Port of Innovus (212)


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
Port of Innovus

Port Innovus is an ancient eastern port that legend holds to have been built by the first humans thousands of years ago. Where once wild beasts gave way to the invading forces of a distant Village who fought hard to restore the Port to a sliver of it's former glory, all have now been claimed by the Rot. Innovus is a particularly inundated part of the Aeonian Swamp, almost as though the Basmu were intentionally trying to wipe it from existence, or at least cover it in so much filth that it would be impossible to walk it's "streets" with intel on it's appearance pre-Cataclysm.

Deep beneath the Port lies the Armory of Marzan, though since the Basmu's emergence simply finding it remains a difficult task.
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Active member
Apr 14, 2012
Trait Points
Coming from here [X]

This post marks the beginning of my mission using this storyboard element:
  • Make all the necessary plans and arrangements for your Clan (A)
With the fort now under his watchful eyes, Vegeta and his serpent friend head back towards the port they had passed during their travels. Vegeta wanted to check the place out more thoroughly and repair it if needed, to make it ready for Tsumigakure's naval forces. Claiming the LM for Tsumigakure

Backtracking the way they came, Vegeta could now see that this path was obstructed from the rest of the terrain, making it not easy to notice. If they hadn't already came this way, he may have missed it. His eyes may have helped a little too, but who's counting. In any case, after a little travelling the duo come to the end of the path, leading out to quite the scene of the Kaizoku Sea from above, the scenery from this vantage point looked much better then he remembered trekking thru the ruins before. a quick scan around them told him what his sage mode sensing also told him, that the wild beasts that had taken over this land as time went by were back, and that would need rectified. However there was something else he was seeing as well. The remains of a small community cradled in the ports comfy grasp, buried beneath thick forests and obviously untouched by man for who knows how long. They would have to be careful if they were going to clear the area of the wild animals, but Geets felt confident Boit wouldn't get in his way..
Looks like we got our hands full Boit, I'm sure you can sense the beasts lurking about this area. Our goal is quite simple, we will clear the ruins of the overgrowth, secure and repair the port if needed, as well as frighten off the beasts to ensure our allies safety when they arrive. As things are, this place isn't fit for humans so listen closely and follow my orders to the letter, and try your best not to damage anything structural..
Once everything was explained to Boit, Vegeta jumps off of his head and lands 5 meters away from his summon. As he hits the ground, he stands firm with both fists hip high in front of himself in the classic "powering up" stance, and begins to amass katon chakra that he molds into the ground. Just then, Geets has Thunderwave do it's thing as suddenly from his armor a sound fills the entire area, as if speakers were mounted everywhere at once..
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Suddenly in a brilliant flash, fiery golden chakra erupts surrounding the Prince of All as he roars and bends his knee's slightly. Without wasting a moment, he hones and focuses the golden aura, before it explodes in size and flashly brightly once more no doubled in size and ferocity then before. He had become that of legend, as the "swoosh swoosh swoosh" sound also plays amplified by Thunderwave's mic. The sheer loudness of the music and flashes had already begun to drive some of the meeker animals and avian species away. The ones who weren't afraid of the sound, they would be the problem. This could be tough, tougher than he had thought by far. There was so many beasts he could sense and see, however one single feeling of chakra coming from his companion, he knew Boit was already beginning his part of his technique.
The wild life that had remained despite the loud noise Geets used to attempt to frighten them, would find themselves suddenly unable to stop from looking at Boitata's eyes framed by the massive bull like horns on his skull. Immediately like they were sensing a storm coming, the majority of the wild life would begin to flee as Boitata had become the alpha. Most fled from seeing the larger beasts also running, afraid they would become this new serpents meal. Boit would use his sensing to use this on any beasts hiding away, they would be powerless to resist his gaze. Once the area was pretty much clear, he returns to his masters side as Vegeta goes into the last part of the plan.
Running towards the ruins, Vegeta leaps skywards with his highest ninja jump he can and puts both hands out to his sides as he draws the fiery golden chakra from around himself to his hands. Within a moment his hands are sparking and blazing with condensed katon. With that, he clasps both hands together and releases a massive blast as he screams FINAL something something. He aims the ginormous burst towards one side of the ruins and turns 180 degree's also aiming for parts of the port. His aim was not to destroy the area, rather to purge and burn away all the overgrowth that abandonment and time had allowed to occur. The place needed to be reborn, much like the phoenix from the flames. The music roars playing more epic ost's as the area is smoldering. Concrete is all that remains standing besides the burnt remains and any foliage he may have missed. Climbing back atop of Boit, Vegeta directs him to the port. At the farther area closet to the sea, Vegeta would hang a flag high with Tsumigakure's emblem for the world to see. He felt satisfied for the moment but there would be a lot of work to do to fix up not only the fort but this port as well. For now though, it was safe for their villagers whether they be fighters or just residents. He sends out a message to his fellow villagers telling them of him and Boit's exploitation's and routes them a map to reach them..
( Sandāu~ēbu ) - Thunderwave
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( - 5 per turn when used )
Damage: N/A
Description: Thunderwave is a basic chest plate outfitted with a surround sound speaker system, and a microphone. It can be used to play music or make noises more audible than normal similar to a karaoke machine. It is able to produce sound louder than most techniques or the clashing of techniques and can be much louder than the user or opponent can scream. In essence it can act like the (Utsusemi no Jutsu) - Empty Cicada Shell Technique passively at all times being louder and stronger than even that basic technique. It comes pre-loaded with all of the wielder's favorite songs. In battle it can be used to play theme music or it can make the user louder as it has a built in microphone system connected to the speaker system.
The primary use of Thunderwave as mentioned above is the ability to play music with the offshoot of this being the ability to cancel sound waves with sound waves while playing music. This is similar to the Scientific Ninja Tool: Shijima and works like a noise-cancellation speaker. The system can emit a sound wave with the same amplitude but with inverted phase also known as antiphase to the original sound. The waves combine to form a new wave, in a process called interference, and effectively cancel each other out. This effect is called destructive interference and is able to nullify sound techniques in equal rank. The sound can encompass a short - long range area around the user being louder the closer to the user the people who can hear it are and due to this it has a dampening system as to not harm the users ears or cause them any undue problems. It can be fine tuned to look different depending on the wielder's appearance or preference.
Note: Sound techniques can only be canceled once per turn three times per battle.
( Katon: Reiji no shakunetsu ) - Fire Release: Scorching Rage
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplemental
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user will channel their Katon chakra thru both legs into the ground which will encircle the user in a half meter radius away from the users body in a golden fiery aura of chakra which peaks a half meter above the users head protecting the user and burning anything that touches it.
- Lasts 2 turns
(Katon: Bāsākā shakunetsu) - Fire Release: Scorching Berserker
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplemental
Rank: A
Range: Short/Mid
Chakra: 30 (-5 per turn)
Damage: 60
Description: After Performing Fire Release: Scorching Rage, the user will focus and maintain the fiery golden chakra surrounding him and can move about freely. The user can ram the enemy while surrounded in the chakra burning them and delivering blunt force damage as well as 4th degree burns. The user may also clap his hands together with the palms open and outward, concentrating and releasing the chakra in a stream of fire up to mid range, which will also end the jutsu.
- Lasts 4 turns unless released
- Must know Scorching Rage and it must be used on the same turn
- Damage to taijutsu is increased +10 due the the flames surrounding the user
- Can be used in the same TF as Scorching Rage at an extra cost of -5 chakra, costing a move slot as well
- User can only use katon elemental jutsu while this is active, but can perform physical taijutsu/kenjutsu and basic ninjutsu attacks
(Katon: Shakunetsu no akuma) - Fire Release: Scorching Demoniac
Type: Supplemental/Defensive/Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40 (-15 second turn)
Damage: 80+30=110 from SM
Description: The brother jutsu to Scorching Rage and Scorching Berserker. Scorching Demoniac looks to capitalize on Scorching Berserker's ability to focus and sustain the fiery aura of katon chakra around oneself. By making the Dragon seal and farther manipulating the chakra while also molding more katon into the aura, it can be made to shine brightly outwards along the same lines as Fire Release: Fire Whisp as the golden fiery chakra aura grows outwards and upwards 2 more meters, surrounding the user to 2 1/2 meters around/above, it's heat and strength increases from A to S rank in terms of raw damage to the touch. This can also slightly blind the enemy like looking momentarily into the sun just nowhere near as intense, and will hinder their vision for one turn. The user can perform punching type motions, firing up to 4 bright 1 meter diameter fireballs at the opponent (also along similar lines of the Fire Whisp technique, strength divided depending on how many are fired off), or the user can make a mad run for the enemy attempting to ram them or use taijutsu/kenjutsu strikes against them. Finally, they can focus the aura around them to a single area, clapping their hands together palms facing outwards, streaming the golden fiery chakra from around themselves siphoning it off them like done in Scorching Berserker, however the strength of the stream would be S ranked and would be able to strike opponents long ranged (as opposed to mid ranged in Scorching Berserker) and would be 3 meters in diameters.
- Lasts 3 turns
- Can only be used 3 times per battle
- Scorching Rage can not be used again for 2 turns
- Can be activated in the same time frame as Scorching Berserker passively, however doing so will make the aura last 1 turn less and also increase the time till Scorching Rage can be used by 1 turn
- Damage to taijutsu is increased +5 to the +10 from Scorching Berserker for a total of +15 from the intensity of the heat.
- User is bound by the same restrictions as Scorching Berserker in terms of maneuverability and can only use katon elemental jutsu/taijutsu/kenjutsu and basic ninjutsu attacks while active.
- Must be taught by Vegeta
- Firing off the fireballs or stream will use up the entirety of the cloak/aura
(Sunēku gijutsu: Eipekkusuintento) - Snake technique: Apex Intent (Boit)
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: D-S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: A technique that for all intents and purposes functions exactly the same as killing intent but instead uses a release of chakra from all over the users body while making direct eye contact with the enemy. When this strikes the enemy they're afflicted with a powerful killing intent native to only those of the snake contract. This version of killing intent can be used by the snake summons themselves or by the user. If used by either it follows the same restrictions as the normal killing intent but the rank varies depending either on the rank of the snake. For example a B ranked snake will create a B ranked killing intent. Or it will be increased in affect by one rank for the user versus his normal killing intent. This is based mostly on the incredible intimidation caused by the eyes of a snake, as shown throughout the series by Orochimaru who's killing intent was enough to completely paralyze an opponent beyond movement, when he fought Kakashi or Sasuke, this killing intent will be so overwhelming it will force the victim to make eye contact with the serpentine eyes instilling them with a sense of fear and dread stronger than the normal killing intent. This ability can be used by snake summoners other than Orochimaru but they must have access to snake sage mode to replicate the paralyzing gaze of the snake. If used by Orochimaru during his sage mode it will increase in power by two ranks, but will cut the duration of his sage mode by one turn.
Note: May be used thrice times per battle.
Note: This may be used by anyone who has the snake contract provided they have sage mode. With the exception of Orochimaru who may use it at any time given his unique body.
Note: May only be taught by Jhin

End Mission
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Apr 14, 2012
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With his business here concluded, Vegeta would mold his chakra and touch Boit who had now released his SS form, and they would wisk away to the Seal of the Flying Thunder Geets he had left at the Lost Shores..



Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Upon her arrival into the port, Mirabelle’s eyes widen. The look on her face as she covers it…what the hell happened here? Looking into the burned down port…many bodies remained while some was burned into nothing but ash. Her eyes glanced around, looking for any sign of life until she heard coughing out in the distance. It wasn’t long ago that these events had occurred it seemed – but she couldn’t verify from this alone. She did however noticed the flag of what appears to be another faction. Hey! Are you ok…what… she approached the person…only to see that their body was burned up to the knees, several burn marks on the face and many other injuries. Please…don’t worry about me. the old man’s voice creaked into the desolate land scape. Mirabelle proceeded to aid him regardless but as she passed her hands onto his body to perform a diagnosis…it was too late. Many of his organs was damage beyond repair. Mirabelle took pity on the suffering man, forming a bright blue blade of her unique element as she had it stabbed into his heart. While many didn’t live here, there was no need for this…

He died with a smile on his face as the words “Thank you” slowly crept from his lips. The life in eyes faded into nothingness. The Candy Maker…she angry at the senselss violence – so much so that she memorized the flag’s emblem as she approached it. She kneaded her fire chakra into it’s structure – burning the flag into ashes. Let’s continue to our destination. We’ll liberate this port soon enough and make the person who did this suffer… she said continuing towards Avalon wth her guard in tow.

(Dakuiton: Sakusei no Mukou ) Dark Vacuity Release: Void of Creation
Rank: D - S (D)
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Range: Short-Long Chakra Cost: 10 - 40 ( - 10 Per Turn)
Damage Points: 20 - 80
Description: Void of Creation encompasses the basic formations of the element. Exploiting the ionized ash particles, the wielder is capable of forming it into its standardized cubic form or in any form he/she desires. This includes, but not limited to, basic constructs such as tools, body surges, waves, weaponry, spikes etc. It is only limited to the imagination of the user, as the formation can begin/manipulated from anywhere in the terrain (though must be spawned at least five meters away from the intended human), directly from the body and or through direct contact with solid material. The structures forged imitate their realistic counterpart with an array of coloring detail, thus making the creation made from the ionized-ash quite realistic.

As outlined in the element however, should the ash come into contact with solid material/water etc, the ionized ash will cause it to collapse upon itself. Should the ash be stronger – it’s capable of ionizing the target before assimilating it within itself and returning back into its compact form, although a bit weaker. The user can control the implosion not to trigger, remaining inert if he or she chooses too. During a process of implosion there’s two types of interactions that occur under certain circumstances; A) when this jutsu physically interacts with a solid object, the ionizing of the targeted object of aim happens in a process of it being ionized (short-range subjects will be pulled into the wind drafts created by this implosion) before it’s broken down into energy becoming ionized ash altogether, B) when this jutsu interactions with a non-solid element, unlike regular interactions this will cause ionized particles fumes which are able to change the area’s illumination to the user’s choice (perceivable to the human eye), upon overcoming the interaction as it assimilated it within itself. If this jutsu was countered/ if that interaction results in this jutsu becoming overwhelmed, segments of ionized ash will succumb and remain mundane in the area of effect and with no inherit chakra. It should be noted that these effects are outlined for all Dark Vacuity based techniques, requiring the user to post this technique as a reference each time or simply mentioning it at the start of the battle.

Note: This technique needs one handseal to form the B rank version, two for the A rank and three for the S ranks. In the case of the S ranks being used, the user is unable to use Dark Vacuity Release techniques A rank and above for the same and next turn, while A rank use causes them from using above S rank for the same amount of time. A rank may be used thrice per battle, while the S ranks twice per battle with each use having a cool down of two turns. Fumes utilized to creating an area illumination are hazards to the opponent, if they so much so in inhale them, it would result in -10 dmg to their health per turn, for each turn they're inhaling them. The user may create multiple constructs, however the power is divided evenly among them based on the rank used.
(Katon no Jutsu) - Fire Release Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: D
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 10
Damage: 20
Description: The user will release a small but powerful flame of fire at their opponent from either their limbs (through movement) or exhaling it. It can produce fire balls or fire streams or simply aid in taijutsu.

Leaving landmark towards Concord Dawn with Tsuki and co in tow.
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Jul 4, 2012
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coming from https://animebase.me/threads/sorens-rest-211.768205/page-2#post-21989200
mission: Defeat a small group of undead.

Hades had parted ways with Kiriyuin, her going off to further investigate the village which was now under lock down from Hades Wood release, and Hades heading back to the Rising cloud. Hades had to be sure that the clan was safe before proceeding any further, so sticking to the coast, Hades headed into the Port of Innovus, a decent sized port town, just a single landmark away from the village he had just quarantined. Arriving at the port in the early hours of the morning, the hustle and bustle of what is general quite a busy port was almost dead. All Hades could hear, was the seagulls squawking, and the wind flapping the sails attached to the ships that where docked, but there appeared to be no crews, no merchants, no vendors, the port appeared to be a ghost town. Activating his Sharingan, Hades peered through the village, looking for any signs of life. Inside many of the buildings, there where in fact people, Hades could see their meager chakra levels, but the people where in fact here, but why where non of them outside. A port town with no body running it was as good as dead, and it was a traders world here, so the fact everyone was inside was interesting to say the least. Walking up to the first house he could see with bodies inside, Hades knocked on the door. A few moments passed, as he saw some peering eyes glance at him through the window, checking him out, before the sound several locks clicked, and a middle aged women poked her head out, only slightly, to address Hades.

What de ye want then? Bangin on me door this early in the morn?

Hades was taken aback by the strong sailors accent that accompanied the women. It was a dialect he had rarely come across, and it always made him wince slightly at how unrefined it was.

Good morning to you too dear. I was curious, i had come here in hopes of obtaining some fresh ingrediants, but alas, it appears the docks are barran, and everyone still in their homes, even well after the sun has kissed the sky, and i was curious as to why.

The lady gave Hades a scrunched up look as she glanced around, looking for something, someone, perhaps? Maybe there where some bandits or mercenaries waiting in hiding to try take Hades for all he had. However, it seemed the women was in no real talkative mood, as she spoke.

If ye don know then bugga off, get outta 'ere while ye can.

People who beat around the bush often infuriated Hades, especially when they had no idea of the of the level of calamity that was standing before them. However, Kiriyuin was no longer here, so Hades didn't have to play to her social apathy and rules, and opted to once more use his sharingan to garner the information he needed, as he hated people that wouldnt just give a straight answer on their own. Looking the women in the eyes with his Sharingan, Hades locked her in a genjutsu, forcibly making her comply to his will, and spoke.

Now that we are a little more obedient, why not tell me the real reason you're hiding. And for god's sake, speak with some refinement.

The womens glassy eyes rolled around in her head, as Hades manipulated her brain into revealing its secrets. Oddly, the women had quite the willpower for one with almost no real chakra inside her, but her will shortly broke, before it even had time to rear its head, and she spoke.

The town was attacked by undead three days ago, they came from the north. Theres a barricade, but it won't hold. We're hiding in hopes they don't tear us apart, as iv'e heard they've done to the villages in the north. Especially the villages closest to the Hokubu Ocean, they're decimated and full of undead.

Curious. Undead laying waste to the villages. What could undead have need for in the villages, it was doubtful they needed food or supplies, so why would they destroy so indiscriminately. Hades wanted to find out for himself, and released his hold on the women. She immediately buckled, her knee's hitting the floor faster than Hades could pivot on his feet and walk away. He could feel the glares from the women, and her neighbors, as they had witnessed clearly Hades taking over her mind, but it was for the greater good. They may despise him now, but odds where Hades was about to save this smelly shit hole of a port, stinking of fish and guts, it was horrible, but it mattered not. It appeared as if Hades had a small fight on his hands, and he was quite looking forward to it.

It didn't take long for Hades to reach the barricade, and on the other side, he could clearly hear movement. It was a decent sized barricade, somehow made of steel, where they had obtained it in a port made mostly of wood was a mystery, but with a single jump, Hades was on top, looking down at the sprawling creatures that where obviously once human. What a disgrace, people allowing themselves to be taken over so easily. From their chakra, Hades could tell most of these weren't ninja, just basic villagers and farmers, nothing overly special, but they where causing trouble, and Hades needed to let off a little steam.

Leaping down, Hades drew Muramasa, not bothering to imbue it with chakra, and like a gust of wind, Hades spun, lopping the heads off two of the closest undead. What was strange, however, was the near lack of blood. It was there, but normally when decapitating people, it would gush out suddenly, like a broken pipe, but this blood was black, and it oozed, like slime, from the gaping neck holes of the two undead on the ground. It did seem, they weren't true undead, as without their heads, they stopped functioning. However, that made Hades more curious than anything, as he strolled up to the next undead. They where semi slow moving, and made for easy targets, as he drove his sword down, slashing the undead from shoulder to hip, bisecting the creature as its top half slid down and the bottom half dropped. He was curious, was all it took was fatal damage. A moment passed, and the top half began clawing at the ground, dragging itself towards Hades, the emptiness of its Eyes trained on his own. Yet it still lived, which was curious. With Muramasa, Hades drove the tip of the blade through the skull, splitting it in two as he dragged it forwards, and this time, the creature lay still. So, it appeared, the creature was in fact reliant on its decaying brain, to operate, which lead to more questions, would a genjutsu kill it, lock it into a deep slumber to which it would not awaken, truly curious.

Wandering up to the next undead, Hades switched his sharingan to the eternal version, and locked eyes with the empty undead, placing it in the most powerful genjutsu at his disposal, Tsyukuyomi. Hades figured beating around the bush was a waste of time, and invaded it's mind. Inside the genjutsu, hell itself was unleashed. Inside this realm, Hades was the master. From all directions, razor strings appeared from thin air, whipping, slashing, cutting and shaving the undead's skin, yet, even in here, there was no reaction. No cries of pain, no moans of discomfort, silence. Inside the realm, this torture lasted an entire year, but in reality, it was over the moment Hades locked eyes. The undead itself blinded, once, twice, then began walking towards Hades, its arm out stretched with putrid claws and talons aiming to dig into his flesh. It seemed, trying to destroy the mind spiritually was a waste of chakra, as only physical damage would work. With Muramasa, he lopped the head off long before the creature could take hold. There was well over thirty undead, and Hades slowly made his way through them all, decapitating one after the other, he was almost bored, they where slow, and weak, husks, more than anything, that was until the end.

As Hades removed the final head, a rustling from the tree line ahead caught his attention. A rather large man, standing well over Hades, emerged, walking slowly, with a large metal rod scraping along the ground behind him. This appeared to be the most intelligent thing he had seen in the last few minutes, but again, it was slow. It slowly trudged up to Hades, and raised the metal rod up high, slamming it down with impressive force, but it came down like a tree falling, as if gravity itself carried it down, and Hades barely had to side step to avoid it. As he did dodged, Hades swung Muramasa, aiming to lop the arm off that carried the rod, however, Hades blade hit what felt like rock, bouncing off, and leaving barely a ding on the creatures arm. This one seemed a little more reinforced, maybe more effort went into creating it. As the monster looked at Hades, it dragged the rod along the ground, aiming to smash in Hades legs. With a quick hop, Hades leapt over the rod, and this time, charged lightning into his sword, turning Muramasa on and activating its vibro blade qualities and swung at the creature again, but again, nothing changed. This time, the blade dug deep into its target, but could not make it further than half deep. What was curious, was how the creature healed its arm, trapping Muramasa in the wound, as it raised its arm up to smash the rod down once more. Leaping backwards, Hades realized that he would have to use more drastic measures. Activating the rinnegan and the the asura path and human path, Hades waited. The creature once more swing the rod, and Hades would dodge. Leaping up over the monster, Hades would stand on its shoulders, and using the Asura path, would creat a new arm out of his hand, and grab onto the creatures head. As he did, Hades would use his human path, stunning the creature and invading its mind, learning all its secrets and life.

Inside the monsters mind, Hades saw what had occured. A cloaked figure, and several more undead, raiding the village. This man, screaming in agony as his body was experimented on, and finally his mind dying, before coming back, and then himself ravaging other villages. It seemed someone, or something was creating these things, however this man had never gotten a look at the man, his face always cloaked. As Hades was finished, he jumped down behind the creature, pulling its very soul out with him, as the man collapsed on the ground, completely lifeless. Even an undead needed a soul it seemed, as the body didn't move again. With this new information, Hades headed North. It seemed the cloaked man was still there, creating more and more undead, and Hades was curious to find out why. Heading towards the next village, Hades coughed slightly, he felt a little weird, what was going on?

( Doujutsu: Sharingan ) Eye Technique: Copy Wheel Eye
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C - A Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15 - 30 ( -5 per turn for 1T and 2T, 10 per turn to keep active for 3T )
Damage: N/A
One of the Three Great Dōjutsu (San Daidōjutsu), the Sharingan is the kekkei genkai of the Uchiha clan. Unlike the other Dōjutsu, not all members of the Uchiha Clan possess the Sharingan. This great Dōjutsu seems to awaken only on exceptional Uchiha members and only in times of great stress. Once awaken, the pupil turns red and a single tomoe (巴) seal appears around the center pupil. As the user masters and evolves their eyes, the tomoe (巴) seals increase, topping 3 per eye. The main ability of the Sharingan, like any other Dōjutsu, is to enable the user to see the flow of chakra. This ability is further improved as the Sharingan gives color to chakra, enabling the user to differentiate chakras from different people or from different sources. Although the user can see chakra through matter, he cannot see beyond dense matter or in long distances. Coupled with the ability to see chakra, Sharingan users gain acess to an incredible clarity of perception that enables them to read insanely fast movements or minor details, enabling them the ability to foresee in an easier way, traps, incoming attacks, etc. This clarity of perception is so great that a Sharingan user can sometimes start performing a counter to an attack that is still being performed, enabling the counter to be launched only a split a second after the attack. This clarity of perception leaves Sharingan users able to track high speed movement easily as well as to read through handseals. This last ability enables them to learn techniques much faster and sometimes copy them directly from the enemy, as long as the user has the necessary chakra affinities and requirements to perform it. Finally, the Sharingan is often linked to Genjutsu and mind-manipulating illusions, mostly because the user can, mostly through Eye Contact, directly and precisely use his chakra to manipulate the enemy's chakra flow. In return, the users clarity of perception gives him the ability to more easily decipher visual illusions cast upon him and see past them. The Sharingan has a great cost to the user though. The chakra consumption disables its use for long periods of time and, even when the user grows stronger, it's still hard to keep it active for long periods of time.
Note: The user, if he hasn't gained full mastery over his Sharingan, will need to spend a move to activate it, although as long as he has chakra and enough stamina he'll be able to keep it active until the end of the match. If the user is Sannin Rank or above and has gained his 3 Tomoe Sharingan and held it for one month, he becomes able to passively activate it, meaning he'll no longer spend a move of his 3 per turn.
Note: To avoid direct Eye Contact and be able to focus only on the body movement below the chin, the opponent needs to have mastered Taijutsu to possess the necessary skill
Note: C rank usage is for 1T Sharingan, B rank usage is reserved for 2T Sharingan. A Rank usage is reserved for 3T Sharingan.
Note: Predicting the nature of a technique or what it exactly is requires the user to either know the technique or that its a cannon technique.
Note: Danzo and Kakashi bios activate the Sharingan by removing the covers in their respective eyes and suffer a +10 chakra consumption per turn penalty
Note: The user is bound by the abilities and limits of the stage of sharingan he possesses, stated in the rules of the KG.

( Doujutsu: Eien no Mangekyou Sharingan ) - Eye Technique: Eternal Kaleidoscope Copy Wheel Eye
Type: Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 70 ( -20 per turn to keep active )
Damage: N/A
Description: The Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan literally meaning " Eternal Kaleidoscope Copy Wheel Eye", is the final step in the evolutionary state of the Sharingan. While Mangekyo Sharingan is but an imperfect Dojutsu, unable to sustain and keep its own power, weakening with each use, the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan brings control and balance to the power wielded. By merging the users own MS with that of his sibling, the use is able to awaken the EMS. The EMS grants the user the same abilities granted by MS but to unsurpassed levels. While granting the user the ability to perceive the world with increadible insight, it also grants the user the ability to see through S-Rank visual illusions and track the movement speed of almost anything, perfecting the already amazing abilities of the standard MS, like casting Genjutsu without the need for handseals as long as a line of sight to the target is available. A unique feat however, is that once the user awakens EMS, he loses access to his normal MS, transitioning from 3T form to EMS directly. While MS damages the user as time passes and severely tires and drains the user as its used, the EMS doesn't. The user can keep it active without losing his eyesight or damaging himself and can use the normal MS techniques with no activation reduction or drawbacks. Its true that the chakra cost is higher, but the user will feel little to no effect in his stamina and energy. Through his EMS, Madara gained the ability to control Tailed Beasts by forcefully using his sharingan genjutsu/mind manipulation abilities to take control of the Bijuu and temporarily sever its connection to the host. If the Jinchuriki is in normal form or entering one of the transformations, it's blocked from transforming for 3 turns. If it's in incomplete form, it's forced back into normal form and left unable to access his bijuu for 3 turns and if its in complete form, the user gains control over the bijuu, manipulating its movements/actions completely for 2 turns or until the complete form ends (whatever comes first), leaving the host unable to acess his bijuu for 3 turns.
Note: Only usable by bios with EMS after meeting the necessary requirements.
Note: User needs to have activated his 3T Sharingan beforehand
Note: Once activated, lasts 10 turns per use and once the user has held the ability for 4 months, can be done passively, with no move cost.
Note: Using MS techniques don't reduce the activation time.
Note: Controlling a Bijuu is an exclusive ability of Madara Uchiha and can only be done once per battle. Once the control ends, the EMS reverts back to a 3T Sharingan. If the control is done on a complete form Jinchuriki, then the user can't do any other technique while controlling the enemy.
Note: To avoid direct Eye Contact and be able to focus only on the body movement below the chin, the opponent needs to have mastered Taijutsu to possess the necessary skill.
Note: Predicting the nature of a technique or what it exactly is requires the user to either know the technique or that its a cannon technique.
Note: While active, as long as a clear line of sight and the range is respected, the user can cast normal non-Doujutsu Genjutsu without the need for handseals. However, Doujutsu illusions still require eye contact (if feasible) or their own requirements; this ability only affects regular Genjutsu.

( Doujutsu: Rinnegan ) Eye Technique: Samsara Eye
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: N/A ( -5 per turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: One of the 3 great Doujutsu, the Rinnegan has, like the other, the ability to see chakra and the chakra flow of individuals. It also allows the user a great clarity of perception and tracking abilities, although its levels vary from user to user. Dispicted as the eyes of the SO6P, the Rinnegan awaken on Madara Uchiha after he obtained his EMS and implanted Hashirama's Senju cells in himself. Having both lineage from the SO6P allowed him to awake the Rinnegan. When Madara activates the Rinnegan, he seems to not suffer any kind decrease in his EMS abilities in terms of tracking speed, clarity of perception or seeing chakra. Eventually his eyes were bestowed upon Nagato Uzumaki and in him manifested lower abilities (equal or comparable to a 3 Tomoe Sharingan). While Nagato was never able to deactivate his eyes, Madara could switch at will between his EMS and Rinnegan eyes, although he wasn't able to go from 3 Tomoe to Rinnegan directly. Eventually Obito transplanted Nagato's (and subsequently Madara's) Left Rinnegan into himself. By doing so he gained access to both Doujutsu at the same time although losing the ability to deactivate the Rinnegan and as such, losing chakra constantly to maintain it.
Note: Constantly passively active in Nagato and Obito bios
Note: Requires activation ( spending move ) for Madara bios but remains active indefinetely afterwards if the user chooses to. After having a complete Madara bio with Rinnegan for 1 month, user becomes able to switch between both doujutsu without spending a move. User needs to have activated EMS before and had it active for 1 full turn.

Long Sword of the Demon Blacksmith (Muramasa no tachi)
Weapon rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost(s):
-30/turn the sword is unsheathed.
-30/Quickdraw used
Damage Chart:
Quickdraw(Short range)
-A rank, 60
Quickdraw with a movement enhancing technique-S rank. 80
Description: Muramasa no tachi (Muramasa for short), is a modern sword named after the famous blacksmith, Muramasa. Although not crafted by Muramasa himself, the sword is his living legacy heavily emphasizing on attack strength. Opposite of most weapons, the blade is not ancient neither imbued with any magical forces. Instead it combines the Muramasa’s own sword crafting skills with a hint of modern ninjutsu & kenjutsu techniques to generate effective strikes with overwhelming damage output.

The sword is a “Tachi” not a Katana, with chakra receptors all around the hilt that manage inflow and outflow of energy across the sword and the user (general electrical energy from lightning release, but may involve other elements if used with a Custom jutsu). The hilt includes a switch the activates the receptors allowing the user to freely channel energy across the sword and his body. The sword is a vibroweapon, a high frequency blade similar to the ones used by Kirabi and Sasuke, meaning that it uses electrical energy to generate molecular vibration which, on physical contact, breaks the molecular bonds of other matter allowing the blade to effortlessly cut through objects. Murasama’s ancient sword development techniques were used to design the blade which makes it highly conductive, the different layers of alloy makes use of the peltier effect to keep the heat energy at the swords core without radiating any outside, the reduced loss of energy combined with the continuous supply of lightning chakra from the user soon charges the blade, changing its color to red. The sword leaks out electrical electrical energy of red wavelength, the red color is an indicator of the abnormal amount of energy flowing through the blade which allows Muramasa to cut objects better more easily than any other weapon known. The cutting potential of the sword could be defined with examples, Flying Swallow technique and both Sasuke and B’s vibroblades are able to pierce through steel with their weapons, Muramasa only takes this ability further effortless piercing through diamond, further more making it extremely lethal for person if hit directly by blade.

However this attack strength, abnormal as it may be, isn’t Muramasa’s primary ability. Muramasa’s main feature is its sheath: where the sword helps maximize the cutting ability, the sheath helps the user muster enough strength, this means while Muramasa has the potential to cut through diamond, it is unable to without the proper input of force. Unique to the sheath is its ability to store energy for burst damage when unsheathed, its features a trigger which when released would launch the blade outside for a single “Quickdraw” technique, which provides the necessary strength to perform such a powerful slash. The Quickdraw technique is Muramasa’s signature skill, when released the blade is launched out of the sheath like a ballistic shot which allows a swift Iaido strike extremely difficult to track within close proximity. The technique would however possess a downside in precision, because of the speed of this technique the single strike wouldn’t land if used either a second early or a second late. Quickdraw skill generates great force, combined with the piercing ability of the blade it allows great feats for both offense and defense. I.e. If the Quickdraw ability is used to slice through an earthen projectile aimed at the user, Muramasa would slice cleanly through the projectile, but the force granted by the sheath will be enough to alter the trajectory of the projectile and divide it to move past the user without harm. For intangible objects, such as Wind or Water, the strike force will distort the shape. The Quickdraw skill ensures that the blade destroys anything with the potential to be harmed (With the exception of Indestructible objects and anything else within reason, the ability is not absolute), the damage is further enhanced if combined with techniques that allow extreme movement such as the Lightning release armour or Swift release Shadowless Flight technique due velocity multiplying force. The sheath is capable of holding other forms of Chakra and electric isn’t the only type of energy that can be channeled through the sword allowing it to be used for the user's other elemental CJ.
Note: The sword is indestructible. Quickdraw skill may only be used in alternating turns allowing a cooldown time for sheath to recharge.

( Ningendō ) - Human Path
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user activates the Human Path which grants a Rinnegan user the ability to read the mind of any target by placing his hand on the target's head or chest and yanking the soul out of the body. Though it provides intel by getting well guarded secrets, the technique inevitably kills the target. In the Ninja World, this technique partially draws the target's soul out, leaving them unconscious.
Note: Can only be used by Rinnegan biographies with access to the Six Paths Ability.

( Kinjutsu: Tamashī no jokyo Jutsu ) - Forbidden Technique: Soul Removal
Type: Offensive / Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short
Chakra: 70
Damage: N/A
Description: By placing their hand on a target's head this technique allows the user to learn everything that the target knows. Once this is done, the target's soul is ripped from their body, killing them. The technique takes some time take full effect but the only thing the target can do is stop the technique before all knowledge is acquired. However, by attacking the user and forcefully making him remove his hand, the soul will be dragged out and the target killed. It is, however, completely useless against clones.
Note: Can only be used by Rinnegan bios with the (Ningendō) - Human Path active.
Note: Can only be successfully used twice. Requires 2 turns of maintained contact to execute.

( Shuradō ) - Asura Path
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user will activate the Asura Path which grants him the ability to create mechanised armor, augmenting their body with extra limbs and various robotic weaponry. It allows, for example, the user to create up to 6 extra arms which can be used in a variety of ways, such as grabbing their opponent and using a hidden chakra cannon in on the arms to attack him or perform handseals as the user throws kunais or does a Taijutsu move. It can even be used to help perform certain techniques. He can also alter his own head to manifest additional faces with additional pairs of eyes, all linked together. The possibilities are multiple. He can use this activation to access all of the Asura path abilities.
Note: Can only be used by Rinnegan biographies with access to the Six Paths ability.
Note: When the user wants to change his body, he must activate this technique each time. This is necessary as well for 6 Paths of Pein bios.

( Genjutsu: Jinmon ) - Illusion Technique: Interrogation
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost:15
Damage Points:30
Description: The user of this technique, upon casting on a stationary opponent with physical contact with them, is able to convince the enemy to give away information. However, this will only work on ninja two ranks lower and below than the caster.

2350 CHAKRA-305=2045 CHAKRA


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
Arriving from the Kaizoku Sea

Solomon's dingy docks in the Port of Innovus, stepping off to begin observing the area. He activated his Byakugan to better aid in uncovering whatever mystery was in the ruined Port.

(Dōjutsu: Byakugan) Eye Technique: The All Seeing White Eye
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15 (+5 per turn to keep active)
Damage: N/A
Description: The kekkei genkai intrinsic to both the Hyūga and Ōtsutsuki clans—descendants of Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. Those who possess this dōjutsu have it manifested as eyes with featureless white irides and no visible pupils. And when activated, the pupils become more distinct and the veins near their temples bulge. To activate the dōjutsu, Hyuga but not Ōtsutsuki clan members are initially obliged to use a rather long and specific sequence of handseals: Horse → Tiger → Boar → Hare → Rat → Dog → Horse → Dog → Hare → Rat → Boar → Snake. But once activated, the dōjutsu user is endowed with a range of skills.

To start, an activated Byakugan gives the user a near 360º diameter field of vision bar one blind spot at the back of the neck, above the first thoracic vertebra. Its vision can penetrate through any solid objects or obstructions, and likewise remains unaffected by blinding interferences. But that being said, certain barriers and the like may distort its perception. In addition, it is able to follow high-speed movements, which enables those with this dōjutsu to analyze their foes' actions and better react to them. The Byakugan is also able to see chakra to a higher degree than the Sharingan and ergo, identify where a person's chakra signature originates from. Beyond that, it can discern certain types of clones from the real person. And its ability to see chakra is in fact so acute that those who possess this dōjutsu are even able to see the chakra pathway system and the 361 tenketsu that comprise it. The Hyūga clan has gone so far as to develop their unique Gentle Fist style in order to capitalize on this particular ability.

Note: Hyuga clan bios of at least Sannin rank become able to passively activate their dōjutsu upon one month having passed since Gentle Fist training concluded. Ōtsutsuki bios never need to expend a move in order to activate it.
Note: While traversing the NW, bios with activated Byakugan are able to see up to two 2 adjacent landmarks away while those of sage rank can see as far as three away, but this doesn't extend beyond an ocean landmark.
Nov 10, 2018
Trait Points
Arriving from the Kaizoku Sea

Solomon's dingy docks in the Port of Innovus, stepping off to begin observing the area. He activated his Byakugan to better aid in uncovering whatever mystery was in the ruined Port.

(Dōjutsu: Byakugan) Eye Technique: The All Seeing White Eye
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15 (+5 per turn to keep active)
Damage: N/A
Description: The kekkei genkai intrinsic to both the Hyūga and Ōtsutsuki clans—descendants of Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. Those who possess this dōjutsu have it manifested as eyes with featureless white irides and no visible pupils. And when activated, the pupils become more distinct and the veins near their temples bulge. To activate the dōjutsu, Hyuga but not Ōtsutsuki clan members are initially obliged to use a rather long and specific sequence of handseals: Horse → Tiger → Boar → Hare → Rat → Dog → Horse → Dog → Hare → Rat → Boar → Snake. But once activated, the dōjutsu user is endowed with a range of skills.

To start, an activated Byakugan gives the user a near 360º diameter field of vision bar one blind spot at the back of the neck, above the first thoracic vertebra. Its vision can penetrate through any solid objects or obstructions, and likewise remains unaffected by blinding interferences. But that being said, certain barriers and the like may distort its perception. In addition, it is able to follow high-speed movements, which enables those with this dōjutsu to analyze their foes' actions and better react to them. The Byakugan is also able to see chakra to a higher degree than the Sharingan and ergo, identify where a person's chakra signature originates from. Beyond that, it can discern certain types of clones from the real person. And its ability to see chakra is in fact so acute that those who possess this dōjutsu are even able to see the chakra pathway system and the 361 tenketsu that comprise it. The Hyūga clan has gone so far as to develop their unique Gentle Fist style in order to capitalize on this particular ability.

Note: Hyuga clan bios of at least Sannin rank become able to passively activate their dōjutsu upon one month having passed since Gentle Fist training concluded. Ōtsutsuki bios never need to expend a move in order to activate it.
Note: While traversing the NW, bios with activated Byakugan are able to see up to two 2 adjacent landmarks away while those of sage rank can see as far as three away, but this doesn't extend beyond an ocean landmark.
There was an eerie silence as Solomon wandered, permeated only by the sounds of his own movement echoing through the misty night and the dilapidated port. It didn't take long for the sounds of his arrivals to echo through the abandoned port, growing louder as the sound reverberated unnaturally. As he moved, the wind itself whispered, the night mist becoming windy as cold air from the docks breezed through to create a chilling night. Solomon's movements seemed to attract the temperature itself, the misty air growing thinner and harder as if the elevation itself rose tremendously. The whipping dry bone-chilling wind continue to worsen, the whispering like wind becoming a muffled yet caterwauling-like screech around the Mage. For a while this storm would rage, becoming more powerful the further Solomon trekked, almost as if attempting to warn him from continuing forward.

The muffled shrill sound would grow louder yet more muffled as the air seemingly thinned more should he move nearer the center of the abandoned ruins, the pillars of a stone temple still standing with the entrance and left chamber remaining as well. Meanwhile, hidden from both his gaze and his senses, creatures watched Solomon from the midst of the vision obscuring windstorm. As the storm raged, glimpses of porcelain and pale violet eyes seemed to frenetically and sporadically appear before Solomon, disappearing before he would be able to focus on them. Despite being unable to focus on them, one thing would be communicated to Solomon clearly: Someone, or something, was watching him and his investigation.
Last edited:


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
Were his eyes playing tricks on him? That didn't happen often, if at all. For eight centuries Solomon's sight was never obfuscated. He could see far and wide, but also distant and past. And yet here before him pale violet eyes beamed at him in the night storm. They only appeared for brief moments, making ephemeral appearances to, at best, distract him. Whatever was here, whatever was watching him, bothered Solomon to his core. He took the sides of his robes and wrapped them around his chest, doing his best to stay warm in such an abnormal storm. "If that idiotic magus wasn't rotting in the Underworld right now I would almost say this was Merlin playing a trick on me..." He cursed under his breath, the night storm sweeping the words away as fast as they came out. Cold winds bit at his lips as he shivered; perhaps he had only spoken of that rat bastard Merlin to warm himself up even if slightly. Or to hear some familiar human sound in such a dark and frigid winter.

He set the violet eyes aside for a moment in his mind. Continue to appear as they might, there was nothing he could do about them. Solomon couldn't focus on them enough to discern any viable or useful meaning to their presence, or lack of presence. But he did understand that the further inland and closer to the center of the Port of Innovus he moved the thinner the air became. It was as if he was being drawn in further, pulled toward where the air was thinnest - and at its center were ancient pillars surrounding a once powerful temple built by the first Immortal Humans of Marduk's generation. The Port of Innovus was, after all, the effective capital of the Golden Empire from thousands of years ago. My King, send me to scout ahead. It was Goetia that spoke to him, from within his body. The Demon God King held some reservations about what Solomon was going to do. His sight was limited here, and that was something that deeply bothered Goetia. But he pressed on regardless. Life is but a journey, Goetia. I could never send you ahead and alone. And with those words he stepped into the ring of pillars that surrounded the temple, feeling the air further thin and chill. The eyes continued to make fleeting appearances around him.

The temple, like the rest of the Port, had been partially reclaimed by nature. Vines, weeds, and other flora crept up its sides; its stone had been weathered somewhat, leaving behind chunks that were spread across the smooth ground that lay beneath it. Solomon stepped inside, freeing himself from the cold winds outdoors.
Nov 10, 2018
Trait Points
Upon entering, Solomon would quickly discover through sounds echoing from the left chamber that he wasn't the only person taking refuge from the powerful storm. Should he continue to explore the temple, he would find an elderly man with a crown of dirty white hair emanating from his roots sat hunched over, a dirty sandy brown color surrounding the hair as he worked to create a fire to keep warm. Though he appeared old in age and stature and labored with staggered movement, the man moved giant stone and wood around effortlessly to cover exposed holes in the building to keep the whipping winds out.

Noticing Solomon, the man would stand fully, towering over Solomon if he approached. "Can't say I've seen you around here before, though that storm brings in many strangers. Care to give a stranger a hand?" The man said, pointing at the thin smoke coming from the fire he was attempting.

"Campfires aren't my strong suit, exactly."


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
Upon entering, Solomon would quickly discover through sounds echoing from the left chamber that he wasn't the only person taking refuge from the powerful storm. Should he continue to explore the temple, he would find an elderly man with a crown of dirty white hair emanating from his roots sat hunched over, a dirty sandy brown color surrounding the hair as he worked to create a fire to keep warm. Though he appeared old in age and stature and labored with staggered movement, the man moved giant stone and wood around effortlessly to cover exposed holes in the building to keep the whipping winds out.

Noticing Solomon, the man would stand fully, towering over Solomon if he approached. "Can't say I've seen you around here before, though that storm brings in many strangers. Care to give a stranger a hand?" The man said, pointing at the thin smoke coming from the fire he was attempting.

"Campfires aren't my strong suit, exactly."
The Mage King watched the old man nimbly move wood and stone to reinforce the makeshift shelter built out of the ancient temple. It was an impressive feat of human strength and willpower, soliciting a slight smile from Solomon as he stood there quietly and watched as the stranger approached him. "Has the storm raged long? It sounds like you've grown quite accustomed to it and strangers coming through." He nodded in acknowledgement, and knelt by the small fire. Other than the old man's impressive strength nothing seemed quite out of the ordinary here; and once he had entered the temple the strange violet eyes that had been observing him seemed to stop appearing, at least for the time being. A mystery that would have to be solved later.

"Here we go. Just needed a better structure is all." Solomon dismantled the partially burned stack of wood, being careful not to let his hands linger too long on the surface of the wood. While his Shikotsumyaku bloodline rendered him immune to pain, and even healed him, he wouldn't want to reveal such a miracle to an average man. For the time being, he was simply Romani, the traveling medic that had taken shelter from a rampaging storm. He rearranged the logs into a smaller and more compact square structure, building a cross section to hold the dryer kindling in the center. He took one last log and started digging a groove into another; after a good bit of ploughing, and feigning a sore arm, the wood eventually ignited the kindling in the center. "And let there be light!" Solomon exclaimed, a happy grin on his face as he sat down on the chilled steps of the ruined temple.
Nov 10, 2018
Trait Points
The man watched as Solomon worked, repositioning logs as he moved. Solomon shuffled a few more logs before a flame would spawn from the wood. The man smiled, thanking Solomon as he moved towards the broken staircase. Taking a seat, the man would turn back to Solomon.

"Thank you again for that, it's already warming up. Damn storm came from nowhere, went from a light mist to close to a hurricane out there. Strangely enough, it feels like we were hiking or something, it's hard to breathe." Rubbing his chest, he began stretching his legs out. One of them was hobbled, the pants leg tattered with what appeared to be dried blood and some darkened mud like paste like material around it. As he stretched one, he didn't show outwards signs of pain or affliction, merely stretching as he spoke.

"Sorry, I didn't get your name. I'm Hensō. Damn air made it hard to think too. At least that's better than dealing with those things out there."


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
The man watched as Solomon worked, repositioning logs as he moved. Solomon shuffled a few more logs before a flame would spawn from the wood. The man smiled, thanking Solomon as he moved towards the broken staircase. Taking a seat, the man would turn back to Solomon.

"Thank you again for that, it's already warming up. Damn storm came from nowhere, went from a light mist to close to a hurricane out there. Strangely enough, it feels like we were hiking or something, it's hard to breathe." Rubbing his chest, he began stretching his legs out. One of them was hobbled, the pants leg tattered with what appeared to be dried blood and some darkened mud like paste like material around it. As he stretched one, he didn't show outwards signs of pain or affliction, merely stretching as he spoke.

"Sorry, I didn't get your name. I'm Hensō. Damn air made it hard to think too. At least that's better than dealing with those things out there."
Solomon furrowed his brow. Curious. "Likewise. I'm Romani. I'm not from nearby, but I've travelled a lot. Storms like these are certainly unique. But come again? Those things out there?" Perhaps Henso knew more about these pale violet eyes than even Solomon did. It would be a humbling moment, no doubt, but certainly not a first for him. "I've only been passing through. Did those things take a swipe at your leg? I could examine it for you." There seemed to be a lot of knowledge that could be gleamed from this one man's experiences; healing his leg would be no trouble ni return for valuable information for what was going on in the heart of the former Golden Empire.