutsu in the next turn.
Note: Should Kurama channel more than 80 chakra, he will take damage equal to the chakra cost

Health: 320 - 85 = 235 - 4970 = 0
Chakra: 4930 - 4930 = 0
Speed: 40
Tracking: 160

Survive and emerge victorious!


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Though his attack had landed successfully, Kōtetsu had no time to feel relieved as he noticed the mass of chakra near the mouth of the Nine-Tailed Fox. The amount of chakra present in the crackling mass was beyond anything he’d sensed before. Far beyond what he’d be able to overpower, and from the looks of it, it was not something he would be able to survive. “Alucard!” He shouted as he hurtled back to the surface, making use of his speed to produce a specially marked kunai from the thick fur lining of his skirt before terminating his mode. “The Kunai! Throw it!”
Alucard could also feel the unfathomable depth of chakra concentrated into the Kyuubi’s attack. He shared the sense of urgency prominent in the Inuzuka’s voice. He used his enhanced strength to launch the kunai from his hand skyward at an angle that would allow it to escape the mass of chakra bearing down on his companion. "Aand away!" The projectile traveled quickly, and as it moved Kōtetsu performed a single handseal while holding the remaining kunai to form a barrier that would hopefully teleport away the massive ball of chakra heading toward him. Once it was warped away he directed it to the kunai Alucard had thrown, which had traveled quite a distance and would have the technique travel far enough into the sky that its explosion could do them no harm.
(Jikūkan Kekkai) – Space-Time Barrier
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Long
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user will perform the Ram hand seal, while holding a small object marked with a seal of the thunder god mark, to form a barrier that will teleport away incoming attacks that are sent at it. He is capable of diverting away an attack as large and powerful as a chakra blast from the nine-tailed demon fox. Once the technique is warped away, the user has to direct it to another location.
Note: Can only be used 4 times and can only be used by a Minato or Tobirama bios.
However, if his last-ditch gamble failed due to the barrier being unable to teleport such a large quantity of chakra away, Kōtetsu and Alucard would find themselves engulfed by the massive explosion that reduced Chungsu and the surrounding area to nothing by a large, smoldering crater with two unconscious bodies laying at the center. The Inuzuka’s body would be flooded with Yang energy that served to heal him enough to regain consciousness, effectively breathing life back into him to continue his fight against the Nine Tails.
(Yōton/Fuuinjutsu: Kokū no Zantō - Sorarisu) Yang Release/Sealing Art: Remnants of the Void - Solaris
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 80 (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Solaris is a unique Advanced Fuuinjutsu seal placed on the body that incorporates Yang chakra. This seal works by passively siphoning Yang chakra from the user’s body and storing it, with the seal being capable of storing up to 80 chakra in total. Making use of the body’s condition as a trigger this seal will activate whenever the user falls unconscious as a result of an enemy technique. Upon activation it floods the user’s body with the previously stored chakra, purging any invading chakra and healing the body by the amount of chakra stored within the seal and essentially “breathing life” back into the user, allowing them to regain consciousness as the invading chakra is flushed from their system. In addition to resuscitation, the user’s constitution will be temporarily boosted for the following two turns due to the abundant Yang chakra, making them immune to Spiritual techniques with less chakra than that stored in the seal. While this energy heals physical wounds, it does nothing to mitigate the damage done to the spirit, meaning that if the user’s health is depleted through damage done spiritually, this technique will not resuscitate them. Due to the overwhelming amount of Yang energy present within the body, the user will be unable to make use of Yin release, other Spiritual techniques, or elemental techniques for the following two turns. Their speed is also reduced by -3 levels, and they are unable to use techniques above A-rank for the same duration.
- This technique must be placed on the user’s biography.
- This technique can only be used once per battle, with the seal’s activation counting as a move.
- Upon resuscitation, this technique will heal the user up to the amount of chakra stored in the seal, though it cannot recover HP lost from spiritual damage.
Kōtetsu: 240 (or 80)
Alucard: 200 (or 0)
Kōtetsu: 2,560 - 80
Alucard: 1,425 - 25​

Movement Speed
Kōtetsu: 48 > 12
Alucard: 48
Kōtetsu: 70
Alucard: 90
Solaris: 0
TCM: 3/6
SotV (Kōtetsu): 1/5
SotV (Alucard ): 1/5
Last edited:


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
Sorry for the delay on prizes. Congratulations nonetheless. Your prizes are as follows:

-12,706 Kumi. Divided evenly that is 6,353 Kumi per participant.
-1x Ancient Petrified Wood

Have one member of your team post who will receive the Ancient Wood.
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