Kaijuu Ocean (260)


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Apr 15, 2011
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Coming from here; https://animebase.me/threads/crimson-state-island-190.756205/page-3#post-21915302

The Inuzuka and the Hayabusa would cross the seas as they journey towards witchwood.
They had delayed enough, and neither was a fan of wasting anymore time, so they began their battle preparations forthrightly so that they could immediately throw themselves into the tumult of battle upon their arrival.

From the Inuzuka would emerge two male Ninken, who would immediately fuse to become one.

Keruberosu Mohō | The Cerebus Imitation
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Allows for two or more Ninken to fuse together to gain the size and strength increase signature to Inuzuka transformation techniques. Unlike most other transformations, the size increase is not static but is instead adaptable, allowing the fused Ninkens to freely shift between normal sizes up to giant summon sizes. Furthermore the fused entity is capable of producing additional limbs and appendages (No more than the sum of the unfused participants, i.e 2 Ninkens would have 8 legs total), and is also capable of increasing it's musculature for additional strength. Fused Ninken will gain a +20 damage boost to Inuzuka techniques, while also being capable of withstanding B rank and below physical attacks due to their enhanced musculature and fur, and holding the ability to shatter through B rank and below defences by increasing their size, or even just their density and weight. High Breeds who use this technique will have their healing factor increased greatly while in this state due to the shifting nature of this technique and the tremendous amounts of physical energy crammed into a single body, as a result they will be capable of regenerating from bruises, stab wounds and burns within the period of a turn, while more severe injuries such as shattered bones will require two turns to regenerate from. Along with this, they will gain the ability to perform minor changes to their bone and cartilaginous structure, such as alterations to accommodate for bipedal movement, elongate claws and fangs, and even the ability to alter the plates within their skulls to produce sprouting horns - however the changes will always be purely functional in nature, and unlike Kaguya's they will not hold the capacity to produce or manipulate bone to any exceptional degree.

- Last for four turns, five in the case of a High Breed.
- Merging requires to Ninken to be within a meter of each other, or direct physical contact.
- Can be used again to refresh the duration of this technique, or similar such combination transformations. Naturally this counts towards move and usage count.
- Can work alongside Double-Beast Head Transformation and other such Inuzuka techniques.
- In the case of only a single Ninken, the user can assist with this technique, producing a clone so as to reach similar effects. However the fusion will be less stable, and as such only last for half the time. (Rounded up (2 or 3 turns respectively))
- This technique will slowly begin to take its toll on a Ninken, should a Ninken enter into another transformation directly after this technique, or refresh it's duration, they will, after 5 turn enter a fatigued state that will leave them incapable of performing Inuzuka techniques above B rank or entering into an more transformative unions for three turns.
- Can only be taught by Scaze

Meanwhile, the Inuzuka would begin to charge his fire chakra.

(Katon: Uchiki Nekki) — Fire Release: Reserve Heat

Type: Supplementary

Rank: S

Range: Short

Chakra Cost: 40

Damage Points: N/A

Description: The user uses to 2 turns to completely charge this jutsu with fire chakra. Then, when it's used, all the user's fire jutsu’s damage points increases by +20 (but chakra cost remains same). This jutsu lasts only for 3 turns .

Note: Only Kagutsuchi can teach this jutsu
Last edited:


Active member
Jan 7, 2009
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Arriving from: https://animebase.me/threads/witchwood-arena-208.757248/page-7#post-21933656
Hiding in camouflage active
Yoru transforms to a pair of wings for Mugetsu to fly across
Breath of the Shapeshifters (Tatazumai no ki)
Rank: B
Range: Short
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40 (If applicable)
Description: Breath of the shapeshifters is the name of Yoru’s signature shapeshifting ability. Yoru is composed of a malleable black substance formed via Yin-Yang release. The substance has no fixed properties, meaning it takes on whatever properties the user and it’s creator desires. Yoru uses this ability to shapeshift into different animate and inanimate forms. The ability provides the user with a wide array of weapons. Yoru could stretch, expand and contract at will, as well as harden itself like high grade steel in order to act like an actual durable weapon. The shapeshifting ability is not limited to weapons however, Yoru is capable of taking the shape of an animal or beast as well extensions to the user’s body, like an extra pair of arms or functional wings. Yoru’s body also becomes an infinite supply of basic munitions such as shuriken and kunai, and as such allows Yoru to be used as a long range weapon such as a bow or even an adequate replacement for CFS and CW techniques or other weapon techniques if plausible. As for special munitions, such as explosive tags (whose properties yoru can’t replicate by itself), Yoru is capable of keeping a huge supply within itself without gaining mass. The user is able to draw objects from Yoru really fast and in quick succession, at the same speed as he would from a pocket. Similarly, Yoru’s ability to shapeshift into a different weapon is instantaneous and does not consume a move or chakra. However, moving back to humanoid form or in the shape of another creature always costs a move and 40 chakra. While in weapon form, Yoru is incapable of using the rest of its abilities, with the only exception being chakra transfer technique. If allowed the property, user is able to conduct chakra and energies into Yoru without harm, and Yoru is able to reciprocate. Yoru’s ability to adapt properties is also voided as a humanoid/creature, i.e. Electricity could be channeled into Yoru without harm as a weapon, but as a humanoid he would get hurt and paralyzed. When not in combat, Yoru is passively able to use this technique to shapeshift as an ornament, a tattoo or to simply hide in the user’s shadow.

The name Breath of shapeshifters implies, a power or energy bestowed upon by the (orginal) shapeshifters. The technique is jokingly called Tanuki no jutsu (Racoon-dog technique), a pun on it’s name, Tatazumai-no-ki. Tanuki in japanese lore are also renowned mischievous shapeshifters, with abilities that most closely resembles Yoru’s own.[/spoier]


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Apr 23, 2010
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Coming from here

Astra and co headed north wondering what would await them in the East. Just surveying the vast shoreline excited them and they put that energy into deciding where to start.

~Leaving LM


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
Arriving from the two could finally see the coast of Tobusekai in the far distance. It invoked little feelings in Solomon, the land was tainted after all. It was nothing like his home 800 years ago. Oui had yet to reply, a cause for concern for the Mage King.



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Aug 17, 2010
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Arriving upon the Kaijuu Ocean the clone would take a moment to gather himself.

He would alter his physical appearance permanently and then continue onward toward his destination.

(Senninka: Kanzen ni Atarashīmono) - Sage Transformation: Something Entirely New
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Self
Chakra Cost: 10
Damage: N/A
Description: A Sage Transformation clansmen simply modifies their muscle, nerve and bone structure allowing them to be as tall, or as short as muscular or as fat as they want to be gaining or losing height, weight, muscle mass as well as the other bodily structures required. This is similar in regards to how Juugo changed his height, weight and bodily structure by absorbing new cells or releasing his own cells and works on fundamentally the same principle. This technique is passive in it's usage and unlike most Sage Transformation techniques once completed it doesn't require chakra or energy to sustain and maintain and becomes permanent until the technique is used again. It can be used to changed the Sage Transformation clansmens appearance at a rudimentary level by changing their bone, muscle and skin structure allowing them to take on the appearance of others. While undergoing the transformation their body glows a mix between red and black as shown when Jugo uses Sage Transformation to change his cell structure but turns the color of natural flesh after completion, instead of the usual Sage Transformation gray. By changing their height the Sage Transformation user may be able to avoid certain techniques with a line of effect such as fireballs, thrown kunai etc. They can be as short as a new born baby (roughly 20 inches) with the bodily structure of an adult, or as tall as three meters with the weight to match these forms.
Note: Can only be used three times per battle or war conflict.

Jack's chakra:
927 - 10 ( Something Entirely New ) = 917
ELM from LM 115 | LLM


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Aug 17, 2010
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Marty enters into the landmark and flakes some dry blood off of his cloak.

He summons forth Salazzle and waits to be told when to have Salazzle summon his creator and their clones.

( Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Salazzle ) - Summoning Technique: Salazzle
Type: Summoning
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Salazzle is a dark grey Fire salamander resembling a bipedal salamander. She has a thin dark grey body with a purple underside. Her head is dark grey with purple eyes and slit pupils reducing the amount of light that can enter into the eyes. There are several tooth-like protrusions on the lower jaw being vestigial teeth that can be released after biting something leaving sharp arrow like teeth behind. Salazzle's body has three pink markings, one on the chest, and the other two on the abdomen. Salazzle has a long, dark grey tail with a pink underside and two protrusions come out from the tail's base which can be used like hypodermic needles should a tail strike land allowing her to inject poison directly into an opponent's blood stream. She has hands and feet with five digits each similar to summons like Ma and Pa toad having a somewhat bipedal stance however when she moves she returns to all fours to move and run. She is roughly a meter long small enough to stand on a shoulder or cling to the body thus making travel easier.

She can move at twice the base speed of a Sage rank bio. Salazzle can use poison techniques releasing the poison from her vestigial fangs molding it with poison chakra and expelling it from the mouth allowing her to use any poison technique the user knows up to S rank. Or she can release poison techniques from her tail protuberances shooting the techniques outward or over her head. Once every three turns, passively she is able to concentrate more chakra and poison into a technique increasing the chakra found inside of the technique by ten and increasing the amount of Samandarin forced into it increasing the amount of poison used for the technique. This has the effect of increasing the damage by twenty and can up the rank of the technique as well (both apply to only A-ranks and below) however, it can grant S ranks ten additional damage. This ability has a three-turn cooldown and works for a single poison technique that she herself uses. She does this by producing her own toxin, Samandarin and forcing it into a standard poison technique compounding it's power and symptoms with the Samandarin. This happens in the same timeframe as the technique it is being used for.

Her poison is Samandarin a toxic substance produced by most Fire salamanders. It's effects are over-excitation of the muscles, restlessness, hypertension, rapid breathing, dilated pupils, muscle convulsions, respiratory paralysis, and eventually the poisoned person will faint. Once poisoned by this substance the first symptom is muscle convulsions and over-excitation of the muscles as well as restlessness causing the poisoned individual to twitch and stutter this happens the turn after the poison touched the skin. After two turns the lungs begin to shut down causing labored breathing causing the opponent to need to gasp taking deep breathes to merely obtain enough oxygen to breath as well as hypertension and rapid breathing. Finally after six turns of being poisoned the organs begin to shut down causing the poisoned individual to pass out, for the WSE this causes the individual's health to drop to zero. She is able to communicate with her summoner either verbally or mentally.
Note: Can only be summoned once lasting four turns
ELM from LM 260


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Aug 17, 2010
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( Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Salazzle ) - Summoning Technique: Salazzle ( Reference )
Type: Summoning
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Salazzle is a dark grey Fire salamander resembling a bipedal salamander. She has a thin dark grey body with a purple underside. Her head is dark grey with purple eyes and slit pupils reducing the amount of light that can enter into the eyes. There are several tooth-like protrusions on the lower jaw being vestigial teeth that can be released after biting something leaving sharp arrow like teeth behind. Salazzle's body has three pink markings, one on the chest, and the other two on the abdomen. Salazzle has a long, dark grey tail with a pink underside and two protrusions come out from the tail's base which can be used like hypodermic needles should a tail strike land allowing her to inject poison directly into an opponent's blood stream. She has hands and feet with five digits each similar to summons like Ma and Pa toad having a somewhat bipedal stance however when she moves she returns to all fours to move and run. She is roughly a meter long small enough to stand on a shoulder or cling to the body thus making travel easier.

She can move at twice the base speed of a Sage rank bio. Salazzle can use poison techniques releasing the poison from her vestigial fangs molding it with poison chakra and expelling it from the mouth allowing her to use any poison technique the user knows up to S rank. Or she can release poison techniques from her tail protuberances shooting the techniques outward or over her head. Once every three turns, passively she is able to concentrate more chakra and poison into a technique increasing the chakra found inside of the technique by ten and increasing the amount of Samandarin forced into it increasing the amount of poison used for the technique. This has the effect of increasing the damage by twenty and can up the rank of the technique as well (both apply to only A-ranks and below) however, it can grant S ranks ten additional damage. This ability has a three-turn cooldown and works for a single poison technique that she herself uses. She does this by producing her own toxin, Samandarin and forcing it into a standard poison technique compounding it's power and symptoms with the Samandarin. This happens in the same timeframe as the technique it is being used for.

Her poison is Samandarin a toxic substance produced by most Fire salamanders. It's effects are over-excitation of the muscles, restlessness, hypertension, rapid breathing, dilated pupils, muscle convulsions, respiratory paralysis, and eventually the poisoned person will faint. Once poisoned by this substance the first symptom is muscle convulsions and over-excitation of the muscles as well as restlessness causing the poisoned individual to twitch and stutter this happens the turn after the poison touched the skin. After two turns the lungs begin to shut down causing labored breathing causing the opponent to need to gasp taking deep breathes to merely obtain enough oxygen to breath as well as hypertension and rapid breathing. Finally after six turns of being poisoned the organs begin to shut down causing the poisoned individual to pass out, for the WSE this causes the individual's health to drop to zero. She is able to communicate with her summoner either verbally or mentally.
Note: Can only be summoned once lasting four turns
Salazzle would stand about for while before sending a mental signal and summoning up her creator.

(Gyaku Kuchiyose no Jutsu) – Reverse Summoning Technique ( Salazzle )
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: N/A
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: This technique is the counterpart of the summoning technique, in which it allows an animal to summon the human that they have a contract with back to their side, regardless of where they are. The animal must be at least B-Rank in strength to have enough chakra to use the technique though all animals that can use Ninjutsu in any form can use this technique on their summoners.


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Aug 17, 2010
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Sado and his clones appear as the clones are still meditating.

They all regroup with Marty and Salazzle who are directly next to them.

(In'yōton, Onmyōton: Chakra no Jokyo) Yin-Yang Release: Chakra Removal ( Doombringer | Jack | Greg )
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (-200 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: A unique ability available only to Yin-Yang masters, Chakra Removal pertains to the ability to focus on ones physical and spiritual energies and draw in chakra from those nearby. This allows the user of the technique to drain a limited amount of chakra from opponents. This is done by clapping one's hands and focusing, meditating for a moment. After a full turn, a collective max of 200 chakra is drained from those in the landmark per turn for up to 4 turns each. Should one be touched directly, the user doesn't need to meditate.
Note: Must meditate for 2 full turns before ones chakra starts to drain.
The Shogun-Slayer summons forth a giant salamander for the group of clones to ride upon as they continue meditating.

(Kuchiyose no Jutsu) - Summoning Technique ( Sado )
Rank: B
Type: Defense/Attack/Suplementary
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage points: N/A
To summon the creature the ninja will wipe blood on his hand, perform the Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram handseals and then touch the ground or another object, where a sealing formula will appear. Though it appears that as long as significant pressure is placed against the blood in some form, the summon will be complete, most summoning uses use a solid surface, though in some cases it can even be done mid air. There can be variations to the summoning steps, some ninja like Temari will wipe blood on her fan, then by swinging the fan the animal is summoned. Other ninja like Orochimaru wipe the blood across a snake tattoo on their arm first, then touch the ground. Others will clap their hands directly like Nagato through the use of his Animal Path. The user must have signed the contract with the creature he wants to summon but the technique can be used to summon a generic creature of that contract (B-Rank) which will have no special traits or abilities beyond those normal to the rest of the animals in the contract. The animal is always summoned on the mark that appears upon slamming the users hand or, if not the case, always in short range of the user.
Smith, Sado's Yin-Yang Creation rests a hand upon it's creator giving him Ring of Hell buffs.

( Yoton: Jigoku no Enjin ) - Yang Release: Ring of Hell ( Smith, Yin-Yang Creation )
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 80 for touch based version/100 for ranged version
Damage: N/A
Description: By channeling copious amounts of Yang energy, the user is able to infuse others with this, temporarily enhancing their physical attributes. This is achieved in two ways, either by direct touch or proximity. The first is more limited to a single person but has greater benefits; those channeled directly into will be able to reduce 35 damage from physical contact and gain physical alterations to their body that the Yang energy 'breathes' into life, such as twice the height or width of their body, additional arms or legs, etc as long as within reason and used solely for physical purposes. Should the user use the alternative release, then he is able to release Yang energy from his body up to Long range away, affecting all allies in the range. This variant allows the user to augment all allies with the same type of changes, ranging from all gaining wings to more. These changes only last a limited time, however; after 3 turns pass, the grown appendages or changes fall and revert back to normal. Depending on the alteration, one of a few benefits might be obtained.
Note: If additional arms, stronger arms or alterations related to the arm are made, then the target will gain an additional +20 to Taijutsu. If the changes target the head, the user is able to grant a 2x tracking. If leg based alterations are made, then the target will gain either +4 levels to his base speed or +20 damage to leg based tai. If changes target the torso, then an universal durability boost of B rank Ninjutsu immunity is obtained and if wings or similar is created, then the user is able to fly at thrice their speed.
Note: The damage and speed boosts are considered Passive and Base Speed increases. The values listed in the techniques are if the touch based variant is used. If the ranged variant is used, then these benefits are reduced by gained on a lesser scale ( +15 to Tai instead of +20, +2 Speed Levels, 1.5x Tracking, or -15 from all physical clashes).
Note: Touch based variant can only affect up to two people per event. Ranged variant creates a wave of Yang energy that affects up to 3 allies and lasts up to 4 turns.
Note: Can only be used three times in total.

Sado's chakra:
Senjutsu chakra:
610 - 10 ( Sage Mode ) = 600
600 - 30 ( Summoning technique ) = 570

Smith's ( Yin-Yang Creation ) chakra:
2000 - 80 ( Ring of Hell ) = 1920

Doombringer's chakra:

Jack's chakra:

Greg's chakra:

Marty's chakra:

Note: 5 moves due to the number of clones
Note: Chakra Removal procs next turn
Note: Travel time is 40 minutes due to warchasers.
ELM from LM 115 via Reverse Summon | LLM


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Apr 14, 2012
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Geets was lost in meditation as Sado left but saw the direction he was heading, after he was done gathering the last of his senchakra, he activates his Byakugan and realizes he can't see him. However, he had already given Sado and his posse a set of FTG marked kunai, so placing his hand on Boit they whisks away with a cool *swink* sound effect to Sado's side..

(Dōjutsu: Byakugan) Eye Technique: The All Seeing White Eye
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15 (+5 per turn to keep active)
Damage: N/A
Description: The kekkei genkai intrinsic to both the Hyūga and Ōtsutsuki clans—descendants of Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. Those who possess this dōjutsu have it manifested as eyes with featureless white irides and no visible pupils. And when activated, the pupils become more distinct and the veins near their temples bulge. To activate the dōjutsu, Hyuga but not Ōtsutsuki clan members are initially obliged to use a rather long and specific sequence of handseals: Horse → Tiger → Boar → Hare → Rat → Dog → Horse → Dog → Hare → Rat → Boar → Snake. But once activated, the dōjutsu user is endowed with a range of skills.

To start, an activated Byakugan gives the user a near 360º diameter field of vision bar one blind spot at the back of the neck, above the first thoracic vertebra. Its vision can penetrate through any solid objects or obstructions, and likewise remains unaffected by blinding interferences. But that being said, certain barriers and the like may distort its perception. In addition, it is able to follow high-speed movements, which enables those with this dōjutsu to analyze their foes' actions and better react to them. The Byakugan is also able to see chakra to a higher degree than the Sharingan and ergo, identify where a person's chakra signature originates from. Beyond that, it can discern certain types of clones from the real person. And its ability to see chakra is in fact so acute that those who possess this dōjutsu are even able to see the chakra pathway system and the 361 tenketsu that comprise it. The Hyūga clan has gone so far as to develop their unique Gentle Fist style in order to capitalize on this particular ability.

Note: Hyuga clan bios of at least Sannin rank become able to passively activate their dōjutsu upon one month having passed since Gentle Fist training concluded. Ōtsutsuki bios never need to expend a move in order to activate it.
Note: While traversing the NW, bios with activated Byakugan are able to see up to two 2 adjacent landmarks away while those of sage rank can see as far as three away, but this doesn't extend beyond an ocean landmark.
( Kanpekinanin Hebi Sennin Modo ) - Perfect Snake Sage Mode
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/a
Chakra cost: N/A ( -10 turn to sustain )
Damage Points: Active + 30 damage to all ninjutsu and taijutsu up to S rank
Description: An empowered state of body achieved by blending natural energy with one’s physical and spiritual energy. The mode heightens performance on all levels by adding a new dimension of power to the user’s chakra. The state is a direct result of Senjutsu chakra circulating through the body. To enter this form, a minimum of 10% of the user’s maximum chakra reserve must be moulded into Senjutsu chakra, all subsequent technique employ Senjutsu chakra until the minimum cost (-10/turn) cannot be paid to sustain the mode. The user is resistant to damage, reducing 30 damage from all techniques and can heal (for 10 damage per turn) for the duration of this technique. The user is able to passively sense chakra and his/her perception and reflexes are enhanced. Their ninjutsu and strength increases, empowering taijutsu and other close range physical combat techniques by +30. Additionally, the user is able to break out of Genjutsu, using Genjutsu release technique one rank lower than what he would normally be required to. And similarly, the requirement to break out of user’s Genjutsu using Release or Chakra surge is one rank higher than required. Lastly, the user gains access to snake anatomy, Sage Art: Inorganic Reincarnation and other physical feats granted by Sage mode.
Note: Usable thrice per battle by Perfect Sages only. Must wait 1 turn before using this technique again. Once per battle, the user is able to instantly activate Sage mode, with 10% of their maximum chakra reserve as Senjutsu Chakra.
Note: Perfect Sages can convert a maximum of 40% of their total chakra reserve.
(Hiraishin no Jutsu) - Flying Thunder God Technique
Type: Attack
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: A complex Space Time Ninjutsu technique, the Flying Thunder God Technique works almost as a summoning technique. The user basically teleports himself to the location of a given seal mark. This seal mark is place by the ( Fūin Hirashin no Jutsu ) - Seal of The Flying Thunder God technique and can be placed in anything. Normally used in special kunais, thrown by the user, the technique can also be used to teleport to any thing marked with the tag. The technique is not a movement technique but rather simply a pure teleport technique.
Note: Only Minato and Tobirama bios can use this jutsu. It is unavoidable unless with space/time ninjutsu and can only be used 4 times per battle



ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Alucard and Blaziken were floating on a platform whilst Akemi was swimming in the ocean. They would continue heading north.

Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 30 (+15 per turn active)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user creates a floating sphere from nearby debris beneath them, using the gravitational control to levitate the sphere of debris and use it as a floating platform. Keeping it active, however, requires the user to expend chakra.
Note: Can only be used by Tenseigan Bios.
