Green Bit (081)


Active member
Apr 14, 2012
Trait Points
Who was I? I wish I knew that exactly. The mere question sent flares through my brain. It was struggling to piece by information from various facets of my life. But nevertheless, the main points where there, but up until several months back information was incomplete, but from a few months until now it was completely blank. I had no recollection of what I had been doing or what had happened in the world.

I'm Vayne Aurelius, and I'm suffering from some sort of memory loss. I would declare, boldly. Can you help me out by any chance, stranger? If the man was a friend or foe, or merely someone that intended to exploit my situation it would be of little consequence, for I would find out the truth of the matter one way or another. However, currently he was the only shot that I had...
Finally securing 40% senchakra, Vegeta stands up and faces the newcomer..

Vayne?? You're extremely late. You were supposed to meet up with the members of Golden Sabbath, how did you lose your memory?

Geets remembered Uta discussing the man who had been a no show until now, what had kept him making him several months late to the party? As Geets waited for the other man to awaken, he would converse with him..


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Finally securing 40% senchakra, Vegeta stands up and faces the newcomer..

Vayne?? You're extremely late. You were supposed to meet up with the members of Golden Sabbath, how did you lose your memory?

Geets remembered Uta discussing the man who had been a no show until now, what had kept him making him several months late to the party? As Geets waited for the other man to awaken, he would converse with him..
Golden Sabbath... The name did indeed ring a bell, but I was not quite sure to what extent. I'd like to say in a glorious battle for the ages, but to be completely honest I have no clue... Can you help jog my memory by any chance? Who or what is the Golden Sabbath?


Active member
Apr 14, 2012
Trait Points
Golden Sabbath... The name did indeed ring a bell, but I was not quite sure to what extent. I'd like to say in a glorious battle for the ages, but to be completely honest I have no clue... Can you help jog my memory by any chance? Who or what is the Golden Sabbath?
The man was clearly not joking around. He explains to him a short version and that they would have to travel back to their lands and he'll explain everything else along the way. With a snap of his finger he releases the techniques binding sleeping beauty, and walks over towards him while concentrating his chakra to release the block he had put on the man's memories of summoning Toads. Reaching into his pouch, he grabs another of his burner cells and leaves it next to the man, Vegeta's number pre-programmed with a message waiting for him when he opens the screen instructing him to contact Vegeta. Afterwards, he texts Sado and Uta to tell them he was on the way back to the main base with a new member. Quickly making some seals, he bites down on his bottom lip drawing some blood that runs down the inside of his mouth, across the snake tattoo hidden inside his lip. With a slam of the hands and a poof of smoke, Geets favorite 3 headed Pit viper Tri-face appears. Vegeta jumps up onto the middle head, and the right head lowers down picking the man up. They then take off towards Golden Sabbath lands..

(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: San Kashira Ebi) - Summoning Technique: Three Headed Snakes (Pit-viper edition)
Rank: A-Rank
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
The user will summon a generic, 70 meter long Three Headed Giant Snake. These snakes vary in appearance and size and serve only as basic warriors, having only the normal characteristics of snakes. Although they are quite simple snakes, they are very enduring and resistant and they can take up to A-Rank damage.
Note: requires snake contract.
Note: can only be summoned once

LLM with Vayne's bio (Permission [ ])
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Pyro NB

Apr 22, 2015
Trait Points
Desmond and co continue on
Chakra: 2060-5-5=2050
Coming from x

Post automatically merged:

Desmond and co continue on
Chakra: 2100-5-5=2090
Coming from x

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Nov 24, 2017
Trait Points
This post marks the beginning of a mission:
- Travel to the nearby town (1)
- Bargen for your armour to be repaired (2)
- Take a job offer (2)

The sweltering sun was baking the small hut that Camille had set up, turning into something of an oven , as she woke up in a sweat once again a combination of nightmares and the disgusting humidity. Rolling over Camille sighed wondering if she would ever find inner peace within herself to rid the demon on her back, the memory of the village turning against her, and her sister being slain because of her. With a heavy sigh Camille got out of bed and put on her dirty clothes getting ready for the day, supplies were getting thin and she needed to restock, however the small change that she had was probably little more enough for a single hunk of bread. Packing her back, Camille noticed her armour was also looking worse for wear, a relic of an era she once wore proudly presented to her on her graduation day from the warrior training. Chips and nicks cut the armour while several small stains were starting to show in the fabric, leading Camille to grimace and sigh at the though of getting it repaired and fixed up. Throwing her bad over her shoulder she left the make shift hut made from earth and looked at a crude made that was made during her travels. There was a town to the east, close to the river, another village further west when she was travelling and another up north close to the border. Camille needed to clean herself up and so opted for the town close to the east, where she could also wash up in the river.

After a few miles she reached the river looking up and down spotting the town to the south. Taking a few moments to enjoy the quiet, the warrior washed up trying to at least make herself look presentable, and tying her hair up. Though many barely cared, it still didn't hurt to hide ones appearance, and Camille found that many had more faith in men carrying out their bounty's and missions than women. Following the river, Camille eventually came to the outskirts of the town, noting the neatly built homes, brick and mortar. This was a slightly developed town, no walls but not wood and straw huts, they may even have a blacksmith that she could barter repairs for. The town itself was quaint, in a self sustaining way where everyone had their own role, each building having its purpose and the river flowing next to it providing a fresh water supply. Looking up and down the back, Camille saw several chimneys with plumes of smoke, a few faces looking her way in curiosity, it seemed there wasn't many visitors that came their way.

It also didn't take long for Camille to wander around and find a job board, several small time jobs posted on the wooden posting. A few about fishing up food, a couple about looking after some children, but there was one, more than the others and probably the most dangerous at least by the standards on the board. Ripping the paper off took the job to 'scare away the dear eating my crops' Rolling her eyes, Camille would need to take a few jobs at this rate to pay off her armour repair, but it was a start. Looking for the darkest smoke along the river, Camille spotted a building with a water wheel on the side, a clanging and familiar banging of metal on metal. A burley looking man, covered in soot with a thick apron was pounding away on some iron, tools and plates hanging from the roof. Knocking on the door and entering Camille put her bag down.

Aye, what do you need?

Oh.. Uhm sorry one moment.
Camille dug around in her bag, pulling out the armour set and lifting it up, taking it over towards the blacksmith.

I need some repairs... its been a while and could use a touch up.

Taking the armour, he looked it over raising an eyebrow.

Not what I'm used to but I could touch it up, will cost a bit more than tools and horseshoes though you know...
He eyed her, clearly able to tell she was a bit broke for cash.

Well you see, I'm about to take this job-

He cut her off with a waive of his hand.

I don't work on promises. I cant waste materials if you don't come back.

Please, I've taken a job-
Waving the paper request at him desperately trying to convince him she was coming back.

Look, that will barely be enough to cover half the costs for the repairs I can do on this...
He put his hand to his chin thinking.
However, if you are taking on jobs, there is something I do need help with. You take it and Ill do half your armour now, and half when you finish the job. Think of it as a good faith payment.

Camille was hesitant, she wanted to move on shortly but she also desperately needed her armour fixed. Nodding, she was left with little alternative and asked about the job.
Alright that seems fair, so what's the job you need done?

The blacksmith nodded and waved her to come over to his table, wiping away mugs and plates. A map lay underneath of the various area's cutting off at the ocean south and a short ways into the land of fire.

Usually I get my shipments of iron from the Earthen Badlands, but somewhere in between, the merchants are getting attacked and less shipments have been coming through. The surviving merchants have described the animals attacking as giant rhinoceros beetles, but the way they attack, seems like they're co-ordinated. Usually animals like that wouldn't attack with co-ordination or even go after shipping merchants, there has to be something at play here. If you can make sure the next shipment comes through for me to talk to the caravan, Ill repair the rest of your armour.

It was a bodyguard duty once again, Camille having a pang of guilt over her history, failing to protect her charge and master. Swallowing the pit in her throat, she nodded slowly speaking softly.

Alright, Ill get your merchants. Ill wait for them in Tuareg and escort them the rest of the way. So how much can you do for the armour now?

The blacksmith chuckled. Well do you want the front or the back? Which is most important to you?

Puzzled, Camille though for a moment. Always face your problems head on her sister would say.


It took half a day but eventually Camille was ready to head out and look for these merchants.

Alright well Ill see you in a few days back with these Merchants. Who do I say has sent me?

You can call me Jonah, take my seal as well. Just as added proof.

Nodding and taking the small iron token, Camille set off.



Jul 7, 2011
Trait Points
[Coming from Here]


He'd travelled, he hunted, he fought and now Sin found his way here. It was time to hunt the ninja clan who sought to steal his bijuu for their own nefarious means. They had hunted him, attacked him, killed civillians and even rose the dead but for what? No one who had gone through this much to take the beast could have any positive intentions.

Through these events, something had changed within Sin, though not only his powers but who he was. He no longer sought to hide and cower, he was no longer weak willed. Now he stood before a base camp as the hunter to exact his own personal justice.

Mission start:

-Destroy the community who hunted you bijuu

He gazed upon the fortified basecamp from the treeline, hidden from sight, planning how best to deal with the group. Before carelessly attacking, he needed to be sure these were the ones who had been hunting him. He held out his hand as his eye closed with sand spiralling in his hand as he sent it forth through the air to scour the village. Gliding over the wooden barricades the eye passed around the back of a hut as Sin searched for any sign of a threat. As he moved through he kept from sight where possible due to patrols of armed guards. Around the encampment he saw a series of weapon racks, containers of explosives and quite the number of shinobi. Making its way around the buildings, Sin controlled his sand eye to head to the large building where upon reaching it, the eye moved inside. Once inside, the gaze was set upon the several people surrounding the table looking upon what seemed to be a map. Sin tried to move the eye forwards but it wouldn't move. Out of his control the eye was turned to a large bearded man who seemed to be holding it. "What do we have here?" He growled before crushing the eye as Sin's vision was lost within the encampment.

(Daisan No Me) - Third Eye
Type: Supplementary
Rank: D
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 10
Damge Points: N/A
Description: The user creates a eye out of sand.This eye is then connected by an invisible link to the optic nerve thus allowing he user to see with that eye (connect eye must be closed) The eye must remain close to the user but has a seeing range of 20/20 vision.
Note: Only Sand users can use this jutsu

Sin now stood in the woods looking on as a mass of shouts came from within the encampment, warnings as men appeared on the battlements, spears and bows in hands looking out to the woods. The rattling of armour could be heard within. Their forces mobilised read for him. Well it would seem he had the right place. Before proceeding, he would release a special form of sand through the area to get a feel for how many were out there. He didn't want to be caught off guard, not with previous events. It would seem as though there were at least 100 within the base camp, maybe more. Well this would be fun.

(Sesshoku Taipu) - Concealed Sand Picture Cat
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 15
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user will release a special type of sensory sand across a terrain and then upon contact with an enemy target the sand can alert the user of the location and presence of an enemy target. The sand can even detect invisible targets and stick to their body.

Stepping out of the treeline, Sin headed for the main gate. A volley of arrows and spears rained down on him, though they meant nothing. Colliding with his defensive sand and falling to the ground leaving Sin unharmed. Shouts of using explosive rounds and enhancing the weapons came from someone giving orders in the distance. Sin didn't care, he simply gathered sand in the air around him then with a wave of his hands releasing a gust of wind taking the form of a sandstorm, washing over the walls, shredding both wood and flesh alike. The bodies of those on the wall fell to the ground all around. The storm died down as Sin approached the gates now, the barrage was over.

(Fūton: Sasandan) - Wind Release: Sand Buckshot
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Mid-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: After scattering and compressing numerous sand particles, Gaara then expels a giant gust of wind, with the impact of a bomb to increase the force of the sand, creating a large-scale sandstorm. This attack is powerful enough to pierce through flesh with ease, and is difficult to dodge, due to the technique's speed and size. An additional benefit of this attack is that it pushes the target away from the user. Despite lacking lethal potential, the true purpose of the jutsu is to manipulate and immobilize the target by manipulating the sand in his bloodstream. However, this can't be used offensively or for any purpose other than preventing movement. After 1 turn, the dormant sand becomes uncontrollable and causes no additional harm to the opponent.

Note: Only useable by Gaara bios.

He placed his hand on the gate. Simple wood with steel holding it together it would seem. Stepping through the gate, his body became sand, reforming on the other side as projectiles passed through his sand form. Before him were 30 men in rows of 6 forming a small battalion of armoured men standing before him blocking his path. The back row being archers firing a mass of shots in his direction, finding their home in the gate behind him. He smiled, glad he could strike the fear in them that those they needlessly slaughter had felt. While in his sand form, the ground breaks apart into sand, rising up as he walks forward taking the form of a shield and sword. As he slowly walks forwards the men begin to advance. One by one they slash and swing at his body, their blade passing through. Sin simply smiled waiting for them to realise their onslaught was pointless before stabbing them. Rather than aiming for their armour, he aimed for the weak spots, their necks, under their arms, the back of their legs, carving his way through them towards the rest of the battalion.

( Suna Tainai no Jutsu ) - Sand Body Technique
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 20 ( - 10 per turn )
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user turns his own body into sand, or simply parts of it. While in sand form, he can cross long distances by soaring as a sandstorm. In this form, he is also invulnerable to attacks based on strengths and weaknesses of Sand. However, he is unable to attack during this form.

( Sanganken ) - Sandstone Fist
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user gathers sand in their fist which then changes form into stone-made weapons, like a mallet or a shield, perfect for close-range fighting. The created weapons are also very solid and durable. The user can throw these weapons and they retain their form.

The front line faltered but the second wouldn't prove more difficult. Their blades lit up with the fury of the elements. Fire and lightning roared from their blades along with wind enhancing the sharpness of others. Sin couldn't simply rely on his body of sand for this. Though his shield would rise to protect him, when it was a constant assault, his chakra would be rapidly drained if he kept relying on it. He would have to stop toying around. With swift hand gestures the ground itself would come to life as the dirt was broken down into grains of sand. This sand would wrap around the entire battalion, restricting their movements, preventing their onslaught, though Sin stumbled. He hadn't noticed before how much chakra it took to use this much of his abilities in one go. He couldn't stop, with a closing motion of his hand, he crushed them all in one fell swoop, crumpling their armour like it was as thin as a tin can as blood squeezed out of it. Releasing the sand they all dropped to the floor as Sin fell to his knee a little out of breath.

( Kyosei Suna no Jutsu ) - Greater Sand Technique
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: The will manipulate sand from either his gourd or call it forth from the ground, using hand gestures if to control it as he shapes it and uses it to his needs. Other Sand users besides Gaara will need to form a handseal. The user can use it to restrain enemies, defend from incoming techniques, produce simple constructs of sand (which lose their shape if control is released), sand waves, etc. If he uses the sand from his gourd, the technique is both faster and stronger, gaining a rank in strength, this only applies to Gaara.

Catching his breathe, Sin took a drink from his container before placing it back in his pouch. Before he could continue his attack, from buildings all through the area, men flooded out clad with armour, swords, spears, bows and arrows, crossbows... all the weapons you could imagine. The only problem was, there were twice the number there were before and each of these now glowing with chakra as they channelled their elements. He couldn't face all of these. He could retreat but how far would he get. He weight his options until a man came from the building at the end of the row. The one who had crushed his sand eye. Clearly one of their leaders. He stayed where he was as the rest of the squad stood ready. T hen he called out, he voice echoing through the town, "Well well well, we spent all our time hunting the rat but came crawling looking for the scraps. Sin was it? Piece of shit. Thought you could come in here thinking it would be easy? Now look at you. Well never mind that, cripple him but don't kill him, have your fun boys." His voice bellowed through the area as the group of men smiled and slowly began to move towards Sin.

Sin rose to his feet. He thought about how much chakra it would take to bind them and crush them all like the previous squad. Would he be able to pull it off. He doubted it. That precise control was exactly what used the most chakra. Now their onslaught came with his chakra draining like a cup with a hole in it. If he tried to bind them, his and would be deflected, he was left defending. Well this sure did suck. He wasn't being hurt but surely enough, his chakra would be ran dry, and he would be left at the mercy of those who he thought he was ready to face. Kinda ironic really. Though not a lot he could do to change that now. Not until a familiar voice screeched in his mind. "Why don't you let me consume them? It's been me they were after. Lets give them a reason to fear what they hunted." It was the one tailed beast. He sounded rather excited to take eat them. Though Sin knew he couldn't let the beast take control, he never knew when he'd regain control. He couldn't afford that risk, no matter how tempting it was. "You're a stupid as ever kid, try this..." As he spoke an image flooded to Sin's mind as he fell to the floor of exhaustion.

He slammed his fist to the ground, cause causing a crack to shoot forwards through the ground passing through the mass of soldiers before him. They looked at it with confusion having no clue what Sin had just done. Sin only knew due to the beast within and that's what they were all about the learn. The ground partitioned, cracking open causing them all to fall in as the ground formed into the mouth of the Shukaku. The mouth formed closing on them all, crushing them deep within the earth. This left only Sin, tired and worn out, kneeling as he caught his breathe and the man who crushed his sand eye. His last remaining for turned and began to flee. Sin went to give chase but fell to the floor in exhaustion. He needed his strength to fight.

Half an hour passed before he was able to walk as he followed in the direction of the last enemy.

( Messa Bakusō ) - Ruining Sand Waterfall Burial
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: 80
Description: Gaara creates a zigzag fissure of sand under the opponent. The zigzag fissure then erupts into the face of Shukaku which devours and seals the opponent away in 200 metres of sand. Gaara will then place his hand on the ground and have the sand compacts itself with such a force that only a a giant crater, 200 metres deep is left crushing the enemy into nothingness.
Note: Can only be used once per battle.
Mission end


Jul 11, 2022
Trait Points
Coming from here

-Escape the presences of some wild beasts

Mika arrives in a different location. The new location was different. He noticed large trees and vegetation. This place was beautiful. As he was looking up and a smile cracked on his face. As he was looking up a predator was sneaking up to him from the back since he has started moving forward. He didn’t know nor hear anything. He continued forward and the predator was still sneaking without making a sound. Another one was coming up from another angle(left) right along with another in front of Mika. He was looking forward and noticed the predator.

Mika stopped in his tracks after seeing the predator. He thought such a beautiful place this was but now it has its dangers to it. The predator makes its full presence known right along with the rest. They all pound their chest and let out a roar that shakes even Mika almost out of his shoes.

Mika didn’t have to turn around to know one was behind him so they all jumped towards him and he rolls to his left. They all slammed on the ground at the same time where Mika last location was. The ground it’s self cracked. Mika noticed this as he spun around looking towards the three animals.

“Three against one that’s not fair but y’all are beast so it make sense”

As he is saying this he performs some hand seals. He has the earth around the beast's arms and legs wrapped around them. They roar and try to remove their hands from the earth that has them wrapped up. Mika exhales water they would wash over them and make them even more angry. Mika stumbles back having flashbacks of seeing his brother. He thought this was his last day. He lays on the ground as the beast finally breaks free of the earth but they do have slight scars on their bodies but they didn’t slow down at all. If anything they became faster.

(Doton: Doryūha) - Earth Release: Earth Flow Wave

(Suiton: Taihoudan) - Water Style: Water Gun

They all rush Mika at once, roaring; galloping closer to him. They all hit him at once back to back to back. Roaring at each hit they land. They stop after three hits each noticing their attacks aren’t phasing him at all. There where Mika was is a puddle of water.

“To think you beast would stop after three. Smart but not smart enough to notice.”

One of them, after hearing Mika as if they had comprehended what he was saying, hits the puddle again. Mika laughs as he wasn't in the flash back anymore and ganged his composure again. Miks moves along the ground in his water form and reforms into his normal form. The beast was wet so he used this to advantage. Mika had to act fast so he used the fastest thing he had in his arsenal to slow them down and defend himself against them. He performs hand seals which he channels lightning chakra into a disk of light, three of them to be exact. He tosses them one after the other after creating them each. They hit the beast faster than they could react. They all take damage from them.

(Suiton: Mizu Kawarimi) - Water Style: Water Replacement

(Raiton: Raisogekishin) - Lightning Release: Lightning Rat Violent Quake

Mika tries to run in the direction of the forest. The beast all got up and rushed towards him. He couldn’t outrun them at all. He leaps up into a tree jumping from branch to branch. They start swinging on the branches as if they were at home. A branch Mika lands on cracks a little bit. He barely catches himself as he leaps off it. One of the beasts avoids the branch but another one notices the branch and avoids it also and same with the last one. These beasts had some form of common sense at least. Mika was trying to outrun them but started to slow down or they were getting faster either way he couldn’t say them.


Mika was getting upset and seeing the beast catching up to him as he looked behind him ever so often. He had to defend himself at least and get away from these beasts. He had a few other tactics to try so he exhaled a mist from his mouth that would follow him and cover all the land around him. He couldn't see either so he had to jump down from the trees and conceal himself from the beast so the mist should work. Everyone once the mist starts coming out they lose sight of each other(Mika and the beasts). Mika stops exhaling the mist so he doesn’t block his view before him. He just needed the beasts to get confused and not see what he was doing next. He conceals his whole body by going completely invisible.

He rushes away from the beast with ease but to be sure he makes sure to watch every step to be sure he doesn’t step on anything that could alert the beasts of his location. He heads towards the east which is in a different direction than the beast that saw him last.

(Kirigakure no Jutsu) - Hiding in Mist Technique

(Meisaigakure no Jutsu) - Hiding with Camouflage Technique


He continues running invisible and the beasts finally lose him and they roar pounding their chest. Mika can hear their roar in the distance. He whips his forehead with his left back hand. He was finally away from beasts and continue on his journey. He deactivates the invisibility technique and sits and leans against a tree. He can see an opening before him but he felt a little tired. He sits there trying to catch his breath before he continues forward.


520 +90(chakra regeneration per day three days 5% each) -20 -15 -15 -30 -10 -30 -10 =480 Chakra Pool


Jul 11, 2022
Trait Points
-Fight an individual of comparable strength

Passives: +10 to Earth and Taijutsu | -10 damage mitigation
Elements: Earth | Fire | Lightning | Wind
Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Kenjutsu
Rank: Genin
Mika gets up and heads to the open he can see. He had to catch his breath. He gets up still looking back to make sure the beasts weren’t looking for him anymore. Mika heads out looking around noticing more trees and grass. It wasn’t as large of a large opening as he thought. He sighs a little bit as he hears a roar in the distance. This roar was different, it had a human aspect to it. There was someone walking towards him but they looked different. They had extra arms on their shoulders and a gray look to them. Mika steps back at such a freak.

“Humans, humans , humans, such little insects to us.”

They point at Mika as if they were talking to him directly. Mika noticed that he kept on stepping back. He didn’t want any dealings with this person or thing. They kept on coming forward so he had stopped before he ran into a tree which blocked him from moving further back. The thing launched at him expanding their right arm showing their full body. The expanded arm reaches out to slap m(45 damage) Mika down since the arm was coming down vertically. Mika has never seen such an ability. He tried to get out of the way to the left but the thing kept coming at him. It slammed on the ground and still pursued him. It was as if it was second nature to this thing to keep moving until the target wasn’t moving. Mika felt the ground shaking and rocks started to form from it. He had lightning surrounding his body. He disappears from the thing’s view, evading the earth spikes that were forming from the ground itself. Mika appears to the left of the thing before him.

( Raiton: Ōbādoraibu ) - Lightning Release: Overdrive

“What exactly are you?”

“What I am is none of your business but I won’t be going back to that place. We are free finally.”

Mika was confused on why he said going back and we are free. He was wondering where but he didn’t have time to think about it. This thing wasn’t going to give up on its chase. The thing rushes at him and leaps in the air expanding its whole body and “turns” into a sphere(90 damage). Mika couldn’t escape the large size even with his speed so he activated the technique and did something different. He merged with the ground escaping the large thing as he drops and spins on the ground where he was before. Mika emerges from the ground. The thing had already been noticed somehow. Mika didn’t notice this because of his inexperience with such abilities that can detect chakra. He thought the thing was just looking around but no doubt the thing knew exactly where Mika was.

“Where are you from? What are you?”

The thing pursued forward as Mika was talking and was in his normal size again with arms on his shoulders held up. It reaches out as it say,

“The Underworld where you will be going.”

Mike dodges to the right but is captured off guard by an unexpected attack. The arms of the thing expanded and extended out quicker than he could even keep up with. The thing grabs hold of Mika lifting him in the air. Mika was struggling trying to get out the grips of this thing as it held him up in the air. It tosses Mika across hitting a tree(10 damage).

(Hiru Banshō: Bōka no Jutsu) - Leech All Creation: Attack Prevention Technique

Mika hits the tree and coughs up air. He was wondering about the Underworld. Could Hell be real? Is it really hot? Is Hell and the Underworld the same thing or different? The young lad could go on but he had to defeat this foe. As he got up the thing was already on go he released an unknown blue wall of energy(30 siris| 60 damage| Five meters each direction) directed at Mika. Mika reaches into his shinobi pouch and pulls out a fuma shuriken. He channels lightning chakra through it and tosses it forward at the wall of energy. The two clash canceling out but the thing was right behind it. Mika wasn’t surprised that the thing continued forward. With a few hand seals Mika touches the ground surrounding a radius of four meters in front of him lightning shocks everything in the area. The thing is hit with the lightning and falls on the ground receiving fifty damage since it does have a damage mitigation.

“Is hell real?”

“I… it.. it isn’t”

The thing couldn’t finish its sentence because of the shock its body had received. It was in pain. It didn’t have any means of healing so it was left with all sorts of burns on it.

(Raiton: Raisen) Lightning Release: Lightning Flash

(Raiton: Denpō Sekka) - Lightning Release: Telegram Flash

Mika walks in closer to the thing and of course Mika size compared to this thing is like David and Goliath but not as large. He performs a few hand seals. And just as he was a meter from the thing he slams his hands on the ground. The ground under the thing summons an Iron maneki neko which wraps it up in iron chains and closes and drags it down into the underground. It was yelling and banging against the iron walls but wasn’t successful. Mika was huffing at using the technique. He never used a summoning jutsu before in battle. He was still learning his style of fighting and who he was as a person, no as shinobi. He walks away pondering what the thing was saying. He had to leave this area and head out to find more information on this.

(Kuchiyose: Aian Meiden) - Summoning: Iron Maiden
