Fuging (030)


Active member
Oct 1, 2010
Trait Points
Coming from: https://animebase.me/threads/enshibetsu-029.755846/#post-22077055

This post encompasses an A-rank mission containing the following storyboard elements:
  • Terrorize a large community (4)

>1. The afflicted can only speak in third person. Lasts for seven turns. (5/7)

Walking was tedious, but Hawke and Isabella passed the time reminiscing and playing ‘I spy.’ The duo could have made the trip with more urgency, but there was nothing relaxing about a busy holiday. Trekking along the wealthy coastal communities of the Haran Bay was a lesson in income inequality that inspired Garrett to really rededicate himself to the redistribution of wealth – in his own favor, of course. Beautiful houses of white stone and glass lined the beachfront and they passed by a fair number of private jetties on their way to Fuging proper. Watching kids in silk bathing shorts play in the sand really got on Hawke’s nerves for some reason and more than one sand castle was brutally kicked to smithereens as they closed in on the agreed-upon meeting spot with the rest of the Brotherhood.

The Brothers had anchored their two-masted cog in clear view of a particularly juicy-looking community built around what Hawke guessed was a luxury onsen resort. It was shielded from view by a decorative wooden wall, but if the posh state of the surrounding bungalows were anything to go by, nobody coming there wanted for anything. The Brothers had almost run the ship aground trying to get as close as possible, as Hawke had instructed them, but with some room for error he estimated that they were close enough for what he had in mind.

Garrett waved at the Brothers as he approached the cog, motioning for Isabella to follow him. A single jump took him up on the deck where his eleven Brothers had gathered to welcome their Dear Leader back into the warm embrace only a gang could provide.

“You’s been away for a lot, baws,” Lout all but oinked in his signature drawl, always thoughtless enough to speak first.

“Shut up, Lout,” Fat Tom instructed his counterpart, smacking him across the back of his head.

It was good to see everybody again Hawke thought to himself, allowing a small smile to show. Even Lau and Liu were there, having been picked up from Chungsu where he had left them when he went to search for Kinrah.

“No time for introductions, gents, but this is Isabella. She’ll be joinin’ us for some fun, yeah? Did you get everything ready?”

Misk, always the enthusiast, nodded eagerly and all but skipped his way towards a tarpaulin-covered hole in the middle of the deck, which he uncovered with the help of a few other Brothers while Brother Brok was set to turning a lever near the edge of the opening. It did not take long to reveal what was underneath and soon the beautiful contraption was raised up to level with the deck, wood and bolts gleaning in the midday sun to Hawke’s mind.

It was a trebuchet and not a small one of its kind.

“See,” Hawke turned to Isabella to explain. “Lots of rubbish has been piling up in the hull. Some, uh,” he paused, searching for the right word to convey failure without actually saying it. “Some questionable business decisions have put us in a situation where some stuff’s gotta go yeah?”

The grizzled veteran snapped his fingers and the door to the wheelhouse was opened by a Brother to reveal six hogtied and squirming men, more than a dozen large marble statues ranging from big to huge, as well as a number of bulged barrels.

“Pick some ammunition and let Shirvan know your target.” He unsheathed Dark Sister and held it out for Isabella to take. “You’ll want to cut the rope yourself once it’s all set. It’s a rush.”


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Alucard and his Edo marched inlands in hope of gaining intel. Instead, he saw two familliar chakra signatures. Isabella and Hawke? The coincidence was almost uncanny. Albeit he had no intention of getting involved in whatever they were doing - Alucard knew that he had Ryo to give to Hawke for the completion of the mission but he would let Hawke decide, he knew about his abilities and knew that he would know of Alucards presence. If approached, Alucard would talk - if not he would continue inlands to hunt for the creature of the skies.



Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Coming from: https://animebase.me/threads/enshibetsu-029.755846/#post-22077055

This post encompasses an A-rank mission containing the following storyboard elements:
  • Terrorize a large community (4)
>1. The afflicted can only speak in third person. Lasts for seven turns. (5/7)

Walking was tedious, but Hawke and Isabella passed the time reminiscing and playing ‘I spy.’ The duo could have made the trip with more urgency, but there was nothing relaxing about a busy holiday. Trekking along the wealthy coastal communities of the Haran Bay was a lesson in income inequality that inspired Garrett to really rededicate himself to the redistribution of wealth – in his own favor, of course. Beautiful houses of white stone and glass lined the beachfront and they passed by a fair number of private jetties on their way to Fuging proper. Watching kids in silk bathing shorts play in the sand really got on Hawke’s nerves for some reason and more than one sand castle was brutally kicked to smithereens as they closed in on the agreed-upon meeting spot with the rest of the Brotherhood.

The Brothers had anchored their two-masted cog in clear view of a particularly juicy-looking community built around what Hawke guessed was a luxury onsen resort. It was shielded from view by a decorative wooden wall, but if the posh state of the surrounding bungalows were anything to go by, nobody coming there wanted for anything. The Brothers had almost run the ship aground trying to get as close as possible, as Hawke had instructed them, but with some room for error he estimated that they were close enough for what he had in mind.

Garrett waved at the Brothers as he approached the cog, motioning for Isabella to follow him. A single jump took him up on the deck where his eleven Brothers had gathered to welcome their Dear Leader back into the warm embrace only a gang could provide.

“You’s been away for a lot, baws,” Lout all but oinked in his signature drawl, always thoughtless enough to speak first.

“Shut up, Lout,” Fat Tom instructed his counterpart, smacking him across the back of his head.

It was good to see everybody again Hawke thought to himself, allowing a small smile to show. Even Lau and Liu were there, having been picked up from Chungsu where he had left them when he went to search for Kinrah.

“No time for introductions, gents, but this is Isabella. She’ll be joinin’ us for some fun, yeah? Did you get everything ready?”

Misk, always the enthusiast, nodded eagerly and all but skipped his way towards a tarpaulin-covered hole in the middle of the deck, which he uncovered with the help of a few other Brothers while Brother Brok was set to turning a lever near the edge of the opening. It did not take long to reveal what was underneath and soon the beautiful contraption was raised up to level with the deck, wood and bolts gleaning in the midday sun to Hawke’s mind.

It was a trebuchet and not a small one of its kind.

“See,” Hawke turned to Isabella to explain. “Lots of rubbish has been piling up in the hull. Some, uh,” he paused, searching for the right word to convey failure without actually saying it. “Some questionable business decisions have put us in a situation where some stuff’s gotta go yeah?”

The grizzled veteran snapped his fingers and the door to the wheelhouse was opened by a Brother to reveal six hogtied and squirming men, more than a dozen large marble statues ranging from big to huge, as well as a number of bulged barrels.

“Pick some ammunition and let Shirvan know your target.” He unsheathed Dark Sister and held it out for Isabella to take. “You’ll want to cut the rope yourself once it’s all set. It’s a rush.”
Mission Start

Terrorize a community
Experiment with new abilities (temporal)

Isabella was barely introduced to everyone, not that she would their names at all. Her uchiha eidetic memory would act selectively when goons were concerned. Strangely enough, they were decently well behaved when she arrived (ooc: you need to turn up the heat, ZK) and she took not of a few stand outs, which she called Drawl, Drool and Drew. Isabella thought the well behaved band of infamous scrooges would no doubt prove to be useful in enhancing the chaos they were about to unleash on this little resort.

She studied the machine that Garrett presented her, as Drool berated Drawl on his indiscretion, and she seemed satisfied enough. In fact, she was positively giddy to see that she was given the chance to pull the first punch.

She went over to the statues and picked the ugliest one. It was a massive sculpture of white marble, which only seem to accentuate the hog like features of his face.

"A fatty for the fatties. Aim at the pool"

She said, as the statue was lock and loaded. She studied the way Drew aimed, correcting a few millimeters here and there until she felt it was enough.

"Thank you"

She said to Garrett, taking his prized sword in her hands. With a flourish, she snapped the rope, and the machine let the statue loose.

It whistled in the air, arching in the air until it met its mark. A few of the guests were swimming in the infinity pool right as the hog governor slammed into the crystal wall. It shattered completely in ab explosion of water and glass, and then spilled massively onto the second and third pool bellow, including the jacuzzi and lounge area. Forced by the spillage, the few guests kept on falling onto the lower pools and the grounds bellow, into a cascading mess of thunderous water. rocks and bodies.

A beautiful cacophony or sound rose from the resort, as people started panicking and screaming for their lives, in awe of the increasingly big waves that overloaded the entire water grounds.

"If I'm not mistaken, the reception is on the other side of the resort. There's bound to be some cash laying around there and in the rooms above"

She smiled, handing the sword back to Garrett


Active member
Oct 1, 2010
Trait Points
>1. The afflicted can only speak in third person. Lasts for seven turns. (6/7)

The Brothers were a bunch of savages, a fact that had endeared each and every one of them to Hawke in their own special way. Each man was hand-picked, possessing some kind of useful skill or trait that had piqued Garrett’s interest when he had encountered them individually during his travels. It also made them exceptionally poor hosts. He was thankful that Isabella had not seen the content of communiqué he had sent the ragtag team of bandits using the communications scroll, because a not insignificant part of it had been devoted to detailing the gelding process that awaited any man that made advances on her.

Some things were off-limits, but there was no need for her to know that.

“Very good, ‘Bella,” Hawke praised her with his signature wolfish grin, accepting Dark Sister back with a nod. “But check this out.”

The grizzled veteran cracked his neck and stood almost unnaturally still for a moment before his eye twitched, which marked the beginning of a fast but violent transformation. In the span of just a few seconds Hawke grew to twice his height, growing out of and tearing most of his clothes with a groan as he adjusted to his new body. Not a small man before by any means, in his transformed state Garrett stood at twelve feet and change. He flexed his now shovel-sized hands and looked down at Isabella, grinning from ear to ear.

“Reloading times are such a pain, yeah?” His voice was now an almost inhumanely deep baritone and the chuckle he let out reverberated like the growl of a bear.

With his newfound size and strength Hawke casually strolled over to the open doors of the wheelhouse and grabbed onto one of the larger statues, picking it up with one hand as if it were a toy. He weighed the slab of marble in his hand tentatively and then gave a satisfied nod.

“Anyone up for a bet on how far this’ll go?” He looked around expectantly, but did not wait for the Brothers to take up the bet before he spun around on his axis and hurled the statue across the beach with a mighty grunt of exertion. The fine piece of art, likely hundreds of years old, spun around like a Frisbee as its crescent trajectory carried it first upwards and then down, the sheer weight of the massive statue turning it into a marble missile hurtling for one of the bungalows near the now ruined infinity pool. It crashed into the wooden structure like a meteor, shattering into a hundred pieces as it crushed the luxury hovel under its weight and sent shrapnel of stone and wood shooting in all directions. More screams erupted from the resort as the already shocked guests were treated to their second stony surprise that day.

The Brothers, for their part, let their delight be known with hoots and hollering. Misk enthusiastically clapped his Leader on his lower back, the highest place he could reach.

“This is a lot of fun,” Hawke said, delighted, resting his tree trunk arms against his hips. He looked down at Isabella and raised a questioning eyebrow. “The cash won’t go nowhere, but we can storm the place now or keep up the throwing, yeah? What are you feeling?”

Ninpou: Kyojin no Jutsu (Ninja Art: Juggernaught Technique)
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Self
Chakra cost: 60 (10 every turn to keep it activated)
Damage points: N/A
Description: This technique allows the user to increase his toughness and strength by a great amount, for a certain amount of time. By diverting a great amount of their chakra into their muscles tissue and skin, the user can harden his body and muscles with a great amount. The technique itself takes a few seconds to fully activate, but in those few seconds the user will grow in a rapid rate, and approximately become twice as big as he was before. The user’s skin will be close to Corundum in hardness, (or what would be a 9 on the Mohs scale) and his bones just as hard, his strength will rival that of Tsunades at her best. The great physical growth comes with some disadvantages, the user cannot use any elemental ninjutsu or any Genjutsu while this technique is activated, aswell as their speed becoming considerably slower due to the bulky mass and he cannot use any S-ranked and above techniques the turn after this technique has been deactivated.
• Can lasts for 5 turns.
• When this technique ends the user will not shrink back to his normal size, but his muscles bones and skin will return to its former state.
• Can only be taught by ZeroG.
• Can only be used twice per match.


Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
>1. The afflicted can only speak in third person. Lasts for seven turns. (6/7)

The Brothers were a bunch of savages, a fact that had endeared each and every one of them to Hawke in their own special way. Each man was hand-picked, possessing some kind of useful skill or trait that had piqued Garrett’s interest when he had encountered them individually during his travels. It also made them exceptionally poor hosts. He was thankful that Isabella had not seen the content of communiqué he had sent the ragtag team of bandits using the communications scroll, because a not insignificant part of it had been devoted to detailing the gelding process that awaited any man that made advances on her.

Some things were off-limits, but there was no need for her to know that.

“Very good, ‘Bella,” Hawke praised her with his signature wolfish grin, accepting Dark Sister back with a nod. “But check this out.”

The grizzled veteran cracked his neck and stood almost unnaturally still for a moment before his eye twitched, which marked the beginning of a fast but violent transformation. In the span of just a few seconds Hawke grew to twice his height, growing out of and tearing most of his clothes with a groan as he adjusted to his new body. Not a small man before by any means, in his transformed state Garrett stood at twelve feet and change. He flexed his now shovel-sized hands and looked down at Isabella, grinning from ear to ear.

“Reloading times are such a pain, yeah?” His voice was now an almost inhumanely deep baritone and the chuckle he let out reverberated like the growl of a bear.

With his newfound size and strength Hawke casually strolled over to the open doors of the wheelhouse and grabbed onto one of the larger statues, picking it up with one hand as if it were a toy. He weighed the slab of marble in his hand tentatively and then gave a satisfied nod.

“Anyone up for a bet on how far this’ll go?” He looked around expectantly, but did not wait for the Brothers to take up the bet before he spun around on his axis and hurled the statue across the beach with a mighty grunt of exertion. The fine piece of art, likely hundreds of years old, spun around like a Frisbee as its crescent trajectory carried it first upwards and then down, the sheer weight of the massive statue turning it into a marble missile hurtling for one of the bungalows near the now ruined infinity pool. It crashed into the wooden structure like a meteor, shattering into a hundred pieces as it crushed the luxury hovel under its weight and sent shrapnel of stone and wood shooting in all directions. More screams erupted from the resort as the already shocked guests were treated to their second stony surprise that day.

The Brothers, for their part, let their delight be known with hoots and hollering. Misk enthusiastically clapped his Leader on his lower back, the highest place he could reach.

“This is a lot of fun,” Hawke said, delighted, resting his tree trunk arms against his hips. He looked down at Isabella and raised a questioning eyebrow. “The cash won’t go nowhere, but we can storm the place now or keep up the throwing, yeah? What are you feeling?”

Ninpou: Kyojin no Jutsu (Ninja Art: Juggernaught Technique)
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Self
Chakra cost: 60 (10 every turn to keep it activated)
Damage points: N/A
Description: This technique allows the user to increase his toughness and strength by a great amount, for a certain amount of time. By diverting a great amount of their chakra into their muscles tissue and skin, the user can harden his body and muscles with a great amount. The technique itself takes a few seconds to fully activate, but in those few seconds the user will grow in a rapid rate, and approximately become twice as big as he was before. The user’s skin will be close to Corundum in hardness, (or what would be a 9 on the Mohs scale) and his bones just as hard, his strength will rival that of Tsunades at her best. The great physical growth comes with some disadvantages, the user cannot use any elemental ninjutsu or any Genjutsu while this technique is activated, aswell as their speed becoming considerably slower due to the bulky mass and he cannot use any S-ranked and above techniques the turn after this technique has been deactivated.
• Can lasts for 5 turns.
• When this technique ends the user will not shrink back to his normal size, but his muscles bones and skin will return to its former state.
• Can only be taught by ZeroG.
• Can only be used twice per match.
Sanity: 88

Isabella was a bit bummed. Not because of the wanton destruction or the complete disregard for human lifes ( I mean, they were Land of Fire human lifes, the lowest of the tier ). No, it was because the somewhat sexy, rugged Hawke just became... uncool. Isabella rolled her eyes and answered him.

Why not both?

She said, winking at the stone throwing team as she jumped into the fray, easily dodging any stone they throw afterwards. She was laughing, which was something she hadn't done in quite a while. Garrett was good company, and it felt nice not having to worry about appearances or a greater purpose in life.

She was having fun right as she arrived at the reception desk. Now a open-space concept, mostly because a stone statue of a guy with a bald head and long luscious curls around his ears had crashed right through the front wall, creating a gaping hole where a door should be.

The receptionist seemed unnaturally at easy, sitting behind the counter like nothing happened. She had stark ivory hair and a stuck-up expression that seemed permanently glued to her face. And she was actually filing her already long and sharp nails with what seemed to be a sharp bone apparatus.

"Welcome to the Fuging Tune Resort, do you have a reservation?" She said, spittind daggers with her eyes, barely even looking up from the desk computer.

We'd like to make a withdrawl. We found a few nasty statues in our bed. All the money in the safe should just about cover it.

"I'm sure you would". A male voice sounded from a nearby door, which opened to reveal a slim and cat-like man with actual whiskers and blue hair. Out from behind him, two more stooges drew out of the tiny room. Were they all stuck there together waiting for her and Garrett?

If she had found the receptionist arrogant already, then this Hozuki dude would take the crown. The other two seemed unremarkable, though, from their earrings and clothing, one seemed to be a Nara and the other an Akimichi, the obviously fat one.

What an wonderful piece of international diversity human resource department. Two Water shinobi rulling over the tiny Fire-landers.


The fat one sang in a basso profondo note that no doubt came from the bottom of his obviously huge stomach. That is, until a hurling statue of a tiny lady slammed in the the mouth and punctured him through the tiny room behind, exposing the door of the safe. The rest of the entourage semeed annoyed at the loss of man power right off the bat, but the one to lash out right away was the Hozuki. In a flash of handseals, he produced a great burst of water from the tiny room in the back, that spilled outwards like a massive and shrieking leviathan, a dragon-shark like behemoth that opened it's jaws wide ant then-----

(Suiton: Suishū Gorugon) - Water Release: Powerful Blasting Rain Trench
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40 (+10 to sustain)
Damage: 80
Description: After performing the Dragon → Tiger handseals, this technique will summon a large amount of water near the user that will then be used to strike at the opponent in several versatile ways. Shizuku has been known to transform it into a dragon with a gaping mouth to attack though the user can shape it in any way he needs for his intended purpose. The water used will be stationary till it is sent offensively toward the opponent and as long as the user fuels it and the technique isn't fully negated, the Tiger handseal can be sustained and the water manipulated and used. The technique can also be used from nearby water sources, including low rank water techniques, for the same effect. Due to the immense control needed, the technique is considered a highly advanced use of water release, requiring the user to possess a primary water specialty to use.

Note: Can only be used by Water Primary Specialists.

----nothing... The Hozuki was confused, yet terrified. The leviathan of water burst out in a flash of purple energy, like it never existed in the first place. He couldn't take off his eyes from Isabella's, which had turned blue once more. Time itself was controlled by her eyes, and she saw the whole life cycle of the water leviathan, and forced it to return to the Void. It expired before it even began. The Hozuki, the Nara and the arrogant Kaguya lady all started into Isabella's eyes, losing 5 sanity points, whereas all who witnessed the Reed Marsh technique lost an additional 7 points, including Hawke. Isabella's resistance made her drop 5.6 ( 88 - 5,6 = 82,4 ).

(Dōjutsu: Shinkaigan) – Eye Technique: Abyssal Eyes
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The Shinkaigan (深海), or the Abyssal Eyes and the Eyes of the Abyss, is the Dōjutsu Kekkei Genkai that appears in the Voidseers. Two conditions must be met to awaken the Shinkaigan. The first is that one must become Void-touched; this is achieved when one becomes Void-touched. The second is by gaining sufficient knowledge of the Shinkaigan and the Voidseer’s innate abilities. This is a key characteristic of the Shinkaigan, noted by Solomon to be “eyes of knowledge” rather than “eyes of trauma,” making it distinct from the Sharingan. The Shinkaigan possesses a unique connection to the Void itself. Its abilities exist in both space and time separately. This comes to be because the Void exists both as a separate dimension and a state in time. Rewinding the clocks far enough would cause everything in the universe to eventually converge onto the Void. The Shinkaigan is the only way one can view the Void directly, peering into it to gain intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the universe as it is today. Without the Shinkaigan exposure to the Void and Shinkaigan Dōjutsu causes one to lose Sanity; though, like a double-edged sword, the Shinkaigan user also suffers a loss of Sanity. But because their eye allows them to perceive and cognize the Void differently from other humans, they lose Sanity at a slower rate. In the left eye the Shinkaigan allows the user to visually perceive lifeforce and lifecycles of anything, including inanimate objects. It derives this ocular power through the nature of the Void itself. The right eye allows the Shinkaigan wielder to view the Void as a physical space, perceiving it not as a point in time but a location. The wielder gains enhanced visual acuity, able to track targets at four times their speed. Though unlike other Dōjutsu it lacks the ability to perceive chakra. Activation of the Shinkaigan grants the user access to their Voidseer Dōjutsu, affording them the ability to use powerful temporal and spatial abilities.
Note: The user is able to passively activate the Shinkaigan after holding the Dōjutsu for one month.
Note: Gazing directly into the Shinkaigan causes a loss of 5 Sanity per turn unless the user also wields the Shinkaigan. Those who have completed Taijutsu training can avoid these effects by breaking eye contact with their opponent.

(Dōjutsu: Ashi Numachi) – Eye Technique: Reed Marsh
Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: Reed Marsh is the Shinkaigan’s basic temporal ability, used by the left eye, and is able to perceive and manipulate the lifecycle of what its gaze is set upon. The technique at a basic level invokes the Shinkaigan’s special precognitive ability; more specifically, this means that the user becomes able to predict the future of what the technique itself is targeting. In this sense, lifecycle is broadly defined as anything in existence. Through this technique, or its derivatives, the user is able to gazes at a rock and see it weathered into dust. The user is also able to gaze at a fireball and see its lifecycle, including forming inside the stomach of their opponent, its target, and the resulting explosion. Given that Reed Marsh is the most basic technique within the Shinkaigan’s temporal arsenal it is only able to be used against other techniques and inanimate targets. The essence of the technique is derived from the idea that all things originate from the Void, and that the Shinkaigan can return them to the Void. Through direct eye contact the user can cause a technique up to S-Rank chakra (40) to revert back to the Void. Visually this appears as if the technique is enveloped in a purple energy, consuming it before reducing it to nothingness. Experiencing Reed Marsh directly, meaning sensing it through either one of the primary senses, or through an extrasensory means, causes one to suffer from a 7 Sanity reduction. Reed Marsh can be used four times per battle, with a two turn cooldown between usage.

You were saying?

The gang: 100 - 5 - 7 = 88

Tier 1:
  • Your biography begins to hear undiscernible whispers in their ear. Lasts for seven turns.
  • The afflicted is convinced that everyone around them is flirting with them, including their opponents. Lasts for seven turns.
Tier 2:
  • The afflicted begins to believe they hold the power of a god in their hands. For two turns they are convinced that they might easily destroy the planet. They are unable to use techniques above 160 damage for this duration.
Tier 1
  • Your biography begins to hear undiscernible whispers in their ear. Lasts for seven turns.
  • Character develops a compulsion to feed any creature it sees with whatever food they may or may not have on hand. Lasts for two turns.
Tier 2
  • Your character begins to hear discernible whispers; these whispers are of grandeur, making their biography believe they are immensely powerful. Lasts for four turns.
Tier 1
  • The afflicted can only speak in third person. Lasts for seven turns.
  • The afflicted develops a minor physical attraction toward their opponent(s). Lasts for four turns.
Tier 2
  • Character becomes extremely sadistic. Death elicits the most laughter, but any form of pain is enjoyed when inflicted on others.


Active member
Oct 1, 2010
Trait Points
>1. The afflicted can only speak in third person. Lasts for seven turns. (7/7)

Hawke let the Brothers to enjoy the trebuchet while he continued to operate his hand-powered, manual statue delivering service with gusto. Three more statues were sent crashing into the increasingly ruined resort while its panicked guests fled in all directions. Lau and Liu had the brilliant idea of making the hostages decide amongst themselves who would go next on the one-way ride, which devolved into quite the argument before they just picked one at random. The old man’s pleas for mercy were quite eloquent, as were his promises of money, but it was nothing the Brotherhood had not heard before. It was all starting to sound the same to Hawke’s ears, but the intensity of the man’s shrill screams as he soared through the air amused even him. As did the postmodern artwork his broken body left on the wall of one of the buildings. The snotty crying of the remaining hostages, however, did not, but they fell quiet after Tom cut off one man’s tongue.

“Now that the lady’s gone we can get down to the nitty-gritty,” Hawke informed his men when enough fun had been had. “You lot have been good this month, so the resort’s a free-for-all. If you want something, claim it, but stay away from ‘Bella.” The hard look he shot them always did the trick and towering above the eleven men did not hurt Hawke’s intimidation factor. “She’s a crook, not a bandit, so if she catches you in the nasty don’t come running for help.

“Dasall?” Ratgut spoke for the group with a golden smile. The man had lost every one of his teeth to the drink and now wore several months’ worth of pay in his mouth instead. “Let’s roll then," he said casually as all the Brothers made their agreement known with a chorus of hoots and hollering.

Weapons were hefted and readied as the group used ropes to lower themselves down onto the beach. There was lots of laughter and animated conversation as they closed in on the resort, but the sound quickly faded to nothing as Hawke observed his men’s approach from the forecastle. Only him and Snivels had stayed behind, the latter to guard the hostages, but Garrett had no intention of leaving before all the statues were gone. He picked up another one and this time threw it as far as he could, watching with satisfaction as it crushed a screaming guest before shattering into a hundred pieces. He wondered where Isabella had gone off to. He could not see her from his vantage point.

Oh well, surely she could handle herself.


The Brothers were in no hurry as they converged on the resort. They knew from experience that panicked civilians would rarely make the smart decision to run. Most people stayed to find loved ones, or to gather up belongings, or even in a misguided attempt to help others. It was exactly for those reasons that there were still people near the infinity pool, mostly fishing other floundering guests out of the water or tending the wounded. So distracted were they that it took Liu decapitating an older woman sitting by herself to get the group’s attention.

“Birds,” Misk greeted the guests in the shocked silence that followed with a nod. “Gents,” another nod. “We’re tonight’s entertainment. Stay still and get ready for a show.”

Of course everything descended into pandemonium after that, but by then it was too late. The guests within eyeshot were rounded up and divvied up for games. Some were tortured, flayed or set on fire, forced to fight their loved ones or just summarily executed. A few were dragged away to dark corners by the hair to enjoy the personal attentions of some of the Brothers with a taste for such things. Lout even brought out rope and rocks for a favorite game of his since the water was still deep enough for drownings. Misk had the idea of finding a new 12th man and got a boy of about eleven summers to kill one of his parents to spare the other, but then slit the other parent’s throat anyway. The lad got to crying about it, but would recover with proper conditioning.

That’s when the Brothers took note of the battle going on at the other end of the resort.

“What the-“


Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Sanity: 88

Isabella was a bit bummed. Not because of the wanton destruction or the complete disregard for human lifes ( I mean, they were Land of Fire human lifes, the lowest of the tier ). No, it was because the somewhat sexy, rugged Hawke just became... uncool. Isabella rolled her eyes and answered him.

Why not both?

She said, winking at the stone throwing team as she jumped into the fray, easily dodging any stone they throw afterwards. She was laughing, which was something she hadn't done in quite a while. Garrett was good company, and it felt nice not having to worry about appearances or a greater purpose in life.

She was having fun right as she arrived at the reception desk. Now a open-space concept, mostly because a stone statue of a guy with a bald head and long luscious curls around his ears had crashed right through the front wall, creating a gaping hole where a door should be.

The receptionist seemed unnaturally at easy, sitting behind the counter like nothing happened. She had stark ivory hair and a stuck-up expression that seemed permanently glued to her face. And she was actually filing her already long and sharp nails with what seemed to be a sharp bone apparatus.

"Welcome to the Fuging Tune Resort, do you have a reservation?" She said, spittind daggers with her eyes, barely even looking up from the desk computer.

We'd like to make a withdrawl. We found a few nasty statues in our bed. All the money in the safe should just about cover it.

"I'm sure you would". A male voice sounded from a nearby door, which opened to reveal a slim and cat-like man with actual whiskers and blue hair. Out from behind him, two more stooges drew out of the tiny room. Were they all stuck there together waiting for her and Garrett?

If she had found the receptionist arrogant already, then this Hozuki dude would take the crown. The other two seemed unremarkable, though, from their earrings and clothing, one seemed to be a Nara and the other an Akimichi, the obviously fat one.

What an wonderful piece of international diversity human resource department. Two Water shinobi rulling over the tiny Fire-landers.


The fat one sang in a basso profondo note that no doubt came from the bottom of his obviously huge stomach. That is, until a hurling statue of a tiny lady slammed in the the mouth and punctured him through the tiny room behind, exposing the door of the safe. The rest of the entourage semeed annoyed at the loss of man power right off the bat, but the one to lash out right away was the Hozuki. In a flash of handseals, he produced a great burst of water from the tiny room in the back, that spilled outwards like a massive and shrieking leviathan, a dragon-shark like behemoth that opened it's jaws wide ant then-----

(Suiton: Suishū Gorugon) - Water Release: Powerful Blasting Rain Trench
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40 (+10 to sustain)
Damage: 80
Description: After performing the Dragon → Tiger handseals, this technique will summon a large amount of water near the user that will then be used to strike at the opponent in several versatile ways. Shizuku has been known to transform it into a dragon with a gaping mouth to attack though the user can shape it in any way he needs for his intended purpose. The water used will be stationary till it is sent offensively toward the opponent and as long as the user fuels it and the technique isn't fully negated, the Tiger handseal can be sustained and the water manipulated and used. The technique can also be used from nearby water sources, including low rank water techniques, for the same effect. Due to the immense control needed, the technique is considered a highly advanced use of water release, requiring the user to possess a primary water specialty to use.

Note: Can only be used by Water Primary Specialists.

----nothing... The Hozuki was confused, yet terrified. The leviathan of water burst out in a flash of purple energy, like it never existed in the first place. He couldn't take off his eyes from Isabella's, which had turned blue once more. Time itself was controlled by her eyes, and she saw the whole life cycle of the water leviathan, and forced it to return to the Void. It expired before it even began. The Hozuki, the Nara and the arrogant Kaguya lady all started into Isabella's eyes, losing 5 sanity points, whereas all who witnessed the Reed Marsh technique lost an additional 7 points, including Hawke. Isabella's resistance made her drop 5.6 ( 88 - 5,6 = 82,4 ).

(Dōjutsu: Shinkaigan) – Eye Technique: Abyssal Eyes
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The Shinkaigan (深海), or the Abyssal Eyes and the Eyes of the Abyss, is the Dōjutsu Kekkei Genkai that appears in the Voidseers. Two conditions must be met to awaken the Shinkaigan. The first is that one must become Void-touched; this is achieved when one becomes Void-touched. The second is by gaining sufficient knowledge of the Shinkaigan and the Voidseer’s innate abilities. This is a key characteristic of the Shinkaigan, noted by Solomon to be “eyes of knowledge” rather than “eyes of trauma,” making it distinct from the Sharingan. The Shinkaigan possesses a unique connection to the Void itself. Its abilities exist in both space and time separately. This comes to be because the Void exists both as a separate dimension and a state in time. Rewinding the clocks far enough would cause everything in the universe to eventually converge onto the Void. The Shinkaigan is the only way one can view the Void directly, peering into it to gain intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the universe as it is today. Without the Shinkaigan exposure to the Void and Shinkaigan Dōjutsu causes one to lose Sanity; though, like a double-edged sword, the Shinkaigan user also suffers a loss of Sanity. But because their eye allows them to perceive and cognize the Void differently from other humans, they lose Sanity at a slower rate. In the left eye the Shinkaigan allows the user to visually perceive lifeforce and lifecycles of anything, including inanimate objects. It derives this ocular power through the nature of the Void itself. The right eye allows the Shinkaigan wielder to view the Void as a physical space, perceiving it not as a point in time but a location. The wielder gains enhanced visual acuity, able to track targets at four times their speed. Though unlike other Dōjutsu it lacks the ability to perceive chakra. Activation of the Shinkaigan grants the user access to their Voidseer Dōjutsu, affording them the ability to use powerful temporal and spatial abilities.
Note: The user is able to passively activate the Shinkaigan after holding the Dōjutsu for one month.
Note: Gazing directly into the Shinkaigan causes a loss of 5 Sanity per turn unless the user also wields the Shinkaigan. Those who have completed Taijutsu training can avoid these effects by breaking eye contact with their opponent.

(Dōjutsu: Ashi Numachi) – Eye Technique: Reed Marsh
Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: Reed Marsh is the Shinkaigan’s basic temporal ability, used by the left eye, and is able to perceive and manipulate the lifecycle of what its gaze is set upon. The technique at a basic level invokes the Shinkaigan’s special precognitive ability; more specifically, this means that the user becomes able to predict the future of what the technique itself is targeting. In this sense, lifecycle is broadly defined as anything in existence. Through this technique, or its derivatives, the user is able to gazes at a rock and see it weathered into dust. The user is also able to gaze at a fireball and see its lifecycle, including forming inside the stomach of their opponent, its target, and the resulting explosion. Given that Reed Marsh is the most basic technique within the Shinkaigan’s temporal arsenal it is only able to be used against other techniques and inanimate targets. The essence of the technique is derived from the idea that all things originate from the Void, and that the Shinkaigan can return them to the Void. Through direct eye contact the user can cause a technique up to S-Rank chakra (40) to revert back to the Void. Visually this appears as if the technique is enveloped in a purple energy, consuming it before reducing it to nothingness. Experiencing Reed Marsh directly, meaning sensing it through either one of the primary senses, or through an extrasensory means, causes one to suffer from a 7 Sanity reduction. Reed Marsh can be used four times per battle, with a two turn cooldown between usage.

You were saying?

The gang: 100 - 5 - 7 = 88

Tier 1:
  • Your biography begins to hear undiscernible whispers in their ear. Lasts for seven turns.
  • The afflicted is convinced that everyone around them is flirting with them, including their opponents. Lasts for seven turns.
Tier 2:
  • The afflicted begins to believe they hold the power of a god in their hands. For two turns they are convinced that they might easily destroy the planet. They are unable to use techniques above 160 damage for this duration.
Tier 1
  • Your biography begins to hear undiscernible whispers in their ear. Lasts for seven turns.
  • Character develops a compulsion to feed any creature it sees with whatever food they may or may not have on hand. Lasts for two turns.
Tier 2
  • Your character begins to hear discernible whispers; these whispers are of grandeur, making their biography believe they are immensely powerful. Lasts for four turns.
Tier 1
  • The afflicted can only speak in third person. Lasts for seven turns.
  • The afflicted develops a minor physical attraction toward their opponent(s). Lasts for four turns.
Tier 2
  • Character becomes extremely sadistic. Death elicits the most laughter, but any form of pain is enjoyed when inflicted on others.
The flash of purple light affected all diferently. The arrogant Kaguya started looking around, fearing a threat of someone that started whipering in her ears. But the voices only serve to augment her ego, as she stood behind the counter laughing to herself, with thoughts of grandeur. Hozuki would feel the same, but his own voices would tell him that he ascended to the tier of the gods. Isabella could see him watching his own hands and then grabbing onto them, looking around hurriedly, as if he had been given the power to destroy the world, and was thinking about using it on Isabella.But maybe the greatest change was that of the Nara. His smile became wolfish and cruel, yet he kept on glancing towards Isabella, checking her out, unable to hide his sudden attraction to her.

"Now you've done it, intruder..." The Hozuki said, walking towards Isabella. "We all witnessed the purple light from my jutsu... you are no longer on my level. But... " He leaned on, in a flirtatious mood "Your advances have not been entirely ignored, and after I'm done with you, you might even be considered blessed by my god stic--guuu"

He had leaned too far, and Isabella kicked him in the throat in a flash. The Hozuki's delusion lowered his guard, and Isabella took it. This triggered the Kaguya's alertness, and she immediately jumped out of the counter, producing a palm attack directed at Isabella's mouth, wanting to feed her with a bone spike that protruded out of her open hand.

( Yanagi no Mai ) - Dance of the Willow
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
Description: Dance of the Willow is the first of five Kaguya dance forms. Using the ability to manipulate bone structure, the user quickly grows a forearm bone through the palm of each hand to form stabbing instruments and impale their opponents. After stabbing them, they can leave the bones in as spikes or they can allow it to retract.

In turn, the Nara took action as well, his hands forming the tell-tale Nara handseal for the Shadow Manipulation techs. But there was no finesse there, he didn't merely want to paralyze Isabella. His shadow shot out of the ground in several piercing tendrils, aimed to completely mutilate Isabella's legs.

( Kage Nui no Jutsu ) - Shadow Sewing Technique
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: This is a ninjutsu from among the Nara clan's secret techniques that uses materialised shadows to attack and bind, instead of merely immobilising and controlling like the Shadow Imitation Technique. The user changes the shape of their shadow into several sharp needles and controls each separately. They can then attack several targets simultaneously and at the same time snatch away their ability to move by sewing them stuck with the shadow threads. Because it is a physical attack, it is impossible to capture someone without harming them, but on the other hand, since the speed of invocation and the time of duration are excellent, it can be used when urgent restraint is required. This technique is usually used to go through the target and capture them, but depending on the opponent, it can also be used as an attack to bring them down. This special characteristic finds its greatest effect when used as logistical support. After this technique hits someone, it can then be directly transformed back into the Shadow Imitation Technique.
Note: After landing, this technique triggers the Shadow Imitation technique's binding abilities and durations, allowing the user to utilize more Shadow jutsu.

But therein lied his weakness. The midday sun was in full cast, and the lights from the counter were shining against the bright open wall behind them. Isabella's shadow would be slightly tucked away behind her, protected from the Nara's advances, and a gigantic human shield was just coming in to her rescue. Isabella took out a kunai with her right hand from her left pouch, deflecting Kaguya's advancedments with a cross parry that struck her bone spike from bellow, and pushed her arm against her body in an awkward position. With a low kick, Isabella's foot sweap Kaguya's own, tripping her to the ground, in front of the shadow needles.

The gore that ensued was not pretty, as the shadow tendrils pierced the woman's body multiple times. Even the Kaguya's above average tolerance to pain would serve her nothing, for the Nara seemed to thrive in her pain, sustaining his attack for much longer than needed.

Grabbing his throat, the Hozuki witnessed this development and raged at the situation, for it did not suit his vision of his own divinity. The Kaguya woman was someone he had brought into this land personally, a honey from his own birthland.

"STOP!" His hand liquified into an heavy oil-like substance before he whipped it towards the Nara, blasting a shotgun-like voley of heavy water towards the saddistic man.

"Nara Manobi does what he wants!" The Nara spat, winking at Isabella before reigining in his shadows tendrils into a makeshift shield, that would violently split the wooden floor of the reception apart to protect himself from the water shotgun blast.

(Kage no Ki) - Tree of Shadows
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user forms 3 handseals and materializes his shadow into one large tendril much stronger than Shadow Sewing that can branch out many times to cover a large area and deal more damage to impaled opponents. The tendril can pierce the earth and branch out underground to uplift sections of earth for defence and offence.

Note: Usable thrice per battle
Note: No A-rank or higher Nara techniques in the next turn.
Note: Courtesy of Ushiro

But it would not go as planed. The wink would be met with Isabella's shifting blue eyes, and the shadow technique would flash out of existance in a show of purple light. The Reed Marsh technique would bring the Tree of Shadow back into the void, expiring it out of existance. Met with no resistance, the shotgun water would rupture through his chest and head, gushing outwards in a shower of blood, flesh and bone.

(Dōjutsu: Ashi Numachi) – Eye Technique: Reed Marsh
Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: Reed Marsh is the Shinkaigan’s basic temporal ability, used by the left eye, and is able to perceive and manipulate the lifecycle of what its gaze is set upon. The technique at a basic level invokes the Shinkaigan’s special precognitive ability; more specifically, this means that the user becomes able to predict the future of what the technique itself is targeting. In this sense, lifecycle is broadly defined as anything in existence. Through this technique, or its derivatives, the user is able to gazes at a rock and see it weathered into dust. The user is also able to gaze at a fireball and see its lifecycle, including forming inside the stomach of their opponent, its target, and the resulting explosion. Given that Reed Marsh is the most basic technique within the Shinkaigan’s temporal arsenal it is only able to be used against other techniques and inanimate targets. The essence of the technique is derived from the idea that all things originate from the Void, and that the Shinkaigan can return them to the Void. Through direct eye contact the user can cause a technique up to S-Rank chakra (40) to revert back to the Void. Visually this appears as if the technique is enveloped in a purple energy, consuming it before reducing it to nothingness. Experiencing Reed Marsh directly, meaning sensing it through either one of the primary senses, or through an extrasensory means, causes one to suffer from a 7 Sanity reduction. Reed Marsh can be used four times per battle, with a two turn cooldown between usage.

The Nara was killed on the spot, while the Hozuki stood there, baffled at the powers of the Gods. As the Kaguya dragged herself towards her boss, blood spilling from her punctured body, the Hozuki laughed.


Isabella's technique would make her own sanity drop once more by 5,6 points, standing now at 76,8. The Hozuki and the Kauya, having witnessed Reed Marsh once again and also having stared into the Shinkaigan again, would drop 5 and 7 points, standing now at 76.


Active member
Oct 1, 2010
Trait Points
Hake stifled a yawn as he weighed the last remaining statue in his hand, this one sculpted in the likeness of Toyotomi Nobunaga. Now there was a man whom every Hangurian schoolchild remembered. The tales of the man’s exploits had almost been enough to make Garrett interested in history, but only almost. It only took a single, lazy slap to separate the statue’s head from its shoulders. History was for those without the vision to look ahead. The Freehold was gone and so were all the Nobunaga’s. Hawke was fairly certain he had robbed one of the lesser known members of the family’s grave sometime during the months of near anarchy that had followed the Razing of Chungsu. He sighed nostalgically as he thought back to those days.

The rest of the statue was simply thrown overboard, as Hawke did not want to risk hitting his Brothers. The head he used as a bowling ball to topple their five hostages, which broke one of the men’s leg and sent Snivels into a fit of cruel laughter. It was all an afterthought to Garrett as he jumped off the ship, landing on the sandy beach with a heavy thud. He glanced around at the terrain, but nothing caught his eyes except smoke from the early stages of a fire coming from the resort further up ahead.

He found the Brothers in the middle of their fun, his appearance causing more than a few of the remaining, living guests to break into horrified screams. Misk introduced him to Trask; the eleven-year-old he had impressed into their little group. The kid wet himself upon seeing Hawke and started crying again, which triggered another chorus of laughter from the assembled Brothers. One of the guests ran his mouth at that, so Hawke made a game out of crushing his skull between his thumb and pinkie finger. It was tough, even with the newfound strength of his grip, so it took a few minutes before the man stopped screaming.

The rest of the guests were lined up and offered their choice in which hand and foot they wished to keep. Hawke had no interest in killing all the guests willy-nilly, but he did find a poetic irony in taking something precious from the greedy. The few surviving children were left unmaimed, with the exception of a mouthy teenage girl whom Hawke sent on a long round trip to the sky with a well-aimed throw. The rest were simply chased onto the beach and away. So engrossed was he in the fun of a pleasant day of pillaging that it took until then for Hawke to really notice Isabella’s absence.

“Where’s ‘Bella?” he asked Misk brusquely, looking around for any sign of the redhead. Misk just pointed to a building more destroyed than its counterparts, making Garrett wonder how he had missed it in the first place.

“I think she’s busy in the back,” the slithery second-in-command offered by way of reply.

“Then let’s not leave all the looting to her, shall we boys?” Hawke’s question was beyond rhetorical. Everyone knew the business end of an outing such as this. “We’ve got work to do, so let’s get to it and get out of here.”

“Yes, boss!”


Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Hake stifled a yawn as he weighed the last remaining statue in his hand, this one sculpted in the likeness of Toyotomi Nobunaga. Now there was a man whom every Hangurian schoolchild remembered. The tales of the man’s exploits had almost been enough to make Garrett interested in history, but only almost. It only took a single, lazy slap to separate the statue’s head from its shoulders. History was for those without the vision to look ahead. The Freehold was gone and so were all the Nobunaga’s. Hawke was fairly certain he had robbed one of the lesser known members of the family’s grave sometime during the months of near anarchy that had followed the Razing of Chungsu. He sighed nostalgically as he thought back to those days.

The rest of the statue was simply thrown overboard, as Hawke did not want to risk hitting his Brothers. The head he used as a bowling ball to topple their five hostages, which broke one of the men’s leg and sent Snivels into a fit of cruel laughter. It was all an afterthought to Garrett as he jumped off the ship, landing on the sandy beach with a heavy thud. He glanced around at the terrain, but nothing caught his eyes except smoke from the early stages of a fire coming from the resort further up ahead.

He found the Brothers in the middle of their fun, his appearance causing more than a few of the remaining, living guests to break into horrified screams. Misk introduced him to Trask; the eleven-year-old he had impressed into their little group. The kid wet himself upon seeing Hawke and started crying again, which triggered another chorus of laughter from the assembled Brothers. One of the guests ran his mouth at that, so Hawke made a game out of crushing his skull between his thumb and pinkie finger. It was tough, even with the newfound strength of his grip, so it took a few minutes before the man stopped screaming.

The rest of the guests were lined up and offered their choice in which hand and foot they wished to keep. Hawke had no interest in killing all the guests willy-nilly, but he did find a poetic irony in taking something precious from the greedy. The few surviving children were left unmaimed, with the exception of a mouthy teenage girl whom Hawke sent on a long round trip to the sky with a well-aimed throw. The rest were simply chased onto the beach and away. So engrossed was he in the fun of a pleasant day of pillaging that it took until then for Hawke to really notice Isabella’s absence.

“Where’s ‘Bella?” he asked Misk brusquely, looking around for any sign of the redhead. Misk just pointed to a building more destroyed than its counterparts, making Garrett wonder how he had missed it in the first place.

“I think she’s busy in the back,” the slithery second-in-command offered by way of reply.

“Then let’s not leave all the looting to her, shall we boys?” Hawke’s question was beyond rhetorical. Everyone knew the business end of an outing such as this. “We’ve got work to do, so let’s get to it and get out of here.”

“Yes, boss!”
Once again, the boss Hozuki was silence with a well placed palm to the throat. But now he was aware of Isabella's tactics, and quite annoyed as well. There was something eerie about those eyes of her, and he felt his own mind wandering about everytime she stared into his own. As soon as the palm stroke, it met nothing but liquid, as the Hozuki turned his whole neck and head into water.

( Suiton: Suika no Jutsu ) – Water Release: Hydrification technique
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 20 ( -5 per turn )
Damage points: N/A
Description: The Hydrification teachnique is a protean, whole-body technique whereby the user can liquefy their body at will, making it impossible to receive damage from physical attacks. From a single hair to the skin and muscles, everything can be liquefied and solidified at will. Capable of manipulating their body in different shapes, the user is able to use their body as a source of water jutsu created up to Mid range from the user. Using this, the user can also re-shape their body parts for suitable situations. The only way to contain a user of this technique is to lock them up in an airtight container so they cannot move about. When the user passes out, they turn into a jelly-like state. The Second Mizukage, when using this technique, has a more oily state, allowing it to enter Sand and nullify it.
Note: Can only be used by members of the Hozuki Clan

A double palm strike hit Isabella in the stomach directly, causing her to double over, where a knee would come straight up against her nose. Isabella was ready to fight the Hydrification technique, but what the mind wants does not always translate in what the body does. Yet her increased tracking afforded her to clumsly deflect the incoming knee with her left hand, and exert her superior strength and speed to push the man away. The pressure of the attack fell through, but then the man liquified himself to cushion the blow and stand his ground.

It offered Isabella a small respite, as she kicked the ground and pushed herself backwards towards the counter. By then, the Hozuki had reformed his head once again, and shoot a volley of water bullets towards Isabella.

( Suiton: Mizudeppō no Jutsu: Katate Magunamu ) - Water Style: Water Gun Technique: One-Hand Magnum
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: The user jumps and extends his arm towards the opponent, firing several ( up to 8 ) water bullets at the opponent, firing them in quick succession.

Barely faster than the water bullets, she dodged to the side, taking advantage of the counter to protect herself from the onslaught. The marble counter splintered and cracked, water bullets flying past her head more than once, before she charged chakra onto the plant of her feet, attaching them to a jagged-edged boulder from within the rubble.

Holding the lip of the counter with her hands, she pulled herself into a cartweel over the counter, bringing with her the jagged rock, and catapulting it towards the Hozuki's pelvis and legs. Catching him of guard, the man liquified at the impact, but lost his footing, his detached torso falling to the ground. Isabella quickly closed the distance between herself and the falling Hozuki, but was sidetracked by a bunch of tendrils of bone that shot from the Kaguya kunoichi on the ground. The Kaguya looked up from a pool of blood, her wounds already stitching together from her regeneration abilities.

Guess you still have some fightning spirit in you Isabella smirked, planting her right foot on the ground and leaping in the air, low to the ground, spinning her body in order to dodge the incoming tendrils, as a well placed kunai was shot from her rotation, with an HAET tag attached.

( Hone Shokushu )- Bone Tentacles
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user grows bone tendrils from their back to bind or pierce the opponent.

The Kaguya dropped her tendril attack and tried to jump out of the way, but the explosion from an HAET was far greater than a normal Explosion tag, blasting her away in a mess of flesh and bone. The Hozuki cried out forming a single handseal before exploding outwards in the shape of a massive wave of his own body-turned water. It pulled backwards, rising up the walls of the back to then spill over towards Isabella from all sides, as the Hozuki reformed at the crest of the wave, holding a water sword.

( Suiton: Kyūryū: Suika no Jutsu ) - Water Release: Torrent: Water Transformation Technique
Rank: A
Type: Attack
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: After performing the Snake hand seal, the user transforms into a large wave of water, manipulating it to crash into the target before reforming behind him, emerging from the water and attacking the opponent with a powerful sword strike. This is all done by reforming the top half of his body back into a solid form. While performing this, the user is left vulnerable to Lightning jutsu.
Note: Must have a Hozuki bio to use.

Isabella held another kunai in hand and then her Shinkaigan shifted, and the telltale purple energy glistened across the whole room once again. The wave that was about to crash onto Isabella and drown her disappeared out of existance, leaving the Hozuki's body to come crashing down onto Isabella.

(Dōjutsu: Ashi Numachi) – Eye Technique: Reed Marsh
Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: Reed Marsh is the Shinkaigan’s basic temporal ability, used by the left eye, and is able to perceive and manipulate the lifecycle of what its gaze is set upon. The technique at a basic level invokes the Shinkaigan’s special precognitive ability; more specifically, this means that the user becomes able to predict the future of what the technique itself is targeting. In this sense, lifecycle is broadly defined as anything in existence. Through this technique, or its derivatives, the user is able to gazes at a rock and see it weathered into dust. The user is also able to gaze at a fireball and see its lifecycle, including forming inside the stomach of their opponent, its target, and the resulting explosion. Given that Reed Marsh is the most basic technique within the Shinkaigan’s temporal arsenal it is only able to be used against other techniques and inanimate targets. The essence of the technique is derived from the idea that all things originate from the Void, and that the Shinkaigan can return them to the Void. Through direct eye contact the user can cause a technique up to S-Rank chakra (40) to revert back to the Void. Visually this appears as if the technique is enveloped in a purple energy, consuming it before reducing it to nothingness. Experiencing Reed Marsh directly, meaning sensing it through either one of the primary senses, or through an extrasensory means, causes one to suffer from a 7 Sanity reduction. Reed Marsh can be used four times per battle, with a two turn cooldown between usage.

Isabella's sanity drained once more, from 76,8 to 71.2, but, with her kunai in hand, she stroke the limp body of the Hozuki, piercing straight through his heart. Yet he was unable to liquify himself around the kunai, for lightning surged from the wound. He spilled blood, which Isabella dodged by deflecting his body to the side.

Strolling casually, she placed an HAET tag on the side of the massive vault, which had already been battered beyond recognition by the catapulted stone statues, and blasted the door open, reveiling a massive storage of the guests most valuable possessions, the donations and the payments of the rooms, as well as a few golden bars of investment.

Now... where is that hulking Garrett

She said aloud.


Active member
Oct 1, 2010
Trait Points
Once again, the boss Hozuki was silence with a well placed palm to the throat. But now he was aware of Isabella's tactics, and quite annoyed as well. There was something eerie about those eyes of her, and he felt his own mind wandering about everytime she stared into his own. As soon as the palm stroke, it met nothing but liquid, as the Hozuki turned his whole neck and head into water.

( Suiton: Suika no Jutsu ) – Water Release: Hydrification technique
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 20 ( -5 per turn )
Damage points: N/A
Description: The Hydrification teachnique is a protean, whole-body technique whereby the user can liquefy their body at will, making it impossible to receive damage from physical attacks. From a single hair to the skin and muscles, everything can be liquefied and solidified at will. Capable of manipulating their body in different shapes, the user is able to use their body as a source of water jutsu created up to Mid range from the user. Using this, the user can also re-shape their body parts for suitable situations. The only way to contain a user of this technique is to lock them up in an airtight container so they cannot move about. When the user passes out, they turn into a jelly-like state. The Second Mizukage, when using this technique, has a more oily state, allowing it to enter Sand and nullify it.
Note: Can only be used by members of the Hozuki Clan

A double palm strike hit Isabella in the stomach directly, causing her to double over, where a knee would come straight up against her nose. Isabella was ready to fight the Hydrification technique, but what the mind wants does not always translate in what the body does. Yet her increased tracking afforded her to clumsly deflect the incoming knee with her left hand, and exert her superior strength and speed to push the man away. The pressure of the attack fell through, but then the man liquified himself to cushion the blow and stand his ground.

It offered Isabella a small respite, as she kicked the ground and pushed herself backwards towards the counter. By then, the Hozuki had reformed his head once again, and shoot a volley of water bullets towards Isabella.

( Suiton: Mizudeppō no Jutsu: Katate Magunamu ) - Water Style: Water Gun Technique: One-Hand Magnum
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: The user jumps and extends his arm towards the opponent, firing several ( up to 8 ) water bullets at the opponent, firing them in quick succession.

Barely faster than the water bullets, she dodged to the side, taking advantage of the counter to protect herself from the onslaught. The marble counter splintered and cracked, water bullets flying past her head more than once, before she charged chakra onto the plant of her feet, attaching them to a jagged-edged boulder from within the rubble.

Holding the lip of the counter with her hands, she pulled herself into a cartweel over the counter, bringing with her the jagged rock, and catapulting it towards the Hozuki's pelvis and legs. Catching him of guard, the man liquified at the impact, but lost his footing, his detached torso falling to the ground. Isabella quickly closed the distance between herself and the falling Hozuki, but was sidetracked by a bunch of tendrils of bone that shot from the Kaguya kunoichi on the ground. The Kaguya looked up from a pool of blood, her wounds already stitching together from her regeneration abilities.

Guess you still have some fightning spirit in you Isabella smirked, planting her right foot on the ground and leaping in the air, low to the ground, spinning her body in order to dodge the incoming tendrils, as a well placed kunai was shot from her rotation, with an HAET tag attached.

( Hone Shokushu )- Bone Tentacles
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user grows bone tendrils from their back to bind or pierce the opponent.

The Kaguya dropped her tendril attack and tried to jump out of the way, but the explosion from an HAET was far greater than a normal Explosion tag, blasting her away in a mess of flesh and bone. The Hozuki cried out forming a single handseal before exploding outwards in the shape of a massive wave of his own body-turned water. It pulled backwards, rising up the walls of the back to then spill over towards Isabella from all sides, as the Hozuki reformed at the crest of the wave, holding a water sword.

( Suiton: Kyūryū: Suika no Jutsu ) - Water Release: Torrent: Water Transformation Technique
Rank: A
Type: Attack
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: After performing the Snake hand seal, the user transforms into a large wave of water, manipulating it to crash into the target before reforming behind him, emerging from the water and attacking the opponent with a powerful sword strike. This is all done by reforming the top half of his body back into a solid form. While performing this, the user is left vulnerable to Lightning jutsu.
Note: Must have a Hozuki bio to use.

Isabella held another kunai in hand and then her Shinkaigan shifted, and the telltale purple energy glistened across the whole room once again. The wave that was about to crash onto Isabella and drown her disappeared out of existance, leaving the Hozuki's body to come crashing down onto Isabella.

(Dōjutsu: Ashi Numachi) – Eye Technique: Reed Marsh
Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: Reed Marsh is the Shinkaigan’s basic temporal ability, used by the left eye, and is able to perceive and manipulate the lifecycle of what its gaze is set upon. The technique at a basic level invokes the Shinkaigan’s special precognitive ability; more specifically, this means that the user becomes able to predict the future of what the technique itself is targeting. In this sense, lifecycle is broadly defined as anything in existence. Through this technique, or its derivatives, the user is able to gazes at a rock and see it weathered into dust. The user is also able to gaze at a fireball and see its lifecycle, including forming inside the stomach of their opponent, its target, and the resulting explosion. Given that Reed Marsh is the most basic technique within the Shinkaigan’s temporal arsenal it is only able to be used against other techniques and inanimate targets. The essence of the technique is derived from the idea that all things originate from the Void, and that the Shinkaigan can return them to the Void. Through direct eye contact the user can cause a technique up to S-Rank chakra (40) to revert back to the Void. Visually this appears as if the technique is enveloped in a purple energy, consuming it before reducing it to nothingness. Experiencing Reed Marsh directly, meaning sensing it through either one of the primary senses, or through an extrasensory means, causes one to suffer from a 7 Sanity reduction. Reed Marsh can be used four times per battle, with a two turn cooldown between usage.

Isabella's sanity drained once more, from 76,8 to 71.2, but, with her kunai in hand, she stroke the limp body of the Hozuki, piercing straight through his heart. Yet he was unable to liquify himself around the kunai, for lightning surged from the wound. He spilled blood, which Isabella dodged by deflecting his body to the side.

Strolling casually, she placed an HAET tag on the side of the massive vault, which had already been battered beyond recognition by the catapulted stone statues, and blasted the door open, reveiling a massive storage of the guests most valuable possessions, the donations and the payments of the rooms, as well as a few golden bars of investment.

Now... where is that hulking Garrett

She said aloud.
Hawke appeared almost as if by magic, that is if punching a man-sized hole through the already browbeaten wall with his bare hands counted as such. He took one look at the scene in front of him, made a humming noise of appreciation and then waltzed over to the newly-opened vault.

“All the crap these rich folk bring on their holiday,” he tutted disapprovingly with a shake of his head as he scanned the contents of the vault. “It’s downright criminal, it is.” The massive man looked over his shoulder at Iabella and raised an eyebrow at her. “So how’s your appetite for cold hard cash, ey? Because my boys are some real gluttons, let me tell you.” He absentmindedly reached out for one of the few gold bars in the vault and started shaping it into a crude animal figure as if it were a lump of clay.

“And speaking of appetite,” he continued in the same casual tone. “I don’t know about you, but that Kinrah girl wasn’t enough to sate my hunger, yeah? It’s about time I go looking for my next meal, so I’m wonderin’ if you know a place or two where the food is more filling, you get me?”


Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Hawke appeared almost as if by magic, that is if punching a man-sized hole through the already browbeaten wall with his bare hands counted as such. He took one look at the scene in front of him, made a humming noise of appreciation and then waltzed over to the newly-opened vault.

“All the crap these rich folk bring on their holiday,” he tutted disapprovingly with a shake of his head as he scanned the contents of the vault. “It’s downright criminal, it is.” The massive man looked over his shoulder at Iabella and raised an eyebrow at her. “So how’s your appetite for cold hard cash, ey? Because my boys are some real gluttons, let me tell you.” He absentmindedly reached out for one of the few gold bars in the vault and started shaping it into a crude animal figure as if it were a lump of clay.

“And speaking of appetite,” he continued in the same casual tone. “I don’t know about you, but that Kinrah girl wasn’t enough to sate my hunger, yeah? It’s about time I go looking for my next meal, so I’m wonderin’ if you know a place or two where the food is more filling, you get me?”
Isabella deactivated her shinkaigan as her companion magicked himself into the room. She was slightly fatigued from the sanity drainage, but content. This might have been meaningless destruction but she did feel better. She felt better because she explored her powers further and she felt better because she reminded herself of her own power, and how it could not compare to a mere Shinobi. She was the Sage of Deceit, a title not awarded lightly.

She laughed at Garrett's mischievous question and started going away for the door.

"I hear a new village is popping up in the north, at the crest of the Lightning Mountains. It is being led by a Vampire and last I seen them, there was a girl with them which wasn't half bad. If Kinrah is the one I also fought, I think the northerns will give you a run for your money. "

She then turned eastwards.

"As for me, I think I'll continue exploring the matter of the gods. These eyes have been awakened underneath a corrupt sea, and there was a tree growing there that was affecting the population of an underwater civilization. The whispers we all heard mention a tree, and I think they were referring to that one. I think my journey will lead me there. You're free to join, I'm sure there will be quite a few hunger quenching adventures. But its up to you."

She continued to the open wall where a grand entrance used to be. Blood and horror filled the entire resort, but Isabella couldn't care less. Before moving out, she looked at Garrett one last time.

" Thank you Garrett Hawke... Truly... "

And she left.

Mission end


Active member
Oct 1, 2010
Trait Points
Isabella got an earnest nod of farewell as she made her exit and split their paths once again. Her offer was tempting, but Hawke had a feeling she needed to take her next step on her own. Those eyes of hers were a double-edged sword. She would have to make them hers completely or else their power would turn on their new wielder. The twelve-foot man could not hold back a grimace at the thought of this Void; these shards of glass in his mind. Indeed, that impossible blue. It contained deep mysteries, of that he had no doubt, and it was exactly for that reason that Brotherhood would steer clear of an underwater civilizations or weird trees. Hawke foresaw more lucrative endeavors being pursued in his own near future.

“’Bella will just bring me up to speed next time,” he said to the golden humanoid figure he had formed before tossing it over his shoulder into the hands of Brother Brok, whom he had heard enter only moments before. The man caught the solid gold idol and whistled appreciatively.

“Nifty,” he said, for once not complaining, but his tune changed quickly once he took stock of just how much the vault contained. “But how’re we gonna get all this stuff out, boss-man?”

“I swear,” Hawke sighed as he felt the strength of his long-unused Juggernaught Technique subside, which only added to the pain he felt having to listen to such nagging. “You could make a bride cry on her wedding day.” Brok mumbled some halfhearted apology and got a smack across the head for his trouble.

“Round up the lads,” Hawke waved off his Brother with a dismissive hand gesture. “And let’s get to haulin’ everything back to the ship. We got places to be.”

- Leaving for Haran Bay


Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points
Explore a new land (5)
Summary: Part 1 of Susabi's flashbacks. He is unwillingly transported to a new dimension.

Years earlier
It had been some years since the first activation of the Tenseigan. On that fateful day, his father had lost his arm, unable to regain his movements. The amputation went smoothly to say the least and the healing process was uneventful. Even though it had been some years after, the immense guilt still weighed on a young Susabi’s mind. This affected him so much so that he stopped training in Gentle Fist and activating his Byakugan out of fear of reactivation of the ability that maimed his father. The expeditions stopped as well despite his father trying to bring him along. He isolated himself. He spent much of his time writing in his room and today was nothing but the same. Deep in thought, he’d write anything that came to mind. A soft knock was heard on his door, followed by the door creaking open. It was his mother.
“Hello, darling. She said with her usual soft voice. Are you okay?”

Susabi put his pen down and turned to face his mother. His face lit up whenever she would speak to him. His love for her knew no bounds. He replied with a smile on his face, “Yup! I’m doing well. Just writing some things down.”
His mom was happy to hear that he kept up with his writing. She knew he was too scared to continue to practice gentle fist as his outlet. “That’s great to hear. Well, I came in to tell you: 1) Breakfast is ready so come and eat and 2) I’ll be leaving for a couple weeks on an expedition.”

“An expedition?” Susabi replied. “With Dad?”

“No, I’ll be doing this one myself. Believe it or not I’m the one who got your father into these expeditions in the first place. “

“When will you be leaving?”

“Tonight. I’m going to be heading east. I’ll be sure to bring you back a souvenir. Come eat.”

He got out of chair and followed his mother to the dining room where they sat and ate breakfast. Time had passed and night finally fell. His mother had packed her belongings. And headed west.

Some weeks passed and no word came from his mother. Susabi and his father, Shoyou. Began to worry. They sent out of another group of ships to look for her, to ensure her safety. After some time, reports came back. The expedition ship was found in a wreckage, on the coast of the Eastern Continent. The news arrived in the evening and only Shoyou received the information.

Meanwhile, Susabi was fast asleep in his room. His eyes moved rapidly behind his eyelids as he dreamed. For the first time, in a very long time, it happened his Tenseigan activated. Unbeknownst to this, his eyes began to gaze beyond his own reality, believing it to be a part of his dream. He was met with images of a beautiful world, ornate with various golden buildings that spanned several stories high. It all felt so real to him, vividly walking amongst the foliage as he approached the city.

Shoyou made his way to his son’s room. He figured he had to tell his son what happened. The sooner the better, even if it was hard. As his father entered his room, Susabi vanished from his bed. His father knocked on his door a few times and got no response, so he entered to an empty room to see his son missing. “...Susabi?”

Susabi had transported himself to this unknown land. Upon the end of his transport, Susabi landed on the cold, hard ground which immediately woke him up from the impact. Upon opening his eyes, his Tenseigan deactivated and he picked himself off of the ground and surveyed the area. This was an area he recognized, this area he’s been dreaming about. Believing he was still in the dream, Susabi walked forward observing the oddly colored foliage and began to make his way towards the city ahead. However, it was no easy task. While beautiful the terrain was rugged and had many hills and valleys separating his currently location and the city. He quickly slid down the side of the hill but being barefoot exposed him to some cuts and scrapes on his way down. He winced in pain, stopping in his tracks and grabbing his foot.

“Why does this feel so real?”, He thought to himself. He forged on to the town, trying to not put too much weight on his scratched foot. As he approached the city, he came across its golden gates which had two guards on standby.
“Kiu vi estas kaj kial vi estas ĉi tie?” The guards asked Susabi. But much to his confusion, Susabi didn’t understand a word they said.

“Uh...what?” Susabi responded in confusion.

“Respondo, eksterulo.” The guards stepped forward and grabbed Susabi by the sleeve of his shirt. They clearly didn’t understand each other and clearly they didn’t want him there. Thinking quickly, Susabi gestured to point at is injured foot. The guards looked at each other and let go of his sleeve.

“Alportu al li kuracistan atenton, kaj finu lin survoje.” One guard said to another. The other nodding in agreement and taking Susabi passed the gates into the city. Apparently, him being hurt was enough to let him into the city. The city appeared to have extreme wealth. Many of the buildings were lined with gold that glistened in the sun and the sidewalks were lined with silver. Susabi looked up in awe of the city. The guard lead him into a medical facility to that Susabi’s wounds would be tended to. The nurse placed her hand on Susabi’s foot healed it instantly. His eyes widened at the feat. He even got up and walked on it, jumping lightly.

“Ne dankinde, the nurse said to Susabi.” He still didn’t understand him but he said, thank you anyway. The guard walked to Susabi and placed his hand on his shoulder trying to direct him out of the clinic and back towards the gates to exit the city. Foolishly, Susabi decided he’d rather explore more, kicking the the guard in the shin and running off into the streets of the city. The guard grabbed his shin but didn’t bother running after the child. He simply pulled out his communicator and spoke into it before putting it away.

“Lia Funebro.” The guard walked back to his guard post.


Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points
Fight an enemy much stronger than yourself (5)
Summary: Part 2 of Susabi's flashbacks.

After running away from, the guard Susabi continued down the streets of this strange city with the pitter patter of her bare feet slapping against the road. He ran past countless buildings, stores, parlors, pubs, and what seemed to be religious monuments dedicated to a six-armed “deity” of sorts. The further he ran into the city, the thinner the crowds became as people would slip indoors while staring Susabi down. They knew something. Was it that obvious that Susabi wasn’t from the area? And why were they avoiding him?

He kept running until he reached the center of the city which opened up to a Square, with an extravagant gold statue in its center. By this time, every single citizen cleared the streets. It was quiet enough to hear a fly flapping its wings. A thunderous roar was heard that shook the skies above the city. A gust of air flung Susabi backward, slamming him into a wall towards the back of the empty square. A tornado descended from the sky and dissipated. It was a man with glowing white eyes, golden arms, white hair with strange red markings over his body. Susabi rose from the ground, dazed.
What hit me...? After taking note of the situation. Susabi assumed a Gentle Fist stance. It’s beeen some time since he assumed the stance but he had to defend himself somehow. His eyes transitioned into the Byakugan as he inspected the person’s body. He had a chakra system so Gentle Fist could work. Upon activation of the Byakugan, the man’s eyes narrowed.

"De kie vi akiris tiun energion?" He asked.

Susabi grew tired of this, I cannot understand what you are saying. He took a lunge forward at the man. The golden armed foe simply swiped his arm through the air. The air currents began to rotate rapidly forming a flock of birds that swarm Susabi. The young Hyuga quickly spun himself in the air to perform an 8 trigrams rotation. The birds immediately ripped through the barrier of chakra and collided with Susabi, carrying him into the air before slamming him back into the ground and dissipating.

Susabi struggled to bring himself to his feet, however his eyes had transitioned into the Tenseigan at this point. He attempted to thrust his palm forward to release a blast of chakra but the man had already closed the distance. He delivered a strong knee to the Hyuga’s gut making him tumble over and gasp for air. He grabbed Susabi by his hair as he stumbled over, lifting him up by it. The man sprouted 4 other golden arms and let loose on Susabi’s body, giving punch after punch and blow after blow. The man repeated himself but much to Susabi’s surprise this time he could understand him thought he was barely conscious.

"Where did you get that energy?"

Winded, Susabi could barely answer him. W-what are you talking about? The six-armed man grew tired of the games and threw Susabi on to the ground, creating a crater where he laid, unconscious. The man grabbed him by the shirt and hoisted him over his shoulder before exiting the square.


Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points
Survive a near-death situation (5)
Summary: Susabi's blender continues

Susabi’s head was pounding and his body was aching, felt like it was shattered in two. He slowly opened his eyes and found himself confined and bound by chains on a pillar in some sort of temple.

I’ve got to wake up. He thought to himself. He tried to wiggle out of his chains but all they did was cause more pain. He screamed out, "Come on! WAKE UP!" He began to grow frustrated. This had to have been the most intense lucid dream ever. No. A lucid nightmare. From behind an altar a deep voice responded.

"Sonĝo? Vi pensas, ke ĉi tio estas ia revo? This is no dream." The entity stood up from behind the altar and walked towards Susabi. It was the same man who he fought from before. He crossed his arms and stared down Susabi.

"I will ask you one more time. Where did you get that energy?" He demanded to know. Susabi was still groggy from the beat he just took but he made out the words. Then it hit him. "I... I can understand you?! You can understand me?! "

The man shot his fist forward generating the same air current from before shaped into birds that crowded around Susabi and began to peck at him viciously, cutting away at the exposed parts of his body causing him to writhe in pain.

"Answer." He demanded again. Next one will be even more painful. "I will break you. Answer me!"

At this point, Susabi was so confused. What energy was he talking about? He hadn’t done anything out of the ordinary. "I have no idea what you are talking about I swear, he pleaded. I just want to go home. What do you mean that this isn’t a dream? Where am I? Who are you?" The questions just kept flowing and flowing from Susabi’s mind. " How the hell did he end up here?" He was just in his bed at home. There was no way he slept walked over here because he was just dreaming about this place. How did this dream world become real? A violent punch interrupted his train of thought. The punch was vicious enough to cause a spider-web like cracks to travel up the length of the column he was tied to and slightly split the roof. For a split second, Susabi couldn’t breathe; he gasped for air.

"The energy within your body. Where did you get it? It is the same as mine. So, answer me, now. " The man replied with authority. Whoever he was, he far outclassed Susabi or anything he’s faced personally before. Taking a couple of moments to regain his breath. Susabi said, energy within me? He thought to himself for a moment. "You mean my chakra? I was born with it. "
"You lie. I know how one comes across such energy. One is not just born with it. It was how I ascended to godhood." The man replied, running out of patients for Susabi’s answers. Godhood? Susabi thought to himself. Where the hell was he? This was just a man with immense chakra and strength but to not know what chakra is... or why Susabi had it was peculiar. The man swiped his leg through the air forming bison which rammed into the pillar Susabi was chained to. The pillar collapsed catching Susabi up in the stampede. At this point, Susabi was knocking on deaths door.

"Don’t try to fool me. There is another fruit somewhere and you ate it. Did you come here to try to challenge my rule?" The man continued to question. "No matter. Your life ends here. "
Susabi coughed up blood and looked at the man with his Byakugan active. He could barely put together a sentence he was in so much pain. "Every...one... where I am from... everyone … has chakra. We...were born with it... I am not... from here. I .. I don’t know how I got here. I really don’t... I-I was asleep in my bed and I dreamed of this place and now... I am here. Please, believe me. "

"So, you come from a realm of gods? You expect me to believe that? You take me for a fool. Tre bone tiam..." The man turned his back to Susabi and walked a couple of steps forward.

"I am not a god. I am a...human. Please where is this... place? "

"This is the place that I rule... Nirvana. I oversee this world in its entirety. I am its absolute being and the only one that possess this energy. What you call chakra, that is until you came along." Susabi thought back to when he was within the city. The golden statues that he had passed where of this man. The man continued. " I am Asura. They call me the destroyer and the redeemer. You call yourself a human... and not a god. And wherever you are from, they possess the same energy as me... as you. I have not heard such a place and I know everything about this world. So why do you continue to lie to me knowing you are on death’s door step?"

Susabi brought himself to his knees and rested his palms on the floor so that he was hunched over on all fours. "Because I am not...lying. I... I don’t know how but I somehow transported here. As ...far as I know... there is no place where I am from known as Nirvana.... I am from the Lightning Country, from ... Khulna. "

Asura listened to Susabi’s words. The places he mentioned where not of his knowledge. Definitely indicating some form of foreign land not tied to Nirvana itself. Susabi looked up at the man and his eyes had transitioned directly into the Tenseigan, however he was so overcome by confusion, fear, and pain that he hadn’t noticed it himself.

"Your eyes, they have changed. What did you do to them?" Asura inquired now intrigued by the boy who was before him rather than enraged. Susabi focused while he looked at Asura, seeing that he could perceive something deeper than chakra within Asura, his soul. He also realized that the blind spot behind him was gone as well. "Oh no... it’s the Tenseigan."

"Tenseigan?" Asura questioned.

"Yeah, it’s... an ability that I discovered some years back. I’m cursed with it. I don’t know … how I ended up in this land but... I have this turning feeling in my stomach that it is linked to these eyes. That or... the turning feeling is from internal bleeding." Susabi found it increasingly hard to keep his eyes open. The weight of his body caused his arms to give out as his body collapsed. He passed out again.
Last edited:


Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points
Experiment with very advanced ninjutsu (5)
Summary: Part 4 of Susabi's flashback. He begins to test the limits of his Tenseigan.

Some time had passed since the encounter. Asura tended to Susabi’s wounds and waited for him to wake up. The thought of someone with energy like him intrigued him greatly. At first, he had thought it was someone who came to usurp his rule but knowledge of Susabi and an apparent foreign land with energy like himself were to be explored. It also put his own “godhood” in question.

Susabi’s eyes slowly opened. Everything that had been going on was confusing him more and more. What he thought was a dream was not. He had to figure out how to get back home and quickly. He sat up in his bed and noticed that all of his wounds had been healed.

"Where am I?" Susabi asked.

"You are in a chamber. Rest." Asura replied to him. "You need your energy if you are going to figure out how to get out of this place. "

Susabi looked at him with confusion. "Why are you helping me now? And how do you expect me to get out of here? I don’t know how I even got here. "

"You said that your eyes got you here, correct?", Asura asked Susabi, recalling what he told him the other day.
"I-I don’t know it was just a hunch. A guess. Everything that has gone wrong recently have been a byproduct of them... so.. A hunch." Susabi said looking down at his hands in frustration. He hadn’t known how long he had been gone for but his parents were on his mind. They must have been worried sick about him.

"Back when I attacked you the first time. Your eyes did the same thing. They flicked into these blue eyes. From experience I could tell... it wasn’t voluntary. You have no idea how to control them.. Do you?" Asura mentioned. It was an apt analysis. Susabi had no idea how to control it, it happened at random times and he didn’t even know its full capabilities. He was too scared to find out anyway. Susabi stayed silent at the question wishing not to answer.

"I’ll take your silence as a yes. Then the first course of action is to master them," he told to Susabi. "If the reason why you are here are indeed tied to your eyes, then your best bet is to learn how to control them. How to master them and bend them to your will. "

Susabi knew he was right but didn’t want to admit it. They were his ticket back home and he had no choice but to learn. In the midst of all of this, Susabi remembered something. When he first got here, he understood nothing from anyone but now Asura spoke to him fluently. "How am I understanding you? I didn’t before. And how can you understand me? No one else seemed to be able to. "

"It is one of my abilities. When I gained this energy, chakra as you call it, I’ve been able to tap into the minds of those around me, from a comprehension standpoint at least. I’ve learned your way of communication. Nevertheless, if you aren’t going to rest, start learning how to hone your skill now. "

Susabi hopped out of the bed he was in and activated his Byakugan. He had to find a way to access his Tenseigan at will. He closed his eyes and focused on the sensation he got when he first activated his Tenseigan. Upon reopening his eyes, his Tenseigan had activated and an intense feeling rushed throughout his body. He couldn’t tell if what he was feelings were tied to the Tenseigan activation or just the overwhelming sense of dread he had upon activating it due to his past with it.
He decided to test the limits of his Tenseigan. He had already known it removed the blindspot provided by the Byakugan and its soul perception capabilities from his fight with Asura, what more could these eyes do? Susabi peered off into the distance to test the range of his Tenseigan. His gaze easily zoomed beyond the confines of the city and off into the planes of Nirvana. His vision reached farther than it ever could with the Byakugan. He focused on a singular point in space and concentrated. It was like, at that moment, a tear through space-time had occurred and Susabi’s eyes saw beyond it. He visualized an entirely different location, one engulfed by flame and rock. Was this another part of the place Asura called Nirvana? Or was this something different?

He reached his hand outward attempting to feel the heat of the dimension. If his Tenseigan truly was the thing responsible for transporting him to Nirvana, then it should be able to move him into the place that he was seeing. However, he wasn’t moved or transported anywhere all he could do was observe. He continued to focus on the location itself until it happened. He projected an image of himself within the fiery domain. He was able to control this projection and move around the domain even explore it. Whatever the projection saw, he saw.

Susabi thought to himself, "This must be how I was dreaming about Nirvana. But that doesn’t describe how I’m actually here at his moment."

Asura was in the area monitoring Susabi’s progress. He hadn’t a clue what was going on but observed him trying to reach out into nothingness. He was quite intrigued at what was going on. Then suddenly, Susabi disappeared before his very eyes. Asura hopped out of his seat and exclaimed “Kid?!”

Before he knew it, Susabi teleported to his projection within the fiery realm, standing side by side the ethereal entity. So, this is how I got to Nirvana! He said to himself. The area he was in was intensely hot causing him to sweat as soon as he entered the plane. Now came the difficult part. How would he get back to Asura and Nirvana or even home? He tried to do the reverse of what he had just done, staring off into space time as he focused on trying to find anything. Again, it was like a portal ripped open through space time and Susabi again peered through it, however this land was different, not home nor was it Nirvana. The heat of the domain was picking up and the ground began to shake vigorously. The ground began to split open and spew lava. He had to find a way out of this place fast but the heat, rumbling and fire made it hard for him to concentrate. The rumbling continues until the ground spit completely open causing a wave of lava to be shot towards him. Instinctively, Susabi closed his eyes and threw his hands upward in front of him, a natural reaction to trying to block something approaching towards him.

Miraculously, the lava didn’t touch him. He had thought he was finished, Susabi slowly opened his eyes. His projection and himself were encased in some form of golden chakra that hoisted them up into the air. The lava couldn’t penetrate its defenses and easily flowed around its legs. The golden chakra took the form of a beast, a lion with eagle feathers as it’s mane and wings sprouting from its back that took the form of arms at its ends.

"Is this... the power of the Tenseigan?" Susabi asked himself. His shadow continued to look from dimension to dimension while Susabi was astounded by what happened. The shadow then disappeared from Susabi’s side instantly. The young Hyuga began to saw what the shadow saw. It was Asura and Nirvana. Following them same feeling of want, Susabi vanished from the fiery domain.

Back in Nirvana, Asura became startled at the ethereal copy of Susabi standing next to him, just staring at him. Kid?! Asura asked confusedly. Unexpectedly, Susabi and the golden beast appeared next to his shadow, bursting through the temple that they were in and blasting Asura backward. The shadow and the beast faded away and Susabi’s Tenseigan had deactivated.
"What the hell was that?! You destroyed my temple!" Asura said furiously as he got up.

"I think I’m understanding now...sort of." Susabi said looking down at his hands and completely ignoring Asura’s rage. " I can see other worlds and wherever I project myself into...I can transport myself there. He clenched his fists. I have no idea how I found myself back here. But my shadow found you and I followed it here. "

"Don’t you dare ignore me!" Asura said in response

Susabi ran over to Asura. "I need to get the hang of this power. Will you help me? "

Asura cleared his throat and folded his arms. "Fine, from here on out. You are my apprentice. The faster we get you out of here, the faster you will stop destroying my property. Now clean this up. "


Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points
Safely transport highly classified information (5)
Summary: Part 5 of the Susabi's interdimensional journey flashbacks.

Some weeks had passed since Susabi first tested out the capabilities of his Tenseigan. Training under Asura had been going smoothly as he was able to get back into shape with his Gentle Fist. Asura was impressed enough with his skills that he began to teach Susabi how to manipulate air currents like he could. Along this time, he also started to teach him about Nirvana, the language they speak, and their customs.

“Repeat that to me again”, Susabi asked of Asura. They were currently in the middle of a conversation about Asura’s ascent to power and his rule over Nirvana.

“There was a tree bearing a fruit that I ate. It gave me the energy you call chakra or what I call “Dieco”. Asura paused for a minute. As I was the only person on this planet with the energy, I was heralded as a god and now rule over Nirvana. Obviously, not everyone was thrilled with my rule and thus tried to oppose my power years ago.” He got up out from his seat and raised his arms with a large grin before sitting back down. “Clearly, they failed. That’s why when the guard notified me of your presence and I sensed you. I had thought you were someone from another nation who somehow came across another fruit... sent to try to challenge me.”

Susabi sat there and listened. It wasn’t out of the realm of question for Asura to assume that he was sent here to challenge him. Especially if he was the only person in Nirvana with chakra. It’d put him on a level no one on the planet could attain. Even has he sat there before Asura, the gap in power between the two individuals was more than palpable.
Asura continued on. “The tensions between other civilizations on Nirvana and myself are rising... another reason I was on edge. If I were to appear on their land despite my overwhelming power, would just start up another war and no more lives need to be lost senselessly. That’s why I need you to do this for me. “

“Do what?” Susabi inquired. He didn’t expect to get sent on an errand.

Asura pulled out a piece of parchment and held it in his hand out to Susabi. “I need you to deliver this to Soleco, the kingdom east of here. The information within the scroll is important. It details a meeting between me and their king to discuss a peace treaty.

“If they know you sent me, what if they find out I have “Dieco” as well? Wouldn’t that start up something?” Susabi asked Asura.

“That’s the point. They don’t know. And If they try anything you can defend yourself. However, try to do so without using your abilities. We don’t need another skirmish happening. But beware. You’ll have some trouble getting in just based off the fact that you are from here. But I’ve taught you enough of our language that you should be able to get by. Now go and hurry. If I can get Soleco to deescalate the tension then the other kingdoms will follow suit.”

Susabi grabbed the scroll and prepared to head east towards Soleco. He activated his Byakugan to look ahead and gauge the distance it would take him to get to Soleco. However, even at the farthest reaches of his sight Soleco was not to be found.
This journey is going to be longer than he thought.

Susabi left the golden city and hastily made his way across the plains to Soleco. Reestablishing his training with Asura had made Susabi more agile and used to the terrain of Nirvana, allowing him navigate it easier than before. As Susabi continued onward across the vast plain and foliage, he noticed several craters within the ground. These craters were deep as if someone blew a hole into the ground. He continued forward and the number of craters increased to the point where every couple of feet about 5 craters were present. Off in the distance a stern voice called out towards Susabi’s direction.
“Kian celon vi havas ĉi tie? Turnu vin malantaŭen dum vi ankoraŭ havas la ŝancon. “

Susabi knew some of what they said thanks to his amateur lessons with Asura so he tried his best to reply. “Kiu vi estas? Mi nur provas transdoni al Soleco!”

He was met with silence and the ground around him began to rumble rhythmically. On the horizon a large machination approached Susabi, shaking the ground with each of its steps. It appeared to be some heavy-duty artillery equipment. The bipedal machine stopped in front of Susabi and aimed its canons at him.

“Kun kiu celo vi iras al Soleco?”

“Mi havas malmultajn informojn de Asura.” Susabi replied and was met with more silence. The man piloting the machine pulled out some communicator and exchanged inaudible words with it. After discussion, the pilot continued to aim at Susabi, rotating the weapons on it getting ready to fire.

“Asura nek liaj servistoj estas bonvenaj ĉi tie.” And with that declaration fire was opened on Susabi. He had to think quickly. He ran forward, moving left to right using his speed to avoid the incoming projectiles. He moved forward towards the legs of the contraption. The launchers on the machine shouldn’t be able to fire at its own legs. Asura asked him to not use chakra to deal with these foes but how was he going to manage that? They had heavy artillery weapons that were the ones that were likely to cause the crater. Susabi tried to talk to them again, shouting at them from underneath the machine.

“Li signifas pacon! La informoj por packontrakto! Packontrakto!”

The guns of the machine wound down. He contacted someone again, probably someone from within the kingdom, a higher up.

“Venu kun mi,” the pilot said to Susabi while turning the vehicle around, aiming to lead him somewhere. Soon enough, Susabi was brough to the outskirts of Soleco. The kingdom was very different from Trastrio, the city that Asura resided in. It was technologically advanced far beyond that of Trastrio. The buildings were largely mechanical and grey scale in nature. It seemed everything that ran here was run on electricity or were steam powered. Before Asura gained his power and essentially took over Nirvana, this must have been the power house of these lands.

The pilot stopped at the front gates of Soleco and told the guards to lead me into the kingdom and to their leader but to keep an eye on him.

The guards brought him to the center of the village where its tallest and most advanced building was. This was likely where their king was located. The guards shoved Susabi into an elevator within the main hall of the building and followed him in. And so, they began their descent downward. After descending a couple of miles downward, they brought Susabi into the king’s court.

“Transdonu la dokumenton,” the guards ordered Susabi. He took steps forward and handed the king the document before taking a couple of steps back. The king took some time to read over the document and looked up at Susabi.

“Ĉu vi volas eniri ĉi tien kaj montri al mi ĉi tion?” He said in an enraged voice. Susabi was taken aback by the sudden outburst. He was still an amateur at the language so he picked up pieces of what the king said and tried to reply.

“Kio malĝustas? Ĉu la packontrakto ne sufiĉis?”

“Packontrakto?! Ĉi tio estas militdeklaro. Via reganto sendis vin morti ĉi tie.” The King replied to Susabi. However, he could only make out a few words. “Militdeklaro?..War?” Susabi thought to himself. His eyes shot up at the King. If he was talking about war in such an aggressive tone, the time for diplomacy had ended. He tried to activate his Byakugan but it didn’t work. From behind the guards latched a mechanical rope around Susabi’s neck and hoisted him to the ground.

“Ŝlosu lin for.”

The guards then bound Susabi and carried him out of the king’s room.

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Coming from here

Madara finally arrived at Fuging after an extended travel, his intended targets long gone. Isabella and Hawke had raided the resort and left a bloody trail in their path, one that was already causing problems for Madara within the village. It had become known that he once was friends with Isabella and rumors were starting to spiral that Hawke was another friend of his. In the time he had been Tekikage, the Valley Village had been plagued with problems, some he couldn't control happening.

He had barely managed to make it to the Tekikage's mansion before yet more news arrived to him. A mysterious voice had been heard around the village speaking to them, one that even Madara could hear. Before he could explore matters further, he became aware of a nearby Relic Core moving as well as the one he sensed from Lucifer in movement as well. In fact, the other Core came from the same location as Lucifer’s along with a third Core, also in movement. Madara’s eyes narrowed as he sat at the desk, his options continuing to grow as well as his problems. There was the issue of Isabella and now Hawke running around and how his villagers somehow learned of their past connections. He knew he would have to eventually deal with this but until then, it was an issue he wasn’t pursuing. He also had to deal with Susabi’s prodding about their plans and the Voidlords, another problem that was coming to it’s climax. And now, he must decide which of the Relics to follow up on. The other two were complete gambles as he knew little about them, though Strix mentioned one by the name of Kotetsu long ago. He knew Isabella also had a core which he could sense to keep track of her movement.

Sighing, Madara retrieved a communication scroll and sent a message to both Strix as well as Lucifer, detailing them to meet him at the Forge. Strix hadn’t been there before as far as Madara knew so he wrote the same information Lucifer gave him on it’s location. Deciding that to be his plan, Madara moved out, leaving for the Sunlight Forge with his ally Akujin on his side. Things were moving fast and he needed to mobilize quickly.
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Active member
Aug 21, 2010
Trait Points
In all honestly, although Panthalassa had conducted himself in a very sardonic manner, his question was true. If he were to embark on such a dangerous mission, he'd either have to believe in the cause or gain something great from it.
The Aburame decided to follow Barney outside, as the meeting with the Captain had all but adjourned,

Panthalassa's mind was in a turmoil, though, as his friend kept talking, it seemed like Barney's was even more chaotic. He kept on speaking, but his eyes and atention flickered in and out, like something was visibly distracting him. While Panthalassa wanted nothing more than to reminisce on their journey together and the task at hand, he was unable to focus out of worry for his friend.

Especially when, at the end of it, Barney seemingly shouted out to himself, which did startle the Aburame. Panthalassa looked around to see if any rebel had witnessed this outburst. So far, they appeared to be alone in the woods, and, other than a very startled deer, they seemed to be alone.

My friend, I think we should speak about this somewhere else. But we do have a decision to make.

Mission End
Coming from Yakukotan (032)

This post contains a B rank storyboard mission called: Witness the reintroduction of death

It was only moments ago that Barney calmed down after the outburst of his horrible. They were entering the outskirts of the village and the air was fresh. It was really a good moment to discussing the situation at hand. They exchanged thoughts and in general didn't disagree much. This is what made them a great team. They could easily agree on things and there was no room for drama with them. The walk certainly did them good to clear the air and to decide what and how it should be done. They got closer and closer, while a mysterious battle took place in the underworld, not far from them. A battle of uneven odds. A battle for the sake of Humanity. A battle destined to be lost. The winner, a foul creature responsible for the removal of death from the world was at the brink of blessing humanity with yet another gift.

"You know? About that whole chasing Madara thing..." Barney said as they got into the village. Here, the atmosphere was eerily quiet and calm. They weren't really bothered with all the guards on their outposts and those strolling the streets just like them. For what they cared, they were just simple tourists. They came to visit the city. To see it's historical monuments. The heart of the village. It's Kage mansion. Suddenly, the silence was broken with a single female scream. And then another one. And another one. The screams of people, young and old, across the whole city were heard and Panthalassa and Barney were shocked. Barney even got the heebie jeebies. All the hair across his whole body stood upright as he saw people falling onto the ground like sticks. Piles and piles of dead bodies as they walked towards the Kage mansion, now with their guard up. Something was wrong. Something didn't make sense. How were they alive when the rest just dropped dead?

"Do you think this has something to do with the battle in Irkalla and the removal of death?" asked Barney a rethorical question, not really expecting an answer because he was already convinced it had to be it. Somehow, death got reintroduced onto the world. And many people died within an instant. Those that tricked the Domain of Death with their immortality hack. Back when he first heard that death was removed from the world, he found it hilarious and stupid, but when he witnessed it with his own eyes, he started asking himself questions. He knew such a moment in time was possible at some point, yet he wasn't prepared.

As they walked, the streets were littered with bodies and they had a hard time navigating, watching their every step. The screams still didn't stop. It was mostly children now, orphans, crying after their deceased parents. They were left alone in this world, without guidance, without protection. Without hope. Their little beautiful and innocent faces were painted with tears as they screamed for help while crouching over the dead bodies of their parents. Its was a gut wrenching and heart breaking moment that really touched Barney. The emotion was so strong that he managed to completely block off the horrible within. Now was not the time.

"What... The... Fu*k..." he said while wiping his own tear from the corner of his eye. "What in the world? This is insane? We have to do something!" he said beggingly. Those that were still alive ran around maniacally, without a purpose or direction. They were scared because they thought they were next. Nobody paid attention to them, thus the job they set out to do wouldn't be as hard as they thought it could be.

"Let's hurry with this and return to Niashin. If he's alive, that is." finished Barney as he gave the empty Kage mansion a good look from up close.

Mission end.