Heroes' Rest (228)


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
Sin looked up and saw a light in the north. He couldn't help but stare at it, it was incredibly bright. But it wasn't close. He couldn't help but wonder. He knew Loki could read his mind and so he despawned his summon and instead headed north into the next land mark. He had to know what was going on.

Leaving landmark


Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
Coming from: Mistheaven.

Additionally, this post contains a mission, using the following Story Element:

Explore an abandoned site. (2)​

Summary: Traveling through the site of a horrific battle in the past, Muramasa can't help but wonder what happened here...

A curious name for a region... "Heroes Rest"... If the accounts were true, there were just as many Cultists buried within these fields. The name was no doubt given in honor of the losses, but the irony was remarkable enough to warrant a thought. Child cradled safely within the makeshift papoose, kept comfortable with the warmth exuding from Muramasa's Chakra flow being converted into almost completely cosmetic flames, he strode through the Landmark, taking care not to disturb any remains, or tread upon whatever graves were shallow enough to spot. It was difficult however. The sheer amount of bodies, some, no, most of which had been resurrected by fabled Necromancers, and added to their horrific army, was sickening. He was glad the Child was asleep. To see a place drenched in the blood of so many, if the Child was able to communicate to the degree that he could tell Muramasa his preferences, stating that Muramasa had been far nicer than anyone he'd met before, then surely he could understand death, and see the same senseless slaughter the blacksmith did.

Mile after mile he saw naught but sun-bleached bones, and rusted armaments, some of which called to mind another endless field of blades Emiya had once seen, though that one was buried in snow, and had seen far less blood... And as he constantly trudged forward, Muramasa was unwillingly subjected to the circumstances around that field. Flashes of battle, all taken without mercy, all for the sake of one life. Guilt hit him harder than any weapon could, as he remembered his ultimate failure; Protecting his little sister. Shaking those thoughts from his mind, resolute that he would not allow the past to repeat itself, he pressed on.

As he came to a particularly "populated" part of Heroes Rest, Muramasa took his time to sift through some of the effects that had not been scavenged from the area. He didn't intend on pillaging corpses, but his curiosity was piqued. Some weapons, long coated with decades of dirt, rust and decay, held a symbol on them, specifically of the Witchwood Company, the ones who ran that Arena by the Last Bastion. It had been decades, and they'd made no effort to recover their own people's bodies? Disgusting... Digging through some more remains, there were tattered black robes, similar to the kind Emiya had seen when fighting Cultists in Kuwana. And upon even closer inspection, they were all seemingly killed facing the same direction; West. It was unlikely that the Cultists got the drop on them, as a war was stated to have happened here. This more than likely meant then that the "Witchwood" Soldiers heading West were some who'd already died, and resurrected, lending credibility to the tales. But this information showed him nothing, other than the Witchwood company were more than cowards. They were the type who'd throw their own people under the bus, and leave them to rot... The kind who, given the chance to help people, or line their own pockets, the latter was almost sure to be the answer. Seeing nothing but anger if he remained, Muramasa pressed on...

Leaving Landmark.


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]
  • Fight against a group of Necromancers whilst being heavily weakened (Custom - 4)
You must be registered for see medias

Long and weary his journey had been. His bones and soul wanted a cure now, they demanded it yet he was no steps closer to one. His body was decaying and rotting. A fitting end it could be as he stepped into an uncharted territory for his experience. The sound got to him before anything else, the gentle and departing crack of shattered bones that laid under his black boot. He looked down on what he knew was there yet he wanted to see it regardless. He acknowledged it and looked up again, scouting the land. There was nothing here but.. peace. It was obvious that a grand battle had raged here many years ago. He had heard the legends afterall. But if there was anywhere that the enemy could be residing it would also be here, trying to raise what they could from the fallen dead. It was a necromancy gold-mine. He held his left arm with his right and looked through his yellow tinted glasses, hiding the Tenseigan. The power of his eyes allowed him to spot chakra within the landmark. He needn't to look far though. His precautions had already caught up with him as he glanced at a necro party across the hillside covered with wind withered bones. They were dressed in a pitch black cloak that seemed to soak up all light that touched it. There was no reason not to think it was necromancy at hand played out over there since he could see skeletons being called upon from the ground. Since he had just recalimed border countries, he could not let this evil thrive only to have it invade the countries he had sworn to protect. He rolled up his sleeves and put his yellow glasses into his pocket. He raised his hands, and with them, the bones around him.

..Kou Tensei

( Tensei Kōu ) - Reincarnation Shower
Rank: B - A (B)
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 20 - 30
Damage points: 30 - 60
Description: The user raises his hands and, using the gravitation forces, generates a moderately sized sphere out of nearby debris overhead, then thrusts his arms downward, sending it crashing into the ground like a meteor. The B ranked version is capable of causing moderate damage while the A rank version is enough to break through buildings.
Note: Can only be used by Tenseigan Bios.

Their fall was not immediate. While the spheres of bones shaped by gravity would smash into some of them and kill them, others were fully capable of reading the threat and deal with it through jutsus on their own. It was not to Alucards surprise as his technique had merely been used to get their attention. Something that he had now achieved very well. Their faces turned towards him as they would use their spawn to rush towards him.

(Kinjutsu Doton Soseijutsu: Shishi Dojō) Forbidden Earth Resurrection Technique: Corpse Soil
Type: Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 5 per corpse (150) (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: This technique is called the "ultimate earth-element resurrection technique" because it focuses upon using the earth itself as a medium to revive corpses. By utilising soil in the local ground, the user can revive the fallen present there in one of two ways. The first version allows the user to seemingly continuously resurrect a large number of slain people as zombies, but with none of their rationality, physical prowess, or techniques at their disposal. They are fairly easy to destroy, capable of enduring little more than Taijutsu and D-Rank Ninjutsu. The amount of zombies raised is directly proportional to the chakra spent to search through the ground and awaken the corpse's remains. Some corpses may not be in a perfect state, being deteriorated or decomposed, in which case, earth will form the missing areas into functional parts. If the technique is deactivated either by the user or if the user is killed, the zombies will immediately turn to dust. The second version allows the user to bring a person back as a perfect resurrection, able to use all their skills from when alive, with the addition of a preset directive the person is forced to obey despite being consciously aware. Unlike the Impure World Reincarnation technique, the soul is not bound to the body nor can the user completely overcome the targets personality. In this case, the user needs access to both a large amount of chakra as well as the fresh, preserved corpse of the target. The limitation of this technique is that, while with Impure World Reincarnation one can summon the pre-prepared revived ninjas at any time and how many times one needs by summoning them, with this technique, the user can only use it once and cannot prepare it beforehand. This means that the user will either need to bring a sealed corpse and perform the technique in the midst of battle or perform it in a fallen enemy who will then be used for as long as is necessary. Another difference is that the revived ninja is not immune to damage and will not regenerate if damaged though injury is not enough to stop it and the corpse will continue to work and function while it has some way to do so. At any time, by performing a Snake hand seal and snapping their fingers, the caster of this technique releases the resurrected targets, turning them into loose soil.
Note: The technique can only be used once.
Note: First version will produce how many corpses the user is willing to pay chakra for, all of which will last until destroyed.
Note: Second version can only be used in one corpse and requires access to a corpse which will not be usable anymore once the technique or the battle ends but that can last while chakra is fueled to sustain it or the technique is ended.
Note: In either cases, defeating the caster of the technique ends the technique.
Note: To use a corpse, the user must have sealed it in an official fight, approved by an RP Moderator, linking to which, upon reviving, is mandatory.

Alucard merely applied his iconic and sadistic grin. With the spawn of the dead rushing towards him, Alucard would utilise his chakra to form and manifest one of the five Kaguya dances. The dance of the Larch would activate, rapidly growing claws and spikes across Alucards body. The bones were harder than steel and would provide him the close-encounter enhancements he needed as he rushed towards and into the vast moving force of undead and their puppeteers.


( Karamatsu no Mai ) - Dance of the Larch
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: Karamatsu no Mai is the third of the five Kaguya dance forms. The user creates a mass of razor-sharp bone spikes all over their body. The user can grow these bones at an extremely rapid rate so they can stab an opponent even as the bones are growing. Since the bones are harder than steel, they can be used defensively to block or trap an opponent's strikes.
This technique is a great surprise attack and it makes the user basically untouchable at close range. When an opponent is close to the user, they spin very fast, rapidly slashing the foe in multiple areas of their body.

The bones would clash into an epic endeavor. Since Alucards bones were naturally hardened, they were shattering the bones of the withered undead that were raised to erase him. Using more chakra, Alucard was also able to grow massive bone tentacles from his back in order to deal with the army of many hundred of the undead. They would use as remote bouncer grapplers to pick up undead skeletons and toss them to the ground and smash them. They were also used to pierce a number of undead and toss them upwards in the sky only to land and smash at the ground in high impact.

( Hone Shokushu )- Bone Tentacles
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user grows bone tendrils from their back to bind or pierce the opponent.

At this point, he was carving a path through the army and was so effective at dealing with the kinjutsu that some of the necromancers attempted to flee in vain as they were executed for their mutiny on the spot by the seemingly core group of the contraband. A core of 5 necromancers, all carrying the inner memento of the Tiamat circle. At this point, Jutsus started to rain down on Alucard, who had defeated the last of the undead bones. He looked upwards from the ground as he had placed his bone covered black boot on the last poor sods skull only to crush it into a final shape. A stone dragon, A branch of countless spawns of lightning bolts, A massive water bullet, A wall of massive flames, A barrage of wind blades so hard to see that the only focal was their chakra. All techniques headed towards Alucard, expelled from each member.

..They really be testing my limits..

Alucard mumbled to himself as he put on his yellow-tinted glasses once again.

Fire, water, wind, earth, lightning.. These folks intend my demise. So be it.

(Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku) - Fire release: Great Fire Majestic Annihilation
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: A technique where the user makes the horse hand seal and then kneads chakra inside his body which is then converted into fire and expelled from the mouth as a massive wall of intense flames, which covers an expansive range in both vertical and horizontal dimensions, making it extremely difficult to avoid. However, due to its massive width and height, the technique is not one of the fastest seen so far.

(Suiton: Suidan no Jutsu) - Water Release: Water Bullet Technique
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user inhales and molds a great amount of chakra into their chest, exhaling a very large quantity of water in the form of a powerful torrent towards their intended target. The stream of water is so powerful and concentrated it can rip through most obstacles in its path. The stream itself contains so much concentrated water that it can flood medium to large sized depressions of the battle field in relatively short amounts of time.

(Fūton: Shinkū Renpa) – Wind Release: Serial Waves
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: After performing a the required hand seals Rat → Snake → Horse → Dog theuser takes a deep breath and exhales several blades of wind at different angles, by rapidly moving their head in various directions. The power of this technique can be dramatically enhanced when utilised in conjunction with the effects of extreme suction, such as that generated by the Baku, where the augmented attack proved effective enough to even slice through the defences of a complete Susanoo.

(Doton: Dosenkiryū) - Earth Release: Earth and Stone Dragon Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long (made within Short, but reaches up to Long)
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user after performing the required hand seals Horse → Dog → Bird → Ox → Snake will create a large dragon of earth erupt from the ground and direct it towards the enemy with devastating force. This technique much resembles the Water Release: Water Dragon technique.

(Raiton: Gian) - Lightning Style: False Darkness
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Descripton: The user, after performing the Snake handseal, emits lightning in the shape of a spear from their hands or mouth which then pierces the enemy. Kakuzu, the original user, shoots the technique from his Lightning mask's mouth. Its destructive power is great enough to even pierce through rock; meaning it has a high killing potential. The user can increase the number of spears to attack multiple enemies by branching the main spear. This, coupled with the sheer speed of the lightning, makes it a difficult technique to evade. This strong attack can be defended against by an equally strong attack of the same element such as Raikiri.

All S-ranked techniques raced towards Alucard in immense speeds, tightly followed eachother in a chained order. He was too weakened to avoid them. All he could do was to gather up his chakra. He gleamed with his eyes and saw chakra clouding his ocular scope. After having weaved two identical seals right after eachother, his chakra would be unleashed, un-tethered and enraged as it encased around him and formed into two large diabolic bulls head that would ram into each technique and destroy every single one of them. While one of them were meant to destroy, the other was used to storm into the enemy and erase them from existence.


(Jinton: Maethūum no Buki | Dust Release: Armaments of Maethūum) x2
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: D-S(B, becomes A)
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 10-40(20 + 10 = 30)
Damage: 40-80(60 + 20 = 80)
Description: Armaments of Maethiūm lets the user configure their dust release chakra to create any shape of the release they wantehich would be ranging from spikes, hand-held weapons, armor, arrows etc. Since dust release is a very advanced elements as well as an element without physical properties the user will constantly need to fuel chakra into the creations they make in order to maintain their structure from collapsing. Depending on chakra levels, the density of the creations increase/decrease and will deal more/less damage. D and C rank levels requires no handseals while B rank requires a single seal and can be used three times per battle. A rank variation can be used up to two times per battle and requires a two-turn cooldown and requires two handseals.. S rank variation can be used once while requiring three seals and a three turn cooldown. All creations siphon chakra from the user and will be able to kept in form until destroyed or if the user uses any other element that dust release doesnt consists from(earth/wind/fire) or CEs/AEs that doesnt consist of any of those either. The user is drained -10 chakra per turn when using this technique in order to maintain it.

Note: Can only be taught by Skorm

Three of the enemies perished instantly while the other two remained after having cut Alucards technique in half using black swords that were oscillating with lightning charges.

( Kumo-Ryū Omotegiri ) - Cloud-Style Front Beheading x2
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage: 30 + 40 = 70
Description: The user slashes forwards in front of them with their sword to strike the enemy target.
(Chō Biburāto Raitontō) - Super Vibrating Lightning Release Sword x2
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A (+40 to Kenjutsu/sword-related attacks)
Description: The user channels their lightning chakra into a blade, increasing its vibrating frequency and giving it more cutting power than standard wind techniques.

This lead Alucard to duel the remaining necromancers into a fight with kenjutsu. He unsheathed both of his sacred swords, Golden Nightmare and Darkiscie. He would weild his bisumaton sword in his left hand and the Darkiscie in his right one.

(Gōruden'naitomea) - Golden Nightmare
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The Golden Nightmare is a sword made by parts of reinforced steel and liquid bismuth. This makes the sword able to shift in construction and turn into a hand-cannon due to the liquid parts of the construction. It will either start as a sword or a hand cannon at the beginning of an encounter. Both forms gives the user an enhanced passive trait to the bisumaton release, increasing it's damage by +20 and giving it additionally +10 chakra through a designated seal that is passively activated when it's master is either holding the blade/handcannon or has it sheathed. The seal fluctuates bismuth chakra through its masters body constantly and gives them an extremely faint rainbowy aura(which is just for visual effects).

Sword: The sword form is very beautiful with multitudes of colors and shining edges. The edge of the sword is partially liquid bismuth and partially hardened steel. Due the temperature of liquid bismuth the sword will inflict severe burns on contact with skin and cause great pain. It further enhances the swords cutting capability since it can melt away other elements(within reason, but rubbery and bouncy for example) that are in the way of the sharp steel. If placed on the ground with the hilt upwards and the edge planted in the foundation of the ground infront of the user it will release a large portion of liquid bismuth into the ground that will shape into half of a sphere. Using their ability to control the element, the user can then shape the underground sphere into large roots or trees around the battlefield that deals burning damage on touch. These roots can reach long range while the trees(depending on their length) can only reach mid-range. This causes S-rank damage. The trees can spread and create a miniature forest(about 30 meters big and 10 meters tall), entrapping foes. On touch it causes severe burns. While not dealing 80 damage on freeform, the sword can be used for standard kenjutsu techniques with the burning damage added to it. The user can, however, do freeform 80 damage kenjutsu moves but that will consume a moveslot.

Handcannon: The handcannon form of the Golden Nightmare is like the sword, very beautiful and contains the exact same parts as the sword. This handcannon can fire rounds made out of liquid bismuth. On impact, the bullets will not pierce their target but rather splat on the impact surface and spread across it. This causes severe pain and if shot on a limb it will immobilize it the metal is quite heavy. One single shot can spread all across a regular human-sized creature's torso all the way to their back and thus immobilizes their spine.
Regular gun rules apply and only one round can be shot each time-frame.

Note: A bullet and the sword does 80 damage following the S/W of Bisumaton and up to four bullets per match.
Note: Changing form of the sword costs a move-turn and the user must state in the beginning of a battle what form the Golden Nightmare has taken. If not, it's default as a sword.
Note: Can only be used by Skorm
Note: Utilizing the roots/tree application of the sword renders the user incapable of using the sword's other active abilities in the same and next turn.
Note: Firing a bullet, using the sword for an S-rank attack, or creating the roots render the user unable to use Bismuth Techniques above A-rank in the same turn.

Type: Weapon
Rank: Forbidden
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Darkiscie is one of the two legendary swords said to have been crafted from the era of the perfect balance of Yin and Yang was introduced and formed the universe as a replacement of the world of nothingness. This particular blade share an extremely powerful bond with its sister blade, forged at the same day. They can only be used by those who are deems worthy and have learned the ways of Yin. Darkiscie is a physical blade that is fueled with Yin and the five elements. This blade has a monstrous amount of powers that it grants its wielder. Wielding this blade surrounds and infuses the user of a pulsar system that enhances their Yin ratio. This makes the sword sturdy, being able to resist the same amount of damage as pair of truth seeking balls(Yin version) while foreign touch on the sword will not just cause tremendous amount of damage but also siphons chakra from any opponent that touches the sword. This translates to a debuff on the opponent, limiting them to use up to A-rank techniques for one turn after having being struck or touched by the sword. Since the sword radiates of a 99% Yin ratio chakra constantly towards its wielder, its user will gain abilities from Darkiscie. This translates to a major buff to any field the user has that they chose, which must be stated in their bio as an abyssal aspect.

Intrinsic Move
By spending one of the user moveslots, the user can strike the sword into the ground with the blade piercing it and the users hands resting on its hilt. Doing this, creates a huge pulse to spread through the battlefield in an omnidirectional manner(up to short-range, being channeled through the ground but also in a spherical pulse, affecting anything within the user that's close enough to them). The ground will then start to flicker and any opponent whos in contact with the ground, or in air from the sword will be affected by a strong genjutsu which manifests into their mind. This genjutsu will make it seem that the ground falls in towards itself and chunks will fall downwards into a black abyss, similar to as if the planet had lost its mantel or all layers of its crust. Unless broken this will genjutsu will force opponents to go airborne or they will be dealt an S-ranked ranked equivalent Yin ranked genjutsu mind damage. This can only be done once per battle.

Intrinsic Perk
The abyssal aspect(as mentioned above) affects a single field that the user can use and receives a buff in both chakra(+10) and damage(+20). This counts as a passive boost and must be stated in the users biography as their "black element". This enchantment can only be applied on one field on a users biography and they cannot change it unless they update the bio itself. As the weapon is infused and heavily outsourcing damage potential towards the bearers abyssal aspect.

Note: Can only be used by Skorm

He taunted his enemies by repedively gesture them to come closer. And so they did. Both of them jumped towards Alucard, both with their blades still covered with lightning chakra. It wasn't enough though, Alucards swords were still able to resist the lightning and parry as the four swords would sing as they smashed into eachother. Alucard had both his knees bent while both of the opponents were lying with their entire body weights on their blades, Alucards strength was enough to push them back forcing a recoil. However, the opponent whos sword clashed with Golden Nightmare would soon know pain as the molten metal started to encase their hands and burn it into their very skeleton, forcing them to drop their sword. It was now only one opponent left as the other was completely incapacitated. Not allowing to show weakness, the remaining opponent would decapitate Alucards other opponent in a swift move, silencing his screams. He then looked towards Alucard with both his hands on his sword and after having stood still for a secound he rushed towards Alucard who would sweep Darkiscie in a horizontal wave and cut through the opponents sword and his body effectively ending the fight. The last remaining light in his opponents eyes died out after a few secounds. The struggle for life was amusing to Alucard, it was symphonic. With the encounter won, he would travel north and leave the Hero's Rest to.. rest.



ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Returning from [x]

Storyboard Mission
  • Safely transport highly classified information
  • Establish control over a hostile area
You must be registered for see medias

It hadn't been many days since Alucard and Blaziken had established a peaceful agreement with the Oceanborn faction that was in control over the Dead Rivers. Over the past days, this established cooperation between the Hellsing Organisation and the Oceanborn faction would be in full effect and while Alucard's clan was in official possession of the landmark, he and his clan would work together. Just before leaving, he would be given an assignment which was to transport highly classified material from the Oceanborn leaders, containing strategic plans and overall assessments of their supplies and armaments. In the strategic plan there was also included documents and plans on how to supply neighbouring countries such as Hero's Rest in which the two were currently in. They had been here before, under very.. different circumstances. This time though, they would carry out these plans as well as establish control over the very uncertain landmark, or more precisely put, the goldmine for necromancers. Even though his last act in this land had been to cleanse it, it had been a while ago and the scouts from the Oceanborn faction had reported superhuman activity in the lands. At this point and time, Alucard had rid himself of the Red Fever and was at peak levels when it came to combat. Not only that, but Blaziken was with him as well, a summoning he was unable to perform during the Red Fever due to chakra level discretionary. First things first though, according to his intel there was an abandoned fortress in the middle of the landmark, next to one of the rivers that was flowing from the Dead Riverlands supplying this landmark with fresh water from the ocean and other minerals. Nothing that necromancers would be any interested in most likely.. Alucard and his pokémon headed out in the wilderness in order to reach the stronghold. On their way they would be met by wild beasts and other animals that they had to fend off against as it was extremely vital that the plans and the ongoing mission was transported as safely as possible. Rumors were also that rouge mages and other scattered factions used animals as their recon units and would gather intel from them. This was a sign that the growth of insurrections in the Tobusekai continent was accelerating and factions taking any means necessary to survive and spread influence no matter the methods. With Alucards Tenseigan, he would easily be able to pinpoint these animals that were possessed by external forces from far away. This meant he as able to neutralize these spies before giving out his location very efficiently while Blaziken would take care of the local threat which mostly consisted of regular hungry animals. Using gravitational projectiles, Alucard was able to knock these recon animals out cold without killing them. Blaziken would simply deflect any hostile animals that decided to attack them with simple taijutsu techniques that knocked them back without doing any severe damage.

( Doujutsu: Tenseigan ) - Eye Technique: Reincarnation Eye
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( -10 per turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: The Tenseigan (転生眼, Literally meaning: Reincarnation Eye) is a powerful dōjutsu utilized by the Ōtsutsuki clan. The combination of the Byakugan and the chakra of an Ōtsutsuki clan member can evolve the Byakugan into the Tenseigan, resulting in the loss of the Byakugan's quasi-omnidirectional and distanced vision.The Tenseigan allows the user to control both attractive and repulsive forces, similar to the Rinnegan's Deva Path. The user's eyes are on the same level as the Mangekyou Sharingan in terms of tracking and chakra perception. Additionally, it also grants the wielder the ability to use Tenseigan Chakra Mode; gaining additional increases in speed, agility and power.
Note: Requires activation (spending move) for Otsutsuki bios but remains active indefinitely afterwards if the user chooses to. After having a complete Otsutsuki bio with Tenseigan for 1 month, user becomes able to switch between both doujutsu without spending a move. User needs to have activated Byakugan before and had it active for 1 full turn.
Note: Toneri is unable to deactivate his upon it's activation, becoming his default eye state.
Note: When active, the user loses all access to Byakugan related abilities and instead gains Tenseigan effects.

( Tensei Hakai no Beruto ) - Reincarnation Belt of Destruction
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 30 (-15 per turn)
Damage points: 60
Description: Using their manipulation of gravitational forces, the user is able to gather nearby debris present in the battlefield (anything will do as long as its tangible), concentrate them into small "clumps" and begin floating them around in mid air, short range around themselves, creating a defensive belt of debris. The user can then use these debris as projectiles to attack the enemy by commanding them thorugh hand gestures and throwing them at the target.
Note: Can only be used by Tenseigan Bios.
Note: Depending on the characteristics of the debris, the technique can be used to defend to up to A-Rank techniques and can be regenerated by using the technique again to add more debris, returning it to its original strength.

(Konoha Senpū) - Leaf Hurricane
Rank: D
Type: Attack
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: 20
Description: A taijutsu where one launches a succession of high kicks and low kicks. Firstly, the opponent's evasion margin is restrained upon seeing the high kick, thus augmenting the chances for the low kick to hit the mark connecting to the rib cage area. So originally the high kick is little more than a feint.

This strategy would be kept all until they would safely have transported themselves and their top-secret information to the stronghold. The road was long and rough but they would get through it with their iron mentality and high endurance. They would eventually spot a large structure next to a lively streaming river in the heartlands of the country. Having cleared the grunt work that had plagiarized their peaceful mission. However, upon reaching the abandoned fortress they would be met by rigged sealing traps. It wasn't impossible that this hold was already occupied by a rouge faction and in order to establish a safe link for the transported plans and whatever was waiting for them inside the fort, Alucard decided to let Blaziken guard the plans while he would head in and clear out any potential threats that could arise. Before he went into the fort, he would assure Blaziken would be on high guard with the plans and so Blaziken would open the 6th gate and fly far up far into the clouds in case it would be met by any hostiles. With a strategy set, Alucard proceeded to enter the hold while he would let the traps trigger on him as a mockery against any kind of magical force trying to hurt him. He wanted the traps to be triggered just to test their capacity. That way, he could make a very good assumption of the powers lurking in the dark below. So far, the seals were the generic and relatively simple chakra sensory explosion tags, slapped onto the walls and the floor with an approximately 10 meter intervals between the tags.

( Fūin Wana Bakuhatsu ) – Sealing Trap Explosion
Rank: B-Rank
Type: Offensive, Defensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: The user places a seal on a chosen location which when an enemy target draws closer to the seal it will release itself in activation to the enemy’s chakra and cause an explosion.

As the explosions went off left and right, Alucard simply dusted off his shoulder and remained completely unscathed thanks to his Yin infused skeleton. However, it did start to create an unstable vibe in the foundations of the hold and he could not simply keep up with walking into every single trap without risking the whole thing collapsing. However, he knew exactly how these seals worked and they had one huge flaw that would be that they all exploded when his chakra signature was in their viscinity. Now, if he would compress his chakra to undetecable levels, these seals would never trigger and so he would perform the chakra surpression techniques as he continued throughout the hold.

(Chakra Yokuatsu no Jutsu) - Chakra Suppression Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 15 (-5 per turn)
Damage points: N/A
Description: This ability allows the user to suppress their chakra to the point that it is completely undetectable. This makes it impossible for chakra sensory-type ninja to track them via their chakra signal. However there is some downside to the technique, whilst suppressing their chakra they cannot use any of the ninja skills.
Note: Cannot prevent Doujutsu users from detecting them

The downside of the technique was that he could not use any other ninja techniques while suppressing his chakra but his permanent dojutsu was not affected by that handicap. However, the hold did not contain a single soul after having investigated it thoroughly. He decided to return to the entrance again upon concluding that fact but on his way out he would disarm all of the remaining traps by removing them from their placements still using his chakra suppression technique and as he went out, he would torch them up with his fire release. At his return it had gone dark and the moon was the sole source of light at this hour. Blaziken was still standing there with the classified information, he had not had to act while Alucard was gone. Despite having the area cleared, there was no reassurance of security for whomever had placed the tags in the first place could very well ambush them at any point and time and steal the plans only to launch a full on assault on the Oceanborn stronghold. It was a tricky situation, should they make camp in the hold and wait out the attackers planned ambush or should they go out and meet them. The decision was made, and Alucard decided to reside inside the stronghold they had now cleansed from traps. He would vault the top secret information that was sealed in a scroll underneath the hill in which the hold rested upon. Through his tenseigan he could make sure that there were no false doors or hidden pathways to the vault. The information had been transported safely. Now it was time to keep it like that. Alucard knew that within just a few hours the Oceanborn faction would send out scouts to check the situation, all he needed to do was to signal the Hellsing flag as a means of claim over the hold. This he did after having placed the top secret information in the vault, raising his banner from the highest tower. However, once he had made his way up there he could spot several chakra signatures closing in. It was the ambush he had predicted that was outside the door and knocking. Despite none of the signatures were large to deem as a single large threat, there were many of them and most of them were the dead raised from the earth by necromancy, just like last time he had been there. Alucard sighed and looked towards Blaziken, signaling that he was the guardian of the vault in the case any of the enemy would slip passed the devil himself. While Blaziken went down to the vault, Alucard would remain on the peak tower and look around him. Around 1,000 opponents had gathered as a mixed back of 90% trash undead and 10% decently strong mages/necromancers. His judgment would rain down on his foes as Alucard called for the natural chaos that he so violently liked to abuse. He raised his hands above his head and with a huge laughter sent down a rain of red hot metal all around the hold.

(Bisumaton: Ōame | Bismuth release: Heavy Rain)
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Mid-Long
Chakra: 40(-20/turn) + 10
Damage: 80/turn + 20
Description: The user performs three handseals and ignites the skies by channeling bisumaton chakra into the skies above them. Standard sized droplets of molten bismuth will start to rain down on the field from Mid-Long range of where the user is, and the user cannot adjust the size or location of the droplets. This can be done with or without sourceless materializing although if the user does not have that specialty they will need to form a gigantic pillar of molten bismuth that they stretch out from behind them and let go as it reaches the skies and expands into a barrage of rain. The only real advantage the user gets if they possess the sourceless materializing is the element of surprise. While this technique is ongoing, the user is limited in terms of that they can perform. This limits them to only using fire, wind and earth as well as KGs/AEs/CEs based on either one of those elements. Regular skills are not affected although no forbidden techniques. Each droplet of the rain causes extreme pain and will sink through the skin, flesh and bones through any limb or body it hits until it has passed through. Each drop falls faster than that of regular rain as bismuth is by far heavier and denser making the technique almost unavoidable, but it is still possible for the user to catch sight of the rain long before it actually makes contact with them. The user can only use the bismuth to form techniques from the bismuth or to create more bisumaton techniques only once the bismuth has hit the ground. This technique can only be used twice per battle and can stay on the field for two turns while it requires a two-turn cool-down. The user can only use two other moves while this is active.
Note: Can only be taught by Skorm.

While the technique rained down and swooped over the undead, causing their brittle bodies to melt, the main targets was relatively unaffected as they grouped together into units creating strong wind techniques acting as umbrellas against the molten metal. However, the forces that were on the other side of the river was heavily cut off as the rain would cause massive amounts of steam as it clashed with the furious stream. The steam was so thick it almost acted like a fluid itself and forced the enemies to regroup. Alucard smirked as he watched the remaining forces mobilize infront of the stronghold, ready to storm it as he ceased the rain technique to enable him to use other other elements again. Hoping that this was clearly it in terms of this landmark, Alucard would atleast try and make the best example should any motherfucking necromancer step into these lands again as long as he lived. He would restort to medival punishment. He walked slowly down the stairs as he heard the warcry of the darkness outside the walls. He was as calm as a snowflake falling from the sky on a starry night. His plan was set in motion as he approached at the entrance behind the gates. He looked infront of him at the many remaining foes on their tip toes ready to tear him to pieces. They hadn't come for the secret information he had carried, they had come to end him for what he had done last time he visited the place. The mages mobilised their strength and sent out a barrage of long range attacks that all pierced through Alucard like bullets but he just stood there and took it until the remains of his body collapsed in on itself. However after a few secounds..

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The ultimate humiliation against necromancy, a life force able to regenerate itself with such effectiveness and without any sort of preparation or sign of killability. Not only was this a signal for his direct opponents, but if one of them were to survive they would spread the word of what they were about to witness, for this was only the beginning. After having healed himself - leaving some wounds still fresh, Alucuard would raise one of his hands and point out a victim for his example. He used his gravitational forces to pull one of the fear-frozen mages from their remaining crowd and upon reach him, Alucard would pick up his other arm that had been separated from his body with his mouth and pierced it through the man right through his head. The body spasmed for a few secounds and his eyes was open the whole time before rolling back into their sockets, lifeless. Not only did this cause for an appaling example but it also made the entire enemy front to run for their lives.

The killed mage was then ravaged further as Alucard drove a pole through the bodies ass and out from its throat. There the body would naturally decay and act as a symbol of his crueltly of anybody who acted in disharmony against the dead. A few hours later and the scouts from the Oceanborn faction had arrived and the plans were set in motion which eventually lead to a spread out wing of their militia, now under the wing of the Hellsing Organisation to mobilise a band of effective beast hunters and anti mage units to keep the landmark secure from future threats. Mission was complete and Alucard and Blaziken left the landmark.


Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
Coming from #232, Purgatory.

Passing through Heroes Rest, Emiya took a few moments to recall when he came through here last with Enkidu. Before he could get worked up over his absent friend, he pushed on towards his first of many stops.

Leaving Landmark. Heading to #227, Mistheaven.


Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
Coming from #223, Dead Rivers.

Despite its proximity to the Dead Rivers, Emiya found Heroes Rest to be much less densely populated, making it easier for him to sneak through the corrupted masses undetected. The last time he came through here the fields, while not pristine, were still in a much better state than now. The region was littered with corpses weathered by time and reduced to mere bones, there was a solitary beauty to this sacred resting place. Now? Unmarked graves were picked clean, scavenged by the carrion feeders spawned by the Basmu. Heroes who should be given a sound rest instead find themselves disturbed and worse defiled. What remained of them dragged from their respecting places, as devoid of honor and pride as they were, and given one final insult as their bones were torn asunder and devoured.

With a fury unlike any he had felt before Emiya claimed more lives in anger passing through Heroes Rest than he would ever admit.

Leaving Landmark. Heading to #233, Sorrow's Heart.