Hokubu Ocean (257)


Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Mirabelle would hear the rather cryptic reply from Isabella, as she turned back to meet the woman’s gaze. Her brow rose a bit as she wondered if she was purposefully withholding the information. Shaking the through the thought, she would turn to Lady Ningal – whom seemed to be in some sort of a hurry. Mirabelle would nod, as she left the sword there in the temple with them but was hurried out. Talks of a “riot” occurring the market place quarters the two previously was in earlier. Mirabelle’s eyes would widen, while she asked to leave the city, she wondered what was the riot happening. It honestly wasn’t her business but at the same time she couldn’t jusy…walk away so easily from it. She turned to meet Isabella’s gaze once more. “Seems something is going on…as much as I want to help them, this is clearly something they don’t intend on us interfering with…but I also cant just ignore it” she said, as she stepped from the temple. She turned to her friend for final confirmation. “What do you intend on doing, Izzy?” she asked, leaving a rather new nickname for Isabella. It was akin to the affairs she had to deal with while serving as the leader of Tsumigakure and Owatatsumi – with all the incidents happening internally being the villages or countries problem, not outsiders own. However she wanted to show some sort of thank you back for the hospitality they showed towards her, but at the end of the day she left the call up to Isabella.
Feeling her mind clearing out a bit, she glared at Mirabelle's name calling, but made no mention to it. It was like she wasn't really here, she was standing before a great city, that held a large momument. She could see every iteration of the city, from field to city to rubble. People entered the momument and also fled. A great roar from a Nine Tailed Fox blasted through every window, as the vision turned to happy scholars, reading and discussing.

Isabella kept motioning with her hand, atop her floater, as if holding a page of a document in her hand, and she tried to read it but couldn't.

Thank you, Ningal, though you have been most paranoid and suspicious. But we won't linger here. May we see eachother again in this lifetime.

Mirabelle, I think I need your help with something.... I think I'm seeing the Library of Chungbu...

She said, as she attached her Amphibian Intervention technique back onto herself, spreading it through her jellyfish, before traversing the mud-infused ocean once again, back to the surface.

( Ninjutsu: Ryousei Kanshou ) Ninja Arts: Amphibian Intervention
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Based on the principle of friction and microscopic texture. While some materials may seem smooth to the naked eye, in the nano-scale, they're comprised of multiple irregularities and rough textures. When two materials drag on eachother, the inherited friction increases exponentially, superior than it would happen case the materials were virtually smooth. Applying the teachings of the basic Tree/Water Walking techniques, the user is able to create a thin layer of chakra across any surface of his/her own body. The chakra is thus able to cover or enhance the microscopic irregularities, thus increasing or decreasing the friction to extremes.

( Kato Enten ) Smooth Tadpole- The thin layer will get rid of the irregularities in one's body surface, allowing a nearly zero-friction surface. Given the natural flexibility and curvature of the user's own body, and allying it with well-timed motions, the user is able to become impervious to any physical attack, allowing it to slip off the side. The selective aspect of the jutsu allows one to retain some un-covered areas, permitting usages such as whole-body "armor" with naked soles for walking, left covered-sole and right naked sole for fast gliding, covered arm for evasion and naked fist for attack, etc.

( Gama Ranbou ) Rough Toad - The thin layer will accentuate the irregularities in one's body surface, increasing the friction. It allows one to have a much better grip on objects, almost sticking to them in a microscopic scale. Likewise, it allows one to mimic the Lotus Effect, becoming a superhydrophobic surface. This, among other things, would turn the user impervious to pathogenic agents like bacteria, fungi or algae growth, reducing or eliminating the area of contact with the water particles in which these pathogens dwell and proliferate.

Effective against Earth and Water based elements, to a certain extend, as one can be affected through the sheer size of the tangible object. There is a protection against physical blades, but not intangible blades, such as those created with Wind or Energy based elements. While it does cover oneself with chakra, the low ammount of chakra deployed is minimal, and thus, outside the described effects, it is useless as a chakra armor, when in direct confrontation with chakra-based attacks. It does not protect against Genjutsu or Yamanaka techniques.
The user is able to passively change between the Smooth, Rough and Normal aspect as long as the technique is active, though, except in the turn of usage, swapping between the Rough and Smooth will count once towards the jutsu count. The user is able to selectively cover oneself with chakra, allowing the rest of the surface to be normal, and alter the degree of irregularity, but the whole affected surface must have the same degree, thus preventing part of the body to have the Rough variation and other part the Smooth.
Lasts 5 turns, max, per usage.
Requires 1 turn cool down.
Can only be used 5 times.
Allows the cover to spread through body/clothes and any surface in contact with the user up to 1 meter all around (thus allowing other people to suffer the same effects).
Doesn't negate usage rank and strength and thus can only be used against physical Jutsu A-Rank and bellow and is completely useless against energy based elements while neutral to wind based ones.

Sanity: 70


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
It seems the voyage in the vast ocean had truly come to an end, Mirabelle desired to go and help the people of Eridu but it seems in the end, Izzy didn’t want to stay here. Her next point of interest was…the Library of Chungsu? Somewhere she personally wanted to go but go side tracked with the nonsense Isabella got her involved in. “Sigh…” she dreaded the idea of returning back to the Land of Fire; it had not been too long since the incident. Never the less, she would utilize the technique Isabelle touch her once more as she generated a bubble around her, allowing her to remain dry. Once within this, she would however reach into her pouch and take one of the scrolls out from the waterproof canisters she brought with her. It was the scroll she made earlier with her summon whom was currently in the skies above, having been flying for quite some time. The skies was flooded with the natural electricity the summon produced – causing a thunderstorm to be raging over the Hokubu.

Immediately she would take the scroll and start inscribe into it watching the woman swim away heading back into the black waters above them. The Thunderbird would react to the scroll tied to its neck as it vibrated – as it immediately reverse summoned Mirabelle as a result from the depths of the ocean back into the air onto it’s back. Much faster travel honestly, but as such she would deactivate all techniques, she used beforehand as she petted her summon. She would emit some fire chakra from her body to dry up and shift her attire back to something more appropriate. However, this time she would start to contemplate her next plan as she waited for Isabella to resurface.

( Ninjutsu: Ryousei Kanshou ) Ninja Arts: Amphibian Intervention
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Based on the principle of friction and microscopic texture. While some materials may seem smooth to the naked eye, in the nano-scale, they're comprised of multiple irregularities and rough textures. When two materials drag on eachother, the inherited friction increases exponentially, superior than it would happen case the materials were virtually smooth. Applying the teachings of the basic Tree/Water Walking techniques, the user is able to create a thin layer of chakra across any surface of his/her own body. The chakra is thus able to cover or enhance the microscopic irregularities, thus increasing or decreasing the friction to extremes.

( Kato Enten ) Smooth Tadpole- The thin layer will get rid of the irregularities in one's body surface, allowing a nearly zero-friction surface. Given the natural flexibility and curvature of the user's own body, and allying it with well-timed motions, the user is able to become impervious to any physical attack, allowing it to slip off the side. The selective aspect of the jutsu allows one to retain some un-covered areas, permitting usages such as whole-body "armor" with naked soles for walking, left covered-sole and right naked sole for fast gliding, covered arm for evasion and naked fist for attack, etc.

( Gama Ranbou ) Rough Toad - The thin layer will accentuate the irregularities in one's body surface, increasing the friction. It allows one to have a much better grip on objects, almost sticking to them in a microscopic scale. Likewise, it allows one to mimic the Lotus Effect, becoming a superhydrophobic surface. This, among other things, would turn the user impervious to pathogenic agents like bacteria, fungi or algae growth, reducing or eliminating the area of contact with the water particles in which these pathogens dwell and proliferate.

Effective against Earth and Water based elements, to a certain extend, as one can be affected through the sheer size of the tangible object. There is a protection against physical blades, but not intangible blades, such as those created with Wind or Energy based elements. While it does cover oneself with chakra, the low ammount of chakra deployed is minimal, and thus, outside the described effects, it is useless as a chakra armor, when in direct confrontation with chakra-based attacks. It does not protect against Genjutsu or Yamanaka techniques.
The user is able to passively change between the Smooth, Rough and Normal aspect as long as the technique is active, though, except in the turn of usage, swapping between the Rough and Smooth will count once towards the jutsu count. The user is able to selectively cover oneself with chakra, allowing the rest of the surface to be normal, and alter the degree of irregularity, but the whole affected surface must have the same degree, thus preventing part of the body to have the Rough variation and other part the Smooth.
Lasts 5 turns, max, per usage.
Requires 1 turn cool down.
Can only be used 5 times.
Allows the cover to spread through body/clothes and any surface in contact with the user up to 1 meter all around (thus allowing other people to suffer the same effects).
Doesn't negate usage rank and strength and thus can only be used against physical Jutsu A-Rank and bellow and is completely useless against energy based elements while neutral to wind based ones
(Fuuinjutsu: Kami Komyunikēshon) Sealing Arts: Scroll Communication technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B-Rank
Range: N/A
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
The user will create 2 or more scrolls with an embedded sealing formula that connects them all together. As such, anything written in one scroll will appear written in all the connected scrolls. A very useful communication technique, it can connect scrolls regardless of the distance between them. To activate the scroll, the user needs to perform a key of hand seals that will be unique for each creation and only known to those the user wishes, preventing the use of the scrolls by those the user doesn't allow.
(Gyaku Kuchiyose no Jutsu) – Reverse Summoning Technique
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: N/A
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: This technique is the counterpart of the summoning technique, in which it allows an animal to summon the human that they have a contract with back to their side, regardless of where they are. The animal must be at least B-Rank in strength to have enough chakra to use the technique though all animals that can use Ninjutsu in any form can use this technique on their summoners.
(Kansō) Requip (Passive)
Type: Tool
Rank: D
Range: Self
Chakra: -5 chakra per transformation
Damage: N/A
Description: Requip is a unique brand of ninja technology namely used for those always on the move. Coming in the form of apparel; the user has the innate ability to have clothing that morphs and changes form in order to suit their needs. Within the fabric of the clothing – there exists specialized ninja technology that controls the strings and thus with the use of chakra can command it to take any form she desires. This can range from shifting from casual wear to combat ready clothing on the fly. It mimics any clothing the user may also have somewhere at home and even the coloration changes as well. This combines two aspects: the Henge no Jutsu and the morphing capabilities of the microfibers but the transformation is permanent until changed again. Transforming the clothing is passive and doesn’t take a move slot however needs – 5 per use to do so. While transforming a bright light is also emitted to prevent others from seeing the transformation until it fully forms if needed.
Sky Dominion: All Thunderbirds naturally and passively flood the sky to which after 2 turns of flight create natural lightning clouds in the landmark they are in. These clouds unlike those created by shinobi are almost impossible to blow away or disperse if the clouds are dispersed they passively reform (two-turn cooldown). The strength of these clouds is dependant on the strength of the individual bird and thus requires at least a suitable jutsu of similar rank aimed at them to disperse.
  • Angry
Reactions: Lili-Chwan


Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Isabella reached the surface. It was easy to spot the massive mythical bird ways away from her. Pulling her fire chakra from within her gut, she fired three volleys in the air, that exploded away from her into a maelstrom of fireworks to alert Mirabelle of her arrival.

(Katon: Gōka no Jutsu) - Fire Release: Hellfire Technique x3
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will manipulate their chakra and breath out from their mouth a large fireball that travels at the opponent. As it reaches the opponent it bursts into a maelstrom of fire engulfing them in flames.

Elemental Roll x3 - Nope
Specialized Roll x3 - Nope

Allowing my bio to be moved by Mirai
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Immediately seeing the fire being launched from below; Mirabelle would command her summon to immediately get closer to the water below. As she did, the talons of the Thunderbird would extend, reaching out to Isabella. “Grab on!” she announced as the bird waited for it to happen, the Uchiha would do so in turn. Once Isabella did, the trio would ascend into the skies; above. “Alright my love, let’s head back to the Land of Fire" They would head towards Kasumi Straight.

LLM with Isabella in tow (permission granted to move Isabella)


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Alucard and his creations were floating ontop of a platform made from a landmark turned into tainted sawdust held together by gravity. He looked down on the cursed sea, hoping the crossing would be without interference.



Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Coming from Kasumi Straight

Mission Start

Return to the Void Tree
Explore the Underwater Landmark

Isabella stood between the Kasumi Straight and the Hokubu Ocean. Sprawled in front of her was the corrupt sea of life, which she knew now was the waste of Tiamat's resurrection. Tiamat was the Goddess the voidlords were trying to bring back, whereas the Serpent of the 8 Eyes was the being trapping her in the Void. Or maybe... they were one and the same. Isabella felt strongly against anything that the Voidlords might want or need, so she felt herself steering away from Tiamat, yet she felt closer and closer to the Serpent.

Regardless, one thing lingered between the two. That was the Void Tree. Her Shinkaigan were activated there, and that is where she received her Relic Core. She didn't remember much of what happened there, but she met her inner Void Specter inside the Tree. The whispers that aparently everyone in the world heard mentioned the tree. It was too much of a coincidence to let it go to waste.

Place the Triton Mask in her face, she activate the respiratory device, before spreading her chakra through her body and that of her Box Jellyfish companion. The glistening red hue, like crimson blood, shone through the layer of chakra that created an hydrophobic barrier, repelling any liquid, water or otherise, away from their skin.

And then, she took the plunge, her box carrying her through the increasingly darkening layers of the Sea of Life within Hobuku.

(Toritonmasuku) - Triton Mask
Type: Tool
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: 20(-5/turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The triton mask is an advanced yet tiny mouthpiece that lets the user breathe under water and in other hazardous environments where gases that chokes humans could be a threat. The mask simply converts water into breathable air when used under water, while in other situations store enough oxygen for the user to survive in hazardous instances for one hour before getting too low. Warnings are always given to the user whenever the mask starts to run low on oxygen and will start run the same type of program as when submerged underwater, which is to convert the surrounding gases or liquids into breathable oxygen. Obviously this doesn't work for the most potent poisons but up to B rank it could still be very dependable. The mask will always work underwater though until the device is either broken or faced with enough water pressure that it breaks. The users needs to spend chakra constantly to convert gases into breathable oxygen but not for water.

Note: Can counter poisonous gases or other hazards that affects the users breathing up to B rank at the cost of chakra per turn.
Note: Lets the user breathe under water indefinitely.

( Ninjutsu: Ryousei Kanshou ) Ninja Arts: Amphibian Intervention
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Based on the principle of friction and microscopic texture. While some materials may seem smooth to the naked eye, in the nano-scale, they're comprised of multiple irregularities and rough textures. When two materials drag on eachother, the inherited friction increases exponentially, superior than it would happen case the materials were virtually smooth. Applying the teachings of the basic Tree/Water Walking techniques, the user is able to create a thin layer of chakra across any surface of his/her own body. The chakra is thus able to cover or enhance the microscopic irregularities, thus increasing or decreasing the friction to extremes.

( Kato Enten ) Smooth Tadpole- The thin layer will get rid of the irregularities in one's body surface, allowing a nearly zero-friction surface. Given the natural flexibility and curvature of the user's own body, and allying it with well-timed motions, the user is able to become impervious to any physical attack, allowing it to slip off the side. The selective aspect of the jutsu allows one to retain some un-covered areas, permitting usages such as whole-body "armor" with naked soles for walking, left covered-sole and right naked sole for fast gliding, covered arm for evasion and naked fist for attack, etc.

( Gama Ranbou ) Rough Toad - The thin layer will accentuate the irregularities in one's body surface, increasing the friction. It allows one to have a much better grip on objects, almost sticking to them in a microscopic scale. Likewise, it allows one to mimic the Lotus Effect, becoming a superhydrophobic surface. This, among other things, would turn the user impervious to pathogenic agents like bacteria, fungi or algae growth, reducing or eliminating the area of contact with the water particles in which these pathogens dwell and proliferate.

Effective against Earth and Water based elements, to a certain extend, as one can be affected through the sheer size of the tangible object. There is a protection against physical blades, but not intangible blades, such as those created with Wind or Energy based elements. While it does cover oneself with chakra, the low ammount of chakra deployed is minimal, and thus, outside the described effects, it is useless as a chakra armor, when in direct confrontation with chakra-based attacks. It does not protect against Genjutsu or Yamanaka techniques.
The user is able to passively change between the Smooth, Rough and Normal aspect as long as the technique is active, though, except in the turn of usage, swapping between the Rough and Smooth will count once towards the jutsu count. The user is able to selectively cover oneself with chakra, allowing the rest of the surface to be normal, and alter the degree of irregularity, but the whole affected surface must have the same degree, thus preventing part of the body to have the Rough variation and other part the Smooth.
Lasts 5 turns, max, per usage.
Requires 1 turn cool down.
Can only be used 5 times.
Allows the cover to spread through body/clothes and any surface in contact with the user up to 1 meter all around (thus allowing other people to suffer the same effects).
Doesn't negate usage rank and strength and thus can only be used against physical Jutsu A-Rank and bellow and is completely useless against energy based elements while neutral to wind based ones.

Post 1/4 through the sea of life to reach the underwater city.


Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Coming from Kasumi Straight

Mission Start

Return to the Void Tree
Explore the Underwater Landmark

Isabella stood between the Kasumi Straight and the Hokubu Ocean. Sprawled in front of her was the corrupt sea of life, which she knew now was the waste of Tiamat's resurrection. Tiamat was the Goddess the voidlords were trying to bring back, whereas the Serpent of the 8 Eyes was the being trapping her in the Void. Or maybe... they were one and the same. Isabella felt strongly against anything that the Voidlords might want or need, so she felt herself steering away from Tiamat, yet she felt closer and closer to the Serpent.

Regardless, one thing lingered between the two. That was the Void Tree. Her Shinkaigan were activated there, and that is where she received her Relic Core. She didn't remember much of what happened there, but she met her inner Void Specter inside the Tree. The whispers that aparently everyone in the world heard mentioned the tree. It was too much of a coincidence to let it go to waste.

Place the Triton Mask in her face, she activate the respiratory device, before spreading her chakra through her body and that of her Box Jellyfish companion. The glistening red hue, like crimson blood, shone through the layer of chakra that created an hydrophobic barrier, repelling any liquid, water or otherise, away from their skin.

And then, she took the plunge, her box carrying her through the increasingly darkening layers of the Sea of Life within Hobuku.

(Toritonmasuku) - Triton Mask
Type: Tool
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: 20(-5/turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The triton mask is an advanced yet tiny mouthpiece that lets the user breathe under water and in other hazardous environments where gases that chokes humans could be a threat. The mask simply converts water into breathable air when used under water, while in other situations store enough oxygen for the user to survive in hazardous instances for one hour before getting too low. Warnings are always given to the user whenever the mask starts to run low on oxygen and will start run the same type of program as when submerged underwater, which is to convert the surrounding gases or liquids into breathable oxygen. Obviously this doesn't work for the most potent poisons but up to B rank it could still be very dependable. The mask will always work underwater though until the device is either broken or faced with enough water pressure that it breaks. The users needs to spend chakra constantly to convert gases into breathable oxygen but not for water.

Note: Can counter poisonous gases or other hazards that affects the users breathing up to B rank at the cost of chakra per turn.
Note: Lets the user breathe under water indefinitely.

( Ninjutsu: Ryousei Kanshou ) Ninja Arts: Amphibian Intervention
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Based on the principle of friction and microscopic texture. While some materials may seem smooth to the naked eye, in the nano-scale, they're comprised of multiple irregularities and rough textures. When two materials drag on eachother, the inherited friction increases exponentially, superior than it would happen case the materials were virtually smooth. Applying the teachings of the basic Tree/Water Walking techniques, the user is able to create a thin layer of chakra across any surface of his/her own body. The chakra is thus able to cover or enhance the microscopic irregularities, thus increasing or decreasing the friction to extremes.

( Kato Enten ) Smooth Tadpole- The thin layer will get rid of the irregularities in one's body surface, allowing a nearly zero-friction surface. Given the natural flexibility and curvature of the user's own body, and allying it with well-timed motions, the user is able to become impervious to any physical attack, allowing it to slip off the side. The selective aspect of the jutsu allows one to retain some un-covered areas, permitting usages such as whole-body "armor" with naked soles for walking, left covered-sole and right naked sole for fast gliding, covered arm for evasion and naked fist for attack, etc.

( Gama Ranbou ) Rough Toad - The thin layer will accentuate the irregularities in one's body surface, increasing the friction. It allows one to have a much better grip on objects, almost sticking to them in a microscopic scale. Likewise, it allows one to mimic the Lotus Effect, becoming a superhydrophobic surface. This, among other things, would turn the user impervious to pathogenic agents like bacteria, fungi or algae growth, reducing or eliminating the area of contact with the water particles in which these pathogens dwell and proliferate.

Effective against Earth and Water based elements, to a certain extend, as one can be affected through the sheer size of the tangible object. There is a protection against physical blades, but not intangible blades, such as those created with Wind or Energy based elements. While it does cover oneself with chakra, the low ammount of chakra deployed is minimal, and thus, outside the described effects, it is useless as a chakra armor, when in direct confrontation with chakra-based attacks. It does not protect against Genjutsu or Yamanaka techniques.
The user is able to passively change between the Smooth, Rough and Normal aspect as long as the technique is active, though, except in the turn of usage, swapping between the Rough and Smooth will count once towards the jutsu count. The user is able to selectively cover oneself with chakra, allowing the rest of the surface to be normal, and alter the degree of irregularity, but the whole affected surface must have the same degree, thus preventing part of the body to have the Rough variation and other part the Smooth.
Lasts 5 turns, max, per usage.
Requires 1 turn cool down.
Can only be used 5 times.
Allows the cover to spread through body/clothes and any surface in contact with the user up to 1 meter all around (thus allowing other people to suffer the same effects).
Doesn't negate usage rank and strength and thus can only be used against physical Jutsu A-Rank and bellow and is completely useless against energy based elements while neutral to wind based ones.

Post 1/4 through the sea of life to reach the underwater city.
The further down she went, the less she saw. On a whim, she decided to look at the mud water through her Shinkaigan, wondering if she was able to see anything different in either the sea of life or the direction of the void tree.

2/4 to reach the underwater city


Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Isabella finally arrived to the underbelly of the sea of life. Past this point, the corrosion formed a muddy membrane, through which Isabella's jellyfish swam through to find the natural clear water. Bioluminescent corals and illuminated the undersea floor, mainly centered around a massive underwater city, marvellously built around romantic architecture.

Eridu, in full splendor, showed itself past the treacherous sea of life. Yet something was off. While brightly illuminated, it was eeriely silent. As Isabella approached, the change became abhorrently noticeable:

Eridu was in complete ruins. The roots of the Void tree had grotesquely grown outside what the city could accomodate, protruding from smothered out buildings and palaces. And even more shocklingly, there was absolutely no sign of any Sentinel. There was no blood, no corpses. The Sentinels had completely and thoroughly disappeared from Eridu.

Isabella willed the Box Jellyfish forwards, swimming through what used to be the main townsquare, normally bursting with life. Stalls and shops where still opened, yet no one was there to greet her, or haggle with her. She picked up a few jewels and scrolls, completely unguarded. She looked around, startled, thinking she heard someone behind her, but her Shinkaigan saw absolutely no sign of life anywhere, besides the overgrowth of the roots.

Atop her box jellyfish, she swam across hotels and taverns, all seemingly open for business, but otherwise completely deserted and lifeless, like time had stopped and the people just up and stopped existing. Deciding to get out of the ghost town, she went further into the core of Eridu, the main political throve of the city, heading towards the massive palace that watched over all of Eridu. The roots had growth thickest there, as she knew they would. Her intent was to go to the same Garden where she had first contacted with the Trunk of the Void Tree.

She knew touching it would allow her to return to the inbetween dimension, but she had already spoken with the Void Specter before. She didn't feel like she had a greater understanding of the Void than when she had last spoken with it. Sure she was experimenting with the new knowledge that gave her 2 new techniques, but she hadn't experiment with them for long enough to be considered a significant progress.

And she had other ideas.

What are you? What are you feeding on? What are you guarding?

As she explored what she didn't understand, Garrett came to mind. His brutish ways garnered him a sort of uncout yet extraordinarly perspicacious way of dealing with the world. And maybe it was a the lingering effects of constant sanity drainage.... but Isabella wanted to attack it.

And so she did. With her Shinkaigan active, she inspected every inch and nook of the tree before returning to the same exact place where she had placed her palm to initiate her descent into madness. Pulling from the chaos within the universe, she expelled a massive amount of purple miasma, which assumed the shape of a rough and primal axe, which she slammed onto the tree trunk. Coincidently, as she tried to push out this unearthly eyesore of a tree, the purple miasma assumed the elemental S&W of Earth itself. The Chaos enforced it with a +20 damage boost, whereas Isabella's own Void Artifact swelled it a further +20 through Strength of the Void.

(Dōjutsu: Kirameku Fuka) – Eye Technique: Shimmering Depths
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60 (+Chaos) ( 100 )
Description: This technique is the Shinkaigan’s basic spatial energy ability, used by the right eye and able to call energy directly from the Void to weaponize it. The energy manifests from the user’s eye with a mid-range reach; because the Void is inherently chaotic the energy can only take the form of a purple miasma, a mass of energy that seeks to consume and envelope its target. Because of its unpredictable nature, Shimmering Depths inherits random elemental weaknesses and strengths. It also gains a 33% chance to randomly increase its damage potential by nothing, 20, and 40 respectively. Experiencing Shimmering Depths directly, meaning sensing it through either one of the primary senses, or through an extrasensory means, causes one to suffer from a 5 Sanity reduction. Shimmering Depths can be used six times per battle, with a single turn between usage.

Roll S&W: Earth
Roll Chaos: +20
Strength of the Void Infusion: +20 ( 2/3 Charges )

Without rest, she followed through with a great accumulation of water, further empowered by her own void boost, creating a massive wave around the tree and the miasma, blasting it in a severing wave to aim to shop off the trunk as well. As she kept attacking the tree, she just felt like the whole thing was deeply hilarious, and she kept of bursting out laughing, all alone, in the undersea.

(Suiton-Mugen Mizu) Water Style: Infinite Water
Type:Attack/ sup
Chakra Cost:50
Damage Points:100 (120)
Description: After a few hands seals the user will summon a huge wave of water that will surround him and the area around him. the wave of water will form a dragon that will attack the opponent or defend from attacks like taijutsu and fire jutsu.
after the wave of water is summoned, the user can use the wave to power up other attacks or use it for combination moves.
the user is able to manupilate the wave only at close range. this juts will last for 3 turns.
*only can be used once*
*no s rank water jutsu for the next turn*
*Created by Hellsbadass*

Elemental Infusion Roll: Fail

Sanity: 100 - 4 = 96
Tier 1 Drawback:
  • Your biography finds even the most minor things hilarious, bursting into laughter at even the worst of times. Lasts for three turns.
Last edited:
Nov 10, 2018
Trait Points
Isabella finally arrived to the underbelly of the sea of life. Past this point, the corrosion formed a muddy membrane, through which Isabella's jellyfish swam through to find the natural clear water. Bioluminescent corals and illuminated the undersea floor, mainly centered around a massive underwater city, marvellously built around romantic architecture.

Eridu, in full splendor, showed itself past the treacherous sea of life. Yet something was off. While brightly illuminated, it was eeriely silent. As Isabella approached, the change became abhorrently noticeable:

Eridu was in complete ruins. The roots of the Void tree had grotesquely grown outside what the city could accomodate, protruding from smothered out buildings and palaces. And even more shocklingly, there was absolutely no sign of any Sentinel. There was no blood, no corpses. The Sentinels had completely and thoroughly disappeared from Eridu.

Isabella willed the Box Jellyfish forwards, swimming through what used to be the main townsquare, normally bursting with life. Stalls and shops where still opened, yet no one was there to greet her, or haggle with her. She picked up a few jewels and scrolls, completely unguarded. She looked around, startled, thinking she heard someone behind her, but her Shinkaigan saw absolutely no sign of life anywhere, besides the overgrowth of the roots.

Atop her box jellyfish, she swam across hotels and taverns, all seemingly open for business, but otherwise completely deserted and lifeless, like time had stopped and the people just up and stopped existing. Deciding to get out of the ghost town, she went further into the core of Eridu, the main political throve of the city, heading towards the massive palace that watched over all of Eridu. The roots had growth thickest there, as she knew they would. Her intent was to go to the same Garden where she had first contacted with the Trunk of the Void Tree.

She knew touching it would allow her to return to the inbetween dimension, but she had already spoken with the Void Specter before. She didn't feel like she had a greater understanding of the Void than when she had last spoken with it. Sure she was experimenting with the new knowledge that gave her 2 new techniques, but she hadn't experiment with them for long enough to be considered a significant progress.

And she had other ideas.

What are you? What are you feeding on? What are you guarding?

As she explored what she didn't understand, Garrett came to mind. His brutish ways garnered him a sort of uncout yet extraordinarly perspicacious way of dealing with the world. And maybe it was a the lingering effects of constant sanity drainage.... but Isabella wanted to attack it.

And so she did. With her Shinkaigan active, she inspected every inch and nook of the tree before returning to the same exact place where she had placed her palm to initiate her descent into madness. Pulling from the chaos within the universe, she expelled a massive amount of purple miasma, which assumed the shape of a rough and primal axe, which she slammed onto the tree trunk. Coincidently, as she tried to push out this unearthly eyesore of a tree, the purple miasma assumed the elemental S&W of Earth itself. The Chaos enforced it with a +20 damage boost, whereas Isabella's own Void Artifact swelled it a further +20 through Strength of the Void.

(Dōjutsu: Kirameku Fuka) – Eye Technique: Shimmering Depths
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60 (+Chaos) ( 100 )
Description: This technique is the Shinkaigan’s basic spatial energy ability, used by the right eye and able to call energy directly from the Void to weaponize it. The energy manifests from the user’s eye with a mid-range reach; because the Void is inherently chaotic the energy can only take the form of a purple miasma, a mass of energy that seeks to consume and envelope its target. Because of its unpredictable nature, Shimmering Depths inherits random elemental weaknesses and strengths. It also gains a 33% chance to randomly increase its damage potential by nothing, 20, and 40 respectively. Experiencing Shimmering Depths directly, meaning sensing it through either one of the primary senses, or through an extrasensory means, causes one to suffer from a 5 Sanity reduction. Shimmering Depths can be used six times per battle, with a single turn between usage.

Roll S&W: Earth
Roll Chaos: +20
Strength of the Void Infusion: +20 ( 2/3 Charges )

Without rest, she followed through with a great accumulation of water, further empowered by her own void boost, creating a massive wave around the tree and the miasma, blasting it in a severing wave to aim to shop off the trunk as well. As she kept attacking the tree, she just felt like the whole thing was deeply hilarious, and she kept of bursting out laughing, all alone, in the undersea.

(Suiton-Mugen Mizu) Water Style: Infinite Water
Type:Attack/ sup
Chakra Cost:50
Damage Points:100 (120)
Description: After a few hands seals the user will summon a huge wave of water that will surround him and the area around him. the wave of water will form a dragon that will attack the opponent or defend from attacks like taijutsu and fire jutsu.
after the wave of water is summoned, the user can use the wave to power up other attacks or use it for combination moves.
the user is able to manupilate the wave only at close range. this juts will last for 3 turns.
*only can be used once*
*no s rank water jutsu for the next turn*
*Created by Hellsbadass*

Elemental Infusion Roll: Fail

Sanity: 100 - 4 = 96
Tier 1 Drawback:
  • Your biography finds even the most minor things hilarious, bursting into laughter at even the worst of times. Lasts for three turns.
The tree was completely indifferent to Isabella's assault. It did not suffer damage nor did it retaliate in response. Instead its roots reached deep into the earth, spreading its tendrils far and wide. Eridu lay in ruins; the surrounding ocean floor was littered in shattered marble, broken columns, destroyed buildings, and empty marketplaces. Aside from Isabella and her Jellyfish there was not another soul in sight. Lady Aria and her companions had vanished and with them their Vanguard. But something was unsettling about the ruins. The tree had caused considerable destruction. As if its roots had suddenly exploded in growth. But not all of the ruins were destroyed by the tree's expansion. Disturbingly, it seemed as if much of the city was destroyed by the hands of the Sentinels themselves...


Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
The tree was completely indifferent to Isabella's assault. It did not suffer damage nor did it retaliate in response. Instead its roots reached deep into the earth, spreading its tendrils far and wide. Eridu lay in ruins; the surrounding ocean floor was littered in shattered marble, broken columns, destroyed buildings, and empty marketplaces. Aside from Isabella and her Jellyfish there was not another soul in sight. Lady Aria and her companions had vanished and with them their Vanguard. But something was unsettling about the ruins. The tree had caused considerable destruction. As if its roots had suddenly exploded in growth. But not all of the ruins were destroyed by the tree's expansion. Disturbingly, it seemed as if much of the city was destroyed by the hands of the Sentinels themselves...
Isabella laughed again, amused that her overwhelming damage strategy did not work. She stretched out her hand to touch the tree once more, but then she had a new idea. Focusing her chakra, she started amassing a great amount of fungal chakra onto her hands, before spreading them out in order to spill forth a massive net of necrotic fungus, highly cultivated with her Yin chakra.

(Masshuru-Muton: Mori no Jusshi ) Mushroom Style: Fingers of Pan
Rank: D-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 10-40 (40)
Damage Points: 20-80 (100)
Description: This serves as the main release of the Mushroom element, materializing the generic fungal net-type described in Primary Release.The user is able to release a large net of fungus, from her hands or from the ground which can withstand the impact of huge boulders of rock and cease their movement. The user can decide to preform this jutsu to trap the opponent. The net will form any structure the user wants, being it a hand, a shield, pillars, etc.
Depending on the rank used, the user is capable of controlling small fungal constructs or a lake's worth of fungus. Through mushroom's chakra parasitic ability, this technique is capable of interacting with other jutsu by shaving off some power when colliding with an enemy chakra-costing technique. Up to B rank, it shaves 10 damage, or 5 chakra. Higher than B rank, it shaves 20 damage or 10 chakra, similar to Water Style: Mist Rain.

Note: A rank can only be used once every 2 turns up to 4 times per battle. S rank can only be used once every three turns, 3 times per battle.
(Inton: Ten ni Henkō) – Yin Release: Change into Heaven
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (+50 chakra cost to applied technique)
Description: The user manipulates a technique of the basic 5 elements with Yin natured energy, allowing the user to change its physical properties. Fire can become solid, lightning can become tangible, water can become invisible. Possibilities are limited to changes in physical properties; more specifically, this means that one cannot transform a flame into a spiritual flame, or make a rock intangible. The user must be able to clearly define what the new technique is within realistic limitations. If, for example, the user makes Swamp of the Underworld into something solid then it might neutralize the entire point of the technique. The resulting technique must be described logically; if this condition is not met then the technique might outright fail. The end result is a technique neutral to all basic elemental natures. This technique is applied within the same timeframe as the technique it is applied to. The infused chakra increases the technique by an additional ten, but costs fifty in total.
Note: Yin Release specialists can apply this technique to advanced fields, CE, and advanced elements.
Note: Using Change into Heaven to transform the inherent nature of an element does not modify its base speed.
Note: Usable 3 times per battle and 6 times per arc.

Her Yin started to enhance the fungal growth into a highly parasitic version of wood-bark mushrooms, attached itself onto the bark and roots of the massive tree in order to feed from it. The Yin infuses the organic and near-sentient fungus with a much more aggressive version of it's damage-shaving ability, it's parasitic powers enhanced to the extreme as it spreads out across the whole tree and roots in sight, feeding from it until the bark is nothing but fungus itself, rotted and putrid, spreading it's fungal disease across the whole system.

Isabella wanted her disease ridden fungal technique, near-sentient and organic in nature, to retrieve some sort of reaction from the tree, or have it die completely and utterly, as her technique absorbs the mysterious powers of the Void Tree into itself. But she was able to intimately monitor the chakra fluctuations within her mushroom technique, and if it wasn't doing anything ( Like her previous attacks ) Isabella was prepared to change course and go through with touching an exposed part of the tree bark with her own palm.
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