Mirai's Lab


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
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"Life is a game of chess. Continue to make plays until it checks you; then if you're smart enough to avoid checkmate. Fortunately for you, fate has dealt you a bitter board, encountering ME"

Basic Information
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Name: Velvet Kureimoa
Nickname(s): Silver Eyed Witch, The Black Widow, Lust
Gender: Female
Age: Twenty - Six
Clan: Kureimoa Clan
Nindo: Yellow Flash

Looks: Velvet cuts a striking figure with her elegant yet enigmatic appearance. Standing tall (5'8) with an air of graceful confidence, she exudes an aura of mystery and allure. Her sharp features are framed by cascading waves of midnight black hair and ,which fall in silky tendrils around her face, adding to her enigmatic allure. Clad in attire that blends sophistication with a hint of mystique, Velvet's wardrobe reflects her refined tastes and penchant for the unconventional. She often dons sleek, form-fitting garments in rich, dark hues, accentuating her slender figure and commanding presence. Intricate lace details and subtle embroidery adorn her clothing, adding a touch of elegance to her ensemble. Velvet's fashion choices often feature dramatic silhouettes and unexpected accents, such as billowing sleeves or asymmetrical cuts, lending her attire an air of intrigue and sophistication. She accessorize sparingly but deliberately, opting for statement pieces like ornate chokers or delicate chains that draw attention to her neckline. Overall, Velvet's appearance is a captivating blend of mystery, elegance, and refinement, leaving an indelible impression on all who encounter her.

( Yoton: Jaaku Amu ) Yang Release: Wicked Weaves
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short (Hair Reach), Short - Long (Releasing Ranged Techniques)
Chakra: 40 (-20 per turn)
Damage: 80
Description: Wicked Weaves is a unique technique; based on the concept of kunochi infusing chakra into their hair in order to weaponize it in combat. What makes this different from other techniques including Wild Lion's Mane Technique is through the infusion of Yang energy into the hair, it allows them to weaponize it to an even higher degree. Once active, the user’s hair harden’s enough to become more akin to a sword’s durability, but can be shaped into any form the user desires without costing a move, ranging from fists or legs to form Taijutsu, or even other weapons to perform Bukijutsu or Kenjutsu. One thing however is that it cannot be detached from the user, or else the chakra supplying it will be stripped from it and simply fall useless on the ground. The user also at the cost of a move directly strikes with the empowered hair, allowing them to deal 80 physical damage to the opponent. Due to the Yang energy flowing through the user’s hair, the constructs exhibit a level of sentience, allowing it to strike freely on behalf of its user without them needing to command it. And last but not least, Wicked Weaves also has a passive usage for half its chakra cost, but allows the user to lengthen, shorten or even change the color of their hair and its style aesthetically. Wicked Weaves can be posted within a user's biography allowing them to apply the passive application of this technique without taking up a technique usage. This can only be used thrice per battle, lasting three turns, to which once deactivated cannot be used for two turns afterwards. Can only be used by kunoichi (Female Shinobi).

Personality: Velvet exudes an air of regal confidence and ambition, commanding respect and attention wherever she goes. As a key figure in her family, she carries herself with authority and expects unwavering loyalty from those around her. With a refined sarcasm and inscrutable motives, she navigates social interactions with ease, often leaving others guessing about her true intentions. Utilizing her title of 'Lust' to its fullest extent, Velvet manipulates both physical allure and emotional appeal to bend others to her will. Patient and strategic, she approaches battles with calculated precision, leveraging every advantage at her disposal to secure victory. While her loyalty to the Claymores and her family, especially her father, is unwavering, there is one aspect of her nature she cannot deny - her insatiable Hunger. This primal urge, labeled a 'curse' by Velvet herself, drives her to seek out sustenance through the consumption of flesh and chakra. Despite her efforts to conceal this dark appetite, it occasionally surfaces, bringing her both ecstasy and torment. Though she strives to keep her desires hidden, the Hunger remains an ever-present force, lurking beneath the surface of her composed exterior.

Village Info.
Land of Birth: Land of Waterfalls
WSE Clan: N/A

Rank//Chakra Info.
Ninja Rank: Sage

Apex Hand Seal Specialist (Perfume)
You can perform techniques of a skill specialized in without the usage of hand seals, though you must still perform complementary and logical body movements related to the technique. This applies even if said jutsu does not have specific movements detailed in its description. Does not require another Specialty to utilize.

Apex Tracker Specialist
With more heightened senses, the user is capable of gaining a now increased x2.5 tracking. This allows him to physically track faster movement without chakra sensory.

Apex Layering Specialist
You can Multi-layer up to 2 Genjutsu within the same time frame, S+S rank combination.

Yin Specialist
Yin Specialists gain increased awareness of spiritual abilities, translating to the ability to detect any Genjutsu or spiritual technique affecting them below MS-level. This awareness also allows them to sense spiritual entities, like Katsuryoku spirits or Hungry Ghosts. Yin Specialists are also able to utilize Genjutsu Kai passively, up to B-Rank. Inducing Genjutsu on a target causes you to siphon some of their spiritual energy, augmenting your own spiritual prowess. For each illusion placed on a target(s) your spiritual techniques gain an effective 10 chakra and no more, 2 base speed levels stacking up to three times, and 10 damage stacking up to three times. The bonus is lost one turn after a target escapes from the illusion placed on them. They cannot be self-induced illusions or those applied to Summonings, Edo Tensei that belong to the user, and Chakra Creations

Naturalist Summoning Specialist (Spider Silk)
You may produce the same special skills as the animals of the contracts you've signed (e.g., Toad oil, Spider silk, snake venom, etc ). This only applies to one contract unless the user has Apex Summoning Specialist as well.

Sage Mode Mastery (Mode Master)
Mode Masters are more attuned to their contract animal or element, enhancing Sage Mode itself.


Basic Five Elemental Natures
Yang Release
Yin Release
Perfume Release
Algae Release
Dark Vacuity Release
Seraphic Water Release
Solar Wind Release

Your Ninjutsu: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu , Kenjutsu, Kaito Taijutsu, Kinjutsu, Fūinjutsu, Medical Ninjutsu, Kureimoa Clan Hiden, Sage Mode (Spiders)
Blood Contracts: Spider Summoning Contract
Custom Fighting Styles: Grimm Mane ~ Surreal Palm ~ Black Leg Taijutsu ~ Subduing Dragon Claw ~ Kyotoryu

Velvet's Attribute Points (27 AP):
Mind: 6 | Body: 5 | Spirit: 6 | Agility: 5 | Dexterity: 5 | Vitality: 0 (Chakra: 0 | Health: 0)

Background Info.

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"Show mercy? My love, this IS mercy. My brothers would have consumed you whole already at this point."

Velvet's upbringing was far from ordinary, shaped by the militaristic ambitions of her father, Frederick Kureimoa. As the eldest daughter and heir to his legacy, she was meticulously trained from a young age to embody the family's ideals of power and dominance. Despite her siblings' resentment, Velvet excelled in her training, leveraging her charisma and flair for theatrics to manipulate the political landscape of Tobusekai. By the time she reached sixteen, Velvet had already made a name for herself in the shinobi world, orchestrating covert operations to further her father's agenda. However, the escalating conflicts in the Eastern State thwarted their plans for expansion. In a strategic move, her father dispatched her to Chungsu, ostensibly to advance their interests, but secretly, Velvet saw it as an opportunity to explore the world beyond her family's influence. Her time in Chungsu proved to be a transformative experience, as she witnessed firsthand the chaos and devastation wrought by war. Despite the hardships, she emerged resilient, yet changed. When she finally returned home after four long years, she found Tobusekai ravaged by the Cataclysm, forcing the family to relocate to the Mainlands in search of a fresh start. Now, amidst the rubble of their shattered ambitions, Velvet and her family remain resolute in their mission for conquest. With a new chapter unfolding in the Mainlands, they are determined to rise once more, ready to topple any who dare oppose their reign.

Other Information
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Kureimoa Clan: Velvet isa descendant of the Kureimoa directly through her parents, Frederick and Priscilla Kureimoa. As a result- she has inherited their innate skill set; such as the ability to directly eat flesh and chakra in order to rejuvenate herself, manipulation of the dark energy known as Kurochi as well as having the cancerous appendage known as the Kagune within her. Due to her mastery of her clan's abilities; Velvet is a Phantasmal One- specifically sitting at #3 after the One Eyed King himself.

Kagune ♎ Shining Child

Type: Weapon
Rank: A - S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 60 - 80 (-40 per activation, -10 per turn)
Description: Not only did the Kureimoa develop a unique and foul chakra nature as a result of feeding on people for years, but they also garnered a curse, called Kagunes. The word Kagune in itself means "Shining Child" and is not as lovely as the name suggests. After years of dominating minor clans the Kureimoa turned to their eternal rivals; Jugo's Clan, and began ingesting their flesh, unknowingly metabolizing the chakra, which lead to their bodies ultimately turning this strange chakra and flesh into a small, cancerous growth which was later known as the "Kagune Sac". This strange piece of flesh positioned itself along the Kureimoa's spine and rested there, connecting itself to his/her nervous and chakra system like a parasite. By connecting to such a vital area on the body the Kureimoa are able to control and "flex" this Kagune sac like they would with any normal muscle. However, flexing this muscle is where this get interesting. With mental commands and a supply of chakra, the Kureimoa is able to draw the Kagune from their body and have it take form around him kind of like a liquid muscle. Kagunes are red-blackish in color coming from the color of the blood within it as well as the Kurochi surrounding it. The Kagune, when manifested, acts like another limb to the user and can be used as such with the durability of an A ranked technique which can play on par with Elemental Ninjutsu of the same rank. And just like their hosts, the Kureimoa, the Kagune is able to regenerate--albeit at a slower and more inferior rate considering it isn't exactly their own flesh. Each time the Kagune is called upon it tears through the skin quite forcefully which often times sends blood and pieces of flesh scattering from the Kureimoa's body. But, with their aforementioned healing factor this becomes negligable as the damage is healed almost as quickly as it was made. Being an organ, the Kagune can be commanded as easily as any other limb. Kurochi also covers and infuses the Kagune in various ways depending on the form taken. The Kagune and Kurochi each have A-ranked power, allowing the weapon in its entirety S-ranked durability. It seamlessly and passively regenerates from attacks A-Rank and below. This regeneration also extends to attacks above A-Rank but is more limited in use. Attacks stronger than S-Rank will shatter the Kagune but it can regenerate once from a Forbidden ranked attack and twice from an S ranked attack.

As previously stated, Kagune has 4 main forms, each one corresponding to the location it is projecting out of the Claymore's body, with their own unique usages, advantages and disadvantages. The location where the Kagune will project itself out of will be necessary to give it the shape needed. Its form can be changed but doing so forces the organ back inside the body, where it will relocate after one turn, and re-emerge (doing so cannot bypass any existing cool downs and counts as a re-activation). The color of each Kagune may vary per Claymore as well as unique variations (to be submitted as PCCJ). The Kagune can be activated passively once per fight/conflict, four times overall, with a four turn cool down each time it is deactivated. Lasts as long as the Claymore keeps paying health.

(Ukaku || 羽赫) Shining Feather
The first type of the Kagune which grows in the cervical vertebrae. When activated, the organ bursts from the Claymore's back as a pair of wings. Each wing has a bony support structure running its edges while Kurochi forms a thin membrane in between. This allows the Claymore a limited form of flight and gliding, which can be used to travel up to Mid-range at their base speed. The Claymore also gains he user gains a projectile offensive mechanism, where the Kagune is able to release kunai sized shards of Kurochi to 10 meters (Mid-range). These shards are A-Rank in power and cannot be done while in flight. This ability has a two turn cool down.

(Kōkaku || 甲赫) Shining Shell
The second type is activated upon having the organ grow or move to the thoracic vertebrae. In this form the Kagune forms an outer shell over the Claymore's arm that behaves like a sword or cleaver. Kurochi flares around the Kagune in this form and can allow it pierce or slice through techniques up to S-rank. The Kōkaku form can only reach up to 3 meters of the Claymore but can be operated in close range at the speed of the average Samurai due to its small form and lightweight material. The Kurochi enhancement can only be done once every two turns.

(Rinkaku || 鱗赫) Shining Scales
The third type is created with the growing or moving of the organ in the Lumbar vertebrae which gives the user the ability to call forth tentacles from the spine, up to 4 in number or just one (four B-ranks or one A-rank). Kurochi infuses the Kagune in this form, allowing it to devour anything it touches. For techniques lower in power than the Rinkaku, can be devoured whilst attacking to supply the Claymore (through Primeval Gluttony CCJ). The ability to devour and return chakra can only be activated once every two turns after which the Rinkaku will still function as an offensive weapon. The Rinkaku is also the second Kagune form that can reach up to 10 meters when attacking (Mid ranged).

(Bikaku || 尾赫) Shining Tail
The last kind, which is created from having the organ move to the sacrum, will project itself out from the skin in form of a flexible tail. Being made of almost entirely muscle, the Bikaku swings with enough strength to break bones and send tremors through the ground. With the added Kurochi outer layer, it is an S-ranked weapon, capable of dealing serious damage. It can also be used to cover the Claymore's leg instead, for added Taijutsu damage (+20 to leg based Tai). Once activated the ability lasts two turns, with a two turn cool down. The Bikaku can only reach up to four meters of the Claymore's body.

Note: Must be at least Ghoul rank to possess.
Note: Choosing to have a Kagune prevents the Claymore from utilizing any other CW's and must be mentioned in the biography.

Sage Mode: Velvet is capable of using Sage Mode, more specifically the Spider Contract's variant. She is also on a journey to master the very mode as a result. She is capable of utilizing the Perfect and Imperfect Version of the Mode Respectively.

Runic Inscriptions: As a user of Fuinjutsu - Velvet has a wondrous assortment of seals located across her body.
Iryo Hijutsu: Herena no ibutsu - Hidden Medical Art: Relics of Helena † Arc of Abstinence
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: 20(X2 if used to augment the relics)
Damage: N/A
Description: To use the Relics of Helena, the user must have a unique sealing mark while each has its own duty. The sealing script is in the form of a small crucifix tattoo on the user's back. The relic's aim is to further advance passive medical jutsu, either by using them alternatively or by taking them to another level. However, some of this improved medical practices would now require some chakra to be spent if they don't require chakra before. Rudimentary medical practices which are passive in nature are the "Power of Resistance", "Diagnosis", "Extraction", "Blood Coagulation" and "Cleanse". however this particular relic only works for Power of Resistance.

Arc of Abstinence is a sealing script that is in the form of a small crucifix seal. It is represented by kanji for "resist" and thus it augments one's power of resistance. Basic power of resistance requires no chakra input but with the addition of chakra sealed within the seal of abstinence, power of resistance is taken to another level. The newly advanced power of resistance not only maintains its primary duties, it goes further to augmenting the user's anatomy from more factors that's affects him. It also goes beyond the anatomy and add power of resistance to the user's mind and body seals. The default "power of resistance" must be in use before the seal can be activated and like the default, the seal is passively activated albeit one would spend chakra this time but only to activate the seal.
In addition to getting a boost to one's natural resistance to disease, poison, toxins, acids, alkaline substances, etc and because this is done by an invisible warm barrier(shield) around one's body, the seal flushes sealed medical chakra into the user's chakra network, which is used solely to increase the density and power of the resistance aura around the user's anatomy. The user uses this premise and create a tougher and advanced form of non-physical shield, though now would not only shield the user's body as a whole but would shield every cells on his body. This makes it able to withstand higher level bio hazards more potent than those originally mentioned, even to some extent, stop the decay(natural) of tissues and cells(cosmetic). This would also make the cells resistance to radioactive decay. Elaborately, this means, one's resistance to the effects now are enhanced and would even shield the user if it were enemy techniques, though the only thing that won't affect the user is the effects(venom, disease, bioharzards, etc) within the technique, the user is still susceptible to anything else like heat, shock, force, sharpness, impact etc., that might come with the technique.
The arc of abstinence not only works for the anatomy which is the physical, but also works for the spiritual thus at the same time, it also creates a shield around ones mind. This also increases one's mind resistance to foreign intrusion. The mind would resist any form of mind reading, control, false emotion implant and emotional effect arising from infusion of foreign chakra. This however does not resist genjutsu but would resist residual effect from genjutsu which affects the mind, like pain, fear, perception of time, etc. This means it can resist residual effect from S-rank and below genjutsu only and cannot resist effects from MS level genjutsu in any form. The user's chakra also is influenced by the power of resistance, however, it only resist external phenomenon from siphoning away or sealing off the user's chakra, unless the user has something to do with it or with the user's consent. By spending "double" the chakra when activating arc of abstinence, the power of resistance would extend to the Relics of Helena. Spending double the chakra would make the relics be able to resist any form of seal corrupting technique(so far the techniques don't harm the medium on which the seals are placed), thus the reason why double chakra is spent, as half of the total chakra is focused on fortifying the relics.
Though the seal is merely supplementary and cause no harm in any way, they have their drawbacks due to the user's advanced exertion of medical fuinjutsu, using normal fuinjutsu while the relics are in use costs +10 more chakra if they are A-rank and above.

(Fuinjutsu/Kenjutsu : Shi no Ōgama) - Sealing/Sword Arts: Lost Blades
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage points: N/a
Description: Lost blades is a very unique type of technique. Applying both sealing techniques with kenjutsu, making the technique, Lost Blades. The user will apply a seal on the blade portion of their sword. Doing this, the user is able to slash at anything that pertains to chakra in it, be it medical chakra, other forms of chakra. (excludes senjutsu or fuinjutsu). By doing this, the moment the user slashes at something, the seal instantly activates, sealing the chakra inside said technique, allowing for the slash to disperse the technique. This makes it look like everything the user cuts at, gets slashed and dispersed.
Note: Can use two times per battle
Note: Both Fuin and Kenjutsu is S rank, allowing the user to seal S rank and below
Note: The seal is pre-applied to the sword before battle. After usage, the user has to manually apply the seal to the sword again (This portion does not take up a move slot, but using the technique does)
Note: Seal stays dormant until clashes with other technique

(Fuuin: Hakari no Doragon) - Sealing Technique: Scales of the Dragon
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A (-40 on activation)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user has a seal on their body with the Kanji for "Impervious" that automatically activates upon the user being struck with a Taijutsu attack. A barrier instantly forms over the user (before the user can be harmed) and mitigates the damage dealt by the strike and any subsequent strikes encompassed in the technique or freeform combo. Whether a Taijutsu technique deals one single hit or a multitude of them, each activation of this seal will defend one single Taijutsu attack/combo, be it freeform or a technique. The effect of the barrier is to reduce rather than eliminate the damage the user takes from being struck physically by the opponent so it will only halve the damage of any Taijutsu technique no matter how powerful (e.g. S-Ranks will fall to 40 damage, D-Ranks will fall to 10 damage). Due to this seal only reducing damage rather protecting the user completely, it acts as a failsafe more than anything else in case the user is caught unawares by someone much faster than them. The user’s body will sustain the remaining damage after the barrier halves it’s power.

Note: Can only be used twice per battle
Note: User still takes half the damage
Note: Only applies to Taijutsu techniques
Note: No S-Rank or above Fuuin in that turn or next

(Fuinjutsu: Gyaku rirīsu) Sealing Technique: Release Inverse
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Self
Chakra: N/A (-40 Upon Activation)
Damage: N/A
Description: Reverse Inverse is a very intricate fuinjutsu technique, applied to the users body as a body seal. This technique is used in response to techniques that bind the users, this ranges from anything such as genjutsu or yamanaka techniques all the way to a fuuinjutsu , physical handcuffs or even an earth technique that physically binds the user (This applies to any elemental technique that binds/hinders the user). Upon being the binded, the seal will instantly activate, flooding chakra. If the user is binded by elemental means or physical means, chakra will flood into the technique or weapon breaking it, dispersing it or destroying it as a whole. If the technique is mental, it will flood the users body with chakra, refreshing the users chakra network system. This will break the mental binding.

Note: Technique can only be used once
Note: Must State this in bio, or start of bio.
Note: Cant use any fuinjutsu above S rank in the same or following turn.

(Fuinjutsu: Kyūmin Erementarudomein) Sealing Style: The Dormants Domain
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 (-10 per turn, -20 per turn if used twice)
Damage: 80
Description: This technique has an application of both a body seal and a active regular fuin seal, being able to brand their body with the Kanji utilizing the technique. By applying this technique onto the user, (Be it in the start or mid way through the battle) the seal will activate causing said element to form into a small creature on their shoulders roughly the size of pakon (Kakashis Dog) This element can range from the basic elements, Advance Element, or Custom element but it needs to have an element component to it. Once the seal is active it stays dormant until an enemy is within short range. Once an enemy is within short range, the elemental creature that is on said body will instantly use a technique from said element that their body is composed of, of equal rank or lesser by using their own body as that source but having to be a projectile technique or a defensive technique that doesnt spawn larger than five meters around the user. Once the technique activates, the said creature would then disperse which the user is able to apply another seal on them, replicating this technique but will cost double the chakra to sustain it.

Note: Technique stays dormant until use
Note: Technique used from the creature can be defensive or offensive in nature, not supplementary and cant be a stream nor continuous
Note: This technique can be applied before battle in said bio. By doing this it can be activated as soon as the battle start.
Note: if applied a second time it uses double the amount of chakra to sustain said technique until active
Note: Can only be used twice per battle

Scientific Tools:
( Kyuu-tsuki ) - September (200 Chakra )
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( +50 per turn ) ( -50 per turn to an opponent )
Damage: N/A ( -20 to an opponent's technique )
Description: September is a small orb-like self-sustained chakra battery that can be pre-charged with basic chakra, or senjutsu chakra. If charged with basic chakra it will be compatible with any non-hostile shinobi. The battery has two capabilities called charge and drain. Charge allows a shinobi to draw chakra from the battery or apply it to their techniques and drain allows the battery to draw chakra from a shinobi or their techniques. The battery has a max capacity of two hundred chakra.

Charge: While in direct contact with the battery or while it is on their person a shinobi can passively absorb chakra directly from the battery through contact. It can be used while still hidden or in a pouch not needing to be pulled out. It allows the shinobi to draw up to two hundred chakra from the battery at a rate of fifty per turn allowing for them to regain chakra or to supply exhausted allies with chakra. It can also be used to provide senjutsu chakra instead of chakra at a quicker rate allowing them to gain ten percent of their chakra as senjutsu chakra but can only be done once usually exhausting the battery. When exhausted the battery is still able to use its drain ability. Alternatively, like the name implies the battery can be used to charge a technique with ten extra chakra providing it a twenty damage boost. This is done in the same timeframe as the augmented technique and can only be done twice with a two-turn cool-down.

Drain: If a hostile individual tries to use the battery it will absorb their chakra instead of giving them chakra at a rate of fifty chakra stolen per turn. The wielder of the battery is also able to instigate this process passively by making direct contact with the opponent allowing them to instigate the process stealing fifty chakra per turn where contact is made. Additionally, through this draining ability, the battery is able to steal ten chakra from a technique causing it to weaken by twenty damage. This is similar to the capabilities of the Scientific Ninja Tool: ( Abusōbu Ude ) - Absorption Arm on a much lower and more basic scale. Where that can absorb entire jutsu this battery can only absorb ten chakra storing it in the battery. This portion of the drain ability will cost a move slot, can only be used once per turn and only twice per battle.
Note: The wielder can only carry a single chakra battery
Note: Must state the ratio of basic chakra to senjutsu chakra that is found in the battery

(Shizukesa) Hush
Type: Tool
Rank: D - S Rank
Range: Short (Explosion & Absorption), Short - Long (Travel Range)
Chakra Cost: 10 - 40
Damage: 20 - 80
Description: Hush is a special designed ninja tool that utilized the “Absorption Arm” as a basis for its production – though many are surprised by this due to weapon being in the form of an umbrella or parasol. The overall design of the tool is highly durable in nature, allowing it to physically tank one S rank before being rendered useless, two A ranks but remains undamaged by B ranks and below while also doubling as a physical weapon that can be used in free form close combat. It also has a sword hidden within it’s structure which uses the handle as a hilt and the other base piece as a sheathe, which can be launched out at the press of a button (freeform) to strike the opponent rather quickly for a surprise attack.

Moving onto the chakra related powers, the ferrule of the umbrella has the ability to release a barrier of chakra with similar to that of it’s predecessor where it intakes the chakra into the weapon itself but what makes it differ from the two is that the sphere doesn’t expand in size, but rather returns into the weapon swiftly. Once the chakra is absorbed into the weapon, it acts as a “charge” to the weapons second chakra related ability. The absorption is done via specific fuinjutsu formula located on the top that then releases the barrier.

After the absorption of the chakra the user is able to return the attack at the enemy as a chakra blast, moving at the speed of a Lightning Technique but dealing damage based on the rank of the jutsu absorbed. Although it moves in a linear path, the explosion radius is five meters; meaning simply dodging the path of the blast wouldn’t always be enough to avoid it completely.

This of course isn’t the lonesome way to “charge” the tool, as the user may willingly infuse his/her own chakra into the umbrella itself in order to fuel it, dealing damage based on the amount of chakra is placed into it. The absorbing of an enemy technique counts as a move each, but absorbing and releasing it back can be done within the same time frame and counting as one move if used like this but the user can simply absorb the chakra and store it without sending it back.

Charging the weapon with chakra from the user is done passively but sending it as a blast counts as a move, with the chakra amount ranging from 10 (D) to 40 (S), thus the user must spend chakra based on the rank in order to fire the blast. The user however can only retain a certain amount of chakra inside of the umbrella with its max being 200. While the umbrella’s firing/absorbing (each one separately) mechanism can be done once every two turns, while S ranks can only be done twice per battle causing it go on cool down for three turns instead. A rank can be done thrice while B rank and below can be used collectively 6 times a battle. The design of the umbrella is cosmetic, allowing for various coloration and patterns to suit a person's need.

(Anesidora) - Anesidora
Type: Technology
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: (Varies)
Damage: N/A
Anesidora is a Camera that comes with two Bangles that are worn on each of the user’s wrists. The Bangles act like “printers” for the user, capable of creating light copies (colour custom to user, cannot be invisible) of solid chakra Tools and Weapons that the user has photographed previously. The user can passively create freeform standard tools and weapons in their hands from the Bangles and they always look like solid chakra “wireframes” of the weapons or tools they’re mimicking; the user can substitute tools in techniques with this version of the weapons. If they’re Kunai, Shuriken, Metal Cards or small thrown tools like that any amount can be created around the user - larger weapons like swords are created in the hand. Even though they’re “wireframe” chakra copies, they act like the standard weapon they’re mimicking. Anesidora can mimic weapons needed for the user's custom fighting styles and create them in their hands or on their person at will without the user needing to carry them around. These tools can have seals placed or already placed on them recorded in the camera, the kanji or pattern take a wireframe look as well.

The real usage of this technique however is that this Camera stores the memory of Jutsu as well. The User can look through the Camera lense and can take a picture of a shape manipulated technique, examining the taken Jutsu and it’s structure in a Three-Dimensional shape and what abilities/strength it possesses and will store or print a copy for the user whether it be projected out from the bracelets or from the front of the Camera itself until formed and performs/sustains on it’s own - a Chakra deduction is made from the user's chakrapool which reflects the amount of chakra inputted into the taken technique. The created constructs will also have a Wireframe effect made purely of Chakra that is neutral to everything, the Wireframe construct can do what it’s original could do but instead of an “Earth Entity” firing “Earth spikes” it would be a Wireframe entity with a similar appearance firing “Wireframe Spikes” that can stab targets. If the printed entity can perform elemental jutsu up to a certain rank, this is replaced with Wireframe Constructs from the ground or their own body (Which are down to the user’s imagination) up to that certain rank, relevant chakra for the chosen rank construct much be deducted still (30 for A-Rank, 40 for S-Rank). The Construct lasts until a new Construct is made, sustained by the Camera which stores 150 Chakra Points, deducting -40 per turn that a construct is active. The user can passively give the camera 10 chakra a turn when there isn't a construct active.

Note: The user can have one of their own jutsu chosen to be “stored” in Anesidora. Posted with this technique in the relevant Technology and Artefact section or posted at the beginning of a Fight.
Note: The Copied Jutsu can be from the user or the opponent, they can be summons, entities or creations. Their strength is the same and their abilities are mimicked through Wireframe meshes (Within reason) which are neutral to everything. Unless they have unique abilities which cannot be copied as it's impossible for a Wireframe construct to use Yin parasites for example or to utilise absorption in any way.
Note: The user can take a Picture three times per battle, but only have one Construct on a field active at a time. When a Construct is destroyed it cannot be used again unless taken a Picture of again.

(Bīkon) Beacon
Type: Tool
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: As the Kote has gained notoriety among Shinobi, Samurai too have looked at the technology as a way to expand their arsenal. The Beacon is an altered Kote, capable not of using Ninjutsu, but of preforming Summoning in place of the user, intended for use by Samurai. A beacon has a disk inside it upon which a summoning contract is inscribed, much like how one would sign a traditional contract. Unlike Kote, to use the Beacon does require chakra - an equal amount as would be required to normally preform a Summoning, but unlike traditional summons, the Beacon acts as its namesake, allowing Summons to pull themselves to the wielder's location.
*Note: Allows Summoning to be preformed by Samurai.
*Note: Chakra Cost and Damage are dependent on the Summoning being used.
*Note: Use of the Beacon itself is passive, but the Summoning still consumes a moveslot.
*Note: The Beacon can only be attuned to one Contract at a time.

Theme Song and Background Music

Won: 0
Lost: 0

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Jan 14, 2009
Trait Points
Basic Information

Keotsu Akarusa
Age: 25
Clan: -

Appearance: Rather nondescript in appearance, Keotsu is an adult man of average height with an athletic build, typical of a man his age who is enlisted in the Samurai in that he is fit and muscular, but not burly. He has long brown hair, reaching halfway down his back at its longest point, and has eyes the color of jade.

Unlike most Samurai who wear traditional armor and attire, Keotsu dresses in a more European style, his outfit consisting of a jack of plates, a quilted tunic that has small armor plates sewn between the two layers of fabric, with the torso and sleeves being different colors; light brown trousers that are reinforced in order to offer protection both as armor and against the elements; and dark brown leather boots that are fashioned with greaves that cover up to his knees. The boots themselves are reinforced with a combination of hardened leather and steel, with a unique mechanism containing chakra metal being housed within the sole, but such an apparatus is not visible to the eye from the outside. A pauldron adorns his left shoulder, with a pattern inlaid into it made of silver, though the insignia emblazoned on it seems to be of unknown origin. Additionally, he wears leather gauntlets with decorated steel bracers. Miscellaneous belts and pouches are added as needed.

Occasionally he wears a suit of plated armor of similar style and appearance for when heavy combat is anticipated, outfitted with the usual armaments found in a complete set of Samurai armor.

Despite the obvious military applications of his garb, he seems to emit an aura of kindness.
Personality: A kind and compassionate soul tempered by the harshness of reality, Keotsu is regarded as direct and empathetic, with a strong desire to assist those in need, though a dose of pragmaticism has tempered that desire with logic, with age. Though educated and increasingly observant, his usually trusting nature can see him taken advantage of and placed in unfavorable situations, and while he does not actively seek to do so, appears to be charismatic and a capable leader.

Village Info

Land of Birth: Hachiman’s Bulwark
WSE Clan: -

Rank//Chakra Info

Samurai Rank: Sannin

Personal Summoning Specialist: The first of Eden's Chosen, Keotsu was the first to recieve access to the Columbidae Contract, even as a Samurai. The Columbidae Contract's Guardian, Agrias Oaks, accompanies Keotsu at basically all times.

Increased Tracking Specialist: Years of discipline and rigourous training have left Keotsu with incredible reaction speeds, such that he routinely uses falling water droplets to practice his Iaido. (Reaction Speed x2)

Apex Speed Specialist:

Years of strenuous physical training have left Keotsu incredibly physically capapble, and part of controlling a battle is being able to maneuver around the battlefield. Keotsu is notable for his remarkable speed. (+4 Speed)

The act of becoming a master swordsman requires one to hone both body and mind to their apex, lending to a stronger body, mind, and soul. [+25% | 400 Chakra]

ZX Buster Specialty:

Fire - Completed
Wind - Completed
Lightning - Completed
Earth - Completed
Water - Completed
Snow – Co-creator
Divine Wind - Student
Kenjutsu – Mastered
Samurai – Mastered
Taijutsu – Mastered
NB Taijutsu – Advanced Permissions Obtained – In progress
ZX Buster – Mastered
Contract Affiliation – Columbidae

Background Info

History: Pen left page and with a resounding thud a heavy tome closed for the final time. The author took a moment to reflect upon his work, placing the leather-bound book onto a shelf, filled with many others. Yet another story came to an end, but these characters played on myriad stages, and many more tales were yet to be revealed.

Pen met page, fresh and hungering for ink, as a new tome was opened before the author. In another time and place, this swordsman had another tale to be told, it seemed…

Keotsu was born in 786 to middle class parents on the Iron Peninsula, within the greatest city known to the Samurai, Hachiman’s Bulwark. His mother was a scholar and his father an apothecary, and as such enjoyed a mostly untroubled childhood. He received a fine education and, as is customary for many families, attended an academy that also prepared its students for potential service in a military setting, something Keotsu seemed to have an almost innate talent for. Amongst his peers he was nearly unrivaled when it came to skill with a blade, and he was able to quickly absorb many of the other teachings presented to them: chakra theory, mathematics, physical sciences, and the like.

Due to the nature of his parent’s careers, Keotsu was largely unaffected by the political squabbles, as they were far beyond the scope of their day to day lives. Despite his potential military prowess, but the time he was 17, in the year 803, he had decided to follow in his father’s footsteps and was studying to become an apothecary. However, a great sickness swept through Hachiman’s Bulwark, an illness that would ultimately claim the life of Keotsu’s mother, despite the efforts of her son and husband. Several people died from what would later be discovered to be a dangerous pathogen inadvertently released into the primary water source for the city. Keotsu’s father, as did many other healers, helped save a great many lives through their medicines, but not all could be saved. Keotsu would lose his father to the rage of a grief-stricken widower, who was convinced that Keotsu’s father had sold him bad medicine. In a conflict, he slew Keotsu’s father with a blade – Keotsu, in a rage, slew the man in kind. Despite the grisliness of the incident, there was a large degree of understanding in the community, and there was no ostracizing of Keotsu.

Despite this, Keotsu found himself suddenly without the support of his family, and grief stricken. He needed a way to support himself, and lacked the funds to try and become an apprentice under another apothecary, much less procure and maintain his own shop.

Tightly budgeting what inheritance he had from his parents, Keotsu began acting as a sell-sword, knowing the need for capable fighters was high even in the far north, and his level of skill saw no shortage of covet.

Over the next few years Keotsu would build a reputation as a reliable mercenary for higher, though he was mostly employed alongside local governments just for assistance.

Now, in the current year, Keotsu is 27 years of age and has a reputation as a renowned swordsman, and after collecting a sizeable savings, has contemplated taking on the life of a traveling adventurer.

Mythos, the Blade of Heaven: A legendary blade that seems impervious to effects beyond the will of its wielder, Keotsu carries this weapon with him at essentially all times.

Infinite One-Sword Style: Having pioneered a unique style of Kenjutsu, Keotsu tends to carry uniquely bound cases of katana in order to use this style; some are simply bound bundles of swords, while others are mechanized cases needed to utilize the “Vector” technique.

Heavy Artillery Exploding Tags: A hallmark of Keotsu, he makes liberal use of a special variant of exploding tag commonly employed by Shinobi for situations were close-quarters combat is not always viable. He uses these alongside throwing knives, a trick he has learned through experience.

Samurai Armament: Keotsu owns a set of armor in similar style to his regular garb that is outfitted with traditional Samurai modifications, including a helmet that has a built into gas-mask to help filter poison, though it sees little use in this day and age. Like his usual attire, the boots are augmented in such a way to make the use of ZX Buster possible.

Leg Weights: As a method of constant training, Keotsu has a weighted attachment applied to his grieves, that can be easily removed in the need arises.

Scientific Tools:
Beacon (Columbidae)
Artifacts: -


Diagram of Keotsu’s Armor
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Theme Song and Background Music:


Won: -
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
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"Dunno what you expect when you decided to face me, I'm ME afterall!"

🗦 精神Basic Information 🗧
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Name: Mirabelle Anastasia - Eliana Uzumaki
Alias: Mirai, Sanguine Soul, Minx of Desire, Jinchuriki of the Nibi, Mimi
Official Titles : Sage of Artistry & Ideation
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Clan: Uzumaki Clan
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Zodiac: ♓Pisces (Feb 24th)

Looks: Mirabelle -not unlike most women her age- takes exceptional pride in the management of her outward appearance; working diligently to maintain a physique that is flexible yet firm in its outlines. With a fair-toned complexion that is contrasted by a generous natural crimson flush that runs in a soft glaze along key parts of her body, such as her cheeks, upper chest and outer thighs. Her radiant sapphire pigmented irises stand out against a head of silken dirty-blonde hair that varies in length depending on her whim and preference; reaching as long as her tailbone and rear, or as short as chin-length. She stand's at 5'8 in terms of her height.

Given her affinity for artistry -and being the Sage of such- Mirabelle does not shy away from the use of makeup and other cosmetic effects to provide a sharper, complimentary outline of the features she finds most pride in. She generally sports shades of red; accounting for the most obvious being the eyeliner that she generally wears in a sharp scarlet red to clash vibrantly with her blue eyes, along with a similar shade to her lips with a glossy finish. Additionally, she sports a variety of tattoos that take the shape of a subtle symbol representing royalty across her left bicep, a generously detailed rose along the left of her waist and a more generally identifiable trail of red floral stems that stretch across the top of her breasts and into the upper-center of the chest, between her collarbones, while now having a heart tattoo on her right hip. Though these are the standard choices she prefers for makeup, they are only among many choices that she has made before, leaving the final result of each day dependent on her personal preference.

What sets her apart from most Shinobi, Mirabelle has a relatively expansive wardrobe and takes considerable pride in the careful selection that she makes for each, going as far as to have them personally fitted to her comfort, ensuring each hugs perfectly complimentary to the curves of her figure. Though her wardrobe is expansive and seemingly ever evolving with new additions to suit her wants and needs, Mirabelle has a tendency to levitate toward a "favorite" that occasionally finds it's way into her rotation. Presently, her preference weights in favor of a snugly fitted custom leather half-suit that runs in a fluid connective span from her thigh-high boots, across her abdomen and into her chest, all complete with the adornment of various buckles and smooth net meshing. Across the top of her features is accompanied with a tight, sharply designed body dress of a blue gradient saturation that is reminiscent in its form of traditional Chinese dresses. Conclusively, she sports a fashionable and otherwise luxurious white leather-fur jacket that is frequently half-worn across her shoulders, leaving her arms to move freely beneath the material and allowing for it to be easily shrugged off upon engaging in battle.

After sometime, Mirabelle decided to get a new change of coloration to her hair. This would cause her to semi permanently dye her hair with new bluish colorations. It ironically matched the flames crafted by the Nibi though Mirabelle has yet to confirm or deny if this was intentional. Mirabelle would also come to learn how to use her Yang energy in conjunction with her hair; inventing a technique called "Wicked Weaves", allowing her the unique power. On Mirabelle's right arm, she has the respective summoning contract tattoos for all her summons. Mirabelle's right eye ironically turned a brilliant emerald coloration - gaining as case of heterochromia. This was caused due to her growing bond and prowess with Matatabi.

( Yoton: Jaaku Amu ) Yang Release: Wicked Weaves
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short (Hair Reach), Short - Long (Releasing Ranged Techniques)
Chakra: 40 (-20 per turn)
Damage: 80
Description: Wicked Weaves is a unique technique; based on the concept of kunochi infusing chakra into their hair in order to weaponize it in combat. What makes this different from other techniques including Wild Lion's Mane Technique is through the infusion of Yang energy into the hair, it allows them to weaponize it to an even higher degree. Once active, the user’s hair harden’s enough to become more akin to a sword’s durability, but can be shaped into any form the user desires without costing a move, ranging from fists or legs to form Taijutsu, or even other weapons to perform Bukijutsu or Kenjutsu. One thing however is that it cannot be detached from the user, or else the chakra supplying it will be stripped from it and simply fall useless on the ground. The user also at the cost of a move directly strikes with the empowered hair, allowing them to deal 80 physical damage to the opponent. Due to the Yang energy flowing through the user’s hair, the constructs exhibit a level of sentience, allowing it to strike freely on behalf of its user without them needing to command it. And last but not least, Wicked Weaves also has a passive usage for half its chakra cost, but allows the user to lengthen, shorten or even change the color of their hair and its style aesthetically. Wicked Weaves can be posted within a user's biography allowing them to apply the passive application of this technique without taking up a technique usage. This can only be used thrice per battle, lasting three turns, to which once deactivated cannot be used for two turns afterwards. Can only be used by kunoichi (Female Shinobi).

Nindo: Armor-Sleeved Single Hit
Having the Armor-Sleeved Single Hit Nindo means flexing is what you do. Showing off your power, boasting of your skill and more - arrogantly exclaiming you’re the best is a way of life. Having this Nindo means should your character completely overpower a technique via damage vs damage, their next technique will have a bonus 10 damage. Note: This cannot stack with it’s self.

Personality: Mirabelle can be described in one word, multifaceted. At first glance her approach to individuals comes off as cool and composed but hiding an air of arrogance behind her smile. Mirabelle loves to learn, always seeking ways in which can improve herself as a person thought not only mentally but also strength wise. Competitive, rude and foul mouthed are words people often describe her to be, which she doesn’t deny as her temper is miniscule. She’s easy to irritate and becomes very passive aggressive when annoyed by others. Somewhat fickle, she is shown being friendly and trying to come off as refined, mature one moment, then yelling whilst dangerously blunt the next. She takes her duties very seriously and always aims for the best but knows when to give up. She loves to fight, something her father noticed ever since she was little. She’d spend what little time she had with her father before his passing training, spending time in the mountains with her twin sister and uncle training in the ways of the Hayabusa Clan. She has a desire to become the strongest kunoichi in the world, admiring other strong women as well. She’s a pompous woman as well, notably about her body’s appearance. She takes true pride in it, only seeking the finest clothing money can buy but also loving to show of her large bosom to others in any ways possible. While she has little to no shame, she can sometimes show this feeling when truly ashamed of her actions. She also has the habit of gifting people nicknames, whether they like it or not it matters little to her. Mirabelle is quite the flirt as well, casually attempting to swoon a person just for fun. Lustful and also quite the vain woman, always desiring the most valuable items in life.

Mirabelle is overall a good hearted person, though her morals and self-interest can sometimes cloud her own judgment. She’s willing to kill without hesitation, but lacks the capability to kill the innocent. Unafraid to fight a stronger opponent, but fears the idea of losing her life without fulfilling her dreams. She loves her friends, family and village mates, but will show no mercy to those who cross either of them. Combat wise, Mirabelle's choice of confrontation differs from opponent and situations - but most often she utilizes any and everything in her arsenal to gain the upper hand, even down to weaponizing her *** appeal as well.

Mirabelle has also displayed true arrogance against many whom came her way, showing her "hime" like personality. While she prefers to overwhelm her targets with manipulation, she's not against brute forcing her way in a fight as well. She's also relentless when seeking revenge on those who wronged her. She does have a soft spot towards children, finding it rather impossible to bring harm to child unless they too prove a threat to her life.

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🗦 勢力Rank & Village Information 🗧

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Land of Birth: Owatatsumi
WSE Clan: N/A
Ninja Rank: Sage of Ideation & Artistry
Specialty: Apex Handseal Specialist (Fire Release/Blue Fire), Apex Tracking Specialist, Peak Elementalist (Fire Release), Seal Caster, Genjutsu Casting Specialist, Yin Specialist (Yin State Oriented)
Elements & Skills:
Water Release......................................................................Taijutsu
Fire Release........................................................................Ninjutsu
Wind Release......................................................................Kenjutsu
Lightning Release...............................................................Genjutsu
Earth Release.............................................................Kaito Taijutsu
Yin Release..........................................................................Kinjutsu
Yang Release.....................................................................Fūinjutsu
Dark Vacuity Release............................................Medical Ninjutsu
Solar Wind Release...............................................Uzumaki Clan
Seraphic Water Release........................................Bijutsu.
Perfume Release ..................................................Bukijutsu
Algae Release
Blue Fire Release
Black Lightning Release

Blood Contracts: Nineko Summoning Contract - Parrot Summoning Contract - Box Jellyfish Summoning Contract

Custom Fighting Styles:
Bliss & Ivy -Black Leg Taijutsu - Surreal Palm - Namikazeron - Grimm Mane

Mirabelle's Attribute Points (29 AP):
Mind: 8 | Body: 5 | Spirit: 5 | Agility: 5 | Dexterity: 5 | Vitality: 1 (Chakra: 0 | Health: 1)

Mirabelle Base Stats
Base Tracking: 30 | Base Speed: 10 | Chakra: 2550 | Health: 240
AP Bonuses: +15 Bonus DMG to Blue Fire, and Fuinjutsu, -5 Physical DMG Reduction

🗦 生命Background & Additional Information 🗧
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"My name is Mirabelle Uzumaki, pleasure to meet you~"
(Origin Story Prior to Jinchuriki.)

Chapter 7: Mirabelle the Jinchuriki:
Prior to her descent into Irkalla – Mirabelle was a bit hesitant towards the underworld due to a strange disturbance occurring in the village. Curious; after the battle with Shukaku she left for a moment to investigate the strange chakra signatures. Unfortunately; she was struck down mid flight and taken captured by members of the Black Spider Clan, the eternal rivals of the Hayabusa Clan. As this occurred; she was forced into state of beyond her control, her powers being sealed. Despite her attempts to free herself, the maiden was unable to do so - in which these vile shinboi did the unthinkable. Utilizing some sort of kinjutsu, Mirabelle's connection to Wuji was completely severed - rendering her Dantian destroyed. This of course wasnt the end of it, as they forcefully sealed the Yang Half of the Nibi into her body, in hopes that she will cause a rampage on the very village she loved. Once they left, the woman was left in a broken state, and with wanting nothing but to protect her people - Mirabelle would step down as the Kage until she managed to gain control of it's power or until Vayne of the Shadow Tribe returned from Irkalla, which would make him the Yondaime Tsumikage.

Chapter 8: The Broken, the Shattered, the Reawakened:
After her self imposed exile began, Mirabelle journeyed through the Badlands for a period of time, becoming more acclimated and in tune with the Nibi. Despite the constant strain of trying to create a sort of bond, the two always found themselves at each other's throat. She however would soon on a whim unlock the unique skill known as "Blue Fire Release". This was showing the bond between the Jinchuriki and Nibi was starting to become ignited. Of course over time, her journey lead to her arriving to the land of fire. Seeking knowledge from one of the infamous institutions on the island - she would find the university in shambles, bones left behind from months ago. After sheer investigation, she would come across a blind woman, who would refer to herself as Isabella Uchiha. The two started to become acquainted with one another, with the lady asking her to be a sort of guide for her. Once they arrived in the Nara's ancestral human lands, Mirabelle was fed with information about the Bijuu - while Isabella whimsically forged a new plague, unknown to Mirabelle's attention. Her actions lead to the arrival of the Kage and his allies, which in turn another unknown party entered the fray. It was one of the Voidlords, Neferian whom immediately killed the Uchiha woman with little effort. Of course, the sheer presence of Neferian sent the lady into a state of shock and fear, but this lowered her guard as she become subjected to the Kage's Tsukiyomi. Mirabelle at this time feel unconscious, saved by the newly ressurected Isabella and promptly taken to Solomon to seek attention. The Nibi which was originally sealed within her, was resealed afterwards - as her spiritual imbalance was also repaired as she awakened.

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The lady vowed to never let something like this happen again, swearing she'd get revenge on the Uchiha one day but also thanked the Isabella for saving her - apologizing for her previous animosity towards her. It was at this time however that Mirabelle and Isabella would take time to listen to answers they seek from Solomon. The former mentor would speak firstly about the ancient past, talking about the different eras of humanity and the tales of humans and gods alike. Mirabelle herself however was fascinated with these lore bits, an instrinsic behavior of hers due to being a scholar. After the explanations where given - Mirabelle's answer pertaining to the events of Chungsu was answered. While she was left with somewhat vague answers, all she can chalk up at the time was that someone or something was responsible for her mother and twin sister's death, and thus she intends on finding out the truth.

Chapter 9: Into the Void, Journey to the Unknown Seas
After clearly being given a hint as to how to find more information about her eyes, Mirabelle would accompany Isabella on a trip across oceans, to meet with individuals who can assist in for their voyage into the depths of the muddy ocean. Once this happened, both women dove into the Hokubu Ocean; till they managed to reach the ocean's floor. A new civilization was discovered, a underwater nation dubbed Eridu the home of the Sentinels. While initially roaming free; the two where eventually caught by the local militant guarding forces. The two would be taken to meet with the highest form of power among them, Lady Ningal. After their brief interaction; they where both guided to the Void Tree in which Mirabelle didn't touch the tree as suggested but now currently watches a motionless Isabella. After spending time down in the depths of the ocean, Mirabelle and Isabella left after being dimissed by Lady Ningal - the High Prietess of Eridu. Citing there's trouble currently at the depths of the city, the two decided to leave. Once at the surface, the both decided to finally head to the Ruins of Chungsu, though strangely at the request of Isabella.

Chapter 10: The Felled Angel, Sanity and the Library
After adventuring back to the Library that remained in Chungsu; Mirabelle and company encountered strange humans, most of which rambled on about something called the "Felled Angel". The two allies decided to subdue them though it was more within Mirabelle's interests as she learned more about the term and also its possible connection to the meteorite that Solomon told her about. Unlucky to her and Isabella, Madara and his crew showed up as well - which immense hostility had been shared by both sides. Time passed, tensions rose as everyone within the Restricted Area was searching for something within the secluded section. However it wasn't long till things turned ugly, with Isabella seemingly trying to stop something but was only meet with a quick defeat at the hands of Madara. Mirabelle, despite her desire to attack quickly realized she was outnumbered, thus utilized the opportunity to leave while she can. On her way out she would grab several scrolls and a book and left for the Kinai Islands - where she would now currently be residing; having nursed Isabella back to health but the woman remained unconscious still. A lot of self reflection was involved; with Mirabelle preparing to change a little bit of her game plan in order to become even stronger potentially.

Chapter 11: Recovery, Long Lost Love and Friendships.
After her recovery period in the Kinai Islands, Mirabelle would have honestly caused some trouble to a nearby settlement, quite literally burning it to the ground out of sheer irritation of her loss towards Madara. Over time she's learned more about her connection to Matatabi - somewhat realizing the beast's influence on her. It was at this time however she decided to part ways with Isabella for a while in order to deal with her own personal demons. This would include finally stepping down as Head of the Hayabusa Clan, allowing to fully close the chapter of pain it caused her. However this was only the first step in her path to recovering herself but also among other things. With chaos insetting in the Land of Fire again, she heads to investigate for her own self. After traveling to the Noodle Panhandle, Mirabelle was among the start of her investigations but was promptly greeted by Faye. Her long time friend and love interest whom she was just thinking about. The two was happy to see each other, as they both caught up with one another in life. After sharing a very intimate kiss with each other, they had to go among their separate ways but Mirabelle leaving with her a gift to allow her to find her at any time.

Chapter 12: Rebirth of Sandaime Tsumikage and Inazuma's Founding
After having gained better control over the Nibi's power - Mirabelle decided she would return to Tsumigakure, no longer afraid of her semi partner's powers. After having a meeting with Sado, she was reinstated as a member of Tsumigakure but also back to her reign as Sandaime Tsumikage. As she did, she would prepare to soon meet with the Samurai of the Iron Peninsula, with the intentions of reigning over this part of the map for her village's and the world's sake. As she continued in her seige oiver the Iron Peninsula, she begrudlingy put in a position to work along side Garret Hawke, some sort of vagabond wanitng to make business in her lands of interest.

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Chapter 13: The Voices, Old Fashion Fun, New Alliances.
After conquering most of the lands, Mirabelle was once again caught with the voices in her head, while also finding strange papers that she managed to barely make sense of. Afterwards, she left her demonic familiar to watch over Inazuma's production while she heads to investigate. Her travels lead to her encountering Isabella and Alucard, while also realizing the Void Tree is spreading to the Port. The same voices spoke once more, speaking of locations harboring "keys". There Mirabelle spent some time talking with Isabella and Alucard, finally putting a nail in the coffin of indifference she felt towards Alucard. The two now allies, she would have separated from Isabella once more after her initial investigatings of the landmark didn’t come up with much results. Mirabelle promptly left the Port of Innovus to attend back to her village for other matters. Along the way she brought along a straggler named Vincent, requesting to join the ranks fo the village. She would have guided him to the village, and with the assistance of her familiar – got the man established into the village’s archive. Of course this wasn’t the only thing, word had finally reached the ears of the Kage. The raid of Irkalla was a success, with Emiya confirming humanities success in the act of defying the Goddess Pheta. However, with urgency in these messages, Mirabelle would once again prepare to leave for the Port of Innovus, only to be caught up in conversation with her friend Isabella whom decided to visit her directly. With that, the two headed back to the Port to meet with Emiya.

Chapter 14: New Generation of God Slayers
Arriving to the Port, Mirabelle and Isabella was prompted with the introduction of the first new god slaying tool, named Tsumikari. An amazing blade, Mirabelle had admitted to be forged but the maiden was uninterested in another katana or nodachi. She would have introduced her own unique blade in return to Emiya showing his own to her. They shared in bit of friendly exchange but the urgency of Isabella’s repeated rebuttals seemed to have cut the tension far more thinly than desired. Eventually the talks lead to Emiya finally leading the women down into the Armory of Marzan. Arriving there, they are greeted with the man who’s the engineer of these divinity slaying weapons. While Mirabelle attempted to sing him praises, the man continued to deny any of them, much to her understanding. Humble in his work she supposes. After talking with the man, both ladies are tasked with collecting material for the man, in order to build the weapons they desired. As quickly as they left, they returned in a matter of hours, presenting the material. Of course, a bit over the top in terms of quality, it was the human soul that made these weapons unique and powerful, a meaning Marzan stressed to the ladies onced more. Acknowledging his word, Mirabelle set out to find Neferian alongside Isabella.

Chapter 15: The Collapse
After leaving the armory, Mirabelle set out back to Tsumigakure in order to catch up on village affairs but then she stumbled into Lucifer, whom she saw fighting the Yonbi. She desired to intervene but with the Yonbi's terramorphing of the Hell's Maw, she was left with no choice but to flee. After which she seeked out Solomon, aiming to get a bit of direction. There in the conversation, she learned about Phetra, Anutu and among other things. She departed, she went to the land of fire, hoping to meet with Isabella, but in time, it seems another tragedy had struck the world at large. People are dead everywhere, leaving Mirabelle with no choice but to amount it to the work of the Mother Cult once again. Stepping down from Kage to secure more freedom, she ventures out in search for answers to the current crisis.

Chapter 16: Change Can't Wait:
Mirabelle's adventures through the current world has lead to many events; with her reign as Kage over once more, venturing into the new continent of Kamiyasumi, and the continued pursuit of saving humanity. Along the way she's meet with many old friends and made new ones along the way, dualing the notorious Madara alongside her friend Isabella. This cosmic battle between the mortals and the divine continues to brew - who will win the penultimate question...

Chapter 17: A New World :
Two Years had passed since that fateful day, the world had been spun on its literal head. Eanna or as many thought simply as the Moon crashed onto the earth, the Eastern Continent was ravished by the Basmu, turned into a literal lake of Rot. Mirabelle renounced her "Blackthorn" title, fully embracing her Uzumaki Heritage. She married a Monk from the Human Order named Kingsly - and many other changes in her life.

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Jinchuriki of the Two Tails: Like all Jinchuriki, Mirabelle has an enormous supply of chakra compared to most ninja. Jinchuriki of the Two-Tails can gain access to Blue Fire Release and Spiritual Taijutsu, though the requirements for these skills vary based on Tailed Beast Control.

❖ Uzumaki Clan Hiden: After the Cataclysm, Mirabelle sought out one of the few relatives she knew was alive. Her maternal grandmother, Kiyoki Uzumaki- having spent several months learning how to manifest and control her ancestor's unique Chakra Chains, while also gaining an increased affinity for the sealing arts. This bolstered her life force and chakra reserves due to this.

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It took a rater long time, something Mirabelle personally didn't desire to do but alas did. Utilizing the scared scrolls she fetched from the Restricted Area in the Library of Chungsu; Mirabelle found scrolls with the instruction for some of the most notorious techniques to have ever been created. While she doesn't utilize it as much, there are a few techniques among the arsenal she's came to use from time to time. She eventually released her control over her Edo Tensai, realizing how inhumane the technique truly is.

Body Seals: Mirabelle's knowledge and training with Fuinjutsu is vast, having reached a level of mastery in which she learned and created specialized body seals on herself. These seals are located and scattered different locations on the body, each with a different purpose and intention, even going as far as to be self triggered in some instances.
(Fuinjutsu/Kenjutsu : Shi no Ōgama) - Sealing/Sword Arts: Lost Blades
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage points: N/a
Description: Lost blades is a very unique type of technique. Applying both sealing techniques with kenjutsu, making the technique, Lost Blades. The user will apply a seal on the blade portion of their sword. Doing this, the user is able to slash at anything that pertains to chakra in it, be it medical chakra, other forms of chakra. (excludes senjutsu or fuinjutsu). By doing this, the moment the user slashes at something, the seal instantly activates, sealing the chakra inside said technique, allowing for the slash to disperse the technique. This makes it look like everything the user cuts at, gets slashed and dispersed.
Note: Can use two times per battle
Note: Both Fuin and Kenjutsu is S rank, allowing the user to seal S rank and below
Note: The seal is pre-applied to the sword before battle. After usage, the user has to manually apply the seal to the sword again (This portion does not take up a move slot, but using the technique does)
Note: Seal stays dormant until clashes with other technique

(Bijuu Fuinjutsu: Akuma no mado shīru) - Tailed Beast Sealing Technique: Demon's Window Seal
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 30 (for activation)
Damage: N/A
Description: This seal was created specifically for Jinchuriki as a way of giving their Bijuu a more active role in battle. The Demon's Window Seal is placed on a Jinchuriki's body and gives their Bijuu a window into the outside world, appearing as a "screen" of sorts inside their inner sanctum. This allows them to see in the direction that the seal is facing, with a standard field of view. A common location for the seal is the nape of the Jinchuriki's neck which allows the Bijuu to watch their host's back, though more offensively minded Jinchuriki may place the seal elsewhere. This viewing window is active at all times as a passive function for the seal.Beyond being able to see through the seal, the Bijuu and host are able to activate it to create a temporary gateway into the real world, appearing as an enlarged version of the seal in the air at the desired location. While not large enough for the Bijuu to escape through, it does allow the passage of a limb or tail, or even a technique. Whether it is the Bijuu or the Host activating the seal, the gateway must be created within eye sight. Should the Tailed Beast attack through the gateway with a limb or tail, the strength of the attack is A rank. They are able to use techniques of the fields they can use during its full transformation (e.g. Wind and Sand for Shukaku, or Wind and Taijutsu for Chomei), but with half the added power bonus and excluding any technique that is exclusive to their full transformation. The gateway can only be used for one action per usage, after which it closes.
-Must be stated in the biography, along with location on the body.
-Can only be activated four times per battle.
-Physical attacks count as A-rank in strength, but do not count as a move in the user's turn.
-Activation of the seal counts as a move in the user's turn, as does any technique released through the gateway

(Fuuin: Hakari no Doragon) - Sealing Technique: Scales of the Dragon
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A (-40 on activation)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user has a seal on their body with the Kanji for "Impervious" that automatically activates upon the user being struck with a Taijutsu attack. A barrier instantly forms over the user (before the user can be harmed) and mitigates the damage dealt by the strike and any subsequent strikes encompassed in the technique or freeform combo. Whether a Taijutsu technique deals one single hit or a multitude of them, each activation of this seal will defend one single Taijutsu attack/combo, be it freeform or a technique. The effect of the barrier is to reduce rather than eliminate the damage the user takes from being struck physically by the opponent so it will only halve the damage of any Taijutsu technique no matter how powerful (e.g. S-Ranks will fall to 40 damage, D-Ranks will fall to 10 damage). Due to this seal only reducing damage rather protecting the user completely, it acts as a failsafe more than anything else in case the user is caught unawares by someone much faster than them. The user’s body will sustain the remaining damage after the barrier halves it’s power.

Note: Can only be used twice per battle
Note: User still takes half the damage
Note: Only applies to Taijutsu techniques
Note: No S-Rank or above Fuuin in that turn or next

Iryo Hijutsu: Herena no ibutsu - Hidden Medical Art: Relics of Helena † Arc of Abstinence
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: 20(X2 if used to augment the relics)
Damage: N/A
Description: To use the Relics of Helena, the user must have a unique sealing mark while each has its own duty. The sealing script is in the form of a small crucifix tattoo on the user's back. The relic's aim is to further advance passive medical jutsu, either by using them alternatively or by taking them to another level. However, some of this improved medical practices would now require some chakra to be spent if they don't require chakra before. Rudimentary medical practices which are passive in nature are the "Power of Resistance", "Diagnosis", "Extraction", "Blood Coagulation" and "Cleanse". however this particular relic only works for Power of Resistance.

Arc of Abstinence is a sealing script that is in the form of a small crucifix seal. It is represented by kanji for "resist" and thus it augments one's power of resistance. Basic power of resistance requires no chakra input but with the addition of chakra sealed within the seal of abstinence, power of resistance is taken to another level. The newly advanced power of resistance not only maintains its primary duties, it goes further to augmenting the user's anatomy from more factors that's affects him. It also goes beyond the anatomy and add power of resistance to the user's mind and body seals. The default "power of resistance" must be in use before the seal can be activated and like the default, the seal is passively activated albeit one would spend chakra this time but only to activate the seal.
In addition to getting a boost to one's natural resistance to disease, poison, toxins, acids, alkaline substances, etc and because this is done by an invisible warm barrier(shield) around one's body, the seal flushes sealed medical chakra into the user's chakra network, which is used solely to increase the density and power of the resistance aura around the user's anatomy. The user uses this premise and create a tougher and advanced form of non-physical shield, though now would not only shield the user's body as a whole but would shield every cells on his body. This makes it able to withstand higher level bio hazards more potent than those originally mentioned, even to some extent, stop the decay(natural) of tissues and cells(cosmetic). This would also make the cells resistance to radioactive decay. Elaborately, this means, one's resistance to the effects now are enhanced and would even shield the user if it were enemy techniques, though the only thing that won't affect the user is the effects(venom, disease, bioharzards, etc) within the technique, the user is still susceptible to anything else like heat, shock, force, sharpness, impact etc., that might come with the technique.
The arc of abstinence not only works for the anatomy which is the physical, but also works for the spiritual thus at the same time, it also creates a shield around ones mind. This also increases one's mind resistance to foreign intrusion. The mind would resist any form of mind reading, control, false emotion implant and emotional effect arising from infusion of foreign chakra. This however does not resist genjutsu but would resist residual effect from genjutsu which affects the mind, like pain, fear, perception of time, etc. This means it can resist residual effect from S-rank and below genjutsu only and cannot resist effects from MS level genjutsu in any form. The user's chakra also is influenced by the power of resistance, however, it only resist external phenomenon from siphoning away or sealing off the user's chakra, unless the user has something to do with it or with the user's consent. By spending "double" the chakra when activating arc of abstinence, the power of resistance would extend to the Relics of Helena. Spending double the chakra would make the relics be able to resist any form of seal corrupting technique(so far the techniques don't harm the medium on which the seals are placed), thus the reason why double chakra is spent, as half of the total chakra is focused on fortifying the relics.
Though the seal is merely supplementary and cause no harm in any way, they have their drawbacks due to the user's advanced exertion of medical fuinjutsu, using normal fuinjutsu while the relics are in use costs +10 more chakra if they are A-rank and above.

( Kōdona Uzumaki Fuuinjutsu: Tsubame no gyakuten ) – Advanced Uzumaki Sealing Technique: Body Of Teach!
Type: Defensive | Supplementary
Rank: S-rank
Range: Short (Mid)
Chakra: 70
Damage: N/A (+20 to taijutsu)
Description: Body Of Teach is a simple sealing technique only passed down to the head of the Uzumaki clan of each generation. The seal would come in the form of small vertical straight lines across the body that are not noticeable by the naked eye while dormant. Each line would be small written kanji of each basic element over and over in a row, forming the straight line. The kanji is so small, even those capable of seeing the lining on the body wouldn't notice they are actually kanji writing unless they had some sort of vision allowing to see such small writing. The seal would come into effect when the user wills it to, actively sealing an elemental technique that would have come into contact with the users body; Allowing them to seal the element into the lining, causing the lining to glow a color similar to the element sealed (Yellow = Lightning, Blue = Water, Brown = Earth etc.). Once the element is sealed, within the next 2 turns (including the turn the element is sealed) the user can release the element passively next to any taijutsu performed; Not only giving the attack a heavy damage boost, but also causing an outward shockwave in the direction of the attack, which would expand the damage out to mid range. Once the element is added to the taijutsu attack, the kanji for the specific element would disappear from the lines on the body altogether. In case of AE or CE being sealed, the kanji for every element that makes that element up would disappear Also. Of course this means once an element is sealed once, that specific element that disappeared can't be sealed and used as a boost again. Being an advanced Uzumaki seal, it can seal techniques with chakra up to 70 or below. Anything beyond that would be unsealable.
Note: Only usable 3x with a 2 turn cool down between uses.
Note: Can only have a single technique sealed away at a time.
Note: Once used, the user can't use any S-rank or higher sealing techniques for 2 turns.
Note: Can only be used by Adv. Uzumaki Bios
Note: Counts as a body seal

( Fukurō no sukuriputo ) | Scripts of the Northern Owl
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40 [+10 to seal]
Description: Scripts of the Northern Owl is 1 of 4 secret sealing techniques created by the Uzumaki clan to give their unique Chakra Chains more versatility. Specifically, Scripts focuses on the more supplemental side of sealing. The Chakra chains come with an inherent ability to use a certain sealing method through them, so a talented Uzumaki found a way to advance the idea of using seals through them altogether. Through the use of additional chakra when deploying the chains, the user is able to forge kanji/Scripts into the chains and give them the effects of a sealing technique. This would only work with Fuuinjutsu techniques that have kanji markings or scripts that can be written/forged into the chakra chains themselves. This has it's limits though. Being a technique that only comes into fruition when used directly next to chakra chains, it is a passive technique and won't take up a move slot; Though whatever seal is forged into the chains will need to be posted and altogether would count as two moves (The chains + Seal). This is a technique that would have to be posted in the user's bio or at the beginning of fights as a reference (also being posted as reference when used). For S rank seals and above, the user will need to perform an additional hand seal when forming the chains. Can only be used to apply S rank seals 3 times each battle, with two turns between uses. Cannot be applied to forbidden ranked chains.

( Īsutandoragon no shizukesa ) | Tranquility of The Eastern Dragon (Blue Fire Release)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Chakra: 20 [+10 to jutsu]
Damage: +20
Description: Tranquility of The Eastern Dragon is 1 of 4 secret sealing techniques created by the Uzumaki clan to give their unique Chakra Chains more versatility. Specifically, Tranquility focuses on elemental chakras to enhance the overall effectiveness of the chains. Through the use of additional chakra when deploying the chains, the user is able to passively mark his chains with kanji of a chosen element [to be specifically posted which element in bio] to enhance them to fit their needs. The kanji would instantly erect a barrier that is skin tight on the chains, possessing the inherit properties of said element. This can range from being a basic element, to an advanced element or CE, which effectively raises the rank of the chains when used. This is something that CAN be applied to the chains but doesn't HAVE to be applied every use, seeing as the chains would also take on the weaknesses of said element and wouldn't always be needed.

On the other hand, at the cost of a move and 20 chakra, the user can switch the kanji seal to a new element (losing the old seal). This would happen within the same time frame of the chains due to the nature of this technique, being unusable on its own.

Note: Can only be used on chains up to S rank.
Note: For S rank seals the user will need to perform an additional hand seal when forming the chains or swapping the seal. Can only be used to apply S rank seals 3 times better battle, with two turns between uses.
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Engulfing Lightning: Mirabelle after her long hours of watching the Black Smith named Marzan toil away, she was gifted with a unique new weapon. This being one of the first few God Slaying Tools of the newest generation. While originally nameless, Mirabelle have called the naginata she possesses "Engulfing Lightning". Being a five foot weapon, it's weight is evenly distributed among the weapon, being Mirabelle's iconic weapon of choice vs divine beings. The naginata is indestructible but lacks any true special properties aside from its Anti Divinity properties. The naginata was the enhanced with supportive properties by Master Kingsly, allowing Mirabelle's weapon to become empowered.
(Kamikorosu: Naginata) – God Slayer: Naginata
Type: God-Slaying Artifact
Rank: C
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A pole weapon wielded by the Samurai class now forged as a God-Slaying Tool. It is quite a large weapon, roughly five feet in length from the tip of its curved blade to the bottom of the pole-staff. This particular Naginata was forged for Mirabelle; because it is a product of certain Atavistic techniques it is bound to her soul, its anti-Divinity properties are able to pierce the defenses afforded to Divine enemies in the Ninja World. This does not confer a God-Slaying Tool the ability to defeat properties of Anutu or its sub-components; it is specifically targeted against Divine enemies in the Ninja World and the Divinity that they possess. With proper focusing and enhancements perhaps this weapon can become even stronger.

Support: this God-Slaying specialization is designed to provide strategic and tactical support to the team. This type of God-Slaying Tool possesses limited in their offensive capability but gifted in their ability to augment their team with a plethora of buffs and shields.
Embrace of the Fates (Passive): Passively Support specialists grant all their allies an additional 20 damage to those within mid-range of their location.
Beyond the Veil (Passive): All Support specialists boosts bypass damage stacking limits.
Divine Stratagem (Active): At the cost of a move and a slot in the timeframe the user is able to activate this God-Slaying technique; this allows all allies to gain a 3x speed and tracking increase as well as cause their next Ninjutsu to gain Anti-Divinity. Lasts for three turns, usable every four.

Misc Information: Mirabelle carries around with a variety of essential ninja tools, ranging from the basics such as shuriken, kunais, ninja wire, etc. Her Custom Weapon is a katana she's acquired during a training mission in the Lightning Mountains, this being a katana. It's a blade is pitch black, sharp and unbiased- as an electrical surge flowed through her on immediate contact. This awakened a hidden potential within her, gifting the ability to utilize Black Lightning Release. She carries it with her at all times, prepared for combat usage.

( Harmonic Tool ) - Chōwadōgu (Black Lighting, Katana).
Type: Prize
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A ( varies )
Damage: N/A ( varies )
Description: The Harmonic Ninja Tool is a unique weapon that forms a unique bond and connection with its owner, allowing it to draw out the user’s true potential. Each wielder has a different specific weapon form, ranging from a shield to a katana to even a gunbai or boxing gauntlets, allowing each Harmonic Ninja Tool to harmonize with each user. In addition to its form which bonds with the user and stays the same long after, this weapon unlocks the user’s hidden potential and allows the user to gain access to an Advanced Ninjutsu or Advanced Element, randomly generated via official roll in the NRP Discord channel by a Moderator. This gained ability cannot be changed after gaining it, remaining with them with the unique ability of being released from the weapon with Sourceless Materializing Specialist applied towards the ability passively. Should it be an AN that debuffs the opponent's AP, it’s debuffing nature will not be utilized unless the user has the AN as his official AN.
Note: This can only be on one bio at any given time, taking the slot of a CW.
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Daisuke Nanashi Hayabusa (Father)
Marisella "Shuten" Hayabusa (Mother) (née Nariyuki)
Isella Hana Hayabusa (Older Half Sister)
Isabelle Kiana Hayabusa (Younger Twin Sister)
Ilah Uzumaki (Daughter)
Kayla Uzumaki (Daughter)
Kingsly Uzumaki (Husband)
Chise Hatori (Adopted Younger Sister)
Mugestsu Hayabusa (Great Granduncle)
Reborn Hayabusa (First Cousin)
Genji Shimada - Hayabusa (Cousin)
Hanzo Shimada - Hayabusa (Cousin)
Jo Hayabusa (Grandfather)
Ryu Hayabusa (Uncle)
Kyoki Hayabusa (Uncle)
Azrael Hayabusa (Uncle)
Kiyomi Uzumaki (Maternal Grandmother)
Goken Uchiha (Maternal Grandfather)
Isabella Uchiha (Maternal Cousin)


Shirou Emiya (Friend)
Sado Yatosura (Friend)
Vegeta Hyuga (Friend)
Solomon (Friend)
Faye Katsuryoku (Bestfriend)
Vayne Nara (Friend)
Garret Hawke (Business Associate)
Musashi Miyamoto (Friend)
Alucard (Friend)
Lucifer (Associate)
Kotetsu Inuzuka (Associate/Ally)
Susabi (Associate)
Merlin (Associate)
Monks of the Human Order (Ally)

Madara Uchiha (Enemy)
Strix (Enemy of Tsumigakure)
The Regent Gods
Order of the Golden Amp.

Ancestral Linage: Mirabelle through her mother's linage is a descendent of the Uzumaki, Uchiha and Hayabusa Clan. On her father's side, she's purely of Hayabusa Ancestry. After losing her ability to weave Neidan, Mirabelle disassociated herself with the Hayabusa, no longer claiming herself to be apart of the clan and now a full fledged Uzumaki Clan member.

❖ Scientific Tools:
( Kyuu-tsuki ) - September (255 Regular Chakra)
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( +50 per turn ) ( -50 per turn to an opponent )
Damage: N/A ( -20 to an opponent's technique )
Description: September is a small orb-like self-sustained chakra battery that can be pre-charged with basic chakra, or senjutsu chakra. If charged with basic chakra it will be compatible with any non-hostile shinobi. The battery has two capabilities called charge and drain. Charge allows a shinobi to draw chakra from the battery or apply it to their techniques and drain allows the battery to draw chakra from a shinobi or their techniques. The battery has a max capacity of 10% of the wielder's normal chakra supply.

Charge: While in direct contact with the battery or while it is on their person a shinobi can passively absorb chakra directly from the battery through contact. It can be used while still hidden or in a pouch not needing to be pulled out. It allows the shinobi to draw up to 10% of their chakra supply from the battery at a rate of fifty per turn allowing for them to regain chakra or to supply exhausted allies with chakra. It can also be used to provide senjutsu chakra instead of chakra at a quicker rate allowing them to gain ten percent of their chakra as senjutsu chakra passively, this senjutsu chakra allows them to enter Sage Mode but can only be done once usually exhausting the battery. When exhausted the battery is still able to use its drain ability. Alternatively, like the name implies the battery can be used to charge a technique with ten extra chakra providing it a twenty damage boost. This is done in the same timeframe as the augmented technique and can only be done twice with a two-turn cool-down.

Drain: If a hostile individual tries to use the battery it will absorb their chakra instead of giving them chakra at a rate of fifty chakra stolen per turn. The wielder of the battery is also able to instigate this process passively by making direct contact with the opponent allowing them to instigate the process stealing fifty chakra per turn where contact is made. Additionally, through this draining ability, the battery is able to steal ten chakra from a technique causing it to weaken by twenty damage. This is similar to the capabilities of the Scientific Ninja Tool: ( Abusōbu Ude ) - Absorption Arm on a much lower and more basic scale. Where that can absorb entire jutsu this battery can only absorb ten chakra storing it in the battery. This portion of the drain ability will cost a move slot, can only be used once per turn and only twice per battle.
Note: The wielder can only carry a single chakra battery
Note: Must state the ratio of basic chakra to senjutsu chakra that is found in the battery

Sukautā - Scouter
Type: Tools
Rank: A-rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30 activation 10 per turn thereafter
Damage: N/A
Description: A Scouter is a scanning piece of Ninja technology, contained in a unit that fits over the users left ear, with a semi-transparent coloured monocle that serves as a display, covering the preferred eye. The colours can vary depending on the users preference but it has no bearing on the usage of the Scouter. The primary function of the scouter is to Scan the Chakra level of an opponent, groups of opponents or even the levels of chakra a jutsu posses; such as in the case of a yang infusion or simply the amount of chakra used to create the jutsu; displaying this as a numerical value as well as an arrow to indicate the direction(s) of the chakra source(s), if they happened to be outside the display-screens field of view. The Scouter is able to pick up Chakra Signals at a vast range, up to a single landmark away; though if multiple Chakra Sources are in the same landmark, it is only able to show the number of individual signals, instead of each Chakra Level. The Scouter will not detect Chakra if the target is using a chakra suppressing ability.
Upon initial activation, it will only show the current level of targets within Long-range of the user, requiring an additional activation cost to scan into the next landmark. Once a targets Chakra has been scanned, it will constantly update the chakra level in real-time, as well as being able to auto-detect any new targets that become detectable within mid-range. So long as the user is able to sustain the chakra cost, they will be able to detect/track up to five targets at any time though only two can be at long-range with the closest two being shown. Any targets within an adjacent landmark, will appear as one reading with the combined chakra level displayed on the screen. The scouter is able to track any source of chakra, from projectiles, to clones, to summons and animal companions; anything with a readable chakra source present. This ability to detect targets does grant a small boost to the users tracking speed, granting an equivalent to a 2T Sharingan.
Scouter's are able to provide a direct line of communication with other Scouter's and communication devices, via implementation of a modified script from a communication scroll, however only when the Scouter is active. This communication extends up to three landmarks in any direction and can easily be heard by the wielder due to the device being ear-mounted.
-Scouter can remain active so long as the user has the chakra reserves to do so.
-Scouter Tracking speeds do not stack with Doujutsu
-Can only be made/taught by Shinta and a max of 3 can be used per event.
-Full body lightning jutsu of B rank and higher will short-out the Scouter, making it unusable for five turns. S rank lightning will destroy the Scouter.

(Nen Resu) Sensory Dampener
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage points: N/A
Description: The Nen Resu is a unique tool worn on the users belt that emits a dampening field around the user in order to better hide their movement and hinder an opponent from accurately tracking them. This dampening field only works on Sensory ability's (Chakra Sensing, Sage Mode, etc) but doesn't hinder a Doujutsu's ability to see or track chakra. The field emitted dampens sensory abilities both by range and tracking. This means that if a sensory ability is able to track an opponent from two landmarks away, It will only be able to track the user from one landmark away and if the sensory ability has x3 tracking, it will only be able to track x1.5 when tracking the user of the sensory dampener. This Nin-tech is a double edged sword, as it also hinders the users sensory abilities to an equal degree. Meaning their sensory ability will also be reduced by half in terms of range and tracking.
-Must be placed in the users biography
-Cannot reduce sensory range less then a single landmark
-Can only be taught by Serpent

(Anesidora) - Anesidora
Type: Technology
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: (Varies)
Damage: N/A
Anesidora is a Camera that comes with two Bangles that are worn on each of the user’s wrists. The Bangles act like “printers” for the user, capable of creating light copies (colour custom to user, cannot be invisible) of solid chakra Tools and Weapons that the user has photographed previously. The user can passively create freeform standard tools and weapons in their hands from the Bangles and they always look like solid chakra “wireframes” of the weapons or tools they’re mimicking; the user can substitute tools in techniques with this version of the weapons. If they’re Kunai, Shuriken, Metal Cards or small thrown tools like that any amount can be created around the user - larger weapons like swords are created in the hand. Even though they’re “wireframe” chakra copies, they act like the standard weapon they’re mimicking. Anesidora can mimic weapons needed for the user's custom fighting styles and create them in their hands or on their person at will without the user needing to carry them around. These tools can have seals placed or already placed on them recorded in the camera, the kanji or pattern take a wireframe look as well.

The real usage of this technique however is that this Camera stores the memory of Jutsu as well. The User can look through the Camera lense and can take a picture of a shape manipulated technique, examining the taken Jutsu and it’s structure in a Three-Dimensional shape and what abilities/strength it possesses and will store or print a copy for the user whether it be projected out from the bracelets or from the front of the Camera itself until formed and performs/sustains on it’s own - a Chakra deduction is made from the user's chakrapool which reflects the amount of chakra inputted into the taken technique. The created constructs will also have a Wireframe effect made purely of Chakra that is neutral to everything, the Wireframe construct can do what it’s original could do but instead of an “Earth Entity” firing “Earth spikes” it would be a Wireframe entity with a similar appearance firing “Wireframe Spikes” that can stab targets. If the printed entity can perform elemental jutsu up to a certain rank, this is replaced with Wireframe Constructs from the ground or their own body (Which are down to the user’s imagination) up to that certain rank, relevant chakra for the chosen rank construct much be deducted still (30 for A-Rank, 40 for S-Rank). The Construct lasts until a new Construct is made, sustained by the Camera which stores 150 Chakra Points, deducting -40 per turn that a construct is active. The user can passively give the camera 10 chakra a turn when there isn't a construct active.

Note: The user can have one of their own jutsu chosen to be “stored” in Anesidora. Posted with this technique in the relevant Technology and Artefact section or posted at the beginning of a Fight.
Note: The Copied Jutsu can be from the user or the opponent, they can be summons, entities or creations. Their strength is the same and their abilities are mimicked through Wireframe meshes (Within reason) which are neutral to everything. Unless they have unique abilities which cannot be copied as it's impossible for a Wireframe construct to use Yin parasites for example or to utilise absorption in any way.
Note: The user can take a Picture three times per battle, but only have one Construct on a field active at a time. When a Construct is destroyed it cannot be used again unless taken a Picture of again.

(Sentō Taiō Akushon Kamera) Combat Ready Action Camera
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 40 (Absorption)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: C.R.A.C’s or commonly known as Combat Ready Action Cameras are a unique line of DSLR and Mirrorless cameras. Engineered by the company known as Yukimura Films, these are specialized and outfitted with Scientific Ninja Tool technology, while also serving as a regular ole photography camera (cosmetic usage). In actual combat, the cameras all share unique properties mentioned as follows.

Polaroid Stills (Active) - By pressing the shutter button of the camera, it will release from the lens a rapidly moving trail of photo film towards an intended target. These film scripts are designed with a similar function to that of the “Absorbing Arm” SNT, which upon contact, the chakra within the film would absorb an opposing technique into it. As it does, the technique is forcefully sealed away into the film strip, as it instantly retracts back into the camera and prints out a polaroid image made from the same material used for scrolls. Within it, prints a copy of the technique, crafting a unique photo of it forever. This was derived from Ink Ninjutsu’s “Tiger Vision Staring Bullet” which forcefully seals a technique or person caught by the tiger into a scroll as a work of art afterwards. This ability can be used thrice per battle, with a cool down of three turns between each use. The user can only absorb up to 40 chakra with this ability.

Electronic Viewfinder (Passive) - The ability constitutes the user looking into the viewfinder of the camera while channeling chakra into it. This would passively enable the camera to display unique information. This information includes any foreign chakra sources within the landmark, the ability to zoom the lens out enough to see across the same landmark or up to long range in a fight. It also is capable of displaying names of people the user has programmed into the camera’s system to remember. This activation is passive but drains -10 chakra per turn to sustain, though can only remain active for four turns before slightly overheating the camera and forcing it into a cooldown period of two turns should it remain active for the full duration.

Interchangeable Lens (Passive) - The last ability of the camera is the ability to change the lens of the chakra. The lens that initially comes with the lens known as the ‘kit lens’ comes with “Polaroid” as its unique perk, but all lens are capable of using Electronic Viewfinder. In order to make or attach new lens, one must have the “Primary Crafting Expert” specialty in their bio. The new lens will provide a bonus perk, but usually will replace “Polaroid Stills” with its unique perk.

C.R.A.C all come in an assortment of colors and designs, being unique to each and everyone who has one. The user can carry two of these cameras but they must have different lenses, each one taking their own individual SNT slot in one's bio.

Void Infused Artifacts (5/5):
(Mukō: Fuyu no Shukufuku) – Void: Winter’s Blessing
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: A
Range: Self
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A Void Infused Artifact Accumulator that is activated passively; upon activation the user instantly gains a single Void Infusion. It can be activated twice per battle, once every four turns.

(Mukō: Senmon Chūnyū) – Void: Specialized Infusion
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: A
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Whenever the user uses a technique within a field of their specializations, they have a 25% chance to gain a single Void Infusion, occurring at most once every two turns.

(Mukō: Mukō no Tsuyosa) – Void: Strength of the Void
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: B
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Activated passively at the cost of one Void Infusion; Strength of the Void increases the potency of the user’s next four offensive techniques by 20 damage.

(Mukō: Ikari Wasure San) – Void: Wrath of the Forgotten One
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: B
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 80
Description: Activated at the cost of a move and a single Void Infusion; unleashes a torrential maelstrom of natural flames from the user’s position up to mid-range. Inflicts 80 damage, but can be increased by 40 additional damage if the user applies a second Void Infusion to it.

(Mukō: Yūryō) – Void: Charged
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: B
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A Void Infused modification that does not act as an Accumulator or Spender; rather, it passively increases the user’s maximum Void Infusion cap by 1. This can be stacked with other Charged Void Infused Artifacts, including itself if the user owns multiple copies.

Visual References:
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(Mirabelle when appearing as a full blood Uzumaki ^")
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Theme Song & Background Music:
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Won: "Enough"
Lost: "Doesn't matter!"

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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
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"The calm before the ocean's wrath"

Basic Information
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Name: Alyx von Ainesworth
Nickname(s): Regina of the Seven Seas, Iudex Aquarius, Tidecaller
Gender: Female
Age: Seven Hundred and Fifty
Clan: Surgebinder x Hozuki Clan
Nindo: Yellow Flash

Looks: Alyx, whom is an enigma to most, possesses a mesmerizing physical appearance that captivates all who behold her. Standing tall and regal, she exudes an aura of authority and power, her presence commanding attention wherever she goes.
Her slender figure is adorned in elegant attire, a fusion of intricate designs and flowing fabrics that accentuate her graceful movements. Layers of rich, dark robes cascade around her form, embellished with ornate patterns and embellishments that hint at her noble lineage. Alyx's long, flowing hair cascades down her back like a waterfall of obsidian, each strand shimmering with an otherworldly luster. A crown of silver adorns her head, its intricate filigree glinting in the light, symbolizing her status as a ruler of the realm.

Her striking features are characterized by sharp, angular lines, giving her an air of mystique and allure. Piercing eyes, the color of stormy seas, hold a depth of wisdom and intensity that belies her ageless nature. Beneath her gaze, one feels both awe and trepidation, as if standing in the presence of a force of nature itself. In her hand, Alyx wields a spear of gleaming metal, its intricate design reflecting her mastery over the weapon arts. With a single gesture, she commands the forces of water, bending them to her will with effortless ease. Overall, Alyx embodies the epitome of beauty, power, and mystique in the world, a figure whose presence leaves an indelible mark on all who encounter her.

( Yoton: Jaaku Amu ) Yang Release: Wicked Weaves
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short (Hair Reach), Short - Long (Releasing Ranged Techniques)
Chakra: 40 (-20 per turn)
Damage: 80
Description: Wicked Weaves is a unique technique; based on the concept of kunochi infusing chakra into their hair in order to weaponize it in combat. What makes this different from other techniques including Wild Lion's Mane Technique is through the infusion of Yang energy into the hair, it allows them to weaponize it to an even higher degree. Once active, the user’s hair harden’s enough to become more akin to a sword’s durability, but can be shaped into any form the user desires without costing a move, ranging from fists or legs to form Taijutsu, or even other weapons to perform Bukijutsu or Kenjutsu. One thing however is that it cannot be detached from the user, or else the chakra supplying it will be stripped from it and simply fall useless on the ground. The user also at the cost of a move directly strikes with the empowered hair, allowing them to deal 80 physical damage to the opponent. Due to the Yang energy flowing through the user’s hair, the constructs exhibit a level of sentience, allowing it to strike freely on behalf of its user without them needing to command it. And last but not least, Wicked Weaves also has a passive usage for half its chakra cost, but allows the user to lengthen, shorten or even change the color of their hair and its style aesthetically. Wicked Weaves can be posted within a user's biography allowing them to apply the passive application of this technique without taking up a technique usage. This can only be used thrice per battle, lasting three turns, to which once deactivated cannot be used for two turns afterwards. Can only be used by kunoichi (Female Shinobi).

Personality: Alyx epitomizes the essence of a royal maiden, exuding an aura of nobility and grace in every aspect of her being. Her demeanor is marked by a sense of purpose and calculation, refined through years of experience both as a queen and as a loyal servant of various factions. Though her youthful appearance may deceive, Alyx carries with her the wisdom and confidence gained from countless battles, a testament to her prowess on the battlefield.

In her interactions, Alyx maintains a respectful and dignified demeanor, extending courtesy even to her adversaries. While she does not seek conflict, those who underestimate her are met with a tempered resolve that stems from her deep-seated conviction. However, beneath her composed exterior lies a fiery temperament, which manifests when circumstances deviate from her meticulously laid plans. Yet, true to her nature, Alyx swiftly regains her composure, drawing upon her innate calmness and serenity to navigate through challenges with poise.

Her regal bearing and unwavering resolve serve as a testament to her indomitable spirit and unwavering dedication to her cause.

Village Info.

Land of Birth: Water Archipelago
WSE Clan: N/A

Rank//Chakra Info.
Ninja Rank: Sage

Apex Hand Seal Specialist (Water Release)
You can perform techniques of a skill specialized in without the usage of hand seals, though you must still perform complementary and logical body movements related to the technique. This applies even if said jutsu does not have specific movements detailed in its description. Does not require another Specialty to utilize.

Peak Elementalist (Water Release)
The user’s Elemental prowess is considered elite, amongst the best of the others. This causes one of his base elemental releases to gain elemental neutrality to all other base elements, including its weakness, while maintaining its strength.

Sourceless Materializing Specialist (Water Release/Bonus)

You can materialize your element or skill you specialize in without needing a source. This applies towards various Elemental Jutsu where logical such as Water or Earth based substances and Fields that require a source to first be present and not created such as Advanced Ninjutsu ( Rain, Sound, Ink, etc ).

Apex Tracker Specialist

With more heightened senses, the user is capable of gaining a now increased x2.5 tracking. This allows him to physically track faster movement without chakra sensory.

Chakra Fortification (Prana)
The user can add an additional effective 10 Chakra or Siris to an element or skill they specialize in, though not at any increased cost or strain to the user. This simply allows their techniques to have 10 more chakra infused into them. Does not require another Specialty to utilize.

Dragoon Style
As such, specialty grants the user the capacity for use of Vorpal Jump to occur within the same timeframe as other techniques; a testament to their extensive understanding of the style and ability to predict their own movements relating to the use of the style's techniques in an efficient and masterful manner

Mythical Swordsman (Nuibari)
The user may have a canon Seven Swordsman sword on his bio, taking the place of his Custom Weapon. The user can also choose between any of the A rank and lower canon weapons to take into battle, using their canon skills associated with the weapons. This excludes S ranked weapons as well as Samehada.


Basic Five Elemental Natures
Yang Release
Yin Release
Perfume Release
Algae Release
Dark Vacuity Release
Seraphic Water Release
Solar Wind Release

Your Ninjutsu: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu , Kenjutsu, Kaito Taijutsu, Kinjutsu, Fūinjutsu, Medical Ninjutsu, Hozuki Hiden, Surgebinder Hiden
Blood Contracts: Box Jellyfish Summoning Contract & Shark Summoning Contract & Sea Horse Summoning Contract
Custom Fighting Styles: Namikazeron, Dragoon Style, Kyotoryu, Grimm Mane, Lazy Fist

Alyx's Attribute Points (28 AP):
Mind: 7 | Body: 6 | Spirit: 5 | Agility: 5 | Dexterity: 5 | Vitality: 0 (Chakra: 0 | Health: 0)

Background Info.

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"I hear you oh great mother of the stars, as the Queen of the Seven Seas- I employ your grace!"

In the tapestry of time, Alyx's historia weaves a tale of enigma and intrigue, a narrative obscured by the mists of antiquity. Born amidst the chaos of pre-apocalyptic turmoil, she emerged as a lone beacon of resilience in a world ravaged by catastrophe. While whispers of her existence echo through the corridors of legend, many dismiss her as nothing more than a figment of imagination, a myth woven into the fabric of folklore.

Under the banner of Aureliana, Alyx found solace and purpose, her thirst for knowledge ignited by the wisdom of her Goddess. Viewing Aureliana as a maternal figure, Alyx aspired to walk in her footsteps, to harness the power and wisdom of the ages as her own. Yet, despite her aspirations, Alyx's true origins remained veiled in obscurity, her true lineage obscured by the sands of time.

As a scion of the ancient Hozuki Clan, Alyx inherited a legacy steeped in mystery and mystique. Mastering the arcane arts of her kin, she wielded the elemental forces with finesse, bending water to her will with a grace and precision unmatched by her peers. But it was her symbiosis with the Throne, an artifact of untold power, that elevated her beyond mortal constraints, granting her dominion over the very fabric of it's reality itself.

In the annals of forgotten kingdoms, Alyx once ruled as sovereign over a realm lost to the ravages of time. Though the name of her kingdom has long faded from memory, the echoes of her reign linger as whispers on the wind, a testament to her erstwhile glory. Yet, with the passage of epochs, her kingdom fell into obscurity, its legacy consigned to the annals of history. In more recent times, she's also became a mother- with her daughter being named Cadence von Ainesworth though she neglected her role as her mother to a degree.

Other Information
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Heroic Spirit of the Throne: Alyx was once a member of Avalon's military power- the Knights Radiant hundreds of years ago. She was personally trained under the leader, Galahad - which after her induction was quite talent in the manipulation of Prana. Her mastery of said Surges allowed to eventually raise to the rank of a Heroic Spirit, one of the four most powerful Surgebinders in the world. Her Prana takes a unique blend of a reddish and golden hues, with streaks of purple stars within it. She is of the Fallen faction, having reign as a sovereign and a follower of one now.

This allowed her to create her own unique Throne world called a Reality Marble- which she dubbed "Palace of the Regina, Atlantis". Due to her own machinations and being involved in an an affair- she managed to help create a unique power to replicate the effects of the Grail, something belonging to the Divine Spirit. This unique combination has rendered Alyx immune to physically aging - as her body perpetually remains the same, granting her pseudo immortality.

(Yoton/Kanki: Eien ) Yang Release/Surge of Evocation: Eternity
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Eternity is a technique designed after the original Holy Grail, many seeking to replicate it’s properties of immortality. Through various trail and error, a breakthrough was finally managed to be attained. Through the manipulation of Prana constantly flowing in and out of the user’s body, Yang energy was introduced into the mixture - constantly feeding and adjusting the ratio within the Prana. Over time, it eventually caused those who experimented to cause a change, as the Prana would now produce a unique effect of perpetually keeping the user’s physique in a constant stasis so to speak. In more literal terms, the user’s body is always constantly nourished with this Yang infused prana, which now keeps their body at a prime state with the Yang Energy flowing through it while also using the stasis like effect found within the Throne on their body directly. This allows the user to effortlessly remain at whatever age they applied the technique to their body, keeping them and gaining a form of longevity naturally. This also causes the user’s Prana to shift in coloration, regardless of which of the three factions they are a part of - becoming a constant wispy white coloration mixed with their current Prana color - signifying the permanent flow of Yang energy within it. This is largely an aesthetic technique with no real benefit aside from longevity, though the user is not immune to death by other means. This is a passive technique, simply needing to be mentioned in the user’s bio for reference and doesn’t take up a move slot.

Runic Inscriptions: As a user of Fuinjutsu - Alyx has a wondrous assortment of seals located across her body. She utilizes them when the need for it comes, though she rarely utilizes them herself.
Iryo Hijutsu: Herena no ibutsu - Hidden Medical Art: Relics of Helena † Arc of Abstinence
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: 20(X2 if used to augment the relics)
Damage: N/A
Description: To use the Relics of Helena, the user must have a unique sealing mark while each has its own duty. The sealing script is in the form of a small crucifix tattoo on the user's back. The relic's aim is to further advance passive medical jutsu, either by using them alternatively or by taking them to another level. However, some of this improved medical practices would now require some chakra to be spent if they don't require chakra before. Rudimentary medical practices which are passive in nature are the "Power of Resistance", "Diagnosis", "Extraction", "Blood Coagulation" and "Cleanse". however this particular relic only works for Power of Resistance.

Arc of Abstinence is a sealing script that is in the form of a small crucifix seal. It is represented by kanji for "resist" and thus it augments one's power of resistance. Basic power of resistance requires no chakra input but with the addition of chakra sealed within the seal of abstinence, power of resistance is taken to another level. The newly advanced power of resistance not only maintains its primary duties, it goes further to augmenting the user's anatomy from more factors that's affects him. It also goes beyond the anatomy and add power of resistance to the user's mind and body seals. The default "power of resistance" must be in use before the seal can be activated and like the default, the seal is passively activated albeit one would spend chakra this time but only to activate the seal.
In addition to getting a boost to one's natural resistance to disease, poison, toxins, acids, alkaline substances, etc and because this is done by an invisible warm barrier(shield) around one's body, the seal flushes sealed medical chakra into the user's chakra network, which is used solely to increase the density and power of the resistance aura around the user's anatomy. The user uses this premise and create a tougher and advanced form of non-physical shield, though now would not only shield the user's body as a whole but would shield every cells on his body. This makes it able to withstand higher level bio hazards more potent than those originally mentioned, even to some extent, stop the decay(natural) of tissues and cells(cosmetic). This would also make the cells resistance to radioactive decay. Elaborately, this means, one's resistance to the effects now are enhanced and would even shield the user if it were enemy techniques, though the only thing that won't affect the user is the effects(venom, disease, bioharzards, etc) within the technique, the user is still susceptible to anything else like heat, shock, force, sharpness, impact etc., that might come with the technique.
The arc of abstinence not only works for the anatomy which is the physical, but also works for the spiritual thus at the same time, it also creates a shield around ones mind. This also increases one's mind resistance to foreign intrusion. The mind would resist any form of mind reading, control, false emotion implant and emotional effect arising from infusion of foreign chakra. This however does not resist genjutsu but would resist residual effect from genjutsu which affects the mind, like pain, fear, perception of time, etc. This means it can resist residual effect from S-rank and below genjutsu only and cannot resist effects from MS level genjutsu in any form. The user's chakra also is influenced by the power of resistance, however, it only resist external phenomenon from siphoning away or sealing off the user's chakra, unless the user has something to do with it or with the user's consent. By spending "double" the chakra when activating arc of abstinence, the power of resistance would extend to the Relics of Helena. Spending double the chakra would make the relics be able to resist any form of seal corrupting technique(so far the techniques don't harm the medium on which the seals are placed), thus the reason why double chakra is spent, as half of the total chakra is focused on fortifying the relics.
Though the seal is merely supplementary and cause no harm in any way, they have their drawbacks due to the user's advanced exertion of medical fuinjutsu, using normal fuinjutsu while the relics are in use costs +10 more chakra if they are A-rank and above.

(Fuinjutsu/Kenjutsu : Shi no Ōgama) - Sealing/Sword Arts: Lost Blades
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage points: N/a
Description: Lost blades is a very unique type of technique. Applying both sealing techniques with kenjutsu, making the technique, Lost Blades. The user will apply a seal on the blade portion of their sword. Doing this, the user is able to slash at anything that pertains to chakra in it, be it medical chakra, other forms of chakra. (excludes senjutsu or fuinjutsu). By doing this, the moment the user slashes at something, the seal instantly activates, sealing the chakra inside said technique, allowing for the slash to disperse the technique. This makes it look like everything the user cuts at, gets slashed and dispersed.
Note: Can use two times per battle
Note: Both Fuin and Kenjutsu is S rank, allowing the user to seal S rank and below
Note: The seal is pre-applied to the sword before battle. After usage, the user has to manually apply the seal to the sword again (This portion does not take up a move slot, but using the technique does)
Note: Seal stays dormant until clashes with other technique

(Fuuin: Hakari no Doragon) - Sealing Technique: Scales of the Dragon
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A (-40 on activation)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user has a seal on their body with the Kanji for "Impervious" that automatically activates upon the user being struck with a Taijutsu attack. A barrier instantly forms over the user (before the user can be harmed) and mitigates the damage dealt by the strike and any subsequent strikes encompassed in the technique or freeform combo. Whether a Taijutsu technique deals one single hit or a multitude of them, each activation of this seal will defend one single Taijutsu attack/combo, be it freeform or a technique. The effect of the barrier is to reduce rather than eliminate the damage the user takes from being struck physically by the opponent so it will only halve the damage of any Taijutsu technique no matter how powerful (e.g. S-Ranks will fall to 40 damage, D-Ranks will fall to 10 damage). Due to this seal only reducing damage rather protecting the user completely, it acts as a failsafe more than anything else in case the user is caught unawares by someone much faster than them. The user’s body will sustain the remaining damage after the barrier halves it’s power.

Note: Can only be used twice per battle
Note: User still takes half the damage
Note: Only applies to Taijutsu techniques
Note: No S-Rank or above Fuuin in that turn or next

(Fuinjutsu: Kyūmin Erementarudomein) Sealing Style: The Dormants Domain
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 (-10 per turn, -20 per turn if used twice)
Damage: 80
Description: This technique has an application of both a body seal and a active regular fuin seal, being able to brand their body with the Kanji utilizing the technique. By applying this technique onto the user, (Be it in the start or mid way through the battle) the seal will activate causing said element to form into a small creature on their shoulders roughly the size of pakon (Kakashis Dog) This element can range from the basic elements, Advance Element, or Custom element but it needs to have an element component to it. Once the seal is active it stays dormant until an enemy is within short range. Once an enemy is within short range, the elemental creature that is on said body will instantly use a technique from said element that their body is composed of, of equal rank or lesser by using their own body as that source but having to be a projectile technique or a defensive technique that doesnt spawn larger than five meters around the user. Once the technique activates, the said creature would then disperse which the user is able to apply another seal on them, replicating this technique but will cost double the chakra to sustain it.

Note: Technique stays dormant until use
Note: Technique used from the creature can be defensive or offensive in nature, not supplementary and cant be a stream nor continuous
Note: This technique can be applied before battle in said bio. By doing this it can be activated as soon as the battle start.
Note: if applied a second time it uses double the amount of chakra to sustain said technique until active
Note: Can only be used twice per battle.

Fuuinjutsu: Mizu No Kami No Shirushi | Sealing Arts: Seal of the Water God
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The seal of the Water God is a special seal developed for the purpose to aid the user in tough situations. The seal itself is a circle of kanji surrounding the kanji for "Divine" in the middle. The user himself is the seal and can manifest it in any part of his body he wishes. The seal only works against Water techniques and is a very good defense against them. The seal activates and draws in any nearby water technique into himself, storing both the water and the chakra it contained inside of it. The seal can then serve multiple purposes:
-Reverence of God: The user will use the sealed, chakra infused, water to boost the damage of another water technique. Once he has absorbed an enemy technique, he does the handseals or rituals, needed for his own technique and, instead of its normal release, releases the technique from the seal itself (generally manifesting it in his hands). The end result is the water technique that the user performed with the addition of damage of the technique he had absorbed. The damage added is equal to the chakra points absorbed. Can be used 2 times.
-Divine Will: The user will use the sealed, chakra infused, water to combo with another elemental technique. Once he has absorbed an enemy technique he does the handseals or rituals needed for his own technique and, instead of its normal release, releases the technique from the seal itself (generally manifesting it in his hands). The end result is an elemental combo of both water and the element of the technique he performed. The rank of the combo is equal to rank of the elemental technique used although becoming a dual elemental technique. Can be used 2 times.
-Touch of Drought: The user will manifest the seal in both his hands and absorb any nearby moisture or water into the seal in a mere moment. This can be used to negate weather patterns such as clouds or mist but also to make it harder to breathe or to drain water sources. This can also be used to, upon touching an enemy, induce a temporary dehydration to the enemy, making him stumble and lose focus as well as stamina and strength, as he feels dizzy and weak. The effects last one turn. Can be used 2 times.
Note: Absorbing a technique counts as a move and can only be done 3 times. Cannot absorb more than one at a time.
Note: The seal can be combined with techniques that can logically be combined with a "water burst" from his body, as its follows logic and reasoning
Note: The seal can only be used max 3 times and the effects used depend on the user but neither can be used more than 2 times
Note: The user must wait a turn before using it again
Note: The seal has to be stated in the biography
Note: Only McRazor can teach this

⥥ ( Doragūn Tamashī ) - Dragoon's Soul ⥥
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The "Dragoon's Soul" takes the form of a bodily seal tattoo that holds the likeness of a Dragon, of which is primarily printed across the back of any and all users of the Dragoon Style, the appearance of which varies from user-to-user but each maintains a consistent theme of the Dragon's various parts being seen extending throughout the user's body, some examples being down their shoulders/arms or their waist/legs. This seal functionally serves as a housing and highway for "Draconic Might" throughout the user's body, which is functionally a cocktail combination of built up Tension Force absorbed from the muscles of the user -frequently seen in the flexing or straining of muscle tissue- and the integration of raw Chakra that serves as an amplifier and manifestable source of energy that gives directable control of the force. The aforementioned Tension Force is absorbed and stored through the Seal placed upon the user; a perpetual draw to charge the battery that is the Seal that comes as a result of even the slightest movement the user produces. This is done passively and is without a scaling system due to the abundance of the force it feeds upon at any given point in time. Once this built up force has been infused with Chakra, it becomes "Draconic Might" which can be directed either to key parts of the user's body, namely the legs for things such as boosts in speed, strength in lunges or leaps, or in certain circumstances, as projective force, depending on the technique that is utilized. Through the harnessing of a physical force such as Tension Force, all manifestations of Dragoon techniques that relies on chakra as a means of projection carries with it an inherent physicality to it that belies the raw chakra that it is infused with, often showing in a distinguishing manner of a thermal radiative wave that rolls off of any chakra (or Draconic Might) that is produced by the User. As a result, any use of Draconic Might is treated as physical damage. As a result of their physicality and the advanced nature of projecting pure chakra, all forms of Dragoon Style techniques that utilize Draconic Might and their interactions are treated as neutral.
-Must have this technique posted in reference on the user's biography in order to utilize the style and counts as one of their maximum bodily seals.

Misc Information: Alyx carries a wide assortment of tools ranging from kunai, shuriken, ninja wire etc. She also has specialized tools in which he uses quite often for example her own version of explosive tags. She has a signature and rare weapon known as Nuibari, a needle like sword which she uses for battle quite often.

(Nuibari) - Sewing Needle
Type: Weapon
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Wielded by Kuriarare Kushimaru, the Nuibari is an unique weapon which assumes the form of a narrow longsword, cylindrical and very sharp which greatly resembles a large needle, with a long length of thin wire mirroring thread, tied to the eye located at the base of its hilt. This sword, quite aptly called "Longsword" is said to possess the ability to pierce all and stitch them together, clearly demonstrated by Kushimaru as how effortlessly he was able to penetrate multiple targets in a single thrust and then quite literally stitch them together in substantial bundles by simply pulling the attached wire taught. A capable user can even throw the sword with the intent of piercing a line of multiple enemies, before catching the needle at the other side and repeating the process at different angles, in order to create knots of corpses with the wire passing through the entirety, effectively creating bundles of bodies at various points along the length of the thread. The sword itself is virtually indestructible and is very resistant to damage though it can't pierce through physical techniques A-Rank and above. The metal wire is as resistant as the sword and although very sharp, the user will be able to pull and interact with it without injuring himself.
Note: Can only be used by Kuriarare Kushimaru, Mangetsu Hozuki, and Hebiichigo

Scientific Tools:
( Kyuu-tsuki ) - September (300 Chakra )
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( +50 per turn ) ( -50 per turn to an opponent )
Damage: N/A ( -20 to an opponent's technique )
Description: September is a small orb-like self-sustained chakra battery that can be pre-charged with basic chakra, or senjutsu chakra. If charged with basic chakra it will be compatible with any non-hostile shinobi. The battery has two capabilities called charge and drain. Charge allows a shinobi to draw chakra from the battery or apply it to their techniques and drain allows the battery to draw chakra from a shinobi or their techniques. The battery has a max capacity of two hundred chakra.

Charge: While in direct contact with the battery or while it is on their person a shinobi can passively absorb chakra directly from the battery through contact. It can be used while still hidden or in a pouch not needing to be pulled out. It allows the shinobi to draw up to two hundred chakra from the battery at a rate of fifty per turn allowing for them to regain chakra or to supply exhausted allies with chakra. It can also be used to provide senjutsu chakra instead of chakra at a quicker rate allowing them to gain ten percent of their chakra as senjutsu chakra but can only be done once usually exhausting the battery. When exhausted the battery is still able to use its drain ability. Alternatively, like the name implies the battery can be used to charge a technique with ten extra chakra providing it a twenty damage boost. This is done in the same timeframe as the augmented technique and can only be done twice with a two-turn cool-down.

Drain: If a hostile individual tries to use the battery it will absorb their chakra instead of giving them chakra at a rate of fifty chakra stolen per turn. The wielder of the battery is also able to instigate this process passively by making direct contact with the opponent allowing them to instigate the process stealing fifty chakra per turn where contact is made. Additionally, through this draining ability, the battery is able to steal ten chakra from a technique causing it to weaken by twenty damage. This is similar to the capabilities of the Scientific Ninja Tool: ( Abusōbu Ude ) - Absorption Arm on a much lower and more basic scale. Where that can absorb entire jutsu this battery can only absorb ten chakra storing it in the battery. This portion of the drain ability will cost a move slot, can only be used once per turn and only twice per battle.
Note: The wielder can only carry a single chakra battery
Note: Must state the ratio of basic chakra to senjutsu chakra that is found in the battery

(Sentō Taiō Akushon Kamera) Combat Ready Action Camera
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 40 (Absorption)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: C.R.A.C’s or commonly known as Combat Ready Action Cameras are a unique line of DSLR and Mirrorless cameras. Engineered by the company known as Yukimura Films, these are specialized and outfitted with Scientific Ninja Tool technology, while also serving as a regular ole photography camera (cosmetic usage). In actual combat, the cameras all share unique properties mentioned as follows.

Polaroid Stills (Active) - By pressing the shutter button of the camera, it will release from the lens a rapidly moving trail of photo film towards an intended target. These film scripts are designed with a similar function to that of the “Absorbing Arm” SNT, which upon contact, the chakra within the film would absorb an opposing technique into it. As it does, the technique is forcefully sealed away into the film strip, as it instantly retracts back into the camera and prints out a polaroid image made from the same material used for scrolls. Within it, prints a copy of the technique, crafting a unique photo of it forever. This was derived from Ink Ninjutsu’s “Tiger Vision Staring Bullet” which forcefully seals a technique or person caught by the tiger into a scroll as a work of art afterwards. This ability can be used thrice per battle, with a cool down of three turns between each use. The user can only absorb up to 40 chakra with this ability.
Electronic Viewfinder (Passive) - The ability constitutes the user looking into the viewfinder of the camera while channeling chakra into it. This would passively enable the camera to display unique information. This information includes any foreign chakra sources within the landmark, the ability to zoom the lens out enough to see across the same landmark or up to long range in a fight. It also is capable of displaying names of people the user has programmed into the camera’s system to remember. This activation is passive but drains -10 chakra per turn to sustain, though can only remain active for four turns before slightly overheating the camera and forcing it into a cooldown period of two turns should it remain active for the full duration.

Interchangeable Lens (Passive) - The last ability of the camera is the ability to change the lens of the chakra. The lens that initially comes with the lens known as the ‘kit lens’ comes with “Polaroid” as its unique perk, but all lens are capable of using Electronic Viewfinder. In order to make or attach new lens, one must have the “Primary Crafting Expert” specialty in their bio. The new lens will provide a bonus perk, but usually will replace “Polaroid Stills” with its unique perk.

C.R.A.C all come in an assortment of colors and designs, being unique to each and everyone who has one. The user can carry two of these cameras but they must have different lenses, each one taking their own individual SNT slot in one's bio.

(Bīkon) Beacon
Type: Tool
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: As the Kote has gained notoriety among Shinobi, Samurai too have looked at the technology as a way to expand their arsenal. The Beacon is an altered Kote, capable not of using Ninjutsu, but of preforming Summoning in place of the user, intended for use by Samurai. A beacon has a disk inside it upon which a summoning contract is inscribed, much like how one would sign a traditional contract. Unlike Kote, to use the Beacon does require chakra - an equal amount as would be required to normally preform a Summoning, but unlike traditional summons, the Beacon acts as its namesake, allowing Summons to pull themselves to the wielder's location.
*Note: Allows Summoning to be preformed by Samurai.
*Note: Chakra Cost and Damage are dependent on the Summoning being used.
*Note: Use of the Beacon itself is passive, but the Summoning still consumes a moveslot.
*Note: The Beacon can only be attuned to one Contract at a time.

(Anesidora) - Anesidora
Type: Technology
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: (Varies)
Damage: N/A
Anesidora is a Camera that comes with two Bangles that are worn on each of the user’s wrists. The Bangles act like “printers” for the user, capable of creating light copies (colour custom to user, cannot be invisible) of solid chakra Tools and Weapons that the user has photographed previously. The user can passively create freeform standard tools and weapons in their hands from the Bangles and they always look like solid chakra “wireframes” of the weapons or tools they’re mimicking; the user can substitute tools in techniques with this version of the weapons. If they’re Kunai, Shuriken, Metal Cards or small thrown tools like that any amount can be created around the user - larger weapons like swords are created in the hand. Even though they’re “wireframe” chakra copies, they act like the standard weapon they’re mimicking. Anesidora can mimic weapons needed for the user's custom fighting styles and create them in their hands or on their person at will without the user needing to carry them around. These tools can have seals placed or already placed on them recorded in the camera, the kanji or pattern take a wireframe look as well.

The real usage of this technique however is that this Camera stores the memory of Jutsu as well. The User can look through the Camera lense and can take a picture of a shape manipulated technique, examining the taken Jutsu and it’s structure in a Three-Dimensional shape and what abilities/strength it possesses and will store or print a copy for the user whether it be projected out from the bracelets or from the front of the Camera itself until formed and performs/sustains on it’s own - a Chakra deduction is made from the user's chakrapool which reflects the amount of chakra inputted into the taken technique. The created constructs will also have a Wireframe effect made purely of Chakra that is neutral to everything, the Wireframe construct can do what it’s original could do but instead of an “Earth Entity” firing “Earth spikes” it would be a Wireframe entity with a similar appearance firing “Wireframe Spikes” that can stab targets. If the printed entity can perform elemental jutsu up to a certain rank, this is replaced with Wireframe Constructs from the ground or their own body (Which are down to the user’s imagination) up to that certain rank, relevant chakra for the chosen rank construct much be deducted still (30 for A-Rank, 40 for S-Rank). The Construct lasts until a new Construct is made, sustained by the Camera which stores 150 Chakra Points, deducting -40 per turn that a construct is active. The user can passively give the camera 10 chakra a turn when there isn't a construct active.

Note: The user can have one of their own jutsu chosen to be “stored” in Anesidora. Posted with this technique in the relevant Technology and Artefact section or posted at the beginning of a Fight.
Note: The Copied Jutsu can be from the user or the opponent, they can be summons, entities or creations. Their strength is the same and their abilities are mimicked through Wireframe meshes (Within reason) which are neutral to everything. Unless they have unique abilities which cannot be copied as it's impossible for a Wireframe construct to use Yin parasites for example or to utilise absorption in any way.
Note: The user can take a Picture three times per battle, but only have one Construct on a field active at a time. When a Construct is destroyed it cannot be used again unless taken a Picture of again.


Theme Song and Background Music

Won: 0
Lost: 0

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"Oh, Cadence my lovely daughter...please forgive me...please, continue to live a life without the burden of your heritage. Be who you wish to be some day. Mommy loves you, and don't ever think otherwise"

Updating: [x]
Last edited:


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points

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"And may the odds be ever in your favor." -Mirabelle Blackthorn

🗦 精神Basic Information 🗧
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Name: Mirabelle Anastasia - Eliana Blackthorn
Alias: Chakra Beast II -Bakeneko, Firecracker, Mirai
Official Titles : Sage of Artistry and Ideation
Gender: Female
Age: Thirty
Clan: House Blackthorn
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Zodiac: ♓Pisces (Feb 24th)

Looks: Mirabelle -not unlike most women her age- takes exceptional pride in the management of her outward appearance; working diligently to maintain a physique that is flexible yet firm in its outlines. With a fair-toned complexion that is contrasted by a generous natural crimson flush that runs in a soft glaze along key parts of her body, such as her cheeks, upper chest and outer thighs. Her radiant sapphire pigmented irises stand out against a head of silken dirty-blonde hair that varies in length depending on her whim and preference; reaching as long as her tailbone and rear, or as short as chin-length. She stand's at 5'8 in terms of her height.

Given her affinity for artistry -and being the Sage of such- Mirabelle does not shy away from the use of makeup and other cosmetic effects to provide a sharper, complimentary outline of the features she finds most pride in. She generally sports shades of red; accounting for the most obvious being the eyeliner that she generally wears in a sharp scarlet red to clash vibrantly with her blue eyes, along with a similar shade to her lips with a glossy finish. Additionally, she sports a variety of tattoos that take the shape of a subtle symbol representing royalty across her left bicep, a generously detailed rose along the left of her waist and a more generally identifiable trail of red floral stems that stretch across the top of her breasts and into the upper-center of the chest, between her collarbones, while now having a heart tattoo on her right hip. Though these are the standard choices she prefers for makeup, they are only among many choices that she has made before, leaving the final result of each day dependent on her personal preference.

What sets her apart from most Shinobi, Mirabelle has a relatively expansive wardrobe and takes considerable pride in the careful selection that she makes for each, going as far as to have them personally fitted to her comfort, ensuring each hugs perfectly complimentary to the curves of her figure. Though her wardrobe is expansive and seemingly ever evolving with new additions to suit her wants and needs, Mirabelle has a tendency to levitate toward a "favorite" that occasionally finds it's way into her rotation. Presently, her preference weighs in the favor of a kimono that has an assortment of patterns in different shades of purple and crimson, along with a badge bearing the emblem of Inazuma tied to the front of her clothing below her right breast and a more elaborate emblem on a pauldron on her left shoulder. On the back of her outfit, she wears a crimson bow with tassels. She wears dark purple thigh-high stockings with small diamond openings at the top and high-heeled sandals; the one on the right is adorned with two pale violet flowers. She wears a small crimson ribbon on her neck as a choker and a dark-coloured bodysuit underneath her kimono. The sleeves of her bodysuit completely cover her arms and are looped over her middle fingers with golden rings to partly cover her palms and the top of her hands, and her nails are painted purple.

After sometime, Mirabelle decided to get a new change of coloration to her hair. This would cause her to semi permanently dye her hair with new bluish colorations. It ironically matched the flames crafted by the Nibi though Mirabelle has yet to confirm or deny if this was intentional. Mirabelle would also come to learn how to use her Yang energy in conjunction with her hair; inventing a technique called "Wicked Weaves", allowing her the unique power.

( Yoton: Jaaku Amu ) Yang Release: Wicked Weaves
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short (Hair Reach), Short - Long (Releasing Ranged Techniques)
Chakra: 40 (-20 per turn)
Damage: 80
Description: Wicked Weaves is a unique technique; based on the concept of kunochi infusing chakra into their hair in order to weaponize it in combat. What makes this different from other techniques including Wild Lion's Mane Technique is through the infusion of Yang energy into the hair, it allows them to weaponize it to an even higher degree. Once active, the user’s hair harden’s enough to become more akin to a sword’s durability, but can be shaped into any form the user desires without costing a move, ranging from fists or legs to form Taijutsu, or even other weapons to perform Bukijutsu or Kenjutsu. One thing however is that it cannot be detached from the user, or else the chakra supplying it will be stripped from it and simply fall useless on the ground. The user also at the cost of a move directly strikes with the empowered hair, allowing them to deal 80 physical damage to the opponent. Due to the Yang energy flowing through the user’s hair, the constructs exhibit a level of sentience, allowing it to strike freely on behalf of its user without them needing to command it. And last but not least, Wicked Weaves also has a passive usage for half its chakra cost, but allows the user to lengthen, shorten or even change the color of their hair and its style aesthetically. Wicked Weaves can be posted within a user's biography allowing them to apply the passive application of this technique without taking up a technique usage. This can only be used thrice per battle, lasting three turns, to which once deactivated cannot be used for two turns afterwards. Can only be used by kunoichi (Female Shinobi).

Nindo: Armor-Sleeved Single Hit
Having the Armor-Sleeved Single Hit Nindo means flexing is what you do. Showing off your power, boasting of your skill and more - arrogantly exclaiming you’re the best is a way of life. Having this Nindo means should your character completely overpower a technique via damage vs damage, their next technique will have a bonus 10 damage.
Note: This cannot stack with it’s self.

Personality: Mirabelle can be described in one word, multifaceted. At first glance her approach to individuals comes off as cool and composed but hiding an air of arrogance behind her smile. Mirabelle loves to learn, always seeking ways in which can improve herself as a person thought not only mentally but also strength wise. Competitive, rude and foul mouthed are words people often describe her to be, which she doesn’t deny as her temper is miniscule. She’s easy to irritate and becomes very passive aggressive when annoyed by others. Somewhat fickle, she is shown being friendly and trying to come off as refined, mature one moment, then yelling whilst dangerously blunt the next. She takes her duties very seriously and always aims for the best but knows when to give up. She loves to fight, something her father noticed ever since she was little. She’d spend what little time she had with her father before his passing training, spending time in the mountains with her twin sister and uncle training in the ways of the Hayabusa Clan. She has a desire to become the strongest kunoichi in the world, admiring other strong women as well. She’s a pompous woman as well, notably about her body’s appearance. She takes true pride in it, only seeking the finest clothing money can buy but also loving to show of her large bosom to others in any ways possible. While she has little to no shame, she can sometimes show this feeling when truly ashamed of her actions. She also has the habit of gifting people nicknames, whether they like it or not it matters little to her.

Mirabelle is overall a good hearted person, though her morals and self-interest can sometimes cloud her own judgment. She’s willing to kill without hesitation, but lacks the capability to kill the innocent. Unafraid to fight a stronger opponent, but fears the idea of losing her life without fulfilling her dreams. She loves her friends, family and village mates, but will show no mercy to those who cross either of them.

Mirabelle has also displayed true arrogance against many whom came her way, showing her "hime" like personality. While she prefers to overwhelm her targets with manipulation, she's not against brute forcing her way in a fight as well. She's also relentless when seeking revenge on those who wronged her. She does have a soft spot towards children, finding it rather impossible to bring harm to child unless they too prove a threat to her life. In more recent years, Mirabelle's personality has shifted ever so slightly, becoming much more complex to understand as time ticks away. Her fears, her love and demeanor slowly drifting into a realm of uncertainty, the maiden having lost her identity. Her bloodlust, it's ticking and becoming more apparent as time goes on, but also her cowardice and fragility is slowly piercing through as well...what is becoming of this young woman...

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🗦 勢力Rank & Village Information 🗧

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Land of Birth: Owatatsumi
WSE Clan: Solanaceae

Ninja Rank: Sage of Artistry and Ideation
Specialty: Apex Handseal Specialist (Fire Release/Blue Fire), Apex Tracking Specialist, Renewal Taekwondo, The Human Principle (Ignore Combat Fatigue), Genjutsu Casting Specialist , Yin Specialist
Elements & Skills:
Water Release......................................................................Taijutsu
Fire Release........................................................................Ninjutsu
Wind Release......................................................................Kenjutsu
Lightning Release...............................................................Genjutsu
Earth Release.............................................................Kaito Taijutsu
Yin Release..........................................................................Kinjutsu
Yang Release.....................................................................Fūinjutsu
Dark Vacuity Release............................................Medical Ninjutsu
Solar Wind Release...............................................Atavistic Flames
Seraphic Water Release........................................Bijutsu.
Perfume Release ..................................................Bukijutsu
Algae Release
Blue Fire Release

Blood Contracts: Maned Wolves Summoning Contract - Wyverns Summoning Contract - Box Jellyfish Summoning Contract

Custom Fighting Styles:
Renewal Taekwondo - Black Leg Taijutsu - Surreal Palm - Misleading Swords Dance - Grimm Mane

Mirabelle's Attribute Points (28 AP):
Mind: 7 | Body: 5 | Spirit: 6 | Agility: 4 | Dexterity: 5 | Vitality: 1 (Chakra: 1 | Health: 0)

🗦 生命Background & Additional Information 🗧
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"If I’m going to cry, now is the time. By morning, I’ll be able to wash all the damage done by the tears from my face. But no tears come. I’m too tired or too numb to cry. The only thing I feel is a desire to be somewhere else. So I let the train rock me into oblivion"
(Origin Story Prior to Jinchuriki.)

Chapter 7: Mirabelle the Jinchuriki:
Prior to her descent into Irkalla – Mirabelle was a bit hesitant towards the underworld due to a strange disturbance occurring in the village. Curious; after the battle with Shukaku she left for a moment to investigate the strange chakra signatures. Unfortunately; she was struck down mid flight and taken captured by members of the Black Spider Clan, the eternal rivals of the Hayabusa Clan. As this occurred; she was forced into state of beyond her control, her powers being sealed. Despite her attempts to free herself, the maiden was unable to do so - in which these vile shinboi did the unthinkable. Utilizing some sort of kinjutsu, Mirabelle's connection to Wuji was completely severed - rendering her Dantian destroyed. This of course wasnt the end of it, as they forcefully sealed the Yang Half of the Nibi into her body, in hopes that she will cause a rampage on the very village she loved. Once they left, the woman was left in a broken state, and with wanting nothing but to protect her people - Mirabelle would step down as the Kage until she managed to gain control of it's power or until Vayne of the Shadow Tribe returned from Irkalla, which would make him the Yondaime Tsumikage.

Chapter 8: The Broken, the Shattered, the Reawakened:
After her self imposed exile began, Mirabelle journeyed through the Badlands for a period of time, becoming more acclimated and in tune with the Nibi. Despite the constant strain of trying to create a sort of bond, the two always found themselves at each other's throat. She however would soon on a whim unlock the unique skill known as "Blue Fire Release". This was showing the bond between the Jinchuriki and Nibi was starting to become ignited. Of course over time, her journey lead to her arriving to the land of fire. Seeking knowledge from one of the infamous institutions on the island - she would find the university in shambles, bones left behind from months ago. After sheer investigation, she would come across a blind woman, who would refer to herself as Isabella Uchiha. The two started to become acquainted with one another, with the lady asking her to be a sort of guide for her. Once they arrived in the Nara's ancestral human lands, Mirabelle was fed with information about the Bijuu - while Isabella whimsically forged a new plague, unknown to Mirabelle's attention. Her actions lead to the arrival of the Kage and his allies, which in turn another unknown party entered the fray. It was one of the Voidlords, Neferian whom immediately killed the Uchiha woman with little effort. Of course, the sheer presence of Neferian sent the lady into a state of shock and fear, but this lowered her guard as she become subjected to the Kage's Tsukiyomi. Mirabelle at this time feel unconscious, saved by the newly ressurected Isabella and promptly taken to Solomon to seek attention. The Nibi which was originally sealed within her, was resealed afterwards - as her spiritual imbalance was also repaired as she awakened.

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The lady vowed to never let something like this happen again, swearing she'd get revenge on the Uchiha one day but also thanked the Isabella for saving her - apologizing for her previous animosity towards her. It was at this time however that Mirabelle and Isabella would take time to listen to answers they seek from Solomon. The former mentor would speak firstly about the ancient past, talking about the different eras of humanity and the tales of humans and gods alike. Mirabelle herself however was fascinated with these lore bits, an instrinsic behavior of hers due to being a scholar. After the explanations where given - Mirabelle's answer pertaining to the events of Chungsu was answered. While she was left with somewhat vague answers, all she can chalk up at the time was that someone or something was responsible for her mother and twin sister's death, and thus she intends on finding out the truth.

Chapter 9: Into the Void, Journey to the Unknown Seas
After clearly being given a hint as to how to find more information about her eyes, Mirabelle would accompany Isabella on a trip across oceans, to meet with individuals who can assist in for their voyage into the depths of the muddy ocean. Once this happened, both women dove into the Hokubu Ocean; till they managed to reach the ocean's floor. A new civilization was discovered, a underwater nation dubbed Eridu the home of the Sentinels. While initially roaming free; the two where eventually caught by the local militant guarding forces. The two would be taken to meet with the highest form of power among them, Lady Ningal. After their brief interaction; they where both guided to the Void Tree in which Mirabelle didn't touch the tree as suggested but now currently watches a motionless Isabella. After spending time down in the depths of the ocean, Mirabelle and Isabella left after being dimissed by Lady Ningal - the High Prietess of Eridu. Citing there's trouble currently at the depths of the city, the two decided to leave. Once at the surface, the both decided to finally head to the Ruins of Chungsu, though strangely at the request of Isabella.

Chapter 10: The Felled Angel, Sanity and the Library
After adventuring back to the Library that remained in Chungsu; Mirabelle and company encountered strange humans, most of which rambled on about something called the "Felled Angel". The two allies decided to subdue them though it was more within Mirabelle's interests as she learned more about the term and also its possible connection to the meteorite that Solomon told her about. Unlucky to her and Isabella, Madara and his crew showed up as well - which immense hostility had been shared by both sides. Time passed, tensions rose as everyone within the Restricted Area was searching for something within the secluded section. However it wasn't long till things turned ugly, with Isabella seemingly trying to stop something but was only meet with a quick defeat at the hands of Madara. Mirabelle, despite her desire to attack quickly realized she was outnumbered, thus utilized the opportunity to leave while she can. On her way out she would grab several scrolls and a book and left for the Kinai Islands - where she would now currently be residing; having nursed Isabella back to health but the woman remained unconscious still. A lot of self reflection was involved; with Mirabelle preparing to change a little bit of her game plan in order to become even stronger potentially.

Chapter 11: Recovery, Long Lost Love and Friendships.
After her recovery period in the Kinai Islands, Mirabelle would have honestly caused some trouble to a nearby settlement, quite literally burning it to the ground out of sheer irritation of her loss towards Madara. Over time she's learned more about her connection to Matatabi - somewhat realizing the beast's influence on her. It was at this time however she decided to part ways with Isabella for a while in order to deal with her own personal demons. This would include finally stepping down as Head of the Hayabusa Clan, allowing to fully close the chapter of pain it caused her. However this was only the first step in her path to recovering herself but also among other things. With chaos insetting in the Land of Fire again, she heads to investigate for her own self. After traveling to the Noodle Panhandle, Mirabelle was among the start of her investigations but was promptly greeted by Faye. Her long time friend and love interest whom she was just thinking about. The two was happy to see each other, as they both caught up with one another in life. After sharing a very intimate kiss with each other, they had to go among their separate ways but Mirabelle leaving with her a gift to allow her to find her at any time.

Chapter 12: Rebirth of Sandaime Tsumikage and Inazuma's Founding
After having gained better control over the Nibi's power - Mirabelle decided she would return to Tsumigakure, no longer afraid of her semi partner's powers. After having a meeting with Sado, she was reinstated as a member of Tsumigakure but also back to her reign as Sandaime Tsumikage. As she did, she would prepare to soon meet with the Samurai of the Iron Peninsula, with the intentions of reigning over this part of the map for her village's and the world's sake. As she continued in her seige oiver the Iron Peninsula, she begrudlingy put in a position to work along side Garret Hawke, some sort of vagabond wanitng to make business in her lands of interest.

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Chapter 13: The Voices, Old Fashion Fun, New Alliances.
After conquering most of the lands, Mirabelle was once again caught with the voices in her head, while also finding strange papers that she managed to barely make sense of. Afterwards, she left her demonic familiar to watch over Inazuma's production while she heads to investigate. Her travels lead to her encountering Isabella and Alucard, while also realizing the Void Tree is spreading to the Port. The same voices spoke once more, speaking of locations harboring "keys". There Mirabelle spent some time talking with Isabella and Alucard, finally putting a nail in the coffin of indifference she felt towards Alucard. The two now allies, she would have separated from Isabella once more after her initial investigatings of the landmark didn’t come up with much results. Mirabelle promptly left the Port of Innovus to attend back to her village for other matters. Along the way she brought along a straggler named Vincent, requesting to join the ranks fo the village. She would have guided him to the village, and with the assistance of her familiar – got the man established into the village’s archive. Of course this wasn’t the only thing, word had finally reached the ears of the Kage. The raid of Irkalla was a success, with Emiya confirming humanities success in the act of defying the Goddess Pheta. However, with urgency in these messages, Mirabelle would once again prepare to leave for the Port of Innovus, only to be caught up in conversation with her friend Isabella whom decided to visit her directly. With that, the two headed back to the Port to meet with Emiya.

Chapter 14: New Generation of God Slayers
Arriving to the Port, Mirabelle and Isabella was prompted with the introduction of the first new god slaying tool, named Tsumikari. An amazing blade, Mirabelle had admitted to be forged but the maiden was uninterested in another katana or nodachi. She would have introduced her own unique blade in return to Emiya showing his own to her. They shared in bit of friendly exchange but the urgency of Isabella’s repeated rebuttals seemed to have cut the tension far more thinly than desired. Eventually the talks lead to Emiya finally leading the women down into the Armory of Marzan. Arriving there, they are greeted with the man who’s the engineer of these divinity slaying weapons. While Mirabelle attempted to sing him praises, the man continued to deny any of them, much to her understanding. Humble in his work she supposes. After talking with the man, both ladies are tasked with collecting material for the man, in order to build the weapons they desired. As quickly as they left, they returned in a matter of hours, presenting the material. Of course, a bit over the top in terms of quality, it was the human soul that made these weapons unique and powerful, a meaning Marzan stressed to the ladies onced more. Acknowledging his word, Mirabelle set out to find Neferian alongside Isabella.

Chapter 15: The Collapse
After leaving the armory, Mirabelle set out back to Tsumigakure in order to catch up on village affairs but then she stumbled into Lucifer, whom she saw fighting the Yonbi. She desired to intervene but with the Yonbi's terramorphing of the Hell's Maw, she was left with no choice but to flee. After which she seeked out Solomon, aiming to get a bit of direction. There in the conversation, she learned about Phetra, Anutu and among other things. She departed, she went to the land of fire, hoping to meet with Isabella, but in time, it seems another tragedy had struck the world at large. People are dead everywhere, leaving Mirabelle with no choice but to amount it to the work of the Mother Cult once again. Stepping down from Kage to secure more freedom, she ventures out in search for answers to the current crisis.

Chapter 16: Change Can't Wait:
Mirabelle's adventures through the current world has lead to many events; with her reign as Kage over once more, venturing into the new continent of Kamiyasumi, and the continued pursuit of saving humanity. Along the way she's meet with many old friends and made new ones along the way, dualing the notorious Madara alongside her friend Isabella. This cosmic battle between the mortals and the divine continues to brew - who will win the penultimate question...

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Jinchuriki of the Two Tails: Like all Jinchuriki, Mirabelle has an enormous supply of chakra compared to most ninja. However, it does not have as much as the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, gaining +550 chakra. Jinchuriki of the Two-Tails can gain access to Blue Fire Release and Spiritual Taijutsu, though the requirements for these skills vary based on Tailed Beast Control.

❖ Atavistic Flames: Upon her arrival into Kamiyasumi, Mirabelle was introduced to the power known as Atavistic Flame, to which after Abzu's Cataclysm she spent time learning to hone and master this skill. By essentially burning her spirit, she is capable of using this unique flame - now capable of striking and slaying Gods. She is a Master of the Atavistic Flames, trained personally by fellow Master Kingsly.

Apex Handseal Specialist: Mirabelle from a very young age has always shown an affinity for Fire Release; something that she inherited from her father. She's mastered the element to a degree that she no longer requires handseals in order to perform them. Due to her also becoming the Jinchuriki of the Two Tails, she gained a secondary affinity in Blue Fire Release, the Nibi's unique Advanced Element. She is also capable of using it with no handseals.

Apex Tracking Specialist: Trained in hunting and tracking, Mirabelle has heightened senses - allowing her to hear and track her target's a lot more effectively. This grants her a tracking increase of x2.5 to her base tracking.

Renewal Taekwondo: Mirabelle's more recently forms of combat has shifted, as she came to learn more powerful leg based forms of martial arts, but more specifically Renewal Taekwondo. She's mastered the style to a degree that now all her leg based taijutsu techniques all gain an additional +20 damage attached to them while performing.

The Human Principle: After two long years of training with Kingsly, Mirabelle has ascended herself to the level of a Master of the Atavistic Flames. Her affinity for them has grown to such a degree that she no longer suffers Combat and Health Fatigue through the use of the flames, allowing her to utilize it's power more safely to a degree.

Yin Specialist: Mirabelle's mastery of the Yin Release is superior to most, as she is capable of awareness of spiritual abilities, translating to the ability to detect any Genjutsu or spiritual technique affecting them below MS-level. This awareness also allows them to sense spiritual entities, like Katsuryoku spirits or Hungry Ghosts. As a Yin Specialists she is also able utilize Genjutsu Kai passively, up to B-Rank. Inducing Genjutsu on a target causes you to siphon some of their spiritual energy, augmenting your own spiritual prowess. For each illusion placed on a target(s) your spiritual techniques gain an effective 10 chakra and no more, 2 base speed levels stacking up to three times, and 10 damage stacking up to three times. The bonus is lost one turn after a target escapes from the illusion placed on them.

Genjutsu Casting Specialist: Mirabelle's love of the theatrics and manipulation of others was one thing she was always good at. This over the time started to expand into an even wider realization, as she can easily perform Genjutsu with only the need of a single hand seal.

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It took a rater long time, something Mirabelle personally didn't desire to do but alas did. Utilizing the scared scrolls she fetched from the Restricted Area in the Library of Chungsu; Mirabelle found scrolls with the instruction for some of the most notorious techniques to have ever been created. While she doesn't utilize it as much, there are a few techniques among the arsenal she's came to use from time to time. She eventually released her control over her Edo Tensai, realizing how inhumane the technique truly is.

Body Seals: Mirabelle's knowledge and training with Fuinjutsu is vast, having reached a level of mastery in which she learned and created specialized body seals on herself. These seals are located and scattered different locations on the body, each with a different purpose and intention, even going as far as to be self triggered in some instances.
(Fuinjutsu/Kenjutsu : Shi no Ōgama) - Sealing/Sword Arts: Lost Blades
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage points: N/a
Description: Lost blades is a very unique type of technique. Applying both sealing techniques with kenjutsu, making the technique, Lost Blades. The user will apply a seal on the blade portion of their sword. Doing this, the user is able to slash at anything that pertains to chakra in it, be it medical chakra, other forms of chakra. (excludes senjutsu or fuinjutsu). By doing this, the moment the user slashes at something, the seal instantly activates, sealing the chakra inside said technique, allowing for the slash to disperse the technique. This makes it look like everything the user cuts at, gets slashed and dispersed.
Note: Can use two times per battle
Note: Both Fuin and Kenjutsu is S rank, allowing the user to seal S rank and below
Note: The seal is pre-applied to the sword before battle. After usage, the user has to manually apply the seal to the sword again (This portion does not take up a move slot, but using the technique does)
Note: Seal stays dormant until clashes with other technique

(Fuuin: Hakari no Doragon) - Sealing Technique: Scales of the Dragon
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A (-40 on activation)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user has a seal on their body with the Kanji for "Impervious" that automatically activates upon the user being struck with a Taijutsu attack. A barrier instantly forms over the user (before the user can be harmed) and mitigates the damage dealt by the strike and any subsequent strikes encompassed in the technique or freeform combo. Whether a Taijutsu technique deals one single hit or a multitude of them, each activation of this seal will defend one single Taijutsu attack/combo, be it freeform or a technique. The effect of the barrier is to reduce rather than eliminate the damage the user takes from being struck physically by the opponent so it will only halve the damage of any Taijutsu technique no matter how powerful (e.g. S-Ranks will fall to 40 damage, D-Ranks will fall to 10 damage). Due to this seal only reducing damage rather protecting the user completely, it acts as a failsafe more than anything else in case the user is caught unawares by someone much faster than them. The user’s body will sustain the remaining damage after the barrier halves it’s power.

Note: Can only be used twice per battle
Note: User still takes half the damage
Note: Only applies to Taijutsu techniques
Note: No S-Rank or above Fuuin in that turn or next

(Fuinjutsu: Gyaku rirīsu) Sealing Technique: Release Inverse
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Self
Chakra: N/A (-40 Upon Activation)
Damage: N/A
Description: Reverse Inverse is a very intricate fuinjutsu technique, applied to the users body as a body seal. This technique is used in response to techniques that bind the users, this ranges from anything such as genjutsu or yamanaka techniques all the way to a fuuinjutsu , physical handcuffs or even an earth technique that physically binds the user (This applies to any elemental technique that binds/hinders the user). Upon being the binded, the seal will instantly activate, flooding chakra. If the user is binded by elemental means or physical means, chakra will flood into the technique or weapon breaking it, dispersing it or destroying it as a whole. If the technique is mental, it will flood the users body with chakra, refreshing the users chakra network system. This will break the mental binding.

Note: Technique can only be used once
Note: Must State this in bio, or start of bio.
Note: Cant use any fuinjutsu above S rank in the same or following turn.

(Fūinjutsu: Mu Gen no Kensei) Sealing Art: Baseless Blade Works
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Self
Chakra: 20 (-5 per turn active)
Damage: N/A
Description: Created by a fabled Blacksmith in an attempt to preserve his own creations through chanelling them into lesser works so as to not ruin his own blade's with wear, tear and rust, Baseless Blade Works is a seal applied to one's body that possesses a two-directional seal. Aesthetically it takes the form of a sword tattoo, the seal's primary application is similar to that of a generic Sealing technique, allowing the the user to seal and unseal physical targets, in this Jutsu's case specifically weapons, and store them within the seal for convenience and protection. What seperates this seal from the countless seals that provide the same function is the second application tied to the seal. When activated at the cost of 20 Chakra, the user selects one of their stored weapons and, should they be utilizing a weapon(s) of a similar nature, the seal identifies and targets unique aspects of the weapon and imparts that weapons properties on to the weapon held in their hands, effectively creating an "imitation" of the chosen target. This includes access to Jutsu that can only be performed through that specific weapon, abilities or techniques inherent to that weapon itself, or factors of the weapons design that make it unique, such as a specialized version of an existing weapon whose design is altered to achieve a greater/ different effect than its standard counterpart, all of these become avaliable to the weapon(s) in the user's hands.

Naturally there are limitations and drawbacks to the properties this seal. Firstly, due to the transformational nature of this technique, to "overwrite" existing weapons with the nature of another, this technique cannot be used on weapons that already have their own abilities. The weapon in the user's hands needs to be a "blank slate" that a unique weapon can be imprinted upon, or the technique fails to produce an effect. Next, weapons recieving the unsealed properties are still bound by their own inherent/ original properties and limitations. For example, regardless of a stored weapon's durability, the weapon in the user's hands does not recieve any additional defensive capabilities, such as indestructibility. Rather, when the "imitation" weapon's durability is too low (less than B-Rank in strength or durability (freeform weapons are classified as unranked), they can only maintain the imprint for a short period of time (4 turns max) before being destroyed as the enhancement turns into something more akin to a hostile invasion, causing the weapon to self-destruct. Additionally, utilizing techniques or abilities unique to a specific weapon while falling under the aforementioned durability range instantly causes this same destructive reaction. Finally this technique still requires the user abide by the rules regarding Custom Weapons and similarly restricted weapons, as well as any and all limitations the weapons themselves have.

Baseless Blade Works can last for as long as the user is willing to maintain it, provided the application doesn't expire due to the aforementioned durability factor, at a cost of 5 Chakra per turn. If an application of this technique lasts longer than 4 turns, it cannot be used for at least 2 turns once that usage ends. Finally, storage and withdrawal of weapons within this seal costs 5 Chakra per each activation, with the former costing a move when performed in combat, while the latter is always passive. Techniques used used through the imitation technique decrease in strength by a rank.

(Fuinjutsu: Kyūmin Erementarudomein) Sealing Style: The Dormants Domain
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 (-10 per turn, -20 per turn if used twice)
Damage: 80
Description: This technique has an application of both a body seal and a active regular fuin seal, being able to brand their body with the Kanji utilizing the technique. By applying this technique onto the user, (Be it in the start or mid way through the battle) the seal will activate causing said element to form into a small creature on their shoulders roughly the size of pakon (Kakashis Dog) This element can range from the basic elements, Advance Element, or Custom element but it needs to have an element component to it. Once the seal is active it stays dormant until an enemy is within short range. Once an enemy is within short range, the elemental creature that is on said body will instantly use a technique from said element that their body is composed of, of equal rank or lesser by using their own body as that source but having to be a projectile technique or a defensive technique that doesnt spawn larger than five meters around the user. Once the technique activates, the said creature would then disperse which the user is able to apply another seal on them, replicating this technique but will cost double the chakra to sustain it.

Note: Technique stays dormant until use
Note: Technique used from the creature can be defensive or offensive in nature, not supplementary and cant be a stream nor continuous
Note: This technique can be applied before battle in said bio. By doing this it can be activated as soon as the battle start.
Note: if applied a second time it uses double the amount of chakra to sustain said technique until active
Note: Can only be used twice per battle.
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Engulfing Lightning: Mirabelle after her long hours of watching the Black Smith named Marzan toil away, she was gifted with a unique new weapon. This being one of the first few God Slaying Tools of the newest generation. While originally nameless, Mirabelle have called the naginata she possesses "Engulfing Lightning". Being a five foot weapon, it's weight is evenly distributed among the weapon, being Mirabelle's iconic weapon of choice vs divine beings. The naginata is indestructible but lacks any true special properties aside from its Anti Divinity properties. The naginata was the enhanced with supportive properties by Master Kingsly, allowing Mirabelle's weapon to become empowered.
(Kamikorosu: Naginata) – God Slayer: Naginata
Type: God-Slaying Artifact
Rank: C
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A pole weapon wielded by the Samurai class now forged as a God-Slaying Tool. It is quite a large weapon, roughly five feet in length from the tip of its curved blade to the bottom of the pole-staff. This particular Naginata was forged for Mirabelle; because it is a product of certain Atavistic techniques it is bound to her soul, its anti-Divinity properties are able to pierce the defenses afforded to Divine enemies in the Ninja World. This does not confer a God-Slaying Tool the ability to defeat properties of Anutu or its sub-components; it is specifically targeted against Divine enemies in the Ninja World and the Divinity that they possess. With proper focusing and enhancements perhaps this weapon can become even stronger.

Support: this God-Slaying specialization is designed to provide strategic and tactical support to the team. This type of God-Slaying Tool possesses limited in their offensive capability but gifted in their ability to augment their team with a plethora of buffs and shields.
Embrace of the Fates (Passive): Passively Support specialists grant all their allies an additional 20 damage to those within mid-range of their location.
Beyond the Veil (Passive): All Support specialists boosts bypass damage stacking limits.
Divine Stratagem (Active): At the cost of a move and a slot in the timeframe the user is able to activate this God-Slaying technique; this allows all allies to gain a 3x speed and tracking increase as well as cause their next Ninjutsu to gain Anti-Divinity. Lasts for three turns, usable every four.

Misc Information: Mirabelle carries around with a variety of essential ninja tools, ranging from the basics such as shuriken, kunais, ninja wire, etc. She also carries her medical scroll with her just in case of emergencies as well. However when it comes to unique weapons, she has two on her person. Mirabelle also gained a powerful blade known as the Hagakure, a blade enhancing all her Kenjutsu with it. Outside of this, she has plethora of weapons at her disposal via unsealing them from scrolls, such as extra bows namely warbows, axes, lances, hammers etc. She also utilizes Heavy Artillery Explosive Tags as opposed to standard regular tags in battle as well.

( Hagakure Kikigaki ) - Hidden Leaves
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Deep within the Dark Tower lies many secrets of Oisha and his former master Asano, secrets the pupil wished to take to the grave with him. Prior to acquiring the first of the Zōka Sanshin, Oisha learned the secrets of Hagakure and expanded upon these before ultimately passing his knowledge onto his most skilled and trusted samurai, Ishijo of the Riverlands. However, following Oisha’s betrayal and the ensuing battle that occurred between him and the Ronin, the blade was lost and never recovered by Ishijo.

The Hagakure has three unique skills attributed to it, allowing for it’s varied and powerful usages. The first of the three abilities is a passive ability known as Gunki Monogatari. Gunki Monogatari refers to the state of the blade and it’s dual natured composition. Hagakure is both a physical blade as well as a spiritual one, coexisting at the same time, appearing as a blackened blade with wispy air-like wisps emanating from it. This dual existence grants the blade the ability to deal both physical and spiritual damage at one time, splitting the damage done to target’s spiritual health as well as body as evenly as possible, dealing both physical and spiritual damage. These techniques will combat techniques as normal though. This ability is passive in nature and enhances all non elemental Kenjutsu as well as non-Yin or non-Yang based Kenjutsu.

The first active ability is a special attack called Kashoki. The user releases several crescent blades of energy, designed to combat intangible techniques as well as injure the target. These crescents are capable of interacting with spiritual techniques that are normally intangible as well as other techniques that are intangible. These blades also deal a double effect on targets; should an attack land, then the target’s overall health points lower by 10. This 10 health reduces the damage from the technique originally used, dealing 10 less damage as an S ranked attack to living targets. What this means is should the S ranked technique land, 70 damage will be dealt while their max health drops by 10 as well. Against other Jutsu, full damage will apply. The user can make these crescents to combat other techniques once every 2 turns.

The last and perhaps most notable ability of the Hagakure is known as Bushi Katagi, or Warrior Spirit. Activating this spirit, this warrior spirit is reflected in the form of a faint blue hue over the user’s body, enhancing his blade’s spiritual abilities. This aura extends some of the Hagakure’s mystical abilities to it’s wielder, allowing them to be able to enhance their forms to mitigate the effects of damage, spending spiritual health to block physical damage. Being able to spend up to 100 health, the user is able to negate up to the same amount of damage. Anything higher than this and the user will take full damage as well as force the Health System drawbacks to trigger which, through usage of Bushi Katagi, normally do not trigger. This aura also augments the user’s Kashoki ability and allows him to target spiritual entities regardless of state, form, or realm. Should the user be capable of detecting a spiritual target, this blade will allow him to target them with Kashoki. Bushi Katagi allows Kashoki to not only target spiritual entities but also suppress them into the sword, augmenting his next Kashoki attack with the effects of the previously targeted spiritual entity.

Note: Gunki Monogatari is a passive ability always in effect, augmenting their effects. These effects cannot be mitigated unless by Yin or Yang based abilities.
Note: Should Bushi Katagi be used, then the cooldown rate for Kashoki is reduced to once per turn. However after Bushi Katagi ends, this can only be used once every 3 turns for the remainder of the battle. Should a second use of Bushi Katagi occur and end, Kashoki will only be usable once every 4 turns.
Note: Bushi Katagi requires the user to have at least 50 health before he can trigger it. It can only be used twice a battle, lasting 3 turns each use. Should the user’s sacrificed health leave him with less than 25, then this technique will automatically end regardless of how much has been blocked. The user is capable of using this as a blue barrier that blocks the same amount of damage for multiple allies, covering up to 6 meters. This can only be done with allies and not solo fights. Barrier use prevents further use of Bushi Katagi and lasts a single turn.
Note: Health spent to defend cannot be regenerated nor restored by the user or his Creation/Summonings or Tools. Another Ninja must heal the user in order for the health to return. However, he will not experience Fatigue or Health System drawbacks until his health is lowered by outside methods.
Note: Counts as the user’s CW. Cannot be paired with other CW.

( Iryo Doku ) - Medical Ninja Toxin
Type: Supply
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Medics are capable of utilizing a specific form of poison that is known to just them, created to cause partial paralysis and eventually complete paralysis and unconsciousness in targets directly poisoned. This poison, known as the Med Toxin, has effects that take place a turn after being poisoned but last for 4 stages before a target is completely subdued. The first stage is when the target is poisoned, only taking damage from the secondary source used to force the liquid poison inside their body. The second stage, taking place 1 turn after being poisoned, will cause targets to suffer a reduction of senses and have a 5% tracking and health decrease applied. The third stage, taking place 2 turns after being poisoned, will cause localized paralysis in the limb or limbs that were poisoned, preventing movement in them as the poison begins to spread. This can cause a reduction of speed by 20% if in the legs. The fourth stage, unique due to only triggering with repeated poisoning of a target, causes a complete paralysis in the target, causing them to be rendered unable to battle as both their body’s physical and chakra systems stop working for them.
Note: This poison’s effects take place across 4 turns. Repeated use can cause complete paralysis. Should a target only have limbs targeted, it will require 2 simultaneous inflictions or 4 overall inflictions for complete paralysis to trigger. Should a target have a resistance factor, the poison will take an additional turn before the next stage triggers unless otherwise noted.
Note: Each poisoning lasts 6 turns. Second Stage effects are capable of combining for a max of 20% reduction, triggering stage 4 after at least 4 separate poison statuses or 2 different double poisoning statuses.
Note: Counts as a Supply like all Poisons. Can be applied to the user’s Custom Weapons and weapons on the user’s bio.
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Daisuke Nanashi Hayabusa (Father)
Marisella "Shuten" Hayabusa (Mother) (née Nariyuki)
Isella Hana Hayabusa (Older Half Sister)
Isabelle Kiana Hayabusa (Younger Twin Sister)
Ilah Blackthorn (Daughter)
Kingsly Blackthorn(Husband)
Chise Hatori (Adopted Younger Sister)
Mugestsu Hayabusa (Great Granduncle)
Reborn Hayabusa (First Cousin)
Genji Shimada - Hayabusa (Cousin)
Hanzo Shimada - Hayabusa (Cousin)
Jo Hayabusa (Grandfather)
Ryu Hayabusa (Uncle)
Kyoki Hayabusa (Uncle)
Azrael Hayabusa (Uncle)
Isabella Uchiha (Maternal Cousin)
Ei Raiden (Ancestor)


Shirou Emiya (Friend)
Sado Yatosura (Friend)
Vegeta Hyuga (Friend/Rival)
Solomon (Former Mentor/Friend)
Faye Katsuryoku (Former Lover)
Vayne Nara (Friend/Successor)
Garret Hawke (Business Associate)
Musashi Miyamoto (Friend)
Alucard (Associate)
Lucifer (Associate)
Kotestsu Inuzuka (Associate)
Susabi (Associate)
Merlin (Associate)

Madara Uchiha (Enemy)
Strix (Enemy of Tsumigakure)

Ancestral Linage: Mirabelle through her mother's linage is a descendent of the Uzumaki, Uchiha and Hayabusa Clan. On her father's side, she's purely of Hayabusa Ancestry. After losing her ability to weave Neidan, Mirabelle disassociated herself with the Hayabusa, no longer claiming herself to be apart of the clan.

❖ Scientific Tools:
( Kyuu-tsuki ) - September (255 Regular Chakra)
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( +50 per turn ) ( -50 per turn to an opponent )
Damage: N/A ( -20 to an opponent's technique )
Description: September is a small orb-like self-sustained chakra battery that can be pre-charged with basic chakra, or senjutsu chakra. If charged with basic chakra it will be compatible with any non-hostile shinobi. The battery has two capabilities called charge and drain. Charge allows a shinobi to draw chakra from the battery or apply it to their techniques and drain allows the battery to draw chakra from a shinobi or their techniques. The battery has a max capacity of two hundred chakra.

Charge: While in direct contact with the battery or while it is on their person a shinobi can passively absorb chakra directly from the battery through contact. It can be used while still hidden or in a pouch not needing to be pulled out. It allows the shinobi to draw up to two hundred chakra from the battery at a rate of fifty per turn allowing for them to regain chakra or to supply exhausted allies with chakra. It can also be used to provide senjutsu chakra instead of chakra at a quicker rate allowing them to gain ten percent of their chakra as senjutsu chakra but can only be done once usually exhausting the battery. When exhausted the battery is still able to use its drain ability. Alternatively, like the name implies the battery can be used to charge a technique with ten extra chakra providing it a twenty damage boost. This is done in the same timeframe as the augmented technique and can only be done twice with a two-turn cool-down.

Drain: If a hostile individual tries to use the battery it will absorb their chakra instead of giving them chakra at a rate of fifty chakra stolen per turn. The wielder of the battery is also able to instigate this process passively by making direct contact with the opponent allowing them to instigate the process stealing fifty chakra per turn where contact is made. Additionally, through this draining ability, the battery is able to steal ten chakra from a technique causing it to weaken by twenty damage. This is similar to the capabilities of the Scientific Ninja Tool: ( Abusōbu Ude ) - Absorption Arm on a much lower and more basic scale. Where that can absorb entire jutsu this battery can only absorb ten chakra storing it in the battery. This portion of the drain ability will cost a move slot, can only be used once per turn and only twice per battle.
Note: The wielder can only carry a single chakra battery
Note: Must state the ratio of basic chakra to senjutsu chakra that is found in the battery

(Kansō) Requip
Type: Tool
Rank: D
Range: Self
Chakra: -5 chakra per transformation
Damage: N/A
Description: Requip is a unique brand of ninja technology namely used for those always on the move. Coming in the form of apparel; the user has the innate ability to have clothing that morphs and changes form in order to suit their needs. Within the fabric of the clothing – there exists specialized ninja technology that controls the strings and thus with the use of chakra can command it to take any form she desires. This can range from shifting from casual wear to combat ready clothing on the fly. It mimics any clothing the user may also have somewhere at home and even the coloration changes as well. This combines two aspects: the Henge no Jutsu and the morphing capabilities of the microfibers but the transformation is permanent until changed again. Transforming the clothing is passive and doesn’t take a move slot however needs – 5 per use to do so. While transforming a bright light is also emitted to prevent others from seeing the transformation until it fully forms if needed.

Enokuga | Book Of Enoch
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The Book Of Enoch is a tablet computer carried by Lucifer disguised as an old book, this tablet maintains a connection to the ninja world marketplaces and noticeboards regardless of the users location in the world. This allows the user to keep up to date on the goings on in the world, and to observe any bounties placed. Additionally the tablet can be used to store any information that the user chooses to record, information regarding landmarks, people, anything essentially can be recorded here for future use.
-Must be placed within the users biography.
-May only have one per bio.
Void Infused Artifacts (5/5):
(Mukō: Fuyu no Shukufuku) – Void: Winter’s Blessing
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: A
Range: Self
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A Void Infused Artifact Accumulator that is activated passively; upon activation the user instantly gains a single Void Infusion. It can be activated twice per battle, once every four turns.

(Mukō: Senmon Chūnyū) – Void: Specialized Infusion
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: A
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Whenever the user uses a technique within a field of their specializations, they have a 25% chance to gain a single Void Infusion, occurring at most once every two turns.

(Mukō: Mukō no Tsuyosa) – Void: Strength of the Void
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: B
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Activated passively at the cost of one Void Infusion; Strength of the Void increases the potency of the user’s next four offensive techniques by 20 damage.

(Mukō: Soshi Chūnyū) – Void: Elemental Infusion
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: B
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Whenever the user uses an A-Rank or higher elemental technique of one of the basic five natures they have a 20% chance to gain a single Void Infusion. This can occur once every two turns. This chance is increased to 40% when the user uses a Forbidden ranked elemental technique.

(Mukō: Yūryō) – Void: Charged
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: B
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A Void Infused modification that does not act as an Accumulator or Spender; rather, it passively increases the user’s maximum Void Infusion cap by 1. This can be stacked with other Charged Void Infused Artifacts, including itself if the user owns multiple copies.

Visual References:
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(In disguise, under the alias "Eliana")
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Theme Song & Background Music:
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Won: Too many
Lost: Not Many

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  • Adding new CSC, CFS, in bio technique, Seals etc.
Updating: https://animebase.me/threads/❦-mirabelle-blackthorn-❊-queen-of-beauty-❦.782555/
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
(Sōruiton ♦ Asaseyaa) – Algae Release ♦ Asase Yaa
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B - Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: N/A
Description: Asase Yaa is a supplementary technique designed to naturally integrate 'unique' aspects/features into Algal Blooms. This is can be done in two ways, one of which is infusing into preexisting sources of Algae/same time frame as an Algae Technique or by simply creating the sludge on it's own with the unique properties. These effects are essentially "Status Effects", though more catered to the nature of how Algae works. Only one Status Effect may be implemented into an existing source or technique through this technique.

Toxic Bloom: The first Status Effect Algae, which allows one to create poisonous algal bloom which can take on the more specific form as spores. Once the algae is released, the spores automatically enter into the air - which causes anyone aside from the user if inhaled to become infected. The spores causes immense breathing problems, as the toxic spores enter into the lungs and wreck havoc from within. This causes -10 DMG per turn unless removed with a fully body surge of an element strong against Algae. Failure to remove the spores from the body will allow them to persist, though only for four turns before naturally fading away. Due to the more inner attack on one's body, this allows it to bypass physical damage shaving of the target.

Bright Bloom:

??? Bloom:

??? Bloom
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
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"Dunno what you expect when you decided to face me, I'm ME afterall!"

🗦 精神Basic Information 🗧
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Name: Mirabelle Anastasia Uzumaki
Alias: Mirai, Sanguine Soul, Minx of Desire, Jinchuriki of the Nibi, Thunder Monarch
Official Titles : Sage of Artistry & Ideation
Gender: Female
Age: Thirty
Clan: Uzumaki Clan
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Zodiac: ♓Pisces (Feb 24th)

Looks: Mirabelle -not unlike most women her age- takes exceptional pride in the management of her outward appearance; working diligently to maintain a physique that is flexible yet firm in its outlines. With a fair-toned complexion that is contrasted by a generous natural crimson flush that runs in a soft glaze along key parts of her body, such as her cheeks, upper chest and outer thighs. Her radiant sapphire pigmented irises stand out against a head of silken dirty-blonde hair that varies in length depending on her whim and preference; reaching as long as her tailbone and rear, or as short as chin-length. She stand's at 5'8 in terms of her height.

Given her affinity for artistry -and being the Sage of such- Mirabelle does not shy away from the use of makeup and other cosmetic effects to provide a sharper, complimentary outline of the features she finds most pride in. She generally sports shades of red; accounting for the most obvious being the eyeliner that she generally wears in a sharp scarlet red to clash vibrantly with her blue eyes, along with a similar shade to her lips with a glossy finish. Additionally, she sports a variety of tattoos that take the shape of a subtle symbol representing royalty across her left bicep, a generously detailed rose along the left of her waist and a more generally identifiable trail of red floral stems that stretch across the top of her breasts and into the upper-center of the chest, between her collarbones, while now having a heart tattoo on her right hip. Though these are the standard choices she prefers for makeup, they are only among many choices that she has made before, leaving the final result of each day dependent on her personal preference.

What sets her apart from most Shinobi, Mirabelle has a relatively expansive wardrobe and takes considerable pride in the careful selection that she makes for each, going as far as to have them personally fitted to her comfort, ensuring each hugs perfectly complimentary to the curves of her figure. Though her wardrobe is expansive and seemingly ever evolving with new additions to suit her wants and needs, Mirabelle has a tendency to levitate toward a "favorite" that occasionally finds it's way into her rotation. Presently, her preference weights in favor of a snugly fitted custom leather half-suit that runs in a fluid connective span from her thigh-high boots, across her abdomen and into her chest, all complete with the adornment of various buckles and smooth net meshing. Across the top of her features is accompanied with a tight, sharply designed body dress of a blue gradient saturation that is reminiscent in its form of traditional Chinese dresses. Conclusively, she sports a fashionable and otherwise luxurious white leather-fur jacket that is frequently half-worn across her shoulders, leaving her arms to move freely beneath the material and allowing for it to be easily shrugged off upon engaging in battle.

After sometime, Mirabelle decided to get a new change of coloration to her hair. This would cause her to semi permanently dye her hair with new bluish colorations. It ironically matched the flames crafted by the Nibi though Mirabelle has yet to confirm or deny if this was intentional. Mirabelle would also come to learn how to use her Yang energy in conjunction with her hair; inventing a technique called "Wicked Weaves", allowing her the unique power. On Mirabelle's right arm, she has the respective summoning contract tattoos for all her summons. Mirabelle's right eye ironically turned a brilliant emerald coloration - gaining as case of heterochromia. This was caused due to her growing bond and prowess with Matatabi.

( Yoton: Jaaku Amu ) Yang Release: Wicked Weaves
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short (Hair Reach), Short - Long (Releasing Ranged Techniques)
Chakra: 40 (-20 per turn)
Damage: 80
Description: Wicked Weaves is a unique technique; based on the concept of kunochi infusing chakra into their hair in order to weaponize it in combat. What makes this different from other techniques including Wild Lion's Mane Technique is through the infusion of Yang energy into the hair, it allows them to weaponize it to an even higher degree. Once active, the user’s hair harden’s enough to become more akin to a sword’s durability, but can be shaped into any form the user desires without costing a move, ranging from fists or legs to form Taijutsu, or even other weapons to perform Bukijutsu or Kenjutsu. One thing however is that it cannot be detached from the user, or else the chakra supplying it will be stripped from it and simply fall useless on the ground. The user also at the cost of a move directly strikes with the empowered hair, allowing them to deal 80 physical damage to the opponent. Due to the Yang energy flowing through the user’s hair, the constructs exhibit a level of sentience, allowing it to strike freely on behalf of its user without them needing to command it. And last but not least, Wicked Weaves also has a passive usage for half its chakra cost, but allows the user to lengthen, shorten or even change the color of their hair and its style aesthetically. Wicked Weaves can be posted within a user's biography allowing them to apply the passive application of this technique without taking up a technique usage. This can only be used thrice per battle, lasting three turns, to which once deactivated cannot be used for two turns afterwards. Can only be used by kunoichi (Female Shinobi).

Nindo: Armor-Sleeved Single Hit
Having the Armor-Sleeved Single Hit Nindo means flexing is what you do. Showing off your power, boasting of your skill and more - arrogantly exclaiming you’re the best is a way of life. Having this Nindo means should your character completely overpower a technique via damage vs damage, their next technique will have a bonus 10 damage. Note: This cannot stack with it’s self.

Personality: Mirabelle can be described in one word, multifaceted. At first glance her approach to individuals comes off as cool and composed but hiding an air of arrogance behind her smile. Mirabelle loves to learn, always seeking ways in which can improve herself as a person thought not only mentally but also strength wise. Competitive, rude and foul mouthed are words people often describe her to be, which she doesn’t deny as her temper is miniscule. She’s easy to irritate and becomes very passive aggressive when annoyed by others. Somewhat fickle, she is shown being friendly and trying to come off as refined, mature one moment, then yelling whilst dangerously blunt the next. She takes her duties very seriously and always aims for the best but knows when to give up. She loves to fight, something her father noticed ever since she was little. She’d spend what little time she had with her father before his passing training, spending time in the mountains with her twin sister and uncle training in the ways of the Hayabusa Clan. She has a desire to become the strongest kunoichi in the world, admiring other strong women as well. She’s a pompous woman as well, notably about her body’s appearance. She takes true pride in it, only seeking the finest clothing money can buy but also loving to show of her large bosom to others in any ways possible. While she has little to no shame, she can sometimes show this feeling when truly ashamed of her actions. She also has the habit of gifting people nicknames, whether they like it or not it matters little to her. Mirabelle is quite the flirt as well, casually attempting to swoon a person just for fun. Lustful and also quite the vain woman, always desiring the most valuable items in life.

Mirabelle is overall a good hearted person, though her morals and self-interest can sometimes cloud her own judgment. She’s willing to kill without hesitation, but lacks the capability to kill the innocent. Unafraid to fight a stronger opponent, but fears the idea of losing her life without fulfilling her dreams. She loves her friends, family and village mates, but will show no mercy to those who cross either of them. Combat wise, Mirabelle's choice of confrontation differs from opponent and situations - but most often she utilizes any and everything in her arsenal to gain the upper hand, even down to weaponizing her *** appeal as well.

Mirabelle has also displayed true arrogance against many whom came her way, showing her "hime" like personality. While she prefers to overwhelm her targets with manipulation, she's not against brute forcing her way in a fight as well. She's also relentless when seeking revenge on those who wronged her. She does have a soft spot towards children, finding it rather impossible to bring harm to child unless they too prove a threat to her life.

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🗦 勢力Rank & Village Information 🗧

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Land of Birth: Owatatsumi
WSE Clan: N/A
Ninja Rank: Sage of Ideation & Artistry
Specialty: Apex Handseal Specialist (Fire /Blue Fire), Apex Tracking Specialist, Dragoon Specialist, Seal Caster, Naturalist Summoning Specialist (Electro), Yin Specialist (Yin State Oriented)
Elements & Skills:
Water Release......................................................................Taijutsu
Fire Release........................................................................Ninjutsu
Wind Release......................................................................Kenjutsu
Lightning Release...............................................................Genjutsu
Earth Release.............................................................Kaito Taijutsu
Yin Release..........................................................................Kinjutsu
Yang Release.....................................................................Fūinjutsu
Dark Vacuity Release............................................Medical Ninjutsu
Solar Wind Release...............................................Uzumaki Clan
Seraphic Water Release........................................Bijutsu.
Perfume Release ..................................................Bukijutsu
Algae Release
Blue Fire Release

Blood Contracts: Thunderbirds & Maned Wolves & Box Jellyfish

Custom Fighting Styles:
Lazy Fist -Dragoon Style - Surreal Palm - Namikazeron - Grimm Mane

Mirabelle's Attribute Points (29 AP):
Mind: 7 | Body: 5 | Spirit: 6 | Agility: 5 | Dexterity: 5 | Vitality: 1 (Chakra: 0 | Health: 1)

Mirabelle Base Stats
Base Tracking: 30 | Base Speed: 10 | Chakra: 2550 | Health: 240
AP Bonuses: +10 Bonus DMG to Blue Fire, Basic Fire and Fuinjutsu
+5 DMG to Yin Release
+5 Physical DMG and Spiritual DMG

🗦 生命Background & Additional Information 🗧
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"My name is Mirabelle Uzumaki, pleasure to meet you~"
(Origin Story Prior to Jinchuriki.)

Chapter 7: Mirabelle the Jinchuriki:
Prior to her descent into Irkalla – Mirabelle was a bit hesitant towards the underworld due to a strange disturbance occurring in the village. Curious; after the battle with Shukaku she left for a moment to investigate the strange chakra signatures. Unfortunately; she was struck down mid flight and taken captured by members of the Black Spider Clan, the eternal rivals of the Hayabusa Clan. As this occurred; she was forced into state of beyond her control, her powers being sealed. Despite her attempts to free herself, the maiden was unable to do so - in which these vile shinboi did the unthinkable. Utilizing some sort of kinjutsu, Mirabelle's connection to Wuji was completely severed - rendering her Dantian destroyed. This of course wasnt the end of it, as they forcefully sealed the Yang Half of the Nibi into her body, in hopes that she will cause a rampage on the very village she loved. Once they left, the woman was left in a broken state, and with wanting nothing but to protect her people - Mirabelle would step down as the Kage until she managed to gain control of it's power or until Vayne of the Shadow Tribe returned from Irkalla, which would make him the Yondaime Tsumikage.

Chapter 8: The Broken, the Shattered, the Reawakened:
After her self imposed exile began, Mirabelle journeyed through the Badlands for a period of time, becoming more acclimated and in tune with the Nibi. Despite the constant strain of trying to create a sort of bond, the two always found themselves at each other's throat. She however would soon on a whim unlock the unique skill known as "Blue Fire Release". This was showing the bond between the Jinchuriki and Nibi was starting to become ignited. Of course over time, her journey lead to her arriving to the land of fire. Seeking knowledge from one of the infamous institutions on the island - she would find the university in shambles, bones left behind from months ago. After sheer investigation, she would come across a blind woman, who would refer to herself as Isabella Uchiha. The two started to become acquainted with one another, with the lady asking her to be a sort of guide for her. Once they arrived in the Nara's ancestral human lands, Mirabelle was fed with information about the Bijuu - while Isabella whimsically forged a new plague, unknown to Mirabelle's attention. Her actions lead to the arrival of the Kage and his allies, which in turn another unknown party entered the fray. It was one of the Voidlords, Neferian whom immediately killed the Uchiha woman with little effort. Of course, the sheer presence of Neferian sent the lady into a state of shock and fear, but this lowered her guard as she become subjected to the Kage's Tsukiyomi. Mirabelle at this time feel unconscious, saved by the newly ressurected Isabella and promptly taken to Solomon to seek attention. The Nibi which was originally sealed within her, was resealed afterwards - as her spiritual imbalance was also repaired as she awakened.

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The lady vowed to never let something like this happen again, swearing she'd get revenge on the Uchiha one day but also thanked the Isabella for saving her - apologizing for her previous animosity towards her. It was at this time however that Mirabelle and Isabella would take time to listen to answers they seek from Solomon. The former mentor would speak firstly about the ancient past, talking about the different eras of humanity and the tales of humans and gods alike. Mirabelle herself however was fascinated with these lore bits, an instrinsic behavior of hers due to being a scholar. After the explanations where given - Mirabelle's answer pertaining to the events of Chungsu was answered. While she was left with somewhat vague answers, all she can chalk up at the time was that someone or something was responsible for her mother and twin sister's death, and thus she intends on finding out the truth.

Chapter 9: Into the Void, Journey to the Unknown Seas
After clearly being given a hint as to how to find more information about her eyes, Mirabelle would accompany Isabella on a trip across oceans, to meet with individuals who can assist in for their voyage into the depths of the muddy ocean. Once this happened, both women dove into the Hokubu Ocean; till they managed to reach the ocean's floor. A new civilization was discovered, a underwater nation dubbed Eridu the home of the Sentinels. While initially roaming free; the two where eventually caught by the local militant guarding forces. The two would be taken to meet with the highest form of power among them, Lady Ningal. After their brief interaction; they where both guided to the Void Tree in which Mirabelle didn't touch the tree as suggested but now currently watches a motionless Isabella. After spending time down in the depths of the ocean, Mirabelle and Isabella left after being dimissed by Lady Ningal - the High Prietess of Eridu. Citing there's trouble currently at the depths of the city, the two decided to leave. Once at the surface, the both decided to finally head to the Ruins of Chungsu, though strangely at the request of Isabella.

Chapter 10: The Felled Angel, Sanity and the Library
After adventuring back to the Library that remained in Chungsu; Mirabelle and company encountered strange humans, most of which rambled on about something called the "Felled Angel". The two allies decided to subdue them though it was more within Mirabelle's interests as she learned more about the term and also its possible connection to the meteorite that Solomon told her about. Unlucky to her and Isabella, Madara and his crew showed up as well - which immense hostility had been shared by both sides. Time passed, tensions rose as everyone within the Restricted Area was searching for something within the secluded section. However it wasn't long till things turned ugly, with Isabella seemingly trying to stop something but was only meet with a quick defeat at the hands of Madara. Mirabelle, despite her desire to attack quickly realized she was outnumbered, thus utilized the opportunity to leave while she can. On her way out she would grab several scrolls and a book and left for the Kinai Islands - where she would now currently be residing; having nursed Isabella back to health but the woman remained unconscious still. A lot of self reflection was involved; with Mirabelle preparing to change a little bit of her game plan in order to become even stronger potentially.

Chapter 11: Recovery, Long Lost Love and Friendships.
After her recovery period in the Kinai Islands, Mirabelle would have honestly caused some trouble to a nearby settlement, quite literally burning it to the ground out of sheer irritation of her loss towards Madara. Over time she's learned more about her connection to Matatabi - somewhat realizing the beast's influence on her. It was at this time however she decided to part ways with Isabella for a while in order to deal with her own personal demons. This would include finally stepping down as Head of the Hayabusa Clan, allowing to fully close the chapter of pain it caused her. However this was only the first step in her path to recovering herself but also among other things. With chaos insetting in the Land of Fire again, she heads to investigate for her own self. After traveling to the Noodle Panhandle, Mirabelle was among the start of her investigations but was promptly greeted by Faye. Her long time friend and love interest whom she was just thinking about. The two was happy to see each other, as they both caught up with one another in life. After sharing a very intimate kiss with each other, they had to go among their separate ways but Mirabelle leaving with her a gift to allow her to find her at any time.

Chapter 12: Rebirth of Sandaime Tsumikage and Inazuma's Founding
After having gained better control over the Nibi's power - Mirabelle decided she would return to Tsumigakure, no longer afraid of her semi partner's powers. After having a meeting with Sado, she was reinstated as a member of Tsumigakure but also back to her reign as Sandaime Tsumikage. As she did, she would prepare to soon meet with the Samurai of the Iron Peninsula, with the intentions of reigning over this part of the map for her village's and the world's sake. As she continued in her seige oiver the Iron Peninsula, she begrudlingy put in a position to work along side Garret Hawke, some sort of vagabond wanitng to make business in her lands of interest.

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Chapter 13: The Voices, Old Fashion Fun, New Alliances.
After conquering most of the lands, Mirabelle was once again caught with the voices in her head, while also finding strange papers that she managed to barely make sense of. Afterwards, she left her demonic familiar to watch over Inazuma's production while she heads to investigate. Her travels lead to her encountering Isabella and Alucard, while also realizing the Void Tree is spreading to the Port. The same voices spoke once more, speaking of locations harboring "keys". There Mirabelle spent some time talking with Isabella and Alucard, finally putting a nail in the coffin of indifference she felt towards Alucard. The two now allies, she would have separated from Isabella once more after her initial investigatings of the landmark didn’t come up with much results. Mirabelle promptly left the Port of Innovus to attend back to her village for other matters. Along the way she brought along a straggler named Vincent, requesting to join the ranks fo the village. She would have guided him to the village, and with the assistance of her familiar – got the man established into the village’s archive. Of course this wasn’t the only thing, word had finally reached the ears of the Kage. The raid of Irkalla was a success, with Emiya confirming humanities success in the act of defying the Goddess Pheta. However, with urgency in these messages, Mirabelle would once again prepare to leave for the Port of Innovus, only to be caught up in conversation with her friend Isabella whom decided to visit her directly. With that, the two headed back to the Port to meet with Emiya.

Chapter 14: New Generation of God Slayers
Arriving to the Port, Mirabelle and Isabella was prompted with the introduction of the first new god slaying tool, named Tsumikari. An amazing blade, Mirabelle had admitted to be forged but the maiden was uninterested in another katana or nodachi. She would have introduced her own unique blade in return to Emiya showing his own to her. They shared in bit of friendly exchange but the urgency of Isabella’s repeated rebuttals seemed to have cut the tension far more thinly than desired. Eventually the talks lead to Emiya finally leading the women down into the Armory of Marzan. Arriving there, they are greeted with the man who’s the engineer of these divinity slaying weapons. While Mirabelle attempted to sing him praises, the man continued to deny any of them, much to her understanding. Humble in his work she supposes. After talking with the man, both ladies are tasked with collecting material for the man, in order to build the weapons they desired. As quickly as they left, they returned in a matter of hours, presenting the material. Of course, a bit over the top in terms of quality, it was the human soul that made these weapons unique and powerful, a meaning Marzan stressed to the ladies onced more. Acknowledging his word, Mirabelle set out to find Neferian alongside Isabella.

Chapter 15: The Collapse
After leaving the armory, Mirabelle set out back to Tsumigakure in order to catch up on village affairs but then she stumbled into Lucifer, whom she saw fighting the Yonbi. She desired to intervene but with the Yonbi's terramorphing of the Hell's Maw, she was left with no choice but to flee. After which she seeked out Solomon, aiming to get a bit of direction. There in the conversation, she learned about Phetra, Anutu and among other things. She departed, she went to the land of fire, hoping to meet with Isabella, but in time, it seems another tragedy had struck the world at large. People are dead everywhere, leaving Mirabelle with no choice but to amount it to the work of the Mother Cult once again. Stepping down from Kage to secure more freedom, she ventures out in search for answers to the current crisis.

Chapter 16: Change Can't Wait:
Mirabelle's adventures through the current world has lead to many events; with her reign as Kage over once more, venturing into the new continent of Kamiyasumi, and the continued pursuit of saving humanity. Along the way she's meet with many old friends and made new ones along the way, dualing the notorious Madara alongside her friend Isabella. This cosmic battle between the mortals and the divine continues to brew - who will win the penultimate question...

Chapter 17: A New World :
Two Years had passed since that fateful day, the world had been spun on its literal head. Eanna or as many thought simply as the Moon crashed onto the earth, the Eastern Continent was ravished by the Basmu, turned into a literal lake of Rot. Mirabelle renounced her "Blackthorn" title, fully embracing her Uzumaki Heritage. She married a Monk from the Human Order named Kingsly - and many other changes in her life.

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Jinchuriki of the Two Tails: Like all Jinchuriki, Mirabelle has an enormous supply of chakra compared to most ninja. Jinchuriki of the Two-Tails can gain access to Blue Fire Release and Spiritual Taijutsu, though the requirements for these skills vary based on Tailed Beast Control.

Uzumaki Clan Hiden: After the Cataclysm, Mirabelle sought out one of the few relatives she knew was alive. Her maternal grandmother, Kiyoki Uzumaki- having spent several months learning how to manifest and control her ancestor's unique Chakra Chains, while also gaining an increased affinity for the sealing arts. This bolstered her life force and chakra reserves due to this.

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It took a rater long time, something Mirabelle personally didn't desire to do but alas did. Utilizing the scared scrolls she fetched from the Restricted Area in the Library of Chungsu; Mirabelle found scrolls with the instruction for some of the most notorious techniques to have ever been created. While she doesn't utilize it as much, there are a few techniques among the arsenal she's came to use from time to time. She eventually released her control over her Edo Tensai, realizing how inhumane the technique truly is.

Body Seals: Mirabelle's knowledge and training with Fuinjutsu is vast, having reached a level of mastery in which she learned and created specialized body seals on herself. These seals are located and scattered different locations on the body, each with a different purpose and intention, even going as far as to be self triggered in some instances.
(Fuinjutsu/Kenjutsu : Shi no Ōgama) - Sealing/Sword Arts: Lost Blades
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage points: N/a
Description: Lost blades is a very unique type of technique. Applying both sealing techniques with kenjutsu, making the technique, Lost Blades. The user will apply a seal on the blade portion of their sword. Doing this, the user is able to slash at anything that pertains to chakra in it, be it medical chakra, other forms of chakra. (excludes senjutsu or fuinjutsu). By doing this, the moment the user slashes at something, the seal instantly activates, sealing the chakra inside said technique, allowing for the slash to disperse the technique. This makes it look like everything the user cuts at, gets slashed and dispersed.
Note: Can use two times per battle
Note: Both Fuin and Kenjutsu is S rank, allowing the user to seal S rank and below
Note: The seal is pre-applied to the sword before battle. After usage, the user has to manually apply the seal to the sword again (This portion does not take up a move slot, but using the technique does)
Note: Seal stays dormant until clashes with other technique

(Bijuu Fuinjutsu: Akuma no mado shīru) - Tailed Beast Sealing Technique: Demon's Window Seal
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 30 (for activation)
Damage: N/A
Description: This seal was created specifically for Jinchuriki as a way of giving their Bijuu a more active role in battle. The Demon's Window Seal is placed on a Jinchuriki's body and gives their Bijuu a window into the outside world, appearing as a "screen" of sorts inside their inner sanctum. This allows them to see in the direction that the seal is facing, with a standard field of view. A common location for the seal is the nape of the Jinchuriki's neck which allows the Bijuu to watch their host's back, though more offensively minded Jinchuriki may place the seal elsewhere. This viewing window is active at all times as a passive function for the seal.Beyond being able to see through the seal, the Bijuu and host are able to activate it to create a temporary gateway into the real world, appearing as an enlarged version of the seal in the air at the desired location. While not large enough for the Bijuu to escape through, it does allow the passage of a limb or tail, or even a technique. Whether it is the Bijuu or the Host activating the seal, the gateway must be created within eye sight. Should the Tailed Beast attack through the gateway with a limb or tail, the strength of the attack is A rank. They are able to use techniques of the fields they can use during its full transformation (e.g. Wind and Sand for Shukaku, or Wind and Taijutsu for Chomei), but with half the added power bonus and excluding any technique that is exclusive to their full transformation. The gateway can only be used for one action per usage, after which it closes.
-Must be stated in the biography, along with location on the body.
-Can only be activated four times per battle.
-Physical attacks count as A-rank in strength, but do not count as a move in the user's turn.
-Activation of the seal counts as a move in the user's turn, as does any technique released through the gateway

(Fuuin: Hakari no Doragon) - Sealing Technique: Scales of the Dragon
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A (-40 on activation)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user has a seal on their body with the Kanji for "Impervious" that automatically activates upon the user being struck with a Taijutsu attack. A barrier instantly forms over the user (before the user can be harmed) and mitigates the damage dealt by the strike and any subsequent strikes encompassed in the technique or freeform combo. Whether a Taijutsu technique deals one single hit or a multitude of them, each activation of this seal will defend one single Taijutsu attack/combo, be it freeform or a technique. The effect of the barrier is to reduce rather than eliminate the damage the user takes from being struck physically by the opponent so it will only halve the damage of any Taijutsu technique no matter how powerful (e.g. S-Ranks will fall to 40 damage, D-Ranks will fall to 10 damage). Due to this seal only reducing damage rather protecting the user completely, it acts as a failsafe more than anything else in case the user is caught unawares by someone much faster than them. The user’s body will sustain the remaining damage after the barrier halves it’s power.

Note: Can only be used twice per battle
Note: User still takes half the damage
Note: Only applies to Taijutsu techniques
Note: No S-Rank or above Fuuin in that turn or next

Iryo Hijutsu: Herena no ibutsu - Hidden Medical Art: Relics of Helena † Arc of Abstinence
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: 20(X2 if used to augment the relics)
Damage: N/A
Description: To use the Relics of Helena, the user must have a unique sealing mark while each has its own duty. The sealing script is in the form of a small crucifix tattoo on the user's back. The relic's aim is to further advance passive medical jutsu, either by using them alternatively or by taking them to another level. However, some of this improved medical practices would now require some chakra to be spent if they don't require chakra before. Rudimentary medical practices which are passive in nature are the "Power of Resistance", "Diagnosis", "Extraction", "Blood Coagulation" and "Cleanse". however this particular relic only works for Power of Resistance.

Arc of Abstinence is a sealing script that is in the form of a small crucifix seal. It is represented by kanji for "resist" and thus it augments one's power of resistance. Basic power of resistance requires no chakra input but with the addition of chakra sealed within the seal of abstinence, power of resistance is taken to another level. The newly advanced power of resistance not only maintains its primary duties, it goes further to augmenting the user's anatomy from more factors that's affects him. It also goes beyond the anatomy and add power of resistance to the user's mind and body seals. The default "power of resistance" must be in use before the seal can be activated and like the default, the seal is passively activated albeit one would spend chakra this time but only to activate the seal.
In addition to getting a boost to one's natural resistance to disease, poison, toxins, acids, alkaline substances, etc and because this is done by an invisible warm barrier(shield) around one's body, the seal flushes sealed medical chakra into the user's chakra network, which is used solely to increase the density and power of the resistance aura around the user's anatomy. The user uses this premise and create a tougher and advanced form of non-physical shield, though now would not only shield the user's body as a whole but would shield every cells on his body. This makes it able to withstand higher level bio hazards more potent than those originally mentioned, even to some extent, stop the decay(natural) of tissues and cells(cosmetic). This would also make the cells resistance to radioactive decay. Elaborately, this means, one's resistance to the effects now are enhanced and would even shield the user if it were enemy techniques, though the only thing that won't affect the user is the effects(venom, disease, bioharzards, etc) within the technique, the user is still susceptible to anything else like heat, shock, force, sharpness, impact etc., that might come with the technique.
The arc of abstinence not only works for the anatomy which is the physical, but also works for the spiritual thus at the same time, it also creates a shield around ones mind. This also increases one's mind resistance to foreign intrusion. The mind would resist any form of mind reading, control, false emotion implant and emotional effect arising from infusion of foreign chakra. This however does not resist genjutsu but would resist residual effect from genjutsu which affects the mind, like pain, fear, perception of time, etc. This means it can resist residual effect from S-rank and below genjutsu only and cannot resist effects from MS level genjutsu in any form. The user's chakra also is influenced by the power of resistance, however, it only resist external phenomenon from siphoning away or sealing off the user's chakra, unless the user has something to do with it or with the user's consent. By spending "double" the chakra when activating arc of abstinence, the power of resistance would extend to the Relics of Helena. Spending double the chakra would make the relics be able to resist any form of seal corrupting technique(so far the techniques don't harm the medium on which the seals are placed), thus the reason why double chakra is spent, as half of the total chakra is focused on fortifying the relics.
Though the seal is merely supplementary and cause no harm in any way, they have their drawbacks due to the user's advanced exertion of medical fuinjutsu, using normal fuinjutsu while the relics are in use costs +10 more chakra if they are A-rank and above.

( Kōdona Uzumaki Fuuinjutsu: Tsubame no gyakuten ) – Advanced Uzumaki Sealing Technique: Body Of Teach!
Type: Defensive | Supplementary
Rank: S-rank
Range: Short (Mid)
Chakra: 70
Damage: N/A (+20 to taijutsu)
Description: Body Of Teach is a simple sealing technique only passed down to the head of the Uzumaki clan of each generation. The seal would come in the form of small vertical straight lines across the body that are not noticeable by the naked eye while dormant. Each line would be small written kanji of each basic element over and over in a row, forming the straight line. The kanji is so small, even those capable of seeing the lining on the body wouldn't notice they are actually kanji writing unless they had some sort of vision allowing to see such small writing. The seal would come into effect when the user wills it to, actively sealing an elemental technique that would have come into contact with the users body; Allowing them to seal the element into the lining, causing the lining to glow a color similar to the element sealed (Yellow = Lightning, Blue = Water, Brown = Earth etc.). Once the element is sealed, within the next 2 turns (including the turn the element is sealed) the user can release the element passively next to any taijutsu performed; Not only giving the attack a heavy damage boost, but also causing an outward shockwave in the direction of the attack, which would expand the damage out to mid range. Once the element is added to the taijutsu attack, the kanji for the specific element would disappear from the lines on the body altogether. In case of AE or CE being sealed, the kanji for every element that makes that element up would disappear Also. Of course this means once an element is sealed once, that specific element that disappeared can't be sealed and used as a boost again. Being an advanced Uzumaki seal, it can seal techniques with chakra up to 70 or below. Anything beyond that would be unsealable.
Note: Only usable 3x with a 2 turn cool down between uses.
Note: Can only have a single technique sealed away at a time.
Note: Once used, the user can't use any S-rank or higher sealing techniques for 2 turns.
Note: Can only be used by Adv. Uzumaki Bios
Note: Counts as a body seal

( Fukurō no sukuriputo ) | Scripts of the Northern Owl
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40 [+10 to seal]
Description: Scripts of the Northern Owl is 1 of 4 secret sealing techniques created by the Uzumaki clan to give their unique Chakra Chains more versatility. Specifically, Scripts focuses on the more supplemental side of sealing. The Chakra chains come with an inherent ability to use a certain sealing method through them, so a talented Uzumaki found a way to advance the idea of using seals through them altogether. Through the use of additional chakra when deploying the chains, the user is able to forge kanji/Scripts into the chains and give them the effects of a sealing technique. This would only work with Fuuinjutsu techniques that have kanji markings or scripts that can be written/forged into the chakra chains themselves. This has it's limits though. Being a technique that only comes into fruition when used directly next to chakra chains, it is a passive technique and won't take up a move slot; Though whatever seal is forged into the chains will need to be posted and altogether would count as two moves (The chains + Seal). This is a technique that would have to be posted in the user's bio or at the beginning of fights as a reference (also being posted as reference when used). For S rank seals and above, the user will need to perform an additional hand seal when forming the chains. Can only be used to apply S rank seals 3 times each battle, with two turns between uses. Cannot be applied to forbidden ranked chains.

( Īsutandoragon no shizukesa ) | Tranquility of The Eastern Dragon (Blue Fire Release)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Chakra: 20 [+10 to jutsu]
Damage: +20
Description: Tranquility of The Eastern Dragon is 1 of 4 secret sealing techniques created by the Uzumaki clan to give their unique Chakra Chains more versatility. Specifically, Tranquility focuses on elemental chakras to enhance the overall effectiveness of the chains. Through the use of additional chakra when deploying the chains, the user is able to passively mark his chains with kanji of a chosen element [to be specifically posted which element in bio] to enhance them to fit their needs. The kanji would instantly erect a barrier that is skin tight on the chains, possessing the inherit properties of said element. This can range from being a basic element, to an advanced element or CE, which effectively raises the rank of the chains when used. This is something that CAN be applied to the chains but doesn't HAVE to be applied every use, seeing as the chains would also take on the weaknesses of said element and wouldn't always be needed.

On the other hand, at the cost of a move and 20 chakra, the user can switch the kanji seal to a new element (losing the old seal). This would happen within the same time frame of the chains due to the nature of this technique, being unusable on its own.

Note: Can only be used on chains up to S rank.
Note: For S rank seals the user will need to perform an additional hand seal when forming the chains or swapping the seal. Can only be used to apply S rank seals 3 times better battle, with two turns between uses.

⥥ ( Doragūn Tamashī ) - Dragoon's Soul ⥥
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The "Dragoon's Soul" takes the form of a bodily seal tattoo that holds the likeness of a Dragon, of which is primarily printed across the back of any and all users of the Dragoon Style, the appearance of which varies from user-to-user but each maintains a consistent theme of the Dragon's various parts being seen extending throughout the user's body, some examples being down their shoulders/arms or their waist/legs. This seal functionally serves as a housing and highway for "Draconic Might" throughout the user's body, which is functionally a cocktail combination of built up Tension Force absorbed from the muscles of the user -frequently seen in the flexing or straining of muscle tissue- and the integration of raw Chakra that serves as an amplifier and manifestable source of energy that gives directable control of the force. The aforementioned Tension Force is absorbed and stored through the Seal placed upon the user; a perpetual draw to charge the battery that is the Seal that comes as a result of even the slightest movement the user produces. This is done passively and is without a scaling system due to the abundance of the force it feeds upon at any given point in time. Once this built up force has been infused with Chakra, it becomes "Draconic Might" which can be directed either to key parts of the user's body, namely the legs for things such as boosts in speed, strength in lunges or leaps, or in certain circumstances, as projective force, depending on the technique that is utilized. Through the harnessing of a physical force such as Tension Force, all manifestations of Dragoon techniques that relies on chakra as a means of projection carries with it an inherent physicality to it that belies the raw chakra that it is infused with, often showing in a distinguishing manner of a thermal radiative wave that rolls off of any chakra (or Draconic Might) that is produced by the User. As a result, any use of Draconic Might is treated as physical damage. As a result of their physicality and the advanced nature of projecting pure chakra, all forms of Dragoon Style techniques that utilize Draconic Might and their interactions are treated as neutral.
-Must have this technique posted in reference on the user's biography in order to utilize the style and counts as one of their maximum bodily seals.
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Engulfing Lightning: Mirabelle after her long hours of watching the Black Smith named Marzan toil away, she was gifted with a unique new weapon. This being one of the first few God Slaying Tools of the newest generation. While originally nameless, Mirabelle have called the naginata she possesses "Engulfing Lightning". Being a five foot weapon, it's weight is evenly distributed among the weapon, being Mirabelle's iconic weapon of choice vs divine beings. The naginata is indestructible but lacks any true special properties aside from its Anti Divinity properties. The naginata was the enhanced with supportive properties by Master Kingsly, allowing Mirabelle's weapon to become empowered.
(Kamikorosu: Naginata) – God Slayer: Naginata
Type: God-Slaying Artifact
Rank: C
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A pole weapon wielded by the Samurai class now forged as a God-Slaying Tool. It is quite a large weapon, roughly five feet in length from the tip of its curved blade to the bottom of the pole-staff. This particular Naginata was forged for Mirabelle; because it is a product of certain Atavistic techniques it is bound to her soul, its anti-Divinity properties are able to pierce the defenses afforded to Divine enemies in the Ninja World. This does not confer a God-Slaying Tool the ability to defeat properties of Anutu or its sub-components; it is specifically targeted against Divine enemies in the Ninja World and the Divinity that they possess. With proper focusing and enhancements perhaps this weapon can become even stronger.

Support: this God-Slaying specialization is designed to provide strategic and tactical support to the team. This type of God-Slaying Tool possesses limited in their offensive capability but gifted in their ability to augment their team with a plethora of buffs and shields.
Embrace of the Fates (Passive): Passively Support specialists grant all their allies an additional 20 damage to those within mid-range of their location.
Beyond the Veil (Passive): All Support specialists boosts bypass damage stacking limits.
Divine Stratagem (Active): At the cost of a move and a slot in the timeframe the user is able to activate this God-Slaying technique; this allows all allies to gain a 3x speed and tracking increase as well as cause their next Ninjutsu to gain Anti-Divinity. Lasts for three turns, usable every four.

Misc Information: Mirabelle carries around with a variety of essential ninja tools, ranging from the basics such as shuriken, kunais, ninja wire, etc. Her Custom Weapon is a unique katana she came across nearing the end of the world. This unique sword is known as Hagakure Kikigaki; a unique katana with a dual existence attached to it's black blade. Having becoming her primary weapon in combat - she executes the weapon with unrivaled finesse.

( Hagakure Kikigaki ) - Hidden Leaves
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Deep within the Dark Tower lies many secrets of Oisha and his former master Asano, secrets the pupil wished to take to the grave with him. Prior to acquiring the first of the Zōka Sanshin, Oisha learned the secrets of Hagakure and expanded upon these before ultimately passing his knowledge onto his most skilled and trusted samurai, Ishijo of the Riverlands. However, following Oisha’s betrayal and the ensuing battle that occurred between him and the Ronin, the blade was lost and never recovered by Ishijo.

The Hagakure has three unique skills attributed to it, allowing for it’s varied and powerful usages. The first of the three abilities is a passive ability known as Gunki Monogatari. Gunki Monogatari refers to the state of the blade and it’s dual natured composition. Hagakure is both a physical blade as well as a spiritual one, coexisting at the same time, appearing as a blackened blade with wispy air-like wisps emanating from it. This dual existence grants the blade the ability to deal both physical and spiritual damage at one time, splitting the damage done to target’s spiritual health as well as body as evenly as possible, dealing both physical and spiritual damage. These techniques will combat techniques as normal though. This ability is passive in nature and enhances all non elemental Kenjutsu as well as non-Yin or non-Yang based Kenjutsu.

The first active ability is a special attack called Kashoki. The user releases several crescent blades of energy, designed to combat intangible techniques as well as injure the target. These crescents are capable of interacting with spiritual techniques that are normally intangible as well as other techniques that are intangible. These blades also deal a double effect on targets; should an attack land, then the target’s overall health points lower by 10. This 10 health reduces the damage from the technique originally used, dealing 10 less damage as an S ranked attack to living targets. What this means is should the S ranked technique land, 70 damage will be dealt while their max health drops by 10 as well. Against other Jutsu, full damage will apply. The user can make these crescents to combat other techniques once every 2 turns.

The last and perhaps most notable ability of the Hagakure is known as Bushi Katagi, or Warrior Spirit. Activating this spirit, this warrior spirit is reflected in the form of a faint blue hue over the user’s body, enhancing his blade’s spiritual abilities. This aura extends some of the Hagakure’s mystical abilities to it’s wielder, allowing them to be able to enhance their forms to mitigate the effects of damage, spending spiritual health to block physical damage. Being able to spend up to 100 health, the user is able to negate up to the same amount of damage. Anything higher than this and the user will take full damage as well as force the Health System drawbacks to trigger which, through usage of Bushi Katagi, normally do not trigger. This aura also augments the user’s Kashoki ability and allows him to target spiritual entities regardless of state, form, or realm. Should the user be capable of detecting a spiritual target, this blade will allow him to target them with Kashoki. Bushi Katagi allows Kashoki to not only target spiritual entities but also suppress them into the sword, augmenting his next Kashoki attack with the effects of the previously targeted spiritual entity.

Note: Gunki Monogatari is a passive ability always in effect, augmenting their effects. These effects cannot be mitigated unless by Yin or Yang based abilities.
Note: Should Bushi Katagi be used, then the cooldown rate for Kashoki is reduced to once per turn. However after Bushi Katagi ends, this can only be used once every 3 turns for the remainder of the battle. Should a second use of Bushi Katagi occur and end, Kashoki will only be usable once every 4 turns.
Note: Bushi Katagi requires the user to have at least 50 health before he can trigger it. It can only be used twice a battle, lasting 3 turns each use. Should the user’s sacrificed health leave him with less than 25, then this technique will automatically end regardless of how much has been blocked. The user is capable of using this as a blue barrier that blocks the same amount of damage for multiple allies, covering up to 6 meters. This can only be done with allies and not solo fights. Barrier use prevents further use of Bushi Katagi and lasts a single turn.
Note: Health spent to defend cannot be regenerated nor restored by the user or his Creation/Summonings or Tools. Another Ninja must heal the user in order for the health to return. However, he will not experience Fatigue or Health System drawbacks until his health is lowered by outside methods.
Note: Counts as the user’s CW. Cannot be paired with other CW.
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Daisuke Nanashi Hayabusa (Father)
Marisella "Shuten" Hayabusa (Mother) (née Nariyuki)
Isella Hana Hayabusa (Older Half Sister)
Isabelle Kiana Hayabusa (Younger Twin Sister)
Ilah Uzumaki (Daughter)
Kayla Uzumaki (Daughter)
Kingsly Uzumaki (Husband)
Chise Hatori (Adopted Younger Sister)
Mugestsu Hayabusa (Great Granduncle)
Reborn Hayabusa (First Cousin)
Genji Shimada - Hayabusa (Cousin)
Hanzo Shimada - Hayabusa (Cousin)
Jo Hayabusa (Grandfather)
Ryu Hayabusa (Uncle)
Kyoki Hayabusa (Uncle)
Azrael Hayabusa (Uncle)
Kiyomi Uzumaki (Maternal Grandmother)
Goken Uchiha (Maternal Grandfather)
Isabella Uchiha (Maternal Cousin)


Shirou Emiya (Friend)
Sado Yatosura (Friend)
Vegeta Hyuga (Friend)
Solomon (Friend)
Faye Katsuryoku (Bestfriend)
Vayne Nara (Friend)
Garret Hawke (Business Associate)
Musashi Miyamoto (Friend)
Alucard (Friend)
Lucifer (Associate)
Kotetsu Inuzuka (Associate/Ally)
Susabi (Associate)
Merlin (Associate)
Monks of the Human Order (Ally)

Madara Uchiha (Enemy)
Strix (Enemy of Tsumigakure)
The Regent Gods
Order of the Golden Amp.

Ancestral Linage: Mirabelle through her mother's lineage is a descendent of the Uzumaki and Hayabusa Clan. On her father's side, she's purely of Hayabusa Ancestry. After losing her ability to weave Neidan, Mirabelle disassociated herself with the Hayabusa, no longer claiming herself to be apart of the clan and now a full fledged Uzumaki Clan member.

❖ Scientific Tools/Supplies:
( Kyuu-tsuki ) - September (255 Regular Chakra)
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( +50 per turn ) ( -50 per turn to an opponent )
Damage: N/A ( -20 to an opponent's technique )
Description: September is a small orb-like self-sustained chakra battery that can be pre-charged with basic chakra, or senjutsu chakra. If charged with basic chakra it will be compatible with any non-hostile shinobi. The battery has two capabilities called charge and drain. Charge allows a shinobi to draw chakra from the battery or apply it to their techniques and drain allows the battery to draw chakra from a shinobi or their techniques. The battery has a max capacity of 10% of the wielder's normal chakra supply.

Charge: While in direct contact with the battery or while it is on their person a shinobi can passively absorb chakra directly from the battery through contact. It can be used while still hidden or in a pouch not needing to be pulled out. It allows the shinobi to draw up to 10% of their chakra supply from the battery at a rate of fifty per turn allowing for them to regain chakra or to supply exhausted allies with chakra. It can also be used to provide senjutsu chakra instead of chakra at a quicker rate allowing them to gain ten percent of their chakra as senjutsu chakra passively, this senjutsu chakra allows them to enter Sage Mode but can only be done once usually exhausting the battery. When exhausted the battery is still able to use its drain ability. Alternatively, like the name implies the battery can be used to charge a technique with ten extra chakra providing it a twenty damage boost. This is done in the same timeframe as the augmented technique and can only be done twice with a two-turn cool-down.

Drain: If a hostile individual tries to use the battery it will absorb their chakra instead of giving them chakra at a rate of fifty chakra stolen per turn. The wielder of the battery is also able to instigate this process passively by making direct contact with the opponent allowing them to instigate the process stealing fifty chakra per turn where contact is made. Additionally, through this draining ability, the battery is able to steal ten chakra from a technique causing it to weaken by twenty damage. This is similar to the capabilities of the Scientific Ninja Tool: ( Abusōbu Ude ) - Absorption Arm on a much lower and more basic scale. Where that can absorb entire jutsu this battery can only absorb ten chakra storing it in the battery. This portion of the drain ability will cost a move slot, can only be used once per turn and only twice per battle.
Note: The wielder can only carry a single chakra battery
Note: Must state the ratio of basic chakra to senjutsu chakra that is found in the battery

Sukautā - Scouter
Type: Tools
Rank: A-rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30 activation 10 per turn thereafter
Damage: N/A
Description: A Scouter is a scanning piece of Ninja technology, contained in a unit that fits over the users left ear, with a semi-transparent coloured monocle that serves as a display, covering the preferred eye. The colours can vary depending on the users preference but it has no bearing on the usage of the Scouter. The primary function of the scouter is to Scan the Chakra level of an opponent, groups of opponents or even the levels of chakra a jutsu posses; such as in the case of a yang infusion or simply the amount of chakra used to create the jutsu; displaying this as a numerical value as well as an arrow to indicate the direction(s) of the chakra source(s), if they happened to be outside the display-screens field of view. The Scouter is able to pick up Chakra Signals at a vast range, up to a single landmark away; though if multiple Chakra Sources are in the same landmark, it is only able to show the number of individual signals, instead of each Chakra Level. The Scouter will not detect Chakra if the target is using a chakra suppressing ability.
Upon initial activation, it will only show the current level of targets within Long-range of the user, requiring an additional activation cost to scan into the next landmark. Once a targets Chakra has been scanned, it will constantly update the chakra level in real-time, as well as being able to auto-detect any new targets that become detectable within mid-range. So long as the user is able to sustain the chakra cost, they will be able to detect/track up to five targets at any time though only two can be at long-range with the closest two being shown. Any targets within an adjacent landmark, will appear as one reading with the combined chakra level displayed on the screen. The scouter is able to track any source of chakra, from projectiles, to clones, to summons and animal companions; anything with a readable chakra source present. This ability to detect targets does grant a small boost to the users tracking speed, granting an equivalent to a 2T Sharingan.
Scouter's are able to provide a direct line of communication with other Scouter's and communication devices, via implementation of a modified script from a communication scroll, however only when the Scouter is active. This communication extends up to three landmarks in any direction and can easily be heard by the wielder due to the device being ear-mounted.
-Scouter can remain active so long as the user has the chakra reserves to do so.
-Scouter Tracking speeds do not stack with Doujutsu
-Can only be made/taught by Shinta and a max of 3 can be used per event.
-Full body lightning jutsu of B rank and higher will short-out the Scouter, making it unusable for five turns. S rank lightning will destroy the Scouter.

( Iryo Doku ) - Medical Ninja Toxin
Type: Supply
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Medics are capable of utilizing a specific form of poison that is known to just them, created to cause partial paralysis and eventually complete paralysis and unconsciousness in targets directly poisoned. This poison, known as the Med Toxin, has effects that take place a turn after being poisoned but last for 4 stages before a target is completely subdued. The first stage is when the target is poisoned, only taking damage from the secondary source used to force the liquid poison inside their body. The second stage, taking place 1 turn after being poisoned, will cause targets to suffer a reduction of senses and have a 5% tracking and health decrease applied. The third stage, taking place 2 turns after being poisoned, will cause localized paralysis in the limb or limbs that were poisoned, preventing movement in them as the poison begins to spread. This can cause a reduction of speed by 20% if in the legs. The fourth stage, unique due to only triggering with repeated poisoning of a target, causes a complete paralysis in the target, causing them to be rendered unable to battle as both their body’s physical and chakra systems stop working for them.
Note: This poison’s effects take place across 4 turns. Repeated use can cause complete paralysis. Should a target only have limbs targeted, it will require 2 simultaneous inflictions or 4 overall inflictions for complete paralysis to trigger. Should a target have a resistance factor, the poison will take an additional turn before the next stage triggers unless otherwise noted.
Note: Each poisoning lasts 6 turns. Second Stage effects are capable of combining for a max of 20% reduction, triggering stage 4 after at least 4 separate poison statuses or 2 different double poisoning statuses.
Note: Counts as a Supply like all Poisons. Can be applied to the user’s Custom Weapons and weapons on the user’s bio.

(Anesidora) - Anesidora
Type: Technology
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: (Varies)
Damage: N/A
Anesidora is a Camera that comes with two Bangles that are worn on each of the user’s wrists. The Bangles act like “printers” for the user, capable of creating light copies (colour custom to user, cannot be invisible) of solid chakra Tools and Weapons that the user has photographed previously. The user can passively create freeform standard tools and weapons in their hands from the Bangles and they always look like solid chakra “wireframes” of the weapons or tools they’re mimicking; the user can substitute tools in techniques with this version of the weapons. If they’re Kunai, Shuriken, Metal Cards or small thrown tools like that any amount can be created around the user - larger weapons like swords are created in the hand. Even though they’re “wireframe” chakra copies, they act like the standard weapon they’re mimicking. Anesidora can mimic weapons needed for the user's custom fighting styles and create them in their hands or on their person at will without the user needing to carry them around. These tools can have seals placed or already placed on them recorded in the camera, the kanji or pattern take a wireframe look as well.

The real usage of this technique however is that this Camera stores the memory of Jutsu as well. The User can look through the Camera lense and can take a picture of a shape manipulated technique, examining the taken Jutsu and it’s structure in a Three-Dimensional shape and what abilities/strength it possesses and will store or print a copy for the user whether it be projected out from the bracelets or from the front of the Camera itself until formed and performs/sustains on it’s own - a Chakra deduction is made from the user's chakrapool which reflects the amount of chakra inputted into the taken technique. The created constructs will also have a Wireframe effect made purely of Chakra that is neutral to everything, the Wireframe construct can do what it’s original could do but instead of an “Earth Entity” firing “Earth spikes” it would be a Wireframe entity with a similar appearance firing “Wireframe Spikes” that can stab targets. If the printed entity can perform elemental jutsu up to a certain rank, this is replaced with Wireframe Constructs from the ground or their own body (Which are down to the user’s imagination) up to that certain rank, relevant chakra for the chosen rank construct much be deducted still (30 for A-Rank, 40 for S-Rank). The Construct lasts until a new Construct is made, sustained by the Camera which stores 150 Chakra Points, deducting -40 per turn that a construct is active. The user can passively give the camera 10 chakra a turn when there isn't a construct active.

Note: The user can have one of their own jutsu chosen to be “stored” in Anesidora. Posted with this technique in the relevant Technology and Artefact section or posted at the beginning of a Fight.
Note: The Copied Jutsu can be from the user or the opponent, they can be summons, entities or creations. Their strength is the same and their abilities are mimicked through Wireframe meshes (Within reason) which are neutral to everything. Unless they have unique abilities which cannot be copied as it's impossible for a Wireframe construct to use Yin parasites for example or to utilise absorption in any way.
Note: The user can take a Picture three times per battle, but only have one Construct on a field active at a time. When a Construct is destroyed it cannot be used again unless taken a Picture of again.

(Sentō Taiō Akushon Kamera) Combat Ready Action Camera
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 40 (Absorption)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: C.R.A.C’s or commonly known as Combat Ready Action Cameras are a unique line of DSLR and Mirrorless cameras. Engineered by the company known as Yukimura Films, these are specialized and outfitted with Scientific Ninja Tool technology, while also serving as a regular ole photography camera (cosmetic usage). In actual combat, the cameras all share unique properties mentioned as follows.

Polaroid Stills (Active) - By pressing the shutter button of the camera, it will release from the lens a rapidly moving trail of photo film towards an intended target. These film scripts are designed with a similar function to that of the “Absorbing Arm” SNT, which upon contact, the chakra within the film would absorb an opposing technique into it. As it does, the technique is forcefully sealed away into the film strip, as it instantly retracts back into the camera and prints out a polaroid image made from the same material used for scrolls. Within it, prints a copy of the technique, crafting a unique photo of it forever. This was derived from Ink Ninjutsu’s “Tiger Vision Staring Bullet” which forcefully seals a technique or person caught by the tiger into a scroll as a work of art afterwards. This ability can be used thrice per battle, with a cool down of three turns between each use. The user can only absorb up to 40 chakra with this ability.

Electronic Viewfinder (Passive) - The ability constitutes the user looking into the viewfinder of the camera while channeling chakra into it. This would passively enable the camera to display unique information. This information includes any foreign chakra sources within the landmark, the ability to zoom the lens out enough to see across the same landmark or up to long range in a fight. It also is capable of displaying names of people the user has programmed into the camera’s system to remember. This activation is passive but drains -10 chakra per turn to sustain, though can only remain active for four turns before slightly overheating the camera and forcing it into a cooldown period of two turns should it remain active for the full duration.

Interchangeable Lens (Passive) - The last ability of the camera is the ability to change the lens of the chakra. The lens that initially comes with the lens known as the ‘kit lens’ comes with “Polaroid” as its unique perk, but all lens are capable of using Electronic Viewfinder. In order to make or attach new lens, one must have the “Primary Crafting Expert” specialty in their bio. The new lens will provide a bonus perk, but usually will replace “Polaroid Stills” with its unique perk.

C.R.A.C all come in an assortment of colors and designs, being unique to each and everyone who has one. The user can carry two of these cameras but they must have different lenses, each one taking their own individual SNT slot in one's bio.

Void Infused Artifacts (5/5):
(Mukō: Fuyu no Shukufuku) – Void: Winter’s Blessing
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: A
Range: Self
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A Void Infused Artifact Accumulator that is activated passively; upon activation the user instantly gains a single Void Infusion. It can be activated twice per battle, once every four turns.

(Mukō: Senmon Chūnyū) – Void: Specialized Infusion
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: A
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Whenever the user uses a technique within a field of their specializations, they have a 25% chance to gain a single Void Infusion, occurring at most once every two turns.

(Mukō: Mukō no Tsuyosa) – Void: Strength of the Void
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: B
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Activated passively at the cost of one Void Infusion; Strength of the Void increases the potency of the user’s next four offensive techniques by 20 damage.

(Mukō: Senmon Akushon) – Void: Specialized Activation
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A Void Infused Artifact that is activated at the cost of a move but occurs instantly and within the same timeframe as the technique it is applied to. Specialized Activation costs two Void Infusions, being applied to a technique that the user’s biography is specialized in; this increases the specialized technique’s damage by 20 and by two bonus speed levels, if applicable. Alternatively, the user can activate Specialized Activation by applying a single Void Infusion obtained by Void: Specialized Infusion. When activated with a Void Infusion in this case, the damage boost is increased to 30. The applied technique also has its speed increased by 4 levels, if applicable. Can be activated three times per battle.

(Mukō: Yūryō) – Void: Charged
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: B
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A Void Infused modification that does not act as an Accumulator or Spender; rather, it passively increases the user’s maximum Void Infusion cap by 1. This can be stacked with other Charged Void Infused Artifacts, including itself if the user owns multiple copies.

Visual References:
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(Mirabelle when appearing as a full blood Uzumaki ^")
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Theme Song & Background Music:
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Won: "Enough"
Lost: "Doesn't matter!"

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Updating: https://animebase.me/threads/mirabelle-uzumaki-minx-of-desire-v4.784786/
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
(Gurimu Tategami: Yūgai Hoshoku-sha) Grimm Mane: Arbiter of Malice
Rank: B - S
Type: Offensive, Defensive
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 - 60
Damage: 80 - 120
Description: Arbiter of Malice is a Grimm Mane technique designed to be the inherent basic technique of the style. This means, while now based on a direct beast- the user can shape and mold their hair into different forms. These can range from gauntlets resembling the fierce talons of a avian, stretched out in length like whip resembling a tail etc. This falls all into the user's own imagination now how they wish to conduct and control the hair. In contrast to this, the unique application applied to this technique requires direct contact - allowing Yang natured chakra to be forcefully infused into the target's body. The chakra immediately begins to attack the individual's nervous system- overloading it and messing with their brain's signaling. The sheer mutation also expands into weird alterations, such as them punching randomly at the air, eyes going cross eyed etc -leaving them unable to control their bodies efficiently as possible which techniques that requires i.e eye contact being unable to be used. B Rank application can be used four times per battle (with a cool down of two turns between each use), A Rank can be used thrice per battle (with a cooldown of two turns between each use, but leaves the user unable to use Grimm Mane Techniques above A Rank for said duration) and finally S Ranks twice per battle (with a cooldown of three turns between each use but unable to use Grimm Mane nor Yang Release Techniques above A Rank during this cooldown). The Yang mutation naturally fades away after three turns of infection, though can be preemptively removed with a surge of chakra either through Yin - Yang, Suen, or Natural Energy of 50. In the case of Yin Release and Utu surges, a surge of 60 is required instead due to needing to properly stabilizing their chakra balance.
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Summoning Animal: Thunderbird
Scroll Owner: Mirai
Others who have signed the contract: BoiNez, PyroNB
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other summoning animals tied to contract: Jecht, Mizuno
Description and Background: Thunderbirds are a mythical species of powerful yet majestic predator avians. They once ruled the Lightning Mountains centuries ago; though with humans constantly at war with the birds – they where driven to other parts of the world. This in itself caused the Thunderbirds to become scattered across the world, not having any true place to call home as each of them simply integrated themselves into new residences. Over time however, the species’ numbers started to dwindle; down to the point that they are at near extinction within the world as we know. As far as records go, there’s only so thousands left but among them – they are ruled by five superiors. The superiors, dubbed the “Thunderbird Gods” are the five most powerful of the Thunderbirds alive, worshipped by others and producing many offspring. They each roam the world and have their own sanctuary they command; often times many who pass through these landmarks are caught in the middle of a violent thunderstorm produced by these creatures. Thunderbirds are on average when fully grown are larger than any human but in some cases, they have been some the size of but no smaller than an eagle while having one to three pairs of wings, capable of easily generating lift to fly. They are notorious however for causing violent thunderstorms in areas where they fly, due to being animals born of lightning and thunder.


Incarnation of Baal (Basic Ability #1)
: From the time of their birth, Thunderbird's bodies and feathers are all naturally infused with natural lightning. Through years of conditioning themselves, performing what they call "The Rite of Thunder" each Thunderbird has gained a unique form of resistance. This allows Thunderbirds to mitigate lightning based techniques by -20 per interaction should contact be made. Thunderbirds are also resistant to the lightning status effects of these techniques as well such i.e electrical paralysis. This reduces the effectiveness of these by half the amount of turns it remains in effect. Should no duration be mentioned or only lasting a single turn, they remain unaffected.

Eyes of the Storm (Basic Ability #2):
Thunderbirds despite their mythical status are well known Birds of Prey. Reigning as Apex Predators wherever they roam; these birds are naturally designed hunters and killers. To aid in their primal hunting; they all have keen awareness of sources of chakra. Their eyes are capable of seeing sensing chakra; easily capable of identifying species of animals to even human/chakra made beings. This allow them to remember individuals they encountered or even deduct elemental chakra natures due to how acute this still is.

Lords of the Sky (Basic Ability #3): It should be noted that all Thunderbirds are all incredibly fast and agile warriors of the skies. Outside of specific summons, all Thunderbirds are capable of moving at speeds rivaling a Jounin. This allows them to easily dodge techniques (via the free form dodge mechanic) with relative ease.

Sky Dominion (Unique): All Thunderbirds naturally is capable of using a unique electrical energy that is produced from their feathers. This electrical energy is unique, in the sense that while it appears to be lightning - its in fact a unique form of power that resembles it. This energy doesn't utilize chakra, being akin to Lightning Release: Kirin - using chakra to instead guide it and manipulate it's form. However in order to do this, the Thunderbird will passively leak this energy into the skies, causing an electrical storm to form over the terrain. They then utilize a specialized technique (to be submitted) in order to control the energy. These clouds passively form at the beginning of each turn, though only carries enough discharge to be used once per turn. Contract signers are capable of harnessing this energy as well, though this requires the Naturalist Summoning Specialist. The electrical energy is then summoned through their contract tattoo - which then with chakra is able to guide it/control it. They still follow the same stipulations, only capable of using it once per turn. This energy is golden in coloration, moving at speeds reflecting the Lightning Release base speeds (according to its rank), which due to the lack of chakra inherently within it - it cannot be absorbed or sealed nor replicated.
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
(Gurimu Tategami: Joō no Daraku) Grimm Mane: Fall of the Monarch
Rank: B - S
Type: Defensive
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 - 60
Damage: N/A
Description: Fall of the Queen is a Grimm Mane technique designed to be the inherent counter technique of the style. This means, while now based on a direct beast- the user can shape and mold their hair into different forms. These can range from gauntlets resembling the fierce talons of a avian, stretched out in length like whip resembling a tail etc. This falls all into the user's own imagination now how they wish to conduct and control the hair. However unlike other techniques, it was designed with the intention of directly countering opposing chakra techniques. How this is achieved is through physically making contact with the constructed Grimm Mane, usually wrapped around a limb and striking the technique. Upon impact, the opposing technique would be overloaded with an immense amount of Yang based energy- forcefully swaying the spiritual-physical balance. This causes the opposing technique in question to explode violently in the user's Yang energy, harmlessly splattering in small strands of hair. B Rank application can be used four times per battle (with a cool down of two turns between each use), A Rank can be used thrice per battle (with a cooldown of two turns between each use, but leaves the user unable to use Grimm Mane Techniques above A Rank for said duration) and finally S Ranks twice per battle (with a cooldown of three turns between each use but unable to use Grimm Mane nor Yang Release Techniques above A Rank during this cooldown). This technique inherently operates on a chakra vs chakra interaction as a result.

(Dakuiton Fuinjutsu: Chūkū Superu Ha ) Dark Vacuity Release Sealing Technique: Hollow Spellblade
Rank: N/A
Type: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A ( 10 per passive release)
Damage: N/A
Description: Hollow Spellblade is Body Seal utilized by users of the Dark Vacuity, enabling a unique usage of their Manipulated Tools/Basic Ninjutsu, bukijutsu and kenjutsu. This seal carries the kanji (武器) meaning "Weapon". How it functions, is within the seal are constantly existing cubic ash - which upon unsealing manifests into the form of a weapon of choice by combining together to take the desired appearance. As a result, the user is capable of wielding the weapon for the aforementioned techniques. An example of this is with "(Soryu no Mai) - Rising Dragon Dance" where instead of throwing basic weapons, the are instead replaced with Dark Vacuity crafted weapons. The release of these weapons are passive, not costing a moveslot and posted as a reference alongside when performing said technique. These inherently causes the S/W of the technique to be shifted to match Dark Vacuity and carries the properties of "Dark Vacuity Release: Abyssal Corridor" when interacting with the bodies of humans/summons (thus utilizing the the respective rank's effects). This seal can only be used once per turn, while having a cooldown of two turns before being active again. This requires the user to know Adv. Fuinjutsu as well in order to place it on their body.

Approved CE: https://animebase.me/threads/custom-elements-bureau-iii.710828/post-21126831

(Sōruiton ♦Azayakana Rekishi) – Algae Release ♦ Vivid Historia
Type: Supplementary
Rank: D
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: N/A ( 10 per usage)
Damage points: N/A
Description: Vivid Historia is an Algae based technique utilizing the Main Release of the element. This is triggered either through an already existing source of Algae, a water source/moisture enriched earth or directly from the user's body - as small spores burst outwards from within. These spores are laced with the user's chakra, which upon inhaling or touching it causes the opponent to be casted into illusion (which is predetermined upon casting). This doesn't inherently change or grant the illusion Alage's S/W; as the algae simply is used as a vector of the illusion's triggering. This technique is passive in nature, not costing a moveslot and is simply posted as a reference alongside the illusion being casted. An additional handseal is also performed when utilizing this method of casting. This technique can only be used once per turn, while having a cooldown of two turns after the illusion comes to an end. Due to the nature of the spores, they naturally linger in the air for two turns, which if not removed and the opponent releases the genjutsu, it will simply be re casted once more though an additional recasting will cause the spores to naturally become inert afterwards, unable to be utilized again. These spores can easily be blown away by a Wind technique.
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
(Chōetsu:Rejīna Kyūden, Atorantisu) Surge of Transcendence: Palace of the Regina, Atlantis
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user will surge their chakra throughout every chakra point in the body. The user's body, and everything on their person, will disappear instantly in a flash of light the colour of their Prana and reappear in a Reality Marble. Upon doing so, a omnidirectional burst of Prana moving thrice their base speed would also be released. This causes persons, be it friend or foe to also be transported to the Reality Marble if contact is made. In this case, it belongs to Alyx von Ainesworth- this Reality Marble resembling her original palace from eons ago. The entire sector is underwater, with the palace at its center, decorated in with ivory towers and walls, beautifully crafted glass etc as well as fishlike golem (like those found in the Chariot of the Rider) Noble Phantasms swimming around idly and harmlessly . Like every other Reality Marble, this one is governed by laws placed by the Iudex (Alyx) which are the following: (i) While this Reality Marble is underwater, all present are capable of breathing normally as if they possess oxygen around them. However, only Alyx is capable of manipulating the water as it is infused with her Prana. This also includes the surfaces/ground of the palace. (ii) Due to the underwater nature of the Reality Marble, all energy based elements with a fire like form or any sort of heat is subjected to an inherent -20 dmg. This affects everyone present, including Alyx and counts as a single debuff. (iii) Due to the aquatic palace arena's unique design, all techniques inherently move at the speed of a Water Technique appropriate to it's rank (i.e an S Rank Lightning Technique will move at S Rank Water Release speeds respectively. (iv) ???
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
(Kagune: Horyo Hato) Shining Child: Captive Heart
Type: Defensive, Offensive
Rank: S - Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 70
Damage: N/A
Description: Captive Heart is a unique technique developed by Velvet Kureimoa, which utilizes Yin Release innate ability to empower the insatiable Hunger of her Kurochi. Through an active infusion into her Kagune, Velvet will coat the cancerous limb with a mixture of the aforementioned energies. This causes the Kagune to display a mixture of hues, as spiritual energy radiates from it as a result. In terms of its actual function, the Kagune is immediately flicked into the direction of an opposing elemental technique containing chakra; which it inherently drains the existing chakra and metabolizes it within the Kagune. This however causes a unfamiliar reaction, which the Kurochi within it is altered, robbing the unique composition of the technique it consumed. The technique's composition will then be materialized, allowing the Kagune in question to gain the unique properties associated with element - such as poisonous effects etc. An example of this would be with Fire Release - causing the Kagune to burn the target is direct contact is made with it etc. The Kagune continues to retain it's innate abilities as well, which in turn can then employ these other unique properties into other subsequent uses of the Kagune. This is all achieved due to the influence of Yin Release, allowing it siphon the chakra, replicate it's properties all the while cleansing the foreign chakra and allowing the safe usage by converting it into Velvet's own chakra. This gifts an innate boon of +20 to Velvet's Kagune related techniques, though this infusion isn't permanent. This only lasts three turns, which after the infusion ends and causes the Kagune to return to normal. Captive Heart can only be used twice per battle, with a cooldown of two turns which no Yin Release Techniques above A Rank can be used as well. This can only effect techniques of elemental nature, be it Basic, Adv Element or Custom Element. It does not allow her to gain the element in question, simply replicating it's unique effects/properties towards her Kagune.
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Resubmitting: (Sandābādoāto: Inazuma) Thunderbird Art: Lightning Molt now to abide by new changes to Thunderbird Contract into Pledge of Propriety

(Sandābādoāto: Reigi Tadashi-sa no Seiyaku) Thunderbird Art: Pledge of Propriety
Type: Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Pledge of Propriety is a defensive technique which a summoner utilizes a Thunderbird's innate resistance to Lightning Release as means of defense. This is casted by performing two handseals, proceeding into a clasp of their hands as shroud of feathers is summoned. These feathers would cosmetically latch and appear akin to a suit of armor, in a why that doesn't compromise the user's ability to move, breath nor see. They all carry the innate nature attached to the Thunderbirds, Incarnation of Baal- though more enhanced with chakra. This provides the user a strong defense against Lightning Based techniques up to S Rank. This amounts to a 80 DMG defense, though any damage above this threshold will cause the armor to completely fall apart due to overcharge and inflicting damage to the wearer (remaining damage after damage calculation). The armor will persist for up to three turns before naturally ending and disappearing. This technique may be used up to thrice per battle, though after ending will go on a cooldown of three turns.

Resubmitting/Dropping: (Kuchiyose no jutsu: Jecht) Summoning Technique: Jecht due to how Rain Release is a 'Unique' ability on a single summon, which isn't allowed. Remade into a new summon. Also resubmitting from old post here (x)

(Sandābādo Kuchiyose No Jutsu: Hizuno ) Thunderbird Summoning Technique: Hizuno
Type: Summoning
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user performs the Summoning Jutsu, either through Hand Seals, their Summoning Tattoo or their Summoning Scroll to summon Hizuno. This thunderbird is the known as the Lord of Blazing Storms; a title he takes extreme pride in like his siblings of the contract, he is the king of his own location - this being a volcanic island consistent surrounded by a constant thunderstorm above. Hizuno is roughly eight meters tall, with a pair three wings with his feathers emblazed with fiery accents. He is rough through and through not taking any slack from either of his children, his siblings or the contract signers of the Thunderbird Contract. Despite this, he's more than willing to help those who he deems his allies, regardless if they are competent or not. Ability wise, Hizuno is completely a master of the element of fire release, capable of utilizing it as an Apex Handseal Specialist. Hizuno moves at the speeds of 10 base speed. Like his siblings too, his use of the element is naturally infused with Electro - which when performing techniques is shrouded in arcs of golden lightning. However unlike those whom uses the Electro for supplementary effects, Hizuno uses it as a boost in his techniques. Hizuno's Fire Release Techniques are all naturally increased in power by +20 DMG but due to the infusion of Electro, these techniques are neutral in nature to Water Release. This is naturally occuring, being a passive ability to Hizuno. Can only be summoned once per battle, lasting four turns each time.

(Kaminari: Kogane no Chikai) Electro: Golden Vows
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: Golden Vows is a technique specifically designed by summoners of the Thunderbird Contract. Derived from "Electro: Hymns of Heaven"; the caster will supplement their physical form- allowing them to empower their Taijutsu, Bukijutsu or Kenjutsu. This is done by the user coating Electro on the their respective limb or weapon, while striking the opponent. The Electro seeps into the impact, causing additional burning and shocking damage (providing a +20 DMG increase), while also exploding slightly due to the physical nature of the energy which causes a slight push back after impact to the opponent (five meters). Due to the nature of this technique, it is performed in the same timeframe as the original technique. This can be performed once per turn, though only applying to one technique at a time. This can only be used by Thunderbird summoners with Naturalist Summoning Specialist or a Thunderbird summon capable of one of the aforementioned skills.
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
(???) Scarlet Rot/Eye Technique: Duet of Rot and Blood
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 50
Damage: 100
Description: Duet of Rot and Blood is a unique technique designed to cause absolute destruction and chaos. After forming three handseals; the user quickly spreads out their arms wide, causing a powerful omnidirectional wave of blood mixed with the Scarlet Rot to be released. As the wave expands, anyone and anything with biological nature would be subjected to the Curse of Rot but also the crushing force of the blood. The wave's size is rather large, being ten meters high and spreading towards the entirety of mid range. After usage, should the technique not be properly countered or overpowered - the blood remains on the surface of the terrain for two turns before becoming inert and harmless, but for said duration still carries the Curse of Rot or can be used as a source for other Ketsuryūgan techniques. Can only be used twice per battle, which places a cooldown on Scarlet Rot and Ketsuryūgan techniques above A Rank for a single turn after the blood becomes inert. This requires the user's Ketsuryūgan to be active in order to utilize.

(???) Eye Technique/Summoning: Harbinger
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: Harbinger is a combination technique utilizing one's blood via the Ketsuryūgan and their summoning contracts. Through two handseals, while forcefully releasing some of their blood- the user summons forth a basic animal from one of their respective summoning contracts. In doing so, the user immediately makes physical contact with the animal via their blood and allowing said summon to run rampart. This physical contact inflicts the poisonous chakra of "Exploding Human Technique" but with a modified delay. This allows the summon to be a vector of the poison without suffering the consistent damage per turn, at least until two turns has passed. After which it begins to show the effects of the previously mentioned technique, which once it physically touches the opponent- they too will become infected with it. This can also be performed on specific summons, performed at the same time frame of them being summoned but physical contact must be met to inflict this technique. Should the summon fail to make contact after the poison begins, they will naturally disperse back somewhere away from the battle, preventing the spread of the technique while specific summons remain in the battle for their regular duration and suffering the consequence of the technique in question. This technique can only be used thrice per battle, with a cooldown of three turns after use. This also requires the user's Ketsuryūgan to be active in order to utilize.
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