Excavation Site (244)


May 7, 2020
Trait Points
As you say friend, let me know if you need to rest, others I met with this virus couldn't stand, you must be a strong human to be travelling.

Lucifer follows the man, leaving the area with him.



Active member
Mar 12, 2014
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

This post marks the beginning of my mission with the following storyboard element(s):

Defeat a small group of undead (3)
Choose between what is right and what is easy (3)

Summary: Returning from the Clefts of Targinar after exploring the sites visited by the Cult of Tiamat, Ozymandias is in a state of weakness due to the progression of the Red Fever. Encountering another group of infected, Ozymandias is forced to defend himself. Though the battle is not a raging one, he is pained by what he must do. By the end of the encounter, he is greeted by a familiar face.

Walking back to the Excavation Site, where he had on earlier occasion explored with Solomon and met Lucifer, Ozymandias was quite exhausted. Reaching the top of a hill, which served as the mouth of a cave dug out by the cult, he sat down, allowing his body brief respite. He pondered on the events that had recently transpired, his mind lingering on the Child of Tiamat that he had journeyed through areas of cult influence with. Whether they would one day meet again, Ozymandias was unsure, but he was prepared for the possibility that it would be on different sides of the battle. A battle for the destiny of humanity.

The sound of growling caught Ozymandias' attention, and his gaze sharpened immediately, scanning the surrounding area for the source of the noise. He had heard such sounds before, and he steeled himself for what was likely to come next. Crawling up the hill that led up to the cave he was sat above, was a group of undead. The pharaoh counted ten, unable to recognise their clothing. At least it wasn't the same group of villagers he had assisted some time earlier, he thought to himself. It was little comfort, but better than nothing. Standing up and straightening himself out, the effects of the virus were taking their physical toll on the pharaoh now. Radiating through his body were constant waves of dull pain, which seemed to intensify with each successive one. Stepping into the air, Ozymandias dropped to the mouth of the cave, standing at the ready to deal with the living dead. Calling his crook to hand mentally, he watches as they begin to rise over the top of the hill, getting to their feet as they reach flat ground. Raising his free arm to the group of undead, he releases a small burst of flames that prevents them from progressing further. He did not want to kill them, even though it was the right thing to do.

(Katon: Shōkasou) - Fire Release: Small Fire Stream
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
Description: The user will create a small short flame at the opponent. This flame is capable of making the target collapse due to the heat of the technique. This technique requires no handseals.

The flames burn the corroding flesh of the undead, causing them to groan in pain. In their brief moment of vulnerability, Ozymandias floats his crook next to him and claps his hands together, interlocking his fingers to form the Snake seal. Manipulating the earth beneath the undead with his chakra, he creates a dome-like cell which traps them inside its earthen confines. Crook in hand once again, he leaps to the top of the artificial cavern he created, peering down the hole at the top of the construct. He surveys the undead from above, unsure of what to do. Trapped in here, they wouldn't be able to hurt or infect anyone else. And though they possessed abnormal strength, evidenced by the other infected he encountered earlier, they wouldn't be able to smash through this prison with their bare hands. Among the infected he trapped, three of them were children, no older than ten. The pharaoh was already quite familiar with the cruelty of the world, how it was rarely a place of fairness, but as a ruler he was to be an arbiter of it. That was his fate, the reason for which he was born, and nothing else. Securing his crook on his back, Ozymandias forms a single seal, creating several sharp stakes made of Osmium that floated in the air just beneath the opening at the ceiling of the dome, one for each infected person. Moments passed in almost total silence as he steeled himself for what he was about to do, the only audible noise coming from the groans of the infected trapped in the dome. On mental command, the stakes shoot downwards into the dome, piercing the flesh of the undead as if it were no more than paper. Not wishing for them to suffer any longer, he forms another seal, exhaling a series of fireballs that spiral downwards into the dome, igniting the bodies of the now dead infected. They would be incinerated, leaving no chance for them to potentially infect others in case the virus lived on in their bodies.

(Doton: Tsuchi Kairō) - Earth Release: Earth Corridor
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will first perform the snake hand seal and then cause the earth in the surrounding area to rise up and over a target and create a cavern, imprisoning the target. The user can leave an opening to allow attacks to go in to strike down the trapped adversaries, or close it up completely to prevent escape.

(Ōsmuton: Nokurisu no Hāku) – Osmium Release: Grasp of Nokris
Type: Offensive / Defensive
Rank: D – S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 10 – 40 (-10 per turn)
Damage: 20 – 80
Description: This technique encompasses the creation and manipulation of Osmium in the form of constructs, made by condensing the individual grains of the element. The element can be created from the terrain itself, manifested within the air, or drawn from existing structures of Osmium on the field. The element cannot be made within short-range of an opponent, unless the user is within short-range, then it may be created anywhere outside of a meter from the opponent. As opposed to the Blood of Oryx, the constructs deal damage by way of smashing through a target, using great weight combined with the sharpness of Osmium grains. Maintaining any usage of the element beyond the turn of initial creation requires 10 chakra points per turn, with A-Rank applications lasting up to 4 turns(3 for S-rank). The element can be manipulated through mental control or physical gestures. The S-Rank usage may be performed up to 4 times per battle, rendering the user incapable of activating Osmium techniques in the next turn. B-rank version requires one handseal, increasing by one handseal per rank.

( Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu ) - Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
Description: The user first performs six hand seals Rat → Tiger → Dog → Ox → Rabbit → Tiger and they create a volley of small fireballs, which are sent flying in an unpredictable manner assaulting the enemy. In addition, the flames are controlled one by one with chakra, so avoiding them all is extremely difficult. Shuriken can also be concealed within the flames, creating an unexpected secondary surprise attack. Like the flames, the shuriken can be controlled with chakra. For the most part, however, this technique is used as a distraction.

Jumping down from the top of the dome, Ozymandias lands gently back on the hill that overlooked the mouth of the cave dug by Tiamat's cult. He sat back down on the hill, watching the dome solemnly, listening to the flames burn the bodies of people who were guilty only of misfortune.

"Oya? Is that a familiar face I see, O King of Kings?"

Ozymandias half-turned his body from where he sat, recognising the gentle voice. Long, flowing white hair that swayed gently in the winds, an innocent smile that concealed childish mischief, it was the Magus of Flowers. Merlin.


Active member
Mar 12, 2014
Trait Points
This post marks the beginning of my mission with the following storyboard element(s):

Put aside your personal grievances* (2)
Explore the history of something (3)

Summary: In the wake of Ozymandias' execution of more undead, Merlin reveals himself. Having not interacted with the Magus of Flowers since they first met, when he learned about the role the incubus played in the rise and fall of Camelot, the meeting was not a pleasant surprise for the pharaoh. But now was the time for him to learn more, not only of the Radiant Order's past but Merlin himself.

Ozymandias eyed the incubus from where he sat, staring daggers at the man known as a kingmaker. He had met Merlin some time ago within Amara's Reality Marble, when he was being initiated as a Surgebinder, and he seemed to fit the description that the former "leader" of the Fallen attributed to him. Mischievous, irresponsible, meddlesome. A nuisance who had brought ruin to those around him, whether intentional or not. Ozymandias looked down on such people, who used the power they had too often, not respecting that its abuse would lead to catastrophe. The pharaoh had nothing to say to the Magus, for his mind was elsewhere, turning to face the dome again. Silence filled the air, and the Magus said nothing, as if waiting for a response from the Fallen Surgebinder. None would come. "I can tell something troubles you, King of Kings. I'm no counselor, but..." the Magus of Flowers' words trailed off, he didn't want to be too impudent with Ozymandias. As mischievous as he could be, it was not to the point of disrespect. "Why are you here Merlin?" the pharaoh asked plainly. "Is it to meddle? To scheme? To aggravate?" Merlin did not seem affected by Ozymandias' loaded questions, his reply to the initial question equally simple. "Not for any particular reason, I suppose. I've been watching you for some time, and I thought I'd pop out to say hello!"

Rising to his feet, Ozymandias half turned to face Merlin, his ill body now visible to the Magus of Flowers. "This land tears itself apart as we speak. The cult of Tiamat likely continues to make steps towards another revival. And you're here to patronise me." The pharaoh spoke sternly, the tension building in him due to recent events beginning to manifest. "I promise, that's not why I'm here." Merlin pauses for a moment, seeing if the pharaoh would object, or berate him further. Interpreting the silence as permission to speak further, he continues. "I've been watching you since we first met in Amara's Reality Marble. I saw you fighting to protect the world against the Necromancers. Hard at work, as much as the Radiants who mobilised their forces at Avalon to fight against Tiamat." Ozymandias scoffed at Merlin's words, which was met by a sigh of mild exasperation from the latter. "Now now, say what you will about the Radiants, but they do work to make the world a better place. You yourself know this, Ozymandias." The pharaoh said nothing, since he was sure that Merlin would bear knowledge of his brief time with the Radiant Gao Changgong. "You know of the Radiants, but not of their history. Amara did not teach you anything of it, even though you trained with her, and visited the Ivory Tower, which stood in the heart of Camelot." The words of the Magus of Flowers piqued Ozymandias' ears, "Oh? And do you think that me learning of it will change my mind about them?" the pharaoh asked, to which Merlin merely shook his head. "No. But I think it will help you. In a way that may not seem apparent to you right now." The pharaoh's eyes narrowed on Merlin as he considered his words, internally questioning the Magus' motive and intent. He quickly came to the conclusion that he could spend all day guessing and not be any closer to the truth behind Merlin's actions, and so it would be better to see it as an opportunity to gain knowledge, knowledge for knowledge's sake. "Fine." A small smile made its way to the incubus' lips, glad that the pharaoh was entertaining him. "Excellent! Let us speak of the king's tale."

Tapping the bottom of his staff on the grassy hill, he jumps down to the mouth of the cave, standing before the earthen dome Ozymandias created. Cupping his chin with his fingers, he thinks to himself for a moment, then turns back to look at Ozymandias, still standing on the hill above. "Let's go. I'll explain everything while we walk." Merlin could feel that remaining here would not better the pharaoh's mood. Exhaling sharply, Ozymandias follows suit, landing gently on the ground which led into the cave, and he walked alongside the Magus of Flowers, not knowing where they were headed. "Many centuries ago, I was the Court Magus of a King known as Uther, Uther Pendragon. He ruled the old city of Camelot, and my duty as his closest advisor was to find him a suitable heir. Normally, the right of succession would fall to his child, but because it was a girl, they could never ascend to the throne. I took that child away to be raised under the care of a knight, Sir Ector. I did not believe that the child's se.x would, or should, influence their capacity to rule, and so I took the child to be raised away from the castle. She would surely prove herself worthy of becoming the King in time." Ozymandias scoffed internally. The concept of a strictly male line of rulers was not one that had seen the light of day in Egyptian society for centuries, and a number of the empire's greatest achievements were accomplished under female rule. And what became of this child? the pharaoh asked, prompting Merlin to continue the recount of his story. "She would grow up and be trained as a knight, practicing with Ector and her foster brother Kay. She had fine sword skill, but obviously some room to grow yet. When she was fifteen, she would pull the Sword of Selection, Caliburn, from the stone, and thus she would obtain proof of her status as the rightborn King. Her name was Artoria Pendragon." The name struck Ozymandias as a familiar one, due to its resemblance to the name Arthur. "Why were there two names for the King?", the pharaoh asked. He remembered Amara's mention of the King's name during their visit to the Ivory Tower, but he was unsure of why she did not use the King's real name. Was she not aware of the truth of the King's gender? "Well, despite having proven her right to kingship, the rules could not be changed. In all official records and correspondence, her name was written as Arthur, the masculine form of her name. She covered herself in steel, and with her Holy Sword preventing her from aging, nobody questioned her appearance."

With a few moments pause to let the pharaoh process the information, Merlin looked over to the King of Kings, inspecting his face. Small red veins were visible in his skin, and his eyes slightly bloodshot. Though Merlin was not afflicted with the Red Fever, he was unable to help Ozymandias. Looking back to the path ahead, Merlin resumes. "Camelot would prosper greatly under Artoria's rule, but the Radiant Order would only be founded by the end of her rule by Galahad, the son of one of her closest knights, and one of the greatest the kingdom of Camelot ever knew." Galahad was another name Ozymandias recognised, and he had even encountered the knight some time ago. Rather, it was a spiritual projection of Galahad. It was the reason he had come to the foreign land, leaving Egypt behind in order to do so. "I am aware that his sister, Amara was a part of this Order for some time, and the two eventually turned against each other." Merlin nodded, confirming Ozymandias' knowledge, "Yes, the two did eventually find themselves in opposition to the other, but I'm not just telling you this simply for the sake of knowledge. It's to help you." the Magus reaffirmed. "Boy...for a man who's meant to be a ruler, you sure can be hard-headed..." Merlin sighed. He had not dealt with someone of royal disposition for some time, and had forgotten how they could be at times. Ozymandias raised a brow at the Magus' statement, letting the matter be. "Let's just walk for a bit! We can pick this conversation up later. It's getting dark and I'd imagine you need some rest." Ozymandias would usually retort a statement of such kind, but the truth was that he did need rest. Not just physically, but mentally. The two men continue westward along the coast, making their way towards a different part of the land where they would be able to sit down without being attacked.




ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]
  • Infiltrate an enemy's organization
  • Steal a large or valuable asset
You must be registered for see medias
Alucard and Mega Blaziken continued their journey towards lands they previously had not interacted with before. This lead them towards the completely deserted landmark hosting a massive excavation site that had been operable previously by the mother cult. Or so the stories said. Since they had been there, the landmark was completely barren from life.

They're really cutting me out of a job.. Less go check out that giant scar. It's bound to have something interesting.

While it was obvious that the cultists had already abandoned the excavation site in a large scale, there were still two outposts left that were manned around the giant crater. It seemed like they were posted there to have no outsiders interfering or discovering what they had been up to under the ground here. All that signaled was giving more reasons to investigate which would lead Alucard and Mega Blaziken to infiltrate the enemies base. He wasn't the type to sneak in on anything, but rather he was once a war assassin during his early teenage years. The practice of which he would have ceased after his powers grew exponentially and eliminating the need of stealth to butcher targets. At this point in time, he would actually opt for the method of assassination as the thrill of execution without a targets knowledge gave him.. arousal. He and his pokémon treaded lightly off the beaten track down towards the base. Alucard had cloaked himself in an invisible stealth technique while Blaziken would use its sky walk to essentially fly above the base and post as a recon unit while Alucard would do all the murdering and intel gathering.

(Meisaigakure no Jutsu) - Hiding with Camouflage Technique
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30 (-10 per turn active)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: This is a ninja escape technique that allows the user after performing the Tiger hand seal to control how light is reflected around their body with chakra inflections. The technique also erases the user's scent and shadow, and is usable on any terrain, making it ideal not only for covert maneuvers but also offensive strikes. Perceiving the user's position is possible only for ninja who are astute enough to observe minute variations within their surrounding environment, such as distortions of air currents in the immediate vicinity or distinguishing sounds, i.e. footsteps etc. However, the usefulness of this ability can be entirely negated by those with special vision or sensory skills. The Second Tsuchikage, Mū's mastery of this technique helped earn him the moniker "Non-Person" seemingly having neither form nor chakra while the technique was active. Thus, he could not be sensed through traditional means.
Note: Technique lasts a total of 3 turns

( Sukaiu~ōku ) - Sky Walk
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A skill usable by all EIG users to move at high speeds to dodge, attack or defend from techniques. The ability pertains to movement in the battle field, meaning running, walking, jumping, dashing, etc and its speed depends on the Gate currently opened.
Note: This follows the same rules and restrictions of Flicker Evasion.

( Hachimon ) The Eight Inner Gates
Type: Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The Eight Gates are eight specific points on a person's Chakra Pathway System. They limit the overall flow of chakra within a person's body. The basis for the idea of the chakra gates comes from the body's limits on the functions within it. This makes the body much weaker, but it keeps the body from expiring too soon. By undergoing intense training, one can learn how to open these gates allowing the user to surpass their own physical limits at the cost of extreme damage to their own body. The user opens the gates in sequence, up to the desired gate to achieve its effects. Opening the gates is a fast process and can be done in mere moments up to the 7th gate. When one initially opens up to a given EIG, that opening lasts up to 4 turns. After completing training, users are capable of opening up to the 5th Gate passively. Opening additional gates after initial activation adds 2 turns per activation. However, there is an exception; opening the last and 8th gate can only lasts for 3 turns.
  • ( Kaimon ) - The Gate of Opening: The user activates The Gate of Opening or First Gate, which is located in the brain. This gate removes the restraints of the brain on the muscles so he can begin to access 100% of their strength. Unlocking this gate allows the user to use the Front Lotus. This gate adds +5 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 1.5x faster. This gate also adds +10 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -5 damage per turn.
  • ( Kyūmon ) - The Gate of Healing: The user activates the Gate of Healing or 2nd Gate (also named Rest Gate) which is located in the brain. Forcibly increases one's physical strength and temporarily re-energizes the body. This gate adds +10 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 2x faster. This gate also adds +10 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -10 damage.
  • ( Seimon ) - The Gate of Life: The user activates the Gate of Life or 3rd Gate which is located in the Spinal cord. The increased blood flow turns the skin red. Allows the user to use Hidden Lotus. This gate adds +15 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 2.5x faster. This gate also adds +10 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -15 damage.
  • ( Shōmon ) - The Gate of Pain: The user activates the Gate of Pain or 4th Gate (also named Wound Gate) which is located in the Spinal cord, lower than the Seimon. Increases the user's strength and speed. May cause muscle tissue to begin to tear on use. This gate adds +20 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 3x faster. This gate also adds +15 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -15 damage.
  • ( Tomon ) - The Gate of Limit: The user activates the Gate of Limit or 5th gate, which is located in the abdomen. Increases the user's speed and power. This gate adds +30 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 3.5x faster. This gate also adds +15 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -15 damage.
  • ( Keimon ) - Gate of View: The user activates the Gate of View or 6th Gate, located in the stomach. Increases the user's speed and power. Opening of this gate releases such enormous amounts of chakra that it can cause nearby water bodies to form a vortex around the user. Allows the user to perform the Morning Peacock. This gate adds +40 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 4x faster. This gate also adds +15 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -25 damage.
  • ( Kyōmon ) - The Gate of Wonder: The user activates the Gate of Wonder or 7th Gate which is located below the stomach. Those who open this gate will pour glowing green sweat from every inch of their body, which immediately evaporates from their own heat energy, creating an aura which people would mistake as a green chakra coating. However, the side effects of opening the gate are that the user's muscle fibers are ripped to shreds after exiting this gate, causing intense pain if anything or anyone touches him. Allows the user to perform the Daytime Tiger. This gate adds +60 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 7x faster. This gate also adds +20 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -40 damage.
  • ( Shimon ) - The Gate of Death: The user activates the Gate of Death or 8th Gate, located at the heart, requiring the user to puncture their chest just above the heart in order to open it, enabling the user to achieve what is described as The Eight Gates Released Formation" ( Hachimon Tonkō no Jin ). Opening this gate will cause the user's blood to emanate a flaming aura of red steam, the so-called Steam of Blood ( Chi no Jōki ) from all pores of their body, hair, and eyebrows. Releasing this gate uses up all of the body's energy while making the heart pump at maximum power. Exceeding the power of every other gate, the user is temporarily granted power far exceeding their normal power, far beyond that of the five Kage. Once activated, those who are capable can perform the Evening Elephant and the Night Guy. The side effect of opening this gate is that it comes at the expense of the user's life, causing the user to crumble to ash after their chakra runs out, having virtually cooked themselves from the inside-out. This is unlike opening the other gates, which simply injure or damage the body. This gate adds +120 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 8x faster and allows the user to warp space with his Taijutsu and its speed.
Note: The EIG users can only open the gates twice per fight, meaning that if he allows the EIG opening to time out, he can only open the EIGs once more during the match.
Note: Starting with the fifth gate, EIG users begin to feel the side effects of each gate as they time out.
Note: The user cannot use other self powering techniques (such as custom variations of Lightning Armor, Sage Mode, etc) while he has EIG opened
Note: After use of the 8th Gate, the user will pass away.

The site was much larger than anticipated and whilst being invisible to the naked eye, Alucard could also use obstacles to move behind whilst still being able to keep up with the enemies movements thanks to his Dojutsu. He had now reached the perimiter of the site with its massive entry just a few meters away from him and two watch towers with armed guards on his left and right side, 10 cultists strong each. None of them had spotted him, leading him to think that they were rather low-ranked soldiers of their cause. He would climb up on one of the watch towers which both were about 15 meters tall using his stealth and chakra to attain a grip on a 90 degree surface, basic ninja training. It brought him back in time using this sort of approach, how he had missed the simple things.. As he entered close range with the guards of the tower, he would eliminate them all in one single sweep using his Darkiscie sword and swung it in a large horizontal fashion that would decapitate half the men on the tower in silence. Whilst this caused a sudden panic for the survivors, they too would face the same fate when Alucard would use his Shikotsumyaku release to form bone needles all over his invisible body and bash them into the cultists vital organs. Before any of them could utter a word, they were all dead.

(Kumo-Ryū Mikazuki Kiri) - Cloud-Style Crescent Moon Beheading
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage points: 60
Description: The user utilizes a large extent of their physical capabilities to swing their sword in a single large arc, which occurs with such ferocious velocity that the technique can be employed in situations where only a very limited time to react is available. The swing can be used to counter attacks from multiple opponents simultaneously. The technique receives its name due to the entire movement being reminiscent of a crescent moon.

( Karamatsu no Mai ) - Dance of the Larch
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: Karamatsu no Mai is the third of the five Kaguya dance forms. The user creates a mass of razor-sharp bone spikes all over their body. The user can grow these bones at an extremely rapid rate so they can stab an opponent even as the bones are growing. Since the bones are harder than steel, they can be used defensively to block or trap an opponent's strikes.
This technique is a great surprise attack and it makes the user basically untouchable at close range. When an opponent is close to the user, they spin very fast, rapidly slashing the foe in multiple areas of their body.

He left the bones inside their bodies, in case the other guards of the watch tower on the other side would notice their comrades deaths and look for a perpetrator. In the meantime, Alucard would sneak up on them as well still covered in his invisible cloak. Mega Blaziken would descend from the sky and join up with Alucard on the ground. There were no reinforcements arriving whatsoever and the two of them would take out the remaining cultists using the karamatsu no mai and the EIG. After their successive assault on the ground force, Alucard and his pokémon would continue into the excavation site. It was a huge pit laid in total darkness making it hard for them to see anything. However, both of them would use fire techniques to create a lantern out of their own fingers and carry on.

(Katon no Jutsu) - Fire Release Technique x2
Type: Offensive
Rank: D
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 10
Damage: 20
Description: The user will release a small but powerful flame of fire at their opponent from either their limbs (through movement) or exhaling it. It can produce fire balls or fire streams or simply aid in taijutsu.

As the descended down in a spiral staircase, the would both notice that the walls of the site were dug out with precision. It was as if the cultists were looking for a specific type of ore or mineral within the mine. The complete silence occasionally broke with falling pebbles hitting the ground the further they descended. After a while they saw a corpse lying on the ground. It had been dead for years and only bones and clothes remained from the body along with a pick-axe right next to it. It had a large hole blown into its rib cage right were its heart would've been. The dead one had been stricken down by something.. or someone. The tunnels now started to get bigger and bigger with dead lanterns spread across the walls with some sparking up randomly. It was the perfect scene for a horror tale, especially when more and more bodies all with the same type of damage became ever more common in the corners of the tunnels. However this time it wasn't just bodies of miners but also of cultists as their iconic robes were seen clothing the dead bodies on the ground. Alucard whispered to himself.

..What the **** happened here.

He then started to think of the Tailed beasts that the woman had compared him to. Maybe they were actually a thing and one of them had their lair here only to be found and used as a weapon of the Mother cult. It all started to make sense as they reached the end of the tunnels and were greeted by a massive room enflamed by lava streams covering the ground and a large island in the middle of it. The room was empty of life but had countless bodies scattered across the floor. It was clear a large battle had taken place in this underground canyon but whatever happened in the end was only in the hands of the mother cult. Or someone else. Alucard was far too late for the party but it didn't stop him from looking around. Mega Blaziken, however, simply jumped over the magma streams and ended up on the small island in the middle. It sat there, in.. peace. It was true that this massive canyon resembled the volcano in which Alucard had caught him in. He then started to wonder about the pokémons existence in the world, could they be related to the tailed beasts perhaps. After further investigation it seemed like the walls around the canyon where most of the bodies were found were burnt with massive flames. It had most definitevely been the housing of a mythological creature but if it was a tailed beast indeed, it would be rather unfortunate for the rest of the free world as these beasts would be used as weapons of mass destruction. Alucard joined up on his pokémon on the small island in the middle of the lava streams. Upon setting his feet on it he felt embraced by something.. an aura or a remote presence would shimmer through him. He looked up and there was nothing there but a small hole in the roof that let the sun in ever so slightly. He then looked down on the ground and noticed that there was a faint light radiating from it that did not look to belong to the flares of the magma flow.


Alucard would place his hands on the radiating soil and channel it with his earth chakra and force a massive earth extraction which would reveal whatever was hidden underneath the ground. The size of the technique was miniscule in that of its largest variation because he didn't need his own technique to push him back into the magma stream.

(Doton: Kaido Shōkutsu) - Earth Style: Opening Earth Rising Excavation
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Mid-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: With the technique, the user can bring up something from deep within the ground by slamming his hands on the ground and manipulating it to forcefully make whatever is contained in it to be expelled upwards. The result of this technique has the appearance of an erupting volcano and can vary in size depending on the users needs.

From the earth underneath there was a large glimmering egg-formed ruby crystal that radiated with chakra. Alucard grabbed it quickly as his earth technique had made the canyon brittle. It had already taken a large beating from whatever had happened here before his arrival but now he would have caused it to collapse.
With his pokémon always being under the influence of the 6th gate, both of them with the egg would rush out from the caves and the excavation site before it all fell down upon them. Once outside, Alucard studied the egg-shaped crystal. He couldn't make any sense of it but he put it with him in his belongings and would take it towards the Hellsing organisation on Moon Isle.
