Hell’s Maw (102)


Active member
Oct 1, 2010
Trait Points
Hell’s Maw

This area, characterized by tall mountains and deep, rocky valleys, is ravaged by perpetual, dense storms of dust and gravel that smoothen and sharpen the rock formations’ surfaces and edges respectively over time. The storms make the area inhabitable, even for most animals and over the years the storms have formed thin, sharp edges on almost every rock in the area. Even though it is very much not inhabitable for most, a rare species had taken over the area; these people are the Asag, a unique race of Arali that are in tune with earth release and have skin very similar to that of the rocks in the hell's maw. The Asag have built homes and other formations within the jagged mountainous Rock formations, and even chunks of the moon had fell into the landmark only to be flung around constantly by the dust storms. Because of the storms, visibility in the area is extremely low, even during the day.
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Active member
Mar 16, 2011
Trait Points
Arriving [Mission]

After some time traveling, a notable distance formed between Alice and the others, keeping an eye on the two, Alice knew they were tired and these winds tossing around rocks were wearing on all of their bodies, thankfully the storms aren’t has brutal around this time it’d be best to set up camp here for them to recoup , theres no use traveling through here of all places tired, with nothing but sharp ridges and rocks and the visibility factor, someone will get hurt for sure. Stopping in her tracks, waiting for the others to catch before discussing the situation with them.

Its best we stay here. I’ll create shelter for us.

They didn’t seem as if they heard her, due to the confusion on their faces, unless it was the fact she said she was going to “create” shelter. Maybe they thought, collecting rocks and building one. Or maybe its because as we first entered these lands she instructed them to wrap a piece of their clothing tightly around their head and faces, to protect them from breathing in dust and from small cluster of rocks cutting them. This could make it harder for anyone to hear anything added that the wind is constantly howling. Alice formed a hand seal, creating a thick layer of crystal to form on the grounds surface, then by pushing her palms out, the crystal begins to build on itself, creating which appears to be two separate traditional tents, both next to each other. She further extends both arms outward, forming half a dome over the tents, blocking the direction the wind is flowing toward, protecting them from blowing debris.

Come on, we’ll be safe for now.

With the elder and the child’s belongings set up in their own tent and Alice’s in the other. While the sun went down, they all sat on the crystal platform just outside the tents, by a fire pit made from Alice’s crystal and fire jutsu. The child showing his curiosity of Alice and her abilities, begins asking many questions, as the elder would apologize for the childs manners.

The Child: How’d you become a ninja? Where were you born? Do you have family?

The Elder: Hey, what we say about bothering others with so many questions!

Alice amused by the child, giggles softly and smiles.

No, its quiet alright.. Where i come from there isn’t much options to be anything else. I was born in the Crimson State Islands.

Alice would inhale deeply following a long slow exhale.

Yes, i have family.. Although i haven’t seen them in quiet some time.

She says with a smile, before looking away from the child and toward the camp fire burning.. The child looked down and the elder, placed his hand on the childs shoulder. With a few moments of silence, the child looked back up and began speaking again.

The Child: I didn’t get to have my parents for long either, The King sent them away and took them.

The elder with a shocked expression, then interrupting the child before he could say more, as he Took his hand off of the childs shoulder.

The Elder: Thats ENOUGH!

Alice snapping from her daze, glancing back toward the child and then rotating her eyes up toward the elder sitting next to him. The King? Focusing her attention on the child once more.

My name is Alice, by the way.

She said with a smirk on her face. The child began to smile.

The Child: Thanks Alice.

He said as he began to stand.

The Child: Ima go to sleep now, i haven’t gotten much since we left.

Turning and walking into his tent. Alice has only been with them for half a day, so she wondered how long they’d been traveling for and from where. Alice looked toward the elder and said a few words before looking back toward the fire.

He’s a good kid.

The elder sighed, staring toward the tent for a few moments before turning his attention toward Alice.

The Elder: We’re grateful you’re helping us. He’s been through a lot, and with out you we probably wouldn’t make it the rest of the way. Thank you.

Theres no need to thank me.. When I’m accepting a form of payment for it. But i would like to know what you’re running from? Is it “the King”, the child spoke of? Should i be expecting others to be tracking us?

The elder stayed silent, hesitating to speak. Not sure if he should tell Alice.

The Elder: The King isn’t a good man.. He had the boys parents killed and ordered for his warriors to take the child back to him. I was a good friend of his parents, they trusted me to keep the boy as safe as i could for as long as i could. We stayed in the “Northern Outback” amongst a small community for a year, before the soldiers knew of it. They slaughtered nearly the entire town, trying to find us. There was a good man we came across a few times while living there, he told us to go to “Hells Depths”, that there would be a girl there that would helps us travel, that she would keep the child safe. He explained she had “special abilities”, that they could reflect light itself.

“A good man” ?

The Elder: He also mentioned that your eyes reminded him of his “second favorite beverage”?

Alice now knowing of who the elder were speaking of.

This “good man”, did he happen to wear a blue jacket, gold glasses and have white hair…and drink a lot of whisky..

The Elder: Yes! That is him! He gave us the location of where we would find you. I apologize for not mentioning it sooner but I had to be sure it were you. Once you’ve shown your ability in which you built this camp site and then told the child your name. I knew we’ve found the right person.

What does the King want with the child?

The Elder: He’s special. The King wants to use him, like he does all his warriors. That isn’t the life his parents wanted for him.

Alice knowing theres more to it then everything the elder is saying, but wasn’t intending on pushing it upon the elder to tell her everything now.

You should get some sleep, we have to leave before the sun rises, the morning storms here are too dangerous to get caught in.

The elder nodding his head before getting up to get to his tent. Alice spent a few more hours looking out and thinking, before going in her tent for a light rest, for a few hours before gathering her things and waking the others up. Instructing everyone to wrap up tightly, then making their way out of this area.

(Shōton: Yuka) - Crystal Release: Floor
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: The user does three handsigns by building up their crystal chakra and proceeds to transform the top three feet of the ground into crystal. This makes it so that the enemy is no longer touching the ground, thus allowing the user to manipulate the newly-formed crystal itself. This also can be used as a focus point for causing crystal jutsus to rise up from the platform faster as there is already a crystal source to draw from. The platform can be damaged, but it will take a jutsu equal in power to do so, following elemental interactions. The user also has the ability to control how far the range of the technique will work, but has to state during the jutsu process which ranges are being effect. Lastly, earth techniques cannot be manipulated from the ground as long as this jutsu is on the field for either the user or the enemy. Speed reference for building the platform is similar in speed to crystal labyrinth.

Note: Can only be used once.
Note: This jutsu stays on the field for four turns.
Note: Courtesy of Juha.

(Shōton no Jutsu) - Greater Crystal Release Technique)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: A greater version of the Crystal Release. With this, Guren can further expand upon her mastery over the release, utilizing crystal in various ways to attack or defend herself.

(Katon: Kasumi Enbu no Jutsu) - Fire Release: Mist Blaze Dance Technique
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: D
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 10
Damage: N/A
Description: After performing the necessary hand seals Snake → Ram → Monkey → Tiger, the user is able to create and blow a flammable gas from their lungs. Once it comes in contact with fire or sparks, the gas ignites into a large fireball.

CP: 1,600-40-30-10= 1,520

Leaving Landmark
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Active member
Mar 12, 2014
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

This post marks the beginning of my mission with the following storyboard element(s):

Defend yourself from wild beasts (4)*

Summary: Leaving the Threshold, Merlin continues wandering through the Badlands, pondering on what he found. Whilst contemplating on the chasm that lay within the mountains, he'd accidentally wandered into parts overcome by a constant sandstorm. Having to navigate his way out, he must also defend himself from wild beasts which come across his path.

Moving north from his previous location, the Magus of Flowers was deep in thought, theorising on the potential implications of the chamber within the mountains. Clearly, it had some connection to the place known as the underworld, and if it was anything like the Tomb of Marduk, which lay far on the other side of the land, it held within it a great power. A most terrible one, in all likelihood.

Merlin was so entranced in thought, walking only by reflex, that the winds blowing across the land guided his movement rather than his mind. An observer would surely think, "that man is bound to fall, walking like that". But he never did. Miraculously. The path leading up, down, and along the sides of the mountain range was relatively wide, being less treacherous than the one in the Threshold in that regard. However, the dust storm that slowly grew in strength as Merlin progressed along the path eventually reduced his vision to no more than a few meters in front of him. To make matters worse, the sound of gravel and dust particulate clashing against the mountain path, and the howl of the wind carrying it, hindered his hearing. Activating his sensory skill, the incubus continues through the area, his pace slowed and an air of caution about him. At the very least, if something were to accost him, he should be able to perceive it. The Badlands never stopped giving, he thought to himself.

Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 15 (- 5 per turn)
Damage points: N/A
Description: This is a very advanced of advancing the ability to feel and sense chakra. The technique allows the user to concentrate and detect someone's chakra. Users can use this to determine the nature of a jutsu used as well as sense masses of chakra. The use of this can be compared to Sharingan's brutish level of sensory, able to sense collection of chakra but not the level of clarity and precision Byakugan has.
Note: Can only be used by bios with Sensory ability.
Note: After having on a bio for 1 month, users gain the ability to activate Sensory passively.

The path began to lead downwards into a canyon that lay between the great mountains that overlooked the expanse of the Badlands. The dust storm had slightly cleared, though visibility had not much improved, his vision only reaching five meters in front of him. Above the howl of the storm, a piercing screech echoed through the valley. Whatever had made that sound, Merlin's sensory couldn't detect it. His first guess was that it was an animal of some sort, but he'd seen far too much in the world for the possibility of a modified human to be out of the question. A dark silhouette appeared within the cloud of dust ahead of Merlin, coming closer and closer until its features became visible. Its upper half appeared human, but its lower half revealed that it was incapable of walking, for it slithered instead. A Lamia. Two others approached Merlin, to the left and right flanks of the first one. Their fingers curled into claws, their eyes were a deep green with slit pupils. Deactivating his sensory, for it would only waste chakra, Merlin draws his rapier from its sheath, embedded within his staff. As he does so, the Lamia rush towards him, their great bodies sliding across the ground with even greater speed, hissing menacingly as they enclosed their prey. Channeling chakra through his sword, the Magus of Flowers swings the weapon through the air, creating a moderately sized gust of wind that knocks the Lamia away.

Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user will create a large surge of wind that is capable of pushing a target back and dealing some small cuts to them. The wind technique is also strong enough to push back a large summoning creature.

The creatures, floored by their sudden expulsion away from the incubus, rose from the ground, continued to hiss, their reptilian faces contorted into an expression of anger. Two of the Lamia rushed the incubus again, the center Lamia remained where it stood, spitting a lime green liquid towards Merlin. The Lamia approaching him would be removed from the liquid's flight path, and for good reason. Concentrating his chakra into the ground, Merlin commands a large tree root to emerge from the ground, blocking the liquid and preventing it from coming into contact with him. He could hear a sizzling sound, and through the dust storm he could even see steam emanating from where the liquid had landed on the root. Acid. One of the Lamia would curve around the root, its clawed hand raised to slash at Merlin's face, while the other Lamia had adjusted its travel path so as to directly slither towards the root. Its arm smashed through the wooden construct and showed no loss of momentum, which shocked the incubus. Having to resort to a quick defence, Merlin concentrated chakra to the left side of his body and his torso region. Wooden spikes quickly emerged from his body, piercing both the Lamia as they moved in to strike him. Fortunately, Merlin's technique had hit them before their attacks hit him, causing their bodies to go limp before they made contact. But their momentum was not halted, throwing Merlin off balance as their impaled bodies practically fell on him.

Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: A highly versatile techniques whereby the user converts part of their body to wooden branches. These branches can then be used offensively by multiplying and extending them, then piercing opponents with them. It can also be used to create short-range weapons like makeshift "swords", or else vaulted at opponents as a long-range projectile which can then be remotely manipulated to grow even more.

The third Lamia, watching from afar, chose this moment to rush in, instinctively knowing that its prey was in a state of vulnerability. Merlin watched as the creature slithered towards him, its maw agape, ready for its first feast in days. Using the Oathbound Insignia seal branded on his rapier, Merlin telekinetically flings the weapon in the direction of the Lamia. The creature, not anticipating the attack, barely raises its arms in time to block the sword. The weapon manages to slice through, severing its arms, but it could manage no more, its momentum lost from having to travel through the appendages. The slight delay in the Lamia's travel allowed Merlin to break off the wooden spikes from his body, and the bodies of the other Lamia fell to the ground with a loud thud. Manipulating the seal again, Merlin drives the rapier through the Lamia's torso from behind. It shrieked in pain, but continued to slither towards the incubus. Impressed by the creature's tenacity, Merlin raises his staff, concentrating his chakra to its tip. "This is a bit out of character." A ball of hot pink flames swells into being, erupting as a stream of flames which fly towards the incoming Lamia. The energy engulfs the creature, burning it alive, causing it to let out one final shriek of pain before it finally falls silent, its scorched body falling to the ground lifelessly. Raising his free hand, Merlin calls his rapier back to him through his seal, sheathing it within his staff once again. Sighing in relief that he had emerged relatively unscathed, he started walking again, eager to find his way out of the treacherous valley.

Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: N/A (Short – Long)
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: The Oathbound Insignia is a seal with supplementary purpose, and is designed to be utilised in tandem with one’s weapons or tools. The seal can be placed on any piece of equipment or item of the user’s, or even ones they do not own, provided they make physical contact with said object. Once placed, the seal creates an invisible, form-fitting barrier on the object which is able to exert directional force and pressure on it, similarly to that of Infinite Embraces. This allows for the weapon to be controlled in a manner visually similar to that of the Lightning Blades Levitation, but through manipulation of a barrier, rather than an infusion of elemental chakra. This method of control only requires the user's thought, and does not cost a move slot to utilise in any way. This saves the user the trouble of having to physically reach for their weapon, and makes retrieval from a holster or from afar much easier. The user possesses total control over the behaviour of movement through the barrier, able to freely manipulate a marked object as they see fit. The speed at which a marked object can move via the barrier is 1.5x the user’s base speed at maximum, and always moves at this speed unless otherwise stated, allowing for swift recovery of the object. The user is able to mark their weapons and tools, but it must be stated in the user’s biography, otherwise one must manually place the seals during battle or when the situation allows. Only three objects can be marked at any given time, living targets cannot have this seal applied to them.

Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: D – S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 10 – 40 (-10 per turn)
Damage: 20 – 80
Description: This technique encompasses the flame-like, wispy, energy base of Mystic Fire Release and allows the user to concentrate chakra in an area, whether it is from their body, through the ground, or even in the air. In the case of the flames being produced from the air they are unable to be created within short-range of the opponent, unless the user is within short-range as well. Flames produced from the ground possess an audible queue giving slight warning to the target should they emerge from beneath them. These flames can be manipulated to a high degree allowing the user to produce a wide variety of constructs and shapes, generally limited by their own imagination. Alternatively Primordial Creation can also be used to create simple streams, fireballs, blasts, and waves of flame. These flames can be, at the user’s volition, concentrated to effectively solidify allowing them to punch through physical obstacles and cause explosive damage. The flames of Mystic Fire by default adhere to the violet spectrum but can be manipulated to fit any color in the visible light spectrum. Alternatively they can seal their light entirely causing them to appear akin to the black flames of Amaterasu. Applications above A-Rank require a single hand seal. Sustaining this technique requires the user expend ten chakra per turn. S-Rank can be used four times per battle and cannot be used in consecutive turns.


Mission Complete​

Shady Doctor

Mar 21, 2012
Trait Points
Banri bio in sig

Banri had been traveling aimlessly through the lands that he knew weren't claimed by the Sin village, but instinctively stayed near the closest place he called "home". Every now and again the young Uzumaki would make a trip to the marketplace located in Tsuchi Heihō so that he could keep up with world wide notices. This helped him to keep up to date with what was happening within the world, especially since he felt like one of the few shinobi that could come to the front lines if Tiamat or anything similar stormed this world again.

He'd be wearing a large black cloak that covered nearly all of his body and had a hood that could cover his head also. This helped him keep coverage from the continuous storm-like winds, while a red, oni style mask covered his face completely. Underneath the mask was his active byakugan, helping himself easily maneuver through the storm with excellent visibility. Keeping almost completely silent through the his trip, Banri continues to mob through the winds as his sight is mostly focused on the market, but also on the landmarks in his eyes immediate reach (2 LM away) so that he can see potential incoming threats.

(Dōjutsu: Byakugan) Eye Technique: The All Seeing White Eye (Passive)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15 (+5 per turn to keep active)
Damage: N/A
Description: The kekkei genkai intrinsic to both the Hyūga and Ōtsutsuki clans—descendants of Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. Those who possess this dōjutsu have it manifested as eyes with featureless white irides and no visible pupils. And when activated, the pupils become more distinct and the veins near their temples bulge. To activate the dōjutsu, Hyuga but not Ōtsutsuki clan members are initially obliged to use a rather long and specific sequence of handseals: Horse → Tiger → Boar → Hare → Rat → Dog → Horse → Dog → Hare → Rat → Boar → Snake. But once activated, the dōjutsu user is endowed with a range of skills.

To start, an activated Byakugan gives the user a near 360º diameter field of vision bar one blind spot at the back of the neck, above the first thoracic vertebra. Its vision can penetrate through any solid objects or obstructions, and likewise remains unaffected by blinding interferences. But that being said, certain barriers and the like may distort its perception. In addition, it is able to follow high-speed movements, which enables those with this dōjutsu to analyze their foes' actions and better react to them. The Byakugan is also able to see chakra to a higher degree than the Sharingan and ergo, identify where a person's chakra signature originates from. Beyond that, it can discern certain types of clones from the real person. And its ability to see chakra is in fact so acute that those who possess this dōjutsu are even able to see the chakra pathway system and the 361 tenketsu that comprise it. The Hyūga clan has gone so far as to develop their unique Gentle Fist style in order to capitalize on this particular ability.

Note: Hyuga clan bios of at least Sannin rank become able to passively activate their dōjutsu upon one month having passed since Gentle Fist training concluded. Ōtsutsuki bios never need to expend a move in order to activate it.
Note: While traversing the NW, bios with activated Byakugan are able to see up to two 2 adjacent landmarks away while those of sage rank can see as far as three away, but this doesn't extend beyond an ocean landmark.



May 7, 2020
Trait Points
Coming from: https://animebase.me/threads/central-namhae-064.755881/post-22091011

Lucifer and his fly arrive in the landmark, scouting the area using his life sensory. The child of tiamat knew what his task was, facing a tailed beast was no easy task and with that in mind, the sea of life was once more fired from his fingertips.

Striking a small beetle on the ground, the creature was afflicted by the amino-geis, being restructured in to an enormous beetle thrice the size of its creator, it appeared like a hercules beetle with razor sharp pincers, yet like his fly it was bipedal.

(Seimei no Umi: Atarashī Inochi no Tanjō) – Sea of Life: Birth of New Life
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra: 100
Damage: N/A
Description: This technique is born from the Sea of Life’s powerful ability to reshape life and is used against generic life forms, not other ninja, in the surrounding area. The user will release a small amount of Sea material from their body, sending it into the ground or into the air in order to strike another lifeform. Once struck the afflicted living being will be subjected to the Amino-Geis and to the user’s discretion in reshaping. In essence this technique allows the user to reshape life at a genetic level on anything within the battlefield, barring other ninja. The new life can take on any shape that the user desires, as long as it is no more than thrice the user’s size. It will move at the speed of a Jounin shinobi, have 100 health, 1,000 chakra, and be capable of using techniques from the Sea of Life technique list. The technique can be used against many basic lifeforms, such as bugs, worms, fish, and even an enemy’s summons though summonings will not be altered in terms of health, speed or chakra. In essence, as long as it is living and not another biography or Yin-Yang Creation, then this technique can warp the lifeform to the user’s will. The abundance of life in the earth, sea, and air make it particularly difficult to prevent the user from using this technique, although it is possible within reason. This technique can be used twice per battle, and after use the user is unable to use techniques from the Sea of Life for two turns.
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Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
Coming from: https://animebase.me/threads/central-namhae-064.755881/post-22091011

Lucifer and his fly arrive in the landmark, scouting the area using his life sensory. The child of tiamat knew what his task was, facing a tailed beast was no easy task and with that in mind, the sea of life was once more fired from his fingertips.

Striking a small beetle on the ground, the creature was afflicted by the amino-geis, being restructured in to an enormous beetle thrice the size of its creator, it appeared like a hercules beetle with razor sharp pincers, yet like his fly it was bipedal.

(Seimei no Umi: Atarashī Inochi no Tanjō) – Sea of Life: Birth of New Life
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra: 100
Damage: N/A
Description: This technique is born from the Sea of Life’s powerful ability to reshape life and is used against generic life forms, not other ninja, in the surrounding area. The user will release a small amount of Sea material from their body, sending it into the ground or into the air in order to strike another lifeform. Once struck the afflicted living being will be subjected to the Amino-Geis and to the user’s discretion in reshaping. In essence this technique allows the user to reshape life at a genetic level on anything within the battlefield, barring other ninja. The new life can take on any shape that the user desires, as long as it is no more than thrice the user’s size. It will move at the speed of a Jounin shinobi, have 100 health, 1,000 chakra, and be capable of using techniques from the Sea of Life technique list. The technique can be used against many basic lifeforms, such as bugs, worms, fish, and even an enemy’s summons though summonings will not be altered in terms of health, speed or chakra. In essence, as long as it is living and not another biography or Yin-Yang Creation, then this technique can warp the lifeform to the user’s will. The abundance of life in the earth, sea, and air make it particularly difficult to prevent the user from using this technique, although it is possible within reason. This technique can be used twice per battle, and after use the user is unable to use techniques from the Sea of Life for two turns.
NPC Post

A roaring flame flickered and flashed a damp dark cave deep within Hell's Maw, illuminating the dank domicile of a young feral warrior. The sounds of sizzling filled the air alongside a surprisingly savory aroma of a weirdly colored and shaped slow roasting meat, occasionally overwhelmed by the sickening sounds of a hunter ravenously consuming his latest catch. One might not be able to tell upon first inspection, but once upon a time the meat skewered upon the makeshift spit-roast was an insect, some weird form of beetle. They had evolved to act as ambush predators, rushing passersby with their blood-draining tongues when they traversed the harsh areas of Hell's Maw, leaping out from all manner of caves, and crevices and cracks in the mountainous landscape, before dragging them back in to their lairs. One such beast tried it's luck on a particularly large looking male human, and paid the price, and was dragged back to the young man's makeshift home.

With another sickening crunch, the man made rather short work of the beetle, wincing occasionally at the bitter taste the bug left in his mouth. Broly looked around his cave with a dour expression, bored, but appreciative of the cover it gave him from the elements. He'd been cast out from society many years ago, labeled a beast and vilified for his immense power. People feared him, and what he could achieve, not that he cared very much. He got by just fine on his own. He didn't see himself as a monster, but what did he know? It's not like he was told what exactly a "monster" was, nor given the chance to prove otherwise. But deep down he knew there was something there, within him. A voice in the darkness, telling him he should be enraged, that if he wanted he could tear the world asunder. This too was a voice he cared not to listen to, just like those who labelled him. As he mused over his self-imposed exile at the behest of others, he face twisted into one of confusion for just a moment. Spitting out an overcooked piece of meat, Broly wandered over to the entrance of his cave. There was an odd smell in the air. It wasn't the scent of an animal, nor a man, but the smell of danger. He just didn't know it yet.

"What the...?"


May 7, 2020
Trait Points
NPC Post

A roaring flame flickered and flashed a damp dark cave deep within Hell's Maw, illuminating the dank domicile of a young feral warrior. The sounds of sizzling filled the air alongside a surprisingly savory aroma of a weirdly colored and shaped slow roasting meat, occasionally overwhelmed by the sickening sounds of a hunter ravenously consuming his latest catch. One might not be able to tell upon first inspection, but once upon a time the meat skewered upon the makeshift spit-roast was an insect, some weird form of beetle. They had evolved to act as ambush predators, rushing passersby with their blood-draining tongues when they traversed the harsh areas of Hell's Maw, leaping out from all manner of caves, and crevices and cracks in the mountainous landscape, before dragging them back in to their lairs. One such beast tried it's luck on a particularly large looking male human, and paid the price, and was dragged back to the young man's makeshift home.
With another sickening crunch, the man made rather short work of the beetle, wincing occasionally at the bitter taste the bug left in his mouth. Broly looked around his cave with a dour expression, bored, but appreciative of the cover it gave him from the elements. He'd been cast out from society many years ago, labeled a beast and vilified for his immense power. People feared him, and what he could achieve, not that he cared very much. He got by just fine on his own. He didn't see himself as a monster, but what did he know? It's not like he was told what exactly a "monster" was, nor given the chance to prove otherwise. But deep down he knew there was something there, within him. A voice in the darkness, telling him he should be enraged, that if he wanted he could tear the world asunder. This too was a voice he cared not to listen to, just like those who labelled him. As he mused over his self-imposed exile at the behest of others, he face twisted into one of confusion for just a moment. Spitting out an overcooked piece of meat, Broly wandered over to the entrance of his cave. There was an odd smell in the air. It wasn't the scent of an animal, nor a man, but the smell of danger. He just didn't know it yet.

"What the...?"
Lucifer focused on his ability to sense the life-force of man and beast, this ability connected him to all that were borne of the mother a reaffirmation of her divine gift of life to the universe.
With this power it did not take him long to locate the target, he could feel them clearly, the two life forces intertwined, the human had a tremendous life force for his kind, but it was almost incomparable to the bijuu.

"It seems our target is up ahead, we will try to take them without violence, should that fail, we put them down." Lucifer spoke to his creations softly, he had no ill will towards the jinchuriki yet, but all the tales he had heard along with his own encounters made the child wary of the bijuu themselves.

Approaching the entrance of the cave that the jinchuriki seemed to be in, Lucifer stood at the entrance, careful to not enter blind. His eyes adjusted to the darkness inside the cave as he peered inside it.

Jinchuriki, I would speak with you of your curse." Lucifer stated calmly, his creations flanked the cave entrance, both of them remaining out of sight, they awaited to see how the jinchuriki would reply.


Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
Lucifer focused on his ability to sense the life-force of man and beast, this ability connected him to all that were borne of the mother a reaffirmation of her divine gift of life to the universe.
With this power it did not take him long to locate the target, he could feel them clearly, the two life forces intertwined, the human had a tremendous life force for his kind, but it was almost incomparable to the bijuu.

"It seems our target is up ahead, we will try to take them without violence, should that fail, we put them down." Lucifer spoke to his creations softly, he had no ill will towards the jinchuriki yet, but all the tales he had heard along with his own encounters made the child wary of the bijuu themselves.

Approaching the entrance of the cave that the jinchuriki seemed to be in, Lucifer stood at the entrance, careful to not enter blind. His eyes adjusted to the darkness inside the cave as he peered inside it.

Jinchuriki, I would speak with you of your curse." Lucifer stated calmly, his creations flanked the cave entrance, both of them remaining out of sight, they awaited to see how the jinchuriki would reply.
A strange man appeared before Broly, his appearance human, but at the same time not. Where did he come from? Why did he appear so alien even to him? What did he want? None of that mattered, and Broly didn't care, either to find out, nor play host to this stranger.

"Don't care. Leave. Now."

It wasn't so much a threat as it was a statement of defiance, and refusal to play with words in the wake of Lucifer's proposed parley. There wasn't exactly ill intent behind the words, but when spoken by one as towering as he, all things seemed intimidating and Broly made no attempts to clear the record of such perceptions.


May 7, 2020
Trait Points
A strange man appeared before Broly, his appearance human, but at the same time not. Where did he come from? Why did he appear so alien even to him? What did he want? None of that mattered, and Broly didn't care, either to find out, nor play host to this stranger.
"Don't care. Leave. Now."

It wasn't so much a threat as it was a statement of defiance, and refusal to play with words in the wake of Lucifer's proposed parley. There wasn't exactly ill intent behind the words, but when spoken by one as towering as he, all things seemed intimidating and Broly made no attempts to clear the record of such perceptions.
"I had hoped we wouldn't find ourselves at an impasse quite so soon, but I'm afraid that this is no request Jinchuriki." Lucifer replied calmly, he wasn't intimidated by the hulking behemoth, if anything his reply was tinged with a hint of sadness. He had hoped perhaps naively that the man would be amiable to discussion, that seemed as though it wouldn't be possible, still he wouldn't completely give up on the idea.

Nodding towards the hercules beetle familiar first, followed by the fly, they were directed to attack, while Lucifer himself stepped back from the cave entrance. The beetle would release the sea of life from the soles of it's chitinous feet, where it would enter the earth and begin to core it away. At the same time, the fly would fire a ball of the sea of life in to the air at tremendous speeds, where it would remain for now.

(Seimei No Umi: Hokubu Keiji) — Sea Of Life: Hokubu Revelations
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 50
Damage points: 100 +15 =115
Description: Releasing the sea of life from the soles of their feet, the user will pump huge amounts of the mud like substance in to the earth, the heat and power of the sea of life will hollow out the earth, however the earth won’t be visibly cracked on the surface level initially. After a set amount of time however the ground under the user and all around the area up to long range will become the sea of life, at which point the user can cause it to crack and erupt forth with a handseal, depending on the time that the user spends before triggering the eruption will determine how much of the area is converted. Impact damage will be caused to anyone touched by the sea of life who isn’t immune to it. Two turns after the user has triggered the cracking earth, they will be able to summon forth familiars from the swamp, these familiars will be formed from the sea of life made from bugs that rest in the earth they can appear as demonic beetles or worms, they carry the amino-geis but cause no damage, relying on latching on to other living beings to convert them.
Note: The technique will start at short range and each turn will add a range, at four turns the user can convert an entire landmark in to the sea of life, but doing this will count as two usages of the technique.
Note: The technique carries the Amino-Geis and can convert life that comes in to contact with it, which allows the user to create the familiars.
Note: The familiars cause no damage, up to 4 can be made and can be commanded with freeform description at no move cost.
Note: Can only be used twice, once every two turns.

(Seimei No Umi: Neltharionu No Ken) — Sea Of Life: Neltharion's Fist
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 50
Damage points: 100 +15 = 115
Description: Utilizing the sea of life, the user will form a gigantic ball of the corrupted material from their body, launching it skywards, the ball will then crash down upon a targeted location with incredible force, spreading the sea of life long range in every direction from the focal point and harming anyone hit by it, with the exception of Children of Tiamat, creations of children, or those afflicted by the Amino-Geis, which the attack carries. Optionally the user can fire the ball so high in the air that it descends over multiple turns, up to three full turns, including the one in which it was fired. Each additional turn the technique spends falling increases it's kinetic energy upon landing, increasing the damage by 10 each turn, counting as one of the possible damage boosts that can be applied.
Note: May only be used twice per battle also incurs a three turn cooldown upon use, meaning it can't be used for three turns.
Note: May not use forbidden rank jutsu in the same turn.

"Your home is going to be destroyed, much like the homes of the innocents affected by your raging kin. This punishment fits the crime of your kind and you will be coming with me, where you can't threaten anyone again." Lucifer raised his hands out to his sides, his gauntlets snapped to life as he did, empowering his familiars thanks to the cores strength, this happened as they were beginning their assault.

(Kamiumi) – Birth of the Gods
Type: Relic Weapon
Rank: Forbidden
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The gauntlets Kamiumi were forged in the same flames as Kuniumi, its elder brother Relic Weapon. The gauntlets are forged from a substance created from a combination of the bones of Tiamat as well as the Fallen Star meteorite. This combination makes it, along with Kuniumi, the only Relic Weapons that independently manifest as Twin Pillars of Creation – a combination of Chakra and Primordial Life. In its default state the gauntlets of Kamiumi are primarily pale ivory plating, forming two bone-like pairs of thick gloves that tightly grip the user’s hands. Throughout them the Fallen Star is intermixed as specks of black and grey dust forged into the bone itself. The gauntlets are bound to the White Seal, and can be summoned to the user or sealed away passively at their discretion; as a weapon of the White Seal, it signifies the user’s position as the Lieutenant of the Akatsuki and denotes them as the second in command of the organization. The inside of the left gauntlet is marked with a single inscription; “The Void shaped the Mother, its Manifestation, who with Her hands shaped the Gods.”

Intrinsic Traits:

Divine Strength (I-III):
The gauntlets enhance the user’s physical strength, increasing Taijutsu performed with their fists by 10/15/20 damage. Potency of the enhancement is increased based on the same factor of the half the user’s highest current speed boost.
Progeny (I-III): The user’s bond with any of their familiars, elemental or not, is empowered to be unbreakable by any Basic Fuuinjutsu. Tier II of this enhancement includes Advanced Fuuinjutsu, while Tier III includes Yin-Yang Release.
True Creator (I-III): Empowers the user’s familiars, increasing the damage of all their techniques by 10/15/20 passively. Elemental familiars become able to shave 10 damage from any physical-based technique that strikes them.

Manifestation of the Gods (I-II): Kamiumi is the physical manifestation of the Gods ability to shape reality, and Tiamat’s will to shape life. Within the gauntlets is a Manifestation, a simplified Divine Familiar that can be summoned by the user at the cost of a move as their personal familiar. The Manifestation of the Gods is perfectly sentient, having its own emotions, memories, and feelings. When killed, or returned to the Gauntlets, the Manifestation does not lose these memories; it is a single continuous being that cannot be killed, only returned to its vessel. It is bound to the gauntlets themselves, though its loyalties can be swayed depending on the user’s strength in Progeny. The Manifestation, when summoned, appears as a 3-meter tall suit of silver and white armor; within the armor is a wispy ethereal energy, which constitutes the spirit itself. The Manifestation moves at a base speed of 12, with 130 health points and 1,000 chakra. Tier II empowers the Manifestation to have a base speed of 16, with 160 health and 1,500 chakra. The Manifestation remains on the battlefield indefinitely when released, or until killed. When killed it cannot be resummoned for 10 turns. The Manifestation can be healed through Yang or Medical Ninjutsu techniques. The Manifestation is capable of using any Taijutsu that the user knows.

Ancient Custodian
The eternal guardian stands at the ready, prepared to sacrifice itself for its Master. Ancient Custodian causes Kamiumi to glow gold and white, radiating wisps of energy just like the ethereal energy within the Manifestation.

Guardian Bond (B-Rank, passive): The user’s bond with their Manifestation is further strengthened, designating it as their Custodian and Guardian. In this sense, the Manifestation is wielded as the user’s shield. Augments the Manifestation’s health pool by an additional 70 points. Incoming damage is reduced by 20.
Health Siphon (A-Rank, active): The user draws upon the Guardian Bond, performing a transfer of health between the user from their Manifestation. Up to 100 health points can be transferred in a single usage, which costs the user twice the amount in chakra as the health transferred. Health drawn from the Manifestation cannot be healed. It is restored when the Manifestation is killed and resummoned after 10 turns.
Essence Shift (S-Rank, active): A technique activated by the user, shifting essence between them and their Manifestation. Increases the Manifestation’s Taijutsu damage by 30% of the health missing between both it and the user, as well as increases its speed by 4.0x.
Shared Pain (S-Rank, passive): Whenever the Manifestation or the User takes damage there is a 25% chance that Shared Pain will activate, splitting the damage evenly between the two and reducing it by 20%. This is to be rolled in the Official Rolls channel of the Animebase Discord.
Bulwark of the Unbreakable (F-Rank, passive): While the Manifestation is active and on the battlefield the user is endowed with a shield of wispy ethereal energy surrounding their body in a small sphere; the shield shaves 20 damage from all incoming physical damage. Any spiritual technique that immobilizes the user will fail to hinder them, instead having its status effects transferred to the Manifestation. The user can still suffer damage from these types of spiritual techniques.

Harbinger of Will
A weapon, a tool, and an unstoppable force. Built to impose the Master’s will. The gauntlets of Kamiumi glow black and red, while the silver and white suit of armor of the Manifestation changes to a similar coloration.

Tool of Destruction (B-Rank, passive): The user’s bond with their Manifestation is further strengthened, designating their it as their weapon. Along with Taijutsu, the Manifestation becomes able to use any form of Bukijutsu the user knows, as well as three of the user’s Elemental Affinities.
Energy Siphon (A-Rank, active): Draws upon the user’s Weaponized Bond, transferring up to 200 chakra from the user into their Manifestation. When used it empowers the Manifestation’s next offensive technique by 20 damage. The Energy Siphon also applies a chakra surge.
Empowerment ((S-Rank, passive): Whenever the user activates a damage boosting skill or an infusion there is a 10% chance that the damage enhancement value will replicate onto their Manifestation, lasting for three turns regardless of the original technique used and applying to all of the Manifestation’s abilities. This is to be rolled in the Official Rolls channel of the AnimeBase Discord.
Wrath of Heaven (S-Rank, active): A technique activated when the user nullifies three of their own boosting skills, not infusions, consecutively; more specifically, when the user applies a mode or damage boosting skill, they can opt to have it nullified by Kamiumi, causing it to count as a usage and applying its restrictions. When this occurs three times in a row Wrath of Heaven is activated. For four turns the user’s Manifestation will gain an enhanced 40 damage, cause all of their attacks to become neutral to all elemental natures, and increases its speed by 5.0x. Once Wrath of Heaven has deactivated it will revert the Manifestation to its natural state, and boosts cannot be nullified for three turns. Empowerment allows the user’s boost to remain active, counting as a Nullified activation.
Sharpened Spear of Enlil (F-Rank, passive): A powerful ability derived from Enlil’s bond with his siblings. Whenever the user activates a damage boosting skill or infusion, they can partition the boost within 50 to 75% of its base value. In other words, the user can take a boost and divide the damage within that ratio between them and their Manifestation. If they activate a 20 damage boost and split it by 75%, 5 damage will go to the Manifestation and 15 damage to the user. If this boost also activates Empowerment, the replicated Empowerment will stack with the partitioned damage on the familiar.

Ancient Healer
Form, Purpose, Reform, Repurpose. Ancient Healer causes the user’s Manifestation to lose its heavy metallic armor, instead equipping white flowing robes.

Ancient Healer (B-Rank, passive): The user’s bond with their Manifestation is further strengthened, designating it as their support unit. The familiar’s health pool is reduced by 30%, while their chakra pool is increased by 50%. The familiar takes 20 increased damage from all sources. The Manifestation becomes able to use all Medical Ninjutsu the user knows without the need for hand seals. The Manifestation can use its Medical Ninjutsu to heal itself, but it cannot eat or use pills.
Draw Essence (A-Rank, active): The user draws upon their Manifestation’s essence, using its health pool and chakra as a resource. The user is able to draw up to 50 health and 200 chakra in a single application from their Manifestation. Cannot be used within three turns after activation.
Triggered Rejuvenation (S-Rank, passive): When the user suffers damage they have a 25% chance to activate Triggered Rejuvenation, healing the user for 30 health per turn for four turns. Can only be activated once every 3 turns. Can be activated even when the Manifestation is not on the battlefield, but it cannot be used when the Manifestation is on its 10 turn cooldown.
Supportive Casting (S-Rank, active): The user draws upon their bond with their Manifestation, allowing it to support their capability to perform advanced Ninjutsu. Once every four turns the user is able to perform a single Medical Ninjutsu simultaneously as another technique. The potency of the used Medical technique is enhanced by 20 points of healing or damage. Can only be used when the Manifestation is on the battlefield.
Divine Regeneration (F-Rank, passive): When the Manifestation or the user suffers fatal damage, instead of immediately retreating into Kamiumi, it will heal for 20% of its maximum health instantly. The user or the Manifestation will then gain a passive enhancement that reduces all incoming damage by 50 for two turns thereafter. If this activates with Triggered Rejuvenation its effects will be increased by 50%, and last for an additional turn.
Current Unlocked Abilities:
Divine Strength Tier I
True Creator Tier II

Bringing his hands together, Lucifer would form several seals followed by a wave of the arm, sending an A ranked blade of liquid krypton surging through the cave entrance, aimed to strike the jinchuriki in the chest, he expected it to be ineffective, it was more of a warning shot than anything. Hopefully it would serve to make the man surrender, before the very land around them was forever changed.

(Kuriputon: Feruinta | Liquid Krypton Release: Felwinter)
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: D-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 10-40(-10 per turn when sustained)
Damage: 20-80
Description: Felwinter is a multi-ranked technique that serves as the basic, jack-of-all-trades technique of the Krypton release. It can be created from existing sources(air) or from the user directly. Depending on how much chakra he/she spends it amps the technique further and thus produces more liquid Krypton. The force of the torrent of the ultra cold liquid will also become greater the more chakra is spent into the technique. But even so, small amounts of liquid Krypton may be enough for some occasions too. Through this technique, the user will be able to create small or large torrents of the liquid Krypton, create a huge "sea" of the ultra cold liquid or manipulate pre-existing liquid Krypton to form into huge hands or small flying liquid bullets. Even though the possibilities are essentially endless, since the release is indeed liquid it cannot maintain any lasting functional structures unless chakra is used to sustain the releases state. Sort of like water which can be formed into a dragon but needs chakra to sustain its form in such case. D, C and B ranks can be used indefinitely while B-ranks will require one handseal; Hare. A rank variation can be used up to 4 times, but will start to require two handseals; Hare - Ox. S-rank variation requires three handseals; Hare - Ox - Rabbit - and can be used up to 3 times per battle.

Note: B-ranks require a single handseal, A ranks two handseals and S rank three handseals.
Note: A rank version can be used 4 times per battle, S rank 3.
Note: No Krypton Above A-rank after using S-rank version in the same turn and next.


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Came from: https://animebase.me/threads/tsuchi-heihō-103.756116/post-22096330

Alas, Mirabelle arrived to Hell’s Maw, one of the more unexplored regions of the Badlands of Earth. Of course, she’s been here a couple times in the past but never did she imagine that one of the other Jinchuriki was so close by. She supposes that’s her own fault, neglecting her own training and acceptance of the Bijuu’s power. Never the less, she landed not too far away on a small cliff. A powerful dust storm below over the landmark, making it rather hard to see inherently of course, as she sheltered her eyes. “What the hell Nibi, are you messing with me right now?” she asked mentally, clearly annoyed but the weather of this terrain. “No…he’s lower down below, I can feel it far more clearly now. Yonbi! Can you hear me?” she called out to her brother via their mental link with one another. The Yonbi didn’t respond to her cries. Mirabelle let out an annoyed groan, as she infused her chakra into surrounding air. The allowed a chakra-based breeze to flow through the mountainous region, as the breeze flowed through the multiple cave openings. “See? There’s no one…” she was about to confirm the lack of life present here, but it seems she was proven wrong. One of those chakra signatures…it was belonging to Lucifer. “What’s he doing here…?” she asked in a very low tone, clearly to no one. However another powerful source of chakra resided near Lucifer, with other little off springs of his own chakra too being present. “Found em, I think…” she said, as she jumped down the cliff, attempting to gain a closer look as to what is going on here.

A she inched closer and closer, she can hear noises far more clearly, as she came closer to one of the cavern openings. “A battle…” she noted, stepping back away from the entrance to avoid any form of damage being sent her way though she would try to peep in and out to catch glimpses of the action. “That man…he’s the Jinchuriki of Yonbi! I can sense my brother within him…” Nibi exclaimed, causing Mirabelle to nod, but she wanted to allow whatever little scuffle that was going on to end. She doesn’t know the situation, weather the Jinchuriki was provoked or the other way around. Either way, she was finally making a move to attempt to meet with other Jinchuiki to spread the warnings…or perhaps she was too late…

(Fuuton: Chakra Kenpa no Kaze) - Wind Style: Chakra Sensing Breeze
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: A wind technique similar to the chakra sensing rain technique, the user infuses their chakra into the surround air create a light breeze across the battlefield. This breeze is capable of sensing the chakra of people or objects it comes in contact with. The breeze will die out after three turns once activated and can only be used twice per battle.
~Deactivates after three turns.
~Can only be used twice per battle.


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
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With the fierce battle continuing to rage on, Mirabelle would be astonished as to how powerful the Yonbi Jinchuriki is but with his transformation, Mirabelle had noticed the terrain shifting quickly. “Shiiiiiiit” she said, as she quickly bite her thumb, allowing blood to be swiped across it as she jumped and made a coupe of handseals. This allowed her to quickly summon a fire breathing continental wyvern directly beneath her. As it was summoned it ascended into the air, as she noticed the terrain starting to shift into a lava infused location. “Such power…” she though to herself, as she waited for the battle to finalize on her airborne summon.

Summoning Technique: Wyrms of Legends (Kuchiyose no jutsu: Densetsu no Hiryu)
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary/Summoning
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 20
Damage Points: N/a
Description: The technique allows the user to summon Wyrms. The procedure for the summoning is fairly standard, following the same steps as regular summoning technique. In addition to that, the user has the liberty to use tattoo’s as well as incorporate the summoning ritual with other techniques as individuals have demonstrated throughout the series. Wyrms are mature Wyverns, they are capable fighters of different types, natures, colors/appearances, sizes and ranks. Wyrms range anywhere from 1-15m of length and a maximum wingspan of 25m. Each wyrm possesses a natural ability (no chakra cost) as well as a chakra nature, their strength of their abilities is equivalent to their ranks. The user is only capable of summoning wyrms proportional to their own strength, so wyrms by different users would differ in base strengths despite their ranks. In a single use the user can summon a single S-rank, 2 A-rank or 3 B-rank Wyrms. Their types are as follows:

Continental Wyvern: The most common kind of flying, fire-breathing Wyvern. Their natural talent is Fire breathing. In addition to the ability to fly (at speeds of: Users Base speed Lvl. +1), they also have a strong Jaw (Abnormal bite force, equal to wyrm’s rank). Continental Wyverns possess Fire and Wind natures. They can use their natures and natural abilities up to their own ranks. They do not possess the ability to use shape manipulation, so their attacks, chakra based or natural talents, only come in basic forms such as fire balls, streams of fire, gusts and twisters of wind.

Piscine Wyvern: Piscine wyvern are less common amphibious Wyverns. They are majestic creatures with scales that break down light to prism, and wings adept for swimming and flying alike. Their natural talent is the ability to create an electric field. Piscine Wyvern do not possess fire breathing abilities, but they have an electric organ instead which they use to discharge electrical attacks. They can operate in water (speed=Users Base speed Lvl. +1) or in air (speed=Users Base speed Lvl. -1), and possess water and lightning natures. They can use their natures and natural abilities up to their own ranks. They do not possess the ability to use shape manipulation, so their attacks, chakra based or natural talents, only come in basic forms such as lightning bolts, electrical fields around the body, waves and whirlpools of water.

Brute Wyvern: Brute wyvern are an even rarer breed of wyvern that underwent evolution slightly differently. They sports a pair of long, highly developed forelimbs instead of wings. Over the years, their wingspan was reduced to hardened fists. Brutes are agile combatants (speed=Users Base speed Lvl. +2), capable of jumping high and over long range distances. They do not have any natural abilities, but they are capable of using taijutsu (within reason) as well as throw punches up to their own ranks. The can only use earth natures, up to the level of specialists and are capable of using shape manipulation.

Deviants: They are a collective class of Wyverns with odd features. This category encompasse all Wyrms with peculiarties such as two heads each capable of breathing fire or multiple pairs of wings. Deviants are capable of using shape manipulation, and can have the natural abilities or qualities of any of the previous 3 types defined in any combination. They can have any of the 5 basic chakra natures. Deviants are one of a kind (so only one can be summoned at a time), their speed is always [Users Base speed Lvl. +1], they are always S ranked and they can use natural fire breathing or electrical organs twice per battle.

Note: Each Wyrm can have One chakra nature, restricted to the natures the type of Wyvern can have.
-An S rank Wyrm has a chakra reserve of 300, and it can use its Natural Ability(s) up to 3 times per conflict. A rank Wyrms have a reserve of 150 each, and can use their natural skills twice per battle. B rank Wyrms have a reserve of 100 each, and can use their natural skills once per battle. Only a single Deviant (S rank) can be summoned at a time, it can have a reserve of no more than 200. Wyrms stay in battlefield until their chakra reserves allow.
-Each ranked ability natural or chakra based, costs one of the user’s 3 moves per turn though they can be performed simultaneously with the user (unranked use is considered free form).


May 7, 2020
Trait Points
With his body racked with pain, and suffering the multiplicative effects of two consecutive beatings, both in human and technically Tailed Beast form, Broly gave no indication of consciousness, his eyes glazed over with a glaring white. The rending strike and application of the seal were simply overkill, unnecessary additions to this unwanted destruction.
Coming from: https://animebase.me/threads/hells-maw-broly-the-four-tails-jinchuriki-vs-lucifer.781280/post-22097857

Lucifer watched as the Jinchuriki fell limp, sealed and contained in his flies grasp, with a wave of his hand a Karma rift was opened, with the child of Tiamat leaving with his captive and his fly, Lucifer was stood atop the fly whilst it flew. The beetle was left laid out but recovering, the rift snapped shut the moment they entered, with the group heading home with their captive.

( Kāma Hame ) - Karma Rift
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 50
Damage: N/A
Description: This technique is a Space–Time Ninjutsu used by those with access to Kāma. The user creates a rift, which allows anyone enveloped to transfer to a chosen location including foreign dimensions. The rift's formation is fast enough to catch targets off guard and transport them alongside the user, as well as to evade attacks from enemies at the last moment. Two Kāma recipients can collaboratively manifest the rift from their marks to bypass barriers. The rift's formation is fast enough for catch targets off guard, teleporting as close as 5 meters away and if in contact with them, transport them alongside himself when teleporting.
Note: Can only be used once every 2 turns and requires Kāma to be active.
Note: Can only be used by Kawaki, Boruto, Jigen and custom bios with White Kāma
Note: Can only be used 3 times in Level 2 and 5 times in Level 3.

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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Hey wait!” Mirabelle called out to Luccy but by time her Wyvern got a chance to lower its, the sheer heat from the ground and confrontation left her unable to approach. “Daamnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ittttttz!” she yelled out into the skies, as she unleashed blue flames from her mouth. “****! I had the chance! I…failed again…” she said, her head hanging low. “Now’s not the time to be moping around…” the wyvern spoke to its companion. Mirabelle nodded, the Nibi remained silent – unable to gather words about what just transpired. The they would leave, the Hell’s Maw wasn’t a place to remain now after all, as she left to the village.



Jul 7, 2011
Trait Points
[Coming from Here]

It had been days since Sin's sand had carried him away from the base where he's spent countless months in captivity. His body had been slowly recovering from the treatment he'd gone through in that time while he hid away using the terrain as cover. He'd managed to find some form of food while regaining his strength though this would not last. Even though the Shukuku had brutally dealt with their captors, his body couldn't handle using that state any longer. He now found himself, within the cave where he'd taken shelter with an individual at the entrance blocking his way.

Mission Start: A rank

- Find a way to escape being recaptured

Sin gripped his blade at his waist as he rose to his feet, looking on at the man before him. Unlike the guards that had watched over him over the past year, this man looked like he was on another level. He'd come alone and now stood confidently blocking the way. Sin thought for a moment about the possible ways to avoid this conflict, though without drawing more attention to himself, that would be difficult. He'd been out and explored, seeing the homes of those creatures. He had no idea what they were, though it was clear they weren't human. He'd heard the guards mention the great cataclysm, and those that now plagued the world. He knew he was in no state to approach them and he didn't want to find himself face to face with the unknown. The world as he knew it had changed, though the group hunting him was unrelenting. He needed to find a way to bring it to an end.

"I'm guessing you're not inclined to just let me walk way?" Sin asked.

It was worth a try. He was still too tired to truly fight at his fullest, though it seemed it wouldn't be that easy.

"I'm afraid I've been sent to return you to the facility. It was unfortunate that those fools were so careless to allow you to escape in that manor. Though, I'm afraid your little trip must come to an end. It's time to return as the time has come for the ritual." The man spoke calmly, making a gesture for Sin to come with him.

Sin's thoughts ran wild in that moment. What was this ritual? What were they truly planning? Why had it taken this long for them to decide to do this now?

"That's truly a shame. I've been enjoying the site seeing and I'll be honest, the inhabitants here are just truly amazing. Thank you for your offer but I'm going to have to decline. Safe travels fr...." Sin tried his luck but was cut off mid sentence.

"Maybe I did not make myself clear. You'll be returning with me, conscious or not. Now..." The man said abruptly.

The man began walking towards Sin drawing his blade. Sin drew his taking one step backwards, taking a defensive stance. Maybe this man was a pushover and he was just feeling off in himself. Releasing his chakra into the ceiling, Sin made a slashing gesture with his blade and this cause the ceiling to break down into sand and come crashing down on the man, aiming to force him to the ground. This caused a kick up of dust around as Sin took a couple more steps back waiting to see the outcome. The noise settled, the room still, though the dust lingered. Part of the dust became darker slowly as a human shaped shadow formed within the smoke. From the smoke stepped the man, unharmed and un phased.

"If you're finishing with your tricks, maybe it's time I made myself clear..." The man spoke as he made a rising gesture with two fingers as earth shot up around Sin, tightly binding him, preventing him from moving. "... You will be returning with me!"

Sin struggled but to no avail. It seemed his foe was stronger than those he'd faced before with some skill and proficiency in earth release. "Why are you all still chasing me with the way the world has changed? What can you possibly gain in a fractured world at war from a simple person like me?" Sin was hoping to gain some answers while he thought about his options. "If I return with you, willingly, what is in store for me?" Maybe he could bide his time to fully recover in the coming days, building his strength and put an end to this ordeal.

"You will be return to yourself until his excellence arrives, from there the ritual will take place and your life will come to an end as the beast is harnessed from your lifeless body." He spoke without emotion, a matter of fact, without a care about what he was saying.

"Well, I guess compromise is out of the question?" Sin jested. "Though maybe you can help me out with something? His 'excellence' you spoke of... who is that? Why are they so insistence on my death? I mean, what if I were to cooperate, maybe I can find a way to get out of this alive?" He was tired of all this fighting, the killing, the endless hunt for his life.

"Are you trying to bide time? Hoping that by some miracle you'll be saved? Or maybe you really are just trying to find a way to survive through all for this? What has it been Sinthorus? That's you're full name isn't it? Though you go by the name of Sin these days right? You spent months trying to escape from the Cult of Nyx, even found your way through mass slaughter to one of the grand churches of his Excellence. Though in the chaos of the great Cataclysm that shook the world, the falling of the moon, you were caught in it's impact right? Weakened, trying to find a way just like all the other scrubs of the world. Though it was no use, the Cult caught up to you in the chaos and you found yourself bound in the perfect prison, broken and defeated. Did I capture the full story?" The way he spoke, his confidence was daunting to Sin, this man knew everything and he spoke with such conviction.

It was all true, Sin couldn't deny it but the truth bound him harder than the solid rock encasing him in this moment. Though he noticed there is one thing the brought all of these things together. "So what you're telling me is, if I kill the man at the top, it will all come crumbling down, crushing the rest of you in the process right?" Sin mocked.

"You peasant, you dare blaspheme! I'll crush you where you stand! Do you not understand the situation you're in. I could kill you in an instant!" He stepped closer, so close that Sin could feel his breathe as he ranted.

"You're right, you're right. My bad. If I don't laugh I'll cry. You're telling me, either way, I'm a dead man. What do you expect from me?" Sin just needed a few more moments. "It's been so many years, I can't even count. I lost my family, my friends, my entire life. All because my father decided to bind me with this beast? What a cruel joke. Though you know the worst part?" Sin asked.

"I don't really care. It's time to end this." He spoke swinging his sword forwards aiming to strike Sin's head with the hilt of the blade, though it did not find it's mark. The thing was, Sin was drained, warn out and at his limit. With this, things took time. He need to bide his time before he could effectively free himself and strike. In the time he'd spoke, he using his affinity for sand to slowly break down the rock binding him while silently gathering the sand behind his foe, the sand that used for form part of the roof of the cave.

The assailant slowly looked down to see spears of sand impaling his chest. This came from rock that bound Sin, stabbing the man at many points, though it also protruded from his chest as he had been impaled from behind. Sin had formed the sand from the ceiling into multiple spears to stab his foe from behind at the same time. Blood dribbled from the assailant's mouth, along with from his many wounds.

"You're right, it was time to end this. Just know, before you die, I'm going to tear down everything. The church, it's leaders, every last one of you. I'm going to end it all..." Sin finished breaking down the rock into sand, causing it to bind the impaled foe and crushed him to nothingness. Gathering his things he headed out to find a new home.

Mission End.


( Kyosei Suna no Jutsu ) - Greater Sand Technique
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: The will manipulate sand from either his gourd or call it forth from the ground, using hand gestures if to control it as he shapes it and uses it to his needs. Other Sand users besides Gaara will need to form a handseal. The user can use it to restrain enemies, defend from incoming techniques, produce simple constructs of sand (which lose their shape if control is released), sand waves, etc. If he uses the sand from his gourd, the technique is both faster and stronger, gaining a rank in strength, this only applies to Gaara.


Active member
Feb 27, 2011
Trait Points
Coming from here [x]

Previously before coming here, Masaki was consulted by civilians about the dangers of this place, Arali roaming everywhere that made even the most seasoned of shinobi uncomfortable. Still, he ignored their pleas and made way through the landscape of Hell's Maw. It was brutal, and that was putting it lightly. Ravines of dust storms, giant precipices of earth, and large population of Arali lived in these parts. Everything around him made it difficult to perceive anything. Still, he was unaware of the complexity of abilities Arali possessed and wanted to lay low as to not disturb any through his journey. The man, with a single hand seal, forcefully suppressed his flow of chakra for the time being, just to be on the safe side. With no use of chakra for pure safety, and the lay of the land, it was easy for him to get lost. If survival training would tell him anything, its that the sun would always set in the west - the direction he was headed.
If he had any other choice in where he could go in order to make it back to Sanctuary, he would.

(Chakra Yokuatsu no Jutsu) - Chakra Suppression Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 15 (-5 per turn)
Damage points: N/A
Description: This ability allows the user to suppress their chakra to the point that it is completely undetectable. This makes it impossible for chakra sensory-type ninja to track them via their chakra signal. However there is some downside to the technique, whilst suppressing their chakra they cannot use any of the ninja skills.
Note: Cannot prevent Doujutsu users from detecting them

Leaving landmark
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