Fuging (030)


Active member
Jan 21, 2013
Trait Points
Coming from Yakukotan (032)

This post contains a B rank storyboard mission called: Witness the reintroduction of death

It was only moments ago that Barney calmed down after the outburst of his horrible. They were entering the outskirts of the village and the air was fresh. It was really a good moment to discussing the situation at hand. They exchanged thoughts and in general didn't disagree much. This is what made them a great team. They could easily agree on things and there was no room for drama with them. The walk certainly did them good to clear the air and to decide what and how it should be done. They got closer and closer, while a mysterious battle took place in the underworld, not far from them. A battle of uneven odds. A battle for the sake of Humanity. A battle destined to be lost. The winner, a foul creature responsible for the removal of death from the world was at the brink of blessing humanity with yet another gift.

"You know? About that whole chasing Madara thing..." Barney said as they got into the village. Here, the atmosphere was eerily quiet and calm. They weren't really bothered with all the guards on their outposts and those strolling the streets just like them. For what they cared, they were just simple tourists. They came to visit the city. To see it's historical monuments. The heart of the village. It's Kage mansion. Suddenly, the silence was broken with a single female scream. And then another one. And another one. The screams of people, young and old, across the whole city were heard and Panthalassa and Barney were shocked. Barney even got the heebie jeebies. All the hair across his whole body stood upright as he saw people falling onto the ground like sticks. Piles and piles of dead bodies as they walked towards the Kage mansion, now with their guard up. Something was wrong. Something didn't make sense. How were they alive when the rest just dropped dead?

"Do you think this has something to do with the battle in Irkalla and the removal of death?" asked Barney a rethorical question, not really expecting an answer because he was already convinced it had to be it. Somehow, death got reintroduced onto the world. And many people died within an instant. Those that tricked the Domain of Death with their immortality hack. Back when he first heard that death was removed from the world, he found it hilarious and stupid, but when he witnessed it with his own eyes, he started asking himself questions. He knew such a moment in time was possible at some point, yet he wasn't prepared.

As they walked, the streets were littered with bodies and they had a hard time navigating, watching their every step. The screams still didn't stop. It was mostly children now, orphans, crying after their deceased parents. They were left alone in this world, without guidance, without protection. Without hope. Their little beautiful and innocent faces were painted with tears as they screamed for help while crouching over the dead bodies of their parents. Its was a gut wrenching and heart breaking moment that really touched Barney. The emotion was so strong that he managed to completely block off the horrible within. Now was not the time.

"What... The... Fu*k..." he said while wiping his own tear from the corner of his eye. "What in the world? This is insane? We have to do something!" he said beggingly. Those that were still alive ran around maniacally, without a purpose or direction. They were scared because they thought they were next. Nobody paid attention to them, thus the job they set out to do wouldn't be as hard as they thought it could be.

"Let's hurry with this and return to Niashin. If he's alive, that is." finished Barney as he gave the empty Kage mansion a good look from up close.

Mission end.
Coming from [x]

Mission Start

Surpass a PTSD flashback induced by the death of about 50% of the world population

Panthalassa was merrily chatting with Barney along the way. He had felt that Barney's previous outburst was all but gone, but there was still this lingering feeling that they had to talk about it. In truth, the notion of exposing their vulnerabilities to eachother was not unheard of, but still would be a mark in their relatioship.

The city of Fuging was bustling with activity. So much so that they apparently were able to stroll down the main street without so much as a guard glancing their way. After traveling through forests and small villages, Panthalassa had grown accustomed to a tranquility and peaceful mood that came to a glarring stop as soon as they stepped foot in this metropolis. Had he not notice this in Keishi? How there was so many people, far too many people.

The Aburame felt slightly claustrophobic, despite trying his best to hide it from his friend. This was not a usual feeling for him, but it suddenly dawned on Panthalassa just how overcrowded the city was. There were numerous homeless, dirty, sad and most of them with terrible wounds and necrosis on their skin. As they approached a military hospital, they were greeted by a horde of amputees and gruesome patients, victims of the war but simply unable to die.

In truth, there were too many people, most of them resembling the very ghouls that populated Irkala. Panthalassa started to drip down, the heat was almost unbearable. Suddenly, a passerby looked at him, and all Panthalassa could see was a Fate. He startled back but the ghost was replaced by a blond kunoichi. He appologized, but his head was spinning around.

He looked at Barney up ahead, who kept on towards the Kage Mansion, and was relief to find that his friend had not noticed anything. But the heat kept pilling up, as people started filling the street and drowining out every corner of the place. Panthalassa was shoved around, aimless, seeing Barney's head up ahead. He tried shouting but found no voice.

An old man approached to help, but as he stretched out his bony hand all Panthalassa could see was the sword of Falnir, coming to rip him appart. The Aburame violently pushed out the man's hand, and ran ahead, seeing only the giant facade of the Kage Mansion, while everything else turned into Irkalla itself.

He bumped into Barney. "You know... the whole chasing Madara thing..." Panthalassa's vision focused once more. Barney's joyous smile brought him back. And the air filled up with warmth again. Panthalassa shook his head and his thoughts, wholy focused on Barney... so much so that he missed the scream entirely. He smiled back at Barney, but the Yuki was not smiling anymore.

Panthalassa felt a pit in his stomach. The heat came back, and he turned around... And silence.

He looked at the metropolis of Fuging. And... death permeated the air.

He tried to scream again... but he was frozen in place.

Everyone... dead.


A scream.


And Panthalassa was no longer in the overworld.

All he could see was Irkalla.


Active member
Aug 21, 2010
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Mission Start

Surpass a PTSD flashback induced by the death of about 50% of the world population

Panthalassa was merrily chatting with Barney along the way. He had felt that Barney's previous outburst was all but gone, but there was still this lingering feeling that they had to talk about it. In truth, the notion of exposing their vulnerabilities to eachother was not unheard of, but still would be a mark in their relatioship.

The city of Fuging was bustling with activity. So much so that they apparently were able to stroll down the main street without so much as a guard glancing their way. After traveling through forests and small villages, Panthalassa had grown accustomed to a tranquility and peaceful mood that came to a glarring stop as soon as they stepped foot in this metropolis. Had he not notice this in Keishi? How there was so many people, far too many people.

The Aburame felt slightly claustrophobic, despite trying his best to hide it from his friend. This was not a usual feeling for him, but it suddenly dawned on Panthalassa just how overcrowded the city was. There were numerous homeless, dirty, sad and most of them with terrible wounds and necrosis on their skin. As they approached a military hospital, they were greeted by a horde of amputees and gruesome patients, victims of the war but simply unable to die.

In truth, there were too many people, most of them resembling the very ghouls that populated Irkala. Panthalassa started to drip down, the heat was almost unbearable. Suddenly, a passerby looked at him, and all Panthalassa could see was a Fate. He startled back but the ghost was replaced by a blond kunoichi. He appologized, but his head was spinning around.

He looked at Barney up ahead, who kept on towards the Kage Mansion, and was relief to find that his friend had not noticed anything. But the heat kept pilling up, as people started filling the street and drowining out every corner of the place. Panthalassa was shoved around, aimless, seeing Barney's head up ahead. He tried shouting but found no voice.

An old man approached to help, but as he stretched out his bony hand all Panthalassa could see was the sword of Falnir, coming to rip him appart. The Aburame violently pushed out the man's hand, and ran ahead, seeing only the giant facade of the Kage Mansion, while everything else turned into Irkalla itself.

He bumped into Barney. "You know... the whole chasing Madara thing..." Panthalassa's vision focused once more. Barney's joyous smile brought him back. And the air filled up with warmth again. Panthalassa shook his head and his thoughts, wholy focused on Barney... so much so that he missed the scream entirely. He smiled back at Barney, but the Yuki was not smiling anymore.

Panthalassa felt a pit in his stomach. The heat came back, and he turned around... And silence.

He looked at the metropolis of Fuging. And... death permeated the air.

He tried to scream again... but he was frozen in place.

Everyone... dead.


A scream.


And Panthalassa was no longer in the overworld.

All he could see was Irkalla.
This post contains a S rank storyboard mission called: Help a friend

Barney was ready to enter the Kage mansion with the feeling of a vicious fist crushing his heart and squeezing his lungs but then he turned to Panthalassa. He was pale like a ghost, his pupils were dilated. Heavy drops of sweat poured down his forehead and he experienced hot flashes which rapidly exchanged with chills. As if it wasn't enough, he was lightheaded, dizzy and experienced heavy breathing. It was a typical case of a panic attack. Barney understood perfectly. He noticed Panthalassa stumbling and rushed to catch him before he fell on the ground. He grabbed him by his armpits and pulled him aside, sitting him down next to a wall.

"I need you to relax and start doing deep and slow breaths." instructed Barney his friend, trying to help him overcome the situation. "Deep breath in. Deep breath out. That's it. Slow and steady." he continued as he watched Panthalassa relaxing and feeling better and better. His color returned and he stopped feeling hot flashes as his body returned its functions to normal. "I'm sorry my friend. I know it's a shit feeling but we have to move. I'm not sure how much longer this place is going to be safe. With so many bodies, it was only time before vultures would make their way into the village. It was the land of those damned Inuzuka and their beasts after all. They had to hurry with the task and rendezvous some place safe to figure out what's going on and how to proceed. This cataclysmic event changed all the plans drastically and even put some on hold for now. Trying to find mother Tiamat would always be his priority but right now it had to wait.

He offered the Aburame his hand to pull him up. Barney was eager to destroy this Kage mansion to avoid making this travel in vein. If they were destined to experience the death of almost a whole village then they had to embrace the irony of the situation and put the final nail in the coffin. Seeing all this death spread across the village like wildfire and the faces of the crying children changed something within him. The idea of chasing Madara still stood, but this time Barney made his ultimate choice.

He decided to side with humanity. It appeared as if there was no organization between their ranks. No purpose, no common goal. Someone had to step forward and take things into his hands. It wouldn't necessarily have be Barney, but he wanted to be the spark that would start the reaction. Things like these were a reminder that they were running out of time. Time was ticking, and so were the bombs that Barney placed around a few structurally important walls within the Kage mansion.

He wandered the hallways and checked every office just in case he found anything worthwile. Upon finally entering the Kage office Barney stopped for a moment. It was the tallest point in the village with an open view, surveillancing the whole village. It was a horror. The stench of the decomposing bodies was visible in the air as the winged vultures started circling the skies above the city.

"We have to go." he said while turning to Panthalassa, making sure that he did everything they agreed upon, only to notice a rabid look in Panthalassas eyes.
Last edited:


Active member
Jan 21, 2013
Trait Points
This post contains a A rank storyboard mission called: Help a friend

Barney was ready to enter the Kage mansion with the feeling of a vicious fist crushing his heart and squeezing his lungs but then he turned to Panthalassa. He was pale like a ghost, his pupils were dilated. Heavy drops of sweat poured down his forehead and he experienced hot flashes which rapidly exchanged with chills. As if it wasn't enough, he was lightheaded, dizzy and experienced heavy breathing. It was a typical case of a panic attack. Barney understood perfectly. He noticed Panthalassa stumbling and rushed to catch him before he fell on the ground. He grabbed him by his armpits and pulled him aside, sitting him down next to a wall.

"I need you to relax and start doing deep and slow breaths." instructed Barney his friend, trying to help him overcome the situation. "Deep breath in. Deep breath out. That's it. Slow and steady." he continued as he watched Panthalassa relaxing and feeling better and better. His color returned and he stopped feeling hot flashes as his body returned its functions to normal. "I'm sorry my friend. I know it's a shit feeling but we have to move. I'm not sure how much longer this place is going to be safe. With so many bodies, it was only time before vultures would make their way into the village. It was the land of those damned Inuzuka and their beasts after all. They had to hurry with the task and rendezvous some place safe to figure out what's going on and how to proceed. This cataclysmic event changed all the plans drastically and even put some on hold for now. Trying to find mother Tiamat would always be his priority but right now it had to wait.

He offered the Aburame his hand to pull him up. Barney was eager to destroy this Kage mansion to avoid making this travel in vein. If they were destined to experience the death of almost a whole village then they had to embrace the irony of the situation and put the final nail in the coffin. Seeing all this death spread across the village like wildfire and the faces of the crying children changed something within him. The idea of chasing Madara still stood, but this time Barney made his ultimate choice.

He decided to side with humanity. It appeared as if there was no organization between their ranks. No purpose, no common goal. Someone had to step forward and take things into his hands. It wouldn't necessarily have be Barney, but he wanted to be the spark that would start the reaction. Things like these were a reminder that they were running out of time. Time was ticking, and so were the bombs that Barney placed around a few structurally important walls within the Kage mansion.

He wandered the hallways and checked every office just in case he found anything worthwile. Upon finally entering the Kage office Barney stopped for a moment. It was the tallest point in the village with an open view, surveillancing the whole village. It was a horror. The stench of the decomposing bodies was visible in the air as the winged vultures started circling the skies above the city.

"We have to go." he said while turning to Panthalassa, making sure that he did everything they agreed upon, only to notice a rabid look in Panthalassas eyes.
Panthalassa had been in and out of it. The culling of so many lifes in an instance did not sit well with Panthalassa. While it couldn't be said that he had some sort of Spiritual Sensing, for he did not, the Aburame had experienced this sort of somber ambience in Irkalla, during the raid. Those that have seen death would be marred by it, and being inside the world of the dead was an experience that not many could brag about. Well, Panthalassa wasn't bragging about it, especially now that it had reached the Overworld.

At first, Panthalassa had seen his friend. But, then he had fled. Words were meaningless, for his traumatized mind was not processing them. Barney had spoken to Panthalassa, but no words were being registered. At some point in their climb, Panthalassa had shaken his visions, and was grateful to Barney.

But at the top of the Kage Mansion, Panthalassa was able to see the world. Fires had been started, from people that had died while cooking dinner. Children crying for their parents that had just died and tumbled over them. Parents that were holding their miracle babies, now clearly dead, obsessively trying to caress them into waking up. Construction works dropping huge piles of rock and steel over busy streets, killing more in their wake. And it wasn't Fuging anymore that Panthalassa was seeing.

It was the darkness of Irkalla. His mind shut down, so that he could not see any of these horrors. He couldn't see a thing past a few meters. But he could see one person. Sometimes blond, sometimes brunnette. He tried to shake his head, but the vision finnally set on the dark entity of Phetra, her long black hair swinging in the wind, darkness all around them.

His rabid look startled her as she turned around. But Panthalassa was not having it anymore.

He ran towards her, screaming, and doubled her over, ramming his right shoulder onto her sternum that took her breath away. But the rabid charge was uncontrolled, and caused both of them to go through a glass ceiling atop the Mansion, which would send them both flying into a drop of several stories down.


Active member
Aug 21, 2010
Trait Points
Panthalassa had been in and out of it. The culling of so many lifes in an instance did not sit well with Panthalassa. While it couldn't be said that he had some sort of Spiritual Sensing, for he did not, the Aburame had experienced this sort of somber ambience in Irkalla, during the raid. Those that have seen death would be marred by it, and being inside the world of the dead was an experience that not many could brag about. Well, Panthalassa wasn't bragging about it, especially now that it had reached the Overworld.

At first, Panthalassa had seen his friend. But, then he had fled. Words were meaningless, for his traumatized mind was not processing them. Barney had spoken to Panthalassa, but no words were being registered. At some point in their climb, Panthalassa had shaken his visions, and was grateful to Barney.

But at the top of the Kage Mansion, Panthalassa was able to see the world. Fires had been started, from people that had died while cooking dinner. Children crying for their parents that had just died and tumbled over them. Parents that were holding their miracle babies, now clearly dead, obsessively trying to caress them into waking up. Construction works dropping huge piles of rock and steel over busy streets, killing more in their wake. And it wasn't Fuging anymore that Panthalassa was seeing.

It was the darkness of Irkalla. His mind shut down, so that he could not see any of these horrors. He couldn't see a thing past a few meters. But he could see one person. Sometimes blond, sometimes brunnette. He tried to shake his head, but the vision finnally set on the dark entity of Phetra, her long black hair swinging in the wind, darkness all around them.

His rabid look startled her as she turned around. But Panthalassa was not having it anymore.

He ran towards her, screaming, and doubled her over, ramming his right shoulder onto her sternum that took her breath away. But the rabid charge was uncontrolled, and caused both of them to go through a glass ceiling atop the Mansion, which would send them both flying into a drop of several stories down.
"HEY! STO..." Barney tried to shout but before he could finish Panthalassa charged at him, bumping him through the glass balcony from where they were rudely met by the hard concrete in front of the mansion. To be fair, the Kage mansion was charged with explosives and this was certainly the fastest way out, but it wasn't what Barney had planned. As they hit the ground, Panthalassa further crushed Barney by landing onto him which protected him from the glass shards that fell afterwards, however, most of them found their way to inflict serious wounds onto Panthalassa. Immediately, Barney would gasp for breath and try to remove some of the larger pieces from his back, only to notice large amounts of blood pouring out as he saw the blood on his hands.

"Fu*k." he said through his teeth as he tried to push Panthalassa off himself. It seemed as if Panthalassa was still zapped out of it. "Come on motherfu*ker, I'm not letting you die now." Barney said as he pulled all his strength for a final push, finally managing to move Panthalassa to the side. Immediately he slapped Panthalassa a few times but to no avail. "Think! Think!" Barney kept repeating to himself. It was obvious that he had to stop the bleeding so he positioned Panthalassa on his side, putting his upper hand below his head while angling it slightly upwards. He grabbed his mouth and opened it to make sure he wouldn't choke on his tongue and he bent his upper leg in his knee to make sure he doesn't roll over. This was first aid 101. Now it came time to clean his hands and the affected area in order to extract the stuck shards of glass, as well as stop the bleeding, however, time was running out. Barney knew the building was about to collapse any moment now, but it was impossible to move him without risking further damage. As a simple temporary protection, he created an earthen half dome around themselves to protect them from the possible rubble that could fall onto them while Barney battled for the life of his dear friend.

(Doton: Iwa no Hogo) - Earth Release: Earth Shelter Technique
Type: Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user surrounds themselves with earth, taken from the immediate vicinity, in order to fabricate a formation of rock that is capable of protecting both the user and others in close proximity, if desired. Doing so, seemingly leaves the surrounding terrain unaltered, even when the quantity of earth used is enough to form a complete dome around multiple individuals as seen when Ittan used this technique. The user can also manipulate the resulting shelter to have openings in it so as to be able to observe outside, as demonstrated when used by Kitsuchi.
(Iryō Ninjutsu: Kirei Tomo) Medical Technique: I clean all of me
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The medical shinobi fills his palms with small amounts of extremely aggressive chakra and runs them over the areas of his body he wants to clean of any microorganisms, harmful substances, etc. The chakra will eliminate any inert harmful substance or microorganism present on that area. Normally this technique is done on the hands and lower arms just before having contact with a patient but can be applied to the whole body in specific situations (before performing surgery, if the enemy is highly contagious, etc). After being done, the chakra automatically turns back to his regular, non-harmful and calm one.
(Iryō Ninjutsu: Kirei Itto) Medical Technique: I clean all of him
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The medical shinobi fills his palms with moderate amounts of semi-aggressive chakra and runs them over any areas of the patient’s body he wants to clean of any microorganisms, controlling the chakra flow constantly so it doesn't becomes too lethal. The area affected is 4 times the area of the users hands. After being done, his chakra automatically turns back to his regular, non-harmful and calm one.
"Hold on buddy." Barney sad as he performed Kiyomaru by running his medical chakra through his hands and across Panthalassas body before performing Shindan, a medical skill used to diagnose and see the extent of damage and where the leftover shards were. Luckily, no major nerves were damaged and the spine was fine so he would expect a full recovery barring any unforseen events. He ran his medical chakra through Panthalassas back, performing Tekishutsu in order to extract the shards of glass piece by piece. The extraction process was actually quite simple. Having learned the skill back in med school seemed more like a chore but he was glad he did because it was clearly important and only a matter of time before he would have to apply it in practice. By using his medical chakra, he would manipulate the tissue around the glass to move apart ever so slightly and then he would coat the shard with that same chakra, grabbing it and then slowly pulling it outwards without damaging any additional tissue. To make his job easier, he started with the bigger shards that were located in his lower back and then made his way upwards where the smaller shards placed themselves in the more delicate parts. A wrong move Panthalassa could lose the control of his arms as there were some important nerves, muscles and tendons around the shoulder blades. As the shards got smaller, Barney grew more restless. The imminent danger from the explosion and collapse of the Kage mansion was lingering in his thoughts and large drops of sweat poured down his forehead. "Just... A.... Few... Mor..." struggled Barney while balancing quickness and precision when the explosion suddenly occurred. Dust and rubble blasted around the half dome, outwards and around them and it shook the ground really good. The loud explosion pulled Panthalassa back from his passed out state into a state of infinite pain where he would scream from the top of his lungs. This was no good.

"Shhhhhh... Hey! Hey! Hey! Relax! Relax! It's me!!" Barney shouted while trying to calm Panthalassa down to prevent him from injuring himself but it wasn't helping. Whatever was on his mind left deep scars and only such a traumatic event could explain the episode he experienced earlier, bumping into Barney out of the blue. Unfortunately Barney wasn't a shrink so he wouldn't be able to repair any damage done in that brain of his. Best he could do was to be there for his friend in times of need. Nevertheless, Barney had to finish what he started so the only course of action, while he grabbed Panthalassas hands and put his weight onto him trying to hold him down, was to knock him out again. Using his chakra he created a medical snake that bit Panthalassa rendering him unconscious as Barney held him tight.

( Iryō Ninjutsu: Masui Sejutsu ) - Medical Technique: Secret Anesthesia Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user will charge a special chakra into one of his hands manifesting it as an ethereal pure chakra familiar, resembling a snake. It will then bite the patient, injecting chakra into him. This chakra is designed to render a patient unconscious. The effect takes some time to establish and the patient needs to be still for it to be successful but is very useful to perform surgery, suturing wounds, setting bones straight, etc as it effectively sedates the patient and acts as a general anesthesia. While it can be used in battle, its almost impossible to do so because of the time it takes for the sedation to work and the need for the connection to remain intact until it does work.
Note: Lasts 2 turns
He then quickly finished with the last few bits of glass before starting with Keksuki Gyouko, also known as blood coagulation. To be able to properly close the numerous wounds he had to stop the blood so using his chakra he promoted the bonding of the platelets and fibrin within the blood cells as they poured out of the open tissue. This was one of the many wonders of the human body, an intrinsic primal concept that preserved life for many millenia, even before chakra was ever introduced to man. Once done, he finished off by summoning a few medical supplies from his coat, which were necessary to suture the larger wounds. Suture by suture, the situation was looking better and better and Barney put a lot of effort into making the sutures nice to avoid large scarring later on. His friends back became a canvas and Barney was doing his masterpiece. As he was finally done with suturing the wounds, he wrapped the summoned bandage around Panthalassa and ran a quick round of Mystical Palm to promote healing of the wounds, after which he decided to wake finally him up.

( Kuchiyose No Jutsu: Eisei Yougu ) - Summoning Technique: Medical tools
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra cost: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The medical shinobi bites his thumb and draws his Medical Kanji on the Medical scroll underneath the symbol of the tool he desires to summon.
Note: This can only be used by Medical Shinobi.:
  • メス - scalpel, sterilized
  • ナイフ - knife
  • アルコール - a bottle of 96% ethanol for disinfection
  • 水 - a bottle of sterilized water
  • スポイト - syringe, sterile, for one time use only
  • アドレナリン - adrenaline, to be injected intravasulary, induces faster heartbeat
  • 包帯 - bandage, sterile, 8 meters in length
  • 血液 - a set of everything you need to draw someones blood (Sterile syringe, vacuum system and a test tube.)
  • 温度計 - mercury thermometer, for axillary or rectal use
  • ベッド - a mobile bed to carry patients
  • バグ - bug spray, effective against all bugs, lasts for 2 turns (used in cases when your patient is having a reaction to multiple bug stings, and there are still some bugs around it, so you spray-kill them. Kills bugs up to A rank if they've been created/summoned from a jutsu like the Aburame techniques)
  • テント - a small tent, just enough for two people to lie in
  • 光 - a flashlight
  • ガスマスク - gas mask with a bottle of oxygen that lasts 5 turns (Not 100% effective against all types of poison/gas. The purpose is to protect the user from breathing in toxic substances, keeping the lungs safe. However, if the poison gets absorbed through the pores of the skin it will still affect you).
  • 流体 - a set to start an intravenous fluid addition line, helpful with dehydration amongst many other conditions
  • モルタル - mortar and pestle, chemically clean
  • スプーン - spoon, sterile
  • パテ - putty knife, metal, sterile
  • 研究所 - a small hut. Into the walls of that house, parts of Nexus' eyes DNA have been inserted, so now it mixes Time And Relative Dimensions In Space , creating an effect of being larger on the inside then it is on the outside. Inside is an advanced laboratory with everything needed to create antidotes and medicines.
( Iryō Ninjutsu: Shōsen Jutsu ) - Medical Technique: Mystic Palm Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (2x the amount of damage healed, 200 max)
Damage: N/A
Description: This medical ninjutsu allows the user to speed up the body's natural healing process by focusing chakra onto their hands, forming an aura of greenish chakra which he then sends into a wound or afflicted body part. This allows the user to heal a patient without the need for medical equipment or surgery, making it very useful on the battlefield. It can be used to treat both external and internal injuries. It is vital to match the amount of chakra used to the severity of the affliction or injury. This requires a great amount of chakra control. Because of this, only a few highly skilled medical-nin are able to use this technique. The limitation of the technique is that it cannot regrow missing body parts or remove with poisons or toxins, though it can heal damage by them. Additionally, perhaps its more severe drawback is the chakra cost, which is much higher than any other medical technique. For each damage point the user of the technique wishes to heal, he needs to spend twice as much chakra. Basically, for x amount of damage the user needs to spend 2x amount of chakra to repair/heal. The user can also use this technique on himself and it can be used with one hand or two and even in two targets at a time or while using another technique with the other hand. The speed of the healing is fast but not instant.
Note: Can be used on up to 2 targets.
Note: Can only be used by Medical Ninja.
"Wake up beautiful. Time to go home. I think you should be fine, but we'll monitor you over time to make sure everything heals nicely. Seems like you won't get rid of me for a little while longer, haha." laughed Barney his ass off while Panthalassa was still getting back into it. "And don't you try that shit on me again. You could've almost killed us both." his tone became serious although Panthalassa most likely wouldn't have heard or understood what Barney said anyway. He stood up and walked around the half dome to see if their mission was a success or failure. He hoped to God thatthey didn't go through this whole ordeal for nothing. Thankfully, the task was fruitful and the Kage mansion was in complete destruction. The dust was still settling down and the leftover alive people came out of hiding to see what was going on. As Barney stood there he felt an urge to address them, reminding himself of the words of captain Niashin. They were told to recruit new members to the cause, if possible of course, but Barney really found that inappropriate at this point in time. Most of the living were mourning their deceased and it was not the time for recruitment. Niashin would have to be satisfied with the Kage mansion being destroyed. After all, it was the signal that he wanted to send to Madara.

Mission end.


Active member
Jan 21, 2013
Trait Points
"HEY! STO..." Barney tried to shout but before he could finish Panthalassa charged at him, bumping him through the glass balcony from where they were rudely met by the hard concrete in front of the mansion. To be fair, the Kage mansion was charged with explosives and this was certainly the fastest way out, but it wasn't what Barney had planned. As they hit the ground, Panthalassa further crushed Barney by landing onto him which protected him from the glass shards that fell afterwards, however, most of them found their way to inflict serious wounds onto Panthalassa. Immediately, Barney would gasp for breath and try to remove some of the larger pieces from his back, only to notice large amounts of blood pouring out as he saw the blood on his hands.

"Fu*k." he said through his teeth as he tried to push Panthalassa off himself. It seemed as if Panthalassa was still zapped out of it. "Come on motherfu*ker, I'm not letting you die now." Barney said as he pulled all his strength for a final push, finally managing to move Panthalassa to the side. Immediately he slapped Panthalassa a few times but to no avail. "Think! Think!" Barney kept repeating to himself. It was obvious that he had to stop the bleeding so he positioned Panthalassa on his side, putting his upper hand below his head while angling it slightly upwards. He grabbed his mouth and opened it to make sure he wouldn't choke on his tongue and he bent his upper leg in his knee to make sure he doesn't roll over. This was first aid 101. Now it came time to clean his hands and the affected area in order to extract the stuck shards of glass, as well as stop the bleeding, however, time was running out. Barney knew the building was about to collapse any moment now, but it was impossible to move him without risking further damage. As a simple temporary protection, he created an earthen half dome around themselves to protect them from the possible rubble that could fall onto them while Barney battled for the life of his dear friend.

(Doton: Iwa no Hogo) - Earth Release: Earth Shelter Technique
Type: Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user surrounds themselves with earth, taken from the immediate vicinity, in order to fabricate a formation of rock that is capable of protecting both the user and others in close proximity, if desired. Doing so, seemingly leaves the surrounding terrain unaltered, even when the quantity of earth used is enough to form a complete dome around multiple individuals as seen when Ittan used this technique. The user can also manipulate the resulting shelter to have openings in it so as to be able to observe outside, as demonstrated when used by Kitsuchi.
(Iryō Ninjutsu: Kirei Tomo) Medical Technique: I clean all of me
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The medical shinobi fills his palms with small amounts of extremely aggressive chakra and runs them over the areas of his body he wants to clean of any microorganisms, harmful substances, etc. The chakra will eliminate any inert harmful substance or microorganism present on that area. Normally this technique is done on the hands and lower arms just before having contact with a patient but can be applied to the whole body in specific situations (before performing surgery, if the enemy is highly contagious, etc). After being done, the chakra automatically turns back to his regular, non-harmful and calm one.
(Iryō Ninjutsu: Kirei Itto) Medical Technique: I clean all of him
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The medical shinobi fills his palms with moderate amounts of semi-aggressive chakra and runs them over any areas of the patient’s body he wants to clean of any microorganisms, controlling the chakra flow constantly so it doesn't becomes too lethal. The area affected is 4 times the area of the users hands. After being done, his chakra automatically turns back to his regular, non-harmful and calm one.
"Hold on buddy." Barney sad as he performed Kiyomaru by running his medical chakra through his hands and across Panthalassas body before performing Shindan, a medical skill used to diagnose and see the extent of damage and where the leftover shards were. Luckily, no major nerves were damaged and the spine was fine so he would expect a full recovery barring any unforseen events. He ran his medical chakra through Panthalassas back, performing Tekishutsu in order to extract the shards of glass piece by piece. The extraction process was actually quite simple. Having learned the skill back in med school seemed more like a chore but he was glad he did because it was clearly important and only a matter of time before he would have to apply it in practice. By using his medical chakra, he would manipulate the tissue around the glass to move apart ever so slightly and then he would coat the shard with that same chakra, grabbing it and then slowly pulling it outwards without damaging any additional tissue. To make his job easier, he started with the bigger shards that were located in his lower back and then made his way upwards where the smaller shards placed themselves in the more delicate parts. A wrong move Panthalassa could lose the control of his arms as there were some important nerves, muscles and tendons around the shoulder blades. As the shards got smaller, Barney grew more restless. The imminent danger from the explosion and collapse of the Kage mansion was lingering in his thoughts and large drops of sweat poured down his forehead. "Just... A.... Few... Mor..." struggled Barney while balancing quickness and precision when the explosion suddenly occurred. Dust and rubble blasted around the half dome, outwards and around them and it shook the ground really good. The loud explosion pulled Panthalassa back from his passed out state into a state of infinite pain where he would scream from the top of his lungs. This was no good.

"Shhhhhh... Hey! Hey! Hey! Relax! Relax! It's me!!" Barney shouted while trying to calm Panthalassa down to prevent him from injuring himself but it wasn't helping. Whatever was on his mind left deep scars and only such a traumatic event could explain the episode he experienced earlier, bumping into Barney out of the blue. Unfortunately Barney wasn't a shrink so he wouldn't be able to repair any damage done in that brain of his. Best he could do was to be there for his friend in times of need. Nevertheless, Barney had to finish what he started so the only course of action, while he grabbed Panthalassas hands and put his weight onto him trying to hold him down, was to knock him out again. Using his chakra he created a medical snake that bit Panthalassa rendering him unconscious as Barney held him tight.

( Iryō Ninjutsu: Masui Sejutsu ) - Medical Technique: Secret Anesthesia Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user will charge a special chakra into one of his hands manifesting it as an ethereal pure chakra familiar, resembling a snake. It will then bite the patient, injecting chakra into him. This chakra is designed to render a patient unconscious. The effect takes some time to establish and the patient needs to be still for it to be successful but is very useful to perform surgery, suturing wounds, setting bones straight, etc as it effectively sedates the patient and acts as a general anesthesia. While it can be used in battle, its almost impossible to do so because of the time it takes for the sedation to work and the need for the connection to remain intact until it does work.
Note: Lasts 2 turns
He then quickly finished with the last few bits of glass before starting with Keksuki Gyouko, also known as blood coagulation. To be able to properly close the numerous wounds he had to stop the blood so using his chakra he promoted the bonding of the platelets and fibrin within the blood cells as they poured out of the open tissue. This was one of the many wonders of the human body, an intrinsic primal concept that preserved life for many millenia, even before chakra was ever introduced to man. Once done, he finished off by summoning a few medical supplies from his coat, which were necessary to suture the larger wounds. Suture by suture, the situation was looking better and better and Barney put a lot of effort into making the sutures nice to avoid large scarring later on. His friends back became a canvas and Barney was doing his masterpiece. As he was finally done with suturing the wounds, he wrapped the summoned bandage around Panthalassa and ran a quick round of Mystical Palm to promote healing of the wounds, after which he decided to wake finally him up.

( Kuchiyose No Jutsu: Eisei Yougu ) - Summoning Technique: Medical tools
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra cost: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The medical shinobi bites his thumb and draws his Medical Kanji on the Medical scroll underneath the symbol of the tool he desires to summon.
Note: This can only be used by Medical Shinobi.:
  • メス - scalpel, sterilized
  • ナイフ - knife
  • アルコール - a bottle of 96% ethanol for disinfection
  • 水 - a bottle of sterilized water
  • スポイト - syringe, sterile, for one time use only
  • アドレナリン - adrenaline, to be injected intravasulary, induces faster heartbeat
  • 包帯 - bandage, sterile, 8 meters in length
  • 血液 - a set of everything you need to draw someones blood (Sterile syringe, vacuum system and a test tube.)
  • 温度計 - mercury thermometer, for axillary or rectal use
  • ベッド - a mobile bed to carry patients
  • バグ - bug spray, effective against all bugs, lasts for 2 turns (used in cases when your patient is having a reaction to multiple bug stings, and there are still some bugs around it, so you spray-kill them. Kills bugs up to A rank if they've been created/summoned from a jutsu like the Aburame techniques)
  • テント - a small tent, just enough for two people to lie in
  • 光 - a flashlight
  • ガスマスク - gas mask with a bottle of oxygen that lasts 5 turns (Not 100% effective against all types of poison/gas. The purpose is to protect the user from breathing in toxic substances, keeping the lungs safe. However, if the poison gets absorbed through the pores of the skin it will still affect you).
  • 流体 - a set to start an intravenous fluid addition line, helpful with dehydration amongst many other conditions
  • モルタル - mortar and pestle, chemically clean
  • スプーン - spoon, sterile
  • パテ - putty knife, metal, sterile
  • 研究所 - a small hut. Into the walls of that house, parts of Nexus' eyes DNA have been inserted, so now it mixes Time And Relative Dimensions In Space , creating an effect of being larger on the inside then it is on the outside. Inside is an advanced laboratory with everything needed to create antidotes and medicines.
( Iryō Ninjutsu: Shōsen Jutsu ) - Medical Technique: Mystic Palm Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (2x the amount of damage healed, 200 max)
Damage: N/A
Description: This medical ninjutsu allows the user to speed up the body's natural healing process by focusing chakra onto their hands, forming an aura of greenish chakra which he then sends into a wound or afflicted body part. This allows the user to heal a patient without the need for medical equipment or surgery, making it very useful on the battlefield. It can be used to treat both external and internal injuries. It is vital to match the amount of chakra used to the severity of the affliction or injury. This requires a great amount of chakra control. Because of this, only a few highly skilled medical-nin are able to use this technique. The limitation of the technique is that it cannot regrow missing body parts or remove with poisons or toxins, though it can heal damage by them. Additionally, perhaps its more severe drawback is the chakra cost, which is much higher than any other medical technique. For each damage point the user of the technique wishes to heal, he needs to spend twice as much chakra. Basically, for x amount of damage the user needs to spend 2x amount of chakra to repair/heal. The user can also use this technique on himself and it can be used with one hand or two and even in two targets at a time or while using another technique with the other hand. The speed of the healing is fast but not instant.
Note: Can be used on up to 2 targets.
Note: Can only be used by Medical Ninja.
"Wake up beautiful. Time to go home. I think you should be fine, but we'll monitor you over time to make sure everything heals nicely. Seems like you won't get rid of me for a little while longer, haha." laughed Barney his ass off while Panthalassa was still getting back into it. "And don't you try that shit on me again. You could've almost killed us both." his tone became serious although Panthalassa most likely wouldn't have heard or understood what Barney said anyway. He stood up and walked around the half dome to see if their mission was a success or failure. He hoped to God thatthey didn't go through this whole ordeal for nothing. Thankfully, the task was fruitful and the Kage mansion was in complete destruction. The dust was still settling down and the leftover alive people came out of hiding to see what was going on. As Barney stood there he felt an urge to address them, reminding himself of the words of captain Niashin. They were told to recruit new members to the cause, if possible of course, but Barney really found that inappropriate at this point in time. Most of the living were mourning their deceased and it was not the time for recruitment. Niashin would have to be satisfied with the Kage mansion being destroyed. After all, it was the signal that he wanted to send to Madara.

Mission end.
The dark surroundings of the Palace of Ganzir were closing in on Panthalassa. After tackling down Phetra, he felt her wiggle away and then summon a gargantuan blast of purple miasma. The blast crushed his torax, and, grasping for air, he looked up to the Voidlord, which launched her attack once more, shattering the energy and the darkness itself into a multide of shards of glass, that pierced through his back, as he bled out in the cold floor of Ganzir.

Lights and flashes, his mind racing as he experienced the fall, mixed with his own visions. He had falled on top of Barney, but his mind registered Phetra's attack. The glass ceiling had pierced through his back, but it was the purple miasma. Panthalassa blacked out, left within the constrains of his mind.

It was funny to Panthalassa, dealing with failure. In a sense, this trauma started with his mother, abandoning him and his father. Was he a failure of a son, for her mother to have left him? His father was an alcoholic, and not an Aburame, so Panthalassa didn't inherit his powers from him. Was he a failure of a legacy? His friends, his old village, his plans, all ended with the strike of a Kirin, that fried his back and the now familiar fractal scar he bore. Was he a failure of a ninja?

The darkness of his mind kept crashing onto him, and the feleing of failure mixed in with the death that had been all around him. He was no stranger to death, but he did not deal well with failure. Why was he thinking about this? His trauma was with death... this was the trigger... this was?


He was brought back by an explosion, his mind was pried open and he looked at Barney saving him, but the pain was extreme. His rattled mind was in pieces, and he could now see two entities, Phetra and the walls of Gazir, and Barney and the shattered earthen dome amidst the Kage Mansion. Both visions started to juxtapose, just as a snake of anesthesia bit him, and he dozed off once more.

In his mind once more, Panthalassa stood alone. Both images had been extended before his eyes, like a huge corridor with a gallery wall at either side. For the first time since his ptsd kicked in, he was staring at his traumas from a 3rd person view. It was not Death that was at the root of his problems, but Failure and Abandonment. The Champions failed humanity, despite having tried their best in the raid. Panthalassa clenched his chest, feeling his heart beat.

But as much as he glared at Phetra's side of the gallery, his eye kept looking over to Barney. He saw his friend, pouring over him, saving him. He looked back at their journey. Failure was not a word in their dictionary. They had faced many obstacles, but they persevered. Having Friends, having Partners in crime, having people that have your back no matter what. Failure would be with us all the time, but it's what you make of your failings that define you as a man, and as a ninja.

He looked back at his own journey. Despite not knowing what purpose he had, nor if his actions made any impact. Despite not knowing how to avoid this much death, or how to defeat enemies whose powers resembled those of gods, Panthalassa knew one thing for certain.

Humanity was worth fighting for. Friends were worth fightning for.

Panthalassa slowly opened his eyes, and grunted a bit from exhaustion and pain. But he was happy.

You're worth fightning for. Thank you, my friend.

Mission End
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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Alucard and Lilith arrived in Fuging where they were met with two friendly faces.

They're alive!!!

Lilith rushed towards the two of them while Alucard remained in her shadow and walked slowly towards the two. He grabbed his Godslayer stake within his robe to make sure it was still there.

@Panthalassa @McRazor


Active member
Aug 21, 2010
Trait Points
The dark surroundings of the Palace of Ganzir were closing in on Panthalassa. After tackling down Phetra, he felt her wiggle away and then summon a gargantuan blast of purple miasma. The blast crushed his torax, and, grasping for air, he looked up to the Voidlord, which launched her attack once more, shattering the energy and the darkness itself into a multide of shards of glass, that pierced through his back, as he bled out in the cold floor of Ganzir.

Lights and flashes, his mind racing as he experienced the fall, mixed with his own visions. He had falled on top of Barney, but his mind registered Phetra's attack. The glass ceiling had pierced through his back, but it was the purple miasma. Panthalassa blacked out, left within the constrains of his mind.

It was funny to Panthalassa, dealing with failure. In a sense, this trauma started with his mother, abandoning him and his father. Was he a failure of a son, for her mother to have left him? His father was an alcoholic, and not an Aburame, so Panthalassa didn't inherit his powers from him. Was he a failure of a legacy? His friends, his old village, his plans, all ended with the strike of a Kirin, that fried his back and the now familiar fractal scar he bore. Was he a failure of a ninja?

The darkness of his mind kept crashing onto him, and the feleing of failure mixed in with the death that had been all around him. He was no stranger to death, but he did not deal well with failure. Why was he thinking about this? His trauma was with death... this was the trigger... this was?


He was brought back by an explosion, his mind was pried open and he looked at Barney saving him, but the pain was extreme. His rattled mind was in pieces, and he could now see two entities, Phetra and the walls of Gazir, and Barney and the shattered earthen dome amidst the Kage Mansion. Both visions started to juxtapose, just as a snake of anesthesia bit him, and he dozed off once more.

In his mind once more, Panthalassa stood alone. Both images had been extended before his eyes, like a huge corridor with a gallery wall at either side. For the first time since his ptsd kicked in, he was staring at his traumas from a 3rd person view. It was not Death that was at the root of his problems, but Failure and Abandonment. The Champions failed humanity, despite having tried their best in the raid. Panthalassa clenched his chest, feeling his heart beat.

But as much as he glared at Phetra's side of the gallery, his eye kept looking over to Barney. He saw his friend, pouring over him, saving him. He looked back at their journey. Failure was not a word in their dictionary. They had faced many obstacles, but they persevered. Having Friends, having Partners in crime, having people that have your back no matter what. Failure would be with us all the time, but it's what you make of your failings that define you as a man, and as a ninja.

He looked back at his own journey. Despite not knowing what purpose he had, nor if his actions made any impact. Despite not knowing how to avoid this much death, or how to defeat enemies whose powers resembled those of gods, Panthalassa knew one thing for certain.

Humanity was worth fighting for. Friends were worth fightning for.

Panthalassa slowly opened his eyes, and grunted a bit from exhaustion and pain. But he was happy.

You're worth fightning for. Thank you, my friend.

Mission End
Coming from [x]

Alucard and Lilith arrived in Fuging where they were met with two friendly faces.

They're alive!!!

Lilith rushed towards the two of them while Alucard remained in her shadow and walked slowly towards the two. He grabbed his Godslayer stake within his robe to make sure it was still there.

@Panthalassa @McRazor
After the whole ordeal was finally done and he heard his friends voice from behind, Barney was ecstatic. He turned around in a rush and noticed Panthalassa getting up and dusting himself off, but in the distance two figures were approaching. From their walk they looked familiar. The slow and sure-footed walk was recognizable from outer space. There was no doubt, it was Alucard with his new creation. Barney didn't engage much with Lilith, in fact he only saw her once back in Khulna. To be fair, he grew accustomed to Zev. That grumpy guy was cool as hell. Either way, those two were a pleasant surprise.

"Hey you two! What brings you here?" Barney said excited to see them albeit at an unfortunate moment. He dusted himself off and moved some of the rubble that laid in front with his foot so that he could greet Alucard and Lilith. "Lilith." he addressed her and bowed slightly to the lady. But there was something about Alucard. He was always the same old self but now he had a slight uncertainty about him. Was it the death plague? How has it affected him? Or was it something else? Barney could see him reaching into his robes and then a slight relief as if he was making sure he still had something with him.

"What's up old man? Last time I saw you back in Khulna you were in distress and in a rush. You were rambling about some armoury of Marzipan. How did that go?" concluded Barney.


Active member
Jan 21, 2013
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Alucard and Lilith arrived in Fuging where they were met with two friendly faces.

They're alive!!!

Lilith rushed towards the two of them while Alucard remained in her shadow and walked slowly towards the two. He grabbed his Godslayer stake within his robe to make sure it was still there.

@Panthalassa @McRazor
After the whole ordeal was finally done and he heard his friends voice from behind, Barney was ecstatic. He turned around in a rush and noticed Panthalassa getting up and dusting himself off, but in the distance two figures were approaching. From their walk they looked familiar. The slow and sure-footed walk was recognizable from outer space. There was no doubt, it was Alucard with his new creation. Barney didn't engage much with Lilith, in fact he only saw her once back in Khulna. To be fair, he grew accustomed to Zev. That grumpy guy was cool as hell. Either way, those two were a pleasant surprise.

"Hey you two! What brings you here?" Barney said excited to see them albeit at an unfortunate moment. He dusted himself off and moved some of the rubble that laid in front with his foot so that he could greet Alucard and Lilith. "Lilith." he addressed her and bowed slightly to the lady. But there was something about Alucard. He was always the same old self but now he had a slight uncertainty about him. Was it the death plague? How has it affected him? Or was it something else? Barney could see him reaching into his robes and then a slight relief as if he was making sure he still had something with him.

"What's up old man? Last time I saw you back in Khulna you were in distress and in a rush. You were rambling about some armoury of Marzipan. How did that go?" concluded Barney.
Mission Start

Retrieve information about new weapons.

Panthalassa would still be a bit shaken, but he was back to his chippy mood. So when Alucard came suddenly barging in, Panthalassa put on a bright smile to see their leader. He greeted them both, but would not have understood the Marzipan reference.

Hum... Marzipan? That's such a gross candy... Why are you messing with that?

Panthalassa would be baffled, but, then again, Alucard seemed veeeeery old, so his tastes might just be more matured than his.


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
After the whole ordeal was finally done and he heard his friends voice from behind, Barney was ecstatic. He turned around in a rush and noticed Panthalassa getting up and dusting himself off, but in the distance two figures were approaching. From their walk they looked familiar. The slow and sure-footed walk was recognizable from outer space. There was no doubt, it was Alucard with his new creation. Barney didn't engage much with Lilith, in fact he only saw her once back in Khulna. To be fair, he grew accustomed to Zev. That grumpy guy was cool as hell. Either way, those two were a pleasant surprise.

"Hey you two! What brings you here?" Barney said excited to see them albeit at an unfortunate moment. He dusted himself off and moved some of the rubble that laid in front with his foot so that he could greet Alucard and Lilith. "Lilith." he addressed her and bowed slightly to the lady. But there was something about Alucard. He was always the same old self but now he had a slight uncertainty about him. Was it the death plague? How has it affected him? Or was it something else? Barney could see him reaching into his robes and then a slight relief as if he was making sure he still had something with him.

"What's up old man? Last time I saw you back in Khulna you were in distress and in a rush. You were rambling about some armoury of Marzipan. How did that go?" concluded Barney.
Mission Start

Retrieve information about new weapons.

Panthalassa would still be a bit shaken, but he was back to his chippy mood. So when Alucard came suddenly barging in, Panthalassa put on a bright smile to see their leader. He greeted them both, but would not have understood the Marzipan reference.

Hum... Marzipan? That's such a gross candy... Why are you messing with that?

Panthalassa would be baffled, but, then again, Alucard seemed veeeeery old, so his tastes might just be more matured than his.
Lilith waited for Barney to finish his bow before she ran over to hug him. When she finished with that she ran over to Panthalassa and hugged him too.

Yokatta!! Are you alright?

Lilith noticed on Panthalassa that he seemed to be a bit under the weather. Alucard would in the meantime reach out for the Godslayer stake and reveal it to the two of them. He held it in a reverse grip, with the edge pointing towards his own heart.

Heh, to think it would come to this. Relying on specific tools for survival as if my stellar powers wasn't enough. Oh well, it's the times we live in i guess.

He tossed the stake up in the air in a spinning motion and grabbed it again, this time pointing the edge towards his two clan-members.

Heishiki is currently in Marzan's Armory back in Tobusekai where i just came fromand i won't lie to you. You two should get yourself one of these as well for insurance. While i was there i was secluded from the world, unable to sense or see anything with with my Dojutsu but something has happened while i was there i can feel it.


Active member
Aug 21, 2010
Trait Points
Lilith waited for Barney to finish his bow before she ran over to hug him. When she finished with that she ran over to Panthalassa and hugged him too.

Yokatta!! Are you alright?

Lilith noticed on Panthalassa that he seemed to be a bit under the weather. Alucard would in the meantime reach out for the Godslayer stake and reveal it to the two of them. He held it in a reverse grip, with the edge pointing towards his own heart.

Heh, to think it would come to this. Relying on specific tools for survival as if my stellar powers wasn't enough. Oh well, it's the times we live in i guess.

He tossed the stake up in the air in a spinning motion and grabbed it again, this time pointing the edge towards his two clan-members.

Heishiki is currently in Marzan's Armory back in Tobusekai where i just came fromand i won't lie to you. You two should get yourself one of these as well for insurance. While i was there i was secluded from the world, unable to sense or see anything with with my Dojutsu but something has happened while i was there i can feel it.
Liliths hug surprised Barney a bit, but it was apparent that she was still in the flower of her youth. Nevertheless, Barney embraced the hug of her quirky nature. What caught Barney's attention afterwards was the stake in Alucards hand. Specific tools for survival? What did he mean, Barney wondered. Could it be that this tool was forged in that armoury by this mysterious Marzipan and that it had some hidden abilities? The ease at which Alucard handled the stake, however, seemed as if the tool was created for him specifically. It would make sense to be fair. At this point Alucard mentioned Hei being in Tobusekai getting his own weapon forged in the armoury of Marzan.

"Marzan! A-ha! So it was Marzan all along. Not Marzipan!" Barney facepalmed. He must've misunderstood last time they spoke. Actually, no, no. He definitely did say Marzipan. "I guess you're right about that. We just might go and do that. But what is the significance of these tools? Why are they any better than any regular tools?" asked Barney as he slid a tanto from the sleeve of his coat and started playing with it just like Alucard. "I'm sure it will do the job just as well against any neck it glides against." he said while mimicking the motion of cutting someone's esophagus open, after which he paused for a moment while taking a map out of the sleeve of his coat wholly expecting Alucard to pinpoint the location of that armoury. Tobusekai was a large continent after all.

"Just look around." Barney gestured with his hands as the bodes of countless dead people laid on the streets, piled up and under the rubble. "Trust me, this wasn't us." he said. "This was the doing of something corrupt. Something inhuman." he sighed at the reminder of the sobbing children. This was the beginning of the end of the world as they knew it. Perhaps this was what Alucard was hinting at. Maybe thw tools were able to deal with things like these. But how?


Active member
Jan 21, 2013
Trait Points
Lilith waited for Barney to finish his bow before she ran over to hug him. When she finished with that she ran over to Panthalassa and hugged him too.

Yokatta!! Are you alright?

Lilith noticed on Panthalassa that he seemed to be a bit under the weather. Alucard would in the meantime reach out for the Godslayer stake and reveal it to the two of them. He held it in a reverse grip, with the edge pointing towards his own heart.

Heh, to think it would come to this. Relying on specific tools for survival as if my stellar powers wasn't enough. Oh well, it's the times we live in i guess.

He tossed the stake up in the air in a spinning motion and grabbed it again, this time pointing the edge towards his two clan-members.

Heishiki is currently in Marzan's Armory back in Tobusekai where i just came fromand i won't lie to you. You two should get yourself one of these as well for insurance. While i was there i was secluded from the world, unable to sense or see anything with with my Dojutsu but something has happened while i was there i can feel it.
Liliths hug surprised Barney a bit, but it was apparent that she was still in the flower of her youth. Nevertheless, Barney embraced the hug of her quirky nature. What caught Barney's attention afterwards was the stake in Alucards hand. Specific tools for survival? What did he mean, Barney wondered. Could it be that this tool was forged in that armoury by this mysterious Marzipan and that it had some hidden abilities? The ease at which Alucard handled the stake, however, seemed as if the tool was created for him specifically. It would make sense to be fair. At this point Alucard mentioned Hei being in Tobusekai getting his own weapon forged in the armoury of Marzan.

"Marzan! A-ha! So it was Marzan all along. Not Marzipan!" Barney facepalmed. He must've misunderstood last time they spoke. Actually, no, no. He definitely did say Marzipan. "I guess you're right about that. We just might go and do that. But what is the significance of these tools? Why are they any better than any regular tools?" asked Barney as he slid a tanto from the sleeve of his coat and started playing with it just like Alucard. "I'm sure it will do the job just as well against any neck it glides against." he said while mimicking the motion of cutting someone's esophagus open, after which he paused for a moment while taking a map out of the sleeve of his coat wholly expecting Alucard to pinpoint the location of that armoury. Tobusekai was a large continent after all.

"Just look around." Barney gestured with his hands as the bodes of countless dead people laid on the streets, piled up and under the rubble. "Trust me, this wasn't us." he said. "This was the doing of something corrupt. Something inhuman." he sighed at the reminder of the sobbing children. This was the beginning of the end of the world as they knew it. Perhaps this was what Alucard was hinting at. Maybe thw tools were able to deal with things like these. But how?
These two seemed completely detached from what was happening in the world right now, but at least they were a nice distraction from all the death. Panthalassa picked Lilith up with one hand, in a half hug, despite she no longer being exactly a child or a baby anymore and tickled her slightly, while he walked towards Alucard.

He analysed the stake but he didn't really see anything worth mentioning.

I don't see anything special about this... do we have to get stakes too?

Did you get one too, Lilith-poo?


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Liliths hug surprised Barney a bit, but it was apparent that she was still in the flower of her youth. Nevertheless, Barney embraced the hug of her quirky nature. What caught Barney's attention afterwards was the stake in Alucards hand. Specific tools for survival? What did he mean, Barney wondered. Could it be that this tool was forged in that armoury by this mysterious Marzipan and that it had some hidden abilities? The ease at which Alucard handled the stake, however, seemed as if the tool was created for him specifically. It would make sense to be fair. At this point Alucard mentioned Hei being in Tobusekai getting his own weapon forged in the armoury of Marzan.

"Marzan! A-ha! So it was Marzan all along. Not Marzipan!" Barney facepalmed. He must've misunderstood last time they spoke. Actually, no, no. He definitely did say Marzipan. "I guess you're right about that. We just might go and do that. But what is the significance of these tools? Why are they any better than any regular tools?" asked Barney as he slid a tanto from the sleeve of his coat and started playing with it just like Alucard. "I'm sure it will do the job just as well against any neck it glides against." he said while mimicking the motion of cutting someone's esophagus open, after which he paused for a moment while taking a map out of the sleeve of his coat wholly expecting Alucard to pinpoint the location of that armoury. Tobusekai was a large continent after all.

"Just look around." Barney gestured with his hands as the bodes of countless dead people laid on the streets, piled up and under the rubble. "Trust me, this wasn't us." he said. "This was the doing of something corrupt. Something inhuman." he sighed at the reminder of the sobbing children. This was the beginning of the end of the world as they knew it. Perhaps this was what Alucard was hinting at. Maybe thw tools were able to deal with things like these. But how?
These two seemed completely detached from what was happening in the world right now, but at least they were a nice distraction from all the death. Panthalassa picked Lilith up with one hand, in a half hug, despite she no longer being exactly a child or a baby anymore and tickled her slightly, while he walked towards Alucard.

He analysed the stake but he didn't really see anything worth mentioning.

I don't see anything special about this... do we have to get stakes too?

Did you get one too, Lilith-poo?
Alucard smirked towards Barneys Tanto. Sure, it would cut any persons throat unless they were enchanted but the tool he was carrying had the audacity of the Atavistic flames imbued into it. It served one single purpose and that was;

To slay gods my dear Barney you will need something else than a Tanto. These are tools forged by a special sort of flame that carries anti-divinity powers. It'll in short, kick'em where it hurts.

He then looked with his Tenseigan into the distance where remaining survivors stacked up together and mourned the dead. It was quite obvious the work of some greater force and he was almost ashamed to admit the fact that it went far beyond any force that he currently had.

Speaking of Gods, i assume this is one of Phetra's lackeys work perhaps? Lol, imagine being sided with humanity right now as a deity. Alot of paperwork and the new replacement of Phetra probably are up to their tits in souls now.

In truth though, the amount of dead that occurred all at once probably was the catalyst for why the surroundings felt so thick and gloomy. He couldn't imagine what Faye would be feeling right now given her clan's ability to communicate with the dead. Alucard turned to Panthalassa now who seemed to get physical with Lilith. There was a pun there in the 4th wall somehow..

Nyaaahhh it tickles uncle Panthalassa-kun!!

No, You chose the form yourself and it will most likely be something personal. For me, the design was obvious. Imagine, a vampire killing gods with a stake? The irony.

I didn't get one but i still have the sword that father gave to me. WHAT DO YOU MEAN POO?!!

Lilith poked on the hilt of her Bisumaton sword as well as attempted to suckerpunch Panthalassa in his face.


Active member
Aug 21, 2010
Trait Points
These two seemed completely detached from what was happening in the world right now, but at least they were a nice distraction from all the death. Panthalassa picked Lilith up with one hand, in a half hug, despite she no longer being exactly a child or a baby anymore and tickled her slightly, while he walked towards Alucard.

He analysed the stake but he didn't really see anything worth mentioning.

I don't see anything special about this... do we have to get stakes too?

Did you get one too, Lilith-poo?
Alucard smirked towards Barneys Tanto. Sure, it would cut any persons throat unless they were enchanted but the tool he was carrying had the audacity of the Atavistic flames imbued into it. It served one single purpose and that was;

To slay gods my dear Barney you will need something else than a Tanto. These are tools forged by a special sort of flame that carries anti-divinity powers. It'll in short, kick'em where it hurts.

He then looked with his Tenseigan into the distance where remaining survivors stacked up together and mourned the dead. It was quite obvious the work of some greater force and he was almost ashamed to admit the fact that it went far beyond any force that he currently had.

Speaking of Gods, i assume this is one of Phetra's lackeys work perhaps? Lol, imagine being sided with humanity right now as a deity. Alot of paperwork and the new replacement of Phetra probably are up to their tits in souls now.

In truth though, the amount of dead that occurred all at once probably was the catalyst for why the surroundings felt so thick and gloomy. He couldn't imagine what Faye would be feeling right now given her clan's ability to communicate with the dead. Alucard turned to Panthalassa now who seemed to get physical with Lilith. There was a pun there in the 4th wall somehow..

Nyaaahhh it tickles uncle Panthalassa-kun!!

No, You chose the form yourself and it will most likely be something personal. For me, the design was obvious. Imagine, a vampire killing gods with a stake? The irony.

I didn't get one but i still have the sword that father gave to me. WHAT DO YOU MEAN POO?!!

Lilith poked on the hilt of her Bisumaton sword as well as attempted to suckerpunch Panthalassa in his face.
Barney listened to every word Alucard spoke and made mental notes, categorizing everything and trying to make connections. Madara. Champions of Humanity. Death. Gods. God slaying tools. Army. Phetra. Souls. A lackey? It didn't make much sense just yet, but what did make sense, Barney and Panthalassa had to move out to captain Niashin to report of the success of their mission if he was still alive and then head to the armoury of Marzan to get their own tools. The apocalypse was coming and they had to prepare for whatever it was.

"We can choose our own design? Wow." said Barney surprised. Immediately ideas started racing through his mind. He had to come up with something by the time they get there. It was a tough choice for certain.

"I don't know what to tell you other than thanks for letting us know. What are your plans, now that you've got a God slaying tool? Where do we find those Gods to kill them?" asked Barney while giving Panthalassa a look of urgency.


Active member
Jan 21, 2013
Trait Points
Alucard smirked towards Barneys Tanto. Sure, it would cut any persons throat unless they were enchanted but the tool he was carrying had the audacity of the Atavistic flames imbued into it. It served one single purpose and that was;

To slay gods my dear Barney you will need something else than a Tanto. These are tools forged by a special sort of flame that carries anti-divinity powers. It'll in short, kick'em where it hurts.

He then looked with his Tenseigan into the distance where remaining survivors stacked up together and mourned the dead. It was quite obvious the work of some greater force and he was almost ashamed to admit the fact that it went far beyond any force that he currently had.

Speaking of Gods, i assume this is one of Phetra's lackeys work perhaps? Lol, imagine being sided with humanity right now as a deity. Alot of paperwork and the new replacement of Phetra probably are up to their tits in souls now.

In truth though, the amount of dead that occurred all at once probably was the catalyst for why the surroundings felt so thick and gloomy. He couldn't imagine what Faye would be feeling right now given her clan's ability to communicate with the dead. Alucard turned to Panthalassa now who seemed to get physical with Lilith. There was a pun there in the 4th wall somehow..

Nyaaahhh it tickles uncle Panthalassa-kun!!

No, You chose the form yourself and it will most likely be something personal. For me, the design was obvious. Imagine, a vampire killing gods with a stake? The irony.

I didn't get one but i still have the sword that father gave to me. WHAT DO YOU MEAN POO?!!

Lilith poked on the hilt of her Bisumaton sword as well as attempted to suckerpunch Panthalassa in his face.
Barney listened to every word Alucard spoke and made mental notes, categorizing everything and trying to make connections. Madara. Champions of Humanity. Death. Gods. God slaying tools. Army. Phetra. Souls. A lackey? It didn't make much sense just yet, but what did make sense, Barney and Panthalassa had to move out to captain Niashin to report of the success of their mission if he was still alive and then head to the armoury of Marzan to get their own tools. The apocalypse was coming and they had to prepare for whatever it was.

"We can choose our own design? Wow." said Barney surprised. Immediately ideas started racing through his mind. He had to come up with something by the time they get there. It was a tough choice for certain.

"I don't know what to tell you other than thanks for letting us know. What are your plans, now that you've got a God slaying tool? Where do we find those Gods to kill them?" asked Barney while giving Panthalassa a look of urgency.
that's because you're starting to getting smelly, kiddo! Natural part of becoming a young woman. Didn't your old man tell you about it?

Panthalassa said, busying himself trying to find his favorite brand of women's deodorant from his traveling pouch, before getting suckerpunched right in the knockers, making him drop lilith to the floor.

He shook off the punch and patted her on the head, turning to Barney and taking the hint.

right-o, we should get moving! Thank you both for the info! Till we meet again

He dropped the deodorant near lilith and then motion to go, following barney.

Mission end
Giving my bio to Mcrazor to leave when he sees fit


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Barney listened to every word Alucard spoke and made mental notes, categorizing everything and trying to make connections. Madara. Champions of Humanity. Death. Gods. God slaying tools. Army. Phetra. Souls. A lackey? It didn't make much sense just yet, but what did make sense, Barney and Panthalassa had to move out to captain Niashin to report of the success of their mission if he was still alive and then head to the armoury of Marzan to get their own tools. The apocalypse was coming and they had to prepare for whatever it was.

"We can choose our own design? Wow." said Barney surprised. Immediately ideas started racing through his mind. He had to come up with something by the time they get there. It was a tough choice for certain.

"I don't know what to tell you other than thanks for letting us know. What are your plans, now that you've got a God slaying tool? Where do we find those Gods to kill them?" asked Barney while giving Panthalassa a look of urgency.
that's because you're starting to getting smelly, kiddo! Natural part of becoming a young woman. Didn't your old man tell you about it?

Panthalassa said, busying himself trying to find his favorite brand of women's deodorant from his traveling pouch, before getting suckerpunched right in the knockers, making him drop lilith to the floor.

He shook off the punch and patted her on the head, turning to Barney and taking the hint.

right-o, we should get moving! Thank you both for the info! Till we meet again

He dropped the deodorant near lilith and then motion to go, following barney.

Mission end
Giving my bio to Mcrazor to leave when he sees fit
Alucard finished flourishing with his Stake and put it back into his crimson robes.

By all means, the tools are part of your soul so i suggest once you get on your little quest to gather up materials for it - pick wisely. I'll be heading back to Tobusekai. There's a place there that i need to revisit, far on the east side of the world. I'll accompany you to the port and show you where the entry is to the armory. From there you're on your own unless Heishiki is still there.

Meanwhile, Panthalassa and Lilith's conversation de-escalated.. A common trait for Lilith, Alucard looked towards the two of them.

Whatever that conversation is, it's not it...

Lilith pulled a joker face on Panthalassa as he patted her head, she didn't take anything he said prior to that seriously and only referred it as to a joke. She got excited when Alucard mentioned the possibility for the four of them to join back towards the port however. She twirled into the air, using her wings and landed on Alucard's shoulders - who at the same time utilized his chakra to create a gravity-held platform big enough to support all four of them on it.

Hop on the Blackbird, you're missing out walking on foot like a foolish mortal.

( Kinbō Tensei Jōzai ) - Localized Reincarnation Tablet
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 30 (+15 per turn active)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user creates a floating sphere from nearby debris beneath them, using the gravitational control to levitate the sphere of debris and use it as a floating platform. Keeping it active, however, requires the user to expend chakra.
Note: Can only be used by Tenseigan Bios.

You must be registered for see medias


Active member
Aug 21, 2010
Trait Points
that's because you're starting to getting smelly, kiddo! Natural part of becoming a young woman. Didn't your old man tell you about it?

Panthalassa said, busying himself trying to find his favorite brand of women's deodorant from his traveling pouch, before getting suckerpunched right in the knockers, making him drop lilith to the floor.

He shook off the punch and patted her on the head, turning to Barney and taking the hint.

right-o, we should get moving! Thank you both for the info! Till we meet again

He dropped the deodorant near lilith and then motion to go, following barney.

Mission end
Giving my bio to Mcrazor to leave when he sees fit
Alucard finished flourishing with his Stake and put it back into his crimson robes.

By all means, the tools are part of your soul so i suggest once you get on your little quest to gather up materials for it - pick wisely. I'll be heading back to Tobusekai. There's a place there that i need to revisit, far on the east side of the world. I'll accompany you to the port and show you where the entry is to the armory. From there you're on your own unless Heishiki is still there.

Meanwhile, Panthalassa and Lilith's conversation de-escalated.. A common trait for Lilith, Alucard looked towards the two of them.

Whatever that conversation is, it's not it...

Lilith pulled a joker face on Panthalassa as he patted her head, she didn't take anything he said prior to that seriously and only referred it as to a joke. She got excited when Alucard mentioned the possibility for the four of them to join back towards the port however. She twirled into the air, using her wings and landed on Alucard's shoulders - who at the same time utilized his chakra to create a gravity-held platform big enough to support all four of them on it.

Hop on the Blackbird, you're missing out walking on foot like a foolish mortal.

( Kinbō Tensei Jōzai ) - Localized Reincarnation Tablet
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 30 (+15 per turn active)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user creates a floating sphere from nearby debris beneath them, using the gravitational control to levitate the sphere of debris and use it as a floating platform. Keeping it active, however, requires the user to expend chakra.
Note: Can only be used by Tenseigan Bios.

You must be registered for see medias
Panthalassa picked up on Barney's hint and indeed it was time to go. However, so did Alucard, creating a sphere for all of them to travel with. Unfortunately the two of them wouldn't follow just yet. They still had unfinished business in the land of fire.

"Ah right, sorry but we've got one more small thing to finish before we move out to Tobusekai. You two can go ahead and we'll catch up to you! Hopefully we can all meet with Hei once we get there." said Barney in a haste. "Also thank you once more! It was a pleasure meeting you again. Lilith." Barney bowed again to the young lady and waved to Alucard. As they hoped on their sphere, Panthalassa and Barney turned around and made their way inland, back to captain Niashins camp.

Leaving landmark with Panthalassa.


Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points
A month had passed since a third of the world's population had their lives ripped from them due to the actions of Nefarian. The Prismatic Curse, a so-called blessing was truly a curse. Those who were afflicted had their leases on life extended and abruptly ripped from them. One could say all Nefarian did was return things to their rightful place, but other saw it differently. As an act of premeditated genocide. Susabi fell into the latter category, he spent much of the last month tending to distraught families as best as he could but was as helpless as they were on the matter.

The Hyuga distracted himself with the villagers around him to get his mind off of what was gnawing at his psyche. His father. The last he saw of him he fell ill. Did he pass naturally? Was it saved by the Prismatic Curse? or was he taken by it? His duties as a village official got the majority of his time. He did what he could here and now it was time to answer the questions that plagued his mind.

He set off to find out the truth.


LM30-31: 12-1am
LM31-6: 1am - 2 am
LM6-132: 3am - 4am
LM132-148: 4am - 5 am