Need some kumi 1/3


Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Alyx sounds fine ;)

Isabella greets her opponent by smearing blood into her tattoo. It has been a while since she saw her fox. Now was as good a time as ever, as her Shinkaigan turned into the Uchuu Shinkaigan. As she arrived into the field, 3 more tails sprout out of her back, acquiring the 6th Tail, the tail of Takamabi, taken directly from Isabella herself.

( Kitsune no Kuchiyose: Kumiho ) Nightmare Fox Summoning Technique: Kumiho, the Red-Omen Fox
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 60
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Kumiho is from a sect of Kitsune Foxes that are elementally specialized. They are designed to battle and serve as the main military branch of the Kitsune. She possesses a red-tinted fur coat, with a stripped tiger-like pattern in her fur. When she is summoned, she inherently has 3 bestowed tails:

1. Her Primary Tail is the Kitsunebi and Genjutsu tail, which allows her to use all Kitsune Ninjutsu and Basic Genjutsu, including customs. It does not allow her to steal Genjutsu-related customs or abilities like Genjutsu-related CFS. Her Secondary Tail and her Thematic Tail is Fire Release, which allows her to use customs of Basic Fire Techniques and also steal CE that are composed of Fire, an ability which she used to produce her third tail, Decay Release. It does not allow the ability to steal other people's fire customs nor CFS, merely CE.

2. The Strength of the theme element and elements that are composed by it are boosted by 10 chakra when the Red-Omen uses it, and that is translated as a +20 damage boost when applicable.

3. Kamiho has 80 health points, 12 speed and 14 tracking. This tracking is bound to a Single-Landmark, and is Spiritual Based, as per the Contract.

Note: Can only be summoned by Fire and Decay users.
Note: Can only be summoned once and cannot be summoned while other Kitsune are present

(Dōjutsu: Shinkaigan) – Eye Technique: Abyssal Eyes
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The Shinkaigan (深海), or the Abyssal Eyes and the Eyes of the Abyss, is the Dōjutsu Kekkei Genkai that appears in the Voidseers. Two conditions must be met to awaken the Shinkaigan. The first is that one must become Void-touched; this is achieved when one becomes Void-touched. The second is by gaining sufficient knowledge of the Shinkaigan and the Voidseer’s innate abilities. This is a key characteristic of the Shinkaigan, noted by Solomon to be “eyes of knowledge” rather than “eyes of trauma,” making it distinct from the Sharingan. The Shinkaigan possesses a unique connection to the Void itself. Its abilities exist in both space and time separately. This comes to be because the Void exists both as a separate dimension and a state in time. Rewinding the clocks far enough would cause everything in the universe to eventually converge onto the Void. The Shinkaigan is the only way one can view the Void directly, peering into it to gain intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the universe as it is today. Without the Shinkaigan exposure to the Void and Shinkaigan Dōjutsu causes one to lose Sanity; though, like a double-edged sword, the Shinkaigan user also suffers a loss of Sanity. But because their eye allows them to perceive and cognize the Void differently from other humans, they lose Sanity at a slower rate. In the left eye the Shinkaigan allows the user to visually perceive lifeforce and lifecycles of anything, including inanimate objects. It derives this ocular power through the nature of the Void itself. The right eye allows the Shinkaigan wielder to view the Void as a physical space, perceiving it not as a point in time but a location. The wielder gains enhanced visual acuity, able to track targets at four times their speed. Though unlike other Dōjutsu it lacks the ability to perceive chakra. Activation of the Shinkaigan grants the user access to their Voidseer Dōjutsu, affording them the ability to use powerful temporal and spatial abilities.
Note: The user is able to passively activate the Shinkaigan after holding the Dōjutsu for one month.
Note: Gazing directly into the Shinkaigan causes a loss of 5 Sanity per turn unless the user also wields the Shinkaigan. Those who have completed Taijutsu training can avoid these effects by breaking eye contact with their opponent.

(Dōjutsu: Uchū Shinkaigan) – Eye Technique: Cosmic Abyssal Eyes
Type: Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A (-30 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The Cosmic Shinkaigan (深海), or the Cosmic Abyssal Eyes is the advanced Dōjutsu Kekkei Genkai that appears in the Voidseers. The conditions to advance the Shinkaigan to its Cosmic level continue to build on the concept of the “eyes of knowledge.” The Cosmic Shinkaigan significantly improves the user’s visual prowess, extending the reach and accuracy of their perceptive abilities. The user becomes able to see up to two landmarks from their position in the Ninja World, significantly increasing their reach from the Abyssal Eyes. Meanwhile their visual acuity is enhanced dramatically, vastly improving their tracking capabilities by 6x their base. It is said that the Cosmic level signify the pinnacle of the user’s insight into the Cosmos, but it is more likely that they are simply better attuned to the Void than they would be otherwise. Once they have mastered their abilities a Cosmic Shinkaigan user becomes able to specialize in either the Shinkaigan’s Spatial or Temporal powers, pursuing a line of abilities they unlock as their proficiency with the Cosmic Shinkaigan increases. As a Shinkaigan user has innately greater mastery over their abilities and knowledge of the Void they gain an intrinsic 50% Insanity Resistance.
Note: Once activated the technique will remain active indefinitely afterwards, able to be switched between the Shinkaigan and Cosmic level at will.
Note: After the user has held the Cosmic Shinkaigan for two months they are able to activate it passively.
Note: Gazing directly into the Shinkaigan causes a loss of 10 Sanity per turn unless the user also wields the Shinkaigan. Those who have completed Taijutsu training can avoid these effects by breaking eye contact with their opponent.
Note: Activating the Cosmic Abyssal Eyes after the standard Shinkaigan within the same turn does not allow their Sanity loss to stack, taking only the Cosmic level into account.


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Ah, yet another clash between the two maidens, a familiar dance upon the grassy stage of their battleground. With time to kill and Kingsly occupied with the twins, Mirabelle and Isabella found themselves indulging in their rivalry once more. As they appeared on the field, Isabella wasted no time in summoning her Nightmare Fox, a move that drew a begrudging sigh from Mirabelle. "Oui, quit showing 'em off already. You damn well know I want to make a contract with them too!" she chided, instinctively averting her gaze from Isabella's wild eyes.

In response, Mirabelle unleashed a technique of her own, taking a page from Isabella's playbook. With a flourish of seals, she cast a Chaos plague upon their dreamscapes, conjuring several thousands of voices echoing in their heads. "
Hold this for me, please Bella?" she recited, but in the voice Madara, her eternal rival. "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" , another question repeated in the voice of Merlin, a the infamous Magus and fellow Champion of Humanity. "What is Life?" the voice of another man, sounding like a long lost relic of the past. Galen, the Grandmaster of the Binkan and Lazy Fist manifested. While in the head of the fox, well, random questions concerning shitting bears in the woods, you know the rest. All of these would be accompanied by a significant scent, resembling each of them (though Madara's would specifically smell like a man lady, considering he's a manlady after all).

Meanwhile, in reality, concealed beneath the illusion, she constructed several jutsushiki scripts that snaked through the terrain, waiting to explode upon Isabella's unsuspecting form. "New tricks incoming!" she declared with a smirk, poised to unleash her full arsenal upon her friendenemy.

Genjutsu: Meiro No Shitsumon | Illusion Technnique: Maze Of Questions
Type: Offensive
Rank: A (S)
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30 (40)
Damage: 60 (80)
Description: Forming three handseals, the user will cast a genjutsu upon their opponent, this illusion will cause the victim to hear multiple questions posed by the user, these questions repeat constantly, over and over again in the victims head, becoming louder and faster as time progresses. This technique will cause the victim to be unable to hear anything on the battlefield due to the noise, they'll also be unable to perform certain advanced techniques, this includes fuuinjutsu due to the complexity of writing seals, medical ninjutsu due to the fine chakra control needed, or anything similar that states it requires fine or advanced chakra control. Should the victim not release this they will take damage from the constant noise.
-The user can select the questions that will be repeated themselves should they wish, allowing for in character manipulation.
-Can only be used 3 times per battle.
-This illusion can be cast on multiple people in range with only one move slot used, however it will count towards the 3 times per battle limit, I.E two victims is two usages.
(Inton: Gogyou Gen) – Yin Release: Five Elements Illusion (Perfume Release)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (+50 chakra cost to applied technique)
Description: This technique allows the user to combine their elemental chakra with Yin Release in order to create stronger, more potent Genjutsu. When the user casts a Genjutsu, rather than using their raw chakra they will use one of the basic elemental natures, thus increasing the potency of the jutsu. This technique increases the technique it is applied to by one rank in strength; due to the massive infusion of chakra a Genjutsu empowered by the Five Elements Illusion can penetrate through any passive defense or subversive method against Genjutsu. By using nature chakra rather than raw chakra, the properties of the Genjutsu can change in accordance to that nature and become stronger. For example, using Crushing Snake Constriction with Fire Release chakra would make the snakes appear, feel, and sound as though they were on fire. The user is free to alter the effects of a Genjutsu within reason as long as the primary effects remain the same. Like other Yin-Yang infusions, this technique only increases the chakra within the technique by an additional rank in strength, or 10, whichever is higher.
Note: Can only be used 6 times per battle.
Note: Cannot be used on techniques above S-Rank.
Note: Yin Release Specialists and Yin-Yang users can use advanced elements and CE.

Void: Specialized Infusion Roll: Failed, 86
(Namikazeron ♦ Basutā) – Theory of Waves and Wind ♦ Buster
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage points: 30
Description: A technique that allows the user to take advantage of the closed chakra circuits of Shiki Muchi in conjunction with the naturally leaked chakra of the user in order to assist a Namikazeron practitioner’s already nearly instinctive ability to form explosive tags by shaping points on a number of Shiki Muchi into the character for ‘explosion’. In essence, Shiki Muchi can be freely created and maintained due to the closed nature of their circuit, just as tree-walking may be sustained nearly indefinitely and without conscious thought. By extension explosive tags, the most basic of seals, can be formed freely due to their central role in the style and their generic simplicity. By taking advantage of these facts together and by directing the small amounts of naturally leaked chakra to initiate the circuit, the user is able to form first the Shiki Muchi and then explosive tags along a number of points hereon. These detonate immediately upon creation in sizable explosions.
- Can only be used once per turn.
- Max radius for an explosion from this technique is the same as a physical Explosive Tag (Roughly 2.5m).

Base Tracking: 30 | Base Speed: 10 | Chakra: 2550 > 2,470 | Health: 240 | Void Infusions: 0/3
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Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Ah, yet another clash between the two maidens, a familiar dance upon the grassy stage of their battleground. With time to kill and Kingsly occupied with the twins, Mirabelle and Isabella found themselves indulging in their rivalry once more. As they appeared on the field, Isabella wasted no time in summoning her Nightmare Fox, a move that drew a begrudging sigh from Mirabelle. "Oui, quit showing 'em off already. You damn well know I want to make a contract with them too!" she chided, instinctively averting her gaze from Isabella's wild eyes.

In response, Mirabelle unleashed a technique of her own, taking a page from Isabella's playbook. With a flourish of seals, she cast a Chaos plague upon their dreamscapes, conjuring several thousands of voices echoing in their heads. "
Hold this for me, please Bella?" she recited, but in the voice Madara, her eternal rival. "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" , another question repeated in the voice of Merlin, a the infamous Magus and fellow Champion of Humanity. "What is Life?" the voice of another man, sounding like a long lost relic of the past. Galen, the Grandmaster of the Binkan and Lazy Fist manifested. While in the head of the fox, well, random questions concerning shitting bears in the woods, you know the rest. All of these would be accompanied by a significant scent, resembling each of them (though Madara's would specifically smell like a man lady, considering he's a manlady after all).

Meanwhile, in reality, concealed beneath the illusion, she constructed several jutsushiki scripts that snaked through the terrain, waiting to explode upon Isabella's unsuspecting form. "New tricks incoming!" she declared with a smirk, poised to unleash her full arsenal upon her friendenemy.

Genjutsu: Meiro No Shitsumon | Illusion Technnique: Maze Of Questions
Type: Offensive
Rank: A (S)
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30 (40)
Damage: 60 (80)
Description: Forming three handseals, the user will cast a genjutsu upon their opponent, this illusion will cause the victim to hear multiple questions posed by the user, these questions repeat constantly, over and over again in the victims head, becoming louder and faster as time progresses. This technique will cause the victim to be unable to hear anything on the battlefield due to the noise, they'll also be unable to perform certain advanced techniques, this includes fuuinjutsu due to the complexity of writing seals, medical ninjutsu due to the fine chakra control needed, or anything similar that states it requires fine or advanced chakra control. Should the victim not release this they will take damage from the constant noise.
-The user can select the questions that will be repeated themselves should they wish, allowing for in character manipulation.
-Can only be used 3 times per battle.
-This illusion can be cast on multiple people in range with only one move slot used, however it will count towards the 3 times per battle limit, I.E two victims is two usages.
(Inton: Gogyou Gen) – Yin Release: Five Elements Illusion (Perfume Release)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (+50 chakra cost to applied technique)
Description: This technique allows the user to combine their elemental chakra with Yin Release in order to create stronger, more potent Genjutsu. When the user casts a Genjutsu, rather than using their raw chakra they will use one of the basic elemental natures, thus increasing the potency of the jutsu. This technique increases the technique it is applied to by one rank in strength; due to the massive infusion of chakra a Genjutsu empowered by the Five Elements Illusion can penetrate through any passive defense or subversive method against Genjutsu. By using nature chakra rather than raw chakra, the properties of the Genjutsu can change in accordance to that nature and become stronger. For example, using Crushing Snake Constriction with Fire Release chakra would make the snakes appear, feel, and sound as though they were on fire. The user is free to alter the effects of a Genjutsu within reason as long as the primary effects remain the same. Like other Yin-Yang infusions, this technique only increases the chakra within the technique by an additional rank in strength, or 10, whichever is higher.
Note: Can only be used 6 times per battle.
Note: Cannot be used on techniques above S-Rank.
Note: Yin Release Specialists and Yin-Yang users can use advanced elements and CE.

Void: Specialized Infusion Roll: Failed, 86
(Namikazeron ♦ Basutā) – Theory of Waves and Wind ♦ Buster
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage points: 30
Description: A technique that allows the user to take advantage of the closed chakra circuits of Shiki Muchi in conjunction with the naturally leaked chakra of the user in order to assist a Namikazeron practitioner’s already nearly instinctive ability to form explosive tags by shaping points on a number of Shiki Muchi into the character for ‘explosion’. In essence, Shiki Muchi can be freely created and maintained due to the closed nature of their circuit, just as tree-walking may be sustained nearly indefinitely and without conscious thought. By extension explosive tags, the most basic of seals, can be formed freely due to their central role in the style and their generic simplicity. By taking advantage of these facts together and by directing the small amounts of naturally leaked chakra to initiate the circuit, the user is able to form first the Shiki Muchi and then explosive tags along a number of points hereon. These detonate immediately upon creation in sizable explosions.
- Can only be used once per turn.
- Max radius for an explosion from this technique is the same as a physical Explosive Tag (Roughly 2.5m).

Base Tracking: 30 | Base Speed: 10 | Chakra: 2550 > 2,470 | Health: 240 | Void Infusions: 0/3
While the flourish of the myriad of her past lovers and enemies was a nice touch, the deceptiveness of the illusion left much to be desired. Especially with both Isabella and Kumiho being privy to the very same technique that was employed. In tandem, both of them burst outwards with an omnidirectional maelstrom of smoke-like flames, black and eerie. The smoke would collide in the middle and push forward, swirling in the air like a living entity. Several abysmal skulls seemingly formed from the foul burst, as the dual foxfire spilled across the entire battlefield and unto Mirabelle. As the burst of Ghastly Foxfire appears, within the same time frame, Kumiho gains her 8th tail, that of Medjutsu.

( Yako no Kitsune Hijutsu: Kitsunebi ) Nightmare Fox Secret Arts: Ghastly Foxfire ( x2 )
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B-S ( S )
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40-50 ( 50 )
Damage Points: 80-100 ( 115; +15 SPRT ATT )
Description: Ghastly Foxfire is the inherent power of the Nightmare Foxes, a spiritual-damage dealing ghostly gas that burns like a lazy and pale flame. These can be manipulated into coating their fur and body parts, appear as levitating orbs and garbs around the Nightmare fox, or be used as rudimentary constructs and projectiles to attack or defend. They move at the speed of Basic Fire Ninjutsu. Touching the bioluminescent gas won't burn or physically harm any target, but will induce several hallucinogenic and mental ailments. This technique will serve as the generic utilization of this Ghastly Foxfire, whose S&W follow a relation of Neutrality against other techniques and deals Spiritual Damage. When interacting with physical objects, they will possess the same power tier as the chakra that was used to produce and manipulate it, or similar in chakra-less techniques. When interacting with sentient beings, they will be able to produce a savage and animalistic mental pain and hallucinogenic effect similar to being in a drunken and feral haze. The severity of these effects will increase the greater the rank of the construct.

Ghastly Foxfire can be used to induce Genjutsu onto others, and will lock the Genjutsu onto their targets for as long as the ghastly gas is afflicting them. Due to their high chakra cost, they can be interacted with through Advanced Sealing techniques that intend to absorb the chakra within the Foxfire, by using the same tier of chakra as the gas. The afflicted is dealt the same damage as the Foxfire vessel or the infused Genjutsu, whichever is highest. Damage does not stack ( A rank Foxfire carrying an A rank Genjutsu won't deal damage twice). Genjutsu is cast onto targets through inhaling the smoke or through direct contact with the gas.
Note: Using a specific Genjutsu attached to the Foxfire requires the usage of both techniques, spending chakra for both. It can't be used with Foxfire below A rank. It entails an infusion of +10 chakra to the attached Genjutsu, whereas the remaining chakra is made to produce the Foxfire itself. The Genjutsu can only be attached to a Foxfire of the same or higher rank. Forbidden ranked Genjutsu cannot be attached to Foxfire.
Note: Can only be used by Nightmare Foxes or Signers who have Naturalist Specialty, though this does not gain augmented damage when used by the Signer.
Note: Can only be used 5 times for A rank and 2 times for S rank. S rank usage can only occur every 4 turns with no usage of any rank for 2 after use.


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Mirabelle's frustration grew as Isabella remained unresponsive, fueling her determination to end the battle swiftly. With a decisive stomp of her foot, a powerful wave of spiritual blue flames erupted forward, consuming the air around them. The flames coalesced into a formidable form, taking the shape of a giant feline with dark wings sprouting from its back. She would also infuse an additional amount of chakra into the lion, allowing it to be passively increased in damage.

Addressing Isabella with a hint of sarcasm, Mirabelle offered a suggestion to liven up their confrontation. Meanwhile, the fiery creature she had summoned pressed forward, aiming to crush their opponents with its immense power. "You're just bored, aren't yea?" she said, as she also passively attempted to create a lance in her hand, allowing her to also utilize the Dragoon's Soul, jumping into the air up to 20 meters, which once she reached the apex of her jump, she would discharge a second time, allowing her quickly descend onto the opponent's position with the spear aimed at her skull. The initial use of Vorpal Jump was utilized at the same time as Blue Fire Release, due to Mirabelle's mastery of the CFS allowing such. It would also net her a single Void Infusion.

( Aoi Katon ) - Blue Fire Release
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B - S (S)
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 20 - 40
Damage: 40 - 80 (80 + 10 via AP + 30 via Bijuu + 20 via Yin Specialist Perk + 20 via September = 160)
Description: A skill unique to the Two-Tails and it's Jinchuriki, this jutsu allows the user to manipulate Blue Fire in an assortment of ways. Formed after making the appropriate handseals, this allows the user to release blue flames in the form of fireballs, streams of fire, and even blue flame based familiars to attack on the user's command. These Flames carry no properties of Blue Fire beside the basic variant which shares the same traditional properties of normal Fire Release except the weakness to Water.
Note: This can only be used by Matatabi and it's Jinchuriki.
Note: Intangible or Spiritual Blue Flames can only be utilized if their respective skills have been acquired.
( Kyuu-tsuki ) - September (Passive)
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( +50 per turn ) ( -50 per turn to an opponent )
Damage: N/A ( -20 to an opponent's technique )
Description: September is a small orb-like self-sustained chakra battery that can be pre-charged with basic chakra, or senjutsu chakra. If charged with basic chakra it will be compatible with any non-hostile shinobi. The battery has two capabilities called charge and drain. Charge allows a shinobi to draw chakra from the battery or apply it to their techniques and drain allows the battery to draw chakra from a shinobi or their techniques. The battery has a max capacity of 10% of the wielder's normal chakra supply.

Charge: While in direct contact with the battery or while it is on their person a shinobi can passively absorb chakra directly from the battery through contact. It can be used while still hidden or in a pouch not needing to be pulled out. It allows the shinobi to draw up to 10% of their chakra supply from the battery at a rate of fifty per turn allowing for them to regain chakra or to supply exhausted allies with chakra. It can also be used to provide senjutsu chakra instead of chakra at a quicker rate allowing them to gain ten percent of their chakra as senjutsu chakra passively, this senjutsu chakra allows them to enter Sage Mode but can only be done once usually exhausting the battery. When exhausted the battery is still able to use its drain ability. Alternatively, like the name implies the battery can be used to charge a technique with ten extra chakra providing it a twenty damage boost. This is done in the same timeframe as the augmented technique and can only be done twice with a two-turn cool-down.

Drain: If a hostile individual tries to use the battery it will absorb their chakra instead of giving them chakra at a rate of fifty chakra stolen per turn. The wielder of the battery is also able to instigate this process passively by making direct contact with the opponent allowing them to instigate the process stealing fifty chakra per turn where contact is made. Additionally, through this draining ability, the battery is able to steal ten chakra from a technique causing it to weaken by twenty damage. This is similar to the capabilities of the Scientific Ninja Tool: ( Abusōbu Ude ) - Absorption Arm on a much lower and more basic scale. Where that can absorb entire jutsu this battery can only absorb ten chakra storing it in the battery. This portion of the drain ability will cost a move slot, can only be used once per turn and only twice per battle.
Note: The wielder can only carry a single chakra battery
Note: Must state the ratio of basic chakra to senjutsu chakra that is found in the battery
(Anesidora) - Anesidora (Passive)
Type: Technology
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: (Varies)
Damage: N/A
Anesidora is a Camera that comes with two Bangles that are worn on each of the user’s wrists. The Bangles act like “printers” for the user, capable of creating light copies (colour custom to user, cannot be invisible) of solid chakra Tools and Weapons that the user has photographed previously. The user can passively create freeform standard tools and weapons in their hands from the Bangles and they always look like solid chakra “wireframes” of the weapons or tools they’re mimicking; the user can substitute tools in techniques with this version of the weapons. If they’re Kunai, Shuriken, Metal Cards or small thrown tools like that any amount can be created around the user - larger weapons like swords are created in the hand. Even though they’re “wireframe” chakra copies, they act like the standard weapon they’re mimicking. Anesidora can mimic weapons needed for the user's custom fighting styles and create them in their hands or on their person at will without the user needing to carry them around. These tools can have seals placed or already placed on them recorded in the camera, the kanji or pattern take a wireframe look as well.

The real usage of this technique however is that this Camera stores the memory of Jutsu as well. The User can look through the Camera lense and can take a picture of a shape manipulated technique, examining the taken Jutsu and it’s structure in a Three-Dimensional shape and what abilities/strength it possesses and will store or print a copy for the user whether it be projected out from the bracelets or from the front of the Camera itself until formed and performs/sustains on it’s own - a Chakra deduction is made from the user's chakrapool which reflects the amount of chakra inputted into the taken technique. The created constructs will also have a Wireframe effect made purely of Chakra that is neutral to everything, the Wireframe construct can do what it’s original could do but instead of an “Earth Entity” firing “Earth spikes” it would be a Wireframe entity with a similar appearance firing “Wireframe Spikes” that can stab targets. If the printed entity can perform elemental jutsu up to a certain rank, this is replaced with Wireframe Constructs from the ground or their own body (Which are down to the user’s imagination) up to that certain rank, relevant chakra for the chosen rank construct much be deducted still (30 for A-Rank, 40 for S-Rank). The Construct lasts until a new Construct is made, sustained by the Camera which stores 150 Chakra Points, deducting -40 per turn that a construct is active. The user can passively give the camera 10 chakra a turn when there isn't a construct active.

Note: The user can have one of their own jutsu chosen to be “stored” in Anesidora. Posted with this technique in the relevant Technology and Artefact section or posted at the beginning of a Fight.
Note: The Copied Jutsu can be from the user or the opponent, they can be summons, entities or creations. Their strength is the same and their abilities are mimicked through Wireframe meshes (Within reason) which are neutral to everything. Unless they have unique abilities which cannot be copied as it's impossible for a Wireframe construct to use Yin parasites for example or to utilise absorption in any way.
Note: The user can take a Picture three times per battle, but only have one Construct on a field active at a time. When a Construct is destroyed it cannot be used again unless taken a Picture of again.
⥥ ( Doragūn Tamashī ) - Dragoon's Soul ⥥ (Reference)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The "Dragoon's Soul" takes the form of a bodily seal tattoo that holds the likeness of a Dragon, of which is primarily printed across the back of any and all users of the Dragoon Style, the appearance of which varies from user-to-user but each maintains a consistent theme of the Dragon's various parts being seen extending throughout the user's body, some examples being down their shoulders/arms or their waist/legs. This seal functionally serves as a housing and highway for "Draconic Might" throughout the user's body, which is functionally a cocktail combination of built up Tension Force absorbed from the muscles of the user -frequently seen in the flexing or straining of muscle tissue- and the integration of raw Chakra that serves as an amplifier and manifestable source of energy that gives directable control of the force. The aforementioned Tension Force is absorbed and stored through the Seal placed upon the user; a perpetual draw to charge the battery that is the Seal that comes as a result of even the slightest movement the user produces. This is done passively and is without a scaling system due to the abundance of the force it feeds upon at any given point in time. Once this built up force has been infused with Chakra, it becomes "Draconic Might" which can be directed either to key parts of the user's body, namely the legs for things such as boosts in speed, strength in lunges or leaps, or in certain circumstances, as projective force, depending on the technique that is utilized. Through the harnessing of a physical force such as Tension Force, all manifestations of Dragoon techniques that relies on chakra as a means of projection carries with it an inherent physicality to it that belies the raw chakra that it is infused with, often showing in a distinguishing manner of a thermal radiative wave that rolls off of any chakra (or Draconic Might) that is produced by the User. As a result, any use of Draconic Might is treated as physical damage. As a result of their physicality and the advanced nature of projecting pure chakra, all forms of Dragoon Style techniques that utilize Draconic Might and their interactions are treated as neutral.
-Must have this technique posted in reference on the user's biography in order to utilize the style and counts as one of their maximum bodily seals.
⥥ (Vuōparu Janpu) - Vorpal Jump ⥥
Type: Offensive / Supplementary
Rank: D-B (B)
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 10-20
Damage: N/A (+10, +15, +20 to Bukijutsu-style attack)
Description: Vuōparu Janpu (or Vorpal Jump) is the trademark technique that all practitioners of the Dragoon Style learn first and foremost, and is the foundation for all of it's fundamental abilities. Through the concentration of a specified amount of chakra into the user's legs as a means of reinforcement, a singular circular seal with form along the soles of both the user's feet before releasing a discharge of concentrated energy downward in tandem to the generic motions required of a jump. As a result, the discharge will often dramatically propel the user in an upward direction, carrying them as high as 20 meters, scaling based on the rank and thus strength of the discharge (D-rank up to 10 meters, C-rank up to 15 meters, B-rank up to 20 meters) before resulting in a downward descent that is instigated by a second discharge of the same strength as the first, propelling the Dragoon in a designated direction stated by the user in their usage, traveling at 2x their base speed for the duration of travel. If a direction is not specified, the default is downward. Through the use of this propelling force, the user enhances the strength of their next Bukijutsu-style technique, or in any case that the user's polearm is effectively used as the means of attack, scaling to the level of discharge chosen.
-Must have an active polearm-style weapon in order to use.
-Once initiated, cannot be canceled unless using "Vorpal Redirect."

(Mukō: Senmon Chūnyū) – Void: Specialized Infusion (Passive)
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: A
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Whenever the user uses a technique within a field of their specializations, they have a 25% chance to gain a single Void Infusion, occurring at most once every two turns.
(Suiryoku) - Thrust
Type: Offensive
Rank: D - B (B)
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 20 - 40 (40 + 20 = 60)
Description: One of the simplest moves in Bukijutsu, the user will thrust their weapon at the opponent with a rapid motion, striking them very quickly. Due to the speed of a thrust in comparison to a slash it moves slightly faster than the user's speed, adding a plus two speed modifier to the attack.


Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Mirabelle's frustration grew as Isabella remained unresponsive, fueling her determination to end the battle swiftly. With a decisive stomp of her foot, a powerful wave of spiritual blue flames erupted forward, consuming the air around them. The flames coalesced into a formidable form, taking the shape of a giant feline with dark wings sprouting from its back. She would also infuse an additional amount of chakra into the lion, allowing it to be passively increased in damage.

Addressing Isabella with a hint of sarcasm, Mirabelle offered a suggestion to liven up their confrontation. Meanwhile, the fiery creature she had summoned pressed forward, aiming to crush their opponents with its immense power. "You're just bored, aren't yea?" she said, as she also passively attempted to create a lance in her hand, allowing her to also utilize the Dragoon's Soul, jumping into the air up to 20 meters, which once she reached the apex of her jump, she would discharge a second time, allowing her quickly descend onto the opponent's position with the spear aimed at her skull. The initial use of Vorpal Jump was utilized at the same time as Blue Fire Release, due to Mirabelle's mastery of the CFS allowing such. It would also net her a single Void Infusion.

( Aoi Katon ) - Blue Fire Release
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B - S (S)
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 20 - 40
Damage: 40 - 80 (80 + 10 via AP + 30 via Bijuu + 20 via Yin Specialist Perk + 20 via September = 160)
Description: A skill unique to the Two-Tails and it's Jinchuriki, this jutsu allows the user to manipulate Blue Fire in an assortment of ways. Formed after making the appropriate handseals, this allows the user to release blue flames in the form of fireballs, streams of fire, and even blue flame based familiars to attack on the user's command. These Flames carry no properties of Blue Fire beside the basic variant which shares the same traditional properties of normal Fire Release except the weakness to Water.
Note: This can only be used by Matatabi and it's Jinchuriki.
Note: Intangible or Spiritual Blue Flames can only be utilized if their respective skills have been acquired.
( Kyuu-tsuki ) - September (Passive)
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( +50 per turn ) ( -50 per turn to an opponent )
Damage: N/A ( -20 to an opponent's technique )
Description: September is a small orb-like self-sustained chakra battery that can be pre-charged with basic chakra, or senjutsu chakra. If charged with basic chakra it will be compatible with any non-hostile shinobi. The battery has two capabilities called charge and drain. Charge allows a shinobi to draw chakra from the battery or apply it to their techniques and drain allows the battery to draw chakra from a shinobi or their techniques. The battery has a max capacity of 10% of the wielder's normal chakra supply.

Charge: While in direct contact with the battery or while it is on their person a shinobi can passively absorb chakra directly from the battery through contact. It can be used while still hidden or in a pouch not needing to be pulled out. It allows the shinobi to draw up to 10% of their chakra supply from the battery at a rate of fifty per turn allowing for them to regain chakra or to supply exhausted allies with chakra. It can also be used to provide senjutsu chakra instead of chakra at a quicker rate allowing them to gain ten percent of their chakra as senjutsu chakra passively, this senjutsu chakra allows them to enter Sage Mode but can only be done once usually exhausting the battery. When exhausted the battery is still able to use its drain ability. Alternatively, like the name implies the battery can be used to charge a technique with ten extra chakra providing it a twenty damage boost. This is done in the same timeframe as the augmented technique and can only be done twice with a two-turn cool-down.

Drain: If a hostile individual tries to use the battery it will absorb their chakra instead of giving them chakra at a rate of fifty chakra stolen per turn. The wielder of the battery is also able to instigate this process passively by making direct contact with the opponent allowing them to instigate the process stealing fifty chakra per turn where contact is made. Additionally, through this draining ability, the battery is able to steal ten chakra from a technique causing it to weaken by twenty damage. This is similar to the capabilities of the Scientific Ninja Tool: ( Abusōbu Ude ) - Absorption Arm on a much lower and more basic scale. Where that can absorb entire jutsu this battery can only absorb ten chakra storing it in the battery. This portion of the drain ability will cost a move slot, can only be used once per turn and only twice per battle.
Note: The wielder can only carry a single chakra battery
Note: Must state the ratio of basic chakra to senjutsu chakra that is found in the battery
(Anesidora) - Anesidora (Passive)
Type: Technology
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: (Varies)
Damage: N/A
Anesidora is a Camera that comes with two Bangles that are worn on each of the user’s wrists. The Bangles act like “printers” for the user, capable of creating light copies (colour custom to user, cannot be invisible) of solid chakra Tools and Weapons that the user has photographed previously. The user can passively create freeform standard tools and weapons in their hands from the Bangles and they always look like solid chakra “wireframes” of the weapons or tools they’re mimicking; the user can substitute tools in techniques with this version of the weapons. If they’re Kunai, Shuriken, Metal Cards or small thrown tools like that any amount can be created around the user - larger weapons like swords are created in the hand. Even though they’re “wireframe” chakra copies, they act like the standard weapon they’re mimicking. Anesidora can mimic weapons needed for the user's custom fighting styles and create them in their hands or on their person at will without the user needing to carry them around. These tools can have seals placed or already placed on them recorded in the camera, the kanji or pattern take a wireframe look as well.

The real usage of this technique however is that this Camera stores the memory of Jutsu as well. The User can look through the Camera lense and can take a picture of a shape manipulated technique, examining the taken Jutsu and it’s structure in a Three-Dimensional shape and what abilities/strength it possesses and will store or print a copy for the user whether it be projected out from the bracelets or from the front of the Camera itself until formed and performs/sustains on it’s own - a Chakra deduction is made from the user's chakrapool which reflects the amount of chakra inputted into the taken technique. The created constructs will also have a Wireframe effect made purely of Chakra that is neutral to everything, the Wireframe construct can do what it’s original could do but instead of an “Earth Entity” firing “Earth spikes” it would be a Wireframe entity with a similar appearance firing “Wireframe Spikes” that can stab targets. If the printed entity can perform elemental jutsu up to a certain rank, this is replaced with Wireframe Constructs from the ground or their own body (Which are down to the user’s imagination) up to that certain rank, relevant chakra for the chosen rank construct much be deducted still (30 for A-Rank, 40 for S-Rank). The Construct lasts until a new Construct is made, sustained by the Camera which stores 150 Chakra Points, deducting -40 per turn that a construct is active. The user can passively give the camera 10 chakra a turn when there isn't a construct active.

Note: The user can have one of their own jutsu chosen to be “stored” in Anesidora. Posted with this technique in the relevant Technology and Artefact section or posted at the beginning of a Fight.
Note: The Copied Jutsu can be from the user or the opponent, they can be summons, entities or creations. Their strength is the same and their abilities are mimicked through Wireframe meshes (Within reason) which are neutral to everything. Unless they have unique abilities which cannot be copied as it's impossible for a Wireframe construct to use Yin parasites for example or to utilise absorption in any way.
Note: The user can take a Picture three times per battle, but only have one Construct on a field active at a time. When a Construct is destroyed it cannot be used again unless taken a Picture of again.
⥥ ( Doragūn Tamashī ) - Dragoon's Soul ⥥ (Reference)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The "Dragoon's Soul" takes the form of a bodily seal tattoo that holds the likeness of a Dragon, of which is primarily printed across the back of any and all users of the Dragoon Style, the appearance of which varies from user-to-user but each maintains a consistent theme of the Dragon's various parts being seen extending throughout the user's body, some examples being down their shoulders/arms or their waist/legs. This seal functionally serves as a housing and highway for "Draconic Might" throughout the user's body, which is functionally a cocktail combination of built up Tension Force absorbed from the muscles of the user -frequently seen in the flexing or straining of muscle tissue- and the integration of raw Chakra that serves as an amplifier and manifestable source of energy that gives directable control of the force. The aforementioned Tension Force is absorbed and stored through the Seal placed upon the user; a perpetual draw to charge the battery that is the Seal that comes as a result of even the slightest movement the user produces. This is done passively and is without a scaling system due to the abundance of the force it feeds upon at any given point in time. Once this built up force has been infused with Chakra, it becomes "Draconic Might" which can be directed either to key parts of the user's body, namely the legs for things such as boosts in speed, strength in lunges or leaps, or in certain circumstances, as projective force, depending on the technique that is utilized. Through the harnessing of a physical force such as Tension Force, all manifestations of Dragoon techniques that relies on chakra as a means of projection carries with it an inherent physicality to it that belies the raw chakra that it is infused with, often showing in a distinguishing manner of a thermal radiative wave that rolls off of any chakra (or Draconic Might) that is produced by the User. As a result, any use of Draconic Might is treated as physical damage. As a result of their physicality and the advanced nature of projecting pure chakra, all forms of Dragoon Style techniques that utilize Draconic Might and their interactions are treated as neutral.
-Must have this technique posted in reference on the user's biography in order to utilize the style and counts as one of their maximum bodily seals.
⥥ (Vuōparu Janpu) - Vorpal Jump ⥥
Type: Offensive / Supplementary
Rank: D-B (B)
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 10-20
Damage: N/A (+10, +15, +20 to Bukijutsu-style attack)
Description: Vuōparu Janpu (or Vorpal Jump) is the trademark technique that all practitioners of the Dragoon Style learn first and foremost, and is the foundation for all of it's fundamental abilities. Through the concentration of a specified amount of chakra into the user's legs as a means of reinforcement, a singular circular seal with form along the soles of both the user's feet before releasing a discharge of concentrated energy downward in tandem to the generic motions required of a jump. As a result, the discharge will often dramatically propel the user in an upward direction, carrying them as high as 20 meters, scaling based on the rank and thus strength of the discharge (D-rank up to 10 meters, C-rank up to 15 meters, B-rank up to 20 meters) before resulting in a downward descent that is instigated by a second discharge of the same strength as the first, propelling the Dragoon in a designated direction stated by the user in their usage, traveling at 2x their base speed for the duration of travel. If a direction is not specified, the default is downward. Through the use of this propelling force, the user enhances the strength of their next Bukijutsu-style technique, or in any case that the user's polearm is effectively used as the means of attack, scaling to the level of discharge chosen.
-Must have an active polearm-style weapon in order to use.
-Once initiated, cannot be canceled unless using "Vorpal Redirect."

(Mukō: Senmon Chūnyū) – Void: Specialized Infusion (Passive)
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: A
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Whenever the user uses a technique within a field of their specializations, they have a 25% chance to gain a single Void Infusion, occurring at most once every two turns.
(Suiryoku) - Thrust
Type: Offensive
Rank: D - B (B)
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 20 - 40 (40 + 20 = 60)
Description: One of the simplest moves in Bukijutsu, the user will thrust their weapon at the opponent with a rapid motion, striking them very quickly. Due to the speed of a thrust in comparison to a slash it moves slightly faster than the user's speed, adding a plus two speed modifier to the attack.
Just poor.

As Mirabelle atempts to produce the massive burst of blue flames, Isabella revokes it on the spot, corrupting it halfway its path to the void to return it back to Mirabelle, point blank, as a distorted explosion of purple energy. It would catch her most likely unaware, as it would burst through her defenses while she was preparing to jump, causing her to trip and fall hideously on the ground. It would deal 160 damage and drain 8 sanity from you. Simultaneously, Teca would blink, as her 9th tail grows, and her eyes would showcase the Temporal Uchuu Shinkaigan, mirroring Isabella. With her right hand, Isabella would atempt to feed the fox with a string of her hair, but the fox would not accept it.

( Shinkaigan Dōjutsu: Sansai ) – Abyssal Eye Technique: Monsoon
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A-S ( A )
Range: Mid-Long
Chakra: 50-70 ( 50 )
Damage: N/A
Description: Monsoon is an advanced Temporal technique of the Shinkaigan, following the process of Reed Marsh. While Monsoon is capable of reversing a technique back to the Void, it will halt its process halfway, resulting not in a full reversion as if the technique had never been used in the first place, but in partial reversion whereas the technique will physically implode ( reversion into the Void ) and explode outwards as an energetic outburst of purple miasma, reminiscent of Shimmering Depths which can reach up to Short-Range ( 5 Meters ), carrying the original damage of the reversed technique. Monsoon is most powerful when the technique being reversed is within short range of the opponent, like a spat technique, and will harm the user if the technique being reversed is materialized within short range of the user. If the technique being reversed is damage less, the ensuing explosion will be damageless as well.

Note: Monsoon requires 1 turn between usages in order to be cast again. A rank can only be used 5 times per battle, S rank can only be used 3 times per battle. After either use, this technique cannot be used for 1 turn and if S rank is used, this or Shinkaigan techniques of equal rank cannot be used for 1 turn. The ensuing purple outburst deals spiritual damage, rather than physical damage. The A rank Monsoon can be used in the same time frame as another damageless Temporal Technique, increasing the chakra tier by +10, and granting the Temporal Technique the same characteristics as Monsoon. This can't be used on Forbidden Ranked techniques.
Note: Witnessing Monsoon drains sanity based on the regular Sanity rules.

Isabella Sanity: 100 - 1 = 99
1.4 Character develops a compulsion to feed any creature it sees with whatever food they may or may not have on hand. Lasts for two turns. 1/2

Kumiho Sanity: 100 - 4 = 96
1.7 Your character becomes afraid of heights. So much so that being ten or more meters above the ground reduces their concentration and makes hand seals take three times as long to use. Lasts for three turns. 1/3


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
As agreed, Mirabelle managed to dodge the explosion due to Vorpal Jump’s increased speed launching her away fast enough. I’ll continue with her now descending after the second discharge

Mirabelle winced as the draining of her sanity took its toll, a sensation she had grown accustomed to thanks to her primary ally. Despite her resistance, she couldn't help but feel the effects, her concentration momentarily faltering as she descended. A sudden fear of heights gripped her, clouding her thoughts briefly, but she quickly regained her resolve. She became a symbol of herself, a burning soul determined to overcome any obstacle.

With a defiant roar, Mirabelle embraced a transformation of her own invention, her physical being becoming infused with power. "Poor? Then just ask for some Ryou, dumb dumb!" she declared, slamming her spear into Isabella as intended and engulfing the duo in her powerful flames. The Blue Fire, mixed with Yin Release, struck her foes down in one swift motion. Activating a Void Infusion to further augment herself, Mirabelle rose from the impact, her eyes reflecting the flames she conjured. "Sup?" she said in a cool tone, her presence commanding. Those struck by her attack would find themselves subjected to the Burn Heal affliction as well. She would have also intentfully infused an additional ten chakra into her form, making it a bit harder to deal with chakra wise.

(Aoi Katon/Inton: Yōkai ) Blue Fire Release/Yin Release: Strange Apparition
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 60 ( -20 Per Turn) + 10 = 70
Damage: 120 + 30 via VIA + 30 via Bijuu + 10 Via Mind AP = 190
Description: Yōkai is a technique derived from "Blue Fire Release/Yin Release: Corrupting Hellblaze; borrowing on the concept of merging high amounts of Yin Energy into the Spiritual Blue Flames. What causes this technique to differ from its parent technique is applying the principles presented to the physique of the Jinchuriki instead. By surging the chakra throughout the body, the user immediately turns themselves into an embodiment of the mixture. This comes with some immediate benefits, as the user is no longer physically present and now in a spiritual flaming state, chakraless taijutsu techniques would simply pass through the user's form, gifting them complete immunity though of course. Anyone who passes through the user's form will be inflicted immediately with a high amount of spiritual damage, while also applying the "Burn Heal" to them, though targeted to their spiritual side instead as it burns away at it. This form naturally lasts three turns, in which the user is only capable of using Blue Fire Release, Fire Release and other non elemental based techniques. Other chakra based techniques are capable of interacting with the user, which if impact is made, the user still suffers damage directly upon impact. Once the technique ends, be willingly or not forces a cooldown time of three turns before being able to be used again, though in that same timeframe leaves the user unable to use Yin Release and Spiritual Blue Fire of A Rank and above.
(Iryo Ninjutsu: Hijoushoku ) Medical Technique: Emergency Provisions (Passive)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: D - Rank
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A basic application that demonstrates the superior chakra control traits of a medical ninja. Initially trained into understanding the essentials of chakra control - this technique seeks to emphasize on this to a certain degree. Passively activated, the user may use this technique to willingly allow an increment of +10 to be infused into a single technique of their choosing. This of course under normal circumstances would prove to be useless in battle - but in some situations such as with Fuinjutsu, Medical Ninjutsu or other abilities in general this proves to he highly beneficial. This can be used once per technique, capping at +10 chakra. This technique cannot be used in consecutive turns.
(Mukō: Senmon Akushon) – Void: Specialized Activation
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A Void Infused Artifact that is activated at the cost of a move but occurs instantly and within the same timeframe as the technique it is applied to. Specialized Activation costs two Void Infusions, being applied to a technique that the user’s biography is specialized in; this increases the specialized technique’s damage by 20 and by two bonus speed levels, if applicable. Alternatively, the user can activate Specialized Activation by applying a single Void Infusion obtained by Void: Specialized Infusion. When activated with a Void Infusion in this case, the damage boost is increased to 30. The applied technique also has its speed increased by 4 levels, if applicable. Can be activated three times per battle.
(Suiryoku) - Thrust

Type: Offensive
Rank: D - B (B)
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 20 - 40 (40 + 20 via Vorpal Jump = 60)
Description: One of the simplest moves in Bukijutsu, the user will thrust their weapon at the opponent with a rapid motion, striking them very quickly. Due to the speed of a thrust in comparison to a slash it moves slightly faster than the user's speed, adding a plus two speed modifier to the attack.

Sanity: 100 - 8 = 92 + 3 via Specialty = 95

Current Sanity Debuffs
Your character becomes afraid of heights. So much so that being ten or more meters above the ground reduces their concentration and makes hand seals take three times as long to use. Lasts for three turns.