Gaikotsu Bay (255)


Active member
Aug 17, 2010
Trait Points
Thought it would be cool to give the ship a health pool, and some armor similar to a raid boss. Something substantial and worthwhile that actually posed a challenge instead of steamrolling this shit for the kumi. So, what follows is basically the Samurai ramming vessel's armor, and health. Meaning my clone will have to literally tear the ship apart to sink it.

Armor: 200
Health: 250
Continuing and from.

It took a while but eventually, the modest crew found themselves on the rolling waters and waves of the Gaikotsu Bay. The waters here were actually a lot less hostile than those of the Aisu Bay, the icebergs and cold seawater broke into a swell of calm open sea in all directions for as far as the horizon stretched. Considering that this was off the coast of the Lightning Mountains and the Land of Iron it was strange to see such clear open ocean at least that was what Jack thought. He wasn't exactly used to other bodies of water spending weeks on the chilly waters of the Aisu Bay.
They were on the sea for maybe five or ten minutes when they found a ship bearing the crest of the samurai of the Land of Iron. Jack pointed onward toward the ship as he bellowed out to prepare for action. As the warship moved forward, Jack switched off the wheel grabbing yet another random Uchiha, whose names he hadn't learned yet. He called out to the three winged Uchiha from before, the ones he had gifted the transformative Yang energy to. With a loud piercing whistle, he flew up into the air using the wings he had kept active from his previous Sage Transformation. That was when it happened, the target ship, the one sailed by the samurai of the Land of Iron that was covered in iron plates and a sharp metallic tri-point at the front rushed forth toward the Hangurian warship. Jack was trying to get their attention, but what he actually got was their ire.
These men weren't like those pacifistic Witchwood traders that they had plundered before. They were war-like, intelligent, sophisticated, and strategic they knew instantly what was happening. They were under attack, by pirates, and they weren't having any of that. With a resounding "thwaaakakaooom" the tri-point of the ramming vessel slammed into the upper portion of the warship.

We are-... the Hangurian Privateers.

Before he could even finish his sentence Jack was interrupted by the chaotic sound and then the destruction brought on by the ramming maneuver. There wasn't time for the whole rigamarole as he motioned his hands forward throwing them at the ship concentrating chakra into the water below. He needed to get that ship away from his, it was his only option if he wanted to minimize the damage to the ship. As of that moment, only the bow of the ship had been damaged, it was buckled slightly, as the wood splintered a large three-pointed hole punctured into the front of the ship.
Jack called upon the water molding his chakra through it creating a great torrential wave of water to rush up from below the ramming vessel as it pried it off of the Hangurian vessel slamming it back toward where it had come from. The force of the wave was rough, pressurized and forceful peeling away a few of the reinforced portions of the ship mainly the sheets of metal that provided the metallic ship it's protective armor of sorts. It always forces the ramming vessel back several meters putting it easily thirty more meters away from the Hangurian warship.
A man stepped forward from the mid-section fo the Samurai war vessel and with a guttural tone called out his voice piercing through the sea carrying over the waves. Even with the ship rocking and slamming back and forth due to the wave of water and force he stood resolute looking directly up at Captain Jack. His voice was grating and hard, a well-worn and stubborn man it seemed.

(Suiton: Kyojin Nami Shougeki) – Water Release: Giant Wave Crash
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user gathers a large amount of water that can then be used to crash into the opponent. It is strong enough to push back Killer bee in Eight tales form.
Note: Requires a water source.
Ya, think we ain't dealt with pirates and privateers a'fore ya dense twat? I dun' care if you work for the Shogun or the Sage of Six Paths 'emself. You'll take this ship, my ore, and my crafts ov'e me' dead corpse. Now, why don'cha come take it a'fore I come up there and give it to ya. Ey, boy ya listening to me? **** waitin' for ya to get it on your own, I'm gon deliver to ya. Lemme guess, ya don't think we Samurai know your shinobi tricks. Eh bullshit, we're just honorable enough not'a use em against normal folk.

While the man went on to call out to Jack he took several steps toward the bow of the ramming vessel, unaffected by the shaking of the waves. The samurai's balance and stance were pristine as he rested his right hand on the hilt of his sword until in one fast, fluid, and nearly unrecognizable moment of pure speed he gripped the hilt of his sword tight.
In a fraction of a second, an imperceivable moment he unsheathed and resheathed the blade in waving it through the air in one swift arcing motion. With the blade moving so suddenly it was almost impossible to see that as it happened it picked up the wind around it creating a fast-moving gust of wind aimed for Jack and the other flying Uchiha.
Jack, the clone was actually surprised to see this, an actual offensive. He was both glad and mad at the same time. He expected this to be easy pickings like the last vessel but everything up to this point told him that, that thought was a mere fantasy. He had to act properly and rapidly otherwise the morale of his crew would falter. They needed to see that he was a strong, stalwart person who could lead them through paramount danger. He had to prove they could trust him as a captain.

(Fūton: Shinkūken) - Wind Release: Shock Blade
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user swings their blade and a gust of wind is released in the arc that it was swung in. The technique is strong enough to stop projectiles that are thrown at the user.

You're spry for your age. I'll be taking everything from you. Your wares, your ship and even your honor and pride. Though, I have to commend you for your tenacity and bravado, the one thing I won't be taking from you is your life. You'll be an example of what happens when the world stands in the way of the will of the God-King Takauji Ashikaga. You really would have made a decent asset in his army, it's a pity. Takauji will cleanse this world of those who oppose the Freehold. So, with the time you have left before utter defeat, tell me your name.

He was gradually growing into his role, a sadistic sea-captain, under the thumb of Takauji Ashikaga. At least that was the story he wanted the world to see. The brutal Shogun, who resorted to theft, piracy, and violence to obtain what he felt was his birth-right. The more he could smear the Shogun, the more he could turn the world's perception of him into one of true hatred, meant he could rally them behind the Golden Sabbath's banner to fight a war against a broken foe.
Jack would form a single hand seal doing two things in unison. First, he would concentrate fire through his stomach and chest as the gust of wind moved through the air and toward him. Second, he would at the exact same time he would mold poison on his right hand so that as he expelled fire from his mouth in a great wide-jet of flames he would throw his right hand forward releasing a crimson red ichor feeding it into the flames. This would create a two-fold symmetry the liquid acting as an accelerant as the flame ate the liquid using it as a fuel source.
The column of fire was aimed for the bow of the ship, as it struck the ramming vessel directly behind where the samurai stood resolute in his stance and posture. The fire would spread back along the mast of the ship, running along the deck, and all the way to the stern of the vessel. It tore through the wind gust as if it wasn't there overpowering it easily and saturating the wooden parts of the vessel and its sails in sticky flammable liquid. The fire burned hot, as it struck several of the other samurai who fell in behind the much older, stronger and wiser one.
The phalanx of samurai incinerated spontaneously leaving nothing of them but their standard issue armor. Jack began to laugh maniacally as if overwhelmed by sheer joy at the prospect of actual sea-combat. The liquid stuck to the ship like napalm catching the wooden parts on fire, severing multiple plates of metal from the ship as the wood burned away leaving the metal to fall into the ocean with a loud crashing splash leaving the stern of the ship exposed.

( Katon: Gōen no Jutsu ) - Fire Release: Great Flame Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80 ( +10 the Fury ) = 90
Description: The user does one handseal and inhales while molding a great amount of chakra into their lungs and expelling a large stream of flames from their mouth. The user has control over the concentration of the technique, being able to produce a narrow jet of flames, highly concentrated or one that will widen along its range. The flames are hot enough to quickly evaporate large quantities of water within a relatively short amount of time.
( Dokuton: Ikari ) - Poison Ninjutsu: The Fury
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 40 ( 10 per turn to maintain )
Damage: 80
Description: The Fury is a highly flammable and ignitable liquid poison that works similar to a nerve agent. It causes blisters upon the skin and burning of the eyes and lungs and causes symptoms similar to third degree burns upon any flesh it touches. It can be used by creating a torrent of liquid poison from the hand through a palm strike or it can be administered through a direct finger jab by being used to clad the hand in a liquid shroud of poison. This is partially inspired by (Raiton: Raikiri) - Lightning Release: Lightning Blade and (Dokuton: Kurote no Jutsu) - Poison Release: Black Hand Skill. However it's real usability comes in when used alongside a fire technique as it is flammable and works like a fuel source similar to oil or another combustible liquid when ignited.
It can be used in the same timeframe as an A rank fire technique or below to raise a fire technique's rank or alongside an S rank but only grants it 10 additional damage. The user is able to clad both of their hands in poison and create two blade-like constructs similar to what can be done with water release or they can clad a single hand in the poison either way they are able to constantly feed poison into the construct in a similar way as to how Lightning Blade can be used. It can be used offensively to attack or defend augmenting taijutsu usage allowing the user to create slashing, piercing or blunt damage but due to needing constant dokuton chakra to sustain it the user is only able to use poison techniques while they extend it's usage.
Note: Can only be used two times per battle and can last four turns at maximum
Note: Can only be used alongside fire techniques twice and can't be sustained if done
They call me, Noken Ironwrought, it's only honorable to tell my dying opponent me' name. What are ye' laughing at ya daft cunt? Ya missed me! I still stand a'fore you untouched by your brazen bluster. Maybe next time adjust yer' aim and actually hit me then maybe you'll do some actual damage.

As the samurai said that the man would perform several hand seals.

I wasn't aiming for you, ya daft cunt. You thought you could speak out against the Shogun? His will is absolute. If you kneel here and now, in front of me, a trusted general for the Hangurian Black Ones, I will spare your soul and allow you to serve me as a vassal under the great and powerful Takauji. Set aside your past allegiances and realize that the entire world belongs to the Shogun.

Jack spoke with an arrogant tone as he motioned his left hand in a circular motion. It seemed like he was telling the samurai to look behind him and as he turned his head to look the samurai would expel several long, thin, sharp blades of wind toward Jack. This time however he actually got a look at the destruction caused by the last succession of techniques. Several of his weaker men were reduced to ash, several more were screaming in fear, and the fire kept spreading up the mast of the ship lighting the sails ablaze.
The samurai's eyes squinted as his nose, and eyebrows rose in pure anguish and rage. He was pissed, the joking, immature tone he had used before faded slightly as real malice began to enter his voice. He looked back up to Jack as he huffed and puffed in anger. It was obvious that he was biting hard on the story Jack was feeding him. He would take this back to the Land of Iron, if Jack left him alive, he would tell the story of how the Shogun's men burnt his crew to a crisp.
Sado and his clones realized early on that controlling the information that flowed through the world, was a strong tool. If they could keep the world busy, and distracted with gossip they could continue to expand their empire. This was just one in a long line of stories. As Jack spoke he would raise his arms into the air signaling the Uchiha to cheer. They listened but they now knew that the immature, Captain Jack, that they had no choice but to follow was much stronger than they had previously thought.

Ya' shouldn'a'dun that.

(Fūton: Shinkū Renpa) – Wind Release: Serial Waves
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: After performing a the required hand seals Rat → Snake → Horse → Dog theuser takes a deep breath and exhales several blades of wind at different angles, by rapidly moving their head in various directions. The power of this technique can be dramatically enhanced when utilised in conjunction with the effects of extreme suction, such as that generated by the Baku, where the augmented attack proved effective enough to even slice through the defences of a complete Susanoo.
When the man released several blades of wind from his mouth Jack would create boosters on his back, below his wings. He realized the he didn't exactly have to fight the man right now. The best course of action was to focus on hitting the ship, hard, and abruptly. If he could peel away the armor, and hit the hull of the ramming vessel directly, he could land a decisive blow sinking beginning the process of sinking the ship.
He also wanted to get in closer, to start plundering the vessel for any treasure he could obtain so deciding to avoid instead of taking the samurai on head first he made it possible to keep him alive. In the end, he needed someone to survive to spread the lie of the Ashikaga Shogunate and foolishly he had chosen that samurai to survive this battle. Jack expelled a blast of chakra from his back, creating a jet of force.
This force allowed his to alter his trajectory, and allowed him to completely evade the blades of wind as he flew to the left and then forward toward the ramming vessel. He waved toward the other flying Uchiha and slammed his left hand forward commanding them to follow him and begin plundering the ship. Together they flew forward the Uchiha following the orders given to them to they flew in grabbing several of the crates of heavy refined ore. Jack, however, would want to land that decisive blow to the ship as he formed a single hand seal preparing himself. He would coat his right hand in earthen rock, releasing it from his skin like a second skin as he created a huge stone fist.
He surged chakra through it as he punched downward toward the stern of the vessel. As the earthen fist traveled through the air it got bigger, and heavier until like a meteor with another resounding "thwaaakakoom" it burst into the final few plates of iron bursting through it and hitting the wooden base of the ship splintering the wood and causing water to spill into the back-end of the ship. The earth had grown out from Jack's arm as the trail of rock and earth, rushed forward never breaking from his arm creating a bulky flying fist of rock traveling at terminal velocity. He also increased the weight of his arm to instigate the strength needed to move such a thing.

(Senninka: Tsuyoi Uyoku of Illidan) - Sage Transformation: The Mighty Wings of Illidan
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid (when used to attack)
Chakra: 30 (+10 to sustain per turn)
Damage: 60 (when used to attack)
Description: A member of Jugo's clan uses their Sage Transformation ability to form two fleshy bat-like wings on his back. These wings can sustain flight and can be sustained for an entire battle as long as he remains conscious. The wings can be used to attack the opponent directly using sharp hook like growths from their tips, these hooks are claw-like in nature. Like most of the Jugo clan's jutsu these can be sustained as long as he has enough chakra to do so. The user can create boosters on their back once per battle that last for three turns. The boosters can be used to avoid incoming techniques by quickly changing the user's trajectory and moving them out of the way just like the Jet Booster Jump technique. This can only be done thrice per battle and counts as a move each time but can be done in the same timeframe as another technique. The user flies at their current running speed.

Note: Can only be used thrice.
Note: The boosters can only be maintained for three turns and created once, the wings can be sustained indefinitely.
Note: Courtesy of Howard
(Doton : Hisan Kobushi)- Earth Style : Flying Fist
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80 ( +40 ) = 120
Description: After performing a single handseal and coating the one of the user's fist with earth chakra, he is able to put his hand forth and launch a fist made of earth. For every second that fist travels in the air towards the enemy, it get's bigger and bigger. The further the enemy, the more it packs a punch.
Usable two times per battle
Can only be used/taught by ~Yondaime~
After a few minutes if the user doesn't launch it, the user's hands would grow weary and tired due to the sheer weight of earth on his fists.
(Doton: Chō Kajūgan no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Super Added Weight Rock Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A (+40 if used to add damage)
Description: A more advanced version of the Earth Release: Added Weight Rock Technique, in which the user drastically increases the weight of any object in direct physical contact, but to a much greater extent than that of the original ability. This technique can increase the weight of a target up to 100 times. Under certain circumstances, the technique can be used to increase the force behind attacks.
Note: The weight change lasts 2 turns or until countered.
The flying Uchiha lead by Christopher would carrying the plundered treasure back to the ship just as the last few flecks of Yang energy in their bodies died out. They landed upon the hull of the ship right as their extra appendages fell from their body. It was at this point that they realized that they had left their captain behind, They actually cared, the show of force, instilled respect in their captain.
However, Jack had one final plan to show this samurai his strength, power, and force of will. Jack would gently land upon the deck of the ship fire rising high around him, surrounding him and the samurai who took two elegant, graceful steps forward. Jack, took two hard, rough steps forward mimicking the samurai's movement as the clone's arms seemed to elongate slightly as he underwent one more Sage Transformation. He had a plan, to land one single, reverberating blow. A strike that would echo through this man's mind, and instill in him a need to tell this story, a deep, ingrown desire to tell about the day he saw a man break a ship right in two, in front of him, with his bare hands. Not just any man, a man representing Takauji Ashikaga himself.
Jack's right arm stretched unnaturally extending just a bit as he threw it behind his back in an awkward, irregular manner. The flesh and bone twisted and bent in a horrendous way as it slide back away from him and behind him as if it were made of rubber or gum. Jack would take another step forward, before jumping into the air using his wings to stabilize his air-time. He wanted this moment to seem as badass as possible as he began to speak. His voice felt wild and erratic. His tone was unstable and somewhat psychotic.

I shouldn't have what? Killed your allies?

Stole your supplies!? BROKE YOU SHIP IN TWO!?

Jack got progressively louder with each "should of" he increased the weight of his right arm as it began to rush forward from its awkward position. It swung forward like a rubber band that had been shot forward using his previous transformation, to alter his next attack. He looked directly at the samurai making direct eye contact as his heavy hand whipped forward reaching the area infront of his body.
With one final strike, he surged Yang energy through his arm increasing his strength even further along with his speed. At that moment his fist struck the deck of the ship with one, loud, echoing boom. To say it was a boom, was an understatement. As his fist met the wooden deck a surge of air ruptured outward as if he had broken the sound barrier.
The noise radiated over the sea as the air pressure blew out the remaining plumes of fire. The wave of force threw the samurai back, off of the ship into the water as like a cumbersome egg-shell the deck of the vessel split and cracked.

(Senninka: Nigiru Kyojin) - Sage Transformation: Grasping Giant
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A (+40 when used with Taijutsu)
Description: A pretty basic technique a Jūgo clan member simply changes the elasticity of their arms or legs while attacking allowing them to extend a blow much farther then it could ever hope to naturally go. This could be used to augment taijutsu increasing the range of a technique while also increasing or augmenting the damage it deals. To do this the Jūgo clan member must put excess muscle and force into the attack using snapping and stretching motions to gain the extra momentum to extend their reach and power. Due to them extending their limbs over long distances they put them-self in an awkward position the farther they do so the more danger they put them-self in. It may take only a few moments to extend and retract a limb but those few moments are moments in which they are left in an awkward position where their limbs are stretched far away from their body. These could be adjusted in whipping motions to continue attacking to offset this slight disadvantage.
This can also be used to create and control momentum when in mid air by controlling the way their arms or legs retract. It can also be used to grab onto things such as allies opponents or objects to pull them to them or have them pull them-self to the other person by controlling the way their limbs retract.

Note: Can be used four times per battle
Note: Courtesy of Howard
(Doton: Chō Kajūgan no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Super Added Weight Rock Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A (+40 if used to add damage)
Description: A more advanced version of the Earth Release: Added Weight Rock Technique, in which the user drastically increases the weight of any object in direct physical contact, but to a much greater extent than that of the original ability. This technique can increase the weight of a target up to 100 times. Under certain circumstances, the technique can be used to increase the force behind attacks.
Note: The weight change lasts 2 turns or until countered.
( Yoton: Sutairu wa otoko ) - Yang Release: Styles Separate Man
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 50
Damage points: 100 ( +30 to a physical technique ) ( +40 Grasping Giant) ( +40 Added Weight ) = 180
Description: Similar to Power of the Sun, Ring of Hell or Yang State this technique works on amplifying the strength of the body through the application of Yang energy however instead of doing that through a drawn out mode it aims to do it for an instant. The user sends a swell of Yang energy through their body to a specific area augmenting the strength and speed of that limb for a few brief moments allowing that area of the body to move faster and hit harder just at that moment. A simple example would be reinforcing the arm with Yang energy and landing a direct punch while under the momentary effects of the technique. The arm while affected by Yang energy would move at x3 the user's current speed and deal a significant amount of damage on the level of the EIGs or other similarly high-level taijutsu. This increases the usability of these properties much more than a mode because it doesn't require them to adhere to a set predictable style like Power of the Sun or Yang State which forces them into a set pattern of movement or restricts their abilities. Alternatively, the burst of Yang energy and subsequent strength can be used in the same timeframe as another taijutsu technique granting it +30 additional damage but removes the potential for the technique to do its own inherent damage.
Note: Can be used twice with a four-turn cool-down

Captain Jack's chakra:

1713 - 100 ( Ring of Hell ) = 1613
1613 - 005 ( Thunderwave ) = 1608
1608 - 030 ( Mighty Wings ) = 1578
1578 - 010 ( Mighty Wings | Sustain ) = 1568
1568 - 010 ( Mighty Wings | Sustain ) = 1558
1558 - 030 ( Wave Crash ) = 1558
1558 - 040 ( Great Flame ) = 1518
1518 - 040 ( The Fury ) = 1478
1478 - 040 ( Flying Fist ) = 1438
1438 - 040 ( Added Weight ) = 1398
1398 - 020 ( Grasping Giant ) =1378
1378 - 040 ( Added Weight ) = 1338
1338 - 100 ( Styles Seperate Man ) = 1238

Ramming vessel's Armor/Health:


200 - 060 ( Wave Crash ) = 140
140 - 090 ( Great Flame ) = 050
050 - 050 ( Flying Fist ) = 0

250 - 070 ( Flying Fist ) = 180
180 - 180 ( Styles Separate Man ) = 0
Jack landed upon the ruined ship as he casually walked up to the remaining crates lifting two of four of them placing two on each shoulder stacked upon each other. He exhaled hard as he lifted the crates into the air, exhausted from that final show of force. He wasn't expecting the Yang energy to take so much out of him. However, it had worked, he had never, in his life, not once, ever, hit something that god damn hard. As he lifted himself into the air the final shockwaves of the blow resonated deep within the hull of the ship.
Crrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrack. The ship snapped in two, with an eerie sound. What the Uchiha saw, and what the samurai saw, was Jack, literally punch a ship-... in half. With sheer strength, force of will, and brawn, he hit a vessel, a sea-grade sailing vessel, and broke it into pieces. After the initial blow, there was nothing. Silence from everyone, the Uchiha, the samurai, the rest of the surviving crew of the ramming vessel.
The few remaining surviving samurai jumped from the ship. How could they defeat a man, who punched a ship in half? They couldn't. They swam away back to the shores of the Land of Iron to tell the story of the Captain of the Hangurian Privateers, who punched a ship until it broke. He spoke out to his crew, telling them to get this warship home. He honestly didn't know if it would make it. He might need to seek out a Wood Release user to fix the damage. He thought of Lena or Korra.

Oi, I didn't tell you to stop sailing.

Get this bitch back to port. I don't think it can sustain more sea travel. Not with those puncture wounds to her bow.

Christopher in stunned silence shook his head before speaking.

You heard the Captain. Head to port, NOW!

After a moment Christopher spoke again.

H-.... how did you do it? You had to have used some kind of technique? I saw your arm go all funny before the strike. What was it? Can you teach it to me? I-... Captain, I can't believe someone could do something like that. If I didn't see it myself-... I wouldn't believe it. I'd think someone was just drunk off their ass, or insane. But I saw you, I saw you punch a ship and-... you sank it. With a punch. Not a fancy chakra technique, you didn't release any earth or spear it with a lightning technique, you punched it in half. And don't worry Captain, we'll buff out those scratches.

They sailed back toward the Aisu Bay.

Last edited:


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points

The target becomes closer, with Roxis's enhanced sensing alerting the three others of what was to come. They would gain intel on the number of people present, in addition to a rough estimate of the area. They would continue on their boat, prepared for what was to come. The mental link is refreshed by Roxis, ensuring the connection between the four persists.

(Shindenshin no Jutsu) - Mind Body Transmission Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 15 (-10 per person)
Damage: N/A
Description: This is a technique that allows Yamanaka members to communicate with people telepathically. Using this technique, the Yamanaka may also act as a medium for persons to communicate with one another telepathically; this is done through establishing physical contact with the person. The user can communicate with multiple people at once and the targets can also communicate with one another while the technique is in effect. This technique is not limited to just transmitting thoughts, Images such as memories or even strong feelings can be conveyed through this method. The more people that are connection through this technique however, the more a physical strain is put on the user, forcing them to keep the connection going for shorter periods to otherwise avoid sustaining injuries.
Note: The user may use this technique on as many members as their chakra allows. However, should the connection exceed more than 5 people, the duration of the technique shortens.
Note: The user is able to telepathically communicate to anybody within their range of sensory (sensory technique must be active) and can last for 5 turns consecutively. If the number of persons linked through this technique exceed 5, then then the technique lasts 4 turns. Beyond 10 members and the technique only lasts 2 turns.
Note: If used on more than 5 people the user must wait 3 turns before re-use


Active member
Aug 17, 2010
Trait Points
The group continues onward to landfall.
Sado's Chakra
Remaining chakra:

Senjutsu chakra:
757 - 20 ( Sage Mode | Wings ) = 737

Doombringer's chakra:

Jack's chakra:

Smith's chakra:
Senjutsu chakra:
338 - 20 ( Sage Mode | Wings of Illidan ) = 328

Extra clone's chakra:
Senjutsu chakra:
338 - 20 ( Sage Mode | Wings of Illidan ) = 328

Monkey Rock:
Group ELM from LM 254 | LLM


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
Magnus would pass close to his homeland between the islands, out of sight with his apprentice @Alubama. With everyone ahead of them having left there was no one left to see the way they travelled around the oceans. They went as far north as they possibly could, out of sight, out of mind. leaving no trail.

Leaving Landmark


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
At the same time as step two, teleportation to the ocean landmark.

[Arriving from here] - Clone 1, clone 2, Clone three.

With the three clones arriving, they would then keep moving from here. Clone 1 would use:

(Ototon: Naiteki Ne no Jutsu) - Sound Release: Inner Sonar Skill
Rank: D
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 10 (-1 per turn)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user will enhance their hearing by infusing his ears with sound chakra. Then, by utilizing chakra and enfacing his lungs, the user will be able to control the frequency and intensity of the sound emitted from his simple breathing. This low frequency, inaudible sound is passively emitted and has no effect other than emerging from him and bouncing off of objects. Using the enhanced hearing, the user is able to know where everything is around them, effectively creating a sonar effect through the rebound and reflection of sound waves. The hearing and the sonar effect is precise enough so that one can effectively use it to substitute one's vision in battle if needed. Despite being very effective, specially if the user has any of his other senses hindered, it also leaves the user vulnerable to sound genjutsu or sound attacks which will be much more drastic in its effects.
Note: Lasts 6 turns

Clone one: 2930 -5 -10 = 2915
Clone two: 2930 -5 = 2925
Clone three: 2930 - 5 = 2925

All clones LLM individually


Active member
Jun 29, 2011
Trait Points
Arriving from

Jonathan crossed the ocean on his small boat, taking some time to see the sights and enjoy the smell of the sea breeze, his clones leapt atop the water using their ability to walk on it and pressed on, giving Jonathan some much needed meditation time.

Clone 1 & 2 LLM while Jonathan remains


Active member
Apr 3, 2009
Trait Points
[Coming from Here]

Enma strolled across the waves of Gaikotsu Bay, quite tired. He didnt realise just how tiresome walking over water was, it was at this moment he wished he was able to somehow fly. Peering into the distance, Enma could see the outline of what looked to be a ship or a boat at the very least. Thinking it to be some kind of charter or ferry, Enma races towards the vessel.

Reaching the boat Enma saw the man who seemed to be very chilled out.

"Excuse me, would you be able to give me a lift to shore? I'm on my way to the Water Archipelago, to a place called the Kinai Isle? An acquaintance of mine mentioned to me that her grandson was working at one of the villages there and Ive heard there has been an outbreak of a virus in that area. For her sake I wanted to go check on them and see if I can help in some way. "

[I give control of my bio to @ReXii]


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Jun 29, 2011
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Jonathan looked at the newcomer with intrigue, his soul seemed relatively pure and he didn't appear to intend harm. He seemed concerned about people, just like Jonathan, it seemed that their paths were intertwined in investigation. Seemed that this virus was affecting more than just the north, the land of water was a long journey, but Jonathan was happy to escort him. With this, both of them set off.

LLM Jonathan and Enma
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Punk Hazard

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Apr 21, 2011
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"Agh, dammit it all," Blackbeard spat.

The water beneath his feet rippled gently with each of the rogue's steps. Blackbeard was never particularly good with direction. Even as far back as his days with Whitebeard's men, it was rather easy for him to get lost without the aid of a seasoned navigator.

"I'm gonna 'ave to find me one soon."

His eyes surveyed over the broad expanse of ocean, water stretching for as far as the eye could say. He simply scoffed and begrudgingly marched onward, hoping to run into land soon.

Coming from.