Gaikotsu Bay (255)


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Alucard travelled above the waters using his gravity field forming a rock throne for him to sit on. He continued west, with his eyes set on Kamiyasumi.



Mar 10, 2014
Trait Points
Coming from here.

A mechanical click sound summoned Khada back to the present, alerted every muscle in his body. The walls of his childhood home melted away into the blackness of his eyelids as the sounds of chopped waves and a screaming engine quickly reminded him of where he was. He kept his eyes closed and listened to the metallic clicks and whirs of weapons being assembled and drawn around him. They thought he was asleep but Khada never allowed such invulnerability around strangers. These memories that brought on lapses in his perception were abnormal: glitches he needed to figure out--if he survived this attempt on his life.

Khada slowly splayed the fingers of his sword hand whilst twisting his scabbard for quick draw and release. The boat's swaying hid his movements well as he steeled himself with a Bushido mantra: They do what they must, he repeated, and so I do what I must. That is justice.


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With his senses fully attuned to the movements around him, Khada counted the footsteps of each of the cyborgs as they advanced. If only their mechanical parts didn't whir so much they would have been more stealthy, he thought, and then smirked. One of the men gasped. Khada took the opening. His katana is drawn and flourished in the space of a breath--the last one his assassin had taken. A severed hand still clutching a pistol falls to the floorboard with a heavy thud and blows a head-sized hole through the cargo bay wall.

Sword still in hand, Khada lands deftly behind the other three men and re-sheathes, having jumped over their heads and swung faster than their organic eyes could register. The first cyborg who's hand was taken fell to his knees and did not move. A thin red line appeared around his neck and welled with blood before his head rolled clean off.

( Chiratsuki Kaihi ) - Flicker Evasion
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A skill usable by all Dokkodo users to move at high speeds to dodge, attack, or defend from techniques. The ability pertains to movement on the battlefield, meaning running, walking, jumping, dashing, etc. This allows the user to move at max speed to avoid obstacles or to attack with great speed.
Note: Can only be used with Dokkodo active. Ronin and Samurai are capable of utilizing outside of the mode but once per turn.

"What th--what just happened? Taku, scan!"

Khada would not give them time to understand. As he pivots on the back of his heel to face them he draws his katana once more, this time in a wide lateral arc meant to decapitate all three at once. The speed of the draw was like lightning, a flash of metal in the late evening sun. But before Khada noticed, a wickedly curved blade sprang from the arm of the one called Taku. The same cyborg that had a half of his face replaced. It seemed his arms weren't organic either. He parried the strike with a ferocity Khada had not expected, and it sends him out of balance for a moment.

"Right here. Turn around!" Taku screamed as he produced another curved blade and swiped for Khada's exposed chest.

The parry had sent Khada sword hand high over his head, which gave him little time to assume a counter stance. He sees the second blade coming and another mantra flashes across his mind:
the sword is only a tool, the weapon is the wielder. He releases his katana and surges forward into his opponent's swing. At the same time the other two cyborgs turned to face them, one of them pulling a pistol from a space in his chest. In a flash Khada moved inside Taku's swing whilst focusing chakra into his arm. Then without waiting for the swing to be completed Khada strikes upward at Taku's chin, shattering the bones there and sending the man so far into the cargo bay roof that only his twitching legs were left visible.

( Zettai Tōroku ) - Absolute Inscription
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 60
Description: The user quickly draws his sword, slashing everything around himself and is capable of attacking multiple opponents with quick speeds.

( Mikiri ) - Anticipate
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 60
Description: A very advanced aspect of Bukijutsu entails dodging enemy attacks and responding immediately with a counter attack, by performing a dodge at the right moment the user is capable of moving inside or outside the opponents guard and returning an attack. This ability allows an immediate counter attack following the dodge that occurs with a 3x speed increase.
Note: Can only be used thrice per battle.

( Raijin ) - Zeus
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: The user will strike the target into the air with a lightning infused uppercutting palm attack.

Two things happened simultaneously afterward: the cyborg that pulled the gun from his chest leveled it at Khada while the other one ripped off his shirt to reveal coils of wires around his torso and arms. With an evil grin the shirtless cyborg dashed behind Khada and wrapped his arms around him before he could move. Then he surged electricity through his coils, shocking the breath out of Khada's lungs and blurring his vision with pain.

Suddenly, the walls of his childhood home reappears. Specifically, his father's dojo. The heirloom katana is in his hands and he stands facing a man in practice. It was not his father, for the person did not wear the family crest on his kimono. He spoke with authority, though: "You were hit because you were sloppy. Don't spend all of your time looking at my sword. Watch where my eyes are looking and you will always know where to meet my blade. Again!"

Khada comes to just as the gun fires. But he'd seen the look in his opponent's eyes prior--he knew exactly where the chakra bullet was aimed. With this knowledge he flicked his head to the right whilst stomping his heel down on his captor's toes. The bullet zipped by his face followed by a sickening, wet sound. The massive electric arms around his shoulders loosened, and his captor's stiff, headless body collapsed to the ground behind him.

Arms free again, Khada dashed toward the reloading crewman. As he brought his pistol level again, Khada would drive the weapon into his face by grabbing his wrist and shoving it up and backward toward his head. The metal crunched against his nose and broke it with ease, which warranted a yelp from the cyborg. In retaliation he swung his free arm at Khada's face. The Samurai would deflect it to the right with his right arm while he ducked to the left under his opponent's bloodshot right eye and delivered a tiger palm strike to his chest, exactly where his heart was.

Khada then hopped back and assessed his surroundings. All of the crewmen had been accounted for--

"I'm... not that easy," the man spat as he staggered back from Khada's critical strike. Blood oozed from his nose and mouth. "Not that easy... to kill..." He leveled his pistol at Khada again but it only tumbled out of his grip. He coughed up a handful of blood and collapsed soon after.

Khada stepped over the headless brute and retrieved his sword afterward, noticing how spotless it was despite the bloody cargo bay.

( Mikiri Sōjū ) Close Encounter Maneuver
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: N/A (40)
Description: The Mikiri Sōjū is an ancient art practiced by both Samurai and shinobi alike. It begins with the user carefully perceiving an incoming attack of considerable size, usually like that of an incoming Kenjutsu or Taijutsu strike, though this technique is capable of defending from more unconventional attacks within reason. Once the attack comes within range the user will time it and react with a sudden move in a given direction while deflecting the strike to the opposite direction with either their weapon or limb. For example if the user moves to the left, they'll deflect the strike to the right. When done in quick succession it leaves the opponent wide open after attacking. The user may then quickly capitalize on this moment of surprise and weakness with a critical strike aiming for the head or heart with their weapon or hands. Due to its complexity, the Mikiri Sōjū may also be used to defend from small, projectile based attacks as well. Can only be performed a total of 4 times per battle.

"That's four," Khada said to himself. "Now for the captain."

"Come on now, Jhin Khada. I told you my services would cost ya. You said you would pay," called the old man's voice from behind the closed door that lead further into the boat. "I thought Samurai never went back on their word."

"Who do you work for?" Khada said.

"The powers that be," the old man replied before a powerful blast of water blew the door off its metal hinges and barreled toward Khada.


The wave uprooted everything that wasn't bolted down. It gathered up all the iron ore crates and dead bodies and threatened to crush Khada with them and flush him out of the boat into Gaikotsu Bay. Thinking quickly, Khada focused chakra into his katana and thrusted it forward. Another technique he'd learned in his father's dojo, he was yet to fully master the chakra control it required, so he prayed it would be enough--because it was all he had in the face of certain death. The chakra he'd channeled into the katana leapt from it at the end of his thrust and took the shape of a green arrow before plowing directly into the wave of water and splitting it in two straight down the middle.

Not only that, but the arrow continued through the wave until it reached the source, the old sailor, and pinned him to the wall. The weapon he'd used to produce the wave--his own prosthetic leg--flew out of his hand and slid across the floor. Khada then stabbed his blade into the floorboards and held on as the split wave washed by either sides of him, taking all of the carnage and loose items and dumping them into the sea.

Khada then approached the trapped sailor and rested the tip of his katana against his neck. "I won't ask again."

(Kenjutsu: Sōdo Yajirushi) - Sword Art: Sword Arrow
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will channel raw chakra into their sword and perform what seems to be a simple thrust. But, as the user fully extends their arm, they'll use shape manipulation to release the stored chakra in the form of a green arrow that measures about 1m in length that travels quickly. The arrow is also incredibly sharp, so much so that it's able to split apart techniques of the same rank and below. As the chakra is released the user can will it to split into four parts in order to attack multiple opponents, or a single opponent from different sides.

Note: Only useable twice per battle.
Note: Courtesy of Ańbu Juniør

"Go on and kill me. They'll never stop coming for you."

Khada considered this for a while. "I got better idea," he said and reached for the man's ear.

"What are you...? No! No, you can't!"

He ripped the Neural Interface Card from its socket behind the captain's ear without a moment's hesitation. The old man immediately went limp and began drooling on himself. Khada then inserted it into a similar socket behind his own ear. He wanted to squeeze his way into Arata Labs' database to get their location information but it seemed they knew he would have slaughtered this crew of sailors: SURRENDER, JHIN KHADA, was all he got from the card along with: SELF DESTRUCT SEQUENCE INITIATED. T-5, 4, 3...

Khada immediately ripped the chip from his head and through it out the back of the boat into the water where it detonated in a magnificent plume of foamy seawater that rocked the vessel harder than anything else that had happened so far.

He had no luck with the Card, but there was still something he could use: the boat itself. It clearly had advanced technology that belonged to Arata Labs. He would make landfall somewhere discreet and try his hand at the boat's tech to see what he could learn of the shadow organization that way. Khada left the drooling captain there slouched against the wall and took control of the boat. He saw they were programmed to make landfall at some place called Yume Island and removed those co-ordinates, mainly because he wasn't familiar with the place but also because he had no idea who would be waiting for him there. He would go somewhere else entirely.

Chakra: 600 - (20 + 30) = 550

Mission end. LLM.