Hachiman’s Bulwark (129)


Active member
Oct 1, 2010
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Hachiman’s Bulwark

Needless to say that Hachiman's Bulwark -or the Fortress itself- managed to survive much of the devastation brought on by the destruction that the world underwent, the vast black Fortress suffering only minimal damages that were quickly repaired as Asterion rapidly took over and established this as their continental chief outpost, as well as the Capitol of Asterion. The once black Fortress has now been outfitted with various trademark impressions and signature appearances to reflect the aspect of War that Tanacetum himself embodies; a sign that this Fortress that once belonged to the Samurai of the old world, is now his spearhead unto the world. The Fortress has become outfitted with various spikes, effigies, immense banners that have been draped across the sides of the now bustling city of industrialized metal-working with the sigil of Asterion. Built upon its walls were also several iron-plated watch towers constructed upon its ramparts, where some of Asterion's more robust defensive weaponry is built upon its tops: Hellfire Siege Cannons. While meant for a defensive effort, the destructive capacity of these cannons is immense, only described by the inhabitants of their capability as they have yet to be seen by outsiders in use. The smoke and bustling life of those within can be heard for leagues, leaving little room for misconception of what great city resides there now: Orgrimmar.

This landmark serves as the national marketplace for Asterion, where purchases unique to Asterion can be made.
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Active member
Mar 2, 2012
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Noctis was talking tactis with the two sages as Nana was thinking about her Councilman, worried that the ninja in other villages might be treating her approach as a fight, when they only wanted to start communications.
It was a rough time, with everyone fighting for survival, but Nana wanted to make sure that everyone could.



Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
Coming from #132, Wadden Flats.

As he crossed the vast snowy fields of the Iron Peninsula, a trip he had made once before several months prior, Shayde was braced by the chilling winds, but not entirely hindered by the harsh weather. As he headed West, he noted a somewhat large settlement, kept safe by tremendous wall of black steel. It was clear due to his previous experience in the region that this was another settlement of Samurai, but as it wasn't the one he was heading for, he kept his distance, and simply gawked from a distance as he continued on his path.

Leaving Landmark.


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Storyboard elements:
  • Explore the history of something
  • Explore a dangerous site
  • Steal an important document

Alucard had entered the mark of samurai. The gigantic fortress of impenetrable steel was visible from even the edges of the landmark's northern border. While he headed towards the mainlands and the capital of the bushido, Alucard stumbled upon what seemed to be an ancient small ruin by the coast. The framework of the stones that surrounded the perimeter was in an ancient language he recognized from moon isle, which to him was hard to believe as he was quite literally on the other side of the world. He was fascinated by this discovery and decided to set up a camp next to the ruins and the water. He had travelled for a long time now and he needed to rest before he would recklessly cast himself into another debacle. As the sun started to fall and touch the water, something incredible happened to the runes. The reflection of light on the water shined into a canvas of descriptions onto the rocks, which made the inscriptions glow in a fade fiery spark.

Now this is going to be some real Indiana Jones shit.

Alucard then heard a faint noice coming from underground as if something was moving down there like a dredged clockwork. He placed his right ear on the ground, but it was in vain, for the sounds had all gone silent. Eager to find out what was going on, Alucard started to explore deeper into the ruins and what he found was something that was similar to an entrance into the ground as two steps were cut off by a large rock that stopped them in their path downwards. Without much effort, Alucard infused the rock with earth chakra and reduced its weight to that of a fine sand grain.
(Doton: Keijūgan no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Light Weight Rock Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A (-20 if used to boost speed of a physical attack)
Description: Contrary to its counterpart (the Earth Release: Added-Weight Rock Technique), instead of making the target heavier, this technique makes it much lighter, though still using the same principle and mechanics. The user will make direct contact with the given target (through his hands), infusing them with earth chakra and lowering their weight drastically. The technique can lower a targets weight up to 10 times less than it originally had. This allows freer manipulation of the affected objects, which would normally carry considerably more weight and as such, require a greater amount of exertion to move. The technique can be used on the user or other shinobi to increase their speed, but as a consequence of using it this way, it results in the decrease of the physical force of their blows. The same principle applies if used on a physical attack wich will be faster but will carry less momentum and as such, less physical damage. It doesn't change the "strength" of binding techniques (like Sand Release), where the user is manipulating a dynamic element but will decrease the impact damage of techniques that rely on it.
Note: The initial effects last for 2 turns or until countered.
Alucard lifted the rock and unveiled a pathway to hell it seemed. A dussin of bats flew into his face as he tossed the rock into the sea next to the ruins and it was as if the foundation of the earth howled at him with a silent roar. Alucard was chilled in his spot but remained ice cold as he walked down the steps to what seemed like an ocean of darkness. Along the way down there were torches that he lit up periodically with his fire release. He had also taken the liberty to torch one of his fingers temporarily and have it act as a lantern as he descended.
(Katon no Jutsu) - Fire Release Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: D
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 10
Damage: 20
Description: The user will release a small but powerful flame of fire at their opponent from either their limbs (through movement) or exhaling it. It can produce fire balls or fire streams or simply aid in taijutsu.
Upon facing more and more carvings as he decent, Alucard would start to hear the mechanical sounds more often and louder too. Suddenly, chambers started to open up on the sides of the main path down. Each chamber contained some urns and carved descriptions. In the third chamber, Alucard could notice more writings in the ancient and dead language, however in this room he wasn't alone. As soon as he was about to turn towards the main path again, Alucard heard a clicking sound behind him. When he turned around he saw a large automaton creation made out of golden metals around it. It was moving by itself, probably through some sort of ancient chakra pathway hidden in seals. The creation started to shoot metallic arrows towards Alucard, who responded by disintegrating its arrow and half the creation as well.
(Jinton: Rasutaraizu | Dust Release: Rasterize)
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B-S(B)
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20-40
Damage: 40-80
Description: The user will expand a 3D field using their own body as a base for the expansion of the technique. This means the 3D shape expands around the user in all directions. Depending on the rank of the technique it will reach short(B rank, up to 5 meters around the user), mid(A rank, up to 8 meters around the user) and long(S rank, up to 15 meters around the user). Everything that is captured in the field(that has a cubic formation at the edge) will be disintigrated which will essentially rasterize the user away from their surroundings and leave them intact while everything around them is disintigrated. B rank can be used at all times, requiring a single seal. A rank can be used three times, once every secound turn and requires two seals. S rank can be used twice, requiring a cooldown of three turns and requires three handseals.

Note: Can only be taught by Skorm.
Even though half it was destroyed, it didn't stop trying to destroy its target even though it couldn't move forward anymore. Alucard squatted down and inspected it calmly before gas started to spew out from its chassi and crumble it to bits and pieces. Whatever spell it was influenced by, was now gone. This was big. An underground automaton cult had been discovered right under the nose of the the proud capital of the samurai. His triumph over the machine hadn't gone un-noticed however. He could hear more of them come from all angles. Instead of running, Alucard faced all of them at once without fear. Having to care for his surroundings however, Alucard needed to fight swiftly and he did that by using his dust release at the double and with style. By using his golden nightmare, now turned into a sword , his golden aura acted beacon through the ravaging abyss of machines as he teared through the lot of them as he had coated it with dust chakra.
(Jinton: Chūmon suru chikai | Dust Release: Oath to Order)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A/S(A)
Range: N/A
Chakra: 30/40(-10/15 turn)
Damage: 60/80
Description: Oath to order is a simple technique which combines dust release and advances chakra manipulation. The user touches any object they want to affect or weaves three seals to affect an object up to mid-range away from them this coating will originate from the users body and spread its way towards/around the object the user wants to use this technique on. The technique infuses a chosen object(as long as it has a physical structure, such as a solid or liquid, summonings, clones and the user themselves cannot) and coat it with a 3D barrier, only a mm thick. This barrier will disintegrate anything it touches and deal massive amount of damage following the S/W of dust release. This barrier can only coat one object at a time or if S-rank version is used, two objects can be coated at the same time but each coating will be of A-rank. The user can send additional chakra passively to fuel the technique, making it last longer at the cost of their chakra reserves.

Note: A-rank variation can only be used four times per battle while S-rank version can only be used twice.
Note: Requires a cooldown of two turns after usage for S-rank version but only one turn for A-rank version.
Note: Can only be taught by Skorm.
(Gōruden'naitomea) - Golden Nightmare
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The Golden Nightmare is a sword made by parts of reinforced steel and liquid bismuth. This makes the sword able to shift in construction and turn into a hand-cannon due to the liquid parts of the construction. It will either start as a sword or a hand cannon at the beginning of an encounter. Both forms gives the user an enhanced passive trait to the bisumaton release, increasing it's damage by +20 and giving it additionally +10 chakra through a designated seal that is passively activated when it's master is either holding the blade/handcannon or has it sheathed. The seal fluctuates bismuth chakra through its masters body constantly and gives them an extremely faint rainbowy aura(which is just for visual effects).

Sword: The sword form is very beautiful with multitudes of colors and shining edges. The edge of the sword is partially liquid bismuth and partially hardened steel. Due the temperature of liquid bismuth the sword will inflict severe burns on contact with skin and cause great pain. It further enhances the swords cutting capability since it can melt away other elements(within reason, but rubbery and bouncy for example) that are in the way of the sharp steel. If placed on the ground with the hilt upwards and the edge planted in the foundation of the ground infront of the user it will release a large portion of liquid bismuth into the ground that will shape into half of a sphere. Using their ability to control the element, the user can then shape the underground sphere into large roots or trees around the battlefield that deals burning damage on touch. These roots can reach long range while the trees(depending on their length) can only reach mid-range. This causes S-rank damage. The trees can spread and create a miniature forest(about 30 meters big and 10 meters tall), entrapping foes. On touch it causes severe burns. While not dealing 80 damage on freeform, the sword can be used for standard kenjutsu techniques with the burning damage added to it. The user can, however, do freeform 80 damage kenjutsu moves but that will consume a moveslot.

Handcannon: The handcannon form of the Golden Nightmare is like the sword, very beautiful and contains the exact same parts as the sword. This handcannon can fire rounds made out of liquid bismuth. On impact, the bullets will not pierce their target but rather splat on the impact surface and spread across it. This causes severe pain and if shot on a limb it will immobilize it the metal is quite heavy. One single shot can spread all across a regular human-sized creature's torso all the way to their back and thus immobilizes their spine.
Regular gun rules apply and only one round can be shot each time-frame.

Note: A bullet and the sword does 80 damage following the S/W of Bisumaton and up to four bullets per match.
Note: Changing form of the sword costs a move-turn and the user must state in the beginning of a battle what form the Golden Nightmare has taken. If not, it's default as a sword.
Note: Can only be used by Skorm
Note: Utilizing the roots/tree application of the sword renders the user incapable of using the sword's other active abilities in the same and next turn.
Note: Firing a bullet, using the sword for an S-rank attack, or creating the roots render the user unable to use Bismuth Techniques above A-rank in the same turn.

Alucard used his magnificent Kenjutsu style with the sword to make a delicate Picasso out of anything who dared to enter his radar. He kept doing until he reached a certain level. It had now gotten completely silent and he was sure he was close, if not damn on the bottom of the pit. The aura that the sword would attract more automatons that kept silently creeping along the very walls of the den. However, it would seem like they had better things to do than to attack the man that had carved up all of them so far without breaking much of a sweat. He continued through the big room, glittering with shimmering stones and canvases of ancient languages. If there was an ultimate price to all of this historical madness, it would be right infront of him.
Ultimately, Alucard reached what would seem a final room. A gigantic atlas of a machine was centered in it, guarding something behind it. Alucard had no idea how strong this machine was, and he didn't care to find out either. He used his golden nightmare and plunged it into the ground infront of his enemy, who now was surrounded by dussins of other minor automatons. Whoever had left these things down here had something really dear to protect. Alucard spawned a large gorge of molten metal, now encapsuled in dust chakra and got rid of the lot. This combo of weapons seemed.. over powered to say the least. However, the automatons from before had breached into the room and Alucard was in a hurry for the ruins were about to cave in because of his last move. He turned himself invisible while running towards what seemed to be an ancient treasure chest and grabbed it.
(Meisaigakure no Jutsu) - Hiding with Camouflage Technique
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30 (-10 per turn active)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: This is a ninja escape technique that allows the user after performing the Tiger hand seal to control how light is reflected around their body with chakra inflections. The technique also erases the user's scent and shadow, and is usable on any terrain, making it ideal not only for covert maneuvers but also offensive strikes. Perceiving the user's position is possible only for ninja who are astute enough to observe minute variations within their surrounding environment, such as distortions of air currents in the immediate vicinity or distinguishing sounds, i.e. footsteps etc. However, the usefulness of this ability can be entirely negated by those with special vision or sensory skills. The Second Tsuchikage, Mū's mastery of this technique helped earn him the moniker "Non-Person" seemingly having neither form nor chakra while the technique was active. Thus, he could not be sensed through traditional means.
Note: Technique lasts a total of 3 turns
He then made his way out of the ruins with his life still remaining. The last pair of automatons were heard screaming with their gears as they got caved in. Alucard was out in the open again. He deactivated his camoflauge and looked at his price while dusting off its exterior with his right hand and holding it in his left. He then opened the chest and what he found was..

A fucking piece of paper? Really?!

Alucard grunted in loud terms until he had finally calmed himself down and lied down by the campfire he had made earlier to start to read the document. What differed it from the other inscriptions of the ruins was that it was actually readable and in english, but it still looked just as old as all the other things he had seen down there. The text described an ancient race of people known as the dwarven. An old wives tale of a people that dwelled in the deep and suddenly vanished from all existence. What baffled Alucard was that it was just that, an old wives tale. He had just come across what seemed to be evidence of their plausible existence. What this meant, he wasn't sure but the document also told of several different locations of ruins scattered across the world. It also described the dwarven race and that they were the inventors of animation seals that they applied on stones and metals to turn them sentient. Masters of earth and sealing arts it would seem. There as also something else in the chest, a semi large hexagonial key with the description "Drasil" on it. Alucard was beaten with information about what he, to just a few moments ago was just a legend. He was now able to discover the full truth to what happened to the alleged dwarves of the shinobi world. That, and he came out a real lemon. Alucard put his treasure in his possessions and headed towards the capital of the bushido. He had unfinished business there too.


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Storyboard elements:
  • Fight an individual of comparable strength
  • Set up a secure camp
  • Torture a suspect

Alucard was on his way towards the Hachiman's Bulwark, aka the capital of the bushido as he liked to call it. Dragged by the chilly aftermath of his discovery in the previous Indiana Jones-esque adventure he was a bit weary. So of course that meant that a random idiot appeared out of nowhere. From the looks of it he was a mercenary. Before asking any questions about Alucards identity he charged forwards after having released a barrage of lightning. Alucards patience wasnt very high at the moment. He acted as if he completely ignored the stranger and headed forwards while facing the bolts of lightning by simply raising his hand and null the attack with his absorption abilities of his dark release. They both treaded in silence after the the clash. The mercenary had disappeared and since Alucard lacked any sort of sensory abilities, he left him to it.

(Raiton: Gian) - Lightning Style: False Darkness
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Descripton: The user, after performing the Snake handseal, emits lightning in the shape of a spear from their hands or mouth which then pierces the enemy. Kakuzu, the original user, shoots the technique from his Lightning mask's mouth. Its destructive power is great enough to even pierce through rock; meaning it has a high killing potential. The user can increase the number of spears to attack multiple enemies by branching the main spear. This, coupled with the sheer speed of the lightning, makes it a difficult technique to evade. This strong attack can be defended against by an equally strong attack of the same element such as Raikiri.

(Meiton: Kyūkyoku no Kyūketsukō) Dark Release: Ultimate Inhaling Maw
Type: Defensive
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
The user, when facing an attack, will clap his hands together and separate them right after. As he separates his hands, a small dark sphere will be between them. The user maintains his hands close to sustain the small sphere while it siphons any enemy technique or enemy chakra within range towards itself. The sphere is a "void" made by activating both absorbing markings in the users hand at the same time and opposing them to each other, which creates this effect. This technique is essentially a more advanced and powerful version of Dark Release: Inhaling Maw and enables the user to absorb higher ranked techniques. However, when used, the user needs to wait one turn to use Dark Release absorption related techniques.

Alucard did, however, get cautious and decided head in a faster pace towards the Bulwark. He couldn't do it without having to set up camp for the night though. He did so by creating a tent made out of bones that originated from his body. Inside the tent he would then put a boundary barrier tag. Last resort to his bunker was the own invented cloverfield technique which he applied on the ground and covered up to 10 meters in a circle around the camp. He felt secure, even though he was practically immortal he shouldn't have anything to worry about. Plus he harnessed the strongest kekkei genkai there was.

(Kyōkai Kekkai no Jutsu) - Boundary Barrier Technique
Rank: A-Rank
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 30 (-10 per turn remaining active)
Damage points: N/A
Description: This is a detection type barrier which is simply a more advanced version of the (Kekkai: Tengai Hojin) - Barrier: Dome Method Formation technique and that can be used to surround an area and allows the user to monitor a certain area covering from the sky to underneath the ground creating a sphere. The user will create a tag with the 許可 (Kyoka) Kanji and place it on the ground, doing the confrontation hand seal afterwards to activate it. After the barrier is erected, the user, if inside it, will be able to detect any enemy inside it, even if he hiding his presence. After that, anyone who enters or leaves the barrier is instantly detected as well as anything that moves inside it. Techniques that mask the users presence are ineffective at avoiding detection as the barrier focuses on movement and displacement of matter, not solely on chakra detection. The barrier can also be moved according to the requirements of the user by moving the tag.
Note: Can only be used twice.

( Hone Tento ) - Bone Tent
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra Point: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: The user stomps the ground, making some of the strongest bones in his body to come out 360 degrees around him, forming a tipi made of bones. This gives the user 360 degrees protection against S Rank attacks or weaker. The tent can be used to trap the opponent, making them suffocate, however it is not as strong on the inside as on the outside, capable of being destroyed by A ranks from the inside if the element is strong to Bones. The user can cancel this tech at will as well, though it does not give protection against attacks that come from underground. Lasts up to two turns before the trapped target passes out.

(Meiton: Kurōbāfīrudo) Dark Arts: Cloverfield
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40(-10/turn)
Damage: 80
Description: A dark technique that utilises stored chakra in the users dark mark after having absorbed a technique of equal strength. The user will then press their hand(s) against a surface of an object, could be the ground, a summon, a person, a sword etc and coats it with 1 mm thick dark chakra. The coating itself will retain the visuals of regular dark chakra. If a coated object is touched by foreign chakra or physical touch(not the user of the technique's) it will explode with dark chakra and blast it away like a bomb. This is very useful to coat rocks or swords or even clones to make them into walking bombs of dark chakra. Covering the ground can also be done by slamming the dark mark on the surface and extend it to a large field of dark chakra that will work as a minefield. Albeit not being able to trigger the explosion itself by mistake, the user of the technique is by no means resistant to the technique itself and will have to use it with extreme precaution. Each blast will cover up to short-range but the reach of the technique is mid-range. The coating will remain intact til detonated or destroyed but costs 10 chakra per turn to maintain.

Note: Can only be used twice per battle with a 3 turn cool-down.
Note: Must have absorbed a technique of equal strength before-hand.
Note: Can only be taught by Skorm.

Alucard went to sleep on the ground, raising his bones to act as a soft large ribcage to hold him in place. Soon as anything would schtep inside the boundary barrier he would know. He would also laugh as they would explode if they would come close they'd explode. He closed his eyes and tried to recover some of his strength. His chakra reserves was only recharging slowly as he strained them with two techniques that both sapped chakra from him. Not more than three hours of sleep, that's what Alucard would get before his barrier noticed him about intruder alerts. He would "snooze it" and go back to sleep. Ain't nothing that could penetrate his defensive perimiter, oh no.

Mofockers think thei cn haf dis booteh.. nuh, iwatch dem expod if dey trai, huehuehue....zzzz



Aw what the shit!


Alucard went up and noticed his cloverfield technique had combusted ouside the tent. No trace of body parts. Except a lamas head.


Alucard tried to slap some sense into his head as he thought he was dreaming. However, moments later the same mercenary appeared. He seemed even more raged than before.

You! You killed my SUMMONING!!!!

Alucard looked at him with a trying face and looked back at the lama head. He then chuckled and used his sonic tractor beam to lift it up remotely and slammed it in the mercenarys face. It was super effective. Had it.. reached before it was pulverized by another lightning attack.

Is that really how you treat the.. derpitaticated..? I men, it waz a lama, oh shit i am speaking like a crackpot. I wasn't getting any seep thanks to yao.

Good to know, means i can kill you easier now.

Haha.. oh..

(Sonikkutorakutābīmu) - Sonic tractor beam
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40(-10/turn)
Damage: N/A(80, if used aggressively and slam a shinobi into the ground for instance)
Description: The tractor cannon is a device placed inside the hand of the wielder and is about the size of a cent. The tractor cannon uses sound frequenciez to attract an object in question by surrounding it in a concentrated high-pitch and constantly controlled loud sound which in turn creates a force field around the object. This gives the properties of manipulating foreign objects without actually touching them, however the technology of this device is very underwhelming and is in a very early state of scientific research but the limits of the sonic tractor beam is that it can only move objects that are the same weight or less than the wielder of the tool. If the user wants to remain gripping an object for more than one turn, additional chakra needs to be put into the device and they may not close their one hand where the device is on since that would disrupt the tractor beams sound-waves. Therefore, techniques that requires handseals cannot be used at the same time as the tractor beam is used for an object(pulling, lifting etc). A way to neutralise being lifted up in the air and smashed into the ground is to simply disrupt the soundwaves by using wind. The user must also always focus the device on the object they are lifting. If an object is caught in the force-field of the tractor beam that is of much greater weight than the user, it will only partially slow it down. The tractor beam can push and drag objects in pretty decent speeds(up to the users own speed base). The minimal weight the tractor beam can influence is the weight of a feather.

Note: Objects that are to be manipulated cannot exceed the weight of the user or a regular human to have lift-off from the ground. They may only be partially slowed down.
Note: The maximum reach for the tractor beam, or as far as it can push objects is long-range.
Note: The tractor beams hold only lasts for a maximum of 3 turns and can only be used twice per battle for holding objects that long.

(Raiton: Sandā Sāburu) - Lightning Style: Thunder Saber
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user gathers lightning chakra around his fist, generating a sphere of pure lightning around it. The user can then punch a target, unleashing the lightning in the form of a localized electrical explosion.

The blood from the lama head was splattered across the face of the mercenarys face as he remained stationary and stared into Alucards eyes with confidence of victory. This time he showed more talent than what was expressed through his lightning element. It seemed like the man had a dojutsu as well as the ability to use an extremely cold variation of water. The dojutsu wasnt a sharingan, but it had a white pupil with thick aortas showing at the sides of the eyes as if they required all the blood in the users body. Or something.. it was actually gross. Not only was the dojutsu news but so was his ability to manipulate ice. A gigantic whale with a horn was created out of thin air and was dropped just above Alucard. Before it landed, however, Alucard would use his bisumaton chakra to create a sloppy net of almost boiling metal and slung it towards the ice structure. The two elements created nothing but total chaos in form of a large explosion of metal and expanding water. The temperature difference was so great that water vapour was created with steaming heat in an instant.

(Dōjutsu: Byakugan) Eye Technique: The All Seeing White Eye
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15 (+5 per turn to keep active)
Damage: N/A
Description: The kekkei genkai intrinsic to both the Hyūga and Ōtsutsuki clans—descendants of Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. Those who possess this dōjutsu have it manifested as eyes with featureless white irides and no visible pupils. And when activated, the pupils become more distinct and the veins near their temples bulge. To activate the dōjutsu, Hyuga but not Ōtsutsuki clan members are initially obliged to use a rather long and specific sequence of handseals: Horse → Tiger → Boar → Hare → Rat → Dog → Horse → Dog → Hare → Rat → Boar → Snake. But once activated, the dōjutsu user is endowed with a range of skills.

To start, an activated Byakugan gives the user a near 360º diameter field of vision bar one blind spot at the back of the neck, above the first thoracic vertebra. Its vision can penetrate through any solid objects or obstructions, and likewise remains unaffected by blinding interferences. But that being said, certain barriers and the like may distort its perception. In addition, it is able to follow high-speed movements, which enables those with this dōjutsu to analyze their foes' actions and better react to them. The Byakugan is also able to see chakra to a higher degree than the Sharingan and ergo, identify where a person's chakra signature originates from. Beyond that, it can discern certain types of clones from the real person. And its ability to see chakra is in fact so acute that those who possess this dōjutsu are even able to see the chakra pathway system and the 361 tenketsu that comprise it. The Hyūga clan has gone so far as to develop their unique Gentle Fist style in order to capitalize on this particular ability.

Note: Hyuga clan bios of at least Sannin rank become able to passively activate their dōjutsu upon one month having passed since Gentle Fist training concluded. Ōtsutsuki bios never need to expend a move in order to activate it.
Note: While traversing the NW, bios with activated Byakugan are able to see up to two 2 adjacent landmarks away while those of sage rank can see as far as three away, but this doesn't extend beyond an ocean landmark.

(Hyouton: Ikkaku Hakugei) Ice Release: One Horned White Whale
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: A humongous white whale with a single horn made out of ice will be made. The whale can crash into a target using its large horn or simply its massive size, or it can serve defensive purposes; its large size making it capable of blocking any attack that it is capable of withstanding.

(Bisumaton: Kamigami no umi | Bismuth release: Sea of gods)
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: D-S(D)
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 10-40(10 + 10)
Damage: 20-80 (40 + 20 = 60)
Description: Sea of gods is a multi-ranked technique that serves as the basic, jack-of-all-trades technique of the bismuth release. It can be created from existing sources(earth) or from the user directly. Depending on how much chakra he/she spends it amps the technique further and thus produces more liquid bismuth. The force of the torrent of the liquid metal will also become greater the more chakra is spent into the technique. But even so, small amounts of liquid bismuth may be enough for some occasions too. Through this technique, the user will be able to shape the land infront of them and create small or large torrents of the liquid bismuth, create a huge "sea" of the molten metal right under their targets or manipulate pre-existing liquid bismuth to form into huge hands or small flying liquid bullets. Even though the possibilities are essentially endless, the bismuth will stay on the field until destroyed and does not require chakra to stay on the field. However, since the release is indeed liquid it cannot maintain any lasting functional structures unless chakra is used to sustain the releases state. Sort of like water which can be formed into a dragon but needs chakra to sustain its form in such case. D, C and B ranks can be used indefinitely while B-ranks will require one handseal; Hare. A rank variation can be used up to 4 times, but will start to require two handseals; Hare - Ox. S-rank variation requires three handseals; Hare - Ox - Rabbit - and can be used up to 3 times per battle.

Note: B-ranks require a single handseal, A ranks two handseals and S rank three handseals.
Note: A rank version can be used 4 times per battle, S rank 3.
Note: No Bismuth Above A-rank after using S-rank version.

Through the mist of water decay, Alucards bismuth prevailed and continued towards the mercenary as it was too thermodynamically stable and stronger towards ice. He used the techniques continuing trajectory as a diversion. He leaped in an angle to his right and readied a sword made out of bones hard as steel that he drew from his back. Soon as he the sword in his hand, Alucard would cover it with dust chakra. He then slashed the sword in a horizontal chop, aimed towards his opponents neck. The bismuth net was about to smash into his abdomen as well. However. Using nothing but a single handseal, it would seem that the mercenary was able to teleport and avoid both attacks at the same time. This left Alucard to change the trajectory of his slash so that it would decrease his bismuth technique to that of neutrinos as it impacted with the dust/bone combo.

What.. was that. Eight inner gates..?

( Tsubaki no Mai ) - Dance of the Camellia
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
Description: Dance of the Camellia is the second of the five Kaguya dance forms. Using the ability to manipulate bone structure, the user removes a long bone in the form of a sword from their shoulder. Because of the bloodline, the density of the bone can be increased many times so that it is as hard as steel. The user can pull up to two swords out, both with full strength.
(Jinton: Chūmon suru chikai | Dust Release: Oath to Order)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A/S(A)
Range: N/A
Chakra: 30/40(-10/15 turn)
Damage: 60/80
Description: Oath to orde is a simple technique which combines dust release and advances chakra manipulation. The user touches any object they want to affect or weaves three seals to affect an object up to mid-range away from them this coating will originate from the users body and spread its way towards/around the object the user wants to use this technique on. The technique infuses a chosen object(as long as it has a physical structure, such as a solid or liquid, summonings, clones and the user themselves cannot) and coat it with a 3D barrier, only a mm thick. This barrier will disintigrate anything it touches and deal massive amount of damage following the S/W of dust release. This barrier can only coat one object at a time or if S-rank version is used, two objects can be coated at the same time but each coating will be of A-rank. The user can send additional chakra passively to fuel the technique, making it last longer at the cost of their chakra reserves.

Note: A-rank variation can only be used four times per battle while S-rank version can only be used twice.
Note: Requires a cooldown of two turns after usage for S-rank version but only one turn for A-rank version.
Note: Can only be taught by Skorm.

(Kumo-Ryū Mikazuki Kiri) - Cloud-Style Crescent Moon Beheading
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage points: 60
Description: The user utilizes a large extent of their physical capabilities to swing their sword in a single large arc, which occurs with such ferocious velocity that the technique can be employed in situations where only a very limited time to react is available. The swing can be used to counter attacks from multiple opponents simultaneously. The technique receives its name due to the entire movement being reminiscent of a crescent moon.

(Hayaton: Takai Hebi no Kamu) Swift Release: High Serpent's Bite
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
In response to an enemy attack, the user will produce both a defense and counter by making one handseal (Boar) and infusing his body with chakra. As he does this, he moves at extremely high speeds in what can be described as virtually instant, out of the way of the technique and behind the opponent. Upon reaching behind the opponent, the user is free to either do a simple, powerful taijutsu attack and take advantage of the speed to a surprise effect or, by losing the surprise effect, produce a weapon or ninjutsu attack.

Luckily for Alucard, his boundary barrier was still in play and he could read movement ahead. His opponent was right behind him. Using his left arm to swing a 180 degree punch as his sword arm was in the opposite direction, Alucard could feel the opponent grabbing it with ease as they had read his moves very easily. He could then hear his bones starting to crack and he needed to take drastic action not to be left with one arm indisposable. It seemed like his opponent was very cunning in elemental releases. Plus he had a dojutsu and teleportation abilities. Alucard had had enough of this shit. He would turn his entire body into palladium foam. This manouver was enough for Alucard to get himself free from the hold as well as getting a sharp punch onto the guys face that left deep cuts due to the irregular and sharp pattern of the palladium foam. Alucard then bounced off and returned to normal. His opponent was bleeding, a good sign of a fight that was slowly turning into Alucards favour.

(Parajiumufōmu: Inshiriko | Palladium Foam release: InSilico)
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S-rank
Range: Short-mid
Chakra: 40(-20/turn)
Damage: 80(on touch)
Description: InSilico is an advanced application of the palladium foam release and lets the user take the form of the initial release to benefit from its S/W upon facing a jutsu or otherwise. The user will transform themselves into the metal foam while still maintaining their original size they become quite light and flexible but also very sharp. This is an extremely good counter for taijutsu, kenjutsu and any sort of elemental interaction that is weak towards the metal foam. The user will become faster than before and become very flexible as they are very spongy. A speed boost of 1.5x is granted as well as good evasive manouvers since the user can flex into forms that a metal foam can be compressed/stretched to. In this form, the user can only utilise elements that palladium foam is made out of. This includes fūton/katon/doton. The user can compress themselves to maintain an exremely sharp surface at certain areas or decompress and be able to take on huge kinetic damage as the air spores in the metal foam will absorb and constraint on impact. The user may reform to normal at any time after taking this form.

Note: Usable twice per battle, lasting up to three turns per use.
Note: No A rank and above parajiumufōmu and no S rank and above Fire/Earth techniques after usage for one turn.
Note: Can only be taught by Skorm.

Its time to wrap this up.. Bring it.


Both of the men decided to go on all out. Alucard raised hell when he drew the golden nightmare and plunged it into the ground. A miniature forest of golden/metallic trees started to appear around him and his opponent, giving him nowhere to run using his teleportation skills. The Mercenary plunged through it with his lightning release. To alucards advantage of course. Using his dark release he would absorb the lightning chakra that was coming towards him. He then released it together with his dead bone pulse with a close fist that released a massive shockwave of darkness and tendrils of bones to smash and impale the mercenary as he was blown backwards. While he was able to dodge it somewhat due to turning thin air into ice and catapult himself upwards a bit through a pillar of ice, he was impaled by his left knee which left him in a staggering pain. Alucard rushed towards the target and used is earth chakra to immobilize him directly. As the weight came crushing downwards, the steel hard bone ripped through his leg all the way up to his shoulder and steady as it goes, the mercenary was cut in half.

..oops, i was meaning to torture you. Can i still or?



(Gōruden'naitomea) - Golden Nightmare
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The Golden Nightmare is a sword made by parts of reinforced steel and liquid bismuth. This makes the sword able to shift in construction and turn into a hand-cannon due to the liquid parts of the construction. It will either start as a sword or a hand cannon at the beginning of an encounter. Both forms gives the user an enhanced passive trait to the bisumaton release, increasing it's damage by +20 and giving it additionally +10 chakra through a designated seal that is passively activated when it's master is either holding the blade/handcannon or has it sheathed. The seal fluctuates bismuth chakra through its masters body constantly and gives them an extremely faint rainbowy aura(which is just for visual effects).

Sword: The sword form is very beautiful with multitudes of colors and shining edges. The edge of the sword is partially liquid bismuth and partially hardened steel. Due the temperature of liquid bismuth the sword will inflict severe burns on contact with skin and cause great pain. It further enhances the swords cutting capability since it can melt away other elements(within reason, but rubbery and bouncy for example) that are in the way of the sharp steel. If placed on the ground with the hilt upwards and the edge planted in the foundation of the ground infront of the user it will release a large portion of liquid bismuth into the ground that will shape into half of a sphere. Using their ability to control the element, the user can then shape the underground sphere into large roots or trees around the battlefield that deals burning damage on touch. These roots can reach long range while the trees(depending on their length) can only reach mid-range. This causes S-rank damage. The trees can spread and create a miniature forest(about 30 meters big and 10 meters tall), entrapping foes. On touch it causes severe burns. While not dealing 80 damage on freeform, the sword can be used for standard kenjutsu techniques with the burning damage added to it. The user can, however, do freeform 80 damage kenjutsu moves but that will consume a moveslot.

Handcannon: The handcannon form of the Golden Nightmare is like the sword, very beautiful and contains the exact same parts as the sword. This handcannon can fire rounds made out of liquid bismuth. On impact, the bullets will not pierce their target but rather splat on the impact surface and spread across it. This causes severe pain and if shot on a limb it will immobilize it the metal is quite heavy. One single shot can spread all across a regular human-sized creature's torso all the way to their back and thus immobilizes their spine.
Regular gun rules apply and only one round can be shot each time-frame.

Note: A bullet and the sword does 80 damage following the S/W of Bisumaton and up to four bullets per match.
Note: Changing form of the sword costs a move-turn and the user must state in the beginning of a battle what form the Golden Nightmare has taken. If not, it's default as a sword.
Note: Can only be used by Skorm
Note: Utilizing the roots/tree application of the sword renders the user incapable of using the sword's other active abilities in the same and next turn.
Note: Firing a bullet, using the sword for an S-rank attack, or creating the roots render the user unable to use Bismuth Techniques above A-rank in the same turn.

(Raiton: Gian) - Lightning Style: False Darkness
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Descripton: The user, after performing the Snake handseal, emits lightning in the shape of a spear from their hands or mouth which then pierces the enemy. Kakuzu, the original user, shoots the technique from his Lightning mask's mouth. Its destructive power is great enough to even pierce through rock; meaning it has a high killing potential. The user can increase the number of spears to attack multiple enemies by branching the main spear. This, coupled with the sheer speed of the lightning, makes it a difficult technique to evade. This strong attack can be defended against by an equally strong attack of the same element such as Raikiri.

(Meiton: Kyūkyoku no Kyūketsukō) Dark Release: Ultimate Inhaling Maw
Type: Defensive
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
The user, when facing an attack, will clap his hands together and separate them right after. As he separates his hands, a small dark sphere will be between them. The user maintains his hands close to sustain the small sphere while it siphons any enemy technique or enemy chakra within range towards itself. The sphere is a "void" made by activating both absorbing markings in the users hand at the same time and opposing them to each other, which creates this effect. This technique is essentially a more advanced and powerful version of Dark Release: Inhaling Maw and enables the user to absorb higher ranked techniques. However, when used, the user needs to wait one turn to use Dark Release absorption related techniques.

(Shikotsumyaku/Meiton: Pokettoinfiniti | Pocket Infinity)
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: Pocket Infinity is a technique that incorporates the combination of dark and dead bone pulse KG's. The user needs to absorb a technique of S rank/higher through their dark mark before using this technique. This technique is started off by the user channeling their charged dark release mark into one of their fists and thus make it glow purple. The user then slams their closed fist into the ground and lets out a massive amount of energy knock back and cause internal damage to anything that is in close/mid range towards the user through sheer force. When their fist touches the ground, spikes of bones will start to root in the impact area and travel in a 360 degree fashion under the ground. This is completely hidden towards an opponent unless they can sense chakra or see through solid ground. The bones will spread and excavated behind the target as they are knocked back by the blast they get impaled by razor sharp spikes of bones(A-rank) that have protruded all around the field(up to mid-range). This technique can also counter ground based techniques weak/neutral towards dead bone pulse/dark of the same rank of the technique. This jutsu can be performed a maximum amount of three times per battle and with a two turn cool-down. In the same turn the technique is used, the user may not use dark/dead bone pulse above A rank. The Dark Shockwave is equivalent to A rank and the Bone spikes are equivalent to A rank totalling S rank in strength for the technique.

Note: Can only be taught by Skorm.

(Kyousei Hyouton no Jutsu) Greater Ice Technique
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: Similar to the original, weaker technique, the Greater Ice technique allows the user to, by making a simple hand seal (Ram) produce walls, pillars, etc of snow or ice. The ice constructs are rather simple in nature but resilient and strong, with the user being able to materialize them anywhere short range (though from that point they can grow up to long range) from him from the moisture in the air. He can, however, use any proportional water source within short-long range of him to produce said constructs. These can also be directed and propelled as projectiles towards targets. In both cases, the size and possible uses are limited only by the users will, chakra and skill. It also allows the user to cool down existing moisture in the high atmosphere to bring down a snow storm, similar to the original technique yet stronger and faster acting. This snow storm will not directly harm anyone but is useful to cover the field in snow rather quickly (2 turns) and to hinder visibility, sense of touch and hearing on anyone caught inside. The user is not immune to these effects though and must spend 15 chakra points per turn to sustain the blizzard, while becoming unable to mold other elements than Water, Wind or Ice.

(Doton: Chō Kajūgan no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Super Added Weight Rock Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A (+40 if used to add damage)
Description: A more advanced version of the Earth Release: Added Weight Rock Technique, in which the user drastically increases the weight of any object in direct physical contact, but to a much greater extent than that of the original ability. This technique can increase the weight of a target up to 100 times. Under certain circumstances, the technique can be used to increase the force behind attacks.
Note: The weight change lasts 2 turns or until countered.

To the sound of impeccable singing, Alucard was found corpsing up his now to be called victim. His laughter was loud as he slapped on a seal on his soon dead opponent. The seal would, once Alucard activate it, turn his insides into boiling metal. Good deal of pain.

(Bisumaton/Fūinjutsu: Mākuobuinfamī | Bismuth/Sealing arts: Mark of Infamy)
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: This technique is based on sealing tags capability of storing chakra and apply it wherever it is placed through tags. The user places a tag on any solid object that is within their reach. This tag is infused with huge quantities of liquid bismuth. When the seal is placed on a specific solid object(could be on anything), the user then performs a seal to act as the trigger. This activates the seal and tranforms the interior of the object that the seal is places on and replaces it with liquid bismuth, however, the exterior of the affected object remains the same. This is a perfect deception technique that can very well be placed on the ground, activated, and as soon as someone steps on the surface it will burst and entrap their feet in hot bismuth. The tag contains enough bismuth to affect objects that are 10 meters long. If used on a human, their entire interior will graduately start to become heavier and they will feel extreme pain as the liquid bismuth starts to spread inside of them. If the seal is not removed within two turns after its activated it will kill the target. The seal can be placed on enemy tools or weapons to destroy them from the inside. The seal itself is A rank but the quantities of bismuth stored in the seal and the damage it seals is S rank. Only four seals can be used per battle and once it has been placed, the user cannot use bismuth techniques above A rank until one turn after the seal has been activated.

Note: Can only be taught by Skorm.

I'mma go now. Have fun dying.

Alucard changed his route and left the landmark. He had no intentions going to the capital anymore.



Active member
Jan 14, 2009
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Spawning Post

Keotsu biography to be used in the NW arc going forward.
(Ten'notsurugi: Mythos, Jinsei no Sāberu) Astrum Sword: Mythos, Vita Saber
Rank: N/A
Type: Weapon
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: +20 to Kenjutsu and Command Arts
Description: "The Blade of Heaven...Mythos the Life Sabre. One of the Ten Shinning Weapons." When Keotsu returned to the known continent from his journey to regions unknown, he returned with his blade Mythos in a new form; some secret event took place which reconfigured the blade and created a powerful connection between Keotsu and the sword. The Mythril blade retained its ability to change it's shape, but not it's mass when subjected to Keotsu's chakras, as did the scabbard of the weapon, though the two were no longer explicitly linked. A few improvements were noted by Keotsu, though: the blade seemed to resonate better than before, boosting his powers in battle: offensive Kenjutsu techniques and Command Arts have their power increased by +20, and defensive and supplementary Kenjutsu and Command Arts are increased in their effectiveness by +20 (that is, a defensive technique that is A-rank (60 damage) would be capable of now defending from an S-rank (80 damage) ; second, the blade came to reject energies that were foreign to Keotsu - that's to say, for example, if an enemy tried to use Nagashi after grabbing the blade, the energy would stop completely due to the nature of the blade's composition. This particular power comes about from the blade's new found synergy with Keotsu, in an effort to prevent it from being used against him. Retaining all the properties of the metal it was forged from, Mythos is indestructible and will never dull, in any of its forms.
*The user can manipulate the blade’s form during battle at any time, but it costs 35 chakra to do so, and also counts towards one of that turn’s three allotted moves.
*Can only be wielded by Keotsu. When someone else tries to hold the blade, it will reject their chakra and increase its density exponentially, making it to heavy to be lifted. However, it reverts to its original density when Keotsu is holding it.
*While the sword can transform into different types of weapons, like a katana or spear, it is bound by its mass, meaning that the form it takes on has to be within the realms of creating from the same amount of matter.
*While Mythos is in hand, Keotsu is unable to cast Genjutsu at all.

(Jūhō Kibaku Fuda) Heavy Artillery Exploding Tag

Rank: N/A
Type: Offensive
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: +20 to Explosive Tags
Description: A heavy-duty version of the standard issue paper bomb, this exploding tag has substantially more power than a regular exploding tag, and is generally used in heavy demolition. Other than being .5 inches longer than a regular exploding tag and with the kanji for “erupt” instead of “explode” in the middle, they cannot be discerned from their weaker counterparts at a glance. These exploding tags can be used in place of weaker ones in jutsu involving them.
*In order to use these, it must be mentioned in the user’s bio that they carry this version of the exploding tag – otherwise, the user cannot use these.

(Bīkon) Beacon
Type: Tool
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: As the Kote has gained notoriety among Shinobi, Samurai too have looked at the technology as a way to expand their arsenal. The Beacon is an altered Kote, capable not of using Ninjutsu, but of preforming Summoning in place of the user, intended for use by Samurai. A beacon has a disk inside it upon which a summoning contract is inscribed, much like how one would sign a traditional contract. Unlike Kote, to use the Beacon does require chakra - an equal amount as would be required to normally preform a Summoning, but unlike traditional summons, the Beacon acts as its namesake, allowing Summons to pull themselves to the wielder's location.
*Note: Allows Summoning to be preformed by Samurai.
*Note: Chakra Cost and Damage are dependent on the Summoning being used.
*Note: Use of the Beacon itself is passive, but the Summoning still consumes a moveslot.
*Note: The Beacon can only be attuned to one Contract at a time.

(Hato-ka Kuchiyose:Aguriasu Ōkusu) Columbidae Summon: Agrias Oaks
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Type: Summon
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Agrias is the guardian of the Columbidae Contarct. In her dove form, she appears as a regular size dove with yellow plumage. Her only ability in this form is that she can be summoned through use of a piece of special reed grass that grows only in Eden, the realm where the Columbidae reside – using this grass allows her to be summoned at a regular chakra cost, but bypasses summoning ninjutsu, by using chakra to activate the glyphs found inscribed upon the wheat when a tune is blown on it; in essence, Agrias is summoning herself to the Summoner, but using their chakra for the job. As a Human, Agrias is a stunning young woman of 20 years old with long, golden hair that comes down to her hips and amber eyes; she keeps her hair tied back in one large braid, though. She wears a navy trench cloak and a pair of leather breaches, boots, and gauntlets, as well as wearing a steel breastplate, and her personal sword, Save the Queen; she also speaks with a slightly Old-English dialect. In human form, she is capable of using any Kenjutsu and Taijutsu that the summoner can use. As a human, she also gains access to a personal Kenjutsu technique known as “Divine Ruination”, an S-rank technique that fires a helix-shaped shockwave at the enemy (described below).
*Save the Queen can only wielded by Agrias and Columbidae Contract signers; the sword itself is indestructible, but has no special powers.
*Though Agrias has her own Health and Chakra pools, her moves still count towards the summoner’s 3 moves per turn.
*Divine Ruination is a double helix (DNA) shaped, blue shockwave that causes a cross-shaped explosion to occur on impact. When used by Agrias, it is treated as a justu with S-rank power and chakra cost. It reaches up to Mid-range before disappearing and can only be used 3 times.
*Transforming to/from Avian/Human form costs 30 chakra to Agrias and counts as a move and she is always summoned in Avian form.
*Can only be summoned once and lasts for 4 turns.
*Agrias in Human form:
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Keotsu stepped off of the gangplank onto the pier, the frigid ocean waves, dark gray and heavy, lapping up against the iron dock. A satchel tossed lazily over one shoulder and a strangely vibrant, golden dove perched on the other, Keotsu waved his farewell to the ship's captain.

Currently adorned in a pair of dress whites, Keotsu's bright outfit was a vivid contrast to the dreary surroundings. The dove fluttered off of his shoulder, before turning into a young woman with equally vibrant hair as her plumage, a cascading waterfall of flaxen hair flowing down her back.

She stretched her arms and rolled her shoulder, before addressing the swordsman, "Its been some time since you were back on this continent, Keotsu. What with you travels abroad and then stopping in Eden to train."

Keotsu took a deep breath, the cold air sharp. "Indeed, its been a while since I set foot on these lands. I wonder how much has changed since I left. And thanks for staying in your dove form," laughed Keotsu, "the fair was much cheaper only having to pay for one head that way."

With that, Keotsu adjusted his satchel and walked forward, once again in the Land of Iron.
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Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
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Keotsu biography to be used in the NW arc going forward.
(Ten'notsurugi: Mythos, Jinsei no Sāberu) Astrum Sword: Mythos, Vita Saber
Rank: N/A
Type: Weapon
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: +20 to Kenjutsu and Command Arts
Description: "The Blade of Heaven...Mythos the Life Sabre. One of the Ten Shinning Weapons." When Keotsu returned to the known continent from his journey to regions unknown, he returned with his blade Mythos in a new form; some secret event took place which reconfigured the blade and created a powerful connection between Keotsu and the sword. The Mythril blade retained its ability to change it's shape, but not it's mass when subjected to Keotsu's chakras, as did the scabbard of the weapon, though the two were no longer explicitly linked. A few improvements were noted by Keotsu, though: the blade seemed to resonate better than before, boosting his powers in battle: offensive Kenjutsu techniques and Command Arts have their power increased by +20, and defensive and supplementary Kenjutsu and Command Arts are increased in their effectiveness by +20 (that is, a defensive technique that is A-rank (60 damage) would be capable of now defending from an S-rank (80 damage) ; second, the blade came to reject energies that were foreign to Keotsu - that's to say, for example, if an enemy tried to use Nagashi after grabbing the blade, the energy would stop completely due to the nature of the blade's composition. This particular power comes about from the blade's new found synergy with Keotsu, in an effort to prevent it from being used against him. Retaining all the properties of the metal it was forged from, Mythos is indestructible and will never dull, in any of its forms.
*The user can manipulate the blade’s form during battle at any time, but it costs 35 chakra to do so, and also counts towards one of that turn’s three allotted moves.
*Can only be wielded by Keotsu. When someone else tries to hold the blade, it will reject their chakra and increase its density exponentially, making it to heavy to be lifted. However, it reverts to its original density when Keotsu is holding it.
*While the sword can transform into different types of weapons, like a katana or spear, it is bound by its mass, meaning that the form it takes on has to be within the realms of creating from the same amount of matter.
*While Mythos is in hand, Keotsu is unable to cast Genjutsu at all.

(Jūhō Kibaku Fuda) Heavy Artillery Exploding Tag

Rank: N/A
Type: Offensive
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: +20 to Explosive Tags
Description: A heavy-duty version of the standard issue paper bomb, this exploding tag has substantially more power than a regular exploding tag, and is generally used in heavy demolition. Other than being .5 inches longer than a regular exploding tag and with the kanji for “erupt” instead of “explode” in the middle, they cannot be discerned from their weaker counterparts at a glance. These exploding tags can be used in place of weaker ones in jutsu involving them.
*In order to use these, it must be mentioned in the user’s bio that they carry this version of the exploding tag – otherwise, the user cannot use these.

(Bīkon) Beacon
Type: Tool
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: As the Kote has gained notoriety among Shinobi, Samurai too have looked at the technology as a way to expand their arsenal. The Beacon is an altered Kote, capable not of using Ninjutsu, but of preforming Summoning in place of the user, intended for use by Samurai. A beacon has a disk inside it upon which a summoning contract is inscribed, much like how one would sign a traditional contract. Unlike Kote, to use the Beacon does require chakra - an equal amount as would be required to normally preform a Summoning, but unlike traditional summons, the Beacon acts as its namesake, allowing Summons to pull themselves to the wielder's location.
*Note: Allows Summoning to be preformed by Samurai.
*Note: Chakra Cost and Damage are dependent on the Summoning being used.
*Note: Use of the Beacon itself is passive, but the Summoning still consumes a moveslot.
*Note: The Beacon can only be attuned to one Contract at a time.

(Hato-ka Kuchiyose:Aguriasu Ōkusu) Columbidae Summon: Agrias Oaks
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Type: Summon
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Agrias is the guardian of the Columbidae Contarct. In her dove form, she appears as a regular size dove with yellow plumage. Her only ability in this form is that she can be summoned through use of a piece of special reed grass that grows only in Eden, the realm where the Columbidae reside – using this grass allows her to be summoned at a regular chakra cost, but bypasses summoning ninjutsu, by using chakra to activate the glyphs found inscribed upon the wheat when a tune is blown on it; in essence, Agrias is summoning herself to the Summoner, but using their chakra for the job. As a Human, Agrias is a stunning young woman of 20 years old with long, golden hair that comes down to her hips and amber eyes; she keeps her hair tied back in one large braid, though. She wears a navy trench cloak and a pair of leather breaches, boots, and gauntlets, as well as wearing a steel breastplate, and her personal sword, Save the Queen; she also speaks with a slightly Old-English dialect. In human form, she is capable of using any Kenjutsu and Taijutsu that the summoner can use. As a human, she also gains access to a personal Kenjutsu technique known as “Divine Ruination”, an S-rank technique that fires a helix-shaped shockwave at the enemy (described below).
*Save the Queen can only wielded by Agrias and Columbidae Contract signers; the sword itself is indestructible, but has no special powers.
*Though Agrias has her own Health and Chakra pools, her moves still count towards the summoner’s 3 moves per turn.
*Divine Ruination is a double helix (DNA) shaped, blue shockwave that causes a cross-shaped explosion to occur on impact. When used by Agrias, it is treated as a justu with S-rank power and chakra cost. It reaches up to Mid-range before disappearing and can only be used 3 times.
*Transforming to/from Avian/Human form costs 30 chakra to Agrias and counts as a move and she is always summoned in Avian form.
*Can only be summoned once and lasts for 4 turns.
*Agrias in Human form:
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Keotsu stepped off of the gangplank onto the pier, the frigid ocean waves, dark gray and heavy, lapping up against the iron dock. A satchel tossed lazily over one shoulder and a strangely vibrant, golden dove perched on the other, Keotsu waved his farewell to the ship's captain.

Currently adorned in a pair of dress whites, Keotsu's bright outfit was a vivid contrast to the dreary surroundings. The dove fluttered off of his shoulder, before turning into a young woman with equally vibrant hair as her plumage, a cascading waterfall of flaxen hair flowing down her back.

She stretched her arms and rolled her shoulder, before addressing the swordsman, "Its been some time since you were back on this continent, Keotsu. What with you travels abroad and then stopping in Eden to train."

Keotsu took a deep breath, the cold air sharp. "Indeed, its been a while since I set foot on these lands. I wonder how much has changed since I left. And thanks for staying in your dove form," laughed Keotsu, "the fair was much cheaper only having to pay for one head that way."

With that, Keotsu adjusted his satchel and walked forward, once again in the Land of Iron.
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A ripple appeared in the sky above the pier that caught the eyes of seafarers, miners, and samurai alike. They had never seen anything like this before and gathered in large crowds to explore the phenomenon. Shortly after it appeared the ripped released a substance that stretched down to the earth before pooling onto the ground, sending the onlookers scampering a safe distance away. Some shouted that the sky was falling and ran for cover, while others prepared for battle as they suspected this to be a shinobi trick.

The substance suddenly popped, revealing Kurogane, a tall black-haired man dressed in modernized samurai armor. "..-cess Tomoyo!" He yelled, stretching his hand outwards. He was angry, and rightfully so. His princess had banished him to a strange land and made it so that he couldn't return home easily. He rose to his feet and shook his fist at the sky, "I know you can hear me Tomoyo! You'll pay for this!"

He cursed beneath his breath and took in his surroundings. Most of the people around him wore armor similar to his, though more old fashioned, most likely meaning that they were samurai, like him. He scanned the crowd until he noticed a man with long, straight brown hair who was accompanied by a woman with golden hair. He moved the meet the pair and addressed the man, "Hey you," he called out, "where is this?"


Active member
Jan 14, 2009
Trait Points
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A ripple appeared in the sky above the pier that caught the eyes of seafarers, miners, and samurai alike. They had never seen anything like this before and gathered in large crowds to explore the phenomenon. Shortly after it appeared the ripped released a substance that stretched down to the earth before pooling onto the ground, sending the onlookers scampering a safe distance away. Some shouted that the sky was falling and ran for cover, while others prepared for battle as they suspected this to be a shinobi trick.

The substance suddenly popped, revealing Kurogane, a tall black-haired man dressed in modernized samurai armor. "..-cess Tomoyo!" He yelled, stretching his hand outwards. He was angry, and rightfully so. His princess had banished him to a strange land and made it so that he couldn't return home easily. He rose to his feet and shook his fist at the sky, "I know you can hear me Tomoyo! You'll pay for this!"

He cursed beneath his breath and took in his surroundings. Most of the people around him wore armor similar to his, though more old fashioned, most likely meaning that they were samurai, like him. He scanned the crowd until he noticed a man with long, straight brown hair who was accompanied by a woman with golden hair. He moved the meet the pair and addressed the man, "Hey you," he called out, "where is this?"
Discussed Via Discord, Agrias will operate going forward with 80 HP and 800 Chakra, and will regain them like a normal player.

Keotsu observed as the sky seem to take a bulbous shape and seep down to the group below, as if distorted and twisted into some sort of thick syrup. Such a sight was certainly not familiar, nor expected so soon after disembarking from his ship; he watched as some people scuttled in awe or terror, or took up their posts as guardsmen.

A man emerged, shouting, from the strange conglomerate. His garb as familiar - samurai-esc - but also very different; Keotsu couldn't place it other than that it wasn't "traditional", though he certainly didn't dress in a purely traditional sense himself.

Perhaps he and Agrias seemed more unique than the others in the surroundings, though, as the man approached him, after his shouting match with the heavens, inquiring where he was.

"You're in Hachiman's Bulwark, in the Samurai Territories in the Land of Iron, stranger" said Keotsu, eyeing the man up casually, readjusting his satchel strap over his shoulder as he said it. He could feel Agrias's tension, no doubt perturbed by the strange man appearing from the sky.

"You wear the armor like a Samurai, but you're not from around here, are you?" he asked.

Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
Trait Points
This post marks the beginning of my mission using these storyboard elements:
- Explore a landmark (1)

Summary: Forcefully transported to the Land of Iron, Kurogane explores the land of his both for the first time.

Kurogane looked at his surroundings in disbelief, the color draining from his face after learning where it was that Tomoyo had sent him. The land of Iron. His birthplace and the last place he ever wanted to be. The samurai had no memories of this place, for his father had been banished shortly after his birth due to his mother's position as a Priestess. He felt no yearning, loss, or joy after setting foot on the land of his ancestors for the first time. More than anything, he hated this place, he hated the people who took away his father's position as the rightful Lord of the Suwa region, and he hated the members of his clan who allowed it to happen.

Nihon province, and by extension the Cresent Moon Kingdom was all he knew and the only ones who deserved his loyalty. Why then, did she send him here? Was there some lesson for him to learn? Or did she want him to experience life on the eastern continent? Kurogane had no way of knowing the thoughts of the woman he had sworn himself to. All he could do now was travel around until a way home presented itself.

Noticing that the woman felt tense at his sudden appearance, he tried to soothe her unease by answering the man's questions. "I am a samurai. This is where I was born, but I have no memory or allegiance to this place," he answered. "I was sent here by my master, and I'm won't be able to return to her side for some time."

He glanced at the pair's clothes as he spoke. His armor made him stand out even more than the dress whites the man wore. Without warning a bright light is emitted from Kurogane that masks him while his attire is altered from his modernized armor to a simple outfit with a billowing black cloak.

"Sorry about that," he said apologetically, "My name is Kurogane. You two are?"

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(Kansō) Requip
Type: Tool
Rank: D
Range: Self
Chakra: -5 chakra per transformation
Damage: N/A
Description: Requip is a unique brand of ninja technology namely used for those always on the move. Coming in the form of apparel; the user has the innate ability to have clothing that morphs and changes form in order to suit their needs. Within the fabric of the clothing – there exists specialized ninja technology that controls the strings and thus with the use of chakra can command it to take any form she desires. This can range from shifting from casual wear to combat ready clothing on the fly. It mimics any clothing the user may also have somewhere at home and even the coloration changes as well. This combines two aspects: the Henge no Jutsu and the morphing capabilities of the microfibers but the transformation is permanent until changed again. Transforming the clothing is passive and doesn’t take a move slot however needs – 5 per use to do so. While transforming a bright light is also emitted to prevent others from seeing the transformation until it fully forms if needed.

This tool is used by using chakra to control threads in the users clothes to change it into something else.


Active member
Jan 14, 2009
Trait Points
This post marks the beginning of my mission using these storyboard elements:
- Explore a landmark (1)

Summary: Forcefully transported to the Land of Iron, Kurogane explores the land of his both for the first time.

Kurogane looked at his surroundings in disbelief, the color draining from his face after learning where it was that Tomoyo had sent him. The land of Iron. His birthplace and the last place he ever wanted to be. The samurai had no memories of this place, for his father had been banished shortly after his birth due to his mother's position as a Priestess. He felt no yearning, loss, or joy after setting foot on the land of his ancestors for the first time. More than anything, he hated this place, he hated the people who took away his father's position as the rightful Lord of the Suwa region, and he hated the members of his clan who allowed it to happen.

Nihon province, and by extension the Cresent Moon Kingdom was all he knew and the only ones who deserved his loyalty. Why then, did she send him here? Was there some lesson for him to learn? Or did she want him to experience life on the eastern continent? Kurogane had no way of knowing the thoughts of the woman he had sworn himself to. All he could do now was travel around until a way home presented itself.

Noticing that the woman felt tense at his sudden appearance, he tried to soothe her unease by answering the man's questions. "I am a samurai. This is where I was born, but I have no memory or allegiance to this place," he answered. "I was sent here by my master, and I'm won't be able to return to her side for some time."

He glanced at the pair's clothes as he spoke. His armor made him stand out even more than the dress whites the man wore. Without warning a bright light is emitted from Kurogane that masks him while his attire is altered from his modernized armor to a simple outfit with a billowing black cloak.

"Sorry about that," he said apologetically, "My name is Kurogane. You two are?"

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(Kansō) Requip
Type: Tool
Rank: D
Range: Self
Chakra: -5 chakra per transformation
Damage: N/A
Description: Requip is a unique brand of ninja technology namely used for those always on the move. Coming in the form of apparel; the user has the innate ability to have clothing that morphs and changes form in order to suit their needs. Within the fabric of the clothing – there exists specialized ninja technology that controls the strings and thus with the use of chakra can command it to take any form she desires. This can range from shifting from casual wear to combat ready clothing on the fly. It mimics any clothing the user may also have somewhere at home and even the coloration changes as well. This combines two aspects: the Henge no Jutsu and the morphing capabilities of the microfibers but the transformation is permanent until changed again. Transforming the clothing is passive and doesn’t take a move slot however needs – 5 per use to do so. While transforming a bright light is also emitted to prevent others from seeing the transformation until it fully forms if needed.

This tool is used by using chakra to control threads in the users clothes to change it into something else.
This post marks the beginning of my mission using these storyboard elements:
- Do a good deed(1)

Summary: Returning home to Hachiman's Bulwark after years of training and adventure, Keotsu meets a stranger who seems displaced, and offers to show him around.

Keotsu shielded his eyes as a bright light enveloped the man, who stood in new attire once it faded. Aware of the weight of his beacon on his left arm, Keotsu grew ever more impressed with the technological leaps and bounds that were being made every day, and was hopeful for the future and the advancements that would come.

"I am Keotsu Akarsua; I'm a bit of a traveler and only just returned home myself - it seems," Keotsu said, motioning at his surroundings, "that this place seems to have changed a quite a bit while I was away on my travels."

"I am Agrias Oaks, his steward," Agrias said, relaxing slightly when it seemed that the man was not a threat, merely distraught.

"I need to stop by and run a few errands," Keotsu said, "but you seem a bit lost, and letting you go might be...problematic. How would you like to accompany me for a while? I could show you around, at least a bit."

"Milord, are you sure that's wise?" advised Agrias.

"Ah, maybe not, but we've gotten help plenty of times in foreign lands as strangers; its nice to be able to return the favor for once. So what do ya say?" asked the swordsman, with a smile.

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Apr 8, 2021
Trait Points
Spawning Post

Musashi Miyamoto to be used in the Ninja World going forward.

This post marks the beginning of my mission using these storyboard elements:
- Fight an enemy much stronger than yourself (5)
- Save a large community from danger (5)
- Survive a near-death situation (5)

Musashi's breath coalesced in the air in front of her, as her mostly quiet footsteps were drowned out by the small company of armored Samurai who walked with her, their lanterns and torches casting light upon the cavern walls, revealing the strung up mining lights that were currently without power.

Musashi had been in Hachiman's Bulwark for sometime now, ever since she wandered through that strange rift on that mountaintop that one fateful day. Though the money she had on her person thankfully was accepted, she found herself quickly needing to make some Ryo - as goodwill alone often was not enough to keep one's belly full. Thus, she quickly found employment as a hired blade amongst the Samurai, especially during some recent troubles.

Underneath Hachiman's Bulwark was a complex tunnel network, where crops were grown, ore was excavated, and that even served as a transportation hub across the Land of Iron. But, recently, there were talks of workers and travelers being attacked by a strange creature, humanoid but with features like beasts; a few small company of guards - mostly low ranking Samurai - were found killed, brutally torn apart by what appeared to be massive claws, if the carvings into the tunnel walls was anything to be clued in to.

Musashi was brought along due to her unique skill set, and her demonstrable prowess with the sword, which even some of the Samurai have had to begrudgingly acknowledge, despite her technical classification as a Ronin, and not belonging to the Land of Iron. But, her ability to use the Ronin's unique brand of Kenjutsu, as well as her ability to sense the souls of all living things could potentially be useful; in fact, it was such that lead them into this darkened recess of the caverns, Musashi able to sense the rapidly moving soul of something, deep in the caverns and moving between the rocks. With Musashi were three Samurai; two in the normal armament, and one with horns on his helmet and a red color scheme, denoting his higher-rank.

The Captain-ranked Samurai had proven to be quite skilled in his swordsmanship, having wanted to test Musashi's abilities for himself before agreeing to bring her along; though she quickly defeated him in their spar with bokken, as they discussed their unique brands of Kenjutsu. Apparently the Captain was attempting to learn a unique form of Kenjutsu that Musashi had read about, that utilized Natural Energy in its execution. He seemed t o be struggling with it, though, and was using a strange oil that needed to be carefully handled to help accelerate the process; he mentioned that he had purchased it from some individuals from Konohagakure, and that he used it to polish his sword while practicing to help attune to the natural energies of the planet, motioning to a small clay jar at his hip. Likewise, Musashi spoke briefly about her ability to strike at one's soul with her sword, a step she found necessary as she strove to surpass her father's "blade at the pinnacle of heaven."

The time for conversation had long since passed, though, as in this darkened area of cavern the group remained on high alert, as Musashi's soul sensing indicated that whatever they were tracking was in the vicinity. Even in the cavern's chilled air, filled with minerals, one could make out the faint smell of blood; the area had obviously been altered as well: strange geometric shapes could be seen protruding from the walls at several points, some with deep gashes into them, in sets of three, or crosshatched into the stonework.

There was a faint bzzzt and the cascading of blue light as the two lower ranked samurai drew shortswords from their armor and cloaked them in an aura of chakra, forming shrouds shaped like katana as they took point in their expedition.

"Whatever it is, is nearby," said Musashi, as she placed a hand on one of the katana on her own hips. She could feel the presence moving towards them, but its elevation in relation to them seem to suggest it was further down in the mine? Or, no...it was moving through the stone itself.

No sooner did she say that then did a massive trio of bone-like protrusions come out out of the ground, nearly a meter long each, they ripped through one of the Samurai's armor like it was made of paper, as the scent of blood rapidly filled the cavern as it misted about from the blow.

Musashi could see the creature, cast in the lantern light held by the unfortunate grunt. It seemed to be human, or at least humanoid, perhaps a young adult man. Their face was white, but not pallid; more so like they had a thick caked on layer of make-up, and their hair fell behind them in four large dreadlocks; their garb was was simple, what looked to be the uniform of one of the miners who worked in the area, though ravaged and tattered, and caked with blood and dirt.

Their eyes were black, and beady, and there was a strange "X" shaped mark across their nose, meeting the corners of their mouth to the bottoms of their eyes; and of course, their hands, wielding only three fingers each that came to these incredibly large bone protrusions.

"Aaah, blood, fresh and right to my dwelling?
Lonely humans, dressed in their weakling stink,
Feast, for me, until my belly is swelling!
For I, from mother's waters, have had my drink."

The second lower-ranked samurai, then moved, in, swinging his shrouded blade and releasing a crescent of energy in the direction of the creature, and its torso, have emerged from the stone. The attack made purchase as it raced through the cavern, but one could hear the searing hiss of flesh, as they watched in the dancing lantern light as the creature's flesh melded itself back together, as if made of thick dark fibers, dancing between its muscles.

"Fall in!" barked the Captain, as they watched the creature retreat back into the stone, the cascading light of their chakra sabers dancing along the ground. "Musashi, let us know where this thing is coming from," he said, as they fell into a triangular formation, their lanterns now casting their light in frantic paths across the walls.

Musashi could sense the creature stalking them through the cavern's stone work; the sense of soul extinguished in the slain samurai, as he had been killed instantly. She was quiet for now, though, waiting to give direction as the creature drew closer.

"Cattle atop, safely in their pens,
Warriors below, unable to guard,
A hunger unyielding, strength unable to match
Ready for me, a fox to hens,
Their dogs drawn from out of their yard,
Your blades worthless, my head unable to detach."

"'Head unable to detach'?" thought Musashi, catching that strange bit of singsong in the creature's words, before crying out "From below!"

She stepped forward and spun around, drawing her blade, as it seems so too did the Samurai, following suit. The chakra clad blades of the Samurai were able to pierce the flesh, but Musashi watched as her blade collided with its skin, releasing sparks as she cut through its cloth, its body being cloaked in the Earth Spear Doton technique, granting it incredible defenses; Musashi's call out seemed to have saved the lives of the Samurai, as the creatures bone protrusions had come form underground in an uppercut like formation where the other lower ranked Samurai had previously been standing. It seemed it was trying to pick them off one by one, though Musashi mused it would be more than capable of cleaving them all through with a single blow if it managed.

Musashi watched, as again, the figure's wounds rapidly healed, as it completely shrugged off the Samurai's blows. It seemed to have some sort of high, innate damage resistance, or she simply lacked the ability to cut it with her blade alone; and while the chakra enhanced blades of the Samurai were capable of wounding the creature it simply healed the wounds.

Finally drawing her own blade, a wispy shroud enveloped her katana as she used ( Rōnin Seishin Ken no Jutsu ) – Rōnin Spiritual Blade Technique, the technique being her answer to the Samurai's own Samurai Sabre Technique.

She waited patiently as the creature circled through the stone, beyond the reach of their blades, Musashi was waiting to see where it would again to try and pounce form next, like some sort of carnivorous mole...but watched as suddenly bone bullets, spears really, fired out from its position at high speed; Musashi could see it due her incredible senses, but the low ranking Samurai was not so lucky, as they struck him clearly, and pinned him to the wall opposite the cavern, in his face, throat, and heart, as he was left dangling from the wall. The Captain cursed loudly.

"Musashi, here," he said, handing the clay gourd on his hip to her, as he maneuver himself to be back to back with her. "If you coat your blade in this, it'll draw natural energies to whatever the oil splashes on to. If they can't mitigate natural energy, it'll slowly turn them into stone - so make sure not to get any on you, either. But if should help us stop this thing's healing ability, or at least make it a little bit easier to kill, to slow it down."

"From above!" said Musashi, as she took the gourd and stepped back. As the creature came from the ceiling she saw its outstretched bone protrusions, aiming to get the captain from above; its other hand, the one it had fired the bone spears from, seemed to be missing them, but as it exited the stone, it began to regrow them; it seemed it couldn't both manifest new bones and move through the earth at the same time?

The Captain moved out the way; though he was faster in moving than Musashi, he was much slower in reacting, and watched as one of the claws caught him across the side, effortlessly shredding through his armor, and shattering on of the horns on his helmet. He retaliated in kind, though, swinging his blade clad in energy, and sliced through the bone claws that had slashed him; the creature was agile, though, and pivoted, sending the Samurai flying into a cavern wall with a rotating kick, catching the man across the wound the monster had just inflicted.

Her own strike also struck true, the creature too preoccupied with the Samurai combatant; Musashi's spiritual shroud struck the creature across its left flank, the spiritual curse that came with Spiritual Kenjutsu techniques afflicting the creature. Though the wound rapidly closed, as its body seemed to stitch itself back together, there was the strange discoloration that came with having one's soul cut reflected on the creature's torso, and it seemed to hiss and gasp with the strike, unlike what it had done with the other chakra based attacks; it likely hadn't been hit in such a manner before.

Though the creature tried to meld into the ground again, it seemed that the spiritual disruption caused by Musashi's attack prevented it from utilizing whatever technique it was that allowed it to merge with the earth, and it instead jumped back, barring large jagged fangs at Musashi, as she held her blade in hand, popping the cork off of the gourd the Samurai had handed her; the oil slid down the edge of Musashi's blade, as she held it edge upward, as it coated in the slick substance.

Musashi could feel a flow of energy into the blade she could not quite describe as the oil coaxed natural energies into it, but ignored it as best she could for now. The effect of her spiritual strike was not permanent, and would fade soon. Cognicent of the effects of her blade now, she doubted the creature would allow itself to be caught off guard so easily again, and so she needed to act quickly.

Musashi took a deep breath, and rushed the creature - while the creature's speed seemed to be immense, at least while it was able to move freely through the stone, the incredible aura Musashi exuded seemed to slow the creature in its tracks as she approached, and she focused - her blade once again becoming cloaked in ( Rōnin Seishin Ken no Jutsu ) – Rōnin Spiritual Blade Technique, and its wispy aura. The creature went to regrow the bones on its hand, and attempt to skewer Musashi as she approached; but when rushing into close quarters combat, one had to be privy to these swords of attacks, and Musashi's eyes were honed; she swiped the spiritual shroud of her blade, severing the bone claws once again, as she crouched down, coiling her body as she did so to come from underneath; for surely whenever the creature was able to meld with the earth again, it would do so, and Musashi aimed to take advantage of this mole-like creature's hit and run battle tactic preference.

A wispy blade of multicolored energy would manifest in her free hand, at her hip, as she swung it with a blinding speed, a form of Iaido that the Samurai were famous for; only different, in its utilization of a spiritual blade, as she performed ( Seishin Iaidō ) – Art of the Spiritual Quick Draw , at S-Rank. The blade would cut across the creature's legs, as the severing ability of the blade came into play as she struck, the creature would find not only the suppression ability from the strike across its torso renewed, but now his legs would be subjected to the same effect, as well as the spiritual blade that manifested restricting the creature's access to its own techniques.

Following this, now using her bare blade, coated in the oil that attracted Natural Energy as given to her by the Samurai Captain, Musashi followed up with a barrage of rapid strikes with her blade (( Ken Rendan no Jutsu ) - Sword Barrage Technique ), swinging her blade horizontally at the end, decapitating the creature; as its wounds tried to stitch themselves back together Musashi watched as the oil coating her blade did as the Samurai described - the flesh around its neck where her blade made contact slowly began to turn to stone and crumble with the rest of its body as it petrified, and the severed head did the same, the combination of Natural Energy and her spiritual Kenjutsu techniques seemingly overwhelming whatever ability this creature had to reconstitute itself.

As its head rolled across the ground, it spoke one final time, as if either to get in a last gloat, or warning.

"My brothers and sisters, their hunger they must sate,
Your kind, no longer will you thrive,
More children, from mother's water, more will we make,
Our time to rise, and your time to die."

The creatures head petrified as it spoke, before crumbling away, leaving only the eerie silence in the cavern. Musashi sighed a deep breath; she had gotten lucky. The creature was incredibly strong, seeing what it had done to the Samurai here, as well as the gashed stone surrounding the area; Musashi herself would have been completely unable to defeat the creature for good, she suspected, without that oil the Samurai Captain had brought with him. And given the creature's ability to effortlessly merge with stone and escape without trace, its incredible power, and its healing factor...it would have been a nearly untraceable menace to the people in Hachiman's Bulwark, and could have easily decimated the population before - or even if - the Samurai could devise a way to track the creature, much less determining how they needed to harm it.

And frighteningly enough, there were others like it? Musashi did not sense the souls of anything similar in the vicinity, at least, not traversing through stone or the like, but the thought was chilling. Her blade had found something that she could not cut; she needed more training, and time to think...but that would have to come later.

"Come on, don't give out on me now," said Musashi, as she ran over to the Samurai Captain, and opened his first aid kit that he had strapped to the back of his armor, and tried to administer some basic field aid to the wound. "We gotta get you out of here."

The Samurai gave a pained acknowledgement, as Musashi took a somber look at the corpses of the two Samurai slain here. Helping the Samurai stand, the two would then move to exit the mine to receive payment for her services, as well as report what had happened.
Musashi's travels were just beginning, and they looked to be eventful indeed.
Apr 8, 2021
Trait Points
Previous post.

This post marks the beginning of my mission using these storyboard elements:
- Explore the History of something (3)
- Fight an individual of comparable strength (3)


The collision of the wooden swords reverberated through the dojo, as Musashi took a simple step backwards and took up the chudan kendo stance. The individual across from her - a Samurai, and the master of the Dojo - did comparably. Yet another Dojo that Musashi had decided to challenge in an effort to evaluate and improve upon her swordamanship, and yet another Master she found herself against. Luckily, the Masters usually all were not simply defeated, and granted Musashi insight into how to improve her kata.

While battles out in the world, against brigands and the like, helped hone one's combat sense, training and dutiful practice were also needed to raise to the heights that Musashi aspired to, and so more structured duels as this one were invaluable. The last exchange left Musashi with one out of five points, to the defender's zero.

They resumed their conversation, as they moved back into combat, the level of their skill apparent in that they could think and talk with their minds - their bodies almost acting separately.

"So you've heard the rumors too? Strange whispers about some beast like creature attacking people, down south?" asked Musashi, Strange whispers heard by many on the winds, speaking about an end approaching, and people in the Land of Fire fighting an apparition of sorts that would flicker like a candle in a storm, but seemed to have all the might of a hurricane.

The clack of their bokken reverberated through the space; gentle prodding with half-steps towards each other, to goad the other with feints or to pry at their form and see if a weak point could be surmised; like many others in the Land of Iron, the Samurai of this Dojo were fast - faster than Musashi was, but her honed senses allowed to her to read them easily and react effortlessly.

A strike at her throat; a deft parry, sliding the blade above her head with her own, and a downward strike towards the men, Musashi's blade hitting the man's protective gear.


Two points out of five for Musashi.

"Well struck," commented the Samurai, before resuming both his stance and the conversation. "Indeed. Reports have come in about casualties by strange attacks from there. And I've heard the whispers myself; had I not I would have dismissed them as baseless rumors. While unsettling...without knowing more, there's not much reason to give it thought now at the moment, no? Though, with senses like yours, perhaps you're a bit more attuned to those things."

This exchange was much faster; the Dojo master circled around Musashi, trying to hide his word behind him with the Waki-gamae stance; but Musashi was in Gedan, her sword low; moving in forwards she brought her blade upwards, as he struck out. She struck his Kote as he struck her Do. In combat, he would have had the upper hand with such a blow, but the regimented nature of their Kendo-esc duel weighed the blows equally.

Three to one, in Musashi's favor.

"Without any more information, though, its hard to give it much thought. I suppose with all the recent sightings, though, if I wanted to investigate it would only make sense to travel to the Land of Fire, no? Isn't that where that tournament you mentioned earlier was? Could you tell me about it?" asked Musashi, as she cycled through to Waki-gamae stance herself, it being one of the two stances she had remaining to score with, having landed hits with Jodan, Chudan, and Gedan already.

"Ah, yes. I'm surprised you don't know about it, but I guess just being a Ronin doesn't automatically lump you in with the lot like that, does it? It seems that a group of Ronin have set up a sort of coliseum deep in the Land of Wind, a tower where they seem to conjure apparitions as well, and where people can test their might. Apparently the Champions that reside their are remarkably powerful, and difficult to defeat, though the Ronin there tend to reward those who emerge victorious, handsomely. If you're going to travel south, it might be a good detour from you. Traveling through the Land of Fire will likely be the only way to learn more about the strange attacks, and the Dark Tower, as its called, would be a good opportunity to test your blade in a more...live combat scenario, I suspect."

The conversation interposed between various strikes, the cracking and popping of the bokken colliding with each other sound out through the dojo before a sort of mirror match of sorts happened, Musashi striking the man's Do as her Kote was struck, having taken up the Gedan stance himself.

Four-two, Musashi's favor.

"Match point," the Dojo master said as he retook his stance, this time choosing Jodan since he needed it to score a point; Musashi took Hasso-no-gamae, the only remaining stance for her to score in.

"A conglomeration of other Ronin, huh?" said Musashi, contemplating the implications of that. Another pilgrimage would honestly be a refreshing change of pace, as she had always had a bit of wanderlust to her. Staying here within the frigid Land of Iron, while perhaps allowing her to hone her technical skill, wouldn't give her the space and freedom she needed - desired - to truly bloom, and test the ability of her sword the world over; to learn techniques and surpass them.

Having learned about the ability to channel Natural Energy into one's swordsmanship here, and knowing that the Ronin also used the same sort of Spiritual Kenjutsu techniques that she used and learned before traveling through the strange rift on that mountaintop one day...

Musashi's focus was as razor honed as the edge of her blades, as she watched as the man approached her, each sizing up the other. Both in aggressive stances, in real combat, any error here would spell death; in this situation, it simply would result in either another Dojo victory for Musashi, or another chance to defend his school for the Samurai.

In flash it was over.

The Samurai stepped forward, using his large frame to try and cut down on Musashi's freedom of movement, and brought his sword downward in an overhead slash in an effort to strike Musashi's Men. But his attack was too telegraphed for Musashi's eyes; shifting her weight to her right foot she turned, and swept her blade over, pushing the Samurai's bokken, bringing it down into the empty space were her body was previously; and with a simple rotation of her wrist and a forward step, she repositioned her blade and swung, the bokken flying over the top of the Samurai's arm and tracing up to his shoulders, stopping at his Tsuki, giving Musashi her final point.

Musashi bowed to the Samurai, who returned the gesture in kind; yet another school defeated by Musashi's swordsmanship, who knew how far off from the heights she strove for that she was.

Heading to her residence, though, Musashi was going to try and fill her belly and gather her traveling supplies.

Strange talkings of a powerful monster in the Land of Fire, and a Dark Tower run by Ronin with a powerful Champion in the Land of Wind...

Ronin would try and gather information in the Land of Fire, but would make her destination the Dark Tower, for now.

Musashi wanted to see the strength of these Ronin and their Champion first hand, and to see how far her journey would take her.
Apr 8, 2021
Trait Points
Previous post.

Having finished taking her belongings, and with some money to her name to help her make the trip, Musashi set out on her journey to venture to the Land of Wind where the Ronin's Dark Tower was located, with goals to challenge the powerful champion that resided there.

Travel Itinerary: 129 -> 125 -> 121 -> 120 -> 44 -> 48 -> 55 -> 5 -> 60 -> 62 -> 63-> 65 -> 67
Departing Hachiman's Bulwark (129) at 8:20pm (8/9/2021)
125: 8:20pm - 9:20pm
121: 9:20pm - 10:20pm
120: 10:20pm - 11:20pm
44: 11:20pm - 00:20am
48: 00:20am - 1:20am
55: 1:20am - 2:20am
5: 2:20am - 3:20am
60: 3:20am - 4:20am
62: 4:20am - 5:20am
63: 5:20am - 6:20am
65: 6:20am - 7:20am
67: 7:20am - 8:20am
Arriving at Dark Tower (67) at 8:20am on August 10th, 2021.

Leaving Landmark.
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Active member
Aug 21, 2010
Trait Points
Coming from Tazuma (130)

Barney traversed through the land, glancing across the tremendous fortress of black metal from afar. It was a sight to be seen, for sure. This reminded him of the city within Dainashi's man made cave, the one that was governed by his leader Alucard. The magnificence in front of his eyes was a true testament to the ability of human hands and their building prowess. Or was it man made?

Traveling towards Tenjin’s Cathedral (128)​
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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Storyboard Mission Element:
  • Gather ore for Marzan, part 1 - (Custom)
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Alucard and Lilith had skipped the mighty sea to eventually land in the iron peninsula where Marzan had told them was a good place to search for the materials needed to craft the weapon that Alucard wanted. Ore, so to say was supposedly to be found in these whereabouts but going for the traditional iron ore might not be high enough quality even though reinforced steel could be made from it with the help of a talented blacksmith. He looked around with his Tenseigan, there were a few settlements scattered around the place and his best bet was probably to ask one of the local miners on where to start looking. Lilith tagged along while enjoying the snow that fell on them. It wasn't too big of a difference between the iron peninsula and the lightning mountains to be honest and the fact that she had the ability to fly made the rocky terrain an obstacle she could easily ignore but not so much for Alucard even though he too could technically fly he did not want to cause some sort of scene. After an hour of hiking the two would eventually reach the nearest mining settlement and Alucard would do the talking since Lilith was.. Well a demon-looking child. Two miners spotted them and dropped their tools on the ground to see what a devil and a demon looking duo were doing there.

Oi, who are you lot?

They're demons, we need to run to the Samurai!!

We're here to find exotic ore. I don't suppose you know where we can start to dig?

The two stopped in their tracks and looked briefly at each other and then back towards Alucard.

For what purpose?

A weapon.. Designed to kill gods

Well, you're a damn lunatic ain't you? We've got Iron here, that's it.

..Obviously, that won't do..

Alucard suddenly raised his hand and used his gravitational pull to lock in on the two of the miners. Once they both were just a whisper away, Alucard knocked them out with a roundhouse kick.

( Tensei Hōyō ) - Reincarnated Embrace
Rank: S-Rank
Type: Supplementary/Defense/Attack
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Using his Tenseigan, the user is able to use gravitational abilities to pull something to them. The user will use his hands to focus the direction and the target his wishes to pull towards him. Comparative to Banso Tenin, this technique isn't an omnidirectional effect but rather a precise one. The user is able to pull anything he can perceive towards him. In certain uses, the user will be able to direct the pulled target as its being pulled into large arc-like movements, but will always end up pulling them towards him.
Note: Once used, takes 1 turn cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.
Note: Can only be used by Tenseigan Bios.

Wasn't that a bit harsh?

Lilith gloomed over the two knocked out miners who were fast asleep. Alucard remained silent and gathered up his chakra and placed his hands over one of them. He formed an orb, akin to those that formed when entering his Tenseigan Chakra Mode but in this case the orb had the sole purpose of intelligence gathering. It was the same technique he had used on Barney a while back.

( Ningyō Noroitama ) - Puppet Cursing Technique
Type: Offensive/Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user molds his chakra into the form of a green-coloured sphere. This sphere is held and can be seen as similar to the Rasengan in appearance. By sending it at an opponent, the user can use these spheres to temporarily take control of an opponent's body, effectively turning them into a puppet, with limitations of course. It also has tactical purposes, allowing the user to read the minds of those it enters, mentally linking to the user. These spheres can also have damaging effects, causing damage if used as an offensive sphere of chakra, similar to Rasengan. The user cannot use it for both puppet mimicry and to damage the opponent in the same turn. The user can alternatively use the offensive variant through his actual puppets, not the ones used from this jutsu.
Note: Cannot be used to force the opponents to kill or injure themselves.
Note: Only two puppets can be controlled at a time via this method and up to Kage ranked. Hold over the puppets last for only a single turn.
Note: Can only be used by Otsutsuki Clan bios.

Through his mind, he would see the thoughts and memories of the two miners who where on the ground and knocked out and after a few minutes of scanning he was done. He had found out where to go for finding a very particular ore deep underground which was very rare but there was only so much left of the substance in the veins of the mountain.

Alright then let's go.

The two headed back to the mine but this time they where as sneaky as possible in order to avoid any sort of problems and luckily they made it into the operation without being detected. They only used their mental link for communication now as they entered the dank mines of the iron peninsula. On their decent, Alucard grabbed a nearby pickaxe and carried it over his right shoulder. After about an hour of walking they had reached an astonishing depth and the silence would almost become unbearable until they both heard a pulsating soft voice coming from the dark below. A faint red light lit up the tunnel system on the right side of the walls next to depleted veins of iron ore. As they approached the echoing became louder and louder and started to sound akin to that of a heartbeat. Alucards grip around the pickaxe tightened as the two reached the premise of the red glowing ore. It was like staring into the sun, granted the almost total darkness on their descent had made their eyes very sensitive but still.

Is that it? It's sugoiiii..

Heartstone is what they called it i believe. Supposedly rare but i hope it meets Marzan's standards.. Oh well, let's give this a shot.

Alucard started to mine the Heartstone from the vein inside of the large mine. With every hit, the Heartstone would light up much more densely than in it's dormant stage. It was as if it was sentient in a weird way. After a few minutes, Alucard had gotten well enough material from the vein and he packed it up into a container. The pickaxe, he brought with him too on their way up. Once the two of them had re-surfaced after yet another hour of walking.. Uphill, they were met with a group of Samurai. It seemed as if their presence had not gone unnoticed afterall or the two dummies had woken up and run off to the authorities. The group of ten men strong, all with katanas raised and pointed towards Alucards and Liliths faces had been waiting for them.

So, funny sto-

You shut your mouth. Return the Heartstone at once or face capital punishment.

How about neither?

You asked for it, Men - Charge!!

Alucard grabbed a hold of Lilith who spread her wings, carrying her master above the ground and fled the samurai who acted like an antagonized beehive. While they lacked the resources to pursuit, they fired multiple blasts of chakra which Alucard easily absorbed through his dark mark after taking off his red hat and waving it in a teasing fashion. As they ascended high, the Samurai sheathed their swords and acknowledged the fact that the two weren't worth the effort of following.

(Meiton: Kyūketsukō) - Dark Release: Inhaling Maw
Rank: B
Type: Offensive, Defensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user uses their dark release to forcibly extract the physical and spiritual energy (chakra) of another ninja and absorb it through the upper square of the mark on his left hand, which can then be used to perform Dark Release: Judgment.
Note: Can absorb up to A-Rank Wind, Fire and Lightning techniques, S-Rank raw chakra or C-Rank Water, all within reason. Has no effect on Earth techniques.

Alucard and Lilith flew north towards the Cathedral.
